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Triskelion Physical Security Audit
Date of Scene: 29 May 2020
Location: Triskelion SHIELD
Synopsis: SHIELD security passed the test. There was cake. Mystique didn't get any...
Cast of Characters: Bobbi Morse, Maria Hill, Raven Darkholme, Daisy Johnson, James Barnes, Jane Foster, Jemma Simmons, Jessica Drew, Gothic Lolita, Clint Barton, Jennifer Takeda

Bobbi Morse has posed:
In the protective room of Deputy Director Hill, Specialist Nova opens a case upon Hill's desk. In it, a small holographic project. Special Agent Nova takes it out, placing it on the desk and removes the case it came in. She switches it on and a hologram of the Triskelion appears.

"Director, welcome to SMART.. Security, Monitoring, Analysis, Response - Triskelion. This device is an all seeing god eye that lets you virtual roam the halls of the Triskelion using all its vast sensors, control locks, doors, and other such defensive capabilities. It shows you where every life sign is, who that life sign is if they can be identified and their vitals. It is the ultimate in solo-security control. As part of today's physical security penetration test, we scheduled this opportunity to test out SMART."

With hand gestures, she turns and rotates the 3D hologram, zooms in and out. Dots moving about indicate where agents are. Doors highly as hands pass through them providing options. From the case Specialist Nova takes out glasses. "These glasses will give you a security-camera view of any camera you select anywhere in the building. You can directly communicate with any agent who is actively on comms within and around the building.. or groups of them with a wave of your hand." She offers the glasses to Hill and sits back in the chair, "In your own time."

Maria Hill has posed:
Hill looks skeptical, but then she usually does. She takes the glasses and drops them on her face, scowling behind them. "An all-seeing eye inside the Triskelion? I can't decide if I like it, or I find it to be a unnecessary potential security hole." Still, she looks somewhat interested in how it works, at least. Check the new technology out before making a decision after all. Hill tries out a few of the holographic gestures, her scowl becoming a faint hint more neutral. "Hm. Fairly seamless user interface. Based on StarkTech, I'm guessing?" She nods slightly. "We can proceed."

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Specialist Nova taps her comms and says, "Agent Peterson, security audit is a go."

Meanwhile, just outside the Triskelion Agent Peterson finishes his briefing for Mystique. "Thank you for accepting our invitation to physically test the security of the Triskelion. There will be two phases to this operation. Phase one - Infiltration, Phase two - Exfiltration. You have passed all the necessary background checks for this task and as you are aware from the contract, the higher level security you can infiltrate the bigger the bonus at the end of the operation. As per your unique skill set, please hand out these 'you have been killed' cards to any agent you can isolate." He hands Mystique a stack of red cards, "And you may assume their identity at this point in time." Agent Peterson is the sort of fellow without much of a sense of humor. He imparts this information with a lack of fanfare or interest.

"Any attempt to extract sensitive information from the Triskelion will void your immunity during these operations and you will face the full force of the law for espionage. Please sign this waver to indicate your understanding of these terms and conditions. Thank you Mystique for your cooperation." He hands her a pad and stylus to sign with. He offers her a level 1 security badge with the name "Pierre Jean-Dupont" on it. "This badge will start your entry in to the Triskelion with the assumption that an infiltrator will have compromised one of our trainee agents."

"The operation of phase 2 will be announced over loud speaker as 'an intruder has infiltrated the Triskelion', but the exact nature of your capabilities will not be announced. At this point you will attempt to exfiltrate yourself from the building and return to this point here where I will be waiting. At which point I will escort you to debrief where upon we will tally your score. You do not need to keep ID cards for points, we will track that at the end of the operation."

"This is a surprise security audit, agents not in the know may attempt to use force against you if they detect you. Agents should all be aware that such physical security audits do exist. Upon being handed a red card, the instructions require them to contact myself for confirmation to ensure that you are legitimate. If you find yourself in too dire a situation, you may surrender and I will enter the Triskelion to take you to debriefing."

"You have the go ahead to begin now Mystique. Good luck," he says blandly.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    Mystique waves her hand towards Agent Peterson and lifts a hand to take the pen off the notepad and quickly jots down the signature 'Carol Danvers' She takes the stack of cards and slips them into a pocket that wasnt on her person moments ago. Raven twists her neck twice once on each side of her shoulders and the card moves to her chest as a SHIELD uniform forms across her body and then the woman's face shifts and she grows rather taller to become a perfect mimic of Peterson.

    "I don't need luck Agent Peterson." The shapeshifter steps towards the entrance with a grin on her face. "Too easy." Mystique says as she makes her way into the front doors. Bold. Cocky, and Self assure.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Life in SHIELD isn't only work, work, work. Sometimes there's the time to celebrate when a member of the family gets older. And in this case it's time for SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTY for a certain Bobbi Morse. Daisy has been busy enough, bootleggin' booze as if she was back in the roaring 20s, all for comsumption once they get to off-duty hours of course. But she also got the help of a few other Agents who hopefully will be waiting up at the Food Court until she is able to deviously attract Morse to the scene.

It's a bit past the normal lunch hours at the Triskelion, but she also knows Bobbi doesn't normally go to eat early, so she swings by Morse's office, a knock on the door. "Hey, lunch today? Still got to hear all about those wings of yours."

And who can resist lunch with Daisy?! So she begins on 'dragging' Bobbi over towards the food court.

It's a good thing that they now have fresh pastries there. They shall be devoured! Along with the rest of the food prepared ahead of time.

It's silent enough when they are getting close to the food court, but then she opens the door in ..

James Barnes has posed:
So, this is a red-letter day not just for the surprise party, but that they actually got Barnes to emerge from his cave and socialize like a real boy. Because honestly, Bucky tends to vanish into his rooms when he's not working or training. Like he only has so many words in a day and doesn't want to use them up.

They haven't gotten a paper party hat on him, but he's dressed in civilian clothes: plain t-shirt, jeans, boots, a black compression sleeve and glove to cover the metal arm. There is, however, a paper party hat on his service dog, who wears it with aplomb. She's a big German Shepherd heeling unleashed at his side.

