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Kandor: The Future of Krypton
Date of Scene: 25 June 2023
Location: Hall of Justice - Watchtower
Synopsis: A meeting of minds to discuss the future of Krypton when a future Kryptonian drops in unannounced.
Cast of Characters: Alura In-Ze, Monet St. Croix, Diana Prince, Jon Kent, Caitlin Fairchild, Zatanna Zatara, Donna Troy, Meggan Puceanu, Clark Kent, Cir-El

Alura In-Ze has posed:
The hastily assembled group at the Justice League's moon HQ - the Watchtower, was part Alura and part Diana's idea. Alura looks very awake and keyed in right now. She's given presentations to scary Kryptonian science boards much of her life after all.

"Good evening every one. Thanks for coming. For those of you who don't know me beyond the news reels, I'm Alura In-Ze." Dressed in white Kryptonian fabric with the House EL symbol upon her chest. A red cape and tall boots the blonde has a confidence to her that's different from Karen, different from Clark.

"Today we're gathered here to speak about the future of Krypton. We have in our possession the city of Kandor, once capital city of Krypton, bottled by Brainiac. Many other cities too from distant worlds we know not the origin of. Some of these bottled cities are in the possession of the Lantern Corp."

"In a recent encounter with Brainiac I was able to record and have subsequently replicated the technology used to unshrink those cities. I wish to found New Krypton and bring my species back from extinction. However, there are many challenges to achieving that. Which is why I am here today asking for help from Earth and its people - for an undertaking greater than any Earth has attempted before. The founding of a new world and the restoration of an otherwise extinct people."

Go big or go home. Alura tends not to do things on the small scale. Pun intended. "Amongst the challenges include selecting a world for New Krypton, establishing supply lines and aid, defence and logistics, and one of the hardest challenges of all - a way to communicate with the citizens inside the bottle before it is expanded."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
THe physics of it are well beyond what Monet St. Croix can imagine. How to take something that had been put down on such a near molecular level, rebuild it, and thene stablish a functioning society from it. Also having to help the individuals within it acclimate to the shift in reality and adjust to the new world that they're going to be coming into.

Just the sheer logistics of the fact, everything that will be involved.. Even beyond just unshrinking. Planetary location, possible terraforming, the necessary aid required for resettlement and maintenance of morale during all this chaos..

"Do we know the exact.. Status of them within? Are they conscious? Or are they somewhat.. In stasis? If they're conscious in theory we could try and contact them by telepathy with technological guidance, or likelier magic.." There are some things that can't simply be solved by math.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's prefered place was always on Earth. It was her home, and where she thrived and felt as though she was most needed. But in recent years her time in the stars above her world has been broadening in scope, and frequency. Especially since the Justice League returned in 2020, and built this amazing facility on the surface of the Moon.

Now, Diana finds herself more and more often, especially with the countries of the world uniting to soon break ground on a Moon Colony not too far away from where this Watchtower facility is located upon the Lunar surface.

Here and now, Diana of Themyscira is present and wearing the blue, red and gold uniform of a Themyscira Space Force Commander. The Themyscirans were branching slowly out toward holding a space presence, and the uniforms were the easiest part to arrange. Synthetic leather jacket over a fine tunic, trimmed in gold and dominated by blues and reds, over similarly styled slim fit trousers and tall boots, the Themyscira Princess cuts quite a regal edge in her fancy space uniform.

With her hair tied back in a tight braid, her golden tiara worn over her forehead, and her lasso of Truth hanging coiled-up at her side, she sweeps her eyes over those gathered here today, whilst still standing off to the side near the front of the room, not but a few steps away from where Alura has begun her announcements.

Diana stands with her right hand clutching her left in front of her lap, casually observing for the time being, as she spoke to Alura recently about all of this already.

Jon Kent has posed:
Not really sure if he is here as a representative of the Justice League or the House of El, Superboy has positioned himself as close to halfway between Alura and Wonder Woman as he can. If only his father were here. He glances around at the doors for a moment.

He is dressed in the uniform of Superboy, his own slightly modified version of Superman's, which may be one of the most recognizable outfits on the planet. For all of that, he appears a bit nervous, unsure when or if he should speak. He glances at Alura, and when he meets her gaze he looks away.

