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Latest revision as of 06:20, 13 March 2022

Depths of Deviancy
Date of Scene: 06 March 2022
Location: Downtown Manhattan
Synopsis: Kids have gone missing. A group of heroes come in to look into things and help, and find out there's something far worse behind it. And they have to start down the path of those that have fallen into the hard times.. Of Deviancy.
Cast of Characters: Ivana Baiul, Caitlin Fairchild, Molly Hayes, Eddie Brock, Hank Hall, Tabitha Smith, Victor Stone, James Proudstar, Kaida Connolly, Donna Troy

Ivana Baiul has posed:
Missing persons were an unfortunate constant of life. People came and went. Sometimes it was bad things happening. Sometimes it was just them moving on with life and being lost track of. People came and went. but multiple people in the same area going at the same time? After a large rebuilding project was going on barely a month after a cataclysmic event? That drew a lot of attention.
    One of those large cookie-cutter residential buildings that had four people vanish. Some heroes might be here following up on things to help in general in the aftermath of rebuilding. Others might just want to show up and keep a presence. Some might be investigators.
    But there were kids missing, and something was wrong. It was a late night, and outside the weather was thick and heavy with humidity along a small parkway leading up to the dozen or so identical large brick buildings meant to provide affordable housing, with a few cops that were going to talk on things.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
For the Titans, this was more than just a regular news alert. Caitlin had specifically flagged these individuals as being on a watch list for 'at-risk' metahumans. The gen-actives, those spin-offs of Weapon Plus, were at higher risk than most. Beyond the more mundane threats of injury or violence in the street, they were at a much higher risk for being kidnapped by nefarious corporate or government interests.

With Kadia and Victor in tow, Caitlin had driven up from the Titan's Tower into Manhattan to look for the missing kids. 'Blending' isn't something she and Vic can really do, so she settles for jeans and a winter-weight vest over a long sleeve shirt. With a purple beanie jammed nearly down to her ears, the pennant of her red hair is less visible at a glance.

"I hate cold-calling people," Caitlin confesses to her friends. They make the short trek in the cold air to get to the lobby, and she presses the call button on one of the apartments. "Best case they're irritated with you, worst case you find something awful happened to them."

She buzzes the first of the apartments, waits ten seconds, then buzzes it again.

Molly Hayes has posed:
Some of that lack of blending on the Titans part can let them be spotted. In this case, hero afficionado and compact-sized superheroic titan Princess Powerful aka The Bruiser aka Molly Hayes happened to spot the close-knit group making their way into an apartment building.

Technically, Molly had just been on her way to try and find someplace less conspicuous to try out her brand new jetpack, but if superhero big-timers like that are showing up, there must be something going on. Molly would have to use her wits to investigate.

"HEY! WHAT'S GOING ON?" she shouts at Caitlin's back as she goes after them.

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie Brock's footfalls could be heard as he traversed the sidewalk, passing from one island of light cast by a street light, to another. His walk could best be called a lumbering stalk, hands thrust into the pockets of his jacket for warmth.

   <<Venom>> "So you think there may be very bad people behind this disappearances?"

Eddie glances around briefly, making sure no one is in too close of earshot. Not that someone talking to himself on the streets of New York is that uncommon. "Yeah. Chaos like this, bad hombres tend to take advantage of it. So, we'll just have an ask around, see what's going on."

   <<Venom>> "And then you can put out a story about it. And regain your career. And we can shove the story in the face of J. Jonah Jameson."

Eddie's head tilts to the side as he considers that possibility, with a bit of obvious relish. "Well-"

   <<Venom>> "... and then I eat his face!"

That stops Eddie in his tracks for a moment. His head bounces around noncommittally as if weighing it. "It's open to discussion," he replies to the voice in his head.

Up ahead he spots a uniformed presence. "Huh. Cops are out," he mumbles. "Well, let's see what they know. Wish I'd brought donuts," he says as he heads over towards the police officers.

Hank Hall has posed:
    Hank is here on a personal project. He keeps his ear to ground for greater missing persons reports, after all he and his brother often specialized in getting kids out of those sorts of situations. He is in plainclothes, but carried a manilla folder with dossiers of all he could find out about this case--which was rather considerable since he reunion with the Titans. Being one of the original members of the organization apparently comes with clout with law enforcement.

