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From Earth to the Stars
Date of Scene: 30 March 2022
Location: Hall of Justice - New Troy
Synopsis: Diana invites many members from an assortment of super teams to meet in the Hall of Justice to discuss Earth's first starports, and the plans there-in.
Cast of Characters: Diana Prince, Emma Frost, Reed Richards, Jean Grey, Susan Richards, Pepper Potts, Thor, Peter Quill, Donna Troy, Thaal Sinestro, Hyperion, Clark Kent

Diana Prince has posed:
The Hall of Justice in New Troy is usually open to the public, at least the ground floors are. Today, however, the ground floor lobby and large main hall are closed off to the public, and setup to serve as the meet-up for a rather important discussion.

A large round table has been setup in the center of the main hall, with comfortable chairs, and a center speaking point near the north side where a podium rests with a holographic projector ready to present to the individuals who are here tonight by invite-only.

A number of HoJ assistants are on-site tonight too, to tend to the guests, and bring them anything they'd like to make the night a little more enjoyable, from drinks to even some tasty food offerings, though a dinner is scheduled to be available after the conference portion of the evening is over.

It has a casual feeling, at first, here and now, with Princess Diana in her armore, though she's wearing a red draped shawl over her shoulders to conceal most of the armor, and her upper form past her elbows. She's greeting people as they arrive, and motioning them toward the table to find a seat after the mingling has had a chance to settle, and people can get comfortably ready for the 'fun part' of the evening.

The assistants are moving about, offering any aide they can provide too.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost has a tablet with her that's held over in one arm. Emma's wearing more of a relaxed business outfit. Normal, and nothing particularly exotic or fancy. This is not the time for her normal getups after all. This is a time for cooperation and coordination. She's currently alternating between typing with one hand and occasionally switching over to a stencil to jot down her thoughts as they came. Her settling in amongst the individuasl present and giving quiet nods in passing.

Another few scribbles of note taken down before she's putting her full attention up to the circumstances of the gathering. Taking in the wide array of heroes present, a wide swathe of those. Some she has met, if only in passing, many not.

It is time to learn and to see how she can lend her aid.

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards arrives withbjis better half in the most recent invention a conveyance of sleek lines and rounded edges. It moves soundlessly through the air land silently deposits the the twosome who descend elegantly. Reed attited in his his most formal jumpsuit. Tablet in hand with a second and third on his person. Once the twosome has alighted the conveyance closes and zips away silently without any noticeable direction to do so. Reed is perusing sonething technical on his tablet.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean is here early, so Diana doesn't even have to show her anywhere. Although her appearance couldn't be more of a contrast. No armor. No costume, even! It's her usual school administrator 'librarian chic' look, blouse, blazer, pencil skirt, etc. Very professional.

Apparently, she's prepared quite a bit for the meeting, as she's brought along a tablet that she has out in front of her on the desk, tap-tapping her way through some assortment of material. As more people arrive, she looks up here and there to get a sense of the turnout. It is bound to be a somewhat varied and interesting group, of faces familiar and otherwise. Tap tap. "Diana, how do you- oh nevermind, I figured it out." Something about transfering files onto the Hall of Justice's own systems. Tap tap tap.

After a while, she glances up, again looking toward the Themysciran Princess for some element of guidance. "So how are we doing the whole agenda. Go around and do introductions first? Right to business? I've got some of the tech sheets, PR proposals, and small presentation on the Shi'ar, since we'll have to consider the political dimension to all of this."

Susan Richards has posed:
Susan Richards has dressed up as seemed appropriate for a presentation at the Hall of Justice, something of a mix of business and... well, the /other/ family business. Which is to say she's dressed in a smart blazer and skirt, in a familiar shade of blue, blazer buttoned with simple silver rounds... though the white blouse beneath is buttoned with small, iconic '4' symbols on a round pearl backing.

She's carrying her own tablet, though she's far less absorbed in it, every now and then there's a brief flurry of swipes and taps, as something apparently calls for action.

As her gaze sweeps the room, it doesn't take a mindreader, or even two of them, to realize she finds the apparent 'business casual' trend for this meeting amusing... she's not bothering to hide her grin whatsoever.

Pepper Potts has posed:
True to form, the Star- Avengers retinue arrives in fashion; the darkly colored towncar with license plate emblazoned with STARK1 pulls up in front of the Embassy and comes to a stop. The slightly heavy-set driver emerges from his spot up front to run around to the back and open up the passenger side door, allowing first Ms Pepper Potts to alight from the car. She's dressed semi-formally; a spring colored mid-calf dress, a light jacket that drapes 'round her shoulders. Her hair is down, giving her a slightly less official and formal air.

With her? None other than The Mighty Thor.

Heels click upon first the sidewalk, then the clean floor as they're ushered into the meeting room space. A warm smile sits upon her face, if not holding up with the firm understanding and knowledge that this is truly a //gathering//, and an important one at that.

Those who are known to her are greeted softly, even from across the room with a nod as she finds her 'assigned' table.

Mingling during the first few moments, she's ready for the business at hand as she takes her seat.

Thor has posed:
    Either it is for the dinner afterwards or the God of Thunder has other plans for the latter part of the evening, yet whichever it may be it has the tall blond man looking rather at ease. Escorting the lovely Ms. Potts, Thor wears what has of late served to pass not only in the halls of the Asgardian Embassy, but around and about Midgard as a whole. Black dress pants, dark leather shoes and belt, and a perfectly fitting grey shirt are what serve. No tie, and the collar is open, but his hair is tied back rather precisely. It might even look as if he trimmed his beard of all things.
    So walking along in her wake, the Thunderer travels along murmuring to her lightly as they walk. Some brief whispered words meant only for her and uttered with a smile.
    Then from afar the blond man espies the armored silhouette of Wonder Woman. Which is when his voice is likely heard as he lifts a hand and without a hint of hesitation he says slightly louder to Pepper. "There she is."
    And louder even still, a shout across the hall catching the lovely acoustic echoes, "Hello! Diana! I made it." Twinned with a warm smile. For he did. He's here. Hail Thor.

Peter Quill has posed:

The sound of some sort of jet or rocket suddenly sputtering out can be heard outside the Embassy. For those who are able to pinpoint the source of the sound, they will see a humanoid figure, one boot lit up with a rocket, the other...not...spinning somewhat out of control in the general direction of the embassy.

*THUD!* *Squeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaakk* The figure smacks into one of the thick panes of window glass, and then starts to slowly slide down it, groaning quietly as he does so. "I'm ok!" the man calls from behind the glass. When he hits the ground with an 'oof', he lies there for a moment, before slowly getting to his feet, and staggering through the doors of the embassy calling, "I'm here! I'm here!" Peter Quill, ladies and gentlemen.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna is unarmored, leaving that formal stuff to big sis. Yes, Themyscirans have formal dress armor. They're weird like that. Instead she's wearing black jeans, a red blouse, and leather jacket and motorbike boots. It's probably the Amazon equivalent of youthful rebellion. She may be a decade too late for that, but then Amazons are long-lived.

