13890/Discordants: The Ritual

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Discordants: The Ritual
Date of Scene: 18 February 2023
Location: The Falkland Islands
Synopsis: The heroes were successful in cutting off the ritual before it could complete. Though there are some loose ends. The Svartalf prisoners must be seen to. The civilians must be returned home. And what happened to the Black Widow?
Cast of Characters: Thor, Natasha Romanoff, Daisy Johnson, Natasha Irons, T'Challa, Jane Foster, Diana Prince, Zatanna Zatara, Sif

Thor has posed:
    The information gained through Mr. Hubert Tannenberg had been enough to narrow things down for SHIELD. They now had a strong idea of where the Dark Elf binding rituals were to take place. They had been able to go from a large number of possible points of contention, 250+, down to 8. It had been that use of the heat map they had gained, showing the location of the ships in orbit, the focus of ground efforts, enough to let them know which points were targets.
    Of those eight, one had been found shortly after the ritual had been completed, the first one that they had come upon and faced the lone warrior. The second they had discovered after the fact, finding only the grim aftermath of the ritual. Then, when SHIELD's recon teams had fanned out across the world, they found two more sites. One in the hills of Telemba, Russia. And one in the outback of Australia. Only the evidence of the rituals were discovered in those two sites. No bodies were found, though there were remnants of arcane energy and old markings. But not enough for much insight to be gathered.
    Things, however, abruptly changed when all communications were lost with the Falkland Islands. An island of over 3000 souls, cell service, network, land line, all communications were lost at approximately 2:11 AM local time. As it was one of the 8 focal points SHIELD had given warning about, action and response was swift.
    Exercising defense treaties with their allies and at the behest of SHIELD's intel, the 2nd Carrier Battlegroup with the carrier USS Eisenhower, immediately started steaming to the combat zone. The 82nd Airborne was deployed, transporting in minutes with their ready team. Using supersonic transport the first batallion was deployed at 3:19 AM local time for a high altitude low opening drop, landing to secure Port Stanley airport. They instantly came under fire and have been battling for the last 8 minutes.
    Which brings us to now.
    To the moment that the Quinjets and strike teams wing their way across the ocean, three minutes out from sightline of the Falkland Islands. Outside the windows of the Quinjets the fighters of the United States Navy can be seen on the wings of the vehicles, escoring the teams in. A strike package is on standby if the mission calls for it, and right now...
    Tensions are high.
    Traffic on the comms are quiet for the air assets. The ground assets for those who listen on that channel are hard-pressed. Then when the fog clears across the islands, there's an alert that goes up for those with HUDs that highlights the target area...
    And for those without HUDs they'll have no problem seeing what causes some of the operatives to catch their breath. For a 100 foot high pyramid of orange energy seems to have grown out of the ocean, its base a square of... some form of created stone. And around it are hundreds of ships of people standing on the ships. Simply staring in the direction of this pyramid, while inside it three dark shapes can be seen, illuminated by thermographic imaging.
    Then, on the SHIELD comm frequency a young man far off in the Triskelion clears his throat, then says roughly on the channel because it's his duty. (( Strike team. We have... 700 enemy combatants on site around the airport. Check comms.
    The time is now, 3:27 AM local time.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would note dryly along her comm in the deployment zone <<Noted. Artillery support available?>> They wouldn't dare send in air support to combat in such chaotic quarters - not with the raw power they had seen the Svartelves display. If only the Americans had bothered to keep the New Jersey in service and it was available steaming off the coast. Well, one worked with what they had. She was in a very, very heavy loadout. Stealth camouflage, railgun wtih a heavy variety of rounds, large numbers of grenades, blades.. And essentially anything over from the SHIELD armory that she could carry without burdening herself too much. She was going to be hitting targets of opportunity amongst this melee. It was time for payback as far as she was concerned.
    Whehter or not command would support her Red Room instilled prefernece of salting the Earth from whence they came.. Well, that would be their affair. In full stealth mode now as she would be deployed along with her unit, HUD on and full on infrared spectrum, stalking along and heading to sweep along for an effective sniping position along the engagement zone where she could get a best scope of the battle. <<Request satellite uplink for operations control when available>>

Daisy Johnson has posed:
Daisy has been looking forward to this moment. Not just because they will be getting some payback against these dark elves who dared attack the heart of SHIELD but more importantly because they will be making sure the deaths of the Agents on site won't have been in vain. They were going to stop this. That was the only way. It's why she is so determinedly finishing to secure the last strappings of her SHIELD black and blue suit.

<<Comms check>> She gets the yellow HUD on, adjusts the comms, <<Rangers need our help, prepare hangar doors open for troop deployment>> she calls out.

<< Stargazer, can you figure out a way to disrupt the ritual with Zatanna? >> she asks of her friend.

Right before those hangar doors open, "I will see you guys down there.." and she throws herself down from the Quinjet, << Quake engaging >> flying full speed down to ground.

Is she going for a full-on hero landing full of vibrational power? Well, yes.

Natasha Irons has posed:
Natasha Irons has shown up at the request of the Super Man family to assist Diana, currently in her armor with her large power hammer gripped in her right hand she watches the scene unfold. This is her first time assisting SHIELD and she wants to at least make a good impression. Her helmets HUD zooms in and tracks some of the scenery as it passes, the targeting computer identify threats and civilians before she looks over Romanoff before looking to see Daisy jump out of the jet and go for the super hero landing. "Someone should go with her." The mechanize voice of the young woman says. Her armored foot steps are heard as she steps out and then engages the jets on her armor and angles her way down. Part of that teen spirit to not be one up she goes into a dive then pulls up at the last minute to land on the ground not far from Daisy in one of the famous three point stances then rises and looks to the SHIELD Agent. "Thought you could use some help.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa was flying in after him, and several Shield officers had finally pryed the missle out, holding the roof with the other support beam built before. This was new tech so he asked if there were any working labs as he was going to study though only just getting started just going through the night to learn more about their technology, and how it ran. This 'missle' which was actually in good shape was not only a troop transport, but an exploding missle which he had of course disarmed. Though Just as he is about to continue the alert goes off,and with a sigh as he looks up as he was afraid this marked an escilation.

So now he was asleep in the back of the QuinJet rousing to a Comms check by daisy, as he had gained a ear-piece so he didn't have to try to hop on their signal. He opens an eye and strechs a little before he returns <<Check>> his Black Panther suit covering him again as he got ready to jump. Though he see's the Pryamid,and with a sigh. "Magic gives me a headache.." he says to himself in reply to the sight of it rising out of the wtater. He gets ready to depart, as that is a lot of targets, though if they were all Dark Elves equal to the ones they faced last time.

Reaching behind him a small hole opens for a moment as a cyclinder is retrived from within, as T'Challa flicks his wrist it expands out into a vibranium spear sharp on both ends, and return to a cylinder with another flick. He was going to be ready for them this time.

Jane Foster has posed:
Right now, every bone in her body resonates with a desire to be out there in the open air, driving through the foggy morass. Jane Foster is not SHIELD's typical combatant, an expert in astrophysics and the vast, near-infinite reaches of space, field trained. She is not Black Widow or Captain Anyone.

