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Themyscirans: Wings of Fury
Date of Scene: 12 June 2022
Location: Sahara Desert - Siwa City
Synopsis: Diana, and the Themyscirans do battle with an ancient World Eater brought back to life by mysterious powerful 'Hearts'.
Cast of Characters: Diana Prince, Monet St. Croix, Morgan Finn, Kaida Connolly, Alexander Aaron, Yara Flor, Cassie Sandsmark, America Chavez, Donna Troy

Diana Prince has posed:
The Siwa Oasis, lost within the Sahara Desert...

Diana had sent out a call for Justice League members, and for members of the Themysciran affiliation. All who have super powers, and combat training, to join her at the Invisible Jet's location in Manhattan for an emergency excursion. When those who gathered arrived, the Jet was off in a blaze of speed...

Diana was quick to disembark the vehicle upon its arrival, standing atop a mighty shifting sand dune, with hot winds blowing her dark hair out behind her bare shoulders. In her hands she clutaches the grips of her sword, and shield. Her eyes stare off to the horizon, the sun beating down upon the sandy desert all around...

"There they are..." The Princess says, her sultry voice low and laced with seriousness. In the desert distance, a wave of dark movement can be seen, shadows, across the sand, as a horde of flying creatures descend from the pale blue sky. A gentle hum can be heard coming from them, suggesting that their fluttering wings are buzzing with rapid strikes in the wind!

"It came to life last night, on the Watchtower, within the lab. The Heart of the World Eater that we fought many months ago out at sea." Diana explains to those gathered with her, her armor gleaming in the blazing sun.

"WE had hoped that whatever it was, was the only one..."

As the horde of flying creatures sweep across the dune sea toward the Themyscirans, spreading their shadow across the sands... something else occurs.

A giant rumbling roar rocks the entire earth beneath one's feet! The army of flying creatures, each a mass of white fur lit up bright by the sun's rays..... spread apart as the distant sand dunes several kilometers away on the horizon, suddenly burst upward in a geyser of golden grains! The massive World Eater lunges in to the sky, a giant worm-like creature mixed with the same pale white fur, and countless wings lining its worm-like body. The massive beast pours out of the ground, its form rushing up amongst its smaller siblings, until finally the whole of the monster is airborne, casting one massive shadow across the Sahara desert.

"We have to find its heart." Diana tells the others, sharing a look to those gathered with her.

"TEar it from its body, before it can devastate and destroy."

The mighty beast roars in the sky, its gutteral cry echoing across the world, as it undulates in the air, its body moving in a wave-like motion of wings, white fur, and boney worm-slithering motions, while the horde of smaller minions swirl around their massive leader, building a cacophony of a cocoon around it!

Monet St. Croix has posed:
This is dangerous. This is tricky. This will be so much fun. Monet St. Croix goes to call out, "WIth all of your permission, I will attempt to estup a link amongst all of our minds." It's sent out along what form of comms the group are using. Then so long as most give permission, Monet goes to start to work on setting up a group link to pass along information telepathically. For the group to share thoughts, analysis, plans, and status.

IT means that while she's doing so she's having to slow and hover to let teh rest of the group go on ahead while she's doing hte link amongst them. Doing so with many minds is difficult even if they all let ehr. Presuming they do, M is going to try and send in <<Please.. Keep the chatter to a minimum. It makes it harder>>

Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan is decked out in his Wonder Boy armor, but also with the addition of a battle helm. He wields his trusty metal-shod, polycarbonate bo-staff. He flew in the Invisible Jet with his mentor, Wonder Woman. It is not his first large-scale, dangerous mission, but to be sure not many of them are under the teen demigod's belt. He walks down the ramp of the Invisible Jet, squinting against the desert sun.

As the otherworldly creatures begin their terrible, skyward dance he hisses low under his breath. "The bigger they are, the harder they fall?" he says to Diana with a question in his voice. But Wonder Boy is no coward and he came to fight.

He nods his permission to Monet St. Croix. "It's cool with me. A mind-link might be just the advantage we need."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Bouncing from foot to foot, Kaida is excited upon the jet. She doesn't sit still despite the speed, moving to perch at windows and the like to see at various angles where they are going. She looks from spot to spot before they finally land and out comes Diana with Kaida hot on her heels.

"Holy crap! That is a lot of things! Are they edible?" She asks as she watches them coming and then the big one comes. She whistles at the size and then grins. She hears the orders and then frowns

"Hmm, I may need a ride up there." Kaida meanwhile allows M to link her in without fuss.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Rare is it that a call is put out. Rare that Diana of Themyscira beckons the mighty to engage those that dare stand against. It is a dark time and a red day to be so summoned. And the son of Ares is wide-eyed for once to be so standing at Diana's side. Not entirely with wonderment, though the monstrosity is horrible. But with rapt attention and a hint of... glee.
    For these... these are the events that forge stories and to be here at her side. His own black and silver armor muted next to that golden gleam. His shield ready at his side, and a long spear across one shoulder. He is ready.
    And that anticipation can't help but translate into something palpable for those that can feel the twinge of intensity from the young God of Fear. For he feels none, now. And if there are others of like mind near him they might feel so emboldened by the waves of confidence that radiate off the Olympian.

Yara Flor has posed:
    Despite not really having a chance to thoroughly introduce herself to the Amazons, she /did/ manage to receive a call out from the Embassy. This is kind of exciting, fighting for the first time with her sisters. For this she geared up for war, in her gold and red armor and her golden bolas coiled at her waist. If only she still had her sword forged by Hephaestus himself.

    Her eyes grow wide when she sees the World Eater. "That's..... big. I don't think my bolas are going to be of any help against that monster so I'll take care of it's babies." She takes her bolas from her belt and unwinds a length, already sending it in motion, whirling in lazy arcs.

    She startles when M contacts her mind. Telepathy. Neat. <<Testing... 1, 2, 3...>> Well, that seems to work. She falls silent for now, waiting for orders, even though she's itchy to see some action.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie hangs out on the Invisible Jet a moment longer, doing a last few post-flight checks and then putting the thing into stealth standby mode. OK, technically the alien AI can do most of this on its own just fine, with a simple request. Still, flying the plane is one of Cassie's favorite new duties, and she takes advantage of every opportunity. Vroom!

Thus the liquid silver-skinned hull shimmers and shifts until it perfectly matches the desert sky, leaving just a weird gaping portal in the sky for the last of them to depart. Cassie leaps free, and sails down, landing by Diana. Since they're doing fancy armor, she has hers as well!

And as the great sandworm rises, she puts her hands on her hips and makes a tsk sort of sound. "I think I've seen this movie." The cracks her neck. "So... whats the plan? Didn't we have to get swallowed the last time? Glad I'm wearing my moisture wicking clothes under this..."

As for brain-fu? << Ooh. Hello? Cool. >>

America Chavez has posed:
    America lands not far from Diana and just blinks at the monstrosity that explodes from the dunes. "Well, that's new..." she mutters. As Diana gives the way to kill it I don't suppose it's as easy as punching a hole in reality to where it's heart is, is it?" she asks. On the negative of that she shakes her head. "Figures." She jumps up, hovering in place and blue extradimensional energy coalesces around her hands. "Well nothing for it than to go in swinging then, right?"

    To Monet she gives an affirmation. "Go ahead." As her mind opens up to the telepath, she looks to her fellow mouse-sized Titan. "Hop on and hold on tight. I'm not slow by any stretch of the word." Once her traveller is in place she streaks off into the fray of vehicluar sized cocooners and the Queen in their midst.