    The two figures she stands with at the back of the room are however armored. The two tall Amazons might be taken for guards, but the discussion Donna is having with them looks more administrative than tactical. One of them holds a tablet in her hands which Donna is poking at, while the other looks on with an expression of puzzlement. There's lot of whispering in Themysciran greek going on.

    She keeps an eye on the gathering crowd as this discussion takes place, nodding greetings to those she knows as they enter, and when the gathering has reached a certain critical mass, she gives the Amazon holding the tablet a sympathetic pat on the shoulder, winks at the other one, and makes her way over to take her seat at the table. Unlike most present, she doesn't appear to have brought a tablet of her own to take notes.

Thaal Sinestro has posed:
Sinestro is here. Sinestro has been here. Sinestro couldn't possibly let a meeting on stellar threats pass without being here.

"I still feel that wearing your sword prominently would've set the proper tone for the conversations we must have in the coming hours, days, weeks, months..." he idly muses to Diana. It's not particularly serious, for all that he has opted for his working uniform complete with flickering, intermittently manifesting and decohering Lantern badges floating an inch or two from his body while he peers through a crackling green pane that serves as a window to-- somewhere, outside.

Diana Prince has posed:
A light laugh is paid to Sinestro, from Diana, and she shakes her head. "I am not certain of that. But if you end up being right? Well, I will let you hold it over me for some time to come." She tells the lantern before starting to walk toward the front of the gathered table.

Diana is not far from Jean when the woman asks those questions. She joins her at her right side and shows a quick smile to her. "I really look forward to hearing what you have about all of that. I wish I had been able to do more when it all went down. I have only gotten to hear bits and pieces of it from communications with Charles."

She then casts her eyes around at everyone who is gathering up. "As for introductions... Well. I will leave it up to you if it is something you want to share here tonight. I do encourage it, but I will let everyone decide how they wish to be known to one another." She shows a quick grin then. "If at all."

She then starts to walk toward the podium before she sees Pepper and Thor, she smiles to them both. "Except for him, that is Prince Thor." She introduces him for him, take that.

She steps up to the podium then and sweeps her eyes around everyone. Peter's splat against the window isn't noticed, or at least openly noticed, before she smiles at his arrival to. He gets a nod also before she speaks up to everyone.

"Truly, thank you for coming tonight. This is a big oaccasion, one that I think will resonate for some time to come. I won't delay either, in saying that the main purpose of tonight is to discuss the opening of Earth's first starport. A starport, that I hope, all of our respective teams can be actively involved in. Not just in it's creation, but also in its future of welcoming incoming outsiders to our world, but also aiding in humanity reaching skyward toward new fronteirs and opportunities of joining a galactic community that we already know is thriving... up there... and out there..."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would go to fold her hands together and give a nod at Jean's comments, then over to Diana to watch and listen. Looking at the others, thoughtful. Not bothering to take any mental scans, that would be higly rude and inappropriate. She would glance over at Diana speaking, and then quietly go to speak telepathically to Jean <<How much would the intergalactic community want any part of us, however?>> She would go to listen over and then go to gently raise a hand up.

"Far be it for me to get ahead of ourselves in this discussion, particularly of the specifics, but something we should take into account is the.. Difficulties of integration. I presume that sources of technology and resources given will be very disparate from all thsoe whom will give some degre of aid. Ensuring that it all functions well and efficiently and is not.. Ovelry difficult to maintain and keep operational efficiently is something that should be carefully reviewed." Going quiet once more after having spoken her initial thoughts on the matter and going to scan the room once more.

Approving on the 'all work together' and 'unit the teams'.

Hyperion has posed:
    For someone as fast as Hyperion, being late is an unusual occurrence. But he was working on a project for the Bugle and actually lost track of time. What? He loves drawing cartoons. He also prefers to do it at normal human speed. So when his phone chimed with the 'hey stupid, you're late' alert, he swiped at it, did a doubletake and just about jumped out of his skin.

    It's maybe a minute or two later that he decelerates from his hypersonic high altitude jaunt.. and descends towards the Hall of Justice.

    And when he walks in the entrance, he has the presence of mind to look apologetic and contrite. "Sorry I am late." he adds. He doesn't go into explanations or whatnot here and now. He'll do that later if such is asked for. But it's a good thing he has hyper-hearing as well, because he got to hear Diana's welcome speech on his approach.

Peter Quill has posed:
Peter Quill has only just sat himself down when Diana explains the purpose of the meeting. He stands up, and calls, "A starport? No thank you!" He turns to walk right out the door. Then he seems to remember something -- like, why he might be opposed to a starport being built in Earth's neck of the woods -- and turns back towards Diana, "Do you know the kind of...scum that hang around Starports?" Him and his friends. "Out there in the Universe? Kree, Skrull, Ravagers, Badoon, Chitari, The Eldars, the Klyntar, the Skrull...I mentioned them already didn't I? Plus about five thousand other kinds of beings, all lookin to make a quick buck off anyone unlucky enough to cross their path. Mercenaries, drug dealers, arms dealers, pirates, scoundrels... You want to park an intergalactic bar -- one of those scuzzy ones, not like the one in Roadhouse -- right next door? You're gonna get space meth all over the place!"

Susan Richards has posed:
Susan settles in comfortably, if a little subdued... after all, it's kind of nice to get to attend a function that she can fade into the background of without... literally fading into the background. And it certainly doesn't take long before Diana's announcing the purpose of the meeting, and blue eyes are widening. It seems Mrs. Richards wasn't expecting that particular announcement.

That cradled tablet is suddenly a much more intent focus of her attention, fingers tapping and flicking, gesturing and typing and... well, it might be a minor miracle the tablet doesn't start smoking.

Lips turn in a slight frown as she murmurs softly, "This is going to take careful balancing. Not just the logistics of keeping something in orbit but the political aspects just here on _Earth_... it's a fine ideal for the station to be apolitical, but the chances of every nation agreeing to that... and _meaning_ it..."

She heaves out a soft sigh, and those taps and swipes only increase in speed.

Indeed, Sue immediately falls into her ongoing thought process that even the sound of rockets, and a thud, and the _actual sight of Peter Quill sliding down the window_ gets a look, and one single lifted eyebrow for a moment before she mumbles something about 'international orbital treaties' and then the typing pace increases again.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"If it is," Pepper returns softly without a change in her smile; she's used to quiet side conversations, intimate in a public venue, "I really wish Tony was here."

The red-head settles in easily at the table, green eyes scanning the room for those she immediately recognizes, even by face, and those she does not. Those she does, her gaze lingers just a little longer before moving on. Reading the room, as it were, is a skill most useful.

Leaning forward in her seat, she listens to the opening words, her head canted. Thor's introduction gains a slightly larger smile, flickering, and a quick move to pat him on the hand before she has her own resting back in her lap.

At her own turn, however, Pepper does rise and look through the room, her tones even and friendly, she's ready to introduce herself to the dignitaries and luminaries and those representing their groups. "Ms Pepper Potts. Stark Industries, and I'm here representing the Avengers with Prince Thor. I do apologize Mr Stark couldn't be in attendance tonight."

