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Gotham Spring Gala
Date of Scene: 07 May 2022
Location: Gotham Botanical Gardens
Synopsis: A Gala in Gotham where... no one gets hurt and everything resolves rather peacefully?

Are we sure this is Gotham?

Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Stephanie Brown, Marc Spector, Natasha Cranston, Austin Reese, Jonathan Sims, Laura Kinney, Emiko Queen, Bart Allen, Cassie Sandsmark

Phoebe Beacon has posed:

Finally held after the threat of further influx of additional New York Refugees (and their subsequent return to the city), The Spring Gala for the Gotham had arrived, with all the glitz and glamour associated with it.

Outside, there is a section of street cordoned off so that cars with drivers can pull off t o the side and drop their pccupants off, surounded by newspaper and papparazzi photographers, ready to catch every step -- or fall -- of those who may be in attendance.

Coming off the fifty-foot red carpet and up the gray granite steps of a late Industrial age green house, the huge, arched double doors in Gotham Gothic fashion open wide to the narrowing of a coat-check, and then the expanse of the main room.

Stained glass windows usually depicting the founding of the city and remarkable moments from its past (minus, of course, No Man's Land and its local flying crimefighter family) are on display along the promenade to the main room, and visitors can wander among local flora examples and a famous (though encased) corpse flower plant named Pam.

Here in the main chamber of the green house, temporary displays showing small potted plants have been moved, and the pathways between winding tropical and subtropical trees have been widened to make room for guests and gowns.

The main floor of the gala is set for dinner and conversation. A long buffet-style table is decorated with small statues of fairies and Celtic gods and demi-gods in plaster and bronze form and serving up hot appetizers and hor'd'ourves -- including roast beef with horseradish and salmon with cream cheese and dill canapes -- are being served in both hot and cold plates. Servers walk around with glasses of champagne or sparkling white wines, dressed in green suits with peacock blue vests and wreaths about their heads -- some of the lady servers have small, blue or pink butterfly wings, and at least one server is wearing donkey ears.

Overhead, performers flit about on fly lines, dramatically 'swimming' through the air along the massive length of the greenhouse with large swallowtail butterfly wings helping to hide their harnesses as they go back and forth.

At the back of the room, positioned on either side of a grand display of fairies painted in spiraling, suspended glass loops that slowly twine with one another in an elegant dance, sparkling as blue and green lasers peirce the glass, reflecting the light all over the room.

Tables are set for a sit-down meal, with golden plates on a peacock-blue mat, gold chairs and golden 'silverware', round tables set for ten a piece. Fountains placed strategically provide dramatic places to lean, and offer relief from the dry conversation with the sound of pleasant water. One of the fountains has a fairy garden with a gnome using an umbrella to keep himself dry.

Synthwave appears to be the sound of the evening, drifting over the speakers set up in the greenhouse.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown is sitting in the back of a towncar that she had the driver stop short of the gala as she is on the phone. "No, I know, you need to take care of it. Really, I understand. Duty comes first," the young woman who is dressed up for the gala, after appointments to get her hair and makeup done. Appointments which still feel odd to the girl from the bad side of the tracks in Bristol.

"No, don't worry about me. Take care of things. You know me. I'll just go charm everyone and mingle and spritz the room with grace and- What do you mean that doesn't sound like me!?" she says, voice getting louder even as she grins at the teasing she's taking from the person on the other end of the call.

"Sure, just make it if you can. Just think I don't suspect you hired someone to drop that stiff before the end of your shift just so you could miss this," she says in a dramatic tone. "Alright. Love you too. Yes, if you can make it, come late. Please."

Stephanie hangs up and sighs, leaning back in her seat and telling the driver. "Ok, looks like I'm stag today. Let's go ahead." The driver nods and the car pulls forward.

The young blond woman departs the car at the end of the carpet rolled down the entranceway. She begins the walk past the paparazzi, smiling towards the cameras but not stopping. Thankfully without someone more famous beside her, most don't spend long on her as Stephanie finally makes the entrance.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Steven Grant tries to make these events when he can. With his notable absence from the Met Gala, publicity has been raging on whether or not he will snub the social elite once more and miss the Spring Gala. It seems that his PR team has managed to convince him to attend and so it's a big to do when the long white limo with the tell tale vanity plates of SPKTR (to reference his company, and nothing more, of course) pulls up.

    When he is ushered out his attire makes him even more of a photographic opportunity. Black mid-calf fold down boots cover his feet. The lack of polish and minor supple movement of the make speaks of the real leather deal. His legs are covered in white, close fitting tights of a shimmering material. The mold and fit to his muscluature with surprising ease. His top is high collar, double-breasted tunic a deep crimson color with short puffy sleeves to reveal the same white close fitting fabric covering his arms from bicip to wrist where they disappear into a pair of crimson and black gloves. A duo of black, patent leather belts cinch the tunic at waist and across the chest with a gold and ruby adornment (almost a brooch) fitted to the middle of the bandoleir-style belt over his toros. At his hip is a black sheathe holding what -might- be a rapier of delicate and ornate make with a golden filligree guard. To cap (literally) the entire outfit off is a gold and ruby crown resting atop his head.

