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Latest revision as of 02:37, 11 August 2023

Happy Harbor: Game Night (August)
Date of Scene: 10 August 2023
Location: Library - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: The first game night of the 2023/2024 school session!
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, Billy Batson, Desmond mac Morna, Michael Hannigan, J'onn J'onzz, Xiomara Rojas, Caleb Dykstra, Richard Stadler

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
It's the first game night for the 2023/2024 school session. And per the usual the Library has been repurposed for the evening to be the holding place for the game night. There are games on shelves that have been rolled in and there are some already out on tables as some arrived early. There are games that range from complex strategy to party games. A bit of something for everyone.

And of course there is FOOD! Because growing teens and tired adults need fuel to keep going. Sadly Tommy is not here to eat the excess of pizza and other desserts this evening.

Morrigan's just finished setting down the last pizza on the table and stepped away, letting the line that was forming go forward so that they can feast. She finds her way back to the table she usually sits at and settles in next to Riordan, "Well, hopefully this is a good start to a quiet school year." she murmurs to him.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson has made the most of the evening, recording sounds bites from fellow grads, interviewing new students and asking about hopes and dreams for his website. Waivers. So many waivers to send out. He mostly stuck to seniors for that reason. But he was trying to put a face on a school many people were put off by and show that these were still humans. Kids. Resting from his labors he spied the pizza. He wrangles over to Riordan and Morrigan and says, "Hey Dr. MacIntyre. Thanks for letting me back in. Especially after the struggle to get me out. You're a credit to principality!"

Desmond mac Morna has posed:
Desmond mac Morna stands at the periphery of the room, leaning up against the wall in a sort of brooding, Byronesque kind of glory. Whatever else he's good at, brooding seems to be a skill for the man. The clean cut of his suit makes him fairly obviously not a student. He seems content, for now, to watch the students and Morrigan sort of filter in and start playing whatever games are the norm, here.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
There's a cringle of some plastic off to the side of the food table as Mike steps away from where the drinks are set out. Reaching into a plastic bag, he tugs out the receipt and slides it into his pocket. Tired, pale eyes glance about curiously, "Is there a particular spot you want the bags until it's time to clean up?" He asks the principal.

While young looking, Mike is most definitely not a student here, nor is he a teacher. But, being a Liasion between the school and one of the many potential industries out there does lead to interesting points of interaction. The key one being asked to fill out numbers when an event is short on people. Which, is what he's doing tonight.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz arrives as he'll usually appear in school this year, as Mr. Jones. His true identity isn't exactly a secret, but he likes to have a face to go with the task. He isn't here to be the Manhunter from Mars, but to pass whatever wisdom he has on to the new generation of humans, meta and otherwise.

He has on a pair of red-framed spectacles and is dressed in what he perceives as a jovial fashion in a sky blue Hawaiian shirt and khaki cargo shorts. This is a casual occasion, after all, so he'll leave the tweed and the bowties at home. For now.

He stands sentinel a bit away from the general festivities, off by himself. Ever an observer, a little bit aloof. Or, as one lovely student last semester described him in a Tik Tok, "#sadboiprofessor"

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
The new school year had begun and for the first time since Crush could remember, she wasn't a student. It felt /really/ strange to not be a student, to not be expected to go to classes down the hall, or in her dorm room by a specific time. Yes, she still lived in the dorms, but for entirely different reasons then one might think.

Tonight she was Security! Okay, she was really security in training which is what the back of her sleeveless black windbreaker said. So in a way she was still a student, just of a different type. The remainder of her clothing was the usual that she wore, leather pants, aqua half shirt, and knee high combat boots laced into place. The half Czarnian really didn't care for much else, other than perhaps more Goth looking attire. Around her waist was a thick black chain, two wraps in total and looking much like there was no beginning or ending.

Yes, the teachers were here and they were more than capable of taking care of themselves and students if needs be, but their primary responsibility was in to those students... Securities responsibility was to all of them, teachers, students, school, and as Crush made her way around the library, it was clear she took it pretty seriously.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Game night. As soon as Caleb heard about it, he made sure to clear his schedule for it; being summer time, he wanted to get to know the teachers and students before the school year started. In a way, team bonding experience - see who he could count on, who's who in the place. And besides... Pizza!! Or so he heard.

