16363/The Siege of New Krypton

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The Siege of New Krypton
Date of Scene: 19 November 2023
Location: New Krypton
Synopsis: An SOS was raised and the Superfriends leave Earth to discover New Krypton under siege by the Kryptonian Hegemony. A battle with robots insues buying the time to come up with a scientific solution to the problem. More like a patch over a wound than a real solution though. They'll be back...
Cast of Characters: Alura In-Ze, Clark Kent, Wally West, Monet St. Croix, Xiomara Rojas, Mark Grayson, Conner Kent, Kyle Rayner, Sunny Harlow, Reed Richards

Alura In-Ze has posed:
There's two ways for the people of Earth to get to New Krypton. The first - space ship. The second - a very secret teleportation ring supercharged with Kryptonian science hidden away in the Justice League wing of the Atlantic Starport. That is where Superwoman summons family and allies because the klaxon has been sound. New Krypton is sent out the most dire of SOS messages.

Alura is handing out sun belts to the Kryptonians as the rest of the team gathers. She looks over them and nods her head, "Thank you all for coming. We have no idea what we're walking in to. Some of you have been to New Krypton before, many of you have not. It will be a culture shock but they are our allies. This gateway across the stars is beyond top secret. That secrecy protects them as much as it protects Earth."

She motions a hand over her bracer. Kryptonian holograms dance and the wall retracts revealing a ring of crystals. A portal to New Krypton. "Let's hope that we can sort this out quickly with a minimum of casualties." She clips her own sun belt on and then activates the gateway across the stars. A shimmering event horizon spreads within its curves. She motions for everyone to follow, "Let's move out." Then strides through the portal to New Krypton.

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal El. Superman. There was no way he would NOT be here for this. His hair was done in the classic style, with it a little unkempt from the wind. However, somehow, it still remains almost perfect. He authorizes the use of the JL teleportation ring for those who want to help. He nods to each person who arrives, warmly welcoming them.

Superman's wardrobe was the classic Superman costume. Big red cape. Tights. The House of El symbol on his chest. A symbol for Hope to all those who can see it. Yes, that big red "S". His hands were firmly on his hips. Waiting for ALura's call. Then, he comes.

Kal's deep blue eyes scan ahead, of course. His expression was one of concern, but confidence. It would be important today of all days that he remains confident. Vigilant. Strong. So he could inspire those who were about to see battle. Hopefully it would be a good day. However, prepare for the worst, HOPE ("S") for the best.

"Lead on Alura. Once more unto the breech, dear friends."

Wally West has posed:
"Man, we got BIG BLUE in the house!"

Comes the voice of Wally West - AKA the Flash. Fastest Man Alive. He's dressed in his usual attire: red bodysuit with silver accents that make up his flash symbol and unlike one Barry Allen, Wally's 'speed lightning' is blue rather than the usual gold of other speedsters. "So, we're gonna go in there, help people out, have some Kryptonian bacon, and be on our way back home. Don't worry big guy, we got this."

Wally totally told the one person who probably WOULDN'T be worried.

He gives a thumbs up to Alura. "Following your lead." He says far more seriously now that he's done with the friendly formalities, his hands lifting up to lower his goggles back over his eyes and looking like he's ready to run, but he steps through the portal to New Krypton

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Not much time. They've had to ready anything they can to take with them. Not knowing what they're going into. An invasion, a catastrophe, some sort of crisis. Or into a trap. If the planet's already fallen and they're only now being 'permitted' to make out a call for aid. Regardless, they're going to be arriving into the thick of things. Nothing new there.

Monet St. Croix comments, "I will be doing my best to maintain a mental link. My ability to dos o will likely be rather strained if we spread out." One couldn't keep up with Kryptonians fighting at super-speed after all. So she wasn't expecting it to last too long.

MOnet isn't particularly one for inspiration or well wishes. But still.. It was Superman. It was hard not to feel just a litlte more hopeful with Big Blue.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Being part of the Justice League was still new to Crush, in fact she wasn't a full on member, more like a member with training wheels. The one factor that made it all acceptable was Superman. He had sort of taken the Czarnian under his wing to help guide her through dealing with superior strength on a world of really, really breakable things.

When the request went out for aid, she was one of the first to arrive. Unlike the others she didn't have a fancy costume, instead she wore her rocker outfit that she had become known for. Of course Obelus was around her waist, the woman went no where without the sentient chain. Someday maybe she would consider a costume, but really to her, this whole secret identity thing was an utter waste of time.

Without much preamble, she listens intently to the Kryptonian in charge, her name being Alura. She didn't look nervous, but she was, so spotting Wally, someone else she knew, seemed to ease the tension in her shoulders.

"I'm ready to help anyway I can," she offered, not at all prepared for not being on earth. She always wanted to go to space, this was just... sudden. "Don't need a belt, don't need armor, but can punch people to the moon... wait, does New Krypton got a moon?"

Mark Grayson has posed:
Travelling to New Krypton is kind of a pain by spaceship. Especially when the Hegemony decides that they want to blockade the route and set up ambushes and other nasty surprises.

So on this, his third trip to the planet, Invincible is in his usual blue and yellow of his costume as he watches Alura and Clark head in, the young Viltrumite hybrid looks around to catch sight of the other (true) Viltrumite here and he gives Sunny a quick thumbs up.

"Walk in the park!" he offers optimistically as he heads for and lifting off the ground slightly, floats through the portal connecting Earth to New Krypton.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner was more or less expecting this emergency call since their run-in with that city-sized Kryptonian warship a few weeks ago. Sure, maybe the Green Lanterns would have sorted that out, or maybe those extra-dimensional Kryptonians could have started a inter-dimensional war with the Dominion or something.

No. Of course not. They will never get so lucky.

"On the plus side, we get to punch space-nazis," he points out. Because one needs to be optimistic when dealing with evil Kryptonians.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
New Krypton and Kyle have an odd relationship. It's a recent reminder of how big the universe -really- is, how primitive Earth is by compared to other places throughout the stars, and the first time he ever felt like a "Lantern." Not -just- a hero, but a -Green Lantern-. It's just too bad that his ring shouldn't exist, from a technical standard. Whatever that can of worms brings him, if anyone alerts him to -any- New Krypton activity, he'll be there or do his best -to- be there. Damn the consequences that await him.

He'll be there traveling by space. Chiming into the radio frequency most tend to report on, "Green Lantern, callsign Ion, I'm heading to New Krypton." And that's how he'll join the coalition of others like teammate Mark, Alura and the big guy, Superman.

It still feels weird to be here as a lantern. Kind of like the Gods asking Telemachus's school chum to act as part of their convoy. Kyle sees himself as underpowered, but willing to help. The lantern ring demands respect, but he knows it would have some time restraining a Kryptonian. Not an impossible task, but one with a lot of odds possibly against the wielder. Still, he will go down swinging.

"One of the noblest of causes," Kyle's quick to chime in off of Conner's words.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
The first time Sunny was around Superman it had been one of her best rescues, one of her best fangirl moments and a day she'd felt like a real superheroine! But the -last- time? She'd been part of the team that had rescued him from Brainiac, and that had been so intense that she'd had nightmares for a few days afterwards. Now they were headed for a planet full of that level threat potentially? Well...Sunny was just glad to have some familier faces around her.

Wrapped in her newest costume, once more to the romper style and half-jacket again, the blonde heroine stepped up towards the portal, giving a little exhale of a breath and a quiet laugh despite herself at Connor's comment.

"We'll do everything we can to help," 'Indestructibelle' offers, returning the thumbs up and then taking a breath before stepping through.

First portal ever!

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards is here to help, not his first or even hundredth, planetary emergency.

