5840/First Blood, Final Warning
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First Blood, Final Warning | |
Date of Scene: | 13 April 2021 |
Location: | Exterior - Happy Harbor High School |
Synopsis: | The Order of St. Dumas thinks that second time is a charm. It isn't. Things go downhill fast, but the Order has a new weapon to try out among it's other defenses now. Tyler is fine. Morrigan is shot. But the kids are safe! |
Cast of Characters: | Morrigan MacIntyre, Hank Pym, Colette O'Connail, Michael Hannigan, Irie West, Roland Livingston, Billy Batson, Vivian Vision, Friday
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Happy Harbor High School has had a pretty uneventful year so far. Unlike last year when there were others that were trying to burn the school down or kidnap people. This year they?d just had weirdness, which is MUCH better to deal with.
With Spring Break extended the students still have the option to come to on campus events. Tuesday?s are generally movie nights with dinner provided. This week it is Tacos for dinner and The Goonies to watch. Because what teen won?t love The Goonies?!
There are chairs, blankets and big pillows sprawled out across the lawn in front of a projection screen that's been set up. Speakers are set up as well, because you've got to hear the movie. There are two tables set up that hold taco fixing station and snacks for movie. The other is filled with drinks that range from soda, juices and water. There might be coffee for anyone that wants it. Declan and Delia, two of Happy Harbors sets of twins are settled down in front looking like angels, but really...those redheads get into a lot of trouble. Tyler is seated off next to an empty seat that probably belongs to Morrigan, but he's in conversation with others. Socializing does a child good.
There's a warning given from Morrigan's assistant that the movie will start in five minutes, so get food and get settled!
- Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym makes his entrance wearing a red cloth jacket over a black and green Hawaiian. "Mike, I could have driven... honestly I need a little more practice before my test. Using YouTube is not the same. Anyway... great movie. I watched it with my mom many times. Good memories." He directs his comments at his musician friend. Bo the any looks at Mike and then shakes his head vigorously. Then he scratches his antenna with a mid leg. He wears the yellow vest indicating he is on duty.
"I don't see Dr. MacIntyre..."
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
Watching over the gathering from the back with wary eyes born of almost two years of Teaching Assistant experience, Colette sips a cup of coffee. Being one of the responsible 'adults' at an event like this is not specifically part of the job description for TAs, but the kind of thing they tend to get roped into. As she's hoping to persuade doctor MacIntyre to give her a teaching contract for the next school year, allowing herself to get roped in to these extra tasks is high on the agenda.
Then there's the fact that there's a new TA starting today, who needs to be shown the ropes. She leans towards Roland, whispering "The two redheads at the front. Don't let the expressions fool you, pair of troublemakers," she advises. "The fact that they have chosen to sit at the front might make you think they are not planning trouble, but in my experience the reverse is true. This means they are trying to lull us."
Coffee sip. Colette considers adding a little something to her coffee from the flask she has tucked away in her back pocket, but decides there are too many people around right now. Maybe later.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
While Spring Break may have been extended, even extensions run out. And with the end near, so is another general deadline. The deadline for Shaw Studios was in the form of several forms of paperwork outlining educational goals and a general agreement between how the budding work study program was going to go with Happy Harbor. As the Liaison between Happy Harbor and Shaw Studios, it's up to one Mike Hannigan to bring the paperwork over. With luck, the information will all be in order and maybe they can kick the program off in time for an introductory field trip before the school year's out!
But that doesn't necessarily mean he wants the, still learning to drive, Pym speed a Tesla out of downtown New York Traffic all the way over here to do that. Mike glances around. Important paperwork resting in the backpack resting on his shoulders. He glances over to the screen. "What movie is it?"
- Irie West has posed:
Who doesn't enjoy movie night? Certainly Irie does. Well, she thinks she does. She's never been to a movie night before so this is going to be a new experience for her. And the Goonies? Such an old movie. A classic. Or at least that's what she's been told. She's never actually seen it before so this is going to be a first, too.
