Audra Meridian
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Audra Meridian (Scenesys ID: 4390) | |||
Profile | |||
Name: | Audra Meridian | ||
Superalias: | Windrose | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Human | ||
Occupation: | Storm Chaser, Meteorologist | ||
Citizenship: | American | ||
Residence: | Metropolis | ||
Education: | B.S. in Atmospheric Sciences | ||
Theme: | Original (OC) | ||
Groups: | Metropolis, Street Level | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 33 | Actual Age: | 33 |
Date of Birth | 25 May 1989 | Played By | |
Height: | 5'8" | Weight: | 132 lb |
Hair Color: | Caramel | Eye Color: | Hazel |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: | Stan Bush - Thunder In Your Heart |
Character Info
Audra Meridian has been fascinated with the phenomenon of weather ever since she was young. She was the kid that would play outside in the rain to watch the lightning flash across the sky while others were hiding inside from the thunder. She admired both its natural beauty and the tremendous force that laid behind it, and eventually made a career out of that passion. Audra has a degree in Atmospheric Sciences but found analysis labwork and news forecasting too mediocre, so instead became a professional storm chaser. It allowed her to get personal experience with severe weather conditions, and the hardships people have to endure after the disasterous events. The perfect motivation to inspire her developement of technology that allows her to manipulation wind, temperature and lightning; and use it to protect others and engage in various post-crisis activities like search and rescue under the alias of Windrose. She is more of a defender than a warrior, but not afraid to reap a whirlwind against crime and evil when it crosses her path.
* 1989: Audra is born to Martin and Mandy Meridian, a working middle class couple, on a family homestead outside of Metropolis.
* 1993: A facination with weather is visible even in childhood, as Audra was the kid that would want to play outside even in the rain and watch the lightning flashes instead of hide inside from the thunder.
* 1994: Audra's younger sister Misty is born. Audra starts school.
* 1995: Martin gets a promotion to a upper management position in the electronics distribution company he works at. To be closer to work he moves the family into Metropolis proper. Rather than sell the homestead they use it for family storage and rent the field land to other farmers.
* 2001: Audra tinkers with an old paint aggitator, a large jar and an air pump to create her version of a 'tornado in a bottle' science experiment. Uses it as part of a project on Severe Weather Conditions to win Second Place at science fair. According to judge panel she only missed First because someone's baking soda volcano was more visually impressive.
* 2007: Audra graduates from high school, works part-time for the summer. Starts a degree course in Atmospheric Sciences at Metropolis University that fall.
* 2007-9: Audra's tech tinkering skills regularly come in useful, as computers are finicky and weather conditions have a habit of wearing down delicate research equipment quickly. She feels a greater draw to this working in the field than analyzing data and statistics in a lab.
* 2010: Graduates with a B.S. in Atmospheric Sciences (Meteorology & Climatology), minor in Electronic Engineering. Degree allows her to pursue storm chasing as a meteorological profession rather than freelance. Enables making a regular income by selling footage to news stations and doing conscripted field work for scientific institutions like Metropolis U and S.T.A.R. Labs.
* 2012: Audra is traveling across nation when the Invasion happens. She occasionally catches sight of alien activities and sends in recordings to help track their movements.
* 2014: A vicious strings of storms tear down the Midwest. After seeing many lives broken in the aftermath Audra is inspired to do more than just observe events and help clean up. Starts tinkering with weather influencing technology ideas.
* 2015: Audra's tinkering lucks upon a means of creating and controlling wind power, which she uses to blast debris off a highway after a mudslide. Later configures it into a pair of gauntlets.
* 2018: While still failing to find the secret to full weather control Audra has built a full suit of devices for herself, including harnessing air pressure and ionized energy fields for low altitude flight. Dubs herself Windrose after the meteological graph, though focuses mainly on search & rescue or recovery ops after large disasters. Occasionally fights crimes when she stumbles across them.
* 2020: Audra returns to working in the Metropolis area on a regular basis. Takes up residence at the old family homestead, where she can store her equipment and continue working on her weather manipulation tech without drawing attention.