Diana Prince has posed:
The army of flying beasts continue to swirl around their King. The mighty World Eater monster sways through the sky. Diana looks over to everyone, nodding to Monet's mind link establishing offer. She then looks to America. "We must find its heart first. PReferably we would like to obtain it, for study and---"

The mighty World Eater slams one side of itself down against the dune sea, causing a tidal wave of sand to streak across the sky, bursting through the dune, slicing it clean in half!

"We believe they are designed to consume as much life as possible. We have to stop it before it reaches the town of Siwa, let alone... everything beyond that point."

Diana looks to Morgan, then to Cassie.

"Cassie, take Morgan to the beast. Morgan, search for the Heart. The one we have is egg-shaped. It was glowing pink when we first found it inside the beast. Hopefully we do not have to get inside this one to find its heart..." The Princess says glumly as she takes Alexander's arm. "You will help Morgan." She says to Alexander, and then she's off!

Wonder Woman rockets through the blue sky, the sun shining bright and hot down upon everyone as she takes Alex upo toward the beast...

And the closer anyone gets to the World Eater, the more of its many flying minions take notice,a nd start to streak toward the incoming threats, their buzzing wings shimmering with white fur in the shining daylight!

"They're not happy to see us!" Diana's voice calls over the mind-connection. "Defend the ones who search for its heart! Make sure they have time to find it!"

Diana swirls through the sky, and spins around the incoming attackers as she gets closer to the city-sized World Eater, and takes Alexander with her. She looks to him. "Ready?" She asks him before swooping in to the giant flying furry monster!

Then, she tosses him at it!

Monet St. Croix has posed:
It takes most of Monet's effort to maintain the link amongst the grou, but as they go in to affirm that they're all setup it takes the strain off her. Monet goes to take a few moments to catch her breath while multi-tasking to filter information and communication amongst the group. She takes a few moments to hold back as seh does so, evaluating how the things are moving and how the group is going to engage them.

Then she's going up to join in hte attack, using her mind to calculate intercept courses, trajectories, speed, scale, and trying to get an idea of how strong the monsters are. She goes to loop up and over through the air, going higher and higher, picking up speed and going up to the sky, until she's a solid half kilometer up in the air, using her enhanced senses to still keep track of things and pass along information to the group.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna had not answered Diana's call. It hadn't been that surprising really. A few months ago, Diana could have counted on Donna being there, but things have been /odd/. Donna has not been Donna for a while. Technically, she hasn't even existed for a while. That's something that had very recently been fixed, but Donna has not exactly been in the friendliest of moods since that all happened a few days back, and Donna has been absent on quests of her own on Themyscira.

    Which is not to say that Donna didn't /hear/ the call, just that she hadn't answered it. Nor is it to say that she wasn't planning to /respond/ to the call. She just hadn't said so, and being on Themyscira at the time had not bothered to return to Manhattan to join the party at the jet. North Africa is a whole lot closer, so she makes her own way there.

    Her arrival is not obvious, because it comes some way behind an old rusted shipwreck, the hull of an old 50s vintage oiler that has been harmlessly rusting in the low tide sands off Az Zuwiyah for decades. The rust-red hulk appears in the skies to the north, floating through the air in what appears to be a stately pace, until it catches up with the horde of /things/ spread across the sands, when it picks up speed.

    The rusty ship plows into the desert, smashing a path of destruction through dune and beast alike before finally coming to rest an unlikely distance from the sea. When the cloud of sand thrown up like a miniature sand-storm finally settles, floating above it is Donna.

    Dressed all in black and silver, Donna is for the first time in almost two years showing up to a battle armored, though it's a new suit of armor she's wearing. It resembles her old, traditionally Themysciran armor that she had worn for years as Troia of the Titans in the color scheme, but otherwise is quite different in style -- a hybrid of the armored bodysuits popular amongst the superheroic fraternity and Themysciran armoring techniques, a weave of interlocking plates in a pattern reminiscent of Diana's own cuirass but forming a full body suit. The anodized black surface seems to almost absorb the light, but the silvered stars that run up her sides glow bright in the high African sun. She bears a round shield on her arm, and at her hip, her lasso glows -- but it's her sword she draws in preparation for this battle.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    When Phobos' 'voice' is heard amongst the thoughts of the worthies, it is a curious thing that reverberates three times, echoing as if three voices were all speaking within half a second of each other. Though one seems partially discordant, subtly changing words or thoughts. Yet the voice which more sounds like the youth himself is stronger and more prominent.

<< Alright, I can do that. >>

    And then suddenly it's up into the air, rushing at speed with Diana. The youth's golden eyes are widened with such wild abandon as he cackles while they're in flight. Only to suddenly be /hurled/ at the top of the creature, grasping the spear in both hands with the shield connected to his forearm. He flies through the air in a blur and then when he lands he brings the spear down to slam it into the creature's fur, seeking to strike at what might possibly be if not a weak point a point that may well /hurt/ if only to trigger some pain reaction in the flesh before he snaps a hand to the side and summons a crimson blade that he uses to try and cut a way inside.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
"Thanks, America!" Kaida calls out with a grin and races along with Chavez. Her hands and feet cling to her ahoulder as they go and once they are they are in the midst she uses the mind link to speak to America.

<<This is my stop!>> She literally just let's go to land on one of the minions with a laugh, leading with Amazonian steel. She flips her shield up to her feet and then launches off with her sword, boarding over it with an audible screech and sparks as she cuts at the wings of the one she lands on.

"Making my way downtown, cuttin' fast, fur goes past.."

Yara Flor has posed:
    Yara looks up at the flying minions, each easily the size of a car. "I /really/ wish I had my sword," she mumbles, as the speed of the bolas increase. Even though patience isn't her strong suit, she waits, until she finds one zooming towards Alexander.

    <<I got this one!>> Her bolas are loosed, arcing into the sky to wrap around the neck of the minion, yoinking her off her feet. All according to plan. She uses the momentum to swing herself around the underside and up onto the back of the thing, narrowly avoiding some of the spikes on its back.

    Using the bolas as a makeshift rein, she pulls the minion off course and towards another one of the flying monstrosities, as she unwinds the other end. With a practiced swing and a bounce off a foot, she sends the weighted end flying across the sky to impact a minion and unleashes the full power of her bolas, sending arcs of electricity through it's body. Smoking, the minion teeters and falls from the sky. "Take /that/ you bastard!"

America Chavez has posed:
    America sends a Mach 3 speed kick into one of the smaller beasts sending it flying to the sands below in a writhing mass of pain. She uses the momentum to swoop down along the hairy form of the great king Eater and lets her passenger go at her stop.

    Leaving the Mouse Knight to do her damage she swoops back up, delivering a uppercut to another of the swooping "small" flyers. The blue blast of energy at impact lends an exponential level of power to the blow and it's two down for Ms. America.

    She moves up to hover beside Donna. "Nice to see you back in action" she says, taking the change of attire and demeanor to mean that the Strange Case of Donna Troy was solved, or at least on its last legs. "Been a while, we can catch up while kicking kicking this monstrosity in its -cajones-?" She eyes the creature. "Does it have -cajones-?" she asks, rhetorically, and then shrugs as if it doesn't really matter either way.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie eyes the creature speculatively, but also with a touch of skepticism. "Uh... do things normally keep their hearts on the outside? I dunno..."

And yet! She has her orders.

She watches Diana toss Alexander ahead, and wheels on Morgan, grinning at him. "Alright, looks like we got a job to do." She cracks her knuckles. Her expression is getting scarrier by the second! "You ready, kiddo?" She gets to call him that now, cause she's officially a grown-up person!

Also she gets to toss him like a toy doll!

Ok, maybe it's a little gentler than that, but not TOO much, with the blond reaching to get a good grip on one of his armor straps and then heave-ho'ing the young man into the air, hurtling toward the sand creature, much like Diana did with her own person-shaped payload. An instant later, she's in the air herself, sailing speedily after Morgan to catch up beside him, ready to offer any 'steering' assistance he might require.

