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Latest revision as of 04:25, 6 November 2023

It Was A Beautiful Day In Space
Date of Scene: 06 November 2023
Location: Cafeteria and Bar
Synopsis: A violent attack on Asteroid M finds Mystique to have been the primary target. Numerous heroes, human, alien and mutant alike come to the aid of the station and save it from being blown to the planet below. As the dust settles... Magneto returns.
Cast of Characters: Raven Darkholme, Monet St. Croix, Victor Creed, Phoebe Beacon, Belinda Gutierrez, Koriand'r, Caleb Dykstra, Roberto da Costa
Tinyplot: No Good Deed

Raven Darkholme has posed:
During the past few weeks all eyes have been focused on the "mutant problem". Thanks to HR-485 humans and mutants all over the United States have been eyeing each other suspiciously, as if the mere presence of one another would cause a riot. Foreign governments have been speculating the pros and cons of the supposed cure, grateful it was a situation they did not have to deal with.

When the Queen of Genosha Lorna Dane, bravely proclaimed that all mutants on the planet were now considered to be citizens of Genosha, the controversy between humans and mutants once again sprang into the lime light. The flood gates of Genosha opened as the requests and pleas for assistance in getting there began. Not only where many US mutants seeking refuge in Genosha, but hundreds more from around the world were attempting to immigrate as well.

To facilitate the rising demand, the Brotherhood's fleet of space to Earth shuttles have been flying nearly nonstop between the Earth and the Asteroid, seven days a week. The endeavor of ensuring that every mutant (and their families) who wanted to go to Genosha received the transportation they needed was a massive undertaking. The drain on resources and man power alone was overwhelming, but the end result of liberated mutants made it all worth it.

The first step on the journey to Genosha was to pass through the Asteroid. There, every arrival was offered medical attention if needed, new clothing, food and further resources they might need to help start their lives over. The next step was an official Genoshian identification card, help with finding employment, getting any children registered in school and locating a home or apartment on the island to call home.

The final step was an over night stay on the Asteroid to help adjustment to the new timezone they were moving to, and allowing them a chance to meet up with others who night be their new neighbors. In the morning a shuttle whisked them away to new lives in Genosha.

Mystique's unwavering desire to make life better for all mutants, without the use of unnecessary violence, had put the Brotherhood on this task without hesitation. No one had to talk her into acting, no one had to request the Brotherhood's assistance... the need arose and they were there.

With so many mutants passing through the Asteroid, it was inevitable that some would have ulterior motives. On this occasion that is exactly what happened.

At three o'clock in the morning, Eastern Standard Time, an explosion ripped through the metal base located on the Asteroid, opening a section of living quarters to the coldness of space. The ensuing chaos that spread through the inhabitants was barely contained as emergency protocols went into effect. All guests were moved to the most secure locations, security measures were enacted, and the investigation into what happened began.

At three-thirty another explosion shredded a section of storage rooms far too close to the location where the guests were being held, clear indication to security that the bomber knew what he or she was doing. The second bomb set off evacuation protocol, which required the Brotherhood's heavy hitter mutant teleporter, Simon Gates.

At four o'clock a third bomb went off, this time in the Meteor bar, thankfully not exposing the room to open space, but injuring numerous members of the Brotherhood and Asteroid security.

At the same time as the third explosion, a group of mutants stormed the cafeteria staging grounds and began attacking anything that moved; Brotherhood, innocent bystanders, etc.

Unable to zero in on the bomber, and with the risk to mutant life reaching unacceptable levels, Mystique was forced to send out an S.O.S. to Earth along with a location in New York to receive a teleport to the Asteroid.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
It's a call on all stations for anyone that can get up there. Monet is near Xavier's, so when teleporter is available it means there's an easy transit up there for anyone that needs a lift. And then the pinkette can go back to take successive waves for search and rescue, and evacuation.

Monet is wearing a rebreather to let her operate in space if she has to - not something she likes, but as one that can fly it's something that she'll need to be ready for. She arrives with the teleporter, moving to quickly deploy and try to scan thoughts for distress and panic. Trying to pickup anyone near her position that's in need of immediate aid to get up and out.

Victor Creed has posed:
When bombs start going off and there is danger in the air, Victor Creed is predictably concerned...

...about his next beer.

Despite all of the running around and craziness of the Brotherhood's response, Victor cannot be nudged from his current preoccupation. His latest mission was a glowing success, and he had decided to do a service to his fellow mutants and invest that money back into the best place he could - the Bar on Asteroid M.

The next thing he knew, he was lying on his back, there was smoke in the air, and he was missing one of his lungs. And the ribs that surrounded it.

More importantly, his bottle of beer was nowhere to be found.

Someone was going to pay.

And not just his tab.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Balm was still associated, very slightly, with some of the mutants on Asteroid M. She had enjoyed their waffle bar and broken bread with former 'terrorists' who really, just wanted to not be hunted down for the color of ttheir skin or bodily appendages or abilities. She can grok that.

    So at three thirty in the morning, when she had received a message regarding the explosions, she was suiting up for helping out as Balm, with that one rod with the snake wandering up it on her shoulder marking her a medic.

    And though it was a stretch, Phoebe did have some strong emotions attached to the asteroid, and in a flash of pinkish light her form, clad in gray armor and darker hood trim appears -- over Raven's koi pond.

