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War of Worlds Pt 1
Date of Scene: 26 May 2020
Location: Jupiter, Sol System
Synopsis: Mongul's Warworld entered Sol at the far reaches of the solar system and a force of Earth's Mightest Heroes flew out to Jupiter to face him. The massive weapon on the plantoid station was destroyed, but at great cost to the heroes. General Zod, the Kryptonian warlord responsible for the first Alien Alliance that attacked Earth, revealed himself as the driving figure behind the invsaion. With Superman in their clutches, Power Girl lost in Warworld, and Thor unconscious, the heroes rush back to Earth to ready the planets defenses.

The War of Worlds has begun.

Cast of Characters: Clark Kent, Karen Starr, Thor, Diana Prince, Hal Jordan, Black Adam, Donna Troy, Mary Bromfield, Kara Danvers

Clark Kent has posed:
Several hours ago long range scans for the Titans, Justice League, and Avengers picked up an anomoly jumping into the Sol System near to Pluto. Those heroes who are able to brave the void of space rush out to meet this unknown threat.

Assembled near to the Rings of Jupiter, each hero arrived by different means (the particulars of which are largely unimportant for the sake of narrative) and can see the planetoid station known as WarWorld and the small armada of accompanying warships that protect the planets super weapon: A particle weapon capable of destroying worlds. The crown jewel of Mongul's forces.

superman, with his long red cap hovering in suspension behind him, stares at the invasion force with a look of stoic determination. Speaking in a strained voice, that still manages to carry by way of Comic Book logic, "We come from different groups, with varying ideologies and intentions, but we're all here as defenders of Earth.. Lantern, you take Thor, Ms Marvel, and Black Adam to assault that station, and attempt to deactive that super weapon... Power Girl, Diana, Donna, and Super Girl, you're all with me.."

He glances from face to face, a quiet confidence in his blue eyes, "We have to buy time for those back on Earth to ready defenses.."

Karen Starr has posed:
    Power Girl had heard the alert on two fronts- and had wasted no time.

    "Harl, clear my meetings for the rest of the day. Make something up." A chipper, if maybe a little shrill, voice responds from the small lobby outside of her office in New York, the fledgling branch of Starrware serving as her home away from Metropolis. "You heard the lady," Her secretary practically shouts, "Get out! Shoo!" An at first upset sounding male voice responds, "I have -every- right to be here, and I will see Miss Starr -today,-" before momentarily pausing. "Is... That a... Hammer? Seems... Kind of large, for a, you know what? I think that's my wife calling with an emergency, I've really got to go."

    By the time the exchange is done, the blonde form of Power Girl is already passing Mars at a brisk pace. She arrives post-light, floating among the rings of Saturn like so much debris, and awaiting the orders that are given with a stern, overwhelmingly serious expression.

    "Kal. I don't want to alarm you, but this is a really, really big deal."

    Future knowledge? An awareness of the cosmos greater than Earth? Where she gleaned that understanding is uncertain. What is certain is her meaning: She knows, at least in some context, what's coming... And she knows it's not good.

Thor has posed:
    "Aye, then. Lantern at your leisure." As Thor floats there in the great void, hammer at hand and his own cape billowing behind him from the points attached to his shoulders. Silver and black armor gleams as he adjusts the winged helmet he wears, providing enough air for him to breathe. Not that he /needs/ to. It's just more comfortable after all.
    "Lead on, and let me loose at your word." The hammer Mjolnir starts to spin as he makes ready.

Diana Prince has posed:
Space is not an ideal location for Diana. Not for lack of ability to survive within it, but because she doesn't like to be away from Earth. She's spent 9 centuries of her life on Earth and though she has gone to other worlds in the last 100 years of it, she prefers her home world. Prefers Earth beneath her feet, rather than behind her back.

The Invisible Jet.

Powered by an alien technology that was gifted to the Princess after she saved the royalty of another world.

This is the way that the Princess (And Donna?) make it to where Superman is gathering forces. In this instance, the invisible jet starts out very visible. It's a smoky-hued silver in the black of space and it's taken on the form of a long dagger-like blade with jutting wings on either side of it that are armed with weapons beneath each wing.

In the cabin of the Jet, Diana stands behind those piloting it. "Go invisible once the fighting starts. Evade as best you can, if you begin to waver in power take the jet toward the planet. The atmosphere should give you cover to regain strength."

Diana starts toward the back of the jet then, gathering up sword and shield on her way as she steps through one translucent bulkhead and out into the depths of space...

Hal Jordan has posed:
In brightest day, in blackest night
No evil shall escape my sight
Let those who worship evil's might
Beware my Power, Green Lantern's Light!

Mongul is a known problem through all 3600 space sectors. No matter where he goes, he's always trying to conquer something or other, and the local Lantern of the sector has to do his best to stop him. But Hal has something those other Lanterns didn't have. Allies. Lots of allies. And a team can do what a single Lantern can't. "Mongul will probably be expecting me...several of my fellow Lanterns have died fighting this guy, trying to protect planets from being conquered. But I have all you guys with me, so just maybe I can do what they couldn't."

He pulls up schematics...well, partial schematics...of Warworld..."This is as much of Warworld as was recorded from the Rings of my fellow Lanterns who fought against this thing." Big chunks of it are missing, but the station he's been assigned to is mostly not...evidently disabling it was the target of past Lanterns.

"Anyways...if we can disable that gun, we can keep him from just blowing up the planet outright. Earth wouldn't be the first planet he's destroyed. Wouldn't even be the hundreth." Lantern nods at those assigned to his team. "Right, let's get this done. There aren't exactly second chances here."