Irie arrives early enough to get settled in, wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt sporting an image of Speed Racer leaping out of his car. Of course the first thing she hits is the food. A growing girl has got to eat!
She finds a nice place to sit, and flops down on one of the big pillows and settles in cross legged to get comfy. She rest her taco laden plate in her lap and starts chowing down.
- Roland Livingston has posed:
The newest fellow at Happy Harbor, one not a lot older than some of the students, is Roland Livingston. He stands next to Colette as he looks over the assembled folks. He cracks a smile at the young woman's warning and speaks in an upper class English accent, "Ahh. School antics. Something I'm completely unfamiliar with outside of books and movies, unfortunately."
His hands slide into the pockets of his trousers as he studies the students in question, "I'll make sure to keep an eye out, however. I'd hate to have a nice night like this one disrupted too terribly."
"I'm curious as to how discipline works here. Is the correct term 'detention'? Where one is kept after school hours so they lose free time?"
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan is absent for the moment, but her assistant seems to be handling things fairly well and with a smile just like the Irish woman that directs things. He drops down in the seat next to Tyler and there's a bit of a whispered conversation with him to which the black haired teen nods to the man seated next to him. "I'm going to get some chips and a drink before it starts." he states. Then he's up and heading for the table quietly.
- Billy Batson has posed:
Movie night, sure. Saves from having to do chores if he's in school activities. So Billy is here! Red beanie in place, hands jammed into jacket pockets and walking with a slower pace until he can get his hands on treats. A nod here and there to people he's met since coming to Happy Harbor.
Soda in one hand, bag on noms in the other, the Minnesota kid who's recent from Philly pauses to see anyone he might know more than in passing. A bit of a smile forming after a quick scope.
"Hey there." Billy flops down next to Irie, though not too close, respectful distance. "What's the movie again?"
- Vivian Vision has posed:
While school tacos are of little interest to Vivian there is still the social element to consider with such events as a movie night. After all watching a movie with a group is different to watching it alone inside your head, even when you can watch with a thousand duplicates of your own personality for company.
And thus Viv arrives a little on the late side, having come via the dorm rooms where she seems to have changed into in her school uniform for the occassion. No holographic disguises for her anymore! She's openly a synthezoid. Even if it does mean she clashes with the school colours...
Rather than push in to get a better view she joins the ranks of people watching from the back.
- Irie West has posed:
Irie scootches over a bit to give Billy some room. "Goonies," she says. "It's an ancient ... er ... old movie. Supposed to be goofy fun!" She turns to him and grins, "Like me!" She leans over to bump his shoulder with her own, "How you been?"
Then she spies Viv. "Hey, Viv! Over here!" she waves to the sythezoid to catch her attention. She turns to Billy. "Have you met Vivian before? She's really cool."
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
"Detention, yes," Colette confirms to Roland. "But that's a last resort, really. The threat of giving a detention is usually productive, but actually giving them out rarely is." Coffee sip. "Besides, as a TA you will find that the biggest problem with students being given detentions is that nobody wants to do detention duty, which means that TAs do it all the time. Remember that if you recommend a student for detention, you're probably going to be kept after school hours too, to hold the detention."
Her eyes skim the crowd, as she tries to decide who apart from the twins looks like trouble, and they fall on Irie. Wally's daughter. That was a surprise. Wally's far too young to have a daughter Irie's age, and that makes her highly suspicious in Colette's eyes. Never trust a speedster, they're always breaking things. Like timelines.
"Honestly," her whispered explanations continue, "I'm just glad no kids seem to have figured that out. If they were smart they'd use earning a detention as a threat to get us off their backs. But basically you don't need to worry about it at the moment. We're an extra pair of eyes for the teachers, they're the ones who'll actually assign a detention if it's needed. If you see someone misbehaving, tell them to behave. If they don't, remind them that there are consequences. It's about thinking they can get away with it, because they're doing something behind the teacher's backs. We're there to be the teacher's eyes in the backs of their heads."