    He holds the crown close as he emerges from the white stretch limo and allows the gathered press to photograph him, offering waves of greeting and smiles as his name is called. After a few moments he presses the ruby gem on the brooch-like adornment and a pair of massive black and gold butterfly wings sprout from seemingly nowhere on the back of the tunic with a burst of gasps from the crowd. He doesn't even seem to recognize the weight that they must add to the outfit, even with their delicate make, as he doesn't change his waves and smiles before he starts up the long red carpet.

    Once inside he presses the ruby once more and the wings collapse into a small attachment on the back of the bandolier belt. He sighs and with the approach done he relaxes considerably. He offers the rapier to the coat-check (wouldn't do to appear armed and dangerous for the event) and makes his way onto the floor straightening the ruby and gold crown on his head briefly before moving out. The decor is something he was expecting, but even so it still takes his breath away at the lovely design and exhibits on display.

    He manages to snag a glass of champagne as he moves about to peruse the scenery and see if any of the attendees are people he knows, it has been a while since he's made a public appearance after all.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    Managing the logistics of a major metropolitan city's worth of refugees - and their return - can be a stressful thing. With things back to relative stability Natasha feels she can afford to take the evening off -- and almost as importantly, be seen.

    Natasha has a reputation as a slightly flighty party animal, after all; she'd spent entirely too much time recently being competent and serious because she needed to be.

    She arrives fashionably late, wearing a deep black dress that glitters as if it had been strewn with stars underneath a translucent silk cape patterned to evoke the imagery of insect wings without actually being shaped so. A tasteful tiara in her hair completes the ensemble.

    She makes her way past the reception, pausing only barely long enough to exchange greetings and slip a personal cheque into the donation box before continuing on her way into the venue proper.

Austin Reese has posed:
This is not Austin Reese's environment. That much is obvious as he once again tugs at the bowtie around his neck, "Is it supposed to feel like this thing is choking me?" He asks, though to who is anybody's guess. He tugs it again. He's already inside, after all he was just...Some guy showing up. Nobody knows who he is, but he has an invitation and isn't dressed like a hobo, so security let him in.

At the moment he is standing not too far from the sealed up corpse flower, drinking from a non-alcoholic drink and thinking about how he'd rather be fist fighting some guy in a clown mask than standing around feeling uncomfortable. But it was made very clear to him that this sort of thing is...Part of the experience. So you have to learn to roll with it. At the moment he was just doing what he could to blend in, but how uncomfortable he feels is probably making him stand out like a sore thumb.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe arrives via a dark, expensive vehicle driven by a very smartly dressed British gentleman, who steps out of the vehicle to open the back passenger side door for the extended family member to step out.

She has had her hair recolored and braided with vivid orange, set in a maze-like pattern on her head and carefully pinned into place. Her eyeshadow was orange, with black cats-eye wings and dotted with white along the edges, her face expertly contoured and her lips dyed the same lucious orange.

    Her dress was set in a pattern of monarch butterfly wings, with burnt orange underskirts beneath and similarly colored heels on. Butterflies were affixed to her left shoulder in a sleeve, covering the scars and burnt-in emblems from her other job.

    She would also rather be fighting clowns than contending with her new peers.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jonathan Sims isn't normally one for such fancy parties, but for one reason and another he bought a ticket, rented a car, dressed up. Perhaps it's enough that he's a quasi-celebrity and something of a novelty, at least for Gotham: a superhero whose identity is publically known. He's been on the news openly as "the Archivist," including an interview with Terry O'Neil of the Daily Planet, and he doesn't bother hiding his face with a mask or anything when he's out heroing. How odd.

    Still, odd or no, the cameras don't really linger long, looking for better fodder for the gossip columns. So Jon's able to get out of the car and make his way to the entrance with a minimum of fuss. He's dressed formally, but not in any way most men there are; he's chosen to wear something of a formal kaftan, a spring green silk robe over matching trousers, embroidered along collar and sleeve-edges and hem in gold thread. He's clean-shaven, and his hair is dyed in teal and gold and blue, pulled back into a fairly simple braid. It's interwoven with fresh flowers, peonies and roses and hydrangeas. Somehow (magic) they're fresh enough to seem like they were fresh-plucked and still giving off floral scent.

    Oh, and the right hand sticking out from under the cuff of the long sleeve is shimmering emerald green. Look, if you've got magic and you're public about what you are, why bother hiding it? Magic's pretty cool, and it might make a good conversation starter.

    Once inside he takes a moment to add to the donation box; not as much as some attendees but every bit helps, right? Then he gets distracted gawking at the decor rather than grabbing a drink or actually talking to anyone, at least at first.

Laura Kinney has posed:
For an event this exclusive there are only really a few ways to get in. Be rich, be connected or be nefarious. Sadly X-23 isn't rich and her connections aren't really the kind which can be acknowledged in public. But she sure is trained to be nefarious.

