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Accidental Sendoffs and Missing Wallets
Date of Scene: 19 July 2023
Location: Candle, Booke and Belle
Synopsis: With a wallet stolen by an incidental interloper, argument breaks out and some poor drug dealers are transported to Tahiti.
Cast of Characters: Nettie Crowe, Belinda Gutierrez, Billy Batson, Franklin Richards, June Connor, Julie Power, Yaretzi Acama

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    The Candle was closed for today. Nettie was wearing a sling with her arm tucked in it neat as you please, and her hair was pulled back into an unusually simple ponytail and secured with a bright orange scrunchie. Today's shirt was a Tomie dePaola 'STREGA NONA' T-shirt with the screenprint of the titular grandmother witch on the front, and casual blue jeans.

    Nettie was attempting to sweep up some broken glass, using her foot to hold the dust pan and managing the broom with one hand, crooking it in her elbow.

    The music playing on the jukebox today?


Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Not entirely Spring CLeaning, but some things need attending to, no matter what! Bookshelves straightened, jewelry polished, dustings-- dusted. Slow and steady may win the race, but raw whirlwind determination--!

"Are you sure you have that, Abuela?" Belinda asks for the dozenth time. Likely doing twice as much with three times the energy-- making up for Nettie's arm in a sling, just because she can. "It really is no trouble at all. You should sit and rest and try that tea and--"

And if she had her way, poor Nettie would likely be encased in bubblewrap and propped up in a warm sofa chair to be waited on hand and foot but a shower of butlers! Belinda babbles on, half an ear to the jukebox.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam enters and watches the clean up. He removes the trench coat he was wearing and shakes his cape out. "Moon Puppy Girl!" he says with a grin in a quiet tone. "Como esta?" Very white guy accent. But he is trying! He approaches seeking a hug. "You need a hand? I can't use the speed of Mercury to clean, it just raises more dust but I can do the ceilings! Hello Miss Nettie, how are you feeling?"

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin walks out of the back area, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Nettie had taken him away earlier, forcing him to rest, and he's now slightly groggy but in good spirits. He looks around, taking in the bustling atmosphere. "Oh hey, what's with all the noise out here? Feels like you're running a business or something," he comments with a chuckle, scanning the room to see who's already there. "Company already, huh?" he adds, amused by the activity. Walking up to Nettie, he smiles at her and nods. "I should be good now. Let me help out a bit," he offers, extending his hand to assist with any tasks.

Knowing Nettie's stubbornness, he glances over at Belinda and teases, "She's quite bold for making others rest, but taking her own medicine can be tough." He chuckles, acknowledging Belinda's dedication to her cause. Franklin also gives a nod to Shazam, acknowledging their presence.

As he looks around, he seems to be searching for something. "Dog... where are you, dog?" he calls out, and soon enough, the same dog from before comes running out of the back and jumps at Franklin. At first, it might look like the dog is going to attack, but Franklin laughs and catches the dog, playfully spinning it around. "I'm happy to see you too. Just calm down while we're inside Miss Crowe's place, okay?" he tells the dog affectionately before gently setting it down and patting its head.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Que tal muchacho?" Nettie inquires brightly, wiggling her fingers on her injured arm as she looks look over the group.

    "Nah, nah, should be fine Shazam. Belinda, please put on a kettle --" she pauses, and she looks over to the dog that's joined them from the Himalayas.

    "Aah, you have a new friend!" she greets.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda casts a glance towards the bells chiming from the door, a quick wave following with a cheerful grin. "Already got the really tall bookshelves," she says, "But we can always use a hand for the rafters!" Her voice drops, dramatic glance stealing to either side. "There are shadows. And SPIDERS." She waggles her fingers ominously, eyes bright with merriment as she nods. "Not afraid of cobwebs, no? Spooky, shadowy, MYSTERIOUS cobwebs?"

