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Revision as of 12:38, 6 September 2022

Resonants: Jotunheim Part 2
Date of Scene: 06 September 2022
Location: Jotunheim
Synopsis: The finale! Who will will the Tug OF WAR!
Cast of Characters: Sif, Clint Barton, Jimmy Hudson, Lara Croft, Caitlin Fairchild, Jane Foster, Zatanna Zatara

Sif has posed:
Frost Giants were not known for being the friendly sort. Though there was a tentative peace between their kind and the Asgardians at the moment, it didn't change their peoples were normally hostile. Thus when the group came to ask to cut a deal for an artifact fitting for their needs, the Frost Giants had basically told them to pack snow in places it should never be. Thus, Sif had resorted to a challenge. Friendly sport. As friendly as things ever get when Jotunheim and Asgard are involved at least.

Tug. OF WAR!

Those three words had proved to be very confusing. Because the various realms did not define it the same. For Midgard? It was a child's game played for the most part. Good clean fun, barring mudpits in the middle of the competitors. For the other realms? All-Speak just didn't carry all those other rules that were involved.

Which brought the heroes to a cliffside with a large chasm between their team and the Frost Giants on the opposite. The chasm was about 20 feet. The bottom of that chasm was not visible to the naked eye. The rope was tied off on both sides of the chasm to a pole. The entire area was covered in ice and snow with large amounts of boulders of varying sizes scattered along the bank.

Each team would have a specific number of people on the rope. Thus far, the visitors who would be were Sif, Colborn and Lara had initially volunteered as well. With her newfound height, thanks to Zatanna's magic, she may opt for the rope or help with support.

Support involves the fact this was a combat sport. The teams were allowed to throw boulders, or use other projectile weapons, to try to affect the opposite team. It could be used strategically to try to eliminate people on the rope, making it easier for their team. Or they could aim for those who were looking to eliminate their teammates. First team to pull a person off the cliff edge won.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint isn't going to just stand out in the open and get hit with a damn bolder, that much is certain. So he finds one... one on their side... and takes cover behind it. With an arrow nocked, he peers around the edge of said bolder at the oposing side across the chasm, "Is there a signal or something? In Iowa rules, we wait until someone sneezes." This probably isn't a good time for jokes.

When is it though?

The arrow he'd chosen has a small blinking red light on the front. Possibly it will explode when it connects.. maybe it'll give them a tickle? For certain, he's zeroing in on a target. One of the individuals not on the Frost Giants rope... Which one was it that laughed at him not knowing their stupid rules?!

He murmurs, "Nobody laughs at me while I'm freezing my nuts off on a different planet..." to himself.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    The small grey tube that Jane had given Jimmy got a look and a nod from the young mutant as he pocketed it. Acceptance was there, and he didn't even check too much about it, clearly offering trust to his teammate in such wild circumstances. But then the next moment certainly pushed him cleanly out of his wheelhouse as Zatanna gestured at him with those curious hand motions, speaking that crazy moon language of hers...
    And suddenly, for the X-Man, the world shrunk. Or he started to rise up really, since he grew larger and larger until he was a good size high standing to one side of the rope. Shaking his head his voice had a deep resonance to him as he picked up one of those large boulders.
    "Oh you done messed up now," James' reverberating giant voice, "This is like one big game'a dodge ball and your opponents got themselves a phys ed teacher." He thumps the boulder into his armored hand.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara steps out from behind one of the boulders on the cliff's edge that her 'team' occupies. Only now... well, she's huge. Probably just as big as the average Giant that they've come to see. Thankfully her clothing grew with her too, so when she emerges from behind the rocks, she's holding two under either arm!

With a heavy thud of booted feet upon the snow, Lara passes Clint as he prepares his arrows, and she just lifsts up her right arm and lobs a rock at the other team.

"I think we're ready!" She exhales with a gasp after throwing that boulder!

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"That's not a thing!" Caitlin protests of Clint's jest. "At least not where /I/ grew up," she amends a beat later. The redhead is stretching out, getting herself limber. She takes a moment to check her ice crampons, heavily reinforced steel firmly clamped to her feet.
     When Lara abruptly throws the 'go!' signal Caitlin charges for the rope. She barely comes up to the knee of the biggest Frost Giants and is a fast and difficult target to stick with a thrown rock.