Staring into the holographic fathoms of the South Atlantic Ocean, she might have forgotten all that. "The one time we could bring our diplomat to have a little word," she asides to Daisy before the Inhuman leaps out of the Quinjet. It might not be too late to bring that particular force to bear.

Abandoning the web of straps that holds her in place, she treads carefully over to Zatanna so as not to unexpectedly exfil out into open air. "Shall we go convince the drivers of that nice pyramid to pull over and exit their vehicle?" Her voice is pitched loud enough for to be heard. "Maybe these will be the reasonable ones we can negotiate with." The comms pick her up; she chuckles softly at T'Challa. "And if negotiations fail, we can always introduce them to the Mistress of Magic's stage show or a Foster Bridge theory up close and personal. Shall we?"

The choice of method and means comes down to Zatanna. Ultimately, a flip of the uru hammer and a stark flash of lightning leave her armoured and a good number of inches taller and stronger, by the time she departs to visit a man about a pyramid.

Diana Prince has posed:
Wonder Woman drops out of the sky.

She lands on a side of the besieged Army Rangers that appear to be under an intense amount of weapons fire from the Svartles, of course in fluid situations like that it's always just a judgement call on such a landing location.

Much like Irons, Wonder Woman lands in a fairly dramatic fashion, her right knee fully against the ground, her left up with her left foot planted down hard before her.

She doesn't hesitate, she doesn't hold back. Her forearms slam together, and her bracers of submission explode with a wave of golden kinetic energy that blossoms out from her position, rattling the Earth itself as it pours over the Dark Elven soldiers!

They chose the route of aggressive action, and they get the brunt of the Amazon retaliation in the form of the Aegis blast that sweeps across the eastern side of the tower that the Rangers are hold-up within!

Wonder Woman rises up then, and pulls her sword and shield from her back... She draws in a short breath, her eyes scan the aftermath of her kinetic wave of Godly power, and she jumps again... in to the fray...

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
With Fury's permission, the mage rejoined the SHIELD forces after flashing home for a few hours of much-needed rest. Zatanna feels small in the vast array of military craft and personnel deployed on their objective. By no means military or spy material, she had watched the brave agents' last-minute preparations to face the Swartalheim with fascination and a touch of sadness. They would face a formidable enemy of frightening magical powers; she almost wished she had no idea of what might come.

A tactical uniform was lent her to which she added a cape with magical thermal properties - no one had ever told her that the Falkland Islands were balmy at this time of year. She had chosen to ride in the Quinjet alongside Jane - snail travel leaves no magical signatures, and there is comfort among friends and time to lay down plan - plans she feels woefully short on.

Jane's words break into her black reverie. Zee shares a smile with her, which widens as the kernel of an idea comes to her.

"Well, we could give them a ticket for an illegal flight in civilian airspace. Or! We just might be able to convince them. I have a plan."

Sif has posed:
As one of their Asgardian consultants, Sif was on the top of the list to be called should they find evidence of Svartalfar activity. Thus she found herself awakened in the wee hours of the morning and less than two minutes later was fully armored and arriving to join the mission.

Sif had been quiet during the flight over, standing in a corner of the Quinjet. Her silver armor reflected the low light every once in a while. She had sword, dagger, small shield on her left arm, and even her extendable spear. She'd also been loaned an earpiece so she was able to hear all the chatter.

Upon their arrival and the opening of the rear of the Quinjet, she watched as others leapt out. A pause before she did the same, eyeing the spear in T'Challa's hands. "Impressive." Then she was gone, simply stepping off the back as though hopping into a pool.

As she was hurtling toward the ground, the winged stallion appeared in the sky and swept over to intercept her path. Aligning with her, allowing her to catch hold of the saddle and pull herself to place then a great spreading of wings as she beast arrested his fall and plied the skies to draw him back upwards.

Her focus was the pyramid but she opted to start with the forces at runway closest to where that glowing creation had risen out of the ocean. Her own lance was extended, giving even greater reach as she flew in for the attack.

Thor has posed:
    << Negative, Agent Romanoff. ETA for ship-based launch support, 17 minutes. >> They do still have that strike package in case they want to call in an air strike. But for now this is what they have.
    The engines of the Quinjets roar as they blur across the sky. Abruptly one of the fighter escorts explodes in a burst of flame, the comm chatter picking up on air ops rather quickly. Suddenly those escort fighters peel and one can see dark dagger-like vessels now slicing across the sky, weaving together with the navy jets as the teams make their approach. More explosions are seen, though some have a purplish haze to them, so it's clear that some of the falling fireballs belong to the enemy.
    The red ready light flashes on in the crew compartments of the Quinjets. The soldiers hook up and get in position. The doors open even as the jets continue their surging rush toward the deployment zone. Then they make that bank turn as they begin their deceleration, which is when Daisy hurtles out of the back of the lead Quinjet. She makes that leap, the air rushing past her as she hurtles toward the ground, aiming for a squad of the dark-armored Svartalfar shock troops. When she lands there is a heavy _WHOOMPF!_ of impact as elves go hurtling into the air and knocked to the ground.
    Quickly on her heels is the armored form of Steel, hammer held at the ready as she lands beside the other woman. Several blasts of energy are sent down range at them from some of the other Dark Elves, but the current focus of the attackers is still mainly on the control tower.
    Above them several jets roar past, quickly trailed by some of the dagger-shaped craft, locked in a wild gunfight above. Heavy muzzle flashes are seen from the tower, and the steady CHAK-CHAK-CHAK of automatic weapons fire is heard with the occasional whumpf of an explosion.
    The six Quinjets finish their bank and make their quick deployment over the terrain, letting assault teams drop the last of the distance or rappel down, sliding quickly down the tethered lines. Suddenly the Svartalfar are taking fire from another direction toward the coast as those squads fan out and start to find what cover they can. Natasha can find a good snipe spot somewhat elevated along a rise in the terrain. Best spot would be in the tower of course, but that... might taking some doing to get over there.
    Then out of the otherwise peaceful sky there is a single flash of lightning that seems to crash into the back of one of the Quinjets as it starts to rise back into the air, though harming it not at all. Then an armored figure and a mage in a tactical suit dash out of it, hurtling in the direction of that grim pyramid surrounded by its orange energy. Moments later a flying horse cuts across the sky, moving in that direction as well. Three souls against the three souls within the pyramid. Somewhere distant the Fates look on and smile.
    Lt. Edmund Ricardo growls as he lays down some fire into the advancing Dark Elves, scowling to himself as he tells his NCO, "We need a fuckin' miracle."
    Which is the moment that Diana lands with that heavy impact and crashes her bracers together, slamming outward with an audible /WHOM!/ that washes over the figures of the charging Dark Elves, knocking them onto their backs or slamming them into the ground. What firepower had been aimed at that side of the control tower is suddenly focused in an almost frantic wildness to try and put enough weapons fire downrange into Wonder Woman to check her advance. Vicious metal shards and stars bounce off her shield, a blast of energy, even an explosion. Though the explosion might make her have to brace for a moment. Then she is among them.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Good, the heavy support is here. Natasha goes to speak to Daisy <<Moving towards enemy forces>> While the others are going towards the main group of Dark Elves.. Natasha is heading towards the pyramids. Now that she's on the ground and has found a good launch position.. She climbs, going up several floors then to a battered part of the airport open to the sky. Then she's jumping from it. As soon as she jumps, glider wings pop out from the back of her armor. She's launching through the air silently, the camo-mesh on her attire making her match to the background. Gliding in the air in the midst of a huge combat gives almost no sounda t all that one could notice. Her launch is hopefully unnoticed, unintercepted.. And with luck would take her well above the fighting, the dark elves go clambering to face the heavies and their support.. And allow Natasha the opportunity to get behind their lines with some luck and head over towards the area where the great towers of energy were going. It was time to get behind the lines and go for targets of opportunity. Presuming she wasn't intercepted along the way, she would go in to glide to land somewhere that there wasn't anyone at least within a few dozen meters, if so the glider retracting over to let her hit the ground.

