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Rising Star Art Gala
Date of Scene: 13 July 2022
Location: The Thrones Art Complex
Synopsis: The first ever Rising Star Gala goes off without a hitch! Lots of people show and new friends are made.
Cast of Characters: Asariel, Carol Danvers, Natasha Romanoff, Pepper Potts, Tony Stark, Phoebe Beacon, Patience Alperen, Cassandra Cain, Cinque Evers, Kaida Connolly, Bruce Banner

Asariel has posed:
The Thrones Art Complex is a very well laid out place and it's home to a number of services to the local community. One being their art outreach program that helps kids and teens after school. Asariel hadn't expected the program to take off as well as it did, but, there were a lot of kids that just needed a bit of a hand. She was happy to help with that.

Tonight however is to show off artwork from some of those students and the surrounding artistic community. While it might be an art gala there is a relaxed feeling that goes with it. The music being played is a mix of genres that are popular and the food isn't being delivered around on silver plates by waiters. Everything has its place though and there are people standing by to help those out that need to be pointed towards drinks and food.

The gallery has been moved around to accomodate the artwork for the visitings artists. There is everything from paintings all the way up to metal work and jewelry. A wide range of talents.

Asariel's not hard to find, she's the rather pale woman that in the right lights makes her seem like she's being illuminated. It's a good trick of the light, that's all! She's dressed in a simple dove gray satin dress that has capped sleeves and little ornamentation, but is tailored beautifully.

Her gallery has been moved to the workshop areas, but can be seen if people go that way. Her statues that were in the MET a few years ago are now housed on the property and her angel artwork and tarot series is also on display.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol Danvers isn't exactly the artistic type. Not only can't she tell a Monet from Manet, but she wouldn't even know there was a Manet but for Ocean's Eleven being a film she liked a lot.

But that doesn't stop her from showing up, lending whatever celebrity she holds towards helping to draw people to the event. She makes her way up to the Art Complex, wearing a sleek black strapless dress, her blond hair falling about her shoulders (https://i.imgur.com/kb7fHzT.png). The dress meant no flying there, so she'd ordered a car which had dropped her off and waits nearby for Carol to be ready to leave.

The Avenger gives a smile and a nod to... is he Deputy Mayor or maybe the Lieutenant Governor? Carol can't quite remember but she knows she's seen the man at one of these events before. She adds a small wave to make up for slipping past without coming over to say hello just yet. "Think I could use a drink before I get pulled into... everything," she murmurs to herself, and going in search of one of the bar stations.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha is here in something more subdued than normal. Gone is her combat uniform. Gone is her weaponry. Also gone is a sense of whom she is or her immediate identity. She's here with her hair done up, wearing a black dress and looks more the low level starlet hanging off someone's arm than an Avenger. If one didn't know her very well she just wouldn't be standing out at all here. She was playing herself down..
    Or here incognito.

Pepper Potts has posed:
It's a lovely night. The lights of the city are bright, and the the streets are all aglow. The gala showcasing students, up and comings, and those who are just looking for that foothold is bringing in many from different corners of the city. This is something that's gained the attention of one Tony Stark, or more accurately, Tony Stark's Pepper; art connoisseur, collector and MET Board Member extraordinaire. Not to mention he's rarely anywhere without her somewhere, though tonight, it's on his arm.

A sleek black car slides up to the sidewalk, and a be-suited, slightly heavy-set 'chauffeur' exits the drivers side, only to run around, tie untacked and flying in the effort, and open the back door to allow the occupants to get out.

Tony Stark emerges first, perfectly coiffed, beard and mustache sculpted, and is dressed in an obviously tailored dark tuxedo with white shirt and tie. Just behind him, a redhead emerges; Pepper has her hair down, and is dressed in an open-backed blue dress, the form and fit also contoured to her slim frame. Earrings drop from her ears, and a drop strand of white gemmed necklace graces her neck.

Stepping away from the car, it's driven off, allowing the pair their own entrance.

A smile seems permanently etched upon her bright face, natural and genuine, and she does wait for those 'adoring fans' to try and get Tony's attention before she touches his arm lightly, ready to lead him into the event.

Once in, Pepper's greeting the others, green eyes scanning the room lightly, taking note of attendees before searching out the hostess.

Tony Stark has posed:
Having someone around to make the small decisions for him so he can focus on the big ones has been a critical component of Tony Stark's recent success. Was the few minutes it took Pepper to select the suit to wear tonight the difference between Tony completing the arc-car on-time or not? Probably not. Did he make a micron of progress on adjusting the coefficient of energy loss that was requiring a thicker membrane that was combusting after 10 seconds? Maybe. Was it more fun to think about his car then his tie? Absolutely.

Moving towards the gala after a brief nod to Happy, Tony slips up next to Pepper and leans over to murmur gently into her ear. "Remember, you break it, you bought it, and I don't want to have to sell a satellite or two after tonight just to catch up, ok?" There is a soft laugh as he places a gentle kiss against her cheek. Then Pepper's Tony Stark is gone, and the world's Tony Stark is there.

