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Maximum Carnage - Monday Evening Murder
Date of Scene: 30 July 2023
Location: Brooklyn
Synopsis: A group of mixed heroes go to face down Carnage and Cletus Kassady for one final fight as day turns into night. And the saga of Maximum Carnage comes to a roughly fought end. But peace rules on the streets for just one night.
Cast of Characters: Mary Jane Watson, Kaine Parker, Peter Parker, Bunny Macleod, Andi Benton, Cinque Evers, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
It's been a long, long day. Carnage and a bevy of other supervillains have gone on a rampage throughout Manhattan. Heroes have spread out and fought with freaks, monsters, and mass murderers in an exhausting melee. Splitting up to cover wide swathes of the city, on rapid patrol to take down the baddies that had gone along for thier own fun.

Now, it's past sundown. The stars are twinkling. The heat is miserable and draining. The darkness does nothing to stop the heat. People are staying indoors. Sirens seem everywhere.

And from down one street is a shriek, a hoot, and a loud set of howls as the red-skewered freak made of living blades is gonig to charge towards a police line under fire from the officers and raising his bladed limbs formed into axes high!

Kaine Parker has posed:
    A spider-y-man sits atop a flag pole, feet in paper thin shoes (bordering fancy socks) gripping the golden ball with a hand palming the rest of the tiny sphere with a free hand holding a tissue paper protected hot dog. The man has half his mask up, the red lenses over his eyes bunching up oddly as he rolled his mask up under neath itself to expose his shaven chin and mouth.

    Mostly his mouth though as that's where hot dogs with onions and mustard go.

    Kaine, A Scarlet Spider, if you will, is inches away from his first bite of the day when the pole is sliced by some angry red and black copy cat beneath him that's trying to cause damage to some hapless cops below. "Oh for fu--!" Kaine complains to fate as he begins to fall, his hot dog the first real casualty in his eyes.

    A hand rises up to THWIP out a line of web from his wrist to splat at the top of the police department to arrest his fall enough to make sure his feet are below him and he lands standing nearly straight as if he was walking off a curb. "Hey. I like the duds man, but c'mon!" Kaine calls out towards Carnage, just as his hot dog splats feebly onto the dirty sidewalk just in front of Kaine.

Peter Parker has posed:
It's been a long day for Peter Parker, for sure.

The Webhead has been everywhere, at every fight he could get to. Like a scrawny Santy Clause, distributing gifts to all the good little boys and girls. It's as hard as he's ever had to hustle during a day. The webslinger has been going nonstop from incident to incident since bright and early. He's even had to schedule an emergency resupply of webfluid and gear. Forget about lunch, there's not even time to eat a Snicker's bar while on the line.

"Man if I were a cop, this would be a 'steak or lobster' monologue," he mutters to himself mid-air. "'Gonna take this scumbag in and treat myself to a nice dinner'. Maybe I'll splurge and go to Arby's or something," he grunts.

Spider-Man backflips, freefalls fifty feet, and hauls laterally to rapidly change direction towards the sound of gunfire. Sure enough, there's a familiar red-and-black streak lashing out across the city, and he groans under his breath.

"Spidey to all points, I'm closing in on Carnage. Why do the cops try to *shoot* at these guys?" he wonders aloud.

He twists in midair to look back and down at Kaine. "Hey! You on a union break or something?" he shouts back at his clone.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    She'd been tracking the information on Carnage since her last encounter with a falling building via her comms, the earbud buzzing with updates and information as she tracks on her cellphone.

    Of course, she knew the city street-side, and had arrived just in time to grind her skates along a barrier to regard Carnage with a *FACE*.

    <Nice to meet you, Spider-Man! OhMiGosh /Spider-Mans/! Prisma, Young Avengers, coming in stage rrriiiight --?> And alongside the officers, PRISMA makes her appearance, bringing her arms up and her colorful shield forming as she narrows her eyes behind her Mattel-pink goggles lenses, the wheels on her roller skates skidding as the short Young Avenger takes the blow from one of the bladed limbs!

    "Get back! Get back, get back, get back!" she barks out to the officers, bracing herself against the barrier before she drops the shield, and goes to baseball-slide under one arm of Carnage!

    <I'm *guessing* this one's a friend of yours?>

Andi Benton has posed:
For a few in this line of work, it's been a long and tiring day that isn't over yet. For Andi Benton and Mania, really one and the same, it's been exceptionally long. Coming off a lengthy night before, it opened with an early morning encounter with Carnage that saw her take a wound she needed a few hours to deal with.

