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Revision as of 04:00, 20 March 2020

  Power Man  
Luke Cage (Scenesys ID: 762)
Name: Luke Cage (Carl Lucas)
Superalias: Power Man
Gender: Male
Species: Metahuman
Occupation: Hero For Hire
Citizenship: American
Residence: Above Boulevard Cinema, Harlem
Education: Public/Streets
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Groups: Defenders
Apparent Age: 25 Actual Age: 25
Date of Birth 19 Aug 1994 Played By
Height: 6'6" Weight: 425 lbs
Hair Color: Black (Shaved) Eye Color: Brown
Twitter: Cage4Hire
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Luke is a locally famous hero in Harlem, and NYC to a lesser extent. The man runs Heroes For Hire, a company that hires out street-level heroes to help people at very reasonable costs. They are careful to not ending up mercs for baddies, too. He often ends up doing pro-bono work because people really need the help, but he TRIES to charge.


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1994: Carl Lucas is born in Harlem to a retired police detective and his wife. Despite the former cop as a dad, Carl is a troublemaker.

94 - 2012 : Carl and his friends run rampant on the streets, eventually joining a gang called The Rivals. Over time, however, Carl decides he isn't interested in a life of crime, while his best friend becomes more and more involved. Not long after his eighteenth birthday, his buddy ends up planting a large amount of drugs on Carl over a dispute about a woman, and Carl end sup in Seagate Prison.

2012 - 2015: Carl serves time, and it is brutal and bad. The guards at the time are notoriously corrupt, and Carl spends a large amount of time in solitary lockup. Eventually the new Warden shows up, and he tries to clean the place up. Meanwhile, the new prison doctor offers Carl a chance. If he volunteers for experiments with his new serum, he can prove his willingness to help humanity and help his parole. In the middle of the treatment, however, the corrupt guard attacks and Carl ends up stronger then anticipated. He then uses his new powers to escape the prison, when he is suspected to be dead.

2015 - 2018: He changes his name to Luke Cage and decides to get to work as a hero?for pay. He starts up Heroes for Hire, taking smallish amounts of money to provide aid to those in need. He has a few issues with bad folks trying to use him as a merc, and becomes a bit more careful about who he aids. He is involved in a number of high-profile incidents, earning some fame in Harlem.

2018-2020 : In the wake of the chaos, Luke helps found the Defenders to protect their specific neighborhoods. After that he continues his work at H4H, while also teaming up with others now and again.

IC Journal

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Luke does a good job of keeping his emotions hidden and acting tough, but under it all Luke is a good man. He'll put his neck out for others (Even if complaining the entire time) and go out of his way to help people.

He's an intense guy. He can come off as a bit larger then life and even overbearing at times, whether being charismatic or scary. He feels his emotions very intensely, even if he hides them.

Luke feels emotion like everyone else, but it can be hard to tell sometimes. He can often come across cool and collected to the point of stoicism. He still feels it all, but he's good at hiding it unless -really- pushed.

Character Sheet


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Healing Factor:
He rarely gets injured, but even if he does he heals fast. He recovers from wounds at roughly one third the time it takes a normal human.

Super Speed:
His enhanced stamina and muscles allow him to book it at around 40 mph. He can also make enormous leaps, covering several blocks at a time. He doesn't have perfect precision, however, so he only does this in an emergency.

Super Strength:
Luke was granted super strength through the Burstein Process. At first he could only lift a ton or so, but over time he has honed and improved his abilities quite a bit. At this point he can lift 50 tons without pushing too hard, and under extreme duress he has shown the ability to push that quite a bit. He can send a person flying with the clap caused by bringing his hands together, and he can punch through thick steel. He has knocked out major foes with a single mighty punch.

Superhuman Stamina:
Luke generates less fatigue toxins in his muscles. This means it takes him a lot longer to get tired or worn out. He needs to sleep less then most people, and he can do hard labor or fighting for extended periods of time.

The Burstein Process granted inhuman toughness to Luke. His current level of durability lets him withstand high-powered firearms at point-blank range without bruising. Hands break on him and weapons snap. He can even be lit on fire without taking injuries. He can take hits from superhumans quite a bit stronger then he is, destructive energy attacks, and falls up to ninety to one hundred stories.


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Luke is a skilled athlete, even without his powers. He can run, jump and climb quite well, and he could perform admirably in most sports.

Luke can stir folks. He knows how to scare or inspire people, and he can stir up a crowd with well-chosen words. Locals tend to either love or hate him, and his raw charisma is hard to deny.

Luke is a brawler, but a skilled one. He has years of street fighting experience that he has blended with extensive boxing training. He can use weapons, too, but he is much better without them, and honestly doesn't really need them.

Luke got his GED once out of prison. However, he has also extended his own education, and he has studied law, history, sociology and literature. He can quote the greats, but especially understands basic law. He also speaks Spanish, Russian and Italian, along with basic understanding of a few other languages common to the city.