Waving broadly with his free arm, Tony offers a smile and a wink to all of those who greet him, finding a way somehow to connect with each of the on-lookers. He understands the importance of giving the people what they want, and making them feel seen. It was a long lesson, but one he appreciates. Tonight is a night for Pepper to look at art, but for Tony to be the distraction so she can look at the art. Fair trade on his part.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    After the Stark car, another dark car pulls up to the curb - a sleek Rolls Royce that was driven by a well-assembled older gentleman, who gracefully draws out from the driver's side and comes around to open the passenger side back door -- those 'in the know' would have recognized the Wayne butler, though it's not any of the Wayne boys who arrive. Out steps the first of two young ladies, accepting a gloved hand as she steps out of the car.

    Phoebe herself was dressed in a pale orange cocktail-length dress with matching strappy heels. Her fingernails had been gelcoated to match, her short-shorn hair left to its natural short curls, and she wore a pale orange and white choker collar around her neck, with pale lace at its edges. She wears a pale of orange sunglasses, and silver-and-orange drop earrings. Bangles hide her tattoo at her left wrist, and a gauzey creamsicle-orange gauzey shrug is draped over her shoulders and back.

    She has a neutral face on as flashes go off -- a recent adoptee into the 'spare heirs' of Wayne's who's been representing the family at a few social events.

    The man also holds his hand out for the second young woman in the back of the vehicle.

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen had no +1 to come with, but she hadn't actually put the effort into finding one. She didn't mind coming on her own. On the one hand, she did not have someone to help extricate her from any awkward conversations that could come up. But on the other, she had the freedom to move around freely and experience the gala.

Arriving in a dark green exotic sports car. Emerging from the car, she smiled her thanks to the valet as she gathered the hem of her gown to carefuly step up onto the curb. She wore a crimson gown with slender shoulder straps. Her rich brown hair brushed out and drapped along her left shoulder. She looked to those gathering and making their way inside, offering quiet smiles to those who may look her way. She was certain there weren't many. Not with Tony Stark and Carol Danvers amongst those attending.

She made her way in and soon found her way to the bar. It wasn't a Guinness sort of event, she lamented to herself, and settled on a glass of champagne to carry and lightly nurse as she moved along.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
    It takes a moment before the Wayne vehicle disgorges its second occupant. The chauffeur is eminently patient. He needs to be, since it appears that Phoebe's +1 is resisting going to an art anything.

    After as long as she can make it take, an asian girl steps out of the vehicle. She's wearing a floral print dress, with long sleeves that cover her arms and downplay the muscles shown on her legs. She's foregone any jewelery, but has on a very light dusting of makeup that must have taken hours to convince her to wear at all.

    Looking about as if concerned about paparazzi (or assassins) the young lady steps to Phoebe's side, eyes moving all about the crowd, clearly worried about something.

    It does allow the driver to finally park the car though, which has to be a step up.

Cinque Evers has posed:
After spending over an hour on the subway from Bronx Park Ave East to Church Ave, then walking the rest of the way in the galley, Cinque spends a few moments outside making sure he still looks presentable to hobnob with the city's art lover crowd. Cinque really did not travel all this way for the art, but to mingle with the people that pay great deals of money for the art. Among the crowd of rich art lovers, there is normally someone willing to donate to a charity or a worthwhile cause, and Cinque wholeheartedly believes that Jamii Holmess Shelter is a worthwhile cause.

It is not like that Cinque doesn't like art; in fact, he admires art. The way artists capture images forever is something he can respect. Cinque grabs a brochure and makes his way through the crowd looking for potential donors.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Do not even begin to ask how it was made or how she got it. Some secrets have to be kept. Some have to be maintained. Kaida's arrival is not fan fare. There's no car pulling up or any flashing cameras going off. At least not at first anyway. After all, no one really makes a car her size (under normal circumstances). What does happen though is from out of the crowd rolls a bluetooth speaker and the sounds of Freddie Mercury comes out.

<Tonight, I'm gonna have myself a real good time...>

And as Don't stop me now starts playing, a mosue in what appears to be a tuxedo appears near the speaker and she's dancing to the music. She, kindly, waited till the most recent arrival to move up the entryway. Still as the music plays, Kaida dances along the carpet, not caring who does or doesn't notice as she makes her way inside. Unless someone tries to stop her, of course, but she's counting on the stunning arrival to at least make her way in...and her ability to dodge most people's attempts at stopping her via speed anyway.

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol Danvers gets to the bar and after a moment's deliberation, decides to go with a martini. She moves a little to the side and leans back against the bar as she takes the first sip of the drink. People watching is always enjoyable, at a formal attire gathering like this it just raises that to a whole new level.

A nearby painting is eyed from where Carol stands. A study in reds and blues, the colors blending together in a something like a stylized, squashed honeycomb pattern in the middle.

A couple in their early thirties stand looking at it. The young man is expounding the virtues of this particular style of painting, making himself sound like he's probably an art student himself or something. "Wonder if that approach is going to work for him," she comments to herself with a soft grin as she eavesdrops. Looking up she spots some familiar faces, flashing smiles across the room to Natasha, Pepper and Tony.

Asariel has posed:
There's a lot of people to mingle with!

Asariel's luminous face is easy to keep track of though for those that need to grab her though. There are also a number of children that are wandering around with their parents and that makes her veer off to talk to a few of them while she's pointing out some other paintings and artwork. She gives a quick look about the crowd though and notes a few familiar faces, Pepper and Phoebe being two of them. She raises a pale hand to wave at both of them before she's back to hostess duty.