But he is his father's son, so he rapidly summons up the courage to speak even in this esteemed company: "Have we considered if we're going to release them to a world with a yellow sun? A red sun?" An alert observer, especially one who knows Jon, would recognize that he's holding back, not saying everything that is on his mind.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin represents two contingents with an interest in New Krypton-- the Titans, who have been longtime allies of the House of El, and the Amazons, who have shared many common foes with the Kryptonians on Earth. Caitlin herself has donned a purple bodysuit with green piping, with a well-worn pink hoodie over it that says 'Columbia' in faded white vinyl, and elects to stand nearby the table.

She lifts a hand (a little timorously), until Jon beats her to the punch. She gestures agreement with him. "I feel like that's the elephant in the room," she observes. "Which is: what is the fallout with the Guardians going to be?" She casts her green-eyed gaze around the room, fingers pushing her untamed curls of red hair back behind one ear.

"If Kandor ends up on a planet with anything other than an M-class star, it could prompt a pretty significant response from .... well, everyone," she says. The corner of her mouth draws down in a little moue of frustration and she lifts a shoulder at Alura, as if apologizing for bringing up the topic.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:

Zatanna has invited herself to the meeting to witness the steps that will birth a planet and give Alura In-Ze's people a place to call home. The prospect thrills her on many different levels - the magnitude of the project being only one of them.

The Mistress of Magic counts herself among the lucky ones. She has a home dear to her. A home handed down from father to son to daughter through the generations. True, the home has no fixed place on Earth unless its current owners decide to anchor it. At present, the many rooms of the house are tied to different locations on the Earth, with the main entrance in Gotham.

She wears no uniform, preferring a low-key form-fitting black tunic and pants, her dark hair drawn back into a soft chignon to keep it from floating in low gravity.

Donna Troy has posed:
    "We had some discussions on what to do about Kandor back before the apparatus we took from Brainiac's ship in 2020 got destroyed," Donna says. She shifts a little from foot to foot as if getting comfortable, a sign to those who know her that there are aspects of this discussions she feels uncomfortable with. She stands next to Caitlin in her black armor, a hybrid of Themysciran and American technology. No red, blue and gold to match her sister, she's here representing the Titans rather than the Themyscirans today.

    Donna nods her head to Jon. "I recommend red," she says. "Caitlin brings up the issue of how restoring Kandor under a yellow sun might well be considered to provocative by the Oans to avoid it simply starting a conflict. We know they consider even our own Kryptonian friends as a danger."

    "However there's another issue to consider that came up in the discussions we had three years ago. What happens to a culture when suddenly every member of it wakes up one morning with potent super-powers? They simply aren't prepared for that. Themyscira is such a culture, but it was created to /be/ such a culture. Kandor has a significantly larger population and is not a group hand-picked to be able to deal with such gifts. While we may, given who we are, be prone to think of the good a city of super-powered Kryptonians could do -- we should also consider how deadly it would make any internal conflicts. How their economy would be impacted. How they would deal with criminality, how it would impact their politics. What it would do to them psychologically."

    "I am convinced that it would present a profound shock to the system that the culture of Kandor as it currently exists could not possibly survive. They might, in time, grow into something much better for it -- or it might become something far worse. Either way it would be a culture shock of unimaginable proportions. In the short to medium term at the least, we would be engendering a tragedy."

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
A meeting on par with 'creating a planet' isn't something heard about everyday. Sheer curiosity might bring Meggan out, though affinities to the Justice League and owing Superman a few debts most properly explain her presence. That, and she ends up stepping out into the Watchtower somewhere directly behind Zatanna as long as the Mistress of Magic isn't leaning against a wall. Then again, walls are no actual barrier for the space-elf.

Based on a brief glimpse, clearly she's been at work prior to her quiet arrival. Dull firelight illuminates her silhouette, squat lanterns positioned around a scarred wooden floor giving off a weird green glow. The scent of marigolds and crushed palash flowers spills out through the doorway that wasn't there before until a certain House of Mystery decides to thump the entry shut behind her before anyone can question its intention a second time.