As for the business on the table? Before she takes a seat, Pepper does continue, "We do welcome something of a port of entry, but we should remember that not all wish us well. I do hope.. yes." Her words seem to echo Captain Quill's, but perhaps not quite as .. grandly?

Seating herself once more, her peace is said for the moment.

Jean Grey has posed:
<<Its a complicated matter, but... well, I'm going to address it in detail, when we get to that point. But the bottom line is, they might not all love it, but it's a step we have to take,>> Jean echoes back at Emma, in a familiar exchange of thoughts. <<Also, let's be polite and keep things in the open, hmm? We're building a group consensus here, after all.>>

After that exchange, she looks around... and then goes ahead and stands up, offering a smile around the table. Hello, everyone. I know a few of you," and she makes a point to pick out the Richards contingent, smiling over at them, "and probably most of the rest by reputation. But that may not be entirely mutual, considering my team doesn't have the same level of public face. So I'm going to introduce myself, and anyone else is free to do so. Of course, if you're not comfortable or, well, you're very very famous like the Princess or our resident Thunderer..."

"So! For anyone who doesn't know, I'm Doctor Jean Grey, Headmistress of Xavier's School for the Gifted. While it isn't general public knowledge, the school is a refuge and educational organization for mutant students - people born with active X-genes, as described in the work of our founder, Professor Charles Xavier. Additionally, many of the school's graduates go on to work as the X-Men, a covert team dedicated toward, well, general heroic principles as with most of your teams, as well as the protection of mutant rights." She pauses to take a breath.

"Apart from representing a small slice of a very large and growing portion of Earth's potential heroic population, my interest in this project reflects the very personal experience me and my team have had with the dangers the larger universe poses toward Earth." The taps her tablet and some images come up across the screens on the Hall table. "Anyone who's unfamiliar should find briefing materials available on the Hall network. These describe the Brood Invasion of 2015, as well as the recent Shi'ar incident from last year. While enemies at the time, a change in Shi'ar leadership marks them as... potential partners, at least to a degree, and you'll also find some more detailed technical files describing some items of Shi'ar technology that the X-Men have been working to integrate with Earth-based tech for the last several years."

And after that, she sits, and offers more quietly, "Admittedly, the logistics are going to be difficult. That part isn't as much my speciality, but I'm hoping groups like the League and the Avengers can help with their greater official ties. Miss Frost," and she indicates the woman sitting near her, "Also has business ties that might be of use."

Thaal Sinestro has posed:
"I agree with the..."

Sinestro sighs, slowly.

"... Star-Lord," he exhales.

Before taking a moment to pinch the bridge of his nose.

"If not in such plainly classist, xenophobic terms." After dropping his hand and folding both arms over his chest, the alien Green Lantern sweeps his gaze over the assemblage briefly before setting it firmly on Princess Diana.

"The universe is littered with the bones of civilizations that thought to grow too quickly beyond their means-- to expand their footprint on what is before their gait was steady enough to support it," he relates, cautiously. "I am here in an advisory capacity... and in that capacity, I would suggest that you think carefully about how ready Earth truly is to open itself to the attentions of higher species."

Thor has posed:
    At the introduction Thor lifts a hand in a small wave but falls silent, settling into the seat beside Pepper and then resting his hands before him, fingers interlaced. Attention is paid as he listens to what the Amazonian princess has to convey.
    Following along with her words he gives a nod now and again, eyebrows quirking up at the point of joining the galactic community. Another nod, then he makes a 'hm' sound that likely only Pepper can hear even as he relaxes. One leg crosses over his knee and for the nonce he looks thoughtful. Though a glance over toward Emma is given as she offers her question.
    Then other people begin to talk and he follows along as he can, listening with that mildly curious look to his features. Nodding his head once when Jean points out that the Avengers might be able to help with their more official ties. "Well, as Midgard's /Mightiest/ Heroes, assuredly we will contribute what is deemed best by good Diana."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would fold her hands together to give a nod at Jean. THen in a light response to some of the comments by Sinestro and Peter Quill, "The advantage this particular.. Planet has is the largest number of.. Shall we call them enhanced beings. I don't profess to know demographics infromation on a pan galactic scale but my understanding is that by population standards compared to most locales in the galaxy it's immense. That alone would give most empires pause to some degree. OR they would already have aggressive intents already which would not change anything. Earth has already, for better or ill, interacted multiple times on the galactic scale."

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna watches Quill's performance with a smile of wry amusement. Her amusement may largely be in seeing Quill do Quill things at the Halls of Justice rather than, say. Titans Tower. A year ago the Titans played host to the Guardians of the Galaxy for several weeks. It's all more fun when it's not your responsibility.

    "Peter -- we'll have rather good port security. The intention is this will be the way Earth faces the galaxy, and we'll want to make a good impression, so we won't allow it to devolve into the kind of wretched hive of scum and villainy you're probably thinking of. We'll keep the scoundrels away." She breaks into a smirk. "We'll make an exception for you and your crew, though."

    Onto more serious matters, Donna gives a nod to Sinestro, acknowledging his point. "This project is about increasing our readiness. Recent years have proven that we /are/ open to the attentions of 'higher species'. " You can hear the quotes around the phrase. "We have been invaded by Warzoon, Kryptonians, Brood, Brainiac, Khund, Dominators and a dozen others in just the last decade."

Thaal Sinestro has posed:
"It IS immense," Sinestro states with authority.

"That is not a positive, Ms. Frost: millions of enhanced beings represent millions of points of potential stress and failure, when subjected to the pressures of interaction with a wide range of external influences of varying degrees of hostility, duplicity, et cetera."

Peter Quill has posed:
"See? Even the Wizard of Oz agrees with me!" Quill says, as if that helps his point any. He glowers at Emma for a long moment, and then says, "Oh, neat, powered people. I'm sure every powered person is on the same page about who should be in charge around here, and won't use it for their own personal gain. Right?" He probably doesn't know who Emma is, to be fair.

Jean Grey has posed:
"Respectfully," Jean offers in a quick aside toward Sinestro. "We have their attention already. For any number of reasons."

"And in recent encounters, our lack of proper interstellar status has been a detriment, not a protection. The Shi'ar were able to attack - politically, that is, without intervention from the Kree - because they declared that Earth had no legal status. Essentially, they treated us like you might treat a rock you found on the ground; why wonder about the legal status of some bugs that might be crawling on it. An official status allows us to interact with galactic and, for that matter, intergalactic law. It allows us a proper seat at the table, rather than a place as primitives open to colonization or /harvest/."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana closely listens as the others begin. She dips her chin just a little toward Emma, before she looks across to more who speak up. Peter's words get a stare from her before she shows a faint, and quick to leave, smirk.

She glances then to Pepper, and Jean before sweeping her stare over everyone else.

"To make things a little more clear. The plans for this station are already solidified. I have done the preliminary work to ready the foundation for the starport. It is not a space-based station either. This is designed to be a Earth-based port of harbor, and the foundation has been provided by the people of Atlantis, and their King, Namor. He was gracious enough to hear me out, and commit resources to the project."

