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Titanic Awakening: Tundra Turmoil
Date of Scene: 23 October 2022
Location: Northwest of Nuuk, Greenland
Synopsis: The Titans and friends along with Takako Kyozan manage to save the most populated city in Greenland from utter destruction by a kaiju. Now subdued the question that's left is... what to do with it?
Cast of Characters: America Chavez, Takako Kyozan, Michael Hannigan, Kaida Connolly, Victor Stone, Hank Hall, Dawn Granger

America Chavez has posed:
    The disturbance had started about 450 kilometers north north east of Nuuk, the most populated city in Greenland. A general distress was relayed over a number of communications channels. After the military tried everything from .50 cal machine gun fire to air to ground missiles with limited to no response the buck was passed up, this might be a job for superheroes. The Titans and a possible specialist in these sorts of phenomena are called in to see if their resources and powers might save one of the only sources of commerce for the frozen country.

    The ground behind the origin of the destruction is a ravaged tear in the icy land while before it the earth erupts as if under assault of some hyper aggressive gopher.

    A very large and spiky gopher.

    A carapace of spikes, roughly 70 meters in length, is the only visible attribute of the creature (or machine--after all what can do this much destruction and be that big) that cuts a swath of destruction towards the densly populated city. Everything else of it is under ground or hidden by the frozen debris of its progress. Despite the shifting and slightly mountainous terrain, nothing is having an impact of slowling it's progress.

Takako Kyozan has posed:
    Giant monsters are a thing that happens more often than most people imagine. Which is not to say they are commonplace by any stretch, but they are something that has existed since ancient times whether in the form of the legendary Daidarabotchi and Umebozu, or in more modern times the advent of Godzilla spawned by the nuclear horrors of the atomic age. And, where you have giant monsters you will also have those whose job it is to keep tabs on such things. Japan's Jingiin in particular, a shadowy organization long charged with managing relations with the Kami and other superhuman phenomena, has had more experience than most in this regard. Not the least because the forementioned Godzilla first appeared there. So, it should come as little surprise that the first on scene is one of their agents.

    Takako stands atop a frost covered hill several hundred meters away observing the creature as it cuts its path of destruction through the terrain. She is dressed not in the formal attire of her UN Job or a Black Suited Japanese government agent, but a colorful Red and white bodysuit with black accents, definitely a super suit of some sort, as she studies the creature through a pair of advanced looking binoculars. Tapping her earpiece <<I have visual on the target.>> She relays to whatever agents are on the other end of that line. <<Subdual is going to be challenging.>> Especially when Takako always does her level best not to kill the creatures unless forced.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
So it happens when information is passed upwards. Sometimes the upwards information redirects, and goes sideways an- Ok we could be here all day explaining matters, but the end result has one Mike Hannigan coming in with the Titans group. Being that the musician had somewhat of an advance notice of where they were going, He's pulled out his modified sweats, hoodie, gloves, and shoes.

What's this? A costume?

Hah. Hardly.


Ok fine. There is a mask portion to the hoodie that covers the full of the face but he doesn't have that portion tugged up.

Ok, so it's reinforced then.


...Then why b-

It's COLD okay?! COLD. He's not wearing a t-shirt in that weather and if there's a wind chill he MIGHT pull the mask on too.

Oh. So he's cheap and reusing clothes.

EXACTLY. And we prefer the term frugal.

As Mike is not the one currently driving he is simply secured in his respective seat. Mike is by far not the expert previously mentioned. With the exception of the things in Wonderland, the largest thing Mike encountered before would have been some really dirty looking lungs hovering above a river of stink.


Strange was involved. That's all the explanation you're getting.

Either way Mike sits, waiting for the time where he'll prove useful.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Vibrating would be a word for it. That's what Kaida is doing. She's sitting in her seat trying not to bounce all over the place. The last time something like this happened, she got one helluva a fun fight and after some of the stuff that has been happening in her life, she could really use one helluva a fight. So, she's excited to say the least.

"Are we there yet?" She calls out from her spot, casually leaning out from the armrest she is sitting on to peer toward the front of the jet, "Can we see it? Can I leap to it yet?" She shifts, casually resting a hand on the hilt of her blade like it were an armrest, too.

