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Benefit for Bushwick
Date of Scene: 27 July 2020
Location: Grande Hotel, NYC
Synopsis: The benefit is a success. Funds raised, and everyone who shook Senator Kelly's hand should wash it immediately.
Cast of Characters: Pepper Potts, Bruce Wayne, Michael Hannigan, Oliver Queen, Kate Kane, Selina Kyle, Kurt Wagner, Hank Pym, Talia al Ghul, Caitlin Fairchild, Dick Grayson, Donna Troy, Kara Danvers, Robert Kelly, Malcolm Merlyn, Kaminari

Pepper Potts has posed:
The venue couldn't have been chosen any better. It's a stately hotel only blocks from Bushwick, near enough to make it obvious that there is a decided need, far enough away that there was no appreciable damage to the structure. The entrance is festooned with flowers upon the walk-up, durable red carpet is set upon the entrance, with only a hint of sidewalk showing at the curbside for pedestrians that still use the thoroughfare on a daily basis. There is no marking of what the event may be, however; if one doesn't know, there is no room for 'walk-ins'.

The weather, hopefully, will be holding off. Rain is forecasted, and the cloud cover in the city is low, obscuring all but the most dedicated of stars in the sky; shining above a city of lights isn't easy, even in the clearest of times! The air off the ocean, from the east, brings a slightly cooler breeze as the pressure begins to drop around the island, at least offering that respite from the summer's humidity.

Limosines, high-end sports cars that scream 'look at me!', and even a couple of horse and carriages line the street and the sidestreets as they wait for the chance to discharge their duty and find their parking spot for the evening before repeating to pick up the attendees to bring them home. Footmen are attentive, opening car doors, offering hands to the ladies as they emerge.

In stark contrast, however, there are barricades near and around the hotel in effort to contain those with strong beliefs on either side. Already, as the patrons arrive, so do those who have something to say outside. As a result, there are more media trucks lined up a short distance away to cover what could be a spectacle. (After all, it's rumored that Senator Kelly will be in attendance!)


Within the elaborately but tastefully decorated hotel, there are hosts and hostesses that guide each guest to the room where tables are set out in angles for best view of the Auction block with a designated dance floor to the side. Covered with vibrant red tablecloths, the tables are already impeccably set with seven pieces of silverwear each, water glasses are filled, wine glasses are present, making a statement. A string quartet plays classical pieces on the onset as the room begins to fill with conversation, laughter and lots of introductions. To the side, as well, sits a sleek, black polished baby grand piano, the cover down and over the keys so no one pokes at the brilliant white notes in passing. Sotheby's is the auction company of the evening, the auctioneer dressed in a tailored and pressed tuxedo, surrounded by tags for the eventual cap of the evening.

In a side room, complete with several security guards, is the 'viewing room', that place where the items for auction are displayed. Hanging upon the wall are several paintings, from the abstract to the classical/romantic. On tables covered in dark silk to best showcase the items are pieces of pottery, glassware, stained glass, and provenance-attached archaeological items.


Bruce Wayne has posed:
It's a relatively short helicopter ride from the helipad on the rooftop of Wayne Enterprises to their satellite office building on Manhattan, even in spite of less-than-ideal weather. From there, a chauffeured limousine carries Bruce Wayne and the lady he has the pleasure of escorting this evening, Selina Kyle, to the location of the fundraiser. While the vast bulk of Bruce Wayne's philanthropy tends to be focused towards Gotham and its' people, he does occasionally pop up for other causes, and it seems tonight he's found another worthy one. So he and Selina walk the red carpet, perhaps mildly grateful that the Gotham City gossip columnists are not quite as populous here as in the old hometown, but no doubt word will leak back and set tongues wagging nonetheless. That doesn't stop them from being all smiles, waves, and outward good cheer as they make their way through the gauntlet of photo-ops and media, mostly together, but sometimes separated (mostly so the Papprazzos can get shots of Selina's dress). Bruce answers the canned questions with equal parts well-intentioned vapidity and genuine concern for the victims, walking the tightrope he so often does with his public persona. The good-hearted mildly-eccentric billionaire playboy.

And then they're inside, with Bruce sparing Selina a glance and a grin, "That wasn't so bad. I guess the New York sharks are after different fish."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
With Seawolf now in the post-production stages, Michael is now making the rounds as his stage persona, Nick Drago. He's not really here to bid but more to encourage others to by serving as one of the music acts. However, his turn at the piano has not come up yet so he's making nice with some of the lesser known potential bidders. Since he's technically working, he simply has opted for a non-alcoholic, sugar free beverage of choi- water. He's drinking water.

Nick's attire is simple, but pristine. His slightly lenghtened hair is pulled back to a neat but tiny pony tail, the red color of the dress shirt pops in contrast to the black of the suit jacket. That his dress shirt matches the table, was not a planned thing.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Black-tie event? A personal invitation sent? A good cause?

That meant one Oliver Queen was certain to make an appearance and given that he was not given to much fanfare upon his arrivel it was a discreet SUV that dropped the man out near the entrance. A small red carpet, just enough time for one to appreciate the midnight-blue, tailored tuxedo that he wears tonight. White dress shirt, winged collar, a bow-tie of a dark green color (he couldn't help himself). Classic black shoes on and the ensemble is set. Behold a formal Oliver Queen!

And surprisingly enough .., no company on his arm tonight. Yet the speculative look he gives to his phone once he is out makes it seem this may not be true for the whole of the evening. He shall let the fates decide apparently.

Attentive eyes take note of those carriages, the limos, along with the apparent preparation for protests. Expected.. But he is not a man to linger, he begins to make his way in, making sure to greet all those familiar faces of the "high and mighty" that he knows so well from the circles he dwells in.

And then he is in. A familiar face? And one that he approaches with another kind of attitude than the normal smile and waves he gave others.

"Bruce. Second time in such a short time that we have met. We will have to do it more often." his hand offered to the man. That smile of his also goes to his companion, blue eyes taking note of Selina and he dipping his head in a rather polite manner.

Kate Kane has posed:
A few years ago, Kate might have crashed this party blitzed to the gills with a NIN T-shirt and torn jeans and then run off with one (or two or three) of the waitresses at the gala. However, that was then, and this is now.

A limousine pulls up to the building, carrying Kate Kane, and just Kate, to the party. She steps out, wearing a glittering crimson dress that flatters her figure just enough, while leaving quite a bit to be wondered about. She grins a bit wickedly at the papparazzi, giving one of the female photographers a saucy wink and answering questions rather cheerfully, somewhat airily, as she seems to be giving her cousin a run for his money in the good-hearted billionaire heir department.

Eventually, she gets close enough to Bruce and Selina, saying to the former, "Oh, I think they were waiting for me to show up on my motorcycle and not a limo, Bruce." She sounds rather amused at the idea, then gives Selina a wry look, "Looking good, by the way." Then she looks over at Oliver, giving him a curious look, "Well, hello."

Selina Kyle has posed:
    Brucelina lives! Or rather it's been resuscitated for at least one news cycle after the recent morale-killing travesty that was Selincoln, those who concern themselves with shipping real people have something to cling to once more! And they don't disappoint! A pair of frustratingly gorgeous people arm in arm, the lady dressed ravishingly in a purple dress dark enough to be mistaken for black outside a certain intensity of light with a matching collar and the seemingly signature green emerald set in the middle, matching her eyes. Selina makes a bit of a game of posing for the cameras - keeping it below 'Catwoman' levels, she's still meant to be a respectable sort - but is present enough for the moment to give proper respect for the plight of Bushwick's people. Unlike Bruce she hasn't QUITE the commitment to vapidity - pride, perhaps - though she definitely speaks in a softer, gentler voice than one might associate with the sultry feline felon.
    She rarely gravitates too far from Bruce, however, and is present when Oliver approaches them, looking briefly surprised before smiling warmly at Oliver's gesture. "Selina Kyle." She introduces herself with a dazzling smile, offering her hand, "A pleasure, Mr. Queen, I've heard so much about you."
    Kate's comment draws a wry grin and a faux-self-conscious glance down at herself "Oh, this old thing? I thought I'd just keep it to low key 'killing it' given the occasion~" Selina allows herself a moment to be entirely too pleased with her self before she smiles a bit more kindly and says "You look lovely, Kate~"

Kurt Wagner has posed:
As a general sort of rule this isn't really his sort of thing. Not that he has garnered a lot of invites to black-tie sort of affairs over the years. It is something that he hasn't truly felt that he has missed out on either. But this is a good cause and obviously something that is a little near and dear to his heart. So with a little help Kurt Wagner managed to get himself suitable attire and make the trip down from Westchester in rapid fashion. In about five mile increments.

The fuzzy blue elf looks a little snazzy, all dressed up as he stands in the shadows in the mouth of an alley just up the street, his indigo fur and dark suit making him little more then a shadow himself. He watches the front of the hotel for a minute or two, looking at that red carpet where some of the guests have already begun to arrive. While he certainly doesn't mind the spot light he doesn't exactly feel the need to seek it out on this evening. So instead those glinting yellow eyes peer intently at the hotel entrance way before abruptly vanishing in a cloud of inky darkness, a hint of brimstone and his customary *bamf*...

...only to reappear an instant later in one of the side passages running out of the lobby of the hotel. Glancing around idly, the mutant teleporter reaches up to straighten his bow-tie, impish grin sliding over his features as he steps out to join the others

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym felt a little guilty about ditching the big science meeting, in spite of pressing reasons. He still shows his disdain for the read carpet, entering the venue at one inch tall and them resizing in a shadowy corner away from prying eyes. Dr. Henry Pym adjusts his tie, squares his shoulders and begins looking for a seat. his eyes briefly sweep over the philanthropists and their escorts. All this gala. They might have just sent their checks in and put the money towards this affair and this frippery to the poor victims. Eh. To make money you need to spend money. Having said his internal monologue (he can almost imagine it hovering over him in a cloud you could read) he continues his search for a seat, and possibly a friendly face. Let's see who was he not awkward with these days of his friends? Maybe sit next to a stranger.