Then came another crossing of paths, this one involving Venom as well. They got no closer to stopping Carnage, but Venom (and Eddie) tracked her down just after the fight came to an end. This led to them agreeing on working together to put a stop to the problem, if they could. Pizza was had.

There was enough of a break for Andi to return home to Happy Harbor and finally have a long-needed, necessary conversation with her father about what she was and what she did. He'd accepted it after initial fright came out, and she saw him off as he left town for a few days for his own safety.

This left her to return to New York City around the time the sun went down, because both host and symbiote knew this wasn't over yet. It didn't take much longer for the call to come out over comms she monitored that tied her to Spider-Man. <We aren't far. Be there soon.> she says, relaying the message back. It doesn't really dawn upon her that since the reveal to her father, the combined voice of Andi and Mania had started to relax a little, turn more casual instead of being overly formal. Maybe it was an added bit of comfort that was finally unlocked.

Lines of webbing lead to Mania swinging through the city, en route to Brooklyn. Won't be long, now.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
At the approach of the webslingers, Carnage's attention is redirected as bullets go to fly through the air, casually ricocheting off his body and his blades, which form a protective ribbon of scales along him. "Hello there Spiders! You've made for some fun today. So thank you for brightening my mood!" Most Symbiotes would use variations on 'we' to represent the two different strands of their consciousness. For Cletus Kassady and the Carnage Symbiote, despite their shared dissassociativeness, the single focus of 'I' was something that was in it's own way even more terrifying.

The police are scattering at the approach of the Spiders. Going for cover, trying to get better positions to try and keep up fire. But as the Spiders would dart dtown and Carnage would move to engage, it goes to slow. One of the senior officers yells out, "Hold him off, we'll get everyone in the area ou tof here!" To the Spiders and arriving heroes.

Carnage lets out a shriek and goes to charge towards Spider-Man and Kaine, taunting Prism, "The thing about that is it's a mirror that's already CRACKED!" Towards Spider-Man and Spider-Kaine, he goes to form his arms to two huge bloody axes, which would go to swing over at the two, extending like webbing to try and slash through them where they slung!

Kaine Parker has posed:
    "If it is a union break I get fifteen minutes. Not Fifteen seconds." Kaine says as he reaches up to his mask and rolls it back down securing it to the base of the neck with a little hidden button. Just to be safe. He looks towards Peter-Man and takes a deep breath before lowering his shoulders, lifting his hands, and bending his knees. "You'll have to fill me in on this Amazing."

    Webbing shoots out to pull Kaine up into the air to attack Carnage, but the axe was just too fast and well placed! Kaine goes ass over tea kettle, tumbling through the air like an X with his arms and legs wide before he catches a foot on Carnage's tendril and stablizes himself from there to snap out two weblines just behind Carnage and yanks himself through the air towards the red and black symbiote, foot first. "Only thing cracked here is your scabby butt!"

Peter Parker has posed:
"<Roll call later, fight now!>" It's not Spider-Man's best reparatee, but to his credit, he is twisting himself in a midair pretzel to avoid the huge organic blade scything through the air in his direction. It misses by millimeters and he comes out the other side flying backwards and upside down. Webshooters go 'pfft pfft!' and webbing splats to Earth around what passes for what would be Kassidy's ankles.

"<And I wouldn't say he's a friend /per se/, but y'know, I try to stay open-minded,>" Spidey adds a beat later, for Prisma's benefit. "<Watch out though, he's got a mean reach!>"

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    It'll be good to see a friendly face. Mask. Symbiote, once Mania's on-scene.

    It is not good to see the unfriendly symbiote.

    While she's skidding, Prisma lifts her shield again, feeling the WHACK of another blow to it!

    <Yep noticed!> she replies back to Spidey. She's already a bit scuffed up, but she bounces back up, skating backwards for a half-beat before she sees the webbing around Kassidy's ankles, and she enthusiastically grins. <Hoth Maneuver?>

    Because she is a geek.

    She orbits to one side, skating and picking up speed and ready to raise her shield again to deflect Carnage's blows against people!

Andi Benton has posed:
<<Mania>> Over there, Andi.
<<Andi>> Yeah, I see him. Kinda hard to miss with all the..no, I'm not gonna say it.
<<Mania>> The carnage?
<<Andi>> If we were in prison, you'd get yourself shanked.
<<Mania>> What does prison have to do with this? And nobody would hurt us. We would hurt them and rule the yard.
<<Andi>> Can we just focus now?

