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The Rededication of Lady Liberty
Date of Scene: 17 November 2022
Location: Liberty Island
Synopsis: The Statue of Liberty is reopened and the journalists take an opportunity to throw poignant questions at the President who is, characteristically, ready for them. Are the Chinese right, is Lex Luthor actually putting weapons in to space?
Cast of Characters: Lex Luthor, Talia al Ghul, Susan Richards, Steve Rogers, Bart Allen, Clark Kent, Peter Parker, Felicia Hardy, Richard Rider

Lex Luthor has posed:
The gathered people are here for the reopening of Liberty Island. It was damaged last time Zod and his zealots turned up. Our poor Lady Liberty took some damage and now the scaffolding has been removed. A huge blanket covers the statue still with helicopters above holding the wires in place so that a dramatic reveal on cue will take place.

A podium is set up and secret service, men and women in simple black suits and communicators in their ears are spread out. The press was invited of course and soon the President of the United States of America, Lex Luthor, will be on stage to officially re-open the island and the new Freedom Center.

Cameras are in place, security has been checking anything and everything, microphones by the dozens are positioned and patriotic music is playing over the loud speakers to set the mood. This is Liberty Island after all. It holds deep seated meaning for all Americans. New Yorkers took the damage to it as a particular insult.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
The President is here. That alone makes it worth Talia Al Ghul's time and interest. To see what the President is speaking, what's on his agenda.. Particularly how everyone around will be reacting. She's curious to see who will show up after all. Members of the press, politicians.. Likely several capes. Talia herself is there with a large umbrella underneath an arm in case of the weather.

She has her hair done up in a bun and is wearing glasses. She's heard that they work excellently after all so she's curious to how well they'll do.

Susan Richards has posed:
Sue was here this evening to show support to the iconic landmark, and to the city itself. Dressed in a dark blue navy peacoat, with a grey turtleneck sweater worn beneath it, black slacks and black boots, Sue stands with her eyes hidden behind a pair of designer sunglasses. Her blonde hair sweeps around in the cold winds as she stuffs her hands in to her pockets. An assistant who has accompanied her stands off to Sue's right, and they are sharing words with one another quietly as things seem to be starting off soon.

Steve Rogers has posed:
The request for Captain America's presence at the unveiling had come in through the Avengers PR from the White House press office. Of course Steve Rogers had agreed, and is now in attendance, wearing his uniform with the iconic shield upon his back. Any other Avengers were welcome to accompany him and would have a spot standing nearby if they wished. Before the event he'd paid his respects to Susan Richards.

Steve glances over at the reporters pool that are located near enough to the front to be able to take photos and record video, not to mention ask questions should the President be taking them. Though he's only been out of the ice for five years, there have been enough interviews that a few faces among them are familiar. He watches as Cat Grant discreetly gives an elbow to another reporter who thought perhaps to get in front, Cap looking away before giving a slight smile at it.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen decided to come out and see what's up. It never hurts to have someone with superspeed about when things could go quite odd. So Bart is here today in jeans and a hoodie to watch the events of the day. He has a costume in the ring on his finger, but for now, it is time for Bart to be there not his or another's masked identity. So, he is mingled with the others having stopped on the way in to grab food from one of the vendors who would be on the outskirts how they got their who knows but there is always some food vendors about it seems.

Clark Kent has posed:
    Clark is in normal reporting clothes - Button shirt, khakis and comfortable shoes. He's got a tan trenchcoat over his clothes, and has a microphone in his hand. He's got one James Olsen in tow, the younger man having 3 different cameras hanging from straps around his neck. Both men have prominently displayed press badges identifying them as Daily Planet journalists.

    Clark makes his way through the press area, somehow managing to end up at the front of the roped off area where he will have an easy time addressing the President during the Q&A portion of the event. Jimmy meanwhile has a camera aimed at the veiled statue, adjusting his aim so he can get a good series of unveiling pics.

Peter Parker has posed:
Hovering just slightly behind Cat Grant, Peter Parker is standing at the ready to try to capture the moment - in his mind, he can already see the blanket flapping in the breeze as it drops down from Lady Liberty's shoulders. If that is the way gravity calls it, at least. That is the shot he is aiming for, and hoping that his rapid reflexes will be enough to make it count.