"So, I might have missed this, but do you have some... kind of trick to find this thing? Or what? Oh, heads up!" There are lots of the creatures ahead, and she suddenly zooms ahead to clear a path, glancing aside as some of the others do the same. "Oh cool, 'nother lightning rope. But watch this!"

As she reaches a cluster of the critters, she suddenly slams her bracers together, causing a booming shockwave of magical force, scattering the formation. "Woo! Di just taught me that. Cool huh?!"

Morgan Finn has posed:
When Diana gives Cassie the order to bring Morgan to the creature he barely has time to say, "Wait, what now?" before he's yoinked up off the ground in Cass' powerful grip. He plunges his bo-staff in the sand because, yeah, that's not going to help. Then he unsheathes his Themysciran short sword.

"Trick?" he says to Cass. "Nope. I'm just gonna start punching and cutting until that thing is dead or I am." The surprisingly playful tone in the teen demigod's voice speaks to his complete lack of fear. The emanations coming from Phobos are emboldening the already brave young apprentice.

As Cassie launches Morgan, he finds himself flying directly toward one of the 'smaller' creatures (with 'smaller' being a very much relative term here). He winds up and punches the thing with all of his newly acquired super strength. Surprisingly, he sends the thing plummeting toward the sand. Then as he is just about to smack right into the main creature, he plunges the Themysciran steel of his short sword into the creature, creating a makeshift anchor. "Ok you fu...." Even in battle he remembers the swear jar. "...you monster, let's see where your heart is. Is it here?" He plunges his free hand right through the creature's hide and starts to rummage around. "Nope, not here."

Diana Prince has posed:
It becomes very obvious, very quickly, that none of these beasts like being grabbed on to. None of them like being used as a means for others to travel, let alone clingy attackers! Kaida, maybe small in stature, becomes very noticed by the monster she attaches to, and it begins to spin wildly, doing rolls at a rapid speed to try and toss its stoway off in to the desert beyond!

Alexander's plugning efforts, are met in time with that of Morgan who lands only moments behind him upon the field of white fur that is flowing in the breezes racing across the monster's massive body! Both of their striking attacks cause the massive city-sized creature to lean in that direction quite suddenly! It dips that side of its winged body downward, trying to tip over and send the two Godlings tumbling off of its mass!

But at the same time, something happens upahead, many paces, the surface of the beast bursts with a pink energy! A geyser like spouting the bright pink glowing power out of its body! Like a whale firing water out of its spout, the might World Eater's body spouts that shining column of power from within its form!

For Yara, the success of taking down one of the minion creatures is short-lived, as ten more start to sweep out of the horde toward her! They seem to have some measure of a mind-link themselves, and as the horde rushes at Yara, more converge on that of America, AND Cassie. Her fancy new trick of the Aegis Blast is certainly effective in the direction she sends it, causing a billowing wall of the minion monsters to spiral backward, smashing in to each other, and rolling down the body of the World Eater, toward its tail that flutters in the hot hot desert wind!

Diana, in flight, pauses her sword strikes only a moment to look toward where she sees Donna... She holds still for only a moment, before she is attacked from behind, leading to her having to battle with a beast that is trying to grapple with her in mid ari now, slicing its boney arms at the Princess!

This happens to Kaida as well, the wing she is chopping at is being cut up, but the boney arms of the minion-beast begin to slap against itself, trying to crush the little rider upon its back!

"That energy!" Diana says. "That must be the heart! Try to get to it, see if you can rip it from the creature!"

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The curious reverberating voices speak on the telepathic channel again even as Alexander looks up just in time to see the whirling bolas slash past and entwine about the falling monster. Glowing golden eyes lift upward as the God of Fear laughs.

<< Thank you, Yara Flor. >>

    It buys him the time needed to spin the ancient blade around and slash it into the flesh of the creature just in time to turn toward the hurtled form of Morgan as he makes ready to try and arrest his fall if needs be. Bright eyes glowing, features vibrant and wild, the other Olympian has never seen Alexander quite like this, partially drawn forth and manifest as something other. He raises his voice to yell, "That Sandsnark girl's a trip, ain't she?"
    Only for in the next moment the great monstrosity to /turn/ rolling over on its side which causes the 'ground' he's on to become a wall without floor, his fall only saved by the fact that the sword Grass-Cutter provides a good handhold while plunged within the creature's fur.
    "Shit!" One for the swear jar.
    He reaches over and /kicks/ the haft of the spear he left in the monster's side, flipping it into the air to catch it with his free hand. Then he yells across toward Morgan. "Over there, man! Let's move!"
    And with that he starts to try to make his way over there, grasping handfuls of hair and fur at times, or creating a handhold with a viciously stabbed weapon.

Morgan Finn has posed:
Morgan flashes a grin at Alexander, looking him over with his spiffy armor. "Alex, that's you? Oh shit." There's a dollar. Alex has always been such a bad influence on Morgan. "You should wear that alla time. You'd have way more luck with the ladies." One of his arms is coated with monstrous blood and guts from when he unsuccessfully fished for the creature's heart.

"Hey, I'll bet ya cleaning duty for a month that I find this thing's heart before...." Then the great beast buckles wildly. The teen demigod is taken completely by surprise and he is bucked off the creature and begins to plummet toward the ground below at high speed.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix has floated up now roughly three quarters of a kilometer. From her position she geos to relay the information from Diana to the rest of the group attacking the thing. She relays their status, engagement, threats, and other information to the rest of the group. She's also very unengaged over at her height and having not attacked the thing yet. She has free room for at least one attack run where the thing hasn't responded to her as a threat. Something she intends to make it regret.
    Monet goes to lift herself more to the air.. Then she starts to dive. Fists in front of her. She's erupting through the air. Mach One.. A sonic boom trailing her. Mach 2.. Hitting five hundred meters of diving. Mach 3.. Now matching the speed that America Chavez had done the brutal kick earlier into one of the things. Ground level, almost skimming.
    Mach 4.. Then Monet St. Croix is going to try and strike the creature head on as she would pull up with ALL that force, inertia, and speed from her hypersonic flyby and all of her considerable super strength! She might not be Rogue, or Warpath, or any of the extrenely dangerous and powerful Amazons.. But presuming her strike does go true she would hopefully be impacting the thing full on in a clean strike that could topple a large chunk of a skyscraper as she would hopefully SMASH it hard as she gives it all the force she can with both fists!

Kaida Connolly has posed:
"Wow, sooOOOOrrRrrY!" Kaida calls out as she glides around the wing and gets struck at. The spinning animal thing being ridden by her shield as she cuts. She flips in mid air, her shield catching an arm and then she is sent flying into another protrusion. Her shield swaps to her left arm and she catches herself on that arm to spring board into the air.

The worm creature gets its wish as she slides along its left wing grinding her blade through the wing as she goes. This ends up sending her sailing high up into the air, temporarily floating above it all.

"Damn! That big girl got a gut full of energy and a boots like pow!" She declares and then she goes flying down toward the leader only to suddenly vanish into the mouth of a passing minion.

For a moment, the mind link turns into a tirade of language best not repeated to your grandmother.

Moments later one of the SUV sized minions starts spinning and bucking like wild, seeming to try to spit something up desperately.

Yara Flor has posed:
    Yara looks over to Wonder Girl, her mouth agape. "Hey! No fair! I need a pair of those." She twists the head of her impromptu mount around to head towards another beastie, the other end of the bola already swinging around into a lazy circle. "And you can fly! I'm a /demigod/ and I can't fly! How is this even fair?"

