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Super Match Game Episode 03
Date of Scene: 31 August 2020
Location: Channel 6 Studios
Synopsis: Super Match Game Episode 3. No spoilers.
Cast of Characters: Greer Grant, Clint Barton, Kaminari, Michael Hannigan, Vanessa Carlysle, Donna Troy, Ben Grimm, April O'Neil, Damian Wayne

Greer Grant has posed:
    The cameras begin to roll, the audience begins their applause and the lights come up as the studio set slowly builds and crescendos into a world of life and buzzes with fervor and joy.

     The happy go lucky music begins to play as the intro spools up and the host eventually walks onto the stage after the camera has time to linger on each celebrity in order to get the B-roll for the edit later on. Greer steps out onto the stage, her sharp teeth in a kindly bright smile, her orange hair and fur shining in the lights and looking pristine as she holds the pencil mic up to her lips before she begins.

    "Welcome back to the Super Match Game! I'm your host Tigra, and we've got a **** of a show for you tonight. Lets, go ahead and meet our contestants, well, I know half of them already, and know of all of them at least, but we gotta be formal don't we?" She says, ending up next to the contestant on the top left chair and she stands next to the podium he sits at and gives her teammate the chance to start us off.

Clint Barton has posed:
Up on the top left sits Avenger Clint Barton looking very.. un-Hawkeye-like. He's dressed in his 'usual', nothing special for television. Pair of jeans, purple t-shirt with a light tan jacket over it, and a pair of sunglasses on the side of his pile of cards.

Before he leans into the mic to speak, there's a quick 'peace sign' flickered, then, "Heya, Tigs.. thanks for having me," is given to the hostess as an aside, followed by, "Clint Barton. Hawkeye of the Avengers." There's a momentary pause as he looks around to the others, a sidelong glance coupled with a grin, before, "And no, I won't get anyone Captain America's autograph, so don't ask." Beat. "Or Thor's."

Kaminari has posed:
Seated in the top center position, Kaminari looks over towards the camera and waves in its direction. She is dressed to the nines as the Goddess of Rock, which is to say in a black and purple silk and velvet gothic victorian corset-dress ensemble accented with leather, lace, and chrome. Her waist length pure white hair stands in stark contrast to the dark colors of her outfit.

"Hello, it is nice to be here. Kaminari, some know me as the Goddess of Thunder and Noise," Some lightning briefly crackles around her waving fingers and she grins, "Others as the Goddess of Rock." She casts an amused look in Clint's direction at the autograph joke before smiling at the camera again.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Hair loose and wild, Nick leans back in his seat, lifting up his right arm to give a lazy wave to the camera, exposing the old scar on the forearm. Set in the cup holder before him there's the slightest bit of steam coming from the styrofoam cup betraying the contents not to be of the alcoholic variety. The rock star shifts forward, smiling to Greer, "Hey nice to be back on this set again with you, Tigra. I'm Nick Drago, musician and actor with the obligatory plug for the Sea Wolf mini-series dropping on Netflix tomorrow."

He turns his head, looking to the camera, giving a bit of a thumbs up and a smile, holding it for a few seconds until the camera moves on.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "Ah yes, beautiful people and Clint." Greer says, reaching out to ruffle the Avenger's hair before she steps away from the podium to walk over towards the now spinning platform with two desks on it with two different people behind a desk each.

    "And our lovely contestants today are Damian Wayne, and Vanessa Carlysle, both having agreed to play for charities today, Vanessa, we'll start with you and round back to Damian later in the show." Greer says as she stop next to the small platform with two card holders built into it, holding the questions that will be asked in a moment.

    "Vanessa, tells us more about yourself and your chosen charity. And after that, let me know which question you'd like to take a crack at." Greer warns and smiles as she holds the pencil mic and grins making the small chat.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa is sitting at her seat, both hands resting lightly clasped on the surface in front of her. "Thank you Miss Grant. I've been living in the New Lots section of New York for most of my adult life, but recently moved to Starling City, working with a corporation there. I saw a lot of people struggling to get by and put food on their tables during my time in New Lots, and so today I'm playing for the New York No Kid Hungry charity," she says, smiling at Greer and then looking over to the celebrity panel and raising a hand to give them a little wave of greeting.

She looks over to the pair of questions waiting for Greer in the envelopes and she tells the feline woman, "I guess I'll start out with Question A then," she tells Greer.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "That's wonderful work, hope you can really affect some lives today, but lets also have some fun with it." Greer says, reaching up to adjust the floating collar that she wears like a chipindales employee and then her cuff before reaching out to grab the card labelled A.

    Ahem, Greer clears her throat as she reads the question once for herself, "If the Avengers are Earth's Mightiest Heroes, that must mean the Justice League is <BLANK>." Greer lifts an eyebrow as she looks back to the camera and then towards the panelists and repeats.

    "If the Avengers are Earth's Mightiest Heroes, that must mean the Justice League is <BLANK>." To which she winks towards Clint playfully and then holds her tongue, so as not to influnce the words."