Black Adam has posed:
    The modern world is one that is vastly different than the one Teth-Adam is familiar with. But it's not ALL bad. For one thing, the technology had advanced to such a point that Adam, through his own means, somehow, is told about the incoming doom separately to the others. Though he has no ties to New York or Metropolis, his native home of Kahndaq is something that he will loyally put his life down on the line for. And despite it being far away from the hubs of modern society, it is still under threat from Mongul. As a result, he's up there flying with the others, eyeballing the others that have gathered. Through similar modern technologies, Adam has learned of the other heroes and the groups they affiliate themselves with. Of particular interest is one of the newly crowned Champions of the recently deceased wizard. Her striking red costume is significantly different to his own, but a similar lightning bolt down the middle perhaps reveals a common denominator between them. "So //you// are the one that the wizard has chosen." Adam mutters under his breath, eyes narrow as he flies at ridiculous speed through space. Yeah, he can speak. He's powered by magic, after all.
    "I don't follow orders from //you//, Kryptonian." Adam snarls back to Superman as he asserts his plan on the others. Unlike a lot of others, he follows Edna's philosophy of NO CAPES. So he doesn't have anything cool floating in the vacuum of space behind him. "I'm here to combat this force how I see fit." Though as it stands, the wisdom of Zehuti is telling him similar things: taking out the super-weapon is the best first course of action. His fists clench as the Green Lantern pulls up the partial schematics of the station. "Just stay out of my way." That last order is made to the others in his team. Hal, Thor and once again Mary get a weathered eye.

Donna Troy has posed:
    The Titans T-Jet is a pretty cool vehicle. It's got stealth, vertical take-off and landing, and can achieve orbital flight. There aren't often good excuses to use it, but testing out the powers of two of the newer Titans, Thunderbolt and Supergirl, is a great one.

    Troia and the two new Titans had been up in low orbit for a while trying things out when the signal had come through from Titans Tower alerting them to the anomaly. Unfortunately the T-Jet is not equipped for deep space travel (the engines canna take it, Captain), but fortunately when there's a Kryptonian who can get out and push, it does just fine.

    Communication with the Justice League reveals that there are others to meet up with out there, so before long the stealthed T-Jet slips into Jovian orbit, hides behind a small moon, and the three Titans exit to join up with their fellow heroes of Earth.

    As the heroes assemble, Donna greets Diana with a broad grin. There's something slightly surreal about the two Amazon women trading the stone columns and classical architecture of Themyscira for the cold darkness of space, but at least they have lassos that glow golden in a kind of sci-fi sort of way.

    Donna nods her head to the two young Titans with her. "Well, this is going to be a better test than punching asteroids," She tells them with a smile.

    "Lead on Kal," Troia says. "We've got this." She's confident, anyway.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt (as Mary has been calling herself now) meets Adam's glare with one of her own. She didn't know that Black Adam was out and about, but knew who he was from the history the Wizard provided. So there's definitely a lot of distrust there. And she and Black Adam are on the same team for this...

FANtastic. Really. Then she looks over at Hal, "Please tell me that we don't have to fire proton torpedoes down the thermal exhaust port to wreck this thing." She looks a little tense, jokes not exactly her thing but...

Well, look, a literal planetkiller is what they have to stop. That's a heck of an audition to join the Titans, for sure! But, well, Thunderbolt is there and ready to do what it takes.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl's dreams of being a Major League Baseball pitcher had never been brighter than when she hurled the T-Jet out of Earth's atmosphere and on a course for Jupiter. She'd had to fly up behind it to give it a push along and steer it a little bit (planets don't sit in a perfect row, who knew?) but for the most part she'd done her job as stand-in star-drive splendidly.

She floats there with her brow furrowed, staring off at the great armada. A glance is paid over her shoulder to the distant, glittering blue speck that is her new home. Her brow furrows, and her fists bunch at her sides. When the instructions are given, she obediently flies towards her cousin. Her cape hangs suspended behind her in the total lack of gravity, hair swimming above her head like she was submerged beneath the water.

And to think she'd just watched the movie about the planet that blew up other planets and thought it was 'neat' ...

Clark Kent has posed:
WarWorlds massive ships break away from the planet, smaller fighter sized vessels moving into a screening pattern around the two bigger gunboats that circle the Flagship: A massive Dreadnought with its row upon row of heavy lasers. The Planetoid itself continues to hover, drawing energy directly from Jupiter itself, a chem trail of gas whirlwinds from the Giant ringed Planet, pulling astroids from the belts that surround it in the process. Preparing to fire as it makes its way closer to Earth.

Superman looks to Power Girl when she arrives and nods a solumn understanding of what she's said. "Then we better stop it." Said with a small grin, an attempt to bleed comfort in the void of space. It's a grin that's gone by the time he looks back upon the ships.. And suddenly rockets forward towards them.

Slamming up against one of the agile smaller fighter class ships, both hands dig into the tooled metal, diveting, then cracking beneath the pressure of his grip. His presence doesn't add any weight to the vehicle out here in the void, so it keeps moving in roughly the same path with thrusters flaring. Pushing onward with a blue and red hood ornament until Kal has his grip, pivots his hip and hurls the fighter right back towards a few more of his comrades, all breaking off to pull back and away as it careens, escaping Atmosphere hissing through the cracks Superman left in the hull.

"For Earth!" It's not cliche because Superman /is/ the cliche.