    Thankfully she doesn't get dunked this time.

    "MEDIC. MEDIC COMING THROUGH -- where am I needed most?" she calls out as she skids into the hallway and looks for a familiar face. Important things, you know, faces. People get rather attached to theirs.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Asteroid M. A beacon of uncertainty and fear for some; a bastion of hope for others. And a waystation to better things, to boot.

"They should really have put their shuttle system on Ellis Island," she explains, voice rougher, jaw recently cracked back into position. From human Belinda to eight foot Silverdane, the werewolf woman lunges from the docking berths, claws skittering across the metallic floor before she finds her step. She skitters to a halt, quivering from tip to toe, scenting, listening, eyes closed as she breathes.

New place. Utterly new. Different. So many people, contained in something so relatively small. Like the city, but-- more. New.

"...Dios," she whispers quietly, sighing in welcome bliss. In space, again. The heart sings!

And then the wailing of distant klaxons, the thundering boom of another explosion, a shockwave.

Silverdane growls, eyes narrowing. Needed. She lopes forward, sniffing anew-- explosives, at least, do not often smell differently from Earth to space. She hopes.

<< "Silverdane, on the Rock," >> she remarks. << "Begin search, rescue, seeking for potential explosives. Detonations reported! Casualties not yet known." >>

Koriand'r has posed:
Everyone who could help? That also apparently included a certain alien princess who was herself out on patrol above the cities of the east coast. Of course, generally when she recieved a call for aid it wasn't generally at a -higher- altitude than where she was currently at but...well, that wasn't going to change anything.

Of course Koriand'r of Tamaran wasn't a mutant, she was a publically known alien, a supermodel when she wasn't Starfire, but that didn't mean she'd never experienced a little xenophobia. To her however? Well, mutants and humans alike were all denizens of her adoptive homeworld, and they were in need.

With the responding signal sent to the Titans and JL alike, Starfire's form twists in the air and launches upwards into orbit in a streak of bright green light.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb happened to be up at that time of night. When he hears the call, he starts to calculate that explosions on an asteroid base hovering above people's heads could spell terminal disaster, if it comes crashing down.

So, he needed to help. See what he could do, maybe an extra pair of hands. /Anything/! The alternative could mean the Eastern Seaboard wiped out by a big tsunami, or maybe a new crater with a lot of debris spread about.

It takes him fifteen minutes to get to the bays, and he's gritting his teeth in contained panic as he enters the shuttle. He's asking about reports, what areas were hit, what areas may be the most sensitive... Basically the works!

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto Da Costa is speaking with what can only be called a sentient Guinea Pig, they walk upright and speak in a high pitched tenor. He is in one of the asteroids largest warehouses. "That looks good, Counselor Macarina. I appreciate you finding another means of conveyance after what happened to the Ipanema." Berto who is casually carrying a heavy pallet of what looks like kelp on to the cruiser. I'm glad we got that industrial freeze dryer online for you much more convenient to package, but there are a few tons of the fresh stuff for the crew and the high end restaurants." The counselor chortles and nods, the room is full of a bright rose like aroma, it soured at the first explosion.

    Berto frowned and placed the pallet down on the deck of the ship and nodded to Macarina, making sure she was safe. "Captain Rosab'ud get out of here, I'm not sure what that was but you need to get clear."

    The ship pushed off and as Berto moved out of the airlock into space, activating the paladin armor which was all he really needed.

    He learned where the explosion was over comms and moved to help, solar energy focused to fix what he could, to rescue survivors and retrieve the dead.

    Coordinating with the others getting things set aright which hadn't quite happened before the second explosion and then the third, he was still in space as one of the few who could move about and also effect repairs in the moment but something isn't sitting write with him, something is very off.

    He comes over the comms, "Where was that? Something is off about these explosions. Get me a path to the boss, HND. You buttoned up? If you need to exfil set the redundancies before you- yes, I know she goes over this with- Fine, then do what you need to."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Waiting in the strangely very empty parking lot at the New York city docks is one Ritz Javernick. ( https://imgur.com/7obxvuR.jpg )

She was pacing the lines of three parking spaces, up the lines, down the lines, back and forth, waiting for signs of anyone coming. Like many members of the Brotherhood, she seriously doubted anyone would bother to come. In spite of all the changes and new ways of doing things, the name Brotherhood still brought their horrible past to mind, so it made total sense that in their time of need, no one would come.

At the appearance of the first person, Ritz's head jerked up as she shoved her wandering dark thinking into a box. "Well holy shit..." she breathed as a smile appeared on her face. For the first time in a long time, her faith in those other than mutants was kindled.

Once everyone has arrived she starts passing out communicators, little ear pieces to connect everyone here to everyone already up there. "It's a nightmare up there right now," she goes on to say as she moves. "I'm supposed to thank all of you for coming and all that crap, but seriously, let's just go, alright?"

Before anyone can actually say anything or make a comment, a large white portal of swirling mist appears in front of them. "Hold your breath going through," is all the more she offers, then starts waving people through.

The hallway between the bar and the cafeteria is primarily empty, but the sounds of fighting can be heard to the right, and screams of pain from the left. There is some damage to the space between the bar and the cafeteria, but not enough to stop people from running back and forth between the two.

As people begin to arrive on their own, a single young man, possibly 19 years of age, starting running around rather quickly to pass out communicators so that everyone could be a part of the planning, fighting, panicking, chaos, etc.