Jane Foster has posed:
    Surprise! Birthday parties can be fun, particularly for colleagues in on the secret. Jane's role in the fandango involves a portion of the food under the auspices of something about satellites and something about a solar eclipse in Oman. That totally explains why she needed four boxes on a rolling cart, the contents of which come from SHIELD-sanctioned bakeries, one delicious French cafe, and a party supply company in New York. The forms (in quadruple) filed with the appropriate security individuals assure no one thinks she smuggles contraband literature, devices or weapons into the Triskelion.

It may have cost her a kirschtorte but she'll survive, having convinced that one older German-extraction Agent Schwartz of her goodwill by bringing him something authentic. So here they are in the food court and she undoubtedly has secured help from /somewhere/. The food needs to be laid out, along with that stellar mirror-glaze chocolate cake and the Black Forest cake worth singing home about.

More of a blue-letter day with golden birds and stars hung around the food court. Crepe paper, balloons, and those cheerful birds on the wing intended to be hung from the ceiling are all part of it. Jane stands on a chair to secure a twist of paper, all of which is conspicuously shimmery and somehow environmentally friendly. She presses the streamers into place with a bit of tape that absolutely won't ruin the thrilling paint job.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    A 'few other agents' includes one Jemma Simmons. Actually seen outside of the R&D lab for once, Jemma resides in the food court, putting a few finishing touches on the impromptu decorations for the surprise party before Daisy brings Bobbi along. The British national throws a couple of paper streamers over in the corner and adjusts the tablecloth with the cake until everything is just so. OCD or just excited friend? You be the judge.

    "Daisy should be here with Bobbi any moment now. We should be on our guard." Jemma reaches out...sliding the cake a few microns to the left...barely any noticeable change, but Jemma, with the typical expression she uses when she is testing, seems to be satisfied with the change. "There. Perfectly centered. As it should be."

    Okay....let's chalk this up to obsessive compulsion....

Jessica Drew has posed:
They all get to jump up and embarrass the hell out of someone they respect and admire. An opportunity that Jessica wouldn't miss for the world though she is hyper-conscious of how if she were the birthday girl, she would like to disappear off the face of the earth. Perfect.

Parties at work don't require party clothes, a bonus, as well as not giving things away to the birthday girl in question. Dressed in black, the SHIELD uniform du jour with high top lace-ups and dark hair back in a professional (and boring) bun, Jessica stands at the two entering the room. Her present is sitting on the table in front of her, along with the color coordinated hat that she eyes dubiously.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Gothic Lolita is...well, still in that interesting state of limbo where she is of SHIELD, but...not actually formally an agent or assigned or anything of the sort. She's cheerfully referred to herself as 'military industrial complex war surplus' when asked. Or 'unsecured explosive ordinance' in another case. Her person favorite was 'lacy adjutant of the commons room'.

    People just nod and smile generally.

    So, being that she was just standing around anyway, she was quick to volunteer for decoration. Which is where those present got to see an ability demonstrated.

    Apparently Lolita can walk, or crawl, on walls. As long as there's sufficient metal structure behind them.

    Which is why she's currently humming 'Itsy Bitsy Spider' to herself as she scuttles about and hangs some of those flying birds from the ceiling, like a Japanese horror ghost.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint is dressed in his usual work gear, a t-shirt and jeans, in this case it's one of those Avengers branded t-shirts, this time the one for his partner, Black Widow, with the big red hour glass in the middle of his chest just behind where his SHIELD credentials hang.

On the agent's head one of those party hats, in purple of course, it's his colour (and the colour or royalty thank you very much).

He reaches out but stops short of shifting the cake just a little nudge back in its original direction, offering a smile to Jemma as if to say, 'see I've not given into my chaotic impulses, today' and then asks. "So is this one of those we get down and hide things, or?" before totally giving into those chaotic impulses to nab a bit of frosting from the side of the cake on a finger and pop it in his mouth.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Agent Peterson stares blankly at Mystique as she transforms in to an exact copy of him, "I don't mean to tell you how to do your job, but the ID won't match the face." How someone can be so boring must really be a talent. As she wanders off he mutters to himself, "Could be a real short security audit."

Specialist Nova says, "Yes ma'am, StarkTech holograms linked up to the same security apparatus that our security hall uses. It is not currently activated for remote access of course. Operation has begun Deputy Director. Test 1, can SMART help you identify the intruder? Test 2, can you successful track the intruder through the Triskelion? Test 3, can you use patrols and door locks to herd the intruder. After that, Test 4 with the aid of SMART and Agents of SHIELD can you capture the intruder." She smiles, looking rather excited about how this tech she worked so hard on will perform for Hill.

Bobbi looks up from her desk as she hears the tell tale knocking on her door of Daisy. She smiles with bemusement and shuts her work station back to secure mode, "Lunch time already. You know the wings are still awful, just awful. You should hear Wilson talk about how he 'rescued' me. Well, we never got off the towing line they moved so badly. The anti-grav plaaa~~"

Entering the cafeteria to an unexpected number of people staring her way-- if ever there was a question of who the fastest gun in the west would be if Bobbi travelled back in time, that was just answered with her quick draw at the unexpected surprise waiting for her. She holsters it almost as quickly and pats a hand over her chest, "Whew, almost gave me a heart attack." Though her smile grows rapidly. "Ahem. Well played, everyone. Well played." She looks around at the ensemble of people present and chokes up a touch, "As you were."

The gathering in the cafeteria on SMART has a red circle about it indicating unusual 'out of character' gathering at this time for those people, because the computer isn't privy to the human custom of 'surprise birthday party'.