He knows the streets. He understands how street life works, and he understands its culture. He can identify signs of addiction, or pressure, and he knows the signs of gangs and mobsters and such. He knows who has what turf, and can find out who is moving what, etc. In Harlem it is even moreso.


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He has an apartment in Harlem as well as the office. It isn't an ostentatious place, but it's home. It has easy access to the rooftop of the old apartment building, which works well for him.

Luke is a founding member of the Defenders. The group of scattered NYC heroes can call on one another when things get really rough.

Luke is considered a hero in Harlem. People who aren't crooks tend to love him. Some people like to complain, and they might cause issue, but generally he is liked and looked up to. Outside of Harlem he is a bit less known, but people who pay attention to the media and such might know of him.

Heroes For Hire:
He runs a small business out of an office above an old movie theater in Harlem. H4H are street-level heroes who help folks out for money. They are careful not to end up as muscle for villains and bad folks, and they do what they can to help people?while also keeping the lights on. They don't charge enough to put folks out TOO much, which is why the office is mediocre at best.


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Luke has made enemies. He's pissed off most of the gangs and criminals in Harlem, for one, and he's drawn attention from super powered foes as well. In addition, he has enemies remaining from his original life.

Exposure to massive amounts of radiation can burn and even kill Luke.

Tough Skin:
His skin is incredible strong, which can also be a flaw. If he needs emergency medical work or something along those lines, he needs industrial level medical lasers to cut his skin, and those are not available in many hospitals.