Donna Troy has posed:
    From off-camera, the smoky, heavily Themysciran-accented voice of Donna Troy can be heard heckling the question master. "What? I object! Titans forever!"

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint looks down at Ben as if the man is writing something, then takes a peek over at Kam before he picks up his own marker. He's a southpaw, so there's a lean to the right, and a tap-tap with his pen and looks at Greer for a long moment.

A laugh sounds from the archer and he nods slowly before grinning at the peanut gallery off stage. He brings his hand up as if to shield his eyes and offers up, "This one's for you.." before he takes a card from his pile and starts to scrawl his answer.

One, two.. and finally, he turns it over, face down, and slides it into the little notch to designate that it's 'done'.

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm looks up at Clint, "What're ya squintin' fer? I thought you were supposed to be Hawkeye! And no cheatin', ya mug!" he says.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick's eyes close as he hears the prompt, shaking his head and pinching the bridge of his nose. After a few moments, he opens his eyes. Taking a pen, he writes down his answer and flips the slip over.

"You'd think I'd be used to these by now."

April O'Neil has posed:
April is seated at her far last spot and is just smiling at everyone and occasionally take sips from a glass of fruity pink alcoholic beverage. It's April's friday, she's getting her drink on, clearly.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa listens to the question and gives it some thought for several moments. She clearly looks like she's having to think to come up with an answer. Finally she comes to one, though her body language is a little hesitant as if she's not sure this is going to be a good one or not. She writes down an answer while the music plays and the celebrities are doing much the same. She finishes after a moment, then waits for Greer to motion to her as it's time for her to reveal her answer.

The young woman gives a soft laugh. "Oh my. First question and you put me on the spot with a chance to make Superman and Wonder Woman mad at me?" she asks in a good-natured tone. Vanessa picks up her card and then moves it to the spot for displaying it where the camera can show her answer. "I saw the news about opening their new base, and all I could think of was... the Justice League are the Moon's Mightiest Heroes."

Kaminari has posed:
Kaminari takes up her marker with a smirk on her face, her posture languid as she relaxes in her seat before setting the card face down to show that she is done and awaiting the right time to reveal it. That done she picks up a conveniently located glass of wine and takes a drink. Rare is it to find the rock goddess without some form of alcohol. She seems amused at the banter going back and forth between the other contestants.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint balls up a card and tosses it at Ben, aiming for a spot around his head. "Not my eyes, it's your damned handwriting. I've seen cuneiform neater than that."

He falls quiet for a moment as Vanessa is returned to, and he deflates a moment, his shoulders slouching. "Ouch. That.. that one is actually nice. But, I went with,"

Pulling his card out, he stands it on edge so it can be seen.. and it's actually right-side up. On it, there is the word 'unemployed', but that's crossed out, only to have written underneath, "They're good too." He gives Vanessa an apologetic look briefly before waving the paper in the direction of the earlier heckler.

"See? Being nice!" Once that's done, he sets his card back and leans in his chair. There's a glance to the side, and.. oh hey.. that's where it is. His beer.

Kaminari has posed:
Kaminari grins at the camera when the time comes to reveal her card, "Oh that's not quite what I was thinking." her grin is sly as she reveals the card saying 'Late to the Party'. "But better late than never right?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Nick waits for others to fill in their answers, he sips his coffee. What? No alcohol tonight?

On his turn he smiles, "A very clever response, Vanessa. I like it." He reaches over for his slip of paper, "The thing is there are SO many groups out there with talented people who could easily hop into heroics that the only way I can see that term being assigned to just one group is if no one bothered contesting it. Which is why I went with-" He flips over the slip of paper to display 'Being Modest'. "Being Modest. The Justice League is being modest."

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm wipes some foam off his upper lip with a guilty look as the camera comes to him and flashes a big smile. A massive pitcher of beer sits next to him, except it's pretty clear that he's using it as a mug. "Y'know, dat's a pretty good answer, I see what you was goin' for dere. I guess I got caught up thinkin' about how Superman wears his undies on the outside sometimes and I ended up with..." he says and then turns over his card, in which a massive scrawl reads WORLD'S TIGHTIEST HEROES. "I'm really sorry about dat, kiddo, but we're gonna get on track, don't you worry, you and me is gonna be eye to eye, look into Big Ben's baby blues, we got dis."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "We shall settle this once and for all!" As the camera pans across to Troia, she's climbing out of her seat and onto the desk in front of her. She half-turns, pointing a finger to Clint. "Clint Barton!" she calls out, with a grin that belies her words. "You and I shall battle, here and now, to see who's group is mightier." Her hand goes to her belt, where her lasso is slung. "Ready your bow, or concede! This insult shall not stand!"

    She turns her head suddenly, pretending to notice the camera for the first time. She blinks a couple of times, then says. "Oh, right. We're on television. You are lucky, Archer! Next time..."