Pepper Potts has posed:
It's early into the evening, waiters and waitresses move deftly around the crowded room, offering small crudites; bacon-wrapped filet, shrimp rolls, bacon-wrapped oysters, and things for the more vegetarian or vegan pallets in the form of battered and fried green beans, samosas.. a little something for everyone. Champagne is set upon trays carried by sommaliers, one carrying the flutes and another tray in close proximity for the empties.

There is definitely an 'advance team' retinue of Senator Kelly's men. It's not hard to miss them. Dotting in ones and twos, they're the ones in dark suits instead of tuxedos, with white earbuds listening to radio traffic for the presidential candidate. That, and their expressions are such that they're treating this as work; the standing order is not to engage with anyone.. particularly obvious mutants. All needs to be secure!

Pepper Potts, or rather, Ms Virginia Potts is present, and obviously enjoying the moment. She's dressed in a green evening gown, hugging form and figure, and if anyone is fashion-savvy, the cut and design is most obviously from JVD collection; though she's lucky enough to have 'one of a kind's. Her hair is up in a stylishly 'messy' bun, wisps of red hair falling in curls to frame her face. In hand, a champagne flute that is more present to keep her hands busy rather than actually drinking it all. It's all in the show, really, and as she moves from guest to guest, greeting, shaking hands, leaning in and laughing at whispered conversation, she's easily accessible for any and all. Bright green eyes watch the door, watch the tables, linger on the quartet as they play before glancing back at the auction block, decorated in drapes, flowers, with the 'Sotheby's' logon attached to the front.

For each that arrives, braving the red carpet, the Hostess of the evening has a bright smile; a tacit promise that she'll be speaking to each with both a personal greeting and effused thanks for supporting the cause in such a short notice. After all, the work with Bushwick changes from minute to minute. It's so nice to see society be able to move at that moment's notice.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym wonders offhandedly whether Jan and Steve are coming? He lets it go after a moment. He is finding it easier to let things go lately. Priorities. Running into a friend? That will bring all manner of solicitations, how are you doing? He doesn't want to think about that. He doesn't want to acknowledge the flipping elephant in his mind. He will not acknowledge it.

He grabs a sparkling water off a tray and is still lost in trying not to be so lost as he bumps someone inadvertently.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As the food passes around Nick glances to it but does not partake. Instead Nick Drago ends up turning to accomodate for a 'quick' picture with another attendee. Or it would be, if the user wasn't apparently using a phone they just bought and they hadn't figured out the camera function yet. As the attendee wrestles with his phone, the rocker opts to take the moment to have a sip of his water.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Entering into the room in a wine-red evening gown of sheer, sultry elegance, is a dark haired woman who, by her carriage, is not a stranger to high society and opulence. In fact, there is an expression upon her facial features that would be best described as 'amusement'. The woman deftly snatches a glass of wine from one of the trays without missing a step as she glides further in, brown eyes sweeping over the gathering as if searching for a familiar face, someone she might know.

Few enough, of course, would know her. Talia al Ghul. Though, certainly, SOME people here certainly would know her. She takes a sip of wine, and nods her head agreeably, "Exquisette," she remarks, smoothly, appreciatively.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
A good cause /and/ free food and drinks. Clearly he has been missing out by not seeking out these black-tie affairs earlier. While Kurt might be dressed for the occasion that doesn't keep him from standing out just a tad. But less so then might normally be the case at the very least, given the nature of the event and who it is meant to benefit. And while he might be all dressed up in a tuxedo, his has a few differences. Like the lack of shoes for one, generally a pretty big no-no at upscale sorts of events. And of course there is the fact that most such suits do not come with a tail hole. What can he say? He's a fashion maverick.

Of course he does put that tail to good use as he begins to circulate through the larger chamber. Even as his gaze sweeps over the crowd and the made up room, that tail nimbly reaches out, plucking one of those flute glasses off the tray of a passing waiter who appears more then a little surprised. Kurt only flashes the young man an affable grin and offers up a brief nod as if nothing is at all out of the ordinary, the tail rather casually passing the glass up into his waiting had as he makes his way deeper into the room.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
"Probably." Bruce replies to Kate with an amused grin, and then his attention turns to Oliver, whom he shakes hands with as offered, "Ollie! Good to see you again. Nice tie, love the color." He allows Selina to make her introduction, then indicates Kate, "Oliver, my cousin Kate Kane. Not sure if the two of you have met or not." He grins amiably, and takes a moment to survey the room, leaning over for a moment to murmur something quietly in Kate's ear with an amused expression on his face.

Pepper Potts has posed:
As expected, the Hostess for the evening does approach to greet as many of the newly arrived as possible; Mr Wayne and Mr Queen are visited, only briefly as time and duties allow. Her hand rises to touch each with a light hand upon the arm, and a warm smile for Selena, Bruces's date.

"I'm so glad you could attend," is said softly, her tones rising only a little louder than the music to be heard. There's a pause before she addresses Selena, "You look lovely, thank you for coming." Kate is also given a soft welcome, before she has to move on.

Waiting only for the polite responses, Pepper dips her head again and moves to the next group. As she swings around, though, green eyes catch the form and figure of.. Kurt coming out of the side door, looking very.. blue. And tuxedo'ish. She'll admit that it's a .. sight, and an unexpected one. But not unwelcome.

There's a quick glance towards Kelly's group before Pepper takes a couple of quick, determined steps towards the obvious mutant, her smile present and genuine. Welcoming. Moving her glass over to another hand, she extends a hand, "Thank you for coming on such short notice, Mr..?" It's the typical fishing for a name to set with a face, and her tones nothing but conversational.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym makes his apologies to some Kord fellow and his enormous blond playmate and presses on.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Don't fall over, don't fall over..." Caitlin Fairchild is muttering it almost like a mantra. Going up the stairs in her new pumps wasn't too bad; coming *down* the short flight on the other end requires a big 'I'm cool, making a slow entrance' vibe and a hand trying look very nonchalant as she grips Donna Troy's arm for balance.

Truth be told, though, it's only for occassions like these that Caitlin goes out and actually gets a new dress-- mostly because a new dress has to be hand made and tailor-fit for her (and the shoes take some time, too). And even if there was an off-the-rack solution, you can't show up to black-tie events like this one in such a thing. Her halter-topped dress is blue, sky blue; a close-fitting cotton with more reflective threads woven into it. It flatters her outline but modestly mutes her curves, with a hidden split-seam behind her knees. The neckline ends just below her collarbone, wraps around her neck, and exposes her shoulderblades and upper back to the air before clinging to her frame again.

Once on the landing she exhales a sigh of relief and tries to look nonchalant, transferring a matching blue clutch from one hand to another. "Okay, achievement unlocked: didn't fall down the stairs at the bosses' charity," she says, and gives Donna a grateful look. "Thank you." Caitlin's even taken some time to blow out her hair and style it, worn loose and tumbling; as far as makeup goes, it's a minimalist touch of mascara and lip gloss. "Hey, do I see Richard over there?" she wonders, and uplifts her chin at the elder Wayne scion.

Oliver Queen has posed:
"Thank you, I will make sure the person that chose it knows of your approval, Bruce." Even if it's clear Ollie appears to have understood the comment on his dark green bow tie.

"Ms. Kyle." Oliver says in acknowledgement of Selina's introduction, his smile only deepening and he certainly taking the offered hand, lifting it to his lips but never actually kissing the knuckles, too much of a gentleman for such, the gesture is enough where politeness is concerned. "The pleasure is mine. And have you? Hopefully only the good parts." a smooth grin following those words. "Though anyone that can drag Bruce out of his mansion is a friend." perhaps a bit of a tease there on his words towards what appears to be an old friend, his eyes going to Bruce for a moment. No wink there, but there's a very noticeable temptation there.

To Kate he offers a bow of his head and as it is evident that she knows the others, waiting for the introductions. "My pleasure, Ms. Kane. We had not met yet, no." a glance about. "Quite the gathering it's turning out to be tonight. I am pleased."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick Grayson arrives in the room wearing his usual fitted tuxedo. Like his cousin, the eldest Wayneling is flying solo, tonight. He has recently been seen at a lot of fundraising events, and was probably expected to make an appearance at this one, though the newest consultant for Wayne Enterprises does not disappoint in that regard.

There are more than a few familiar faces here, but only a few he can actively acknowledge as Dick Grayson and not Nightwing. As such, the takes the easier route and walks over to where his adoptive father and cousin stand with Selina and Oliver and says, "Good turnout it seems," he gives Oliver and Selina each a nod in recognition, but keeps his comments short for now.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Just a minute." The attendee murmurs, flipping through the apps before hitting the side button on his phone "Dang it. Wait... Another minute..."

Nick's glass lowers as he looks to the now locked phone in the person's hand and glances up, catching a glimpse of Kurt walking through. As the tail grabs the glass without the mutant even slowing down, he cracks a bit of a smile.

"I had it a second ag-" The attendee looks to the side, looking to Hank, "Hey, do you know how to get the camera working on this type of phone? I just got it."

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate extends a hand towards Oliver, "Pleasure to meet you." She offers the hand for a shake, then tilts her head slightly at Bruce's whisper. After shaking Oliver's hand, she gives the man a smile, "If you'll excuse me." With that, she nods, giving Pepper Potts a warm expression as the fellow ginger drifts by.