IC Journal
Audra has an adventurer's spirit within her, with her courage and curiousity balanced by her cautious and pragmatic nature. It is why she took up storm chasing, being more interested in going out in the field and seeing both the marvels and the danger of weather phenomenon for herself in nature than studying it in a lab. It helped motivate her to use the tech she developed to aid search&rescue and disaster countermeasures even when the attempts at full control failed, and what keeps nudging her more and more into heroic acts in general.
In contrast to how people in her occupation have been portrayed in media at times Audra is not a brash or reckless person. She is the opposite, vigilant of the signs of danger and readily prepared to handle problems to the best of her ability. Some would call her excessively anxious, but she believes it is justified by what she's taken upon herself to do. If she is going to be a warning against severe weather or help people recover after a disasterous event she needs to be able to analyze situations thoroughly and act without causing additional problems. Her weather manipulation/mimicry could become extremely dangerous in itself if not used with care and precision.
Audra is a very precise and focused woman. She sets her attention on a job or goal, plans towards it and pursues it until either completion or circumstances make it no longer viable to pursue. That said she's not afraid to take the proverbial long road to do so, working towards larger goals by fulfilling other objectives as steps toward it and work her way up. She is more than capable of doing research and other more intellectual tasks to prepare herself, she just never really cared for sitting in a lab to do so, day after day.
Over time Audra has become more aware and protective of others around her. Her job as a storm chaser helps people better understand, predict and prepare for dangerous weather. It was seeing the aftermath of such events and other disasterous events that motivated her towards developing the tech she uses in defense and recovery efforts. As a heroine Windrose is the sort who will stay back to protect people and other assets, or handle rescue efforts, and get involved in active fighting only as necessary to do so.
Character Sheet
They say one of the best teachers is experience, and in this case it may be true. Audra has no professional combat experience before venturing into heroism, but having to learn how to utilize her weather manipulation both for fighting and defending has taught her a lot. The style she has developed is more defensive in nature, using her wind and cold to slow foes down and keep them at bay, disorient them with fog and electric shocks, and is more likely to wear someone else out fighting through the weather effects that directly demolish them in battle. Since her manipulation tech is primarily in her gauntlets and boots she has learned to augment punches with the effects, and can deliver a mean kick or two utilizing her hovering maneuverability. Being able to whip around frigid winds and lightning arcs give her a bit of an edge against flying targets, and maybe even literally blow them out of the air.
Defensive Driving:
Storm chasers have to regularly drive a large truck or similar vehicle during severe weather, over damaged roadways or even off-road entirely to get the best visuals and deploy equipment. As well as deal with paniced civilians, fleeing wildlife and debris thrown about by wind and hail damage. Dealing with all that has made Audra one of the most defensively capable drivers there are, even during the intensity of a roaring storm or getting through the wreckage after for rescue efforts.
First Aid:
Audra learned basic First Aid and CPR as part of her efforts to help others after crisis events. She can bandage minor wounds, splint limbs, and the like. As Windrose can use her manipulation abilities to maintain a comfortable warm/cool zone for someone, provide cold compresses, and try to filter smoke and fumes out of the nearby air to ease breathing issues.
Audra has a degree from Metropolis University in Atmospheric Sciences, focused on Meteorology and Climatology. She is a meterologist professionally, just one pursuing a career in storm chasing and researching severe weather phenomena over lab analysis work and news forecasting. Being well-versed in how weather functions and interacts with the rest of the environment is part of what allowed her to develope the manipulation technology she uses as Windrose, and to utilize it without causing additional harm.
Tech Savvy:
She may of gotten partially lucky with her creations, but Audra overall is a very technologically inclined individual. She took Technical Electronic Engineering as a Minor, which is a great help in her profession, being able to operate and maintain the various scanners, cameras, probes, analysis hardware and other scientific instruments. As well as develope and improve her weather manipulation inventions. She is highly capable with technology in a general sense, makes regular use of modern computers and media, and given enough time to tinker could probably puzzle her way through most technical and mechanical problems that don't require a dedicated specialization (like computer hacking).