She cackles wickedly-- which comes out as far too gigglish to be anywhere near remotely concerning. Sigh. She waves to Franklin, grinning ear-to-ear as she waves to the dog in turn. "Buen morning, sleepyhead!" she says, smiling. She nods to Mrs. Crowe, slipping around behind the simple bar as she retrieves a handcloth from its hook. "Light, dark, heavy? We still have all the things needed to dress appropriately-- honey, sugar, cream. Got old scones, though; should make more..."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam raises an eyebrow. He looks down at Belinda, arms folded across his chest and says, "Remind me to tell you about the ghost ship I intercepted, filled with demonic rats. They merged into a giant rat and tried to absorb me. No, spiders are doable and I can bring a little light to the problem." He snaps his fingers and his emblem sparks emitting a glow. "Hey Franklin, you're keeping that good boi, hunh?"

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin lToToks up at Nettie, grinning a bit. "Yes indeed... He had a name given by thTose guys, but I gave him a new Tone: DTog," he explains, pleased with the new name he bestTowed upTon his furry cTompaniTon. He starts tTo search fTor a brToTom and pan, knTowing that knTocking stuff dTown frTom the ceiling might create a mess, sTo he wants tTo be prepared fTor it.

To Belinda, he expresses a tTouch Tof embarrassment, "Yeah, I kinda Toverdid it... STorry if I said anything rude. I tend nTot tTo make the wisest decisiTons when I'm like that," he admits, weakly smiling as he isn't entirely certain Tof all the things he might have said during such mToments. He knTows that in thTose times, he can make a fToTol Tof himself, but is back tTo his nTormal Toverly calm self.

Turning his attentiTon tTo Shazam, Franklin chuckles as he refers tTo the tTowering figure Tof Shazam as "up." "PToTor GhTost never stToTod a chance, did they, dTog?" he jTokes, petting his new canine friend affectiTonately as they bToth walk arTound. "WToke up, and he was still there. He said he wanted tTo fTollTow me fTor a while, sTo hTow can I say nTo tTo that face?" he says with a warm smile, glancing at the dTog that respTonds with a cheerful dToggy grin. "Might have tTo intrToduce him tTo CTosmTo. It's been a while since I talked with them," he adds, cTonsidering intrToducing his new cTompaniTon tTo anTother friend.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda grins, shaking her head. "De nada," she says, waving off Franklin's concern. "When one is half asleep and not thinking clearly, paying attention to random mumblings is not a concern. Do not fear; all is well!" She bends down behind the counters, rummaging briskly; several saucers find their place on the counter, soon to be filled by saucers of thick porcelain-- bright colors for the Lightning Lord, white wit hsubtle sworls of color and grey for the Richards. And three more-- one decorated with whisps of rainbow colourings, another of pure white with trace of gold. The third, plain porcelain-- warm to the touch, fresh from the washings.

"No fresh scones made," she says with a sigh, turning around to set a metal kettle on the heater, swirling its water before setting it to boil. "But I think we have.. no, those were old. Nevermind!"

The Candle was closed, its sign turned to ward idle customers away. But still unlocked, and certainly welcoming for those had firm reason to enter. Chimes at the door, ready to dance and sing out announcement to entry!

June Connor has posed:
    Huff. Huff Huff. June's feet beat the pavement, and she slams into some poor fella with an arm of groceries, setting him off into the side of the nearest building. She doesn't stop to apologize. The three men behind her are not as fast as she is, but they don't have to burn as much energy as she does to stay ahead. She's getting tired.

    The short red hair flares as she grabs a light pole and swings herself into the traffic flow, trying to cross the-Thump!

    She is hit by a delivery van, only slightly due to good reflexes on the part of the driver, and she lets out a string of curses as she's knocked a good five feet by it. She continues on, bursting around the corner. She needs to find someplace to hide, and the Candle seems a good place to burst in, none-to-kindly to the door's hinge. There's people in here? She thought it was closed. It takes her off guard as she looks around the room of strangers. A black Arctic Monkeys tee shirt that only comes to her ribs, enough piercings between her ear, nose, and belly that she could open her own jewelry shop, and shredded black shorts. Her short red hair says 'rebel' with every lock, and a few visible tattoos on her many exposed parts of skin.