The black and white form, sort of a mini She-Venom to those unaware (and much less buff but much more spiky), swings onto the scene to size up who's doing what. There's no sign of Venom...yet. It should probably be no surprise. There's no telling how much she can count on him, how much any of them can count on him. "We're here," she says, passing Spider-Man before landing relatively close to him in relation to the rest. Kaine gets a somewhat confused turn of the white eyes, but no questions are asked right now. No time. Carnage is already trying to chop down everybody around him, and the direct approach might not be the brightest.

"We meet again. Ready to get your ass kicked?" A mouth opens up to reveal those tell-tale sharp teeth along with that tongue, very much a symbiote thing, and she rips out a sign from the sidewalk to swing it at Carnage for a little extra reach!

Cinque Evers has posed:
The morning this all started Cinque was on leave at his homeless shelter reviewing records. When the carnage happened, he spent that time sending his people out to collect their regular guests, and putting the word out on the Brooklynn streets where they would collect people outside the borough. Once the shelter was at full capacity and night had come, Cinque descended to his headquarters under the shelter.

Cinque peers at his Shield Recruit badge, then over to his Oletha?s costume as he ponders to himself, "Well, If I am going to retire my costumed identity, I cannot think of a better way to do this. Well, I can think of several ways, but most of them involve Beyonce and a young Eartha Kitt."

Cinque dons his costume, puts on his arsenal, and hops on his motorcycle towards Brooklynn. Upon arriving at the scene, Cinque quickly scans over the scene as he rapidly comes up with a plan where he will be the most useful.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Carnage goes to charge through, going to focus over on Spider-Kaine and Spider-Man. "So many of you now?" Cackling at Peter and Kaine, slashing up at the two as Kaine would go to launch himself through the air in a SNAP kick, boosted by the webbing! The webbing goes to hit over at Carnage's ankles, holding him down enough for the KICK to smash into him! His attacks in turn are deflected by Prism throwing up the shield around the two, each wild strike being prevented from hitting! The kick hits Carnage with enough force to send him flying! Webbing still anchoring him, large chunks of the road being yanked along with the blow!

Even in midair, Carnage is recovering and moving to anchor himself, throwing extending blades from his hands like webbing which go to slam into the ground, holding him to snap back! "Oooh, nice tricks. Let me show you how little they're worth!" He goes to bristle like a porcupine - then goes to launch dozens and dozens of rapid firing blades made out of the symbiote through the air like garden gnomes being catapulted! Of course, they're more razor edged and capable of going through the side of a car so the comparison doesn't quite stand! Even as Mania goes to bring a sign down on him, with a brutal WHACK as his head snaps about a hundred and eighty degrees, a claw slashing out over at her to try and skewer her in midair!

Cinque racing in as the cops hurriedly evacuate civilians out of the area! There are still people here, but Carnage is focused over on the Spiderlings. He can kill them all later!

Peter Parker has posed:
"Mania!" Spidey swings around in a tight arc and when those spikes fly, takes refuge behind a heavy concrete planter. Stick and move; he's there for just one second exactly and launches into the air again, throwing more webbing at Carnage. The game seems to be to slow him down rather than arrest or stop him.

"<I've got sonic disruptors!"> he says over the commset. Spidey underhand flicks one at Kaine the next chance he gets and slaps another against a mailbox. "<Make a net and close him in, we've got to keep him in the kill zone long enough. Need at least five on the ground!>" he orders everyone, weaving and bobbing as fast as he can to stay ahead of Carnage. At an opportune moment, he wings another at Prisma as well.

Tony Stark has posed:
A new voice pops into the Spider-comms. Not necessarily a frequent guest on those comms, but one likely everyone recognizes.

<You got this, Web-head, or do I need to bring in Betty, Veronica, and Jughead for an assist?>

Flying in high above the scene, keeping his distance (and his promises), Iron Man surveys the situation, his scanners sending a three dimensional map back to Pepper Potts at Stark Tower. "Pep, can you give me the best two, maybe three streets to drop the new people-moving evacuators down on?" Ever eager to test out a new invention, this is the latest in Tony's attempts at making the world safer. Not quite street width, these use mag-lift technology to drop down and extend to create an impromptu people mover to rapidly escort civilians from a dangerous situation. Have they been tested? Not on real people. Is that safer than leaving these people close to Carnage? Depends upon how well Tony calculated maximum acceleration without crossing escape velocity.