A suitably high quality fake ID to go with an equally fake invitation. And a little work before the Gala to compromise the security system and get those details into the system and she's in. Arriving unfashionably early to avoid the press attention out front.

Thankfully an Outsiders credit card makes getting a suitably expensive party dress a trivial bit of shopping. Not that she's really attending high society events to enjoy herself but it's Gotham and there's usually a better than average chance of some sort of Supervillain trouble. The petite mutant has adopted the politely bored expression that's common to the.. ah.. professional plus ones in attendence in the hopes of blending in with the crowds. Waiting for something to inevitably go wrong.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko is arriving to the event on her own, as is often the case with such events. Stepping from the back of the limo with the helping hand from a valet, she swans forward in a stunning sleeveless rose-gold gown with a rather large bustle of pink-orange silk tied around her waist with a bow at the right hip, over-the-elbow gloves of deep rose and bronze, and a small coronet perched upon her head. The effect is like watching a sunset in motion as she moves up the row, smiling and waving to the crowds, pausing for photos from the paparazzi. After ascending the stairs, she turns in dramatic fashion, and undoes the bow at her hip, flipping the bustle out into an even longer train of copper and turquoise, changing the appearance of the gown completely. The gloves are stripped off to reveal a second pair beneath to match the new turquoise and copper colors, and the original gloves are tossed into the crowd as she poses for the next round of shots from the attending photographers.

Turning around, she sweeps into the event with a final smile and wave, a pair of attendants helping to attend to the exceptionally long train trailing behind her. Said train is detached completely and checked at the coat check, leaving her in the slim-fitted gown with the gloves and coronet as she enters the gala itself.

Moving around the room, she offers smiles and greetings to the attendees and various entourages, collecting up something to drink from a passing waiter with a tray.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Steven makes his way among the flowers offering kind, if few, words to some of the elite of Gotham and New York (peers are respected after all). He stops at the corpse flower display and sips his drink. He notices Austin's discomfort and adds, under his breath, "Relax. Confidence is key at these events. Even if you feel out of place, letting people know you feel that way will only encourage people to take notice."

    He continues to speak, not looking at the young man. "Think of it as a game. Winning is determined by how many people notice you at the start and how many people don't notice you at the end." He nods to the flower, taking another sip of the champagne. "Like this flower. So colorful and appealing in its noxious scent to those it needs. But in the end the scent is a lie and as such... it proliferates despite the deception."

    He glances at the gathered attendees. "Many are here to make a display and get the attention they desire. But in the end, a lot of their bluster and display is as much a deception as this flower's odor." He nods to the young man and offers a wink before making his way off to mingle more.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Once inside, Stephanie finally makes her way over to acquire a drink. Carrying the champagne flute, she wanders the crowd. Nodding her head and greeting with a smile those who say hello. Though no one that she actually knows, only those who she is familiar with because of studying Gotham society.

Finally, the young woman spots a familiar face. Stephanie imagines that Austin's expression is something like her own must have been. She makes her way over to him. "Evening Austin. You look fantastic," she tells him. "Have you been to many of these sorts of things before?" she inquires of the youngest to join the Wayne's extended family.

The young woman's eyes go to Steven, and Stephanie tips her head in acknowledgement and offers him a smile. "You are winning with the start part," she says with her eyes going to the crown, having overheard the comment. Stephanie's dress is lovely, with a sparkle that is meant to be reminiscent of fairies, and her makeup has a similar glint applied at various places to match.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    Natasha snags a champagne flute off a passing waiter's tray with the expertise of long practice, exchanging empty pleasantries with casual acquaintances as she makes her way through the crowd when Steven's comment catches her attention.

    "Of course it's deception, darling. Everything in life is, in one way or another."

    She takes another sip of her glass and smiles almost condescendingly as she gives Stephen a longer glance, taking in his Oberon costume. "We lie to others, we lie to ourselves, and we all pretend we believe each other's lies, and we call it 'society'... Isn't it great fun? Certainly better than the alternative, I'd say..."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Others are mingling, ladies wearing entirely too much expensive perfume, and re-applying once they go nose blind flit about making conversation.

    And Phoebe hasn't stopped for photographers, except for one kid with a cellphone camera who wanted a picture of the butterflies on her shoulder, but she comes up near the crowd surrounding Austin, hanging back a little and giving a small smile, folding her hands at her orange clutch.

    One of the waiters with the donkey ears pauses at the group, offering items from a tray of tapas -- olives and stuffed grape leaves.

Austin Reese has posed:
Coming from a guy dressed like that, Austin has to take the advice to heart. After all if you can still be confident in that kind of regalia, then it has to count for something, right?

"Thanks." He says in response to Steven, after listening to his advice, "I'll keep that in mind." He takes a moment to finish his drink and straighten his stance a bit, then smiles when Stephanie walks up, "Thank you, and nope." He replies, "Not too many formal galas in the Narrows these days."