Galeforce Gauntlets:
Windrose's primary equipment and the source of much of her weather manipulation ability is the pair of technological gauntlets she wears. With them she is capable of creating windforce equivalent to a large storm, but more focused and controlled. The output is approximately what it would take to lift and toss the mass of a large truck into the air, or slam through a fairly thick wall. By shifting air temperature and moisture she can also create rain, mist, hail and bitter cold to augement her windpower. The tech does not make ice directly, but causes it to form through lowering temperature and thermal energy. The gauntlets also have ionized energy conduits that can channel electricity into lightning discharges, or be used to attract and redirect it in a manner similar to lightning rods. While her scale of control is limited to her vicinity, with the effects she can conjur she has a great deal of versatility and utility she can put into play.
When she returned to Metropolis after her cross-country storm chasing and minor heroing adventures Audra took up residence at the old family homestead just outside the city. It gives her space and privacy to work on her technologies and store her storm chasing equipment. The barn is where she parks her SUV and camper when not in use, and has a small weather monitoring station set up in the hayloft where she collects information for various outlets in the city to use in weather forecasts. Audra has also built a workshop space for herself in what fittingly was the underground concrete storm cellar, where she can close it off from visitors without being suspicious.
Jetstream Pack:
Windrose wears a booster pack on her back that enables her to hover and fly with directed streams of pressurized air and ionized energy. That said, she is not an exceptionally fast flier, only equal to that of a speeding vehicle. Her flying is more like that of a helicopter, able to hover and maneuver in very sharp and precise angles. She trades speed for greater maneuverability and mobility.
Audra has a 4WD SUV that's been modified for storm chasing. Which boils down to precisely balanced weight reinforcement added to the chassis to keep it from tipping in high winds, extra brushguard and underside paneling to keep debris out of moving parts, and a reinforced front end with bull-bars and winch for dealing with obstacles. The interior contains numerous pieces of meteorogical equipment, doppler radars, data feeds, video recorders and analytical hardware. Special high-output LED external lights are utilized for low visibility conditions. Additionally she has a small towable camper with additional equipment as well as moderate living space, that can be parked as sort of field operations center in an area but isn't designed to actually go into the main zone of harsh weather conditions.
Zephyr Boots:
Her boots use similar technology as her gauntlets, but oriented more towards mobility and agility. They channel ionized air streams through vectoring thrusters that give a considerable boost to any jumps she makes, and can maneuver faster than your average person to avoid hazards or attempt to dodge attacks by 'skating' on air or ice. When hovering or flying the boot jets serve as additional maneuvering thrusters rather than add to her speed, making her exceptionally nimble mid-air.
Audra's family is in the know about her activities as Windrose, and honestly keeping them out of harm is the only reason she bothers with the whole secret identity issue. Her parents still live in the city, while her sister Misty is at Metropolis U pursuing a career in educational fields. When Audra needs special electronics and components she usually turns to her father to get them through the distribution company he works for, her profession being the justification for more estoic and unusual requests. But if someone was determined and skilled enough they could possibly trace the purchases back to her.
People have called Audra nitpicky, overly cautious, overly anxious and a perfectionist. She has... never really denied any of them, either. To her, nitpicking details is justified. One brash judgement or miscalulation could become disasterous, being it an ongoing crisis or how Windrose uses her capabilities in fighting crime and rescuing those in danger. She has to be constantly aware of the situation and the impact that what she chooses to do has on the situation and the environment, so she is always cautious and thorough. But the constant analysis means she is not good at making snap decisions or 'gut instinct' calls, and can at times be slow to actually act as she tries to plan for precise and efficient outcomes. She also has difficulty dealing with more chaotic and unpredictable mindsets.
Scale Limit:
Windrose's manipulation technology can only alter weather conditions in her vicinity, or be focused directly at a target or group. She cannot actually change or create weather wholesale, or manipulate over more than a city block or two if she focuses on a specific act or effect to recreate, like a rain shower over a burning building for example. What she can do is also effected by the natural environment and climate. She needs air to create wind (and breath), and can only alter temperature so far. She couldn't stop a blizzard or heatwave, just shift the heat or cold around her to be more comfortable to others or help remove obstacles.