And she casually grabs a glass of blood red wine from a passing waiter, moving towards Talia and giving her a warm smile, "I would say most exquisite, your dress of course." Her own red dress is a little lighter in hue, glittering in the light, but styled fairly similarly. Whether or not Talia would recognize Kate, well... that's the first question.

Whether or not she'd even care would be the second...

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym turns to regard Nick Drago. "Hrm. You need to update. This is probably a planned glitch to encourage you. Since we don't have that time..." the scientist turns the phone off, powering it down and turns it back on. "Ah, here we go... you had the right icon. It was just frozen. You better update it tonight." He smiles and hands the phone back to Nick.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Ah. Talia's expression changes to a subtle, sly smile and she begins to manuever towards a small group of people; namely, Oliver Queen, Selina Kyle, Kate Kane, and Bruce Wayne. It doesn't take her long to cross the distance, and she greets as she slows, "Bruce, so lovely to see you here." with a warm voice of greeting someone long missed, "You are looking just as handsome as ever."

Brown eyes flit over the two women with Bruce, then Oliver.

If Talia recognizes Kate, well, she's not showing it. Maybe she doesn't, or maybe she doesn't care. It's rather hard to tell with the woman. "I see you've been busy, as always." Her smile widens, just a touch, impishly. "You must introduce me to your - friends."

Selina Kyle has posed:

    Selina beams at Oliver for the gesture - she's a sucker for it, for whatever reason - and smirks a bit as Oliver peaks. "Well, there's only 'good' bits, and 'fun' bits in my experience~" She lies charmingly. When he remarks on Bruce, she cranes her head a little to look back and up at him, smiling "Oh, Bruce? He's not so hard to lure out, if you- Hm?" For a brief moment, something about Bruce seems to strike Selina as odd, and her brow raises curiously, blissfully unaware of the guest in red.
    "... if you have the right bait." Selina finishes a bit more gently, and snatches a wine glass from a passing waiter, before offering it to Bruce with a little smile, "Need a boost?"
    Suddenly they have a visitor! Selina blinks once with surprise as Talia makes herself known. Being surprise attacked by past paramours isn't THAT rare an occurance, but they rarely carry themselves as confidantly as... this. She glances back and forth between Bruce and Talia briefly, gently noting "*There's* some energy." wrly, but letting Bruce do the introductions as Talia prompted.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
He has only just barely sampled the champagne in his glass and has not yet had the chance to discombobulate another server by snagging some of the appetizers in his own, unique fashion before he is approached. He pauses in his little survey of the room, turning instead towards the evening's hostess and taking up her offered hand in his free one, bowing over it in a gesture a couple of centures out of date but seemingly entirely fitting for him.

"Ahhhh, unless I am badly mistaken it is you that we have to thank for this evening. Very decent of you, very decent indeed," the fuzzy blue elf says with a bright smile that belies his vagule devilish features. "Kurt. Kurt Wagner," he offers up, introducing himself before straightening once more, the tip of that oh so nimble tail flicking lightly behind him. "It is a pleasure, of course," he says, the corners of his mouth twitching ever so slightly. "You seem to have out done yourself, as I am certain you will hear many, many times throughout the evening."

Donna Troy has posed:
    When a sixth of a ton of statuesque redhead is using you for balance because she's not that great in heels, it helps to be an Amazon. Fortunately for Donna Troy, she is.

    In contrast to Caitlin's sky blue, Donna is dressed all in black, a sharp above-knee black dress paired with black suede knee-high boots with a wedge heel. It's rare to see her wearing anything other than her armor, and even then it usually involves a leather jacket. This may have taken some persuading.

    "The heels were your idea, Cait. You're tall enough, you could have worn flats and nobody would have noticed," Donna mutters. Then, even more quietly, "We could be out punching things. We could have just sent a donation, you know. This seems... unnecessary."

    Nevertheless she follows Caitlin's gaze through the crowd towards said elder Wayne scion. "Yeah, that's Dick alright. Do you think he's grumbling to Bruce about how they could have just sent a donation?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Head tilting, Nick glances down to the phone being placed in his hand and hands it back to the atendee who is... kind of standing uncomfortably close to him at the moment. Perhaps it was the proximity of the phone owner to Nick when the request was made that led to the confusion.

The attendee smiles as he turns quickly, taking a selfie with the musician and indirectly scientist. "Thank you. My kids are going to love this."

Nick tilts his head watching the guy leave curiously before looking over to Hank. "Well, thank you for helping him. You'd really hate my phone."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym takes a leap of faith and sticks his hand out. "Not a problem. I'm Henry Pym, call me Hank. These galas are really not my thing. the ex used to drag me to them all but this cause I take a little to heart. You know? I... we don't seem to have any idea who the other is, but expect us to be known. It's sort of grounding. We can take a minute to google each other or just proceed as two regular guys or crashers or whatever." He laughs at the idea. That isn't really a bad idea. He hates most fans. What do ants say to you? Do you ever kill insects? Does shrinking tickle? Hey Ant-Man! Yes. And it only tickles the first few times. Then it makes your heart jump. Idiots.

Pepper Potts has posed:
There is that moment when green eyes gleam at the introductions; Pepper is perhaps a better actress than people give her credit for? The courtesy given by Kurt brings a larger smile to her face, and adding the compliment? She laughs lightly and nods, glancing momentarily at Kelly's retinue. They're watching everyone, including the Hostess. "You're too kind." Canting her head to the side, brings up a quicker, more personal smile that may offer up a hint of her thoughts before turning to look at the darkly suited again. "I'll be making sure they make a donation before the evening is out," is given in a softly sotto voice.

Breaking away from her brief meeting, Pepper approaches the front of the room and looks at the gathered, both sitting and standing. The music from the quartet softens to piannissimo before they hold their strings as the microphone from the auction block is gained.

"Is this thing--" and the sound carries easily, giving her the distinct answer, even as she looks in the middle distance for a moment; obviously hearing something, likely from her sound engineer. "Great.. now," the redheaded PA scans the room with a warm yet professional smile. "I'd like to welcome you all here this evening. If you don't know me already, my name is Virginia Potts, and I am currently employed by Mr Stark at Stark Industries. He apologizes that he can't attend this evening, but there's still work to be done." Is there a touch of pride there? Absolutely.

"As you know, relief efforts are underway for Bushwick, and there are always questions as to how or where to write a check to help." No aspersions are cast; it's a reality for this level. Particularly to be sure the money is properly used (and as a tax write-off.). "So, we've partnered with Sotheby's so that 100% of the proceeds can be donated to the list of charities that are listed in the auction preview room. All are 501(c)3s." All of them have been personally vetted by the PA.

There is a momentary pause before, "Before we get underway, I encourage all of you to visit the auction room to see what you may wish to bid on. But first, there is a special item that isn't on the auction manifest. Supergirl has approached me and has graciously offered a city-view flight above Manhattan to be set for auction, with proceeds also going directly to one of the listed charities."


Kara Danvers has posed:
Above the broiling rainy clouds, Supergirl floats in the sky, her cape whipping about in the night wind. It's a balancing act, to spend time with these rich people in the hopes of helping Mutant Town, or focusing on the potential disasters happening around the world. This thinking was really just an excuse to run away from the social elites - and Supergirl doesn't run. Now she's heard her name, she has to turn up.

With a clap like of thunder, she breaks through the storm and swoops past the red carpet in to the hotel. Her speed slows as she flies in to the gathering itself, then rights herself to land in a walk, one red boot at a time. Her long blonde hair bobbing with each step as she makes her way to the auction stage.

If Senator Kelly's security is concerned they aren't allowed to show it. She lifts her chin and looks out at the audience. Wearing a short red skirt, blue body with golden belt, and a flowing red cape. Hands on her hips to show off the symbol of House El upon her chest \S/, hope, she smiles to the gathering. Her vibrant blue eyes looking over each person in turn.

With confidence she addresses the attendees, "Thank you Ms. Potts. For those of you who don't know me, I am Supergirl," hard to not know her unless you somehow missed all news for the last two years, "and I am here to auction a flight around New York City and surrounds, with me, the girl of steel. I shall take you up, up and away, in to the sky and travel as fast as you like for as far as you like, then return you safely to where we began." She rehearsed this for hours, "For Bushwick, for the people who live there."

Oliver Queen has posed:
The handshake is returned to Kate, the epitome of politeness. Oliver is no stranger to these kind of events afterall. And when Kate drifts away in her mission he looks back to Selina, "The right bait? You will have to share me that secret one day." he says in jest, not really expecting an answer.

Yet it's not as if this whole exchange goes unnoticed by the attentive Oliver, following Talia's approach just after he finishes speaking his greetings to Pepper. "A great event. I look forward to see what pieces will be on for auction." though he doesn't keep her. So many guests to talk to afterall!

Richard receives, of course, an handshake when he approaches but then there's that speculative look given to Talia, the study. And of course that he smiles. Always smile in the face of death. "Good evening."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"I did send a donation," Caitlin says to Donna. Helps when both parties have superhuman hearing; the words are practically subvocal. "Pepper gave me the tickets. This is one of those, um. Visibility things," she tries to explain. "And it's black tie, and Ms. Post says heels are mandatory for black tie."

A hand lifts and she waves at Dick, and looks to Donna. Not many would pick up on the mild irritation and discomfort there, but Caitlin can, and rests a hand on Donna's arm. "-Thank- you," she says, of Donna tolerating the gala. The words are near silent but her gratitude's sincere. "I totally owe you one."

There's a pause for the speeches; Caitlin joins the applause afterwards, and when she makes eye contact with Kara, beams a warmly approving smile at her friend and deliberately claps a little louder.

Once the speeches are done she turns back to Donna. "C'mon, let's go hassle Richard a bit," Caitlin tells Donna, and heads towards the former boy wonder and current Gotham's Most Eligible Bachelor. "I think there's a lot of society types here tonight. We might need to save him from circling vultures."