Said space-elf wears a white man's shirt, the sleeves rolled up, and a pair of capri pants. Pay no mind to the fact henna marks the backs of her hands up to her collarbone, complex arcane symbols and Sanskrit incorporated into the design. She stays behind the sorceress and, so very differently from her better half, stays quiet to actually listen before jumping headlong to solutions, conclusions, or a cigarette.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
"Ultimately, Kandor serves as an example of what we might be able to do for the other bottled cities too. Brainiac was designed as a seed vault, to collect endangered species and store them for a time when they could be restored. He can't escape his original purpose. It drives his obsession to steal cities from planets. How we band together for New Krypton will define how capable we are at helping those other species."

"The guardians will refuse to be held accountable for their hand in the destruction of Krypton and its people. But a peace treaty must be sought. Diplomacy to the stars is not something Earth has much experience in beyond, perhaps, Captain Marvell."

"The question of the star to which New Krypton will orbit is an important one. Do the people of Kandor gain powers that will help them survive on a new world - or do they get what is familiar to them, a red star, and rely solely on their technological prowess to survive."

She waves a hand and the holographic emitter in her bracer activates and casts out ten different solar system. "Here we have a selection, each with their pros and cons. Some will give the people powers and some will not. "I have asked Princess Diana if we could repurpose one of the Justice League's teleporters to create a long range bridge from Earth to New Krypton. It can be used to move equipment, aid, and supplies to the new civilisation and may be serve as the basis for an alliance between Earth and New Krypton."

"After discussing the issue of a yellow star with .. some of you here and some who are not .. I've come to the conclusion that it is not our decision to make. Which leads to another issue - talking to Kandor as it is right now."

"The bottle shields it from the pressures of real space. Shrunk as it is even a casual word toward them would be devastating. I have been told that even a psychic must be precise rather than powerful. Shrinking down using Pym particles would present its own challenges and the bottle itself shields it from almost all radiations. I have been unable to contact them."

"If we had a way of going in there ourselves we could discuss the matter with their high council. There is a lot to do in preparation for restoring them which means we're not on any kind of tight time schedule. Given time I believe a technological solution can be found --- however, Earth offers a unique asset. Individuals who can without technology, warp the rules of the universe to their whim. Magic."

"Is it possible to use magic to project a group of us in to Kandor. We can see first hand how their society operates and discuss restoration with those in charge. And council them on the dangers that await them in the process."

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would nod over and take a breath, "And evaluate the psychological state of those within. How have the citizenry maintained morale? is there any standard of organization or leadership within the city? These need to be taken into account.." As Fairchild and Donna would go on, she would give a nod.

"The population needs to be able to support itself." Earth and other planets can help some, but keeping a colony of nearly a quarter million is in her mind beyond what is feasible for an extended period. "How could they also be approached in such a way that might not terrify them? Particularly by those unfamiliar or that they might think were being used in a game by their captor?"

She goes to be thoughtful. How to approahc them in a way that would be engaging and not disorienting.. "Forgive me for my lack of knowledge, but what was the city primarily known for? Science? Arts?" Realizing that she's not making much sense here, she would go quiet. "I just think the initial approach being based upon such a.. Thing is likelier to earn a somewhat more accomodating fashion in communication."

Diana Prince has posed:
When each voice speaks up, Diana's eyes float toward them to take in what they say, many of the questions already something that she and Alura have spoken about previously when Alura visited the Embassy back in New York.

When Alura brings up the holo display of the planet systems though, the Princess regards them with a curious stare before she places her eyes solely upon Alura once more.

She offers a light smile, a supportive gesture for the Super woman presenting all of this here today.

"I have voiced my belief that putting such a city of people on a planet most closest to that of Krypton would be ideal, in my opinion." Diana does quietly add in her naturally husky toned voice, taking a moment to just slip her thoughts in on that element of this discussion before she falls quiet again to let the conversation flow.

Jon Kent has posed:
Superboy gestures to Caitlin after her excellent point. "Either way, we are wrong. If we release them to a system with a red sun then we're purposefully keeping them down, denying them their full potential. If we release them to a system with a yellow sun, we risk unleashing super-powered terrorists." He draws in a long, slow breath.

In response to Donna's point, "If Alura is right and we can communicate with them via magic, do we think assessing their psychological state is possible under such circumstances? If so, do we tell them we're doing that?"