Tech Dependance:
Without her manipulation gear and booster pack Windrose has no powers, so crippling damage to her hardware can severely limit her ability to act. Her stronger techniques require both gauntlets to be functional, she can't power jump or dash without the boots, and the booster pack is what allows her to hover and fly. Damage to thrusters or the stabilizers will hinder her mobility and evasiveness. While capable of conducting and redirecting large amounts of ionized energy the conductors aren't immune to electrical damage, taking too much at once or channeling for too long without proper grounding can burn out the system.
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Audra Meridian has
54 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
War Machines | February 19th, 2025 | The unveiling of GI Robot who is a little behind the times. |
Come to Themyscira to Party | January 4th, 2025 | There is a grand party on Themyscira, and everyone was invited! who got drunk? Who got stone walled? Who got served? You'll have to read to find out. |
Scrap Patrol | January 1st, 2025 | Cliff is a head missing its body. Ted and Audra perform a sketchy cyber-surgery in a spooky basement. Larry helps, despite himself. |
Gotham Clocktower New Years Party | December 29th, 2024 | It is New Years 2024 at the Gotham City Historic Clocktower. The champagne is flowing, the tunes are tuning, and the blimp is offering free rides. Would you like to know more? |
The Great (and Near Great) Race! | December 29th, 2024 | Audra, Courtney, and Ted have a race. What could go wrong? |
Civilization... Pfft! | December 15th, 2024 | Conan... the thespian! |
Recruiting Pool | December 7th, 2024 | Ted Meets Windrose. The bots steal the show. |
Amazon Training: The Sword | December 5th, 2024 | The art of the sword, as performed by the Themyscirans, at the Themysciran Arts Center. Much training is had, much clanging was clanged! |
Amazon Smash | August 11th, 2024 | The Amazons put on another training sessions for would-be gladiators! Some quips are made, some punches are exchanged, some bruises are endured, and some gnarly injuries sustained! Monet shines as an Amazon pupil, while Kate Bishop comes in swinging for the top spot in the trainee pool! Audra and Talia impress the Amazons with their fortitude, while Caleb gets a lot of encouragement, and an assurance they are not being mean to him for being a boy. Honest! |
Lord of the Monsters: Beware the Fury of Foom | May 3rd, 2024 | In which our heroes face off against the brutal fangs of FIN! FANG! FOOM! |
Heroes Assemble 4th Anniversary: The Watchers | February 24th, 2024 | For the four year anniversary of Heroes Assemble Mush, Uatu the Watcher again hosts some of his colleagues to share what he has witnessed over the last two years of events on a small blue planet called Earth. |
Lord of the Monsters - Rise of the Magmanites | January 18th, 2024 | Magmanites arrive through one of the kaiju fissures in New York on a mission to deliver invites - and are stopped by a diverse group of heroes. What do you wear to a wedding for magma people? Asbestos Undies! |
Formation at Hell Creek | January 5th, 2024 | On the tail of whomever threw a brick into the Candle, Booke & Belle shop, Nettie and Kelly employ Lydia, Josh, Audra and Jason Blood to try and find the first link to Kelly Praetor's transformation.