Thor has posed:
    The cry goes up offered by the Kryptonian and perhaps the first time in such mixed august company of gathered worthies they will hear Thor's voice lift in a roar of such bombastic enthusiasm backing the voice of Earth's Greatest Hero. For Thor follows on the heels of Clark's call, adding the words, "FOR MIDGARD!" As he raises the mighty hammer Mjolnir causing energy to crackle around the great weapon even as he slashes it forward and it brings him into motion.
    Into formation with the others that move with Jordan, into the clean attack lines needed to take this battle to the World of War, he is brought forth and holds close, keeping at the side of the Lantern, at times lashing out with a flicker of electrical power that blasts apart an errant fighter.
    For now his role is to maintain with the Lantern, to make sure they reach their target, and woe be unto those that stand in their way.

Diana Prince has posed:
Once outside of the Invisible Jet, Diana sweeps her gaze over all of those who were able to respond quickly to this threat. She spies Kara and then Doinna. Diana raises her right hand up and speaks to her wrist where a Justice League communicator picks up on Diana's lip motions and translates into her voice to the others on the same channel (Spaaaaaace teeeeech!).

"Donna." Diana says. "Do be careful." She has to watch out for her younger sister after all!

When Superman streaks off, followed by others. Diana turns then and watches her jet turn into the entirely invisible namesake it's known for. She follows after it as she can sense its presence and within moments the lasso of Truth is coming to life in a golden glow and wrapping around an enemy ship that is sweeping past her! Diana now in tow behind it as she pulls it and twirls it around until she pulls it backward and smashes her fist into it's engine port causing it to begin to break apart!

Karen Starr has posed:
    The amount of time between Superman's disappearance and Karen's is not a physically observable amount. Nanoseconds seem long in comparison, and she keeps pace, curling around the fighter that Kal intercepted in a blazing pink spiral, the former Kara Zor-L surges at impossible speeds towards the larger approaching vessels.

    It's certainly not within parameters of the plan, and it's going to put her both in range and in the sights of the approaching Dreadnought, but Karen isn't necessarily the type to busy herself with fighters.

    She doesn't so much 'leave' her team so much as she 'clears the path', surging out in front and colliding with a Frigate. There is a moment, then, where the giant, moving vessel simply... Stops. Before, shortly after, large portions of its fore begin to collapse in on themselves and its course begins to twist and roll in ways that its thrusters do not allow.

    Then, without much fanfare, the vessel snaps in twain, the ship's hull having lost the battle between the power of its own engines, and the pure strength of the blonde missile that had collided with its nose.

Donna Troy has posed:
    The Titans have bone conduction microphones. They're the best. Especially as the League's class of lip-reading mikes have problems with Raven's black lipstick. "Diana, now is not the time for careful! But..." Donna can't help a little concern of her own. "...look after yourself too, sis."

    Flying in behind Superman, Donna approaches the screen of fighters with a fierce glint in her eyes. She bares her teeth with a grin filled with the joy of battle. "Let's clear them a path. Supergirl, if you could shift one of those large asteroids about a half mile higher up, the orbital path will put that big dreadnaught in danger, it'll force them to break formation." Then she's off.

    Like her sister, Donna's quick to lasso a fighter. Lassos seem like a bad idea when there's no ground to purchase on, but both the Amazons have found an alternative approach here. Unlike Diana, Donna doesn't pull herself in, but lets the fighter drag her around with it, swinging out in a wide arc as she uses the ship's velocity to bring her foot-first into contact with another fighter, smashing control thrusters from it and leaving it spinning through space.

    Donna pushes off and swings around the back of the fighter trailing her, towards another. Rather than kicking at this one, she lets her lasso tangle the wing of the second fighter, and dives around it to loop the unbreakable rope around. The two craft start swinging wildly on either end of her lasso like a giant rocket powered bolas. She frees the lasso with a flick and the two fighters careen off out of control - one down towards the dense Jovian atmosphere, the other into the swarm of its fellow fighters.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt flies into the battle, relying on the Wisdom of Athena for this since, well, Mary hasn't done much fighting. Sure, okay, she did that whole summer of playing Warhammer 40K but this is /way/ different...

So, with the Swiftness of Artemis she zips towards one of the battlecruisers guarding the battle station. Looking to clear the path, she simply flies //into// the aft section of the craft and... then there's nothing.

Suddenly, from the nearby planet of Jupiter, a //MASSIVE// lightning bolt roars forth, as if the Wrath of Zeus himself is summoned forth! The electrical blast impales the battlecruiser, the lights flickering as the electromagnetic pulse of the blast fries the systems of the ship, causing it to go adrift. At which point, Thunderbolt can be seen flying out another hole she made in the cruiser, moving over by Thor.

"Hey, um, you know we're by a planet that has lightning storms that make Earth's mightiest disturbances look like a light summer rain." She grins at him, then zips off with rapid speed, looking for more targets.

Hal Jordan has posed:
Green Lantern leads (sort of, considering Black Adam made it very clear he takes no orders) his team towards the superweapon station. Green Lantern is very comfortable in space, as the Green Lantern Corp was designed for space combat and space travel. Out beyond the atmosphere, the Lantern zips along...and as enemy ships start closing, green copies of those ships start flying towards the enemy ships at ramming speed.

Mary has a good point, though. "...If those of you with Lightning powers can call the lightning of those storms and channel it towards the weapon, that might work. At the very least it'll break the shielding Mongul has up. I'll cover you guys. If a yellow ship gets deployed, watch out for that. That thing has killed several Corp members before. All 3 of you together ought to be able to make a big enough bolt."

