Suicide Squad

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Suicide Squad
Founded 01 January 2020
Headquarters Various
Leadership: Harley Quinn
Brief Summary Suicide Squad, more formally known as Task Force: X-ray, is a special parole program for violent metahuman offenders otherwise facing maximum sentences in Federal prison. It is run in complete secrecy by Amanda Waller as a black-bag operation financed by ARGUS. Knowledge of the existence of Suicide Squad is one of Waller's best-kept secrets.

The rules are simple: A Presidential Pardon in exchange for working in the Squad. Length of service may vary. If captured, the unit will be disavowed and abandoned. The assets wear 'kill switches' that serve as monitoring devices as well as a failsafe in case they go rogue or try to flee outside their mission zone. More than once, Waller has hinted that failure to complete a mission or getting detained will cause the kill switch to detonate.

It's a fine line to walk, recruiting psychopaths with the right skills to be effective, enough craziness to be dangerous, and enough sanity to work towards the long-term reward that is often tantalizingly out of reach.

Members: Felicia Hardy, Jennifer Stavros, Raven Darkholme, Spiral, Talia al Ghul, Wade Wilson

Additional Group Information

Group Assets

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Full Summary

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Suicide Squad, more formally known as Task Force: X-ray, is a special parole program for violent metahuman offenders otherwise facing maximum sentences in Federal prison. It is run in complete secrecy by Amanda Waller as a black-bag operation financed by ARGUS. Knowledge of the existence of Suicide Squad is one of Waller's best-kept secrets.

The rules are simple: A Presidential Pardon in exchange for working in the Squad. Length of service may vary. If captured, the unit will be disavowed and abandoned. The assets wear 'kill switches' that serve as monitoring devices as well as a failsafe in case they go rogue or try to flee outside their mission zone. More than once, Waller has hinted that failure to complete a mission or getting detained will cause the kill switch to detonate.

It's a fine line to walk, recruiting psychopaths with the right skills to be effective, enough craziness to be dangerous, and enough sanity to work towards the long-term reward that is often tantalizingly out of reach.

Notable Events

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