    He was more than willing to let the kids lead the way and be around more as support or the radical notion that could help save lives. He waits for the others and then slips on his pack and hefts the duffel he packed just for the occasion. He sighs at the weight and heads towards the portal, admiring their optimism. He barks out a laugh at Conner's comment, "Never gets old." He stops on the threshold and looks around the Justice League's space hoping for a last minute familiar face but when none is forthcoming he steps through the portal.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
New Krypton has three moons though none of them are visible right now. The large spire at the center of Kandor has at its peak the command center of their government and right now their emergency response. The crystal roof reveals muted visuals of what's going on outside.

A gigantic forcefield covers the entire city. It is gigantic. Beyond that in the sky are large portals cutting through the air in the shape of glyphs. There are three of them - two outer ones say Kryptonian Hegemony and the one in the center says Zod.

Which is particularly awkward since Dru-Zod is standing there at the center of the command center. He is rapidly issuing orders. A large team of Kryptonians are rushing from control panel and out through balconies out in to the city. The city is under siege. A holographic map of the city has red dots indicating places where something has breached the shield. The big weapon ship come through one of those holes in the sky - all those robots stream through the other two holes.

The shield in quest lights up like a christmas tree as a large ship that looks like a gigantic gun fires once more. The shield holds but other parts of it falter and in those brief holes dark objects fly through at high speed. It doesn't take supervision to see what they are - the city is being monitored on screens.

Robots roughly 100 feet in height uncoil and begin blasting from a single red eye. They are not after the people - they are not after the buildings - they are explicitly converging on large pylons. The astute will realise quickly that these pylons are part of the shielding system keeping the city standing.

The transportation disc is set in to the wall of the command center. It comes to life as the team from Earth emerge. Alura catches sight of everything going on and her mouth drops open. "The Hegemony has found New Krypton. Spread out across the city. Stop those robots. If they take out the pylons the city will fall."

The scope of the calamity is starting to settle in to her mind. If the Hegemony takes New Krypton they will forcibly have the army they need to recreate their empire and no one in the galaxy will be safe.

Alura strides toward the command table and places a hand on Zod's shoulder, "Dru. Catch me up. What's happening."

"We're near stalemate. Their gunship cannot take out our shields but the energy drain from their blasts opens the shields briefly enough for them to insert robots. If we can keep the robots from the pylons we can maintain the status quo. But this city cannot remain under siege forever..." Dru-Zod says to the reinforcements from Earth. "Is this all you've got?," Dru-Zod asks pointedly toward Superman and Superwoman.

"They're the best there is. We're going to figure this out," Alura responds and gives Kal-El the nod. She smiles with confidence and then switches to the Justice League frequency to respond to Kyle, <<"Glad you're here. Don't engage their gunship - that'd be suicide. But if you can slow the tide of those robots we might be able to get on top of things here.">>

Alura looks back to the team and says, "I've faced one of these robots. They are not to be under-estimated. They're fast and they back a heck of a punch with their heat vision. Their armor is extremely strong. Don't hold back against them and don't let them hit you -or- grab you."

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman pauses, and takes a moment to feel a little relieved that Monet was there. "Thank you." Was all he said to her, but knew she understood. Without her, this would be beyond difficult. Looking over at Xiomara, Superman takes the time to say, "Thank you for coming. We need you. There may be a moon." Superman smiles. Of course his voice was full of respect and truth. They did need her.

Looking to Mark Grayson, Superman nods in respect, appreciative he was coming. A moment to nod and smile at Conner came next. "True. Try not to pull your punches too much then." Was he joking? It sounds like joking.

"It is good to have you here, Green Lantern." To Kyle. "I always feel like we can take on the Universe with a GL present. Thank you for coming." Turning next to Sunny, Superman smiles. "My heroine. Good to have you here." He returns the thumbs up. "Here we go."

A pause. A sidelong look at Reed Richards. "I am honoured you are here Reed. Thank you." Then, stepping through the portal, Superman moves to the next part of the chess board. New Krypton. And there. Him... "Zod." Superman grits his teeth. The only thing stopping him from launching himself towards him was Alura. "This is the elite. It is more than we need." He returns Alura's nod. "Everyone. Form up. Take care of each other and we will all walk away from this! For New Krypton!"

Clark Kent has posed:
"Flash!" Wally. "Good to have you here! We will need your speed!" That was done really fast, almost as fast as the Flash. "Be safe."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would go to consider for a moment while the group would arrive. <<What has their priority being the pylons? What is thier strategic objective with them?>> If the enemy is going after them over the people, over the buildings, over the command center.. What makes them so important that they cuold not just handle by overrunning the command center first and mopping up at their leisure after?

She geos to consider for a moment, going to focus along the rest of the group and establishing a telepathic uplink with the group - from Earth. She pointedly does -not- include Dru-Zod in the link. The man might have been given freedom of a sort here.. But he had not earned forgiveness.

She goes to focus, rapidly moving to observe the robots and get an idea as to their physical capabilities. Out of her league.. Sos he would look for softer targets. She would be at a long distance, but she would extend her mind.. Trying to picku pwhere clusters of minds were from. Trying to simply figure out where large numbers of enemy troops were - they'd be busy coordinating the robots and then ready to charge in when there was an opening.

Speaking out loud, "Can you detect where the majority of thier communications are coming from?" It would be unlikely that they could decrypt said communications over the fight, but they could possibly jam them.. And if not, if they could be backtracked it would give them an idea of where the Hegemony's command and control was, and then counterattack it.

Monet's focus is on the tactical aspects and analytical ones. Her lessons from the Amazons - and from Cyclops guiding her through. Neutralize enemy leadership, then engage isolated groups when they were unable to work together.

Conner Kent has posed:
Oh look. Speaking of space-nazis. They really put 'General Evil-Beard McZod' in command. Conner resist the temptation of face-palm at seeing him, proceeding immediately to ignore everything he says.

Instead he listens to Alura. "Robots. I can deal with robots, thanks to my tactile telekinesis," he hesitates. Or can he? He usually can deal with electronic and mechanical devices easily, but this is crazy crystal Krytonian tech. Well, he will try anyway, he flies out!

<<Are the bots manned?>> He asks through the comms. <<I mean, no if they are really robots. And not... whatitsname... mechs? Where is Robin when I need a nerd?>>

Mark Grayson has posed:
"Third time's a charm!" Invincible is still a bit awestruck that Superman knows who he is. Prolly not, but the Viltrumite hybrid can imagine! Instead, as Alura is giving orders and he straightens up. Behind his goggles, his eyes turn to face the robots advancing on the pylons. "On it!" he calls out and he races off, nearly cracking the sound barrier as he heads for a robot that is getting close and powering up to fire upon the pylon. As it's eye glows, Mark realizes he has no ranged weapons to deal with this, but...

Racing in just as the laser was about to fire, Invincible slams into the side of the head, causing the laser to aim upwards and fire off it's blast into the sky. As he dents in the armor, he is swinging around to attack again when the robot's arm comes down, a massive fist slamming Mark into the ground - proving the folly of trying to attack head on.

The robot slams into Invincible several times, and finally, as the fist comes down again, a pair of blue fingerless gloves catch the hand, and the ground shatters beneath the hero. Looking up at the mechanical beast, Mark spits out a glob of blood, his nose bleeding as well. "You have /no idea/ how much I want to do this." he grins, a flash of temper in those bright eyes of his as he feels the want to do great harm. And the robot provides it.

Slamming the fist into the ground, Mark rockets up into a shoulder, ripping it out of the socket and using it as a brace, swings it around as a massive flail to slam into the robot, knocking it back.

As it stumbles, Invincible rockets forward and aims upwards. His fists connect with the lens of the beam as it starts to power up again, and the entire head /explodes/ in flames and shrapnel, englufing him for several seconds, before Invincible rises from the smoke, trailing it behind him, parts of the front of his uniform and legs shredded as he twists his head around to look for his next target.

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle's not sure how, but somehow he stumbled into something. Seeing how the robots are going for the stations. Flying off toward one, he takes a moment to study how they work. A second later a giant construct hand starts to go toward the head. The hand tries to squeeze at the head. Slowly a forearm starts to piece together and then the rest of arm. Before long there's a robot, about fifty feet bigger, loosely based on the Azure Defiant, there holding the robot.