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Hmm..." Mike glances around the scene in an attempt to look for the red head. Seeing just the assistant, the musician turns his head back towards to Hank. "Maybe I can just drop the paperwork off at her office so neither of us has to hold on to it all night. Can you save me a seat? Shouldn't take long."
- Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym looks a little surprised, "-The Goonies- 1985, Directed by Robert Donner. Starring Sean Astin and Josh Brolin. It is a classic of the 80's a time of leg warmers, big hair, and big shoulders. A lot of men wore shoes without socks and were scruffy and yuck. Never got that look. I don't believe you brought paperwork. And this is a workaholic talking."
//We watch -Them-?//
//No Bo. Why do you want to watch it all the time, the ants lose?//
//Watch it till ants win!!// End Ant Talk segue.
Hank turns to see Mike is gone. He shrugs and then gets sight of Vivian and waves to her. Bo climbs onto Mike's appointed spot. A giant ant sits wherever he wants.
- Billy Batson has posed:
Bumped and grinning, Billy nods, "I actually know this one, it gets watched at home a lot. Guy who played Sam Gamgee is in it, and one of the brothers from Lost Boys." chuckling, "It's corny but nice." jerking a thumb at himself to mimic Irie's joke before he is directed to Vivian.
Brows popping up with the sight of pink skinned and green haired young lady, "Oh... Holy moly. Wow. No I haven't." eyes still wide in curious awe until he realizes he's being rude and he ducks his head to take a sip of his drink, "I'm Billy, sorry. I." shut up Billy.
No. You shut up me that's older and flies.
Wisdom of Solomon dude.
- Friday has posed:
The room's back door opens, and someone peers into the room. Framed in the doorway, the vision of a teacher crosses her arms, then sweeps her eyes over everyone in the room. She closes it behind her though, not wanting to ruin the lighting for everyone.
Then she gives an upnod to whomever may see her. It's not much, but Ms De Torres has shown up. She's late, she's late. Fire her. No wait, I need this job.
- Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision gives Irie a little wave, then makes a move to head in her direction. "I do generally tend to operate at a lower ambient temperature than most humans," she agrees earnestly. It's hard to tell if that's dry humour or factual statement. It may well even be both. "It is nice to meet you Billy. Are you attending via the boarding school? Or do you commute?"
She keeps her voice low enough it will just carry but isn't going to drown out the movie when it starts.
She gives a little shrug. "Do not worry I am used to people being a little startled at first. Thankfully we are close enough to New York with it's many superheroes that the novelty soon wears off."
- Roland Livingston has posed:
"I'll keep that in mind. I didn't have any plans to discipline the children, just wanted to know the options, though it makes sense that if one gives out a punishment they should be administering it," Roland says to Colette with a nod. "I hope to generally communicate with the youths as if they're regular people. I wasn't talked down to as I was growing up and I appreciated that. I hope that the students here feel the same way."
He rocks back on his heels a bit, making sure he doesn't get too comfortable just standing around, "I'm quite looking forward to getting my opportunity to teach. My education was quite comprehensive and I think I'll be able to educate my pupils more than adequately on the subjects I'm assigned."
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Intent given, Mike heads away from the lawn area to move towards the school building with just one glance to see Bo saving his seat. Or taking it over. Either way it works out probably.
Turning his head, he gives a nod of greeting to Isabella as she makes her way out to the movie area while he goes the opposite direction. Pushing the door open, he starts down the dimly lit hallway. Ok. Get to office, drop on desk, pop on back and send a text message letting her know where the paper work is. Easy.
- Irie West has posed:
Irie grins as Viv comes to join them. "I think she looks cool like this," she mentions, downing a taco. "Much better than the hologram she was using before the school went public." She watches the two interact with a gleam in her eyes. They're going to all get along splendidly!
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Time passes as the movie plays, the younger teens giggle at the antics on screen. Some of the older students roll their eyes and return to their phones with disgusted looks on their face. Phone was all. Love phone. Tyler is back in his seat in no time and watches the screen with a bit of an...absent look. The teen hadn't been the same after his parents were killed last year.