There is a short pause then before the Princess continues. "Additionally, the structures above the Atlantic shall be built by my people, the Themyscirans. Our Queen has already agreed to the plans, while the King of Wakanda has also pledged to help see the project through, with resources from his kingdom. This... starport, is meant to be an international effort. It is meant to be a place, for all of us..."

Once more she looks to everyone, before she raises her dark brows up a little. "There will be spaces for all of your teams, should you wish to unite in this effort. A Starport, dedicated to all of our teams, to help protect it, and everything that will come along with it. Outgoing, and incoming, to our home."

Diana motions to Donna then, her sister, and then to the others. "United, at this location, we will secure it as we would any of our separate facilities."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod at Diana, "Of course. I.. Presume that the purposes of this meeting are moreso for coordination and briefing purposes?" the part of her mind that focused on the nightmarish hell that was technological logistics and bureaucratic methodologies relaxing once more at the assumption that there would not be the terror of integrating several dozen different sets of technologies over into a single institution.

Folding her hands together once mor eand lgancing at the others, "In any case better for us to have a central location to present a united front if we've already received that level of attentiona nd no doubt will continue to do so. Given events of merely the last few years.. I presume that circumstances from.. Extra-planetary organizations will accelerate whether or not we do anything."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"I think the question on the table, then, is 'Are we ready?'?" Pepper pipes in. "We have so many disparate groups, all doing amazing things for Earth as a whole, but with a Earth-based port, it might mean that the groups will need a little more cohesion?" She's already quelled some of the butterflies in her stomach, swallowed some of that heart that rose into her throat at the mention and acknowledgment of yet MORE aliens, and their not necessarily kind intent.

"So then, is this more a question of 'if' or 'how to proceed?'. I know that 'if', then the Avengers will most certainly be on the line with what is needed. 'How to proceed', however, seems to be a touch more on point.

Even as her words leave her mouth, Diana's there first, and her own echo the concerns and necessities for success.

"Then it is a call for unity. I have no doubt that we at Stark and the Avengers can easily lend aid of word, deed and in some cases materiel and research to the projects."

Thor has posed:
    Clearing his throat slightly, Thor straightens up a little and scritches his chin with a hint of thoughtfulness. "The draw of Midgard currently and what makes it stand out to the galaxy is indeed the locus of power that is so strong here. So many beings and so focused on the defense of the planet. It is indeed why there may be strong attempts at subterfuge. Invasion has proven costly and repelled every time."
    Then he tilts his head and gestures toward Diana, "This, at the least, will allow a more orderly conduct of most of the business that will come to Midgard. I would advance, however, that perhaps..."
    He looks to Diana, "Perhaps. Beings such as myself, or perhaps those of Oa. That we should hold no voice in the choice of policy. Aid assuredly, given on behalf of ourselves as free entities. But on behalf of Asgard? Or the Lanterns? Or any like? That could cause more ill than good."

Hyperion has posed:
    Overwhelmed now, Hyperion makes his way to the table. He's trying not to draw attention to the fact that he is so late. He absorbs the information being given out, and quietly finds a seat someplace. He doesn't really have anything to add. He's still learning about this universe. In his... aliens weren't really a thing. If they were, they were unknown. So this is all so overwhelmingly new to him.

    SO he merely does his best to not get lost, and to follow along without looking like a lost kid. Granted, a musclebound kid, but a kid nonetheless.

Jean Grey has posed:
"Diana, you know already you have our full buy-in," Jean is quick to say. "Charles supports this fully, and a good portion of the old team has seen the horrors of space up-close already. And he's willing to use his... ties with the Imperatrix to help start the political process off-world. The Shi'ar won't acknowledge us as a peer, but under her government we can probably get some sort of status as a minor world. The aliens we have living on Earth could each hopefully make similar entreaties."

She's also quick to add: "We also already have several structures in orbit, so this isn't anything new. This building itself has its counterpart on the moon, and there's also Asteroid M... which is inhabited by another mutant faction." The fact that she's downplaying the 'who' behind that might not go unnoticed, but she quickly brushes along.

As Thor brings up issues of potential neutrality, she quickly nods. "That's getting at what I mean. I don't think seeing Asgardian direct involvement, other than whatever is already present on Earth, is what we're asking for. But perhaps... acknowledgment? Admittedly, I'm less clear on how things work with your people, compared to... traditional interstellar factions." And she glances over to Sinestro. "Similar with the Lantern Corps. They must have procedures for legally acknowledging planets as they develop new technology?"

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards smiles, "The US government has done extensive studies to establish that the populace at large is not ready." He shrugs, "Now considering what has transpired in the last 10 years... The cat is out of the bag, I'm afraid. It seems you are fairly far along to be ask permission. I take it this is just a polite notification. anyway? We can provide what help technologically and diplomatically as you may require. "

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Specifically, this is a meeting of super teams rather than a political meeting," Donna says. "The politics of this will no doubt be complicated. Less complicated, however, than if a single nation were to attempt to create Earth's port-of-call and attempt to dominate interaction with the larger galaxy. The fact that our planet has so many governments is a handicap in galactic affairs. Themyscira, Atlantis and Wakanda have initiated this project as three nations with close links to the superhero community, but importantly that are relatively neutral in terms of world politics. We are members of the United Nations, but not of any competing power blocks."

    "More than simply a polite notification," she continues with a nod to Reed "This is an invitation. We intend on making a secondary headquarters available to every super team that wants one. This will enable our metahuman and mutant community easy access to the spaceport facilities for their own use, as well as adding to the security of the facility. Moreover, we hope putting the teams in closer proximity like this will be a major aid in improving communications between us all."

    "To help in the logistics of all this, we plan to offer each of you a paired teleportation system that will allow you a direct link between your current headquarters and the subsidiary headquarters at the spaceport."

Thor has posed:
    Frowning, Thor's cheeks actually color slightly as he looks down, then when he looks up...
    He has a pained look on his face. He clears his throat and looks over at Jean. "Ah, as to that." He lifts a fingertip, one eye scrunching up as he gestures toward the Marvelous Telepath. "Two Winters past, this topic came up. Recognition given to Midgard, independent recognition. Mine father, whose way is a mystery to even the wisest of us at times that is when he decided..."
    A deep breath is taken, then he blurts it out. "That Captain Rogers be made Thane of Midgard, and rules over its lands and people in the name of Asgard. Officially. I believe he still holds claim over it. I shall have to ask him next time I see him."

Thaal Sinestro has posed:
"You have experienced attention," Sinestro corrects, glancing between Donna and Jean, both.

"You have been the subject of a modest handful of predatory, galaxy-spanning species and entities, many of which come with imperial and/or nihilistic ambitions that render your world an inevitable object of interest. You have NOT experienced life as a hub for these forces and the myriad of lesser ones whose notice Earth would otherwise escape. You have yet to open your doors to Spider Guild conspirators ingratiating themselves to local criminals hungry for advantages against your many, many, many postnatural forces as a foothold to increase their operations on your world. You have not experienced the terror of entire cities being reduced to livestock for Durlan shapefarmers without a single shot or edict launched. Your governors have yet to face the temptation of Black Mercy; your champions have not grappled with Dire Wraith infection, or the killing propaganda of Ysmaultian cultists..." he rattles off, devoid of judgment or malice. These are simply facts, delivered in stern and stoic terms, gathered from a lifetime of cosmic policing.