    She hops back into her seat and picks up her card. "We thought on the same lines, Vanessa," she says, and turns her card. It reveals the words 'OUT OF THIS WORLD'. "I think that's good for half a point at least!"

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa Carlysle has been smiling at each answer and laughing along. When Donna Troy's answer comes within a few AU of her own, she claps and flashes a big grin over to the Themysciran woman. "Thank you..." she says, gesturing towards Donna with both hands as if someone else gets it.

Greer Grant has posed:
    After some deliberation, the panel in front of Donna dings and turns green while the four behind her are all bright red, and then Greer looks over towards April, "Alright, show Vanessa what she wants to see."

April O'Neil has posed:
April is setting her drink down when the camera comes to her, she's smiling at what the others are saying, and glancing over to watch Troia react to Clint's jab at the League. But she just laughts softly and looks to Greer. "Tigra." She says. "This is quite the group you've gathered here tonight. I'm not sure any of us are going to survive this show..."

She then looks to Vanessa and just puts her chin the palm of both her hands to smile at the woman, being that they're friends. "I said that the League is the Universe's Mightiest Defenders. The Moon is apart of that, so I think it should count." She holds up her card to wave it around a little to prove it's what she'd said.

Greer Grant has posed:
    Again after a few moments of the crowd trying to react to get the judges to go for April's 'match', the light at the front of her table turns green. "Hey!!!" Tigra says with a smirk before she looks back to Vanessa and the screen at the front of her desk shows that she has 2 points.

    "That's one **** of a start to our game so far. good work some of you, ... others, ... Clint...." Greer shoots daggars from her eyes towards the archer and then she pouts at Donna, "You know I'm an Avenger too, right?" Right?

    "Anyways." Greer clears her throat before moving back over to the cards and giving a nod to Damian, "Damian, ... Gotham's young tiny sweet potato pie, cute." She says, pulling the card that has question B on it and patting her shoulder briefly as she grins, "Why don't you tell us about yourself and your charity."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Dressed a little casually for him, Damian Wayne sat at one of the contestant booths. He was dressed in a grey pants, grey vest, black shirt, and a green tie to match his eyes. When it was his cue to introduce himself. "Hey, I'm Damian Wayne, playing for the Gotham Big Cat Center." He says, smiling into the camera, showing off that Wayne charm. Gotham's 'sweet potato pie' looked prepped and ready to go.

  "The GBCC works to save big cats from private owners, giving animals who cannot be released into the wild as close to a life in nature as possible. They do great work, and the Wayne Foundation is happy to be matching my winnings tonight to this great charity." To his right, was a handler holding a leopard cub and feeding it a bottle. Once the camera op was over though, she went back to the backstage area, leaving Damian to earn the big winnings, hopefully.

Donna Troy has posed:
    "I will fight you too, Tigra!" The camera jerks around and catches Troia climbing onto her desk again. She looks into the camera with surprise as if she had forgotten once more that this is a television studio, and slowly climbs back into her seat. "Later," she adds.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint is taking a couple of pulls off the bottle of un-marked beer before he stands to face Donna, that grin on his face that he's trying desperately to hide, "Oh sure.. AFTER the show. Yeah, yeah!"

Greer Grant has posed:
    "Yeah yeah, sit down and we'll do American Gladiators next week... or, Amazonian Gladiators." Tigra says with a wink towards the camera. Maybe a promise of a future show.

    Tigra pops the card and then looks at it more closely while addressing Damian, "Wow, that's wonderful and kind of you mister Damian, anyways, here's your question for tonight.

    Tigra takes in a deep breath and starts. "The greatest boy scout, Superman's most difficult 'honey do' is ... what?" She begins to pace around the studio, repeating the question into the microphone once more as she nears the celebrity panel, "The greatest boy scout, Superman's most difficult 'honey do' is ... what?"

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian takes a second to think. "Well, Superman's most difficult honey do is probably..." A moment to reflect, and Damian's answer comes to him. "I'm gonna say: Cleaning his trophies."

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint sits down again, theatrically posturing at Donna as he does, and retakes his beer for one more swallow before the bottle is set down. Brows rise at the question, and he leans forward, "You know I'm contractually obligated to say that Captain America is the worlds greatest boyscout." There's a pause, a smile, and then he continues, "Just had to put that out there."

Sitting up again, Clint retakes his marker, and looking at Damien for a long moment, he writes his response down quickly and pushes it under its little slot.

Clint waits until the response comes, and leaning towards the mic again, his brows are raised, "Who cleans their own trophies?" He's kidding, of course!

Flipping his card over, "This one was a hard one. So, I went with the whole, can't go anywhere without getting sidetracked to help the world." On the card, is scrawled 'Go shopping'.

Again, Clint looks apologetic, following it up with flipping the card backwards.

Kaminari has posed:
Kaminari takes another long swallow of her wine before setting the glass back down again and reaching for the card where she scrawled her answer. "Trophies, interesting choice, do people actually give him trophies?" She gives a little shrug, "But unless I missed some pretty big news, Superman is lacking the honey for the Honey Do."