<"Fire suppression is functioning at full capacity. Energy fields are maintaining power in sections 13 and 21,"> comes H & D's unison voices over the comm. They're voices were soft, touched by a Kenyan accent, and it was obvious it was two people speaking perfectly together.

<"Gates, keep moving people out. Full evacuation protocols in the garden!"> Mystique states over the comms, but at present time the blue mutant is no where to be seen. She continues with, <"There is no direct like to me at this time, deal with the cafeteria and I will meet you there shortly.">

The cafeteria is pure chaos, though thankfully the waffle makers have yet to be destroyed. Here there are a large number of mutants engaged in combat with other mutants. Keen eyes would catch that these mutants have branded themselves on their right hands with a very clear message. "Don't stand in our way." ( https://imgur.com/cyZXYx2 ) They're fighting seems extremely coordinated without them speaking a word to each other, or even looking toward one another. However, at the moment, there does not appear to be anyone from the Brotherhood of security in charge of the situation.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet is flying along, even as she starts scanning. Picking up the chatter amongst the comms and thought patterns of people replying to emergencies, to save people, responding over to the explosions.. She's going to quickly go through debris. NO one is badly enough injured along the way that she needs to yank things off them. She's better suited to..

Wait. She can feel the focus of an advanced telepath ahead. Several minds in.. Sync? Coordinating, willingly sharing things? Like an encrypted network. Going forwards, focused.. She goes to try to get mroe information..

And would be promptly shoved back before having gotten more than a few bits. She goes to tag to the comm. <<Mystique, confirm there are no activetelepaths amongst the Brotherhood that are not on Genosha?>> The only powerful telepath on GEnosha was Exodus, who was his own can of craziness.. And this wasn't him.

<<I.. Believe the attackers are being lead by a telepath, and in a battle meld.>> Like the X-Men did. Like the Justice League did.

She goes to head along an interception course, rapidly updating Roberto and Mystique where she was heading and where she was picking up the minds. She could only give an approximate direction thanks to the explosions, chaos, and the many minds panicking and injured. <<They're about ready for whatever they're doing next>> There's no panic in her mental voice. Just focus. Apprehension.. And attempting to go faster, if not for the explosions and debris slowing her down as she had to reroute.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Balm accepts a comm unit as she passes by, and affixes it to her ear as she narrows her eyes behind her domino.

    <<Great. Do you think you can disrupt their psychic connections? I could try with magic, but that might just make things either Really Bad for them or for any other psychic about who isn't shielded.>> she comments, ducking beneath a support beam and launching herself over some air ducting with her extending staff. <<It sounds like your triage is being handled well enough unless you'd rather me head over there.>>

    Then she ducks as someone, of all things, puts a fire axe into play, punching through a wall with great vehemence.

    <<Oh wait, someone's gotta axe a couple questions-- standby!>>

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori was quick enough to arrive, Asteroid M was about as close to the Earth as the Watchtower after all, but the voices clicking onto the comlink hers would soon join, responding on the same frequency she'd innitially been broadcasting to even as her T-com scanned for active frequencies. <<"Asteroid M, this is Starfire of the Titans. I have recieved your call and am here to offer what assistance I can. Please direct me to any active threat or people in need of rescue and...">> Well, it was hard to miss the signs of combat, even from outside. Sure enough, she was headed for whatever entrance she could find...

Starfire was headed to join the fray!

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
The teleport gates are surely faster, but the shuttles behind-- "Vaminos!" Silverdane calls out, barking the direction as she gestures back. "If you cannot reach the gates, use the shuttles to evacuate! Be calm; help they who need help!" She pauses to catch an offered comm system before young man hurries on, the barest shiver in her frame before she pops the bead up to her other ear. The passageways sometimes narrow; the Wolf is reluctant to barrel through so many fleeing for their lives, but manage she does-

Stopped short, pause. Head rising to the air, she holds utterly still, an island of immobility in a sea of humanity.

<< "Silverda-- er, Spacewolf here," >> she remarks, trying desperately to hold back a nervous giggle. Pausing. Scenting. <<"....I smell a breeze," >> she announces in warning. << "Home in to my location! Potential breach leaking air, near shuttle bays. Please advise: attempt to track down?" >>

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto Da Costa 's voice comes over the comms, "Distraction incoming," He is moving around the station powered by solar energy and he comes in towards the viewport his powered state making him hard to see as he counts down, "3... 2 ... 1!" He takes a swing at the window, super strength shattering the glass, followed by the loud pop and then the whoosh as air is pulls from the room.

    Berto grabs an unsuspecting rioter keeping him from a cold silent death. As the shields pop into place sealing the gap and allowing the pressure to settle, fans kicking in to replace the lost air. "Everyone needs to calm down, we are getting you off the Asteroid as quickly as we can. Rioting will only delay this, I know you're scared but please keep calm and we can get everyone to safety. " Berto hears M's word and there is no response but his mind is suddenly gone any psionic emanations absorbed but his powers.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Taking a communicator, Caleb starts thinking and begins suggesting. <<Ms. Darkholme... Mystique, this is Caleb Dykstra. You'd likely remember me from a recent conversation with the Queen of Genosha. In the interest of protecting lives both up here and down below, I'm offering my services in whatever capacity possible, in the hopes of unveiling and stopping who or what is causing this.>> He suggests, <<You have any insight on how these explosions were triggered? If there's a power core keeping this asteroid hovering, I have a feeling that's where a heavy security team should focus their efforts in protecting.>>

He looks at the ongoing fights taking place, avoiding engaging for the moment.