"I am Thaal Sinestro," he then states. "I have served the Green Lantern Corps for two of your decades, roughly; I have SEEN what lurks between the stars in the crevices that empires thunder over in pressing their conquering urges. I do not speak against progress, nor do I preach cowardice; merely a healthy respect and fear for what progress BRINGS... and an understanding that it will take more than pat-downs and material detectors to maintain the level of security you now enjoy, should you invite the universe to your doorstep, rather than merely being visited by it."

Turning towards the table, Sinestro paces until he's close enough to lift his right hand over it then SLAM it down, allowing a vivid emerald sword visibly similar to the Princess' to rest against it with a resounding note.

"As I said, Princess: the sword would have been appropriate for what follows," he concludes with a glance in her direction and the ghost of a smile.

"I am not here to stymie your dreams of growth; I am here to shepherd them, so that your world is not smothered as it makes its first tentative steps beyond its crib."

Peter Quill has posed:
He hasn't left, yet. Peter, despite his bluster, isn't a complete fool. He has stopped to watch the various heads of various super groups discuss the issue. The Avengers being on board seems to perhaps soften his position a bit. He crosses his arms and then he nods when Sinestro speaks again, "This guy gets it. Space is DANGEROUS. Super dangerous. Super SUPER Dangerous. You're opening the door to a whole lot of nasty things out there that you're gonna have your hands full taking care of, if you just build a starport and start inviting the neighbors over."

Susan Richards has posed:
Susan's typing pauses as Diana lays out more specifics of the spaceport project, before she's adjusting various aspects on her tablet. Eyebrow lifts once more at the talk of a hive of scum and villainy, her lips quirking slightly as she murmurs out, "Oh, yes, we can't have Earth's only spaceport be a hive of scum and villainy. The Gotham tourism board would be _incensed_ at an international effort to impinge on their carefully curated tourism slogan."

She glances sidelong to her husband, lips quirking into a slightly broader grin as she deadpans, "Oh, I think we can trust this to move forward, whether or not the planet as a whole is ready... after all, what could possibly go wrong with rushing into something related to space headlong without being fully prepared?"

Of course, then Sinestro's going on _quite_ the wonderful speech about the lurking threats in galactic space that could be quite the problem for rushing in headlong, and Sue's forced to sigh, flick, and open _another_ window on her tablet... it's definitely going to start smoking soon.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance at Thaal Sinestro, "Then might I inquire with you.. What is the norm, exactly, for large scale imperial incursions on any sort of note? I do not presume to have your vast superior knowledge, but on the standards of many species over such a short timespan relatively, for a planet as.. Minimally involved in galactic affairs nor in any region of space of particular note.. How then does Earth compare over to others?"

Emma's voice silky smooth now and rleaxed as she would listen. The slam having not caught her by surprise at all nor any sort of shown reaction. A benefit from those years in the Club. A very high thresshold for things.

"So is it rather normal for most other planets in the galaxy to face multiple planetary invasions per year? Or assaults from the major galactic powers? That gives a comletely different perspective on the relations amongst the pan-galactic powers. So please do feel free to correct my mistaken assumptions." That dangled out there over. With a 'my', not 'our'. Another glaance given over to Peter at the 'super dangerous'. Him given a litlte more attention rather than just Sinestro.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's eyes go to Reed then who gets a light nod from the Princess. "Somewhat, you can say. This port is not being designed with any intentions of being a deturance toward space-born invasion forces..."

She spares a glance toward Donna, and a quick smile, before she looks back to the others. Pepper gets a light smile too before Diana speaks again.

"You have likely all heard of the 'Invisible Jet' that my people, and I, employ. But I imagine that most of you have not heard of the story of how we came about that technology. As it so happens, it was gifted to me by a little known species from another world. Their Princess came to Earth to try and hide from enemies that were trying to assassinate her, to gain power on their homeworld. She ended up landing in the Antarctic... I feel that a situation like this, could be prevented if Earth had a broadcasting space station able to directly be where such a incoming party could direct their ship, for help. A place for non-invading forces..." Diana says with a light smirk that comes and goes.

"This is an invite, yes. But it's one that I hope all of us can agree on, because the more help we have, the better everything will be in the end."

Thaal Sinestro has posed:
"Your world is an anomaly, Emma Frost."

He looks at the White Queen squarely, visibly unmoved by the smooth tone and gentle push-pull underlying it.

"Most would simply crumble, because they lack the dubious blessing of your millions of points of light. I would trust, however, that most of our esteemed fellows are LESS interested in merely gambling on your continued good fortune in the face of truly impossible odds."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper is quiet once more, now listening more than offering anything more. She's offered up her views, and her concerns seem to coincide with most everyone's here; and the hopes and confidences that perhaps the teams of the world will work a little more closely.

It's when Thaal speaks and strikes the table that she jump-starts. Not expecting that, and a hand rises quickly to her heart, only to find that the others really didn't have the same sort of reaction. A little bit of pink hits her cheeks and her hand lowers again, complete with a quick glance towards Thor.

Now she's content to wait until perhaps the next time she wishes to speak on a matter.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would go to fold her hansd together, "Well, Earth has shown it can defend itself. In turn, I would presume that the fact it has such individuals in large numbers is a significant sign that would draw more interest, not less. So better to have a united front -ready- to handle such things. But that's purely a presumption. If it is going to face continually impossible odds purely for being a unique thing amongst hundreds of millions of inhabited planets.. Then hte reputation already exists, and will not change. If anything lack of a united front will imply that this realm is more vulnerable. So if having to constantly defend it is inevitable.."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Yes, space is dangerous. We've noticed," Donna says wryly. "We've also driven off and seriously damaged War World, beaten Brainiac, defeated the Brood," an nod of the head to Jean, "and seen off a combined invasion fleet of Thanagar, the Dominators, the Khund and the Vegans alongside several smaller powers. Perhaps it's time people stopped thinking of this as 'good fortune in the face of truly impossible odds' and start recognizing that Earth, primitive as it is, new on the scene as it is, is not exactly weak."

    "We will not improve our odds by burying our heads in the sand until the next time some group of would-be conquerors turns its heads our way. However this is not about putting a giant sign over the Earth stating that we are open for business. It's about recognizing the reality that is already here. People from other worlds are visiting us on a regular basis now. I'd actually have to stop and count to recall how many aliens are on my team right now. It's time we had a more organized response to this than we have at the moment, and centralizing things is a solid first step."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean tilts her head slighty as Thor starts to answer, then breaks into a wider smile and a bit of a laugh as she explains the story. "Thane Rogers? Oh my." She quickly shakes her head in open amazement, before saying something that might come off a little strange: "Your father certainly -is- a mysterious one. Part of his appeal."

Even Jean seems slightly surprised by her own remark here. She clears her thoat, taps the tablet, and moves on.