Einar gives a look to his watch and there's a frown that settles onto his lips, "I'm sure her meeting at Sinai ran over, nothing to worry on Tyler." he tells the boy sitting next to him idly.
The projector has a few stutters, the movie and sound seeming to skip over and drone for a few seconds. The theater TA was there for technical help and he rises to hurry over and look over the equipment, but there's a puzzled look on his face, "Well...nothing's wrong with it. Lights coming up!" he calls out to the crowd. He's met with a few boos from the seniors to heckle him.
The flood lights on the front light come up slowly, light filling the darkness that was there seconds ago. It illuminates the scene that surrounds those enjoying the movie. At least ten tactical looking forms are standing there. Having blended in with the darkness before, they're revealed now.
Well. This isn't part of the movie!
- Billy Batson has posed:
"Would you..." pausing and looking between Irie and Viv, "I mean would either of you be willing to do interviews for my video podcast? I'm trying to get back in the knack of it." answering her first question second, "We all moved up here, better housing situation and all. Vic and Rosa will be around the next parent night - we're just getting the others settled in, you know?"
Billy gives a lopsided grin as he says, looking between the two, "I came in right at spring break, so I get to deal with everything after vacation, y'know? And I agree with Irie, you shouldn't hide who you are, y'know? Especially if the bad guys aren't able to use it against friends or family without you dishing it back out to them."
Then there are people in soldiers appear and he looks down at himself, at those around him... and a possible avenue to go unseen. Jaw dropping, then closing again. Try to find cover first.
- Friday has posed:
Fast eyes take in the situation, having been just in light from indoors. Isabella figures out what's going on in a hurry, at least in general if not the particulars. She looks around, too many students. Too many people in danger.
She isn't the big hero though. Best she can do is try to get some students behind her, so they can slip indoors. Perhaps Billy might be one of them, one might think? She's a minor player here, she knows it. Best to use that inconspicuous nature to help.
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
As the movie goes on, Mike has plenty of time to go find Morrigan's office and to set the folder on the desk. There is a bit of a delay as the bookbag zipper jams, which allows for a bit of back and forth jiggling of the pull. "Come on you stup-"
The zipper closes.
Much better.
Feeling slightly triumph in the battle of the zip, Mike gives a slight smile. Stifling a yawn. Okay time to head back. And catch what's left of the movie. The bookbag slides back on as he trods back towards the building exit.
- Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision raises her voice slightly. "I can project a hologram with the movie on if you wish," she offers for the benefit of the theater TA, before the disappointed crowd can get to rowdy. Then she looks back to Billy and Irie. "I would be happy to do an interview. Honestly I feel sorry for anyone foolish enough to target my family. Everyone is a superhero."
The arrival of ten suspicious figures has her mind kick into high gear. Accessing security footage from the surrounding area as well as zooming upto maximum magnification to check for weapons and any identifying marks.
Those high resolution images get sent to Hanks phone along with updates about any oddities in the surrounding area, like camera deadzones, that could indicate this is a supervillain attack.
The synthezoid teenager also casually shifts her density up until she's bullet proof enough to protect anyone behind her. Taking care not to increase it so much that she'll risk sinking into the ground.
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
"Communicating with them as regular people is good because they /are/ regular people," Colette agrees with Roland. "In their eyes you're probably not though. As a TA we exist in a kind of limnal space in the eyes of the students, half in their world and half in the exotic reality of authority figures. We're only a few years older than some of them, but we're also staff. That middle ground can be useful to relate to them, but also annoying when they don't take you seriously. My advice is to find a way to use that."
Given his background it might not even occur to Roland that describing the role of a TA in terms of limnal realities is a bit weird.
Colette tuts when film starts to stutter, but then something in the darkness seems to draw her attention. She carefully places her coffee down on the table, and hisses over the sound of booing and heckling to Roland "Heads up. Something's about to happen. Priority is getting the kids to safety."