Black Adam has posed:
    The reference from Mary is completely missed by Black Adam. He can only assume she is referencing some sort of actual experience that she was in previously. Regardless, he has little time to exchange in pleasantries (not that he would anyway), because before he knows it? That huge weapon looks like it's starting to charge up! "If the station were just sitting there we could push it back. How is it powered?" The quick question is made as he hurtles for the giant weapon, both arms stretched out in front of him as he moves like a seeking missile. He literally ploughs through a couple of the fighters that dare to try and intercept him, his body unwavering. "Pathetic." He growls, flight path unbroken as he zooms for the weapon. Mary using her smarts to unleash mighty damage earns a mild eyebrow arch, but nothing more than that. Despite Hal's polite and sensible advice to follow her lead, Adam ignores it. He has his own thoughts on how to punish this thing, clearly demonstrated as he closes in on the weapon to start POUNDING on the thing with untold force. Here's hoping he rips the shields down that way.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl darts off when the battle cry is made, balling her fists at her side. In the grand scope of things, she is quite small. A streak of blue and red that hardly has the muscle or palpable aura of power that the others bring to bear. But the sun's radiation reaches even here, and her cells are empowered by its energy ...

One of the smaller ships that had broken away from the Armada to engage the heroes is met by her. As the weapons fire, she darts left and right - the blast passing harmlessly through the air and searing off noiselessly into the void. When it gets clear she's getting too close, the ship tries to break off but its too late. Both her hands reach out, clasping it by a wing and turning swiftly.

The ship hurtles away, the wing still clutched tightly in Supergirl's hands, towards one of the closer moons. The wing still in her hands, Kara's eyes narrow and issue forth twin beams of crimson light. The metal begins to glow, hotter and hotter until the middle of it turns to slag in her hands and she tosses the scrap angrily to one side.

Clark Kent has posed:
Then battle is on.

Dozens... possibly hundreds.. of Fighters flip and spin silently through the void with only the low hum of burnt ozone each time their thrusters fire and burn the fuel powering them, or a dull hollow clack of two ships smashing together when Donna's lasso'd pair collid with compatriots that aren't quick on the stick and cannot escape the unorthadox attack pattern.

The one Diana has assailed tries to rush forward but finds one if his engines is bust, going into an odd angled corkscrew that brings him entirely too close to jupiter and immediately starts pulling him towards the rings without the full force of his thrusters to escape the powerful lure of the heavily elemental core. The flash-burst of burnt fuel cells is the only signal that he was even there as his biological and material distinction is assimliated into the rings of the gas giant.

Teth is fired upon as he barrels directly through the center of the fighter screen, ships break right and left trying to avoid him, but dozens of them are falling in like wasps to fire their twin-mounted weapon systems at the black clad Champion.

While Mary's assault on the Battlecruiser sets of a chain reaction of explosions along the hull. Warping metal outward, then crushing the whole ship along the starboard side in as the pressure shifts with a hull breach. It's not out of the fight, though.. and it turns to port to bare its row of guns upon the smaller Champion!

Thor and Lantern are making for the WarWorld platform, with Hal's ring disrupting the shields enough that the can get aboard, but there's point defense weapons firing on them as they do so. This isn't for smaller attackers though, so they're hard to get proper target locks on two man sized enemies.

Kara hurls another fighter and it smashes against one Kal has thrown, sending both rolling in oposite directions like weightless marbles, "Good job cousin!" Said with a grin, then a look of concern when the WOOP WOOP WOOP of the massive Dreadnought cuts through the void when it fires all three hundred broadside guns upon the lone fighter who braved moving back behind the fighter screen to engage a frigate.

Power Girl, caught in the flagship of the armada, has a lot of very powerful space weapons aimmed on her now. Including the second frigate, the Dreadnought firing all its guns, and two dozen fighters breaking backwards to engage her.

Kal leans forward, fists balled at his sides, and fires a red energy from his blue eyes. Head turning to slice the beam across half the fighters going after his OTHER cousin. "SUPERGIRL! Help ... Power!"

Thor has posed:
    Thor's voice can be heard on the comms as he replies, "We'll need a strong enough draw! Where I can anchor and bring the thunder!" There is a crackle of power as Mjolnir lashes out and bounces off and through a fighter, then a slightly larger gunship, the weapon whirling back all while the Asgardian can keep close enough to Hal Jordan.
    "Get me on this War World and if we can join between the gas giant and it, then you will see power." That said there is a blast of energy from nearby even as the Prince of Asgard surges past and over, spinning in motion and making the last turn of that arc that leads down...
    Down towards the great station.
    Once they get on that vector, Thor parts as he shouts to the side, "Cover me, Lantern!" And with that he hits the surface of that gigantic weapon of war. Mjolnir comes down with a resonant /CLANG!/ as power lances around him, lightning bolts flickering, flashing as power begins to build.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Karen breaks free of the shattering wreckage that is the remains of the frigate. She takes a moment floating in the nothing that surrounds it, small red lights blinking from her eyes and hitting doors and bulkheads on both the fore and rear of the ship she'd split in two.

    She seals these portals, an attempt to keep the people inside, minions of Mongul or not, safe from the vacuum of space, and casualties to a minimum- whether it's a stroke of luck, or some impossible calculation from the Kryptonian that there are not already bodies floating in space from the split ship is unclear, and she's likely to be an unreliable narrator to the tale.

    What is important, though, is the lazers that whirr up and focus upon her, two ships aiming to take down the one woman that had made destroying a frigate seem like it took no effort.

    "...Oh, d-" the word she says is unimportant, but anyone on Avengers and Justice League comms will certainly hear it, if not more outside of that. Luckily, she's fast enough to brace herself, taking the hit from both ships in stride, though the noise she lets out is one of intense pain- and she goes shooting backwards, all the momentum of each blast transferred into her all at once- a lesser person would have been torn to shreds, or worse, but...

    Kryptonians aren't fair.

Diana Prince has posed:
With the ship destroyed, Diana lunges away from it's exploding frame and finds another target as a unit of three wing past her. She latches on to the central fighter and pulls herself on to it with her boots silently thudding down against it's hull.