Natasha Irons has posed:
"Kick ass." Says steel as she witnesses Diana's arrival, she looks at Cindy and points her hammer. "That is how you make a entrance." As battle is joined Steel goes into battle with the elves. Her hammer isn't just for show either as she swings the rocket assisted weapon at the dark elf soldiers. The melee becoming a blur of motion as she blocks, counter, strikes and launches energy blasts from her forearm at the surging elves. She takes a moment to look up as the Quinn Jets race over head to deploy their payloads. She takes a deep breath and then looks up to notice the three figures. She zooms in on them and takes some scans of them before stopping to block a attack before performing a rocket kick round house and then asking. "I suppose those are the bad guys?"

T'Challa has posed:
T'challa had met Sif only once, and didn't know who she was at the time, but he reconises her as she is one of the few Asguardians he known. He gives her a headbow in thanks taking it for a complement as he lept. As he fell he spread himself out to limit his fall speed, and before he actually hit the ground rolled up, and landed on his feet. The sound a quiet Poof of noise as his suit absorbed the kinetic energy filling itself up for later. He was glad he had the chance to do so as he was afraid he would need it as he faded from view again.

He looks around the ground clear as the shockwave had done its work, so instead of waiting he starts sprinting off towards the Air-base, as he needed to find if there were civilians or if they could just bomb it. He knew stealth too, and so as Diana distracts them he uses the same tactics he did on the moom, and try to sneak in behind. <<Passing enemy forces, getting eyes on Airport.>> he added to the radio, as he sprinted as fast as a cheetah towards his goal ducking through any oposition other then directly fighting it for now.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
That satisfying WHOOMPF is fully worth the danger Daisy finds herself in. Right in the midst of all those svartalfar and even if so many are flying here and there at the impact there's also quite a few more that may just start shooting her way. Troubling..

If only she there weren't other heroes arriving.

<< Holy ..., That's Wonder Woman.. >> A glimpse over at the legendary Amazon and then a grin creeping up on Daisy's features, "Now you've done it, dark elves..."

It's followed by she asking the armored Irons a moment later. "Know if she gives autographs...?" always fish for one of your heroes! But the moment goes fast as seriousness returns. It's time to help out the rangers trapped in the tower.

"We need to move into the tower position, create a wedge for our forces to evacuate..

And then she starts advancing, vibrational shields up to deflect bullets and blasts as she occasionally sends a few concussion blasts of her own, making way to help the heroes advance.

Jane Foster has posed:
Sif's arrival on horseback through a sea of blood shall receive a quick salute from Jane through her plummeting arc towards the pyramid. She straightens her arm wielding Mjolnir, pointing the hammer down to accelerate the looping trajectory meant to take her around the pyramid instead of directly head-on at it. Her pace leaves room for Zatanna to maneuver and, more importantly, she can kick up wave action that sends the slew of civilian craft gently bobbing and pushing away from the emergent Svartalf command post or whatever the pyramid purports to be. Awkward if this is their launch of ElfiExpress or something.

The threshold of foam swept up in her passage likely obscures the view from the pyramid, though the fog already served that purpose. She bleeds off atmospheric friction and swivels, reversing course in time to properly appreciate the detonation of the Amazon princess in all her ferocity. Some things must simply be enjoyed as they exist.

As for her part, she spindles up the accumulated friction and white-blue energy, releasing the hammer after a furious backspin to further attraction attention over /there/.

Right about the point of zigzagging toward the pyramid's peak, with the obvious possibility of coming /down/ on it. But not until Zatanna says the word, at which point the hammer becomes a tool to perform defensive testing on a shiny surface.

Diana Prince has posed:
The explosive force impacts against Diana's shield, and she dips her head down beneath it to take some cover from the energy that washes over her from it, her dark curled hair locks sent wildly waving about her bare shoulders...

A few moments of waiting for it to pass beyond her, Diana's head comes back up and she's amidst the aftermath of her Aegis blast, she starts to let her centuries of training take control of her physical form. The Princess of Themyscira starts to lunge forward, her sword cutting through the weapons of disoriented Svartle soldiers before they can regain their senses. She bounces from one, to the next, her glimmering golden round-shield lashing out to bash in to soldiers that attempt to hold their ground against the Demi-Goddess who has come to the battle to help the Rangers, to stop this madness.

The Amazon warrior has no interest in killing the Svartle though, and it becomes a testament of her honed skills to show that she's actually making disabling cuts, at all costs, starting with brandished weaponry, then she makes for slashing strikes that will take out arms, or legs... some simply getting cut, others losing limbs outright in the blur that Diana becomes as she showcases her tremendous speed in the heat of combat...

Is it enough to save the Rangers in the tower? She's just one person, and she certainly needs the backup of the others who have joined the fight here in the wee hours of the morning!

But wherever Diana jumps, wherever she glides next, screams from her enemies are soon to follow in her wake!

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
As Zatanna takes a casual step out into the aether, the immense forces animating the pyramid assault her. Almost she forgets how quickly the ground will arrive - it is like staring into the face of the sun. The pyramid roils with energy, connecting it intimately to land and sea, stitched together by the lost souls sacrificed to the Dark Elve's cause.

She puts out a hand to slow herself. The cloak remains tamely wrapped around her, fluttering in the cold wind of the south, until she lightly sets down on the shore in time to feel the windblown grit pepper her face from Diana's tremendous blast.

First order of business: she erects a shimmering shield to deflect anything thrown at her arcane or otherwise. Second, find Jane in the obscuring mists.

She hesitates launching Jane at the behemoth. The sheer force of the magic imbuing the object might be too much even for Mjolnir. Teeth gritted, she sends, <<Go. I will be right behind you.>> Then, she draws a portal in the air and steps through it.

Sif has posed:
Being airborne on a flying stallion was like being the airforce and cavalry all at once. It allowed her to go for fast strikes from the air while the bulk of the beast was able to crash through lines of enemies and disrupt them as well, the strength of steel-shoed hooves impressive in a battle.

Sif did not always fight while astride, usually being a foot soldier in the fray, but in this situation it had seemed fitting as there were two fronts to contend with: The battle around the airstrip and the pyramid of energy with the trio of figures within.

She stabbed forward with the lance as she broke through another line of Elves, the thunder of her heart in her ears, the sounds of battle echoing all around now. As insane as it sounded, these were the moments Sif lived for.

