12826/Xaviers: Haunted Hayrack Ride

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Xaviers: Haunted Hayrack Ride
Date of Scene: 28 October 2022
Location: Abandoned Farm Property
Synopsis: The Xaviers School annual Halloween special. This time with limited commmercial interruptions. It aired on FOX at 6:30pm, and was viewed by approximately 82 million households.
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Monet St. Croix, Samuel Guthrie, Kitty Pryde, Rahne Sinclair, Tabitha Smith, Jean Grey, Betsy Braddock, Remy LeBeau

Rogue has posed:
It is the weekend before Halloween. This is traditionally the weekend that Xaviers School throws a big party on property. However, this year, the party has been moved to a neighbors old house that he plans to tear down and rebuild soon. But for the sake of the holiday, the house was abandoned after a spooky, and mysterious muuuuuuuurder!

Said house looms in the distance at the end of a dirt road, its dark outside already as it's around 7pm tonight, and the lights in the house are all off, but there are spooky things going on inside the darkened windows. Glowing faces visibly appearing now and then, along with flashing strobe lighting, and the sounds of screaming, and laughter!

This might be odd on any other weekend, but tonight... well... the whole darn farm is setup with Halloween decorations, as the school has been showing up here for the party tonight!

The party itself is at the other side of the property, out by the lake, but to get there, arriving guests have to wait for one of the four horse-drawn carriages to arrive and pick them up to cart them through the old corn field, and out toward the woods!

With cars parking outside of the cornfield, people in costumes are all walking around, milling about, as the carriages are returning to the parking area to gather them up, the horses clippity-cloppitying on the dirt road, their big wooden wagons pulled behind them...

The corn field that the wagons are coming out of is a curious affair, with smoke rising up from deep within it, and an eerie green color at the base of each smoke stack. There's sound of people IN the corn too, screaming, laughing, and just generally causing mayhem too!

Rogue's green and black Charger is parked after having arrived only minutes ago, and the southern belle is stepping out of it. She's wearing part of her costume, and is quickly pulling the rest out from inside of it. She's dressed up tonight, but clearly didn't get ready before having to head out to get here on time.

Leaning down, and in to her car, she pops open the back and Jeepers comes bounding out, his tail wagging wildly, his costume on as well... the young lab is wearing a Game of Thrones inspired outfit. He's Jeepers Snow this year, all done up in black with a plastic Longclaw hanging from his right side, also wagging along with his tail, as he runs around the parking area, barking at some of the kids who are getting out of the cars that brought them too.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
For the 'party' there is a hunched down woman with scaled skin of diamond-ruby. Covered up and down her body in criss-crossing leather straps that hold back the various, and numerous edges that criss-cross her form almost like the feathers of an avian might. Every corner of the girl is at a carefully construed angle for an edge. Hair long, serrated diamond-like scales. Dark pupilless eyes. Bared feet and very long, twelve inch nails for fingers that were just as bright and shiny as the rest of her body held in leather gloves. An immense amount of effort done to get all the straps of the outfit, all the various spikes and blades a part of her together. Perched up on the van for the drive in. Having not said so much as a word or made a peep the entire time through.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie pulls up in his pick up truck, finding a parking spot not to far from Rogue. He parks the truck, and as he gets out he does not seem to be in costume at first, but he pulls a tan cowboy hat out from the cab slipping it on his head. He is wearing a dark long cloth coat, with a blue and black flannel shirt, jeans and cowboy boots. He pulls the hat back off, and slides a badge on a chain necklace around his neck, and then puts the hat back on. The other not normal Sam thing is he has a holster with a pistol on his side. He looks to those who rode with him. "Need anything before I lock her up guys?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The passenger door to the pickup doesn't open, but instead Kitty Pryde and Lockheed just step through it. "Like I couldn't get back in when it's locked?" she says, looking over with a teasing expression to Sam Guthrie.

Kitty's costume was inspired by seeing Jeepers in his, actually. She's recreated one of Daenerys Targaryen's outfits from the show. A beautiful grey dress that leaves her arms bare, with a cutout exposing a bit of cleavage. The grey part of the dress falls only the outside of her legs, revealing a flawless white pleated dress beneath.

The Jewish girl's normal dark hair is dyed blond, with braids in back and two long curly tresses left to hang loose. She lets Lockheed climb up onto her shoulder. It's just too low hanging of fruit when one has their own dragon to not dress up as Khaleesi!


Rahne Sinclair has posed:
The wolf in the back of Sam's truck has her paws up on the top of the cab. She's not in combat-form, so her wolf self isn't quite as immense as it normally seems to be, but since that's not why they're here? That's probably fine.

She hauls her head back, paws indenting the truck, and lets loose a howl that cascades across the entire lot. The real and true wolf's howl likely fits in with the decorations, and might cause a shiver of lovely giggly fear in a few who are trying to be frightened.

Then Wolfsbane hops down and sniffs Sam as he's getting outta da truck. Possibly invasively but it's a doggo so bleah and get your minds out of the gutter. Before bounding over to try and put already-muddy paws on Kitty's gorgeous dress.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
When you have a seven seater van, you tend to get volunteered for driving duties. So when the nineteen ninetytwo Mitsubishi Delica, henceforth dubbed 'River' in New Mutants black and yellow pulls up, kids pile out first. Most of them have really silly grins. They saw what was coming.

There's a grin to Money being spiky and stuff on the roof and a warning to not poke holes in the panel work with her butt. The blonde keeps herself covered mostly with a long dark cloak and what seems like a hunch while she's climbing up in the carriage. A little light from her phone under it texting Hambone who should be on sound system duties by now.

By the time it pulls up Tabby hits the go button the message and for a few moments as Tabby joins the party, the music switches up to Iron Maiden's 'The Trooper'. The cloak is shed and Tabby is dressed in mostly yellow. White and yellow striped leggings a duller yellow tee over a while with yellow polka dot minisundress. A yellow bonnet on her head and yellow sneakers. She even managed gree tinted contacts to get the eyecolour right.