Victor Stone has posed:
    Cyborg is flying the T-Jet, bringing in the Titans (and musical guest), swooping over the path of the creature's destruction. He's patched into comms with whoever else is responding to this event, which means Takako.

    <<What the hell /is/ it?>> he asks her over comms. <<And are you ready for us to drop?>>

    He knows the Titans might just drop anyway, so he makes sure the jet's at an appropriate altitude for that, banking to veer off-course from where the creature's plowing through the ground directly so they've got some room to manuever.

Hank Hall has posed:
There is a certain nervousness evident in Hank's slightly bouncing form. He is sitting gazing out the window of the T-Jet as they approach the monster, his hand reaching out to clasp Dawn's. He watches the monster come into view, and takes a deep breath, before turning to look at Dawn. "Do you think we are ready for this?" It may be an odd question, of course. Hawk has fought plenty of enemies like this. Dove has too.

He looks up towards Cyborg as he flies, nodding as the key question is asked. In times past, Hawk might have already been out the door, diving down at the monster. But something has a hold on him, giving him pause. He turns to look at Dove. "What's our play?" He is learning. Slowly, but it's coming.

Dawn Granger has posed:
Dawn squeezes Hank's hand in an attempt to calm him, doing her best to keep him from getting too jittery. His question might be an odd one, but it's one she understands the meaning of. "We've got this," she says, before glancing back at the window. She's already trying to figure out said play, watching carefully. "No idea what that thing is but I think the key play is to slow it down somehow. It's kind of hard to assess until we get closer."

She pauses, then looks to Hank. "But not /too/ close."

America Chavez has posed:
    Perhaps it is the emergence of the jet flying overhead, or some other alert that can't be noticed by the others but suddenly several smaller holes erupt from the frozen ice of the ground. What emerges are no less than 7 giant preying mantises, each roughly 30 meters in length with viciously sharp raptorial legs as their lead appendages. Without further warning they shoot up from the ground around the lead being and head straight for the jet above.

    A warbling cry that sounds like a modulated freight train comes from the main creature as it continues its inexorable charge toward the destruction of civilisation and a head emerges from the cracked ice. It's saurian in shape with a long muzzle filled with sharp teeth and a crown of spikes about it's head and a single sharp horn on the tip of its snout.

Takako Kyozan has posed:
    Takako taps her earpiece again switching the comm frequency to respond to Cyborg among the multiple feeds she has coming in. <<Kaiju.>> She replies to his question using the Japanese technical term for a really big monster. <<This one has not appeared before.>> She says, rotating the lens controls on her binoculars to get a better as the creature breaks the surface again. <<About 70 meters long. Saurian, possesses a spiky carapace and likes to dig. Like some kind of Dragon Turtle. Tortoise? Never mind. Try to subdue it, remember it is a living thing just like us.>> She makes a face when more things emerge, especially because those things are bugs. Apparently Takako doesn't like gross things like bugs.

    <<It looks like it has giant mantis friends possibly some form of giant locust.>> That said, letting out a sigh, she steps forward off the cliff at the edge of the hillside and begins to grow, her body along with her body suit, expanding to s a scale similar to that of the giant creature until she stands roughly 84 meters tall herself. One day perhaps she'll figure out flying, but for now she is left to sprint with massive long legged strides in the monster's direction before leaping into the air and landing in its path as it surfaces reaching out and attempting to grapple the beast and put a stop to it's forward progress.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike stays quiet, listening to the conversation over the comms. He too is curious to what brought about the 'Anyone able and willing' call. When the monster itself comes into view, the musician stares to the scene. "...huh." The view of the city in it's general path of direction causes for a frown. His head cocks to the side as he listens in to Dawn's suggestions on what to do. "Those called for help...Are they able to do anything to get people out of its path or is that something else we're helping with?" It would really suck if they engaged in battle with this thing only to find out later that they were the ones supposed to make sure no one got stepped on.