Maria Hill has posed:
Hill zooms in on the 'out of character' gathering. Agents. Cake. More agents. Ah. Nothing of note, then. She scans all the personnel to be sure first. Then she taps the comms. "Agent Morse. Felicitations on your birthday. I didn't get you anything." That latter is delivered in what Bobbi would recognize as the closest Hill gets to making a joke. Then she returns to scanning down the hallways, pausing on each passing agent or admin to utilize the system.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"SURPRI---, Woah, point that somewhere else..." But Daisy is grinning at that gun draw. Typical Bobbi! Then she leans in, giving the other woman a thumbs up and whispering. "Got some good booze for once we are done with work." a sagely nod given and then a grin back to the others waiting on the room. Well, those preparations surpassed what she was expecting! She grins widely. "Look at that cake! And someone is already starting with it.." a tsk in Clint's direction but then she laughs, making a beeline to the pastries. Because she is hungry.

She picks one up to begin her devouring, "You guys need to follow Clint's and Bucky's dog and get your party hats and ..."

Her gaze goes up to the ceiling. "Gosh, what are you doing up there, Gothic Lols?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    The thing about being a shapeshifter, is Mystique is able to shift not only her clothing, but the accessories of such clothing, and with her back to the Peterson as she steps into the Triskellion, the id picture changes to match Peterson's exactly. The shape shifter steps into the hall and looks left and right and gives a look to the nearest agent and pouts. "Those shoes are supposed to be more polished." The fake Peterson says as he enters the hall, doing his best to appear annoyingly in control without any real power. He steps into the lobby and moves deeper into the facility and moves his hands behind his back as he does his best as being the annoying little shit of a commander.

    The shapeshifter does have plans to get as deep as possible and will certainly play the game that SHIELD wants her to play, but for them to play this silly of a game so quickly after having Carol arrest her and then her subsequent escape, no, this is time for some simple pay back as well as making a few bucks for the super spy. Mystique moves towards the elevators and presses the button to move upwards in the facitily, for now.

James Barnes has posed:
Bobbi's slapping leather, and Buck's got his gloved hand out in front of him before he can even think about it. Which gesture has his dog looking up at him in puzzlement, eyebrow dots bobbing. Is he upset? Does she need to do her job? Barnes eyes her, amused. "Little jumpy there, Slick," he tells her, before he, too, is heading over to see what sweets are on offer. That's one of the ridiculous silver linings of his own version of the super-serum - no matter what he eats, it doesn't go to his waistline.

Jane Foster has posed:
    "That looks excellent. You're doing a wonderful job!" Encouragement sent up to Lolita on the ceiling has a cheerful tone, and Jane watches the horrifically lacy execution for a second or two. Quite the talent, scuttling around that gracefully while in such an ornate outfit and killer shoes.

    She steps down off the chair and pushes it under a table just as Bobbi enters, drawing on them. Her arms lift as though to fend off the potential bullet (wait, what) or -- no, that's her putting her hands over her mouth to laugh. "Happy birthday to our favourite bird around here!"

The frosting on the mirror-glaze cake is a perfectly shiny affinity for the cosmos. Dusky gloss speckled in stars will show if Clint swipes his finger through it. She might even have some words, but if it's the kirschtorte, it bleeds delicious black cherry happiness. "Agent Johnson, you can select a perfectly good hat for me and I'll bring you some of this cheese bread over here." It's the kind with brie, Emmentaler, and Muenster that slips out when torn apart, rather fresh from the oven. A few minutes to cool, and the tangy aroma of cheese and yeastier fresh bread begs to be eaten.

    Giving Jess a warm wave, she pauses seeing that sweet pupper and Bucky. "Is your friend allowed anything to eat? We should have something if she is." There's a wide smile given to his companion. But then, this is a girl recently spotted chatting happily at a winged horse.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    "Happy Birthday!" Jemma at least manages to get that part out before Bobbi starts waving her firearm. Not that it wasn't expected, it seems. Jemma just waits patiently for Bobbi to put it away before she continues. "You are typically a hard person to surprise. It seems that we might have succeeded on that venture. Mission successful!"

    There is a glance back to Clint, with an eye flicker to the cake with the slight imperfection in it, then back to Clint. Then...a laugh as Jemma just shakes her head. "I was surprised you lasted as long as you did." Did Jemma expect a little mischief from Agent Barton? Perhaps...

Jessica Drew has posed:
The worst is over; Bobbi's reaction time was awe-inspiring and fast. Drew is glad to not be on the receiving end of the rapid response and doubly delighted to be on the same side as she is.

Smiling widely, adding her voice to the others greeting her, she essays a mild: Surprise! After returning Jane's wave, she looks up to watch Lolita's impressive spider abilities with a wry purse to her lips.

The food table display draws her eyes back down. She murmurs to Jemma who she moves to join, "Really nice layout. Can't wait to taste the cake!"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "Hanging cute birdies." Lolita answers, gracefully shifting to stand upside down and look down at Daisy, a hand sliding up to hold her skirt demurely in place as she does. "Aren't they darling?" She begins walking over to the nearby adjoining wall, stepping carefully over, then walking spidering down it quickly on all fours to land on her feet gracefully. She'd drop down, but she doesn't want to crack the floor accidentally. Or break a heel. One of those things might happen. "I was an interior decorator once on a mission, you know. She was very boring to portray, unfortunately. Or at least, quite a poseur. It was a pity, I do like discussing the meaning of art, but I had to do it badly to keep in character." She wrinkles her nose cutely. "A most happy birthday to you, Agent Morse." she says politely.

Clint Barton has posed:
There's a grin for Jemma. "Dontknowwhatyoumean," he says swallowing down his purloined icing, before they surprise the birthday girl and she surprises them right back with a gun being drawn and put away. Clint's own weapon comes out as she draws, he's seen enough imposters, nanomasks and other things not to question a 'friendly face' when he sees one but when Bobbi puts her gun away so does Clint.