    M's sonic boom knocks her off her mount, causing her to go swinging underneath it. The one hand that's holding onto that end of the bolas jerk with tremendous force, snapping the neck of the beast, and the whirling weight of the other end goes sailing to wrap itself around another one of those things, saving her from falling into the sand.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Ohhhh, I got it," declares Cassie in Eureka-bulb fashion, finally grasping the genius of her mentor's plan as the energy column erupts from the creature. "Like a big 'ole blow-hole. Get in that way, and grab the heart!" A beat. "...I dunno if that's actually how anatomy works, but then again, this is some kind of cosmic sandworm slash spacewhale."

However, as much as she might enjoy spelunking down random holes, there's more work to be done elsewhere!

Like, for instance, all the minion creatures. She grins across at Yara. "You gotta warm up to it! Here, lemme show you someth- Oh shit!" More for the jar! Not that Cassie has agreed to this (she'd be broke!)

That outburst is for the falling Wonder Boy, however, drawing her attention from minion fighting to the save-assist. A creature comes at her, she dodges to the side and then kicks off it, quickly accelerating her flight toward the plummeting junior Wonder. She's fast, true, but he's just a little out of reach...

...which is why he gets a lasso around the foot! "Gotcha! C'mon, you got work to do. Back up there, soldier!" Yep, he's getting tossed around a lot today, as she quickly yanks back on the rope to pull him upward, before doing a practiced wrist-flick to loosen the noose at the apex. He's a Wonder Yo-Yo!

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna looks over the battlefield for a few moments, evaluating the situation. She is momentarily taken aback when Cassie performs Diana's signature thunderclap trick, and she has to take a moment to check that it's not Diana in a blonde wig, Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl disguised as each other for some reason, but it appears not to be.

    "Hello America," she replies to her teammate, her eyes still on the battlefield. "I have no idea if it has cojones. It looks like the hairy brother of the sandworms from Dune. Biology uncertain."

    Her eyes momentarily meet Diana's, and when Diana is attacked from behind she's struck my a momentary instinct to rush to her sister's help, but it's a large battle and Diana should be okay. There's the battle as a whole to consider.

    She turns her head to America, and gives a quick nod of her head. "We need to keep the big thing distracted. The guys look like they know what they're doing, but if it's paying attention to them, they'll have a hard time doing it. Let's feed the worm something to keep it distracted." She gestures towards the wrecked ship lying in the sand, before flying down towards one end of it and pointing America to the other end. "Take an end each, we ram it horizontally into the thing's jaws. Sound good?"

America Chavez has posed:
    "I like that plan" America says to Donna with a grin. Moving to take the other end of the wrecked tanker ship she grins and matches Donna's speed as they angle the massive vessel horizontally towards the oversized worm. "Open wide, -tu puta madre-!" she shouts as the pair wedge the rusted ship into the beast's jaws.

    Once satisfied with how solid the massive ship is lodged she peels off and sends another hypersonic kick to one of the smaller beasts adding another notch to her kill count for the day. She sees another coming for her and swiftly punches a star shaped hole in reality, sending the smaller (relatively) creature to the surface of Venus where it will likely be crushed by the unrelenting surface pressue of Earth's deadly sister planet. A wave of her hand closes the hole before atmospheric death can be loosed on the Sahara.

Diana Prince has posed:
The city of Siwa looms off in the distance, shimmering in the hot desert air. But it's no mirage, it's a thriving community of hundreds of people, if not far more than that! The timely idea of Donna Troy could not be more needed for the people of that town! With America's help (fuck yeah!) the mighty ship is lifted up and garners the massive World Eater's attention! It moves its massive cavern-like mouth toward the giant old ship! A powerful groaning moan escapes the massive city-sized monster as it begins to consume the vessel piece by piece!

The beasts that Cassie's newly learned-Aegis attack are refocusing themselves behind the huge tail of the flowing Eater, they're wave of dangerous boney spikes coming ever closer again!

Kaida is a tiny little assassin of hellish fury, and her efforts with the first cause its wing to be severed, as it falls out of the sky to plummet in to the sandy dunes! The next she is utterly tearing apart from the inside out, causing a explosive gush of its stomach fluids to rush toward where Kaida is!

After Cassie throws Morgan toward the beast once more, she's attacked by a whole wave of more of the flying minions, their buzzing wings flapping and slapping at Wonder Girl relentlessly as they try to spear her with their boney legs!

Diana's sword tears through another of the minions as she arrives near to where Yara is, she cuts another of the creatures in to multiple pieces before bashing a third with her shield, sending it toppling over the World Eater toward the desert below!

And that is just as Monet slams in to the creature's 'blowhole' of energy!

This powerful damage to The World Eater has a unexpected effect, as three more geysers of pink energy burst from across the creature's flat topped body. The white flowing hair is sent wildly askew across the long creature's form, as the gushing pink energy shoots up in to the blue sky toward the golden sun above...

"It has more than one Heart." Diana says over the team mind-link. "We have to split up... Pick a heart... skew it from the creature before it finishes eating that ship!"

And just after Diana says this, does the World Eater start to do a full corkscrew spin, from head toward tail, the Manhattan-sized creature starts to roll, its body a wave-like pattern as it spins!

Morgan Finn has posed:
When the lasso encircles Morgan's ankle, he lets out a surprised yell. It's only his newly emerging demigod physiology that keeps him from dislocating his hip from the force of it. "Don't you drop me!" he yells out. He's still under the effect of Phobos' aura, so he lets out a bit of a laugh as he is yoinked upwards by his teammate's rope.

It's a huge relief when it flicks off his ankle, leaving him sailing toward the worm again. "Thanks, Cass!" he yells out as he plummets into the side of the great worm with enough force to render a normal human instantly unconscious. He plunges his sword into it again. He glances over to Alex. "You find it yet?" Then he hears Diana yell out about the multiple hearts. He sees the new energy plumes and /finally/ puts two and two together. He's not exactly a genius. The plumes are where the hearts are!

Clenching his jaw, the teen demigod runs along the beast's body toward one of the new plumes. He jams his short sword as far into the plume as he is able.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix goes 'pinging' off the edge of the beast, withdrawing over and moving to pull up again even as she's relaying the information along to the rest of the team, evaluating the placement of the remaining 'spigots' over it. Which are in several places multiple kilometers apart and having to fight their way through all the 'fighters' the thing has up and out that it seems to not have any issues with replacing. She goes to withdraw, glancing to the position of the other pink things.

<<We need to also divert it's attention and those of it's defenders. Do any of you have any sort of weather manipulation abilities?>> She's seen them do magic bolts and lightning. Can anyof them make a magical storm to it? Monet is going to pull away several meters, and then is giong to skim along it, going at slightly above Mach 1 towards one of the next eruptions.. And trying to see at the moment if she can get the creature to now pay attention to her and to hopefully send some of those -things- that it's launching to chase after her. She can evade them and she's not capable of necessarily getting to some of the other openings and inflicting enough damage. So hopefully she can draw some of them after her to make it easie for the rest! She adjusts her skimming, hopefully at this point having made her intentions of doing another high speed attack run obvious enough for them to pursue her in numbers!

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Not that Alexander has cleaning duty, but it's as Morgan starts to plummet, he shouts, "Challenge accepted!" A bet's a bet.
    Though he only has those brief moments to pay attention to his cousin's inevitable death. For he's making his way across the rough exterior of the gigantic monster in a mix of acrobatics and swordplay, perhaps with a sprinkle of parkour when he flips around a particularly large jagged spine and then stabs the ancient sword into the monster's flank.
    Only for not too long after for Morgan to thump back onto the creature at the aid from Cassie. Et tu, Sandsmark? Yet he doesn't have time to look back as he focuses on the next leap while the monstrosity twists in the air again. He times it... balances on the hilt of the sword embedded in the side of the creature then...
    And skids across the surface as the creature turns sharply, one hand barely grabbing a handful of fur close to one of the glowing areas. For a time he's twisting in the wind with the flight of the creature, one hand open as he's bathed in the glowing light of the heart nearby. A furrow marks his brow as he focuses...
    And Grass-Cutter appears in his hand again. Only to be /plunged/ into the pulsating light that signifies at least part of this creature's power.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Sending Morgan sailing upward, Cassie gives an appropriately Amazon-sounding warcry (ok, it's half Amazon, half drunken white chick woo-girl), clearly pleased with her last moment save...