The thick line could serve as a naval anchor chain in a pinch. She works it up over her shoulders, loops her arms through, and digs her crampons into the ice for traction while the Frost Giants scramble to get to their end of the rope!

Jane Foster has posed:
Jane hasn't gone to the rope, partly because Team Asgard needs a cheerleader -- and she is consummately better at that than resisting being pulled right over the edge. No explaining to Thor or various other friends how she became a pancake or a human perpetually-falling motion machine.

"That's impressively gigantic," she says dryly to Lara and Jimmy. Yup, much busier, much scarier. All seems to be well and good for Zatanna's amusing sleight of hand.

She approaches the Mistress of Magic, and tips her head to whisper in the woman's ear.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Wearing goggles was becoming a nuisance; but the choice between frozen eyelashes and continually having to wipe them with the back of a frozen mitten was the least of Zee's problems. A sense of pride glows in her chest as Jimmy and Lara make the ground shake under their feet. Zatanna's last spells were holding and more importantly the team was not being accused of cheating.

Let the fun begin!

"Size looks good on you Jimmy. Woo Lara! I like it!" she cheers as she readies herself to pull out all the stops and a few more surprises for the giants.

No one said the support team couldn't be ensorcelled. To that end, the magician mutters and points to each of the team not currently lining up on the rope, ".sredluob worht dna tfil ot htgnertS" (Strength to lift and throw boulders.) A few shirts might be stretched as muscles enlarge.

"We are going to play us a game of boulder medicine ball," she announces gleefully.

Sif has posed:
At that volley from Lara, there was an outcry from the Frost Giants. Uttir laughed. "And since all parties were not on the rope, that gives our side the advantage!"

Sif and Caitlin were on the rope. Sif had taken the position closest to the rift, leaving Caitlin as the anchor. Sif caught up the rope as things suddenly went live, a few curses escaping her lips that even All-Speak couldn't translate for those gathered. Probably for the best. "They gain a person on the rope for the false start."

And with that, the Frost Giants had /three/ of their number. The first two each towered at least 20 feet tall. But the third was a giant of a giant. About thirty feet and far heavier than the others. He took up the anchor position. The Tug OF WAR! was on.

The remaining frost giants, again matching their number to those who were participating on the Midgard/Asgard team, began picking up boulders. Several heaved directly for Lara, since she had made herself a primary target! Others aimed for Caitlin and Sif.

The remaining Giants took up the role of the crowd, cheering on their team.

Clint Barton has posed:
"It's specific to Iowa rules." Clint demands at Caitlin, from behind healthy layers of bolder cover, "Little Joey Thompson was notorious for his nasal congestion, so we just made him the starting whistle. It was the 80s... we were into different shit back then."

Then Lara has to go and hurl a bolder at them..

"I didn't hear anybody sneeze..." He mutters absently, only to have the Giants laugh and chide them for not knowing the rules to tug OF WAR.. Thankfully, the Giant he'd been sizing up was one of the ones ready to hurl a bolder at big ass Lara.

The archer comes around the side of his own big rock and lets loose the arrow with whistling hiss.

Connecting with the rock itself. The tip burrows in and lets releases a concussive blast that should, hopefully, frozen nut Lord willing, crack the bolder in half right atop the Giants head.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    And suddenly it was madness, at least to James Hudson's eyes. Boulders hurled, arrows flying, ropes snapping taut, magic spells going off. Dogs and cats living together. Mass hysteria.
    Those giants were still beefy sorts, even though now they just looked like the fella's down at the gym who liked to hang out near the free weights and the benches there. The ones that refuse to wipe down the seats after they use the gear. The nerve of those guys.
    A boulder /slices/ across the distance, whirling straight toward the rope crew only for Jimmy's boulder in his hands to /slam/ hard into it cracking it out of the way and sending it hurtling another direction while he lifts one large hand and _catches_ a second with an ease of movement that shows likely the many a long year he had trained in beaning tiny children with red rubber sports balls.
    "I caught it, that means yer ass is out!" JimmyGiant says which likely gives one of the giants some moment of confusion which is when he wings that one right back across the chasm at the thrower's noggin.

Lara Croft has posed:
The first boulder tossed back at her, has Lara ducking to let it sail over her head, where it rolls down the mountain back the way that they'd come from originally. The second? She doesn't occupy the space its headed toward very long, as she tucks, and rolls, doing a sommersalt across the snowy landscape, kicking up a whirlwind of snow in to the air behind her wake! That boulder slams down where she was, while she rolls up on to her knees.