Superboy shakes his head. "There are so many fragile pieces here, and anyone one of them can break at any time."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin finds herself nodding agreement with Donna's (much more articulate) assertions. It seems like the three Amazons are on the same page, at least. And when Jon voices his frustations, she frowns at him sympathetically, acknowledging it's a sticky, no-win situation.

At the mention of Pym particles, however, her brow furrows. The Amazon redhead glances at Donna for a silent exchange of words, then gestures with a turn of her wrist once more to get Alura's attention.

"I don't know that I would dismiss Pym Particles as a solution here," she cautions Alura. "Dr. Pym did some groundbreaking work with interdimensional travel using the Pym Particles, and Nadia's expanded on it significantly. The Watchtower's Zeta Beam teleporters only work *because* of Nadia's ongoing research and experimentation. Short of Brainiac himself, there's no one on Earth who is better equipped to help Kandor fit back into realspace with the rest of the universe."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Masking her surprise at Alura In-Ze's words, Zatanna uncrosses her arms and pushes herself off the wall she had been leaning against to look closer at the holo display. She had been prepared to stay in the background, aware of Superman's vulnerability to magic.

Perhaps there are no coincidences. A slow smile illuminates Zatanna's face the second time it is mentioned; she glances meaningfully at Meggan. Arguments abound about its nature. One is that magic is physics with no mathematical underpinnings to explain it. Zatanna does not concern herself with its mechanics; all her attention is on using it for the well-being of others.

"I had not considered it a possibility. I would be willing to offer any help that you and the others involved in this project see fit."

Clark Kent has posed:
Kal-El, Superman, was present, in the background, listening to Alura and the rest of those persent. This was an event for everyong to be a part of, and for the moment, he was silent, and watching.

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
Meggan listens, her green eyes growing wider the longer Alura breaks down the high-level principles of Kandorian resettlement into its finer details. Details that, admittedly, at least Monet is privy to know don't quite make a lot of sense. Her psychic transparency resembles a pane of glass in most conditions. It all beckons her to go for her phone, supposing the Watchtower either possesses something of an Internet connection or at least a link into a database of information. Failing all else the trusty dictionary app may supply what she needs.

Her thumb zigzags around the screen in a pattern dangerously resembling someone playing a game of Snake. Different tabs pop up and flow across the screen while she basks nose-down in the livid white glow of the screen. One of those pages conspicuously shows David Tennant holding what looks like a screwdriver. Another has a fellow in a fancy scarf. Where is her scientific data coming from? Her smile shrinks a bit, gaze darting across the displayed text.

"Magic has got a couple advantages. Not many cultures practice it widely." She looks up and smiles at Jon, his recommendation accepted in a nod. "It's got loads of styles and techniques. A general block against all of them is a major working. Fair to say it needs a loophole or two, Zatanna?"

She turns off the phone and shoves it back into her pocket, throwing her shoulders back and straightening up. "I was thinking," have mercy on her, PhDs aplenty. "Have you considered a two-star system, so they go round the red one most of the time but also get some yellow or blue or whatever? Maybe it's at a further distance so the yellow one isn't in their sky *all* the time, exactly. That makes a nice compromise without compromising whatever the Oans said. There are lots and lots of those duos, and some are even trios."

She then glances at Zatanna again, almost smiling. It's al there in her eyes. "Alternately you could consider a variable star. They glow really bright at certain points and weaker at others. I thought their colour changed more but I can't be totally sure from this. All the increased radiation and energy could be helpful though? I don't know. Anyway, just an idea."

Donna Troy has posed:
    "At the very least," Donna says following up on Caitlin's comments about Pym technology, "We know that the Pyms are capable of restoring victims of this shrinking technology. While they were not able to scale it up to restore Genosha or Bushwick, they were able to restore some people caught in the field of effect of the shrink ray but who escaped capture. One approach we could consider is extracting a few people from Kandor and restoring them individually before we figure out what to do with the whole city."