Victor Creed has posed:
There is a spray of blood and ichor coming from a corner of the bar, painting the walls in red. An arm goes tumbling out from the pile of flesh to roll towards the door, and after the echoing bellow of an animal's roar Victor Creed emerges from the miasma of tattooed opponents.

"What the FUCK are you all on?"

He is drenched in blood, likely a combination of his own and his foes, and there is definitely a gap in his side where flesh should be, although there does seem to be some white of his ribcage knotting together, so his ability to speak has finally been restored.

He does not wait terribly long to get the answer to his question, likely rhetorically, before he dives into another mass of the would-be attackers, claws first.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The carnage and chaos is very real. The halls are filled with people moving in the same direction, toward the stairs and elevators. Eventually they will end up in the gardens where they will be teleported to Genosha and away from the danger. Children are screaming and crying, parents are panicking, there is a constant throng of voices both angry and terrified, but they all keep moving.

<"The only telepaths on the asteroid are minor at best, the could not establish a battle link even if they wanted to."> There is a brief pause before she continues. <"Koriand'r, thank you for coming to our assitence. We appear to be under attack from a bomber, as well as a group in the cafeteria."> And finally she moves on to, <"Caleb, nice you could join us. H & D can answer your questions..."> Mystique replies, but anything else she was about to say is drown out.

Through her comm a voice can be heard shouting out with glee, <"GOT YOU!"> and another explosion rocks the station and asteroid from near the the location of the first explosion. A new set of alarms sounds as once again there is a brief moment that the station is open to space, allowing cosmic radiation to spill in, and then energy fields snap into place to seal it.

<"Pala..din prot..ocol,"> is the last thing heard over Mystique's comm before it goes silent. The level of tension and panic doubles in many of the Brotherhood fighting the enemy, escorting mutants to safety, as they come to realize in that moment... Mystique is down.

<"Paladin protocol engaged," H & D say together, voices calm. <"Safety report regarding server, our position, one-hundred percent secure. Energy fields remain functioning at ninty-eight percent efficiency, rerouting power to compensate. Thirty percent of asteroid population evacuated... awaiting orders from Paladin. To one Caleb Dykstra, at this time images from the locations of the explosions have shown only the presence of people coming and going before the explosions. We are running a statistical analysis, as well as facial recognition software, estimates time to completion is eight minutes.">

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix isn't having much luck finding /which/ mind is leading the group meld of the threats.. At best she can is track where the cluster of minds is going. Their general direction.. Cut off by the sudden sheer violence accompanying Creed which has her clenching her teeth. Priorities. He might be a monster now but he was between them and the /others/. And if he were attacking the inhabitants of Asteriod M, then Raven would be more than happy to space him. She keeps tabs over on where Roberto is - he's the most familiar mind, and Mystique's has always been slightly out of sync. Just how she is being a shapeshifter.

There's a swear over as Monet goes to rapidly try and probe.. <<Raven, report. Raven-->> She's lost track of the woman, even as there's something aggressive and almost feral from the attack. And thent he minds are scattering. F***. F***.

<<Roberto, Mystique is engaging the enemy. You are closer to her position than I am>> He would be going to her anyways, so might as well accept it. <<I"ll try and give you cover>> She can only try and blast towards the cluster of rapidly mobile minds maneuvering. It's something.. Personal? The rage that breaks through the shielding implies strong emotion. Enough to batter through their own will for a moment. Glee? Satisfaction? Anger?

Focus. One thing at a time. <<Anyone not engaged in rescue operations or emergency damage cotnrol, move to intercept hostiles>> Her tone is flat as she speaks along the commlinks. Even as she's flying on an interception course. <<Titan members present, the station is being boarded. Your agility to intercept them will be appreciated>>

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <<Engaging, engaging -- hello Dykstra -->> Balm's voice comes over the comms before she and a bright orange-skinned mutant she's engaged with roll through the wall of the bar. The orange mutant rebounds, and leaps up with the fire axe held in its tongue, and Phoebe very narrowly dodges an axe to the face, stopping, dropping, rolling (it is a Fire axe after all), and then she flicks out her staff to the hostile's back.

    They both pause and look at Sabretooth, and then grimly look to one another.

    "You wanna fight him?" Balm asks. The orange mutant looks terrified, drops his axe, and flees.

    The whole room smells like blood and viscera.

    "On your six big and Scary." Balm states, and leaping over a table she was airborne, and brings her staff down, knocking a couple of fighters into one another and chasing them from the room.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Silverdane fumes internally as frustration bites through focus, tamped down with a feral ferocity. No time to learn station; no time to know where everything is! So....

Booklet. Map pamphlet. A... holographic outline? A lightmap?

The wolf woman pauses, staring at the wall and its intricate soft gleamings with a breathless pant. She stifles a breath of bemusement, eyes narrowing as she searches. Cafeteria, garden, muster points, gathering loca--

She stops, staring at a part of the map denoting an area that should have thick, broad windows. Observatory.

A hunch, but-- she waits for another heartbeat, letting the crowds thin briefly; she leaps over the heads of a last couple, sprinting for the great windowed bay.