The port-side wingman of the fighter breaks off and tries to get a firing angle on Diana to try and blast her off of the other ship, but just as it opens up with it's laser weapons, Diana's shield comes up to block them away. She holds her shield up and lets the laser blasts propel her forward, sweeping her body around she kicks the forward viewpoint of the fighter she's on and smashes it in, causing it to start to tumble out of control!

The fighter firing lasers on her switches to warheads, and with a puff of blue glow Diana ducks beneath a missile that just narrowly avoided her in space! Her lasso whips out and snares around said missile, and now the Princess is going for a ride behind the space rocket! All while pulling on the weapon and redirecting it toward one of the larger ships so it's course will impact with it instead!

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt nimbly evades the crackling blasts of the battlecruiser, diving back in towards the ship as she moves with the speed and grace of Artemis herself. She can't help but shout, "WOOOOHOOOO!" as she zips along the hull of the craft, flying //through// the various cannons and other implements of destruction as she strips the port side of weapons... which, combined with the starboard destruction that was wrought...

It's out of the fight, at least. And then Mary notices Adam just brute forcing things, and flies over towards him, nimbly twirling around to avoid the fighters and their blaster fire as she gets close enough to talk through the Magic of... well, Magic.

"Hey, we haven't met, but I know about you. And I get that you're a little embarrassed to say the name since, well, you kinda broke the family rules and all that. But you know, I'm sure just punching things will work. Eventually."

With that, she flies off, moving to help cover Hal and Thor as Thor gets ready to channel the Lightning, running interference on any fighters getting too close to them.

Black Adam has posed:
    BOOM! THWOOM! KOOM! Those would be the sounds that Adam is causing as he brings both of his arms down upon the shields of the WarWorld platform. With all of his strength he repeatedly strikes it, using naught by the raw power of Amon to fuel every strike. "Break, damn you! BREAK!" Good thing they're in space, for if they were in any sort of atmosphere, the resulting shockwaves could be bad. It's then that the wasps of fighters engage him, their twin-mounted weapons firing at Adam and driving him back. "ARGGHH!" He cries, ever-boiling fury shifting from the main objective to those that would dare attack him so brazenly. "FOOLS!" He bellows, magical lightning coursing across his burly limbs. "You dare attack me?! You will suffer! You will ALL suffer!" Changing gears, the angry Champion starts to engage the fighters, hoping to rip them all to shreds with his bottled up fury. He doesn't even notice Green Lantern and Thor board the thing.
    Mary's arrival and subsequent sledge (teasing?) earns a huge swipe as he attempts to just backhand the red-dressed maiden into Jupiter. "Begone, child. You know nothing of your powers or what you speak of." Fortunately she's nimble enough to zip away, leaving the forgotten Champion to just do his own thing. Eventually, once the fighters that assailed him are down, he heads back to attempt to board the WarWorld platform. Somehow. Maybe the shields are down?

Hal Jordan has posed:
Green Lantern calls out, "...When Thor launches the lightning, you two need to relay it to the enemy shield. Get ready..."

And then Green Lantern actually puts up a shield around his team, leaving a clear tunnel from Thor to the two Marvel types. If the two of them channel the lightning when it comes, it should be plenty to knock it down.

Green Lantern then gets a ring alert. <<Yellow killship has been deployed.>> "Already? Alright, let's get the lightning done, that yellow ship is going to go straight through my shields."

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna finds herself under attack from a pair of the smaller fighters. Needle-fine beams of laser light sparkle their ionising radiation through space. She dodges and weaves through the threads of light, watching the motion of the ships carefully, then at the right moment raises a forearm, reflecting the lasers from one fighter to cut a crips line of destruction through into the engines of the other.

    The silent boom of the exploding engines knock both Donna and the other fighter into a spin, but it's Donna who comes gets herself under control first. When the pilot wrestles control back he looks around frantically for his target, but cannot see her. A thump passes through the hull of his ship, and then the tip of a sword pierces through the cockpit canopy above him. Donna, standing atop the fighter and grinning down at him with bloodlust is the last thing he sees before she yanks up, tearing the canopy away, and he hurtles off into the depths of space.

    Donna drops down into the cockpit and wrestles with the controls. Fire control, thrust, anything like that, is too alien for her to figure out, but all she cares about is steering. The fighter is aimed straight at the yellow ship that Hal was calling for help with, and Donna bails out.

    Donna watches the fighter for a few moments, making sure it's heading in the right direction, before turning to seek another target. She turns in time to see a missile heading straight towards her. Her arms cross in front of her, instinctively defensive, and she takes the missile direct to her bracers.

    When the cloud of expanding gasses clears, Donna is motionless but for the tumbling of her passage through space.

Kara Danvers has posed:
As the fighters begin to swarm through the air, Supergirl does her best to tackle them head on. Her head turns this way and that, bursts of fiery energy from her eyes that slice them asunder like a great, red-hot knife. She turns her shoulder against one as it performs an attack run, the weaponry exploding against the back and side of her body yet doing little more than scorch the fabric. She counters by swinging her fist through the air, striking the fighter so hard it spins away and collides with another.

"They are coming from there," she cries, a finger pointing towards one of the frigates. Not wasting any time, she balls her fists at her sides and torpedoes headfirst through the gauntlet at speeds dwarfing that of sound. Though such things are relative in the vacuum of space.

She turns downwards, flying to what may account for the underside of the frigate. Small hands reach out, and it looks as though she is leaning against it - or trying in vain to keep it from crushing her. That is, until it begins to move. Slowly the leviathan turns, no longer 'facing' the gathered heroes. Instead it turns until the nose is pointed towards the churning, endless storm clouds of the gas giant below.