"But it's exactly the point Troia is making, I think. The politics are bound to be complicated and not something any of us can solve individually. It will be a complicated and ongoing process, and fortunately, we have people like Kings T'Challa and Namor to advocate there. I think Lorna must still be in touch with him, as well? To represent the Genoshan interest." And yet, while she seems optimistic and happy to muse through all these details like they are not but obstacles to be overcome, it is Sinestro's dramatic intervention that gets her attention.

She startles a bit, in fact.

"You're probably right, that we don't entirely know what we're getting into," she admits. "But that's going to be true either way, I think. At least this way, we're taking an active role. Moving beyond rumors and uncertainties and a population that still doesn't know what exactly is happening despite everything it's seen." She straightens herself up a bit, after whatever reaction to his interruption. "And as much as there are terrifying things out there, there are terrifying things here, too. I think the best we can do is meet each other face-to-face, on clear terms. And when it turns out to be another Warzoon or Brood? Well, we'll deal with it." She nods back at Donna, while avoiding voicing the implied 'like last time.'

Thor has posed:
    Tilting his hand as Jean acknowledges the curiousity that is Odin, Thor nods a few times in commiseration, yet that is the moment when Sinestro makes his display and draws the Thunderer's attention. With wide-eyed curiousity he listens, then nods a few times accepting what is said though perhaps not placing as much urgency on it if his features can be read in that regard.
    Though he does take a moment to gently touch a hand to Pepper's shoulder and offer a sidelong smile as if in reassurance. Then a light pat-pat before he turns his attention back to the goings on.
     "There is no harm in preparation, and no harm in dealing with what is already before us. Perhaps we do not announce that Midgard has entered such a phase, but those that come be faced with what they must do to be in this realm. And should they press or balk, then we at the least have more warning in some ways."

Thaal Sinestro has posed:
"Ah," Sinestro sighs.

The smile, if anything, gets bigger, in about the worst way possible, as he glances towards Donna. Wider; more sympathetic.

"Confirmation bias makes for a poor refuge, Ms. Troy, and bravado is a poor look for a woman who thinks to hold the fate of billions in her terribly strong hands. I do not propose hiding yourselves, but I DO suggest maintaining a proper sense of prospective - and CAUTION - that you will need more than good will and continued good fortune to see this endeavour through without running headlong into disaster. I am willing and ready to put my experience and abilities towards aiding in the reinforcement of Earth, so long as it is not tantamount to preparing the world for a burial."

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards smiles and laughs, a loud clarion laugh, "Donna, you forgot Dominus and Zod. Then tell us you plan, Sinestro.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would clip her fingers, "I believe that the.. Approximation is a Phalanx." She would gesture at Diana and Donna, "A military formation comprised of shieldbearers in a line. Formed in a square so that one could not attack from any side without meeting a heavily layered defense. So no matter who would come at us, hostile in anyw ay, they would be met by it. An aggressive response to meet them on thier own terms. Hostility will be answered. A show of strength and unity to meet them. If they are to come here, then they would see the same fight that others have lost to."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Thor's brief hand upon her shoulder earns the Asgardian a quick but not any less appreciative smile before she takes a deep breath. "I am certain that the purpose of all of this is not to wave a red cape in front of the universe at large. I'm seeing it more as a 'joining the worlds' endeavor, which I heartily support. We have shown, whether by design or luck, that we've been able to secure some sort of victory, and I think that the others may have noted it at some point. We can't simply continue to exist with a map of the Universe that says, simply 'here be dragons'. We've always been an inquisitive creature, and this really is the next, natural step."

Pepper smiles at Diana, and Donna, before adding the rest of the room, "I can't see a time when we would //not// wish to be included."

Diana Prince has posed:
Sinestro's display with the sword had gotten a smirk from Diana who looked then around at everyone else's reactions. Pepper gets a sympathetic smile. "My apologies, Miss Potts." She says warmly. "Space is ever a heated point of contention, rightly so, considering recent history."

She glances to Donna, then toward everyone again. "This facility will be populated by Themysciran warriors to further secure it. We have had direct dealings with the War World people, as many of you may remember, near Metropolis. Our people are ready to secure the facility even further, but we very much desire all of you to be presences as well. This is just as much about pushing Humanity toward the other worlds in our own solar system, as it is to someday look beyond our solar system, to what lies further out."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "A tactician who underestimates the power of the enemies they may face is a foolish tactician," Donna replies to Sinestro with a nod. "As is a tactician who underestimates the power of their own forces. I will point out that in not once of the instances discussed, or indeed Dominus and Zod..." a grin flashed to Reed. "...has Earth brought more than a fraction of its full capabilities to bear."

    "As Ms. Potts says, the purpose of this is not to advertise our presence and invite all-comers, it is about providing a unified front to those who come here anyway. As Mr. Thor says -- making announcements is a political question, beyond the scope of what is being discussed here. And as Ms. Frost says, if they come with hostile intent - they will meet a more unified opposition."

Thaal Sinestro has posed:
"I would START with education," Sinestro crisply states with a sidelong look towards Richards. "It's imperative that these matters be commonplace to those beyond these literal and figurative walls. And then, training. And then militarization, so that your world is not wholly reliant on the good will and availability we elevated few. Whatever innovations you can produce to facilitate these processes would of course be greatly valued."

Sinestro then turns his attention back towards Donna, canting his head and arching a brow slightly. "Indeed, Troia, for there would BE no Earth if it had."

Jean Grey has posed:
As Sinestro offers further warning, and despite her prior advocacy, Jean holds her hands apart, in a gesture of some degree of acknowledgment to his point. "I think everyone here understands what you're trying to tell us, and we respect your opinion. I have the unfortunate privilege of being a great deal more informed on the state of the universe than a human ought... and perhaps more than you imagine. And it does frighten me, I'd be crazy if it didn't. I frighten myself, sometimes."

She looks down at the table momentarily, not at the high-tech info scrolling across the screens, but at nothing, just gathering her thoughts. "From my perspective, it's either this, or accept the fact that eventually one of these incidents will go beyond what we can handle as we've done in the past, alone, and by our own strength and plucky drive. Maybe the port won't prevent that, but at least, it may give us some better chance of foreknowledge when it happens. We'll be able to interact, attract allies."