It was a never ending job! She was also on the look out for her beau, but he might be MIA tonight.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Cassandra Cain is noted ever so distantly by Natsaha Romanoff, but her main attention is on her comrades. A low nod is given,e ven as she looks far from her normal spectactular self. Just another semi rich person present enjoying the gala or there as arm candy. Natasha goes to take a goblet of wine in a hand while holding it up in a low signal of acknowledgement over towards Carol in passing.

Pepper Potts has posed:
It's those quiet moments in the middle of commotion that settles and soothes Pepper, those whispers for her alone, or a look, and it's all that's really needed to set her and prepare her for the rest of the evening. That ghosted smile of both amusement and fondness is given to the man, complete with, "Remember, this is an investment," in terms of the SI bottom line, not to mention an investment in community and in the art world in general.

She obviously is completely within her element here.

Those that arrive after the pair does gain glances back, and the music does have the woman breathing a soft laugh. Always effective.

Watching Tony wander off (she might not see him for the rest of the night!) to his adoring fans briefly, the redhead does indeed recognize several within the showcased event, and each gets a warm smile before she changes direction to head towards Carol. A hand here, an understated 'hello' there, and she's within feet of her intended, though not without a returned wave to their hostess. Finding friends in the crowd is not comfort seeking, however; she's most definitely comfortable. Instead, it's a warm greeting that is offered, "Carol," and she's trying to head the woman off at the pass (and fails), "I'm so glad you could make it. Maybe, finally, we could get a few things for the mansion, you and I?" And, well.. there's Natasha over there. "Maybe find an artist and showcase them in the front entry?" She's on the prowl for new art!

Tony Stark has posed:
Also within his element, but in a different sense, Tony makes his way over towards the bar. While Pepper discusses interior design on a budget (likely a considerable budget with the Stark name attached to it), he slides in to procure a drink. A glass of soda for himself, a flute of champagne for his other hand. He trades polite greetings with the bartender and leaves a generous tip, and engages in a brief debate on the latest travails of the New York Mets, before slipping back away from the bar.

His gaze drifts over some of the other arrivals, and he gives the slightest of nods in some cases, not to anyone in particular. With a fluidity that speaks to years of practice, he drifts past Pepper leaving the flute in her hand. "Carol, Nat," he murmurs to the other Avengers engaged with Pepper, and then he is off, his path arcing him towards the representatives of the Wayne family. Apparently feeling an opportunity for introductions there should not be missed.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives an encouraging smile to Cassandra, and a tilt of her head inside, though there's no words exchanged between two. Phoebe adjusts her glasses a moment, looking throught he crowd with the flash pops, and loops her arm with Cassandra's to draw her in -- yes, just two elegantly adorable awkward ladies going in to make out a check on behalf of The Thomas and Martha Wayne Foundation. That was in her clutch.

    There were faces she knew, of course -- Pepper Potts and Tony Stark, you can't live in New York and not know their faces. Asa of course, who is greeted with a warm smile and a wave.

    Phoebe looks around, and seems relieved that there weren't others here that she recognizes yet, there's a couple of head-nods and waves to others she's met -- one's a professor at the University of Manhattan who did speeches in Gotham she attended. Another she knew from another Gala event.

    And she spots Tony Stark, incoming. Shoulders square a moment, her muscles tensing for fight-or flight, and she fumbles, grabbing her phone out of her clutch.

    ON his approach, Tony might notice that her choker's partially hiding gauze at her neck.

    Her dark gaze goes to Cass, and gives a winning smile before she smiles at the incoming Stark.

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen slowly made her way along the displays of art, her brown eyes looking thoughtful with ech work. While she might not be the most artistically inclined herself, she could appreciate the time and talent put into each piece. Even those that do not seem to, well, speak to her. She sips at her drink idly, just for something to do.

She spares a curious glance as Tony Stark moves past while on his way to speak with others he knows. It was somewhat surreal seeing all of these A-listers. She took another drink of champagne and chose to move on to the next piece.

It was. She really wasn't certain what it was. A scuplture of no small skill. But abstract enough to escape easy classification. It was a welcome challenge to keep her focused for a few minutes.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Looking around once inside, Kaida didn't exactly expect much in the way of notice. Even with the music, there's probably a fair number of people who really had no clue what that was about. Could a six inch tall mouse girl have simply snuck in? Sure, but what at all was the fun in that?!

So, instead of sneaking she adjusts her tuxedo and starts her way toward the nearest piece of art and nods her head as she looks at, speaking to no one in particular.

"Hmm, yes, yes, very good. The artist definitely is conveying all the voices of the mountain and definitely painting with all the colors of the wind." She nods and then casually starts making her way toward food...

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra, because yes it's her, has little exactly to say. Mostly due to lack of a functioning vocabulary but it could come across as shyness. She doesn't make things harder for Phoebe than they need to be, the pair a lovely matching set of quietude tonight. But she has yet to actually look at any art, her eyes entirely for the people.

Flitting about the room, her gaze is basically trying to figure out everyone. Waiter, hidden bodyguard, lonely person who'd like to be talked to, writer making a story about all of this. Rich guy.