"BLAM!" she greets everyone in a wicked and almost evil tone.

The reason for the hunch and the cloak. She's levelling a gatling gun at everyone and spinning up the barrel to start firing.

Nerf Darts!

Someone showed her a Nerf Titan, motorized gatling nerf gun with a fifty round drum.

This was inevitable.

The darts fly pretty slow and really lack any force so no one gets hurt but the darts do get everywhere.

Bitch Pudding in the house!

Jean Grey has posed:
The teachers are doing a theme thing again! Or at least, between Jeepers and Kitty, its good odds. Game of Thrones? Isn't that a little passe? Pft. Not when 'Hot D' is doing numbers. Old characters and new, they're all popular again!

Jean gets out of the car on the other side of Rogue. Both of them are wearing fancy dresses. It can be a little hard to nail down the identity of things from just that first glance, because unlike the dog they don't have such a convenient prop. Nor the very iconic look that Kitty is sporting. Nope, just fancy dresses from a show full of fancy dresses. Still, there are hints. Jean, as ever, works her natural favor for certain colors and shades into her appearance, wearing a deep green gown, fancifully embroidered in gold detail, and she a similar necklace to match, with the seven-pointed star. It looks rich! Sumptuous! Like she was from some very rich and fancy family of prominence. Maybe that's a hint! Her hair she's dyed just a little, to give a kind of darker auburn hue, although the natural underlying fire still shines through.

And in the end? she's still red, green, and gold.

Walking around the car, she reaches to hold up one edge of her trailing gown as she goes to help Rogue. "Did you get stuck? How are you managing the wig? Maybe we just shoulda bleached all your hair. It'd match for once!" she teases. "C'mon, you have to get out and plot to usurp my kids, ya jerk."

Rogue has posed:
The Belle is fuddling with her dress, but this was bought and put together by Jean, for Jean? For Jean, on Rogue. Yes.

She fusses with the dark of her hair, then with the wig. "I don't want to have bleached hair. Besides, I think Kitty already did that for her Khaleesi look." She says to the darker redheaded Headmistress. "And cool it on the spoilers, would ya? You know I don't like watchin' this stuff until all the episodes are out." She adjujsts the wig around her shoulders, then tugs on the front of the dress a bit. "Tight..." She mutters, before turning to face Jean. "Look right?" She asks with a slight grin.

Meanwhile Jeepers Snow is running past the others arriving, right past Sam as he gets out of his truck, right past the nerf dart shooter! and toward the others.

The lab joins Kitty and Lockheed, running a circle around Kitty's ankles, clearly claiming her as his date tonight.

From the cornfield, the carriages start to arrive with the snuffling of horses breathing loudly as they start to curve around the circle driveway in the gravel. The carriage drivers are all done up like they're from the olden times, and their carriages are done up with Halloween decorations, and old lanterns.

One of them stands up and waves to everyone gathered up from the parking lot. "Greetings, fine guests! We have come in the nick of time! The fogs have pulled back just long enough for us to get to the festival by the lake! But you must hurry, and join us aboard our hay-filled wagons! Post-haste!" It's possible this guy doesn't know how to talk in a authentic 'olden times' style...

Aboard each carriage is both loose straw and bails to sit upon, the straw is light in hue and is quite soft. A little metal ladder sits at the ass-end of each carriage to help people get up inside the wagons!

Rogue exchanges a look with Jean, and smirks at her. "Make sure I'm done up in the back, would you?" She asks before she starts to walk, not picking her dress up like Jean had, just letting it drag on the dirt, cause... well... she's from Mississippii, she don't give no shits.

"Lookin good everyone!" Rogue says with a grin for her friends.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smirks over to Kitty and says "Like you could not pick the lock even if you could not phase." He tells her with a smile. He does ruffle Rahne's head a bit, something he does is she is in human or wolf form. He looks over to Tabby, and steps aside to dodge the darts, hand moving to his side arm, but he does not pull it, might be some of the real cop training he has had. He then heads over towards the wagons, waiting offering the ladies and kids a hand up when they come to it.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The ruby-edged girl that had been on top over of the van on the trip in goes to take a quick hop up and over to land on the ground, scampering and landing with surprising silence. There's a shift over of her head to watch at the girls ind resses, a cocking of it to the side as she would watch and observe. Head etching over at a rather compact angle to the rest of her body, almos ton fours then with her 'clawed' hands dug into the ground and sitting back on her knees. Then as Rogue goe sto talk to Jean she goes to scamper along a moment more, darting through towards where some of the snacks were. Going over towards one of the bales of hay and hopping atop it to get to a position where she could get a better 'view' of everything going on. Resting once more upon hte finely etched claws.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty sees the muddy paws of Rahne coming for her and she phases, the Scottish lass likely passing right through her. "Khaleesi has to keep looking good for her people!" she mock scolds her friend with a grin.

Jeepers Snow gets a little bit warmer greeting, though also Kitty makes sure he doesn't do the muddy paw prints thing either. Kitty gasps at him dramatically. "You know EVERYTHING, Jon Snow," she says, giving Jeepers ear rubs and a few kisses on the top of his head.

Lockheed just lashes his tail back and forth a few times happily as his frequent play partner is dancing about Kitty Targaryen's heels.

"Come on Sam, let's find where the drinks are!" Kitty says with a grin. She's 21, she's going to take advantage of it, damn it!

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
A few children run past, mostly oblivious to everything. "Cowby!" one shouts, grinning at Sam. Another points to Monet and screams! To be fair, she's got quite a costume going.

But it's the little dragon that draws the most attention, Khaleesi getting some points, stares, and eyes from the darkness. To the point that when Rahne shifts to human, standing up with mud on her dress, only one person gasps and says the character that she most resembles.

But Rahne frowns, mumbling. "Not wearin a costume..."