    "If on the other hand the idea is to just go and visit them, then yeah, magic is a good approach." Perhaps Zatanna does not know that Alura had a somewhat different introduction to magic than other Kryptonians -- her first few months on Earth were spent among the Amazons, where magic is part of the everyday, and could be seen as an alternative path of progress to technological advancement. "We should be cautious, though. Alura, how long exactly is it that Kandor has been bottled? A century or so? That is how long they have been entirely cut off from an outside universe. It's hard to guess how the people there will have been impacted by that. They may be rationally awaiting the day someone from outside finds a way to break in and be happy to see their visitors. They may have developed a paranoid view of outsiders. They may even have developed bizarre superstitions and come to believe the universe outside was some kind of hysterical dream. We don't exactly have a large sample of people who have been in such a situation in the past to base our assumptions on."

    To Jon: "Is anyone here honestly competent to make such a judgement? We are superheroes, not psychologists. Even were we psychologists, who has any experience of the impact on a society of a quarter million people waking up one day to find themselves with superpowers?" Donna gives Jon an apologetic shrug.

    "I'm not sure raising the issue with the high council there is an answer either," she says to Alura. "For all that I sympathize with the notion of it being their choice, we should consider two things. First is that it won't impact only them, it is a decision that has the potential to impact every planet around them. Second, is this something they have any real insight into? They have not observed the impact of superpowers on society. At least that's something we have some experience of."

    Donna sighs a little. "At the very least though, a visit to Kandor would let us know if it was a society lead by reasonable people or if it's a quarter of a million Zods."

Cir-El has posed:
The sensors of the Watchtower have benefited much from the civilizations that have invested in it, allowing detection of particles previously confined to the realm of conjecture. They detect a tremendous burst of tachyons, superluminal particles that disappear from the read-outs almost as soon as they are produced. A small vessel of some sort dropping out of faster-than-light travel, though the tachyon radiation is far greater than expected.

Suspended against the backdrop of space is a pod. As though some artist has applied modern sensibilities to the classic Atom-Punk rendition of the pointy-tipped rocket ship. Not much larger than a mid-sized car, it floats almost lazily past the moon as internal electronics scroll through a thousand-point long checklist.

And there, visible through the frosted glass, is a young woman. Her eyes closed, her hands resting lightly on her midsection. Asleep, or comatose, she is nestled within the pod. It swims lazily through the sky, visible through the viewing portals, though the finer details are reserved for those with keener visual senses.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
Alura nods her head to Caitlin, "It's Pym's technology to which I was referring - re a solution that can be found. From my readings of the bottle, if we shrunk down using that technology and attempted to enter the bottle we'd be crushed. This isn't the place to go in to the deep of the science on it all - just that there are challenges to be solved. I'm confident they can be, but if magic can provide an easier path to success then it'd be wise to consider it."

Alura winces a little at this notion of a 'quarter of a million Zods'. She understood Jon having such fears but from Donna it is clear Alura is extremely surprised.

"I expect, even though none of us are experts - we could bring one along. But it will likely be very obvious if society in Kandor has completely fallen apart. And if it has then rescue is even more important. The infrastructure needed to run a society is just as important as the people themse--"

The hologram projected by Alura's bracer suddenly swaps back to Sol, Earth, the Moon, and a little dot. Her eyes widen a moment as she sees a new Kryptonian ship approaching Earth. "Who..." They had Zod and his cohorts in custody, but she was scanning just in case anyone tried to attack the planet again.

She reaches out and taps the dot and up comes information she is even more surprised at. This is Kal-El's pod. The same pod that is, right now, down in the Fortress of Solitude. Safe. Off. Not in space near Earth. "What??"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
While she's listening over to Alura and to the other questions, Monet is going to speak over on something compared to what Donna had said.. Right over as she would twist around to gaze out the window. HEr expression shifting to 'what the hell' before rapidly stabilizing and brushing away the confusion.

She goes to move to get ready to setup a mind link if needed. She goes to speak, "I can link us on instruction." Then she moves to close her eyes and focus.. And right as Alura goe sto think 'it's the same as Kal-El's' her expression settles.

<<It.. She.. I think she's a hybrid. Of human and Kryptonian. I'm not sure.>> And then over to Alura, to Donna, and to Diana she goes to send telepathically to them.

<<From another reality?>> If the pod is the exact same. Other realities being something which the X-Men and KRyptonians have a great deal of experience in. The thought is phrased as a hypothesis. Not a statement of fact. Uncertainty.

