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Latest revision as of 19:25, 19 October 2022

A Maximoff Birthday Party
Date of Scene: 19 October 2022
Location: Avengers Mansion - Recreation Room
Synopsis: The Avengers, family and friends gather to celebrate Wanda and Pietro Maximoff's birthday.
Cast of Characters: Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Lara Croft, Johnny Storm, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Micola Maximoff, Pepper Potts, Robbie Reyes, Tommy Shepherd, Bruce Banner, Lorna Dane

Steve Rogers has posed:
The Recreation Room is well decorated for the birthday of the Maximoff twins. The color scheme is Scarlet Witch red and Quicksilver blue, with balloons in the corners and streamers across the ceiling. There is music playing in the background, favorite songs of Wanda's and Pietro's, as according to JARVIS and what he's heard them play while in the mansion.

A table has been set out for gifts, and there's another that gas the cake on one end. Half the cake is red, the other half blue, with each half the favorite type of cake of that particular twin. A message in frosting wishes them both a happy birthday. Pietro's side of the cake has 32 candles while Wanda's only has 24.

The rest of the table has an assortment of food, from finger food to a full buffet. The mansion staff have on hand a lot of extra food in the kitchen which can be quickly cooked, should Hulk show up instead of Bruce Banner.

The bar has a bartender at tonight rather than being self-service. There are plenty of other drinks, including a bowl of delicious punch.

Steve Rogers walks in. He's wearing jeans and a long-sleeve knit top. He has two presents in hand, one wrapped in scarlet paper and tied with a silver ribbon. The other is blue and has about 20 ribbons tied on it, one atop the other so each has to be undone in order.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Oh, this is a rare thing. Natasha's not used to birthday parties. At least wehre there's not any sort of poisonings of heads of state about to happen. So this is a bit of a rarity for her as she's there. The twenty four candles for Wanda's side were her thing, not that she would let anyone know other than Rogers, whom she would have told under no circumstances was he to mention.
    She couldn't let her comrades think she was going soft after all or getting emotional. She had a reputation to maintain. Natasha is in more of a casual getup of a sweater and jeans, the sleeves of her outfit having her widow's bite underneath and a pair of batons on her back.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara is beside Steve when he enters, her hands holding a pair of sunglasses that she's toying with the metal limbs of. She's looking around the party prepared room. "Did you do all of this?" She asks the Captain with a small smile before she tucks those glasses in to a pocket on the inside of her black leather jacket.

She pulls the jacket off her shoulders then, and lets it slip down her arms, before she drapes it over the back of a nearby chair at the table. "It's lovely." She adds with a bit more strength to her smile. She's then pushing the sleeves of her dark grey sweater up to her elbows, before she moves to look about the room a little more closely. "I've only seen this place a few times, when driving past it... IT's a very nice place." She comments

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm arrives as a representative of the Fantastic Four as well as generally an elder statesman (oh god) of superherodom. And cause Wanda is good people and deserves to be celebrated. Johnny doesn't really know Pietro but assumes the same applies, but who knows?

He's wearing a bomber jacket and a NASA t-shirt with a pair of jeans and sneakers. His blonde hair is a little floppy and unkempt, but he looks pretty good, mostly, with sharp blue eyes and a fresh shave.

"My sister baked some pastries as a gift," he says, setting them down just so nobody mistakes the food for coming from his hands. "I promise, it's good. I had no part in them," he says. For that reason, he came over by Fantasticar rather than flying. Wouldn't want to incinerate the cream puffs.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
    The Avengers make up for a lifetime of lost birthday parties. Wanda goes out of her way to show that appreciation in a couple ways. Her contributions run from blue and red faery lights floating around the room to a tasty looking sheet of baklava or little bite-sized doughnuts containing everything from coffee or chocolate to a quince compote. She puts the finishing touches on a gift bag, tugging the bow tight. Next to it, a present has knife-sharp creases, a minimum of tape, and might be professionally done.
    Her cold-shoulder ombre dress twinkles with the same starry effect as the glowing lights. So too her hair flows after her in a nebulous cloud of stardust. "Did she bring something?" she asks, looking up at Johnny as he enters. He gets a bright smile. "I'm going to have to send along a little something as thank you. Don't rush out of here before I invite you both out for tea." She adjusts her scarf and turns. "Look at all this. Some of you have really outdone yourselves. It's beautiful."
    No particular individual will be singled out, but she's legitimately radiant about it.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Entering on time, of course, are Pietro and Micola, arm in arm. The speedster is wearing a nice linen shirt, slacks and dress shoes - clearly trying to avoid appearing in his running suit. Even as he enters, his blue eyes dart to and fro, taking in the entirety of the decorations and those present. A slight smile is offered to Steve and Natalie - the people known to the speedster. A friendly nod to Lara and Johnny, greeting the unfamiliar faces. Well, non-acquaintence faces, at least!

Looking over to Micola, he offers a warm smile. "This looks lovely, don't you think Micola?" There's a reassuring pat to her hand, then his eyes fall on Wanda. "Happy Birthday, younger sister." He offers, with the hint of a friendly jest.

To all those who had been kind enough to show, he offered a bow of his head. "Thank you - this looks amazing."

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola is dressed in colors that are reminescent of Pietro's, but not entirely the same. Her azure hair has been tamed back into a sleek ponytail and the dress that she wears is well tailored, but rather simple. She is rather quiet while they walk in, but there is a smile given to Pietro, "Everything looks amazing, yes." the woman states with a nod to him. She doesn't really know anyone else. So she sticks to Pietro's side for the moment, but gives him the space to go and greet people and speak as he likes. Not needing to be attached to his hip.

Pepper Potts has posed:
When Pepper arrives, it's hard not to tell. The dark colored sedan pulls to the front and a dutiful Happy opens the rear door for her. One leg is out, the other, and the red-head adjusts her evening's wear; a semi-formal cocktail dress. Her driver moves around to the trunk of the car and from it is pulled two large bags. They don't look heavy, but to have come from Pepper (and presumably Tony), they don't have to be heavy to be cool.