Which was a danger since she could be tempted to just drown herself in those moments, to allow herself to let go of her humanity and immerse herself fully in the darkness of combat.

Yet, she maintained her control. For to do less would endanger her allies. Though unlike the Amazon Princess, the Asgardian had no issue with death. In fact, the more the better. Hers were killing blows.

Thor has posed:
    In the midst of the battle, the Black Widow is indeed fortunate for suddenly the fire of the Svartalfar is being focused on several other targets that draw much more attention than a lithe figure in a dark suit. She's able to get into position, able to cover the field with her sniper rifle, though the longer shots might be a bit tough. She has eyes on from her vantage point on the flow of the battle now, and likely little escapes her notice.
    Several squads of Dark Elves fall back from the rush and danger of Diana's sword. Three of them in the rear areas of the battle seem to be assembling heavier weapons while the front line attempts to hold off the renewed fire and aggression of the heroes' incursion.
    Two of the lead elves in heavier armor suddenly _slam_ their fists together and they scream a howl of pain and agony and rage that surges through them. Abruptly that same orange energy that seems to be surging around that pyramid surges through them as they grow larger, their armor digging into their bodies, becoming parts of them as they roar and rise up, then _rush_ toward the Themysciran. Even though she has created a bulwark with her blade and shield, and even though she has given a point for the soldiers to rally around, she finds herself now so challenged.
    Around Daisy, Steel and Sif the battle is well and truly joined. A few of the Svartalfar have wickedly bladed serrated edges on their forearms that hum as they slash the air, seeking to slice through the armor and the flesh of these paltry mortals that dare stand against them. Those three figures distantly that Natasha Irons is able to scan are figures in robes, moving with elaborate hand gestures, their pale flesh a stark contrast to their garb. Their lips move together perfectly in time as if chanting, all the while that orange energy around them surges.
    Meanwhile there is a dark blur as the Black Panther cuts across the tarmac, darting past firing figures. There's a sudden slash of metal that comes damned close to impacting into his form, but he's able to break through and breaks into the ground floor of the air control tower. Suddenly he's amongst thirty some soldiers who are still firing toward the Dark Elves, a few lie on the ground and are being tended to by a medic. Private Tedeschi leans over, "Hey buddy, that was some crazy shit. You need a weapon?" He casually kicks an assault rifle over in T'Challa's direction, even as he turns and fires a burst through the shattered window he's taken cover behind.
    Then the next person to make that cross is Daisy, providing cover as she provides a moving shield that reflects the projectiles sent her way, lashing out with her arm and causing almost a whipcrack of seismic power to lance out and send a squad of Dark Elves flying into the air. Though an energy blast slices through and almost clips her as she makes that charge to the Control Tower.
    Around the pyramids the vessels rock from the aftermath of Jane's passing, the ships rising and lowering in the water as they remain around that glowing orange pyramid of power. The people on the decks of those ships don't react to that motion, that disruption. And even as several rounds slice across the bow of the ships from errant fire, they don't even take cover. When Jane draws up, raising Mjolnir, however, she will feel a surge of energy as the power seems to feel a call between itself... and the pyramid before her.
    The sorceress drops down from the sky, landing in a flurry of her cloak as she lights upon the ground softly. That shield flashes into existence around her and instantly it does its job as several metal rounds slice across the distance and ricochet off the defense. She can feel the power roiling around her, the surge of the ritual. She creates that power, however, and it feels... _good_ as if all of the power in the multiverse was being focused right there. She steps through...
    Suddenly there's a ripple in the sky...
    And high above the battlefield a large triangular black ship some 600 feet long suddenly seems to just phase

Thor has posed:
    And high above the battlefield a large triangular black ship some 600 feet long suddenly seems to just phase into being, the shimmer dropping away from it as its wickedly edged prow turns sloowly in a long bank. Along its side there is a ripple of explosions as dozens of thorns are fired off the side, black metal thorns that slice down toward the ground, slamming home heavily, the sides opening as armored figures burst from within. It is perhaps then that those who have faced the Svartalfar before would realize... this is no quick raid. This is not some hit and run attack as they are used to. This... is a battle they mean to win.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
And then Natasha Romanoff sees the ship arriving. Feels the vibrations from it. The way the air rocks and the ground shakes. Now she goes to move in for the infiltration. As the individuals o it go to deploy, Natasha fires off a grappler. She's several meters away, but the spider-steel cable goes to pull her along with a solid yank. She glides through the air silently, the gliders on her arms deploying just a little further to help her arc be smooth. The motor over in the grappler pulling her harder than necessary. It was to get her there all the faster and for her arc to be smooth and with as minimal a curve as possible. She would go to launch through the air, towards the ramp and the sides where the attackers would drop down..

<<Moving to infiltrate craft>> That's sent along over to the SHIELD Agents that are on the comm and to be spread around to anyone else that cares for it. She moves to silently as she gets closer move to flip and go to a sommersault as at the last moment the grappler would release itself and she goes in to land. As she does so hopefully without any notice or even any vibration, suction ends along her costume kick in. These are used to as she lands to pull herself over to a stop and minimize her roll forwards. To give her as much control as possible.

Then hopefully she's managed to land her way in, quickly dart out of the way if there is a next wave.. And then hopefully to get up and go deeper into the ship to find something particularly fun to make explode.

Natasha Irons has posed:
Steel's armor registers various hits from the weapons. Her armor is good and tough, while maybe not as advanced as say Iron Man it is still good old Iron's family craftman shift and it is built TOUGH. As she fights she notices one of the armored figures charging Wonder Woman and then yells. "Heads up!" She engages the rockets in her armor and takes to the air and then hurls that hammer at one of the goliaths rushing the amazon. While not on the level of power as say Thors this hammer has a ability that the further a taget is from her the harder it hits. And at this ranger it be enough to knock down a building. The hammer goes streaking towards the air at the creature speeding up instead of getting slower.

Putting the hammer out of mind she hovers for a moment before jet boosting down and slamming into one of the Svartalfar and engaging with her first while the hammer makes it trip. She switches to some of her energy weapons, firing beams of energy from her wrist blasters as she tries to hold the line with the three other heroes all the while trying to make a steady advance towards the pyramid. "Hold together people! We can do this!

T'Challa has posed:
As he sprinted there were a good number of times he didn't think he was going to make it, and to be honest he might need to check his suit for dings though he had ran his butt off to get here, and it was worth it. <<Black Panther, we have survivors. There are injured, and they are pinned down inside the Tower.>>. After notifing the others he looks around a bit, and then down at the gun, and shakes his head. "No.. I need to attack from a different angle." he says to the man. "Help should be on the way." he looks at the injured man, and reaches into a belt pocket, and brings out some herbs. "Put this on the wounds it is a coagulant" as more fire goes over him.

He looks at around them one more time then smiles with a nod to the person who talked to him, "Hold them off like you are, and do not shoot me if you can help it. Here is the radio frequency." so they could contact the other shield operators as well, and turning he rolls further into the building and to the stairs which he runs up in bounds. As this was a Tower he went up just a few flours before he turned to look out the glass top though here it was mainly broken the shooting going on down stairs.