And THEN it turns out Spikey brought friends. And judging from the rapidly growing visage of the mantises flying towards the jet, it looks like they're going to be engaging sooner than planned. "...I guess the first thing we need to do is to NOT get knocked out of the sky by them." Shaking his head, he brings his hands back to pull forward the hood. After a bit of wrangling and to make sure the hood stays in place the dark fabric that serves as the mask portion covers over his face, leaving nothing but fabricked shadow where his features were. It may not be flashy, but he does seem to be comfortable which is what is needed when it looks like you're about to get into a dog fight with some angry looking praying mantis monsters.

Phantasm takes a few seconds, his posture mirroring itself before he stands up from his seat, leaving the still fastened restraints behind. "Okay. If anyone thinks of suggestions for how to deal with these, let us know on the comms. Otherwise it looks like we're winging it."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
When she hears that it is in sight, Kaida rushes to a window, scampering along the walls of the jet until she can see and she grins. She runs to another window to get another angle before she stops up near Vic and points out toward the thing.

"Get me close enough to jump, I gots an idea!" She laughs with joy and spins as she leaps up and lands on the floor before running toward an exit and giggling even more as she moves.

<<OK! I gots an idea!>> She calls out over coms, <<If that thing has ears and it works like many things that have ears, I'm gonna give it a real issue!>> And she, with that, simply leaps out of the T-Jet while laughing maniacally. She casually spreads her arms and legs wide as she goes, catching some wind and doing her best to direct her fall in the direction of the tarrasque wannabe while humming Flight of the Valkyries.

Hank Hall has posed:
Frowning as he watches the monster, Hank sighs quietly. "Uh." He looks over those that are assembled in the T-Jet. He looks at Dove. He looks at the monster. "I don't see anyway to get past that armor, other than..." He leans back in the seat and reaches up to pinch the bridge of his nose, eyes falling closed. "Dove. Please tell me you have an idea. Because the only one coming to me is the Jonah maneuver, and I am really _not_ looking to pull that one off again. Ever."

He opens his eyes as Kaida leaps out, and then looks back at Dove. "Ok, maybe we give her idea a try first?"

Dawn Granger has posed:
Dawn looks back in Hank's direction, then back in Kaida's. The enthusiasm is almost infectious, so she can't help but smile before she looks to Hank again. "Well, she's got an idea and I really can't make much of an assessment from up here. It'd be good to go with whatever Kaida's got and see if we can figure out what that thing is made of. I need to look for weak points."

Tactical as always, she's trying to at least plan. She's planning, but Kaida's got the right idea about jumping out. She gets to her feet. "Let's get closer. I need a better view and I really, really want to see what Kaida's doing."

America Chavez has posed:
    Victor's expert piloting allows him to thread the needle of a number of the mantis creatures. The onboard weapons punch holes in a couple of them but it's not long before it's clear that -they- aren't extirely without their own evasive maneuvers, whipping and darting away from the damage the jet can inflict while still harrassing the air about the large beast below. The jet shudders under the strikes of a few of those sharp pincers. If it survives the encounter it's going to need a fresh coat of paint and a lot of buffing to get that out.

    Takako's Gandalf impression is on point and the creature rises from the ground revealing it's full 120 meter length. The spikes cover the majority of its body from head to whip-like tail. Under the spikey carapace are legs that are similarly armor plated with thick hide ending in four toed clawed feet.

    The beast raises up on its back two legs and slams into the oversized form of Takako, another wailing cry escaping its maw as it engages its foe. It's strong. -Really- strong. The Daidarabotchi's heels scrape over the frozen landscape as it tries to simply plow through her imposed form.

    Kaida's descent is... relatively short as the beast is close to 50 meters tall when it rises on two legs. The mass of spikes she lands in might seem almost like an techtonic hellscape as she makes her way over the monstrous creatures frame toward its head and presumably to the ears.

Takako Kyozan has posed:
    Takako glances at the gauge mounted on her right wrist that tells her how much Tama is left in her body, it's begun ticking down, though it's about to start ticking down a whole lot faster. Eyeing the dragon turtle again, she begins to glow with whispy white energy as she invokes Project Shintai's signature power, the 'God Body' increasing her physical density and attributes, already being magnified by her size, to a baseline of one of the Amatsu-Kami. It's a very calculated bet, as the stronger and more resilient she gets, the less time she can remain so.