"Right... Well. At least we're going.. somewhere, with this." She states, now jumping back to her enlarged feet, she dashes back to pick up that boulder, only to appear beside Jimmy as he makes his catch!

Lara grunts, and heaves the one she had over that 20 foot gap, only to have it crush right against the side of it... She's either not strong enough to throw it over the gorge, or she aimed very badly!

Or.. after it falls away, taking some of the cliff side with it beneath the rope that the other team is pulling on... maybe that's precisely what she meant to do... increase the danger by creating a bigger gap for the other team to avoid!

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin accepts the false start and resets with a grimace. The deliberately obfuscated rules needle at her sense of fairness.

The commentary from the archer provokes a wince and she rolls her eyes over to him. "C'mon, Clint." She flashes a thin-lipped look at the Avenger, in passing. "Language? Please?" she pleads, and flexes her palms in a mute appeal for propriety.

When the OFFICIAL SIGNAL blasts, Caitlin does exactly what she did before; she rushes to the rope, wraps it around her chest and shoulders once, and then starts sprinting away from the crevasse with as much momentum as she deliver.

Caitlin can run *really* fast. It's not until all three of the frost giants find their footing that she is forced to slow, and she turns in place when she senses the tension on the rope.

"Sif! Ready-- HEAVE!" Caitlin shouts, and drops her hips low and powers backwards. "HO! HEAVE!" she shouts, and quickly falls into a fast and aggressive rhythm of heaving, stepping back, and heaving again.

If the Frost Giants were hoping for an easy fight, their hopes might be wavering as the two comparatively tiny women on the other side of the rope prove to be *much* stronger than the Frost Giants themselves.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Thank all powers that be for Iowa boys and quick thinking. A rain of pebbles pepper everyone, pocking the snow and bouncing off the ice. The air sizzles with magic as the mistress of magic hastily erects a system of shields for the next volley ".sredluob gnimocni kcolB".

They would soon lose all cover if all the boulders were broken before impacting. Before they reached that predicament, she hopes the contest would be decided on their behalf. Lara's astute throw has suddenly made the terrain more dangerous for the Giants.

The magician eyes the fair astrophysicist, Jane, and a humorless grin reveals a flash of white teeth.

Templing her fingers, she throws a message to her, <Be prepared, you will become Thor in their eyes.>

The promise is made good, seconds after she casts the thought to her. !rohT eb ot raeppA she commands and claps her hands together.

Jane Foster has posed:
Jane dashes as a run for... the archer. Clint is in her sights, the Avengers' finest louche and Midgardner spiritual animal for Fandral. On the icy surface, her coil-and-spike reinforced soles slip and bite deep to keep her from careening over the edge as an audience injury. A small device weighing little more than a couple grams plucked from her bag will be offered to him as she slides into place. "Take it and shoot for the rope behind the first giant."

Yes, she's an evil person and yes, tug. of war! is not a game that calls for fair options.

Scoured gravel and broken boulder pieces rain down, something she instinctively flinches away from. Important, considering all things, not to stay near Hawkeye when danger looms.

The sharp warning from Zatanna is answered in kind with horrifying mental clarity; it shouldn't be that clear for a bog-standard, just a human. <<I will, my thanks, Ms. Zatara.>>

Give it ten seconds of scrambling and skidding further for cover. Best to stay out of sight so they don't know she equals Zatanna's sorcerous friend. She needs that much to disappear behind before the illusion locks around her, and then frost giants are going to no doubt be shouting.

If only the illusion weren't matched to Odin's greatest feat of anti-divination, locking her mortality away in a box to prying sorcerous eyes. Thor -- /a/ Thor, whatever Zatanna set upon the astrophysicist -- takes to the sky, scarlet cloak streaming behind in a snapping bite. The Thunderer zigzags across the sky, crossing the battlefield at an impressive show of bravura. Or bravado. Bring it, frost giants!