The walk up the drive is brisk, and she's quite happy to be inside, sliding in and allowing the door to close behind her. So far, there is a gathering!

Navigating the group quickly, Pepper sets the bags down at the gift table and looks for the birthday twins.

"Wanda," how can one miss her? "Happy birthday. Sorry Tony couldn't be here." It's usually the case, but to miss a party? Must be something. "And," twisting around, she looks for Pietro, "Happy birthday to you too, Pietro." The others, she'll quickly greet and mingle with soon enough; Micola, she'd met before and offers a quick smile to the woman, "Hello again."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers's eyes go to the decorations at Lara's comment. "I can't claim all of it, but I had a hand," he tells her. Which probably means he did the majority of the non-magical ones. Steve's been finding things to keep himself busy. As if to keep his mind from dwelling on recent events that he can't do much about besides wait to hear news from others.

A hand is raised to wave over to Natasha. "Nat, I think you already know Agent Croft?" he asks. "Do you two want something to drink?" he asks, setting down the presents on the table for them, then moving over to the bar to get something for everyone if so.

The man's blue eyes go about the Mansion, one of the two places that he has come to call home since he woke from the ice. "It is nice," he agrees. "Howard," he starts, then amends it to, "Tony's father, built it for his mother originally. Though there have been a number of changes for us, a lot of the decor I think is still based on her preferences."

Johnny is greeted with a pleased smile. "Glad you could make it, Johnny," Steve says, offering a firm handshake when there aren't pastries in the way. "And please pass along our thanks," he says of Susan Richards' baking.

The birthday girl gets a bright grin from Steve. "Happy birthday, Wanda," he says, and Pietro makes such a timely entrance that Steve adds with barely a pause, "And Pietro! And guest." As he hears Pietro, Steve adds, "Micola is it? Nice to meet you, I'm Steve Rogers," he offers as a warm greeting.

Pepper's arrival warrants a wave, but Steve is getting drinks so doesn't make it over to her yet. But he does say, "And speaking of guests, this is Lara Croft," Steve says, blue eyes going to Lara to smile warmly.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would smile at Wanda and Pietro, "Happy birthday. You're both wonderful people and we're all honored by having you be our friends and comrades." That comes out with total sincerity in her words. "I'm sorry for not having anything particularly appropriate to give.. You two are special, and somethign given should have a level of meaning to it." And Natash's fairly aware that such things are difficult for her.

The others arriving are met with nods, and then Johnny.. "Mister Storm, you're doing much better." She kept at least a passing eye over on him and what he was up to. "You look much surer of yourself." And he seems in a better place.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara turns away from one of the windows that looks out upon the exterior yard. She sees the two birthday celebrating twins arrive and when Steve introduces her, she steps toward them to offer them both her hand. "It's a pleasure." She says in a finely accented London-standard tone, calm and sincerely laced with kindness.

Her eyes then dart over to Nat, who gets a sly grin from Lara. "I am familiar with Agent Romanoff." She responds to Steve with a bit of a playful edge to her tone then.

Lara takes a step back there-after and nods toward the bar. "I'd love a drink." She tells Cap. "Whatever you'd like to enable me with."

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
    Wanda smiles to everyone who enters. She'll get to them all in time, after setting her friendly target on each new entrant. The vestiges of shyness in social encounters has long since vanished over the years. Orienting on Pietro right as he and Micola make a most azure entrance leaves a trail of stardust in her wake. "What wisdom does those few many minutes impart on us all?" A sweep of a beringed hand forfeits the stage for her twin to offer his mercurial wit, prepped in kind.
    "I see we have an opportunity for a round of introductions. I've been looking forward to this part." The comfortable moments of silence sedate the mild disquiet she's rather adept at not showing too much of. She looks over to Micola and murmurs, "Love your hair. What a great shade!" They cut a stylish pair. "Micola, it's good to finally get together."
    The way she moves about is purposeful, fingers daubing the air lightly, almost caught in a dance. "Natasha, you do not have to give us anything. Your company is gift enough. I will not hear otherwise." That puts her squarely in Pepper's path, since arms will be open for that most appreciated de facto member. "I know how busy Tony gets, and you as well. Thank you for coming. You'll tell him he needs to step out from work now or then?" Something but forgiven in the same breath as acknowledged.

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm mingles and mixes around, a little surprisingly reserved for the usually ebullient hero. Daredevil spirit or no, he's been through a lot over the years and he in some ways only has begun to feel like he found himself properly. Which is a little late, but since when did Johnny Storm do things the way other people do.

Natasha speaking to him makes him smile and he nods, "I am. I can even still have fun," he grins. "Not that you can tell for the moment. You should see me at children's parties. So good. But I can't talk to grown-ups worth a damn."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve's reply to Lara is a quick nod and smile and he turns to the bartender, looking thoughtful. "What was that drink..." he says, trailing off. But the bartender knows what one he means apparently. "A lemondrop martini, sir?" he asks.

A snap of Steve's fingers is given. "Yes, that was it. Two of those please," he tells the man. "And also a vodka for Natasha. And... Pepper, you look like a white wine would hit the spot?" he asks. Assuming he gets an affirmative reaction, the bartender gets to work making those drinks.

Steve moves over to greet Pepper directly then. "Glad you could make it," he tells her, before the drinks are ready and Steve moves back towards the bar. Only the bartender already has them on a tray and is bringing them out. Steve helps pass them out least.

"Pietro, your present is over on the table. I tried to make it so you'd get a millisecond of suspense in unwrapping it," he says of the package that has twenty ribbons tied about it.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would smile, "Yes, Lara works with acquisitions in SHIELD. Primarily wiht WAND, I think. She does excellent work." She would go to turn to face Pepper. "Good to see you, Miss Potts. I hope that Mister Stark is doing well and hasn't done something like banished himself into another dimension." Has that ever happened? If anyone could manage it on total mistake Natasha is reasonably sure that Stark could.