There is a ghost dinosaur. |
Countdown to 2024 | January 1st, 2024 | The ball drops for 2024 New Year. Do people get their kisses? |
Can You Take Me To... | December 16th, 2023 | A group of heroes stop Hypno Hustler in the Park! |
The Walls Come Down | November 13th, 2023 | After Sivana escaped the experimental facility, the heroes were able to stop the villains at the facility. But what nefarious plans does Dr. Sivana have for our heroes? Stay tuned! |
Tsunami! | October 10th, 2023 | A tsunami strikes Cozumel and other parts of Mexico and Central America. The Justice League teleports heroes down to conduct rescue operations. |
This is Stilted | October 8th, 2023 | Windrose and Ant Man face the scary STILT MAN! |
Merge into MODOK! | September 29th, 2023 | In which our intrepid heroes run into MODOK as he merges to form MODOK. Expect a toy soon! |
A Question in need of Research | September 2nd, 2023 | Kelly comes to Audra with a question about her transformation and realizes maybe Magic is to blame, not genetics. |
When Pigs Fly | September 1st, 2023 | The End of the Three Part Bridle Microplot. Pigs fly. Athens gets Bacon-Bitted, Shazam claims the Bridle of Athena for Team Good Guys, Audra learns that Science can out-perform necromancy, Joshua experiences his second existential crisis of the day, and James 'Bucky' Barnes bumps into an Old Friend. |
Rogues Gone Wild: The Revenge Of The Rogues | July 25th, 2023 | The Rogues get their revenge and the true mastermind behind the attacks over the past several weeks is revealled at last. The promise that this is just the start of things is given and the heroes are left to wonder exactly how bad this could get... |
Into the Mountains II: Quell the Riot | July 18th, 2023 | Rescuers from the Shazamly, Justice League Dark, and a notable Spirit of the Eagle help keep Pookie, a gemstone-formed snow leopard and guardian spirit of a mountain in the Himalayas, from a military's grasp. |
Into the Mountains: Introduction | July 12th, 2023 | A group of Shazamly members, JLD and an adventurer head out to the Himalayas, where everything goes South very, very quickly |
Chaos at the Met | July 8th, 2023 | Some unsuspecting (and some suspecting) heroes get caught in the Met when a group of kids calling themselves the 'Iconoclasts' stage a flash-riot targeting the rich. |
Like Ice in the Sunshine | June 24th, 2023 | It starts with Ice-Cream in Central park and ends as a picknic of the Shazam Family on the Statue of Liberty! |
Brood of the Savage Land: Heart of the Swarm | June 10th, 2023 | An elite strike team infiltirates the Brood hive. They discover fully intelligent Brood drones, and not just a Queen, but a multitude of would-be Queens, each made from genetic material stolen from heroes who have previously encountered them. Meanwhile, the Brood begin some sort of space launch and an attempt to contact what seems to be a greater swarm beyond the limits of the local cluster. Although the Hulk smashes their WHOLE MOUNTAIN, things are still going bad and so SHIELD calls in the nukes, which serve as a Phoenix-snack for another psychic assault on the Hivemind. Earth 2, Brood 0. Cue Ewok Song! |
Lousy T-Shirts for All! | June 4th, 2023 | Ice cream and plans fr the future are made for heroics and you know -life. |
Lightning Lightning Burning Bright! | June 1st, 2023 | Lightning makes everything better. |
Savage Lands: The Brood CHARGE | May 27th, 2023 | The heroes in the Savage Lands join forces to push back a massive Brood King invasion force that attempted to storm the Lemurian Castle lands. SHIELD, Justice League, Avengers, and more combined forces to see to it the King of the Brood was felled. |
Fire From The Heavens: Power and Glory | May 16th, 2023 | The Justice League and their allies face down Despero, seeking to put an end to the threat posed by The Third Eye and the Flame for good. Battling on a distant planetoid, the League confronts the alien despot in one last battle. |
Brood of the Savage Land: The God Machines, Part III | May 11th, 2023 | Shockingly, the creepy secretive scientist turns out to be up to no good. Maybe he's looking for Iara's secret shark juice, or maybe he wants what Jemma figured out is inside Nat. Either way, things go bad, and he loses an eye and an arm for his trouble, while Rogue gains another overdose of ageless understanding, this time in a different part of the Celestial heritage: Homo Descendus. Now, back to meet everyone's favorite green guy in a lab coat. |
Knock, Knock | May 6th, 2023 | The new portal system is a success so far... |
Brood of the Savage Land: The God Machines, Part II | May 5th, 2023 | Unsure how to find the rest of the Celestial computer cores (or what to do with them if they did), the heroes use Lemurian legend and SHIELD intel (courtesy of Lara Croft) to locate a ruin potentially tied to early residents of the Savage Land. En route, they are faced by increasingly more well organized members of the dino-brood Hive, and despite an attempted distraction, suffer injuries - and potential infections - in reaching the ruin. In the last moment, they are aided by an inscrutable and likely inhuman figure. Despite its aloof nature, its promises of aid seem their best chance at saving their friends and dealing with the larger Brood threat! |