Sif has posed:
The first boulder was incoming and about to strike, but there was enough time for the two potential targets to step to the sides. One to the left, one to the right. Unbeknownst to them, that was precisely what Clint was using to his advantage. The arrow struck perfectly, the explosion ripping the boulder into two halves. Each half came down, slamming into the head of the pair. They toppled immediately. Down but not out it seemed. Those helmets they were wearing helped save them from knock-out but for a moment, they were shaking their heads and trying to get their bearings. Then slowing working to climb to their feet.

"Nooooo!" It was like slow motion. The boulder that Jimmy had batted away, representing for all gym teachers in the world. One of the Supporting Giants took a flying leap, taking the boulder to the breadbasket to protect his men on the line. He folded around it, hugging it to him and collapsing in a heap at the feet of those tugging at the rope. He slowly rolls to his knees and picks up the boulder, flinging it in the direction of Jimmy! Even as Jimmy made that claim he caught the ball so the other giant was out. They were not the brightest crayons in the box here. That giant looked very confused but then stepped aside to avoid the boulder that had been thrown his way. He too fired one toward Jimmy! Two for one!

The throw from Lara did take a bit of ice away with it but these cliffs had been in place for millennia. It was a sound tactic and likely would work but would take repeated hits. Of course, seeing the debris falling into the chasm had to be satisfying. An added bonus is the Frost Giant at the front of their rope thought it was coming for him and let go to dodge. He snatched back up the line a moment later but not before they'd lost a precious couple of feet in the process!

With the strength of Caitlin, things were looking good for them. Sif maintained her position closer to the chasm, digging in as hard as she could. When the Giants lose one off the line a moment, they are able to pull the others closer by a few feet. The giants knew that Asgardians were far stronger than they might appear. Some of them had faced Sif in the past on the battlefield. The strangers were an unknown and thus they had presumed they would be like Asgardians. Thus they had literally chosen their strongest, being Giants who could take on Thor and be a challenge. The two groups were fairly evenly matched so this was not going to be an easy win.

The words from Zatanna put shields up which were going to be able to block the lastest volley of throws from the Giants!

Then suddenly Thor appeared! To say there is an outcry from the Frost Giants is an understatement. Many voices are raised, much annoyance is heard. And suddenly they went from only slightly murderous to fully psychotic with the appearance of their most hated enemy outside Odin himself! The number of boulders being thrown doubles--only the new tosses are now aimed at Thor! Which has Uttir yelling at the giants to focus on those on the field of battle. Not that it works.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint had already nocked another arrow when Jane comes running over to him like a soccer mom passing out orange slices at half-time. "What's this?" He wonders, but... she gave it to him... so clearly she wants it to go across the chasm, specifically somewhere with pinpoint accuracy because he's Hawkeye.. "Doesn't matter. I'll make it work."

He keys a button on his bow and the quiver rotates to place a simple arrow head on a blank shaft. Before pulling it, he stabs the arrow he'd been holding into the ice and grabs the new one, quickly wrapping the device he'd been giving around the end of the shaft just behind the arrow-head.

He takes a few quick glances around the boulder... then smirks and pulls the bow-string taut as he comes around his cover to let it fly at the side stepping giant. It's let fly as he slinks back against the boulder, grabs the arrow he'd stabbed into the snow, and bites the fletching between his teeth and tears it off.

It's slipped back in his quiver, the tip adjusted, and then nocked in a quick pull, turned at a 45 degree angle, and fired... sending it in a wide, seemingly uncontrolled, arch that is easily manipulated by the wind in the valley. It loops around and hits the ground... harmlessly.. just infront of the giants pulling at the rope.

Until he hits the detonation button and gives the cliff side another punch in the gut.

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    Ducking to the side, Jimmy is able to /roll/ his shoulders just enough as he takes a sip out of the way of the first of those boulders, letting it crash and roll behind him though he does glance after in case he just got somebody clobbered by that evasion. Then he swings back around as another flashes across the chasm his way.
    His own guard boulder comes up and he makes the block as he dips to the side, yet the impact is _strong_ enough to shatter his into a hundred pellets that pepper him and disintegrate in his hands leaving him entirely open for that third!
    Yet he's forced to /dive/ out of the way of that last landing heavy in a gigantic belly flop off out of the way with a heavy /thud/ leaving a furrow in the snow and dirt in front of Lara as his arm reaches for a boulder...
    And without getting to his feet he brings his arm around to whip it at that giant that had been harrying him. Even though now thankfully most of those monstrosities were throwing Thor's way while across the distance there's that nicely satisfying Clint-provided /KAWHOOMF!/ of impact.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara spends a moment looking to her right to watch what the others on her own team are doing, but out of the corner of her eye she catches another volley of enemy attacks, which has her ducking and moving to gain some distance. Wobbly running, rhodey running? Either way, Lara ends up near some of the rocky edges of this playfield of snowish Hell. She reaches for another arm load of ammunition, and just sighs heavily.

