John Stewart

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  Green Lantern  
John Stewart (Scenesys ID: 3023)
Name: John Stewart
Superalias: Green Lantern
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Occupation: Green Lantern of Sector 2814
Citizenship: United States, Oa
Residence: Manhatten
Education: High School, Marine Corps Scout Snipers, Green Lanterns
Theme: DC (FC)
Apparent Age: 34 Actual Age: 34
Date of Birth 12 feb 1987 Played By David Ramsey
Height: 6'1" Weight: 201
Hair Color: Bald, naturally black Eye Color: Brown normally, glowing green using the Power Ring.
Theme Song:

Character Info


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One of the more aggressive Green Lanterns, in the greater galactic community John is a well known figure of order and stability... and a bit of recklessness. To Earth, John is only recently returned from years away in space. He is a galactic peacekeeper not afraid to get his hands dirty if he needs to, and works to maintain order in a galaxy teeming with chaos and uncertainty.

As one of the Green Lanterns assigned to Sector 2814, John's jurisdiction includes Earth.... and is the only Green Lantern in the Sector (in the Corps, really) who doesn't hide his identity.


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1987: Born to Sarah and Nathan Stewart in Detroit.

2005: Having been inspired by his mother as a community organizer despite the poverty his family lived in, John finished high school and joined the marines.

2012: Despite only intending to join the marines for a short time, John found potential in himself he never knew he had. To his surprise, he was a natural sniper and leader, quickly earning him the rank of Sergeant... and a position in the Scout Snipers among the best in the Corps.

2012: After a regular and special forces tour of duty, an incident in Gotham disillusions him with blindly ordering his superiors and he attacks a superior officer while trying to keep a situation from turning into a massacre. With his service and it being near the end of his tour, he is honorably discharged due to his heroics and immediately enrolls in college for architecture.

2014: Having graduated top in his class, John starts doing freelance contractor work, trying to find a place to belong.

2015: Having been scouted by the Guardians at a young age and all other Green Lanterns off-world, the Guardians send John a Power Ring to assist in the emergency situation with a Brood invasion. With no time for actual training, John learns literally on the fly how to operate it.

2016: With the Brood defeated, John is recalled by Oa for formal training and mentorship.

2021: After years of mentorship and training and galactic field work, John has returned to Sector 2814 as a veteran green Lantern.

IC Journal

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An orderly man who doesn't hesitate when it comes down to the wire. People have called him aggressive. People have called him belligerent. People have even called him brave to the point of recklessness... and they're right.

He is a brute when he needs to be. He stands up to authority figures when he must... and he won't hesitate to take on even Superman if it meant doing the right thing.

For John, 'doing the right thing' doesn't mean blind obedience. It doesn't even mean obeying the law. It means doing what needs to be done to ensure chaos doesn't reign. He's the man who will blackmail Selina Kyle into fighting Batman so he can retrieve something in from the museum they're fighting in as a distraction.

His mother gave him a drive to improve and build a better future. The marines gave him a healthy respect for violence and order... and showed him his potential as a sniper and leader. The Green Lanterns gave him a chance to realize his potential. Now, he uses his talents to keep the galaxy from burning.

Character Sheet


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Like all Green Lanterns, John possesses an extraordinary willpower. He can shrug off things most normal people would be crippled by.


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John has been learning architecture on and off for decades, and formally went to school for it, earning a degree. His mind is always filling in the details... and he is unique among the Green Lanterns for never having hollow constructs. Every single one is detailed to the last bolt.

John built up a healthy fitness regimen in the marine corps, and keeps up with it, making him far more athletic than the average person, though nowhere near the Punisher or Batman.

John barely scratched the surface of his potential in this regard, and since joining the Green Lanterns, has seen that potential developed. John is one of the most respected leaders in the Corps.

Military Training:
John spent a number of years in the marines, and knows how to efficiently use and maintain firearms. His specialty is sniping, and this is refected in his favorite construct; a sniper rifle.

He's also trained to a proficient level with marine CQC. He's nowhere near the best in the world, but he can hold his own against most.

John's time in the marine corps and the Green Lanterns has helped him to realize his potential in tactics and strategy. Initially limited to small squad tactics in the marines, the Green Lanterns have seen John directing whole campaigns effectively, making him a respected 'general'.


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John does freelance contracting for architecture work to pay his Earth bills, and maintains a healthy income for his off duty hours, allowing his pension to build in savings.

Green Lantern Corps:
John is a respected member of the Green Lanterns, and can count on the support of fellow Green Lanterns and the support of Oa in the pursuit of his duties.

Marine Corps:
Despite his long time away from Earth, John has reestablished contact with friends from his marine corps days.