He walks over then extends his hand, "Happy birthday, Bobbi," he says wishing the senior agent well.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi looks up at Lolita and grins at her acrobatic skills. "How is that even.. nevermind." She shakes Clint's hand and grins at him, then Lolita's and anyone else who wants, though she definitely prefers the hugs. Her eyes look to the cake and then she nods to both Clint and Bucky, "You two are real quick. Very impressive." She notices the pastries and decides one of those is a good idea too and follows after Daisy. "You guys did an amazing job decorating. And yeah, you managed to keep this a secret. Doing it a day early was a wise move."

As Mystique enters through security - the badge, the face.. they match. The identity on the card though logs in as Jean-Dupont, Agent, Rank 1. The security guard at the desk waves Mystique through and once she's past he picks up the phone to SecOps, "Sir, we just got a mismatch of Agent Peterson, Agent, Rank 3 facial and badge to Trainee Agent Jean-Dupont, Rank 1."

But faster than security using words can respond to this, SMART has already blinked a red light at the entry way and re-colored Mystique's dot in the building to red and a triangle symbol instead of a circle, showing her entering the elevator and taking it up - right before Hill's eyes SMART presents tactic information about agents that can cut them off, doors that can be locked or unlocked. There's even an option for a full Triskelion lockdown. "Test 1, identify intruder.. check," Specialist Nova says and marks that done on her tablet.

One moment later, Deputy Director Hill gets a call from SecOps, "Deputy Director Hill this is Senior Agent Gaat in Sec Ops, we have a mismatched entry of an Agent Peterson, currently in elevator 4. How would you like to proceed?"

Maria Hill has posed:
Hill frowns deeply. She taps the commlink at her ear. "This is Hill, Senior Agent. Security breach." She reaches under her desk and almost hits one of the three buttons there: this one throwing the entire building into an alert status, complete with yellow or red lighting (but no sirens, as those are entirely distracting). She pauses. No, this is the new system. She reaches up onto the holo-HUD and checks other options. Complete lockdown... mm. No. Not yet. Too much.

Ah. There it is. Alert status. "Setting Triskelion on Yellow Alert, Agent Gaat. Move to intercept the intruder." She punches the button, yellow lighting flickering on throughout the building and alerting the agents within that something is amiss.

She flips through the hallways on the HUD, moving her visuals to the door of the elevator. "I will be annoyed," she notes to Nova, "should the team prove less than efficient in taking down our intruder."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    The elevator doors open with a ding, and naturally, the elevator is empty. No signs of anyone with in and yet, the elevatot hatch dangles limply from the roof with the light fixture seemingly having been snapped.

    Mystique however is an even greater shape shifter than most might ever realise. The mutant is able to shift into fully inanimate objects at least visibly, and the back wall of the elevator is actually the mutant taken shape to mimic the wall, she's expecting the crew to consider the idea of the woman going up the shaft manually, but she waits and listens and observes.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
A hat in exchange for cheese bread? Count Daisy in! "You are in luck. Because it turns out I have hats for everyoooneee.."

And she begins digging into a box she smuggled in earlier. Party hats! Jane's even had little stars on them. With Bucky being the closest right now she is in the process of giving him one. Purple, to match royalty. But then it's a pity that the alert starts to echo through the Triskelion. There goes a fine party. Or maybe it just started!

She glances about suspiciously just to check if there's any 'wise guy' here that would had attempted such a prank. For some reason her eyes stay on Clint for a little longer.., but then she just frowns. Seems serious enough.

"Booze will have to wait." she brings out her tablet, starting to punch on it quickly to check on what this alert is about. She likes having access to the IT systems of the Triskelion!

James Barnes has posed:
Jane's question re: the Shepherd has Buck smiling, almost shyly. "She's not allowed people food, not really. But I got treats for her, don't worry." He taps his pocket with a metal finger, and the dog swivels one big ear hopefully in that direction.

"Happy Birthday," he wishes Bobbi, voice gruff. And then at her compliment, his expression goes very rueful indeed. "Can't take credit for it," he says, dryly. "Got this jerk named Zola to thank for it." About to say more, but then the yellow lights are coming on, and he's frowning. "What the hell is this?" It's a very 'this is why we can't have nice things' tone. He's accepting the hat, even as he glances around.

Jane Foster has posed:
    The Triskelion food court boasts decorations in blue and gold, bound to clash horribly with flashing red lights and synchronize attractively with yellow. Jane's decorating choices could be pure coincidence or something particularly nefarious. Amber accents coming to flash on the darling mockingbirds and repurposed doves give an unusually festive element to the building. Her smile slides from her face, further questions about Bucky and his German shepherd bookmarked for later. The universal signal of something amiss takes her little time to notice, and she immediately puts down her plate. The Black Forest cake was a step too far into the Cold War, perhaps.

    "This wasn't part of the schedule. Definitely not on my radar," she informs Bucky. A quick nod for Daisy's kind offer of a hat leads her to add, "The thought counted. After this, I will wear my hat with pride while you have the bread. Do you spot any alerts coming up?" Checking her phone for any notifications only takes her a few moments, and she holds it up with a shake of her head. "Nothing for me."

    Time for a strategic retreat towards the fourth member of the J-team, Jemma. Jessica being the third.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    The bright smile of Jemma morphs into a slight frown as brown eyes regard the flashing yellow alert lights. "Of course, the moment the festivities start in earnest." A hand slides down to retrieve her own tablet as Jemma keys in some code. Not necessarily to check to see the reason for the alert, mainly because she knows Daisy would be doing that, but to remotely secure the R&D laboratories. It...isn't necessarily standard protocol, but it is certainly something that she and Fitz worked out early, it would appear.

    Because....no one is going to get their work if they can help it.

    There is a glance over to Daisy as Jemma finishes with her extracurricular remote lockdown of R&D. "You seeing what is going on, Daisy?" No formal names here....Jemma is slipping to familiar names. "I have R&D on alert. Otherwise, I don't have any direct information as to why we are in Yellow Alert. At least...the clarions are not ringing. That would be most troublesome." Jane gets a grim smile and a nod as Jemma continues to search with her tablet, to see if she can pick up anything that super hacker Daisy can't pick up...which is unlikely.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Saved from the hat though not quite in the way she imagined. Jessica never gets to give Bobbi, a hug or a personal greeting before yellow lights flashing give the party a whole other tenure. Training kicks in, and she watches how other personnel in the food court react, exclusive of the people at the party table.