She takes a couple of steps away from him... and as the lights come up she is nowhere to be seen.
- Roland Livingston has posed:
As the forms in tactical gear are illuminated Roland starts to frown and moves to slip out of his Houndstooth jacket, letting it fall to the ground. He says to Colette, "These blokes playing soldier might need a good talking to, frightening people like they are." His hands flex then ball up into fists, "If you could make sure the children are safe, please. I'm going to handle this." Of course, Colette isn't there when he's done speaking, having snuck off to somewhere else.
Looking at the nearest figure in tactical gear the young Englishman accosts them verbally, "What are you doing here? This is a school function! Where is your school identification, sir?" He's clearly doing what he can to draw attention to himself, not seeming the least bit shy or frightened. "If you can't supply your I.D. I'm afraid I'll have to make you leave."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
One of the figures steps forward and raises their hands in a calm manner, "We're going to say this very nicely and once. Give us Tyler Eddington and there will be no need for bloodshed or violence." he states. There is the slightest hint of an accent in the mans voice, probably European in some origin. Tyler hears his name and there's a bit of a light that comes to the boys eyes, but Einar reaches out to push him behind him. "No." the blonde man states as he straightens. "You pulled the kidnapping thing last year. Asking politely to take a child isn't going to go any differently." he states.
Roland approaches one of the dark dressed men and there's a bit of a blink before he chuckles and a hand flashes out, striking Roland in the throat.
This went south quickly.
"Brothers! Violence looks like it might be a necessity this evening." the one that's presumably the 'leader' motions for them to get moving.
Meanwhile there's the low growl of a motorcycle off in the distance at Morrigan pulls into the parking lot in front of the school. Though the sight that greets her is not what she expected. The motorcycle helmet is thrown off quickly, clench in her hand as she debates what to do...without injuring the kids.
- Irie West has posed:
Irie nods agreeably. "Sure, I'll be in your podcast. But there are some things I'm not going to be able to talk about." She doesn't remember that she hasn't told Billy that she's from the future yet. She grins at Vivian. "Cool. We can do the podcast together!"
Then there are soldiers and Irie gets to her feet, putting herself between Billy and the soldiers. "I... uh.... should tell you, Billy. I'm Kid Flash. I don't have my costume with me, but don't worry! Between me and Viv we'll keep you safe!"
- Friday has posed:
"You'll have to go through me," says the voice from near the door. The woman, the one who admitted during the meeting recently that she has zero powers, walks forward and looks one of the men nearest her right in the face. Auburn hair in a bun, pencil skirt, she is not the most threatening. But she has the idea pretty much down.
"Kids, please escort Tyler to the main rooms, if you could. Keep him safe."
- Billy Batson has posed:
He's gonna look like a coward. "Sure! I'll get clear!" Or a kid who has no abilities and is willing to get clear so the real heroes can get to work. Patting Irie's arm with a nod before he books. Needs to keep who he is hidden because he has brothers and sisters at home who need him to do anything like he can do on his own.
Man he wishes Freddy was here right now. But Billy doesn't have that sort of luxury.
Somehow he's managed to get down most of his drink while he rolls for cover, makes for a hump of pillows vacated and he flings himself beneath to keep himself out of sight for what happens next. He goes quiet, tries to let himself be lost while others have attention.
- Billy Batson has posed:
In the wake of the bright flash and the white smoke billowing out, he rises - the full splendor of his perfected form, bracers and boots emitting blue light and white vapors and the bright golden lightning bolt on his chest blazing to life. Hood being drawn back and exposing a perpetual grin as he points to the people demanding another.
"Hey there! You better get out of here... or you're gonna find this... shocking." still getting the hang of it, Billy?
- Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision nods to Irie and Billy. "If you remain behind me I am imperveous to most conventional attacks that are man portable." And unless they are packing some very well hidden anti-tank rifles... "I am also alterting the authorities." Indeed a portion of Vivs mind has already sent an update text summary of the situation for Morrigan and for the local police department.