She flips up the card revealing her answer 'Get Honey' "So first things first he needs to find himself his honey and then he can get the list. Not that there aren't probably plenty of interested parties."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick looks over to Ben for a moment, giving him a grin. "I think your underwear on the outside comment from last round got to me because the only one thing that popped into my head for this one was this..." He flips up the card to display 'Clothes Shopping'. "Clothes shopping. Can you imagine the look on the S.O's face with him coming out of the dressing room each and every time with the underwear on the outside? How LONG would that take?"

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm taps his chin, "Y'know, now dat you say dat, kiddo, I feel like you wuz probably on the right track. Supes prob'ly won all the football games and the chess games and the Beep Bop Zip Zap trophy dey give for whatever computer mush they're teachin' the kids these days. Thing is, I kinda live the simple life and the only thing I could think of is..." he says, lifting up his card to show the phrase DOING THE DISHES. "Cause nobody likes doin' the dishes. Ya get dem little flecks at da corner of da plate and ya try and get in dere with yer sponge, only ya got vast superhuman strengths and ya shatter the plate into a million pieces and now ya spend the next week eatin' off paper towels cause you keep forgettin' to buy more plates. Uh, not that dat ever happens t'me."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Any time, archer!" Donna says, shaking her fist towards Clint as the camera pans across to her. She turns to the camera, smiling, then quickly jerks her head back round to glare at Clint, with eyes narrowed. Slowly she turns back to the camera with a smile.

    "Uh I had a hard time with this one, Damian," she says. "This... 'honey do' is not an expression we have on Themysicira. April was puzzled too, but Ben seemed to know. On Themyscira we tend to do those things that need doing. Such as defeating foolish archers!" She whips her head around for another narrow-eyed glare, again accompanied with a grin.

    "Uh. But I thought about this..." she picks up her card, holding it back to the camera. "Superman is a great guy, and he's kind of non-stop. So my conclusion is that the one thing nobody could persuade Superman to do is..."

    She turns the card, revealing the word 'NOTHING' and gives Damian an apologetic shrug. "Sorry!"

April O'Neil has posed:
April continues to just rest her chin in her palms with a smile on her face as she watches the show unfold around her. "Awwww..." She states at Damien's charity of choice. But as the answers start to flow, she gives a glance back at the person who mentions Superman's relationship status. "I'll make a whole list of honey-do's for that beefcake, if he's looking for a girl from Brooklyn." She states with a grin before looking back to the host, then the camera.

"Uh... Right. Anyway." April holds up her card. "Yardwork. Mowing the Lawn." She shakes her head. "I just can't picture the Man of Steel pushing a lawn mower around." She frowns at not being able to help the Big Cats group.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "Not a great round Damian, with a whopping Zero points, but you're going against Vanessa in our second round where still anything can happen. The game is afoot and it's still both contestants to win." Tigra says turning away from Damian and doing her host thing towards the camera where she points at and smiles, "We'll see you right back here after these few messages." Tigra smiles and then the red lights go off on the cameras after a short moment. Giving everyone a chance to breath and get the giggles out of their systems, or into them, depending.

    After a few moments for people to pause and take a smoke break or fill their drinks or whatever it is their doing. Tigra steps back up to the spot she needs to hit for the cameras to be ready to get going and boom, that red light blinks back on and they're off again.

    "Welcome back to Super Match Game. We've got a real barn burner, or barn freezer, our score is 2 to 0. With Vanessa in the lead against Damian, both are playing to win money for their selected charities and it's a great cause. "As you're in the lead Vanessa, you get to choose which question you want in round 2, so would you please?"

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa looks over at Damian, saying to him, "This is so much harder to go through than it is just watching it on TV, isn't it?" She gives him a smile and then turns back to Greer as the woman announces the second half of the show is underway.

Vanessa looks over towards where the two questions are waiting for one to be selected. "Well, might as well have a little from A and a little B. So this time that'd mean going with B," she tells Greer. She looks over towards the celebrity panel and crosses her fingers towards them. "Any of you have any luck powers you can toss my way?" she asks with a grin.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint's down and off the dais for a few moments during commercial break. As the countdown from the stage manager starts, the archer is rushing in order to bring another bottle of beer up to his spot, leaning back to see if anyone wants the second one he'd brought. It's handed off, and Clint manages to face front as the cameras begin to roll again. One shot manages to catch him whispering off to the side as he is handed a churchkey.. and he swings back around to face front, the bottle held to his lips.

Clint takes that first obvious swallow and sets the bottle down soon after.

"We got you.." Twisting around to the rest of the panel, his hands move in an encouraging wave, "Don't we, guys?"