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Right about now "just sending a donation" looks like a prudent move in hindsight. Bruce Wayne doesn't show any outward consternation, however, smiling amiably and affecting just the right amount of surprise, "Talia. It's been a while..." The words are, perhaps, more circumspect than Talia's own, though he does incline his head in greeting, "Well then, allow me to introduce Miss Selina Kyle, Mr. Oliver Queen, and my cousin, Kate Kane." Bruce gestures, indicating Talia, "Everyone, Miss Talia al Ghul." He considers a moment, pondering how best to walk the line between truth and deception, and finally decides that in this instance, pulling back the curtain a bit may just make things easier for all involved in the long run, even if it comes with different complications.

"Damian's mother." He adds by way of clarification of relationship. He manages to say it without grimacing.

Selina Kyle has posed:
    "Richard~" Selina greeted Dick with pleasant surprise as he approached, squeezing his upper arm. "Stick around, I think I can get you engaged to someone around here if you just smile and nod~" She teases and winks at him.
    That was before Talia arrived, however, and Selina nods once with coy smile as they're introduced to each other. "A pleasure." She says, and extends her hand to Talia, noting "What a unique name; is that-"
    Damian's mother, the man says.
    Selina manages to look somewhere between 'rigid with scandal' and 'too amused to function' due to the shock and the absurdity of the moment, and stiffly takes a sip of the wine she just offered Bruce, sniffs once, and notes softly "That is *stiff* competition."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Seeing the offered hand, the musician Nick gives a smile and takes Hank's hand for a sufficiently timed shake. "Nick Drago. Call me Nick. And I'm fine with not having to pretend to know each other. I'm mainly here for the cause and to play piano."

As the sound of the strings dies away and the microphone takes up, Nick turns his head to look towards Pepper. At the annoucnement of the Supergirl flight, he gives a slight nod.

"I can see that being a popular bid item." He comments to Hank. "A bit of fun without having to worry about finding a place to store something afterwards."

Kurt Wagner has posed:
To put it mildly Kurt has a certain... fondness for games and play-acting. Growing up a performer can do that sort of thing fellow. And when one can't blend in they are usually left with a choice; grumble and get angry with the world, or embrace those differences. There's not a lot of doubt about what side of the fence Kurt falls on that particular issue.

Generally, pirate is the fuzzy blue elf's alternate identity of choice, but as the dress code did not happen to include room for his rapier this evening Kurt is more then happy to play along with Pepper's little intrigues. Those brilliant yellow eyes glint merrily and he inclines his head ever so slightly. "I quite understand," he offers up quietly. "It is an excellent cause afterall," he allows as the redhead slips away and he returns to circulating.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper retakes the microphone for a brief moment to finish detailing the evening's events, green eyes cross the gathered but now gaze not lingering on any one person. "Once the auction is complete, we'll be seated for dinner. Afterwards, we are lucky to have Nick Drago offer to play for us. So, welcome, and thank you for coming."

With that, then, Pepper returns the mic to the auctioneer podium before she turns to speak with Kara in low tones, her gaze shifting out to the crowd and back. "I can't thank you enough for helping us with this," is breathed. "Really."

When thanks is given, Pepper turns to mix and mingle with the other guests, her champagne in the flute still virtually untouched.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick shakes Oliver's hand, "Good evening," uncertain if they had met in person. He gives a wave to Caitlin and Donna in response to their own, though Selina's comment reverts his attention back to the group when he takes a drink and is caught flatfooted by that comment.

"Well, I certainly was not expecting that!" Dick says, "Though I am certainly capable of smiling and nodding," he chuckles. The mirth is suspended when Talia approaches, though she gets a nod, as well, though Bruce ripping that band-aid off early certainly makes it a little... tense. But at least it is out in the open. However, his attention is momentarily grabbed by the arrival of Supergirl, "Well, that also was unexpected, though I am curious to see who wins and for how much."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym shrugs. "If you say so. I've flown a lot and parking is easy if you have a system. Ah a musician. I like the classics, Doors, Jimi Hendrix. That's a nice donation the young lady is making. Giving of your time is the best thing you can give. Damn Nick now I feel like I know you. I think... Raphael's Flask?!"

Robert Kelly has posed:
Senator Kelly himself has arrived. The shift of media coverage to split between that item and the auction itself makes the event particularly clear. He has stopped outside to address the media and to greet the sudden throng of his followers there, who all need a handshake and to express to the Senator how glad they are that he is such a significant candidate that truly is a voice for the people, not a billionaire from on high.

The senator's security is intense, as is the tight crowd that keeps him relatively isolated and protected. After all, there are mutants here. At least, until they can be safely put back into Bushwick.

Where they belong.

"Was that a flight with Supergirl?" The Senator asks as he comes in, and his group rush to agree. "Wonderful to see our best heroes present and so involved," he says, gracefully, and gives her a brief applaud. It encourages his cohorts to begin to applaud Supergirl as well.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna joins in the applause with Caitlin, but murmers to her friend as they clap. "Why do they call it black tie, anyway? That makes little sense. You notice neither of us are wearing black ties. Either they should just call it 'formal' or let us wear whatever we want to wear. This is foolishness. Diana once told me that if I went to a black tie event wearing a black tie, people would consider it odd. One of these days I will get around to doing so."

    Alongside Caitlin, Donna waves enthusiastically towards Kara and flashes her a brilliant smile, before she turns her attention to the crowd around the Waynes. "You're probably right. Am I allowed to punch circling vultures? I'm not, am I." She sighs a sigh of mock disappointment. "At least we can have a little fun fighting our way through the crowd. That has to be allowed."

    Very little fighting is actually required. Caitlin's towers over the crowd and people get out of her way. Donna is content to drift along behind until they're in not-quite-shouting range, where she not-quite shouts "Good evening, Waynes and Wayne-friends. An impressive turnout."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia tips her head to Bruce, still smiling, and it a genuine smile of sincere amusement. But, whatever response she might have for Bruce about Damian, or their past is set aside at Selina's comment.

"Competition?" She inquires, without losing her smile. "I'm rather fond of it," she answers, pleasantly enough about her own name's uniqueness. She surveys Selina again, glances aside to Bruce, "Competition?" The corners of her lips turn up, briefly, and only for a moment.

With a keen familarity, she moves forward, to slightly adjust Bruce's tie, which allows her a moment to set her hand on his chest. "We have a lot of catching up to do, Bruce," she tells him, finally in response to - well, everything. His statement, and perhaps her reason for being here?

Stepping back, Talia listens, briefly to Pepper's announcement politely and then greets, "Richard. Always a pleasure to see you," with the nearly same warm shades of tone she'd greeted Bruce with.

She looks back to Selina, asking, curiously, "And which competition is that, my dear?"

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate gives Talia a smile, "Well, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, Miss al'Ghul." She says the name without a problem, and if she's shocked or dismayed or anything other than pleased to meet Talia, she doesn't show it. "I must admit to having wanted to make your acquaintance for... quite some time." She extends a hand towards Talia, then, tilting her head ever so slightly.

Then, when she sees the Senator arrive, murmurs quietly to herself, "... and now I remember why I would act scandalous at these things." Her nose wrinkles a bit, as she suddenly fastens back at Talia, "Well, I would hope it's a dancing competition, because I have a delightful idea. And an interesting idea for a dance partner." Her eyes give Talia a positively wicked look, and she grins widely at that.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara smiles and speaks softly in return to Pepper, "The pleasure is all mine Ms. Potts, I have been trying to think of ways to help out Bushwick beyond living heavy things." She steps down off of the stage and begins to mingle. She remains approachable for the time being, a smile is returned to her team mates Troia and Caitlin. Life would be simpler without secret identities, that's certainly true.

Various socialites approach and she shakes hands and offers selfies with them. She's gotten good at simply smiling with the right selfie-angle. It's an important skill on this planet apparently. The chit chat is very surface level and she suffers through questions about her cousin Superman as is normal. He is far more famous than her after all. As she expected, it's hard to take a single step before the next set of people are approaching to meet her. Kal was right, celebrity might be out of control but at least she can use it to do some good.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Al Ghul. How interesting. It makes Oliver's speculative gaze turn into a look of interest, bowing his head at Talia. "My pleasure, Ms. Al Ghul." as for the rest. Damian's mother. There is no shift on the man's expression. If he knows anything about -that- he certainly doesn't let it be known through his expression.

"Well, you certainly seem to be in good hands now, Bruce. If you will excuse me for the moment." a gesture of farewell given to the gathering nearby. "I am sure I will be seeing you later on."

His attention goes to Pepper and her speech, curiosity there about the items in display. He makes sure to stop by near Supergirl. "Thank you for coming, Supergirl. It's in these troubled times that we need beacons of hope like you." hand offered for a shake.

Not that he will linger for too long. He has caught sight of Senator Kelly afterall and soon starts his way there.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick gives a few nods at the listing of the music acts, turning his head as Hank makes indication to a large donation. He seems to have missed who did it but no matter. He-


He looks back to Hank, "What?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym facepalms and is obviously embarrassed. "I... I've had a problem with bipolar disorder a few years and I've heard that song played a lot when I was getting treatment. It's a wonderful song I just didn't ever put a face on the composer. It's a real pleasure to meet you. Your song helped me through some rough spots. You're that Nick Drago, right? I hope I'm not embarrassing either of us." The piercing blue eyes seem to lose their focus or perhaps focus on Hank's own demons.