    Her lip curls in uncertainty. "Uh. Hi."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam grabs a duster. "You'd think these things would be animated. We already have a stylus courting a broom. OK, if I don't make it back give my love to ... ehhh... never mind." He floats upward to the rafters and begins dusting. He only pauses to set a spider outside. Ewwwewws once, then returns to work.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "You'd better make it back. If I have man-eating dustmites I've got BIG issues, Shazam-eating Dustmites are BIGGER issues!" Nettie scolds, settling behind the counter since she now has a couple extra hands, and paws, to help with the cleaning.

    "Yes, I figured we wouldn't need a baked goods delivery today; so all the scones are two-day old. Might be a bit stale, but I s'pose I could pop down to my kitchen and grab the butter cookie tin if we're all famished -- or --"

    The bells sound suddenly as the door opens, then slams shut with June pressed against it. The gray-haired woman appearing in her twenties blinks owlishly, lips forming a moue as she tilts her head slightly. She adjusts her glasses, shaped like half-moons, and parts her lips a brief moment and goes ". . . good afternoon poppet. Something on your tail?" she questions, eyebrows rising up.

Julie Power has posed:
As June seems to almost kick in the door to get into the Candle, Julie turns her steps, following the 'rebel' through the door with a rainbow trail.. "Is everything ok?" she asks, pulling the summer hat off, leaving her in blouse and jeans. Fashionable, but that's a trait of Julie. Eying everybody a moment as they are armed with cleaning implements, and then that courier, she looks to Shazam. "Do you need another hand?"

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin chuckles and nods in agreement with Belinda's understanding. "I will have to bring my sugar cookies next time. Maybe even some ice cream," he adds, shaking his head good-naturedly. With a broom in hand, he starts spot sweeping to clean up any mess caused by the falling debris. "You know, we could use some music. Though I don't see any phonographs around," he muses, grinning playfully. He continues sweeping, the dog attentively watching him, seemingly on guard as if it were a military dog.

Dressed casually in jeans and a Fantastic Four shirt featuring Ben Grimm on the front, Franklin pauses for a moment when he sees June entering. He shrugs, offering no particular reaction, and then returns to his task, focused on sweeping away the debris.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda smiles, biting her lip at Franklin's remarks. And totally *not* thinking about ice cream!

The stomach has other ideas. Growls sullenly.

"Hush," she warns her midsection with a grumble. She presses the simple cup forward, setting a teabag inside before adding a good douse of steaming water. "Like some tea?" she asks June, humming quietly... nostrils quivering. "Green tea, but we have honey or sugar or anything else to help calm nerves."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Hovering up above, having kinda followed Shazam at a distance, Golden Eagle's been watcing the bookstore -- wondering why he'd be going in there. Then, suddenly, there's a woman running 'for her life', it seems, along the street; she even gets winged by a van as she's fleeing from the men. Still, it looks like someone's in trouble and it's clear who the 'bad guys' are, so Golden Eagle dives down out of the sky to intercept the three men chasing the woman who's ducked into the same bookstore Shazam 'sneaked' into in his trenchcoat.

Landing right in front of the man leading the chase of June, arms crossed Golden Eagle lets him simply run full-on into her... and bounce off to land on his backside while the other two hurriedly come to a stop. "I'm not really keen on watching guys chase a woman down the street, fellas. Scram before I decide that throwing fists is more needed than just being a wall...", she says to them as she uncrosses her arms to put her hands on her hips -- trying her best to look 'mean and intimidating'.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam sticks his head out of the rafters. Actually he's sort of hanging upsode down at this point. "I can go get us some food. There's a Big Belly nearby. Heck I can go to Philly for cheese steaks if you like. Oh, hey Julie! You in the mood for some burgers?" He waves the duster around a little in greeting. "really I'll be glad to. I need to do a little exercise before I race Kid Flash Sunday. You know what? I'm going. Cheese steak for all! And onion rings!" He foregoes the trench coat and blurs out the door.

What the what?" He watches the men being spectacularly ineffectual trying to battle Golden Eagle.

