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Wonderland: If I had a world of my own
Date of Scene: 03 July 2022
Location: Wonderland: The Woods Of No Names
Synopsis: The Titans save wonderland, but manage to misplace a cat in the process.
Cast of Characters: Terry O'Neil, Madison Evans, Kian, America Chavez, Gar Logan, Caitlin Fairchild, Michael Hannigan, Kate Bishop, Nadia Pym-van Dyne, Kaida Connolly, Jonathan Sims

Terry O'Neil has posed:
That echo melting away in its own wistfulness
A woman's voice?A child hurt in a play?
The voice retreating from the stage of starlight
into the wings of night, finale of hush
as the heart dies. Dies in the play? Or dies
in the breast following the echo beyond life?
What charm, what sweetness, what divine despair,
has for an instant made me feel again,
who have lain so long alone in the grave of the world?

-Robert Hillyer


Milk of Amnesia. Forgetfulness in a bottle, a solution- if forgettting is what you want. That is usually not the solution to your troubles Fortunately, when you want to forget that you have forgotten, because then you remember everything! That's logic, in Wonderland. Of course, one of the unintended side-effects of this Wonderland 'life hack' is that some members of the party will remember some things they have forgotten with the natural passage of time: any random memory from the moment of childbirth to the location where they actually left /that thing they had lost/ and which they had never really found... or an incredibly embarrassing episode they had finally left dead and buried in the wake of their high school memories.

Hey, nobody said heroing was easy, alright? Madison's handy notes allowed the team to drink from the Milk of Amnesia vial, otherwise they would be wandering aimlessly, not knowing their elbow from a hole in the ground.

The valorous Titans who have decided to venture into the Woods under the mantle of Unforgetfulness are greeted with silence, for now. Terry, still in his human shape, is cringing under something he just remembered but doesn't care to share with the class- the memory that every child tries to suppress quickly, of the first and only time they accidentally called their teacher 'mom.'

"So the plan is... we look for the Jabberwock and... just go at it," he hefts the iridescent sword that he obtained from America's star-portal, "You guys flank it and distract it so I can get close enough to..." he makes an experimental swipe with the blade. It's unusually light.

There is a strange effect, as if there were two suns- one coming from above, through the canopy, and another one glowing faintly ember in the distance, flickering between the tree trunks a ways ahead. "... Well, we might not need to /find/ it," he says, starting to walk in the direction of the glow.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Oh, //THAT's// what happened to my Rainbow Dash!" Madison exclaims - because of course she'd been a fan of My Little Ponies in her youth. "...darn. It's ruined by now."
    She turns full circle, then points. "I think it was that way! Com'on!" She starts to lead the way - and then abruptly, the teenage 'Jedi' disappears, as she puts her newest skill to use once more.
    She seems to realize this might make it hard to follow her, though, so she moves as much brush as possible as she moves through the woods. ...or maybe she's just that bad at sneaking through the trees.

Kian has posed:
    "And I suppose just asking it to please surrender isn't an option," Kian says grumpily, although he does chuckle.  So maybe not /really/ grumpily, but he has a reputation to maintain.
    Being who and what he is, Kian makes progress through the forest flitting from branch to branch.  What memories percolate up don't trouble him overmuch...
    ...until he pulls up short from one landing and drops lightly to the ground, looking at the branch with a baleful expression.
    For whatever reason, he opts to just walk for a while.  He does not explain.

America Chavez has posed:
    America remembers the Woods. She remembers the helplessness she felt the last time she was here--and she -hates- it. She' flying above the ground troops, weaving and moving between the trees. Motes of blue stardust stream from her feet and hands, a manifestation of the innate power she holds at bay ready to unleash on the beast of these lands.

    "Oh... I'm sure we can distract it plenty, Vorpal" she says, kicking off from a particularly large tree to accelerate herself a bit more. As the two motes of light appear she grins. "Cait, looks like we're up. This one's for you, Terry."

    With that she tears off toward the glowing dots, a roar of Latin defiance and anger tearing through the silence, hopefully drawing the creature's attention to the streaming comet of a woman that is the last Starling barrelling towards it with murder in her dark eyes.

Gar Logan has posed:
For once, at least for starters, the Cheshire Gar is on the quiet side. Perhaps he's forgotten to be annoying. Unlikely. Even he can slip into thought from time to time. If there /are/ thoughts that are taking shape, they're probably along the lines of the Jabberwock.

He's keeping a close eye on Terry, especially as his magically shiny sword comes into view. "You know, I should have one of those too, even if I've never really used one. Everyone knows you don't need actual practice in times like these. Whatever you have, you miraculously just know how to use it," he points out, tail swishing at the tip.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin's on point, first in the stack behind Maddie on her self-appointed reconnaissance. She's donned her Amazon armor again, and has her heavy two-handed maul balanced on her shoulder with a leather pouch covering the steel. It's not particularly magical or anything-- it's just an incredibly well-made weapon made entirely of Amazonian steel and a weighty tungsten core. It weighs at least two hundred pounds; only a few Titans would be capable of even carrying it, let alone using it in a fight.

She looks up when America shouts her battle-cry. "America, wait, we need--" Nope, too late. The Latina is doing her power dive. Caitlin groans even as she breaks into a jog, then two strides later into the fastest sprint she can do in the forest. En route she pulls the coverings away from the maul's head, revealing her two secret weapons: a prayer in Latin on one face, and a calculus equation on the other.

She raises her voice to join America's, shouting in the ululating battle cry of the Amazons as she launhes herself bodily into the fray!

Michael Hannigan has posed:
In what seems to be an established pattern, complications have presented themselves in Wonderland. Coupled with a few more presented prior to his arrival here, Nick Drago could safely say that today is shaping up to be one of the longer ones he's experienced in awhile. It feels like days.

When the drops were introduced, well that brought about other things. It is useful in that Nick still knows who he is for the most part. But some things are better off not remembered. Nick is pretty quiet, a hand reaching up to wipe at one of his eyes. There's a shake of the head as he focuses on the plan. "If it's distractions you need. It's distractions you'll get."

Kate Bishop has posed:
    Kate is having an unfun time with unforgetting, or rather forgetting that she had forgotten certain things. Mostly things children forget and have no idea of the weight of them.

    In her case she has forgotten she forgot all sorts of conversations adult had around her growing up while she played. Conversations between her dad and business associates. Conversations that make a lot more sense now that she is basically an adult and a crime fighter. "Fuck me." she mutters. If she continues to forget she forgot these things when they leave here she will have to really have hard thinking to do.

    For now though to battle she supposes, there is a Jon to save and a Jabborwhocky to slay right. She nocks an explosive arrow and follows th others.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
    Nadia has never been to the interior of this particular forest before and she is looking around with wide eyed wonder, the same wonder with which she regards most new things. Fifteen years growing up in a bunker she couldn't have even imagined a place like this existed and yet here it is all around her.

    Having fully embraced the role of Alice, one does not simply disappoint a large cult-army, she is dressed in that same hairband with its cute bow, yellow pinafore dress, white stockings, and black patent leather Mary Janes.

    Taking the milk of Amnesia, Nadia freezes for a moment. "I shouldn't be able to remember this." The voice is barely a shocked whisper and for a moment she can be seen to be visibly wrestling with her emotions, on the verge of tears, but manages to push whatever it aside for the moment. They have a mission after all and if there's one thing the Red Room drilled into all of its cadets, it's how to stay on mission.

    At the sight of the massive glow in the distance and Terry's words indicating that's probably from the Jabberwock, Nadia extends her bio-synthetic wings and joins America in the air to get a better view. Apparently Alice can fly now.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Just leave the torso intact if you can, Jon's in there!" Terry calls out as America Leeroooy Jenkins her way forward, followed by the scrambling Cait. "I'm okay with swords, Gar- remember? I've been training with a ninja turtle for over a year on how to swing swords." Okay, so a katana was vastly different from this European-style pokey thing, but he's not going to argue about it right now. "Gar, love, please be careful. Zip about but don't come too close, it /still/ wants to eat the Cheshire, whether he's me or he's you. He just knows exactly where /I/ am when I'm the Cheshire." He starts running down the formation, "... and I might need you to switch with me if I can't get close enough with this sword. I really wish we had pulled a /scabbard/ out of America's star, running with this is awkward." He's carrying a backpack that he brought back from the tower after he went there to 'take care of things'. When asked, he simply said they were supplies they might need.

"Kate, rain from above to give Cait and America some good cover. Kian, hon, you glast where Kate's arrows don't fall. Nick, use the vodoo that you do to help with the distractions and Maddie- use the Force, don't engage in melee, this thing is /vicious/, let our Alice get in close and back her up with your thrown things."

The Jabberwock is finally up ahead for America, and it is just as odd and oddly terrifying as seen in the Tenniel illustrations: No longer shrouded in the darkness and insubstantiality, it is a monstrously tall, elongated creature that looks like the nightmare fuel love child of a wasp and a horse, with membranous wings, sharp claws and terrifying jaws protruding from its elongated skull. Its eyes seem to be aflame, but it doesn't seem to cause it much pain or inconvenience. Indeed, that seems to be the source of the amber glow pervading the forest. Its stature is almost enough to break through the canopy above.

America's assault catches it briefly by surprise as the heroine barrels towards it. One of its claws comes up to meet her in a desperate sweep, flames trailing behind it just as Caitlin breaks through the treeline and into the clearing where the massive creature is.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Awww, but I'm good with a sword!" comes Madison's protesting voice.
    Still - she'd only brought her wooden boken with her - probably not the best weapons in this situation.
    "Do we at least have something useful for me to throw? Some of Harley's creepy doll bombs?" she suggests. "No thermal detonators, though. They have too much oomph." She's running as fast as she can through the woods - while still trying to be careful of roots and branches. She doesn't have a lot of experience traveling in woods, so that slows her down more than she'd like to admit.