    His badge is on display at his belt as is a sidearm. He may be out of his jurisdiction, but being on loan for this case meant he was in the right as an officer. He too was making the rounds and checking on information. "You know... this is the sort of thing that we talk should about" he says, eyeing the trio he knows and the additional one he doesn't at the buzzer. "It's too perfect to be coincidence. You're here about the four missing persons aren't you?" he asks, holding up the manilla folder with the info he has and giving it a shake.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Sometimes when time allows Tabby occasionallt pitches in at the hood homeless shelter that helped her out as a kid and word of missing folks gets her attention. It's not anything new in New York but sometimes you just get the occasional off feeling and missing kids sets that off like an alarm.

Tabby was a runaway street kid all on er own. This could easily have been her at one point.

Dressed pretty down for the day in old blue jeans and a black leather bomber jacket in a more bolero styled cut to allow midriff to show while she wears some clunky black combat boots on her feet and red cateye glasses with clear lenses.

And of course she's been in her imeptuous moods and just started going around asking anyone in the area about the missing kids herself to find out where to start poking versus her own experience of where young girls might wind up if they just took off.

Victor Stone has posed:
    "I checked in on their social media accounts," Vic notes as he stands there with Caitlin. He's put on some clothing himself, jeans and a jacket, but it's really hard to mask the way his face is half-cybernetic. "They all had large accounts, lots of friends... but all of their 'friends' turned out to be /really/ sophisticated bots." He frowns. "Don't like any of the possibilities there."

    Molly coming up and yelling behind them gets him to turn and blink at her, and then he spots Hank and waves to the other Titan. He'll let Caitlin explain their presence to the others.

James Proudstar has posed:
The irrgeulars were talking kids with powers going missing. It might be part of the trend or it might not but with everything going on it bore looking into. They weren't part of the community but sometimes they weren't. Sometimes they were vagrants or freshly emerge, you never knew. The good news, no one had turned up in the morgue, yet.

    Jim makes a slow loop around the housing complex and comes to land in a nearby alley. Walking out with a clipboard and a windbreaker. The large man doesn't blend in as become less noticeable.

Ivana Baiul has posed:
There's an irritable looking cop that's eyeing Hank in passing that would glance at folks coming in. Letting out a 'huh' at the disparate group and looking.. Well, awed at just the sheer size of the approaching James. He would give Venom-In-Disguise a grunt and a wave.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Sitting on Cait's shoulder (or Vic's if she prefers it) Kaida rolls up with the Titans gang. She is kinda hard to spot in the presence of both Vic and Caitlin. This is mainly because she's a mouse. While there is something of interest about a woman walking around with a mouse on her shoulder, it isn't also something the mind latches on to. Of course, once Cait is buzzing the apartment, Kaida merely smiles and leaps down.

A brief glance is given to Molly but she is busy being herself and with that, she's zipping off to find a way into the building without having to be buzzed in. It's just in her nature not to let things like doors, locks, and societal rules stop her from just going into places. Years of being on the streets and a mouse kinda broke that issue.

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie Brock notes the other people in the area also heading over towards the apartments. James Proudstar gets a longer glance, the man's sheer size drawing attention. Though not all that long of one, as one of the cops notices Eddie.

"Brock? What are you doing here? Thought you crawled into a hole somewhere. With a bottle probably," the beat cop says with a smirk on his face as if taking a bit of delight from the moment.

Eddie's eyes drift away with an expression that seems to be cursing his luck. "Miller," he replies back in as neutral a voice as his deep rasp manages. "Just heard about some refugees who might have gone missing, didn't make it back, or after they made it back?" he asks.

Miller looks over to one of the other cops. "Daily Bugle guy, accused an innocent guy of being a serial killer a few years back," he says, and causing a muscle on Eddie's jaw to tighten.

"So," Eddie asks with a nod of his head towards the apartments. "What's the deal here, anyway?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Fingers are waggled and a big smiling nod is sent the direction of Molly though Tabby does chuckle when Jimmy is hunching about with a clipboard. "Same wigged out feeling I got, huh?" the blonde woman asks her giant of an ex-boyfriend and tilts her spine back to smile up at him.

"Maybe we should do the tracking the old fashioned way. Knock on a door where she stayed, grab some old laundry and sniff her way out? Hope we get lucky and scent stays fresh." she suggests to the oversized man with a clip board and offers more fingers waggling towards the other Titans.

"Hi" she greets to them with a cheery tone and more waggles of fingers.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin smiles fondly at Hank when he walks up, and gives his upper arm a grateful squeeze that suggests a friendship beyond mere acquaintance. "Answer your T-Comm more often, you won't miss out on the memos," she teases him. "I notice you're never late for dinner." When the manila folder's about she waits patiently for Hank to finish his speaking before opening her hands to silently request it's been handed to her.

