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Latest revision as of 12:17, 5 July 2022

Fourth of July in NYC
Date of Scene: 05 July 2022
Location: Liberty Island
Synopsis: Tony Stark announces his committment to bring Stark Industries carbon neutral by 2030. It is pointed out just how many places already are.
Cast of Characters: Tony Stark, Karen Starr, Asariel, Hyperion, Diana Prince, Donna Troy, Cinque Evers, Kaida Connolly

Tony Stark has posed:
    There is a bandstand assembled towards the front of the display, and throughout the park there are vendors offering all manners of foods and delights for the gathered audience. For the most part, those displays are not bearin the Stark Industries logos, although there are some stands that are there offering various branded items - coozies, water bottles, and the like. It seems like they may be posed for something, but at the moment, are simply part of the backdrop.

    As the hour for the fireworks draws near, there is a bit of motion over near the grandstand area. People wonder aloud if it will be Tony Stark or Iron Man who shows up, and what the big surprise he had announced is. A low grade hum is in the crowd, and for the most part, the Stark Industries employees that are present are tight lipped.

    The sun begins to go down, and it is only a matter of time before the show can begin. Let the speculation as to the announcement commence!

Karen Starr has posed:
    A big, July 4th celebration is not typically the place to find Power Girl. Really, any sort of celebration is not the place to find her, but- today is somewhat different.

    First, it's some big thing that Tony is planning- which means that the Avengers have to make a showing, and as tentative as Power Girl's existence on the Avengers sometimes may be, she is still one of them. Second, if Tony's doing a thing, and it's big, and it's public, and it's on a /holiday,/ that's more or less all of the ingredients for any one of a small mountain of problems.

    As a result, there is a figure impassively floating some distance off into the sky, not at all invisible to those on the ground- but clearly keeping to herself out of the festivities as they have begun. Arms folded, the powerful frame of Power Girl is, for now, silently keeping watch.

Asariel has posed:
Asariel had decided to put her newest sculpture to the side and go see some fireworks. The white haired Nephilim is dressed in a summery crimson colored dress and sandals that are a sapphire color. Her silver gaze gives a look over the crowds that have gathered and she starts to move along the fringes of the crowd, looking for a place to sit comfortably or to stand and watch the announcement and the fireworks to follow. She's flying solo tonight, but that hasn't dampened her spirits any given Chas was just very busy these days.

Hyperion has posed:
    Well, with other League members RSVPing in for the celebration, July 4th is at least something Hyperion knows and celebrates back home also. Nice to know some things were never different in his home universe than here. The fact that as Mark Milton, he works for the Bugle doesn't hurt. But either way, he descends out of the blue sky in a slow arc. He doesn't want to spook anyone with super duper fast arrivals. That could cause all sorts of misunderstandings and other trouble. So the black and gold clad caped man descends from the sky to land on the edge of the event grounds with gentle grace...

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana is here this evening, but not in any official capacity. This was a 'eye catching event' and she felt it best to just be here and see what all the hub-bub was about. She'd had many different places to be today, but this was where she was choosing to spend the evening to enjoy the fireworks, once they start.

Dressed casually, the Princess is wearing a black leather motorcycle jacket with an American flag etched in to the back of the leather behind her shoulders. Her dark hair is done up in a bun on the crown of her head, and she's wearing some black denim pants that are slim fit to her form. Beneath the jacket she has a low-scooped neckline top on of white that is airy and flows in the breezes around her waistline. The Princess has on a pair of heeled boots that put her up a couple inches off the earth, giving her a tall presence of just over six feet in height. She stands out, literally.

Diana's eyes are moving around the festivities, as she glances down at her phone, typing something upon it with one thumb, swapping it around the keys on the screen...

Donna Troy has posed:
    Fireworks are fun, even if you're not American and have no particular reason to celebrate the day. They are especially fun to someone raised on an island where fireworks aren't a thing, and honestly that's the main reason why Donna Troy is here today. To watch things explode prettily in the sky without there being an alien invasion or similar involved.