"It's hard to start out. And I don't think you should refer ot this gathering as a children's birthday party." she would attempt to quip over at Johnny, whehte ror not it would work.

"Thank you Stephen, appreciated." She goes to take the drink. Then smiles at Wanda. "Thank you." That's said with sincerity. "You and your brother are so gifted and good people that came from a very hard place. Your story can give anyone faith in humanity."

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
As introductions are starting for those who are newer faces to the mansion, Pietro nods. "Yes, this is Micola Lykaios, my fiancee." Pietro offers over to those present, grinning to Wanda as she engages with his partner. "Micola, these fine people are Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Pepper Potts, Lara Croft, Johnny Storm and my sister Wanda Maximoff." Likely, that last one was obvious!

"Thank you again, Steve - this looks wonderful." The handshake is returned to Lara, polite and firm. "A pleasure, Miss Croft." Pietro's normal edginess seems diminished as of late, a genuine friendliness shining through. At least tonight, that is.

Looking to Natasha, he grins. "Being here is an excellent gift, Natasha. No need for physical keepsakes." The speedster assures with a grin. Pepper gets a smile and a wave - she's the glue that often seems to hold gatherings together. Always a welcome sight.

As Wanda engages with Micola, he chuckles. "Yes, it is good that you two meet - Micola has met Lorna and... two young men. Billy and Tommy?" His brow arches, curious as to what his sister might have to say about those two.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a smile to Pepper, "Hello Miss Potts." she greets her warmly. The tattooed woman might feel like the odd person out, but she's doing good so far! Then Steve approaches and she offers her hand in greeting, "Micola, yes. It's an honor to meet you." she offers to Steve. Because how else do you greet Captain America? Then she looks to Wanda when she approaches and there's a warm smile, "It's good to meet you, Wanda and happy birthday. Pietro has told me a lot about you." she admits. She looks a bit bashful on the compliment to her hair, but she smiles, "Thank you. I wanted to be a red head growing up, but...can't go that light." the Psychopomp tells her. "Do gifts go on the table?" she asks.

When Pietro mentions Billy and Tommy that gets a smile, "I'd been meaning to get back in touch with Tommy to see how their thing went." she tells Pietro.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"I certainly wouldn't have missed it for the world," Pepper returns to Wanda. "And you know Tony," there's that fond smile that creeps in, though she never truly leaves that PR spin behind, practiced for so many years. "He's got racing on his mind now, and is getting the cars ready for the European tour." How's that for a scoop, as it hasn't yet been announced in the trade papers. "We'll see.." it's that same 'eeeeeeeeeh', soft sound that she gets. "Still, happy birthday. You look lovely tonight."

Pietro's guest she'd met back at the baseball game, if only for a few moments. And again at some social event, if memory serves her right. It can be daunting, rubbing elbows with all these people, much less the names they carry. It's something she's grown used to, however, and is more than willing to help the next along. "Micola, isn't it? Welcome. I'm Pepper. If you need anything..." and she lets the offer linger before she twists around to greet Steve, and guest!

Not quite getting the chance to give Steve a proper greeting, Pepper laughs at the question and nods. "That would be lovely, thank you."

Turning to Lara, the smile brightens, "A pleasure to meet you. I'm Pepper.." and exactly how does she fit into this crew? "I help out where I can here."

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm cocks his head, "I didn't mean this was, only that I'm only good talking to kids. Cause I still kind of am one, at heart," he says. "Although you have to admit, Cap would go over like gangbuster's at any kid's party. The little ones love the shield guy," he says.

He's in that strange position of knowing people but not knowing anybody very well, so he kind of hovers. Except without the fire.

Lara Croft has posed:
At what drink Steve chooses, Lara releases a light laugh while placing one hand gently on to the edge of the bar. She raises her dark brows for a moment, looks to the bartender, then looks back to Steve. "I'll admit, I'm not much of a drinker. I rarely indulge in them. I guess that means if I have more than one, I'll probably be ... well.. annoying everyone here with odd conversations, and a lot of slurred words."

When the drink is handed to her, Lara thanks the tender, and then raises it up to sniff, then sip! "Mmm..." She softly states before her eyes wander back to Nat, and she sends the other Agent another nod. "Acquisitions. Such a wonderful way to describe it..." She states with another little short laugh.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie wasn't entirely sure what to expect for a party at the Avengers' mansion. Black tie? Formal? Business casual? ..swimwear? Who the fuck knows. So he turns up in tight leather pants and a black hoodie, and an intricate silver cross dangling from the half-inch plug in his left ear. Hey, at least nothing's ripped or stained with grease. He made an effort tonight.

After loitering at the edges of the gathering for a minute or two to get the lay of the land, he angles toward the bar set up at the back. "Got any beer, or is Cap makin' us all teetotalers tonight?" he asks, taking a lazy lean against the counter while idly keeping tabs on those nearby.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers shakes Micola's hand back, giving her a two-handed shake after setting his drink down for a moment to be able to do so. "Congratulations," he says in a more excited tone as Pietro names Micola as his fiance. "I don't get a lot of time to talk with Pietro. Which I'll blame on the fact he's often out of the room before I know he entered," he kids. "But that was news I hadn't heard yet," he says. "Congratulations, Pietro, very happy for you."

He regains his drink, watching as Lara tries the sweeter version of the martini. Her reaction draws a pleased warmth to his eyes. "Pepper is, I was going to say Tony's better half, but she's definitely more than half. Have we decided the exact fraction?" he asks the group at large.

He turns as Robbie Reyes makes his presence known. "There's beer," he assures Robbie, giving him an expression of warm greeting. The bartender says, "I have a list, sir," and will make available a list that would make even high end restaurants envious. "Glad you made it, Robbie. Do you know everyone?" he asks.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would wave a hand over at Robbie, and give a smile over to Wanda and Pietro, "You're both strong, amazing people, and it's a pleasure to know you both." She would take a sip of her drink. "You definitely worked at a bar in another life, Rogers. You could make a career out of this if your costumed adventuring one ever slows down and you're looking for another line of work."