With Jade Defiance, patent pending, there glowing for everyone to see, Kyle's trying to put a target on his back. Try to create a bigger threat in the world at large. Kind of like how sudden movement will trigger predator animals. He's hoping that this large threatening look construct bot, attacking other robots, would somehow case others to swarm him. Kyle just focuses at the center of the bot like he's the pilot, and. the creator.

<"Aim for the head. They shoot beams from the head.? He says just clarifying targets to anyone that may get a good shot.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
What was it with space and war robots? Sunny actually lowered her head for a moment to take herself a breath, a little moment to steady herself before Clark's words and a little bump from Invincible are enough to have her nodding once more. Back to being 'Belle, time to be a hero!

"Alright, tell us what to do and we'll get it done!" she calls, her best attempt at summoning her courage up and verbalizing it before she takes to the air with a crack of the sound barrier. Sunny was aware she was young, and while she could keep pace with Mark there were plenty out there (especially with Big Blue in the room) who were stronger...but a little utilization of physics and momentum might help her cover the gap as she launched herself into the hypersonic punch, using the rebound to twist around and swing her leg into a heavy kick intended to shatter the robot's form.

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards chuckles softly, and places a hand on Clark's shoulder, "I'm honored you asked, Son." He looks eyes with the General and smiles brightly, "Zod, I would think you'd finally learn not to underestimate us. Your record against us being so abysmal. This didn't even rate the full team." He nods to Allura, "I'll go set up some back up force fields around the pylons most at risk." He indicates a cluster on the display and one that is isolated. "Your shield is impressive, the one's I brought are based on Val's designs using Susan's powers." Is it hard not being the smartest or the most powerful? Sometimes, but he's seen further standing on the shoulders of giants to misquote Newton."

     Reed opens his duffel and pulls out a metal bat with a dial on the pummel and cosmic ring suspended about one third of the length of the bat from the pommel, just above where the hand grip is, he offers it to Conner, "Yes, Mechs have people in the, bots do not. Go hit some space nazis."

    "Flash, could I perhaps ask for a ride?"

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Stepping through the portal was exactly like stepping into another world, because it was, and almost immediately it was overwhelming. It wasn't any one thing, but all the things happening at once that almost caused Crush to become lost in the chaos. If Superman hadn't spoken to her, she would have just stood there trying to figure out the world she just found herself on.

"Hey, I'll always be here to help," she replied with a goofy smile, because her childhood hero was standing RIGHT THERE.

Listening in to Dru's report, perhaps not something she could have done but her hearing was good enough that she couldn't really /not/ hear it, she knew what the enemy was and where they were attacking. She'd spent over a year practicing in the Titan's danger room, pitting herself against anything and everything she could to prepare her for a moment like this. Robots... they were her favorite.

"Chicken sheets," she mutters, and yes it was sheets. "Got no balls, using robots stead of face to face... we'll teach em all a lesson."

That said, she offers a nod and slight wave to Sunny before she bolts out the nearest door to go in search of a robot to punch. She couldn't fly like some of the others. Her mode of movement was much like the Hulks, aimed long distance jumps, the difference being that she could land without causing damage and well, Big Green did not.

Wally West has posed:
The /instant/ Wally walks through the portal his eyes go wide. "Woooaaaahhh. Space siege battle? Heh, good thing I watched Star Wars recently." He cracks his fingers and a winning smile is on his face. But...the situation is far, far more serious than that.

"Stop the robots, don't charge the gun ship, save the city. Don't worry, we're Justice League. Ain't nobody in the entire galaxy better." Wally gives everyone a nod, before he's looking at Superman.

"Hey thanks!"

It's nice to be appreciated. Tgough he looks at Reed. "Oh man, giving the Smartest Man Alive a ride? Thought you'd never ask." He reaches to grab the back of Reed's head to protect him from whiplash, then he's running, vanishing in a streak of blue electricity. <<I mean, I betcha they're unmanned. We were told to go all in or get all out. So have at it, SB!>>

First stop? Dropping Dr. Richards off at the pylons that look the roughest.

Second stop? Showing these robots that he's far faster than they will ever be.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
The lights in the command center flicker, "And then there's that." Dru-Zod says. One of the techs says, "That gunship keeps hacking us. We're cycling the security matrix but everything about these people are built for war. It's like their entire culture focused on conquest instead of peace. Their society is like a mirror to our own."

The lights stabalize again and Alura frowns. "The Kryptonians on that gunship were born to fight. We don't have the people power to take the ship - we need an alternate strategy to stop the attack. Keep in mind that in their timeline they destroyed Oa and the Green Lanterns. We must not underestimate their technological prowess."

She paces slowly back and forth, "That said - we escaped their ambush by using my prototype phantomdrive. While their society evolved its technology in response to threats - ours evolved it out of the pure love of scientific exploration. We may know more about science than they do. If we have enough time we can beat them. Perhaps even banish them back to their own timeline."

One of the scientists in the command center nods her head excitedly to Monet. "I'm on it," they sit down at a terminal and begin to swish their fingers over Kryptonian symbols and then they look slightly puzzled before looking back to Monet. "Something on the other side of their portals. It's big. Really big."

<<"The robot I faced on Earth was fully autonomous. I don't think they're willing to risk their own people when they can manufacture those robots near indefinitely.">> Alura responds quickly to Conner's query. <<"The Hegemony sent out probes and one landed in Gotham. I teamed up with Batman and we took it down. It was not an easy fight. We managed to stop it before it reported back to the Hegemony what it found on Earth.">>

Alura nods to Reed, "Good idea. Mixing Earth and Kryptonian tech might throw the Hegemony off their game. They're expecting to understand what they're up against. Our being here might turn the tide." She smirks a little at the hostility toward Dru-Zod. But as she looks up at that Zod shaped portal in the sky she starts to wonder if the real threat is going to be so much worse than the Zod they know and hate.

Zod looks over at Mark and glances him up and down, "You and your girlfriend should stay and defend the tower." Alura turns on Zod immediately and places a hand to his chest. "You do -not- give orders to them. You focus on the task here and let me and Kal worry about the heroes of Earth. You're still on probation here and no one on Earth has forgiven you yet. You're going to have to work a lot harder to earth our trust. And believe me, most of them could wipe the floor with you Dru."

Steely eyes face off against goatee's face for a tense moment as he slowly rises up from the floor. Then, seeing the steadfast spacemom determination on Alura's face, he lowers back down to the ground. "As you wish /liguhshehd In-Ze/" The room in the mood relaxes but it's clear people are delighted someone just put Zod in his place.

Back to the battle she responds to Kyle <<"The head is a good target but they keep fighting even if you lob it off. Their power core is embedded somewhere deep in the chest. Brute force eventually stops them. But if someone could figure out a more surgical solution that'd help greatly.">>

Clark Kent has posed:
Feeling Reed's hand on his shoulder, Kal smiles. "Thank you Reed. Welcome to the battle." Next. "Flash, keep an eye on him!" Nodding towards Reed.

Superman then floats above the battlefield, and tries to be the eyes and ears for Monet and her strategic analysis. He was genuinely proud of everyone in the battle. Grim determination on his face, he starts to use his formidable abilities to keep his troops safe.

Using his heat vision to pick off targets was hard, and his use of super speed and muscle was meant to tactically enhance the people on the battlefield.

Kal's primary concern - keeping everyone alive and safe. That meant taking some BIG hits from the bad guys, which was getting harder and harder to prevent. Superman threw himself into the battle to be the shield for everyone else. And this was beginning to wear at him.

Superman's current raison d'etre - protect the team, the science types, Alura, and their base of operations. He was the wall. That meant taking the hits to protect the team. Even, Rao Forbid, Zod.

"I agree with Alura." That conversation between Zod and Alura was magical. There was a slight pause in the battle. Kal looks the WORSE for wear right now. Was that...blood on his lips? "I'll watch our team's back. You do what needs to be done Alura." Back to the battle and taking the hits!