    She did not come here with Diana -- it's a coincidence the two Amazons are both here, but one that Donna chooses to exploit when she spots her sister in the crowd.

    Donna /sneaks up/ on Diana. There are no trees to hide behind, no undergrowth to crawl through. It's not like sneaking up on her in the old days, which had been one of Donna's favorite past times back on the island. Thus she doesn't make a particularly strong effort of sneaking, just takes advantage of the motion of the crowd to stay out of sight whilst approaching from behind.

    "Pssst," Donna whispers dramatically from behind Diana. "I gotta crime tip for you. The hotdogs are way over priced and have far too little onion on them. It's a crime. Hi Di."

    Donna does indeed have an overpriced hotdog, and while it may be a little shy of fried onions, it's tasty and she seems to be enjoying it.

Cinque Evers has posed:
Eventhough there are many places where a person can capture the Fourth of July's fireworks in New York City, Cinque wanted to see what of spectacle that Stark Industries is going to put on tonight. Cinque got here early and placed his bis red, white abd blue blanket in the middle of the festivals. Hr decided to bring his own picnic basket filled with different types of fruits, cheeses, and bottle of wine to open when the fire works starts.

Cinque casually observes the area as he begins to capture the plethora of sights, sounds and aromas that are going on around him. He cherishes the sight and soungs of a young mother giving raspberries to her child's belly. The aroma of cotton candy and popcorn mixing through the crowd. The sound of couple arguing over leaving early so they don't get stuck in traffic. A small smile appears on his face as he takes in all of the events and many more, remembering them now and forever.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Standing atop the shoulder of Donna, Kaida also has an overprised hotdog, as it were. It looks far too big for the small girl but she has it above her head all the same, carefully chewing through the side of it and then into the other side. She chews the delicious food and then looks over at Diana.

"Hi!" She states carefully and then frowns as she looks over at the other people here. She squints a little before looking again to Donna and then back around.

"Looks like everyone is ready for fun." She tries to smile a little but she doesn't precisely feel like celebrating at the moment, she's trying though.

Tony Stark has posed:
        Once the sun has truly set, the music begins. It is a lively march, one often used to accompany the old school Howard Stark videos. A sign to everyone to draw their conversation to a close, to settle in, and to listen.

    The speaks begin a voice-over, and it is that of Tony Stark. "My friends, for years we have celebrated the Independence of the United States on this day, with displays of power, light, sound, heat. And it certainly has been glorious.

    As if on cue, an image of the American flag appears out of nowhere in the sky, banner flapping as in the breeze. Some form of technical wizardry, perhaps, as it floats above the harbor.

    Tony Stark's voice continues. "Today, I would like to use this day to send a different sort of message, one of independence, but one that I think is even more critical. Because there is a challenge facing us, all of us, on planet Earth, an enemy that must be fought.

    The image of the flag slowly shifts, and it takes on the shape of the Swastika.

    The narration continues. "When there are Nazis to fight, we call on my friend Captain America."

    A red while and blue shield enters from the left, exploring the Swastika into remnants.

    The green symbol of HYDRA appears.

    "When HYDRA rears its ugly head, SHIELD comes in to save the day.

    The SHIED logo descends from above, squashing the HYDRA one.

    "When enemy forces of all kinds threaten this world, the Avengers and others come to the rescue."

    Several symbols of ominous nature appear, and much smaller than the prior symbols, hero marks fly in, shattering them - Captain Marvel's Starburst, a giant X, the S shield of Superman, the Bat symbol, too many to name.

    "But the greatest threat that faces this planet is one that neither Captain America, nor SHIELD, nor the Avengers, nor any of the other heroes can combat. It is one that YOU must help us defeat!"

    The images shift to the hand of Iron Man, dominated by that repulsor ray, and it shifts, twisting, index finger pointing at the crowd.

Asariel has posed:
Asariel finds a seat to settle into and there is a quick text typed out onto her phone and then sends it. She's rather quiet as she looks to the message that is narrated by Tony Stark. She's curious to see where this message is going. The visuals are stunning though and the artist appreciates a good show!

