11167/FIGHT NIGHT!:Gotham's Lucha Underground

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FIGHT NIGHT!:Gotham's Lucha Underground
Date of Scene: 15 May 2022
Location: Bane's Temple of Violence
Synopsis: lots of commotion and a fight to the draw between 2 of the heaviest hitters around.
Cast of Characters: Bane, Sebastian Shaw, Robbie Reyes, Oliver Queen, Phoebe Beacon, Cain Marko, Austin Reese, Inez Temple

Bane has posed:
It is Saturday night in Gotham city. In an old, thought to be abandoned Warehouse, there is a rowdy crowd gathering. Drinking carousing making bets. They have come to Bane's Temple to see th fights. the Concreat bleachers are nearly packed with blood thirsty on lookers. Every chair in the balconies is occupied.

A pair of nameless thugs hoping to fight their way into some money are going at it in the caged ring. This is not a contest of skilled masters like boxing or MMA this is rough wild and bloody no holds barred fighting. Bane watches contently from his office window as he is counting up the money from the gate. There are a few holes in the card tonight but challengers always pop up looking for their chance at glory in the temple.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The fighting for the night is well underway by the time that Sebastian Shaw enters. As the fight is on-going within the circle, he strides in with a woman on each arm. They are dressed in matching attire - perhaps there was some confusion in the messaging, as they seem to be in the new type of "street-legal boudoir", one in white, one in black. They seem to pay no notice to the eyes that no doubt land upon them.

Shaw himself is also dressed in a style that one could only call 'distinctive'. An elaborate purple jacket that seems as if crafted for the nobility of a few centuries ago, over a white poofy shirt complete with a large lacey ruffled color. Tightly fighting black pants mold to his legs, coming to an end slightly below his knees, revealing white socks that run down to his black leather shoes. He strides with a confident air, chin upraised slightly, looking no one in the eye as he progresses in. He walks up directly to the front row, and waits for a moment.

The two women on either side of him lean over to whisper to three men currently occupying seats there. The men exchange some glances between them, and then each look over the women. And within about 15 seconds, Shaw has taken a seat in the center of the front row, flanked on either side by his 'dates'.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Reyes is leaned over one of the second floor balcony railings, cigarette between two tattooed fingers, eyes on the cage match taking place in front of him. The kid's in a ratty black hoodie with the hood pulled up over his shorn curls, an even rattier metallica tee shirt under that, and ripped jeans and converse that look like he just.. gave up tying the laces. He seems unbothered by the press of people jostling him, pushing past, yelling obscenities; all of his focus is on one of the fighters. Like a hungry junkyard dog who's spotted a fresh steak.

The arrival of some guy in a poofy shirt with two hot dates is noted briefly. Not so much the women, as Shaw himself. The boy's brows furrow slightly, and he drags off his cigarette and returns his attention to the fight.

Oliver Queen has posed:
    Underground fight clubs are just the sort of places that a rebel billionaire would seek out for a bit of diversion, and perhaps proof that they are not the same person as their parents. Although in Oliver Queen's case, most likely this is exact the sort of thing his father engaged in.

    He slips into the club quietly, acquires a drink and then slowly walks around on the periphery, his eyes scanning the crowd. Perhaps looking to see if anyone might recognize him, or if any paparazzi are around. It would not do for the scion of Queen Consolidated to be photographed consorting in such a fashion. Although that would hardly be the worst activity that Oliver Queen could be photographed doing.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Rough, wild, and bloody, no-holds barred fighting.

    The girl in the red jacket who comes into this sacred space of violence has slipped in, and unlike the ladies on Sebastian's arm, she's more street tough than street-legal boudoir. Not really her style. Her worn, red leather jacket is stitched over with blue shining floss into a variety of skulls and forget-me-not flowers. She wears red cloth pants and a black shirt, walking around in chunky healed boots. Her coffee-colored eyes take in the surroundings, her black hair carefully braided in cornrows and then braided back into itself, keeping everything neat and close to her skull. She has a large pair of hoops in, and a pair of red sunglasses on. She's got a cigarette tucked behind an ear, and her right hand briefly crosses over her left wrist, making sure that pale, white tattoo on her wrist was hidden beneath a worn leather cuff as she keeps a wary eye to the ring, and another to the crowd -- seeing if there are any faces she recognizes... other than her investigation partner for tonight.

Cain Marko has posed:
Curiousity has brought a humanoid kaiju to this place and time. A monstrous looming presence that has acted on an old open invite and a colorful poster, wishing to see for himself what the fuss is about and to find out for himself what wonders and violence that Bane has brought to bear here somewhere in the depths of Gotham.