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
At present time finding a robot to punch wasn't an issue, they were everywhere and quite intent in their attacks on the pylons. Crush leapt through the city, looking for one of the pylons in the worst shape before one last leap took her onto the back of a robot. No, she had never practiced bronco riding in the danger room, and as the things whips and turns and tries to throw her off, she wishes she did.

Using her left hand she digs into a handful of the metal on the thing, to get a good grip to hold on with. Her right hand being free, whipped and waved around like she was in a rodeo. <<Holy heels, these things are fun!>> Is all she offers to the conversation, before she gets a better feel of its movements.

Even if she wasn't immediately attacking, the thing was distracted, but the 'not attacking' part came to an end quickly. Right hand begins pounding and ripping at the metal the minute she hears where the power core was. She was going in through the back, so it would take some time, but she then adds, <<EMP them!>>

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Urge to punch Zod in the face rising - but she'd probably break her hand on it. Monet St. Croix goes thoughtful over as she would speak to Reed, "I'm sure that you can figure it out, Doctor Richards." Time to resist urge to punch him in the face. She's analysing the robot from what thier sensors can pick up of it. Joints and servos will be reinforced - against heat, against super strength, against speed.. Their networks will likely be too difficult to hack and they don't necessarily have the overwhelming firepower to take one down. If Cyborg or Cypher were here..

She looks very smug at Alura going to put Zod in his place, but it quickly passes. They're in an alliance of convenience here, they can belittle him later. But now isn't the time to make a schism in their command and control.

"How much freedom will they give thier autonomons to act with? Are they fully sentient, primarily remote operated, or via artificial intelligence?" She's thoughtful as the group coordinates and deploys. They can't necessarily smash the robots, they don't hvae the firepower.. Going for command and control is the primary expected tactic. The enemy will be dug in and have secondary outposts setup in case their network is compromised in any way.

"Are there any weaknesses within their communication network? On a hardware level. What sort of components will go into their electro-crystal system?" Thoughtful. "Their baseline technology should be similar, even if extremely well hardened. Presuming thier communications apparatus work the same as your's, what will the primary hardware be constructed out of? ANd would it have any material weaknesses?"

Conner Kent has posed:
Oh, the power core is in the chest? Conner was also aiming to land on the head (always funny when a giant robot punches himself on the head trying to hit him) but given the size... he zigs, then zags, to avoid the head blast, and sneaks under the robot arm to reach its back, punching there hard enough to leave a dent, but mostly to grab the robot with telekinesis and scan its insides, to see what he can break past the armor.

Usually he will parry the robot blasts with his face, to protect the crunchy ones on the team, but this time he feels kind of crunchy himself. "100 feet tall? Someone is overcompensating. These things are not suitable for urban fighting."

Kyle Rayner has posed:
<"On it!"> Kyle responds with certainty. Jade Defiance works n the head trying to at least destroy it, r at least stop it. The other hand goes out toward the chest. Three contact point extend to the hand chest. Each start work like a high powered blowtorch. Alura wants surgical precision so, he's going to try to be a surgeon to this robot. And that's when he will try to focus on the power going to each point. He's trying to figure out just how -deep- that core is from the outside of the chest to the core. Plus, he may be able to glean a melting point for the metal. Something that's quantifiable for people like Reed Richards to use and weaponize! That's if he can hold up the construct.

Also, he's going to take some notes on this energy source. Is it more like a battery or a heart? This could be useful as well. Kyle will just focus on keeping his construct up and not letting the bot go. This is officially his patient, even if the robot doesn't want to have this surgery.

Mark Grayson has posed:
Invincible is not really one to follow orders. He was gone a couple of seconds after Zod told him to stay behind with his girlfriend. That's not happening. He doesn't need a sun belt, he can hit hard and he's better out in the field than standing around worrying with his hands.

As another robot makes it's presence known, there's a quick glance around the battlefield to check on his known friends. He makes sure Sunny's got things handled on her end, and when he realizes that she's good, his attention starts to move towards another advancing robot when he catches sight on what's happening above.

While in his heart, he's sure that Superman has it all handled, but when he notices a powerful blast coming in on Kal's blindside, the young Viltrumite rockets skywards, cracking the sound barrier twice as he hits his max speed. "Watch out!" he manages, but only has time to interpose himself between Superman and the blast that was meant for him. "ARRRGH!" he manages to scream as the beam slams into him.

And Superman may have been able to take the hard shot, Mark is not so hardy yet. As the beam hits Mark center of mass, he absorbs it, blasted into the ground, kicking up as he crater's in. The front of his uniform is ripped to shreds, part of his goggles are broken and exposing one eye. Blood flows from his ears, mouth and nose and he is not working to get back up yet.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
If only Dru-Zod knew the record of the Viltrumites...though to be fair, even Sunny didn't know the truth of her people. What she did know was as sense of relief that these things were unmanned, it made her feel a heck of a lot better about driving her fist through the head of the next one before it could unleash its 'heat vision'...but there were a lot of them and the next bolt hit her hard in the back sending her wavering in the air before she twisted, the burn across her back already starting to heal a little as she turned and threw the 'head' as hard as she could into the next machine.

The sudden 'crunch' of Superman intercepting a tackling robot meant for her was warning enough that she needed to keep moving, keep fighting but...they really did need a bigger and better plan.

Then Mark is hit, and hit hard by a bigger dose of what she'd just experienced and the blonde dives, calling out to the others. "I've got him, cover me!"

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Crush didn't need to know everyone specifically, she didn't need introductions or a hand shake. Working with the Titans had taught her that a team was her team, and learning from Superman had taught her that nothing else mattered.

Seeing one of the team fly into and take a shot for Superman, and then go crashing to the ground was enough. Fun time was over. She shredded into the robot, ripped out it's core, tossed it and was jumping to land near Mark to cover Sunny while she went to aid him. <<I gotcha back!>>

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards arrives in Wally's charge near the cluster of pylons currently under attack and lets the Flash go be the flash as he moves over the landscape, her flows across it really using every scrap of cover and hiding himself in plain sight. He finds the local Civil Defense team engaged in a pitched firefight. He does what he can taking command and pulling them back as he sets the shield generator. As the nearest robot moves in to destroy the tower is disappears behind the shield. The robot stops scans then moves away mission complete.

    Reed stops, blinks and shakes his head, "I really wish I had brought more of these." He leads the group to the second pylon and once that is clear to the third amassing a small force by the third pylon that he can use to flank the bot with overwhelming firepower.

    Reed <<Ms. Saint Croix, can you please keep me looped into the science discussion, I like where your minds going, the crystalline structures have an inherent resonant frequency we may be able to exploit, like a soprano shattering a glass. The last time Zod used one of them to attack Earth I was able to crack it by exploiting the microscopic... nanoscopic defects present in all crystals. Have them scan for imperfections in the matrix, they will be fine. >>

Wally West has posed:
<<The head? Oh, easy enough!>>

That gives Wally a clear and /very/ hittable target, so long as he stays moving and avoids those heat vision lasers and of course, avoid being grabbed. It must be wild though, being on a different planet. Wally can't remember the last time he /wasn't/ on earth! But time travelling and generally just being a member of the Titans really does naturally come with those risks.

But after Wally deposits Reed at the pylons, he gives him a thumbs up. "Back in a Flash."

Then he's /gone/!

Wally is fast enough to see the world as though it were in slow motion. Sometimes, if he moves fast enough? Like it's not moving at all. He was told not to pull his punches and so /rarely/ does Wally get even the slimmer of a chance to really cut loose. <<Mark needs a hand!>> He notices Mark take that hard hit, and in the meantime? People are already on it!

Well, that keeps this really easy, don't it?

So He charges one of the robots, with full intention to charge straight into the leg of the beast and make various passes at it, the lightning the SPeed Force user charges within himself as he runs is enough to be able to manifest it as a physical attack. So his plan?