As Sam and Kitty wander off, she spots Jean and Rogue and waves! Enthusiasm, thy name be Rahne. You know, just before the nerf darts hit her in a wave.


Tabitha Smith has posed:
"If we didn't have horses. I'd a suggested bribing Ororo to keep things foggy and we can race in the dark." Tabby Pudding suggests with a grin as she runs out of darts.

The Gatling left to sling behind her and thankfully Sam didn't shoot his ex. "The other option was finding an image inducer and doing Robocop. Nerf also makes a version of that big honking fifty cal they use in that. Just gotta paint it black to get the look right." she states while she makes sure Rahne and Jeepers get earscritches. Like everyone else had been. Even Lockheed gets some so the dragon doesn't feel left out. "Drakaris does not mean you should burn things down. But don't discount the possibility!" she states to the purple alien.

The more fantastically dressed women get grins. "Nothing wrong with bleached hair! I do it like all the time." she still lies about dying her hair. Kitty gets a snappoint as an example. "And remember this is one of the few nights someone can say Milady without it being skeevy."

Jean Grey has posed:
"Spoilers? Oh come on. The book's been out for like four years now, and even before that, all of this stuff was in the OLD books too, just not in as much detail. We all know how it ends, or there wouldn't be a sequel to prequel!" Yep. It figures Jean would be a know-it-all book fan, and Rogue the filthy plebian show-only watcher.

Prompted, she gives Rogue and appraising up-and-down look, clucks her tongue. "Mmm. Not too bad. We need the headdress still, and your cloak. I think you're better off. They put young-you on all the posters, so people know this outfit, at least. Mine is kind of like... a dress. No one would ever know who I was without you."

As for the back of the dress?

"Nope. Needs to be a little tighter." She reaches in, and pulls! So much for breathing. "There we go. Alright, and now your raiments, my treacherous Princess who would be Queen." From the car comes the last details, a gold cloak and a similar headress, something akin to the style of a French hood. It's probably why Rogue couldn't even get fully dressed up before they got out, as it might have gotten knocked off.

Fixed in her wig, Jean considers it. "Now you look good. Hardly like a great-great-grandmother at all. C'mon, let's go grab a wagon!" She links an arm with the other woman, which does harken to the paired nature of the costume - two close friends in youth, who would become bitter foes! On their way, she spots at the newly-human but still muddy Rahne. "Oh! I think we have some towels in the car, if you need them?"

Rogue has posed:
"Don't you go forgettin' that either, Sugah." Rogue says in that sassy way of hers back to Jean, before she feels the dark redheaded woman behind her tightening her dress up. "Ow, hey, careful. Remember what happens if I ya know, don't hold back. This thing'll tear like a tissue." She has to remind the other woman. A glance is paid down at herself as they walk toward the wagons, and Rogue runs a hand over her stomach. "I don't think I can handle a headdress. I'm not used t'fancy stuff like this, ya know I like the grimier characters more than this ladies'n'court stuff. All the backstabbin... bleh!" She's wining.

Jeepers continues to do what Jeepers do, running around Kitty, and then over to greet Rahne, she gettting a slurp to the face whether she likes it or not! The yellow lab is then rushing toward Sam and the wagons. The dog just lunges up the stairs, Longclaw smacking on the metal steps as he goes!

Then... FWOMF.. he's gone, lost in the loose straw, and now just a pile of moving straw where he's tunneling around inside it all.

"Come on, folks!" The Wagon Master shouts. "Climb aboard, and we'll be off, before that damn fog comes back in! It's been makin' wagons disappear the past several nights, ya know? All we ever find is a few wheels, and hear the sounds of their screams. I'd say it's ominous... but what isn't around these parts?" Who even is this guy?

Rogue reaches one of the wagons is about to carefully step up, when she just sighs and puts her arm around Jean's waist, then flies them both up on to the wagon to land easily, and without any fuss. She is soon to sit down on a bail of straw there-after. A heavy exhale escapes her, and did part of her dress just pop open? She warned Jean not to make it too tight!

Soon there after the horses are moving again, and one by one the wagons start to roll down the dirty gravel roads.

It is a very bumpy ride, the wagons are rockin' and bouncing all over the damn place as they turn back toward the corn fields now!

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Having gone to pull herself up towards one of the loose bales of hay on one of the wagons, afar from anyone else that was taking one of them, the ruby-bladed girl would go to scramble up to get a perch. Almost like a bird going to get the highest spot to get the best view. Moving to carefully 'dig' said long and glossy claws over into the bale to brace herself, holding on and with careful, calculated bits of her body language to survey the area in interest. A slow twist of her head, hands over on the bail to dig in and a shift of her weight from her position.

She would slowly twist, moving a few inches at a time from her post then, glancing about in total silence and with barely any shift over to her mannerisms while she would gaze along as the wagon would jostle and shake.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to Kitty, and says "Well, I am pretty sure, the booze will be at the lake side, might be some under the seat for the driver on the cold foggy nights." He says. He is the last one up making sure everyone else is on before he does. He smirks over at Rahne's comment "They should pay ya royalties carrot top." He offers with a smile. He looks over to Tabby, and says "There a crate of ammo in the van Ah need to get for ya?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde follows Monet up onto the wagon, climbing up and then finding a good spot she can sit without messing up her dress, finding a blanket to sit on. Lockheed moves to curl up in her lap. "Try to not catch us all on fire, that doesn't happen until the end of the show," the girl dressed up as Daenerys tells the Flock dragon.

Kitty motions towards Jean and Rogue as if they look familiar. But then drops her hand as if deciding she's mistaken. Then doing it again. She breaks out in a grin then. "There were probably portraits in the castle until the Usurper came along," she jokes.

She relaxes back and looks around. "I really wish Roberto would have gone for dressing up as Tyrion," she says with a sigh. "We could have got him to tell the joke about walking into a brothel with a honeycomb under one arm and a donkey under the other."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Jon Snow's muddy paws have left Rahne filthy, and the face-slurp is, while understood, still messy-making. She was just wearing a nice dress, but now she's a bloody mess! Which leaves yet another couple of kids calling her that weird messy girl's name from Game of Thrones, and she stomps a foot, nearly splashing Monet and Tabby both!