The smell, getting hotter. Blood. Burned material. Fire retardent foam. The acrid stench of fear.

Victor Creed has posed:
    There is a moment where Victor Creed looks at Balm and tries to sense what she is.

    Friend? Foe? Dinner? Toy?

    But then she starts thwacking away. And perhaps more importantly, Victor hears Mystique. And other voices.

    His lips curl as he glances around. "Don't make me come back here," he says before charging forward, his claws raking through the flesh of all who stand behind him and the exit.

    With all of the gore around, he still directs his senses towards the one person whose scent is usually most elusive.

    Where is Raven?

Koriand'r has posed:
Bomb defusal? That had always been more of a skill for other members of the Titans, but the confrontation of hostiles? That Starfire could deal with. Having dialed into the communications and then being directed, she swept through the station towards the battle. The rescue of Raven would probably have to be undertaken by others who knew the layout better, but the sudden flash of a starbolt slamming into one of the aggressors and sending them hurtling back announced the heroine arriving.

Starfire was here.

"If you wish not to be injured, you will surrender now..."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto Da Costa blinks looking at the rip in the station and his heart. He wants to rush to her but he hears the last words and know what he must do.

    "This is Paladin, to all Brotherhood. Mystique is down but not out. I'm taking command." The voices is metalllic modified under the helmet, "Our first priority is to the civilians. It's what she would want. Go to full Ex-Fil get everyone out. Also lock it down, lock it all down, I want to know if they have a teleporter but if they do they're already gone. If they don't I want them contained. Monet, share the locations with the security team, Koriand'r can you get into that explosion site? Our intel indicates they need to recharge between explosions." Berto hopes he's right, "I need eyes on the situation if you can manage? Security can you get someone present?"

    The ongoing scrum continues and Berto claps his hands creating a shockwave that fills a portion of the room, knocking people from their feet, his voice is deadly calm in the aftermath, "This is a mutant, we are being attacked by at least one mutant, possibly a team. Make your way to the garden and get the fuck off this space station. Take the wounded." He turns around <<Monet, can you hear her? See if NHD are picking anything up."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
<<Very well, I...>>

There's another explosion and Caleb winces, even recoils. <<HOLY...>> He restains himself from swearing, and directs his questions to H & D, <<H & D, pleased to meet you over the comm, if we get out of this I hope we'll meet under better circumstances.>> He begins to walk hurriedly. <<I take it all the explosions throughout the place have been of the same type?>>

He readies himself, pulling out from a duffle bag a harness that he buckles around him, and a series of other devices. <<If so, can you run your CCTV to find out who's the asshole behind these splody shenanigans?>> He adds. <<And one other question: what're the Paladin Protocols?>>

<<Balm...? Nice to hear back from you>>, he says. He draws a sword from his coat...

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Not everyone knows the new protocol, not everyone needs to know. H & D announced it, Roberto identified as Paladin, that was really all the more that was required. Those of security who remained immediately switched from attempting to engage the enemy, to getting people out. New passages open up from the main square to broader stairs cases that will lead to the gardens, in fact many of the passages now lead to the gardens.

<"This is Gates, we got troubles in the garden! Ritc just teleported half a guy to the parking lot, could use some help over here!"> Sounds over the comms followed by several responses from security teams already on their way, they got this.

<"Emergency passages activated. Energy fields at one-hundred percent. Last known location of Mystique, near her quarters engaged in combat. That hall is presently sealed by energy fields, those approaching will require comm units or Brotherhood cell phones to pass through the energy fields. Security forces at seventy percent. Medical facility undamaged, functioning at peek efficiency."> The twins report in the same calm in unison voice. <"Awaiting further instructions.">

As the waves and rumbles of last explosion cease, there is a change to how the enemy fights. Some make a break for the shuttle bay, a couple run through walls into open space, some continue to fight because they can, but the majority seem to just stop fighting and throw their hands up (as if that would stop Victor). In that moment they call scream, "FOR THE CURE!"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
And Monet can sense that Mystique is unconscious right when those bits of Raven's mind that block out telepathy suddenly drop and she can pick up the unconscious blue mutant. She goes to give a quick set of coordinates to Roberto and to Starfire, and then goes to speak to Balm along the comm link.

<<How is handling the injured going and evacuation?>> She's seeing if need be they can switch Balm over ot help heal Mystique as an option. In case Raven's being used as a hostage. She goes to loop around, keeping in touch with the team as she can.

not bothering to ask Roberto what the status was - he'd get back to the rest of them as he permitted.

<<Creed, leave some of them intact enough for interrogation or you'll be hanging out the end of the Asteroid about to be dropped into the void strangled by your own intestinal tract>> Oh, how she's hoping that he'll talk back on the matter.. And that Balm might even help teleport him.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <<Was busy engaging a bright orange mutant until a big blonde guy covered with blood encouraged him that violence was probably not the answer!>> Balm barks back over the comms, she turns, skidding in the hallway, ducking beneath debris set up as a trip hazard, and then using a throwing knife to pin someone by the back of her jacket in place, before diverting.

    <<This is Balm. I'm a healer. Diverting to the Gardens!>> she calls out, and emiting a bright pink burst of light, she sprouts wings, holds onto her hood, and ZOOOOMS through the hallways with a quiet 'so fast so fast such hallway wow!'