Caitlin stiffens in momentary alarm at Molly's shouting and whips her head around until she spots the (much) shorter woman trailing in her wake. And now there's Eddie, looking like a vagrant, James Proudstar being a rare individual who is close to Vic and Caitlin's build, and Tabitha, looking cooly streetwise.

She looks mute appeal at the other Titans. "Did we accidentally broadcast this on the public channel?" she inquires, a little rhetorically.

The redhead buzzes the other apartments in quick order, then turns to address the newcomers. "Uh... hi. I didn't expect-- I mean, this is a lot of people for a missing person's case," she tells the collective. "I-- er, I take it you all have worked a little private investigation?" she inquires with a hopeful tone. "If you have, that's great. Many hands make, uh, light work, or something."

Molly Hayes has posed:
Molly Hayes sees Tabby, too, and sidles up with her hands in her pockets. Boom-Boom will at least know what's going on. Well. Probably. At the very least, Molly knew her so that it would be a way to get her somewhat petite foot in the door. She has her Baby Yoda cap shoved down on her head very firmly, the little guy's hand waving back and forth occasionally accompanied by a mechanized trilling sound like he's asking for treats.

She crosses her arms and tries to look businesslike standing next to Boomer, "Yeah. Hi. You guys. We're also doing this right now. Cause we're.." she starts to say cops, but then she sees the actual cops and realizes that won't fly. Also won't fly because she is a small 'definitely not a cop' teenager in a Star Wars hat. "...interested parties."

Ivana Baiul has posed:
The cop that was just looking up at Warpath would shake his head, "They're getting bigger tehse days." A glance is given to James and Caitlin with a low and amused nod at the pair. "And guess they had a lot of friends. Or they didn't." He would look at the heroes. "Or some important ones."
    Then looking at Miller, "Hey, dial it down a bit kid.." Then glancing at Eddie. "Name rings a bell. You do real good work with checkin' yer facts before they publish." Looking at Molly. "And how old you, kid?"
    Him very, very happy to let Hank take over.

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar raises an eyebrow, "Mutants are going missing all over the Northeast, this might be related, might not but-" The big man shrugs, "We gotta check it out." James smiles and flashes his temp ID to the cop, "Housing inspection." He holds up the paperwork and nods to Tabitha, "She's with me, in training, paperwork hasn't come through. Dowton is a mess."Jim shakes his head ruefully. That's the thing with emergencies, all hands tothe wheel, even first year MSW students get temp credentials.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The Grogu cap on Molly's head gets a squee of approval from Tabitha as the shorter mutant sidles up with them and actually alleviates at least of of Boomie's body image issues when she's in the same space as some of the other Titan ladies that tower over even her.

The fast talking by James gets a nod. "Still waiting on like all of the onboard stuff. Swear HR is dragging it's feet on purpose and blaming the situation out on the streets." she says and tries to add to the subterfuge. She even shrugs her shoulders and puts on an exasperated look to her features.

Donna Troy has posed:
    <<Gods, Cait, you sure know how to pick them,>> Donna's voice comes in over the Titan's T-Comm network. <<Saw your mission log, I was at the embassy and thought I might as well drop by to see if you needed a hand. What's going on? You seem to be attracting a lot of attention. Or at least something is. I'm on the roof.>>

    Sure enough, perched on top of the building and barely visible in the darkness even if someone happened to be looking up there, is one Amazon. A leather coat helps her blend into the darkness, and covers the lasso coiled at her belt that might otherwise be a visibly glowing beacon. <<A flyer on scene. Haven't been able to get a good look for an ID, but really big guy. Keeping an eye on things from here, call if you need backup.>>

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic smirks as Kaida runs off to do her own investigating, then looks at Caitlin and says, "I didn't broadcast it; I'm just along for the ride. Nice to get out of Metropolis, y'know?" He grins, and looks around at the group that's gathering.

    "This /is/ a lot of people," he muses. "Do you know them, Cait? If we can trust 'em, might be able to split people up among all those apartments, if you think they'd share the information."

Hank Hall has posed:
    "Things have been tense of late what with Dawn out of town" Hank replies to Cait and hands over the folder to his old friend. Inside are four dossiers. The first two are clipped together: Emilia and Bianca Valerio. Sisters. Both were listed as homeless but frequented this part of the neighborhood. Bianca was a known meta as she had displayed aggressiveness and powers (low level telekinesis from look of it--she liked to mentally throw rocks at people with her mind) at one of the temporary housing shelters outside of Manhattan.