April O'Neil has posed:
April glances aruond at the others on the panel with her and at Vanessa's call for luck she grins and shakes her head. "I am, like, the only person up here who isn't a super hero of some measure, or kind. So clearly, I have zero luck what so ever to give ya, girl!" She shouts back to Van.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "Have you met any of them, they're some of the unluckiest ***** I've ever met, or at least worked with." Tigra says in a fake whisper to Vanessa as she pulls the card from the holder and goes to read it. "Now remember, you can't match with Donna or April again, so you're still aiming for six points, and you're almost halfway there."

    Tigra fans the card briefly before she reads it to herself and then the crowds and microphone, "Captain America throws his mighty shield, Thor with the hammer, yada yada yada, what does Tony Stark throw?" Tigra smirks and looks coyly at the camera before moving to the panels.

    "Captain America throws his mighty shield, Thor with the hammer, yada yada yada, what does Tony Stark throw?" Tigra says one last time.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As Clint's offering, Nick takes him up on the extra beer. The rocker faces away from the crowd, removing the cap without the church key and turns back around switching out the styrofoam cup with the opened beer.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian tsks a bit as it was revealed he had no green lights. But a nice little talk with Vanessa was welcome! "Yeah, it seems so obvious when you're watching, but up here...different story.

  He had a sparkling water under his booth, taking a drink of the bubbly water with the lime slice. "Good luck!" He said to Vanessa before the cameras started to record again.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa responds back to Damian, "Thank you, you too." She gives him a bright smile and then turns back as Greer reveals what her question is. Vanessa seems to consider her possible answers while the camera pans across the celebrities, waiting for each to write down their answer and place their card to indicate they are ready to go. The young woman has a smile on her face though, looking like she has a little more confidence in this question than in the first one.

When Greer turns to her to give her answer, Vanessa says, "Well, there's definitely two things Mr. Stark is known for. His money and his ego. I'll let Clint tell us if I went with the bigger or the smaller of the two. I'm going to say, his money."

She looks over to the studio audience, getting some applause. "Come on, let me hear it for money!" she says with a bit of spunkiness, giving a gesture with both hands for people to get louder, which a number of them do. She grins and turns back to Greer.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint barks a laugh at the question as asked, and does a softly breathed, 'ooooo' before he leans forward to his mic, "You know this could set me up for a hefty lawsuit, right?" He's laughing; everything is being taken in stride.

"Still," and Clint is scribbling on his card, going to town on it as he looks to be writing a great deal more than just his answer- or it could be a long one?

Finally, he pushes it under his slot and leans back, arm hanging off the back of the chair for the moment.

It's when Vanessa's answer comes that he gives a look of disappointment again, his expression falling. "Man," and he shakes his head, "Seriously.. where's the luck?"

The marker is put down, the card is pulled, and setting it on its end, Clint offers up, "Right here. Money." On the card, not only is there the word, but there's little dollar signs with wings 'flying' around.


Green light!

Kaminari has posed:
Kaminari drains another flute of wine before reaching for the new card, "Frighteningly common traits among the elite and power, ego and money. You're not wrong Vanessa. But what Tony Stark really throws," She holds up the card reading 'Fantastic Parties' "Are some some of the best parties in the world. Definitely the place to be if you can get an invite. "Of course money certainly does play a big role in that, maybe the judges are feeling kind?" She looks pointedly towards the camera as if staring the judges into complying.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick sips his beer contentedly as he listens to the prompt, smiling as he grabs the slip of paper a little quicker this time, writing down his answer and flipping the sheet over.

Giving a glimpse over to Greer, he gives a bit of a smile before sipping his drink again, waiting for his turn to reveal his response.

He smiles as Vanessa gets a point from Clint's response and he has to give a slight nod to Kaminari's response which was pretty good. As for when it's his turn, he sets the beer down, smiling to the contestant again "Well Vanessa. As you said, he's known for definitely two things. And while you went for the money, I leaned towards something closer to the Ego side of things." He flips the card up to reveal 'Quips'. "As a man of ego, there's got to be an urge to make a witty remark at something. So, I say he throws quips."

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm has pulled a keg out from under his seat and is promptly filling his pitcher directly from the tap, then carefully sips off the foam. When the camera blinks on him, he rapidly sets it down, "Oh, my turn. I gotta say, dese contestants, they give da best answers, they're really smart types, Reed Richards would be very...well, he ain't very good at proud, but he'd like give 'em a thumbs up or somethin'. Anyway, I know Tony has his suit o' armor and his money and all that, but the thing I see him havin' in hand the most is..." he says, flipping over his card to say A HOT BABE.

"Speakin' o' hot babes, I gotta throw a special Yancy Street wink at our lovely hostess over dere. Gene Rayburn, you never looked so good!"

April O'Neil has posed:
April is just sitting there watching Ben Grimm fill up his cup with a keg from under the panel table. "Why didn't I think of that?" She says quietly whilst reaching for her cup. She glances back to the others who are yet to be matched up with Vanessa and then over to the contestants themselves.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Troia gives an open-armed shrug. "We already matched up Vanessa, so I'm afraid I can't help you on this one. Luck isn't part of it when the rules are against you. This time around though..."