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Luke Cage has 58 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Welcome to Gotham! May 1st, 2024 Luke stops by the Clocktower to check in on Babs, provide some feedback on what happened in NY and get a taste of the life of a Bat!
A Ninja Walks Into A Bar April 24th, 2024 Elektra comes to Luke with the potential of information.
Tear Those Meeses to Pieces! April 22nd, 2024 Luke finds out he's been employing someone... and paying them with chicken!
Alias Investigations Explodes April 21st, 2024 Jessica's home and office is attacked by Russian mobsters! Luke and Daredevil rush in to aid her before the merc team can finish their job!
A Little Bat Told Me April 14th, 2024 Jessica comes by Luke's and he gives her the warning from Batgirl.
Just a Head's Up April 8th, 2024 Barbara swings by Luke's to warn him that the Russians are keen on some revenge; Luke is non-plussed.
HUNGER: Non-Baryonic Shuffle March 22nd, 2024 The Defenders travel to the Negative Zone in search of the people providing anti-matter weapons to criminals! In the process, they destroy a moon. Take that, Justice League.
The Broken, The Beaten, and the Damned March 9th, 2024 Batgirl calls for aid, in breaking up a weapons trafficking deal in the depths of a forgotten New York subway station. Green Goblin makes an appearance, and makes off with a mysterious piece of technology, while the heroes mostly save the day, save for a few bumps and bruises. McDonalds for everyone!
AKA A Bit Of Gut Shot March 7th, 2024 When Luke pops over to Alias Investigations for a surprise visit, so does a goon from the Glistening Sun Whatever. A few shotgun shots later and Jess needs to order another new window.
Not Even Any Aliens This Time February 22nd, 2024 Kitty drops by Luke's bar, assuring no aliens have gotten him since the last time she checked on Luke Cage.
Luke's Place, Around Midnight October 25th, 2023 Ninja's attack, the trio dodge a nuclear explosion, a car chase ensues and all the while photographers at the scene catch them in eye popping fashion that makes the cover of November's edition of GQ.
Halloween Season: It Came From The Deep October 3rd, 2023 The 'Fishman' of Cedar Grove is caught...and turns out to be a SHIELD agent?
It was just a bar until you arrived September 30th, 2023 The Bar was hung out in. Children did not drink swill. Logan was chatty. Luke was accommodating.
Has It Really Been A Year September 26th, 2023 Kitty stops by Luke's bar but finds the owner not there so continues on to his apartment. There might be a future date with his elderly bartender!
Damsels and Distresses May 8th, 2023 Luke comes to the rescue when June is in trouble, only to find out that she actually WAS the trouble.
Neighbors do right by neighbors February 25th, 2023 Luke's search for a mechanic ends up in a planned bake-off between he and Mercy.
Coffee and Koriand'r's February 5th, 2023 A Rich woman is a b*tch with a man from the streets and an orange alien at a coffee club.
Faster Than The Speed Of - January 20th, 2023 Karen gets take-out, but Terry is left holding the bag. This is after Luke throws people into the wall and Silk totally kills someone. Confused? You won't be after this episode of...
Orange is the New Black January 19th, 2023 No description
Red and the Volcano January 5th, 2023 Hellboy, Luke Cage, and Meggan Constantine punch some demons in Hawaii!
A Raven Walks into a Bar... December 12th, 2022 ...and a mob enforcer shadows out of it. Go figure.
A Night at the Bar December 8th, 2022 No description
Wear Your Best Suit July 12th, 2022 The Defenders get information on the Tracksuit Mafia only to have a warehouse burned down to cover up the evidence. They have help from Dancer, Lazarus and a tiny knife weilding dragon? In the end, everything is lost...or is it?
Happy Hour Hooplah June 21st, 2022 Matt and Luke talking arson and pets during Happy Hour.
POWER MAN and LEOPARD BLOW May 28th, 2022 Strangers finally take a step towards becoming unlikely allies as POWER MAN and LEOPARD BLOW set out to patrol the streets of Harlem! Next issue: A SPECIAL GUEST STAR!
Defenders Turmoil: A Quiet Lunch May 14th, 2022 Luke, Danny and Matt meet so Matt can go over rental contracts for a friend of Luke's.
Power Man and Leopard Blow May 7th, 2022 After receiving a Heroes For Hire client in Luke's stead, Lady Shiva has decided to insert herself -- literally and figuratively -- into the Hero of Harlem's business. Exhausted from a double shift, Luke greets this news from the stranger who broke into his apartment slightly better than one might expect.
Is That An After Church Drink May 1st, 2022 April, Luke, Matt, and a bunch of Jamies all hang out at Luke's Bar! It's a good ol' time down where everbody knows ur name!
Raising The Bar March 12th, 2022 No description
A Dangerous Mix February 22nd, 2022 Jane stumbles into Luke's place to drink with Tynan. What could go wrong?
Checking on Luke February 11th, 2022 Kitty stops by to see how Luke fared after all the excitement in New York
Happy Hour Special February 8th, 2022 Drinks and a Fistfight? Must be Harlem.
Throwing Down January 28th, 2022 They all just wanted to take the subway.
Bars Don't Even Hop January 26th, 2022 Sue Richards bar hops to Luke's to make him an offer he shouldn't refuse.
A day in the life. April 22nd, 2021 Jess comes by to visit the bar.
Just Another Reason April 19th, 2021 Social, girls talking in a bar with Luke in the wings doing bartender things. Established 5 NPCs. Benny the barback, Dave the assist bartender, Sally, Jessie and Ralphetta the waitresses. If anyone gets that reference, they're old.
A Fair Day In Central Park March 3rd, 2021 The first truly spring-like day of the year and a small fair in Central Park are enough to draw a large crowd.
Attack of the Shannon February 13th, 2021 Omega Shannon is sent to Limbo
The Bazaar - Pier 20 February 8th, 2021 The Defenders and the Avengers team up with Cloak and Dagger to take down a human trafficking ring!
Cloak and Dagger: Time to meet Hell's Kitchen most Powerful Man February 7th, 2021 Cloak and Dagger finally meets the boss of Hell's Kitchen. Maybe Ty and Luke will start a bro-mance.
An Evening at Luke's January 28th, 2021 A diverse crew hangs out at the bar
The Wail Of Sirens October 11th, 2020 Luke Cage, Niroko, Kitty, and Hiroshi Taka deal with a traffic accident that includes a tipped over and leaking gasoline tanker.
Sniffing Out A Shadowcat October 5th, 2020 No description
Streets come a knocking October 5th, 2020 Power-man meet Mr Fisk, opening a gym for the youth.
Welcome to the Jungle September 26th, 2020 Pro Union charity event, with Mr Fisk, Kitty Pryde, Elektra Nachio, Luke Cage.
Arabian Nights costume gala September 25th, 2020 The Avengers have an Arabian Nights themed costume charity event.
Long Time Away September 21st, 2020 Luke and Rogue catch up after two years of not seeing each other. Casual banter is had, compliments are passed around along with tea!
Untold Streets: Ghoul Killer September 9th, 2020 No description
Checking In Post-Brainiac August 23rd, 2020 Kitty checks in on Luke to make sure he made it through New York's woes safely
Oh Come On July 31st, 2020 Luke Cage makes a friend by accident.
So The World Is About To End July 4th, 2020 Kitty tries to talk Luke into leaving the city in advance of Brainiac's attack
Drinkin' Age! June 5th, 2020 Rogue steps into Luke's bar and meets the man himself!
Sometimes it be That Way April 30th, 2020 The Defenders meet at Luke's
Gimme a beer Luke April 14th, 2020 Luke and Colleen share at the bar
It don't always make sense, at first. April 14th, 2020 Luke is fighting, Harley and Power Girl show up to hand out some justice with a capital J.
The Hazards of Social Media April 11th, 2020 An attempt by HYDRA to ruin everyone's day is scuttled when Janet, Luke, and Steve manage to overcome the sudden attempt.
Hell's Weapons April 8th, 2020 An assault on weapon dealers down in Hell's Kitchen where Daisy finds some unexpected aid! Luke will need new clothes. Danny finally got his high five. Matthew shall pay for spreading the Tremors rumor.
Definitely Not A Dive Bar April 5th, 2020 After a night doing vigilante duty, Kitty stops in a bar in Harlem, name of Luke's.


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Luke Cage has 58 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Luke Cage has been credited in 0 shows.

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Luke Cage has been credited in 0 albums.

Title Release Date Artist
No music submitted yet.

Luke Cage has authored 0 books.

Title Release Date Synopsis
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