She would lightly chuckle at Lara, "Why? But it is an accurate one."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper catches Natasha eye and offers a smile to the agent. "Natasha. I need to speak with you soon. Not now, though." And before she asks? "Everything is fine."

Steve's quip regarding her percentages in gains a laugh from the redhead. "I have a hard enough time getting 15% of anything, Steve. Better //half//? Then you're far better at negotiations with him than I am." Which is saying something! She takes the wine, cradling it now by the stem and base.

"I think I've seen your name before, Ms Croft, in the Museum of Modern Art's files?" Pepper's smile broadens, "Who doesn't know your work."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara is lightly laughing at what Steve and robbie are saying on the serious matter of 'where's the beer'. She waits for a moment to offer her hand to Robbie then. "Hello." Lara says in a soft tone of voice. "I'm Lara, a friend of a friend of the birthday duo." She tells the man searching for the ales.

Peeper's words draw Lara's attention then though, and she looks toward her. "Miss Potts. I've heard of you as well, and... thank you, yes. I've been increasing my level of donations to the museums of New York since I... well, since I got a place of residence here two years ago now. I'm... always eager to help bring a little something of what I do to places where more people can experience it." She tells the lovely woman with a smile offered to her following it.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
    The faery lights twinkle, adding a thread of silvery-green. Every few blue lights blink with a pair that's brighter turquoise. Wanda needs no further reason to change the illumination except the nature of her mood. She wears surprise and amusement well, caught up in the moment between Steve and Lara, then Pietro announcing his relationship. "Oh, excellent. Just a moment so..."
    Her fingers twirl a gold band on a necklace that the halter collar of her dress usually covers. The ring spins back and forth a few times. She then laughs low in her throat, a happy sound. "Take all my big brother says with a grain of salt. Stories have a way of growing by leaps and bounds," she laughs to Micola. She grins up at her speedster twin and shakes her head, a river of shadows tinted reddish coiling and uncoiling around her like a fond cat. "You'll have to meet my better half soon. Work," she briefly nods in Natasha's direction, "is keeping him, much like Tony. The commitment of those sorts to seeing it done, rather than half..." A wobbled pause leaves the missing word not much to the imagination.
    The absence of said other might be news to some or not. As Robbie shows up, she waves in his direction. "Welcome to the party."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Natasha gets a fingerwaggle from the lanky mechanic, and a glance is shot Steve's way at the question. Then a brief consideration of the faces in attendance. "Most of 'em." His gaze settles a moment on Lara and then Wanda as she greets him, before he turns away to reach for his recently arrived beer.

"Couple of new faces. So who do I owe a round of Las Mananitas?" Surely he can't be serious.

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    See, Tommy absolutely arrived with Pietro and Micola. At their heels, really, because he's an awkward third wheel, and he immediately installs himself out of the way in some corner that would probably be dusty if not for some sort of robo-butler. That's what he's assuming takes care of the household chores at this place, okay? He can't imagine any one of the Avengers doing something as boring and mundane as, like... vacuuming. Or the dishes. Man, Tommy hates doing the dishes.

    Cap on and pulled low, tonight he's advertising the Mets. Except it's the Syracuse Mets, not the NYC team, because he's not out here dropping Major League cash on hats. The hat is mentioned on purpose because it goes a long way in obscuring the familial resemblence between him and Pietro. One hand tucked into a pocket of his hoodie, the other drumming against his knee where it pokes out through a tear in his jeans, he's doing his level best to blend into the wall. That he's restraining himself to only one annoyingly repetitive movement is really a testament to his willpower, here.

    Though at a sufficient lull in the party, he does put on a quick burst of superspeed to get him over to the table to drop off two small presents without being observed.

    Only for him to mutter something potentially PG-13 under his breath once he's resumed his unsociable seat. Right. Not the only speedster in the room. He might not ever get used to that.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would glance around, "I'm quite good, thank you." Natasha taking that moving along to disengage ever so quietly. "I hope that he's able to take his time to get together and enjoy your party and your birthday." She would offer while glancing at the speedster. "And you could perhaps stand to enjoy this day a bit by slowing down, but that's not goign to happen now, is it?" She would quip, drink in hand.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a smile to Pepper, "Thank you, all of this is very overwhelming, so I'm sure I'll reach out." she tells her softly. Then she looks back to Cap and there's a smile, "Thank you. I promise I'm not some secret spy or anything. Not even a superhero." she tells him. She just ushered the dead around. No big deal!

She gives a smile to Wanda, "He says wonderful things about you. Makes me wish I had a sibling really." she admits to that. "We'll have to get together sometime. I know everyone is busy, but holidays are coming up and that might be a good time." she offers. Then she's looking to see where that Mini-Speedster (Tommy) got off to since he zipped in behind them. Which was fine. She finds him sitting off to the side and there's a little wave to him and a smile.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers smiles as Wanda manipulates the faerie lights. Balloons and streamers can't quite compare to the kind of decorations possible within the Avengers. And this is even without Tony having deployed any holograms. He'd probably have a 3 feet tall version of each twin atop their cake if he was here.

As Robbie seems to indicate he doesn't know Lara, Steve makes the introduction. "This is Lara Croft. I would probably butcher her titles if I tried a full introduction, so will stick with a friend from SHIELD," he says. "This is Robbie Reyes," Steve says to Lara, "Another friend of a few of our members," he says. Not revealing Robbie is the Ghost Rider since that isn't a publicly known fact.

After hearing Pepper and Lara's talk about the museum, Steve turns back to Lara. "Would it be asking too much to steal an afternoon of yours to show me around what you've contributed there?" he asks Lara.

Steve heard Johnny's earlier comment about birthday parties apparently. He clasps the man gently on the back and says, "Well, the shield is popular. But skywriting a kid's name in fire is probably going to trump it, I'd think. So how is the rest of the team? I haven't seen Reed in awhile. Has he disappeared into a project?"