...only to be subsequently swarmed by a number of the minion creatures. No good deed goes unpunished! Of course, she probably pissed off more than a few of them earlier with that blastin'. Either way, she's soon basically surrounded, covered by the things, vanishing beneath the swarm as the creatures stab at her from many directions. Outnumbered, overwhelmed, it looks grim, as the mass of them stab toward the unseen center of the mass and drag her down toward the sand.

For a moment, it might look grim...

Until, yet a few moments later, several of the creatures go flying in a great burst of sand, thrown off by the young woman's not inconsiderable strength. She's left with several more, brawling close range, parrying a spear-like stab with one of her bracers so hard the bone breaks. Her other hand still has the lasso, now coiled around her hand like a gauntlet, coursing with electricity, which she jams into another creature, leaving it much like any bug sent to the zapper. When all's said and done, she's left scraped and bruised, her hair falling out of its neat ponytail, and covered in bits of goo-ey gore that presumably don't belong to her.

"Yeah, that'll teach ya. No boning without consent!" Well, if she can quip, she's probably OK. Subsequently, her eyes turn upward to see how everyone is doing above, before she launches back upward from the sandy crater.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna gives a thumbs-up to America as the pair of them give the worm a throatful of metal to keep it occupied, but there's more to be done, and more distractions required for the people attacking those plumes of pink to get a chance to make their attacks.

    "It's trying to turn! We've got to stop it, keep it from burying itself." Sandworms. Dune. There's a trick to it there, maybe it'll work here? The Fremen used hooks to raise the segments of a worm's body when they wanted to ride one -- the worm would roll to keep the exposed flesh from the irritation of the sand. This worm may not be segmented in the same way, it's hard to tell. Besides, there are no Maker Hooks here.

    There's an alternative approach. The key here is to get under the beast's hide, to expose raw flesh.

    "America? Let's expose a section of flesh along its top, hopefully that'll stop it rolling in the sand. I cut, you peel, okay? Gonna take a /big/ tug."

    Without waiting for an answer, Donna hurtles down to the body of the beast, plunging down blade-first until her sword is buried to the hilt. She plants her feet either side, undoes the front strap of her shield and slides it up her shoulder to keep her arms free, and grips the sword firmly with both hands. Once she's sure of her grip, she drags the blade down the body of the creature, moving fast and opening up a long gouge in its hide as she moves.

    Once Donna has the cut started, she continues it by flying low over the surface of the creature, drawing a gory wound across the length of her travel. The beast's hide separates along a great length of it, the wound bubbling up with viscous ichor in a straight-ish line, veering only a little way from true here and there as she has to weave around spines. She keeps going until eventually a group of the World-Eater's minions take umbrage and swarm her!

America Chavez has posed:
    America watches as the worm starts to devour the ship. "-Que cabron-" she mutters, even so she knows the move Troia is referencing and knows just the right play. Another of the little ones is kicked off into the sands as she streaks after Donna. "One potato peeler, coming right up" she says to her fellow Titan and takes hold of the two halves of the gaping wound being torn into the creature's carapace.

    With tremendous strength she starts to pull the skin off in two massive strips, exposing the soft flesh under its hide. "Get you fresh squeezed worm guts right here!" she calls, over the mental link before she too is swarmed under a pile of the smaller defensive beasts, her dark skinned form disappearing in a mass of writhing bodies.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
The thing she is in just really seems to be having a rough time of it. If anyone has ever seen a worm coil around a fish hook before, it's like that but without the hook. Mainly, because teh fish hook is already inside of it. Kaida is having a lot of trouble herself.

There's not a lot of air in the thing and then she's swimming in acid and internally screaming just as finally the thing throws her up into the air and swirls away toward the Earth, bleeding horrifically on the inside even as Kaida does her best to shake herself free of all that acid and goo, gasping for air and spitting out whatever got into her mouth. It's just a lucky break that she is tougher than most even if she's not really specifically tough against acid.

"That was vile! I'm not doin' that again, I just-" ~SPLUT!~ The sound Kaida makes when she lands right into one of the sections that America just peeled open, sinking a bit into it and twitching as she stares into the distance.

Her ear twitches once, followed by a partially melted whisker. Slowly she stands up and grips her sword in a death grip. There's a bit of a wild smile on her face before she suddenly cackles.

"Ok, bitches. Apparently we're havin' one of THOSE days!" And then she is laughing maniacally as she vanishes in a boom of speed and slices all the way to where America is before suddenly vanishing in another blur. A mouse is now moving at roughly mach 1 with its blade driven into teh flesh of the lead creature, creating chaotic slices all along the already mangled section.

Diana Prince has posed:
The shadows of the flying minions, and the massive World Eater itself all pass over Cassie on the ground as she makes her quippy-quips! A swarm of them sweep right overhead of her before they peel off of their attack and seem to be called back up toward the mighty City Creature itself, leaving Cassie down in the dust and muck she created!

Troia's quick thinking seems to be causing the beast not to move down toward the sand, but in fact raise its head up and fly UP toward the brilliant blue sky itself! As its flat-topped head angles upward, the last of that massive ship is swallowed down in to its gullet, disappearing within the beast as its whole body vibrates with a giant howl shouting up in to the sky that can likely be heard for kilometers in all directions!

Down in the city of Siwa, people are seeing this incoming attack, and they are all fleeing for their lives as chaos sets in over the isolated desert community!

Now the World Eater is going almost straight up, leaving the non-flyers on its back having to deal with gravity pulling them back along the furry surface of the majestically terrifying monster!

But there is a job to be done... and like Alexander's sword, Diana's Blade of Athena jams in to one of the geysers of spewing pink power! The spray of energy is filled with a new black smoke that pours out around Diana's sword blade, along with any others who are penetrating the beast's back to tear in toward one of its 4 hearts!

Alexander, Diana, and whomever else is close enough to begin to tear in to the beast will begin to see the glowing pink mixed in with the pouring-out plumes of black smelly smoke!

"It will heal itself unless we tear out these Hearts!" The Princess calls out, cutting and jamming her sword in deeper until she exposes the hear tin front of her!

All while the mighty World Eater howls in pain in the sky across the Sahara desert!

Exposing the heart, Diana's leather wrapped hand jams inside the hole she'd cut, and she flexes her arm's muscles as she buries her hand beneath it and tries to tear the heart out with all her might!