Kaine Parker has posed:
    Kaine's kick hits hard and true. He feels it. his steel like leg is right into the symbiote's sternum. And the momentum carries him past Carnage, tumbling over his victim, hitting the road with his shoulder, and rolling quickly onto his feet and planting with all his grip, causing the pavement itself to crack under his strength unrestrained.

    Turning around to face Carnage after such a heavy hit, Kaine-man expects that to end the fight. "That's how we do it Spideeeeeeeer..."


    Kaine shouts as he springs upwards and away, his genes, Peter's genes demanding him to get others out of harms way as well, a pair of webs THWIP out towards Bunny to pull her away from any of those quills.

    A hand catches the sonic disruptor from Peter and looks at it curiously. Unaware of what's being said on comms but shrugging as he watches Spider-man plant them on things and figures he should do the same. "You okay?" He asks Bunny before he leaps out and goes to be his spidery distraction self.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny shifts her weight, her eyes narrowe dbeneath her slightly scuffed goggles as she leaps over a couple of those skewering spines, giving a squeak of something that *might* have been a curse word as she whips herself around and raises another shield, eye snarrowed at Carnage.

    And Oh. She knows that voice coming over the coms.

    <We have *got* to stop meeting like this!> she exclaims in feigned exasperation, barely hiding the rush of adreniline in her voice as Bunny makes a momentary pause that almost ends up with her shish-ka-bunned!

    "AIEEEE!" she squeals out as she's webbed and pulled, and one good turn deserves another -- she shields for another round of spines, the red spears hitting the prismatic gasoline-puddle colors of her shields.

    And Bunny gives her brightest grin to Kaine.

    "I'm good!" she states, "Let's go!"

    An dshe swings herself down. Skidding as one of her shields forms a 'balcony' off a building and then attempts to Shield-Bash Kassidy to his FACE!

    "Rainbow Rhinoplasty is all the rage I hear!"

Pepper Potts has posed:
It happens sometimes; when Tony's got the larger, a little more involved Iron Man involvements, Ms Pepper Potts is not far from coms. What had happened in the Battle for New York will NEVER happen again, so help her. As a result, the redhead hasn't been far in some of the bigger missions- the largest having been the rescue of Mutant Town and the restoration of the great city block once it had been returned.

She's pacing in the expanse of the Penthouse, stopping occasionally at the large glass wall that gives a view of NYC in its glorious best. It's not to Brooklyn the view is turned, however. Who wants to have a view of the Heights? What she does have floating around her, however, is a holographic 3D rendering of the area in question, and when Tony asks her a question, HOMER easily begins to highlight areas that might be good for evacuations.

"Tony? Fulton Street is one, corner of Fulton and Styvessant. The other is south of that, Eastern Parkway. Traffic is probably backing up there." Her tones are calm on their face value; she doesn't like this, any of this, but this is much better than not knowing.

Andi Benton has posed:
There is a thickening of Mania's 'hide' when Carnage sends bits of himself out as an attack, then focuses more directly on her for a spell. This is a thing where escaping all damage entirely is going to be a problem, so she doesn't really try to. "This ends tonight. You're going back to where you came from, one way or another."

<<Mania>> Let us take some control, Andi. We will need it to stop him, even with the others.
<<Andi>> I need to know what I'm doing.
<<Mania>> He is deadlier than you have seen. We know what he is capable of.
<<Andi>> We don't want to be that close anyway if they're going to be doing something with sound in a second!
<<Mania>> Do you trust us?
<<Andi>> I..yes. Fine, but don't make me regret this. I just told my dad about us. He's not gonna be able to go on if we don't make it back!

Without another warning, Mania ducks in to wrap arms around Carnage, then bristles up and out not unlike some sort of horror-inspired porcupine. This means numerous sharp spikes are extended to pierce into whatever part of Carnage's body they can, and Mania chomps down at his neck and shoulder area with an otherworldly snarl. This is not the Mania Spider-Man has seen. This is far more aggressive. "Submit!" she hisses.

Cinque Evers has posed:
Cinque traces the brim of his hat to signify that he has come up with a somewhat of a plan. Cinque gets on a roof of parked car and takes a quick measurement of the wind direction and pulls out his voice amplifier, "Everyone on the streets, Keep running or find a good hiding spots! Once you see the smoke, you got five minutes of cover! Before someone can ask what smoke, Cinque propels his grappling hook to swing off the card and land twenty yards from where he was previous located on top of the cop.