June Connor has posed:
    The three pursuants look at Golden Eagle, a little confused. "Whaddaya mean you're gonna stop us? She's the bad guy!"

    "Yeah, she stole Mike's wallet," the second guy says. "We're just tryin' to gake back what's his."

    Inside, June takes in the fact that nobody seems too alarmed at her presence. "Ok, tea, yeah, that sounds nice," she agrees, not sure what else to do with this kind of reception. "Somethin' like that," she answers. Is poppet an insult? She doesn't take the time to ask Nettie what she meant by the word. She takes a few careful steps, then gives a gawking stare that most people might give to see a rather noteworthy hero like Shazam. She gives a hard swallow, and makes her way to the side, and starts lowering herself down under one of the tables. "I'll wait just right here," she says, as if it's the most natural thing in the world, lowering herself below the tabletop. Yeah, just going to...hide.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Burgers it is, and one chocolate shake for the injured one! I'll give you some cash upon re--" and Shazam's out the door.

    Right into Julie.

    And Nettie gives a very peturbed look as June lowers herself under one of the side tables by the chairs.

    "No, no, up you get." she states, sounding terribly old-fashioned for someone who looks like she's not even thirty yet.

    "Come, join us at the counter," she motions to the tea counter, "And tell us what brings you into a closed metaphysical shop this afternoon?" she questions.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin realizes that he was too late to tell Shazam about the pickles, as Shazam has already left. He lets out a sigh, knowing Shazam tends to act impulsively. Nevertheless, Franklin remains positive and smiles, waving at Julie. "Hi again," he greets her, attempting to recall their previous encounter. "Franklin, I think we met once," he says, confirming his name and trying to make the connection. "There are more brooms in the back," he informs her, walking up to hand her his broom.

As he pets Dog, Franklin chuckles and whispers to the dog, "Keep an eye on the new one, okay? Make sure they don't give Miss Crowe any problems." He then goes to retrieve another broom to help with spot cleaning in areas where cobwebs may have fallen.

The Sheepdog, previously sitting quietly, gets up and walks over to June. It doesn't bark or show aggression but calmly observes her, ready to back away if she approaches. Franklin, meanwhile, is gone only for a moment, continuing his search for another broom to assist in the cleaning.

Julie Power has posed:
Julie Power almost tackled over by Shazam, Julie sidesteps, offering a little bow. "Sorry for being in the way... if you get burgers, mind bringing me a veggie one and diet soda? You're a treasure."

Letting Captain Thunder to the door, she waves to Franklin and Nettie, once more offering a wave. "What happened and can I help? I mean, besides letting him grab lunch? And... what again do you run away from?" the last is clearly towards June.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
"And do not forget jalopenos!" Belinda cries out-- likely to the wind as he races away. She chuffs, shaking her head ruefully as she stifles a grin, watching June try to hide. Sort of hide. Maybe, perhaps, not-quite-hide.

"...as fast as Tommy!" she breathes to herself, shaking her head. She wipes down the counter, eyes turning up to the newcomers. Zero-to-60-- and on Cleaning Day no less!

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle frowns and looks back at Shazam. "Get that girl out here, Shazam. If she's got his wallet, she needs to give it back to him", she says, though her tone makes it more of a request than an 'order'.

Turning back to the man identified as 'Mike', she asks, "You got your driver's license in the wallet? If she's got it on her, I'll get it back for you, okay? Chasing pell-mell down the street ain't safe, though. That girl ran right into a van... she, or someone else, mighta got hurt really bad, or worse. If whatever you got in your wallet worth that?" She gestures at the traffic in the street as she speaks, indicating the danger involved in the chase. She also offers a hand to the man who got knocked down, to help him back to his feet.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam goes back to the store, opens the door and barks, "Send that girl who was fleeing for her life out. Back in fifteen." He shoots into the sky, pretty sure Golden Eagle is sufficient to straighten things out. He gives her an hola and a back in ten in Spanish he thinks. then he is up into the stratosphere and then pouring it on to Philadelphia.


Veggie Burger?

He'll go to Pittsburgh for that. He still has fans in Philly.