Power Battery:
Like all Green Lanterns, John has a containment chamber with a permanent conduit to the central power battery in Oa. This containment chamber takes the form of a green lantern, and is perpetually glowing with the Green Oan energy like a green lantern.

Power Ring:
A full list of potential abilities for the Green Lattern Power Ring John has access to can be found here:


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Getting Your Hands Dirty:
John is by no means a zealot like Batman when it comes to no killing or other less than honorable deeds. Reform if you can capture, kill those who pose a serious threat that cannot be contained. John is not above blackmail, extortion, or other 'minor' crimes if it means keeping order and ensuring civilization continues for the greater good.

Only Human:
Take away the power ring, and John is still only human, with all that entails.

Public Identity:
John does not hide his identity as a Green Lantern. He wears no mask, though his eyes do glow with green Oan energy when he's using the rings power. This makes him a target for his many enemies. He wouldn't have it any other way though. He refuses to hide in fear from what he is.

Ring Weaknesses:
If John falters in his willpower, the rings effectiveness will drop sharply.

The ring MUST be recharged at least once a day from a power battery.

Drugs, neural interfence, or general mental instability of any kind will render the wielder unable to use their ring; a built in safety measure in case of external control of the wielder.

Red Lanterns can 'corrupt' a Green Lantern Power Ring, drain it of power, if the wielder is not in control of their own rage. Yellow Lanterns have a similiar effect, with fear.