Hit that big-ass motherfucker with a lightning blast going at mach 25

Alura In-Ze has posed:
<<"Batman tried his biggest EMP on the shield it generated. We never tried an EMP directly on it - but Kryptonian technology doesn't work the same way as Earth. We don't push electrons around in circuits.">> Alura finds herself resisting the intense urge explain more of the science - this really isn't the time or place for a science lecture.

<<"Though perhaps a similar concept. If we could generate a quantum pulse wave that might disrupt their processors giving us a momentarily window to take them down.">>

One of the scientists in the tower pipes up at that discussion and says, "We have what we need to do that but all the components are being used in the shield right now. We cannot afford to shut down the shield to make what you're describing."

<<"Reed - you wouldn't happen to have something that fits the bill would you?">> She has grown to appreciate the technological genius and the uniquely Earth perspective that the Earth scientists have. The singularly advanced Kryptonian way is not always the best solution.

"They are given directives but otherwise act autonomously M. I'd love to be able to hack their command and control comms and give them new directives but I suspect that's beyond us right now. As for how their communications work - " She pauses a moment realising she doesn't have the words to explain the concept. A bunch of mind bending physics invades Monet's mind briefly. Suffice to say, it's far too much and well beyond 'quantum entangled particles'.

"You're right Con-El. These are clearly weapons of terror. They're probably designed to crush the urban environment rather than seek out an individual target." She ponders a moment, "Strange that none of their robots have activated their shields yet. Perhaps they don't consider us a big enough threat yet. That's good. This fight gets a whole lot harder if they do raise their shields."

The eager scientist nods her head, "Scanning." She begins to type wildly at Reed's suggestion and then looks perplexed for a moment. "There are attometer fractures in the structures of these machines. That... could only happen one way. Some kind of huge energy portal breaching a barrier between time lines. The time ... filaments ..." She too is starting to struggle with terminology that would work for the humans, "cut them up. If we could some how map out the internals of these robots, may be this would help?"

Alura focuses back to the big issue of how to win this battle. "We need to convince them the fight is over. Even if we cloaked the city they'd just fire and destroy the suncore. Short of inventing a whole new kind of warfare against them in the next few minutes..."

Alura tenses as she hears then sees Mark taking a really big hit from one of the attack robots. Her whole body tenses. She can't help him from here but even if she left here what good could she do - she needs to stay here and work the bigger problem.

Her eyes raise up and look at that big gunship. If they could get Kryptonite in to its core this fight would be over. There's little to no chance they could make that assault when they're on the defensive like this. She is starting to think of desperately worse ideas...

"...what if we phased the entire city in to the phantom zone."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner shares his telekinetic scanning of the insides of the robot through telepathy, mostly to see if any of the brainy ones can figure out something clever. Alura? Reed? Monet? He can't make heads or tails of that crystal circuitry himself, but when the robot blasts a pylon, he decides to start breaking things inside anyway the bot. Still takes him fifteen seconds to make the thing faceplant. Apparently it had lots of redundant systems. <<Hope you got anything from that mess,>> he says through the telepathic link, <<it is all very quantum to me,>> beat. <<Ugh, the Phantom Zone. How about we send the robot there, not the city.>>

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would muse over and rapidly think <<So if their comms are jammed then they will have default directives in place ofr how they react and operate. How does their communications technology work other than the crystals? Tightbeam?>> One always had a rudimentary backup in place when it came time to a fight. One didn't put all their technological processors in one metaphorical cog, after all.

So if comms were disrupted, they'd have a secondary array in place, an dthe robots would continue on their previously given directives within their mandate for autonomous operation.. And said direcives would be straightforwards. One didn't want to risk their killer robots going off the metaphorical reservation, after all. Too much independence given to their processor meant too much of a risk of them gaining sentience, deciding they wished to overthrow their masters, etc.

The sharing of physics from Alura is almost painful for Monet - the girl is intelligent, but nowhere on the level of beings like Alura or Caitlin. So she just rapidly accepts the communication coming in and accepts it is not something she will ever grasp if she spent the remainder of her life trying to learn.

As the others make quick theoretical evaluations of how the robots might be neutralized or redirected, she purses her lips and ponders. Even as her mind finds it very, very hard to resist the thought of just throwing a blanket over their heads like one would a bird..

"Do you have some sort of large screen sensor b locker? Something that can be remotely dispatched. While they're disoriented you can blanket the area with it, which will make it all the harder for them to realize the maskirovka being inflicted upon them."

The telepathic scanning of the robot is then uploaded to the others to review. It's difficult - and almos tpainful to take those thoughts, translate them to something tangible, and then give it to the others - but Alura and Reed can make use of it. But this takes all of M's focus for the moment.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Taking a stand against impending robots incoming was actually the easy part, Crush was ready to do what it took to ensure the safety of everyone else. She didn't understand the entire situation, not fully anyway, even as the scientists talk and information is shared, her mind processes it as quickly as a computer. Without some more details however, she was drawing a blank.

<<Why not phase a couple of us heavy hitters into that ship?>> She asks bluntly. <<Tell us what to take out, we take it out. I'll go, just tell me whatcha need.>>

Just after thinking that, she makes a jump to tackle one of the robots that thought Mark and Sunny were easy targets on the ground near the pylon, and was already punching and shredding at it to get to the core inside. <<We gotta do somethin drastic, and we Earth types are really good at drastic... send me in coach!>>

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Getting inside the robot's chest, the construct takes a beating. The energy ripples with each strike as the robot flails. "BOOM!" "BOOM!" the blows would go, but sound can't travel through space. However, Kyle can hear them within his construct. Kyle sees the battery there. Those three contact points do what they can to disconnect the source while keeping the wiring intact before the severing points. People would see the light of the bot wink out.

Kyle begins to report back what he knows. How deep the energy source is between chest and the actual housing unit for the power source. He even gives an approximate amount of energy t takes. Is that latter quantifiable by an actual unit of measurement? No. Not at all. It's the scientific equivalent of Kyle going, "a hunk of this," when giving cooking instructions. It's an approximation that would have to be worked on, guesstimated and surmised.

Then the construct flies to another bot wanting to actually fight to study. His bot drives a fist into the robot. A few spots on the construct look rough, but Kyle's will only goes so far. He can't exactly focus on "repairing" the unit right now.

Wally West has posed:

Flash's lightning bolt blows a massive hole in the head of one of those giant robots, causing it to immediately collapse into scrap metal with legs. He's a literal living lightning bolt, except perhaps a trillion times faster. Heat vision blasts are trying to catch him but he's far too quick for it! He manages to briefly trip over a rock, tumbling along the ground where another machine is waiting with it's foot raised to stomp on him.


The foot comes down and appears to crush Wally West right there on the ground! Only....a rapidly vibrating Flash emerges from the top of the foot . "Good try though!" And Flash is running right up the leg, fast enough to rend the metal from foot to neck, his fist rearing back and /striking at the eyeball of the machine, the force of the fist influenced heavily by velocity, allowing him to punch straight through the eyeball and destroy the molten energy source that fuels the heat vision, causing a rupturing explosion as he's running up and off of the machine.

<<You know, something tells me that transporting an entire city might not be a great idea! But Dr. Richards, if you need the energy, I'm the best conductor you've got! I can make my way over to you and I can use the speed to provide the energy.>>

Though he's currently falling.

<<Any chance somebody who can fly can give me a hand?>>

He's getting closer to the ground.

<<Now would be good!>>

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards nods following along with the Kryptonians, it's nice to be around people who really get science. <<Well, I mean, your technology is different form ours at a very basic level, generations beyond where we are but... " The robot they have been attacking falls and Reed looks over at it nodding, <<I can uses what I have here. I think the biggest problem is going to be the power to generate a wave that can cover the whole city.>> He stops and gets a grin, it's a very particular grin. Sue calls it the 'we win grin', "Flash I need to borrow your speed for a moment, okay 3.278 seconds. I think we can make this work.">>

    Reed is directing the civil defence team into a work crew Rao love these science loving Kryptonians as the pitch and understand what's needed immediately if not where to get it. Reed cannibalizes the rest of his bag, a car, the robot and half dozen other odds and ends, an ATM machine, several hand weapons. It's a hodge podge and at the center is a treadmill, everyone knows where this is going, right?