In an aside to Bucky and Jane, "Who the heck knows? Lovely way to put a kibosh on a party. Think this is a training exercise?" Fingertips poised lightly on her ear, "I haven't gotten anything over coms yet, Jane."

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "Oh, thank you..." Lolita says to Daisy. "But I did bring my own." She rummages in her skirts and produces...a tiny top hat. With a purple ribbon. That she then sets on her head at a jaunty angle and pins in place. Cutest of hats.

    At the alarm she looks around curiously, cocking her head. Well. She doesn't hear any explosions. So not the more direct kind of intrusion. "Mmm....a game of hide and seek to go with the party? Marvelous." She looks over to Bobbi. "May I play too?" she asks. Technically, after all, she isn't an agent...so it's only polite to go hunting in the base after asking, of course.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint nods to Bobbi. "Avenger," he explains of his skills, with a bit more pleasure at the circumstances than Bucky has for his own. He does give the metal armed man a nod. Game recognizes game and all of that.

Clint is about to circle back to get some cake when the alert goes off, "Hill," he breathes like Seinfeld might say 'Newman', glancing up at one of the cameras. "Bet she smelled people having fun and set off a drill."

Still, Clint takes off his party hat and turns to Bobbi. "What's the play?" he asks, looking to the senior agent.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi was just getting in to the mood too. This was a lovely idea.. but then the yellow alert hits and her smile becomes a neutral expression again. "Okay then. I guess it's one of those parties." She looks around the room and then taps her comms to report in to Sec Ops, "Mhm. An intruder in the building who is disguising their identity. So, perhaps we're dealing with a nanomask, which meeeans. Everyone line up to be scanned." She walks over to a locker and swipes her ID lanyard (Lanyards yay!) and takes out a face scanner, then approaches everyone to check that their face is _real_ and matches their ID, then turns to Clint, "And do me please."

Once they've all verified they are who they say they are, she nods to Gothic Lolita, "Yes please join us, try not to destroy too much stuff in the process." Her eyes swivel back to Barton and she taps on comms, "Sec Ops we have confirmed the identities of all the people in the cafeteria, give us a vector."

The security team, three men, approach the elevator ~ding~ but there's no one inside. They look up at the open hatch and step back from the elevator calling in to Sec Ops, "Sec Ops the elevator is empty, repeat empty, subject may have entered the shaft."

SMART's little red triangle doesn't move but a question mark appears next to it. Specialist Nova tilts her head, "Well that's strange. That's only in there for when we cannot figure out where a target went, but the elevator shafts are monitored. So.. either they're still in the elevator or they can go invisible."

Sec Ops calls Maria up again, "Deputy Director Hill this is Senior Agent Gaat, we aren't sure where the intruder is, we recommend lock down with a verified team searching the building. We have one such team already reporting in from Senior Agent Morse in the cafeteria, how shall we proceed?"

Maria Hill has posed:
"Morse." A brief half-smile crosses Hill's lips. Agent Nova better not mention it, because Hill never smiles. She has no sense of humor and nothing in this world makes her happy. Especially not you.

Hill taps her comms. "Going to red alert lockdown in ten seconds, Agent Gaat. Keep monitoring the elevator and the situation. I will be in contact with the other team. Hill out." She flicks her fingers across the HUD and focuses on the agents in the cafeteria. She patches comms into the group. "Hill here. There is an intruder in the Triskelion with stolen credentials who has disappeared from our scans. Agents Morse and Barton, split into two teams and begin a security sweep. Nab them fast and I'll spring for Gino's to go with that booze Johnson smuggled in later."

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint nods taking the machine. "You're assuming I'm not an evil Clint-Clone from another universe," he jokes lightly which, given the weird sense of humour may well prove his ID. Then punching up the scanner he scans Bobbi and then lets himself be scanned.

When it's all clear they're who they appear to be and it's time to split up Clint points to Loli and Bucky. "Alright you two are the lucky winners, come with me and let's see if we can find our intruder."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    Mystique waits for the doors to close again to the elevator before she reshifts back into the form of Peterson and steps towards the door and presses the door open button again rapidly. Hoping to get the doors open rapidly and catch the three SHIELD goons off guard with her sudden appearance as a supervisor. "What are you three doing!? Get in here and come with me. There's a foe loose in facility. Lets move." Peterson demands and takes a step back into the elevator giving the men room to enter in front of him.

James Barnes has posed:
Truth be told, there's a bit of Bucky that's relieved. Parties are a lot harder than the average mission, right? He gestures his dog to go lie under one of the tables, out of the way. Lili's not any kind of tracker or attack dog, really. "A'right, Barton, with you," he confirms, reaching back to draw a pistol loaded with ICER. Because of course he comes armed, even to a birthday party in the building where he lives. His expression is back to his habitual deadpan, but the blue eyes are alight. There may even be a little fun in this.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi hmms as Clint picks the murderbots. She grins and looks to Simmons, Foster, Drew and Johnson, "Clearly this is Avengers v SHIELD here, time to use brains over braun. Okay we need some easy way to treack someone faking their identity in the Triskelion. Perhaps some sort of real time coordination of all the SecOps data streams. First, arm up." She swipes her card again on another locker revealing armor and ICERs.

The three security officers hear the elevator open up again and see Peterson there. There's a moment of confusion as they see the very person reported as having falsely entered the Triskelion. Superior officer or not, they raise their weapons to him, "Sir you are being detained, get down on your knees and put your hands behind your back." One of them taps comms and says, "Sec Op Agent Peterson has just arrived in the elevator, we are detaining him." The third approaches taking a zip-tie cuffs out of her belt.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
With a furrow of her brows Daisy gives GL a look. Such fashion! Mental note for later, ask for tips.. Nothing like asking the former murderbot on how to dress! But right now there's a mission to handle.