Cinque launches his smoke bombs on to the street to create his own line in the sand from the heroes and the fleeing civilians, and to provide them some temporary cover. Cinque furrows his brow behind his mask, and realizes he needs to find some cover for himself to help with the fight. Cinque pulls out his Navy Colts and tells them to change to incendiary rounds.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mania! Shouldn't that have a Taz before it? Kaine goes to barely dodge away from Carnage as those dozens of symbiote blades splice through, barely avoiding hitting anyone on anything important they might miss in the morning! But Spider-Man has a plan! The sonic disruptors and the whole issue of keeping the guy made out of living scythes in one place long enough to -work-! But there's the sound of repulsors in the air as it's the Invincible Iron Man here to lend a hand (that is far awesomer than any web, no matter the size).

Carnage goes to hack and slash over at Parker #1! Peter is fast, so is Carnage! Peter is strong, so is Carnage! It's a deadly game of tag as Carnage goes to hack out with a scythe, and then when that misses even in the recovery he goes to twist out wiht his other arm to form an axe, slashing where Spider-Man was just thousandths of a second before as it's all that Spidey can do between his hyper-agility and his spider-sense to avoid being skewered from top to bottom! Carnage shrieks over in laughter, it echoing through the streets!

"WOO HOO HAH HAH!" There's a cackle of glee that almost has buildings quake from it in the violent howls! Tony focuses on the first priority - saving lives as his Mag Lifts go down to arrive, rapidly giving a quick way to yoink and haul anyone that's at risk while one cop just stares at them.

"Where does he get those $##!'ful toys?" ANother cops quips, "His own money. We're just employees of the city. We don't get the cool stuff."

Bunny goes to charge in, having caught a sonic disruptor and goes to WHACK at Carnage hard over in the face as his head snaps back! In turn from his shoulders go to pop out two large mandibles, which go to slash out at her to try and bisect her! Whether or not they hit, they're immediately retracting over into his goo-like form! And there goes Mania going to doom-hug him! Her own blades dig into his even as he cries out in glee!

From Carnage snap out blades that go to try and snap onto her like bear traps! It's a clash of spike on spike as she tries to hold onto him and he tries to rip her! In a brawl of strength between two Symbiotes where one is far, far stronger than the other! But the other one isn't working on their own.

And Mania buys the rest precious seconds as Carnage is surrounded where he's almost completely still, his slashes all focused now on her as Peter and Bunny engage at close range and his attacks over on them slow down as he tries to wrestle wtih Mania!

Cinque goes to lean in and get ready over with his weapon. He's in cover and hasn't been noticed so far while he moves and gives cover to the civilians being rocket jumped over by Tony and Pepper. This gets the last of them out of the area thanks to his cover and the melee a trois over on top of Carnage and Cinque is ready to get a bead on Carnage as soon as there's an opening!

Kaine Parker has posed:
    Kaine snarls as it looks like everyone is doing their damned hardest with frown from the clone. Can't have everyone else being big damn heroes and him standing here with his thumb up his... sonic disruptor.

    Kaine gives a look to Mania and shrugs his shoulders. "Sorry kid. Sins of the father and all." He says before he puts some webbing on the sonic disruptor and then whips and thwips at the same time, trying to attach it fully to the clump of two symbiotes and then he uses both hands to try and web up the two like a spider would before they begun the external digestion process. "I hope this is the plan Spider-man, cause I'm livin' on a prayer." Then with a look towards the cop. "You'll get the cool stuff when you earn the cool stuff and not a moment before then mister."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man flies through a gauntlet of... gaunlets. And axes. Blades. Darts. For his trouble the hardest hit he takes is a glancing blow from a symbiote string that knocks his path awry and sends him tumbling across the street. Spidey's quick to recover, propelling himself out of a roll with a one-handed push and springing backwards to stick the landing on a horizontal brick surface. He flings the last sonic device upwards so it hangs from a lightpole.

"<Oh h-hey! Mister Stark! I'm, uh, no I'm-->" He raises his voice for Kaine. Everyone else gets the following over the commlink: "<YEAH THAT'S THE PLAN!>"

"<Oh snap, sorry,>" he calls. "<Mania, hang on-- the fat lady is about to sing!>" he tells her.

Spidey lays down a few broad sheets of web netting to help keep Carnage in Mania's clutches, and hits the green button on the sonic emitter array.