Cap also notices Tommy over there, even if he missed out on the present delivery. He glances over to Pietro and motions towards Tommy to draw the man's attention that way. "Who's your friend, Pietro?" he asks.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
"Thank you, Steve. It is very appreciated." A look from Pietro to Micola, the man smiling with genuine affection for the woman. "I am lucky in my life to have found someone who can put up with my... quirks." A wry grin. Looking to Natasha, he bows his head. "It's... life. It is how things turned out, and without those tribulations, we would be very different people indeed." Of course, Wanda may have more insight on that - chaos magic and all!

The blur of Tommy does not go unnoticed by Quicksilver, his eyes picking out the other speedster with some curiousity. It was always a wonder to spot someone who moved as fast as he did. His eyes go from Wanda to Tommy, then back to Wanda again.

The mention of Wanda's better half earns a tick at the corner of Pietro's lip - his facade weakening for just a moment. "Indeed. I will need to revisit him if such things are moving to such a serious comitment." Big brother will always be protective of his sister, whether she needs his help or not. "Congratulations, none the less, Wanda."

As Cap motions to Tommy, Pietro nods. "Family. Oddly connected." He explains - though he's really not too sure how it all works out either.

There's a look to Micola, a nod to her. "Lorna and I ran into him in Genosha."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper's green eyes gleam as she looks between the pair and brows rise ever so slightly. "I'd love to speak with you at greater length, then, later, about defining some collections. I'm always looking for input and something new." Though now? The redhead has the grace to make her excuses; she's promised she'd attend, and now's the time to be sure that the guests to the Mansion are welcomed and made comfortable. "I think I'll slide over there," and she points to another small group. "Haven't said 'hello' yet. It was a pleasure to finally meet you."

And, it's off to the next small group, glass of wine in hand.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Lara's toasted with his beer bottle, and then half of the contents dunked in one go before Robbie comes up for air. He swipes his knuckles across his mouth and murmurs, "Nice to meet you." The 'friend from SHIELD' briefly piques his curiosity; but then his phone starts chirping at him with an incoming call, and he curses under his breath. "Scuse me." His smile is fleeting, but apologetic as he picks up and melts off into the shadows of a back hallway to take the call.

Lara Croft has posed:
A quick pair of small nods is sent to Pepper, and Lara lowers her drink after another sip there-after. "I'd be happy to help you with such a thing, Miss Potts. I'm sure Steve here can offer you a way to reach out to me any time you'd like." She adds a quick smile before she leans over to Steve a few moments later.

"What did you get them for a present, anyway?" She asks. "I meant to ask on the way in, but it slipped my mind." She states with a small smirk that comes and goes rather quickly.

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    At some point Tommy has moved on from fidgeting to scrolling through his phone with a silent grimace. Though even if he's trying to make it look like he's zoned out, he's clearly aware enough of his surroundings to lift his head when Micola starts looking over to check on him, and he flashes her a thumbs up. Yep, just fine over here!

    Judging by the speed of his thumbs flying across his phone screen, though, he's probably getting into some crazy arguments on the internet.

    He also definitely knows that he's being talked about, if the sudden way he goes stock-still is any indication. There's no smooth way of transitioning back into a slouch after that, so he just pulls his phone closer to his face as if it'll obscure him entirely. Which, admittedly, phones these days are pretty big!

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
    Since robots and JARVIS don't get to break through the wards on Wanda's room very often, she actually has to vacuum sometimes. She likes it no more than Tommy does. Harsh tradeoff; privacy or personal chores. Magic fairly bends the rules in her favor.
    "I will trust in someone else's expertise for drinks. Surprise me," the witch chimes. She makes no secret of being the weird twin, a few active charms in place. They might be sufficient to keep up with even a speedster under good conditions.
    As an aside to Robbie, she points squarely at Natasha. "Her. We haven't sung enough to our birthday girl." He might be playing and she goes right along with the jokes. "I can even find us a microphone around here somewhere. We could probably even get backup singers going." Like, perhaps, she's possibly planned this? No way! Pepper is the queen of planning, Wanda just makes spontaneous coincidences stack up until satisfied by the end results.
    "I know, Pietro." Simple facts, an unnerving calm... is this a decoy or the actual witch? "On both counts. And congratulations to you. I hope you both are very happy and if it's in my power to see that so, I'll do my best." Consider it a signed and sealed promise from the dimension itself.
    She drops into Transian for a moment out of respect for the party to something caught on the linguistic crossroads of a Romance and Slavic tongue, speaking twice as fast as any New Yorker. < If he weren't so busy dealing with spillover from the occupation of Latveria and the refugees, he'd be here. We agreed tracking the clandestine movements was more important. Something I need your advice on if you can manage? Some of this can't get out. No reason to spoil the party for anyone else, but it's been consuming us for a couple weeks now.>

Bruce Banner has posed:
Bruce is a shy man.

He doesn't really do great around massive crowds, but he does crawl out of his lab to attend this fun shindig to celebrate the Avenger's favorite (of the older bunch) twins - Pietro and Wanda Maximoff. He's ditched the lab coat today, wearing a purple dress shirt with the sleeves up to the elbows. Black slacks. Thick-rimmed glasses over his eyes.

He clears his throat a little as he picks a corner. "Oh, sorry." He almost bumped into somebody! Though he looks around, trying to see who was here. Which is...well, most of the team, if not everybody. Oh boy. He should've gotten a better present, looking at the box in his hand.

..and dressed better. Should he have prepared something nice to say?

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers takes a sip of his own drink. As Lara leans over, he rests a hand on her lower back as he leans closer to hear her whisper. "Good question, and time for them," Steve says aloud before leaning closer to Lara's ear to whisper something back to her.