    Reed listens to the conversation parsing the physics as best he can. "It make sense, when passing between realities it is only my evasive nature that saves me. Susan can take the strain but here force fields are only governed by her will, which is indomitable. This is an interesting bit of intelligence, if they haven't 'learned' from this encounter I would posit that this is their first time in a new reality, we can use that to our advantage."

    Reed nods at the idea of phasing the city. The first step is to take out the bots. We could fake an explosion based on a rash attempt to over clock the city's power system and bolster our shields, then use the phantom zone generator to phase the city into the phantom zone, making it looked like the city was destroyed... can you cloak the city?

    Reed studies the the scan that Conner has sent over and, well, he doesn't get it all, but he understands the basics and something catches his eye, he isolates the portion of the diagram that caught his attention in his mind. <<Allura, is this what I think it is? A reset function? Can we brick these bots?>>

Mark Grayson has posed:
Mark coughs, a slough of blood coming out of him in a heavy mist that splatters across his face as his hand digs into the ground of New Krypton. With his blood spilled upon it, this planet is assumed to be as much his home as Earth is.

Back to his youth, a twelve year old Mark comes running in the door, having gotten beaten up by Todd the bully. He fled to his room and slammed the door to cry.

A knock on the door, and Nolan, his father was there. Nolan comforted him, cleaned his bloody nose and told him the following knowledge.

'Someday, you will be more powerful than Todd or any other bully. And you will want to get your revenge. You cannot. You must do good. You must protect those that are unable to protect themselves. You have a greater purpose, you have no idea how great yet.'

His hand balls into a fist in the dirt and he starts to stir, rolling over on his side with a groan. He hurts. His outside is invulnerable. Inside? Not so much. The cocussion of the blast and slamming into the ground was felt, even as he feels the healing of his body trying to catch up with his wounds. The fist turns over, pressed into the fertile world of New Krypton. This is not going to be where Mark is going to die. Not by a long shot.

He gets onto his hands and knees, his eyes coming back into focus, no longer under that bloody blur of pain and anger and his bleeding slows and comes to a halt. His hand reaches up, a ripped sleeve pulled across his face to clear out what's left of the blood there.

"I'm good." he says between gritted teeth. "Can't stop here. Gotta push 'em back." He glances up at Sunny and he hahs dryly. She's barely scratched. "Not tryin' hard enough." he comments in a dry, meant to be teasing tone.

There's no quit here. There's no surrender. He'll never surrender. Omni-Man, his dad, wouldn't quit. Superman wouldn't quit. Even Prisma wouldn't quit. He's not giving up without a fight. Pushed off the ground, he draws on those reserves of his body and starts to move again. He's not quite ready to move yet when he hears Wally cry out in panic, and he looks upwards. "Incredibelle, catch Flash!" he calls out to her.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
He was up, Sunny actually flares a little bit to redirect and...well, Wally was calling for help. "On it!" she calls, Wally's gravity-assisted dive towards the ground was met with a sudden redirection in a big 'J' shape. She couldn't just catch someone with a sudden stop without breaking all the bones in their body after all.

"I've got you!" she calls as she brings Wally up in a 'princess' carry before setting the speedster down on the ground gently. Comfortable footing was the better option, right?"

<Whatever we do? We should do it quickly. These bots just keep coming!>

Alura In-Ze has posed:
"If only phasing were teleportation Crush," Alura responds with a small sigh. "Without magic on our side there's no way past that gunship's shields without a way to spoof their friend codes. We're not there yet - but if the Hegemony keeps engaging us we're going to have to get a lot smarter about how we fight them."

"I wish Conner. That'd stop the robots briefly but that big gunship is going to keep blasting this city. They will find new ways in. And unfortunately we don't have enough phantom zone projectors to fight them off like that."

The scientist who has been actively engaged in the problem solving asks, "But there's no way to phase an entire city in to the phantom zone."

Alura resumes pacing, "No. There isn't. Not yet - but I made a prototype phantomdrive for the scout ship and the Hegemony wasn't able to track it. It was based off technology Brainiac invented when he built a giant gateway in to the phantom zone for his skull ship."

"...if we time it right, we can shut off the shield right after taking a hit from that gunship and channel the energy in to a similar device and phase the whole city. It'll look like we were vapourised. They'd have no reason to stay here then."

That'd just leave the small matter of mopping up all the robots. As she receives the map she wonders at the implications of those attometer defects. A way to detect them perhaps? a flaw they could build a new kind of weapon around? she doesn't have the time to consider this more deeply right now.

Dru-Zod looks up from his command position and says, "That's a Vohc of a gamble In-Ze." His jaw twists from side to side and then he looks over at the high council who gave him these emergency powers. He looks back to Alura and says, "Do it."

<<"Lantern if we do this, you don't want to be engaging those ships all by yourself. Either get in to the city through a shield hole or jump away from the battle.">>

With that she pauses and considers, then turns and walks over to a matter constructor and begins to motion in the air designing a whole new kind of phantom zone projector. As she does so the crystal begins to form hovering in place.

This is sunstone, the programmable matter gifted to Krypton by the gods - or so the mythology claims. It is the foundational building block of Kryptonian technology and shaped their society for millenia. So much so they are as much linked to it as it is to them. Bit by bit the crystal transforms itself in to a working machine utilising physics far beyond the comprehension of most on Earth. There are some exceptions such as Reed and probably Victor Von Doom. Though Alura would never trust Doom.

"Hold the robots off just a little longer while I retrofit the shielding and cloaking system in to a phantom phasing system," she instructs the team. They're giving as good as they get but she can tell they won't be able to keep this up indefinitely. This is a losing battle of attrition. She tries to hurry.

In the back of her mind she allows Reed's plot to take form too. She smiles a moment at the idea of using the Flash to power technology to blanket the city in a quantum wave focused on the design of the robots. That's the kind of genius they need to beat a superior military force like this.

"A fake overload would sell it, good idea Reed. If this works the city won't need to be cloaked. From their perspective it will be gone. I don't think they ever invented phantom projectors in their timeline. Given it was my teacher's teacher who first designed it their entire society never went down that path. Their first real weakness that we can exploit."

She gathers up the device in her arms. "You're right Flash. It's a terrible idea - but we're short on options. No society we know of is geared up to fight the Hegemony. Our universe never had to."

A pause as she thinks about Reed's question. "Well spotted. Tune your quantum burst field to target the reset function." A sentence she suspects no one but Reed could follow in a heart beat. "I'm off to the shield generator."

Alura In-Ze has posed:
She rises up and pushes her free hand out and becomes a blur of white and red as she heads to install the make shift city phantom projector.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Teleporting a giant city into another dimension to fake out the gunship attacking them is something unique when it comes to a plan. "I can try and add to it with a sense of illusion. IF we can disrupt thier communications at the same time and damage thier electronics, they're likelier to decide to fall back rather than investigate more extensively. Systems damage is much harder to repair, particularly fine components." You could always smelt another Sentinel mainframe. Replacing the innards was far more difficult.

OF course, her ability to actually inflict any level of disorientation on the Hegemony Kryptonians hadn't gone well before thanks to just how inherent their telepathic defenses were.. But if there was damage to the systems, it might at least add to the chaos.

Then one final thought. "And for just a moment before thier comms break.. If youc an interrupt their signal for just a few microseconds.." They had enhanced hearing, no doubt. And probably relied on filtering technology in their equipment to handle fine tuning it. It was inefficient to put the time into training to handle it when one could just have technology be a crutch.

So, blast them with something incredibly agonizing to hear for just a few seconds combined with everything else the group would hopefully throw at them..