"Not wearin a costume!" she insists, then stomps toward Jean's car. There were towels promised her, darnit all to heck.

She clambers into the cart next to Rogue and Jean and glowers at everyone, trying to de-mud herself a LITTLE BIT!

"I dinna look like Arya do I?" she asks the ladies. Friggin grumpyface.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Does anyone else miss Monet not snarking at our costumes?" Tabby states with a grin up at the young woman being pointy and sharp with something other than her mouth.

Whether or not the ruby bladed can actually speak. Tabby at least sends a telepathic offer to includer her in a mind chat for anyone. <<Your telepathy still work or you stuck all silent like that?>> she asks, whether or not even inbound mind talky stuff works is a question.

"Sam, reloading is going to take forever with this thing. I'll hand it to the kids when we don't riding!" she intends as she climbs in and sits the weapon down on the floor of the carriage so it's not awkward in her lap.

"Wanna take bets on if Rogue's corset explodes on her. Figured it'd take omega level telekinesis to tightlace that waist."

"If the farm burns. I'll be fine. Honestly. I expect Ororo would just fly over and bring the rain. Make it Rain, that's for the clubs later. And yes, but your hair is kinda more Sansa red Rahne. Heh, we're already bringing some Rahne!" she states and the joke clicks in the blonde's brain.

Jean Grey has posed:
"... well we both end up Queens. Hence all the, you know, civil war and murder," Jean points out. All the spoilers!

All the same, she makes ready to hike up into the haycart, only to be very literally swept off her feet and carried aboard by her would-be rival. And then promptly deposited upon a nice bale of hay. "Well, it is not quite a carriage befitting our lofty status, but I suppose it shall do," she remarks with a briefly put-on air of noble superiority, before cracking into a grin. And then a scowl as she hears something 'pop' on Rogue's side. She looks over at Tabitha, and back. Telekinesis indeed! "If you destroy your costume before the ride even starts I'm not making you a new one!" she chides, now clearly dropping character. "It's not that bad. You just have to be avoid taking such huge breaths."

"Mmm. You might even say we're ghosts," she remarks to Kitty in turn, blending both their shared lore and the Halloween spirit. "Doomed to wander the halls of the Red Keep and Dragonstone!" This lady lores.

Speaking of which... Rahne has returned. And yet, despite the fact that she insists she looks like a charcter, Jean holds up a hand to her chin as she tilts her head a bit, regarding the young woman carefully. "Hmm... I guess. Maybe there's a little resemblence, at least. Do you have a 'Needle'? The key is a good prop!" Jeepers knows. "That's why I wasn't too sure about my costume. I guess Rogue's my prop, Miss On the Poster."

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Betsy's keeping it pretty simple; purple dress, green scarf, and with a red wig, she's making a presentable Daphne impersonator. A deft touch with her cosmetics even brings her skin colors more in line with the colorset. She has traded her shoes in for white calf-high mucking boots as a nod to practicality, and clambers up the back of the wagon with a decidedly effortless grace and no need for handholds.

"Breathing is overrated," Betsy declares with support for Jean's conclusion. "And don't think too hard, it burns more energy than you realize. Just sit there and look pretty." She flickers a grin at Rogue and finds a spot to sit, hooking one ankle behind the other and sitting pretty as a picture despite the wobbling wagon under her.

Rogue has posed:

The hayrack ride ventures in to the mouth of the cornfield now, with the stalks of corn closing in on either sides of the carriages. Their dried and yellowed leaves look like they're basically a massive fire hazard at this point. "Hang on back there, good folk!" The Wagon Master calls back. "This area has seen a lot of missing people of late, especially children! Keep your kids close, and keep your weapons ready!"


The right wheels of the wagon drop down in to a deep water-filled rut, causing everyone on the left side of the wagon to get thrown toward the right a bit!

"Mind the ruts!" The Wagon Master calls out!

One of the student filled wagons is suddenly doing the same, and comes with it the sound of students laughing, and one of the wimpier kids already crying and exclaiming how they want to go home, which is promptly followed by a loud 'Ow!' and then 'Don't be a pussy!' from one of the older kids.

Yep, they're acting up already...

Rogue gives a grin when Betsy had joined them, and was just shaking her head at everyone. Her eyes had gone to her dog when his wig-adorned head pops out from under the straw, as he pants happily.

Rogue's eyes go to Kitty next then. "Hey, you're like related to me, right? This means if we end up somewhere alone, we're gonna get to boot knockin' fun. This Game of Thrones thing really knows how t'have fun, I appreciate it for that much..."

She glances down at herself again, before looking over to Rahne, who gets a grin, and then Tabitha. "Keep your amateur brain meddlin away from me, Bleached Blonde. I don't wanna get more scrambled than I already am, ya dig?"

Right after this, a scythe comes sweeping out of the corn and slams in to the side of the wagon, scraping across the wooden slats, and causing some of the kids to scream again, as a man dressed as some kind of zombie-farmer in a cloak falls back in to the corn before shouting 'Give me your children!'

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Tabitha's mental message sent to Monet gets just a blank stare back, and no indication that it was receivecd or not. There's just a very flat stare back that's accompanied by the figure digging her claws into the top of the hay to get her position a litlte more secure. She shifts over to the side to let Kitty come up and over near to her. She moves to tug her claws around, maneuvering iwth them like a bird, using them to grab on to get a firmer position to hold herself up to look around.