And normally, wherever Caleb is, Sheila is not far behind. In fact, the young girl - and likely the youngest student to enter Happy harbor - is right by his side, examining the place with unquenchable curiosity.

Both are wearing the t-shirts with the High School logo and loose jeans.

Richard Stadler has posed:
     Teachers generally shouldn't come empty handed to these things; at least it made a show of contibuting. Stadler sadly wasn't the baking type, so the cookies he brought were store-bought, but there was enough of them that he had trouble walking in with them in his hands. Careful steps and a quick direction to a table saved him from the embarrassment of chocolate chip cookies from a bakery in Battery Park spilling all over the floor, and he quickly moved to lay them down in a proper row.

Only then does he get the opportunity to look about and see who's happened to come. A few students, of course, and quite a few teachers he met occasionally. Mr. Jones looked quite a bit familiar, but he hadn't spoken to that... brooding man straight out of a Jane Austen novel.

He gives a few low word to Morrigan. "Good start, certainly, but when has the school year with these students even been quiet?" He says, before motioning over to Crush. "I didn't know she was starting so soon. She have a talk with you about it?" Of course she did, but that was an in into what the talk was about.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to Billy and there's a smile to him, "Mister Batson, you're doing alright with perusing Colleges and things of that nature I hope? Alumni are always welcome on campus." she tells him. Then there is a nod of greetings to the rest of those that have entered.

Richard gets a smile as he speaks and she nods, "We'll see how long the quiet lasts." she muses to that. On the note of Crush there is a nod, "Yes, she spoke with me and the proper channels in the security team. Wasn't any real reason to delay it." she tells him.

Then she starts to stand, "I've got an announcement if people want to hold off on getting too deep into games and things. I promise it won't be too painful." the Irish woman muses to that as she stands up. She waves in Desmond's direction and a smile is given, "I'd like everyone to meet Mister Desmond mac Morna. He will be joining our instructor roster as an Equestrian. He is very skilled in that realm and I hope that we can get some of the teens to learn from him." she offers with a dip of her head.

Desmond mac Morna has posed:
Desmond mac Morna raises a hand from where he is leaning up against one wall, giving the room in general a single and slow nod. He speaks, finally, and his voice is the most generic midwestern broadcaster's voice you've ever heard. He sounds like he could be from anywhere. Or maybe he went to Indiana weatherman school. He sort of looks at Morrigan for a moment, not /quite/ laughing.

"I'm pleased to come aboard as part of the staff. I've been a practicing rider for most of my adult life, and am excited to begin teaching anyone who cares to learn how to ride." He again looks to Morrigan, expression bland, now.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson gives a smile. "I'm pursuing a career at the moment aaaand considering night courses or internships. I was never a great student Dr. M. that's my sisters. Good luck this coming year."

He sidles over by Xiomara and says over her shoulder, "Watch out for the guy in the red sweater with the button eyes. I hear he's trouble." He grins at her and holds up a phone, "Want to say a few words about plans, hopes, dreams, anything?" the phone is not on or pointed at her, yet.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
With no answer regarding the bag situation, Mike glances a bit more before he resigns himself to just holding on to the bag for the rest of the night. Or until he finds where the other bags were stored on his own.

The bag gets balled up in his hand as he nods to the approaching Stadler in greeting. Mike cracks a slight smile, "Happy...belated birthday." He greets the teacher, having previously established that at least that greeting was safe for Rick.

The mention of Crush now being security gets a nod from the performer.

Congrats are put on hold as Morrigan goes into her announcement, causing for him to look over to Desmond. The mention of the Equestrian background gets a bit of a brow lift, but judging from the smile still being present, it's not unwelcome news.

"Welcome Desmond." The performer greets. "English, Western or both?"

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
There could be the possibility that there's a high-pitched squee coming from a certain pre-teen girl when she hears about the possibility of riding lessons.

And a 'there could be' for the most part sure means 'there is' for those who are just beside said girl.