Kian has posed:
    And all of a sudden, this is serious.
    Kian flits into the air without even thinking about it, and a string of explosions of increasing intensity seek to cut off the Jabberwock's claw from America -- and an even larger one in front of the beast in case it was considering charging.
    It has occurred to the birdman that he could probably just set off a large bang inside the creature's skull... but he doesn't have the stomach for that.  Even two years on Earth can't override some instincts.

America Chavez has posed:
    America meets the swipe with a kick of her own. The air ripples with the shockwave of brute strength matching brute strength. The Fuertonan doesn't let up her assualt though. Instead she zips through the impact point to try and turn the creature, letting it focus it's ire on her.

    "Come on big guy!" she says, attempting to grab hold of its arm and turn it with her flight speed and strength. (She can do a pincer attack just fine Caitlin, thankyouverymuch). The flames lick at her jacket and clothes singing and exposing more toned dark skin underneath. "-Bailemos juntas- you big motherfucker!" she grunts as she attempts to overpower the most terrifying creature this land of terror has to offer.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
    Orders received. NadiAlice zips forth through the canopy of the trees as fast as her wings can carry her banking this way and that around various obstacles. "Okay, that's kind of gross, though I guess nightmare fuel is the entire point." She comments as the Jabberwock comes into view.

    Folding her wings NadiAlice dives towards the Jabberwock, as she streaks downward on an attack vector she does a somersault in the air so that she is hurtling towards it feet first instead. Moments before impact her size balloons to Giant Alice proportions, while keeping all of her velocity for the mother of all drop kicks as she attempts to collide with the beast like an Alice shaped meteor!

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan gets a sad cat face. Very sad. "So that's what the fridge looked like without anything in it.." he says, a small shiver running down his back. The things of nightmares, here, but what's worse? An empty fridge or the Jabberwock?

He picks himself back up from that trauma and flashes Terry a V for Victory, telling him, "Don't worry about me. I know exactly what I'm doing, and even if I don't? I meant to do it anyway."

Rabbit holes are used to his advantage, attacking from different directions as he slashes at the Jabberwock in between efforts by the rest of the group. They've also got to get a certain Jonathan Sims out safely.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:

Caitlin's been in enough scrapes that she can adapt easily adapt to people with their own improvised tactics. She cuts in laterally and stays in the Jabberwock's blind spot-- or at least the least visible spot-- just behind it's rear left leg.

She gets in close, plants her feet, and swings her hammer like a golf club and aims the full force of the blow at what passes for the Jabberwock's hocks. It's a fragile place on any animal, particularly one with digitigrade legs. And she's quick to dodge and stay out of the way of a violent horse kick or a snapping strike from the tail.

"Keep its head up, America!" she shouts. "And Nadia, it's stronger than it looks-- stay mobile!"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Agreememt made to his function in this step of the process, the musician moves forward. Upon the Jabberwock coming into view, his steps move quicker as he starts to shift form.

Now. It's a long story to explain just what in the world Nick was thinking, there's also a question of whether he was thinking at all. Perhaps it's the building fatigue from his time in Wonderland. The news he gained about a supposedly dead friend. The concern over trying to keep another one from going into that category. Or that side trip he did at a children's hospital earlier that day. But either way. Something is different as the man's form shifts into something huge.

See, the name he uses now is not just a stage name. He may wander around in his off time as a Hannigan.

But he was born a Drago.

Covered in white scales and now flying at the Jabberwock with a loud screech of its own. The pale dragon looks VERY displeased and about ready to hurt a Wock. Oh yes, Mr. Wock. Do ignore the doom that's coming down from above.

Kate Bishop has posed:
    Well. That is a plan. Also if it weren't for wonderland she might be way more hesitant to listen to Terry on the field of battle. Still it is wonderlandand that.... over yonder...

    That is a wonderland monster. One of the most famous really.

    So rain arrows down from above is what she does, arching several arrow shots up to have them hit from above when they land.

    It isn't just armor piercing, she isn't sure what might have effect so there are three in a row at first. One that booms. One that freezes. One that goops then quickly hardens.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Gar's hit-and-teleport attacks cause the monster great irritation, and it is momentarily distracted by swatting away at where the Cheshire cat was a second ago- enough for America to be successful in overpowering it. America and Cait's combined attacks cause the monster to lose its balance, and whatever hope it had of regaining it goes away when Kian blasts the hell off its claw- literally, as the claw flies away from the monster and lands on the grass, not too far from invisible Madison. However, the stump of an arm is already growing a claw.

"Maddie, there's your prop!" Terry cries out as he runs between the trees, trying to get close. For a moment, he almost is toast as the Jabberwock's tail swings in an attempt to regain its balance and almost slashes him. He is protected from the blow by ducking behind a tree, although said tree quickly begins to topple and he has to roll away. He manages to do so without impaling himself with the sword, lucky that!

A Drop-Kicking Alice In The Sky Without Diamonds appears to give more grief still to the Jabberwock, and the creature is sent flying across the clearing- and through several rows of trees that splintered and fall under its weight- the monster's flight also aided by Kate's boom arrow. The two other arrows are sticking in it, and bebginning to create frost crystals around one of the creature's legs, the goop arrow seemingly having immobilized a wing.

The Jabberwock tries to stand up, frantically. "Pin it down! Pin it down!" Terry cries out, breaking from the line of tries, "I need to be able to lop off its head!"

And at that moment, the Jabberwock's eyes release massive pillars of flame across the clearing, causing the redhead to throw himself to the ground to avoid being instantly incinerated.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
There's a thing about Kaida. She loves to do what America does. She loves attacking head on. It's fun! Honestly, it's kind, too. She yells, she races in. The enemy gets a chance. It's fair. Sure, they might underestimate her. They might not think much of her. They might be caught a bit off guard. It happens. Sitll, it is fair. They have a chance. They can fight back.

What Kaida is particularly good at, especially in battles like this, is going wholly unnoticed and unseen. The chaos, the debris, the environment all makes for a perfect cover.

This monster attacked a friend's mind. Many friend's minds. Her mind. It made her watch her father attack her again. It made her watch him die. It probably thought that was enough. It was not. Kaida's fear response is not flight. It's fight. Fight she does. For herself, for others. For the small.

She's a lot of things to herself, to others, even to the poor and defenseless. She knows who she is and what she is. No monster, no matter how dangerous, is going to sway her from her path. And for trying to even think it could? It will pay in flesh.

She even made it a promise the day she broke its spell. Now, as it lays on its side, releasing flame, one eye, fails. Why?

Well, Amazons really do make amazing hammers. Amazing shields and swords, too. As one pillar of flame issues forth, the other doesn't get far at all. Right as the glow began, a shield of amazonian make is wedged right into it the base of its right eyeball and leaned into hard by the tiniest of figures. Mouse feet digging and gripping its horrific visage as she hefts the shield up and wedges it into place.

"Remember me you giant piece of s**t!?!" She wedges the shield completely in, each point on the shield finding the edge of an eye, glowing hot with heat and holding back flame, it very well may be cooking its own eye but if that weren't enough? Kaida raises up her blade in both hands and drives it home into the side of its socket.

"That's for making me watch my father die!" And she slides it free, moving quickly to another edge.

"For all my friends you messed with!" And she drives it home again before once more pulling it free, raising it up and driving it home from above.

"And this is for EVERY ONE you have EVER hurt!" And she slams it hilt deep in, with a twist for good measure.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "You think it's vulnerable to itself?" Madison asks in a curious tone. She stays back from the fight - as ordered - lurking near a particularly thick tree she hopes will give her some cover, as she reaches out towards the claw with an invisible hand, lofting it into the air. She then considers her options, and decides the best thing she can do - is try to blind the creature. Will it work? There's only one way to find out, really.
    She takes a deep breath in, letting it out slowly as she focuses her concentration, and sends the claw hurling through the air, pointy-end first, straight for the Jabberwock's head - and its eye. It's almost like she and Kaida planned this.
    Note: they didn't.

Kian has posed:
    When the monstrosity unleashes fire upon Terry... Kian finds the stomach for things he didn't think he had the stomach for.
    It really doesn't take splitting many atoms at all to get a sufficient bang to blow the head off a monster that just tried to broil his /tenar/.  Well, the top of its head, anyway -- he has the presence of mind to not want to blow up Kaida as well.
    If anyone happens to glance in Kian's direction, he looks decidedly nauseous as it sinks in what he just did.
    Somehow, the Jabberwock's skull growing back almost immediately does nothing to improve the Akiar's internal stability.  If anything, he looks a little *more* nauseous.
    Unless it, and the messy double blinding it suffered, are enough to allow Terry to get in and end this.  It /might/ be less troubling then.

America Chavez has posed:
    "That's the spirit, Kaida!" America cheers as the flames wash over her. She doesn't seem too perturbed by the fires. They're hot, but she's experienced hotter in her lifetime of nineteen years. As the beast attempts to rise she leaps into the air. Not many people can literally double jump, but America can do a passable impression of the act. She kicks and there is a sense of her rising as reality bends under the impact of her foot and shatters.

    She drops into the star Portal and while she does have the mass advantage of a large Nadia, she does have speed. Another portal appears high above the canopy of the forest. The tactic she is employing worked for a freight barge sized sandworm, it might work on this thing just as well. It was a series of punches last time that she used the accelerate herself just shy of the speed of light, this time it's a falling bicycle kick.