She gives her teammate a nod then adds "I'll throw up a holographic field to obscure what's going on while you evacuate the other students Irie?"
The holograph can cover a reasonably sized plane. So hiding a crowd watching a movie from a group of thugs shouldn't be that hard. In theory. She can't actually prevent any of her fellow students from blundering through the illusion.
While the holograph is being projected she begins slipping to the front of the crowd. Getting into the best position to shield as many people as possible from threats.
Her hand shoots up into the air like she's in class. "Permission to use my abilities in a non-lethal manner?"
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Einar's a very large nordic man, but he's about as violent as a newborn puppy. He takes Tyler by the arm gently and starts towards the doors of the school, "Children, come on." he states calmly as he gathers more like a mother duck on the way. He's got a goodly number by the time he gets there. He's reaching out to open it when there's a knife that gets buried in the wooden frame of the door. "Whatever happens I need you guys to stay with me and we're going to go to that place we practiced. Got it."
"Got it Mister Hanover!" is the chorus of kids being very brave.
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
Morrigan is not the only person who is not within the circle of soldiers of the order, because when Colette moved as the lights were coming up, she moved into a shadow, and she stepped out of a shadow behind the circle of encroaching soldiers. As far as she is concerned this means that they may have the kids surrounded, but she has them surrounded. Her ability to move from shadow to shadow at will makes this more logical than it may sound.
The first thing Colette does is to unplug several of the floodlights. While the center of the scene is still lit, the edges are cast back into darkness, giving pools of shadow for the kids to move towards if they want to duck out of sight..
The second thing she does is clear a path to the school building. This she achieves by appearing in the darkness behind two of the soldiers who are standing in that particular part of the circle, raising her palms, and firing bolts of darkness into the backs of their heads. She's not going full power -- her intent is to knock them unconscious rather than killing them, but honestly powerful and somewhat explosive impacts of magical darkness to the back of the skull is always a bit risky when it comes to causing serious injury rather than unconsciousness. Honestly she's more concerned about the kids safety than the people threatening them.
The third thing she does is disappear into the shadows again and reappear in the darkness a little way behind the leader of the group, ready to repeat the trick... and watch with open-mouthed surprise as Billy calls down the lightning. Viv and Irie she wouldn't have been surprised to see act, but she had no idea about Billy.
- Roland Livingston has posed:
As he takes a hit to the throat Roland coughs and bends over forward, holding his throat with a hand and acting badly injured. Of course, that might not all be an act. He's not about to let things rest, however. Barely above a whisper he says, "Cheap bastard..."
He keeps his gaze on the other man, watching to see if he intends to do anything else. Little is he letting on, however, but Roland is merely biding his time, seeing if the guy that struck him will let down his guard. When there's a bright flash behind him the English adventurer launches himself forward to strike at his opponent, moving with surprising speed and grace to try to drive his palm into the dude's nose before an attempt at delivering a round kick to the side of the head.
- Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym says to himself, "Right always wait when you can. Then hit the guy with the big mouth." There's a soft whirring from his wings and he launches into the air in an arc that will terminate at the leader's chin. At that point he throws a punch and demonstrates what 180 lbs. of force concentrated onto your chin does. The answer is it doesn't do you much good. Hank does not enjoy violence but he's pretty fair at it.
//Gah! Protect Queen! Protect Queen...// Ants do not like thunder and lightning.
The boom and whoosh of the lightning sends a thermal lifting him up and he changes his landing zone to the bridge of big mouth's nose. The darkness makes aiming a little harder, but his thermal sight kicks in. Swing!
- Michael Hannigan has posed:
Well, there's a pro and a con to the location of said office Mike walked to.
Pro: It's a very good way to visually inspect the school each and every day with your walk to the office.
Con: Pretty much the Pro only when you're trying to leave to go home. Oh GOD the walk... But he's finally there. Opening the door only to find a knife embedded in the doorframe and a row of students streaming through the open doorway like a runaway train.