June Connor has posed:
    June glances out the window before answering. "Right. Sure." She cautiously approaches the counter. "I'm just really curious about all your metaphysical..." she looks around for something specific. "Capes." She smiles. "I'm pretty big into the hippy stuff." Her wardrobe might suggest otherwise. "Tea, capes, meditation, you know. Self-enlightenment shit.

    She needs to ditch this wallet. As she reaches the counter, she turns and looks up. "So what kind of tea do you have here?" she asks, her hand showing quite a bit of deftness, dislodges the wallet from her back pocket, and drops it down to her foot where it hits her ankle like a slide, and scoots under the counter. Hopefully they already cleaned under there.

    "Yeah I do," Mike says to Golden Eagle. There's an edge to the smile of victory he has, it's not a friendly smile. "So you gonna get her, right?" he asks for confirmation.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    SLAM goes a good fist down on her counter.

    "BELAY THAT ORDER!" Nettie barks, "Be damned if I'll let someone else issue an order in *MY* sanctum." Nettie states, and she raises her good hand. She points at June.

    "One: Capes aren't hippie, they're neo-pagan or classic. Tea is not hippie, it's universal. Meditation's the same. Self-enlightenment only comes with the sacrifice of what you desire for yourself." she comments, and then looks around to everyone else.

    "I won't send you outside, but if you're bringing trouble to my doorstep there's bound to be payback. So if you have something you'd like to surrender before you become enlightened by force," she holds out her hand. "I'd be happy to send it to the nice lady glowering at the edge of my doorway."

    And she breathes out, muttering under her breath, trying to adjust her ward on the fly -- but she's very tired. She might not be able to bar Golden Eagle from coming in after June.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda tilts her head, quizzical before she glances back at June with an newly appraising eye.

Watching like a hawk-- raised voices are *not* what the lady in charge is known for

She settles back, smiling gently as she regards the young lady with care. "Best be on good behavior, no?" she asks, eyes gleaming.

Note to self: cape?

Julie Power has posed:
Things... happen. First... Shazam barges back in for a second. Then Nettie goes all angry... and Julie sighs. There's not really a moment in which people might pinpoint what is happening, but one moment she is in the blouse and the next she is dressed as Lightspeed. But she only walks slowly towards the Bar and June - where also Nettie is. "If you need a hand... I am ok to bring whatever those want outside, and then we deal with it peacefully. As the owner wants."

Franklin Richards has posed:
Upon returning, Franklin overhears Shazam's statement and expresses some doubt. "Umm... are we sure about that?" he suggests, carrying a new broom with him. "It's up to you, Miss Crowe, but normal people don't chase like that," he adds, acknowledging Nettie's expertise in such matters. He rests the broom against his body and gestures as if about to snap his fingers, offering his help. "Just say the word, though, Miss, and I'll take care of it," he assures her, smiling at June. Franklin doesn't seem upset in the slightest, as the matter of a stolen wallet is quite trivial for him to handle.

Behind June, a bark is heard, and Franklin smiles, shaking his head. He doesn't say anything, but he finds it intriguing how people often disregard what dogs might witness. As Nettie says to Belay, he lowers his fingers from the snapping position, awaiting further instructions.

He nods at Miss Crowe and walks towards the door, keeping a close eye on June. With a sigh, he opens the door and says, "Begone," snapping his fingers, creating blue portals under the men. Franklin watches them closely as they fall through the portals, sending them away to a common spot he often uses in Tahiti for such tasks. He then closes the portals after they vanish through it.

Looking back at Nettie and then at June, he comments, "Problem fixed. Though they might be a bit more upset at you when they get back," chuckling as he returns to sweeping. For Franklin, this was a simple task, and he wants to ensure that Miss Crowe isn't any more stressed than necessary. Sending a couple of people across the world was a small effort to guarantee they wouldn't return to bother her again.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"Yeah, I'll get your wallet back, if she's got it. You wait here, though, okay?", Golden Eagle says to the man. "Worst case, you can bcall the cops and file a report and stuff, okay?", she adds, intent on, however it works out, doing her best to resolve the situation -- the men seem to be on the level, after all, and pickpocketing *does* happen.