    As the creature rises up, she reaches out to take hold of it by the spikes, trying to keep those arms away from her as the two engage in an almost Sumo-esque grappling match to see who can force the other to the ground or out of the way first. "I don't want to hurt you." Yes, she is talking to the Kaiju. "I know you are probably very confused, but we need to get you somewhere you can live safely without endangering others." Takako is apparently that girl who talks to animals, even when they're trying to kill her.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The masked figure looks over to the quickly departing mouse that jumped out of the jet before he had time to even take a step. << Uh- Does she have flying powers I don't know about? >> While waiting for that question to be fielded, hopefully over the comms, the comfortably, dark clad man leaps through a nearby wall, leaving the wall intact but with Phantasm on the other side of it.

He flips forward, feet planting on the side of the jet as he gets a glimpse of the gathering outside. Like one learning a push off in a swimming pool, Phantasm does the same maneuver, launching himself quickly towards one of the approaching creatures. As the form start to shift mid route, it becomes apparent that the Phantasm is not going down in size. Instead the pairing of newly formed claws and the appearance of glowing eyes and jagged teeth in the abyss where the mask once was seems to indicate something else. The mantis Phantasm was targeting might be in for a very bad time.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
<<Uh, I'm a mouse. I don't need to fly. I fall with incredible grace!>> And with that she whips her shield out. Now, most shields might not be best for this but she has an Amazonian made shield and she's practiced many maneuvers. Her favorite being locking her feet into the straps of the shield and using it like a surfboard. That's what shields were really made for, ya know!

Sliding along a spike, she ends up sliding down between several and does a flip, catching her shield as she does, locking it on to her left arm and then taking off.

Something few know about mice is that they have impressive claws. Not for cutting but for gripping. If it's not perfectly smooth, it's not safe from mice climbing it and Kaida is no exception. Her bare feet cling as she races along the distant cousin of Sonic the Hedgehog at nearly 75 mph. She zips around aiming for the head.

<<Gonna try to climb into an ear or something similar and give this thing one nasty headache and hopefully more!>> She cackles as she races along, looking up occasionally, <<Good luck with the bugs!>>

Hank Hall has posed:
"Huh." is all Hawk says as he watches Kaida surf the giant monster in search of an ear hold. Not to mention the monster's match from the hill. He looks over at Dawn and shrugs. "Time to crush some bugs, I guess?" He steps back to the door and jumps out of the Jet, plummeting towards the ground, since Hank Hall can't fly.

    As the danger of death from height rises, it sets of Hank's danger sense. "HAWK!"

    Feeling dramatically more comfortable in a form that _can_ fly, Hawk swoops back up from his dive his claws raking into the thorax of one of the manti as he goes by. He may not be able to do much about the big thing, but he can at least try to keep the Maaco bill down.

Dawn Granger has posed:
The careful flying means that they aren't at least the ones being squished, and Dawn hears Kaida's assurance that she'll be fine. <<If you need a pickup, let me know!>> She's ready to play rescue birb if necessary. Watching Hank jump out of the jet, the proximity of the bugs is enough to make her feel the slightest bit nervous. There's plenty of danger there for sure. She leaps out of the jet as well, following Hawk's lead.


Being able to fly outside of the jet means there are more flying targets to hopefully confuse bugs. As she watches Hawk just go for one, she both smiles and shakes her head at the same time. <<That's one way to get in close to them. Keep that one busy and I'll see if I can figure out a weak point.>>

With that, Dove flies in the direction of the bug occupied by Hawk, staying what she thinks is a safe enough distance away as she studies the bug quickly. In her periphery, she's still keeping aware of where the other pesky mantises are.

America Chavez has posed:
    The T-Jet peels away as it's passengers depart with one of the bugs in tow. The mantis Mike is plummeting gracefully towards takes a swipe at him with a hissing screech, obviously unphased by the nightmare creature heading toward it at decent velocity. The one that Hank slams into misses a swipe at the Chaos Lord's hand. The claws bite into the carpace and with the enhanced strength of Hawk, go through. A sticky, viscous green fluid erupts from the gash and the bus-sized mantis attempts to disengage from the suddenly dangerous predator before it.