What in the hell?
Once the last of the row is inside, Mike slams the door shut, looking to Einar "Cliffsnotes please." He asks of the other adult.
- Irie West has posed:
Irie nods to Viv, "On it!" and then she's gone in a flash. She gets about three students into the building and past the guards before Shazam shazams and that brings her to a skidding halt. "Oh! Shazam is here!" She turns to look at the ring of armed guards, "You're all in troooooouble!" she teases.
She takes a moment to breathe because, while the Speed Force does funky things with friction, kinetic and potential motion, it doesn't do anything about gravity and some of these kids are /heavy/. Once she's got her breath back, she goes back to work to bringing the kids safely indoors.
- Friday has posed:
"Permission granted," says Ms Torres toward Vivian, standing in the way. She is not an active fighter, but she's willing to take the heat if someone gets hurt.
She glances toward Roland, worry appearing on her stern face. Then stands up taller. "You can't have him. You can't have ANY of them." Then she turns slightly towards Mike, and says, "They want Tyler. We said no."
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's going to do something really dumb. Or well...it's Spring Break, it's allowed. She circles the motorcycle around the parking lot once, enough to pick up speed and the curb is jumped. The roadster goes across the green of the grass, speeding towards one of the men in black tactical gear. She raises the helmet and when she's close enough she brings it crashing into the side of the leg of the one she targeted. There's a shout of pain accompanied by the sound of bone cracking and the man crumples to the ground.
The principal has a smug look, until the bike steers too far to the left and then topples over. Thank god they were on grass. She rolls away from it and staggers to her feet, dirt and a clump of grass stuck in her hair. "Didn't we just go through this?" she asks.
That's before there is the sound of two gunshots and Morrigan drops to one knee. "Ah...fuck..." she manages before her hand shakes and she goes down to the ground.
"The witch is down!" the leader calls to the rest of the group that has come to the school. Then there's people dropping all over the place. "Retreat my brothers!" he growls out as he turns. Locking eyes with Colette, "My lady you'll not be trying that on me." he points at her before he disappears into the aether.
Roland manages to kick the crap out of his 'dance partner', but when he hits the ground he too just pops out of existence. Which is odd, but a fun mystery.
Those that aren't in the combat retreat without injuring anyone else. Or going into the building after Tyler.
- Vivian Vision has posed:
The trouble with black tactical outfits is that black absorbs thermal energy very, very well. And while this isn't usually a big deal there are some situations when it's bad. Like when a synthezoid with laser eyes is intent on setting your pants on fire.
Thankfully for the mystery soldiers the delay caused by seeking permission means they are already in full on retreat before anyone can get sorched cabooses.
Still eighty times magnification recordings of the figures and full audio recordings are already in the hands of the police. With updates that might help them catch the culprits as they flee the area but... Well probably won't do anything.
- Billy Batson has posed:
Earth's Mightiest Mortal, confronting those either who are mere mortal or conservative of power as they make their retreat... and their disappearing as people knock them to the ground. Shazam moves in a blink, crossing the distance to one of those with his fingers cutting into cloth of tactical gear as he bunches it up and attempts to lift one of them off of their feet.
He looks around, to see if anyone is watching, grinning a little too broadly, a little too excited as he tries to lift up the man whom he's grabbed. He forgets to talk, no witty quips or one-liners, just asking, "Where the heck do you think you're going??"
Even if a small part of him expects the guy to just poof and disappear.
But this is so totally the hero stuff that Freddy says he should be doing!!
- Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym feels the swing connect. The man's head snaps back and then he's done for the count. aHank drops with him and then begins disarming the man and fastening his wrists with a zip line.
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
Just for a moment, as the leader turns to face her, the whites of Colette's eyes vanish, the blackness of her pupils flowing out to engulf them "You have no ideaideaeaea" she whispers to him, her words echoing very oddly.
