Tom McCarthy

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  Tom McCarthy  
Tom McCarthy (Scenesys ID: 3971)
Name: Thomas McCarthy
Superalias: None
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Occupation: S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: Gotham
Education: Bachelor's of Nursing
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: SHIELD
Apparent Age: 30 Actual Age: 30
Date of Birth 01 April 1992 Played By Tom Ellis
Height: 6'3" Weight: 187 lb
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: Heroes - David Bowie

Character Info


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Tom is a man trying his best to be a hero, among super-powered heroes. Prior training as a Special Forces Pararescue operative allowed him to transition from the military to being a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent - which keeps him in the action and helping people.


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* 1992: Born and Raised in Toledo, Ohio, to Parents Finn and Elena.
* 2009: Graduated High School and signed up early to join the United States Air Force.
* 2009: While in Basic Training, he applied to Pararescue Special Forces and was accepted.
* 2010: Accepted into the Bootstrap program while training, started his degree at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for Nursing.
* 2011: Sent on <redacted> missions during the Iraqi insurgency.
* 2015: Completed his Bachelor's Degree, granted the rank of Second Lieutenant.
* 2015 - 2020: Continued to serve with distinction in multiple theatres in the world. Many covert missions to save the lives of many service members.
* 2020: Upon receiving a Purple Heart, he stepped away from the Air Force, having earned the rank of Major.
* 2020: His record was noted by S.H.I.E.L.D. and he was brought into service of the organization.

IC Journal

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While on the job, he's most certainly business first. People die if he messes up, so he's solely focused on getting things right and done properly.

When not on duty, he has a heck of a sense of humor. It's often dry and subtle, but it is most certainly there.

Raised in the military, he's got a good sense of instilled civility. Manners and proper behavior are something that Tom tries to adhere to.

As a person who used to go behind enemy lines to rescue people, Tom is most certainly a protective person. Friends and loved ones, of course - but even your everyday unknown passer-by. He's there to protect, something easily discernable about him.

Character Sheet


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Combat Training:
Tom is an expert hand-to-hand combatant. As part of his special forces training, he was taught Judo, Jiu Jitsu, Kenpo and Tae Kwan Do.

As part of his Pararescue training, and on-going S.H.I.E.L.D. training, Tom is an expert marksman with most modern small-arms.

Tom was trained in the Air Force as a Pararescue, and is familiar with battlfield triage and medicine. He also achieved his Bachelor's degree in Nursing from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

As a child, Tom learned to play the piano, a skill he's kept up through out being an adult. While not a concert level pianist, he does well while tickling the ivories.

Special Forces:
Tom trained as a Pararescue operative in the United States Air Force. He trained alongside Army Rangers and other special forces. For a full list of the training, please see


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Loving the thrill of the wind whipping past him, Tom has secured himself a Ducati Panigale V4 motorcycle.

S.h.i.e.l.d. Allotment:
Depending on the mission, Tom can request equipment from S.H.I.E.L.D. for the task at hand.

Standard Issue:
Tom is generally armed with a .45 Kimber Custom sidearm.


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Tom is a mortal, human person. No fancy genetical anomalies, no ultra-tech. Just a guy who is well trained.

Colonel James Ericson was another pararescueman who served with Tom in the Air Force. Ericson blames Tom for the death of another PJ - incorrectly, but there's no changing Ericson's mind. He did everything he could to ensure Tom had a rough time of his remaining years in service. Even to this day, he looks for ways to cause problems for Tom.