    Dove's approach allows her a cursory examination of the creature. Like most invertabrates with exoskeletons, there's really only one truly weak point. Their multi-faceted eyes. This oversized version is no exception, but before she can relay the words one of the beasts dives from above, a hyper-sharp appendage slicing audibly through the air toward her smaller form.

    As Takako struggles against the tortoise-like kaiju it lets out another cry of rage and frustration. Even so, her enhanced density allows her an upperhand and she presses it back a step, it's own heels and claws tearing up the earth beneath them now as it steps back. Back. Back.

    A small hole just behind the creature's eyes is as likely to be an ear as anything else on it. It's not the most pleasant of locations. There is an odor in the cavernous cavity that is near overwhleming and a crusty film coats all surfaces. Despite the noxious environment, it's what the Mouse-girl is looking for.

Takako Kyozan has posed:
    The giant woman lets out a grunt of exertion as she scuffles with the huge dragon turtle beast. Time isn't on Takako's side, it rarely is, but especially not with the Tama gauge ticking down. She can still keep this up for awhile yet but really needs to end things sooner rather than later.

    Gripping the spikes near the beast's 'shoulders', Takako shifts her weight and shouts a loud a 'kiai' as she attempts to hip throw the beast and drag it to the ground where it might be pinned and further subdued. "Come on, you just need to take a little nap for me."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Indeed the Phantasm is more or less doing a controlled fall towards its Mantis of choice. What physics apply in said fall is debatable as sense has long since left this scenario's equation. But, the twist of the targeted creature is noted. As the hinged appendage of the Mantis swipes right at the proposed match, the Phantasm responds in a similar manner.

Although in the dream entity's case, it leans back to avoid the attempted meet up and instead swipes left in kind. Claws sink into the non bladed side of the appendage, raising the smaller creature up. Regaining balance in the not equally defined environment, the shadowy creature rushes up along the length of the arm to employ a tactic known well in the world of dirty fighting. Go for the face.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Racing up, Kaida spots the hole and glares at it. She sniffs and shakes her head, quickly pulling her scarf up over her nose as she stares. Honestly, it's not nearly as bad as it could be. Kaida, after all, has gone through New York City's dankest and nasties places and, well, NYC has its bad spots. Being homeless and a mouse is a gross combo sometimes.

Either way, she reaches up to her miniaturized communicator and swaps over to another feature...music. Almost immediately, a strange electronic sound comes out and she turns it up and starts to sing with it as she pulls her sword. Singing very poorly.

"Dog goes woof! Cat goes meow! Bird goes tweet and the mouse goes squeak! Cow goes moo, frog goes croak and elephant goes toot! Duck says quack and fish goes blub and the seal goes OW OW OW OW OW!" And she makes sure it is on the highest volume, even if it bothers her own ears as she goes and she tosses it deeper into the ear canal, the music still going even as the chorus comes on.

"What does the fox say?! Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!"

Hank Hall has posed:
There is a lot going on. Kaiju vs kaiju. The Fox saying. Dream things. A flying jet. But for Hawk, there is only one thing. And it is not the carapace spraying ichor at him as he flies by. Or the one diving at him. It is the mantis moving at Dove.

Shifting in mid-flight as he sees one of the insects bearing down on her, Hawk ignores the one coming for him and brings his arms together, twisting into a dive enhanced by gravity. It is far more than a free fall, and his talons are leading the way as he clenches his jaw in determination.

And so it is that before Dove can notice the mantis coming for her, it explodes into a cloud of shell, ichor, and viscera as Hawk passes through it, carrying the bulk of the carapace downward with his momentum.

Dawn Granger has posed:
Dove barely has the chance to even move to dodge when Hawk's already there taking it down. With the mantis no longer bearing down on her, she's got Hawk's back just like he's got hers. She swoops upwards, going for the one that he'd attacked prior. She's no Hawk, but Dove is still a force to be reckoned with, and she's going right for that one's eyes. Hopefully it's distracted enough wondering where Hawk went for her to get a good shot in.