"What the Hell are we even doing?" Lara mutters to herself as she loads up again, and shoves herself back up to her feet. She rushes back toward the line, only to see Clint detonating an arrow near to where she'd thrown that boulder previously.

"Yes!" She calls out to Clint. "Just what I was... planning." She says that last word quietly as she just drops the rocks she'd gathered up in her bigger, stronger, arms, then picks one up and throws it over head at the opposite edge of the cliff that the other team is inching ever so closer toward!

Another pausing moment is taken, with Lara tossing her jacket off now, needing more dexterity to make the throws that much more impactful, a glance is given toward Jane, as the Giants seem to be focusing on her. "Thor?" She asks, then squats to pick up another boulder out of her stack, only to hurl it across the chasm!

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin works like a machine. Raw strength only gets you so far; there's a lot to be said for athleticism, good technique and sure footing. To the consternation of the Frost Giants, Caitlin and Sif are not just holding ground, they're *gaining* it with each full tug. And the Giants, more self-serving and independent, can't quite catch the knack of the heave-to routine that Sif and Caitlin are accomplishing.

A chunk of ice breaks from underfoot and Catilin stumbles two steps forward before resetting her feet again. The Frost Giants do have one big advantage: they simply out-mass Sif and Caitlin by too much.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Ruses and rocks fill the air, tinged with the ozone of magic. Transparent shields etched with runes and arcane signs in gleaming gold spring into existence as boulders thrown willy-nilly at the false Thor fall toward the intrepid crew of Asgardians and Midgardians. The boulders bounce toward the crevice and disappear. But the rain of boulders outnumbers the magical shields.

Zatanna has crept out from behind the safety of a boulder to better watch the battle. The Giant's anger upon seeing Thor is impressive; she had only suspected the Giant's hatred for the Thunderer.

Above them Thor's red cape snaps in the wind, taunting the Giants. It is not homo magi magic that makes Jane-Thor fly. What, she wonders, does?

The slender magician picks up a middling-sized boulder two-handed and benches it over her head. Then, with a word muttered under her breath, she launches it at the second Giant on the rope across from them.

Zee is too intent on her own throw to see the boulder lobbed from the other side arcing toward her. A shadow blots the sky, and she yells, "!rettahS" when it is only a few meters above her.

Jane Foster has posed:
Jane's hiding out of immediate sight behind a rocky outcropping, just as planned. Squishy support needs to stay down and spot when Clint pulls back the device-tipped arrow. Teamwork feels plain right!

A royal of Asgard in the field is another matter, though. Bright and blatant, there is no hiding /that/. Boulders hurled by frost giants with ancestral loathing of the Asgardian royal family require 'Thor' to use the fullest concentration to react in time. Speed isn't the only contention to worry about, but also frothing jotun hurling hard enough to shatter the bodies of most beings. Zatanna's illusion hides an even more potent enchantment concealing just /who/ happens to be under there, but surely they aren't going to take a frost giant's beating well. 'Thor' laughs, a sound lost to the roaring wind or dodging a huge chunk of rock catching the impressive scarlet cape.

Mortal magic isn't responsible for the dreaded hammer forged in a firebright glow coming into the Thunderer's hand. Pay no mind it's somewhat more gold-tinged than white! The effect is nigh the same when the All-Weapon whirls around at hypersonic speeds, the prelude to a belligerent solo among the breathtaking sonata executed by the heavyweights on the ropes. <<Go forth, dearest friend,>> 'Thor' whispers to the blocky weapon. Hurled free, Undrjarn silently keens its delight as it curves in sharp turns and gilded loops around the flying Aesir. The might that threw it is undeniable and so the vicious effect of uru on mere rock and ice. Boulders risk its wrath, and if a frost giant is stupid enough to try and catch something that ignores speed limits, said giant gets a first-row seat to the next collision. Undrjarn needs no instructions on tactics or enemies! Hands free means one important job remains.