Then, the door opens... and Franklin sends the men away. Eyes wide, Golden Eagle says, "Uhm.. they said that the girl who ran into the store picked someone's pocket. Unless she dropped her own wallet just a second ago, maybe that's it under the counter?", pointing into the store and at the counter June's standing in front of.

She also doesn't go barging into the shop -- only person she really *knows* here is Shazam, and he showed really awesome Wisdom to just go haring off to gods-know-where before trying to help resolve the situation... or at least introduce and vouch for her.

June Connor has posed:
    "Right right," June quickly agrees with Nettie. "Neo-pagan. Like witches and that jazz." Of all the spots she could have chosen! Why this one? "I got nothin, you can search me." As Franklin opens the portal, she can't quite see what was happening, but whatever it is...it's intimidating. She looks at him, attributing the action to him by the finger snap. She looks absolutely mortified.

    "Well, thanks for the help," she says. "Um, I think I should get goin'. As you can see," she does a 360 and patts the empty back pockets, though not the front. It's unlikely something the size of a wallet would fit in there anyway, "I'm clean." Wallet under the counter? She is going to pretend that no one heard that observation. Maybe she can get to the door before someone responds to it.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam is cruising over Happy Harbor, when he realizes the food truck he uses regularly has all the ingredients required. He doesn't make a screech as he brakes and turns East and South and flashes down to Alley Pond Park. Hey, it's good enough for Spidey! In fact Spidey turned him onto it and... the food would get cold flying back from Philly. Along the way he flashes into the Vasquez home, gets a jar of Rosa's special reserve peppers. Leaves a heart on a Post-it for her. He's gone in a flash, though not a FLASH. He picks up the food he ordered and streaks off. The truck often has multiple sandwiches hot and ready for the rush. The Philly place doesn't.

Frack! Milkshake! He has to wait a bit for that and on line as well.

"Heeeey, you ain't the Flash."

"Oh shut up!"

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Sit down dear you still haven't introduced yourself to us neo-pagany, like witches and all that jazz types." Nettie waves her good hand.

    "Hello, more friends -- hello Golden Eagle, good of you to stop by, please, come in, have a seat, and let's discuss this business of wallets!" she gives a bright grin, almost devilish.

    "SO. Who would like to start first regarding this business of a wallet going missing?" she inquires, and looks to Franklin. "And thank you, Mr. Reed, quite kind of you to make sure the rabble doesn't rouse. Been through a bit much of that lately."

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin chuckles as he continues sweeping, offering some wisdom to Eagle. "You can't win them all, Miss. I hate to break it to you, but wallets are going to be stolen, and crime is going to happen. Consider this one lucky she picked the right door," he remarks with a touch of humor. After a moment, he speaks up again, not revealing the whereabouts of the stolen wallets instead speakig about the others. "They are alive and fine on a beach in Tahetti. If you really wish to get them, I can tell you where. But these things do tend to work themselves out, so I would suggest leaving it be," he advises, smiling at the thought.

Then, Franklin jokes "Or are you going to ask me to come out now?" but he quickly shakes his head, not considering it a serious option. He moves quickly to bar the way with a broom handle, teasingly preventing June from leaving. "You haven't had your tea yet... Do you think leaving would be that easy?" he chuckles, nodding towards Nettie. "Please, sit... I mean, you did visit after all. Why not greet the host?" he suggests, though he doesn't stop her if she insists on leaving. Franklin seems more puzzled by her intention to leave than upset, as he views her visit as a regular occurrence.

As Nettie also invites June to come in, Franklin chuckles and waves a hand back in her direction, indicating that it's safe inside. In a lower voice, he advises June, "You are safe here. Just try to be polite to her, as it is her shop after all." He then resumes his normal sweeping, searching for any cobwebs that might have escaped his notice, sweeping with enthusiasm as if the broom were coming for all of them!