"Well, you never did lose that wanting a pony phase...", Caleb replies. It's possible his ears are ringing now.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Crush's attention is first on Mister Stadler, mostly because he spoke to her first. She offers him a very slight smile and nod, then waits for Dr. Morrigan to finish before she adds, "It's just the basics right now. I still gotta take training courses in a few things, including how to use a taser and a firearm." She shrugs a little. "I'll figure it out... I think it's all just honorary for the moment."

The reason for lack of those things having already taken place aren't brought up right now, she'd rather not announce to a room full of kids and adults she's still an illegal alien, even if that term always makes her want to laugh.

As Caleb enters with Sheila she offers a wave, then her attention is drawn to the new teacher... and another laugh rises up in her throat before she shoves it back down. She wasn't even sure there was a horse out there that could carry her, let alone learn to ride one. She knew that was all for the students, so she didn't bother thinking more on the idea right now.

And then there was Billy, slipping up close to her, causing the hair on the back of her neck to rise a little. "That thing on?" she asks bluntly, gesturing toward his phone. She didn't like being photographed, loathed the number of videos people took all the time and did her best to avoid being in them... so she waited for the answer to that question before saying anything more.

Richard Stadler has posed:
     "Oh, I'm sure things will get exciting soon; can't have things get boring, right? Though I'm sure Crush here will keep a lid on things." A vote of confidence, of course. Someone self-aware of their temper was a rare commodity. He's certainly got a warm enough smile for her. "Have to say, the 'protector' route does suit you quite well, Crush. Though I hope we'll be able to get you some kit; I know it's expensive..."

He trails off, with a raised eyebrow. "Firearms training?"

That's why Rick hadn't recognized the man before... come to think of it, this place had stables, didn't it? A bit unorthodox, but Stadler would wait for the mingling to start before approaching the man and offering his hand. "Good to meet you, Mr. Mac Morna. Richard Stadler. Glad to have you aboard; it's a useful skill to teach, though I can't say my experience with it has been pleasant."

And Mike gets a more rueful smile. "Thank you, Mr. Hannigan; you know, it's... you think once you hit 40, you've got a good handle on this 'aging' business, but 50 feels like a wall. in front of me, fast approaching.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson nopes and says, "I don't record without permission. If you just want to say a few words, I'll use them for a sound bite. Otherwise I will let you get back to work. I just thought -hey we both made it. Let me see what she has to say." He looks up at her and indicates the phone is definitely OFF.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
The bland look from Desmond makes Morrigan give a look down to her pie and then back to him. She really didn't know how else to introduce the man! She gives a bit of an apologetic look though. Then she settles herself back down. Her mind going over who they are missing...missing as in don't attend anymore.

"We can pay for firearms training if it is something that is needed for the job." she points out to Richard and others.

She gives a look toward the sound of the squee and there's a chuckle, "At least someone is excited." she raises her water bottle to that.

Desmond mac Morna has posed:
Desmond mac Morna looks over to Michael as he speaks, nodding in greeting. "I've learned both over the years. Truthfully, I learned bareback, though, and in many ways, that's still my preference." He shrugs, adding, "A story for another time." Stadler gets a second nod, next, polite and comfortably slow. In his weatherman's voice, he says, "A pleasure, Mr. Stadler. And, it can be harsh, learning to ride correctly. But the benefits are many -- strong legs, strong back, you learn empathy, and you also learn one of the most important lessons in life -- doing it wrong hurts. Pain is instructive." He looks around the room. "Even if you only learn the basics, the benefits are legion, in my view."

Finally, he looks back to Morrigan, the woman's reaction forcing a sudden, fierce smile that lights up his face.

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Crush nods to Billy, seeming to relax a little. "Don't mind voice recording, hate video and pictures... clearly got my reasons," she gestures to her white skin with the black markings around her eyes. She looks too much like her father, a man many earthers have seen in the news as not a good person.

"I'm starting some off the 'required to graduate' classes at university soon," she then says with a slight shrug. "Gonna take it slow, a few classes here and there while working to pay for them. Eventually intend to become a geneticist and structural engineer."

Glancing back to Mr. Stadler and Dr. Morrigan, she shifts her feet a little uneasily, strangely still looking like a young, unsure teenager. "It's not the money," she admits. "I'll explain it later, if that's alright."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike glances back to Rick. "Or you could do what some of us do. Pick a number and just stick with it." He pauses for a moment. "When people ask your age, say 43. That way you'll always be in the prime of your life."