Diana Prince has posed:
The Watchtower has great internet, as it so happens, even with the Van Allen radiation belt out there trying to always muck things up.

"I highly recommend that we, should we embark upon this task of bringing this city back to our level of existence, do so on a world that most mirrors what Krypton was like. "Diana re-iterates. "Should the topic of migrating to a Yellow Star system come up later, it can be discussed then and there by the people of this New Krypton. Let us try to reduce the number of steps one will have to take to re-orient themselves to life back as we, ourselves, exist."

Moments there after the Princess says that, however, the pod arrives. An alert goes out across the station, though most occupants within it are here in the chamber of the meeting now.

Diana turns to one of the view screens showing it floating relatively close-by. She says nothing, she just observes with a neutral expression.

Jon Kent has posed:
Due to his inexperience, Superboy is a bit more tightly wound than many of the others present. Still, he remains impressively composed despite the nervous expression that comes to his face. Instinctively, he moves closer to his father.

"Dad," he asks in a low tone, "Is that a Kryptonian ship? It looks like, it kind of looks like yours." He glances at Kal-El to read the man's expression, perhaps hoping to draw confidence from it."

Likewise he watches the reactions of the others: Alura, Cait, Diana, Donna, Meggan, Monet, and Zatanna. Likely he is hoping to determine how Big of a Deal this is. He doesn't come up to this moon base often, and this is his first space ship.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin's response is a little more pragmatic. She moves quickly to a terminal and calls access to the science stations and sensor suites all over the Watchtower. The redhead works quickly, frequently confirming her work visually while also trying to throw the readouts to an overhead screen for others to examine.

"Biometrics are consistent with hypersleep," she remarks. "Cellular energy levels are a little low. She must have been travelling in deep space for a long time."

Caitlin turns to look directly at Clark. "It is *definitely* a Kryptonian ship, and that is a Kryptonian on board," she informs him. The redhead looks at Alura and Jon, as the other Kryptonians present, and then activates the tractor beams to try and bring the pod in to the Tower.

"It'll take a minute or two to bring it into the hangar. Unless someone wants to go fetch her," Caitlin suggests. It's not like -she- can fly out and get it...

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna doesn't weigh in on the appropriate star system for New Krypton. Nor does she voice her concerns about its impact on other planetary systems - others have already expressed similar views.

The alert diverts attention from the ongoing discussion. Zatanna leans toward Meggan, whispering, "What odds it is another Zod, do you think?"

Clark Kent has posed:
From the back of the room, Superman floats a metre above the floor. His arms are crossed across his chest, obfuscating the "S" symbol..his eyes watching each and every person in the room. As each person speaks, his eyes find them, and his neutral expression takes in everything they say. As the person in the room he trusts the most, Kal nods to Diana. Indeed.

Of course he would listen to everyone and what they had to say. Everyone's opinion matters, especially now.

This was a momentous decision. Donna's and Jon's words hit home. As did Meggan's. He had the same concerns. Monet, Gabby, Caitlin and Zee were also making sense.

As Superman was not paying attention to the sensors since he was complete intent on the meeting but something was different - Cir-El. Kal pauses for a moment, as he...feels something amiss. Like the hair standing up on the back of his neck."

Looking around, Superman tries to pin point this feeling, using his super senses...then Alura's bracer "goes off". His eyes widen. "Alura...that's my..." Suddenly he was beside her. "What is going on?"

He looks over at Jon. "It's...my ship. Which is impossible, Jon."
When Caitlin reports the info, Kal looks at her, then ALura, lastly and Jon, and he was gone...

Next Superman was out there, taking the vessel in his arms as though holding a young child. With a push of his powers, the ship and Superman was next inside the hanger ba. Putting it down softly, Superman starts the sequence opening the ship as though it was his own vessel...the familiarity obvious.

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna's reaction to the arrival of the pod is to study the display, but really this is all an unknown.