    "Tony's one of the good guys. The Avengers... well, I'm not sure they would really be a team without him pulling the strings, and a good team needs someone who's good at pulling the string." She turns another glare towards Clint. "I DIDN'T MEAN BOW STRINGS!"

    She turns back to the camera, big smiles. "I'd have said 'wild parties' though, so I guess it's lucky we already matched up!"

Greer Grant has posed:
    "With that round..." Tigra pauses to give Clint another look and then a glance towards Vanessa before she shakes her head and then frowns at Ben too, "Y'all mother ******* need religion." She shakes her head and laughs again. "With that round our scores are 3 to 0, Damian, you gotta make a heck of a comeback to take the win." She says as she reaches up to pluck the card.

    "Here we go." Tigra pops her neck and smiles, "Damian, Aliens are a thing, weird, yeah, I know, but tell me, why didn't we send BLANK to woo them?" Tigra then looks at the crew and then over towards the panelists, "Aliens are a thing, weird, yeah, I know, but tell me, why didn't we send BLANK to woo them?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick brings a hand back, scratching his head for a few moments before he slowly slides a card towards him and writes. He gives an unsure expression before flipping the card over. He sits back, giving a shrug.

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm once again seems startled by the camera suddenly pointing him and holding up a big cue card that says "INTRO". "Intro?" he peers. "We already been goin' fer like half an h...oh, right, right, I gotta introduce myself. Well, uh, I'm Ben Grimm. Known worldwide as the Big Hunk o' the Fantastic Four, The Thing. I'm a big strong guy made o' rock and I been helpin' to fight bad guys since most o' you millenials was still in yer underoos. Bonus points if you had my set.

"Uh, anyways, I don't got nothin' to promote or anythin', I haven't been in a movie or nothin', although John Carpenter did have me audition fer Big Trouble in Little China. Not gettin' cast cost me my shot at Kim Cattrall, but I ain't holdin' a grudge or nothin'. Y'hear that, John? It's nothin' personal. Come on by. I won't do nothin' bad."

Donna Troy has posed:
    In the middle of the lower tier, Troia of the Titans sits, looking very relaxed, in full armor. Her plumed Grecian helmet sits on the desk in front of her, and he silvered stars glisten in the studio lights on the black enameled metal of her cuirass. It's not the usual spandex look for a superhero costume, but at least it's memorable.

    "He really is made of rocks" Donna says to the camera when it pans across to her. "But don't let that gruff exterior fool you, he doesn't have a heart of stone." She smiles to Ben before turning back to the camera. "I am Troia of the Titans, I'm not made of rocks and I'm totally joking about the Avengers! They're cool. Except for that guy with the bow." She turns and shakes her fist at Clint, though he'll see what the camera does not, that she's winking at him. "Any time, archer! Any time!"

    Troia turns back, grinning. "I'm also the daughter of queen Hippolyta of Themyscira. If anyone is curious, yes that does make Wonder Woman my sister, and because I'm way cooler than Clint, I don't mind getting her autograph for people. I'm here because the Titans who have been on this show before told me they have a great bar in the green room. They were right."

April O'Neil has posed:
April looks at her companioned panelists toher right, she grins at them and waits for her turn, before looking back at them both. "I'm not worthy." She says directly to Donna, then leans forward to look past her at Grimm. "To you either, big fella." She states to him with a grin before leaning back against.

"I'm April." She says, without fanfare. "I've been on every episode of this show since Greer stormed in and took it over at clawpoint. I'm with Channel Six News, and I run my own Podcast. Truthseekers. If you got truths you wanna get out there, well, look up our website. E-mail me. I got a big mouth, I'll get the word out there." She smiles brightly then!

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian perks up as it's his turn. "Send some luck my way!" Okay, time to think. What to send to woo them. "Why didn't we send them..." He thought, as if the cameras were zooming in on him, seeing his eyes go from left to right, and to the panel trying to guess what they would say. All of a sudden, he has his answer. "Entertainment." That was broad enough, right?

  "And for the record, I'd love to get all of your autographs after this is done." He says, holding up a moleskine notebook with the Wayne 'W' embossed on it.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint stares at Tigra for a long moment, mumbling the question, mulling it over in his head over and over before he looks a little pained as he pulls a blank card.

His writing isn't as assured, and there's a pause before he finishes. Another swallow of beer is taken, and the light under the panel turns on as the answer is submitted.

Leaning back in his seat, Clint listens to the introductions and adds into the microphone, "Ben's a solid guy. A great anchor when things get rough."

Donna's introduction gains something of a theatric posture; chest is puffing out and there's that wider grin. "You'll never see it coming." After the show? Oh, hell yes.. grabbing a beer with her and catching up. It's been a little while!

"April, hope you're catching this.. all the animosity just because I said the JL was 'good too'." Clint's kidding!