Then, like a powerbomb writ on a cosmic scale, the Maiden of Might flies down with the frigate still in her grasp. Down, down, down through the atmosphere. Down until both of them disappear beneath the clouds. Moments later they are lit from beneath by a blinding flash of light, the only testament to what has happened beneath the soundless vacuum.

Clark Kent has posed:
The 'surface' of Jupiter is steadily being pulled from the eye of one of the unmeasurably large ionic storms that roll through the gaseous material that makes up the planet. Twisting upwards towards Warworld, drawing power directly from the energy that keeps the planet itself in a cohesive sphere. The pull of astroids leaves a long cobbled path the few hundred miles, but the real power drawn is invisible radiation used to super charge the particle beam that juts out the front of the planetoid like an extended finger pointing at Earth over great distance.

It is unlikely that it could actually hit the moving target at this distance.. since size and speed are relative, calculations for millions of miles worth of space is ney impossible, save that it will be well and truly ready by the time it /does/ get close enough to fire.

The assault upon the surface by Teth has rendered the shields over 1/3rd the planetoid powered down, allowing Hal and Thor the breach they need to get upon the surface... Hundreds, thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands of Warzoon are already prepared for the invasion and stream from every nook and cranny towards the pair of heroes now down upon the surface of the World of War.

In space, Power Girl is hit by the combined fury of all 300 heavy battery guns on the side of the Dreadnought. Guns that fire in rapid succession, pausing to recharge and begin to fire again. Pounding upon the Kryptonian like a hammer striking anvil in the forge.

Superman sees his youngest cousin dive into the last remaining frigate and disappear into Jupiters storm front, the erruption behind them lighting through the thick clouds like a storm on the horizon... "NO!" Jaw clinched, anger swelling inside him seeing both of his cousins in peril.

The arrival of the yellow kill ship from Warworld divides his attention, but someone /has/ to take out that Dreadnought. Donna leaps into action after it, so Kal flashes through the fighter screen towards the flagship with head vision burning a hole path through fighters in his path, screaming as he nears the Broadside section of the ship.

"AHHHHHHH!" Wooooooop... BOOOOM!

Something streaking black against the dingy gun metal grey of the hull smashes into Kal before he's a chance to hit. Meaty hands grip him near the S-Shield, spins in space, and throws him like a red/blue bullet back in the direction of Jupiter.

"KAL-EL! You SHOULD have stayed DEAD, boy..." Long Black Hair... finely cut black beard. The General wears the prominent symbol of House Zod.

Kara Danvers has posed:
The surface of Jupiter churns, the clouds crackling with the powerful electricity that illuminates them. The explosions within the storm have ceased for now, and the gas giant would be considered oddly serene if not for the silent war being waged high above it.

Inside the clouds, Kara hangs suspended. Her cape is tattered now, drawn back inexorably towards the center of the world. Her costume is similarly scorched, shredded about the arms and frayed at the hem of her skirt. The frigate has been consigned to the crushing oblivion of the howling storms, and Supergirl herself plunges through them as the wind rips at her.

Suddenly, blue eyes open wide. Her mouth opens in a silent gasp, strangely audible down here within an unfamiliar atmosphere.

A moment later, the red eye of Jupiter churns strangely before it is momentarily disturbed. A figure bursts from within, rocketing upwards out of the atmosphere - wrenching herself free of the titanic world's gravity. She hovers there high above, eyes fixated upon her cousin before they track to find the bearded man ... and the symbol he bears.

"No ... "

Black Adam has posed:
    "//Why// is the yellow ship going to go straight through your shields?" Black Adam demands of the Green Lantern, still unhappy that he's been roped into this plan. He had no real intention of helping to begin with, but if Thor or Mary forcibly involve him by channeling the lightning through him, what else is he going to do with it? Meh. He'll worry about that if it happens. As he casts his attention across the entire 'battlefield', he witnesses all the heroes fighting as best they can. Of particular note is a stylish looking General with long hair that just struck Superman towards the gas giant. Supergirl is also around that area, but is rapidly re-joining the fray. Then there is also one of the Amazons - the younger one - just spiralling off into space.
    "Tch." The scowl is made as he flings himself into space after her. If Donna is conscious, she may just feel a hard grasp as Adam grips her by the ankle and stops her from sailing any further. "Pull yourself together, girl." Should she remain unconscious, some magical lightning will stir through her body, hoping to 'jolt' her back into consciousness. Then? He will attempt to hurl her back towards WarWorld. Hey, it's the thought that counts, right?

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt flies down to the surface of Warworld, moving with incredible speed as she does a full bore superhero landing, the impact sending Warzoon flying all over the place. Then she looks over at Hal and Thor, "I'll be in position, just say when!"

And then, well, Thunderbolt unleashes her full speed and strength as she zips rapidly across the surface, knocking Warzoon back and away from Hal and Thor as she keeps them at bay so Thor can channel the full power of Jupiter's lightning.

Hopefully someone does something about that yellow ship...

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana is standing upon the hull of the Invisible Jet now, as it streaks through space around Jupiter. On the tail of the invisible jet is a whole six fighter element of ships pursuing her and the jet that's torn in to many of the enemy craft already. Diana's shield is held up, it's metal surface bright red, superheated from deflecting the enemy laser blasts! As they all round a rocky asteroid, the six fighters zip after the Themysciran Princess one by one...

A massive kinetic blast fires back in the opposite direction from where all the ship's had just shot after to, and a moment later, all of the fighters come tumbling back - along with rocky debris and a big ring of asteroid dust!