Selina Kyle has posed:
    Selina shrugs her shoulders and waves her hand dismissively at Talia's question, noting "Private joke, don't mind me. Bruce is a popular boy~" Though Talias' hand on Bruces' chest is noted with a faintly arched eyebrow. She had been starting to ask what part of the world Talia's last name began with when things got juicy. "I suppose someone was bound to catch him~"

Dick Grayson has posed:
"Ms. Al Ghul, I hope you are well?" Dick says politely. Talia's fiddling with Bruce's tie and Selina's reaction also cause him some concern.

As Donna and Caitlin approach, Dick does some quick calculations in his head, noting the others present and takes a deep breath. He may be pretty good on his feet in social situations, but now both of his worlds are colliding. "Donna, Caitlin, glad to see you two." He looks to the others, "These are my friends Donna Troy and Caitlin Fairchild," He takes a step back to indicate who the others are, "Talia al Ghul, Selina Kyle, my cousin Kate Kane, and my father Bruce Wayne."

Pepper Potts has posed:
As the evening progresses, there is the attempt to bring things around for the dint of the gathering, that is, fund raising and the auction. A middle-aged gentlemen dressed for the occasion, that is, impeccably, strides out with two guards beside him; he gains the podium, the pair on either side of him.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Mark Abramson, and I am your auctioneer for this evening. The items we have on the manifest all carry with them certificates of authenticity and their provenances all documented. All who have indicated an interest in the auction should locate their numbers at this time."

Looking expectantly across the crowd, the auctioneer waits for those joining the bidding to do just that. He's not asking for silence from the floor, however; he has a microphone, and with cards, no one needs to say a word- just hold up the card!

Once it all begins, the auctioneer begins slowly with the introduction of items, "We have a specially donated item from the collection of the Embassy of Themyscira. It is a previously thought to be lost partial rolled manuscript from the ancient greek playwrite Aristophanes, the play called 'Proagon'. It is not complete." He pauses before, "Shall we start at one million dollars?" He looks over the gathered, his expression expectant. After all, documents such as this one is, well, one of a kind. He fully expects that it'll take hold, and.. just like that? Signs start going up... and the expected patter of the auctioneer begins to fill the room.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
In a show of assertiveness that's somewhat rare for Bruce in public, he reaches up and removes Talia's hand from his chest, lowering it back to her side, "You're likely right, Talia, but this isn't the time or place. We can catch up in a more suitable venue later," His tone is firm, which again might strike Selina as unusual in its' certainty. But it's also not /harsh/ exactly.

And just like that he's all smiles again, looking to Donna and Caitlin and offering a bright one, "Doctor Fairchild, a pleasure to see you again. Miss Troy, an honor to see you here this evening. And I see Supergirl has generously donated some of her time as well." He inwardly kicks himself for strongly considering outbidding for that flight to extricate himself from the tense standoff between his date and the mother of his child, but no...he'll soldier through.

And good, the auction is starting, and the first item is...one he's actually interested in.

"One million." Bruce lifts his hand.

Robert Kelly has posed:
Senator Kelly isn't interested in the auction in particular, and instead has gone on a circuit of the room to do his general handshaking. He doesn't approach or go near any of the really obvious mutants - maybe that's just due to how 'busy' they look, or just coincidence. Regardless, he's making a very deliberate path around the room, with a comfortable meet and greet. His bodyguards are very good at what they do, and make sure he keeps a good amount of personal space.

When Oliver Queen approaches he gets an immediate smile from the Senator, though, and a comfortable greeting. In fact, he'll be offered a handshake and a pose opportunity to get his photo taken shaking Kelly's hand! What a great thing!!

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Hank gives an explanation, Nick starts to realize how tensed up he got at the mention of the spell's name. It has been a long time since a fan had referenced that song that he forgot that he even released it. Probably because he never includes it in his set lists. He gives a slight nod, "You're right that's me. It's just, I don't hear people talk about that one much so you surprised me there. Probably because it was included as an easter egg on one of the albums."

He cracks a smile, "I'm glad it helped you. It helps me too from time to time."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin's imposingly tall but her body language is politely self-contained; she stands with her clutch in both hands, arms dangling loosely in front of her, and greets people with mouthed 'hi's and 'hello's as Dick makes with the introductions.

Caitlin's no dummy, but social cues aren't her strength. It takes her a few seconds to process that there's some lingering tension bristling around Dick's little extended family. Bruce's urbane greeting provides some relief and she beams a smile back at Bruce, hanging where she is on the edge of Richard's personal space rather than joining the circle. "Mr. Wayne, it's very nice to see you again too," she tells him in return. "I hope you're doing well." She lifts her clutch and drums it against her other hand, a little staccato expression of nerves, but she's soldiering on. "And it's nice to meet you all, too," she bids the ladies, and gives Kate a curious look. "I think-- did we meet briefly at the Gala a few weeks back?" she inquires of her, and offers a polite handshake.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna gives Dick a grateful smile at the introductions. Perhaps sensing his awkwardness at the collision of worlds and the question of why he might know two members of the Titans (though the fact that the Waynes are amongst the philanthropists who have made generous donations to the Titans Trust might be enough), she offers a more high-society friendly angle. "Also known as Troia, princess of Themyscira," she adds to his introduction.

    Donna NEVER does the princess thing. Caitlin knows that well, so it'll be obvious to her at least why that came out.

    Donna gives a round of smiles and offers hand shakes to Kate, Selina, Talia and Bruce. "A pleasure to meet you all. Al Ghul?" she asks curiously, tilting her head and studying Talia curiously for a few moments, the smile fading very slightly for a moment before it returns. "An unusual name. Still, it must be quite something to be named after a star. I'm only named after a city. "

Talia al Ghul has posed:
"There are always those who act scandalously at these little affairs," Talia murmurs agreeably to Kate, "Everyone has their own motivations," she offers, as if it were just a normal conversation and had no hidden meaning behind that specific choice of words. Still, she agrees, "Dancing has been considered scandalous for centuries," to her latter comment.

She does not show affront at Bruce's removal of her hand, taking it in perfect stride and with a refined grace as if she were unaffected by the firmness, and yet respected it in the same turn. "Mm. Soon," is her only response to him as she half-smiles at his bid.

"Oh, no dear. I didn't 'catch' him." That, too, is sincere, and said without any subtle play on words, or hidden intentions. She half-smiles at Selina, and almost seems to say something more before she instead turns to Dick.

She nods to him, "Mm. Hello, Donna. Caitlin. I do hope you enjoy yourselves. I am an associate of Richard's. Talia." She smiles, warmly to the two.

Selina Kyle has posed:
    Selina offers thhe approaching women a little finger wave and a soft "Hey there~" spoken kindly enough, though Talia and Bruce seem to be eating the bulk of her attention. Selina looks briefly startled - and a little impressed - at Bruce's reaction, and gingerly takes another sip of her wine.
    God, who says the entertainment at these things is boring?
    The auction begins, however, possibly sparing any further tension. She smirks a little as Bruce makes the next bid, gently nudging his side with her elbow before raising her own sign as she gives him a look that seems to say 'I'm making you all work for it tonight.' Driving up the bidding is one of life's simple joys.

Oliver Queen has posed:
"Ah, senator Kelly. A surprise to meet you here." Oliver meets Kelly's handshake with a firm one of his own. Polite, just so. He knows how to play the game. "I am certain you will be making the best efforts to contribute the most you can tonight? You seemed so sincere about wishing to support the mutant cause. I will be looking forward to how much you will put your words into actions tonight." dazzling little smile.

Then a casual gesture. "1.2 million." he bids on the item. A wink given across the room to Bruce. What?! Got to make it exciting!

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate flashes Donna a wry smile, "Better that than a wooden horse, I suppose." She arches a brow, looking up at Caitlin, "Did we? Well, I'd think I'd definitely remember you... but then, galas do tend to blend together." She smiles at her, then her eyes fix on Talia.

"Indeed they do, and if it's not too forward, I would insist on a dance, Talia." She offers the other woman her hand, then gets that wicked grin again, "Actually, I don't care if it's too forward. We /should/ dance, don't you think?" One eyebrow raises, as she looks rather intently at Talia.

Malcolm Merlyn has posed:
     Perhaps it was a late start. Or, more likely, the fact that the presence of Malcolm Merlyn wasn't noticed before is because he, too, was making the rounds about the room. It is evident that Merlyn is no stranger to many people, as his stops are frequent, delaying his progress. Still, a smile and a gracious greeting for each one, until finally he finds himself within the nucleus of the event.

     Plainly visible. Almost as if it was planned that way.

Robert Kelly has posed:
"I am not personally a wealthy man; my campaign funding is not from personal billions," Senator Kelly says serenely in response to Ollie. "We all have to play our unique parts to offer in the ways that are available to us. I am here to bring more attention to the event; there are those that can't attend such a gala that still want to contribute. We can all get the word out about how important an improved return of Mutant Town would be to all of New York and America."

Senator Kelly chuckles as Ollie makes a bid, leaving him to that, as he greets more of the other rich businessmen down the line. It is all very postured, but practiced and well done. Senator Kelly does know what he's doing.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara happily shakes Oliver's hand. She's taking in a lot of faces, like Kal suggested she do.. but context is missing. He may know of, or know about a lot of these people from his life as a superhero but also his life as a reporter. She has a lot of catching up to do. Was that Oliver person important? File that one away for later. "The pleasure is all mine and it's why I wear the symbol of my household, with the hopes that it'll inspire others to action for the betterment of Humankind."

There are a few mutants here tonight and she makes a special effort to greet them with a handshake. While she doesn't really want to get involved in politics, she does her very best to avoid Senator Kelly. Apparently merely existing is a political statement in this society. Humans are confusing.