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix is going along the thing and trying to weave in and out of it, trying to lead the pursuers along after her to give it some opening. Then as it surges straight up she's caught by surprise. The fact that the World Eater, hundreds of kilometers, billions of tons in size can move so -quickly- catches her by total surprise. She's slammed HARD over against it's carapace, along the leathery, spiked edges. Then two of the pursuers go and slam into her. She's roughly smashed between two of them on either side. The spike-like bones from them manage to not gore her, but the sound of something brekaing if one is close to her is quite, quite audible as the mental connection she's keeping up fritzes, spasms in pain.. Then goes silent for just a moment before it returns.
    M is spasming in agony, even as several of her ribs have been snapped like twigs. The two things fully after her as she's diving away from them, going evasive to avoid tehm!
    Hand going down her body to POP ribs back into place in a fascimilie of proper positioning as she uses her telepathy to shut down much of her brain's capacity for handling pain and mentally rewires hereslf.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    Again the creature twists and the world shifts. The panorama below swirling like a gyre as the great serpentine creature sooooars upward, turning what had been a steady grip into a staggeringly precarious handhold.
    The crimson blade twists, tearing a larger gap in the flesh letting out more of the smoke and energy, so much that the haze swirling around that glowing light becomes darkened and obscured, and as the thing rise the blade continues to cut a long furrow in its side as Alexander barely manages to keep a hand on it.
    The good is that there is a larger hole now, the bad... is that the young Olympian is a good fifteen feet below where the heart glows. His spear lost so far down and the katana barely holding in place it will take time for him to work his way back up... and up.
    Foot by grudging foot as he's forced to grasp torn flesh and ichor-splattered skin. The gleaming black and silver armor now discoloured by the nastiness of gore. Until just when the monster is turning again... the ancient god-slaying sword stabs home.

Morgan Finn has posed:
As Morgan advances through adolescence, his demigod physiology has been emerging and developing. Most recently, he has begun to contend with emerging super strength and its accompanying invulnerability. When he hears Diana call out about removing the heart, he clenches his jaw and peers into the energy geyser he just stabbed through with his Themysciran steel.

He looks over his shoulder -- whoops, definitely shouldn't have done that, Morgan -- and sees just how high up he is now.

"Go attack the worm they said. Just cut out its heart and it'll be fine they said."

He plunges both hands into the hole, but that dislodges his sword. He tries desperately to grab it but he can't and it goes plummeting far, far below. Through Monet's mindlink he sends: << Watch out for a really sharp, falling sword, guys. >>

With both hands he grabs that heart. He pulls with all of his demigod strength. His face is beet red with the effort. He lets out a powerful yell as pulls and pulls. The muscles on his shoulders and abdomen and ribs and back and legs clench and flex.

But to no avail. He cannot pull it free. Worse yet, there is so much gore that his feet are unable to gain purchase on the beast's body. He looks moments from slipping, but this time from a much greater height.

Yara Flor has posed:
    Seeing Monet being chased by a couple of the monsters, Yara steers the one she's riding towards them. "Hold on, M!" she shouts, whirling one end of her bolas overhead. She unwinds the one that's she's using as the reigns as she lets the other end sail out to entangle one of the minions chasing M.

    As it gets electrified, Yara /leaps/ off the back of the one that she's riding, sailing across the sky, to /kick/ the other in the head, caving it's skull in. Without any of the other minions in the proximity she rides it down out of the sky, only to hop off at the last moment to land lightly on her feet in the sand.

    "Okay! Whew! What next?" She looks around for a target and sees those on the back of the great beast struggling with the hearts. She may not have anything pointy to help, but she can at least lend them a hand.

    Bolas awhirl she runs as fast as she can to keep pace with the giant monster, and flings one weighted end to entangle itself with one of the great spikes allowing her to pull herself up onto the back of the beast. "I'm coming, guys!"

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Arising from the minion diversion, Cassie does look pretty... annoyed. She's scraped up and covered in bug guts, after all. So it's no surprise that when she launches from the desert, there's some real 'heat' on it, her flight accelerating rapidly. Some more of the creatures get in her way, but they hardly slow her down, getting slammed aside by superpowered blows.

One? She flies right through it.

And soonafter, she's approaching the creature, but now it too is rising, leaving the desert and flying skyward on Donna's lead. "Well, glad I'm not the only one who got the movie reference," she mutters.

At full flight, she quickly catches back up, matching the twisting motion of the creature corkscrewing through the sky, flying under and over the spines along its body. And while she's not immediately sure of where to strike next as everyone goes for the conveniently spaced-out monster weak points, she quickly notices a particular Wonder-team member struggling...

...and flies right over him. "You got this, kiddo!"

Instead, Cassie lands at another of the geysers. She's not turned to her sword throughout the battle so far, but it remains on her back, where she unsheathed it now, more than ready to unleash a bit of payback. And thus: HACK HACK HACK, suddenly its all spraying bug gore and weird glowy light as she stabs into the opening. Attempts to shake her don't do anything - she's matched her flight to the movement - and a moment later, she's plunging her own bracered hands into the gaping wound to get at the gooey center. "Raaaa!"

Donna Troy has posed:
    The plan has worked -- with no more corkscrewing, the worm is exposed, and those targeting the hearts can do so without worrying about being crushed beneath the incredible weight of the creature. The long gouge torn in its hide by Donna and America seeps sticky gore, doing its job nicely -- but the pair of Titans who had inflicted the wound on the creature are beset by a mass of minions.

    For a few moments, Donna is lost to view beneath the swarm of minions, a mass of white fur and thrashing limbs. Soon though the mass of white becomes darkened with ever-increasing amounts of red as limbs become separated from minion bodies by a whirl of Themysciran steel. The crowd of creatures thins, corpses of minions falling away from the fight to tumble to the sands below, revealing Donna as a whirlwind of high speed destruction in the middle of this battle, sword lashing out this way and that almost faster than the eye can see, until only she is left standing.

    Donna leaves the battle battered and bruised, but standing. Her new armor seems to have held up well to its baptism of combat. She rises up into the air to get a measure of the battle unfolding, seeing where the geysers of pink energy are located, seeing who is targeting them, and she pulls her arm back and throws.

    Where Yara has found a purchase on the creature to target one of those hearts, Donna's sword THUDS into the carapace of the creature close at hand -- and Yara is no longer lacking pointy things to help out more directly.

    No longer wielding her own sword, Donna quickly slips her shield off her arm and onto her back, and unhitches her lasso, stretching it out to glow between her hands. Re-armed, she hurls herself down into the nearest mass of minions to continue the fight.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
As the creature starts to go upward, she just can't keep up. Kaida is moving too quickly and realizes she has lost traction in all that mess. She watches others fighting, sees Donna going at it. Watches as a sword goes flying by her toward the ground and she is falling, too. She grumbles as she flails for a moment and then just lets out a long sigh.

"Stupid big worm things!" She calls out, whining a little as the wind whips about her burned and mangled fur. She then lets out a longer sigh and spreads her arms and legs out to try to catch some wind. It'd be very difficult for a fall of any height to seriously harm her given her weight and her toughness but she isn't looking forward to it all the same.

"Well, up to you gu-" And she's cut off as another one of those flying, SUV sized minions eats her.


And another string of curses goes through the mind link.

America Chavez has posed:
    While Donna relied on sharp force to render her pile of minons obsolete, America is more a blunt object sort of gal. Reality suffers the brunt of her attack as she punches a hole in the fabric of space leading to parts unknown. The mass of writhing furry bodies disappears along with the Fuertonan woman.

    The hole closes as the last worm passes through. There is no sign of worms or America for a handful of breaths and then another blue star portal opens up in space. The dark-skinned woman emerges from it looking a little worse for wear. Her shirt is in tatters, there are black patches on her dark brown skin and steam curling off of her.

    "Volcanoes are worst..." she mutters. Her entrance portal disapates and she moves to join Donna in minion disposal leaving the big guy and its myriad hearts to those already engaged in the extraction process.


Diana Prince has posed:
The swarm is having trouble keeping up with the ascending World Eater King at this point... rising up as high as it is to react to having its skin peeled away by the invaders upon its spikey boned body! But the massive horde of winged creatures are grabbing on to the flowing white fur of the mighty Eater's outer coat! They use it to crawl up the Eater's body to try and get closer to those attacking the hearts!

The World Eater comes to a crescendo in the sky, leveling out again many kilometers off the ground now, just as Diana grits her teeth, lets out a yell of effort, and then RIPS the pink glowing egg-shaped heart from the beast's body! She stumbles backward, falls on to her knees and has to grab the flowing hair of the beast to steady herself, with one hand still clutching the Heart!