"... and hopefully, your people will continue to help do what they've always done. If our progress means we'll be subject to new oversight, new legal loop-holes to our nascent space-dealings, then so be-it." And as he raises education, she hones in on that. "We're willing to learn and do things the correct way. I know that personally I... well, I have a lot of things I'd like to ask some of your people."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would fold her hands together over then and purse her lips, nodding nad listening. Then go to speak along to Jean once more telepathically in a tightbeam <<Do forgive me, but would it be inappropriate to comment that given the stated nature of the Corps that he's a member of I notice a distinct failure in thier efforts to ensure the relative safety of this planet, and note that we're incentivized by that to do it on our own?>>

Thor has posed:
    "Indeed," Thor offers in support of Sinestro as he looks sidelong toward Diana, "A force composed of those who consider Midgard their home. Without extended or convoluted loyalties might well be best." A small chuff of exhaled breath, "And I know this would disqualify my own membership in such an assembly, but a force with the focus on being ever available. Being ever stalwart for Midgard first and foremost..."
    He shakes his head, "It would not be an ill thing." That said he settles back into his seat, arms folded over his broad chest. "Yet that is likely a matter to aim toward in the future. For now, building a stronghold meant for dealing and rallying against aggression and incursion."
    He uncurls a hand to the side, "Advance with it, and you have my aid and what aid I can muster." A look to Pepper, "And aye, the Avengers as well."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper looks to the blond Prince beside her and smiles again, nodding ever so slightly, but it's with total agreement. Thus bouyed some, as well with the added support of Diana and Donna, she takes a deep breath and adds,

"It is terrifying. I'm no hero. I'm someone who just happens to know just a little more than the average person, but I was truly thrust into having to understand all of this a few years ago, and a day doesn't go by that I don't worry. Having something, somewhere that can help anyone sleep a little better is a wonderful thing. People can learn, and it will be a little overwhelming, but ultimately, they'll also understand that they're not alone. Anywhere."

She offers another smile and her head is held high, her chin tucked up a little, "We are more than willing to learn and do things the correct way, as Ms Grey said."

Thaal Sinestro has posed:
"Perhaps," Sinestro says when Jean speaks of her own unimaginable knowledge.

It's not an agreement, or a disagreement. Not even a question; just a flatly voiced statement as crackling green eyes peer deeply into their lively, human twins.

A thought to explore another time, perhaps.

"The Green Lantern Corps currently maintains no fewer than four official postings to Earth's sector of space -- double that of the next most-patrolled sector. This includes my own temporary-permanent posting, of course -- a state which I expect will continue indefinitely due to your world's uncanny knack for harnessing Oan technologies without authorization."

Which is STILL annoying, down to the bones, even if the frustration has receded considerably these days.

"I say that to say this: while I cannot guarantee the Corps' further deepening of official ties and overwatch to Earth in violation of its standard practices of universal neutrality... you have MY ring; MY will, and MY knowledge at your call regardless, so long as you are willing to accept and hear them."

And with that, he looks towards Thor, shaking his head ever so slightly. "I will not submit to any such restrictions as standing aside and merely advising in the defense of this world; I am Korugarian by birth and spirit, but I will protect this planet, in all its dangerous contradictions regardless," he swears, eyes briefly flaring.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana reaches out to tap a button upon the podium which causes the holo-projector to sweep up a image of the plans for the starport. They hover in the center of the table for everyone to see the design plans for the place.

"Tehse are the current plans, with additional foundation to be laid as we reach further places where we realize improvements can be made." She explains to everyone.

"These areas here." She motions to one of the domes that has smaller domes all attached to it. "Are for the team headquarters at the port. The central dome being where we can all meet together, where needs be."

She steps to the side of the podium then and holds her hands up to press her fingertips lightly together in front of her waist.

"Hangar spaces, for individual team craft, living spaces, so on, and so forth. This is what we hope for this place, and all of you."

Once again, Diana nods to Pepper. "Stark Tech will be highly encouraged to help with what they know best, Miss Potts. We have tech coming in from the Atlanteans, and other sources we cannot yet discuss publicly. But, any efforts to make this facility as technologically advanced as possible, with the benefit of all of human-kind at the forefront..t is ever to be our primary goal."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would go to speak over, "And Earth is appreciative of the services that you and the Corps provide to our planet and to help safeguard it. And of course the better that we are prepare to protect our own planet, then the less the Corps will need to do so and in turn hopefully can put their members ot help protect other parts of space that require it. So hopefully our uprsuits will in time help bring peace to a wider swathe of the area."
    As Diana would go over to start describing the layout, she would give a nod. Now going quiet after she had made her statements of general thanks to paying attention to the more technical and pragmatic aspects.

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman has been here.


He puts a heavy hand on Sinestro's shoulder. "No one doubts your nobility of purpose, Thaal. Or at least they shouldn't. I am, you can undersrtand, a little wary about the Corps in lieu of recent events. Frankly I think they see us as a bit of a frontier to experiment on, even if they've decided to eave their issues with my species for another day."

"But you've got a point. And I've seen the legnths you've gone to protect your sector, without nearly as much metahuman help. But believe me when I say this is a huge step for us, and we're cautious about looking too much like a political hegemony for a very good reason."

"Hi Sue." Superman says, suddenly sounding young again, waving almost shyly at Sue Richards.

"So is this the Daemonites?"

Jean Grey has posed:
Emma's cheeky telepathic remark earns the equivalent of a slight eyeroll and 'shush'ing sound. <<You're not entirely wrong, they can't do everything they claim to maintain order in the universe on their own. But they do help. A Lantern went with the X-Men to M'Kraan, and without him, who knows... you might all be learning Shi'ar by now.>>

So in this spirit, she smiles at Sinestro's pledge. "I'm sure your aid will be invaluable to whatever we are doing here. And that of your people, however much they give. It has been already."

She looks back to Diana as she now summons a proper image for the facility. "It looks amazing. And yes, tech wise... well," and she quickly looks toward Sue and Reed, and then toward Pepper in quick turn. "Like I said at the outset, I've brought what the Shi'ar have given us in the past for you to look over. It's limited: at the time, they were using us to help fight the Brood. They didn't offer much in the way of weapons, but there was some basic propulsion tech that we've been working to integrate with the Blackbird, and some sophisticated hard light tech. We use that at teh school, actually, for a simulator. It's very impressive."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would fold her hands together and purse her lips, giving Jean a light nod at the correction. Then going over to listen. "I also take it that you plan to have a dedicated on-site staff to handle the running of the place and help maintain it?" Emma taking a moment to think more lightly on the logisticall and practicla aspects of things. But going silent and letting the others plan.

Thor has posed:
    When Sinestro proclaims his oath of support for Earth, looking so stern and confident, then looks over toward Thor. Thor's expression is a smidge toward the disbelieving side. It's there in the way his eyes tighten and one eyebrow lifts with his lips twisting in a pained manner.
    For when Sinestro declares he will protect this planet...
    Thor's face seems to say back silently, 'Will you though?'
    But then he shrugs a hand lifting to the side as he lets it ride for now.

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards grins eyes twinkling, "You understand even less of commerce than you do of war. Having diplomatically and financial contacts to the rest of known space can only help our prospects. In addition, I've put together a tech nological rosetta stone which should enable us to integrate the existing technologies."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper looks at the display; this is something that is completely in her wheelhouse. The projection as a hologram? Even more understandable when it's in 3D model-rendered. It's all she can do not to swing it around, explode displays and rooms, and..

"Diana, can I get a copy of that? It might be easier for Tony to look and see what can fit, what can be added easily and modified." Tacit agreement that Stark Industries, most notably Tony himself will have a hand, part and parcel in the work.

The news regarding other technology from Jean gains Pepper's attention and interest. "Oh? It might be worth looking into if the two technologies could be compatible." After all, Tony's worked with others before to meld tech towards a common goal. He'd bought the Titans pizza on one gruelling night of work!