She's maneuvering very carefully, putting a great deal of effort in to them to hold herself aloft. Likely to not mess with the very elaborate job done with the nails. Shifting to adjust her ankles a bit more beneath her, using her clawed hands to hook herself forwards to twist in and lean ahead.
    The bouncing of the wagon, the bouncing of the women in dresses debating breathing, and the Tabby at the bat get passing glances of interest from ehr. The sudden approach of the man with the 'scythe' gets an attempted repetition of the mannerism of the man, claws of said outfit held up to go to click together in a light wave and attempted repeat of the motion.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie sits watching the wagons. He knows this is set up, and knows the chances of anything real happening here are rare, but this is Xaviers those chances are never as low as they are at other places. He lets the ladies talk as he looks out into the corn, seeming he might be a bit lost in thought while watching things.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Once Betsy-Daphne is seated, Kitty-Daenerys moves over and slides an arm about the amateur gumshoe's shoulders. "So, the way I see it, the books and movies make no mention of harem. But hey, if I'm on the Iron Throne, I make the rules. So it's definitely something I'm going to have an exploratory committee look into, maybe do some focus groups across the kingdom," Kitty says.

She gives Betsy an exaggerated double wink then. Anything else she was about to say is lost in a squeak from her as the man with the scythe comes out of the cornfield. "If I was so Scott he'd be so optic blasted right now!" she says. She peers over to see if the scythe-wielder has ruby glasses on. Could be Scott for all she knows.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne blushes a little as her chin is taken. She gives a timid smile...

Which morphs into rising panic as someone attacks the wagon! She leaps up to the side, leaning over, to get ready to leap into action, to protect her friends! She kinda sorta stands over Betsy to do so, but there's a psychopath with a scythe out there!

"Ye canna have our kids!" she shouts, either really getting into it or just that ...what's the word?

Dangit, I can't remember the word.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby grins at Jean when that pop is heard. "It's why most of my corsets tends towards buckles. More durable than flimsy laces." Tabby points out. That waist didn't get that small on it's own. Mutant DNA only does so much for their figures.

The fire risks are why Tabby hasn't lit up any plasma. The fields and the weather not quite combining to reduce the risk of an inferno.

Monet's lack of a reaction gets a grin. "You know I could just snark and snark, and wear loud clothes so much it forces you to say something. It's gotta be the biggest fight to not tease someone." she states to the mute mutant.

The alleged attacks on the wagon get a chuckle and a big cheesy grin. "Hey Sam, next time those kids get their bully on, put a cap in they ass yo!" she says and finger guns at the man before she watches everyone else react. It's kinda hard for her to sell terror when it's feigned. She kidnda saves it for the real thing. Like being mauled by actual direwolves that one time.The pigs don't count cause she was roofied to the gills to not be afraid.

Betsy witha Rahne on her gets a grin. "Scooby usually meant to climb in Shaggy's arms. Upgrade right here yo!" she states and chuckles.

Jean Grey has posed:
Jean turns back and stares at Rogue. Just stares. "I swear, 'its full of boobs and incest' is your ONLY takeaway..." Obviously Jean values the series for its deep character work and its evaluation of the power structures of feudalism! And not for all the uncle-lovin. "...Also, she's your great-great-granddaughter! So no. You're not. Cause you're loooooong dead when she comes around and runs off with her barbarians and sexy mercenaries and everything else. We're ghosts!"

But Kitty is on board. "Don't encourage her!" Huff.

The bumpy ride she handles mostly alright, taking advantage of the fact that she has Rogue to lean on, and Rogue, of course, is all super stronk and stable. Or maybe she's just taking advantage to lean on Rogue. "See, Betsy knows what's up. Even if her costume is me from two years ago."

But the real fun comes as the actors start doing their routines. While perhaps not terrified to the extent of some of the younger screaming children, Jean looks genuinely surprised by the scythe attack! "Wow, they really go all out on this." Then she turns to Rahne-Arya, at her sudden heroism, putting on a more lady-in-distress kind of voice herself. "Don't let him get us! This dummy left her badass uncle-lover back at the castle!"

Betsy Braddock has posed:
"Rahne!" Betsy protests, and holds a hand aloft to keep the girl from clambering atop her. A subtle flare of purple light flickers as psionic energy forms a near-invisible shield between them.

Once she's sure her outfit's not going to get ruined, Betsy laughs-- a subtle gesture little more than a twitching in her shoulder-- and shakes her head at Kitty in fond exasperation. "If anyone's to have a harem, it ought to be a proper aristocrat," she points out. One hand rests on Kitty's knee and deftly pinches the nerves to send jangling tickles up Kitty's leg.

Pretending she's not noticing, Betsy gives Jean a wide, utterly vapid smile, and makes a show of ensuring the dress isnt' marred or dirty (or askew). "I had to take it in about the hips some, but I suppose it's what I deserve for dithering about on picking a costume," she says with a droll humor.

Rogue has posed:
Jeepers lunges up out of the hay and starts barking loudly at the man with the scythe! He's about to go jump off the back of the wagon when Rogue grabs his leather collar and just hold on to him without any trouble. "Woah now, brave Snow. You need to stay with us t'keep us safe, not go out there chasin' evil in the fog."

The dog calms down just long enough to relax some before the next thing happens! A witch on a broom appears in the sky, having launched from the depths of the green-glowing middle of the corn-field! It cackles with all the clarity of a well placed audio-device as it rides along a mostly-hard-to-see wire strung up above the path of the wagons!

The cackling witch flies over-head, and suddenly starts to pour down globs of green goo! It splats down against the wagon, and anyone unlucky enough to get hit with it!

"All of your souls will be MINE!" The Witch's very fine audio-recording says as it swoops down over the last wagon, causing the littlest kids to scream out again, while that same macho bravado voice from one of the seniors shouts 'I saw up her dress! That witch is packin!'

All the students that get hit with the green goop start to scream out in confusion and fright, others just laugh at the sight of people getting hit square in the face, or in worse places!