Kara approaches Kurt Wagner and offers her hand, "Hello. I'm Supergirl, it's a pleasure to meet you." Another face she doesn't know, but it's great to see so much representation at this gala. Hands are going up, items are being bid on. Now she might be able to avoid the thick of the crowd and get some fresh air, there's far too much money in this room.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Mr Wayne does have a little competition for the manuscript, but while the competition is there, it may not be considered 'fierce', and the pair locked in competition is looked between by the auctioneer. The price will rise, attention given to the floor to see if any would like to try their hand at the gaining of a one of a kind manuscript.

Pepper, for her part, finds her way towards the arriving Senator Kelly. She, too, should offer greetings. A glance back is given to Kurt as she scans the immediate environs before she approaches the entourage. "Senator Kelly," beat, "Mr Queen," she begins, her oh so politic smile settling on her face. "I'm happy you could find time to join us, sir." is given to the Senator once more. "I know you've been busy."

Dick Grayson has posed:
"I hope you two are doing well?" Dick asks Donna and Caitlin, "Happy to see you both here in support of Bushwick." When he looks to Kate, he nods, "She was a guest of mine at the March fundraiser, and that one seemed to go all right, I think." Talia's commentary as an associate gets no response from Dick, but he acknowledges that he might have some explaining to do, later. Kate's interaction with Talia gets a raised brow, but says nothing. Kate gonna Kate.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia muses to Bruce, "You do associate with the -most- interesting people, Bruce. Very well. Do enjoy your evening. I will be in touch." She tips her head, "Richard. Do keep him in check for me?" She asks of Dick, a play perhaps on Bruce's playboy style that gets so well advertsised in the paparazzi papers. "Selina - lovely to have met you. I have no doubt we'll meet again, and look forward to it. Caitlin. Donna." Polite, to the last.

Talia then focuses on Kate, "Of course. Shall we?" She gestures with a bit of sly mirth towards the dance floor, apparently not shy in the least to take Kate up on the offer.

Her eye catches Malcolm's visage. And, when she has -his- eye, she blows him a kiss from across the room, winks, and then asks Kate, "Are you always this impetuous?" She sounds humored.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Bruce lifts a brow in amusement at Selina, upping his bid, and then that amused glance turns to Ollie. Shaking his head with a chuckle, he ups the bid again, and continues to do so, putting on a merry show for those spectating, and pretty heedless of the final price. He knows there's another item in the catalog that Selina likely won't be able to resist. Unless she decides to steal it...hmm, maybe should have considered that.

He does watch Talia saunter away with perhaps a degree of unspoken tension, though the exact variety might be difficult to ascertain. And then his attention goes back to the Auction.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate grins at Talia, easily taking a lead position with her on the dance floor. "One thing I learned from my Latin teacher, Talia, is that you have to know when to carpe the diem." She laughs a bit, then notices the blown kiss to Malcolm, "Friend of yours?" One brow arches a bit, but she doesn't look jealous in the least.

Then, she tosses the DJ a knowing wink, as she apparently had some prior arrangements with them. The DJ chuckles, and well... you might think that Kate would have some classical waltz begin.

But then, if you thought that, you didn't really know Kate. As suddenly the speakers start thumping the familiar (to her) beat of Rammstein. Ich Will, to be precise.

And with that, Kate takes the lead with Talia, leading her across the dance floor with Euro Techno-Metal-Waltzing, the form as perfect as the song is... eclectic, at least for a waltz.

Robert Kelly has posed:
"What a delightful event you have here, Ms..... Potts, is it?" Senator Kelly asks Pepper Potts kindly. "And such significant work, here. Do extend my regards to Mr. Stark; his example of heroism and being such a public, open icon is a model for all. My personal favorite, I must say; a self-made American hero," Kelly continues, attempting to get a good press photo with Ms. Potts.

"Were he still on the ballot, he would have had my vote, I think; but I am hopeful that I have filled the void he left behind as a Presidential Candidate. Stark Industries will always have the alliance of my administration, should that come to pass. ....But do not let me keep you from your event," he adds graciously to Pepper.

Malcolm Merlyn has posed:
     To his credit, Malcolm takes the wink in stride. Those blue eyes of his lock with Talia's for a moment as the smile grows brighter. And then, just for Talia, Malcolm offers a bow. Just a slight one, but certainly noticeable. Then, drawing himself back up, the wink is returned before Malcolm continues on.

     But not before noticing Talia's dance partner and nodding in approval.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna responds to Kate's comment with a grin. "Very much so, Miss Kane. Especially as the wooden horse was a mistranslation. Homer was a great poet, but not a good historian." She probably knows, too. Themyscira is a weird place.

    She gives a polite nod to Kate and Talia, and watches them depart with a quiet "'iistamtae" spoken in Arabic. 'Have fun'.

    She flashes a brilliant smile at Dick. "Very well, thank you Richard." Richard? She never calls him Richard. That's Caitlin's thing. Still, public events and all that. Donna gives Dick a wink. "You too, I hope? Not being too hounded by ladies seeking the attentions of Gotham's most eligible batchelor I hope? You really should try to spend five minutes out of the society pages."

    Donna turns from Dick with a mischievous smirk and a wink, then gently nudges Bruce. "Hey. If you win the auction I'll get you a copy of the missing bits," she says with a grin. "Special deal just for you."

Pepper Potts has posed:
As the bidding continues, parts of the room fall silent of conversation to watch the CEOs battle (politely) for the ancient Greek manuscript. It's as if they're watching a tennis match; it's hard to know where to look at any given time. With the mesmerizing patter of the auctioneer, the subtle shifts of the number signs, in this industry, in this world, THIS is exciting. Finally, however, there is a denouement in the hardfought battle, and the announcement rises, "Sold, number 38. Sir, you may come up and sign for your prize. You can pick it up at your convenience."

Now, in the next breath, which is mere seconds from the last words, the auctioneer announces, "Now, the ride with Supergirl. A flight around the city for a moment that can last as stories down generations. We'll start the bidding at one hundred thousand. One hundred thousand, anyone?" The moment it's announced, several placards rise. The kids will be pleased!

Pepper, for her part, is off speaking to the Senator, and her practiced patient, political gameface is on. She's had lots of practice; nothing new here. She's attentive, polite, and even holds that slight smile.

They both are very aware of what pictures together would mean. It could be used for propaganda, or, god forbid, some tabloid think that the pair are.. a pair. (Guh!)

"Yes, well, Senator, Mr Stark is disappointed that he couldn't be in attendance, but I'll give him your kind thoughts."

There.. that was easier said than done... okay, nothing about that was easy, but the PA does manage to turn and continue on her path of talking softly with those arrived.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin bids Kate and Talia farewell and looks a little relieved with the cessation of implicit hostilities around Dick. For reasons few people at the gala would pick up on, she looks a little protective of him, and some tension leaves her shoulders when Kate and Talia go off to... dance.

"That's.... original," she concludes, watching the two women take to the floor.

"Oh--" she turns back to Richard, and 'casually' brushes some hair from her cheek with the clutch in hand so no one can see her mouth 'sorry' at him. Caitlin's not the greatest at helping with cover identities. Bruce and Selina are joining the bidding, so for a second it's just the Titans forming a little three-point triangle. "Did I screw something up?" she says, subvocalizing again for Donna's sake while Dick lip-reads.

A waiter passes, offers drinks. "Can I get a cranberry fizz?" she requests, waving off the offer of champagne.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
"Ah. Rammstein." Talia, apparently, is familiar with the group. And the song. Then again, in her line of work, knowledge is power. She seems to approve of the choice, and seems also to be quite familiar with the dance that Kate begins, following in suit flawlessly, and fluidly.

"Carpe Diem. Mmm." She seems to say an entire conversation in that 'Mmm' sound, but does not otherwise convey it more vocally. Rather, she enjoys the dance and seems to have no further eyes for anyone else within the socialite crowd, her eyes steadfastly locked onto Kate, watching. Studying. A smile on her face, warm, as the two women dance.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick grins to Donna and Caitlin, though Talia gets another raised brow, "Oh, he's capable of taking care of himself, I think," Dick says in support of his father. Though fortunately Kate is able to lead Talia away, allowing him to speak to his part-time coworkers.

"Glad to hear you guys are doing well, and yeah, well, comes with the hand I was dealt!" Dick gives a wide grin, "Part of it is to see and be seen, it seems, "And people keep throwing out that phrase 'most eligible' so easily anymore," Dick chuckles, "But it's all good, Caitlin, you did nothing wrong. Just a family thing." To the server he raises a hand and orders champagne. He didn't drive.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
"I'll hold you to that, Miss Troy." Bruce replies, and lo and behold, moments later the manuscript is won. "Though you can deliver it to the Gotham University Humanities Department, as I intend to donate the manuscript to them. That's not something that should be locked away in a private collection." Well, Bruce is well known for his generous donations to the arts and overall culture of Gotham.

Bruce does give Selina a wink and move over to sign for the item in question, though he'll take possession closer to departure, or more likely make arrangements for proper transportation and delivery via a trusted third party, but regardless.

As he moves back to Selina's side, with a nod of re-greeting to Caitlin, Dick, and Donna, he regards Kate and TAlia's dance with some combination of amusement and concern. "Well that's...something."

Oh, and he almost absently raises his paddle for the auction at hand.

Kaminari has posed:
It's a high profile event and any agent's dream for casting their client in a positive light. So it is that Kaminari, 'The Goddess of Rock', finds herself at the Bushwick fundraiser along with a substantial donation made in her name.

Tonight she seems to have set aside her usual victorian velvet and lace corset dresses and even the more traditional attire she wore to the recent MET Gala in favor of an immaculately tailored charcoal black suit over a pristine white shirt and a black lacey Victorian style necktie. Her waist length pure white hair has also been tied back into a single ponytail with elegant charcoal black ribbons along its length.