He turns his attention to Natasha, and gives her a bit of a smile, "Well if everybody's faking it until they make it, then I suppose I should be good. I'm an expert at that." When the offered tapas shows up, Austin does grab some of the olives. He hopes it's the blue cheese stuffed kind, he did always like those.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon only really approaches the group near Austin because he's going to offer Phoebe a compliment on her dress--and gets distracted by tapas. He picks up a stuffed grape leaf with a smile of thanks for the waiter.

    "That /is/ the big secret nobody likes to admit to. None of us know what we're doing and we're all just making it up as we go along. I think society'd be better if people would just admit that. Save us all a lot of time and effort."

    He looks to Phoebe with a smile. "You're looking lovely tonight. And... /you/ took the theme rather literally, hmm?" He quirks a brow at Steven, and then offers polite smiles to the people he doesn't know. Which is... everyone else, except Emiko, wherever she is, and Laura, who's blending in. And then goes ahead and eats the stuffed grape leaf.

Laura Kinney has posed:
The aroma of perfume sadly makes it hard for Laura to monitor the situation by scent. Not impossible. But she'll have to circle around the room and mingle more if she wants to do a proper check for explosives, poisons and smuggled weapons. All of which are signs a Supervillain scheme is underway.

Subtle hand signals let her alert her fellow Outsiders without having to get close enough to draw attention. Just so they know she's around.

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko has stepped off to the side to take a call, but her smile when she hangs up suggests it was a good one. Moving back towards the entrance, she goes to ensure that her escort is allowed into the Gala. Wouldn't do for him to get caught at the door, after all!

She offers a few words to security and steps back out into the entrance, allowing a few more pictures as she scans for the familiar face in the outfit that yes, she did pick out for him. But really, it's very flattering to him!

Marc Spector has posed:
    Steven stiffens at the comment from Stephanie and some of his bravado crumbles. He chuckles a bit weakly and smoothes the front of his tunic. "Ah... yes. I figured since I missed the Met it would be good to make as much of an impression and make myself as visible as possible here." He takes up one of the tapas which quickly goes into his mouth, allowing him time to compose himself under the scrutiny of Natasha as well.

    Once his mouth is clear he shrugs. "It is part of the lifestyle and so I can't entirely complain." At Jon's arrival he smiles. Someone he knows, thank the gods. "Well... yes. I think that's what we're doing here. Admitting that it's all improvisation and motions rather than any true indication of who and what we are."

    He smiles again to Austin. "It's not terrible. It is just a fact of life. Everyone wears a mask, some are just more visible about it than others." He glances at the Archivist and inclines his head a gesture to his own placement in the latter as visible as he is.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown's grin for Austin suggests she knows how he feels. "Well, they aren't... entirely as bad as you might first think," she says. "Sometimes they can even be fun or something good can come of them," Stephanie adds with a small smile as if at a memory.

She looks around the gala. "And they are usually for a good cause. Though I always wonder if they wouldn't do better just getting donations and not spending for, all of it," she says with a gesture. "I don't know, maybe people wouldn't donate the same?"

She takes a small sip of her champagne, attention going to the others who come over. Natasha Cranston is definitely recognized. Stephanie has run into her on a number of occasions lately, though she doesn't expect to be recognized.

Austin Reese has posed:
"I bet a lot of these donations are a tax write off and a chance to show off their jewels." Austin says, "Looks good for the cameras I bet." He does pick up another drink from a passing waiter though, "I am intrigued with the folks flying around above us though. Nice costumes, but hopefully there's no emergency that needs to get them down."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    They are indeed olives on a bed of creamed blue cheese and crackers. Delicious if you enjoy olives, blue cheese and crackers.

    Phoebe looks down a moment, and brushes off her dress. "Well. It's what I was going to wear to the Fireman's gala, before I found the Queen Serenity dress..." Phoebe recounts quietly to Jon, her hand rising up to her left shoulder, and she gives a small smile and a shrug. "Wasn't such a good night for a silver-white dress." she offers as a mild joke, though she worries and fiddles with her clutch again.

    "I didn't think I'd be seeing you about the city; aren't you supposed to be in Austria?" she gives a smile to Jon, giving small nods to those she recognizes about the place, shoulders rising up slightly.

    Overhead, one of the swimmers turns a summersault in the air, to the 'oohs' and 'ahs' of some of the people watching .

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will show up late, maybe it is a flaw that comes with super speed, so many of the speedsters end up late to this place or that. He did call to let Emiko know though. So after a quick stop at the apartment for a shower and change, he will make his way to the gala. He watches a moment, and waits till someone has gotten out of a limo, and right as the attendant goes to shut the door, he will speed over phasing into the limo, and then catching the door before it shuts with his foot. The attendant blinks having not seen him, but Bart reassures him it is ok. He will smile as he sees Emiko, and start to head her way. He is wearing a suit made of velvet in a bronze color scheme. with a white button up shirt, and gold colored bow tie, and shoes to match. On his lapel is a small Siamese Tulip. He steps up to Emiko, and leans in to give her a soft kiss, and then steps back, and turns around to let her see how he looks in the suit.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon just shakes his head at some of the commentary, though his gaze is drawn up toward the performers. "One would hope they have safety measures in place," he murmurs. "Given... well. Gotham track record on these events." He gives Phoebe a sympathetic smile. "Given that track record, nobody should wear anything but red or black to anything, though. We all take our dry-cleaning bills in our hands, wearing any other color." A weak joke as well, but he keeps smiling faintly.