<<The eyes on the mantises are the best spot to go for.>> She's at least got the time to say that now.

America Chavez has posed:
    Michael's attack on the mantis causes it to start thrashing in earnest. The Phantasm's claws, small as they are, are still effective in ripping and tear at the softer tissue of the creatures facial carapace. One manages to puncture an eye and the beast jerks before it starts to plummet in freefall to the ground, with Mike still attached.

    Hawk's dive is gruesome but effective in bisecting the beast at the abomenal joint. He slams into the frozen ground, using the remnants of the now dead mantis to lessen the fall somewhat. Still he's far from a pretty sight when he rises from the wreckage of his destruction.

    Dove's own graceful display is a counterpoint to the sheer violence of Hawk. She dives in and the damaged creature, looking for its misplaced prey doesn't notice the blue and white blur diving for its eye before it's already too late. The putrid odor from an exploding, multifaceted eye is a new level of yuck for most and this is no exception. The creature lets out a whistling screech and starts the blindly flail it's pincers to the side where Dove attacked it. Leaving it free on the other side for the ballet-inclined woman to fully blind the thing. That leaves two more of the large insectoid creatures to content with and the swoop in towards the blue woman with fierce louyalty to their fallen hivemates.

    The kaiju is an animal and thus not inclined to understand things like grappling maneuvers and martial arts takedowns. It wails in confusion as the Daidarabotchi flings it to the ground with a resounding crash of ice and earth. It thrashes but the oversized woman, empowered as she is by the East Asian deities has it at a supreme disadvantage.

    Ylvis' memable hit is a small nuissance at first but it grows in intensity and something happens deep in the canal and the music cuts off with a fizzing spark and a small explosion. The creatures cry of pain is probably more painful than the loud music was to Kaida within the beast as she is. The lance of pain through it cause the creature to thrash wildly even as Takako struggles to control it on the ground.

Takako Kyozan has posed:
    Tick tock, tick tock, Takako races against the clock as she subdues the creature. Thankfully it seems to be going down easier than most and yet a combination of instinct and experience has her on her guard. Any kind of generalization about kaiju as a group is problematic because often their sole linking characteristic is their size. But if there is one other thing they often share in common it is that they are full of surprises, creatures of myth and nuclear mutates both.

    The creatures usually have the characteristics of several different types of animals that occur in nature but are almost never a perfect match for any of them (except when Pym Particles are involved). This though is why you send a biologist. Takako isn't just a pretty face who can punch things, she also managed to attend the prestigious Tokyo University. And now puts all of that training and background to work as she studies the creature she has pinned, even as it thrashes about, trying to figure out a relatively safe way to knock it out, somewhere she can apply pressure or punch, then they can figure what to do with it after the bugs are squashed.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Hearing the advice from Dawn over the commlink, the line of jagged teeth twists upwards. The red glow of the eyes narrow as they focus in. If anything picks up from the Phantasm's own piece, it's not quite words. But more of a low rumble of a growl.

The mantis's reaction to the claw going in seems to confirm the advice. With the mantis taking a fall, the Phantasm wrenches its claws out and seems to push off of the body to leap towards the Mantis closest to him. Claws out and ready to try another one from the 'Go for the face' playbook.

Hank Hall has posed:
With a thump, Hawk lands on the ground, the corpse of the mantis that he destroyed en route to Dove landing beneath him. He looks up and sees that now there are _two_ converging on her instead. He screams in rage, knowing that he cannot possibly get enough height to get up there in time to help. He grabs the carapace of the mantis below him and chucks it up into the air in utter frustration. While it is unlikely to get anywhere close to either mantis converging on Dove, it does manage to shower him entirely with the innards of the mantis that had not already been cast out from his initial blow or the landing on the tundra.

That does not stop Hawk from howling futilely up into the air, though.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Grinning at her plan, Kaida was merely trying to cause the creature to focus on something other than fighting Takako. The explosion that follows catches her off guard and the screeching has her grabbing at her ears and howling herself. She is not keen on that level of loud. She ends up stumbling out of the ear canal, and slipping down into the spikes of the creature as she loses her balance.