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana is not so easily snuck up upon, and as her sister arrives, she sends off that text message that she was typing out, then slips her phone in to her jacket pocket. Her eyes go back to Donna, and to Kaida who both get a sly grin from the Princess. "Oh, I believe you." She says of the hotdogs, her eyes dancing to the vendors selling them, then back to the two. "Perhaps I will save my apetite for when I get back home later?" She says with a coy lofting of her right eyebrow.

"In fact..." She's saying, before the music starts. This causes her to trail off, as she shifts her gaze toward the arriving Stark, and his presentation that he's putting on now.

"Well then, I guess it is beginning..." Diana quietly says, before falling quiet... to watch. Of course, the transition to showing such symbolism on Independence Day has the Princess furrowing her dark brows as she just watches with interest for the time being, to see... indeed... where this is going.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna gives Diana a playful grin, and shrugs one shoulder -- the one Kaida isn't perched on. She takes a demonstrative bite of her hotdog. "They taste good though," she says. "I could get you one. If you save your appetite for until you get back home, you'll just fill up on Salty Pimp. I know you."

    "'It is beginning'..." Donna repeats when the display starts. "That sounds ominous. What's he up to now? Too early to be declaring candidacy again, isn't it? Perhaps he's planning to rally the crowd, whip them up into a fervor and send them to conquer the space port for him. You hear anything, Di?"

    When the superhero symbols appear, Donna raises an eyebrow at Kaida, which is a little tricky due to proximity. "I didn't see a mouse symbol, did you? There's his mistake right there. Shoulda brought a mouse with him."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Casually, Kaida's ears twitch about at all the various little presentations as she looks around before looking to Donna with a shake of her head. She glances around again and bites down another hunk of hotdog and swallows.

"People just don't understand the true power of the small." She shrugs her shoulders and smiles over at Diana. She waves a tiny hand at her as the hotdog is now small enough. She then looks over at the presentation and considers.

"I wonder if this is gonna be one of those hokey motivational things."

Karen Starr has posed:
    From her position in the sky, Karen has a good vantage on the crowd, which retains her attention for the start of Tony's speech. There are also- that she notices- plenty of other hands on deck, as it were, to handle anything if it arises.

    When the images start to flash, Power Girl starts to descend- whatever Tony's announcing clearly isn't Avengers related, and she isn't about to make anyone feel uncomfortable by looming in the sky for much longer. Since the announcement began without issue, she slowly starts to descend.

    Arms still folded, an impassive, stern expression on her features, Power Girl arrives at the party next to Diana- though her descent is silent, it's hard not to see her approach. After all, it sure is Power Girl.

    "I hate everything about this." she states, looking around and forcing herself, somewhat, into what is happening around Di.

    "Whatever happened to a plain and simple press conference? Why did this need to be some big... /Thing?/"

Cinque Evers has posed:
The mixture of the technical wizardy used to produce images and Cinque's accelerated perception of those same images illiicts some genuines "oohs" and "awd" from Cinque. After hearing the final Iron Man statement, Cinque peers around the crowd and rhetorically asks. "Is this some sort of Stark Industries hiring event or is Tony Stark running for something? Tarik begins to open the bottle of wine, "This might be a very long night."

Tony Stark has posed:
    After a pause to allow the crowd to murmur their conjecture about who or what their foe is, the image of a spinning globe appears, but with greens dulled, greyish, and the blues lackluster. "My friends, we are both the enemy and the solution, and the threat is the changing climate of the planet that we live on. For too long we have had dependence on fossil fuels, and we have stripped the planet of its resources and polluted its airs. I have been guilty of this as well, as has my father, and many others like us. And that is what I am here to say today - we must become Independent, wholly, from fossil fuels.

    Another pause, again to allow the crowd to discuss, but a shorter one this time.

    "We have to work together to get there, I know that. But I am considering this my number one priority, as it has been, but now, I am make a commitment to you." The narration pauses, for dramatic effect. "Stark Industries will be completely carbon neutral by 2030."