Looking Tony over as he approaches, Cass gives Phoebe's arm a squeeze, then lets her go. Standing on their own, but together. "Hello," she offers. And that pretty much uses up her chat options for the evening. Don't you feel whelmed?

Cinque Evers has posed:
"Doctor Basotini, I presume." Cinque lets out a soft chuckle, "Sorry, I have always wanted to say that for some odd reason." Cinque gaze briefly around the room beforde turning back to speak to Asariel, "There are some amazing and beautiful pieces of artwork on exhibit tonight." Cinque peers down at the brochure as he continues to talk, "I was wondering how did you decide which works to put up tonight, and which percentage was done by your student?"

Asariel has posed:
Asariel was just moving towards one of her students when she hears her name and she turns to look at Cinque with a warm smile, "Ah, yes. That would be me. But please feel free to call me Asariel." she tells him. "Thank you, the students and others worked very hard to get these pieces finished in time for this event." she smiles to him. She listens to him curiously and there is a nod to what he is asking. "This is going to sound completely unruly, but I asked my students what works they felt showcase them and that is what we displayed. Where most art galleries want to showcase things that will make money, we want to showcase what makes the artist." she explains.

"We have about fourty percent of students from our boroughs outreach programs if I had to guess. The other artwork that is on display is from local and regional artists that we wanted to spot light more." she tells him.

"I did not get your name." she offers with a bit of an apologetic look.

Carol Danvers has posed:
The blond woman gives Pepper a warm smile as she comes over. "This is far more your thing," Carol says with a nod of her head towards the nearest painting. "If you want my opinion I'd be happy to give it. But is the hope is to make an impression on people, I'd trust your judgment in that far more than my own."

A sip is taken of the martini. "If you saw the decisions I've been making about decor lately, you'd realize I'm -not- exaggerating," she says with a chuckle. "I'll keep my eyes open for anything that stands out to me though."

Seeing the host, Carol tells Pepper. "Going to go say hello. Doing the PR thing and all," she says. And then drains the rest of the martini glass, which is perhaps not the best start on that whole PR thing.

Crossing the room, Carol approaches Asariel. Cinque is also given a smile of greeting as Carol says to Asariel, "Thank you for the invitation. It's nice cause. Good to see such a nice turn out." After any more greetings are exchanged, Carol motions towards the displays. "Guess I'll go mingle and take a look. Let some people explain color and structure and... all the rest to me," she says with a warm chuckle before moving on.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Circling around over, Natasha Romanoff goes to keep an eye on thigns, being ever so subtle. Given the way tehse events tend to end in theatrics and dramatics, if anyone had to ask her to give reasoning for her preference it's being 'on the clock' for backup in case the enar guaranteed interruption of festivities occurs. She goes to takea nother flat sip of her wine, only having a small amount of it while looking about and listening attentively.

As Tony and Carol circulate, they get another small nod from Natasha, even as she moves back to a lazy sort of eprimeter scanning.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper turns only a quarter-turn, and here comes Tony, and there he goes again, once he's set a flute of champagne into her hand. An affectionate smile is given in his wake, and green eyes follow his path before she's back to her friend. That's not to say that others that meet her gaze along that path don't get a warm smile, an upnod in recognition for those she's even partially familiar with.

The paintings on easels have her attention as Carol motions to them; practices in still life, natural scenes, portraits; they're all in place and review. A few of them have specifically gained Pepper's closer attention, along with tables of scuptures. "I'd love your opinions," she returns with a soft, chuffed laugh. As Carol wanders away, however, it does allow the redhead to take in the exhibits.

The table of sculptures is distinct, the offerings unique. Pictures drawn of crayon by elementary school children made 3-dimensional by area artists are displayed; art and art.

The champagne is more a set-piece for her, a sip here and there, and most definitely something to do with her hands. It's an easy carry, however, as she attempts to lead Carol to that table framed by the elementary school students. "This," she begins softly, her tones genuine, "I love this. Everything about this."

Asariel has posed:
Asariel gives a smile to Carol when she stops off, "Thank you for coming, Agent Danvers." she dips her head to the woman. "Always good to see everyone out and about having a good time. I'm glad you got some free time to do so." she adds with a smile. Then she is turning back to listen to Cinque as they chat.

Cinque Evers has posed:
"Ot, I am Cinque Evers." Cinque quickly goes into his spill. "I am run a homeless shelter in the Bronx, and we always looking to partner with various other outreach groups, or even just offer volunteer hours to college students who wished to teach a class at the shelter." Cinque smiles softly, "I can give you my business card, or leave it with someone if you are busy hosting." Cinque finishes up his spill, "Or I can call you with the information too. Like the Commodores say I am easy like a Sunday morning."

When Carol approaches, Cinque eyes widen slightly as he sighs, "Excuse me, there is a boy at my shelter that is a huge Captain Marvel fan. He lost his older sister a couple a years ago. Long story short, I just want to see if I can get a quick selfie and autograph for him. Cinque reaches for his camera as he calls out to the daparting Carol, "Can I have a quick selfie and autograph? It is for a kid name Jamal, a boy at my shelter. He is one of your biggest fans."