Now, Alexander's own heart starts to loosen, the sound of tearing can be heard, until it comes loose, and he too can pull his free!

The last two start to weaken and they too can now be more easily pulled from the creature's body! But... this has a side effect.

Morgan goes in to free fall, holding on to one of the Hearts himself now, as he begins to plummet toward the desert far below...

But the Wonder Tike has a friend watching... The Invisible Jet glimmers in the air as it scoops the Boy out of the sky, before it begins to open up on the Minions with its bright blue plasma cannons! The Jet starts to pepper the Minions trailing up the World Eater's body, slapping them with burning hot energy that starts to set the World Eater's luscious mane of white locks ablaze with hot flames!

The three missing heart-holes are spewing black smoke now, as the World Eater starts to careen back down toward the desert below!

One geyser of pink energy remains, one last heart that is slowly healing the damages done to the mighty monster that is now starting to bomb dive down toward the city of Siwa below!

Morgan Finn has posed:
The teen demigod clutches the massive, grotesque heart as he falls, plunging toward likely death. Even with his enhanced invulnerability, he won't survive a fall from this height. And all of his teammates are either far above him, or below him inside a monster's tummy.

"Why am I holding this?" he asks himself with remarkable calm. If he dies, he dies. At least he'll finally get to meet his father in Olympus for the first time.

He shoves the monstrous organ away from him, and closes his eyes peacefully, surrendering. <<Thanks guys>> he says over the mindlink. <<It's been really coo...>>

He's cut off as Lanis, the Invisible Jet's AI pulls in under him with an open hatch at the top of the fuselage. "Hello, Morgan," Lanis says. "I never thought you'd fall for /me/."

It takes Morgan a moment to catch his breath as he hits the upper deck inside of the Invisible Jet at a pretty alarming rate of speed. He groans and rubs his face for a moment. "Has Diana been teaching you how to tell jokes again?"

But Wonder Tike gets his bearings quickly as his self-healing power erases the damage from the fall in moments. He quickly gets into the cockpit, puts on his harness, and grabs the yoke. "I'm taking manual control, Lanis. Arm weapon systems." Some lights in the cockpit change configuration as Lanis complies. With a satisfied grin on his face, Morgan takes control of the jet and begins attack runs on the swarming creatures.

Alexander Aaron has posed:
    The three voices of Phobos on the telepathic comms can be heard again as the heart comes loose, drawn from the bonds of flesh and gore.

<< Got one, though I have no situational awareness on the others... >>

    Yet now holding the thing he's left with only one hand and that around the grip of the blade still stabbed into the giant creature. A quick look around for a point of departure, or a nearby team-mate, finding little... though there seems to be a Morgan flying through the air with... oh the thing.
    A deep breath is taken as the youth looks around one more time even as the jet banks and twists nearby in pursuit of its prey. He tries to time it as he half leaps/half drops from the side of the giant wyrm, leaving the sword behind for now.
    Falling, perhaps the jet senses and adjusts, perhaps it's dumb luck. But the two points of Olympian and Magical aircraft intersect as Alexander grabs hold with one strong arm. Only for him to land /thud/ right near the cockpit as he struggles to maintain a grip, slides along the surface, then hooks part of it as his shoulder crackles with a sharp tearing pain.

Yara Flor has posed:
    Yara cheers as Donna's sword lands next to her with a *thunk!* "Thank you!" she calls out, and grasps its hilt, pulling it free of the giant monster. She, then, uses her immense strength to hack away at the flesh of the beast digging deeper and deeper.

    She takes a step back, grabbing onto some of the hair to steady herself as Monet starts going buck wild at the heart, tearing the flesh open even further. When she's done, Yara steps back in to hack it the rest of the way open to expose the beating heart.

    She plunges the sword in, spearing the heart, causing smoke to billow out of the wound and with a great *wrench* she pulls the heart out. Success! She looks over the edge of the monster and seeing that they're a good kilometer up she shouts to the rest, "Uh guys? How do I get down? I can't fly!"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
In agony, Monet St. Croix sees the other hearts going down, but only one of them left functioning, healing the beast. Monet goes to grab the first thing that she can find. Namely one of thsoe huge -things- that had just nearly gored her. She goes to ignore it's struggling, and goes to haul along the SUV sized flying abomination with her as she's charging in over towarsd the last heart at high speed. Far more than her strength normally would let her, some combination of rage, shuting down much of her nervous system responsible for warning of pain.. Whatever it is, the girl is charging wiht the huge, spiked mace in hand at Mach 2.. Mach 3.. Mach 4.. More speed thans he should be able to do in her state of pain. She's heading towards that last pink thing..
    "I.." SMASH. SWING. BRUTALIZE. "HAVE HAD" CRSH. "ENOUGH" PUNCH. PUMMEL. CLUB. "OF YOU!" She goes to physically tear the THING in half that she had been using like a club, swinging the halves around like flails to bludgeon into the thing again and again if she could.. While then no matter if hse had managed to inflict damage or not on it, if she had simplys kimmed off of it..
    Then she's faling, falling away as a rib that hadn't been popped back into place goes off again, this time spearing through a lung and narrowly missing her spine.

America Chavez has posed:
    America notices the creatures trajectory and punches another hole in reality she emerges far above the creature as it decends. "Oh no you don't -maltida-!" she says as she dives straight for the brain of the creature. She has some fun with her portals as she dives.


    One opens only to deposit her a hair past its creation, her acceleration increasing with each subsequent shift.





    She's going just shy of Mach 33 with the final emergence a hundred feet or so above the creature's massive brainpan. Her form is a brown and blue streak as it passes through what amounts to the head of the creature and through its brain, coming out the other side covered in ichor and gore before landing in the sands of the desert in a massive crater that flash burns to shattered glass around her landing point.

Donna Troy has posed:
    The horde of minions scaling the beast's furry body close in on the heroes cutting out its hearts, but their numbers are thinning all the time. No longer the target of attacks herself as they concentrate on protecting their master, Donna is free to attack them relatively unmolested. She flies back up along the body of the worm, her lasso repeatedly lashing out to entangle wings or legs and rip the creatures from their perches, letting them tumble towards the desert below.

    She's making good progress in clearing them out and is most of the way to where the heart cutting is taken place when Monet drops through the air past her, and Donna takes off after the falling hero.

    Grabbing people out of the air is something Donna has done often enough in her decade of heroing. She knows the trick of it is to pace the falling person before you try catching them, so there's no sudden deceleration. For someone with broken ribs, that could be painful indeed, but Monet's fall is arrested very gently.

    Then there's the non-flying Yara. Donna is quickly beside her, and tilts her head curiously to look at the oddly Amazon-looking woman. "You called for an Uber?" She asks. The question soon followed by "Who are you?"

    There's little time for answers though, and with Yara in one arm and Monet in the other, Donna heads for the jet, landing on the surface as Morgan pilots it to launch attacks. The body of the jet becomes semi-insubstantial, and the three sink down through the hull and into the security of the jet's interior, where Yara and Monet are deposited before Donna's off again to see if she's needed finishing things up outside.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie is able to assist in removing the last heart in somewhat brutal, bloody fashion, although she doesn't quite manage to maintain the shampoo commercial look while she does it. LIKE A CERTAIN SOMEONE...

Still, that's all of them, isn't it? And so she stands up grinning. A job well done, and slightly over-aggro revenge delivered. Yeah, a couple people are falling to their dooms but she did one of those saves already and she sees that the Plane-slash-Disc is on it. So...

"OK, so what's next-"

America answers the question, dealing a potent last blow. "Nice shot!" she whoops. And...