Tony Stark has posed:
<I think Cap is offering 'Planning 101' again next semester, may want to look into that.>

Iron Man floats off to the side, keeping his distance from the sonic emitters and the melee below so that he has a better viewpoint on the escaping civilians. He trusts the Spiders to have a plan, but just in case...

"Pepper, do we have any of those orbital crates within range? Not sure if the arachnos have a strategy for after they pull this guy apart." He swoops along past the fight for a moment to keep an eye on those evacuators. Partly out of pride at seeing his invention come to life, and partly to make sure that they do not go off the rails - literally - and dump any of the civvies in a worse situation.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny had dropped her shield long enough to drop her emitter into Carnage, sticking it to the mandables as she glitters and glistens, the shield bubbling herself as she grunts, and then cries out from the sudden pressure of the mandables -- but the shield holds. And she drops down to the street, trying to roll with the punch (or the squeeze) as it were, and thank goodness she wears a helmet.

    Otherwise that mailbox was gonna hit hard. INstead there's a dent in the steel and a crick in her neck as she skids on her side.

    <Light 'em up... I think.> she states woozily into the comms, exhaling and trying to get her bearings and breath back!

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper doesn't know all the players on the ground, and only has them as blips indicated as 'good guys' as well as 'bad guys', and it's fed into the Penthouse in livestream. She knows enough, however, to be concerned for them.

Stepping away from the great glass wall, Pepper wraps her arms around herself and looks to the holographic image before her, and she takes a step further to make it into the center of the projection. Looking around, the redhead spies a spot, and she nods her head in prelude to a response, "We do. I think if we set it down a block north of you, where some of the pushback looks like its happening?" There should be some semblance of corralling, possibly. Potentially.

Andi Benton has posed:
"Bad idea!" Mania - or maybe more Andi - says as Carnage reciprocates and they both take on qualities of pincushions. There's pain, but the symbiote dulls it. There's adrenaline, and the symbiote enhances it. All a way to keep going in the face of deadly danger.

For a few seconds longer, Mania almost looks like a very twisted sort of straitjacket wrapping around Carnage's torso, seeking to keep the killer's arms from freeing up too much to slice and dice, not to mention making Julienne fries. By nature of being so close, there are some attacks that simply aren't entirely avoidable, and one of those is Kaine's mass of webbing coming in.

Fortunately, as the sonic disruptors are being placed and primed, Mania still has a trick or two in the back pocket. There's another burst of spikes and other generally sharp appendages that blows open the back of the wrappings Kaine's put in place, and she disentangles herself from Carnage one way or another. A mass of her own webbing, left indistinct and goopy, is unloaded on Carnage to coat his torso and head, leaving it unclear whether it's actually webbing or just parts of Mania herself.

Though bleeding, those marks seal over within moments as she scampers out of ground zero mere seconds before the sonics become active. With luck, the up close, personal way of doing this will leave Carnage ripe for defeat. "Suck on that, mother--"

Even where she is, she cuts herself off and ducks behind cover to curl up in a protective manner.

Cinque Evers has posed:
Cinque starts to hum to himself Marty Robbin's El Paso to himself. He raises both of his pistols as his mind as he aims center mass at Carnage. His accelerated perception allows for him to perceive that all the quick moving heroes are out of range of his attack. He sings to himself, "Music would play and Feleeena would while."

Cinque fires his two incendiary shots and quickly moves to find another place for cover as he continues to him, "Ten more shots left, I got to make sure each of them count. Cinque peers down at his arsenal and tries to think of a plan when his pistols need to recharage if Carnage is not brought down.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Several heavy blasts of webbing hold Carnage solid. It will only take him a few seconds to tear through - but they have those few seconds thanks to Mania grappling with him and her own blades digging into him hard. Covered over in web pellets Carnage is going to howl out, even as he goes to start to tear himself free.. And Bunny, Kaine, and Peter disengage from him just far enough.. And Kaine's webbing the sonic disruptor to him right in the middle as the others would ready their song and dance routine!

The cop next to Kaine would grunt, "Cool stuff, at my pay level? And who are you supposed to be Spider-Er-Man? Spider-Kvetch? Arachno-Man?" Oof, attempting to nag him where it hurt.

Iron Man has a point over on proper planning preventing.. Whatever the next step is! But it's a good idea for these uncoordinated beat down teamups. The area has been cleared of civilians and the cops have been mostly falling back to a corridor wehre they have cover but aren't firing with Carnage in the midst of a melee, and seem quite happy to leave it to the heroes.