He hears his partner-for-the-day Alan Davis chatting up some other reporter behind him, and sighs quietly. Alan is just as likely to wait and copy someone else's notes after the fact when he goes to file the story, and no doubt prompt Peter to fill in any missing gaps. Unlike Alan, Peter _actually_ needs to pay attention. Copying thoughts of someone is one thing, trying to claim someone else's photo as yours - that gets all kinds of murky.

He glances to the side and narrows his eyes. Jimmy Olsen. There was a guy who had an eye for shots. And the acclaim that comes from it. Peter frowns for a moment at the photog from Metropolis, briefly pondering whether he should give voice to his "why you coming into my city" sentiment. But, at the end of the day, all he needs to do is outmanuever him.

Sure, he has not jostled to the front row, but he can get the height he needs when he needs it. As long as he has enough room to jump upwards. But not TOO high. A few too many around that might catch interest.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Not exactly clearing it with Captain Rogers, Felicia Hardy has decided to take the chance to work on her espionage skills and is somehow in the news corps. Wearing a custom piece that she is going to call, 'Second Year Reporter' it's not high fashion and in fact, some of the colors aren't in season and some aren't exactly perfectly complimentary. It was a rather difficult piece to put together, but ending it in the thick over coat that is obviously meant to invoke a piece that was handed down from a taller thicker father. She has a lanyard with her picture on it and a name that reads 'Felicity Munroe, Daily Bugle.' A scarf wrapped around her neck and pining down her white hair,

    Felicity stands next to Clark and smirks over a pair of her own thin rimmed circular glasses, "New to the core?" She asks making small talk before the opening ceremony can begin.

Lex Luthor has posed:
There's a strong contingent here of Luthor supporters wearing t-shirts and caps. It's inevitable at any kind of public gathering. The back of the latest shirt says 'Free Energy and Freedom' which was a slogan Lex used before he was president when he set up the LexCorp reactor to power Metropolis citizens for free.

The weather is spectacular. Sunny cloudless skies and a gentle breeze. The smell of the ocean making the air crisp and invigorating the senses. Lex's press assistant makes sure the little badge with the American flag is straight on his lapel and he smiles with amusement.

"Relax," he says to his staff. "There's nothing contentious about an American Icon," he states. His time as President has been rocky not because of who he is - no, his popularity continues to rise despite the massive set back of SHIELD, on their own soil, going to war with HYDRA. Members high up in government being culled as they were unmasked as members of HYDRA still.

There has been a threat of reprisals from the HYDRA anonymous core who claim they are still out there as strong as ever - Lex doesn't dabble in gut feelings and doubts. He has agents trying to find out if it's true.

"Show time," says Graves his personal head of security. She heads out first because despite the Secret Service protecting the President, she has her own job to do. The music switches up to a Presidential Fanfare and Lex strides out of the white room, down corridors, then out in to the day time air and up on to the podium. His hands are up waving in general to the people. He's basking in it.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Her umbrella at her side, Talia Al Ghul goes to watch back and forth at interactions. The crowd, security, the capes that are present, the reporters.. She's spending most of her time, however, looking for plants. There will be ones amongst the crowd from the Secret Service.. Probably amongst some of the reporters as well in case Luthor needs a few softball questions.

And there might even be someone malfeasant that's here over to get an idea of what's going on. It's going to be very, very interesting even if nothing comes of it.

One always gets a far better idea of the circumstances in person than it is to watch a video after all. So Talia watches thoughtfully, going to let herself be maneuvered along to the crowd where the Luthor supporters are.

Susan Richards has posed:
With things starting off, the assistant with Sue separates herself to go with the other reporters. Apparently she's here to do a bit of reporting herself, afterall the Fantastic Four have a lot of different arms to their family's interests.

Being not far from where Cap stands, Susan steps over to him and leans over as she watches Lex do what he does. "Some people were built for this kind of thing, and that unsettles me." She glances over at him and smiles softly.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve's smile is one of those that he gives when he agrees with what is being said, and perhaps isn't sure that he should fully give voice to that agreement. He aims for a middle ground that avoids making his reply specific to Lex. "In my day there was an old saying about doing what it takes to become President should be enough to disqualify one from the job," he comments, his voice kept very low for Sue's ear. "Though there wouldn't be one then. I just hope for the sake of the country, and more, that anyone who has the job is up to it," he tells her.