    Kick! Kick! Kick! Kick! Portal after portal opens and shunts America a fraction of an inch beyond it's opening, each emergence shows her moving faster and faster until it's just a falling cascade of blue-stars with no sign of the woman flitting through them. The final one opens at the roof of the canopy of the forest and stops with her foot extended to deliver her own light-speed drop stomp to the beast.

Gar Logan has posed:
"Eye Caramba!"
"Eye see what you did there!"
"The eyes have it!"
"Eyyyye-eye-eye-eye-eye'm hooked on a feeling! Eye'm high on believin', that you're in love with meeeeeee!"
"Eye can see clearly now! Well, /you/ can't!"
"Eye could go on, but..."

Gar has found a branch to perch upon, cheering on the fight as the deadly eyebeam lasers are left ineffective, unless of course it can regen like it's doing with the claw. And..the head itself.

To emphasize the cheering-on aspect, an illusion presents him in full cheerleader's attire, complete with a pleated skirt as part of a two-piece outfit that covers the midriff and leaves the green (and pettable) belly bare. 'Wonderland' is emblazoned across the chest, in script form. Colors: again, black and purple.

He chants while doing a backflip, "Rah, rah, ree! Kick him in the knee! Rah, rah, rass! Kick him in the other knee! Aaaand, catch!" The Cheshire is let go of, at which point it returns to Terry with a feigned 'throw' for good measure, and will hopefully ruin the Jabberwock's focus further.

Also gone is the cheerleader look, replaced by a different kind of cool cat: a tiger, snarling as it leaps out to charge at the monster, clawing at its limbs.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Terry ducks beneath the flames with an admirable amount of survival sense. Fortunately for him, he has some allies on the field who find such temperatures at most a little irritating. Caitlin plunges through the flame, doing little more than shielding her face with a gauntleted forearm. Leaving her maul behind, Caitlin scoops Terry up like a rugby player, tucking him under her arm until they're clear of the flames.

Cailin grabs Terry's free wrist and slings him across her back. "Get ready!"

It's all the advice Terry gets before Caitlin turns on a dime, kicking up huge chunks of dirt, and changes course back towards the Jabberwock. She times it just perfectly, right up until America delivers that epic-level ground-pound to the beasts's spine. Caitlin launches into a fantastic lateral leap, and there is a flickering moment where it almost looks like subtle blue streamers leave a nearly-imperceptible trail in her wake.

She reaches back and grabs one of his hips and his free shoulder, leaving his sword arm free. She can't swing the sword, but she can give Terry the benefit of a lot of momentum and a fair amount of well-balanced rotational inertia.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The path of the white dragon redirects itself as Alice's approach kicks the Jabberwock off path. Reminiscent of another flighted form he has taken before, the Drago's body rolls and twists, redirecting itself in towards the tumbling adversary.

Glowing red eyes fix upon the Jabberwock as Terry shouts out what he needs. Fueled by a desire to follow through and backed by Wonderland's need to reinforce Nick's being a dragon, he continues on. The flight path is twisted as the pillars of flame are avoided for as long as they are present. But upon Kaida and Madison's attacks eliminating that threat, the approach straightens once more.

There's a loud FWOOSH of sound as wings fall back, seemingly causing the forward motion towards the Jabberwock to increase in force. Claws extend to land upon the dark creature. A limb for each limb, weighing it down.


Stay down.

Kate Bishop has posed:
    One nice part about using arrows. She can stand way back from the horrible fire death eye blasts that almost killed Terry.

    Another nice part is that she is able to keep a good view of the whole battle. Not a birds eye view like the flyers, but a really good one all the same. She draws some additional arrows. Now that it is engaged she can't use explosives as easily. She doesn't want to accidently plode a smol mouse warrior.

    So instead she aims another goop arrow at the other wing, sending it arcing aloft and down onto the beast.

    The second is a new one, a net explodes outwards. Sort of. It is a restraint arrow, when it embeds it shoots tethers outwards and down explosively. Some lodge into the jabborwocky but some shoot into the ground and then goop expodes from the tether points hardening inside the ground and saturating it. Clever. Terry did say he wanted it restrained.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Pin it down, this is something Nadia can do. Martial Arts are generally designed with fighting other humans in mind and perhaps wrestling the occasional bear, but even with something like a Jabberwock the core basic principles should apply.

    While the creature is still flying from her drop kick, using her wings to arrest her fall backwards and right herself, Nadia is already sprinting after the Jabberwock. Once it comes to rest again she is upon it, pouncing with all of her prodigious Alice size, as big as the monster itself, as a titantic wrestling match of epic proportions ensues. But in this version Alice knows Krav-Maga and Sambo.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
It is hard to say what goes through the Jabberwock's mind, but it can be safe to say that it did not wake up this morning thinking that it was going to get its ass handed to him by a group of teens and twentysomethings. It has been blinded in both eyes, had its skull turned into a prop from Scanners, received a thorough American stomping and tiger clawing, got restrained by arrows and now there is a dragon pinning it down in tandem with a giant Alice who apparently spent her allowance money in self-defense classes. What could possibly come next?

Terry lets out a little cry of victory as the Cheshire Cat returns to him, sword aloft and trailing after-images of itself as the makes his way to twards the neck, courtesy of Caitlin's efforts. He never thought he'd ever be used as a melee weapon, but here we are. "Give Jon up you piece of-" Kaida already said it, so he simply lets gravity aid him as he brings his sword down towards that long, long neck. When you think about it, for a creature whose weakness is decapitation, it sure has one horrible design flaw.

The blade goes snkt, slicing through the neck cleanly as if it were just butter, and it's really hard to believe it's not butter.

Terry pants, his feet unsteady on the prone monster's upper body as the head falls to the ground, blood everywhere, including him.

"Alright Titans! We did it!" he shouts, "Let's get Jon out of there!""

He pauses, and then he realizes something.

The blade has shattered in his hand, iridescent pieces of it vanish as they fall like multicolored snow. The only thing that is left is the handle, and a jagged piece of hilt. But that is not the realization that hits him. "It didn't go Snicker-snack..."

No. It did not.

And then there comes a massive shockwave that comes from the Jabberwock's carcass, easily throwing people away from it and closer to the treeline.

The blade did not go Snicker-Snack. The smoldering carcass shivers once, and then with a sickening sound of bone and gristle, a new head grows where its stump once was was. And it has a new pair of eyes.

"It wasn't the Vorpal Sword!' the Cheshire cries, getting to his feet. "What are we-"

And then, the eyes glow red. And brighter than they ever have before as a wave of fire, massive in scope, and much hotter, spews forth.

"Get behind me! NOW!" Vorpal shouts and extends his arms in a protective gesture as the conflagration comes upon them. Normally Vorpal has limits, but in Wonderland the Cheshire limiations are very lax. Back on Earth, he could not have created the massive glowing dome that is at least twenty feet in diameter to cover himself and his friends, but here there is a lot more chaos, a lot more flexibility.

The fire is massive. It reduces the trees to cinder, and when it is done, nothing remains of this section of the Woods of No Names. In fact, the party can see, off in the distance, the line of tents that makes up the joint camp of the armies of Church of Alice and the Wonderlanders, waiting for them.

Vorpal's dome drops, the Cheshire clearly under strain from having kept that up, he falls to one knee as the Jabberwock's eyes suddenly focus on the landscape /beyond/, to the tents.

No longer technically within the boundaries of the Woods of No Names, the Jabberwock now finally /remembers/. It lets out a terrifyng scream.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    The fire that spews from the Jabberwock is not merely fire. Fire is a plasma, technically, and even magical fire isn't solid. But there is something /very/ solid in that huge gout of fire. Something a couple inches over six feet tall and only a little over 150 pounds. Something very much solid, that tumbles through the air and thwacks into Vorpal's dome just before it drops.


    Jonathan Sims picks himself up off the ground with a groan. Did the Jabberwock spew out fire in rage at those fighting it, or just to get the annoying question-asking truth-telling logic-picking Archivist out of itself? Hard to say. Probably a bit of both.

    Regardless, here he is, looking somewhat the worse for wear. He's covered in blood, from a dozen tiny cuts on face and arms--and somehow, yes, the /glowing emerald arm/ is bleeding--but more importantly from two large slashes on his chest, where his armor's been split clean through. The armor has dozens more tiny cuts, and some of the fabric is soaked in blood, and the whole thing's been rather singed from the fire. At least he still has his eyebrows.

    Behind him, the Jabberwock takes to the air and begins lumbering toward the tents, its movements somewhat hampered by the sword and shield still embedded in its skin.

    Jon looks around at the group with a bright grin. "I knew you could do it! Oh, Caitlin, brilliant, when'd you get here? It's good to see you." There's a moment of just genuine joy on his face, at seeing friends and... comrades, one supposes, for most of the rest of the Titans.

    Then they blink. "Where's the Red King? I found Alais, and I have a message from her, for him." Not Alice; they clearly pronounce the name differently: Ah la EES. "She's the Red King's daughter, and her death caused all of this. Wonderland, the Jabberwock, /all/ of it. This whole place is the dream of the Red King, and Wonderland's just a front to mask the depression and grief and guilt."

    Then they stare into the distance, as if putting two and two together. "Oh, /sh--ishkabobs/." Caitlin's presence is enough to keep the usually mouthy Brit from swearing, it seems. "The Red King's at the tents, isn't he? I'll explain the rest on the way! We've /got/ to get to him before the Jabberwock does!"

    And he flares out multicolored wings and takes off into the air, flying after the Jabberwock.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
    Things go from bad to worse as they are all thrown clear. Nadia goes hurtling through several trees, which are probably going to bruise, before she is able to consciously react and reduce her size. It is a much smaller pixie-like Alice that zips inside of Terry's protective dome.

