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Revision as of 07:02, 16 June 2021

This is a list of currently active Groups in the game.

It is divided into Teams and Associations. Teams have some kind of charter or organizational dogma. Associations are more based upon a network of personal relationships, localities, or common interest.


  • The Fantastic Four: The Fantastic Four are the first modern superhero team, and Susan Richards and her husband Reed are the spiritual parents to many superheroes that followed in their footsteps. Along with Ben Grimm and Johnny Storm, The Fantastic Four have had many adventures off and on planet and serve as role models as metahumans squarely in the public eye.
  • Titans: Founded after the Alien Alliance Invasion in 2012, the original Teen Titans are now adults mentoring the next generation of young metahumans. The team is one of the Big Three along with the Avengers and Justice League. They welcome new recruits and have participated in events that affect the entire globe. They are quartered in Titan's Tower, just outside Metropolis.
  • Avengers: The Avengers first assembled in 2018 to halt Loki's Attack on New York. They are a group comprised of individuals with metahuman and supernatural talents. The team has a vested interest in keeping Earth and its people safe from all threats Terran and beyond. They liase frequently with the US Government and international peace-keeping groups such as S.H.I.E.L.D. and the World Security Council. Their headquarters is established in the Upper East Side of New York.
  • Justice League: The Justice League was formed in 2012 to battle the global threat of an alien invasion led by the Dominators. They were the first team with an open roster founded after The Fantastic Four. The Death of Superman led to the group fragmenting into individual concerns. After the attacks on Genosha and New York City by Brainiac in 2020, the League reformed as an active hero group with a mission of global protection and crisis response. They are considered a nonpartisan international aid group under the Sokovian Accords and have a global mission of humanitarianism. They are based out of the Watchtower, a space-based orbital station. The Hall of Justice serves as secondary facilities and as their public relations center.
  • Xavier Institute: Founded in 2011 by Professor Charles Xavier, Xavier's School for the Gifted serves as a port of refuge for many young mutants that have been shunned by society and have nowhere else to go. Students can gain education and also nurture their unique powers under careful supervision and coaching. The Institute also provides logistical support and fresh troops for the covert paramilitary team called the X-Men. Spoken of only in whispers and rumors, the X-Men fight with the cover of anonymity against extremist groups like the Brotherhood of Mutants and Purifiers.
  • Bat Family: No one would ever call Batman's allies "The Bat Family" to their face. But there's no better term for the collection of adoptees, loved ones, and even former rivals who fill out the ranks of that group. Every one of them a master of disguise and intrigue; past masters of arts both martial and intellectual. Criminals and villains alike fear few things more than the knowledge that one of the Bats is watching them.


  • Happy Harbor: Happy Harbor is a school in New England that was part of a social project to integrate young metahumans into a learning curriculum. It was founded in 2019. After several years with no incidents, and at the behest of the student body, metahumans were encouraged to make their abilities publicly known as of the end of 2020. Happy Harbor is run by Headmistress Morrigan MacIntyre and retains a large number of metahumans as teachers and mentors.
  • Birds of Prey: Formed in 2011 after Barbara Gordon found herself paralyzed from the waist down by the Joker. Restricted to mission support and her hacking she adopted the persona of Oracle and began to recruit female heroes who could benefit from a network of allies and equipment to make the world safer for everyone.%rThe network of allies grew over the course of the next five years with many of them becoming friends and a sort of found family. Their operations also included missions in New York, Metropolis, of course Gotham, and beyond. In 2017 when Barbara went into surgery and then intensive rehab to become Batgirl once again the Birds took a hiatus until 2020 when several alumni decided it was time to get the Flock back together.%r The birds have access to extensive intelligence and informational resources, state of the art technology when requested, and a network of allied heroines as backup.