"Good to see you, Sue," he tells her. "I hope Reed and the family are well." He looks up as Lex makes his appearance on the stage. "It will be good to see the ol' girl back to her normal self," Steve adds, as he glances up at the still-concealed Lady Liberty.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen is munching along on his food. He could do the whole throw stuff at Lex, but that would be a waste of good food, but then again it might get a smile from one of his friends. He does consider it for a second which might be an eternity for him, but ends up eating the hotdog instead of see just how fast Lex's security is. He finds a place at the back of the crowd so he can watch not just Lex, but people watch as well.

Clark Kent has posed:
    Clark glances over at Felicia when she addresses him and shakes his head, "No, far too many years covering all kinds of events. It'd be nice if a few more of them were for good reasons. We journalists too often have to cover disaster followed by disaster. A little free advice... try and find something positive to cover at least once a month, keeps things from looking all bad."

    As the Presidential music plays, he turns back to the stage and watches Lex stride out. He starts murmuring into his mic, recording his thoughts as events unfold to be written up after the event. Sometimes he thinks he should suggest the Planet acquire a TV station, those on camera guys seem to have it pretty easy.

Peter Parker has posed:
Rocking back and forth, Peter keeps his eyes on the Statue of Liberty. Leaning this way and that for a moment, trying to determine how the cast of the sky and shadow might play with the shot that he is trying to line up. He takes a half step back, and notices 'Felicity' chatting up Clark Kent and the damnable Jimmy Olsen. He gives her a _look_ before looking down at the badge at her lanyard, and a slight smirk. But it fades quickly into a warm smile towards her.

Then he shifts a bit along to the side, changing his angle for the shot. He nods to himself, satisfied with how he has it lined up now.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Pausing to look down at the phone in her hand with the recording device hooked into the input, for that better audio quality. Things every quality reporter should have. "Oh, yeah. Huh. Didn't have you pegged as one of the good ones. Kinda thought you were here to kiss the president's butt and keep cashing that white house correspondence check like some of these other dweebs." She says with a snort.

    Still curious about what equipment he has, Felicity looks at Clark to see what he's carrying, and then a glance past to the Olsen kid, who, seems to be getting glared at by-


    Felicia catches her breath, and looks away from that direction sharply and back up towards Captain Rogers, who she wants to lift a hand up towards and wave at, maybe he'll recognize her and be upset later, or maybe not, she's not sure how she should predict he'll react to her silly game today.

    The music plays and Felicia is back fully in character, remembering the question she promised herself she was going to ask. A real 'softball'.

Lex Luthor has posed:
President Luthor places his hands upon the podium and the music dies down. "America," he begins as the cameras start to flash and the little red lights light up. "When we are visited by peoples from other worlds we try to extend the olive branch of peace. Sometimes our greetings are rebuffed - as was the case when Dru-Zod, the military fascist from Krypton and his crystal ship last visited us."

"Liberty Island and our Lady Liberty were one of the many victims of Dru-Zod's attack," he motions to the veiled statue behind him. "But she is a symbol of who we are and we would not let her stand in disrepair. Coinciding with the opening of the new Freedom Center here on Liberty Island, Lady Liberty has been repaired to her full majesty and splendor."

Fire works begin to go off as the helicopters rise up up and away pulling away the curtain obscuring the Statue of Liberty. She has been cleaned and buffed and the bent spike on her crown fully corrected.

"For we are a country dedicate to the pursuit of Peace and Happiness, through Freedom and Liberty. For all, not just for some. We say NO to fascists, whether they are from the stars or from our own soil," he says coming on strong for the finisher.

"To follow the selfless deeds of our great nation, the Freedom Center contains a gallery of every medical and technological advancement that has been made Free to the World by the United States of America. And we continue to do so today, advancing the world and promoting Freedom and Liberty to all," he says as the helicopters pull away entirely and Lex stands tall and proud, a hand resting on breast of his jacket iconically.

"And one such man who has given his all for America and the World. Captain Steve Rogers aptly known as Captain America, to say a few words about what Liberty and Freedom has meant to our nation since before the rest of us were born," he says and turns to Steve offering a hand of greeting and a smile that's caught up in the moment as much as it is calculated.

The press are eager to get their words in it's clear but Lex's team artfully designed a buffer of the great Captain America between him and the questions. Only the most hardened of journalists can stay focused under all this patriotism. It's a masterclass in crowd management.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
There's a group of Lex fans over in the crowd that go to chant, "Murica, f*ck yeah! Build a statue of the President! With Iron Man armor!!" There would be chants of it. Then a few quick more exchanges among the men. "Iron LEX ARMOR! IRON LEX ARMOR!" There's more cheers from them as they clap over at Lady Liberty.