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Some make a break for the shuttle bay-- the tunnel fans out as one goes deeper into the rocky station, fanning out from narrow to more broad-- a natural funnel, for those fleeing the onslaught behind.

And not remotely filled just with mutant civilians.

LED lights gleam in their warm strobings, lining the way in unspoken direction for those panicked folk running for the shuttle bay. Shouts and screaming ahead alerts the wolf woman that the fight is approaching, coming to her. Slowing her pace to a trod, she flexes her neck, tenses her fingers, breathes in slowing rhythm. Inhale. Exhale. Focus. Be frosty.

A panicked parent dives around the corner of the tunnel, black-eyed child clasped tight in his arms, a warbling giggling at the 'fun' run Papa is taking her on! As for her--

Silverdane rounds the corner, side-stepping the running parent, eyes glittering through her domino mask; bright and harsh, she stares down the oncoming assailants, drawing herself to full height. "Hola," she intones, voice a dark rumble. "Your tickets, please."

Victor Creed has posed:
The path between Creed and Raven is beset with maimed and dismembered attackers. Maybe one or two Asteroid residents, but certainly that will get blamed on the attackers. It really is best to stay out of Victor's way when this sort of thing happens.

<<No, you.> he thinks back towards Monet. Or at least, seems to think, anyway. With Victor, that's always a question.

Eventually, the mayhem is left behind as he explodes through a pair of attackers, skidding along on the ground slickened by their entrails to find the unconscious form of Raven upon the ground.

There is a bit of a roar from the hairy mutant, and those near enough to hear but far enough to be outside of the reach of his inhumanly long arms get the message, and join their fellows in a quick retreat.

Well, it would be a surrender, but they seem to know better than to surrender to /this one/.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
<<Ladies and gentlemen, nice to meet you all, just wish it were under better circumstances>>, Caleb says over the comm. <<Not meaning to be rude, but I'm suspecting that these guys are really just the distraction while the main asshole is somewhere around the base, readying his newest explosion. Has anyone considered the power source keeping this place together and atmosphere from leaking out?>>

He switches over to a private channel for H & D, <<I'm about to commit a blasphemy here, and I'll understand if I lose whatever privileges Mystique gave me at the end of all this. Do you have, or have you kept, any means to supress mutant abilities?>>

Koriand'r has posed:
Some stood down, those were the smart ones. The others? Well, one could forgive someone from not noticing when she stood alongside Kryptonians regularly, but they were about to reminded that Starfire wasn't exactly a lightweight on her team. Bursting forwards with a dash of flight the impact of her fist was enough to send one sprawling, her superhuman durability was quite difficult to crack for many and...she did have that habbit of shooting laser blasts at things!"

As the call comes offer the communication she pauses, backing up a little and extending her hand to blast the knees out from under one charging foe. <<"I believe I have these intruders contained and dealt with. Give me a moment to secure them and I can-">> she continues, only for the audible sound of some kind of heavy impact to cut into her words.

<<"-Assist with further evacuations."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto Da Costa sighs and shake his head, speaking on open comms, "If we have any medics available please help in the gardens." Then back to the Brotherhood, "Gates, do what you can to keep them calm. Have The security team keep people away, and someone give Ritz a hug, this shit happened in these situations, she was doing her best. The medical bay is still up and running, thank you god of small favors. But I'm not sure half a person can... " He coughs, leading off that thought. He takes a run as the battles seems to be moving and he hits the shield with just the right amount of force to push through it without collapsing t or causing it buckle, it a smooth pop as Berto emerges back into the space and follows the coordinates. The battle still rages but she can't get off the station, "HND, Lock down the shuttle bay, also close all blast shields." Berto actually sets a couple thousand feet from the station and triangulates where the coordinates are as he watches seeing where he might be needed.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The hallway in which most of the Brotherhood had rooms was severely damaged. The metal walls were warped, and the end of the hall, only fifty feet from where Mystique lay unconscious, was completely blown out. A bright orange humming energy field blocked both the entrance to the hall and the opening to space.

Mystique is alive, but she is badly burned and likely has broken bones. Her body is covered in thick layer of what looks like scales, which in turn are blackened by damage. The one remaining attacker in the hall had been standing over her with a large knife in his hand, but Victor's sudden arrival seemed to change his plans entirely. Instead of killing the helpless blue mutant, he turned and ran... right into the energy field. The sound of sizzling skin and popping capillaries can be heard. Either suicide was his only escape from the large monster mutant, or he had no idea what would happen.

<"We appreciate your interested Caleb Dystra, but unfortunately we are not at liberty to speak to you on this topic... you do not have the security clearance."> H & D reply privately to Caleb, though there is a hint of curiosity to their usually calm tone. They switch to the public channel to say, <"No indications of anyone leaving via teleporter...."> a sudden pause before, <"Correction, two males and one female have teleported away from central passage...">

Even as this is being said Caleb spies a bright green mutant beside a native American man, and a woman who looks like she's made of stone wearing a pair of very dark sunglasses. The woman blows Caleb a kiss and they all disappear in a cloud of green mist.