And so Cain Marko watches, his vast frame swamping over a considerable portion of one of the back rows that he's decided to claim for his own. A massive drink is in his hand with other empty glases strewn besides him along the concrete seat that supports his prodigious bulk.

A look that suggests he is..unfulfilled..rests on his face. Massive hairy jaw clenching slightly and working from side to side as the echoing sound of cracking bone or flesh being pounded upon filters through the air along with the roar of the crowd.

Then, there's the arrival of Shaw. The giant man arcs an eyebrow briefly as he studies Shaw from his vantage point, his expression twisting to one of minor confusion for a few moments..but it is short lived. Ice blue eyes eventually return to ring and the battle within with a look of utter, irredeemable boredom. Cyttorak is unsatisfied. Therefore he is unsatisfied. A tee shirt sporting Godzilla looming over a skyline, stretches across his gigantic torso, swelling visibly and stretching under the behemoths heavy breaths. A sign of his slowly bubbling and boiling ire and dissatisfaction at the entertainment this evening.

Austin Reese has posed:
Phoebe is not alone in here, as one of her allies has finally cleared through security. He's not doing anything but being himself, and as such is dressed like he'd usually be. Jeans, biker cut, black t-shirt. He didn't enter with her, but he does have his earpiece to communicate with her as needed. For the moment though, he has made his way closer to the ring in the middle, leaning against one of the railings, trying to get a good look at the guys in the cage.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie continues taking in the fight with a singular, hungry attention. The forceful meeting and rending and breaking of bodies has him enraptured, tonguetip resting against the tip of a canine, and ash absently flicked off the end of his cigarette. He's been here for the better part of an hour though, and hasn't made any attempts to sign himself up. Maybe he's a coward, or maybe he's after something a little more.. specific tonight.

Spotting a flash of a red jacket moving through the crowd, he gives Phoebe a little upnod and drags off his smoke. Assuming she notices him, with everything else going on. And assuming she *recognises* him in the hoodie, and without his usual leather jacket thrown over top.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Down in the front row, Shaw watches the fighting going on in front of him. The girls lean into him as his arms sit around his shoulders. The girls are not exactly acting on their best behavior, truth be told, and so to those nearby it may be a more interesting show than the fight itself. But for Shaw, despite what the girls are doing to him (or each other), his eyes are on the pugilism at work. Occasionally a wicked smile will cross over his lips in appreciation of a well landed blow. But for the most part, he sits quietly observing.

Oliver Queen has posed:
The fighting is entertaining to Oliver, to an extent. No real capable fighters just yet, just brawlers. He watches their technique, eyes following the movements. He rolls his neck a bit and thinks. It's been a bit of time since he has had a good fight. Things have been quiet in Starling City. And he has a bit of aggression to work out. He makes his way over towards the booking stand, and leans in to inquire if there are any open slots for the night. Why not? What's the worst that can happen?

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Well. Like knows Like. And Phoebe isn't exactly in her usual dark clothes and braids, and definitely not wearing her 'second hand chic'. She sees someone, that little feeling of something familiar on the back of her neck, and she turns up to the balcony to where Robbie's at. She tilts her head a moment, and then favors him with a smile and an up-nod of her own to Robbie in recognition, and she stretches her hands out a little bit as she goes to shift her way through the crowd.

    <<How's security on your side? Most people seem to be paying more attention to the fight than anything else. I saw one of my Other Group here.>> she states quietly to Austin over their coms, fiddling witht he cigarette over her ear a moment <<If they're not watching the Chess Match by the guy with the purple jacket.>>

Cain Marko has posed:
A final decisive blow sends one of the thugs crumpling to the ground, a bloody mess, after the fight takes a sudden abrupt turn for them. His opponent presses the advantage in, holding nothing back until a victor is finally decided and called and the audience erupts into a chaotic chorus of cheers and jeers.

In the back -- Cain rolls his eyes as he takes a pull from a large metal keg, emptying it all out. His fingers twitch as he lowers it and the keg crumples like wet tissue, compressing into a tiny ball with an audible crunch. He delicately sets it onto the concrete seat besides him while rumbling to himself, "Fine, fine, fine.." as if answering aloud whateverimpulse is tugging at his instincts and lack of restraint.

He begins to slowly rise..towering up head and shoulders and chest above those near him. His gargantuan body seemingly widening and thickening without end in sight as he practically unfolds himself into a frame that has more in common with a semi truck cab then a human. His torso expands out, straining his clothing against the moving bulk of his body. All in all a surreal sight as those immediately nearest to him begin to gape as hsi shadow envelops them, and they quickly move aside to give the bruiser more room.

"Alright then." he rumbles and then without further delay begins to slowly make his way towards the ring. At ten feet tall he looms over the crowd like a boulder rolling through a field of pebbles. As he nears the ring, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a wad of cash, pinching it between enormous fingers before shoving it at a bookie as he draws near.