Julie Power has posed:
Julie Power pinching the bridge of her Nose, Julie eyes Franklin a moment as Nettie says to pin June down... kinda. And then he returns sweeping. Shrugging, she reaches for a dirt tray to get the little pile gone. "I suggest to not argue but obey... Anyway, I expect lunch to be here any moment... and Franklin? I hope you can swap things back in a little."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle walks in, without blocking June's exit... and goes right over to the counter, crouching a moment to stick her hand under it to withdraw the wallet in question. "This wallet...", she says to Nettie, holding it up. "...and being as that Mike fellow said his driver's license was in it, that can be used to identify him", she adds, flipping it open to look at the ID. "... and sure looks like it's his wallet, after all", she indicates to Franklin, holding the wallet up for him to see it. "Would you mind bringing those men back, now, please? This time, we *can* give the man back his wallet... as for Tahiti, did you ask 'em if they wanted to go there? Maybe you shoulda been the one who 'let it be' before getting it all wrong", she says, a bit of 'ice' in her tone of voice.

June Connor has posed:
    "Polite, yeah, just what I'm known for," June mutters, looking at the broom handle. She looks at Franklin, as if trying to determine if she could take him before he snapped his fingers to make her disappear. She looks back at Nettie. "Look, I don't wanna bring youse all my problems," she says with hands up. "I'm good. I just go on my way. I don't have his wallet." It of course is that very moment that Golden Eagle produces it from under the counter. "See? I it's over theres. I don't got it. And you probably don't wanna give it back to them." Inside the wallet, alongside the apprpriate ID, is $1,400 in Benjamins. A remarkable amount of cash for someone to be carrying these days.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam returns, bearing several paper sacks that are nearly translucent. He excuses himself squeezing past Golden Eagle, not wanting to grease her passing by. He hands one bag held separate to Julie. It is not translucent. He sets a huge shake in front of Nettie, peppers in front of Belinda. Then he takes out the rest of the foods. Hey Speed of Mercury! He looks a little rueful. "I got mistaken for a Flash cosplayer. Hey Eagle.I got extra food if you like and for... fleeing person."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Franklin, if you would, please return the gentlemen from Tahiti to our less pleasant New York streets. Golden Eagle, please return the wallet to the gentleman it belongs to. And goodness, that *is* a lot of cash they're carrying." Nettie remarks pleasantly.

    "Thank you for helping us recover the mysterious missing wallet. Now, we shall see about getting it back to -- ooh, food!"

    Nettie happily accepts the chocolate milkshake. "Now where did I put those orange schnapps.'

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin chuckles as he sweeps over to Julie, whispering reassuringly to her, "Don't worry, they'll be fine. I've got an eye on them." He winks and grins, trying to alleviate her concerns. Then, his attention turns back to Eagle, and he frowns slightly. Setting the broom down slowly, he faces her with a serious expression. "As for you, I'm sorry, but I don't take orders from you. I could easily explain my way out of this, but you've got me interested. What will you do when I say no? Because I will not comply," he states firmly, maintaining a playful tone despite the serious subject.

When Nettie asks about the situation, Franklin nods confidently, reassuring her, "One moment Miss Crowe" he says with a grin, addressing the concern about the beach in Tahetti "Though do not worry I am not known to litter.", though he then playfully adds, "This one asks for a lot though, and look at how she glares at me. It's been a while since someone stared at me so fiercely. I am curious about what one decides in a time like this."

Franklin gives a casual wave to Shazam but keeps his focus on Eagle, smiling as he waits for her response. "So... what's your choice?" he inquires, curious to see how she will handle the situation as it will show her personality. This is what Franklin is curious about, and was not too worried as he just looked at her in a relaxed manner.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"No thanks", Golden Eagle says to Shazam, heading for the door. She certainly doesn't look happy.

"...and it's simple... I report you as a kidnapper, for taking people away without their permission", Golden Eagle replies to Franklin, heading out of the place. "I'm sure the statements of those men and footage from cameras in the area will be quite convincing to the police", she adds.

Turning back for a moment to the hero with the food, she says, "You've got interesting taste in friends, Shazam." To Nettie, who she's recognized as the owner of the place, she says, "Sorry for the commotion, ma'am", before stepping out onto the sidewalk.