<"...and reappeared in shuttle 09, overriding controls of shuttle 09. Locking down shuttle bay... correction, two males and one female have teleported to shuttle 03 in transit to Genosha, pilot has been informed of... correction, two males and one female have teleported off shuttle 03, unable to track their current location.">

<"They all just keep coming out of no where, they are part of the crowd evacuating!"> Gates reports, and the sound of people screaming can be heard. <"This is so f-ing confuss...">

<"Gates, you concentrate... I'll deal with communication,"> Ritz interrupts. <"Some are fighting, trying to get us to move faster in evacuations by literally doing their fighting at the edges of the crowds... I can't be certain, but I'm betting some have already been teleported to Genosha.">

Those that have surrendered keep their hands over their heads, but there are rather smug expressions on their faces. They had done their part, distracted the power hitters, and ensured the primary target was hit. What happened now, they didn't really seem to care about.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
They've recovered Mystique. And there's sufficient firepower present to neutralize the remaining hostiles. And Balm is en route to tend to the injured. Which will include any of the neutralized hostiles. Monet is arriving at the Gardens right as the fight is finishing. The joys of the flight line not always being the most direct one.

Even as she -feels- that final prompt from the telepathic being before they vanish. Her eyes widen just at what she can detect. She doesn't even bother to hide her startlement as she flies in, trusting to the others to secure the area rapidly.

<<The detonator. They're present but disoriented. Neutralize them quickly if not already>> The other thing she's picked up.. Tha'ts not a conversation topic for now. For later. Even as she goes to hold back to try and help with telepathic coordination for tending to the injured.

Hope that Ritz doesn't get any puddin up with them over or the entire scenario would be more vaudeville than it was already. Monet goes to then stalk over towards one of the men over that was standing smug and supreme. She doesn't bother to cock her fist back.

She just goes to hiss over at him. "You have FAILED."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <<Give me both halves and let's find out, Paladin.>> Balm can be heard over the coms, and with a brilliant pinkish glow of light, Balm has arrived to the gardens. Her extending staff-destends. The blue lenses of her domino glow brilliantly as she manifests a sword that appears to be made of brilliant sunlight, and with the wings errupting from the orichulum-enriched tattoo on her back, she brings the sword down as she kneels.

    Extending around her is an array of golden colored heiroglyphs and an eight-pointed star, extending out thirty feet around her center.

    <<Establishing Triage in the Garden.>> she states, concentrating on keeping that circle going.

    Area of effect healing spell is GO. Anyone caught in the circle might be feeling the tingly feeling of Healing Magic from the glass-winged mage in the gray armor and hood. It sparkles and glows.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Given the choice between another Tall and Fuzzy Scary Thing, and with their goal already achieved...

The three men pause, hovering between choices. Finally, one sets his weapon on the ground; the others follow suit, grumbling kept to a minimum as they set down staff, axe, a few knives.

"Wise," Silverdane rumbles, crossing her arms grimly. Not approaching, but keeping close at hand-- eyeing the surrendering aggressors with a baleful gaze.

<< "Shuttlebay approach tunnel, prisoners at hand. No injuries reported." >>

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
<<What th...?>>, Caleb barely holds his anger. <<To hell with clearance! People are downed, your leader is downed, you have a base that could face reeentry and wipe out the east coast, and you talk to me about /clearance/??>>

Curious how he almost shifts personality from a mild kid to an actual field soldier like that, isn't it?

And as he makes his way to the Central Room, opposite to where the conflict took place, that's when he sees them, <<I HAVE THEM!!>>, he shifts to general comm, <<ALL HANDS ON THE CENTRAL ROOM...!!>> He goes quiet, <<No, wait... Fuck, I lost them! They're gone, ported out!>>

He starts to look for things that they might've 'forgotten', <<Everyone, look for parting gifts!>>

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Happiness! Glee! Tongue lolling for a full three seconds before Silverdane remembers-- stop grinning like a lupine fool, no teeth shown, look stern. And let the euphoria of the moment sweep away as she gazes more intently. << "No," >> she repeats, << "No casualties, none. Prisoners, instead, senor. Shall keep guard, watch." >> Stepping forward, she gives the trio an intense good look, sniffing with a quick, deft care of each in close turn. And grumbling to herself more quietly. No ziptie cords-- not exactly expecting to be called to duty so soon!

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto Da Costa turns targeting the shuttle until the assailants disappear. He shuts down his comms and yells firing a sizzling last out into space, "Run Cowards!" He is seething a he heads back towards the station, "Thank you Balm. Detain them I would like a word. Monet point out the bad actors to the Security team, do it in front of the crowd. Security, take your time, make sure the civilians are safe." Berto smiles, "Thank you Spacewolf, you were breaking up was that minor casualties? I can take possession at the airlock closest to your position. Might be able to get you a ride home in the co-pilot seat." Berto goes to an open channel, "The situation is under control, bad actors have fled and the remaining are being detained as we speak. Mystique is alive but unconscious, it was a mutant attack apparently by those in favor of the cure and the entire base is being swept for anything left behind. Thank you for your assistance Koriand'r" He arrives at the air lock, "I want to know where he is soon as we can."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
<<I have a description of the potential orchestrators>>, Caleb replies. <<One is a bright green male, the other a Native-American male, the last one a woman with a skin like stone wearing a pair of sunglasses>>, Caleb replies. <<Maybe I can provide a more detailed description with a sketch artist. Do you have one you can spare?>>

Now that the crisis seems over, if he finds any people, he offers a polite wave.

Victor Creed has posed:
As the last assailant turns tail, eating a force field instead of death at Victor's claws, Sabretooth does not take any pleasure in that. (Ok, he does at least a little.)