"Put this all on me."

Austin Reese has posed:
<<"Security is lighter than I would expect for a place with this much money going around.">> Austin says in response to Phoebe, as he watches the fight end in a pretty spectacular way. Even a brawler can get lucky if you're not careful. He moves back away from the railing he had been leaning against, but stops when he sees Cain emerge from the back and start to head towards the ring, <<"No idea who that guy is but holy shit.>>

He turns back around and leans back over the rail, if this guy is going to fight, Austin wants to get a good look at it. This guy could be dangerous, and is apparently running around Gotham.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Looking up - way up - Oliver slowly backs away from the booking stand. "You know what? Uh, nevermind."

Bane has posed:
Blood his the mat of the ring and in Bane's office an ancient looking obsideon mirror starts to emit smoke. Bane looks over and smiles.

Bane makes an appearence to give the previous victor their prize money. He notices Oliver looking to sign up to fight. He finds the man vaguely familiar, perhaps he's a name of some discription. A good draw for money.

But then he Notice the giant man looking to get a fight impromtu with out letting him get proper promotion and betting done. "Excuse me. I am Bane and this is MY temple. IF you've come to fight then you are in the right place. But one thing is clear I make the matches and I need time to promote and properly get get the betting done. And we don't even have a suitable opponent for you. I am dressed for business tonight not combat"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
This is interesting. Sebastian Shaw looks to regard Cain Marko. He tilts his head slightly, making some mental calculations. A grin crosses over his face. "Pardon me, ladies," he says, retrieving his hands from thoroughly inappropriate places. He rises up and tugs his hands on his jacket, looking up to Bane. "If you are searching for a suitable opponent, perhaps I can offer myself."

Cain Marko has posed:
"Hey it's the Rhino!" yells someone in the crowd.

"I thought Thing was rocky or something?" someone else says.

"Isn't The Hulk green?" someone else asks.

"It's Strong Guy!"

Cain breathes, eyes looking up towards the ceiling and hooding slightly in rising aggravation as he overhears the various comments and questions concerning him. Noting Oliver, however, he turns his attention that way and raises both eyebrows while allowing a thin smile to crease his features.

"Hey...what's the matter? You wanna go first?"

But then..Bane aggro.

Cain's nostrils flare again and he turns his attention towards the man. His massive hands twitch abit but then he forces a smile, full toothed, as he looks the man over and then he spreads his massive arms wide, "Heeeeey.. Look, I thought it was an open mic night you know? But if you don't wanna give your patrons a good show ..cause that last one was some kinda nonsense, then hey...your business."

When SHaw steps in and offers a match, Cain inclines his head in thought. He wasn't expecting...that. Sure he had wanted to goad Bane into trying something but Shaw coming forward was..unexpected. "Yeah, I think I'm a little over your weight class chum.." he grins and jabs a thumb in Ollie's direction. "Our buddy here is anxious to get into the ring. Aint ya?"

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Is it.. aw, fuck. It's *that* guy. The one from that super skeevy bar. Robbie drags off his cigarette as he takes in the behemoth approaching the ring with cash in hand, remembering their tense little standoff that nearly came to blows. Then the guy with two girlfriends in the pimp getup gains his attention, and Robbie watches with interest as things unfold.

Oliver Queen has posed:
The problem that Oliver Queen often faces is that while he is smart, generally speaking, about some things, he is a bit of an ego. And does not like to stand down from a challenge. But a Man Mountain Marko sized challenge - ok, maybe Man Mountain Marko. But CAIN Marko? That's enough to make him at least strongly reconsider his judgement. He looks over towards Bane, who seems to be the master of things, and offers a shrug.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <<. . . yeah, yeah that is one big guy...>> Phoebe comments. <<He's betting a large sum of money on himself; either he's going to make a show and throw the fight, or there's another whale that's going to walk in and drop another huge sum of money. This place is already giving me the heebie jeebies in the worst way...>> she reflects thoughtfully, pausing to get a good look at the ring as Cain unfolds himself and stretches -- and places bets.

    <<Blonde gent who just backed down looks familiar and --" when Bane comes out, she quiets a moment, withdrawing a little to partially pass behind another person.

    <<And there's the owner, Bane. Keep your wits about you. You read up on his file?" she asks, looking down and checking on her phone, snapping a few pictures of the encounter nearby.

    Robbie would get a text from Phoebe's phone.

    Hey. You capable of feeling the heebie jeebies with dark magic, or is that not something you can feel?