June Connor has posed:
    "Sure, just hand the drug dealer his cash back, that seems legit for a superhero," June says, taking a little more arrogant of a tone. "Tell ya what, why don't you just punish me by droppin' me on some tropical beach I can't get back from?" she suggests. "I mean, I'm clearly a no good piece of trash pick pocket, right?" Anyway, I'm gonna head, right?" She starts to just make her way past, ducking low to try to go under the broom to the door. Maybe their discussion will distract them enough from bothering with little ole June.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam gestures at Franklin. "You need to learn, Franklin. Just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should do it or do it all the time. Err... Anyway. Please return the men or I'll see you guys later. I'm heading to Tahiti." He pushes the sandwich he'd claimed away from himself with a sigh. "Next time send them to Iceland. I know that place better and it's closer with better headwinds."

Julie Power has posed:
As Shazam hands her the bag, Julie smiles, somehow managing to get a few dead presidents from the suit's pocket to tuck into Shazam's hand with a smile. "Thanks for the trip..." Reaching into the bag for her food, she leans against the counter, eying Franklin with a raised eyebrow.

"Frankie, 99, 10th Avenue... you think that's a good spot to bring both the missing and our somewhat interesting guest as well as the wallet? I think Agent Smith from the DEA would love the report."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Agreed. Let the DEA handle the situation; that's a little out of our wheelhouse at the moment. Lack of power to arrest and such." Nettie comments breezily as she leans back in her stool.

    "Franklin. I would appreciate it if, in the future, you do not transport people at random half way across the planet, dear. What, with the recent troubles in Bushwick, rising animosity towards those of us with powers, it might lead to something of... well. A witch hunt." Nettie states, and she pulls her milkshake up, giving it a stir with the straw.

    "And I've lived through enough of those that I wouldn't wish it. Not all of us have the benefits of Superpower Royalty."

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin nods and chuckles as Eagle decides to leave. "I see. Well, good luck with that, but it's definitely an interesting decision," he remarks, making way for her to go. As she leaves, he calls out, "Franklin Richards, if you're going to report it, be sure to get the name correct, please. Though you might find cameras a bit of an issue... Oh, I don't want to spoil it for you," he adds, teasingly. He waves her off, shaking his head, and then turns back to Nettie, hoping she understands his approach. "Sorry... But even steel is tested," he says, hoping this explanation suffices for her.

He then addresses June, cautioning her, "Be careful what you wish for, but don't mind her. She's trying to do the right thing even if she's unsure what it is. You shouldn't be so hard on her, as she was right about the wallet," he advises, empathizing with Eagle's intentions.

Franklin stops and puts a hand on Shazam's shoulder, reassuring him, "I returned them as soon as she asked. You should know I don't need to snap... I choose to. Your new friend isn't bad, tightly wound, but not bad. I like her," he remarks, appreciating Eagle's character. He waves and laughs, playfully warning, "Miss, you should be careful. You won't get lucky twice. Keep that in mind next time you have to run." With that, he also leaves, heading out to talk to the cops again.

As Franklin opens the door, he calls out to everyone, "Ye of little faith... I mean, come on, of course, I would bring them back! And now the police will come to me as Julie mentioned." he declares with a laugh, walking away with his faithful companion, Dog, who shakes his head at Shazam. Dog trusts Franklin and follows him without question, knowing he'll always be taken care of as long as bacon was given.

June Connor has posed:
R    June just nods as Franklin tels her his assessment. She listens the other discuss her as if she's a non-factor, and frowns with a little disgust at the impression she receives. That's fine.

    As Franklin announces his exit, June takes the cue, and with a full sprint, she hits the door, and takes off down the street.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam shrugs his shoulder out from under Franklin's hand. "Don't patronize me, Franklin. You were being a bully. And I will tell you what was going to happen. If you were going to try to snap her somewhere I was going to slap you across the effing city. Excuse me Nettie, I'm going to go patrol." Like that, he's gone, the door closing behind him in his wake.