An opportunity lost, alas.

They go quiet over as the talk goes of the fascist invader and they go to cheer as their president talks of the narrative of rebuilding the Freedom Center as another chant of 'Murica f*ck yeah!' and 'IRON LEX ARMOR' goes up through the crowd.

Richard Rider has posed:
Rich Ryder is just in the background, taking eveything in, and remaing in background and backup just in case. After all, these thend to go south quickly...or not at all!

Susan Richards has posed:
What Steve says to Sue earns a smile to the first part, while the second part just has her looking away again. "They're troublemakers." She replies with regard to her family. "So, they're the same as ever, I guess you could say." She finishes that thought, showing off a smirk before the grand unveling of the statue takes place. Her eyes rise up with the impressive way that it is unveiled, and as everyone else starts to applaud the affair, Sue is right there doing the same, her hands encased in black leather gloves, so the result is that less satisfying form of clapping, but hey!

When Steve is called upon for words, Sue looks to him and smiles more openly before clapping a little more. She speaks to him. "Nows your chance to prepare for your eventual campaign, Captain." She chides the man.

Peter Parker has posed:
Frowning intently as the helicopters rob him of what he had expected to be his money shot, Peter nonetheless moves lithely through the crowd, working to line up a few shots. The shot for the Bugle - Lex and Lady Liberty, and then Lex and Cap and Lady Liberty. And then a shot of his own - lowering himself slightly, lining up angles, making it so Luthor's bald head perfectly obscures Lady Liberty's face, placing her crown around his head. "The Eclipse of Liberty", he will call it. If he ever decides to publish some of his more narrative photos - the ones that are not quite "fit to print".

Take that, Jimmy Olsen.


Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers gives Sue almost a distressed look at that comment, before he moves over to the podium. For a man known for inspiring those around him, these kind of organized speeches are not Steve Rogers' favorite, nor his forte. So he does what he does best. He just speaks from the heart.

"In any day or age, there are always those who seek advantage at the cost of their fellow men. America has long stood against such people, whether they come from outside our nation or in. It is only through the dedication of ourselves to the truth, to doing what is right, that our struggle against tyranny will prevail. Lady Liberty is a symbol of that dedication. One that I hope that in the coming years that we will continue to rise to the challenge of meeting, even as she provides us with her inspiration. It is heartening to see her returned to her normal state," he says.

He looks to President Luthor, and likely shakes his hand if it is offered, before stepping back to the side of the stage to rejoin the matriarch of the Fantastic Four.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen watches on and nods a bit listening. Les is not the worse guy he has seen in charge believe it or not. So for now, he will watch this, but as the statue is unveiled instead of keeping his eyes on it, he is looking around the area to see if anyone is going to try anything times like this is always when it happens.

Richard Rider has posed:
This was a time to enjoy the feeling of not having to be in uniform, saving the Universe and stuff. This time it was all about watching, waiting, listening, and being a part of it.

Rich Ryder looks over at the speechs, and hmms. A lot of words, and thoughts, and maybe, not all of them were so ba. In times like this, it was expected someone would be upset. Just a matter of time.
Oh. Oh. Captain Rogers. Now was the time to pay attention!

Clark Kent has posed:
    Clark manages to only roll his eyes slightly at the Lex groupies as he continues to record his thoughts on the event and Lex's speech. Jimmy is adding his flash to the myriad of others, taking multiple pictures of the President as he gives his speech, then starts photographing Cap as Lex introduces him.

    Clark seems to relax a bit when Lex stops speaking and Captain America comes to the podium. He keeps recording throughout, keeping every thought on tape so even the feeling of the crowd is noted.

    Jimmy starts shooting the moment the obscuring cloth reveals the repaired Statue of Liberty, then Cap and Lex, pic after pic stored in the memory of his cameras. If he knew he was competing with Peter he might stress about getting an even better angle, but since he's oblivious to the competition he simply does his job and does it well.

    At the pause in the event, Clark takes the opportunity to slip in a question to the President. "President Luthor, I understand the Chinese are accusing us of placing weapons in orbit despite the treaties we have forbidding this sort of escalation. Do you have anything to say on the subject?"

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia doesn't seem to be affected either way one way or another by whoever is speaking, she does have that aspect of professionalism down, but she's also not bum rushing the president with questions about our foreign countries after the unveiling of the rebuilt statue of liberty. She does have a bit more decorum.

