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Latest revision as of 16:23, 13 February 2024

  Blue GhostEyes  
Blue GhostEyes (Scenesys ID: 5182)
Name: Blue Ghosteyes
Superalias: None
Gender: Male, Female
Species: Altered Human or Supernatural being
Occupation: Bartender, Private Investigator
Citizenship: American, Canadian
Residence: 1244 Colgate Ave, Bronx, NY 10472
Education: Self Taught, Half Remembered Things
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: Dark World, Mystic Arts, Street Level, Godlings
Apparent Age: 20s Actual Age: 1039
Date of Birth 28 mar 985 Played By Jana Mashonee
Height: 5'10" Weight: 150lb
Hair Color: Shiny black Eye Color: brown and palest blue
Theme Song: I Like It Heavy by Halestorm

Character Info


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Blue GhostEyes is a male or female native american with brown/pale blue eyes and long black hair. She has the ability to shift into a wolf sized coyote with matching eyes. In human form they have a boxer or brawler's physique and their facial features may be considered a bit sharp for conventional beauty.


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Early 1000s: Blue Ghosteyes is born and grows up among the Shoshone, though few memories from those days survive.

1000 to 1800: Blue spends most of her time among various native American tribes, roaming North America in a series of lives, most of which she only retains fragments of memories from. Eventually she comes into contact with European settlers. It doesn't take her long to forsee the end of the tribes as she knows them.

1800 to 1900: She begins to spend increasing time familiarizing herself with the spreading world built by the settlers. She takes part in a few conflicts between the natives and those who begin displacing them. But in time she realizes her involvement might worsen matters for the native Americans by harshening the responses. She cannot win a war against the never ending tides alone.

1900 to 2019: Blue has memories of participating in World War II in one of her male lifetimes, though thankfully the worst of those memories are faded. She spent portions of her life in California, Texas, Michigan, Florida and New York.

2019: Earned a private investigator license and settled into New York City, opening her own office which she works on weekdays, with bartending on weekends to help make ends meet.

IC Journal

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Animal Rage:
Blue is suceptible to sheer animal rage in her human and coyote forms if she's been pushed too far, too hard or is simply facing something that riles her temper.

Blue is often of two (or more) minds on a subject. It depends on her mood, the time of day, the weather, or some other unknowable veriable.

Curious Nature:
Blue is curious about how much the world has changed since she took to the wilds and very curious about all the new kinds of people she's been finding in it.

Easy Going:
Blue idles at easy going most of the time, easy to get along with, easy to befriend, easily pleased or amused.

Iron Willpower:
Her mind and emotions may sway and change seemingly with the wind but once decided on a course, Blue backs it up with an Iron Will forged over centuries upon centuries of experience. She doesn't need to recall all the times she's started on a path or over completely to put that experiencce to use when she feels it in her very soul.

As long as you don't betray her or her idealss you won't find a more trusted ally than Blue.

Trickster Nature:
Blue is good at minor illusiions and sleight of hand. She enjoys pranking or even setting up or framing people, so long as they are deserving of her tricks. Preying on the innocent has never been her thing.

Character Sheet


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Coyote Form:
In addition to her usual abilities, in coyote form she can run at 45 mph for hours, has a standing jump of 35 feet and can do with only a couple hours of sleep a night. She does need to eat her weight to keep up constant physical activity, In this form, she is slightly larger than a wolf. Her tracking and hunting skills are greatly augmented.

Fluid Gender:
Blue has no control over what gender she is when she returns from a death where her entire body was lost. She long ago adjusted to the pros and ccns of each gender and which one she favors depends only on her mood.

Magic and Ritual:
Blue has been around long enough to know most of the tribes various rituals, religions and beliefs. She might be one of the few left out there that do. She can always sense native magic when its about and has recently started sensing Other magic. She has thus far managed to avoid such situations, having no idea the effect it would have on her.

Spiritual Contact:
Blue can see and communicate with the spirits of the dead. These spirits for her at least, are merely ghosts of the living person and their memories. While they can sometimes be helpful, they are more often just remnants going about the last or most routine actions of their lives.

Underworldly Connection:
When she dies or is near death Blue slips into a comatose state for a period of days or weeks, sometimes merely hours while her body heals. She has no control over it and her memories upon waking are often a chaotic mess if she recalls anything at all.

Unknown Physiology:
Blue can lift anywhere from 500 to 700 pounds for short periods She can run at 20 mph for short bursts, and has a standing jump of 25 feet. Her human senses are coyote keen and she is hyper aware of her surroundings when not driven to distraction. She heals faster than the average human by a day or three. She has the body of an olympic level athlete.


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Blue is apro level boxer/bar fighter.

Common(Er) Knowledge:
Blue has a large amount of mundane knowledge of the sort that a common person would have needed to get by in days past. Basic mechanical skills, cooking, farming, outdoor survival, tanning, and a bit of pickpocket and thievery are all in her wheelhouse.