    The second dossier is for Rob Cranston. He was a tennant at the apartments. Supposedly had a ton of pets who made noise almost constantly. After multiple rent violations, the landlord decided to check in. No sign of animals inside but there was a pretty significant recording set up and an otherwise empty apartment.

    The fourth is more detailed than the others: Mia Heiline. Lived in the building across the street. Former student at ESU. But aparently she had a bad habit of plagarizing every bit of work she ever did and was kicked out of the school for it. She was also a recorded thief. Multiple misdemeanors for pickpocketing. But all were dropped after paid restitution without ever going to any hearings. Attached to her dossier are several of the brief reports on her arrests. For someone who seemed hard on cash, she had an easy way of paying off any heat. Which from a cursory glance made it seem like she had a benefactor behind the scenes.

    hank rattles off quick summaries of the contents for the others nearby, not paying much mind to the fact that there were non-Titans in the area. Donna seemed to think the others were either also looking into it or--possibly--suspects so friends close, enemies (or in this case strangers) closer seemed like a good fit for the situation.

    "It's too much of a coincidence and if it tipped you off without police information, then it definitely holds merit for being fishy. What's your take?" he asks Cait with a raised brow.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby looks like someone stepped over her non existant grave when Mia is described. A little too close to home with all that thieving she had to do let alone other things to get by. The scrunch of her features getting a mmm.

"The girls might have had a sugar daddy or mama. Or umm, a Pimp? Lot of us on the streets here had to do a lot to not freeze in winter. let alone not starve." Tabby ponders and looks to James, Molly, and the others with a rather regretful look. "Any older people that they might have been seen with regularly. Someone that might leave the girls smiling or happy on their way about to wherever they crash? Home or otherwise?" she asks

Molly Hayes has posed:
Molly Hayes nods, "I'm old enough to kick butt and chew bubblegum. And I'm all out of...no, wait, I have some," she says, reaching into her pocket and pulling out some bubble gum popping a piece in her mouth. She offers it around if anyone wants. Hubba Bubba Grape.

When Tabby talks, Molly just says "PIMPS?!?" in a large voice and then realizes how loud she shouted and looks sheepish. "I mean...carry on," she says.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Appearing in time to catch the tail end of some of what Hank was saying. She waits for him to finish before she speaks and it's from the ground. Despite it being from the ground level, she's relatively loud. She has learned to project.

"So! No signs of blood and the apartments for the peeps that have gone missing got no recent smells." She nods her head as she idly rocks back and forth on her feet. She glances at Tabitha and then blinks at Molly before looking forward to Cait and Hank.

"I haven't really had much of a chance to do a thorough search yet but I figured you might want to know about what I sniffed out." She nods her head and then shivers a little, "Really wish it'd warm up."

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie Brock steals a glance or two at the group nearby that seem to know each other, and the cop that approaches them with the case file. The disgraced journalist listens in as Hank Hall goes over the particulars of the case, and steals as many looks at the file as he can as it is shown among the others. Though at this distance he can't make out very much, he knows the Klyntar is far more perceptive there, and has recently revealed some remarkable ability at reproducing images and documents.

Who'd have thought alien goop would be good at calligraphy?

Something that Miller's buddy says draws Eddie's thoughts over the fully. "What was that?" he asks.

The cop repeats to him, "Couple of them were last seen coming back home, yeah. Three of them had booked passage over on Big Apple Transit. They've been running buses and boats helping people return, with all the streets and trains overrun by people returning."

The name seems to ring a bell with Eddie Brock. "Big Apple Transit?" he asks in his deep warbling voice. "You mean that spot over on seventh? In the middle of that mini-mall with the laundromat, the nail salon, Chinese buffet and the shoe repair?"

The cop gives Eddie a nod back. Eddie's head gives a tilt. "You know all those are owned by the same guys. All those... cash-heavy businesses. Owned by the same guys."

Miller gives a shrug. "So?" he says in a snotty tone. "Cash is kind of a good thing when you're running a business, isn't it?"

The other cop who had given Eddie the information gives a sigh. "Mean they are all businesses it's easy to launder money through, Miller.

   <<Venom>> "Heh. Good job. You made him look a fool."

   <<Eddie>> "Nah that was all his doing."