She goes through her normal procedures, looking for hacks into the SHIELD mainframe but nothing seems to pop up. She shakes her head. "No attempts to hack in either." she notes to the group, tapping a finger to her chin. But then the scans start by Bobbi. She nods, perhaps relieved that she isn't a doppelganger, then focuses on her own powers, reaching out for the vibrations felt around the air. Sure, not a foolproof way of knowing if someone is who they claim they are or not, but those she knows well she can normally tell the shifts on their inner vibrations.

People seem to check out though! But then Hill's voice on the comms makes her murmur. "Maybe I should have set up a speakeasy for this.." because every smuggler worth their salt needs one!

When Clint chooses his team she nods, telling the gathered, "Should switch comms to channel J, just in case they have access to other Agent's comm links." one never knows!

Then it's time to arm up. She picks up an ICER, setting it on an holster.

Jane Foster has posed:
    After being scanned to prove she is still Doctor Foster, and not Loki masquerading as her (really, why?), work awaits. Jane whisks through a few quick plugs on social media, looking for any evidence of problems being addressed in their general area. Nothing like skimming along local law enforcement bulletins, a popular protest site, or signs of a zombie fun run, because those might still be a thing this far into the sticks. Nothing comes up of concern, distinctly lacking. "Clear outside the building, too. Nothing surfacing for the surrounding area, so internal matters." Tilting her head at the adjustment to the comms, she listens for a moment and then nods to Daisy's suggestions. The time to act is now, seeking out an ICER and something better suited to guarding against knives or claws or angry Russian slang than her dark shift. She suits up quick order with a coat, at least, preparing for the best.

    Because honestly, if this is the worst, that shiny bangle has some opinions.

    "Got it. We have any lenses on hand?" she asks Jemma. "Gives us a bead on unusual infrared."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    There is a patient wait as Jemma is scanned to assure that she is the real deal. Not that someone would want to masquerade as Jemma....because then there would be two Simmons, and the world may just not be ready for that. Once the scanning is completed, the really real Jemma turns to regard Jane with a light smile. "Well...while having eyes in the sky would be handy, the drones are back in R&D...and that is locked down. And, honestly, I didn't bring along my usual bag of tricks because it was supposed to be a birthday party, not a seek and detain mission. But...maybe we can cheat a little."

    With that, Jemma breaks out the tablet once more, this time flipping to an application that appears to be tracking satellite orbits. "Fitz wrote a program that allows us access to certain satellite imagery. If we are lucky, we might have one of SHIELD's satellites in proper alignment for a scan of the building. It will be brief....but if we can overlay it with the current whereabouts of the agents in the building, we should be able to isolate any extra heat signatures." Then...with a pause, Jemma adds. "Only if the satellite is in position. So...really it is a shot in the dark, unless we really want to go to the R&D labs to pick up a Magic Screen or something."

    What is a Magic Screen? Jemma isn't offering any additional information...for the moment.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Protocol is protocol. Jessica submits to the face scan with good humor, murmuring, "I no longer have existential questions. I know who I am!" The alert moving from yellow to red comes as no surprise. Face intent; she waits for the senior agents to divide them into teams then nods to Daisy to confirm the choice.

Taking her ICER out of its holster, she snaps the safety off and reholsters. A tap to her comm control on the front of her uniform switches her to Channel J. "Check, Drew here."

"Oh, good catch that, Jane. Infrared. Vibration detection from Daisy. I can pick up on the out of place bio-electric reading. Ready when you are!"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    "Delightful." Lolita purrs, then steps over to join Clint and Bucky as indicated. "Where shall we begin?" She's never gotten to stop an intruder before. Usually that's been her. Then again, her methods of intrusion often involved large holes in the walls, to be fair. "Three is which frequency?' she wonders, not having been tuned into the SHIELD channels before.

    I mean, she COULD. But it would be rude to scan their channels and just listen in. And they'd probably get grumpy about her cracking encryption like that. Daisy gets away with it but she's actually usually supposed to be on the channel in the first place, she's reasonably sure.


    She waits patiently for Clint to start barking orders in a agent-ly fashion as the glances over to Bucky, then to the doggo. "Poor thing. We'll be back soon." she adds sympathetically

Bobbi Morse has posed:
As the building goes in to Red alert, all the doors locking. Every secure console locking to only those who have red alert access for pertinent information. Bobbi responds over comms to Hill, "Yes ma'am, ...thanks for the birthday wishes." Bobbi listens for a moment to her teams suggestions. The satellite turns for an angled shot of the Triskelion. The feed immediately cuts out as CLASSIFIED, then cuts back in because of Jemma's security level. The building is black, cold, nothing getting in or out, though another satellite was in the area in a pass off which has recorded footage of Agent Peterson and Mystique.. Mystique then becoming a second Agent Peterson before walking in to the building. The heat signature for the real Agent Peterson is still outside in the same spot.

"Goatee dopplegangers will have to wait for another day Agent Barton," Bobbi says with a smirk and then turns around to Jemma and Foster, "Yeah, okay. We've confirmed our identities and are an active team - so first stop, R&D. We get what you need - lenses, magic screens, the dwarfs." She turns her comms to channel J too, "J-Team move out."

SMART lights up a red triangle in the elevator again as Mystique reforms attempting to fool the guards. "Ah, the question mark is gone. They never left the elevator after all," Specialist Nova says. Over comms Sec Ops reports, "Agents are detaining target in elevator identifying as Agent Peterson."

Maria Hill has posed:
Hill's fingers flick through the air, hands flipping back and forth as she scans through the building, checking on the teams and the security ops at the elevator. "Understood, Agent. Keep me informed." As if she's not watching.

Huh. That little flashing light at the bottom of the heads-up holo... Maria idly flicks it open. "Well, that is a useful little subroutine." She flips through a few options, fingers flying through the air expertly. She has more experience with Stark tech than you'd think. After a couple of moments, Jemma's datapad (since she already has it out and Hill can see that in the small insert 'screen') as well as Clint's (well, maybe he'll feel it) buzz with a notification, which if tapped will pull up a 15 second overview of the map screen Hill is looking at... with a big X over a form departing the elevator.