Steping back other then fighting them at range he jumps from the top of the building, using a little of the kenetic force he saved up and launches himself through the air, coming down as he expanded his spear, bringing it down on the person who was setting up the heavy weapon, hoping the shear surprise of it will buy him some time as he is now swinging the spear around him to slash at any Elf close enough. He too wasn't holding back as if he did then they would kill him as he was not as strong nor durable though his suit would help against a few direct hits there was a limit though let them come try it T'Challa welcomed their challenge.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
There. An opening. Daisy runs forward with her shield providing cover, trying to keep some measure of protection to the advancing trio. As for Sif? She can't really provide help. But the Asgardian doesn't seem to need yet considering the skewered dark elves being left on her wake! Reminder to self: Never anger the Lady Sif.

She skids and slides closer just as a blast nearly clips her, blowing up a part of the wall of the tower. She gets hit on the head, blood pouring down her forehead and she grits her teeth. "Fuck." she hisses before making the blaster pay with a particularly strong wave of power from her hands.

And just as that blood is pouring she sees it. The ship. "Now that's cheating ..." it then followed by Natasha announcing she is going in, << We can't provide cover from here. Be careful in there. >>

She is soon running up to join the rest of the rangers up on the tower, ready to provide some protective shields for their safety, a vibrational hum filling the air with it's sound. Help was coming!

<< Whatever you are doing better hurry, Stargazer. They are sending everything and the kitchen sink at us! >>

Jane Foster has posed:
<<They try to wrest Mjolnir from me, Lady Zatanna.>> The only person to hear that is the Mistress of Magic herself, the very mental voice identical to Jane's even if the Asgardian transformation lends her the typical accent and diction of the Golden Realm. <<I can feel the pull, to separate them or bind them to a foul purpose. I cannot let Mjolnir lose their liberty to the Svartalfjar. Let them turn on themselves or banish our friend, as one must.>>

Ringing finality speeds through her thoughts, the clear image of releasing the uru hammer back to Asgard as needs must. On fragile moments, possibilities turn.

"By the name of Loki, Regent for the All-Father," she speaks that name and descends to the nadir of that arc against the fiercely defended pyramid. Boots clash on the smooth facet, seafoam thrown asunder in the tempest-toss'd collision. The sea heaves and her body braces to the sheer force exerted in a flurry of strikes. Both hands wrapped around the hilt drive it down, aiming to split a path through the enormous forces shielding the pyramid. Another strike rings out at deafening intensity, followed by another as she bends herself to the tempo worthy of /Halls of the Mountain King/.

Following the fracture lines that may possibly emerge, Jane cries out to the lightning and channels it through into the labyrinthine paths of the faltering shield engulfing the pyramid. The unholy orange glimmer that wreathes her and spills upward in a growing torrent. For all things a cost; the radiant force keeps on building despite her efforts to undermine it.

Diana Prince has posed:
The Princess spins about to find herself face to face with a giant Svartle soldier! Where did he come from? He hadn't been there merely moments ago... Her eyes rise up to stare upward at him before he reaches out to clutch at her throat, only to have her shield bash his meaty arm aside! The Amazon is about to thrust her sword up toward his abdomen when her shield is grabbed by the second suddenly-appearing-monstrosity! It rips the Amazonium shield from the Princess' arm, carelessly tossing it away to the side, and then grabs hold of her from behind, wrapping his huge arms around her comparatively small frame! He clutches her and uses his massive strength to apply immense pressure, causing the Princess to wince in pain!

The other of the two giants slams a bloated fist in to Diana's stomach, delivering even more shocking force of pain to the Amazon before he retracts his muscled arm to prepare to punch her again!

This time the punch is intercepted by Diana's legs! Her armored boots come up as she wraps her legs around his wrist, capturing it as the enormous Svartle tries to pull his arm back now, pulling the Princess between the two giants, as though they're now trying to tear her in to two halves!

That is when Steel arrives, her offensive onslaught causing the goliath that was punching Diana to get bulled over, leaving the Princess just clutched in the arms of the other! He raises her up, only to find the smaller, much more nimble, Amazon suddenly sweeping her legs straight up in to the air, and back around to tumble out under his grasp, and end with her body up ontop of his shoulders! Straddling the back of his head, Diana now uses her impressive thigh strength to start to choke the magic-steroided Svartle out, his hands coming up to try and pry her legs off of his neck to recover his breathing, but it is all for not, when Diana's sword strikes down, plunging silvery blade through the top of his cranium!

The beast falls to the ground, and Diana lands, her wedge-heeled boots planted firmly upon the Earth again, as she yanks her sword from the deceased's skull, and turns to nod a 'Thank you' to Steel, when the time is right.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna flashes back into existence in mid-air when a ship eclipses the stars overhead. Magic and conventional weapons streak the air, felt more than seen. <<They know you. Take care. I can't shield you and go within.>>

Deep within the pyramid, she senses three dark minds weaving spells meant to unknit bodies and souls, intent on unraveling the world. They seem to converge into one, turning to face the threat of Mjolnir's lightning. The night turns bright when the hammer blow strikes the pyramid.

The taint of the hive-mind shared with Hubert hasn't left the mage; its presence rode her sleep and now brings her closer to the shadow driving the Swartalheim. A dark trap laid by Hubert, or perhaps a gift? Time will tell.

She shares this with Jane, adding, <<Subterfuge. I can still slip into the hive mind but can't protect myself while I sneak. I'll do my best to hide and cloak.>> She doesn't add that they will almost certainly find her through the connection.

Suspended in air, Zee cocoons herself in webs of magic and becomes invisible to the world while she slips back into the hive mind, leaving the battle to rage in the real world.

Sif has posed:
Sif focused on those ground troops. Though her attention was drawn to the side as she blocked fire with her shield. Something orange and glowing. She muttered an Asgardian curse under her breath as she saw the Kursed gain power as they faced off against the Amazon.

Everyone was holding their own but the fighting was fierce. There was no respite, no moment to breathe. It was all striking, dodging, blocking. In some ways it became a rhythm, a routine. Yet there was always a new threat appearing to the left or right and that would force a change in plan. It was more an ebb and flow but she remained focused.

As more reinforcements came from the ship above, she brought her steed to a hover and glared that direction. Only to hear the voice on the comms of the one called Natasha Romanoff who stated she was now on that ship. Sif nodded to herself then nudged the sides of the equine with her knee on the left, sending him spiraling back into the battle below.