Eddie clears his throat. "I imagine kind of hard for the city to keep track of how many buses and boats they actually ran. Good short term business to get into."

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar raises an eyebrow at the others but seems non plussed, "Yeah, so, let's head upstairs." He's speaking to Tabs. Clearly, not a mutant with this much attention.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin shakes her head at Hank, not entirely certain how to respond. "I think that four disappearances in the space of a few days, from the same projects, is super sus," she informs him. "But when they're all metahumans? That's never a good sign. Either someone got to them, or they got out ahead of someone else." The redhead squints skywards at Donna, returns the hail with a wave of her own hand. "It's not an emergency, but you can come join us!" she calls up at Donna with a reassuring tone. "Could use more eyes down here anyway!"

She holds her feet (carefully) still when Kaida speaks, nodding encouragingly at the mouse, then stoops to offer her a hand to climb into. She lifts Kaida onto her shoulder near the warmth of her vest collar.

The input from Molly and Tabitha is acknowledge gratefully, and Eddie's rather insightful observation provokes a thoughtful nod from the redhead.

"We can't do a lot without a search warrant," she reminds the others, and frets her lower lip with concern. "But maybe some neighbors have emergency keys? Let's split up, we'll cover more ground," she suggests. "We can meet down here in twenty minutes to compare notes."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Yeah, more doors to knock on and ask." Tabby states and shrugs her shoulders. Molly gets a weak smile and a shake of her head when she has her outburst but it is a forgiving look and almost a chuckle.

The blonde girl who is clearly not a mutant or X-Intern nod up to James and his plan to continue canvassing. And as they ask about more they get more information. "Think the two sisters didn't get seen much. I hate when that beneath notice stuff gets you falling through the cracks. You just wanna seem to not go out unless you need to. Kinda like them." she offers "I got stupid lucky in the end."

Molly Hayes has posed:
Molly Hayes realizes that Tabby is sad about what's going on. And that this is a serious situation. So she dials back her usually ebullient personality. The more she thinks about it, in fact, the angrier she gets. "I'm glad you're okay," she says softly to Tabby as she follows along upstairs to help out in the door to door.

Ivana Baiul has posed:
Coming out of one of the doors as they were knocked for Tabby and Molly is a small, portly woman that seems old, and is nearly as short as Molly. She would squint at the two of them behind thick glasses with dark skin covered in wrinkles. "Are you girl scouts?"

Donna Troy has posed:
    With the word that Caitlin doesn't feel the need for Donna to stay out of sight as emergency back-up, she comes down from the roof to join the others straight away. She swoops down, coming in to land in a flurry of wind-blown leather coat a few feet from where the others are standing discussing the dossiers, nodding greetings to her teammates and giving curious looks to the others.

    "Knocking on doors then," she says. "See if any of the neighbors have noticed anything. Or if they're being shifty and trying to hide anything." Her eyes study James and Tabitha a moment longer before turning to Caitlin. "Your mission. Where do you want me? And keep in mind the old magic lie detector test if anyone's... you know. Being suspicious."

Victor Stone has posed:
    Vic grins at Donna as she heads down. "Yeah, no real danger that we can see. But looks like we're doing a sweep. Like I said earlier, they didn't have any actual friends online, so... looks like they fell through the cracks a bit." He nods toward Tabitha, in agreement with her, before she and Molly walk off.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
A sigh of relief when Kaida is offered Cait's shoulder again and she snuggles in happily there. She's tough but cold is cold and she is small! So, she casually rests there while listening to others and she calls out and points to James.

"I like him, he has hte right idea. Straight forward and obvious." She nods, "My preferred method when at all possible." She then looks over the collar toward Molly and Tabitha before looking forward with Cait.

"It's been a while since anyone has been to the missing people's apartments." She nods her head, "My nose is really accurate. I can just slip inside though if need be. I mean, I get it, warrants and all, but I don't have to break to enter."

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar raises an eyebrow, "Indeed, it's cookie season again, I'm cookie security."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"I'm better now Molly. For me it was a rough time. I was like around fourteen and a bit either side." Tabby explains. "Not a lot of fun." she points out before the girls are held up a little by old seemng lady and she's given a smile.

"Hi! We're volunteering around the area. Our unforms had to get left at home. New York streets sometimes isn't friendly even for those uniforms." she says and doesn't exactly deny the lady's assumption. "Just been trying to catch up with some friends and get them to come out." she adds and offers names and descriptions of the missing.

Smiling to Molly she indicates to the shawty to keep the lady talking if it sounds mportant.