Atop the Invisible Jet, Diana lowers her crossed forearms and peers out from between her balled-up fists. She stares at the carnage she'd wrought in her wake, then turns to look in the direction of her companions in this fight.

"Kal?" Diana calls on comms. "Come in Kal." She takes to flight again, her magical propulsion leaping her into the darkness of space, on her way to find Superman...

Karen Starr has posed:
    Regardless of the status of the second Frigate, Kara's aggression is enough. To anyone watching, it's like two swirling cosmic bodies in sequence, Karen's offense followed by Kara's. Almost, frankly, as if they were both the same person.

    Still, the Dreadnought's attack sends her reeling, and does damage that not even Karen is aware of. Its her flying, charred uppert portions of her sleeves and all, into the core of Jupiter. Momentarily, there is nothing on comms for her- for the JL, Lanterns, Avengers, or otherwise. In that brief moment, it seems almost as if she has perished...

    Then, from nothing, within the planet of Jupiter a light emerges. For those of whom can react fast enough, she is obviously speaking, but has not yet realized her bracers have boiled over, bubbling and turning to mush amongst the heat and force of the lasers of the Dreadnought.

    Her comms are dead.

    Hitting a speed approaching relativistic, Karen in that spare portion of a second appears furious, and dives not into the Dreadnought that had struck her, but the planet itself- seeking out a target much akin to an ant, yet it controls all others.

    There is a disregard, there- Karen is exerting so much more raw might and speed than anything tempeered, and for those can sense such things, Karen is raw Anger and Fury incarnate- something that, for a Kryptonian, might leave most uneasy.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna's eyes open a crack. Enough to see it's dark. She reaches an arm out to one side, hand flailing as she tries to locate the switch for her bedside light. It seems to be eluding her. Someone must have taken it. Why would anyone take it? They also seem to have taken the beside table.

    And the bed. And the walls. This is very strange. "Rae?" Donna's voice croaks over the radio waves. "Did you do something to the walls?"

    There's someone holding her ankle. Her eyes open further. That doesn't look like Raven. She looks around, trying to get her bearings. All around is blackness and stars. Flowers of fire bloom all about, and Jupiter appears to have replaced her ceiling. She looks again at Black Adam, and memories start to come back. "Ugh. Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks," she tells him.

    Donna reaches for her sword, but finds it's already in her hand. That's right. Middle of a fight here. She looks at the battle unfolding around her, trying to find a good target. Her eyes fall on the WarWorld.

    "Hmm. Guys, that satellite is drawing power from Jupiter's atmosphere. There must be a huge ionic charge building up there. You lightning types think you could work with that? Build a massive discharge from that column of gasses to the surface of the ship? That should clear your path of badguys and hopefully slow down the satellite's recharge time. If we're lucky blow some pretty huge fuses."

Hal Jordan has posed:
"Short version, my ring doesn't work on anything yellow. Save the whys for after the world is saved."

Still, all those non yellow ships that were trying to interrupt Thor and Mary and Black Adam with the chain of lightning that's being channeled from the planet? They're not getting through that bright green barrier. And Donna's efforts saved him from having to worry about the Killship. Hopefully Mongul didn't have more of those lurking around. If he did, they at least haven't been deployed yet.

"Alright, Thor, let 'er rip! The other two seem to be lined up for it."

Thor has posed:
    In 32 minutes time the astronomers on Earth will notice the unusual twist to the great planet. An ages old storm system swirling around the upper hemisphere of Jupiter turns and surges, growing slowly in strength as far off in the upper atmosphere great blasts of energy and lightning seem to lance from one ominous grim orange and reddish cloud to another, blasts of power several thousand miles long as the roiling weather far below churns and turns.
    On the surface of War World, now. Power builds, continuing to flicker and slash all around the feet, the hands, the great arms of the Asgardian. His eyes illuminate with a brilliance of energy as he holds that hammer before him. Metal panels, great beams, the tall towers around where the Lantern and Thor had landed start to beeeend, inside the station the creaking can be heard as hull breaches begin to crackle to life with warnings issuing.
    Then that great storm so far off yet dangerously near, the fields warping and twisting between the giant space station and the planet above... until the roiling energy builds and builds even as the channeling seems to cause small fractures of light, crackles of power that emerge from fissures in the Asgardian's arms...
    Until finally Mjolnir is lifted, and the two fields are /joined/ with a blast of power that seems to just surge up from the gas giant, power crackling around a large portion of its upper atmosphere as the planet discharges that massive amount of energy...
    And then /crashes/ down upon Thor, blasting and leaping into the station, into the fleet of ships nearby, lancing and dancing amongst them like a million tendrils reaching out and gripping them and shaking them... then flashing outwards in a great rippling wave.
    And then silence.

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal tumbles through the void from the mighty throw of General Zod, but rights himself with the help of Diana coming up along his flank. Still reeled from the hit against his side, his arm presses against his ribs, blue eyes turned upon the Princess with a little frown, then out at all the allies come to protect Earth from the newest invasion force of Zod... "We have to get back to Earth, Diana." Said with consternation, "Get everyone to safety... I'll hold them back as long as I can." Another look towards Diana, "I'm counting on you."

Then he's gone, flying in a blur of blue and red towards Zod, hitting the muscled General centermass and pushing them both backwards towards the Dreadnought Zod had been protecting. Bouncing along the surface, leaving long dark scars where their bodies crunch along knocking guns and chunks of gun metal grey hull off in their path.

The surface of Warworld is host to one of the single greatests streaks of lightning in the solar system. The force of it sends Warzoon flying, cracks directly through the hull of the plantoid and disrupts the particle engine that's been drawing power from Jupiters storm clouds. It leaves smoking, charred remains as far as the eye can see along the metalic surface of the World of War, but there are still more... there are always more..