What other neat tricks does this new system have to play with? The Deputy Director is interested, and she flicks through a few more of the small, out of the way subroutines. "Huh. Who is this?" she notes a strange link in the system. As she clicks, a sudden O symbol appears over the moving form of Gothic Lolita with a small purple arrow hanging off it. Hill taps the arrow, frowning, and suddenly her comm buzzes at the android. "...Murderbot?" Hill asks into the comms, amused for a moment. The phrase is only half derisive-- its the same term she gave her when she first came into SHIELDs purview. She taps the arrow again, and a dropdown appears, which allow Hill to send the same 'buzz' to GL directly... the data at least, without need for the datapad to interpret. "Hill here. Did that data transfer go through, and was it parseable, Murderbot?"

Jennifer Takeda has posed:
     Apparently living here entitled Jenn to a SHIELD email address. Which was interesting, even if with her Level Zero clearance all it got her was digital copies of the notices on the residential bulletin board. One of said emails had mentioned fresh pastries and desserts due to a budget needing to be spent though, and the teen was never one to turn down free food. Especially high quality food. So, cupcakes must be acquired. Bit more activity than usual, but none of her business. The yellow and black suited girl makes a beeline for the dessert counter

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    "You all are no fun." Mystique says as she reaches out with her hand, extending the reach of her bones and muscles to grapple tbe biggest of the three and with a flick of her muscle she is pulling herself into the man with a fist primed to smash into his face, her muscles tense with rage and power, while ripping him even close with her mass of limb pulling at the SHIELD agent with incredible force to meet her fist. She then turns towards the other two and primes to incapacitate them. She snaps out her foot to hook one guy's ankle while taking the side arm off the first guard she attakced to use as a thrown weapon to the third man, a throw aimed to strike his wind pipe with the firearm.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint pulls out his phone as it begins to vibrate, checking the data dump from Hill. "Looks like we've got a 20 on the intruder," he reports back to the team. "They're at the elevators, we need to get there ASAP." No way he'd regret saying that right?

The phone goes away and the gun, an ICER, comes out, as he makes his way to the door with Bucky right on his heels.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    Well, Jemma wasn't expecting much in the way of information. But...what she got was golden. There is a study of that short satellite recording, watching Agent Peterson and what has got to be the intruder. "Wait a minute.....that form looks familiar to me." Fingers flick as Jemma pulls up old emails and case files....finally finding one from Carol. A quick comparison is given....and Jemma gets the same data dump from Hill. There is a moment of triangulation...and then Jemma reaches up to tap the comms, speaking to the Deputy Director, while the rest are still within earshot.

    "Director, I managed to pull up satellite imagery of the Triskelion. It appears that the infiltrator took the form of one Agent Peterson. Casefiles reveal the identity of the intruder, before she changed shape, to be one Mystique. Agent Danvers had incarcerated her recently." Jemma looks at the big red X on her map. "your data file collaborates with estimates as to where the intruder could have gotten to. Peterson is still outside..."

    Then, looking at the others, Jemma nods towards Clint's direction. "We can stop at R&D...but it seems that Director Hill has eyes in the sky for us. We should detain the intruder."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Smart stuff that. New system?" Jessica asks with a smirk and a look of interest as she puts herself next to Jemma. She doesn't peek but sorely wants to.

"Straight to the objective then on your lead. Do not pass the R&D lab. We've got a lot of covered already. I'd only add chem sniffing. She is the one Danvers, ah, took in recently?"

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    Gothic Lolita of course starts jogging after Clint and Bucky, then her head cocks as if she's hearing something, her eyes flickering for a moment. <Target point identified. Thank you, director.> A moment later there's a return transfer as Lolita's communication system negotiates with Maria's system, before a secondary window pops up, showing things from Lolita's point of view as the mecha scans the area, a small map popping up as she plots a course, HUD tags popping up. Clint is 'Arrow Man'. Bucky is 'Grumpy Russian Man'. Her system then sends a com request to Daisy's system and begins uploading tracking data in real time as she starts acting as a comm hub for the other team as well.

    "Now tracking target...right away, with all speed" Lolita says cheerfully to Clint. "This way, gentlemen. Oh dear, oh dear, we shall be too late..." she murmurs as leans forward slightly, shifting her stance. Her eyes change over to what resemble crimson power on symbols, before she carefully scoops up Bucky in one arm and Clint in the other and she kicks off, accelerating rapidly into a superhuman sprint as that purple arrow starts heading on the shortest path to the elevator. This involved a lot of leaping as she banks off walls on tight turns, running along the wall briefly as she adjusts her center of gravity to keep supporting the two men she's carrying.

    Also Maria gets to see Clint and Bucky's reaction to this. She may have a new wallpaper. WHOOSH!

    That said, they're going to arrive pretty darn quickly at the area at the end of the hall near the elevator, where she skids to a stop, then sets the pair down on their feet when they arrive. Mostly because running right up on the elevator wouldn't give the two with her time to set up to shoot people.

Jennifer Takeda has posed:
     Having acquired cupcakes, Jenn is nearly flattened by a speeding android and cargo. ...Hang on, was that... Hawkeye? And some other guy with a metal arm? ...And someone in a frilly dress? She looks down at the cupcake with a bite forked out of it, and back up at the door they'd departed through. "...Does anyone know if there's something in these cupcakes? Or am I no longer the weirdest thing around here?"

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi hmms, "Well given Wednesday just shuttled Barton and Armman they've got the front line covered, which means if ..Mystique, as you say, gives them the slip we will need all the fancy toys to catch her," she says as she rushes to R&D. Security override opens the door. The people inside are all looking confused. "Lockdown will be over soon people, just stay at your stations."

"Okay grab the gear, and let's get moving toward the.. triangle," Bobbi says.