James gets a grin. "He also carries the boxes for us. Got something for me to pick up hon?" she asks the big man accompanying the totally not mutants.

Hank Hall has posed:
    Hank grins at Caitlin. "It's a good thing that your friend is a cop then isn't it?" he asks as he reaches into his coat and withdraws a folded paper with the word WARRANT stamped on the outside of it and unclips his badge from his belt.

    He looks over his shoulder to Eddie speaking to one of the locals. "Big Apple was the lead company transporting refugees back and forth from the island to the camps outside" he mentions to the man. "Another link..." he mutters mostly to himself.

    As Donna lands nearby he offers the woman a nod of greeting. "Doing my best to keep the big guy under wraps... hopefully the need won't turn up. So it's just Officer Hank today."

Eddie Brock has posed:
Miller's buddy's head is the one to tilt with interest now. The cop scratches at the back of his head, then straightens his hat as he asks Eddie Brock, "Who are the guys you say own all those?"

"American Amalgamated. That's all I'd gotten it. Some shell corporation. Ended up not being central to what I was looking into, so I never got deeper on it," Eddie replies to the cop.

   <<Venom>> "Why are you sharing this with him? Should we not look into it ourselves?"

   <<Eddie>> "Building some goodwill. Never know the next time that we might need some info. It's called, you scratch my back, I scratch yours."

   <<Venom>> "I don't think Gwen would like us scratching other's backs. Even men. But- Eddie! Look! The mouse! It is talking! You said animals do not talk!"

Eddie Brock glances over towards where Kaida is speaking. His eyebrows go up a little bit. "Huh," he mumbles to himself. "That's... unusual." He looks over the other group a little closer, and this time, gets a clearer view of Vic's cybernetic face.

   <<Eddie>> "Buddy, I don't know this is the right group for us to be around. Let's see what we can find out before we go. But we might be better off leaving it to them."

Eddie raises a hand to give the helpful cop a little wave. "Thanks. Well, hope you find them," he says. He nods over amiably towards Hank Hall at his comment. After, Eddie disengages from the rest, waiting a bit and then drifting over towards one of the apartments when no one else is in it, before he heads inside if able to take a closer look.

Ivana Baiul has posed:
The woman talking to Tabitha would squint and nod at her, "All right." She would frown over. "Oh, them? They just stayed inside. I asked them if they could help an old lady with packages sometimes but no. Just go in, go out, make rude comments. At least they didn't play their music too loud. Acted like the rest of us didn't exist. What's the type? Anti-something?" Anti-social?

Anyone canvassign the halls quickly would get the impression that the missing kids didn't go out in the slightest. Or interact. Or really doa nything with anyone in the complex. Not necessarily the thing purported troublemaker types like they were supposed to be might do.

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar steps up speaking with the Woman easily, using his bulk to hide Tabby's sctivity, "That is a shame, the young should respect their elders. When was the last time you saw them? Do you need anthing taken care of?" He nods to Molly.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin gives Hank a look that strives to be flatly unimpressed in the face of his miraculous Due Process Powers. "Do I even want to know /why/ you happen to have those at hand?" she inquires-- but heads dutifully along with Hank and the other Titans.

It takes some persuading and the flashing of Hank's ID to get a neighbor to open up one of the suites. Caitlin puts on her best Sunday smile, trying to reassure the civilians, while urging Hank and Vic into the room to look around with Kaida handy. The three of them are perhaps best able to pick up any scent, sight, or suggestion of where their quarry might be headed-- though a pretty big red flag is the shattered remains of a cheap 'burner' phone on the tacky old carpet underfoot.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Anticosial, yeah. Or just being the hood old B word." tabby winks to the old lady. "That is very rude of them. We'll just have to have a talk with them." Tabitha states with a smile to the lady and them up to James as she lets Molly run interference and ask questions here and there if she wants. When she spies the door to the girl's place she smiles up at Jim and Molly while she slips a hand into her jacket's inside pocket to pull a couple lockpicking tools. "I hope they haven't been hopping out of the fireescape and didn't leave the slide bolts and stuff in. That'll be so embarrasing." she says with a chuckle as she makes a move to start unlocking the door. Checking the locks she can see let alone what might be keeping the door barred from inside. Luckily she has a very sizable advantage in being screened from her dastardly work being seen by little old ladies.

At least the apartment she breaks into should smell a little better than the mothballs and probably camphor that's burning even her nostrils. Poor Jimmy and his enganced sniffer.