Now Rises Madness | April 30th, 2023 | A madness overcomes Happy Harbor. But a cadre of unflinching warriors fends off the attack and saves the day. And all of the power of the night is summed up in two simple words: I...teach. |
Brood of the Savage Land: The God Machines, Part I | April 27th, 2023 | THE ERRUPTION OF MOUNT DOOM. Heroes return to Sauron's former lair, sneaking past a broodified colossal Quetzalcoatlus, debating King Phangor and his new Sun Priestess advisor, and ultimately destroying the Celestial computer core within. One down... at least six to go? |
Fire from the Heavens: The Flame of Py'tar | March 27th, 2023 | The League and the allies meet to discuss the Flame of Py'tar and how they will proceed to deal with Despero once and for all. Plans are formulated, decisions made and pasteries consumed. |
Fire from the Heavens: Enter Despero | March 13th, 2023 | The Justice League and their allies comes face to face with the Third Eye at last and are left reeling as the might of Despero is unleashed upon them in his quest to reclaim the Flame of Py'tar. How long will the the League be able to keep the alien despot from reaching his goals? |
Fire from the Heavens: Emissaries of The Third Eye | March 7th, 2023 | To no one's surprise the Kalanorian's latest attempt to reclaim the 'Flame' for their religious despot, the 'Third Eye' meets fierce opposition from the Justice League and assembled protectors of Metropolis. And while the alien armada might prove to be little match for Earth's greatest protectors they are a mere herald for the threat to come... |
Not A Birthday Gathering | February 19th, 2023 | A Very Not-A-Birthday full of meetings and good food. |
Some Late Night Russian Comfort Food | January 21st, 2023 | Casually crossing paths in a Russian resturant/bathhouse. |
Winter Wonder Wasteland by Mr Freeze | December 26th, 2022 | Mr. Freeze attacks Gotham with a blimp armed with freeze gas. Heroes rally to stop him from taking over the city. |
Holy Silver Age Batman: The Not So Great Arkham Escape | December 15th, 2022 | Holy Siver Age Batman as Arkham has an escape of the loonies and toonies and the Bat-Kids must give them all obliteroonies! |
SciTech Conference | November 27th, 2022 | The first annual SciTech conference and convention goes off without anything blowing up. Doom gives a history lesson and there is a visit from a Borg Queen! |
NEGATIVE ZONE: The Incredible Shrinking Universe | November 19th, 2022 | The Fantastic Four and a group of intrepid young explorers head to the Negative Zone and find trouble! |
The Cauldron Heats Up | November 18th, 2022 | While hunting an escaped convict, Osprey stumbles across Windrose and Alopex, and recruits them into helping him capture his target. |
War on Christmas | November 12th, 2022 | A department store's early Christmas sale is attacked by Calendar Man in a Thanksgiving themed attempted heist, but Gotham's heroes, and one out of town visitor, clip his wings. |
Magnetic Mayhem | November 5th, 2022 | Hired goons try a smash and grab at Gotham University, but some visitors come across a local and stop the gang from getting away with some powerful electromagnets, after seeing their power first hand. |
What Kind of Jerk Robs a Hospital | October 26th, 2022 | Bystanders of various levels of heroism intervene in a strange robbery in a hospital research building. High-tech guns and weird devices. Are the robbers there to steal some radiation device? Nope, they shot it. But they stole something else from the floor above. A tall guy with a teleporter. And what the hell is 'Systems Genomics' even? Tune in next week. |
The Worst Defense | October 20th, 2022 | A group of disparate heroes fight off the DREAD DORMAMMU attempting to infect the world with the DARK DIMENSION! |
Joker vs ACME: Where the Anvils Roam | October 9th, 2022 | The Intrepid Bat-Kids track the Joker to an Abandoned Practical Joke Factory. They fight goons armed with the strangest array of backfiring gadgets this side of a 1960's comic book. LET THE ANVILS RING. |
Children's Works Gala - Gotham City | October 8th, 2022 | A very fun Gala with one of the few organizations that is not attached to a ctual crime in Gotham, the Children's Works. Battle of the Bands commences! |
Fleeb vs Vampires | September 8th, 2022 | April O'Neil is kidnapped by vampires. An assortment of DIVERSE heroes come to her RESCUE! Tracy Fleeb witnesses the chaos she's been sewing... |
High Pressure | September 5th, 2022 | Roland gets attacked at the zoo and Windrose comes to the rescue! |
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