She enters with the look of slightly bored curiousity that socialites often wear, glacing this way and that for something that might spark her interest... like wine.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym says his good-byes to Nick Drago seeing the man is busy with his itinerary. He does something very unusual. He smiles. The Aripiprazole must be kicking in. Oh speaking of which, he pulls the small bottle of pills out, takes one and swallows it without water as usual. Not his sort of thing at all. But he met Nick Drago and actually surprised him, probably in a good way. Hard to tell with creatives. Well the evening is bound to go down from here. He did appear. Maybe a quick exit now... then he can catch up on Perry Mason while he fiddles with the symmetry of Pym Particles. Pymtron wouldn't let him watch TV, the brute. Anyway he's pretty sure Raphael's Flask is not on the schedule for tonight. He drifts towards an exit.

Malcolm Merlyn has posed:
     As the auction shifts to the next item for bid, Malcolm's eyes lift up to regard the competition. In this case, the current high bidder. A slight smirk crosses his features as he notes that Gotham's favorite son seems to be in the lead, at least for the moment.

     However, it just so happens that Merlyn has a paddle, too, though it has gone mostly unused so far. Until now, when the bid is raised. With an air almost as nonchalant as Bruce. Oh, how nice it must be to not care on price.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Hank makes his fairwells, Nick watches the scientist make his way out before he glances back to the going ons in the party. He takes a sip of his water, quietly observing the bidding

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna inclines her head to Bruce, smiling. "Congratulations, Mister Wayne. I will be most glad to. Of course I agree, such things should be shared with the world. That's why I made the offer to you. Had someone less benefactory won the bidding I'd have just uploaded the scans of the complete play online. Still, it is a good way of providing for a good cause, I believe."

    She raises an eyebrow playfully. "Now I just need to work on persuading mother to part with one of the Margites manuscripts for the next big cause." Margites? The lost Homer comedy? Do the Themyscirans really have that too?

    Donna takes a champagne, not having her team mates aversion to alcohol more particular love of cranberry fizz. She gives Caitlin's arm and encouraging bump. "All good Cait," she whispers.

    "I'm sure it's the price you pay for that playboy lifestyle of yours, Richard." Donna's smirk could barely grow wider. "All those society types out there who would just love to share their lives with you as you share your bank balance and carefree existence with them." Poor Dick. Still, no doubt there will be many opportunities for revenge

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate slows down at the midpoint of the dance, of course, matching the melody and rhythm easily as she keeps her attention and eyes on her dance partner, looking at Talia with a sly grin, "One of my personal favorites. I'm glad you like them." She might sound pleasantly surprised, if only a little.

Then, she picks up the pace as the brief interlude in the song ends, the pace increasing to its frentic levels as Kate guides Talia across the dance floor, not missing a beat as she seems to only have eyes for the woman she dances with, looking quite the sight.

Auction? What auction?

Kaminari has posed:
Upon finding a glass of wine for herself, Kaminari drifts in the direction of the auction to see if perhaps there is anything worth acquiring. Mortals manage to acquire the most interesting trinkets sometimes after all.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The next round of bidding starts, and while it may start out a little slowly, it heats up quickly with those in the audience looking for that 'perfect gift' that possibly no one else in the world could match! They'd be the 'favorite' parent; the talk of school. Of Twitter and most definitely of TikTok.

The price goes higher and higher and the patter of the auctioneer gets a little louder as if to encourage others to get involved. One by one, however, those in the crowd begin to fall away and there are only two bidders going head to head. Bruce Wayne and Malcolm Merlyn.

Three, two.. one.. and once again, the gavel swings down to seal the end of the auction. "Sold.. to Number 38 again. Sir, I trust you will speak to the lady to make your flight arrangements?" There's some chuckles in response to that, and once again, the soft patter of the other lots on the manifest are gone through.

After the auction, now, the auctioneer encourages all to take their seats for dinner. Dinner and a show by none other than Nick Drago... and the house lights dim slightly, allowing for the piano to be better lit. One by one, waiters offer soft suggestions and escorts to proper tables for the rest of the evening's offerings.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Golly Donna, way to flex on Richard's dad," Caitlin mutters once Bruce moves out of earshot. She bumps Donna's arm back. An arm-bumping war ensues! But they're at least civil enough to keep it from turning into something demonstrable, and Caitlin breaks down in giggles before it gets out of hand.

Her drink arrives and she takes a sip, then lowers it to stomach-level and holds it close with both hands to keep it from getting jostled. "It's okay Richard, don't mind Donna," she says, and gives the Themysciran a narrow side-eyed. His arm's given a gently reassuring squeeze. "You know we love you. If you start getting mobbed by the society crowd, we'll make a firebreak around you and you can go for the exits. Donna /really/ wants to punch someone. She said so earlier."

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Bruce Wayne looks almost surprised, then pleased that he won. He leans over to Selina and murmurs, "Don't worry, there's a method to my madness." And then he makes his way over towards Kara, reaching out to shake her hand warmly, and leaning over to speak quietly to her.

Uh-oh, why does he keep looking in Dick's direction with an entirely too innocent smile?

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara is chatting with a group of mutants by large windows as the auction takes place. She glances over from time to time seeing all the paddles raising up. Good, this was what she wanted to see, the wealthy opening their wallets for Mutant Town. But, then, ..Bruce Wayne is bidding? .. and another charming looking fellow too. They seem to know each other.

Supergirl's attention is drawn to the auction and her eyebrow raises, curious what could possibly be going through their minds. She smiles though, the more money the better. When the gavel is dropped she excuses herself from the people she's with and wanders over to Bruce Wayne.

"Mr. Wayne," she says offering her hand to him, "A pleasure to meet you. I've heard good things." And scandalous things. She listens to the quiet whispers, glancing over to 'Richard' as well and her smile widens with a nod, "Of course Mr. Wayne, as you wish. And thank you for your contributions to Bushwick."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia's attention, too, seems to be entirely vested in Kate, though, as the song ends and winds down, so does their rather exquisette dance. Not a step, or beat missed by either. Talia smiles, widely, and dips her head towards Kate as the song dims down in favor of the dinner, and show to come with the event. Her eyes stray to find Bruce, and thus Kara, and the direction he's looking.

She glances back to Kate, "You are quite different from Bruce," she admits, with a tone that might border on curiousity, or interest. "A lovely dance, Kate. Thank you."

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick rolls his eyes humorously at Donna's remark, sipping from his flute of champagne, "Indeed, it is such a burder," a chuckle, "But at times it can be a bit tiring. But somebody's got to do it, also takes some of the pressure off my little siblings. Though I would wager some want me for my money, I'd like to think some are sincere!" Dick sips and grins.

"It's all good, Caitlin, it's all fun. I would not do it if I could not bear it, though please don't punch these people, Donna," he laughs, "Diplomatic immunity only goes so far."

When Dick sees Bruce approach with that face, he raises a brow and says to the other Titans, "Something is up. I do not know what and that scares me the most."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper stands off to the side with some of her assistants, green eyes watching the event from 'the outside', orchestrating it rather than being a full part of it. She'd spent some time in the auction room, looking at the pretties before emerging once more to catch the rest of the auction of Kara's kind gift. At the winning, there is a touch of applause, and she joins in before everyone is called for seating.

Again, she sits at the organizer's table, but is only down for a couple of minutes; enough to eat her salad. Then, she's up again, and like a bride at a wedding, comes around to each table to personally thank everyone for their attendence. Just in case she hadn't greeted them before.

Kate Kane has posed:
Kate curtsies towards Talia, squeezing her hand with her fingers as she smiles, "Oh, Bruce and I are pretty different, but we do have similar foibles." She gives Talia a curious expression, following her gaze to Bruce and Kara, and...

Well, she /knows/ the look Bruce is giving Dick. And she can't help but chuckle, before she glances over at Talia, "Though, I do find this crowd is a bit... draining. Care to step outside for a breath of fresh air? Well... New York air, which is about as fresh as we can manage right now?" With that, she offers Talia the crook of her arm, arching a brow.

Donna Troy has posed:
    'Donna /really/ wants to punch someone'. The words would be ominious if they hadn't been heard so many times before. "Oh go on, just a little punch," Donna says. "A teeny-tiny punchette. A shove! A shove is fine, right? I can make it a very diplomatic shove. I promise not to break any walls." She sticks her tongue out at Caitlin and makes a face, hoping to defeat Caitlin's plans to overcome her fit of giggling.

    Donna follows Dick's gaze towards Bruce and Kara. "Ah. He's trying to do something about your eligible status by hooking you up with Supergirl. Don't be scared Richard, she's a lovely girl. Very sweet. Beautiful, smart, caring. And very strong. She'll have no problems carrying you over the threshhold on your wedding night."

    Sometimes Donna can be relentless.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
Talia does seem to think about it for a few long moments, then remarks, "Yes. I believe my business here is concluded." She offers a brief nod of her head towards Malcom, and a fond smile, and nod in Bruce's direction. Then, having done whatever it was she had intended to do here, she moves to walk off with Kate, before having a bit of dinner, or seeing the show.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As others gather and are led to their dining places, Nick takes a few moments to step out of the room to do a brief warm-up. He had prepped earlier but it doesn't hurt to make sure.

Upon reaching the piano, he lifts and slides the cover, exposing the keys. Fingertips glide along the keys, gently, silently not pressing down.

Once he's settled and it's time to start. The gentle rhythmic key preseses start, replacing the classic strings with a bit more of a jazzy swing.

Considering the nature of the function, he does not go into the rock songs but ends up demonstrating a style not typically associated with him. Still with a beat. Just, not as loud.