    Nadia's eyes go wide as she watches the forest burns down around them and while Terry's shield has held the monster at bay this time, but there is no telling how long this will hold true. "With Wonderland logic, maybe you can use Vorpal as a sword and that will could as a Vorpal sword? Can we make Terry sharp?"

    But then the Jabberwock is making for the tents and the Cult of Alice who over recent days Nadia has developed some genuine affection for. "Oh no you don't!" She shouts as the pixie zips into the sky growing larger again as she pursues the great beast.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
"Hey! Hey!" And Kaida is flung free as everything starts to happen. Her sword and shield stay behind. She isn't playing at any games of him possibly regenerating or the like and she intends to keep him hindered. However, then everything happens fast. She wobbles to her feet even as a head goes clean off and she races behind Terry at his behest.

"What the...?!" And she can see the fire and the new Jabberwock head and the flying and the talking and the more flying. She stares after it all and then at Terry before she blinks after the Jabberwock.

"What in the Azathoth is going on here?!" She asks of no one in particular before letting out a sigh, eating what appears to be a cheese curd, and then she is racing off toward the tents.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "I'm fine! I've got this tree to- OH GINGERSNAPS!" Yup. You heard her right.
    Madison dives for the dome as the fire rains down on the forest, setting living trees alight like torches. "Oh no, the tree- is that Jon?! Let him in! Let him in the dome! JON JON!" Would he survive the creature's gullet, only to be burned alive instead?!
    But once the fire is gone, Jon remains, and the moment the dome is gone, Madison tackles him with an (invisible) hug. "You're alive! I thought you were dead! I'm sorry we didn't save you!" she hugs him fiercely for a moment, then turns her attention in the direction that the Jabberwock is fleeing. "Oh. Gosh. We better follow, huh?" Scooping up the claw that somehow still remains, the invisible Jedi runs for all she's got for the camp.
     It's possible she's forgotten she's invisible. //Again.// She tends to do that, even without magical causes.

Kian has posed:
    Kian drops to the ground just behind Terry.  "It didn't work?  Why didn't it work?"  He sounds genuinely aggrieved by this turn of events.
    "And what are we supposed to do *now*?  Blowing it up didn't work!  Sticking it to the ground didn't work!  And cutting its head off didn't work!  And--oh."
    Now there is a Jon, and the Jabberwock is departing.
    "I don't understand any of this."

America Chavez has posed:
    America took the first heat with narry a scratch. The second blast was a bit more than she anticipated though and she has to actively retreat into the protection of Terry's dome as it washes over her. "-Mierda- that's hot" she says a bit breathlessly, the flames consuming oxygen from the air as readily as it consumes the trees.

    Then Jon is slammed into the dome. "I'm sorry about the sword Terry. I thought it was the real deal too. It looked the part that's for sure." She seems a bit put out about it but she barrels on with some more heroics. Crying about it can come when they're done or they're dead.

    "But we got Jon out of there so, mission one accomplished. Now we just need to figure out what can actually stop it..." she watches as the Jabberwock starts for the tents and the Red King within. "Dr. Sims!" she calls. "Hold up!" Regardless of the doctor's departure she makes a guess and punches the air before her.

    It doesn't really need to be near her for her to open a portal--but it does look cooler that way--it just needs to be in the line of sight and lucky for her the Jabberwock made the area around them line of sight for her. The Star Portal opens wide to permit the Jabberwock into it's maw. She could release the creature anywhere, but she also knows that removing a fundamental part of the reality of a world can lead to disasterous results.

    So instead, she simply relocates it to the opposite horizon. As it approaches the tents again, she does it again. And again. And again. "I can do this all day, but we need to form a plan of action... I'll keep it at bay like this, the rest of you... figure something out" she mutters, in between grunts with the punches.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"This is dreadful! This is truly dreadful!" That is Quentin Uffish, Man Of Science, meeting the rushing team, "It is flying for the king! You must stop it!" he gestures towards the most important-looking tent in the camp. It is clearly meant for a king. Where exactly did they get that thing in the middle of nowhere?

"We tried!" Vorpal cries as he runs. Uffish may appear like the Victorian verison of a nebbish scientist, but he can keep up pace with the best. Probably had to do a lot of running from explosions at some point, "But the Vorpal Sword shattered and it... it came back to life!"
Uffish frowns, "You know, I have been thinking about that- I have been re-reading those old manuscripts and-" The Jabberwock veers towards the tent, but is repelled momentarily by a volley of arrows and mortars from the Church of Alice, "what if we are dealing with a transcription error?"
"Spit it out, Uffish, we've no time!"
America's ploy is sucessful, and - for the moment- the Jabberwock is trapped in a loop of portals "Well, what if the dowdy old gentleman who took down the poem had terrible handwriting, and it was transcribed incorrectly? As you know, I have had... some experience with that. What if instead of a Vorpal Sword, you need Vorpal's /word/?"

Vorpal screeches to a halt, eyes wide, "What? What the hell does that even mean? What word would I even give? And to /whom/?"
"Who do you usually give your word to?" Uffish asks, panting and taking advantage of the temporary stop.
"Goddamnit this isn't the time to play twenty questions!" after Uffish shares his thought. He glances at his team-mates, trying to think quickly.

Gar Logan has posed:
Things..do not go as hoped for. The Jabberwock more or less bursts out after the series of attacks only briefly put it at a disadvantage. The sword seems to do the trick..until it doesn't, and as the flames lay waste to their surroundings, the tiger is quite glad to have been tossed close enough to Vorpal that there is safety in the construct that takes shape to protect them.

But Jon is alive, and telling a story about loss and imagination, and Gar rubs the side of his face after returning to his usual appearance. "This is going south in a hurry. So that's all this is? And you've..looked better, dude." Said to Jon. With the dome down, the remnants of the trees are left for them to see (and not see), and the path of the Jabberwock is much clearer. The portals that slow it down buy some time.

Then he's gesturing toward Uffish with both arms out. "Are you serious?" he asks, having made to move with the rest in the direction of the tents and the Red King. "This is all down to someone not being able to write clearly?" He shoots a look at Vorpal.

Kate Bishop has posed:
    Kate gets under cover and is very glad to not be dead when the smoke clears. "Damn... I thought that would work too." she frowns and looks after the beast then to the others.

    "A what now... I.... what .. okay I'll admit it. I have no idea what the hell is going on?"

    Welcome to wonderland Kate. She totally lost the thread at this point. Glancing between Jon who explains some of it. Then the scientist. Then Gar who seems mad about it. "W-T-F"

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin takes cover with the rest of the Titans behind Terry's force dome. It's a pretty cool trick, she has to admit; seems Terry's gained a level in Badass in getting the powers of the Cheshire returned to him. Her armor's a little singed, but nothing that can't be fixed with a little careful repair. The Amazons make their gear to last.

She tries to make a lunge for Jon before he can fly off, but it's too late-- Caitlin groans and stomps her foot. "HEY! YOU KNOW YOU'RE BLEEDING, RIGHT?" she bellows at Jon's wake. The redhead mumbles "Crabapples!" under her breath and breaks into another one of her ground-churning sprints. First she grabs her hammer, slinging it across her back, and the second stop is for her backpack. She's perfectly capable of sprinting at full speed while rooting around in the bag, and whistles shrilly up at America. "Get him on the ground! He's not as fast!" she tells the Latina powerhouse. She also holds up three blue plastic spheres, and once America sees her do it, Caitlin primes a throw. "Portal!" she shouts-- and hopes that America's on-the-spot enough to zap the three ampules of holy water into a collision path with the Jabberwock.

Hey, drunk's better than murderous, right?

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As the Wonderlandian influence gave Nick his oomph as he went Drago, so did it give the added oomph to the Wocky's rallying cry. Tumbling off, the dragon rights itself quickly, taking itself up to the air fast. The body twists in a manner more reniscent of a raven as it reorients itself, and IMMEDIATELY zooms towards the Jabberwock instead of towards the camp.

After he ends up getting portaled the first time. The white dragon slows its pursuit to watch as the Jabberwocky ends up getting portaled again. And again. And again. .

Immediate threat no longer immediate, the Drago adjusts his path to go join the others. Coming to the landing with a loud thump to the ground, he looks to the approaching crew. "What happened with the sword?"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Vorpal frowns and glances at one of his boyfriends, and thinks. And thinks. "Give my word to- this is just- it's just WORDS! Whooo will care? Sticks and stones may break my bones, but-"

Except this is Wonderland. Where words have the power to change everything. And he /is/ th Cheshire Cat.

But he is not the one that must slay the Jabberwock, then. So, who?

He looks to Gar, and then he says, hesitantly, "Gar... gentleness is your truest strength. You always know what to say to keep me from straying. I give you my word that I will try to follow your example better..." and, suddenly, a flash of light leaves Garfield Logan clad in a shimmering green armor, with a massive shield at his arm, both shield and armor feel infinitely light, but it appears to be enormously sturdy.

"Holy shit, it worked!" The Cheshire's eyes go wide.
"Don't waste time! Go on!" Uffish says, shoving Vorpal lightly. The Cheshire glances. Some of his friends have already jumped into the fight, but he hopes this will aid them. As he speaks each promise, the boons manifest over each Titan and ally:

"Kaida, you're one of the strongest people I know- I promise to learn from the example of how courageous you always are." A similar effect, and the mouse is clad in golden shimmers of armor, and her sword has acquired a gold aura that forms a mighty blade on top of it. Spurred on by this sucess, Vorpal quickly goes on a rampage.

"Kian, you are always so logical, I promise you that I will try to think clearly more often and not let my feelings muddy me up so much-" Kian's teal armor makes room for his wings, and in his hands a lariat appears, which seems to be able to extend to an infinite length.