Thor has posed:
    The flight of the Widow above the battlefield in that moment might be a curious instance of surreal peace as she leaves the mayhem behind and below. There's little sound above as that ship banks slowly, and as she draws near it makes curiously little noise. Until she hits the surface near those launch tubes and she can hear the hiss-SHUNT as another series of boarding pods are loaded. The entryways open again, the thorns sliding into place. Another volley is fired sending reinforcements down to the surface. As they blast past Natasha... she has her chance. To break inside, to hopefully find a place to infiltrate. Before they fire a third volley hopefully...
    Down on the battlefield the two Kursed, the two creatures who grew into large monstrosities in the shape of armored men roared their challenge as they hurled themselves toward Diana. They battled her and the contest seemed to go poorly, until it didn't... Steel's sudden hurled hammer _SLAMMED_ hard into the side of the Kursed elf's face, smashing him to the side, giving Diana the time to finish the one. She rose, and that other Kursed shook his head, dazed, clearly stunned even as his comrade was felled by a single sword stroke through the skull.
    As Black Panther confers with the Rangers, Pvt. Tedeschi grabs the herbs, "Alright, boss. Don't worry, we got this. Death from above, buddy." Which has all the other Rangers suddenly shout, "HOOOAH!"
    T'Challa then makes it to the roof, shifting positions and suddenly he fell upon those heavy weapons teams, dropping upon the first crew and slamming the spear through what looks like a power box. Then he turns, blade spinning as he slashes at the crew. Now he was seen, now he was targeted. But he would not go down easily.
    Shortly after T'Challa is departing the tower, Quake is joining them. She can quickly see the point on the Western side of the building that needs the most support as part of the wall and some of the floor has been blasted away. Her shields come up and as if it was the most natural thing in the world some of the Rangers shift position to utilize her newly provided cover. She has a perfect ringside seat to see their weapons bucking, as armor piercing rounds play havoc upon the Svartalf ground troopers' armor. And down below she sees T'Challa amongst the heavy weapons teams, even as she supports the soldiers.
    Across the field of battle suddenly there are bright powerful flashes of light as the mighty Uru hammer crashes into the energy field around the pyramid structure. Each point of impact causing the field to surge and grow, then diminish as the ripples of power lash the surface. Over and over one can see the ripples of the strikes slamming into the energy. Until finally those fracture lines manifest, and then with the blaze of lightning that power falls, the orange walls dropping downward, fading, fading. The framework is still there in the shape of the pyramid, still pointing upward, still channeling.
    Yet now the three robed figures within are clearly seen, as one turns away lifting a hand in Jane's direction. Suddenly on those ships... some of the civilians fall abruptly like rag dolls, their bodies hitting the boats, some sliding off into the water.
    Zatanna can feel that gathering energy as the one rounds on Jane. No visual energy surges around him, no special effects of merit. He simply holds his hand out, then closes it into a fist as he locks eyes with the wielder of Mjolnir. Yet Zatanna can tell the darkness of that unuttered curse, even as it leaves the mind of that Svartalfar sorcerer while her senses are shifted from the real to the venue of the mind that is that consciousness between the Svartalfar.
    It's as the lightning flashes from Mjolnir that Sif and her mount are limned against the sky, and for a time the realization of one of their ancient foes... serves to cause some to shift their fire in her direction. Others to try and give her greater room. Yet the armored soldiers from the fallen thorns are all rushing toward the control tower.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
And there's a click along the Widow's commline. Just one click of her tongue against it. 'Yes' for those on the other end. A simple noise to confirm that she was going for it and that she was aware she would have no backup. The way it had been most of her life. Relying on herself and her own skills against unknown enemies. The ship was mobile and launching attacks and reinforcements rapidly. She didn't have the time to fully explore it or go to full stealth. She had to be very, veyr quick and decisive. Or it would keep on deploying reinforcements or making bombardments. This meant she had to get selective and quick. Normally when storming a ship one went for two places. The engines or the command module. She didn't have enough wiht her to seize the command module and keep it secure, and even if she wrecked it the craft could still be controlled at this scale.
    That left the engines. But without much of an idea as to -how- it flew or what powered it, this meant she might be wandering fruitlessly and having to fight her way corridor by corridor. So she simply did as she had done for most ofher life.
    Cheated. She took out a small device, which would glow and pull like a compass. Pointing towards the rear of the ship. Well, simpler than she had feared. Still done up in full stealth mode, she would quickly be breaking into a run. Then she's at something more dangerous and tricky as seh bolts along a corridor.
    Launch tubes. With Svartelves. Far, far more than she could ever fight through. She could go back but she didn't know the layout of teh ship so that would take time. Time she didn't have.
    Elves would be launched from the tubes over that would be deploying them as if fired from cannons. Effective, if chaotic to arrive on the battlefield. She can only give herself about six seconds to figure out the timing. One, three, five, seven.
    THen she's having to go. Delay of an eighth of a second while it hums to ready the next deployment. Hit the ground on her shoulders, flip her legs forwards, leap. Increase her arc, delay by tenth of a second, jump. Hit ground. Mistime the third as the launch tube is spraying dwon with her hand forwards. At such speed in passing the frictionless maneuver of it would just simply demolecularize her hand. She can only yank it back with the full speed and agility of a Soviet Enhanced Super Soldier. Now she has to wait for a full launch cycle to go again. She's already behind. The launches are increasing..
    Now she fires her grapple gun once more towards the next end of the corridor. Counts. Five hundredths of a second. Reel. And then she's a blur at more than thre hundred kilometers an hour to brute force her way on through. THe landing is, however, rahter rough. The snap is more than the grapple.

Natasha Irons has posed:
Speaking of that hammer, it hovers in air for a moment before it rocket spins it around and then it comes hurling back towards Steel's hand. She raises her hand up just in time to catch it and slam it down on a soldier before using the upswing to bash another backwards and then follow up to smash another. Her suit registers damage across it as the damage is starting to mount. Its all minor but it is death by a thousand cuts. Steel lets out a groan before her sensors register the surge going towards the control tower. She taps into shield comms and then broadcast, <<Going to assist at the control tower!>>

Jetting upwards and tearing through the sky she hovers for a moment in the battle above the rushing hoard. She steadies herself and then holds out her arms, her shoulders open up to reveal missile racks and she then opens up a salvo of death. Her energy blast lash out at them bombarding them while her sensors lock on to the areas where the mi9ssiles will be most effect and launches them. The salvo of death and destruction holds up for about a minute before her armor racks run dry and her power blasters need to recharge. She then drops down and holds her hammer by her side and leaps to engage the onrushing hoard.

T'Challa has posed:
The move works, and it is going well, as T'Challa takes out the first and then second, as he is swinging the spear around, a blur of black and silver as the vibranium cuts through what it hits like butter. That is until there are just too many, as he can't dodge all the hits one of the elves get a back hand on him, and a large 'Ting' fills the air as the super powered Elf hits the slighly powered Pather sending him flying through the air sideways. For his credit he is able to hold the spear through it retracts going back as to not stab himself with it, but the landing is tough as he hit hard enough to fling him back into the air agin before sliding to a stop.

It takes a minute as most prob think that killed him though he will take it, though he uses that time. On his hud there are a bunch of flashing warnings, and he knows his arm hurts, but looking around he spots is that the girl that was helping him with the computers he thinks to himself wondering if maybe he got hit harder then he thought.

Time is up as one of the Elves push him over to the side with a foot to stab down with itss wierd looking blade, but that was what T'Challa was waiting for, expanding the spear as he strikes up to hit the thing square in the chest, rolling so it didn't hit him on the way down. Getting up he had to jump into a roll as his hiding has been given up, and he was indeed alive. With a loud whistle, to get the attention of the one that hit him, as T'Challa throws the spear at the Elf as hard as he can, and though it isn't maybe as much as an Asguardian he could lift cars at least.

Only staying stationary for a moment he has to jump in a cart-wheel to dodge fire, as he runs towards that Elf he targeted... he had to get his spear back after all.