Bane has posed:
"I did not say I don't wish to let you fight. I am saying there is a process. We find you an opponent we annouce the match and the worshippers in my temple get to place their bets. I would have you be in my main event. To properly make money from this fight." Bane says to the Giant now hint of any back down in his voice. Bane knows this man is powerful but Bane is Bane. "So who would like to fight this Giant Red Bull in our main event. FOR A HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS!"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Sebastian Shaw snorts. "Save your money. I will do it for the sport alone."

Austin Reese has posed:
Austin has his phone out, and is snapping pictures of people here and there, quietly. One of the advantages of everybody having their phone out making it not stand out in a crowd. He finally slips away from the railing and down to the main floor. He stops near a pillar, pulling his phone back up and taking another photo of a particularly skeevy looking dude.

<<"Yeah I've read up on Bane. Not sure who the other two guys are, but it's looking like they're going to slug it out. My money's on the big guy." Maybe literally. Austin considers putting an actual bet on that fight. He doubts that Phoebe would narc on him...But if something happens and things pop off he also doubts he'd get that money back.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie swaps his cigarette to his left hand and digs out his phone from his jeans pocket when it vibrates. He frowns as he reads the message, seems about to switch it off and ignore it.. then double-takes back to Phoebe once he clues in.

The question put to the crowd is.. tempting. His gaze slides to Juggernaut again, then back to his phone, and he swipes out a reply:

guess it depends what u mean by heebie jeebies. couple of these guys stink of sin, wouldn't mind a crack at em. u going to fight?

Cain Marko has posed:
To be fair when Robbie met him, Cain was in full on Juggernaut id, helmet and skullcap included and so the particulars of his face could be said to be mysterious. The size can be a give away though, as well as the demeanor and voice. Robbie's a smart kid and Cain isn't exactly trying to 'hide'. Not to mention other senses that might be at his disposal.

But there's something else that begins bothering Cain and causes him to blink, "Wait a minute. -Worshippers-? What is this, some sort of church?"

There's something not right here. Something stirring inside of him and the vaguest hints of caution considering his own nature and being.

"What kinda stuff you trying to pull here, Bane? I aint got time to be wrapped up in no cult nonsense..."

The fact that Shaw isn't seemingly unsettled and eager to take a crack at the giant also draws a raised eyebrow and Cain ends up sweeping his gaze over the area, in search of further clarity.

Oliver Queen has posed:
While not exactly called out, other than by Cain, Oliver seems to linger towards the front. He is not about to toss his hat into the ring against this monster, but he is not quite ready to fully turn tail. He looks towards Bane, and glances around, wondering who might eventually take up that offer.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe, narc on Austin? Nah.

<<Fourth lesson I learned from my favorite dad: If you're going to play the game, play to win, even if you have to occasionally cheat. What's the minimum bet?>>

    Phoebe cracks a little smile, typing out a message consisiting of a laughing-so-hard-she's-crying-emoji.

    <R i am good, i am not that good! not allowed to use M on official biz unless emergency in gotham. Bat's request. Could maybe take the smaller blonde guy. Def feels like blood magic tho.>

    And she folds her thumb over her phone, looping her fingers through the ring-socket in the back as she looks up at the fighters, the ring, everyone, and she lets her eyes go out of focus, trying to see, to sense the magic in the air, to find out from where -- and whom -- these feelings, these senses of dark magics were coming from.

Inez Temple has posed:
"I'll play with 'im ifn' nobody else will."

The drawled out words belonging to the tall blonde bonbshell currently stringing forward. One Inez Temple, complete with stetson and spurred boots, in her bootcut jeans and a leather vest for a top, steps forward with a grin and a wink towards Cain. "Wanna wrestle with me, Cain? I promise I'll only cheat a lil."

Thumbs hooked into her back pockets, she takes up an easy stance, looking towards Bane, "Hope ya got one Helluva pot fer th' winner, we might jes' break yer temple."

Bane has posed:
Bane shakes his head. "This is my Temple of Violence and they are here to 'worship' the violence that takes place." Bane says and then agressively whispers to Cain "Its just a gimmick. I am trying to promote here. I rile them up to drink and eat to bet and give me their money"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
There is a snort of derision from Sebastian Shaw as he regards Inez. "I have already claimed the bout with him as the main event." He looks her over, and then doubles - he does appreciate a fine female form - and then points over at Oliver. "That one seems more your size."

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain eyes Bane for a few long moments before finally just smirking as he hears Shaw once again. Shaw's bravado manages to egg him over the edge and he rumbles, "Not quite the way I imagined this happening but alright. Let's get this over with and get paid."

He gives Inez a grin, "Sorry toots. Besides, might get messy."