Malcolm Merlyn has posed:
     Malcolm chuckles softly as the gavel falls, declaring Bruce the winner. "Gave the crowd a good show, didn't we, Mr. Wayne?" The bid paddle touches Merlyn's forehead in a jaunty simulation of a salute. "Have a good evening, sir." All proper names and mannerisms, that Malcolm. Still, he is in a jovial mood...so he seems none the worst for losing.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Nope, Caitlin's broke right off, and she's laughing absolutely helplessly. When Donna starts talking about Bruce buying Richard a 'date' with Supergirl, the laughing continues and her ears pink. All she can do is screw her eyes shut and try to hide behind her clutch, and keep her sniggering down to a low peal until Donna STOPS MAKING HER LAUGH!!!

She waves her clutch around like a white flag, begging for mercy. It takes some effort to even sip her drink, but she's at least somewhat composed by the time anyone might rejoin their little trio.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara walks over to Dick Grayson and smiles to him. This is the fun side of secret identities, especially when they don't know hers. This is the first time she's ever seen him like this - being a billionaire's son at a fancy dinner. It's quite a change and helps her put 'Kara Danvers' in to perspective. The teasing by Troia makes the corner of her mouth twitch up just a little bit more.

Kara offers her hand to 'Richard' and with a playful little smile she introduces herself, "Hello Mr. Grayson. I'm Supergirl. Your father has won you a flight over New York City with me. It'll be fun and I promise to take really good care of you. Mr. Wayne also tells me you are an acrobat, so if you feel the desire for very high altitude aerial tricks, we can make that happen."

Kaminari has posed:
With the auction winding down and Kaminari's wine glass empty Kaminari wanders away from that area as she continues to mingle. The first order of business is definitely to get more wine, the endless schedule of social events is simply unbearable without wine, and while she is at it she explores the available hors d'oeuvres as well.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper looks up from her lean in talking with some that have settled a table (salad and starters are on the tables, people!) as Nick begins to play. The polite smile turns to something a little more genuinely happy; music is good! A hand touches the shoulder of a friend, and straightening, she's turned to listen. Once again, she leans to whisper in an ear before she moves back to her seat to listen properly. It's a good night, and one that certainly brought much needed funds to the relief effort.

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick blinks when Donna mentions her theory, he says, "Well, that was unexpected," he's not worried, just surprised, though the laughing of Donna and Caitlin certainly make it a little awkward. He rolls his eyes at the two before turning to Kara and shaking her hand, "You can call me Dick, and I am glad to meet you." The mention of his acrobat background gets a grin, "He is correct, so I would certainly welcome the opportunity!" Dick is genuinely in a good mood at this point, flashing a grin, "Should be a lot of fun."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara is doing her level best not to look too amused by the situation. But it is rather funny, albeit an inside joke. Though now she begins to wonder just how fast she can fly Dick, and whether he'll need to learn positive and negative g breathing techniques like jet fighter pilots do.

She steps back and lifts a hand, giving it a wave to everyone present. "I'll be in contact with you.. Dick, for your flight. Until then, be well and raise lots of money for Bushwick." She turns and rises up off the ground, one foot touching her calf with her fingers and hands extended she shoots out of the room leaving a small breeze in her wake.

Over the T-comms she says, "Is anyone there? you're not going to believe what just happened..."

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna smiles a greeting at Kara as she arrives at the little group of Titans. There is a most innocent expression on her face, indicating clearly to anyone who might be watching that she has absolutely nothing to do with her tall friend's hysterics.

    "Nice to see you, SG. Enjoying the evening? Richard is one of our benefactors. It is partially thanks to him that we have so many nice toys at the tower. He has been helping the Titans Foundation for so long now, why... you could almost call him part of the team."


    Actually Donna strongly suspects that Supergirl knows. Not that she's supposed to know, but it's rather hard to hide things like secret identities from Kryptonians. Secret identities are so complicated, but Bats gotta Bat, and Kryptonians gotta Krypt.

    As Kara makes to leave, Donna gives her a wave and says "Do be careful not to drop him when you take him on that flight, Supergirl. I'm sure he'll promise to be quite the gentleman, and it would impact our funding. The last thing we want is to lose one of our major benefactors. Suppose we had to replace some of the panels in the danger room or something?"


Michael Hannigan has posed:
The notes trickle as fingers move along the board, hopping and skipping in their bouncy dance. Feet shifting and working the pedals when needed. But like with every dance, it comes to an end. Which would be around the time the salads are laid out in front of others.

Nick shifts to a less bouncy song, still with rhythm but, not necessarily one that might encourage people holding forks and knives to go bouncing around with them in hand.

There's a visible pulse to his left hand as his right hand travels, playing out the melodic counterpart to the left hand's rhythm. While gentle, the notes are given enough force to carry through the room providing enough separation to prevent the sound from becoming muddled. Soothing. Relaxing. Not confusing.

Kaminari has posed:
Eventually, freshly full wine glass in hand, Kaminari's meandering mingling through the crowds takes her over to where Pepper is. It simply wouldn't due not to pay her respects to the hostess before the evening is out.

"Ms. Potts." she greets her stepping up next to her, "This is a wonderful party, but yours always are. I am sure your efforts will go a long way towards helping the people of Bushwick recover."

She smiles taking a drink from her ever present wine glass.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin fiddles with a bangle on her wrist and the earbud buried deep in her ear canal switches off. "I want back every dollar I ever had to put into The Jar," she subvocalizes at Donna and Dick. "Plus interest. Plus a public apology from -both- of you. Possibly set to dance and music."

Gar and Vic wised up fast to the Swear Jar, and therefore, many many pizza nights have been purchased through Caitlin's unwilling contributions to the 'Blew Someone's Cover' jar instead.

Bruce Wayne has posed:
Bruce gives Malcolm a respectful nod, "That we did, Mr. Merlyn." He's all smiles, of course, moving back to Selina's side and offering an arm, "Shall we dance?" Now that the coast is clear of certain evil-ish Ex-Girlfriends. Though he can't help but spare a thought of concern for Kate. Still, she's a big girl and certainly well trained enough to handle herself.

As for Dick's flight-plight he seems almost as though he had nothing to do with it, giving Caitlin and Donna a nod and a smile, "If you ladies and gent will excuse me, I think it's time for a dance or three."

And then he overdramatically mouths "GOOD LUCK" to Dick and gives him a thumbs-up before heading off towards the dancefloor.

Who says Batman doesn't have a sense of humor?

Dick Grayson has posed:
Dick is mildly surprised by all of this, still, he is getting to fly and with Supergirl, so definitely will be interesting. "Sounds like a plan, I am assuming you were given my contact information?" He grins, "If not, I can get you it."

After Supergirl walks away, he raises a brow at Donna and Caitlin, "You two are the /worst/," the former Robin chuckles, "You know that, right?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper's in soft conversation with her assistants, her head dipped forward slightly, keeping her attention on both the food and the music. The salad is appreciated, certainly. As is the warm, freshly baked bread.

With the shift of Nick's song, there's a polite applause at the end, at the appropriate junctures. For the most part, it's an appreciative audience.

Kaminari's arrival at her chair brings the Hostess' attention around, and she looks up from her seat. "Oh.. thank you, Ms Kaminari. There's a spot at the table," and gesturing at an empty seat, she encourages the woman, "Join us?" Beat. "That is Gloria, Kristin and Michael." Her assistants. "And thank you for coming. Just being here really does help awareness."

Donna Troy has posed:
    Caitlin's fight with the giggles is giving Donna a hard time as she struggles bravely to hold hers back, and the chatter on the Titans' T-Com channel isn't helping.

    It's /Bruce/ who sets her over the edge though.

    She coughs a few times, hand raised up in an 'it's okay' gesture as she struggles with what is clearly just some bubbles from the champagne going the wrong way, honestly. "Enjoy, mister Wayne!" She manages to force out before another coughing fit takes hold.

    Finally she sits back, takes a deep breath to calm herself down, and another sip of champagne. "Yes," she replies to Dick with a wide smile. "We are. We really are the worst."

Selina Kyle has posed:
    Selina smiles merrily to Bruce, and takes his hand, simply saying "I'd be *delighted*~"

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin just leans hard on Donna's shoulder for a few moments to compose herself. "Oh my gosh, I'm glad I'm wearing waterproof mascara," Caitlin says. She's still choking back laughter, and digs a tissue out of her clutch to daub at her eyes. Yes, she is the kind of person who has tissues handy at a fancy party. "Am I okay? I hate wearing makeup, I'm always worried it's going to run," she tells her friends, but she's still shaking her head with suppressed mirth.

She looks at Donna, starts to say something, then just snorts out an aborted laugh again and covers her mouth. All she can do is fan herself with her clutch and mouth 'help', holding back titters with a palm over her hand while the music kicks on and couples drift out onto the stage.

Kaminari has posed:
Another swallow of win and Kaminari fishes out her phone, the cutting edge StarkTech model from Tony's birthday party. "A pleasure to meet you all. Everyone squeeze together." she grins and turns around to take a selfie with Pepper and her assistants, "I'll send this to Instagram and suggest my fans donate. That should help."

A shutter sound later the photo is taken and Kaminari is happily tapping away at the razor thin device's screen happily sending the data on its way. For being millenia old, she's surprisingly tech savvy.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As the food continues to be served, the songs adjust through the meal. A mix of relaxing and upbeat. Nothing grandiose or overdone in message. People are already donating. Most of them already got that. While they eat, the music, while changing, does not stop.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper's more than happy to pose for the selfies. This will also go into some scrapbook for posterity in the Maria Stark Foundation history, but to make sure? "Can you send that to me, please?" It's all in fun, and for that moment, she's part of it all, instead of on the outside, making sure everything went well and no .. concerns cropped up.

As for the rest of the evening? Dinner, good music, dancing, and some purchases of those items that didn't sell. All in all, no violent protests outside, though the news might have caught a scuffle or two.. and the reputation of the Grande Hotel has risen tenfold, thanks to the Benefit.