"Caitlin, you are one of the most loyal people I know. My hope is that I can live up to your example." Caitlin's armor is the color of rose petals, and her weapon is a large meteor hammer that glistens like rose gold.

"Kate, your focus is something you've always tried to instill on me, to get me to stick to task. I promise I will do better at staying on task and hopefully be as good as guiding people into battle as you are." Kate's armor is purpe, like her outfit, and a glowing purple arrow appears in her quicker, crackling like lightning.

"Nadia, you are the most optimistic person I know, you never let anything deter you. I will strive to remember to see every challenge as an opportunity as you do." Nadia's armor is of a burnized bronze, and her weapon is a spoked cakram that resembles a stlyized sun.

"America, you've got to be the toughest bad bitch on the block and you're not afraid to face the odds, I promise I will try to be like you and get up as many times as needed when I'm knocked down." America's armor is sunlight yellow, and her hands are wrapped in brass knuckles that gleam like gold.

"Nick! You are resourceful as all hell and you don't say no to a challenge. Which is probably how you end up getting punched by ghosts," the Cheshire grins, "But I will learn from your example and I pledge to try to be as crafty as you in a tight spot!" Nick's armor is silver, ideal for a dragon, and his claws are sheathed in silver claw gauntlets, glittering and deadly.

"And last but not least... Maddie. You aren't afraid to dream. I will promise to imitate you and never let a dream die." Madison may be invisible, but it can be assumed that her armor is of a magenta hue, because right in front of her there is a magenta lightsaber, glowing with brilliant. light.

And Vorpal sinks to his knees, panting, "... go get take him down, Titans. I need to catch my breath after that-"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon, funnily enough, does not react badly to Maddie's hug. In fact, he /returns/ it, briefly. "You did save me! Now focus, okay?"

    And then, yes, he takes off, because he's impulsive at times. "I'll be /fine/!" Jon shouts back at Caitlin. "I can heal up /after/ we save Wonderland!"

    Vorpal gives everyone a pep talk, and Jon lands near the largest tent in the camp. He calls out loudly enough for the others to hear, voice enhanced by magic, "The Jabberwock is just a manifestation of the King's guilt! When Alice Liddell came to Wonderland and poked and prodded at the logic and puzzles of the place, it brought up memories of his daughter, who he's tried to forget! And... now I guess it's trying to kill him, except maybe it /is/ him... look, that's not important! What's important is this:"

    He takes a deep breath. "The /original/ Alais is in there. The little girl who started this whole thing. And we need to save her so her father can let her in. I promised her that I'd tell him he needs to let her in. So /kill that thing/! Call this, uhh... /really/ forcibly mandated therapy!" With swords and liariats and hammers, oh my.

    "Oh, one last thing: if there's /any/ of that Milk of Amnesia left, I need it, Chavez! Just portal it over!" Then he turns to disappear into the tent so he can drag the Red King out, trusting the Titans to handle the Jabberwock in the meantime.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Oh... em... gee, A LIGHTSABER!" Madison snatches it up - and the invisible little Jedi can now be followed by virtue of the glowing sword she carries in her hand. Unabashedly, she tests the sword out by striking it against a rock - and watching as it's neatly sliced in half. "Yessssss," she hisses out triumphantly - before she turns and runs for the Jabberwock. "Bet you this counts as a vorpal blade! One two, one two, and through and through!" The little Jedi is running quickly - more quickly than other girls her age and size should be able to, really, as she closes in on the Jabberwock, taking a slice towards one of the creature's legs, as being the easiest thing for her to reach before she decides to try- "Think I could throw this thing?"
    The magenta hued lightsaber floats up into the air, slicing a bit clumsily as Madison tries to telekinetically slice at the creature's chest and neck. She's //really// going to have to practice this some more.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
    Perhaps Terry was inspired after they watched that episode of Xena together and Nadia squeed with mad glee at the sight of the warrior princess' weapon bouncing around taking out an entire squad of bad guys. Perhaps Wonderland just 'knows things'<TM>. Whatever the case Nadia's eyes light up as her Alice attire clad form is ensconced in burnished bronze glowing armor and an iridescent sunwheel chakram appears in her hand. "Oh, I know what to do with /this/!"

    One can practically see lines upon lines of trigonometry equations scrolling behind Nadia's eyes as she leaps into the air, wings carrying her aloft to get a better vantage point from which to calculate her attack. She is going to SCIENCE! the heck out of this weapon and the Jabberwock!

    Carefully lining up her shot, it doesn't even look like she is aiming at the Jabberwock. That's because she's not. The luminous sunwheel chakram flies hitting a tree off which it bounces sending it at the Jabberock. The weapon slices across the creature's back like a circular saw blade and keeps flying. Hitting a tent pole it ricochets back slice across the beast's legs, before colliding with a rock and cutting a gash along the belly. A nearby Church of Alice soldier lets out a little scream as it collides with the round shield he hastily hoists into its path. (How Nadia knew he would be there is anyone's guess.)

    From the shield the weapon ricochets yet again, this time skyward where Nadia is waiting to grab it out of the air once more. Letting the weapon's momentum carry her she backflips and corkscrew twists in the air preserving the spinning blades previous momentum and adding more on top of it as she sends it sawblade spinning back straight down towards the neck of the jabberwock. "Vorpal's Word goes SNICKER-SNACK!" She shouts like a kiai putting every ounce of her strength into the shot.

Kian has posed:
    Kian's first thought is, /what am I supposed to do with this/? as he hefts the lariat.  He almost doesn't even notice the armor -- it doesn't interfere with his flying.
    Terry is right, of course: Kian tries to operate on logic and reason.  And even though this is a realm of magic, it does operate on its own logic... so there's a *reason* this is what he was gifted with.
    Does he trust Terry?
    Therefore he's going to trust his instincts and give chase, throwing the lasso as he closes in.  Neck, tail, leg, anything to slow it down.
    And if it happens to also be conductive... even better.

America Chavez has posed:
    America portals and portals and portals the Jabberwock all across the field of battle. Caitlin's instructions with the orbs and Jon's instructions for the Milk of Amnesia are heard and the dark skinned woman groans. "I'm not a damn -maquina-!" she replies, but she provides all the same, ushering a series of smaller portals for Cait's orbs of Holy Water to disorient the creature and slow it down further.

    Another small one is opened next to her and she chucks the small vial of the memory liquid into it, letting the ejection of it happen about a foot before Jon's flight path. And then she's given the armor.

    "Oh..." she says looking over the sunny yellow armor and the knuckles that cover her powerful fists. "This I like!" she says, giving a few experimental punches to further confuse and redirect the Wonderland dragon. The portals that burst open are ringed not only with their usual blue-white but a bright sunny yellow as well. "This I -really- like" she says before she opens another right before the group that seems perpendicular to the creature's path. "Ms. Fairchild... you take the left I'll take the right and we show this thing what happens to a grape between superhuman fingers?" she asks before she's off to secure her own path.

    She arcs around, traveling at break-neck speeds and peels in onto the right side of the creature as it continues to try to get toward the tents and the Red King, slowed currently by Madison's lightsaber, Kian's lariat, and Nadia's chakram.

    She's trying to time her impact with the emergence of Caitlin and her meteor hammer to truly given evidence to a pincer attack of epic proportions. She lets out another battle roar of extradimensional proportions as she flies at the side of the beast, arm cocked back to deliver a megaton strength punch.

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan clears his throat. "The King is being eaten by his own guilt. I know a few things about that. If that's what the Jabberwock is, if we don't stop it in time then that's literally what's gonna happen."

That whole concept is put on hold in the midst of Vorpal trying something, and when the light momentarily blinds him he covers his eyes and blurts, "What the hell, dude! Warn a guy first! I mean..wait, what's all this?" The words were nice, and the green armor he's clad in holds a distinct animal motif to it, a mixture of inspirations and designs all over it, etched into the armor and shield that somehow feels lighter than just about anything.

"Um, whoa," he says, looking down at himself while Vorpal repeats things with the rest. "I think we all just leveled up! I don't have a sword or anything like that, but...heeeeey. You can call me Captain Beast Boy! I have a big shield to...shield with!" He runs on ahead to take up a position with the rest.

Throw the shield? Maybe. But when the Jabberwock begins to light up with fire, Gar figures it out, and once most of the rest have taken their shots and cleared out, he waves for their attention. "Behind me, true believers! If this does what I think it will, it's gonna get exciting here in a second. If it doesn't...someone avenge me!" A blast of fire lances out at him, and as he digs with the shield, it directs the hot lava right back at the monster. "Mirror shield, yo! Just like Link! And I make you snicker, then I have a snack!"

Bad Jokes R Gar.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin is keeping track of a lot of fast-moving objects, and she has a pretty unerring sense of where people are and how fast they can move. She drops her backpack when her armor glows-- a fierce, grinning exultation crosses her fine features. The rose-gold is a nice touch, and she looks at her heavy maul in a moment of shock as it turns into a pair of heavy chains when weights on them.

Well... it's not that different from a hammer throw. She's done that before. Caitlin starts pivoting and letting the chains out an inch or two at a time. With someone of her size and strength she has them going fast enough to crack the *sound* barrier as angular momentum does its thing.

She plants her foot, throws her other leg out for balance, and with a fantastic grunt of effort hurls the super-weights at the Jabberwock with surprisingly good precision-- precisely opposite where America's lining up her own super-powered punch.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"I punched him." The dragon corrects, lifting up a claw to point to Terry. "He didn't get one punch in. Shot at me yes. But not pun-" He pauses, looking to the shiny silver armor that appears on him. The dragon's head turns, looking to the bright sun. He waves an arm, watching as a few reflective beams hit the ground around him.