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The ruby-diamond edged girl goes to look over at Tabitha at the comments, going along with a flat "..." expression of still maintaining her posture and decorum even as Rogue and Jean properly demonstrate how to be good sisters. The cackling gets her to looki up in the air then right in time for a blortch of green goo to fly through it and then splort down about her face.
    It goes down her face, over those pupilless irisses, and gets a very confused cant of the head from the ruby-edged girl.
    A carefully applied claw is taken up to a driblet on her cheek to poke at it, then smear it some. Then take the finicky goo over towards the hay bale to rub it off. Facial expression contorting over even as more goo would dribble down her and those ever so numerous leather straps of her outfit.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie is splattered with the green goo, the cowboy hat helping keeping it off his face at least, but he takes a splay across the shoulder, and over his back, this time at actual incoming, Sam starts to glow for a second, but upon the goo not seeming to be doing anything he lets his blast shield fade, and does not shoot off after the witch,

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The first Targaryen harem would have been a glorious thing. Starting out with a super model, you can only imagine the heights it would have hit.

Alas, Daenerys' hopes for the gaggle of comely women go over about as well as how all the people of Westeros are going to love her after her dragons burn everything to the ground. A big glob of green goop hits Kitty right in the forehead and splatters around. Poor Lockheed ends up with his little head completely covered until she wipes it off of him.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Buuut, see, Rahne is standing almost atop Betsy, giving her a view that the slime might actually be helpful for, nobody wants to see that.

She uses the forcefield to climb up, ending up perched and ready to repel invaders! She's balancing, but wagons are not known for their stability. There's a rut, and a wheel dips, and then Rahne vanishes from sight, arms windmilling!

Then there's a splash, and the fact that Rahne got missed by the slime becomes a minor issue. The kids in the second wagon got to see her faceplant into a puddle instead.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The idea of Betsy running a harem gets a chuckle out of Tabitha. "It also helps to be able to properly Sugarmama. It's easier when you aren't broke ass!" she states adjusting the bonnet on her head and making sure blonde hair doesn't escape the confines of the Bitch Pudding costume.

The green slime hits. And now there's a multitude of green to go with the yellow and you'd start thinking Tabby was Australian.

The blonde wipes some of the slime from her face and chuckles as Sam puts his field up after being hit. "I think you got the order backwards Sam!" she states and giggles. "This is not the worst gunge I've been covered in." she says and maybe kind of is a little pouty. It too time finding as close to a match for her chosen charactersd outfit.

It's brobably not the worst gunge Bitch Pudding has been covered with either.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
There's a rustlin' in the corn. A fearful, eerie rustlin' followed by a grim and sinister chuckle.

"Boo, enfants!"

Lurching out of the corn is a figure clad in a long, black robe wielding a rusty scythe knicked along the blade but still seeming perilously sharp. It takes a moment to realise it's Remy in a monogrammed bathrobe (C. F. X. - never said it was his monogram) and carrying an old scythe that he must have found lying around.

In a display of breathtaking grace and athleticism he leaps into the air, flipping forward and landing on the faculty wagon neatly. He immediately cuddles up alongside Rogue and Jeepers.

"What you t'ink, cher? Remy a real tataille, hein?"

Jean Grey has posed:
Its no surprise that Betsy has a well-formed verbal riposte to offer, causing Jean to rather arily harumph, as if greatly offended. Just like a proper young Queen to be. Summoning what is no doubt a suitably sharp royal rebuttal, she begins to open her mouth...

...only to catch a thing of witch-goo in the face. It really gets her! She ends up hacking and coughing, desperately wiping some out of her eyes. "Ugh, what is this, dragon-snot?" Points for keeping in character?

She spends a few moments cleaning up, only just in time for Remy to join the party, leaping into the cart and immediately edging in on the other side of Rogue. This causes her to make a bit of a face. "With his dark shadow upon us, I was sure this would be your lover with his Dark Sister," she remarks, apparently continuing the bit. "Though it seems perhaps you've chosen -another- rake to take up with."

And they've lost Rahne! "Oh, one Stark overboard."

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Betsy does take *all* the fun out of haunted house rides. It's very hard to surprise her, after all-- and it's not like she wasn't aware of the various traps and encouters set out for them. She's not so gauche as to protect everyone else, but a neat little near-invisible umbrella hovers over her head to make the slime slide off and be Someone Else's Problem.

When Remy jumps aboard, surprise or not, Betsy *does* flash a rare and sincere grin at him, the expression a startling contrast flashing briefly from her stoic countenance. "Bonjour, Remy. Tu es beau, ce soir," she bids him.

Rogue has posed:
The middle wagon drivers both stand up and raise up big rifles in to the sky. "Begone witch!" The first of them shouts out, firing off a blast from his old looking rifle. It emits a loud BANG, which makes the kids in his cart scream out in surprise, and a spout of smoke that shoots up in to the sky!

The green goop throwing Witch glides back off toward the cornfields again, diving back down toward one of the green misty plumes raising up from the old corn husks.

"Witches..." The Wagon Master says in the Faculty Cart. "They're bad this time of year. Might I suggest ye all pee in a jar and put it outside your doors when you get home on this eve?" Uh...

The horses continue on down the pathway that weaves through the stalks of the cornfield.

Rogue is grinning at the others, and shaking her head as she brushes some of that green goop off of her dress that had landed in her lap. She watches Remy land beside her, and grins at him. "There you are." She notes at him. "Are you one'a my lovers too? I sure do get around for a ghost..." She states before looking over to see Kitty hit, and Jean hit right i nthe face. This gets her to raise a hand up to cover her mouth and hide her laughter. "Oh my god, I hope that is edible stuff..." The Belle says, trying to restrain herself.

As the Wagons roll down the dirty gravel road, they come out of the corn fields and end up right on the western side of the old abandoned farm house...

The wagon master calls out. "Pay no heed to the house. Haunted it may be, it won't bother you, so long as ye don't bother it..." He states, just as they roll past the outhouse off to the back corner of the farmhouse. The outhouse door is open and a guy is sitting on the wooden pot with his suspenders adorned pants down around his ankles. He looks up, and reaches out to close the door.