With that..he nods towards Bane while thumbing at Shaw, "I'll take on Purple Rain here. Let's go."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Reyes smirks at the reply he gets from Phoebe, and shoves his phone back into his jeans pocket. Enough standing around. He pushes off the railing, flicking his cigarette to the floor as he heads for the stairs to the lower level. People headed up and people headed down, and he's a relatively scrawny guy; it takes some shouldering his way through to get anywhere.

And when he catches the arm of the bookie and asks to be 'put on the list', the guy looks like he's going to laugh at him. "Your funeral," he informs the kid, and scrawls his name down.

Bane has posed:
Bane Looks to the garishly dressed man in the front row. "I like your confidence. If you want to challenge the Red Bull EL TORO ROJO! then that is our main event. The Confident Nobleman vs The Giant Red Bull PLACE YOUR BETS!!!"

Bane then looks to Inez. Immediately see MONEY in the Blonde bombshell. Come donw here Lovely young Miss. Tell me your name. you will be my upper card. WHO WANTS A CHANCE TO TUSSLE WITH THIS BEAUTY FOR 50 THOUSAND DOLLARS?!!!!"

Oliver Queen has posed:
Shaking his head, Oliver puts up his hands. "Oh, I am not about to strike a woman. My mother raised me to be a proper gentleman." Which would surely evoke some snickers and laughs from those that actually knew Oliver Queen. He looks over toward Inez, and offers her a smile. "Besides, I am quite sure that I am no match for her, and no one here would want to see such a boring fight."

Inez Temple has posed:
"Ooooooooo, darlin', yer gonna find out how wrong ya are..." Inez might have actually held to that promise, she was certainly heading in that direction, but Bane's call has her halting and turning to give a nod. "Sure thing, hon!"

Just that easily, her attitude flips around to sunny and sweet once more, and she strolls on up to where Bane stands and shoots him a smile that have made lesser men melt. "Outlaw's th' name. Here fer fun an' fortune, heard ya put on a good show beatin' people bloody. Yer in luck, that's jes' my speed."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
"Boss!" one of the bookies hollers at Bane. "Got another one for you!" He jerks his head toward the lanky Mexican kid in the ratty hoodie and black skinny jeans currently pacing ringside, cracking his neck as he ostensibly warms up.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Satisfied at having secured the premium match of the night, Sebastian Shaw smiles. "Excellent choice." He moves to take his seat again, settling back to watch the undercard. The two girls lean in almost immediately, each whispering to him. He shakes off what they say, and turns his attention back to the ring as the girls turn their attention to his thighs.

Austin Reese has posed:
<<"Looks like we might get a four way dance at this rate.">> Austin says over comms to Phoebe, <<"Still might keep my money on the big guy. Unless you got any insight I don't know about from your angle.">> At this point, Austin makes his way to one of the bookies, putting a cash bet in on the big guy, before moving to get closer to the ring, "Looks like this is gonna be a good one!" He says to some random other patron, trying to keep acting the part

Cain Marko has posed:
Cain's expression twists into one of annoyance once again but it seems to settle down as the various dancing partners start to square off. He casts his eyes over the area and then rumbles impatiently, "I aint got all night. Let's do this." towards Bane and Shaw once Shaw returns to his seat. He remains standing, one balled up hand on his hip.

Inez Temple has posed:
Tipping her hat towards Oliver, Inez flashes a wink and grin towards him, "Prob'ly fer th' best if'n ya don't wanna end up on a stretcher. Respect an' all, but I don't think yer in my league, darlin'." She finds a wall to lean back against, looking aside to Bane, "C'n I still beat the snot outta th' stuffed shirt after?"

Bane has posed:
"Ven aqui" Bane says waving over mexican kid. "you want to fight? you want to make money? tell me about yourself. if you haven't noticed the level of competition has gone up a bit. you missed your chance if you wanted to swing on some street punk for money."

Bane then turn to the crowd. "Outlaw! who wants to to put hands on the lovely Outlaw!! 50 GRAND if you can some how manage to beat her!!!"

Bane is trying to manage to get another match in before the Main event. But the contestants seem to be restless. "Fine come in to the ring. now now, Nobleman vs El Toro Rojo. RIIIINNG DAAAA BELLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Phoebe's poking around in the astral plan of this area she would sense a eerie quiet and darkness like a still summer night. but then the visage of a black Jaguar would appear growling and sneering with smoke emitting from it eyes nose ear and mouth.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe doesn't reply to Austin at first. She breathes out. Relaxing her shoulders, looking all the world like she's watching the drama unfold over at Bane's side, but it's an afterthought.

    Eerie quiet. Stillness. Not unusual for Gotham's Astral, but the stillness was strange, like something holding its breath. The crowd around her cheers, and she doesn't seem to respond to the fight -- Nobleman vs. El Toro Rojo.