    This time, the pause is longer, to allow for discussion, as the spinning globe starts to look greener, the blues more vibrant. A healing globe.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana just looks over at Donna with a small grin showing. "Oh, well if you are buying, then that changes everything." She sasses back at the other Princess before she just shows a light smile toward Kaida. "I believe in you." She tells the little one softly before Power Girl's arrival on her other side gets a look from her, and likely many others gathered around nearby to see the powerhouse of a woman land out of the darkened sky.

At what Power Girl says, Diana just flashes her a smile, and reaches her left hand out to touch Karen's elbow, and give it a light squeeze. "I am sure he did not have you in mind when he made this slide show." She quietly says back to the Kryptonian as the presentation continues onward.

At the revelation of the environmental elements of this show, Diana just softly smiles as she hears people in the audience starting to applaud.

Asariel has posed:
Asariel gives a bit of a look over the crowd when the big announcement comes down. With the world the way it was with pollutants it was good for big companies to be taking steps towards lessening their footprints on the Earth. The white haired woman gives a little round of applause for the efforts. Then she looks down to her phone and there is a soft tapping as she returns a text that she received. She then places it back in her bag and returns her gaze to the announcement going on.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna greets Power Girl with a nod and a whispered "/sem zhehd w iirgish fidh/" which she accompanies with a smirk. For those who don't speak Kryptonian - 'he likes to make a splash'.

    "Part motivational and part press release I guess," she concludes. "But to be fair, it's good to see that he's taking the environment a bit more seriously. I wonder if Stark Industries is going to take some steps to reduce reliance on rare earth elements too. That would be a big step."

    She nudges Diana. "Hey Di. Can we put out a press release announcing that Themyscira has been carbon neutral for fourteen hundred years? Just to annoy him? Pleeeease?" Donna grins and offers Di a bite of her hotdog.

Tony Stark has posed:
    "Tonight was a step forward - the display you are about to witness is constructed entirely from drones, simulating the sounds and heat of fireworks. Powered entirely by solar energy and manufactured in our wholly green plan in Hoboken, there was not a single fossil fuel used for tonight's display."

    The drones start to shift, and a few explosions demonstrate this. They are felt by those close, the sound against their face, the heat. The only thing missing is the smell of ash.

    "Enjoy the show, and if you wish to take part in the Stark Commitment, stop by one of our booths on the way out and see how you can help do your part. Together, we can save this for everyone. Thank you, and enjoy our Independence Day!"

    And with the presentation concluded, the sound shifts to the familiar strains of the 1812 Overture, and the drones light up the sky in a fireworks display that looks nearly indistinguishable from the gunpowder explosions of prior years.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A look is given to Power Girl and Kaida grins a little. She smirks at DIana next and smiles wider before shaking her head and looking over to Donna. Her ears twitch and so does her nose for a moment. She would add to it but Kaida would rather just finish off her hotdog. She does just that and looks around.

"I'm gonna go poke around at the various things to see, Donna." She smiles and leaps down and races off, giving a wave to Diana before heading off into the little celebration.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Squeezing at an arm only reminds Diana that the woman she's standing next to is made of steel- and that has nothing to do with her Kryptonian heritage. Still, the little gesture at her elbow gets Karen to sigh and roll her eyes. "I don't care what he was /thinking/ about, I care that this is just such... Bread and circuses." she states, finally uncoiling her arms from one another to throw them momentarily into the air.

    At the very least, once she's done that, she's giving less of the crowd confidence issues.

    "You know, for the amount that he put into this, I'm sure he could have put out a number of fireworks packages for families in need- that were making use of the drone technology? Or maybe some kind of outreach-"

    Karen takes in a breath. It is likely that Diana was already on her way to reorient the woman. Tony is doing good. Good things. This is a good thing. Tony. Good.

    "I told Kal that I wouldn't spend the night heckling and that I'd be nice. I'm going to be nice."