'Thor' pats that lovely belt. An illusory belt over an actual belt containing a key piece of gear, a device that wakes up and transmits an encoded beam to a device planted by Clint expertly on the ground over the rope. Another triangulation bounces back to the opposite side of the chasm, and another device in Lara's hand. Space twists across a narrow aperture, a vertical tear wide enough to encompass, say, the width of a frost giant rope. On the other side? Well, that's subject to a lot of contention in the scientific community when light can't even escape the short-lived bridge.

Sif has posed:
The twofold attack is very effective. First there is that rope, taut across the path of the trio of Frost Giants who are pulling with all their might while trying to keep an eye out for things flying toward their heads. Because while they might not be too smart, their heads are kind of important! The one closest to the chasm is pulled forward by the extra effort of Caitlin and Sif. Right into that line in front of his feet. Which his him tripping. He doesn't let go of the rope but suddenly that is an opportunity for Sif and Caitlin.

BOOM! The explosion of the arrow has the cliff beneath the Frost Giants rattling. More snow and ice fall into the chasm to disappear into the darkness below. And is that a crack appearing in the mountain face right below their side of the rope?

The throw from Jimmy is on point. SLAM! The boulder he sent hits the Giant square in the helmet. Only this time, the impact is enough that It rattles the tiny brain in that blue noggin, sending the giant toppling over and laying still.

More pelting boulders thrown by Lara have that crack expanding. Then small pieces of rock begin to fall. It is giving way! A moment later and a large chunk falls, about three feet worth. And that will bring the Frost Giants within inches of the edge or the first falling into the abyss, depending how much gives with the continued impacts!

The boulder that was about to hit Zatanna in the head shatters into a cascade of nothing but dust. Any other magician who was not so practiced might have still gotten hit with smaller rocks, but her mental image was well in place for what she wanted as she cast that spell. Which means she's a bit dusty but no injuries sustained. The rock she had thrown is on point, the magic behind her throw given enough oomph that when it hits, the second Giant is knocked down, falling to his knees as he somehow manages to maintain his hold on that rope.

With the throw of Not-Mjolnir, the Giants are now scrambling for cover. All of them. Not just the ones in the competition. Though this is highly irregular since Thor was not on the field at the start. Only, Uttir seems to realize it isn't really Thor. Which is why he's trying to get order but it's too late. His side is a shambles.

Which is only made worse when that device is activated by Jane. Suddenly the rope that the Jotun are trying to pull on seems to be pulling harder. Not because someone is pulling it but because it is being dragged into a black hole! The Giants try to dig in their feet but now they are being pulled by something other than the duo on the opposite side.

The combination of everything is too much. The cliff giving way, putting the giants at the edge. The first falling from the trip, the second from behing hit by a boulder and then the black hole dragging them further. It is a tense moment then suddenly the first giant falls. There is no scream. He will not give them the satisfaction. Only a moment later, he rises back into the air and disappears into that blackness!

The match is done. The heroes have won. And with that, the giants stop their attacks even though a few boulders seem to have flown at Thor a little /after/ the giant fell. But now they are all standing grumbling, frowning, a few making threats, some calling for a rematch.

Clint Barton has posed:
The day is won, the game is over.

Clint hears the roar of giants going over the edge and the shouts from Uttir to reestablish some semblance of order, but it is all for not! For the heroes stand victorious. "Is it over?" He murmurs to himself, sliding out from behind a boulder with his bow held down at his side... the arrow he'd pulled, rolls around his fingers and slides back in the quiver.

Casually watching the blackhole device sucking on the end of the rope like one end of Lady and the Tramp eating pasta.

"Huh..." He tilts his head and peers around for Jane, then shoots her a thumbs up, pointing at the swirling mass of absent light to indicate what he's congratulating.

"Iowa Rules, amirite?"

Jimmy Hudson has posed:
    "S'over, I think." Sitting up slowly, Jimmy rests an arm on his knee, still reclined on the edge of that chasm. A look over the side is given, then he looks across the way at the... mess they made of the other side and laughs a little under his breath, shaking his head all the while. Then slooowly he reaches over and plants a hand to help push himself a little more upright while looking around for Zatanna.
    "Heya, Miss Z. Mind taking me back down to my normalness?" Such as it is. Though for now he looks across the way toward the mess of mayhem and the... weird slice of reality that was torn out and the curiously even bits where that singularity tore things up.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara breathes a sigh of relief when the cliff gives way, and the giants take a tumble off the edge. She watches everyone instantly settle, her hands going to her hips as she stands there, much taller than normally. She raises her left hand up to adjust her orange hued goggles over her eyes, pushing them up to her hairline again, before adjusting her snow-covered dark grey beanie cap atop her head.