Sif has posed:
Though she was in the fray, Sif was also a bit above it. Giving her a bird's eye view (pegasi eye view?) of the battle. Steel was helping thin out the attackers that were focused on that control tower. Diana had the Kursed well in hand. Others were doing their parts in trying to curb the tide of battle.

Then one of the trio of mages had turned his attention toward Jane Foster. Though she was known as Stargazer currently. And that hand going up was a sure sign a spell was being cast.

"Odin, guide my hand," she murmured as she raised that lance up in her right arm. A touch of a button and the mix of tech and magic tightened it down to a more narrow spear instead of a full on lance. She gauged the distance which was vast. The wind. The hint of interference from that giant ship above that might change the flight.

Then she used all of her strength to throw that spear, aimed for the heart of the mage casting that spell at Jane Foster!

Which would leave Sif to have to draw her sword as she blocked a few more blasts of power fired her way and realizing it might be time to get on the ground, for the safety of her mount.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Utter blackness surrounds the mage as she pierces the veil of the hive mind, but she can see. Magic and intent have form and color in the mind world. Making herself invisible, she sidles into a hall that only exists in her thoughts in time to see the black lightning of a curse streak toward Jane.

Time slows, she reads the deadly intent glistening in the Dark Elf's eyes, the anticipated triumph in his slow smile. Deflecting it might reveal her presence, as yet undetected. But, she lifts an imaginary hand, whispering, ".rorriM" and holds it up in the curse's path and hopes it hits something vital to the Dark Elves. She can do no more to protect Jane, Star Gazer if she will reach into the mind and turn it to her will.

Jane Foster has posed:
Terrible forces dance in the air. Were a wild light not already burning in Jane's eyes, hers would instead bear witness to the will of the Norns; skulls carved in the deep garnet purple of spilled heart's blood. For every life spared on the battlefield around Port Stanley, those who take their final blinks stand out brighter than beacons among the hazy grey fog miring sea, earth, and sky. She counts every bullet that ends a laughing mind or malicious thought. All those poisoned thorns and impressive hammer hits or vibranium claw swipes tally up.

Someone is keeping track.

Then she faces her own peril in the turning visage of a dark elf, sharply hewn features imbued by a lurid gravitas where the flaming spell backwashes the cold stare. No telepathic brush is remotely necessary to know the intent hovering on crooked fingers pressed to his cool palm or harsh, unbending lips.

Lightning erupts in a crackling aura, draining through her skin and discharging in wavering filaments around the woman being erased from the mortal coil in a stroke.

What irony to be caught on the same knotted track of fate over the Atlantic as Thor months ago. Mjolnir, seething at its black trials imposed on its mighty spirit, is released from numb fingers to race over the waves as an Aesir spear empowered by Odin sweeps past her and strikes true. May Heimdall see his sister's accuracy and know she's scored another. The spell bends and turns awry, lapping in a counterpath from an unseen logomancer's command.

Jane Foster exists in two frames for an instant, something they just might catch. The woman who addresses the elf with a last breath: "You cannot make me die if I do not live."

In his own psyche, the whisper of the immortal voice: <<It is time to go.>> A briefly transparent overlay wavers across his being, then steps backwards, drawing out his soul with her. They vanish.


Diana Prince has posed:
The stunned Cursed behemoth of a Dark Elf that had been punching Diana in the gut is sadly unaware of the fate of his twin. As he is staggered, a sudden change takes place around his magically enhanced body. The golden glowing twine of the lasso of Hestia begins to sweep around the giant Cursed's shoulders, locking his powerful arms down against his sides! Just as he is regaining his mental senses, he starts to look around, he starts to thrash at the brilliantly bright rope that is squeezing his body more and more as it seems to just be growing across him...

Then he sees her, the Amazon, she's darting to and fro, lunging this way and that as she ties him up, to the point where she can strike with ease!

He tries to flail, he tries to run, but her sword connects with his legs, leaving a streak of blood across his knees, blood that soon gushes out until the angry Elf cries out in pain and drops down to his broken kneecaps. A second groan comes from him as he starts to fall forward, only then to feel the Amazon's boots on his shoulders slam him face first down in to the dirt.

Diana stands atop the back of the felled monstrosity, one end of her Lasso of Truth clutched in her leather wrapped right hand, her sword clutched in her other... She raises her eyes up from the fallen Elf, and looks to the skies...

Thor has posed:
    Another volley of launches in the ship and Natasha is able to avoid and take cover. But then suddenly the next set of thorns do not come. She can see the energy being shunted away from this area as no more drop pods are being deployed and she can feel the slight shift and jolt of the Svartalfar ship as it engages its engines and slowly banks in another direction. All comms are disconnected, she gets no data signal, no further elves visible, no communications. It is suddenly...
    Very very quiet in that ship.
    As Steel bursts forth, she'll head towards that tower and she can see the tableau unfolding before her. The pockets of soldiers in the building, the elves fighting against the Panther in their midst. One of those heavy weapons comes on line and swings to the side as a full beam bursts out of the weapon and slices a perfect furrow through the tower as it tracks toward T'Challa but misses, though it slices a rock in the ground perfectly in two.
    Then those rocket bays open in Steel's armor and she sends a blurring contrail of a myriad of missiles through the air, impacting hard amongst the armored soldiers. Some of the initial troops are blown into the air, back, some falling unmoving. It's strong enough to check even the advance of the heavier armored warriors. But it buys her and T'Challa time, and buys those Rangers a chance to lay down some covering fire for her and him if they need it.
    But in the next instant T'Challa is sent flying, hurtling through the air. Perfect timing as the Svartalfar are now focused on the armored woman flying above and launching those rockets. He has time, even as one opportunistic elf moves over, bringing its blade up to finish the job...
    And suddenly it is impaled, almost instantly slain by the spear stroke. Then that one powerful elf turns as T'Challa gives breath to that whistle, its armored helmet swivels as it starts to rise. Only for that spear to slice cleanly into its armored shoulder, causing it to reel to the side as it twists and hits the ground hard on one knee, roaring its anger at its injury.
    In the same moment that T'Challa was felling the heavily armored Svartalfar, across the battlefield Sif had drawn her lance and brought it to the ready. She uttered her prayer to the All-Father as she took aim, then let fly with a rush of motion. Across the dark of the night, across the waves of the water, across the stone and onyx base of the pyramid, the spear flew true. Just as the spell was released by the sorcerer, it would be his last spell ever given power. The last soul he would reap to power his dire eldritch energy. It was let free and sent Jane's way with such grimness, such hate. His lip curled as he locked eyes with her...
    Only for him to feel the spear slice into his chest. Only for him to feel his magical power turned back upon himself. To feel the vicious revenge of those souls he took from those fallen civilians turned now to dig spectral fingers into his heart and brain, to then rend that too too soft flesh asunder in vengeance even as his own soul was silenced, in the same moment his body was skewered.
    The sorcerer fell. Dead.
    In that single instant, Zatanna could feel the surge in the hive mind. The two remaining sorcerers turned to each other. Something passed between them. She could not hear what was said in that direct link. But she knew something was said.
    In the real world suddenly those sorcerers flicker out of existence. The energy abruptly dropping from the pyramid. Now instead of a pyramid it's just a square rocky platform risen from the water. The people who had been standing there staring at the glowing magical ritual now fall onto the decks, not dead... but weakened... drained.
    Above them... the large cruiser slowly turns. Then there's a ripple of reality as the silhouette breaks and fades, disappearing as the ship recloaks and the rush of its engines can be briefly felt before it seems to simply no longer be. On the ground the Svartalfar soldiers continue to fight for a time, their weapons firing...
    Only fo