Donna Troy has posed:
    "I trust Kaida's nose," Donna says with a grin at the mouse. "If she says a place hasn't been occupied a while, it hasn't been occupied a while. If you think you can check out more thoroughly inside without worrying about warrants, I'd say do it. Seems like you're the best equipped of us for that task. If people fell through the cracks, who better than Kaida for taking a look into those cracks?"

    Donna gives Vic a quick elbow nudge. "Done a tech sweep?" she asks. "Any signs of surveillance equipment in the area? Could be worth checking, just in case. I'll knock on a few doors. The other building. That's Mia Heiline right, officer Hall?" Hank gets a wink and an over the top salute. "Will report back anything I find."

    And then it's down to the traditional slog of footwork. Knocking on doors, asking polite and simple questions. 'When was the last time you saw...', 'Do you remember any occasions when...', 'What were they like as neighbors', that kind of thing. It's pretty tedious, and the responses are not throwing up anything that seems suspicious. From what Donna can gather, nobody admits to knowing anything, and nobody seems to be hiding anything either.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
"I could make rather humorous comments with a set up like that, Donna." She waggles a finger at Donna and then leaps off Caitlin's shoulder to the relatively warmer inside the building floors before shrugging.

"That being said!" And Kaida is gone. She's zipping off at her normal speed of really fast. Ever seen a mouse zip across a floor? Yeah, that's around eight to ten miles per hour. Kaida zips off at six or seven times that speed. Given her relative size, it's insanely fast. It only takes her a moment to hit the first apartment she has on her list and slip inside. It's only like a minute later and she's out and on to another. It isn't till the third that she hmms and looks at something.

"A card?" She asks of no one in particular, unfolding the card, sniffing it and looking it over. She stares particularly at a chip in the card and then she casually reaches over to touch her micro sized communicator (which is nearly teh size of a watch without the strap, built into her backpack.

<Hey, guys. I got a card with one of those RFID chips in it. You might wanna come look at this. It's from International Operations, which is really generic.> She gives the apartment number and casually leaps up to the handle to open the locks before leaping down and going about searching that apartment more thoroughly.

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie's gaze sweeps the apartment once he gets inside. The once-investigative journalist turned pariah by J. Jonah Jameson still knows the places to start. The trash can, the small drawers of the small desk that yield some receipts, though none that stand out yet as being of interest.

A quick look through the laundry hamper, picking up a garment to give it a quick smell to tell if it's been in there a long enough time to lose any scent from use, or if someone was recently at home. Though he also does visual sweeps of the place in general, which leads him to crouching in the hallway. "What do we have here," he says to himself as he reaches into a back pocket and pulls out a pocket knife. He uses the blade to pick up something so he can peer at it more closely.

The sound of movement over in the doorway of the apartment reveals Donna Troy stepping inside. He glances at the brunette, glad it's not the cyborg. Eddie doubts he can detect Venom, but neither does he really want to chance that. "Hey, officer," Eddie says, not really thinking Donna is an officer, but he gives her the opportunity to let him run with that. "Think I found something here," he says.

He sets the rusty bit of metal back down where he found it, and motions to another one with the knife blade before closing the knife and pocketing it. "Pretty sure these are prongs from a taser or stun gun. Big one from the looks of it," he says in his deep, raspy voice.

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar walks in and snorts then sticks his head under the sink, running his head under the water, clearing his sinuses, shaking his head, "I hate moth balls." He looks around and frowns, "Have I been hanging with Logan too long or is this a safe house?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Once she slips into the apartment Tabby pokes around a little. There's a frown and a hmmm as she tries to touch as little of stuff as possible compared to what might be happening else for now.

"Oooookay what might we find." she says and switches her lockpicks to pull a multitool and the built in pliers out to rummage without being too intrusive or leaving evidence.

One discovery makes the blonde woman audibly yelp in night terror. "These clothes are horrible!" she states and looks like she almost discovered a corpse. "Seriously. Has a fashion magazine ever crossed this threshhold." she states and looks morbid.

"Might have something to sniff out?" she asks James and hmnms. "I'm not finding anything else so far. Anything in the air that hasn't settled. If you sniff clothes, try and make sure they aren't panties first. Haste is not needed and your sanity is important to me if mine isn't!"