Then the great flying sand whale worm whatever it is spasms and starts to fall.

"Uhhhhhhhhh, hey Di you see that? I think it's gonna fall a little close."

There are no doubt going to be orders from her boss for what comes next, but they're hardly necessary. There's a certain familiarity in the teamwork of the senior Wonders (oh goddesses, is that REALLY what she is, now?), and Cassie falls into her place with familiar ease. "I GOT THIS SIDE!"

'Side' is relative. Maybe more like 'this particular length of massive fuzzy spacewormwhale.' Still, she zips into full flight speed, unfurling her laso as she goes and wrapping it around the base of one of those 'wings,' looping around to secure her grip before returning to the underside and... starting to push. Upward. It looks impossible of course, pointless, for the tiny little blonde to try to lift the thing. And maybe she can't on her own...

...but it does start to slow.

Diana Prince has posed:
With the ultra-speedy America punching a hole right through the unprotected World Eater's skull, the giant monstrosity is indeed on a dangerous downward pathway now! Cassie has the right of it though, and soon a golden lasso twirls out of the sky, and wraps down around the creature's opposite tendril attached to its upper mouth lip!

Diana marches up toward the edge of its skull, clutching the dimly glowing World Eater Heart in her right arm, holding it like a football, as she wraps her lasso several tiems around her left bracer, then PULLS with Cassie!

Down below, over the city of Siwa, the sun is blocked out by the massive city-scaled creature that is gliding on lifeless wings now over top of the entire city. The populace watches from below, shocked, and in awe of what they see above, many still fearful of it all for good reason...

With the wind whipping across the dying ancient animal, the two Amazons pilot its body past the City toward a ridge of old mountains jutting up out of the sands!

The city of Siwa is suddenly bathed in sunlight again as the World Eater passes over it, and once it is safely enroute to the old mountains far from the signs of civilization, Diana looks to Cassie, nods once, and unfurls her lasso, before launching herself in to the sky!

Only moments later, the World Eater collides with the Earth, and a plume of smoke billows up in to the air. Debris, dust, and rock sent in a mushroom-cloud-like formation that falls to one side as the mighty beast has been slain...

Each of the four World Eater hearts gently thump with vibrations, each one softer than the last before finally, they go still, and their pinkish glowing light dims out, and is extinguished within its core.

Only one of those Hearts was dropped to the ground, and it slowly sinks down in to the sand where it fell from high above.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
She's hauled along. She's caught. She's lifted. Monet St. Croix has enough experience to make sure she holds her head over at an angle where she's not at risk of choking, to minimize the pressure on her lung, and to resist the attempts at shoving her rib properly back over into place. She keeps herself still in the greater scope of things and holds herself from doing anything else.
    She puts her focus over into trying to ensure she's keeping up the mental link, even as the fight is nearing a finale. She keeps it up and gets a.. Massive, massive sense of..
    Inadequacy. As the Warrior Women of Themyscira work at lifting the immense thing. That must weigh well a billion tons, if not half again that. All the girl can look over at it and -see- it in scale. So vast. So much volume. So much mass. The part of her mind that must obsessively review everything does the analysis. So much power, so much going on..
    Monet St. Croix, whom survived her brother keeping her in a prison of her own body, through Genosha, through the Shi'Ar invasion.. Whom has seen aliens, gods, beings from other realities and timelines, technology the likes of which is beyond fantasy, power..
    All the girl can get from it is a sense of her own total inconesquence in the greater scheme of things.
    As the warrior women of Themyscira handle the huge beast and stabilize it. And she can just stare up with the sort of consequence of one that is aware that they are but one grain of sand on a shore.
    The ego, the pride, the haughtiness.. All that she has used to keep her going so long and so hard.. All of it shows the vast futility of it all as her own abilities are so.. So much inconsequential in the scheme of things.
    And just like her lung and her ribs, her ego consulses and goes with but a 'pop'. And it's her self control, the pain, the fact no one is around her and no one else can read minds as she keeps up the link..
    That inside has left her a shuddering, sobbing broken wreck that she locks away and one might never know it.
    As she watches the Warrior Women of Themyscira handle it.
    The city is saved and bathed in sunlight from the thing which had been devored. Is it over? Finished?
    But the war.. The war never ends.
    And Monet St. Croix keeps up a completely passive face as she maintains the mental link..
    As she fully breaks down inside. And no one will ever, ever know.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
SPLAT! A SUV sized winged worm slams into the ground with a sound like a water balloon against rock. The thing's guts go everywhere and its body is ravaged horribly. A groan escapes from it but that groan, that groan is not from the monster. It is very dead. Instead, a portion of the beast rips open and out crawls a tiny, partially burned and limping mouse that falls over on to a rock that is partially covered in worm guts. She lays there, staring up at the final moments of this battle and slowly shakes her head.

"I have crawled through sewers..." She states to no one in particular, "And that was the nastiest thing I've ever done. Just now. That. That was worse than New York City's sewers..."

America Chavez has posed:
    America looks up in time to see the Wonder Pair fling the massive sandworm to a location where it won't do as much damage. She rises in her molten sand crater and watches as Kaida emerges from the depths of disgust. She flies out of the crater and over to the miniature warrior with a smile.

    Offering her hand to Kaida she says, "Come on, let's get you home and you can take as many showers as you need to feel fresh again." Once Kaida's secure--America doesn't seem to mind the stench of worm inards as much as some others might--she flies up toward the invsible jet and into it, flipping a mass of dark curls over her shoulder once Kaida is settled in a chair.

    "I think we're ready to head back." All in a days work for the universal heroine.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna exits the jet in time to see Cassie and Diana hauling the beast away, and watches for a few moments to see if they'll need some extra help with the carry, but they seem to have things in hand.

    The sight brings to mind a time a year and a half ago, where she, Maxima and Superman dragged a similarly sized beast with an unpronounceable name into space to remove it from an alternative Earth. A little moment of deja vu. Honestly she's kind of glad to leave it to her sisters this time. Hauling giant beasts isn't that much fun.

    Instead, Donna inspects the battlefield, making sure the wounded have all been collected and made safe, making sure nobody who can't fly has been stranded anyone. It's her T-Com that reveals the presence of one small hero she hadn't been aware until then was present, and she smiles to herself with satisfaction that America is already looking out for her brave but tiny team mate. Perhaps there's even some cheese on board the jet.

    The emergency seems to be over. Everyone is accounted for. Donna flicks her T-com to a private channel, and sends a message to Cassie: "Happy belated birthday, Cass. I owe you a drink."

    There's a small puff of sand as Donna takes off straight upwards, and keeps going. She's not rejoining the others at the jet for the flight home.

Diana Prince has posed:
With the World Eater's corpse being as long as the island of Manhattan, it takes up a massive amount of natural landscape. But at least it didn't take out any parts of the desert settlement...

Diana lands atop it, and clutches that heart against her ribs. She looks around at the mighty beast's body and watches as its natural elements begin to grow hard, and lose all sense of color. She turns in a full circle to watch the World Eater turn shades, its hair turn to dust, and its body to 'rock'.

The Minions all land around the World Eater, and 'cuddle up' beside it, as they begin to make pitiful moans of sorrow for their fallen mother... Soon too, the minions pass away, and their bodies all change color, as they harden and become ancient fossils in the desert.

Diana turns in the center of the carcus and watches Donna take to the skies. Her dark hair flows behind her shoulders in the hot wind, before she exhales softly.

"Good to see you." She can be heard saying to her sister before she's out of range of the 'mind link' that Monet still had up.

Diana then takes to the skies and forms up with Cassie headed back to the Jet where Morgan pilots it.

"Lets go, Birthday girl." Diana tells the other as they too slip within the Jet's form and join the others.