He drops down to a crouch and nudges Mystique, frowning at her state, before he scoops her up into his arms.

And starts taking off back towards that self-proclaimed healer he left behind in a pile of body parts.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The wounded feel the healing magics wash over them and start looking around for who it is they can thank. Some of the members of security actually move into the aura of healing so they can get right back to rounding up the prisoners as they are pointed out, and of course those who already have their hands in the air. It is obvious that some of the enemy are attempting to make their way to Genosha via the evacuation, but more importantly it is also becoming obvious that Ritz and Gates are starting to tire. That doesn't stop them, no in fact they seem to just 'shake it off' and keep teleporting people away.

The nudge doesn't invoke a response from Mystique, but as Victor picks her up he can actually feel a rib pop back into place on it's own, just one. The others seem to remain in their state of not whole, as if the healing factor has to take time to build up again. If it is just getting to the ribs after this amount of time, what has been being healed up to now?

<"Doctor Hathaway here, when possible please start moving the wounded to Medbay,"> she says over the comm. <"My teams had been running into too much resistance to get to everyone.">

Over the comm comes the joint voices of H&D, <"Status report: Energy fields operating at one-hundred percent. All fires are contained or extinguished. Shuttles 01 through 08 have reported in, they are maintaining current locations until further notice, with the exception of shuttle 03 that is now returning to Earth. Evacuation protocol still in effect. Paladin protocol still in effect.">

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Complicated. Ugh. Complicated. Monet goes to first scan through the mind of the one that she's approaching. She confirms a few things. The first of which is that there's nothing of use in the mind of them.

Literally. The last act of the telepath had been pulling memories from him. From everyone in the group. Specifics. Where they had trained from. leaders. Mission details. Commanders. All those things gone. The gaseous -cloud- (is that even the right term) of the mutant manifesting murder and detonations is far from her. She can best try to pass along just -where- it's being a bomb-toting, blast-tacticular apparition as she closes her eyes. One thing at a time. They need information.

Monet then goes to focus on Raven. The woman's mental shields are down, otherwise she couldn't do this. Apologies will come later. Monet goes to smile. Wide.

"Oh, poor self hating mutants. Boo-hoo. Let me in on a little secret." She would whisper in a mind melting tone. One simmering with playful, sadistic glee. Now there's a light -nudge- to the mutant's mindscape, altering perceptions. Moving to try and alter focus. To the man.. To each of the surrendered ones she goes to fill the illusion with her eyes turning.. Gold.

Then there's a sadistic looking grin as Monet 'morphs' over into Raven. Hair lenghtening to a familiar shade of red, face smoothing, skin tone turning blue, dark bodysuit morphing over her to Raven's norm.

"I'm.. Right.. Here." Tapping her cheek, even as Monet-as-Mystique smiles cheekily. "Boo."

the tricky part is pulling enough of Raven's personality and powers from her mindlink with Mystique to sell it, along with a telepathic nudge to everyone else in the area to play along. Not that most of the others are probably paying attention to her in the midst of the explosions, the injured, the calamities.. There's just Monet-as-Mystique's sadistic, mocking grin filling the eyes of everyone looking at her as golden irises would flicker.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto Da Costa enters from the airlock and nods to Space wolf as he takes her prisoners into custody, "Thank you, I will get you that ride as soon as the shuttles are back up and running." He moves through the hallway talking, "Get the shuttles movin again, I'd like to take some of the pressure off Ritz and Gates. Dr. Hathaway, can you get to Victor? He has Mystique, here shouldn't be resistance between you and her. Koriand'r, can you get us any help with teleportation or additional transport resources?" Berto sighs it is a big ask and one he hates to make but they are in need and there are a few favors that Paladin inherited. "Cancel evacuation protocols, effective now." He turns down a hallway to get some coffee and stops, "Damn, it, we need an alternate cafe." He pinches his brow holding it for a few minutes. "The Sploder is neutralized he just doesn't know it yet. HND give me a timer, 28 minutes from the last explosion."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
They had failed. To see Mystique standing there before them, alive and well no matter how it was possible... they knew they had failed. The dread, the anger, the hatred that filled them as they looked at the blue mutant. They may have wanted to try and attack her again, right then, right there, but their part of the mission was over and they had failed.

Security teams not directly involved in prisoner containment have already begun sweeping through every room, every hall, every nook and cranny of the station. They didn't know what they were looking for other than something out of place, and if it was even a small thing that shouldn't have been there, protocols were in place for disposing of it.

<"Beginning timer based on time of last explosion... twenty minutes remaining,"> comes the twins first report and then their voices go out over the intercom system. <"Evacuation protocol is no longer in effect, we repeat, evacuation of the asteroid is no longer required. Please return to your rooms to await further information and instructions. Paladin protocol is still in effect.">

A great many open holes, destroyed rooms, and decimated hallways are left in the wake of the bomber and the group's attack. The chaos that ripped through Asteroid M, mutant against mutant, was unlike anything previously seen. Yet even as the Brotherhood and residents of the Asteroid begin picking up the pieces around them to continue their lives...

Metal begins to mend itself in numerous locations all over the station, and those places that had been opened to space and had forced the energy shields into action were sealed shut. Over the intercom the twins H & D speak as one, their African accented voices filled with excitement and relief, "He is returned to us! Magneto has come home!"