    "I concur with my sister. To put this simply, restoring Kandor under a yellow sun is opening a door that cannot be shut. Restoring it under a red sun means the door can still be opened later. "

    She follows Caitlin over to the terminal, looking over her shoulder to see what information Caitlin is getting, but continues on the previous subject. "The people of Kandor have a huge shock facing them already. The loss of their world, the need to build anew, the unpredictable complexities of suddenly no longer being isolated. Throwing such a massive additional weight on their shoulders would not just be reckless in terms of its impact on the rest of the universe, but a cruel thing to do on them. Give them time to breath the air before forcing them to invent new traffic regulations to deal with the fact that air is suddenly full of people flying. Alura, think how many door handles you broke when your powers came through, in a place ideally suited for those changes. Project that on a society unprepared where it wasn't just one person but /everyone/ going through that simultaneously."


    It's only when Clark has actually recovered the pod and started the process to get it open that Donna finally comments upon it, and her comment is a simple one: "I find it hard to believe this is coincidence."

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
The crystallized appearance of anyone outside the Watchtower draws the blonde Tuath's attention just about automatically. She locks into the presence of sentience in the void, barely listening to the conversation after the pod's appearance. Zatanna's probably the only one to penetrate the fugue of her curiosity.

Those green eyes narrow a fraction, her nose scrunching up. Biofeedback from essentially everyone in the vicinity creates an impressive bit of background noise for her empathy, and focusing it wholly on the new arrival requires extra effort. Instinct lifts her off the floor.

Possibly out of solidarity for the Kryptonians. Her native state is forever a few feet up, head in the clouds.

"She doesn't hold hostile intention and that isn't an act," Meggan speaks directly to Superman on this, her tone veering strongly into her muddled Celtic-British accent. He's gone probably too quick to hear the rest.

"The stasis she's in would make it really hard to determine her intent because her conscious mind resides so far down into the subconscious. Like, drastically evil people can bleed through. She's not even got dreams there to sample, like a litmus test." Her gaze follows him moving up to the vessel. "Moment she surfaces into the twilight zone, though..."

The very few guards that ever remain on the fae goddess' mind are blown to the wind, the price to pay for opening her receptiveness to the full. Which may or may not end up with her spontaneously shifting Kryptonian or another species if someone's thinking too hard about it.

Please try to avoid thinking 'Zod' loudly or else.. well.

Cir-El has posed:
The pod responds exactly as it should to Superman's efforts. It behaves exactly as his own pod does, it even bears the same scratches and scuff-marks from its original landing. Perhaps with a few more of less obvious origin. There is a faint hiss as the hatch slowly slides open, revealing the young woman within. Her hair is cropped short and black, her features share a certain similiarity with the man looking over her. Slowly, a pair of blue eyes open to squint up at him.

"Did it work?" she asks, her voice thick with sleep. She speaks English. There's no Kryptonian accent. It sounds more like an mid-Atlantic accent with a twinge of rural Kansas.

As her vision comes into focus, she observes the face of Superman in greater detail and recoils a little in the pod.

"You're not ... "

She sits bolt upright, clutching the sides of the pod as she does so. She looks around a little like a small animal surrounded by grinning foxes.

" ... oh shit."

Her eyes instinctively dart to Superman, offering a wordless 'sorry' at the vulgarity.

Alura In-Ze has posed:
"Discussing the future of Krypton and a Kryptonian pod appears." She tilts her head and looks over at Caitlin's station, "Tachyons?" She looks to the assembled people, "It appears we should put the rest of this conversation on hold. Thank you for your council it is of the utmost help." And confirmed a lot of what she had already believed. "Let's see who this mysterious visitor is."

She doesn't rush. Opening the pod and disabling stasis takes time so she knows suddenly appearing down there next to Kal won't accomplish anything. But she is extremely curious who it is has just arrived. As far as she knows the only Kryptonians 'on the loose' out there in the universe are escaped criminals from the phantom zone.

It's possible her sister Astra is back but she had a whole scout ship with a time engine to use - not Kal's pod. Alura comes to a stop and watches with fascination as a young woman emerges. She tucks her hands behind her back. "Did what work?" A very curious react to seeing Kal-El up close and personal. It's almost as if she knows him.

Jon Kent has posed:
Superboy is not as patient and controlled as his cousin, Alura. His youth drives him to speed to Superman's side in the hangar bay. Standing close behind Superman, he asks, "Dad? Who...who is that?" He looks down at the young woman with one part caution and one hundred parts curiosity."