Tony Stark has posed:
Upon his approach towards Cassandra and Phoebe, Tony is interupted along the way, not once or twice, but four times to press a bit of the flesh, give a hand shake, and offer a smile before continuing onward. If the Wayne envoys were dreading the conversation, his languid and delayed approach simply prolongs the inevitable and draws out the agony. But eventually, as usual, Tony finds himself where he intends to be.

"Evening," he says, inclining his head briefly to the two of them. "Thanks for coming all the way from Gotham to support us. We really appreciate it."

See, he's not all that scary.

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen gives up on the sculpture. Whatever it is, it eludes her. A shrug and she turns to move on toward a series of paintings. She looks them over thoughtfully. These, she seems to like as she smiles and sips at her drink again. She takes her time to appreciate each of them. Then she is out of champagne. Turning she finds a server's tray to set the empty flute on as they pass by.

She glances around, seeing the various well knowns in the gathering all off talking and smiles to herself as she moves farther along to look at more of the exhibited works.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe is patient, and her eyebrows rise up in amusement, the left side of her lips rising up into an off-kilter smile, and she offers a hand to Tony as he arrives, and holds up her phone. She's got a pre-typed message on it.

    <Pleasure to meet you, I apologize; unless you know ASL you'll have to do most of the talking. I happily support all of Dr. Basotini's workings.>

    And she gives a wincing expression, and then motions to her neck with the fancy collar covering the gauze.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass nudges Phoebe gently, then motions to her throat for Tony's benefit. "Hurt," she says, trying her best to use her words. It's a social moment, and since Tony's come over to talk to them, someone needs to reciprocate. And it's HER. Pigs are now flying and the moon is made of green cheese.

"Sorry." She motions toward the cheque, happy to give to a good cause. Though she doesn't herself know that it is one, glancing at the art and sort of making a distasteful face when doing so.

She hasn't figured out how to lie socially yet, but that's what we have Phoebe for!

Bruce Banner has posed:
Banner might try to dress up for classy events, but the last suit in his wardrobe was rendered to shreds in Montauk. Thus, he's gone for a t-shirt with an art print of Niels Bohr and a pair of jeans. The shirt itself has seen one too many washes, faded and rent with a couple minor frayed tears. He holds a bottle of water in one hand and attempts to clean his glasses one-handed. Once they're back on, he blinks a few times at a painting hung upon the wall.

"Woah," he mumbles to himself.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Finally, and carefully, making her way over to a spot with food, Kaida leaps up on to the table like it were naught but a single step and simply looks around. She grabs a napkin and drags it with her as she casually tosses a couple of small sausages on it with the toothpicks, some cheese, a few crackers and pulls forth a plate, steps on the edge and loads it up.

"Honestly, people who come up with these things never thing about tiny people. It's discrimination, I tell ya!" She shakes a fist at the heavens and then with a practiced hand sends the plate she just loaded into a spin right off the table. She's on the ground longer before it falls, running down the leg of the table in a tiny blur of movement and catching her plate, spinning with it to save the contents and then she flicks a piece of cheese off of it, catches it with her tail and flicks it over to her mouth.

"At least the food's good!" She declares to anyone who might be listening even as she sets her plate down near the base of a sculpture and hops up on to the edge as well, her tiny tuxedo only slightly rumpled.

Asariel has posed:
Asariel gives a dip of her head to Cinque, "It's nice to meet you, Mister Evers." she tells him. She listens to him patiently, almost like she has all the time in the world. Nephilim were weird like that. "I would be happy to make a financial donation and spend some time at the shelter volunteering as well." she tells him with a smile. "And I'm sure the interns and others would be happy to split some time in different places." she explains. "I can take cards for the moment and my information is on the flyer there." she nods to his hands.

When he sees Carol there is a smile from the woman and she steps back a little to let them get selfies and autographs. She takes this time to give a look to see where Giovanni is, her bodyguard got antsy sometimes and she wanted to check on him.

There is a sculpture that is roped off and has an off display sign on it. But that's because it is all the way back by the workshop.

Tony Stark has posed:
There is a sharp nod and a head tilt to the right from Tony. "Actually, yes, I do," he replies to Phoebe with a smile. He executes a well polished "thank you", fingers to his ips and then out. He then nods towards Cassandra, giving her a smile as well. "We are always happy to accept any contributions or help." He offers to accept the check. "I'll make sure this gets to the right place."

He senses the vibe from the two, and offers them a smile. "Please, feel free to walk around and explore. Don't let me stand in your way." Allow for a graceful exit for the pair.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper takes a sip of her drink and walks sideways around the table of the sculptures. The tumult of the tiny gains her attention, brows rising and her mouth opens slightly to the view. A mouse.. like.. nope, mouse in a tuxedo.. a large mouse in a tuxedo. A talking large mouse in a tuxedo.

That's certainly a sight, and truthfully, Pepper can't help but stare. She tries not to, of course, but how can one not?

"I suppose it is," she offers, even if she doesn't have a plate for herself. The flute is fine for the time being. "Enjoying yourself?" Polite!

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a wry grin, and she tucks her phone away, her shoulders relaxing as she signs. <That makes things easier.> she mouths as she signs, <I'm sorry, was in a car accident. Still healing.> she explains about the lack of her voice. <How are you associated with Dr. Basotini? We worked on a big project last year with her.>

    And she gives as charming a smile as she can, the buzz-cutted girl friendily not taking the invitation to leave -- because who knows if anyone else does speak sign?