"Damnit, Larry!" The Wagon Master shouts. "I mean... uh. Curse you, Larrython! Pay no attention to him either! For he has dared to venture to the local Taco Bell Tribe for food and whores of late!"

Rogue looks around after seeing this horrid display. "Where'd Rahne go?" She asks just before one of the wagons in the back is filled with screams again, as its driver 'woahs' its horses, bringing it to a stop.

"It seems we've lost a wheel! Someone shall have to venture in to the barn over yonder to get a replacement!"

Some of the teenagers start hopping out of the wagon now, with far too much eagerness to be the volunteers for this activity...

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The ruby-edged girl just goes to watch down numbly over from the exchange and switches her attention from the rapid arrival of Remy in transit, then the discussion from thea rrived wagon=master. She goes to then finally leave her place over atop the cart, and clambers down over to the ground, still over on her hands and feet and scrambling along. Going to look over her shoulder one final time over at the proceedings and a flat expression on her face.

It turns almost mournful to a moment. Still completely silent. A light clicking of nails over along the ground an a bit of smeared goo dribbling down her face that's left there. Then she takes one seemingly final look over at the barn, the wagon, and the other people on it and starts to head in another direction. Still on hands and feet.

Remy LeBeau has posed:
"Je suis belle tous les soirs, cher," Remy calls back to Betsy, propping his scythe against the side of the cart and running one gloved hand extravagantly through his auburn hair, "It's just who I am."

Rogue's question causes him to lean back in faux-shock, splaying fingers over his chest.

"Moi?! Majeste! Dis humble serf would not dream to lay a finger 'pon your ... your ... zinzin fantaisie!" A pause. "Den again ... je suis le diable, non?"

He immediately wraps his arms about Rogue, laying her back in a fake and showy display of make-outs! Mwah mwah mwah!

He sits up in time to see the guy in the outhouse, speaking quietly: "Dat's scary in a whole diff'rent way.'

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne Sinclair shows up then, absolutely sopping wet. She looks like she's done, absolutely done, as she shakes her hands and mud and water drips off of her. A bit slides slowly off of her head, landing into the dirt with a glop noise.

"I'm'a head back t' th' cars," she says. "Yell iffen y' need me." Then she turns, heading back toward towels, and the possibility of a shower. And loses a shoe in another puddle, the sucking noise making her truly heroic.

The last folks see of her is her bending over to pull her shoe out of the water, having found every single puddle on the way here. It's not so bad...unless you're her. Somebody musta gotten hexed or something. She'll be around...


Tabitha Smith has posed:
When Tabby seems the monogram on the bathrobe Remy appropriates she chuckles. "Yeah. I'm sure the Prof will look back and laugh" She can handle being chewed out. Likely Gambit can as well.

"Rahne's return and then escape gets a smile. "I'm amazed she didn't just wolf up and shake off all that wet fur on us." she states when the Scotsgirl disappears.

"Hope the rest a ya didn't spend too much on those costumes. You know how muct time I spent ebaying all this stuff. A day. I swear it was such a drag!" she mock laments and giggles, the slime might stain her dress but she long stopped caring about it's condition. The Nerf Gat just needs a wipedown and it'll be fine.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde points over at Rogue. "She's strong enough she can just- Oh right!" she says, the vehemence of her correction making it clear she's joking. "Well, I might as well go make sure nothing happens to them," she says.

She hops down off the hay wagon, Lockheed flying over to land on her shoulder again as she heads over with the kids. But lagging behind like by at least a good twenty feet, and not looking like she plans to catch up with them.

Kitty does what Custer didn't. She sends scouts.

Jean Grey has posed:
Though laughed at by her one true childhood friend slash eternal hated adult enemy, Jean keeps her composure, continuing to flick bits of slime free. A good handful, she flicks right back over at Rogue! This means it's also possibly flicked at Remy, since he's being rather persistent and smooch-y. She rolls her eyes a bit, speaking with her typical regal air. "You've always had the strangest of taste. But at least this one is a bit further from the family tree. What's that strange tongue he's speaking? He's not a Braavosi, is he? Those lot are famous for all kinds of odd manners and lecherous ways. Mayhaps he would be more comfortable whoring with that other fellow, off at the Taco Bell."

She works everything in!

Noting that their wagons have at last come to a halt, she finally rises from the haybale, dusting a few of the strands of it free of her skirts when she does. "It seems we must investigate this haunted shack," she declares, looking to her counterpart, and then glancing askance where Rahne retreats. "And we have lost our heroic escort. Perhaps this brute of yours will be of service." She herself acts as if in no great hurry, not just to let the kids ahead, but because the wagon again proves tricky to navigate in that giant gown! She's being careful in it, which perhaps itself is a silent answer to Tabitha's remark. Jean always spends WAY too much effort on the costumes!

Remy LeBeau has posed:
Remy flinches back as the goop splatters on him, brushing it off with the back of his hand and peering over the top of his darkened glasses at Jean with red-black eyes and a broad grin.

"Je pense que tu as inverse nos roles," he says, before ducking behind Rogue in case of any backlash. Psychics can't get through Southern Belles. It's a well-known fact.

"Dats right," the Cajun announces, rising up to his feet and throwing the robe back to reveal well-fitted and tailored clothes below, "I'm Remy de Bold ... finest warrior in de Free Cities! Also dere foremost lover!"

He blows a kiss to the gathering in general.

"Come!" he shouts, leaping into the air and off the wagon, "We gotta fix our poor voiture!"

Rogue has posed:
The teenagers are off their wagon and out toward the barn first, of course, all of them dressed like pirates, to try and be a 'cool pirate crew' to impress the girls, of course. With some of the faculty jumping off of the wagons now too, Rogue leans back up after Remyu's dipping and she fans herself, speaking in French back at him before she eyes Jean on her way off. "Hol' up, Spoiler Trash Talker." She says, patting her hand against Remy's cheek before jumping down from the wagon too.