    "I /was/ in Austria. Came back this morning. It's amazing how much time you save when you can summon portals; skip the whole messy business at the airport, the entirety of the flight, /and/ save on the carbon footprint. Not to mention the airfare." He gestures about idly. "I'd already put everything together to come to this, and I've got an engagement in Metropolis tomorrow, so..." He shrugs.

    Glancing around, he adds, "I was half-hoping to run into someone I could talk to about... well, these are the events to hobnob with the types who'd know where to send a large sum for the Stadium or something, yes? Or... whatever might off-set the effect of taking in so many refugees from New York back in January."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko beams as Bart makes his appearance, laughing to herself at his chosen means of 'arriving'. When he makes it to the top, she returns the kiss before looking him over and murmuring, "You are looking -very- good. You wear it well." Then she tucks her hand into his arm so they can join the party!

Re-entering with her boyfriend and escort, leaving the paparazzi and crowds to ask themselves and each other about the young redheaded man in the elegant velvet suit, Emiko smiles up at Bart, "I believe most of your friends are gathered around the corpse flower exhibit. Shall we go say hello?" Nodding towards the small group even as she starts in that direction.

Natasha Cranston has posed:
    If Natasha recognizes Stephanie in turn, she doesn't let it show other than to smile at the girl briefly - but then, she seems to be on her third glass already and she's smiling at everyone.

    Austin's comment draws a laugh, clear and tinkling as midnight chimes. "Perhaps so, my darling boy -- but tell me; do you think the the Botanical Gardens will care whether a donation was made in earnest charity, or as a tax writeoff?"

    She chuckles, setting her glass down after a quick sip. "There's a charming jewish story about a rich Jew who went to his Rabbi saying he wanted to build an orphanage, but he didn't know who to talk to to get one started. The Rabbi praised him, and put him into touch with some people. A few weeks later, the man came back and told him he'd decided not to build the orphanage because he'd realized he only wanted to be admired as a philantropist rather than from true charity, and he was ashamed of his selfishness."

    She smiles again and turns to snag a fresh glass from a passing waiter. "The Rabbi, of course, swatted him on the head, saying 'Do you think the orphans will care what your motives were? Build the orphanage!' "

    She takes a sip. "I suppose the moral of the story is that good deeds are still good even if the person doing them did so for selfish reasons; the good still happens."

Austin Reese has posed:
"I suppose not." Austin replies to Natasha, then listens to her story, considering it a bit, before he nods a couple of times, "That's a good point. I suppose being, uh, new to this kind of scene has made me a bit cynical. You're right, it is for a good cause." He takes another drink, and then takes a moment to look around at some of the plants on display, "Only ever got to come here once before, when I was really young so I barely remember it. School field trip, that part I do remember. I suppose these kinds of events help fund those."

Marc Spector has posed:
    Steven offers his eyes upward to the performers and he smiles and offers a quiet clap at some of the acrobatics. "I'm certain that they practice quite enough for such displays." He listens to Natasha's story. It's one he's heard plenty of times. After all, being raised in a Jewish household it was one that was offered plenty of times to him and one he took to heart in almost everything he does.

    "Well said..." he adds to the woman's tale. "Even so, I think that most of us here are more than willing to help such a positive cause. Between the influx of refugees--some who decided to stay if I am not mistaken from reports--and the recent burst of interest in nature's beauty, for us to come together and support Gotham's own growth towards a more natural envornment is only proper.

    He gives Jon a sympathetic look and hands his empty flute to a passing tray carrier. "I wouldn't know where to start with such donations. I, ah... let my CFO handle where those things end up. I'm afraid I'm as lost as you as to who best to carry funds of that nature."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Aah. I'm not quite that talented." PHoebe admits with a little embarrassment and a small shrug tp Jon, and she goes to make her way to the group proper.

    "Good evening, everyone." she smiles to the group mildly, holding a glass in her black-gloved hands.

    "The Botanical Garden is looking to buy additional property adjacent to Robinson Park; part of it would be going towards a community garden, some of it towards a nursery for saplings to replace some trees which have begun to develop either fungus or infestations of elm borer." she replies, and she introduces herself.

    "Phoebe, I'm... representing Tim Drake this evening." she smiles, "Though I'd like to think I look better in the dress than he would." she states, motioning down to the orange ombre of the very monarch dress.

    There is a bit of a commotion further in; at the fountain where the little gnome had an umbrella, there is a bit of some Words being had between two gentlemen regarding the ownership of the local baseball team and how management should be fired. One of them happens to be the manager.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods to Emiko, and walks with her hearing the last of the conversation he smiles and says "Tim would probably want it in red anyways." He grins a bit and will smile to those gathering "Everything looks great, you did a wonderful job setting it up." He offers, he does put the snatch on some snacks as they pass by and even grabs Emiko a glass from one of the waiters. "So, will there be a chance we can help with planting stuff too, something were we can feel like we are helping more?"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown breaks out in a soft grin as she hears Phoebe. "You do, but would love to see him in it just the same," she says warmly to the other woman, the big grin making it clear she's already seeing it in her mind's eye.