There's something to be said about a laugh. It can convey amusement in a lot of ways. And when it comes from a dragon's lips, no matter the reason, It just sounds downright terrifying. There's just something about the tone. "...Oh this is good..."

The shining silver wearing white dragon turns its head looking up towards the Jabberwocky's continued path. Rather than fly towards the creature, he hangs back with the group for a moment, shifting his body to essentially use his armor like a mirror, focusing the sun's light to beam into the Jabberwock's eyes to make it harder for him to see what the other teammates were doing.

~Blinded by the light...~

Kate Bishop has posed:
    "Yup. Still have absolutely no idea what is actually going on, and I am pretty sure the explanation would be some serious nonsensical sense." she glances the armor over and then carefully plucks out the arrow.

    "I do seriously appreciate that you've realized I'm just trying to help you Vorp and I appreciate the compliment."

    She walks not runs like Madison though, tilting her head and carefully lining up the shot. She isn't in any rush as she continues to just feel the angles and then pulls the string of the Wonderbow. One last vibe on the shot and she lets that glowing purple arrow go.

    She has no idea if she has another in that quiver, so she really endeavors to make this one count.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    So, first of all: Kian's lariat very neatly lassos the Jabberwock by the tail and grounds it. Which makes sense--Kian of all people knows what a boon flying is to any creature. Despite being only its tail that's lasso'd, something about Kian is enough to keep it down, pulling it away from America's portals.

    It's a lucky thing Madison doesn't hurt /herself/ trying to levitate the lightsaber, but it slices at the Jabberwock very nicely, hitting legs and chest and neck all. Nadia's chakram hits it as well, slicing it up further. The Jabberwock tries to swing its head, to snap at either the invisible Jedi or the annoying Wasp-Warrior Princess coming at it, but then Nick's armor flashes and blinds the thing.

    This is why it doesn't see the pincer attack.

    Between them, America's brass knuckles and Caitlin's weighted chains are perfectly timed. They hit the Jabberwock at the same time, squeezing it hard. The Jabberwock roars in pain and anger, spewing fire almost ramdomly--but it is facing toward the tents. Fortunately, Gar's shield holds fast and deflects the fire right back at the thing.

    The roar it gives out next is almost piteous. It's failing, fading. Kate's arrow pierces a wing and pins it in place, ready for a final blow.

    And then NadiAliXena takes the opportunity, as she catches the chakram, to come down on the Jabberwock's neck.

    Her promise to the people of Wonderland is fulfilled: Vorpal's words, altogether, help the Titans erase the Jabberwock, with the Second Coming of Alice landing the final blow. The Jabberwock's head falls right off its neck. Before it can hit the ground, it disappears in a puff of something like cobwebs or spider silk, grey twisting fragments of grief twisting on the wind. In its place stands a little girl with short-cropped black hair, staring at the group with very wide eyes.

    Jon has excellent timing--or else he was waiting for the Jabberwock to be destroyed--because it's /now/ that he hauls the sleeping form of the Red King out of the tent and yells, "Phantasm, we need him /un/-Phantasm'd! He needs to wake up and talk to Alais!" He's got the bottle tossed by America in his other hand, and shakes it. "I think this can help him forget his grief, and heal, and move on--but he needs to be awake to drink it!"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Vorpal rabbit holes into the camp, appearing next to Jon while still looking rather tired from the whole ordeal. Who knew that saying /words/ would be so tiring? Well, ask any professional actor. "Holy shit..." he says, panting, "We did it. We actually did it! The Jabberwock is dead!"

A shout like an earthquake rises from the joint camp, both Wonderlanders and Churchpeople throwing things into the air- hats, helmets, weapons, each other, it doesn't really matter much when celebrating, but the name of Alice is chanted over and over, echoing across the field. The Second coming, alright.

The Cheshire cat walks towards the ghostly little girl, and says quietly, "Hey... we've met before."
"I remember," she says.

It's a little awkward. After all, he saw her die. "We'll... we'll just get your dad awake, shan't we? Once Nick brings him out..."

And then he remembers something. He kneels back down to the ground and shrugs off the backpack he has carried through all of this, and brings out a small box from it. "I came prepared..."

Madison Evans has posed:
    As the creature falls, Madison catches her lightsaber, grinning broadly. She deactivated the blade, then studies it, a thoughtful frown on her feaatures. How do Jedi clip on their lightsabers so they stay put - but are easy to draw? Is it just like... a really strong magnet? Huh. She'll have to think about that.
    For now, though, her attention focuses on the girl - her expression going sad. Oh. She's... dead? "We can't... bring her back somehow? That's- that's not how this story goes?" she asks a bit quietly - her own voice a bit ghostly, coming from nowhere.
    "...I'm still invisible, aren't I?" she adds - before blinking back into view a moment later, just a few steps from Terry and Alais. "Umm, hi, I'm Maddie," she offers. "You can hold my hand if you like." If she can. Can she? How do ghosts even //work// around here?
    Why did this have to go so... sad, all of the sudden? Poor kid.

Kian has posed:
    Kian touches down, expecting the lariat to coil itself up.  Because magic.  Even if he doesn't understand it, it seems to work, and in Wonderland it's so much easier to not question it.
    He doesn't need the headache of trying to figure it out.  Sometimes it's better to just accept it.  And there's a little corner of himself that kind of hopes he can keep this when they leave Wonderland and return to Earth.
    For his part, the birdman stands back, leaving the care of the girl to those who seem to know what's going on, and what they're doing, but ready if he's needed.
    Gods only know what for, but ready anyway.

America Chavez has posed:
    America hovers in the air a bit and gives a mighty whoop as the beast dies. She hammers a fist on her chest twice and points to Caitlin. "You and me Fairchild. World breakers both" she says. Her attention turns to the tents and the faintly visible girl. "Ahhh..." she says lowering closer to the ground. She moves up behind Madison, her own yellow armor a clash with the girl's magenta hued attire.

    "Yeah... sometimes death isn't about sadness... it's about growth, -chica-" she says placing an armored hand on the younger girl's shoulder. "It's sad in the moment, but you can't let it linger. If you do..." she gestures behind her to the dead Jabberwock. "Monsters are made. You gotta move on. Live on. For their sake as much as your own." There's a note to her voice that speaks volumes of how much she's lost in her time. Her mothers. Maybe even her people. But she's powered on, a living testament to their memory as much as her own expression of defiant heroism.

Gar Logan has posed:
With the Jabberwock vanquished, the manifestation of guilt hopefully done away with for good, Gar's magical armor and shield goes away. "Aww, not even long enough to take a selfie..." he laments, snapping a couple fingers while those around them celebrate like they never have before.

That's all he says for the moment, for as the Red King is brought out and plans are quickly built to get him to awaken and forget his guilt, he turns back to look at the girl that's appeared and keeps an eye on Vorpal, safely back as the Cheshire cat again.

Then, he /does/ ask one thing. "Does he /have/ to drink that stuff to make him forget? What if he could just, you know, find a way to come to terms with it? Wouldn't that be better for him?" This is what Gar himself has had to face, more than once.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin takes just a moment to breathe, balancing her hands on her knees for a few steadying breaths. She stands upright and looks up to the sky, mouthing a prayer. The redhead collects her gear and heads over to where the others are congregating.

"Hey-- HEY!" she bids them. "Everyone take ten seconds and check out a buddy for injuries," she instructs them. "Fight's not done until we've made sure everyone's patched up."

Caitlin's come through the fight with nothing more than some singed spots in her ponytail and dusking her armor. It's Jon she's worried about, and taps him on the shoulder to get his attention. She already has her portable medical kit in hand; it comes with a handy set of surgical scissors to help disentangle him from his soiled clothing. Once that's done she sets about sterilizing and treating his wounds, starting with an injection of HemoFoam into the largest of the injuries.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
With the Jabberwock down (again) the dragon pauses, watching it for a moment to see if this is going to turn into a best 3 out of 5 type of match. But when there's no sign of the creature reassembling itself, the dragon visibly relaxes.

And then Nick hears Jon calling him over for some dream related assistance.

"COMING!" A voice booms.


Right. Dragon voice.

To those who had not been paying attention to the battle or aware of the form Nick is currently in, the visual is likely not comforting for those recovering from the Jaberwocky. A red eyed, white dragon wearing shining silver armor zips over. Feet not even bothering with the ground as the wings launch him towards the tent where the red king is fetched out from. The deadly looking enhancements to the creature claws are likely not comforting either as he descends downwards, seemingly about to swoop in to grab on to the unsuspecting sleeping red king.

And then, he vanishes.

Within the red king's dream, the dragon appears, body slinging to a stop mere inches away from the king's face. "WAKE UP!"

Kate Bishop has posed:
    "Well... this..." she shakes her head then grins.

    She meanders over towards the others and looks around then at the small ghostly girl. "Good job everyone." she means it to. This may have been a lot of stuff and nonsense, but honestly everyone did a really good job. She crosses her arms and looks over to Gar. "It would be healthier yeah..."

    She does a quick visual check on Gar and Terry since she is near them and the girl now. They don't look mauled.... well more than expected.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
    The chakram is cast, the Jabberwock erased, and the head falls. As the armor and weapons fade, Nadia is left hovering in the air above panting for breath after the exertion. When the cheers go up,. it is a great feeling. Sure she impersonated there messianic figure, but they did it! So was it really impersonation in the end? Curiouser and curiouser.

    When the Jabberwock's head falls and there is no galumphing and instead there is a young girl, Nadia looks confused for a moment. Particularly because there is yet another young girl that looks vaguely like her. Or maybe Nadia just needs a less old timey hairstyle.