    So she tells herself, bumping into Clark with her shoulder and extending her phone to catch the audio as she asks her question at almost the same time as Clark.

    "President Luthor, Free Energy and Freedom. Where's the comma supposed to go, or is Free multiplied? If so, what is Free Freedom and how is Freedom.0 (Point Oh) supposed to work? Are you creating a new kind of Freedom?"

Richard Rider has posed:
Next up was Susan Richards. Rich Ryder paid almost as much attention to her as to Cap. It was certainly the matriarchs and patriarchs of super heroes tonight. Which almost made Rich suspicious. Words are great, but those comments from that reporter guy with the glasses were better. It was going to be a night! Especially with that lady reporter getting into it as well!

Lex Luthor has posed:
It seems Lex was about to leave the stage. His dedication done, the opening of the Freedom center done, shaking Captain America's hand done. But then, oh so clear a voice from the crowd of journalists. Clark Kent. The corners of his mouth twitch up just a little and his fingers tap along the side of the podium.

"Mr. Kent, Daily Planet, so great to see you here today," he begins. Of course he likes to address the journalists by name. It means nothing between them but to the public its an affirmation that the President takes the Press seriously. Even if they are often a pawn for his plans.

"It is the time honored duty of the Chinese Ambassador to the United States, from Chen Lanbin to our friend Qin Gang to say what should be reconsidered first," he quips back for the sound bite. "Truth. Captain America spoke the word but let's put it in to action right now."

He unbuttons his jacket and takes it off, hanging it on the side of the podium as he leans in to it and looks directly in to the cameras, then back to Clark Kent. "The United States of America does not and has never had a Space Weapons program. The incident to which Mr. Kent is referring is the recent near fatal disaster of Space LeX shuttle mission 17."

"Let me take this moment to send my heart felt thanks to the Justice League, the Titans, and the Fantastic Four who helped saved lives of the crew of mission 17. The cargo was from a soviet era project that was once mothballed due to advances in our understanding of quantum fusion at the turn of the century. The project was called the M-Ring, a series of satellites that would capture microwave energy from the sun and beam it down to the Earth to power our cities. When it was canned, it was stated to be unnecessarily antagonistic toward Russia and China."

"The Question has been put to Secretary of Defence Alexander Pierce - why was a Soviet Era project re-activated. An investigation has been launched and we will get to the bottom of this," he says and pushes back on the podium. He was clearly prepared for this question.

What he was not prepared for was Freedom.0 -- he laughs and picks up his jacket, hanging it over his shoulder so that the photographers can get more fantastic profile shots. "Ms... Freedom Point Oh. Any improvement on our freedom is thanks to the hard work of the people. Like yourself. Perhaps you'll go on to create a tech startup and found the next digital freedom movement."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
There's a series of hoots and hollers over from the Lex fans in the crowd as they go to keep 'Iron Lex Armor' a few more times before going quiet as Luthor would go to talk about the satellite incident. They go to release applause politely as he goes to thank the heroes that had saved the day.

The term 'quantum fusion' definitely has them looking at one another in total confusion.

Susan Richards has posed:
When Captain Rogers returns to her side, Sue just shows him a grin. "Very presidential." She chides him quietly some more before she sweeps some of her loose blonde hair from out of her face. Her covred eyes go over the statue and she nods once to it. "At least they seem to have done a good job on Lady Liberty." She tells Cap further before she settles in to listen to the Q&A portion of this.

As the questions come out, Sue's stare scans over the crowd gathered around, she listens with respect, and smiles even when Lex thanks the Fantastic Four. Johnny had been involved in the shuttle siutation, to some degree...

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    A glance upwards, past Lex's shoulder and up towards the gathered tops of the few super groups present, Felicia's eyes linger on Steve at the large omission of the Avengers. Did they not even get the call. Are they small time fries compared to a family of four. Has she been busting her butt for a group of no-names? Are the Justice Leaguer's that much more out of their... league?

    Felicia snorts audibly at Lex's joke about her founding digital freedom. "Amusing sir, but not likely." She teases back and blushes as she lowers her phone and brushes a lock of hair behind her ear.

    Turning back to Kent, Felicia eyes him up and down. "So, what's your feel good story going to be this month, cause that was definitely not enjoyable."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers is back where he was standing before. He gives Sue Richards a grateful smile, but says in joking tone, "Given the conversation before, I'm not quite sure how to take that, Sue." He flashes her a grin and then looks back as the reporters manage to get in a question or two.