Still, the archer's attention comes back around, and he looks at Damien thoughtfully. His head tilts slightly as if he's considering before glancing at Tigra. The moment of truth, and he's pulling his card from the slot.

There, written, is a stylized 'T' with the name Tigra written out. "Sorry, Tigs, but I figure you can handle 'em."

Once more for explanation to the rest, "She can't get them eating out of her hand, she has more than enough ability to kill 'em and save the world."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick looks over to Clint and Kami as they list different people to send to the aliens. Frowning. "Well, I wasn't entirely sure what to put for this but, Considering all the holidays that seem to revolve around the stuff, it seems like this would probably be a good bet." He flips the card over to display 'Chocolate'. "Why didn't we send Chocolate to woo them?" He pauses, "Which, could be entertaining... but I'm not sure that will count though."

The card is set down. "But sure on the autograph thing."

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm scratches his noggin, "Okay, now, I ain't matched with nobody yet and I kinda feel like I ain't pullin' my weight, but this might actually work if the judges don't mind it. See, I picked my pick cause I figured they were somebody everyone would like, even aliens, and they are an entertainin' type o' person, although just callin' 'em entertainment seems a little diminishitive and I wouldn't want to be insultin' or nothin', but I think the kid should get some points, cause there ain't nobody more entertainin' than this lady."

Ben flips over his card which reads BEYONCE.

Donna Troy has posed:
    "I hope you like the taste of your own arrows!" Troia threatens Clint in return, accompanying the threat with another shake of her fist. She's totally going to buy him a beer after the show, he's being a great sport.

    Donna turns to April, threats gone in a flash and all encouraging smiles. "It's a good podcast, April! I'm a regular listener. Your cousin interviewed me a while back and he got me hooked on it. Come over to the Embassy some time, maybe you'd be interested in covering the newly announced Wonder Foundation and the Themysciran Arts Center. It should make an interesting podcast."

    She smiles at the camera, her card held in her lap and out of view. "So I have to disagree with the question. Not all aliens are wierd! I have some very good friends who are aliens. Really, most aliens are just the same as you and me. So I thought, who seems to be guaranteed to charm everyone who they meet? Well if you are me, the answer is easy."

    Donna holds up her card, which has an answer written on it in the Linear B alphabet. There are probably two or three people in the audience at home who can read it. She holds it up for long enough for puzzlement to spread, then arches an eyebrow, glances down at her card, and with an "Oh!" flips the card over to show 'My sister'.

    "Sorry Damian!" Donna says with a helpless shrug. "Wonder Woman is very entertaining when you get to know her, but I don't imagine they will accept this one as a match. "

April O'Neil has posed:
April looks over to Clint and grins at him. "Look, buddy." She starts. "You're my favorite Avenger, no foolin', I know how hard shooting a bow is. I tried it once when I was like 10. I shot an arrow over the fence and it landed next to the mean old lady who was out doing her gardening. I threw the bow down and ran out of there. So you've earned my respect. But you're on your own with your Justice League slandering." She grins at him before looking to Donna.

Her eyes get huge. "I would /love/ that." She says in all honestly. "I totally would be there, with a brand new pen, and a whole ne notebook. I'd probably even buy new shoes!" She flashes a grin. "And watch out for Terry, he's pure trouble."

She then looks back to what they're doing here. "Troia, is my answer. She's proven herself to be the Woo'iest of Earth's heroes. they should've sent her to woo the aliens."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Red light after red light, and the disappointment on Damian's face is palpable. A boy looking crestfallen. "Really? Everyone was thinking about the opposite sex?"

  Well, looks like the cats will go hungry for a bit. Not really, there's a nice sum of donation from the Wayne Foundation to bolster the kitties' tummies.

  Though the experience has not at all helped Damian understand people.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "I'd say that was well played Damian, but ... we know the truth." She says with a kindly smile before Tigra holds out her hand towards Vanessa and invites the contestant to come off the platform.

    Once Vanessa gets off the platform it starts to rotate to the way it was at the beginning of the show and Damian goes behind the curtain, but Tigra can be heard, "Because this is a charity show, we're making sure both of you get to go with at least $5,000 dollars to each of your charities, and now Vanessa, who do you want to team up with to try and get the big bucks with?"

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm frowns, "Mine don't have nothin' to do with sex. Beyonce is an amazin' world class entertainer! She's a philanthropist an' a role model for the youths. Reducin' her to her sex appeal is insultin'!"

Donna Troy has posed:
"/Personality/, Damian!" Donna's Themysciran accent calls out across the student. "She has a wonderful personality! Hera's sake, she's my sister! Have pity!"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick tilts his head, before looking to Ben, "I'm still figuring out where he got that from the chocolate." Easter is not going to seem the same again.

Clint Barton has posed:
"Only when I use them to grab something off the grill." Across the backyard during a picnic. He'd been successful once. Just. Once. "My own kebab."

April's actual compliment surprises the Avenger and he offers a quick, 'Awww' before it's followed up with, well, getting tossed out on his own, as it were. He takes it in stride, however, and as the winner is announced, he applauds with, at least, the studio audience. (There's got to be one, right?)