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Tom McCarthy has 40 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Happy Birthday, Tom! April 1st, 2024 Ducky takes Tom out for his birthday!
The Open Door: Maybe we should talk February 27th, 2024 Information's shared, the heroes learn a little more than they knew before, but of the utmost importance, Kib's wasn't really running away.
The Open Door: The Demon Ank'galah February 25th, 2024 A demon presence is found at an Apartment in the Flatiron District, NYC -- and is far worse than any of the previous locations. A demoness is confronted!
The Open Door February 16th, 2024 The hellgate in Chelsea gets addressed by SHIELD and friends.
The Open Door: Cracking Open February 11th, 2024 Demons bubble out of the house in Chelsea, NYC ... and several heroes are there to stop them.
The Open Door: The Obsidian Crow (NYC) February 5th, 2024 Various heroes respond to a house of demonic influence, and find mysteries within ... and on the lawn.
Not Ominous At ALL February 5th, 2024 A talk. But it goes alright.
After The Gunfight January 29th, 2024 Ducky and Tom meet up after the Punisher situation at the Triskelion.
Punishment for the wicked January 25th, 2024 Moving day for Frank Castle, headed to Rykers island and a group from the PMC Omega attacked the Triskelion. After an initial shock surprise attack, they SHIELD agents organize themselves and push the defenders back. Frank, however, faces off against two masked individuals who leave him wounded, but alive. Whatever happened, it's only the beginning.
A Very Late Dinner January 12th, 2024 Tom and Ducky get late night dinner after seeing each other after ten years. There are some sore subjects brought up, but a light at the end of things!
Well This Is A Surprise! January 8th, 2024 Ducky runs into Tom and there is that awkward moment of 'oh I know you...' but it passes!
Gotham Gallery Opening Gala October 31st, 2023 Malakim opens and there is no attempted kidnappings or anything else. Whew!
A Trip To The Pumpkin Patch September 24th, 2023 Tom and Asariel get out of town for a few hours...and take pumpkins back as trophies!
We're Closed! August 23rd, 2023 Asariel's true nature is starting to come out...and it's starting to worry some. Agent McCarthy is there to save the day though!
We're Just Fine August 19th, 2023 Tom stops in to check on Asariel and finally has a conversation. Sadly there are still not a lot of answers.
Operation: London Calling - Side Quest July 18th, 2023 Agent McCarthy and other SHIELD Agents recover a woman that was being held captive by an entity. Things are getting weirder by the minute!
One Spring Day! March 6th, 2023 Clea runs into Agent Tom again and gets to learn a little more about the outside world.
Just Act Natural January 30th, 2023 Clea is out trying to be normal and comes across an Agent of SHIELD in need of coffee.
So, You Have A Witchblade Too Huh November 28th, 2022 Ended
A Limp By Any Other Name November 17th, 2022 Maria scores some unexpected bakery castoffs. Tom spots her limp and comes to check up on her.
Not Quite A Winter Wonderland November 16th, 2022 A priest in Brooklyn floods a vacant parking lot turning it into an ice skating site. The community gathers and acts of charity take place, witnessed by reporter Clark Kent.
Running It Down October 23rd, 2022 A group of SHIELD Agents and a member of the FBI respond to a ninja raid.
When Coffee Becomes More September 16th, 2022 The emergence of Digitabulum after SHIELD Agents Tom McCarthy is gravely injured. Who knew that the
Killer Queen August 28th, 2022 Lorna and Tom catch up with the events of the day. Talk of the issue with the Friends of Humanity, kidnapping, and mutant growth hormone drugs.
Hydra on a Hellicarrier August 28th, 2022 Hydra attacks S.H.I.E.L.D.'s newestly christened Hellicarrier. They're driven off in a daring mid-air fight by heroic Agents of SHIELD and members of the Avengers!
A Night Away - Quiet July 26th, 2022 A brief interlude for the Queen, away from the hustle and bustle of the throne.
Burning the Candle July 6th, 2022 Tom calls Lorna on not taking care of herself. They chat over dinner.
Buster visits the Genoshan Embassy. June 30th, 2022 No description
Foods for Thoughts June 27th, 2022 In which SHIELD agents fight off ferocious, feral pudding, talk of romanticized thieves, and subverting the bureaucracy.
Lunch and a Witchblade June 21st, 2022 Sara has lunch at the Triskelion and meets Tom McCarthy. Witchblade seems to take an odd interest in him while the two get to know each other.
Fine Dining Around the Elephant in the Room June 16th, 2022 No description
The Concrete Sprawl June 16th, 2022 Natasha Romanoff runs a group of SHIELD Agents through a discussion of urban combat to make some points on training and temperament.
Time for a little business June 14th, 2022 Mystique travels to Genosha to explain the plans to Queen Lorna, and seek her willingness to take in the soon to be refugees.
Sharing The Past June 5th, 2022 No description
Pasta for Two May 30th, 2022 Italian dinner was had, and intentions noted. Open communication is the best policy!
The Right Hands May 26th, 2022 Red She Hulk infiltrates the Triskelion labs to destroy information on how to make Hulks like her...and is fought and talked down by Fitz, Valerie, Mary Jane and Tom McCarthy before surrendering.
Sunday Funday, SHIELD Edition May 23rd, 2022 SHIELD socializing over tacos!
You Want to Go Where May 22nd, 2022 Introductions to Clarice, dinner, a view and shared stories!
Culinary Explorations May 18th, 2022 No description
PR, SHIELD Style May 9th, 2022 Pleasantries are made, information shared and Tom learns about Mutants!


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Tom McCarthy has 40 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
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Entertainment Credits

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Tom McCarthy has been credited in 0 shows.

Title Date Scene Summary
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Tom McCarthy has been credited in 0 albums.

Title Release Date Artist
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Tom McCarthy has authored 0 books.

Title Release Date Synopsis
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Group Memberships

Tom McCarthy has been listed in 2 groups.