    Though she gives a quiet questioning look, looking over Tony's shoulder at the unfinished statue, and her eyebrows rise up.

    She's going to need a closer look at that.

Cinque Evers has posed:
Cinque nods to Asariel, "Thank that is way more than I was expecting! Thank you so very much." Cinque quickly departs and catches up with Carol.

One good thing that about rememebring everything, you don't have to worry about missing something due to not being able to get your phone out in time; however, one of the bad things is that you when you need to take a picture you have to fumble with your phone a bit longer you never used your new phone to take a picture before.. Captain Marvel is patient during the entire time and takes the picture with Cinque and signs her autograph on the brochure.

Cinque rocks back and forth on his feet to the musical as talks to nonone in particular. "I received a possible donation and made one of my residents happy. It is an amazing night for Cinque."

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra, still next to Phoebe, looks at Tony. She looks from him to Phoebe, then back to Tony, and then leans against the darker girl with a smile. It's not anything verbal, not even ASL level, but she is very eloquent when she chooses.

Then with no more verbiage than before she thumbs in Pepper's direction and makes a wry grin and a raised eyebrow toward Tony. It seems to be a question of sorts, and teeeechnically it does use some ASL words. She just seems to have a really weird accent.

Asariel has posed:
Asariel gives a smile to Cinque and there's another dip of her head, "I'm happy to be of assistance." she tells him. "If you'll excuse me just for a few moments." she excuses herself. She caught something a little peculiar in her gaze. No, it wasn't Kaida! Though she gives a grin at the bespoke mouse as she passes and gives a finger wave towards the table that she's at.

No, she's heading for the jeans and t-shirt wearing Doctor Banner! She doesn't spook him though, she stands off at a conversational distance, "Ah, yes, that one." she grins. "We have more like that one." she offers to the man.

Bruce Banner has posed:
Bruce moves to the next painting on display, squinting at it over the top of his glasses. As he takes a swig of water from the bottle, his watch beeps a couple of times and he gives a start. Reaching into his pocket, he produces a small orange pill bottle which he pops the top off of, tapping a fraction of the contents into his palm and then swallowing them down. He's in the process of taking them when Asariel approaches and he turns slightly on his heels, giving her a deer in headlights kind of look.

"It's a trip," he explains, looking back at the paining, "The colors are moving."

They aren't.

Tony Stark has posed:
Laughing softly, Tony nods to Cassandra and taps the tip of his nose. "Pepper handles most of my social engagements and art appreciation, and she is the one who made the acquaintance of Dr. Basotini. I can take credit only for the check written in support." He smiles broadly, taking a moment to turn and glance over towards Pepper. If she is looking his way, she earns a wink. If she is not looking his way, the other two get it.

He turns his gaze back to Phoebe. "Sorry to hear about an accident. I don't suppose there is anything I can do to help? We've got some cutting edge medical technology over at Stark BioTech."

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Casually eating more of her food, she blinks when someone does respond to her. She didn't exactly try to hide. She's been trying to be a bit more public than she used to be. People seem to sorta be more accepting since she's started to be more known and also dress better.

Strangely, you'd think a mouse dressed at all would make people not go straight to attack mode but as it turns out, if you're dressed like you are homeless on top of being a mouse? Well, lets jsut say it doesn't go well. Still, to have someone actually respond to her little running commentary has her blink up.

"Oh, me?" She asks Pepper with a blink and then grins, "Of course! It's for a great cause and it's got lots of pretty stuff and great food!" She holds up a sausage as proof before casually biting through a portion of it and swallowing it away. Frankly, she's got way more food on that plate than should fit in her tiny belly and yet the plate is already half-empty. She does blink at the wave by the hostess and she offers a tiny wave back with a grin.

Frankly, she's heard of a couple of the people here, it's how she's heard about the event at all. She's just still kinda surprised to be acknowledged.

Asariel has posed:
Asariel gives a bit of a curious look to Bruce when he starts to munch on pills as an appetizer. The white haired woman gives a look to the man and follows him to the next painting. "I mean, the colors aren't supposed to be moving." she tells him. "So I'm guessing that it might be trippy, but there is probably no one else seeing it like you." she seems to be a bit concerned though. "Are the colors moving on that one as well?" she points to the next one.

Patience Alperen has posed:
Patience Alperen finishes making her way through the exhibit's display pieces. After the last one, she pausese to spare one final glance around the space and across the many guests in attendance.

Turning with a smile on her features, she makes her way outside and toward the valet attendant. After a few minutes her car is brought back around for her and she makes her way from the event, leaving as one of many that came to experience the display and enjoy a chance to dress up for an event.

Bruce Banner has posed:
"Nope, that one's telling me the Time of Judgement is nigh," Bruce answers, pointing the water bottle at the painting Asariel indicates, "I'm kidding."

He shakes the pill bottle apologetically, "Sorry. Anxiety disorder. I promise I'm not out of my mind."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper is honestly trying not to stare at Kaiden, she really isn't. A quick smile is offered to the well-dressed mouse, and the pitch of the little body is actually understandable. Nodding slowly, she really can't help but agree. "I'm pleasantly surprised, but I do know Dr Basotini. We had a small collection of hers at the Museum a few years ago. She does such lovely work, and with the outreach now?" She'll be putting in a few good words at the next board meeting, certainly.