Donna Troy has posed:
    Donna sticks her head around the open door to the apartment Eddie's searching before entering, coming over to see what he's drawing her attention to. She crouches down to study the two metal prongs, nodding her head to him. "Yeah, does look like taser prongs," she agrees in an accent the television-watching world has come to know as Themysciran over the last few years, and thus distinctly unlikely to belong to a police officer. She makes no attempt to correct what he's saying though, whether he believes it or not. There's nothing wrong with a bit of plausible deniability.

    "Well spotted," she says, standing straight. "Better leave this here for now, make sure there's no contamination. You confident you returned that one to the right position? Pointing in the correct direction?" She takes out her phone, taking a photograph of the two prongs where they lie on the ground. "Never know what can be figured out from things like that."

    She taps her T-Com earpiece. "Officer Hall. We've got taser prongs in one of the apartments. Looks like it was fired a while back, but there could still be DNA traces on it. We'll need a sterile sample bag."

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar ticks of on one hand, "No style, prepared food, generic Ikea furniture, even the clothes. Well, except the scorch mark." Jim points to the huge taser like scorch mark on the wall. Jim sorts them by scent wondering how many people lived here, "Kaida was right, well, except for the police. And they cleaned the animal cages." Jim nods, "Yeah, I'll see if I can get a scent to track."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby hmmms as James tries to get as snifff and the Titans all look for other stuff like taser bits and RFID. Of course with her own nefarious background Tabby put a hand on her chin and ponders.

"You know if if this where my place. It'd be more tastfully decorated." If only because most of the decoration is all stll from when she last cohabitated. But Tabby is a ex-thief among other things and knows the important role played by a good stash. Which is where she starts on trying to find. "Do we find drugs, loots, lutes?" she wonders as she does her own little dance of not quite snifffing around like the rest.

Eddie Brock has posed:
Eddie Brock stands from his crouch, straightening fully. "Yes, it was just like that," he tells her. "I hope that helps with your investigation," he says. "I'll go ahead and clear out so I don't... you know, the crime scene and all," he tells her.

The older man heads over for the door to the apartment then, stepping back outside. He zips up his jacket a bit more against the cold. Caitlin wasn't much wrong when she thought he looked like a vagrant. Or at least, somewhat. A bit scruffy and his clothes not in the best shape, or as thick a jacket as you'd want for a night like this.

Eddie stuffs his hands in his pockets and starts on his way out. As he passes the cops, Miller says to him, "Heading back to your hole, Brock? Probably be seeing you again. Heard you got brought in a few weeks ago. Something about a glass window?"

The comment stops Eddie in his tracks for a moment, his back to Miller. Hands clenched into fists, thankfully hidden within his pockets. He finally turns back towards Miller. "Yeah, well, keep kissing your sergeant's ass and maybe you'll get a cushy desk job some day," Eddie says before turning and stalking off.

   <<Venom>> "I don't think that was a very good job of back-scratching."

   <<Eddie>> "Don't you start in too."

Ivana Baiul has posed:
James has some scents. Enough that he could follow them to some degree out of the building. It just might take some time and effort, but he could track them through the city if he wanted to pursue it. Four room inhabitants, two.. Others. Electricity. Tabitha may have forever trauma from abominations against cheap fashion.

And Caitlin has two things, seemingly. One small business card with a chip, and one squished phone.

James Proudstar has posed:
James Proudstar is working scene like he's been taught, nose, ears and eyes. taste rarely plays in and if does it's bad. But one of the scents is good, so good, so nice, he starts to a bit like a lion on catnips, "You smell that? It's amazing... " He's nuzzling some specific places.

Hank Hall has posed:
    Hank emerges, he had been gathering information from one of the CSI techs about surveilance tapes having signs of tampering. He scowls as he makes his way to where Donna calls, evidence bag in hand. He frowns at the prongs.

    "Not good. Lightweight and easy to drop someone with enough juice behind it" he says, using a pair of tweezers to remove the prongs from the wall and placing them into an evidence bag that goes into his pocket. "I think we might have enough here to look into alternative avenues" he says looking at Donna and his friends. "They've been taken... we got that much... which escalates things considerably."

Ivana Baiul has posed:
It takes a bit of searching, but in the end the group has some leads. The four kids all taken in a short timespan. Seemingly with barely a struggle o r afight to the point the rooms didn't even seem disturbed. A smashed burner phone. A business card left as /almost/ a calling card. Some scents that could be tracked into the city to vanish. A sold off 'moving' company. Camera feeds interrupted.

Boiled down to an extremely rapid smash and grab with almost nothing left for information to retrieve if this particular group had not been so thorough. Taken and gone out with smoothly and cleanly.