Without taking a moment to explain the comment, he looks over to Billy and Crush talking and then to the sibling set that seemed quite happy to hear of Desmond's role at the school. "Sounds like you might have your first sign up for lessons over there." Mike comments to the equestrian as he tilts his head in the direction of Sheila and Caleb.

The bag is shifted over to his left hand, exposing the scar on his lower right forearm for a brief moment before it straightens, offering the hand attached to it over to Desmond. "Mike Hannigan," He offers up, "More involved with the work study with Shaw Studios. So, bareback? I have not tried that one before. But if I ever have to, would you be okay with me asking for pointers?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson nods as he's recording. "Thank you, Officer Crush. Sorry for my fellow humans. People don't understand metahumanity. Even the Shazams got their share of grief in Philly. Probably why they left." You can beat seven deadly enemies of man, but you let one bridge collapse and you're the Philly Fiasco. "Uhm good luck to you."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz interjects, "When someone asks me my age, I only have on response and it's "How dare you speak to me!"

Mr. jones clears his throats. "I believe that is a meme. I may not have performed it well. Maybe it doesn't translate out of text. Oh well."

He takes a sip from a martini glass. There don't appear to be any martini materials locally available, nor any sign of a bartender. He has an onion and an olive.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan looks to Xiomara and Richard and there's a nod, "Probably good to have a meeting about it, aye." she tells the two of them. "I don't want to pry too much in a social setting." she adds. She then quiets on that. Retaking her seat as she looks over to Riordan, "Thank you for the pie as well." she tells him.

More pie is never a bad thing!

She then gives Desmond an amused look as he has to talk to everyone. Take that, socialization!

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
A wave is offered to Xio, with a smile. Caleb also chuckles when his sister's excitement is mentioned - and she goes red with embarassment, that she hides a little behind her big brother.

But at the mention of pain, Caleb's mental gears begin to work. Pain is instructive, yes; but, if he can spare Sheila from pain...

He begins to wonder if he should allow her or not. Ever the protective brother, he is.

Another wave is offered to Mike when he tilts his head in their direction. And he approaches Xio, "Heya, Constable. How's it going?" He turns to Billy, giving him a nod. "Hey there." Sheila, of course, breaks out of her embarassment to wave at the two.

Desmond mac Morna has posed:
Desmond mac Morna trades grips with Michael. His handshake is firm, but not crushing. No petty, silly games from this man. "Desmond, Mike." He considers the man's word as he withdraws his hand. "Mostly, you grip with your thighs, hold onto the beast's mane with your free hand, and pray to whatever deity seems most appropriate at the time. For my own part, I was young, stupid, and trying to impress a girl" He laughs, a grin pushing up the corners of his mouth. "It seems like that's how most good stories start, though."

He seems to take the social requirements in stride, talking to each person in turn without getting /too/ engaged. Morrigan gets a glance, and her comment causes the grin to turn into a full-on smile. He looks back to Mike. "Well. That, or you almost die. Those are the other best stories."

Richard Stadler has posed:
     Richard winces at the loud squeal from over at another table, looking briefly toward Caleb and his sister's direction to make sure no one's seeing a ghost. Hey, it's happened once before." Sounds like you've got a fan there, sir." He refers to the new riding instructor. "I've never quite looked at it as a hobby; the only time I've done it was moroe than a chore. Still, exercise is excercise, and a little variety wouldn't be amiss in life. Assuming you've got some time between students." They did come first, after all.

In the question of age, Stadler does give J'onn a bit of a stare. "That's... Oh, I think I recall that one. One of the late night shows?" He says. Hey, at least it was better than stark confusion. Though the stern look at the glass indicates to J'onn without words that it better not be alcohol in there. "In any case, it's less the social aspect, and more the way my body decides to slowly fall apart no matter what I tell people. That's getting a bit morose, to be honest, so."