Another sip of the champagne is taken as Stephanie turns her attention over to the arguing men. Her brow furrows for a moment as if she's wondering if the one man looks familiar, or perhaps has placed the face but isn't quite sure if she's right on who it is. "Ah, to have a job that invites such public scrutiny," she murmurs.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Still good to examine one's motivations," Jon comments as he snags a champagne flute from a passing waiter. "The Botanical Gardens may not care if people are only donating for the tax writeoff, or the momentary burst of good feeling, but in the totality of personal actions... well. Are you actively contributing to the destruction of natural habitat and then donating to assauge a guilty conscience? Maybe work on that." He shrugs, and aside to Steven, "I'll figure it out, don't worry."

    Noticing Bart and Emiko coming over he turns and smiles widely. "Oh, you two look great! I've been trying to think of this as a fancier version of professional conferences but I guess for you it's... sort of a professional conference, hmm?" He chuckles at the thought of Tim in the monarch dress, but focuses on whatever the response to Bart's question is.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie is late-arriving, but she makes up for it in costuming. She is dressed, in artistic abstract, as a nymph. But not some random sexy halloween costume nymph. Because this is, well, Wonder Girl, there is a lot of specific detail in the costume, likely bringing a great deal of specificity to the depiction of a specific being... Heck, it could be someone she knows!

In any case, she wears a one-shouldered green dress of layered diaphanous fabrics, while her bare shoulder, arm, and various other parts of her exposed skin are intricately painted with patterns of lush greens, warm browns, and touches of gold. Her hair is done up in a gathered style, held in place with a laurel crown. Accessories add other details, such as a stole of soft white fur, and a dangling apple charm that hangs beneath her bracer on one wrist. Naturally, her footwear is a pair of sandals with high criss-cross lacing.

And for all of that...

"Oh gosh, I hope it's not all over!" she squeaks, stumbling the last few steps through the entrance as she seems to rush along to make up for it, looking around as she makes her way inside. The crush of press and attention is much less now, so she has at least THAT going for her as she pauses to adjust a leafy detail just beyond the threshold. Then she starts to look around a second time, trying to get her bearings and find her friends. But there's a lot of people, and she quickly goes for plan B: Phone!

Laura Kinney has posed:
The nice thing about having fake documents is you can help yourself to the cocktails and expensive flutes of fizz as they circulate. Sadly X-23 is also pretty much immune to the effect of alcohol. So it does nothing to ease the tension. Will villains attack? Won't they? Who can say.

Certainly not Laura. Her nose has yet to pick up anything more than the event security. Checking the drinks for poison was her last hope of a good calamity.

And with no signs of peril Laura takes up position near the edge of the crowds. From where she can wallflower discreetly and think about what sorts of trouble she can find for herself afterwards. Perhaps battling ninja on a dockside warehouse rooftop..

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emiko smiles towards Jon as the pair approach, accepting the glass from Bart with a murmured thanks. "Thank you, I love your outfit as well. As a scion of the Queens, it does occasionally fall to me to present a good public persona for the family." She sips from her glass and chuckles, "Especially given how much Ollie seems to genuinely despise these affairs."

She turns to Phoebe and smiles, "This is wonderful, truly. You did an amazing job with all of it." Emi sips on the champagne and glances upwards, chuckling, "If Dick Grayson makes an appearance from above, I would say that you win the Rich People Oneupsmanship."

Marc Spector has posed:
    Steven nods to Jon. "Indeed." Bart's question (and the appearance of him and his date) gets his attention with a bright smile. "That is a wonderful idea and one that could perhaps show motivations better than any other, in my opinion." He staves off an offer for a third drink by one of the staff with a polite gesture.

    Cassie's entrance is noted--after all, Oberon would be remiss if he didn't notice the closest thing to Titania entering the establishment, even if they were separate for the night. Perhaps he might have a chance to speak with the young woman later on; for now his attention turns to Phoebe and he offers his own silent inquiry for Bart's offer.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a bright smile to Stephanie, and she gives a wink. "We'll have to see what we can do." she replies, and she sips her glass. It's not bubbly, her eyes narrow a moment. "Oh, to have a job." she remarks, absolutely with a sardonic tone to her voice, then turns to answer Bart's question:

    "Oh, no, I.... I'm not part of the planning of this, any of this. I'm just standing in for Tim this evening following an accident with an emu and a pacifier delivery truck on Route 35 this morning." she jokes, giving a wave of her hand as she makes up a ridiculous reason for her repping the Waynes. It's all still in the planning stages. I just happen to know because I met one of the planners when I ran my Gotham Hope blog; it finally got approval right before Christmas." she states, her ears and cheeks darkening out of embarrassment. "I'm not anyone so special as to make plans like this." she motions around.