Poor Damian gets a wave before he looks at Greer. Clint's going to make sure the kid gets more for the kittens.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa looks around the panel of judges. "Well, I think I'll have to go with April O'Neil," she says, crossing her fingers as if hoping she'll continue to have some of that good luck that graced her in the earlier rounds.

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Good choice," Donna calls out, applauding Vanessa's win. "April has impeccable taste!" Well, she had to reference that last answer somehow. "Good luck, you two! Let's feed some more New York kids."

April O'Neil has posed:
April sits up higher in her chair then, and for some reason she's suddenly on camera wearing a pair of sunglasses. She smiles over at Vanessa and waves at her happily. "I'm glad to be here for ya, Pretty lady." She tells the other before glancing to Greer. "I'm gonna give a little extra to Damian's charity too. I think that's an important cause, we'll talk after the show, Big Cat Lady." She grins before looking back to Vanessa. "Now lets do this, right? Our telepathic link is connected!" The Reporter raises her hands and makes wiggly finger gestures from her head toward Vanessa!

April turns her sunglasses-covered gaze to Donna and blows a kiss in her direction with her left hand fingertips!

Greer Grant has posed:
    "Alright, this should be easy enough, you can win a total of $25,000 dollars, if you BOTH match the same small phrase of words. Should be super easy." Tigra says with a smile as she turns to face the video board and motions for Vanessa to do the same.

    "You'll see the word or words, then you fill in the blank, and if it's the same one April writes on her card, you hit the jackpot. You ready... Here we go.

    "The word is, Screen <BLANK>. Screen <BLANK>." Tigra says and motions for Vanessa to turn around to face April while the woman writes.

Kaminari has posed:
Kaminari applauds the win, "Best of luck to you both." For her part she is content to lean back in her seat with yet another flute of wine.

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa turns and faces towards the video board. "No Kid Left Hungry can definitely use the money," she says, keeping both of her fingers crossed as she watches the board. The word pops up on the screen and Vanessa stares at the board for a moment like she can't decide what to say.

Finally she kind of shakes her head as if she needs to just pick one. "Ok... Screen Saver," she tells Greer, and then screws up her face a bit as if trying to will April have to picked the same word.

April O'Neil has posed:
April lowers her sunglases down to the tip of her nose to stare over the top of them before she hears Vanessa's answer... After hearing her respond, she slumps in her chair and falls back like she'd just been hit in the stomach with her hair going all aruond her face.

An expression of total defeat....

She then slaps her hand down on the table in front of her and lifts up her card to display...

SAVER - SCREEN SAVER written on the card!!!

April stands up then and holds the card high above her head, like Link holds up a piece of the Tri-Force.... and then she starts to do the happy dance, hip sway side to side!

Vanessa Carlysle has posed:
Vanessa jumps up out of her chair, arms over her head like they just scored a touchdown as she celebrates! "Yes! Thank you thank you thank you!" she calls over to April giving her a double finger gun as she laughs happily.

Vanessa turns back to the studio audience and makes the get up gesture with her hands to get them to applaud louder.

Ben Grimm has posed:
Ben Grimm shouts out, "OH YEAH IT'S CHARITY TIME!" he says, getting up out of his chair and doing the Cabbage Patch. Look, he doesn't have a lot of dance moves, try not to hold it against him.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As the two women celebrate their win in front of the cameras, Nick smiles and claps along with the audience, albeit a little quieter being they're closer to the microphones. Upon the cameras shutting off, he departs from his seat to go find the kid with his autograph book.

Clint Barton has posed:
It's a tense moment as Clint first looks at Vanessa, then April.. back and forth, and with the reveal? Clint's tearing up pieces of card stock and using it as confetti to rain down on the lower deck. "Nice!!"

With the exhortations for the audience to rise, he, too gains his feet to applaud further.

Kaminari has posed:
Kaminari watches April dance with an expression of wry amusement as she makes the contents of yet another wine flute disappear down her throat, it's really quite something how quickly those get refilled. Thankfully it's nigh impossible for gods to get drunk on human booze.

"Well it seems the children won't be going hungry tonight, well played." She crosses her legs with a smile leaning back and looks around for another drink.

Greer Grant has posed:
    "Oh, WOW!" Tigra says, throwing her hands up in the air and getting out of the way for Vanessa to go embrace April in a celebration as for the first time since she started hosting the show, the final answer got matched. It's actually really cool.

    Confetti rains down from the rafters and balloons even fall from the roof as well as Tigra steps forward to be caught by the camera, "That's all for our special charity episode of Super Match Game. Have a good night!"

Donna Troy has posed:
    "Yes!" Donna calls out, punching the air with a fist. Then she's on her feet too, dancing away behind the desk, matching April's hip-swaying happy dance a little more closely that limited-flexibility Ben - but no matter, Ben! The front row is dancing, that's what's important!