Morrigan and Crush have him raise a point. "I imagined we might, Doctor. I may have a suggestion for that, then; just a friend of mine who does quality work I could vouch for... though..." He says, clearing his own throat awkwardly. "I understand, Crush. It can be a touchy subject in general. If you do want to talk about it later, my door's open. But it's very good to hear you starting to take some of those classes at college! Any particular ones? Biology? Human anatomy?" Hey, Rick's both interested and... well. He hasn't had much data on how his teaching has actually prepared students, after all."

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Crush gives Billy a nod and a half smile, "I been here my whole life, I get how humans are about things... some really suck at handling the reality around them, others handle it okay. It's easier to blame things on the strange 'not humans' then face that reality." She shrugs slightly before adding, "And good luck with your courses, if ya need any help, let me know."

Her attention shifts then to Caleb as he walks over. Sheila gets a broad grin from the Czarnian before she says to Caleb. "Constable, that's the English call their cops, right? That's kinda funny, but yeah... it's going okay. Still workin my butt off to pay for life, you think this fashionable outfit pays for itself?" She gestures at her clothing, the only thing on it that looks even slightly expensive being the boots. The rest look like they might even be second hand.

Her hearing picks up a small argument over one of the board games, which means she gives the two a 'look' and the argument ends. Two girls she knows well from the dorms, they're always disagreeing to make drama that causes others to pay attention to them. Not tonight girls, not on Crush's watch.

"I'll come by soon Mr. Stadler," she then says, turning her eyes to the man. "To talk about the private matter, as for classes, they're all the required science classes, with one biology class. I have a /lot/ of biology classes ahead of me to get to genetics."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike's handshake is sufficient. Considering the types of persons involved with the school, there's rarely need to try and show off. As the tips start off already, Mike tilts his head curiously, taking in the general advice. When the motivation for learning such a thing is revealed, the rocker in him can't help but to chuckle.

Catching a glimpse of Caleb's wave, the musician waves back, head turning back to Desmond as he continues. The other example doesn't get a chuckle but instead gets a pause as he considers it. "...Well, most of the time. Like with a lot of things, there are exceptions to the rule."

Mike looks back over to Caleb and Shiela, inviting them over before looking back to Desmond. "Have you had much chance to check out the stables? The setup is quite nice."

Desmond mac Morna has posed:
Desmond mac Morna chuckles to Richard. "Usually I lose the fans after the first day. Well. The second. It hurts a LOT worse when you wake up the next morning." His attention turns back to Michael, and he nods. "Indeed. The good Doctor held my interview there. It was an impressive facility, right from the start. Fine animals, sturdy stalls, neat and well-tended." He nods. "Yes, you could say that I was sold from the very first moment, I think."

He glances over to Morrigan. "And the whole of the educational experience on offer here was brought into clear focus." He looks back to Michael. "On the whole I was enchanted, really. I agreed to the position on the spot. I was excited by the prospect, in fact. Unexpectedly."

Richard Stadler has posed:
     Richard could be said to be beaming a bit at the stern look that Crush visits upon the two troublemakers fighting over how Free Parking worked (he was a bit too fair away to get the gist, but dollars to donuts that's what it was about. "Well, additional training or no, you seem to have a knack for this sort of work, Crush. It really does suit you. I'd be remiss if I didn't help you get some good gear for it though. Or... well. I sometimes get a bit bored, so if you did need any help with those science classes- I'm not saying you will, you've got a good memory and a solid grasp of things- I'd be glad to offer any assistance I can. We'll have to set a time up."

And to Desmond, Stadler nods rather emphatically. "Oh, you don't have to me twice. I thought I was in pretty good shape, but I was sore in places I only know about academically! It was a long few weeks, I'll tell you that."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb nods. "It is. And, since you're pulling security detail, it fits like a glove." He considers, "Working butt off to pay for life... Didn't you just describe humanity in general?"

To Mike, he shakes his head, "Nope, I didn't. To be honest, it's been a lot about moving in, helping with renovations..." His expression hits 'blank mode' for just a fraction of a second, "...Keeping studies, being offered a contact for internship I have a lot of doubts I will be up to the task on such short notice..." He shrugs, "So, yeah... I kinda forgot the stables were a thing."

Sheila can be found looking at him, narrowing her eyes in accusation.