Thor has posed:
    Above them... the large cruiser slowly turns. Then there's a ripple of reality as the silhouette breaks and fades, disappearing as the ship recloaks and the rush of its engines can be briefly felt before it seems to simply no longer be. On the ground the Svartalfar soldiers continue to fight for a time, their weapons firing...
    Only for them to suddenly stop as Zatanna is _forcibly_ ejected from the hive mind. Forcibly ejected... because all of the other Dark Elves there are ejected as well. They slow their firing... the final Kursed bound by the mystic cord that wraps him in place. He roars his anger, his ignominy to the heavens, seeing the disappearance of that vessel so high up. Yet his fate is sealed. Death will take him.
    Though suddenly now. The battle is over. And for the first time in... a thousand years. There are prisoners.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
In that flicker of darkness, Natasha Romanoff's comm signal is cut with no more reception.

Natasha Irons has posed:
Steel lands and then begins to engage the solder in hand to hand, but the blasts and fire from the elves is starting to have a effect on that living metal armor. Smoke rise from various parts of it but she continues to fight on despite the odds until she is forced to fight back to back with Black Panther. It looks pretty grim but then the calm settles over the battle field. She looks around curiously and then down to Panther. "Did we....Did we win?"

T'Challa has posed:
As T'Challa had reached his spear he realises that those who are left, some are not shooting the message taking a minute, but the large cruiser turning, and fades away that is a good sign that it was over. T'Challa dashes over putting a foot on the body yanks out the spear. "Come at me if you dare!" though is left alone for a moment before Steel lands taking a few out that were not getting the message.

He turns, and looks at her with a nod, "We win today." he says with a chuckle. "Today is a good day." and walks back leaning against the wall and slides down. That hit hurt him worse then he though, though as the calm hits the endorphans stop blocking it as he leans back against the wall straight backed holding his spear looking forward.

He chuckles again to himself, "Though I am afraid all this darn magic stuff still gives me a headache." nodding to Irons again.

Jane Foster has posed:
Too many gone. The ship, vanished. The other two dark elf mages stepping away from the vengeance of a sorcerer, the goddess of war, or a physicist who defies physics. For a moment, the collective urge to shout her wrath into the sky until the clouds shudder and the atmosphere floods the filth of the svartalfjar into the salt-purifying sea almost overcomes any other purpose.

But to howl a war cry is too tempting, too raw a nerve exposed by the brutality of whatever else goes on. Jane cannot afford the loss, not with Zatanna somewhere in relative arm's reach and at risk. Not with Wonder Woman and Steel carving paths through remaining pockets of resistance, and Black Panther tilting the battle or Quake sundering whatever violence might break through SHIELD's guardianship. So she can raise her fist in thanks to Sif on the wing up there, and turn her attention once more on rejoining the battle.

Her soul echoes -- or her sisters -- have enough to do taking the departed wherever they go in the aftermath. She drops into the pyramidal platform to ensure it doesn't sink and take their sorceress with it, clearing the area rapidly in any fashion for Zatanna to get the pair of them out. If failing that, then woe betide the nearest dark elf who needs a pair of manacles.

Diana Prince has posed:
The Lasso is removed from around the disabled Cursed soldier and Diana is moving out amongst the battle again. Her bracers come up now to deflect incoming weapons fire, the brightly hued energy just splashing off the silver and gold adorned armor covering the Amazon's forearms. She darts through the chaos and spins around to place her back to where the Army Rangers are, her eyes going out toward where T'Chala and Steel now are too.

She's about to lunge in to aid them, when things quiet, when things settle down...

Behind Diana, above her shoulders, the air shimmers as the Invisible Jet lowers its cloaking systems, and becomes very much visible... a dagger-like cloud-hued craft with elegant curves to its elongated hull, entirely seamless and sleek as a mystical weapon.

At the tip of the alien-tech-powered Jet, two rotary plasma cannons charge up, and warn any enemies of unleashing its fire upon them, should any dare to remain...

Beneath the Jet, Diana clutches her sword in her right hand, her lasso in her left, and she exhales a light breath...

"Status checks." Diana's voice speaks over comms for the first time tonight, calling for all information on all of this.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
A chorus of voices screams as the Mind dissolves. One more voice is added as the Mind spits out a kernel of light and order. A cloak wrapped woman lands hard on the stone platform, likely bruising ego and body. Zatanna's eyes flutter open and she reaches for the mind, glad to be out of its influence, but uncertain about what freed her, dissolving the curse. Had the mirror been enough? Her desire to free the souls caught in the spell? She blinks, looking upward.


Levering herself up to stand, she stares out over the battlefield, searching for the fighters she had arrived with. Among them are dark elves obviously disoriented at the abrupt transition, the absence of drive.

Fatigue threatens but Zatanna rallies when Jane perches near her. She even manages a smile.

"Look at them." She points at Elves. With the last of her strength, she calls on the ice that caps the southern pole and murmurs, "!ezeerF"

"Now, we have to figure out what to do with them."

Sif has posed:
That was not expected. With the ship leaving, the remaining Dark Elves seemed to have lost their taste for battle. Something they have never done in her lifetime. And something she had no idea how to deal with. Yet she brought the stallion down to land on the field of battle, the beast prancing a bit amongst the fallen but she got him back under control quickly until he stood with just an anxious toss of the head now and then.

The disappearing ship was cause for concern as one of their party had infiltrated that very ship. Was she still on board? That boded ill. For the Dark Elves. She knew the woman that had boarded their ship was formidable. Though she did not know for certain and would be teaching out to Heimdall after all of this.

She dismounted, giving the stallion a pat on the neck and a few pets. "You have done well. Back to Asgard. You shall have treats after you are seen to upon your return." Apples in his future though he would need something to drink and a nice bath first. He leapt skyward and soon disappeared from sight.

"We do not have room at the Embassy to hold so many," Sif responds to the prisoner situation. "We could take them in Asgard but I will admit I would fear for their safety after the loss of Thor due to their machinations. Perhaps somewhere here on Midgard."

Thor has posed:
    The comms are busy for a time, the situation is normalized. Some of the Rangers emerge, soldiers begin to move amongst the fallen. Injuries are gauged. The surviving Dark Elves are moved together and... disarmed, though that is an undertaking considering their penchant for hidden weaponry. Sif, however, is familiar with some of their ways. And Zatanna is well useful in securing them.
    The civilians on the vessels begin to come around, there are tears, sobs, sadness. Above some of the navy fighters roar across the sky. All sensors are clean. The loss of civilian life was thankfully minimal. The ritual was ended before it could complete...
    Zatanna would still feel a connection to this land, as if the resonant story was only partially written, some hint of binding yet without the power that had been infused by the previous rituals. It was a victory. And a hard fought one.
    But now many questions remained.
    Chief amongst them... where is Natasha Romanoff?