She lunges forwards, but too late, as he vanishes. A fraction of a second later, she vanishes too. And reappears, stepping out of the darkness behind the soldier who had been shooting at Morrigan. For a moment he seems to disappear from Morrigan's view as a wall of darkness imposes itself between his gun and his target. There is a sound of a thud and the darkness fades again to reveal Colette behind him, an arm around his neck, gently lowering his unconscious form to the floor.
"You okay there Doctor?" she asks. "Need an ambulance?" She's kind of hoping this isn't going to result in an awkward conversation later.
- Roland Livingston has posed:
"That's quite inconvenient," Roland says as he watches his foe disappear before he has to start coughing into the inside of his elbow. He reaches up to untie his tie and lets it fall to the ground, hoping it'll help his breathing improve. That's when a thought seems to cross his mind, "It's a diversion! Get inside and protect the children! I'll try to grab Doctor MacIntyre!"
Dodging bullets isn't entirely new to Mister Livingston, but usually he knows roughly where they're coming from and can take advantage of cover and concealment. This time he can't really do that, but he's not about to let his new employer die on the lawn in front of him without doing something. He runs towards her, sprinting faster than a man has any right to when rather suddenly the threat is subdued and Colette is responsible for it.
"Good job!" He tells his colleague before sliding to his knees next to Morrigan and inspecting her wounds. While no paramedic, Roland has quite a bit of first aid experience and training under his belt and he's not afraid to get his hands dirty.
- Friday has posed:
Isabella's eyes widen. She is near the door, and with her own soldier having ignored her, vanished, and rather not seen her to be an issue, she is unharmed. She feels rather that she hasn't done much, but with folks like Shazam and Vivian and ....she almost needs a chart to keep track of all the power on display...she thinks she can be forgiven for not doing combat duties herself.
But She's heard what Roland said. And she's near the door, so she ducks inside, to go find out. Tyler. "Tyler?" she calls out, heading for the main rooms that she sent him to. "TYLER!"
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Billy's baddie does poof. But that's the way things work in the world of the villains. They always have cool toys. The three that remained are either unconscious or wishing that they were. It's chaotic. And it's not what anyone wanted. Some of the teens inside are worried about those outside and Tyler is doing the hundred yard stare as he waits to see what's going to happen. Thankfully there won't be anyone taking him today. "I'm here." he calls to Isabella when she calls for him. He's alright.
Morrigan shakes her head at those that come near, "No." she tells them in a whispered hiss. "Go take care of the kids. I'll be fine." she tells them. "We'll wait for the cops and try to make this sound not crazy to them." she states in a shaky ton. Things burned, but they had other things to deal with...and she was going to need her lab anyways.
- Vivian Vision has posed:
"Do not worry Headmistress MacIntyre I have recorded the events in full and will provide anything the authorities require," Vivian speaks up from where she's standing nearby. Having made no move to evacuate and perhaps having left a few foot shaped indentations in the ground.... Nothing that can't be fixed with a little asphalt!
She crosses her arms and stands waiting patiently for the police to arrive. Dropping the large scale holographic illusion she was projecting.
And hey she can always project the rest of the movie while she waits if people want!
- Colette O'Connail has posed:
Colette nods her head to Morrigan when she confirms she is okay, checking the soldier is properly unconscious and disarming him before letting go. She walks over to where Roland is checking Morrigan and rests a hand on his shoulder. "It's not always like this," she informs him with a grin. "Most days it's just someone running in the halls. Stay with her, I'll go check on the kids."
Colette leaves, /walking/ this time, because it's one thing doing mysterious shadowy not-a-ninja-honest things in the darkness where nobody can see you, and another thing when you're standing right in front of people. She stops by Vivian for a quick word. "I'm going to go inside and do a headcount of students. I think Ms De La Torres could use some help in there. Keep an eye on things outside could you please?" She breaks into a quick grin. "So much easier with the new rules huh? I like the fact that you asked for permission though. Well done. I guess those guys didn't check the changes to school policy before attempting this mission."