Tony's glance is indeed caught; it's rare that the synchronicity doesn't work, and Pepper smiles back across the distance of the room before she's back to paying attention to Kaiden, and behind the diminuative 'creature', Dr Banner. He's already otherwise engaged, which is fine.

"Do you do any drawing? Painting?" If a mouse can talk, can be fitted for a little tux, why wouldn't it stand to reason that she could have an artistic bent?

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <As does WayneTech's medical division. It's been an eye-opener and made me want to utilize my upcoming medical degree in working in adaptive technologies.> she replies with a smile. <We cannot take the credit for the check, but I can appreciate the artwork and the artists who created them.> she signs, and she exhales, and rubs the back of her neck a moment, and then motions. <Students. The Future.>

    And she turns, giving a smile to Cassandra as well. All is well, Cass, she's got this social thing *down*.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
This is the first time that Cassandra's received the Wayne treatment. She didn't really expect it, but given how well it's gone, she kind of might almost have...enjoyed herself? She seems uncertain, even in her heart.

Still, seeing Bruce Banner across the room, she has this odd feeling that her anxiety might not be the worst here.

Besides, he's totally Superman in disguise after all. She can tell.

Turning back to Tony, she spots the end of his conversation with Phoebe and blinks. She totally missed the context, but Phoebe is talking to her and she is utterly blanking.

"I like the...arty thing," she offers, waving to some sexually charged piece. Then she looks at what she's pointing at.

Eyes go wide. O.O

Asariel has posed:
Asariel gives a bit of a look to the painting, "I didn't know any of my students were prophetic." she muses for a moment. She then steps up a few more feet, not boxing Bruce in or anything like that. There are escape routes. "I have PTSD, though I can't really understand the amount of stress that others are going through at times." she states. "Do you mind a few minutes of company or would it be better for me to go the other way?" she asks him as she looks to the next painting.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A pfft escapes Kaida and she laughs. She shakes her head and then casually pulls a piece of cheese to atop a cracker.

"Me!?" She shakes her head, "No! My talents are elsewhere. I mean, if I had to speak on my passion, I'd say that I'm a biochemist." She nods her head, "I always liked that idea. The idea of finding cures and medicines that might one day help save lives!" She declares and pumps a fist before laughing a little off-handedly.

"It's not as simple as it was though, and so I had to gain other talents." She looks in the direction of Dr. Banner and hmms as she looks at him, squinting.

Bruce Banner has posed:
"I live in a mansion with a bunch of people who could fill the Grand Canyons with their personalities," Banner explains, grinning over the top of his water bottle, "I can handle company. Besides, you can tell me about all the paintings. Are any of them for sale? They hung up some motel art in my room but all it does is make me want to eat an overpriced bag of M&Ms."

Tony Stark has posed:
"Of course, yes, well, WayneTech is pretty good, but..." Tony trails off, apparently deciding that now is not the time to engage in any rivalry with another billionaire playboy philanthropist's legacy. "I am sure you have had nothing but the best of care." He inclines his head to each in a smile. "Now if you'll excuse me, I believe I have to go save my girlfriend from a mouse."

He flashes two of them the Tony Stark smile and then steps back, pivoting to head back towards Pepper. He makes a brief pit stop at the bar, leaving behind his glass of soda and obtaining a new flute of champagne. He slips up behind Pepper unobtrusively and with a deft motion retrieves the empty flute from her hand and settles the full one back, like Indiana Jones and a golden idol. "Miss me?" he murmurs from his post just behind her, as he offers a smile towards Kaida. "Hi there."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe tilts her head forward, and looks at the piece, and then tilts her head back. Her mouth goes into a sort of pressed-thin line, and she's trying not to give a giggle at Cassandra's choice in art, and she tilts her head back and looks up at the ceiling, and as Tony bids them farewell, she gives a gentle punch to Cass's shoulder, and with a big smile she goes to carefully come around some of the crowd, going to bid a more personal hello to Asariel, leading Cass gently.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cassandra Cain just keeps her mouth shut for the rest of the evening, holding onto Phoebe's elbow softly. Why? No reason. It's possible that her head exploded, but it would be best not to ask.

Just keep in mind, to always be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Then be Batman. Duh.

Asariel has posed:
Asariel listens to Bruce and there's a soft smile to him, "That sounds like it could be fun...then at other times like living with your brothers and sisters." she points out. "I'd be happy to show you around the paintings." she adds with a smile to him. "They are all for sale. I know that sounds cliche, but art is to be enjoyed and sitting in this gallery only brings momentary enjoyment." she explains to him.

Her silvery gaze does catch sight of Phoebe incoming and there's a softer smile that graces her features as she sees her as she gives her a wave.