Jeepers is right there with her, wagging his tail, the plastic Longclaw sword swinging at his side too in his fancy Jon Snow doggy costume.

The barn looms.

One of the doors is thrown open by one of the Seniors and the three others peer inside.

"Yo, this place is just full of junk!" One of them shouts back, before two others start to go inside the barn.

"Make haste!" The Wagon Master shouts from his perch. "We must get to the party soon! And we don't want to be near the haunted farmhouse for long, for there are angry spirits here, and if we dally, they shall take their revenge for their murders out upon all of us!" He finishes shouting that, then pulls a flask out of his tweed jacket and raises it up to sip from it. Yep.

Inside the barn, the teenagers come rolling a wheel out of the place. "Found it! It was just laying on the floo--" He's cut off as a Ghost drops down out of the barn and throws a giant handful of ... is that marshamallow fluff?

It hits the teen in the face!

Ghosts start rushing out of the barn now, about ten of them in total, all of them lobbing marshamallow fluff out of black round pots. White fluffy is now flying everywhere, as the teens start rolling the wheel toward Jean, Kitty, and the others who may have gotten off of the wagons.

"Make haste! Make haste! The spirits have risen!" The Wagon Master shouts!

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Even as things would flick and fling through the air and things occur.. The ruby edged girl goes to look over her shoulder one final time over at the scampering and shenanigans, her face taking on an edge of almost sadness over then as she would go along a few more skittering steps on her hands and ankles..

Before turning away to cant her head at someone or something nearby, and bow it down. The rustling of the blades of her hair accompanying her as she would face off or with something around, and then..

A few final clitters of noise from her hair and her bindings, then quiet.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie was just getting off the wagon, to stretch his legs a minute when the ghosts are there and again with the thrown stuff, this time, he gets hit pretty well, not quite ghost busters but fluff, sticking to him in a few multiple places. He is glad he decided not to wear his chain mail tonight.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Now it's white marshmallow stuff and Tabby is once mpre covered and any green is now covered with white stuff. "Now I'm having flashbacks to my time on the streets." the blonde admits and maybe kinda really looks embarrassed. And her brain starts working extra hard to supress all that novice telepathy.

Monet gets a look and the blonde is kinda sad. "Really? Damn, we need to get you drunk!" she ponders and hmms. "We'll need to strap the bottle and get you a straw!" she says and grins.

Jean Grey has posed:
"Well, it sounds like gibberish," Jean maintains, in her exasperated, aristocratic tone. "And you should not let a foreigner over-influence you at court, if you are to win the hearts of the people here." Back to her ACTING.

As the wagoneer bids them haste, she sets ahead, although already the students seem set on looting the place, which does earn a bit of shift from Hightower to Headmistress. "What do you think you're doing, hmm? And... what on Earth do you need that for?" She's used to stolen street signs and other typical trophies of teenage prankery, but this is a bit much!

Again, she's about ready to start some proper student-wrangling when the ghost army bursts onto the scene. And they're also throwing things! Her royal yelp review may touch on the over-abudnance on getting covered in sticky fluids...

This time, at least, she's not taken so totally off-guard. And doesn't get any of the white stuff in her mouth! (In advance: shut up, Remy!) A hand is held up to shield her face, although if she was concerned on keeping her Ye Olden Thymes fancy dress pure and pristine, that ambition may have gone out the window.

"I'm ready to make haste for a drink," she sidelongs to her companions, finally dropping character a little. "Let's get through this and find the party. Erm. The feasting hall. Whatever."

Remy LeBeau has posed:
"Arreter!" Remy calls to the ghosts as white fluff is flung, ducking one handful before standing up to laugh and catching a second right in the middle of his chest. He lifts his glasses up, revealing black and red eyes as he looks down at the burgundy silk shirt he wears and sighs audibly.

"Tu as sali ma chemise! Argh, revenants stupides ... "

Still sullied in marshmallow fluff, he spins on his heels to rush back towards the wagon. As he runs, he looks sidelong at Jean and tugs his shirt out in front of him to display the sticky white goop splashed across it.

"T'ink I seen dis movie, hein?"

He's still laughing as he springs forward, planting his hands on the ground and cartwheeling back in the direction of the wagon.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue takes another glop of Halloween goop, this one hitting her in the left arm. She glowers at the ghost who threw it at her, and the person in the sheet just stops, and decides to chase one of the students instead.

"Wise..." Rogue mutters as she turns around to see Remy and Jean running back to the cart already too. "Come on, Jeepers Snow!" Rogue calls out, the dog bounding out of the barn with a ghost sheet in his teeth, dragging the white fabric across the grass as he bounds happily toward them!

The wagon wheel is afixed to the 3rd wagon in the train, and soon the Master is shouting out again while stuffing his flask away.

"Looks like we are ready to go once more! Let us hit the road again, fine people! Hold on now, the covered bridge comes next, and many a wagon have fallen through the old wooden floor before! We do not wish to be the next wagon to get sweapt away by the mighty river current!"

The four hayrack rides take off again, their horses trotting along as they come across the covered bridge. It ... well, it isn't very big, and the water underneath it would probably have trouble washing a small doll away, let alone a whole person.

As the wagons move through it, they're bombarded by strange noises from above, within the dark covered bridge's interior, the sounds of bats flying by, and someone screaming loudly!

"The Spirits are angry tonight! It must be all your fine looking women folk!" The Wagon Master says once more, before hiccuping softly. How much of that flask had he drank while they paused back there?

Once through the covered bridge though, the party is visible up ahead, people from the school already there, already enjoying food and drink, bonfires and lots of pumpkins adorning more hay furniture, as well as lots of costumes adding to the atmosphere. Even the Professor is near one of the food tables, dressed up as Dumbledore tonight! He raises a hadn to wave to the newly arriving wagon train.

"More survivors. This is good news." The Professor says to one of the others near him. "Go and help them. Bring paper towels..." He grumbles then.