"I think part of our strength would lie there, yes."

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman raises an eyebrow at the look on Thor's face.

He turns to smile wainly at Emma, between the politcking. "Hey, Frost, I just wanted to say thank you. For looking out for Divine. Whole thing totally snuck up on me, and she could've ended up in much worse places."

'Alien Rosetta Stone' makes Superman blink because, what, really? For everyone?

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would look at Superman and blink. And 'ah' and her cheeks would lightly color. "Ah, thank you Sir." For once, the lbonde is caught flat footed. "I'm just glad she's in a place she can be her own.. Person and find her own meaning. I have no doubts she could have done so on her own." Her cheeks pinkened.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana steps back around to behind the podium to move the holographic projection of the starport so that it is smaller, and hovering a little lower than it had been before.

She then looks up to everyone, glancing toward Superman, who gets a warm smile, before she speaks up again toward one and all here tonight.

"Of course, we are not looking for decisions on anything to be made tonight. This /is/ an attempt to give everyone a look at our plans for this facility. Once more, this facility is also not meant to be any measure of a stopping force against a hostile invading alien species... This is meant to be a Starport, like any major Airport upon the planet. It is a jumping pad to get to, and return from, space... for our own teams, and for those we hope to welcome... peacefully... to our world."

To Pepper, Diana nods her head toward her. "Yes, this image, as well as other detailed plans of the port, all be sent to your contact sources. We definitely would like to hear back from each of you with what you would like to have personalized for your spaces within the facility."

Reed gets a glance from the Princess then. She smiles to him, then to Sue. "I very much would love to hear from the Fantastic Four on all of this too. I know that... this sudden revelation of these plans may be a bit of a surprise, I do wish to apologize for that too. I wanted to handle all of this a little differently when it was first thought up, brought up, and explored... but the nature of our world has made it challenging to ... well, ever find the time."

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards smiles easily but it doesn't reach his eyes, "Not at all, I just hope it tirns out better than you're teaming up with Victor did." He gives Superman a sidelong glance. "I do have idea of the stopping as well, however that may be a discussion for a different audience."

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean has strengths and weaknesses. The crazy tech area is definitely part of the latter, so she seems very happy to accept whatever the experts have to say on the topic.

"Yeah, I'm not sure what the use cases might be, or even it will be broadly compatible at all, since the Shi'ar probably didn't really want us reverse-engineering it too much in the first place," she starts to answer Pepper, only for Reed to... well, Reed things up, outlining his successes in bridging different alien tech. "Oh?" She laughs. "Well, anyway, it's all there! Do with it as you will."

With this, she's... done! Or at least, she's contributed most of what she came to the meeting to offer, and so she sits back a little. The fact that Emma is now having a little back-and-forth with Superman draws her attention as an alternate kind of spectacle, especially since he actually seems to have the White Queen off guard for once. Rare sight!

<<Look at you, acting the schoolgirl. Never thought I'd see it...>>

Donna Troy has posed:
    "As Diana says, we are bringing some technology in from a number of different sources already," Donna says. "Some of it extra-terrestrial in origin, some of it terrestrial. Good old Earth-based technology has come on in leaps recently. Only a few months ago I enjoyed a fascinating trip to the planet Rann aboard the FTL ship created by G.I.R.L. There are other sources people may be less familiar with. Atlantis, for example, is largely unknown to the surface world -- but it is a very ancient civilization with some advanced technologies. The expertise of the Fantastic Four in integrating all the options we have, and anything you all might bring to the table, would be most welcome."

    "Construction is well underway, at a site some of you may be aware of from satellite imagery. An artificial island being built in international waters a little to the east of New York. Work has already commenced on infrastructure, but there is plenty of unallocated space, and room for expansion, to fit the requirements of other stakeholders as they become involved."

    And an answer direct to Emma: "Atlantis, Wakanda and Themyscira will provide on-site staffing and security, though this is not intended to be an exclusive arrangement. We will provide what is necessary to get things going, but we hope to open that up to more groups and organizations, and make this a truly co-operative facility."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would give the equivalent of a mental glare to Jean <<Why thank you darling. I would have thought that particular outfit would fit you a great deal more>> Turning her attention back to Donna and given a nod, "Excellent, thank you for answering my questions on the matter. These sorts of things can be quite.. Difficult to ensure they're done smoothly so best to make sure they're thoughto ut in advance." She would watch over as things would go on.
    "And be open to expansion, as needs require. The architecture seems.. Modular."

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman looks subtly chided at Reed's mention of the latest impromtu team up with Doom, visibly embarrassed. "Supposed you'd rather we let Mephisto drag Latveria away..." Like a kid scolded by a favorite teacher and not quite sure what to do with it.

He's himself when Emma answers, though, shrugging. "If she's anything like the rest of the family, that's a toss up. We can be pretty thick. I know what it's like to feel...absolutely alone in the world, though. I'm glad someone was there for her."

Clark goes back to listening to Diana and Donna's just a touch dictatorial plan. Ah, Amazons.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper takes the information in, and her head bobs in quiet agreement, her smile turning to something a touch more of a ghost. Space ships built on Earth, all the tech work done.. and this design? Well, it'll mean homework for her and Tony, most definitely. She doesn't need to enter any tech contests; Stark Industries is who and what it is. It's a known with a technological genius at its head.

Anything can happen.

"Thank you," is returned at the offer. There is a great deal to bring back and unpack with the rest of the team..

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod at Clark, speaking quietly over then so as to not distract from the proceedings, something he would pickup with his enhanced hearing as she would whisper, "She needs it. And.. Help her adapt and learn what she can do. That is beyond what I'm able to show her."

Hyperion has posed:
    And though things are going over his head.. around his head. Sometimes in one ear and out the other, Hyperion is doing his best to keep up. He doesn't understand a lot of the references here though. Still trying to figure things out. Mephisto? Atlantis? It's all new stuff that he really needs to study up on.

Reed Richards has posed:
Old Man Richards raises an eyebrow, "You may want to check wiyh the test of the mutant population. Those putside the Xavier's umbrella, Mystique and Lorna most noticeably. I addition Shield, and I have some resource more from a technical standpoint.

     Reed sighs, "More and more I am faced with my own mortality and limitations. You know I don't want that. There is no harm in admitting even the gods need assistance."

Diana Prince has posed:
"We are hoping for this to be a small step... for lack of a better way to put it." Diana speaks then, even showing a faint grin at the words. "I will spare you all from the rest of that. But, yes. It is a direction that mankind has been moving toward for ages now. We finally have the means to accomplish it, and though it may have questions that are yet to be answered, but the answers will come in time, I am sure of it."

She deactivates the holo-image then and offers everyone a little smile. "We look forward to hearing from each of you respectively. Please do just let us know if anything else can be provided to you for help with this project."

She glances off to the side then, before looking back to everyone. "Now, I suppose we can start the dining affair. I can see that Prince Thor is about to chew through his bottom lip from starvation." She teases the Asgardian before she grins more openly and walks toward the Hall assistants who are already bringing out the dinners for this evening.

Pleasant conversations from here on out, for those who wish to stay!