    And Cassie makes an entrance, and the butterfly-clad young woman gives a wave to the blonde Wonder Girl, standing with a group of Outsiders and Bats and Bat-Adjacents.

    "Look at how regal and delicate she looks!" she foces a segue!

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will wave biggly at Cassie, it has been a while since he has seen his friend and he is glad to see her. He looks over to Emiko, and says "You have not met Cassie yet have you? She ran around with us not long after Tim, and Conner, and I .. met at camp." He adds to cover how he knows the others "Been a while since I seen her, last I heard she was visiting her family."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Once the phone is out (she seems to have a little costume-matching white fuzzy handbag for it) Cassie rattles off a quick text to one of her friend groups: not so coincidentally, a few notification sounds might go off around the room. It's like echolocation, kinda! And maybe unecessary, as she catches Phoebe waving and Bart right there as well, but hey.

With at least a few people she knows identified and located, she makes her way over, leafy-green skirts swishing about her. Swish swish swish. "Hey Pheebes! El Barto. Wassup? Isn't this all wild? I'd have gotten here sooner but it took two Amazons like three hours to do all my paint and hair! Anyone know who I am?" Yep. Incredibly specific, 'myth' (are they still myths when you know them IRL?)-accurate costume.

Bart introduces Emiko, and she offers a big smile. "Oh yeah. We had a whole lot of fun at 'Camp', haha."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon actually flushes a little darker at Emiko's compliment, putting his glowing green hand to his hair, flowers and all. "Thank you. Not quite so, ahh, professional as everyone else's. The clothing was my grandfather's and my daughter did my hair." Contrary to earlier discussions of deception and masks, he at least is quite willing to admit to such things in public.

    They turn as Phoebe points out Cassie and raise their eyebrows. "Now /that's/ an outfit," they murmur, and then take a drink from their champagne flute. The tone holds appreciation for the aesthetic and the dramatic impact rather than anything else. A pause, eyeing the outfit. "Given the laurel crown... Daphne? Mmmm." They don't sound certain.

Austin Reese has posed:
"I'm gonna leave that question up to the experts." Austin chimes in, as he admires Cassie's outfit, and then he properly introduces himself, "I'm Austin, I'm one of Phoebe's friends. Although I didn't know she was going to be here. Excuse me a second." He leans away to grab another plate passing by, not even sure what it is, but it looks good enough. Hey he's never one to pass up free food...Well 'free'. It's not like it didn't cost an arm and a leg to walk through that door in the first place.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"That just makes it more impressive, Jon. You came up with your own, I had to work with a professional clothing designer to come up with these." Emiko chuckles and lifts a small shrug towards him. Sipping from her glass, she nods to Phoebe, "Is the director of the program here? We could speak with him regarding more direct volunteer opportunities, in addition to whatever donations are being made?"

Turning towards Cassie, she offers a warm smile, "A pleasure to meet you Cassie. Emiko Queen. I'm just Bart's arm candy for the evening." She looks over the outfit, then purses up her lips, "Harmonia?" In regards to who she's dressed as, potentially.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Steven smiles at Cassie and offers voice to his earlier suspicion. "I'd be laughed out of the location if I didn't offer a suggestion of Titania... counterpart to my own Oberon" he says. He offers his hand to Cassie. "I'm Steven Grant, by the way. A pleasure to meet you. Bruce--" he pauses and clears his throat, "Sorry, Mr. Wayne and I are peers or a sort and it behooves me to attend these gatherings in Gotham, just as he does in New York."

    He nods and points a finger at Emiko. "That would've been my next guess. Though, yours is just as good, Jon" he adds, noting the Amazonian reference.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Generally through theri volunteer website. GOtham, you know, they have to vet all volunteers so that there's not shenanigans..." Phoebe gives a smile, and then a shrug of her shoulders. "At least that's the theory, I'm kind of shadowing the grants coming through the Thomas and Martha Wayne foundation... and hoping to get an advance notice when the corpse flower is going to bloom. I'd like to get pictures." she gives a slightly embarrassed smile.

    "Plants were kind of my thing before we lost our house. I just don't have the same amount of time to garden as I used to." she explains.

    She gives a smile to Cassie, and gives a soft hum.

    "Leto, maybe?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks to Cassie, and says "Emiko, is more than arm candy, she is my girl friend, yea I don't know how I got so lucky either." He offers with a smile. " He hmmms and asks "A relative?" " As if asking for a clue, and then turning to Phoebe "You should come over and see Emiko's rooftop garden sometime, it is great, and thought you would get a kick out of it when I first saw it.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Both Phoebe's reaction and Jonathan's get a big grin out of Cassie in turn, and she reaches to hold up the hem of her skirt a little and makes a pose! "Thanks! My make-up team should really get the credit- when I mentioned the theme and my idea, everyone got super into it and just went crazy." And Amazons don't mess around!