The first agent goes down quickly enough, but then so do the other two. It's classic shapeshifter meets disposable npc. The bodies drop just as Barton, Bucky, and Gothic Lolita arrive on the scene. They have eyes on .. Agent Peterson, resisting detainment.

SMART indicates three agents own immediately, but keeps the play open. Activating the dwarfs will link in to SMART too, as will the smart screen. It's a very fun toy.

It has certainly passed the infiltration stage of the test, not time for exfiltration. Security did far better than one could hope for in cornering Mystique so quickly.

Maria Hill has posed:
Hill flicks through the screens, flinging one up towards the side with the main view of Barton's team and the intruder so she can monitor as she uses the other neat aspects of her new toy. One of those being... "Prepare for total lockdown in sector 004," Hill says into the comms going to all agents on both teams. That sector being the one where Mystique is currently facing off with a tiny girl in a frilly dress, a grumpy ex-assassin, and some guy that used to be a in circus. Doors that were not already shut slam shut and lock, those shut lock as well, as well as the elevator locking down.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
    "Shit." Mystique says to herself as the real test shows up. "It's been fun." The shape shifter says as she steps back to the closed elevator and her back seems to force the doors appart somehow and she levels a stolen gun at the agents feet and squeezes off a few rounds after selecting full auto. The shapeshifter is trying to use all her wiley skills and then using her combat skills to not actually shoot the agents that are paying her to get into the Triskellion.

Jennifer Takeda has posed:
     Well, With /that/ weirdness done, she might as well head back to her room. Jenn wanders down the hallway towards the main elevators, only to find her way blocked by a dropped blast door. "...Well shit." She takes a bite of cupcake, pondering this obstacle to her progress. "...I think I'm going to take this as a sign that I should go get ice cream as well. Ice cream makes everything betterk, even cupcakes. ...Even if I have to spend more time on the treadmill." The teen heads back towards the caf, leaving whatever poor soul is trapped behind the doors to their fate.

Gothic Lolita has posed:
    The gun comes up...and Lolita plants a foot in the wall behind her and kicks off, spearing forward in a flip, coming down in a crouch as she physically puts herself between Mystique and the downed agents, several of the bullets likely ricocheting off her, cloth ripping, one ricocheting off her skull as she looks up at Mystique with those red, red eyes.

    Then lunges forwards, her hand coming up to slam Mystique firmly back into the elevator as she tackles her backwards to pin, leaning in close. "Tag." the combat mecha purrs quietly, just.... smiling at the shapeshifter. "You're it?"

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint's arrival is not so fancy or cool as Lolita's. When she lets go of him to make her move on Mystique, he hits the ground and falls to his knees. That ride was intense. Even for Mr. Thrillseeker here. To his credit, he doesn't puke but he comes damn close.

He looks up to warn Lolita that this was still just a drill, but it was unneeded, when she simply tags their target like it was a game at the party.

Clint gets to his feet, putting his gun away, he looks up at the nearest camera. "So, did we win?" he asks, expecting Hill to be watching.

Regardless, Clint will follow along with orders (for a change) until the exercise is complete.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
    Jemma hurries along, keeping up with Bobbi as she uses her higher clearance to override the security lockdown on the R&D labs to get in. There isn't much time wasted as Jemma hurries over to the section of the R&D department that is decreed to be Fitzsimmons' domain...which happens to be the majority of the labs. Still, it doesn't take long for Jemma to gather her wares. She opens a drawer, extracting a familiar pair of ballistic eyewear, the tablet in her hands ready to link up as Jemma taps the left corner of the frames, activating the glasses with the usual IR subroutine to let her...and now Director Hill via SMART...to see heat signatures. The glasses are quickly donned, while an unusual looking pistol is snagged from a shelf with one hand after a moment or two of hesitation...and the easily identifiable DWARF case is grabbed with the other. The pistol looks more like a sort of high-tech water pistol. A quick explanation is given. "This contains a custom scent that is not detectible to normal senses, but can be tracked with a mechanical olfactory scanner...which one of the DWARFs is already equipped with. If we have to, we can tag the target with this and track the scent from up to 50 yards away. The idea...is that we can track our infiltrator...regardless of what shape she may decide to take." The water pistol is tucked into a labcoat pocket as the case opened, extracting the one drone needed. "Hopefully, we won't need it."

    That singular drone is activated....the onboard camera adding to the SMART display as Jemma programs it to perform a follow pattern to the specific datapad in her hand, to free her from having to continually program it. The tablet slides into a separate pocket, while the ICER Jemma keeps with her is drawn. "Unless you want anything in particular, I am ready."

Jessica Drew has posed:
The race to R&D has people backing to the wall to let them through. Jessica wants the chem sniffer but will forgo it for speed. The DWARF system is beyond her rating and plenty cool enough to do whatever she imagined a chem sniffer to do.

"Copy that, the target is under the eyes of Team A. Team J going to the objective," she says, responding to the com. "Nope, I'm good. Let's go."

She neglects to add over coms: at a run.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Team J are well prepared, but too late. It's a shame too because that scent gun is such a fun idea, Bobbi was excited to see how it faired. Over comms they hear from Maria that this has been a security audit exercise and the lockdown is being lifted.

Mystique has been subdued. No fair, SHIELD brought a Robit! The real Agent Peterson and several SHIELD guards approach and escort Mystique to the debrief room to discuss how the infiltration went, and how the exfiltration did not. She didn't get much farther than the elevator though, so her bonus isn't quite as big as she might have hoped.

Bobbi looks back to Team J and sighs, "Well ... shit. That was almost fun for a moment there. You never can tell when these things are real and when they're a drill.. unless they CC you in the email chain." She holsters her ICER and looks to the J's, "Sorry gals I guess next time we take the rocket ride instead of playing it smart after all. Cake?" Over comms she suggests on the other channels, "Cake?" Then to Deputy Director Hill, "Cake?" A shrug of her shoulder. "Well I'm having cake," and starts wandering back to the cafeteria.