Mania goes to struggle and hold on just long enough, bracing herself right over until that moment when the webbing strikes Carnage, and the sonic disruptors go to hit over on him and barrage him and she has those seconds to get of fhim before she's at ground zero of what must be like a Justin Bieber concert doing a Hanson homage routine.

Pure agony. Carnage goes to let out a loud, reverberating SCREAM over as his symbiote would flail about with agony, the bombardment getting higher and higher as he would thrash about within the cocoon of webbing, bits of goo and ichor that was his symbiote being slowly blasted from him! His howl would erupt over in pain as he goes to desperately thrash about, spasming over in twisted webbing! It looks for a moment like he's about to be fully ripped away from his symbiote.. Washing over from the fire of the incendinary shots from Cinque, seeming to bleed fire, napalm, and blades as there's a frenzy of feralness! Even as he/they both shriek..

"NO!" All those blades go to snap over onto the ground, ripping into the concrete and going to SNAP it up and through the air over like he was cracking a whip, throwing up dozens and dozens of feet of it in every direction to rain down debris! This stops the sonic serenade in it's tracks for just a few seconds, even as the symbiote is desperately trying to reform to him over as there's the human body of Kletus beneath dripping in symbiote ichor starting to join again! Trying to use the heavy debris between him and the heroes to get thsoe few moments to recover and rejoin themselves!

Kaine Parker has posed:
    "I'm the one saving your butt buddy." Kaine says after landing next to the cop picking fun of him before Kaine reacts like a riverrock to the waters washing over it. He takes his hat.

    Kaine puts the cop hat on on top of his mask and sends a thwip line out and jumps into the air to swing back out over Carnage. His movements are nearly identical to Spider-man's, swinging with one leg kicked out and the other tucked in tight nearly touching his tookus.

    "Team UP!" Kaine shouts as he points his free hand down towards Peter and thwips out a second line, grabbing Spider-man by the chest or hand if he's smart enough to catch on.

    A WIDE swing as the Spider-men build up momentum, and Kaine then vaults off his line several yards away from Carnage, but moving in, and then with a motion, a tightness in his core, his arms, and his legs. His whole body tenses to a spring, and explodes like a shot as he WHIPS Peter around and down towards Carnage. Hopefully before the symbiote can reform.

Peter Parker has posed:
"<Go team Spider-Mans!>" Spider-Man cheers his agreement and grabs the line flung his way. He corrects course immediately and drops another double-heel kick right into Kassidy's... something. Sternum? Thigh? Either way, it's a bit of the goo pile that is obviously Not Andi and definitely (probably) Not Mania before she makes her well-timed escape.

Down he goes, pinned to the ground under multiple layers of webbing and serious Spider-Fam beatdowns. Spider-Man backflips away and lands atop a bus stop, dusting his gloves.

"<Okay. Awesome job team. Now we just wait for the containment system to land and Hoover him up into secure storage,>" he explains, and makes sure Kaine can hear him over the screeching of the acoustic inducers.

"<Juuuust waiting.>"

"<aaaaanytime, now,>" he adds.

Spider-Man checks his wrist for a non-existent watch. "<Uh, Mister Stark, not to pressure you...>" he says, and flinches as Carnage rips his way through a layer of webbing with a bestial shriek of pure, animal rage.

Tony Stark has posed:
Iron Man swoops back towards the former melee, having confirmed that his One Eyed One Horned Flying Purple People Mover did not in fact either eject or eat any people, taking a quick look down.

<Haven't you heard? Rush a Miracle Man, get lousy miracles?>

Switching off the Spider-comms, Tony is a lot less non-chalant as he reaches out to Pepper. "Tell me something good, Miss Potts, these kids don't have a lot more left in them, and the bad guy is silly putty. How's that containment unit?"

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny pushes herself up. Her goggles are cracked (but they're not meant to be so violenced, being just sports glasses), she winces, and pushes herself to her feet at the shrieking of Carnage, seeing the goop trying to return to Kassidy's body.

    So she straightens up, battered and bruised as she is, and she grits her teeth, and she skates in close to the screaming, tortured cries of Kassidy, and she throws up a bubble.

    This time? She's bubbling Cletus Kassidy, away from the Carnage symbiote.