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Keep the robots engaged. That was the final order given from the woman in charge, a Kryptonian, Crush was on New Krypton... silent squeeeeee.

If taking the robots out one by one was the only thing she could do to help, then by all gods from every planet, she would systematically go from robot to robot until they were all destroyed or they some how managed to kill her.

All of her life, from the day she was thrown at the Earth, to this very moment, she had looked up to Superman as a hero she didn't even remotely believe she could be. He was sent to earth, she crashed to earth. He was raised by humans, she was... well, close enough. If saving his new home world was the last thing she could do, then she would die trying to ensure that he had a home.

With another core tossed and that robot sent crashing to the ground, she leapt from the back of it as it started to go down, and landed an another just as it was aiming its beam at the pylon. Yanking back on the head, she used the beam from that one to cut through another one before it shut off and went into 'get this thing off me' mode. She hadn't seen the third coming up, focused as she was on the two, so when it tried to light her up, it managed to blow her off the back of the robot and into a building. She'd pay for that later.

Sliding across the floor of some random room, she went right out the other side and managed to catch hold of the building on the other side. <<That was my favorite jacket you a-holes! Now you made me mad!>> Cause sure, she wasn't mad before.

Pulling herself back into the room she'd gone through, she bolted through it and jumped out the hole her body had made upon entering. Landing on another robot, this time ripping into it the second she landed, she contented herself in knowing that she'd survived a hit from one, and it would soon be dead.

Wally West has posed:
<<I mean, really any minute!>>

Wally calls into the coms, lowering his arms towards the ground and getting ready to try and at least mitigate the fall with some whirlwinds from rapid circular movements of his arms, but instead, Sunny Harlow catches him right out of the air! Though he's riding princess, Wally liftsh is eyes to look at Incredibelle as she's been called and a kind smile is on his face. "Hey, thanks for the lift! Was a great catch." He's sat down on the ground and Flash pats Sunny on the shoulder.

"I got an appointment with Dr. Richards. Mind keeping up the damage you're doing to these bullies?" Wally smiles at Sunny before he's saluting her then immediately running off in the direction of Dr. Richards.

<<Well, they say plenty of bad ideas turn out to be really good ones, so maybe it'll work out?>> Alura was right of course. She's not seeing any other options that can help them out in this moment. <<But now we know a bit better of what we're dealing with. And if anybody can fight them in the here and now? We can. But for right now, we gotta tell them to impolitely piss off.>>

In the meantime, Reed Richards will find Wally West standing next to him, right after seriously deconstructing one of the giant robots into a bunch of little, itty-bitty tiny wittle pieces. "Hey Doc-" He looks at the treadmill that's there and Wally is just chuckling. "My kind of guy. I know you only need 3.278 seconds, but I'm pretty sure I can give you a lot more than that."

He immediatley moves onto the treadmill. "Okay, ready to win?" Because Wally just /knows/.

Time to power more energy than an entire city. Maybe an entire country. They gotta get this bad boy running, and so...Wally West starts to run.

And run fast, building up the energy via the Speed Force as blue electricity starts to shoot out from him. "Remember to give it a 0.5 picosecond intermittence to help avoid energy reflux." He says to Reed, probably way too fast to comprehend, but it's there!

Kyle Rayner has posed:
Kyle takes a swing at another bit with his construct between Alura's orders come in. Suddenly the construct I gone and an energy shield's around him and the battery in his hand. Flyng down toward the city, the green energy streak tries to find a shield hole into the city. It may take a bit, looking kind of like a bug trying to get out of a car window that's only open by a crack. He eventually slips inside.

<"Shielded. New Orders?"> he says knowing that the gunship might be too much energy for one ring, or at least his ring and current skill level.

<"I have a new present for some of our science inclined individuals. Where do I find them while staying proected?"> he asks still streaking through the place. He's waiting for orders by the Elder Kryptonian.

Mark Grayson has posed:
Mark wasn't about to tell anyone how badly he ached - Monet may catch parts of it, but with her work of the whole of the network, he is easily missed in the grand scheme of things. There are bigger fish to fry.

And it sounds like there is a plan in place. Theu just need to buy a few more moments - precious minutes that will guarantee the safety of Kaldor.

Moving again, finally, he rushes forward and grabs up the arm of the robot he had gone after earlier in the battle. Holding it out in front of him, he flies towards the side of one of the robots that was preparing to smash a pylon. And as he does so - he picks up speed. Faster and faster.

And he slams into the side of the large robot. The arm he used as a lance slams into the metal, bending, rending, tearing it open beneath the joint of arm and body. It presses forward, ripping circuits and metal apart as it connects with the core and sets off a chain reaction that causes the robot to implode from within, the blast blown out of the arms and legs, and knocking Mark back to the ground again. This time, he's much quicker to get up.

Just a few more seconds, right?

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner hmmps at Alura response. Well, he is not the idea guy, he is usually the meat-shield guy. And here he barely qualifies for that. "Ok, if Mr. Fantastic can do jury-rig something with robot pieces, I'll get him some. Lets try the cosmic fantastic-bat. Not related to Batman, for once."

It has a dial, apparently it goes to twelve. Conner cranks it to 11.

Then he blurs to supersonic speed and hits one of the robots in the head with the bat. There is a thunder-like crack. The robot crumples, decapitated.

The Kryptonian gunship's shields register the impact of a flying robot head hitting them at an appreciable fraction of the speed of light.

"Holly shit!" Shouts Conner, looking the bat, very impressed. "That that, motherf..." Wait. He glances at Clark. "I mean, that was a homerun!"

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Salute her way was met with a smile worthy of her namesake...well, her -real- namesake, but Sunny was 'Indestructibelle' right now and Belle was needed in the fight! As a particular swarm of them redirected her way she coiled down, the ground beneath her cracking with the potential energy before she launched herself upwards into the large robot, then the next, then the next as they swarmed her.

Fear lanced through her, a moment of memory and intrusive panic to the time she'd nearly drowned under the tide of Brainiac's bots...but this wasn't that, she wasn't cut off and alone, and even as energy weapons burned and metal claws sliced at her she kept punching, whirling through the air, kicking out and striking with everything she had.

It wasn't pretty, but a cornered and wild viltrumite was still going to be dangerous, even to these war machines.

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards considers as he nods slowly, <<I can do that. I'll just have to patch in a phase inverter and reverse the polarity of the neutron flow. That will bombard the upper atmosphere with neutrinos and hopefully at least slow down their communications>> He pulls out a tablet and unfolds it out to ridiculous proportion making it the size of a large flat screen TV but still an interface, "OKay to target the restes I will have to orient the quantum flux manually and adjust the entanglement as we go... Everyone ready?>>

    When Flash hits the tread mill, there's a slight inefficiency, just enough that Reed can react as the energy flows and the quantum field generator hums to life. He doesn't hear the words but he does her the sound that represents them and Reed just nows. He pauses to face the speedster, agonizingly slowly from Wally's perspective, "Thank you."

    It goes critical in the alloted 2.2785 second and Reed is wildly moving across the interface doing things that shouldn't be possible with fingers that are too long and too multi jointed to be anything but a special effect.

    The additional power is a gift and the explosion of quantum potential pulse washes over the city in a silvery light and wave that is everywhere and nowhere, it moves through potential and you can see it coming and then watch it recede in two parallel instances that are occuring at the same time. It wraps it's way through the city and there are minor fluctuations but it targets the robots. The pulse targeting their reboot command as they shut down and the existing programming is erased. The robots hang and Reed still has that grin, <<Ms. Saint Croix could you please explain to as many of the city's residents as possible that...

             IT. IS. CLOBBERING. TIME!"

Alura In-Ze has posed:
<<"Top floor central tower. But fight the robots in the streets if you can,">> Alura is quick to respond to Lantern. With him inside the city they have all their pieces in the place. Reed has the robots and Alura - she plugs the new device in to the shield generator. A large pulsing energy core that is over burdened fending off the biggest attack it's ever seen.