After he goes over to the table with the presents, picking up his present for Pietro in blue, and one for Wanda wrapped in red, and brings them back. "Happy birthday," he says to each of them as he passes them over. Pietro's is rectangular, fairly thin but a good ten inches or so tall and maybe seven or so wide. Wanda's present is closer to a cube shape, maybe 7 inches tall and about 5 inches in each of the other directions.

He regains his drink then to take a sip, and tells the bartender, "What would you suggest for Wanda?" The bartender, who is himself part of the household staff so knows her well enough, says, "I've something here. Just don't arrest me for it," he says as he pulls out a bottle of absinthe. He lets Wanda see it and give her approval before he begins preparing the slightly illegal alcohol.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola is being a little quiet as things are talked on. She's watching Pietro for a moment and then she excuses herself to go grab a plate and get some sweets on it. She doesn't bring it back to Pietro. She makes a line towards Tommy. She gives him a smile, "You had any good milkshakes lately?" she asks the younger man.

Then she sees Bruce Banner and there's a bit of a wave, "Hello." she greets with a smile. Then she looks to Tommy, "You ever feel...overwhelmed?" she asks him.

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    As it turns out, Avengers Mansion corners are indeed big enough for two. Though Tommy does scuttle a few steps to the left to budge up an appropriate amount of wallspace for Bruce to occupy. A conciliatory chin-lift of greeting is offered, and nothing more.

    He does look up from his phone when Micola approaches, even if his fingers keep tapping. "Uh-huh," he says, which is sort of a non-answer, but then he squints down at his phone for a half-second longer (enough for him to type out two or three more response posts) and then he nods. "The Pumpkin Patch is back on the seasonal menu after we formed a petition." The implication being that it was previously not going to make an appearance. He's already scrolled through his photo gallery to find the pic for reference, which he shows to Micola. Among other things, it features an entire slice of pumpkin pie, a caramel apple, and a jumbo marshmallow (toasted) atop it. "I'm trying to break my record from last year."

    The question she follows with seems to catch him flat-footed, though, and Tommy responds with a "Well, my court-apointed therapist said I was overwhelm*ing," and a shrug. "Pretty sure they were just there to make sure I was fit for trial. I dunno."

Lara Croft has posed:
The answers that Cap provides Lara in a return-whisper has her showing him a warm smile, and maybe a little bit of a smirk too. "I see. Well that should go over quite well." She fires back to him in a hushed tone, but not a whisper. Her drink is raised up then, and Lara catches sight of Doctor Banner having entered the room and picked a place to hide. She offers a wave to him, having met him at the Triskelion some time ago for some lab assistance.

Lara finds a palce at the bar to sit then, picking one of the stools to perch herself back upon, one hand on her martini glass, and the other on the front of her thigh, her black skirt smoothed out down her legs as she sits on the edge of that bar chair.

"And yes, Steve, I'd be happy to take you on a tour of some of the items I've brought in. Though some are still in the research areas of the museums, which... I'm sure we can get you clearance for if you're /very/ interested in the absolutely nerdiest of museum tours." She tells him with a sly grin before her drink is sampled once more.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
The change in language from Wanda is like a splash of cold water for a moment on Pietro, the man only ever hearing it rarely. He responds in kind. <Latveria is... never going to be a place of peace. I do hope he returns safely, and that everything goes well for him. You know I will help you however I am able, Wanda. What did you need advice on?>

Multi-tasking is always something for Pietro - so as Cap arrives with the gift, he takes it and offers a genuine smile to the man. "Thank you, Steve." The package is opened carefully, so as not to make a mess - and a book retrieved from the wrapping. There's a smile, a genuine chuckle from Pietro - the title of the book 'How to Speed Read in 3 Easy Steps.' Pietro gives a thankful clap to Steve's shoulder. "A wonderful addition to my collection."

There's a wave to Bruce. "Glad you could make it, Bruce. How are you doing?" The words are offered over in a calm tempo - just to avoid jostling the big guy in the crowd.

He does make note of Micola and her path to Tommy, a slight smile - she was ever the caregiver.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
    No need to be shy about drinking or presents, is there? Wanda waits for Pietro to blow through the ribbon bindings on his from Steve, watching with definite interest before she proceeds as the slightly more cautious one. She looks aside at the bartender and grins. "Oh, that's excellent. A French one? I don't need you light anything on fire on my account." That's a good way to waste good absinthe, though she does accept the slotted spoon and sugar cube to go with the artemisia-heavy liquor.
    A bit of dabbling keeps her busy, long enough to catch Bruce over there making his arrival. "I'm glad you could make it to, Doctor Banner." There's no need to panic for her singling him out since her tone is light and this gives her another excuse to not rip into a wrapped gift. Eventually they have to get to the point, though, which means taking Steve's present and whispering to the tape. Or just inside so that it loosens up, unpeeled with a swipe of her finger. Behold, it's a Chia-Wanda. A Scarlet Pet? "You know," she is trying not to laugh, "Bucky is never going to let this out of his sight."
    Micola and Tommy commiserating over a dessert really just takes the cake in a good way! All's well over there then. And potentially she needs that pumpkin pie shake monstrosity right now!

Bruce Banner has posed:
Bruce suddenly jumps when Micola is trying to talk to him, as if he wasn't aware that there was someone there that he was 100% intruding on. Or maybe he wasn't intruding on them. He has no idea! "I uh....yeah. Often." He chuckles. "Uhm..." He looks at his box, colored red and blue. Was he trying to do that? Probably not, but he gulps a little bit loudly as he looks at her. "Did you get a present too?"

He notices Lara giving him a wave. He lifts a hand, giving her a tiny wave back. He gulps. So. Many. People.

Then the birthday boy is giving him attention and Bruce noticeably tenses up. "Oh, uh...I'm doing okay. Happy birthday!" He realizes he's a little /too/ enthusiastic. "Uh...I got you and Wanda something." he offers it to Pietro. It's not a super heavy box, but it is somewhat large.

Then there's the birthday girl noticing him. "H-happy birthday, Wanda." He gulps. So many people are noticing him! What does he do? He should've been more social in high school...