    And then she catches the black Jaguar, teeth and eyes and smoke appearing like clouds reflecting on the water, like fire, and giving a gasp, she respectfully draws back to the physical realm, and the relative safety of her own body.

    <<Bane wasn't joking about this being a temple.>> she comments wanly into her subvocal. <<Think they check ID's here?>>

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
As Bane announces that it is time, Sebastian allows that grin to reform. "Excuse me again, ladies," he says, lifting their hands up from his, thigh, we'll call it, and slowly rises. "I'll be right back." He slips his jacket off into the lap of one, and starts to meticulously remove the lace collared shirt. Shrugging out of the shirt, he hands it carefully to his other date, and strides towards the cage.

Without the finery, he actually appears to be far more suited to the task of a fight than he might have under it - a well sculpted hairy chest indicates a fighter's physique. Although certainly, none would expect any to be able to stand against someone as large as Cain. But Sebastian seems eager to do so.

Oliver Queen has posed:
Seemingly rescued from having to fight, Oliver turns to regard Inez and fixes her with a smile. "Sorry that you seem to have been skipped there." Is he, though? "Can I buy you a drink while we watch these two go at it?" He glances over at Sebastian - he knows of the man, certainly. They have shared a drink or two in the past. He is mildly curious what he is getting at here.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Reyes looks up as Bane waves him over. After a final glance at the current combatants, he pushes his sweatshirt's sleeves up to his elbows and wanders over. Kid sure looks cocky, for how utterly unimpressive he is physically.

"Guess it depends on whether you want a fair fight, or a good fight," he tells him with a slight smirk, which melts away with his next words. "I don't die. I lost limbs, had my head crushed, been shot full of bullets. Don't matter much to me." Except it all hurts like a motherfucker, which he doesn't bother admitting.

"And I got a special surprise, if you wanna see a show." This time, he full on grins as his eyes light up in an orange-red glow that more than a few people turn to stare at, horrified. The fire intensifies, then gutters out completely; the burned-out pits quickly reform themselves by the time he blinks next.

Cain Marko has posed:
So at last then. Cain's growing disinterest and impatience is settled when Bane finally gives the all clear and he lumbers after Shaw, entering the ring behind him with a deliberately measured gait.

"Alright, Prince, just take the first hit and don't get back up. We both walk out with some money." He raises his arm skyward as he speaks and then brings it back down, curling it into a flex. His bicep inflates like someone just sewed a four door car under his skin. Splitting his sleeves and bulging out against his hairy flesh. The rest of his shirt begins to shred as his muscles inflate and the crowd begins to roar with appreciation and anticipation.

Cain curls the hand of his flexed arm into a monstrous fist. Knuckles cracking like splintering tree He twists, drawing the arm backwards and cocking it as he looms overhead infront of Shaw.

"I'll even put one arm behind my back. Course... I should let you know..I'm not stupid. You're abit too eager to want to get somma this ..so you probably got some trick up your sleeves. I do too but..." Cain slowly grins, "..I'm trying not to bring this place down around Bane's head..."

Bane has posed:
Bane pulls outlaw robbie and Oliver over. "ok there are 3 of you so what do you wish to do? Fights are one on one. But perhaps we can change the formula. I personally don't care i just want action in my ring and money coming in. we can work something out while those 2 fight."

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
"Please, do not hold back on my account," offers Shaw, looking up at Cain. "Perhaps on our hosts, but..." There is a shrug from him, and he puts his hands out to either side. "But no tricks, I will not fade into oblivion, or embarass you by dodging like some phantom." Sebastian grins. "I will happily take your first punch. We will see about the next."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe can sense the change in the air as Robbie lights things up. She whips her head around, she takes a deep breath and she physically winces, because... bruh ... tipping your hand so soon? As people are watching?

    "Mmnnngggh..." Phoebe mutters to herself, and the lady in red just leans her head forward into her arm, stuffing her phone into her pocket and zipping the pocket closed.

    "Robbie..." she mutters under her breath, and shakes her head a moment before she leans against a barrier and puts her chin on her palm with her lips pursed again, and she rubs her shoulder a moment, glancing around for Austin. Gotta keep tabs on all the allies, after all.

Cain Marko has posed:
"Huh. SUit yourself chum."

Now Cain isn't here to kill anyone and even if he has guessed that Shaw must have some degree of protection or some sort of trick he's ready to unveil.,there are degrees. Also revealing himself as THE Juggernaut wasn't on the cards. Pretending to be a gigantic super strong bruiser is fine. Juggernaut being in the house is another issue all together.

But it can't be said Shaw isn't asking for it and from Cain's perspective ..if he's willing to take a punch then so be it.