To Desmond, "Greetings, Mr. mac Morna. I'm Caleb, this is Sheila."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
J'onn J'onzz drifted, at some point, out of the room entirely, made his way to the kitchen and returned, almost entirely unnoticed. Maybe because he can become invisible or intangible, even both at once. Maybe he's just not the world's best conversationalist.

Ah, well.

He sips on his martini and keeps up his people watching.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to Desmond as he speaks and there is a soft smile. She was glad he was getting to meet everyone. She gives a look to her phone and she gives a look over to Riordan, "If anyone needs anything or there is an emergency just let me know. I've got to go call Reggie back and see if tests are in over at the hospital." she states as she rises.

"Shouldn't take me too long." she states. She does give a look to Desmond and then others before she heads for the door out towards the grounds.

Work was never done!

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Other than the people, I think the stables might be the best part about this place." Mike comments, "Don't be surprised if you catch me over there from time to time. One of my favorite spots to stop by when I'm in town, my schedule is clear, and the weather is right."

Once Caleb and Sheila make their way over, he shifts aside. To the admission of not seeing the stables from Caleb, he cocks his head to the side, "Well, maybe you two should have a look. I think at least one of you would enjoy it."

Desmond mac Morna has posed:
Desmond mac Morna gives Stadler a series of short and animated nods. "Oh, yes. I know /exactly/ what you mean. Forget sitting on anything. Merely rising or rousing yourself from sleep is a chore." The words come in an amused rush, a faint trace of some sort of lilting accent creeping into his voice as he speaks. He seems unaware of it.

And then Caleb approaches. He looks between him and Sheila, his polite smile as neutral as it gets. It could mean anything. "Ahh. Well, if you care to learn a new skill, I can assure you, as I was explaining to Mr. Stadler, you will not forget them soon after. At least, for a while."

To Morrigan, his hand is raised as she moves to depart, and the neutral smile shifts subtly once she turns, becoming marginally warmer. He shakes his head, and looks back to the others, giving them his full attention once more. To Michael, he nods. "Well, I am fairly certain I have Dr. MacIntyre's leave to open the stables after hours, so let me know if you need access to the tack or whatever?"

Xiomara Rojas has posed:
Too much flattery, no matter how true it might be. Crush wasn't entirely certain how to handle so many people agreeing that her being security was a good fit. She blinked her eyes a few times, fidgeted slightly, then while chewing slightly at her bottom lip straightened her back and just pushed it all aside for now. There was still a job to do, she's freak out about it later.

Beginning a meandering walk to keep an eye on things, she makes her way toward Richard before saying, "I'm sure I'll need some assistance, Mr. Stadler. College classes aren't the same as high school, and the courses are way more in-depth, so I'll be taking you up on that offer."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb sorta looks at Mike, gesturing for a second. He turns to Sheila, "Hey, you want a soda? Pick one you like", he tells her.

And she cheerfully goes, perhaps hoping she'll get to ride a pony.

"Kid sisters... So excitable, right?" He sighs, "But, I need to ask... Just how safe will she be?" He explains, "I got this... Call it obsession... To see that she lives a happy, normal life. And deep down, I'm always asking myself, 'how am I doing so far?'" He adds, "And, at the slight mention of 'pain'..." He pauses. "Well, I assume the worst, so... Try to sell me the pitch without me thinking 'injuries'."

Desmond mac Morna has posed:
Desmond mac Morna waves a hand to Caleb. "It all depends on the horse. A nice, easy, soft mare? I'll lead her around by the bridle. She'll be perfectly safe." He shakes his head. "The pain comes from bad technique, and just simply using muscles you don't normally use. Practice makes perfect."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
To the offer to allowing access to the gear needed for riding horses, Mike nods. "Will do." He allows the conversation from his end to die down for a moment as Caleb takes a moment to voice his concerns.

Mike glances to Desmond before looking back to Caleb, "...It's like with learning a new sport or exercise." Mike responds, "If you do it wrong or you overdo it, you're going to feel it the next day. But the key thing of getting lessons is to learn the right ways of doing things so that's not as much a problem."

Mike pauses, "Do you remember how your fingers felt after a long session of practicing guitar?"