    <Is that from the Music Man or something? What's it gotta do with the 76 trombones?> she asks, hands wide, holding her 'bubble' as large as she can keep it.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper is working out the coordinates, and she's glancing from the scene of most of the battle and working on exactly where this containment box should drop. (Ideally in the right place, of course.) "I know, Tony.." and the last word in the sentence has a certain rise to it; she's being rushed, and there are a lot of people that are relying on her. Like the heroes and most of the city. At least Brooklyn, that is.

Reaching a hand up to move a point in that holographic display, the 'live' version shifts as her hand moves its placement. Satisfied, finally, with the calculations that are coming from HOMER, via a brief 'conversation' with Friday, Pepper takes a deep breath and pokes at the air, sending the containment box hurtling towards the scene and the place marked with an 'X'.

"Okay, it's coming. It should be-"


The box looks non-descript at first, which might be a disappointment, given that it's Stark Technology, but soon enough it shows its breeding. It begins a soft *hmmmmm* and begins a shimmer, followed by a decided tractor-beam type of pulse. It's a dedicated system; it's been programmed as to who and what it seeks to enclose...

There's a heartbeat before Pepper's voice comes softly over coms, "Did it work?"

Andi Benton has posed:
<<Mania>> We are doing it, Andi. We are beating him.
<<Andi>> He's trying to get back together..with himself!

Hopefully not for long, or before Carnage can be fully contained. When presenting with an actual mouth, Mania looks multiple times more dangerous than without, and the visage is one of anger and aggression. The mood is interrupted by the containment unit landing nearby. "Whoa, was that inspired by Ghostbusters or something?" the more Andi half of the bond asks before Mania helps her refocus.

"Let's get him in there while we still can!" The damage to the surroundings is affording Kasady a chance here, but if they can keep the pressure on maybe, just maybe they can get this done and dusted.

Mania helps by leaping back into the mix, hands building up until they're three or four times their usual size. Made into fists that look like rock-hard boxing gloves, spikes form where the knuckles ought to be as a lead in to driving a wicked one-two punch to the head and torso with the goal of driving him toward the pulsing beam. If it breaks the skin, that's the idea. No time to celebrate yet with Spider-Man and the rest. Maybe in a few minutes.

Cinque Evers has posed:
After debris is thrown in the air by Carnage, Cinque spends several moments dodging falling debris by diving into a nearby shop. Cinque waits for the debris to fall, and emerges from the shop with both pistols in his hands. Cinque continues to hum to himself El Paso, as he fires on the symbiote to keep it from returning to Cassidey, and try to corral it towards the containment the box.

Sweat pouring from his brow as he fires and pauses from singing to think to himself, "This was a fitting for finale for Oletha."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Carnage is desperately rising, the symbiote going to try and remerge over with teh host as fast as possible so they can escape and kill the interlopers. That's the way the bad guys want the story to go. To rampage throughout the day and night.

But the Spider-Mans aren't letting him have that as they go for a dual double axel kick into him from either side! There's a SMASH that's like Kool-Aid Man going through a wall that just needs an 'OH YEAHH' to perfectly fit the moment as Carnage goes to fold down hard, being crushed over like a pancake! The force field thrown up by Bunny goes to compress him in place, even as more layers of webbing launch down on him as he tries to reform without the sonic blasts keeping him weak. There are more blades coming out with each second, and it's hard to manage! But she does it, pressing him down like forcing a pot lid on something threatening to boil over by sheer force of will as it's like trying to hold down a passenger plane trying to achieve liftoff! Aided by Mania going ot make her hands over like two large cymbals, pressing them down over him like she was wearing giant Foam Finger hands! Adding to the pressure holding thes trungling Symbiote! And fireballs from the incendinary rounds pepper him, leaving him to a literal ifnerno upon the ground as webbing sizzles, Carnage burns, and flesh fries!

And it's Pepper that brings the hammer down, the containment drum going to land atop Cletus and the Symbiote over wiht a sound effect that lands with a loud SHOOMPH and SPLORTCH over as it locks down and seals, vacuuming up the symbiote, the host, and then bombards them with energy to render them inert (AC/DC may be playing, or something from Metallica, we defer to the tastes of the Deployer).

And as Carnage is contained, and the sirens flare off into the distance, and the heroes finally have a moment to stand up and breathe.. It's over, right? It's got to be done for the night. There's a half breath.. And the sirens continue. Carnage is down. And it's over.
    Finished. But.. In the sirens, in the distance, New York is still New York. Come the night, and the morrow, there will still be monsters and murderers. But now there's one less of the worst out on the streets. They stopped the slaughter. They culled the Carnage.