Extreme Alcoholic:
Blue can drink most mortals under the table. It's a great way to pump certain types of people for information. Of course she DOES still get drunk while doing this, so that's a risk even if she doesn't pass out while she's at it.

Hunter Tracker:
Blue is an adept tracker and very good with all manner of knives and daggers and a dead shot with bow or gun. She of course prefers bow or her coyote form which she is very adept at hunting and tracking in.

Liar's Palace:
Blue is an excellent liar when she wants or needs to be and able to keep track of countless lies told over the centuries.


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She just started her business but Blue made sure to make various contacts and gather some solid sources and not so solid informants before opening shop.

Home Office:
Blue owns the second in a row of small town houses at 1244 Colgate Ave. The bottom is her work office and waiting area and storage, the upstairs her personal/living quarters.


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A Fault In Liar's Palace:
There are times Blue isn't sure which is the lie and which is truth, or a story made to shore up or even replace a faulty or missing memory.

Enemies Unknown:
Having so many holes in her memory, and little knowledge of her past means Blue is often unprepared for those who come hunting her and they do keep showing up. Mostly to their own misfortune but that hasn't stopped them yet and their interference causes her a lot of grief.

Faulty Memories:
Blue has very few memories of which she is certain. She has lived many lives both male and female and some memories are experiences given to her by an unidentified being. This and her chaotic nature can cause intense confusion and her feelings about a situation, event, place or person can change rapidly and for no outwardly apparent reason.

Her rapidly shifting emotions and the secrets she keeps, as well as her mysterious past make it hard to find and keep friends. Beyond the occasional one night stand or people she works with, Blue leads a pretty isolated life. This can lead to darker moods and reactions than she might normally have and shows her usual easy going nature can be anything but.

Rule Breaker:
Blue has little to no regard for laws and rules, doing what she feels is right at the time and damn the cost to herself and those around her.

Sees Spirits:
Ghost can be so realistic Blue doesn't notice. This can cause confusion and awkwardness around the living.



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Blue GhostEyes has 23 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
A Nerd and his Bot Go into a Bar... March 27th, 2024 Blue talks to Blue
Congratulations, it's a Girl! March 25th, 2024 Ted meets Morgan. An Ally!
Twin Coyotes March 24th, 2024 Blue shows up at Mercy's garage to talk shop.
Something Old, Something Blue March 22nd, 2024 Patience and Blue meet at the Candle and take the opportunity to get to know each other better as teammates.
Old Acquaintance March 21st, 2024 Ted plays doctor, then house with Blue.
Girls' Night In March 18th, 2024 Clara comes over to spend time at Ted's place. She is lucky to meet Blue there and they share a meal, some movies, and become family along the way.
Unintended Consequences-A cultural display March 16th, 2024 The Exhibit is a success; except for exposing the fact that an alien flower is alive and well and ready to create chaos.
I'm Not the Girl! You're the Girl! March 12th, 2024 Ted and Blue learn more about themselves.
Blue, Red and Copper March 11th, 2024 Bobby and Red catch up a little bit. Compared to their first meeting, the shoes may be on the other foot.
A Coyote Tale March 10th, 2024 A jerk makes Ted see red, but then the jerk sees Blue!
Warranted Business March 6th, 2024 Ted sees first hand some of Blue's business and she unexpectedly exposes her vulnerable side.
Not Coyote Ugly March 5th, 2024 Twofer
The Coyote Can Dance Too! March 5th, 2024 The first date goes well!
Meeting Daddy Ted. March 3rd, 2024 Corben meets Clara's 'father' and survives the encounter and Blue finds herself burdened with a new responsibility.
Ted's Blue Period March 3rd, 2024 Ted takes Blue out for coffee, and she steals fries!
=Seems Like Old Times... with a Difference! February 27th, 2024 Ted meets Blue again for the first time!
Taking Belinda for Walkies February 25th, 2024 While out on a walk with Belinda, they discover Blue following them. And after a sharing of stories, a meeting with Nettie is set up.
To The Candle! February 25th, 2024 Surprise gathering at the Candle
Think I Left My Coat... February 25th, 2024 Joshua returns to Josie's to retrieve his coat and gets a surprise about Blue. Further investigation will be required.
Last Call February 24th, 2024 Cloudy with a chance of rain, perfect weather for dinner and a mystery.
Bad Moon Rising February 24th, 2024 Luca, Blue, Frank and Nettie save thousands of lives by breaking the curse of the lich.
Windows for Josie's! February 23rd, 2024 Josie's will have all new windows and then some. There might even be toilet paper in the bathroom on the regular now.
What's Red and Blue down by the Cemetary February 17th, 2024 Blue and


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Blue GhostEyes has 23 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
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Entertainment Credits

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Blue GhostEyes has been credited in 0 shows.

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Blue GhostEyes has been credited in 0 albums.

Title Release Date Artist
No music submitted yet.

Blue GhostEyes has authored 0 books.

Title Release Date Synopsis
No books submitted yet.


Jana Maria Mashonee.jpg [ edit ]