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John Stewart has 46 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
A Tale of Willpower June 22nd, 2023 A little Bar Fight!
Savage Lands: The Brood CHARGE May 27th, 2023 The heroes in the Savage Lands join forces to push back a massive Brood King invasion force that attempted to storm the Lemurian Castle lands. SHIELD, Justice League, Avengers, and more combined forces to see to it the King of the Brood was felled.
Fake Diamonds in Manhattan May 22nd, 2023 John stewart does a favor and tracks dwn the source of some bait-and-switch diamonds -- and finds a desperate theif trying to get out of the game.
Going for the Green May 6th, 2023 Bank robbers picked the wrong bank to rob
Along the Seas of Sweet Aegea July 13th, 2022 The heroes chart a course to fair Aegea. Where they find a Cyclops has taken roost upon it. Fists lead to diplomacy as the heroes must ready themselves for a journey to Tartarus, Hades Realm, to stop an ancient witch from being freed from the depths.
Any crash landing you can walk away from... June 24th, 2022 No description
Another Saturday in the Park June 19th, 2022 Hyperion meets John Stewart. Info drop happens.
The Color of Envy May 29th, 2022 Lara gets in over her head. Thankfully, there's a lantern on patrol!
Green on Green Sparring May 19th, 2022 No description
Sighing at the Swordfish May 5th, 2022 Some SHIELD Agents and a Marine Sniper talk in a bar.
Lighting the Cat Ahead April 9th, 2022 A Lantern versus a Cat. Guess which is the canary.
Green Meetings March 12th, 2022 John and Kori meet and discuss downtime
Zombie March 8th, 2022 Questions may still remain about just what the Zomborgs were up to, but the dozens of lives saved mean that those answers can wait for another day.
It's not really a big deal! February 28th, 2022 June gets caught shoplifting by John and uses all of her bravado to act snarky, only to have mercy turn out to be her achilles heel.
Sing-ing in the Rain February 7th, 2022 Blue Meets Green while there's Singing in the Snow!
Path of Glory: Lead Us Not Into January 19th, 2022 A contingency of heroes intercept an angelic strike force before it manages to take out cache of refugees. The refugees escape and most of the angels are defeated. But Manhattan has a new crater in answer to the relative defeat.
Getting that bite January 12th, 2022 Turns out Gwen and MJ don't get a bite because they are accosted by thugs. Yet they try to chew on more than what they can take when John Stewart, the Green Lantern, intervenes and stops the robbery in progress. To prison with ye!
Licking wounds January 6th, 2022 A wounded Dinah is helped by John Stewart.
I feel like a pizza... December 21st, 2021 Evaluation of Helena continues in a pizza ... shop ... ?
Heroic Understanding December 6th, 2021 No description
I want to ride my bicycle November 13th, 2021 Rally goes bad. Heroes go good. Dinah exhausts John. And not in the good way.
The World Revolves around Pizza November 9th, 2021 No description
Grant me the strength... November 9th, 2021 No description
A visit to the Mansion November 3rd, 2021 John gets a tour of the Avengers Mansion: Both to talk to Steve about the team and potentially joining them, and to get to know Captain America himself
Narrows Dog-park Grand Re-opening November 2nd, 2021 The unveiling of the new Narrows Dog Park goes off without a hitch.
Your crime is anachronism... October 25th, 2021 Three heroes dump one villain. Gold for everyone!
PoP: I'd Like to Speak to the Manager. October 2nd, 2021 When Karens and Kens overrun Lost Pond Mall, it falls on a small group of 'heroes' to put them in their places. The day's saved, but the rifts are getting bigger and the things coming from them stranger.
Meeting Ms. Grey September 30th, 2021 John Stewart swings by Xaviers for the first time after his excursion across the galaxy with the X-Men, to check up on the mental wellbeing of Jean as the Phoenix host. Her answers may prove a little evasive, though he seems to find himself welcome at the school.
Meeting In The Skies September 29th, 2021 Superman and John Stewart have a conversation about methods, and the motivations of the Guardians of the Universe.
Alpha-Omega: Down Among The Dead Men September 23rd, 2021 Beneath Manhattan, the Forces of Apokolips emerge.
Shi'ar: Primordial Forces September 22nd, 2021 In search of answers, John Stewart visits the Guardians of the Galaxy for information about the mysterious Phoenix and the object known as the M'kraan Crystal.
Rare breeds September 19th, 2021 Old friends reconnect. New friend connects. Food is consumed. Pinking shears feature more than they should for a throwaway gag.
Dinner with the Florist September 19th, 2021 John has a proper dinner date with Dinah, with pleasant conversation even.
Two Lanterns Are Better Than One September 7th, 2021 John and Hal meet and discuss what's been happening on Earth.
The Nightmare Barrier: John Stewart August 25th, 2021 John faces the strange hallucinations of the Nightmare Barrier: first he believes himself under attack by the Brood, before his ring seems to kill them like the Malthusian tech tried to kill them earlier. A hologram tells him to leave, but Green Lanterns are notoriously stubborn. Ultimately, he flies back toward the light, whatever the cost or danger.
Shi'ar: The White Hot Room August 20th, 2021 Having overcome the nightmare barrier, the X-men and their Green Lantern ally explore the tower in the center of the crystal's city, encountering the mysterious builder, before facing D'Ken and Davan Shakari. The battle seems to fracture the crystal around then (and perhaps all of reality with it), while the version of Jean they have found appears a corpse. Yet James makes contact with the Phoenix, who sweeps them into the center of its domain. It shows them a multitude of Phoenix hosts across time as they ask for their friend's return. The Phoenix agrees, although the process means they will be bonded again - and it demonstrates anger toward Lilandra for the Shi'ar's meddling. Soon after that, they are all ejected from the crystal, returned to the surface of M'Kraan for Illyana to transport home.
The new girlfriend August 19th, 2021 No description
Shi'ar: Into the Crystal August 15th, 2021 The X-Men break some perfectly good space quarantine gear and finally make contact with the M'kraan crystal, sensing a disturbance caused by D'Ken's meddling. Once inside its impossible space, they feel as though they can almost reach the center of everything, only to be cast into a void filled with the greatest horrors of their own souls.
Dollhouse: Moving back to the Triskelion August 15th, 2021 SHIELD is back in the Triskelion. And a new Green Lantern arrived in town.
Pan Pan Pan August 13th, 2021 No description
The Talk(tm) August 12th, 2021 No description
Clarification August 11th, 2021 John goes to talk to Beatriz, only to have to deal with a Starro controlled Shazam while Beatriz nearly splats.
It's not easy being Green August 8th, 2021 Green on Green results in clothing, a barbecue, and breakfast next morning.
Shi'ar: Sic Itur Ad Astra August 8th, 2021 Illyana transports a team of X-Men (and a Green Lantern consultant!) to another Galaxy and the Shi'ar planet M'kraan. There, they find a world under ancient quarantine, a dead city of science, alien signage, Oan mysteries, and at the end of a long trail, a crystal containing incredible energy. Also, apparently, some very hostile quarantine measures.
The Back 40 August 6th, 2021 No description
Shi'ar: We Come in Peace, Part II July 28th, 2021 Diplomacy breaks down over the value of life, and the Justicue League comes to blows with the Shi'ar Imperial Guard. The battle sprawls across the moon and space, almost threatening to destroy the former as Kryptonians and Strontians trade mountain-cracking blows. In the end, Superman calls a retreat, and with the aid of the Brotherhood, the Justice League regroups on Asteroid M rather than seeing the Watchtower or the whole moon destroyed. Now both sides lick their wounds, the Leage looking to reclaim their home and drive off these invaders, while the Shi'ar begin their hunt for the Phoenix.


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John Stewart has 46 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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John Stewart has been credited in 0 shows.

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John Stewart has been credited in 0 albums.

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John Stewart has authored 0 books.

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