It'll take Kaida a few to recover and in the meantime, she's playing spike Plinko with her as the chip.

Dawn Granger has posed:
Dove just has to trust that everyone else is handling something. The frustrated sound from Hawk is something she expects when she sees the two coming towards her. He doesn't sound like he's having difficulty where he is, so she can put that out of her mind for the moment. Thinking quickly, she flies /towards/ the two to try and get them to converge on each other and have a hard time hitting her when there's another one right there in the way. Really, she's just trying to keep them busy as she sees the Phantasm is right there to help.

America Chavez has posed:
    The largest creature continues to thrash under Takako's pin, Kaida's work on it doing more than enough to hurt it near to incapacitation. In its pain throes it reveals a possible solution for the Daidarabotchi's plan to subdue it. There is a spot of softer looking hide along the creature's neck between the spiny carapace and the shoulder plates that throbs and pulses in time with what might be one of the creature's hearts.

    Mike in his guise as the Phantasm is hell on dark wings as he leaps from one of the beasts to another. His nightmare talons rip and tear with abandon now that he's seen the vulnerability of his foes.

    Hawk is quite strong and the mantises are surprising light weight in their upper thoraxes and heads. The throw does more than he might suspect as the remaining body whistles through the air up toward the one that Mike is tearing apart.

    Dove doesn't have to do much to get the remaing mantis on her tail. Her prodigious speed is on full display as she bee-lines for the last visible creature, zipping out of the way at the very last moment.

    The explosion of bug guts and appendages is astonishing. The ichor and foul smelling fluid that covers the trio is the stuff of true nightmares that Mike has little control over. Showers will -definitely- need to be had.

Takako Kyozan has posed:
    The amazing colossal woman continues to wrestle with the giant turtle dragon hedgehog monster she is attempting to keep pinned. It isn't easy, the creature is as big as she is and possesses powerful muscles, were it not for some borrowed additional divine might she likely would have been thrown off already. To wit, a quick glance tells Takako that gauge is getting lower than she'd like.

    That is when her careful study (in the midst of wrestling, science wrestling) pays off and she finally spies what appears to be some manner of pulsating pressure point. Shifting her mass to make the best use of it keeping the creature down while freeing one of her arms, she places one hand upon the point and gradually begins increasing pressure. That same wispy white energy appears around her hand as she channels further Tama into the makeshift sleeper manuever to hopefully knock the monster out.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Upon gaining perch upon the latest mantis, the claws quickly set out on the chosen task. The force of the attack seems further compounded by the piece of body Hank throws into the creature, more or less pushing it further along.

As the current perch gets torn apart, Phantasm leaps back, hopping over to the one that's still somewhat in one pie-. And that one's gone. The rain of yuck makes its mark, seeming to gain purchase upon the parts the phantasm sees. The backside of the dream being however seems, impeccably clean.

But that isn't much comfort for the falling aspect. Sort of swimming over to one of the falling chunks, Phantasm presses their feet down hard, launching itself back up towards the Titans' Jet. As the figure passes through the hull of the ship, the accumulated guts end up coating the outside of jet where the Phantasm passed through.

Issues seemingly resolved, the now cleaned Phantasm  walks over, undoes the restraints for his seat, and sits down.

Dawn Granger has posed:
With the mantises taken down, Dove shakes off some of the goo as Hawk comes up to meet her, and the pair move back towards the jet. They do, at least, seem to be amused and grossed out in equal parts by the bug mess. "Well," Dove says. "That... was a mess."

America Chavez has posed:
    Victor swoops in with the Jet and manages to collect those who are heading back to Titan's Tower (including one slumbering and tuckered out, Mouse). That leaves Takako alone with the biggest of them. The woman's pressure on it did more than subdue it, it rendered it unconscious almost instantaneously. Between the struggle with the massive woman and the hit to a weak point, it just... went to sleep.

    It would take some time for the Jingjin to arrive and longer still to manage to transport the creature to a secure facility for study--or whatever else they do at their top secret labs. The creatures huffs out a breath and warbles slightly in its unconsciousness, looking rather peaceful. Or at least as peaceful as a 120 meter long nuclear powered dinosaur can look.