"Hello," he says in a gentle tone of voice. "I am Jon-El. What's your name?"

His ears flush a little as he realizes he may have overstepped. He glances around self-consciously to see what the others are doing.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
And M goes quiet. As the girl awakens, M picks up the swear mostly by watching facial motions and expressions. Human manner of speech, linguistics.. Accent. Definitely someone that from an immediate appearance grew up on Earth or an equivalent. Human knowledge of obscenities, appropriate decorum and behavior, manners.. These are all observed and filed away. M is completely still during all of this unless called upon. She keeps her telepathy open but does not scan Cir-El's mind or do anything unless requested. Moving to also drop the mindlink amongst some of the others.

If only for their privacy. If this is something related to tehir family..

Clark Kent has posed:
"Thank you Meggan." Her words comfort Superman, even though he was almost gone too fast to hear her. As Kal awaits the arrival of the passenger - why was it taking so long? - He readies himself just in case.

As the pod opens, and Cir-El arrives, Kal blinks at her first words. English. Blue eyes, which he stares into. Colourful metaphor. "I...think it worked. Who are you...?" Superman whispers, somehow already knowing the answer.

Feeling Alura and Jon beside him, their arrival provides some comfort but his eyes never leave Cir-El's. "Good question Jon." Back to Cir-El. "Welcome. You are safe here."

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna hangs back, leaving communicating with this newcomer to the Kryptonians -- even if this newcomer does not seem to fit expectations for some visiting Kryptonian. Something strange is going on here. Sure, coincidences happen, but this seems a bit much. Alura's comments expand on Donna's own a little, but speculating any further is something Donna keeps inside her own head for now. She contents herself with a brief, gnomic comment aimed at Meggan: "I hope a lack of hostile intent is enough."

    Donna registers Monet dropping the mindlink and gives her a quick shrug. Your guess is as good as mine..

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana has moved out of the meeting hall room and returned to the Watchtower's main monitor room. There she joins comms as she stands in front of the holographic display banks. Her eyes scan over all the reports of the entire Sol System monitoring stations, her facial features eeriely illuminated by the screens alone in the otherwise dark chamber.

"I am not seeing any other activity throughout the system. Whatever, and whomever, is aboard that pod, seems to have arrived here alone. The Princess' voice speaks in to the ears of those on the comms of the JLA.

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
Meggan floats, lost in a susurrus of emotions not her own, wading through the combined weight of curiosity, concern, restraint, and uncertainty to find the shores of terra incognita that happens to have black hair, blue eyes, and a distinct similarity to the Man of Steel.

Whatever will she find in the placid rivers and misty realms of an awakening woman takes her time to decipher, mapping out the psychic topography little by little. Her hummed note buzzes up to an affirmative "Mm" when she hears Diana, tugged out of the deepest fugue. Resurfacing lasts no longer. She submerges back deep to find any telling marks that might prove elusive, chasing schools of fish-feelings through the void.

"Monet's possibly got the right of it. She's not clear what is going on. This might be the wrong stop for her pod or plain jumped tracks and ended up sideways in another dimension." Bit of a blunder to make, but no reason to tell anyone their programming is suspiciously off! "I don't read anything sus or shoddy about her, though. She definitely seems confused, but who wouldn't be, in her spot? Should we offer some tea or a blanket to help her get comfortable?" There are protocols, for all John keeps harping on about hating them, and probably good to ask first.

Cir-El has posed:
"I know who you are, dork," the dark-haired woman snaps at Jon in what can only be described as a sibling-like tone. She waves him away with her hand, doing her best to try and climb unsteadily out of the pod.

Her own apparel isn't very reminiscent of the other members of the House of El who are present. It's a black, legless leotard and the crimson S across the chest is far more stylized and more akin to a lightning bolt. A long, silvery-blue cape hangs from her shoulders and she wears both boots and gloves that match it.

"I'm Mia," she offers, still looking critically at the gathered crowd, "Uh ... Cir-El. Daughter of ... "

She turns her attention back to Superman. She reaches into the pod, producing a blanket with the House of El's emblem emblazoned on it. A very old and recognizable blanket.

"Well, you."