He turns his attention to Steve, giving Cap a friendly smile. "Hi Cap."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers watches as the twins open their presents. From his grin the joke of Pietro's gift was obviously intended. Though that might not be the case with Wanda's. "I heard about this, apparently the plant grows in that shape and... it seems like a pretty amazing advance," Steve says, seeming absolutely serious. Who can believe what modern science has come up with!?

With Lara's labeling of the proposed tour as being the absolute nerdiest, Steve Roger gestures with open hands as if the topic has overcome him. In his tone of complete sincerity that often accompanies his humor and makes it work, Steve says, "Now having put it like that there's absolutely no way that I can say no." HE smiles to her and says, "I'd really like to see your work and the things that are important to you," he tells her.

His smile lingers on her for a few long moments before he glances over to see Bruce Banner and Tommy both away from the others, with Micola over speaking with the younger man. Bruce Banner's greeting is returned. "Bruce, really glad you made it. The chef said he made one of your favorites," he says, motioning to a plate on the buffet table. A favorite of Bruce's not Hulk's.

Steve's attention turns to Tommy then. "Welcome to the Mansion. Is it your first time? I'm Steve," he says, offering Tommy his hand.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola sorta scoots to the other side, not wanting to jostle her fiances co-workers. And....she made Bruce jump. Great start! "Sorry." she murmurs to the Doctor. "Oh, no, I didn't." she tells him.

The blue haired woman looks back to Tommy with a bit of a blink, then a sigh. She gives a look at the picture that Tommy shows her and she gives a bit of a playful pout, "You speedsters have it easy. I can't eat that or I won't fit into a wedding dress." she muses to that. "Pretty sure Pietro ate the Baklava I made to bring." she whispers to Tommy. Then there is a bit of a softer look as Tommy talks, "Trial for what?" she asks him. "If you don't want to talk on it you don't have to. I just didn't know there was anything court appointed really." she admits.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
There's an arch of his brow as he looks to Wanda, leaning in to share a few words in whispered Transian. Once he's said his peace, he leans back - smiling as Bruce offers over a gift. "Shall I open it now, Bruce?" He wonders, letting the man find his comfort spot - where ever that might be. He's not going to lock him into conversation, after all.

There's a chuckle at the mention of the baklava. "I did not know it was for... tonight. Or everyone." He offers, sheepishly. "My apologies to all, she makes a fantastic baklava." His hummingbird metabolism approves of that, likely.

Trial... Tommy is going to trial? This has a slight frown cross over Pietro's face.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
    An epiphany strikes. Wanda bends in to murmur to her twin, sharing another of those insights with a decided nod and sincerity to her smiles. The next statement in hushed tones comes with something a bit more serious if her expression is anything more to go for.
    Then she gives him a knowing, lengthy look. "There's extra if you need it. I have a jar of honey stashed here for emergencies."
    So many people and yet she doesn't seek to impose herself, enmeshed in a kind of unshaken calm. Mostly unshaken. The absinthe wets her lips and she swallows as Bruce offers up the joint gift. With her gaze ticking briefly to Tommy to test how he's doing and then back to the gift, she nods. "Shall we?" The drink can hover where she left it, stuck in the air like there's a table there.

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    At least Tommy has enough manners to realize he should stow his phone now. No more internet arguments for him any more, if that was even what he was doing. He shoves it into a pocket and then has an awkward moment of not knowing what to do with his hands, which end up shoved into his pocket too. His hoodie one of the types with the big kangaroo pocket in the front.

    "Oh, you know, blew up my school when I was younger," are the words that come out of his mouth just before he realizes Steve Rogers is over here. "Shit," is the follow-up that slips out of him before he can stop it, and then he grimaces, eyes squeezed shut and nose scrunching.

    If there were ever a superhero whose general superhero persona Tommy would be aware of, it'd be Captain America. "Well okay thanks for having me, just gonna leave now sothatIcancrawlintoaholeanddie."

    Though Pietro is standing here now too, and Tommy has a tense moment of will-he-won't-he before apparently deciding he's not going to win this race. "Did I say happy birthday yet by the way? Happy birthday!"

Bruce Banner has posed:
Bruce looks at Cap, chuckling a moment. "You didn't have to do that, Steve." Though he looks at the buffet. "...for me, or for the other guy?" Steve reaffirms that it's more for favorites of Bruce rather than the Hulk and he admittedly smiles.

Though he turns his attention to Pietro. "Of course. I just hope that you guys like it." he lowers his eyes a moment, letting his hands just stick together so he can stay out of their way. Though he gives Wanda a warm smile. He looks over to Micola then. "Oh, it's okay. I'm just easy to scare, I think..."

Steve Rogers has posed:
The embarrassment sensed from Tommy draws an understanding look from Steve Rogers. "You're fine, son," he tells the young man with one of his reassuring looks.

With Pietro coming over, and Steve realizing he's only making Tommy nervous, he moves away to let the others talk, perhaps sensing there is something going on there that Steve might not fully understand, or need to be part of.

He checks on Lara's drink. "How about if I get some ice water?" he suggests as if remembering her comment earlier when she received the lemondrop martini. "I'm glad you came," he tells the English woman in a softer voice, and giving her a smile before he goes over to get a couple of glasses of water for rehydration.

Returning with the glasses, he passes one to Lara, and then tells Bruce Banner, "Well we had both possibilities covered. But definitely wanted you to have something you'd like," he says.

The kitchen is happy they don't have to fire those 15 homemade pizzas now and can instead move them into the freezer for another day.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
The present from Bruce is opened - quickly but carefully - again not tearing the wrapping. The present revealed is a painting of Mount Wundagore. Pietro marvels at it for a moment, before handing it over to Wanda to examine. "Thank you, Bruce. It is quite lovely." The speedster offers.