    Who is she even /telling/ all of this? Why, herself of course.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana pulls her hand back from Karen when the blonde bombshell throws her hands up in to the air. This gets a little grin from the Princess who then averts her gaze up to the displayed fireworks being put on show by Stark's tech, and employees. She smiles at this, hearing Donna's aside which has her laughing softly. "I think we will let him focus his ire on others this evening, and not our far superiour efforts in being Carbon neutral for so long." She is just teasing too, of course.

She does offer a wave to Tony, assuming he 'may' have seen her in the crowds, but either way, her eyes watch Kaida run off before she just looks back up to the simulated fireworks display.

"It is a lovely gesture, and there is always more to be done, by all of us. We live each day to make the next superior to the last, after all... This is a good step for the Stark legacy, I think." She does add between loud booms!

Cinque Evers has posed:
:shrugs his shoulders and claps a few times at the Stark Commitment announcement beforing pouring himself a glass of wine. Cinque ponders to himself how mqny other corporations are going to try to match Stark Industries commitment to get rid of their reliance on fossil fuels too. Cinque taps his fingers against the glass as he mind tries to work out the variety of factors that such a decision would cause while also paying attention to the fireworks.

Donna Troy has posed:
    "You should totally heckle," Donna says in response to Karen's it's-not-a-monologue-honest. "It would cheer you up and honestly? He'd probably welcome it. I man think about the extra publicity. Stark Industries going carbon neutral just isn't as sexy a headline as Power Girl heckles Iron Man.

    Donna nods to Kaida and calls out "Careful not to get stepped on, you might hurt someone!" after the mouse, grinning while brushing crumbs off her shoulder.

    She gives Diana a shoulder bump, wink and grin. "You always spoil my fun," she says with an overly theatrical sigh. "Alright, have it your own way. Let him have his moment! The drone display is pretty cool though, I'll give him that. There's some good programming there, simulating the explosive dispersion patterns. I wonder how three-dimensional it is. It would take a lot fewer drones to make it look right only from below and moving the drones out along a plane." She has obviously been spending far too much time with the geeky Titans lately. Cyborg's reprogrammed Roomba army does sometimes move in patterns that simulate a planar representation of explosions too, but in that case they're just following the debris pattern of one of Terry's glitterbombs to vacuum up the mess.

Tony Stark has posed:
Moving slowly among the crowd, using the time honored technique taught to him by one Steve Rogers, Tony Stark is wearing a Yankees baseball cap and a grey hoodie, and stands amongst the people, listening to see how his message landed. He is aware that it was somewhat ostentacious. But he also knew that for every pundit screaming tomorrow about the ego of Tony Stark, it would still have to convey at a minimum the general idea of his message.

And that was a sacrifice his ego was more than willing to accept.

Asariel has posed:
Asariel doesn't get to stick around after Tony's announcement as there is a man that moves through the crowd towards her and crouches down to speak with him in low tones. When bodyguards find that you've skittered out. Oops! She gives a chuckle as she takes the offered hand that Giovanni extends, "I need to pay you more." she whispers to him as she offers him as she lets them lead the way out.

Cinque Evers has posed:
Cinque Evers continues to enhoy the fireworks, but like the couple he saw before he wants to beat the crowd back his little corner of Brooklyn, so he decides to leave early. Cinque packs up his picnic basket and heads out.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana turns away from the stage then as she looks between Donna, and then Karen. She shows Power Girl a playful grin. "I kind of like the idea of you going from event to event around the New York area, and heckling them from afar. You could build up a new reputation as a very difficult to please hero." She teases the impressive woman in white.

Her eyes dance back to her sister then, and she nods to what may remain of Donna's food for the night. "Okay, you're buying me a hotdog now, since you talked them up so much..." She says with a smile showcasing her happy mood this evening.

A few steps are taken then, and Diana passes by Tony in the crowd, spotting him even with his down-dressed attire. She leans toward him and speaks lowly toward him. "Keep up the good work, I am proud of you." She bumps shoulders with him lightly, but keeps on walking toward these tastey hotdogs...