"Don't say I didn't warn you!"

With that, Cain's fist comes hurtling around, swinging towards Shaw with a massive blow. One that would easily break a normal man of Shaw's build, perhaps even cave in the side of a car and sunder its tires and shatter its windows. A punch that for Cain is barely nothing but yet still will shake the ring.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
It does shake the ring, and Sebastian Shaw does go flying. His body slams into the corner of the ring and bounces forward. There are cheers from the crowd, who just want to see any kind of blood, no matter whose it is. But they may be disappointed as Shaw gets right up. No blemish on his face. No bruise, no broken lip. Not even any sign that a blow has been struck.

The man adopts a grin and walks back over towards Cain. "Is that all you've got?" He shakes his head slowly, rolling his shoulders. "For your size, I thought you'd hit a bit harder than that."

Austin Reese has posed:
<<"What do you mean?">> Austin asks back over comms, though whatever else he was going to say is interrupted by Robbie's lighting up, <<"Well shit. Uh. I'm guessing that's the friend of your's.">> He says as he slips to a different position in order to get closer to the fight, <<"You okay?">> He asks, ready to move over to her position to help her if she doesn't respond quickly.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <<I'm all right. Saw something I wasn't expecting. Took a peek into the astral and... ah. Yeah. Found out why this place is giving me vibes. I'll need to pull information on Mezoamerican dieties when we get back.>> she responds.

    And then, with driness that may denote she wasn't happy <<Yes.>>

    The ring shakes, Cain strikes Sebastian, and Phoebe's head tilts a moment, and she opens her mouth as Shaw *gets back up*. She looks to the grouping of Bain, Outlaw and Ollie with Robbie, and then back to the fight in the ring.

    <<I hope those ropes hold, or this place is going to get real dangerous real quick.>>

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Phoebe may or may not be aware that Robbie's control is starting to slip, the longer he stays here. And when his control slips, he starts making poor life choices, because Eli just *loves* any opportunity to take the wheel from him.

At least the kid's still got his hood on, and it was only his eyes that lit up. Had he gone full carrot top, no doubt the whole arena would be watching him right now.

"No offense," he tells the pair that Bane's summoned over to 'work things out' with, looking each of them over critically. "But that ain't gonna be a fair fight." He hitches his chin to the current match being played out. "I want one of them."

Inez Temple has posed:
Inez snorts at Robbie and shakes her head, then looks to Bane, "I ain't able t' pull my punches down t' human levels. So looks like I'm outta this fight. Call me when ya got better hitters." Shaking her head, she turns and heads off, muttering about 'waste of time' and 'not worth the trip'.

Cain Marko has posed:
"Hmm..wow." Cain's response is an underestatement to say the least. He was..expecting something but not that. Not so casual and dismissive. Still, he did pull it.. and in a world of Kryptonians and more..he really shouldn't be too surprised.

The brute rubs his jaw and then scratches at the bristle like hair on his unshaven chin, producing a sound like a dried metal brush scraping across concrete. "Figures. Though, I mean..that wasn't even a love tap by my standards but it still would have flattened a normal man and some metas. Looks like I was right. You got some tricks up your sleeves. Still..I aint trying to kill you.. I got enough to deal with."

He starts approaching Shaw once again, lacing his fingers together and cracking his knuckles once more. "Don't get cocky though. I just got finished dusting knuckles with Hulk for a quick pay check. You don't want my best. Don't even know my own limits. Take my offer..."

With that he lunges in, once more sending a gigantic arm hurtling around towards Shaw in a swinging upper cut that looks like it has more in common with a wrecking ball swinging in then it does anything else. Another pulled punch on the Juggernaut-Scale again but still enough that the likes of many hardened and toughened metas would be quite rocked. The very ring shakes and violently lurches just from the movements and air pressure of the incoming blow.

Bane has posed:
Bane looks back and forth between Robbie and Outlaw. "you got powers she has powers I see a match mr fire eyes and the outlaw. pretty boy you want to be in the mix at all?"

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
The blow is indeed powerful, and once again Sebastian Shaw is lifted from his feet. His body is propelled upward, and as he falls back down the mere fall from that height would be enough to break bones in a normal man. Shaw, it seems, is no normal man.

He stands up and dusts off his chest. A glance is cast outside the ring towards Inez. "You haven't seen me hit, yet, miss," He rolls his head around on his shoulders. "Stick around. Or come by my place later. I'll show you a good..." He trails off, waving his hand. "Whatever you care for."

Then his attention turns back to Cain, and that grin broadens. "That is one of the toughest punches I have ever taken," he admits. "Which does not surprise me. But how good of a punch can _you_ take?" And with that he darts forward, nimble and agile, and pulls back to swing his fist with a vicious right hook directly to Cain's jaw.