Then the pair are heading over to Tommy. Not threatening, honest! Just concerned family members, wanting to find out what was going on. Once within range of conversation, Pietro looks to the younger man. "Blew up your school?" It's not accusatory, just fact-finding. Of course, with Pietro's tonal issues - it might be easy to mistake for an interrogation.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Arriving a bit late to the party due to work comes the third sibling of the evening. Though to be fair Lorna's last name wasn't Maximoff in the first place. That doesn't stop her from bringing some presents however which are neatly packaged in those colorful and crinkly gift bags held in hand. Behind her floats a tray piled high with baklava--Apparently great minds think alike, Micola.

"I hope I'm not too late. I brought snacks from the embassy's chef." A little twinkle of amusement flits over her as she finds Pietro in the grouping to suggest, "With the amount of speedsters here I thought snacks might be in short order after a bit." Tommy being the other one who earns a nod of greeting as well. The other Avengers? Well, she hadn't dealt with them much if ever though she was aware of them all.

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    You might think that someone of Tommy's disposition might bristle at being called son, but to be honest he's on edge enough that it just makes him deflate slightly. Also, might just have something to do with it being Captain America who said it. He shrugs, one hand popping out of his pocket to wave at Lorna when she arrives, before he leans back against the wall.

    How Avengers Mansion managed to maintain its structural integrity without Tommy here to support it is a mystery.

    "Just, uh, a portion of it. Small portion." He pinches his fingers close together to indicate how very small it was. "Just the gym!" And then he rises up on his toes to look over Pietro's shoulder at the recently-unveiled painting. "Is that somewhere in Genosha?" he asks in a patently obvious attempt at changing the topic.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers looks over as Lorna Dane arrives. Though they've never met, Steve knows who she is both thanks to her family connection to Wanda and Pietro, and towards everything that happened with Genosha in the preceding two years.

"The party is still going," Steve says to her, moving over to offer a greeting. "I'm Steve Rogers, welcome to the Mansion," he tells her. He realizes he's not quite sure if she's a "Your Majesty" at present, or what the governmental situation is in Genosha, so just sticks with the informal greeting given the type of party.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a look to Tommy and there is a curious look, "I mean...it was just the gym." she tells him. Then she hears Lorna and there is a smile to her future sister-in-law, "Lorna, good to see you and thank you for bringing more baklava!" she grins. Then there is a chime that comes through on her phone and there is a sheepish look, "Apologies." she checks it and notices the number, "I'm just going to step outside and take this." she whispers as she scooches out.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Hearing Lorna, Pietro turns to offer her a smile and a nod. "Thank you, Lorna." He chuckles, even sneaking one of the baklava and making it disappear. "Thank you for coming." He offers, genuinely. Then, eyes go back to Tommy.

"It is a mountain in Transia." He explains to the young man, letting the subject change for just the briefest of moments. "You blew up the gym? Why?" Again, not accusatory - and his tone is clearly trying to be more gentle. Trying.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane smiles in response to Steve's greeting, and inclines her head at him politely in turn. "Lorna Dane. A pleasure to meet you Mr. Rogers. I feel I've been remiss in not meeting you before this." Glancing toward where the familial concern seems to be aiming she can't help but tip her head just a little at the news she was managing to overhear bits and peices of.

"Of course, Micola. I'll make sure Pietro doesn't eat it all at once," she assures even as a peice goes missing earning a knowing grin. The tray finds it's way to a tabletop or surface for such things so she's not having to keep the tray magnetically afloat the entire time. She could. It's a bit of a bother though.

The gift bags are held aloft to set down nearby. "It's not uncommon for newly emerged mutant abilities to cause damage at times. It can be quite a stressful moment for all involved," she supplies in regards to the school--Though perhaps that isn't the reason for the explosion. She's assuming.

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    "Transia," Tommy replies, with the sort of overacted sagely nod that indicates he has no idea where that is. "Cool. Nice job." This is to Bruce, who is the gift-giver and-or the painter? He's a little uncertain on this one, and not scientifically-minded enough to realize who he's talking to. Whoops.

    From one moment to the next Tommy has somehow ended up with two handfuls of baklava. Practically before Lorna even gets it magnetically maneuvered to the table. "It was just the gym," he reiterates after Micola says it, and then he (with a mouthful of sweets) nods his head up and down towards Lorna. "Mmhmm, s'what it was. Yup." Definitely the truth, there.

Steve Rogers has posed:
There is a large table that has a spread of food, both finger food and full on buffet entrees, some with heating elements to keep them warm. There's room for Lorna's tray there. At the far end of the table is a birthday cake, the left half with scarlet frosting and the right half the blue of Pietro's costume.

"I'm sorry I haven't had the pleasure before this," Steve agrees with Lorna. "But we're honored to have you visit the Mansion," he tells her.

One of the staff comes over and asks Steve, "Sir, do you want for us to cut the cake now and serve it?" Steve doesn't answer him directly, but looks to everyone else for their opinion, particularly the birthday boy and girl.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
Well, he's certainly not going to hold people hostage in the enjoyment of the cake! Pietro nods to Cap, with a smile. "I think now is an excellent time. Thank you." He offers over to the staff member. He does steel his will and not collect up more of the sweets on the table, for now.

A smile to Lorna as she and Steve exchange pleasantries, even as he turns to Tommy - simply staring for what they likely perceive as forever. Just a moment. "We'll have to talk later to see if this is something we can assist with." The man comments, motioning to the table. "We should enjoy the party and the deserts provided."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"Thank you for the hospitality," Lorna responds to Steve only for her attention to shift back to the pale haired Tommy. He had food. That was a start, at least, and it seemed her assumption on the situation was correct. At Pietro's remark she nods in agreement. "We'll do what we can to help of course. For now..." Here she steps in closer to Pietro to lean in giving his cheek a kiss. "Happy birthday, big brother. Go get your cake. I'm sure you're eager for it." Was she teasing him? Heck yes.

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    "There's nothing to help," is all Tommy says. And then there's cake, so there's no more questions being answered from him. Too busy shoveling food into his mouth.