The gun, the world destroying gun that is the capstone of this monolith of conquest, is destroyed. A boom boom boom of cascading cracks form behind warping metal bulging outwards, super heated with particle energy nolonger safely channeled or contained. The explosion gloreous, if short lived... but the World of War remains, albeit less well armed.

The lightning Thor has created radiates around him, however, there to use in disabling more ships..

Power Girl blasts into the side of the planetoid, crashing through the thick metal surface towards their leader. The yellow skinned monster known as Mongul is there, waiting for her, and ready to fight. "Does the little girl wanna play?" The snarling grin makes the words sound heavy and full of malice.

Zod bashes his fists down across Kal's back. Once, twice, and then wraps his arm around his throat, back to belly. "You see, Kal? You see? This is your doing... And this time nothing can stop me."

Diana Prince has posed:
At Clark's side, Diana nods her head gently to what he's asked of her. She raises her hand up to speak in to the team comms. "Everyone. Check in, and begin to fall back to Earth." As the command goes out, she turns and heads for her Jet, which shimmers in the blackness of space before it becomes visible. It glides alongside of the Princess who just passes through its starboard side.

The now visible Jet's engines fire a blue glowing energy as it banks to port, its nose directing back toward Earth while it awaits the calls of the others to ensure that everyone is accounted for before it makes the trip home.

Black Adam has posed:
    Adam's part in the storm channelling for Thor is done with minimal fuss, his body acting as one of the conduits for the unfathomable amounts of power that is referred on. The resulting explosion is mighty, lighting up space like a greatly enhanced fourth of July. For his part, the old Champion of Shazam takes a moment to witness it in relative stillness, eyes narrowing at the brilliant display before him. Even as Power Girl preps to slug it out with Mongul and Superman tumbles with Zod across the belly of the Dreadnaught. Though he cannot hear Kal's words to Diana, his godly wisdom gives him a similar thought: they needed to get back to Earth. The weapon was destroyed and their forces dented, but they could not truly stop what is coming. Not now. He needed to return. To get back to his people. To protect Kahndaq.
    Without a further thought he is off, propelling himself back towards Earth at a frightening speed. As he was not wired up with the same comm devices that the others had, it's clear he had no quandary with just leaving the others behind.

Thor has posed:
    The power around Thor subsides as the great blast of energy had torn through his form, tearing at his arms and blasting the armor he wears, leaving the cloak around his shoulders burnt and in tatters even as he floats off away from the point of impact. No response is given on the comms for now, for the brief moments that he is floating off and away, likely toward the great gas giant.
    Turning slowly head over heels in the void and wreckage near, still small flickers of power lash out from his boots, his gauntlets, Mjolnir still clasped in both hands and his hands burnt partially and blackened in color.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt channels the lightning as well, ending up across from Black Adam as she stares at him while the power is channeled through her as well, the cannon folding and cracking like Sauron's tower as the One Ring was crushed.

Once it's over, she flies up towards Donna, giving her a concerned look, "Hey, I saw that hit you took, are you okay? Sorry I didn't get you sooner but I've never been in a space battle before." She then pauses, hearing Diana's voice on the comm, and she does a quick check-in with the Amazon Princess before looking over at Donna.

"Um... you remember where we parked? If not, I can fly us back."

Kara Danvers has posed:
From where she floats, Supergirl watches her extradimensional doppelganger. The presence of Power Girl had been strange to deal with, and their first meeting had been cordial but tense. Looking at Kara Zor-L, now, her eyes widen. She watches the woman descend towards War World, and for a moment darts forward as if to follow.

But then the order is given, and her head turns sharply to see a familiar figure floating through space. She moves quickly, a blue and red blur that suddenly catches Thor by the hem of his cape. She moves quickly, flinging him free of the floating wreckage. She moves after him, the God of Thunder about the waist and carrying him back in the direction of Earth. Get them to safety indeed.

"I hope you are not flammable," she tells the unconscious Asgardian as she passes through the asteroid belt - having left the site of the battle far behind, "I have forgotten the T-Jet."

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna had barely finished speaking when the lightning storm to end all storms crackles and crashes its way through the invading fleet. "Okay, that was the plan all along," she mutters to herself. "Of course it was. If it occurred to you six seconds after waking up, it probably occurred to everyone who wasn't asleep already. Try to keep up Donna. It was only a /little/ missile."

    "Troia checking in," she speaks over the channels in reply to Diana. "Glad to hear you're okay, sis." Mary just gets a quick nod of acknowledgement and a 'this way' gesture, as she heads back to the T-Jet..

    Arriving on the far side of the small moon, Donna finds a patrol ship scanning the stealthed craft. She lands on the hull. "Thor, Supergirl, you haven't checked in, are you okay?" she says into the comm, while pulling back her fist. She takes a firm hold of a projecting scan probe and smashes her fist down into the hull, her face twisted into an angry snarl that doesn't come across in her calm words. She punches again and again, then starts tearing through the hull metal until the ship is breached and violently decompresses with a shudder that passes through the vessel. The ship's lights go out and it starts to drift.

    Donna returns to the T-Jet and powers it up. "Thunderbolt, I'm going to scan for Supergirl and Thor. Be ready to pick them up and bring them to the ship if they don't respond. Otherwise, it's your turn to push the ship."

Clark Kent has posed:
Warworld is disarmed, but not disabled.

Mongul is engaged, but not beaten.

The Fleet is scattered, but not broken.

With General Zod at the head of the invasion and Superman left behind. Power Girl lost somewhere in the plantoid, Donna injured, Thor unconscious, and the forces of Earth unprepared...

The War of Worlds has begun.