Pepper Potts has posed:

Pepper sounds surprised, her brows rising and she's interested, or rather, more intrigued. As Kaida continues, however, she finds herself nodding in, at the very least, empathy. "I can see th-"

And, here's Tony. Twisting a half-turn, Pepper finds her drink refilled, and there's a gentle, almost playful glance to him. "Thank you, Tony," is offered softly before she turns back around to the small, well-dressed figure of a mouse. "We were just speaking.. I'm sorry. I didn't get your name." Nor did she introduce herself, and she remedies that. Pushing a bit of hair behind an ear to get it out of her eyes, Pepper continues, "Pepper Potts.. and this is Mr Tony Stark." Though, the chances are better than even that Kaida already knew that?


Bruce Banner has posed:
"Well," Bruce continues, reaching into his back pocket and producing a battered leather wallet, "I've got this stipend I'm not using so maybe I can buy one?"

He glances sidelong at the approaching new arrivals, offering a polite smile before he turns back to Asariel and pointing at the painting they're standing in front of.

"How about this one?"

Cinque Evers has posed:
Cinque Evers talks to a few more artists as he makes his way through the different exhibits. Cinque debates hitting up more donors or walking back to catch the train. Cinque flips a coin and decides the latter. Cinque raises his right eyebrow slightly as he peers at the coin, "Subway, it is." Cinque starts to undo his tie as he heads to the exit.

Asariel has posed:
"You could probably buy one, yes." Asariel tells Bruce as she looks to the wallet. Then there's a smile to that, "That one? I think is a nice choice. A bit soothing and introspective." she nods to the painting that he's chosen. It wasn't a 'The End is Nigh' painting thankfully! "We can get it boxed up and delivered to the address you like to use unless you really want to take it home with you tonight." she offers to him.

"If you'll give me just a moment though I need to go say hello to someone." she tells him. Then she heads towards Phoebe and Cassandra, "Thank you for coming." she states softly to the two of them, but she gives a look of concern to Phoebe once she sees all the changes.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A blink as Tony Stark arrives and Kaida grins up at him before looking over to Pepper and nodding to her.

"Kaida." She states simply enough before casually standing up and stretching as she does. When did she finish all that food? She'd been pushing it in as she sat there talking and somehow she's eaten it all up. It's a strange thing to be sure. Mainly because she had a plate mostly full of food and now it's empty and she's tiny.

"Good to meet you both but honestly I'm needed elsewhere." She then pauses and looks in a direction before looking down, "How do I know that?" She asks of herself more than anyone before shaking her head.

"That's really weird." She then smiles at Pepper, "Nice speaking with you and again nice meeting you and you, too, Tony!" And then Kaida suddenly zips over to the wall near Bruce Banner. It was fast, like, subsonic to nearly full sonic speeds fast and she's on a wall near Bruce.

"Dr. Banner it is so nice to see you again! I mean, sorta again! I saw you once but I didn't really get to meet you. Anyway, you're super awesome! Gotta go!" And with that Kaida zips down the wall and out the door and is just gone.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe smiles at Asariel, her arm looped with Cassandra's as she comes up, and she gives a pause, looking to Banner after hearing Kaida call out his name. She looks him up and down a moment, and then gives a bright smile as she signs to him:

    <My friend has many of your books.> she signs, her eyes wide with recognition, her head tilting, and then she rubs the back of her head, looking to Cassandra a moment, and then back to Asariel and Dr. Banner.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"A pleasure to meet you, Kaida."

At least the introductions were made! Pepper looks back, watching the retreating form of the small mouse-girl before she looks at Tony. She exhales in a soft breath, and there is a ghosted smile. "I think I have my list," comes as a light fair-warning. Her voice lowers to a more private level, "If you are ready, I'll offer our goodbyes."

Of course, the evening is passing, and the early, early morning hours are quickly approaching. Pepper makes her way towards Asariel, though it's a brief stop,

"Thank you for this. It was lovely, and it opens so many more avenues. I'll be in touch, I'm sure." Pepper nods to Bruce, acknowledging, "Dr Banner. Nice to see you." There's a pause before, "Would you like to drive back with us?"

She'll wait as long for the good doctor's answer and Tony until they're ready to go, and when it's time to leave, the dark sedan is parked on the road in front of the venue, their 'chauffeur' ready on the sidewalk to open the door for them.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Faced with both Asariel now, and Dr Banner, Cassandra very nearly pulls Phoebe behind her protectively. It's difficult to restrain the impulse. She knows that Phoebe is looking at her, but she didn't really really get the reference.

So she does what she always does. She nods and agrees as if she's understood what the heck is going on, and tries not to look like an idiot.

To be fair, she's not stupid. "I am doing a ballet recital," she offers. "Perhaps you might like to come."

She had to memorize that for hours, with Alfred's help. It is possibly the hardest thing she's ever had to say, in her entire life. But Phoebe is here, and this matters to her.

Asariel has posed:
<<Would you like to get lunch sometime this next coming week and catch up?>> Asariel signs to Phoebe. WHEW. She was glad this was coming in handy down the road. But she didn't like the way it was. But she didn't get to make those sorts of decisions.

Then she hears Pepper and she turns to smile, "Miss Potts, you look radiant." she tells her. "And thank you for coming. I am sorry I didn't get to speak more with you." she tells her. She does give a look to Bruce though and she smiles as she heads back his way to offer him a card, "If you'd like to talk sometime. About art or things." she offers quietly before she turns to head off and see about other guests. And get hugs from some students.

The glamorous life of a an art teacher!