    "Hi." Nadia lands in front of the other young woman, smiling at her. "You're free now. Let's reunite you with your dad." There is a lot of emotion behind that smile after the memory she saw earlier, as well as how closely this mirrors her own experience in some ways, held prisoner by a monster for so long, longing to eventually escape and meet her father again.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Alais smiles at Maddie and takes her hand. She is, for the moment, quite tangible. Then she turns the smile on Nadia. "Merci," she says. "I have been very lonely in there. In the dark. I would very much like him to let me in."

    Jon lets Caitlin administer medical attention; most of the cuts are fairly superficial but he /is/ burned and there's the gashes on his chest. As she does this, he looks to Gar and says, "It's only the pain he needs to forget. Paralyzed by pain, he can't move forward. Think of it like an antidepressant--letting the fog lift enough for him to see clearly, to face what needs facing."

    Nick's shout in the dream is enough to wake the Red King. His eyes pop open, and he stares around. "Wha-who-where?!" He blinks around at the Titans, clearly confused--and then his eyes fall on Alais, and then turns away.

    "No!" he says. "No! I shan't! Let me go back to sleep! Let me forget!"

    Jon sighs, and glances to Terry. This is why he came here, and got eaten by the Jabberwock, and all the rest. To talk this man into facing his grief. So he pulls away from Caitlin's ministrations and crouches down--the Red King's rather short, after all--and says, "I know that it hurts. Trust me, I... I had to look at my dead daughter a few months ago. I had to face the fact that she /was/ dead. That... it was my fault that she died." He swallows. "I had to walk away from her. But at least I got to say goodbye."

    He takes in a deep breath and lets it out, slowly. "She wants you to let her in. To speak to her." A pause. "In a way... she's not dead at all. This place," he gestures around, "this Wonderland that you dreamt up for her... it is beloved the world over. It will live on far beyond any of us. You've done right by her, in that."

    "It hurts," the King grouses, almost whining. "Remembering... it hurts."

    "I know," Jon says. Then he laughs. "Trust me... I know. Time should have softened that, but you've never really dealt with it." He heaves a sigh. "But... I have something, here, that will do what time should have. What therapy, or even just friends and loved ones might have done." He holds out the bottle of Milk of Amnesia, with its final drop left. "Drink this, and think of your pain, and you will forget it. And then you can remember what you /should/ remember. Your daughter."

    The Red King hesitates a moment, considering. Then he reaches out and takes the bottle, uncorks it, and drinks down the final drop. Really, it was a foregone conclusion once Jon suggested drinking the thing. Everyone in Wonderland follows such instructions.

    And then the Red King turns to face Alais.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
The Wonderlanders come close, and the Hatter and the Caterpillar are the first to arrive, standing in the periperhy of the Red King.

"Alais..." the man's voice is weak as he glances at the young girl, who has been interacting with Madison and Nadia and Terry, holding hands when offered. But now, as all children do, they are momentarily forgotten as she runs towards the Red King. "Papa-" her voice is strained.

And the old man and little girl meet, and Wonderland seems to distend, for a moment. A pressure that was there, often imperceptible but constantly underfoot, suddenly disappears, and that is the only reason it is noticed, as something that passes from this world.

The two remain holding each other for some time, speaking quietly, the old man stroking the young girl's hair while she speaks of things, many things, but so quiet as to be difficult to make out. It soon becomes apparent that Alais does not resemble Alice or Nadia much at all, as the King's strokes turn her hair from black to light brown, and the similarities melt away as a confused memory separates the girl from the girl whose inquisitiveness reminded him of her. "Forgive me. I should have never left you alone. I should have paid more attention-"
"Papa, it is alright," she says quietly. And then there is a long silence, and a sigh.
""Now you can rest, my dear. Now you can..."

And the girl looks up at the king, and smiles at him. One hand reaches out and touched a finger to his forehead, and he gives her a small smile and a nod, the gesture carries the significance of familiarity between them, a secret language they may have shared, a long time ago.

And then the little girl fades away.

The Red King stands up straight, eyes full of sadness but also with much more, and says quietly "It is done," he says quietly.

"Your Highness," Vorpal calls out, and then steps foward. "I have kept this for you." He opens the box and offers the king his Regalia on one knee, "Before you return to your slumber."

The old monarch takes the objects and stares at them as Vorpal steps back far enough to be next to Gar and Kian, waiting.

"I... I am sorry," the Red King says with a voice that is scratchy and parched, "I cannot dream this dream anymore. It is not mine to dream." The crown and the scepter fall from his hands and onto the grass. "I... must move on. I no longer have the dream within me." he glances around at the gathering of people, and then he smiles sadly, "I am sorry. It is all spent."

The world begins to fade and unmake itself. At first, patches of the sky are missing, and then the ground looks frayed. The Hatter and Hare hug each other in fear, as the outline of the world begins to look very uncertain indeed. "Oh no-" The Hatter quails.
"If he wakes up--" Tweedle Dum begins, and his twin finishes: "Bang. Out like a candle!"

The members of the Church of Alice fall prostrate and begin to pray, arms held out to Nadia in supplication as, from end to end, Wonderland begins to contract. Off in the distance, the Sea of Tears begins to leak into a void that was never there before. To their West, the Mountains of Separation begin to capsize.

Wonderland is dying.

Madison Evans has posed:
    Madison looks back at America - and there's tears welling up in her eyes. It's possible - even likely - that it's not just the little girl whose hand she holds that fills her mind. Instead, she can't help but think of the school's Headmistress - who'd awarded her science prizes //twice,// and had taken her to Rome, and to Egypt. "It's hard, though," she replies. "'cuz- 'cuz it can be //so// sad. And unfair."
    Her attention shifts back to the child beside her, though, as she can hear the girl's father protesting, and turning away. She quickly wipes away her own tears before she speaks. "It's okay - don't you worry. Jon Jon's going to help you dad, okay? Then you can go to him. And until then, I'm right here, yeah?"
    As soon as the Red King says the girl's name, and she starts to run, Madison lets go of her hand, watching with a small, sad smile on her face.
    But as the world starts to unravel, Madison looks around in alarm. "Oh. No, no! We can't let Wonderland die! It's too- too- wonderful! Can't- can't someone else become the dreamer? Can we give someone else the Regalia?"

Kian has posed:
    Kian curls a wing around Terry's shoulders, radiating a sense of love and trust and...
    ...and Wonderland is falling apart.
    "Terry... if there's no Wonderland... what happens to the Cheshire?  To *you*?"  The question is accompanied by a genuine thrill of fear, and he curls his wing tighter around Terry's shoulders.
    It's not a question he's sure he wants an answer to.

America Chavez has posed:
    America watches the reunion with a small smile on her face. She's thinking of her moms at that moment for sure. If she would be the same even now if she could see them. She nods as the girl fades into the man's memory. The smile falters when the king refuses his regalia. As thhe world unmakes itself around them she watches horror dawning on her face. She's seen this before and the PTSD of it comes crashing in on her.

    "No... no no no no no..." she says, her bravado crumbling ina rare show of panic. "We have to stop this... someone has to stop it." Her eyes search the faces of Vorpal, Gar, and Nadia. The three she knows are closest to this world. "Someone fix it before everything and everyone here is... is..."

    She can't bring herself to say it. The wounds are still too fresh. Too raw. Her mothers sacrificed themselves to try and prevent this very thing from happening to her world and she doesn't even know if they succeeded.

Gar Logan has posed:
Watching this, there are things Gar could say, could share about his own guilt. Things he could have done differently that might have let him save his parents, save Don and Kole, save others. He lets Jon do the talking. Maybe that's needed for Jon as much as anything else. That doesn't mean his eyes aren't getting watery.

But, it's as the Red King says what he does and the place around them begins to dismantle itself that he reaches to draw Vorpal and Kian closer. "He said it's not his dream to dream any more, but that doesn't mean it can't be someone else's! And I know this all started as a dream, but can't they become more than that? We're all here. We believe it's a real place. All of this stuff has happened. Vorpal couldn't be the Cheshire Cat otherwise, and neither could I. So let's just, you know, believe real hard."

It's about all he can think of in the moment. Using the Regalia does not appear to be part of the equation for him, at least.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
As the Red King and Jon discuss matters, the dragon reappears near the tent, stumbligng forward to the sudden removal of the dream environment. The shining armor he had been wearing going in to the dream soon fade and so do the unused gauntlets.

The dragon sits, looking to his claws. The form starts to shrink down and shift shape. Once the transition is done, Nick is left sitting on the ground beside the tent. Feet flat on the ground, knees pointed up and arms wrapped around his legs. Unphantasmed, the expression on his face betrays a general sense of exhaustion. But he's picking up on a few things.

"Not 'the dreamer'. You want more than one." Nick murmurs, "Dreams held up by one person will eventually collapse. But shared ones are much more stable. More points of support. And people are able to come and go. Like that Lego world...That was many dreamers. If y-"


Annnnd Nick passed out.

Doing too much again. Hmmph. He really needs to learn to say No more often.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
    Nadia watches Alais' renuion unfold. In many ways it mirrors her own reunion with the shade of her mother on the stairs of Tartarus. Only this time daughter fades away not parent. In that moment she perhaps understands a shadow of the Red King's pain and yet and yet.

    "I know remembering hurts, but the death of dreams is the death of the soul." She looks at the Red King and his dropped regalia. "You can't dream the dream anymore?" She gestures with a sweep of her hand at the assembled Wonderlanders. "But what about all of them?" Nadia takes a step towards the dropped regalia. "You need to pick those up! Someone needs to pick those up, we can't just let them all be unmade!"