She gets a number of guesses, but makes a show of keeping a very straight face as she weighs each of them. "Mmmmm. Daphne's closest! The wreath's probably a bit of a mislead since we use it as a general regal and heroic decoration in her honor, but you named a relevant nymph so I give you half points!" Out of how many? Cleary this is very made-up scoring. Then, to Emiko, flashing Bart a quick thumbs up when she introduces herself as his date: "There's both a goddess and a nymph with the name- although I'm guessing you mean the former. Is it because of the apple?" She holds up her hand with the bangle.

Then she breaks into a laugh, twirling toward Marc. Or Steven, whatever! "She's some whole other kinda creature!" Cassie won't say she's not real, because well, most people would say that about all her 'mythical' friends, but there's still a difference to draw. "But you know the etymology is still sort of there. Shakespeare took the name from the daughters of the Titans generally... which she is. So, I guess you're not technically wrong. One tenth points!"

She grins, and looks back at Phoebe. "Nooooope." Then another laugh. "We're all big old nerds for this stuff, so don't let me make anyone feel bad about it. I didn't mean to turn this into name-the-nymph! It's an awesome party."

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Harmonia because of the Amazons," Emiko flashes a smile towards Cassie before canting her head and really looking Cassie over, lips pursed up as she considers the other young woman, then finally shakes her head, "There's simply too many possibilities to pick from. It would have to be narrowed down."

She looks to Bart and winks, "I like being both just now." Though she's certainly pleased at the correction from her boyfriend. Sipping from the glass, Emi looks back to Steven and chuckles, "Great minds think alike?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Hey, I liked mythology and legendry before I was involved with the Amazons by extension." Phoebe replies with a small grin, and she gives a nod to Emiko.

    "I had a rooftop garden a couple years ago, but when I moved to New York it wasn't quite as feasable. Bart kept an eye on mine for me, though, and I managed to get a couple of planter boxes going in New York before... ah... we had a roof issue." Phoebe gives a small smile, and she breathes out, looking to Steven and Jon, and then back to the younger group, settling her shoulders a moment.

    "So, other than introducing anyone to the volunteer coordinator, what else is going on in life?"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Well you can't just leave us all hanging," Jon protests, though he's smiling. "Which nymph is it, then? It's lovely work, regardless, all the paint and everything. I just plucked flowers from the air and got them braided in."

    He focuses, then, on the nearby corpse flower, curiously. "It's blooming soon? They're fascinating plants. The way a single leaf winds up looking like a tree." He frowns at Phoebe, sympathetically, at 'roof issue,' but doesn't comment.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Working a lot, but thought that have been able to help with Emiko's animal rescue project. It is coming along well, but she is keeping track of all the day to day stuff alot better than me." He grabs some more food as it passes by. He does offer some to Emiko. Bart giving someone else first choice of food? It must be love.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Steven inclines his head to Cassie. "Partial marks are better than no marks at all" he says grinning to Emiko. A small chirp comes from the inside of his tunic and he frowns. "Excuse me a moment" he says moving a bit apart from the group. He produces a phone from inside his tunic-coat and places it to his ear. He listens for a moment, a frown on his face. After a moment he sighs and nods. "I see. I'll be there shortly."

    Tucking the phone back into his coat he returns to the group. "I must apologize but... a small emergency has risen back at Headquarters which requires my attention. It was lovely to meet you all... and good to see you again, Jonathan. Hopefully, we will see each other again at future events. Until then." He bows graciously, even managing to keep the crown atop his head from falling off.

    Once his departures are made he heads toward the coat-check, depositing his own donation slip in the box for such things before retreiving the ornamental sword he arrived with, affixing it to his belt. Then he pauses at the door to allow the brilliant black and gold wings to emerge from their small compartment once more as he heads out into the throng of press.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"The apple and the wool stole are the main hints," Cassie explains as Emiko gives her reasoning. "And I thought you mighta done... like apple to Eris to Harmonia, or something! But yeah, there's practically a gajillion different nymphs, of like, a bunch of different kinds. So I didn't really expect anyone to guess it. I actually met a whole forest full of them recently but that's a different story..."

Amazon nonsense!

Skipping ahead, she nods back at Jonathan and just explains: "I'm supposed to be one of the Hesperides; they represent apple trees and, weirdly, sheep. Supposedly, their garden or grove was the source of the apple of discord from THAT whole thing." Which has ANOTHER association for Cassie, but not one she highlights here!

"They also all came to represent different time of day. Aigle is supposed to be dazzling or sunny, so I thought I might fit for her!" Is there ANY chance anyone would have gotten it? Probably not. It's about par for the course, given she was raised by a stuffy historian and archeologist even BEFORE she got thrown into the real life version.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    That is about the time when chimes ring, announcing that the sit-down meal is about to be served, calling all to the tables, laid with peacock blue linens and golden utensils -- and all can eat their fill.

Even Bart. Someone's going to have to eat all the canapes. People watching, smoozing, rubbing elbows with the elite goes late into the night, and this gala, at least, is of the very, very boring kind -- other than the manager of the Gotham baseball team getting into a fist-fight with a CFO of a Fortune 100 company.

    Which was taken care of quite neatly by security.