The mention of the objections drawn by China cause a slight shift in Steve's demeanor towards concern. His eyes go back towards President Luthor as if as interested as the press is to hear the President's response as that question.

When Lex has finished answering those two questions but before he can make another attempt at leaving the stage, Cat Grant's voice rises up to be heard, her cameraman being sure to get a shot of her with Lex in the background. "Mr. President, Cat Grant, Galaxy Broadcasting System. The inclusion of LexCorp's Space Lex division in what sounds like a rather key Department of Defense operation has been drawing attention. Do you think that the company's role in such operations maintains a proper separation between your former business interests and that of the government? Especially on a project that seems to have such powerful ramifications internationally with nations like China?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen is beginning to believe nothing is going to happen here that he is needed for and maybe he should have came in costume to represent one or two of the other groups. He finishes his food, and moves over towards the press area, looking them over watching what they are doing now, speeches are not the most exciting things to him it seems.

Clark Kent has posed:
    Clark nods after Lex answers his question and replies with a simple "Thank you, Mr. President." He may not trust the man, but there's no point in trying to make a scene at what should really be focused on the unveiling of the repaired statue. He allows other reporters to get in any questions they may have, returning to recording his thoughts.

    He does perk up a bit to catch Lex's answer to Cat's question, it should be a pretty quotable moment. Jimmy of course continues taking pictures of all and sundry, as you never know when _the_ picture will end up in the camera.

Lex Luthor has posed:
Lex had wondered when that hammer was going to drop. Trust Cat Grant to throw down the gauntlet right after Clark Kent. His eyes scan the crowd for Lois Lane next. No? Spared that one today it seems. "Ms. Grant, such a delight to see you out here today."

"As with all government contracts LexCorp remains transparent about its dealings. However the cargo in question being Department of Defence was a secret to Space LeX. Government confidentiality and seeing as there is a blanket ban on dangerous cargo being ferried in to space without my express permission you can be assured the office of the President is invested in finding out who put that generator on my ship."

A finger stabs down on the podium to express his displeasure at his shuttle and crew being put in danger. It's genuine too but he has it under control. It seems the man in charge really didn't know what was on his ship.

"As you are aware when I took office, the day to day operations of LexCorp and in this case its child company Space LeX are not my focus. I took an oath as President and I take this job as seriously as you, the people, expect me to take it. Whomever is responsible for this wrong doing will be brought to the light by the investigation."

"Because America deserves leadership that can step aside from their personal projects and private enterprises and focus on the issues at large face by the American people. Thank you for the illuminating question Ms. Grant," he says and steps back.

The Press Secretary steps up and begins his thanks to the crowd as the President strides off of stage with his entourage. "There'll be no more questions at this time Thank you," the press secretary states. The doors to the Freedom Center open wide to accept visitors, as do the doors to visit the interior of the statue.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "Now to laugh all the way to the bank, and get Jonah some quality front page quotes." Felicia says, taping Clark on the shoulder and then Cat on the shoulder too as she passes. "Lunches on me at the food truck team. Smoke if you gottem." She says before starting to walk into the vistor center. "Peter! Get over here and get some shots of this crap. It'll look great on the cutting room floor."

Peter Parker has posed:
    There is a slight shake of his head, but once called out by 'Felicity', Peter makes his way through the crowd. Far be it for him to dispel the illusion that she is up to something legitimate. "Sure, what are you thinking? I already got the shots of the statue and the President, so anything else now is gravy."

He casts a brief side-eye at Jimmy Olsen, but then looks back to Felicia.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Long after Lex Luthor has left the podium, Steve Rogers stands, looking trouble and alone with his thoughts. Finally he says under his breath to Sue Richards, "Weapons on the planet are worrisome enough. I can't say that arming space is something I think should have ever been done. Even more than a gun or a tank or a plane, the question of who holds the trigger of something like that becomes an even more frightening affair."

He watches President Luthor disappear into the building, his thoughts chasing after the man until Steve turns away.

Susan Richards has posed:
Sue is drawing in a breath of the cold air, her eyes once more going over the statue before she watches Lex's departure. She looks to Steve then as he speaks again and with a reserved expression she shakes her head once. "I have a lot of issues with all of it. But the best we can do is just focus on the areas we're actually able to effect. At least for the time being." She then summons another smile for him. "It's good to see you, Steve." She notes. "Come by the tower some time, you'd be more than welcome."

Her assistant rejoins her, and with a smile and a wave, the pair start to make their leave.