Terry O'Neil has posed:
But the King does not pick up the Regalia. By the expression in his eyes, it's clear that what powered the dream for him is not there anymore. Perhaps even his power is broken, having spent so long focused around that pain- when the pain was forgotten, there it went. And now the world if fed is dying.

There is no gentleness that could fail to be moved by the plight of this land, and courage demands that something be done, logic dictating that the problem be carefully evaluated. As Terry looks at the faces of the terrified Wonderlanders, he realizes that his loyalty extends to more than just his team, his family- these are also his people. People who have been abandoned, now by their 'father', just as he was.

Abandoned. There was a vacuum, and the world was caving into it. Focusing on that issue makes Terry frown. A pessimist would say it is all lost, but an optimist would see merely an opportunity to do the right thing, no matter how tough a choice one had to make. One merely had to be quick on one's mental feet and be resourceful. One should never leave a dream to die

The Cheshire cat steps forward, brushing Kian's hand and exchanging a very quick thought in his direction: {/I love you both more than I'll ever be able to tell you. Take care of him. Don't stop me, I have to do this. I have to be better than my father./}. He runs his fingers through Gar's hair as he walks past them and quickly reaches the spot where the King stands, and where Theophilus and the Caterpillar are holding the discarded regalia.

"I know what to do. What you all taught me to do," the cat says as the world grows darker and darker. One hand deftly grabs the crown and the other one the scepter, and in a moment one is upon his head, and the other one in his hand. Luckily for him, he got the order right, otherwise it would have been thoroughly embarrassing. Looks are exchanged between Vorpal and the two Wonderlanders. Then, they nod.

The Red King no longer had the dream within him- but wasn't he a child of that dream? Maybe there was some of it in him.

When Vorpal puts on the crown, though, there is a moment where he freezes, as if seeing something that's beyond the scope of everything. Dream after dream, surrounding him, the entire world, clinging to the Titans who, unlike Wonderlanders who are not part human, can actually dream. America's clinging dream of two women who saved their world, and their daughter who became a hero. The world unfreezes, and he now knows that yes, it is the right thing to do.

"I'm sorry", he says to the Titans, as the crown and scepter begin to glow, "But I gave you my word.." He holds out his free hand, and both Teophilus and the Caterpillar take it.

If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense.

Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would.

You see?

All at once the world stops fading. What's more, the land seems to shift and acquire its old luster and vibrancy. The boundaries of the world reassert themselves with a rumble, and right behind the standing trio, a tree sprouts out of the ground and grows to an enormous size, casting Vorpal and the two Wonderlanders in shadow and it blossoms, impossibly, into red and white roses.

And the Cheshire Cat and the two Wonderlanders fall to the ground on top of a bed of flowers that springs as they fall. Their scent is sweet and spreads everywhere as it cushions the sleeping bodies, the pollen becoming motes of light that spread far and wide, germinating ideas for new dreams and new places not even the Red King might have considered in his ages-long sleep.

All around them, Wonderland returns to life in vibrant, blinding color.

And Vorpal sleeps, with Hatter and Caterpillar at his side.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon smiles as the Red King and Alais reconcile, blinking back tears. It's nice to actually help someone for once. And sad that Alais fades, but... that's the truth, right? She's dead. She's gone. Only memory remains.

    Unfortunately, that doesn't last long.

    "That's the point of the Regalia," Jon says to Nick, frowning around as the world starts to unravel. This was not what he intended--but it was hardly unexpected. "Someone has to--"

    And then of course Terry picks it up. Something twists in his gut, and he clenches his fists, and takes a deep breath.

    Before any of the Titans can go toward him, Jon reaches out--to Gar and Kian specifically, but he looks around at them all. "Nick's right, in a way. This," he gestures toward Vorpal and the Hatter and Catterpillar, "cannot last. This is not the end of his fate--I can /see/ that. There's another solution; you just need to find it. Alright?" A pause. "Let's go home, and figure it out. You're Titans. You won't leave one of your own here alone forever. Right?"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "It's okay. We'll fix it - we'll fix!" Madison promises America, turning towards the older teen, and reaching out to take her hands. "We're Titans. That's what Titans do - right?"
    And a moment later, Terry is striding forward - though Madison doesn't seem to realize what this means. "See? Terry knows what to do. It's going to be alright. Terry? I mean- Vorpal, how do we help?"
    As he collapses into sleep, the teen blinks in surprise, and looks around, and then at the other Titans. The world seems alright - but Terry is- Is he going to wake up? "Terry?"
    ...what do they do?
    Her attention turns to Jon, and she nods, with a tight, worried expression on her features, but when she looks back to America, it's with a smile. "See? The world's alright - and Terry will be safe here. We just need to- He's counting on us to find a more permanent fix. Yeah?"

Kian has posed:
    "No NO *NO* you do not leave me, leave *us*!" Kian says, reaching for the Cheshire Cat, lunging forward.  "I will stay with you!"
    The birdman reaches for Gar, because the three are bound as /tenar'yw/.  "You cannot stay here without us, you need me, I know how to dream for more than one!"
    There is the briefest of pauses.  "And you are *not* leaving me to explain this to your mother!"

America Chavez has posed:
    America watches with a horrified expression on her face as Terry takes up the mantle and drops into a sleep. Her expression changes as the world explodes with vibrancy and stability; it hardens back into that heroic solemnity that these situations call for. "Everytime... a sacrifice" she says with a frown. She gives a glance to the world around them. "But I know where this is now. I can come back. -We- can come back with a solution."

    She rears back a fist and punches a final hole in reality. The blue-white light of the portal opens up on the main room of Titan's Tower. Home. She moves up next to Jon, Kian, and Gar. If she has to, she's willing to take whatever injury the pair of them can dish if it means getting them back for Terry's sake if not their own. Electrical shocks, viscious maulings, anything to get them home so that they're safe and available to get their boyfriend back in one piece.

Gar Logan has posed:
"Come on, guys. We have to..hey, what are you doing?" Gar watches Vorpal advance away after the hand in his hair, which leads to him slightly ducking away from it on instinct, raising a hand.

The quickness in which Vorpal takes up the Regalia, is joined by the Hatter and Caterpillar, and things change to the effect of the large tree rapidly growing to leave the trio in a sleep that's deeper than deep has him freaking out inside. Inside and, initially outside as well. "No! Stop! There has to be another way!"

He ignores whatever Jonathan is saying, and what Madison and anyone else is attempting to convey through logic, and the impulsive side of him acts. He physically reaches out as if to claim the Cheshire back, whatever that might do...and nothing happens. "It didn't work. I..can't do it. Wake up! /They/ can be the ones!" He gestures to the Hatter and Caterpillar. "We need you! /I/ need you!" There is a panic in him, given what they all learned about the Red King and his dream, and the power of the Regalia itself.

Vorpal/Terry may be right there, but in a sense...not. Trying to get him to stir by nudging at him, poking, prodding, tugging, it accomplishes nothing. Regardless of whatever sense the others have, before him he is seeing and feeling loss all over again. Wonderland remains alive, but Beast Boy does not see it.

Kate Bishop has posed:
    Kate looks very alarmed as Wonderland starts to fade and die like that around all of them, she slings her bow and looks hither and yon. "We really need to get to the portal I think and get the hell out of here before we lose the ride."

    Which is when Terry does a very Terry thing.

    "Oh... man." she just blinks. That is probably the most grown up and responsible thing she has ever seen him do, ever. Unlike his boyfriends she can't even be mad or irritated at Terry for once. He actually did something totally selfless and for a good cause.

    "Jon and Chavez are right. We know how to get to Wonderland. We can figure out a solution. This ... was the right thing to do to stop Wonderland from falling apart and dying and has bought us all time to find a better solution." she isn't one hundred percent certain they can do that. But they can certainly try. "If anyone can find a solution, it's the Titans."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
    Even Nadia isn't quite sure who she meant when she said /someone/ should pick up the regalia if not the Red King. But it definitely wasn't Terry or anyone else she cares about. She'd sooner sacrifice herself. And yet when he steps forward she can only stand as if riveted to the spot watching him go. It's like the world is moving in slow motion as she watches Terry, the Hatter, and the Caterpillar, like she is moving through molasses. "No... we just saved your home. We can't lose you now..."

    But there he is, there they are, asleep beneath the Tree. Wonderland is saved twice over but at the cost of one Vorpal. It is a rollercoaster of emotions for Nadia from the triumph of victory, the happiness at reuniting Alais with her father, the sadness at the death of the Red Kings dream, and now that sadness bleeding into a resolute and determined tone. "This isn't over. There must be another way. I will find another way." Even if she has to move Heaven and Earth, or possibly rend space, time, and even reality itself asunder to find it, she will.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Kian! Garfield! /This is not Terry's fate/!" Jon huffs. "I can /see/ the threads of Fate. I can see when someone is going to die, and how they will live, and this here is /not/ Terry's permanent fate! But right now, he needs you, both of you, to pull yourselves together and find a /permanent/ solution!"

    ...They're not going to listen, are they? Damn it.

    He sighs, and rubs at his face. "Sorry about this," he mutters. And then, because it's Wonderland, he manifests a giant flamingo-shaped croquet mallet to knock them both over the head with so America and Caitlin can carry them out.

    This way, he can take the blame for the headaches instead of any of their friends.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
As the Titans leave, the Church of Alice slowly begins to make its way back to Whitehall, the city of the White Queen, to give word of what has happened here. Eventually nobody is left in the field.

And there beneath the sunlit eaves
underneath, while spiders weave,
a dream about himself unfurled,
there to save this jilted world:
A new King dreams, and dreams alone
of lessons learned and wrongs undone,
And whispering winds wind 'round the wold
to lift anew this dream of old.

Not The End.