"This all comes down to timing," she says as she brings up an interface. The attacks from the gunship have been reliably regular. That helps a lot. If she can time it with Reed's quantum pulse, a bit of razzle dazzle from Monet, and a fake out trying to overload the shield to keep the robots out... there's so many if's.

"This is it. 3.. 2.." Alura gets flung across the room. One of the robots followed her down in to the guts of the city. Its red eye starts to burn brightly as it looks to the shield generator.

Alura flies in to it fast and pulls its head away. Its energy beam burns across the walls of the facility. This is the second time she's tussled with one of these things. The first time was hard enough.

It's big hand wraps around her body. She focuses internally on her flight and pulls it up in to the air and spins it around to stop it from shooting the shield generator. It lets go and falls back to the ground. Alura follows it down with a fist to the top of its head. A dent is left behind and the robot seems stuck unable to lift its chin.

The robot punches her in the gut and she skids back on her red boots. The wind knocked out of her she coughs a moment. The robot starts to charge at her to get past her and launch itself at the machinery. Alura dips to the side and grabs its big leg and spins it around tossing it back to the doorway.

A quick glance over at the timing again.. "Restarting count down." The robot charges back in and manages to lift its head. She moves in the way and lets rip her own heat vision meeting its beam with hers. Her hands curl tightly in to fists as she stalks forward and pushes its beam back until hers meets its head and burns through its machinery.

"3.." She grunts and blocks another punch from the machine. Its other fist comes down and she shields her head with forearms acrossed. The floor beneath her cracks.

"2.." Rising up, her eyes still burning bright, she looks at that Hegemony symbol on its chest and focuses. The armor of the machine starts to melt and slag molten as she takes hold of its arm. "1.." She groans and then slams the machine to the ground and kicks a boot through the weakened armor crushing its energy source. With a small pant she swipes over her bracer and activates the phantom shift, "GO!"

With the pulse shutting down the robots, the city and all its people shimmer a moment. The universe goes dark around them. A sense of dread fills each and every person. This is the phantom zone. A ghostly vision of New Krypton and the attacking gunship above. Its big energy blast passes through nothing and the detonation is immense. The robots stop flowing down and the ship stops firing.

It seems an eternity and Alura is even holding her breath. No one makes a sound or moves for fear somehow they'll give up the game. Not that that is possible. But after a few more moments the two side portals wink shut. The gunship reverses and flows back through the big Zod shaped portal too. A moment later it too winks shut.

The city unshimmers and returns back to normal space. They have won. For now. Time to clean up the broken robots and lick their wounds. Alura makes her way back to the command center and watches as the various Kryptonians congratulate each other on success.

"We're in no rush but make your way back to the command center - we will all leave together back through the star gateway," Alura instructs. There's relief in her voice and in her mind. They narrowly avoided disaster today. Trickery and science won have delayed a great conflict that is inevitable.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
All of the information passing back and forth that M is doing is very, very overloading to her. She's twitching but keeping it subtle. Bracing herself to holdout as long as possible as she pushes her powers as far as they can - she's not Jean Grey, she's not the Martian Manhunter, she's not Charles Xavier. She's just M.

And that has to be enough for now. She can pass along as many warnings as she can on things and try and coordinate, but at the end of the day she can only reach a few with her warnings. Fortunately, the others have things well in hand. She takes a moment as the crisis ends, and things are stable enough for them to go home.

She's nearly staggering and can barely hold herself upright. But she won't admit it, even as she hovers and uses her telepathy to keep herself at a proper angle and not tumbling over, overriding exhausted parts of her body. She will hold back the pain until she is alone.

She is a St. Croix. Showing pain is a weakness.

Mark Grayson has posed:
At one point in the fight, Mark manages to make his way to where Sunny is. The pair of Viltrumites go back to back, using a series of punches and kicks as one watches out for the other, protecting their blind spots as they dig their way out of the robotic rampage.

Sunny's his friend and close enough to be a sister, considering they share the lineage of their homeworld. "We're almost clear, 'belle, just hang in there!" he comments encouragingly as he slams one of the robots into the ground as he rips open it's chest to disable it.

There's a moment of relief as the gunship retreats. "We've got this!" he calls out encouragingly! Because all they have to left to do is clean things up. And Mark is going to want to sleep in for a few days.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Fewer and fewer robots remained as the team plowed through them like a tractor across a corn field. Crush had ceased with the games and jokes, and was focusing entirely on ensuring that not a single robot made it out whole.

Truth be told, she had no idea about this jump to the Phantom Zone, or what that even was, but if it would save the city she was all for a trip to a new location. If someone explained the science, she would be able to understand it. Her mind was Czarnian, far more advanced that the human brain, but she only had human teachings to go with so far in her life.

Taking a single moment to check the situation, located the other members of the team still fighting and access if they needed assistance or not, she continued her pattern. Jump to a robot, rip it apart with her bare hands, then jump to the next. It was making quite a mess, but there were power cores everywhere to be studied by whomever wanted to study them.

In the end, when they've returned to normal space, the Czarnian didn't really even realize they'd moved and come back. With the last robot in range now in pieces, she looks several leaps across to the command tower she'd started in (that is after she figured out where the heck it was) and immediately states, "I think I destroyed an apartment... I'm really sorry, got blown through a building. Can I help rebuild it?"

Kyle Rayner has posed:
<<"On it.">> Kyle keeps the shield around him. In his hand "Bad News" manifets itself. A sea of translucent greens. Bringing the de Rolo sniper rifle to aim, he just starts t pick his targets. Streaks of energy fly frm the gun's barrel. He's using the weapon as a foci more than anything else. Yes, he may be inspired by a coworker.

ach robt he sees, he'll turn to and open fire. Trying to aim fr the head, then the knees. Basically take out the long range capabilties, then make them prone while cutting the movement down.

Energy continues to streak from his gun as one head come soff, a knee there. He whips around and takes ff a head and both knees.

<"We should take some f these back with us. Maybe reverse engineer them. Something. Maybe give them to Batman for armor."> Because Batman isn't scary enough on his own. Why not give that man armor that's Kryptonian in origin.

Sunny Harlow has posed:
Bloodied, bruised and a bit cut up, not to mention in need of yet another costume, Sunny was still fighting her way through when Mark made his way over to her. They'd trained together, practiced enough to seemingly know plenty of each other's moves and blind spots and so...they were going to make it.

At least, Sunny was sure they would...

With the ship retreata she gives an audible and downright unprofessional woop of celebration before wrapping her arms around one robot and flinging it towards her fellow Viltrumite hero in a 'setup' like they were playing Volleyball.

When she drives her foot through the last one before her she turns, breathing a sigh of relief.

"I think I need a shower...and some icecream..." she muses, an echo of the thought going through the link as she looks down at her burned and bloodied self.

Clark Kent has posed:
Looking at the horizon, Superman takes a moment to smile and nod at each member of the team who was there today to be a part of this. "I want to express my thanks to all of you for your sacrifices today. Thank you. You were all heroes today." As the city returns to normal, Superman floats to the ground, exhausted, but not revealing that weakness to anyone.

"If it wasnt for you today, I don't know what would have happened." Turning to face the star gateway, Superman adds. "Pizza is on me."

Reed Richards has posed:
Reed Richards accepts thanks and offers handshakes from the Krytonians on the team who helped him, The robots around them remain frozen as the civil defence teams takes them out one at a time. Reed smiles and starts to make his way back towards the central command. Helping as he goes, making repairs, delivering a baby, providing direction and encouragement. He looks up at the dome and the empty space outside it.

    <<Lantern, I will take care of collecting any technology.>> He's already pocketed a few small pieces to analyze these fissures.

    Reed chuckles and shakes his head thinking about Batman and the path not traveled, how different Bruce's life would have been if He and Sue had adopted the boy. How different their own lives would have been.

    He heads towards the central command tower needing to check with Allura and with Clark, several idea in terms of defense and selling the illussion of the cities destruction long term already forming in his ever active mind.