He does _not_ pull his punch, amplified by the power of all of the energy he absorbed from his prep before tonight, and the two blows from Cain. It may very well be one of the strongest punches he has ever thrown, himself.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie runs his tonguetip along his lower lip as he considers Inez again, briefly, at Bane's urging. "Sorry, man," he murmurs, taking a step back. "Not my type." Where his 'type' is apparently people who reek of ill deeds. And, presumably, can take what he can give. "Your loss," he tells Bane, jams his hands into his hoodie's pockets, and hoofs it for the exit after a parting glance for the fight in progress. He's going to have to get his fix some other way, tonight.

Austin Reese has posed:
For his part, if there's magic stuff going on here, he knows well enough to leave that to Phoebe until she gives him a better idea of what to do. He makes his move towards one of the exits, though he does take a moment to watch that massive punch being delivered in the ring, <<"I'm making my way to the exit, if there's magic stuff going on I suggest we regroup and plan.">> he chimes over to Phoebe before he slips outside.

Cain Marko has posed:
It is indeed a blow worthy of Shaw's super charged strength. One does not take punches, even pulled ones, from the likes of Juggernaut lightly, after all. There is kinetic force, power, and repercussions from such blows and Shaw has taken them and absorbed them well. So well that when his fist lands against Cain's jaw - a thunderous *BOOOOOOM* resounds outward that rocks the entire ring and then sends a shockwave rippling and warbling outward that blasts into any who are too close to the ring and not strong enough to brace from such an impact and furthermore rumbles its way throughout the rest of the temple as the two titans exchange such mighty hits. Some are knocked from their feet. Drinks are spilled and the potential for further damages is likely there.

Cain - doesn't move. The Juggernaut is a man whom can carry on a conversation while being machine gun punched by the likes of Captain Britain and not move an inch, after all. His head turns to the side from the blow but his body otherwise absorbs the full force though uit shreds through his clothes, leaving his tee shirt a tattered mess and his work boots and jeans split.

He blinks. Surprised and then reaches up and rubs at his jaw and then nose..and smiles. "Heeeeeeey. Not BAD! Nice one!" Juggernaut rumbles before grinning down at Shaw, his smile full of rising menace now. "If you can do -that-.. maybe this night'll be fun after all! Course we'll turn this place into a smoking crater but..it's kinda messy looking anyway aint it.."

A fist balls up, knuckles cracking like the sound of sequoias splintering.. "Get ready..."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <Good idea. I don't want to take on gods on their own turf. Nothing good ever comes of it.> Phoebe replies quizically to Austin, and as she makes her exit, she drops a message to Robbie.

    -Hey. Not my business to tell you two what to do, but be careful tipping y our hand early. I don't want to see you monitized by someone who strategizes like the BMan. Out to regroup. HMU if you have any questions or want in on the investigation.-

Bane has posed:
Bane senses the impending destruction of his temple if Shaw and Marko keep trading blows. Bane runs in to the cage. "STOP" Bane shouts out witha suddenly booming voice that echoed with the roar of a Jaguar. "STOP THIS IS MY TEMPLE AND YOU WILL NOT DESTROY IT" This is not Bane's not entirely There is something dark and beastly something not of this world. If you can see Bane's eyes they have changed in color and shape to look cat-like.

Sebastian Shaw has posed:
Oddly enough, Sebastian Shaw does not look particularly surprised that his punch seems more likely to level the temple than have any impact on Cain. When Bane comes running in, however, he takes a step back. "We have no interest in destroying your temple," he says, looking up towards Cain. Well, maybe Cain did. "I suppose we shall have to settle on a draw. For now?"

Cain Marko has posed:
Elder gods, normal gods, magical whatsits and whosits..are all old hats for Cain being that he's something of the avatar of one. Thus the change in the local atmosphere is not wholly alarming to him but it does get his attention..moreso the fact that Bane himself seems to be the source.

"Hn. I'm bored now. I didn't think Bane himself had gotten hitched to something else. Just a 'temple' gimmick eh? Hn."

He lowers his fist and then looks at Shaw, his expression neutral though he ends up shrugging at him. "So you probably have some guesses at who I am. You'll figure it out I"m sure. We'll have to give this another go where we won't get interrupted and I can play dress up as well.."

Cain gives both men a slight grin and then turns, moving to exit the ring now, "See y'round Bane. Purple Rain."

And with that he climbs out and begins a plodding move towards the exit of the temple of violence, pulling off the remains of his shirt in the process and dropping it onto the ground near some rattled onlookers as he makes for the exit.

Bane has posed:
"Everyone Out!" Bane says as he retreats to the privacy of his Office.