Turning to look at those on her team, Lara checks them over visually to make sure they're all okay before she snatches up her jacket and rolls it over her forearms.

"That was... something." Lara states, coming up behind the enlarged Jimmy, to get a dose of that back-to-normal magic.

"You all did tremendously well." She says with a exhausted exhale, smiling to those who were on the rope, before her eyes jump back over toward Zatanna, and Jane. "Creative ideas, all around... so it seems."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin underhands a melty snowball at Clint's ear. "Iowa rules," she says, and flashes a grin at him. She seems quite unbothered by the chill in the air; given how much effort went into that rope pull, it's no wonder that wispy clouds of evaporation are pouring off her bare arms and shoulders.

"Though I've got to admit, it was kind of a nice change being the shortest for once," she adds, and giggles once in amusement.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Coughing, Zatanna walks out of the cloud of dust; her black clothes silvered with frost and powdered boulder. The cascade of events was almost too fast to comprehend, 'Thor's ' hammer created mayhem, followed by a demonstration of impossible physics opening at their opponent's feet.

"We won." Her gaze darts to the others. "There never was any doubt, right?"

Zee eyes Jimmy for a moment with a smile. "You sure? You and Lara do super-sized handsomely, I must say." A pause. "Alright," she relents, "if you insist."

She whispers a few words to return them to their normal size. At Lara's exclamation, "Teamwork! We couldn't have done a thing without each one of you." With a smirk, "Even the short ones."

Jane Foster has posed:
The tear in space doesn't last long at all. It can't, lacking the proper energy source. It deactivates soon enough, taking the arrow with it. Like the mantra of the National Parks (somewhere), leave nothing but footprints. Well, Clint's and Zatanna's are on the opposite side of the chasm.

Jane's probably over that way. Totally is, unable to peek around from the debris field of smashed boulders, falling cliffs, and the ice particles in the air hanging like mist from the giant-sized Jimmy and Lara joining the fray over Sif and Caitlin's heads.

'Thor' remains on the field until things are quite done, and gives an unforgettable, broad grin to Uttar. It has probably ninety percent of Thor's actual expression, thanks to actual spells to cheat. A hand lifted brings the hammer storming back to slam into the waiting palm, swirling around at speeds that make it plenty clear Undrjarn-looks-like-Mjolnir will be released if anything nefarious happens. With a courtly bow to Sif and a salute to the giant-sized humans, the Asgardian takes to the sky. Off for now before someone cries foul louder or sends an emissary to Odin, who will promptly feed it to Hugin or something.

There's work to be done, like drinking or carousing or watching bad 80s action movies!

Sif has posed:
Uttir motioned to the giants. A few moments later, one came forward with something clutched in his left hand. It looked like some sort of tube perhaps from a distance. Then that item was /flung/ in their direction.

It landed hard in the snow about ten feet from the gathering, rolling along and then stopping near their feet. It looked to be a cannon, though the wheels used to move it around in the past were long gone. Just the metal remained, perfectly preserved from some point in history.

A closer look at it would find a few letters etched. HMS Erebus. For those that knew their history, they might realize that they didn't after all. For how would the frost giants have a cannon off a ship lost in the Arctic unless they had something to do with that tale of tragedy? So many questions but there was no doubt the artifact resonated with importance to both Midgard and Jotunheim.

"Have your prize and begone!" Uttir snapped from the opposite side as he watched Thor disappear off into the sky. Then he looks to the rest of them. "If you are not out of Jotunheim in five minutes, we will consider it a declaration of war." And with that, the Giants, turned and began to amble away, further up the hill.

The path of the heroes would be downhill. Sif smiled to those gathered. "A resounding victory! We must tell tales of this tonight over Asgardian Ale in the Embassy. Well done, all of you."

She picked up the cannon, slinging it up to balance over her shoulder comfortably. "Let us depart. Heimdall!" The last word screamed as she called for her brother to open their passage home.