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Latest revision as of 06:29, 31 May 2022

Happy birthday, Tony Stark!
Date of Scene: 29 May 2022
Location: Tony's yacht, Manhattan Island waters
Synopsis: Just another Tony Stark birthday party?
Cast of Characters: Pepper Potts, Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, Daisy Johnson, Cael Becker, Peter Parker, Matthew Murdock, April O'Neil, Carol Danvers, Robbie Reyes, Rien D'Arqueness, Pietro Maximoff, Micola Maximoff, Franklin Spade, Jr, Janet van Dyne, Nadia Pym-van Dyne, Steve Rogers

Pepper Potts has posed:
The night is young, the skies are clear.. and it's a lovely day in Manhattan. Memorial Day Weekend, and the nation is already in their third day of 'holiday' spirit. Many flock to the City to spend it while many in the City head south to the Jersey shore to clog up the high- to spend some quality time in the rented houses and bungalows along the oceanside.

Settled in port in Manhattan is the yacht that is owned by one Tony Stark. She's a big ship, though not quite considered to be a 'super yacht', thus, it is possible to travel from stem to stern in under a couple of hours! It does, however, have its own skeleton crew at all times, and a larger contingent when Mr Stark has need of it.

This is one of those times.

Lights are strung across the main deck, highlighting the amenities. A large dance floor is central, as well as 'living area' with couches, chairs tables, and of course a bar. Towards the stern, a large swimming pool with beach chairs and tables adorned with little umbrellas. Towards the bow, a place for taking in the sights and sounds of where ever the yacht may find itself.

Upper decks, multi-colored lighting, and a lot more of a party area. This is where the music is wafting down from, where those who have already arrived are milling.

On the guest list? Actors, models, politicians? some of whom are based here in NYC and others flown in from California to celebrate yet another milestone.


Pepper is the hostess for the evening, as she is wont to be. Dressed in a green, backless form fitting gown that has one light shoulder strap, she's got her hair down with touches of jewelry to finish the touches. A glass of white wine is in hand, more for show than actual drinking right now, and she's laughing, nodding and chatting lightly with guests before she moves on to another small group.

Welcome to Tony Stark's 42nd birthday.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff is here at least for awhile. The redhead is wearing a more casual outfit than she normally does. A flowing red gown that goes down to her ankles and with straps over her shoulders showing her arms, and long white gloves on. Her hair is done up in a bun and she has on some casual jewelry. She might even pass for a model and not be recognized.

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony Stark, dressed in a mix of designer and walmart, is wearing a black suit-jacket over a Rage Against the Machines t-shirt tucked into matching black slacks. He has a pair of flipflops, his always present high end glasses, and a glass of bourbon on the rocks.

And to make it properly meta

He's chatting it up with Robert Downey Jr.

Who, it turns out, is contracted to play him in an autobiography movie due out 2024.

after he finishes whatever joke he was telling, he slaps the actor on the shoulder and starts milling about to meet and greet some of the elbow rubbing celebs here to celebrate... him. Sipping at his glass with a casual efficacy, he's wearing a pretty easy grin as he finds Pepper doing her hostessing.

"Well, if it isn't Pepper Potts." Arm laid around her waist so he can lean in to kiss her cheek, "How long do I have to stay before I can sneak outta here?"

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"No really, I actually got an invitation..."

This is Daisy trying to convince Matt that she had actually been invited to the Tony Stark party. The greatest event of the year!

"And what do you mean? I am a sort of famous person now ..." Well, not really, "Look, it's classified." but Matt may just suspect it may have to do with that cryptic message of a few days ago, which was followed by her stating when she got home that she would definitely not have sushi for the next couple of months. Something's definitely fishy!

Yet what's true is upon arrival they are accepted in, Daisy dressed in a soft pink dress, sleeveless. Not exactly a very high end dress but it's not like SHIELD pays her rivers of money. Across a shoulder a small purse hangs and she leans over to confide to Matt, "I brought our swimsuits in the purse.. Just in case." Daisy. Always ready for a swim. And ugh, now she is remembering the sharks again.

Wrapping one arm with Matt she leads him with her to the party, smiling brightly.

Cael Becker has posed:
    'Cael Becker' and 'party dress' really don't belong in the same sentence - so it'd be no surprise to anyone who really knows her that the woman has opted for a nice pair of slacks, with a blouse in a burnt orange color, all topped off with her usual leather jacket. She's topped it off with an simple golden chain, suspending a garnet at her throat - and the burnt orange of her blouse nice compliments the flame-like hues she's dyed into the under-layers of her short blonde hair.
    She's been here long enough to acquire a tumbler of high quality whiskey, which she sips slowly, savoring the flavor as she looks out over the water, at the city of New York. It's hard to beat this view, really - and she can't say it's a sight she's been afforded in the past. Though she's only lived in New York for a handful of years, now.

Peter Parker has posed:
Parties for Tony Stark bring out all kinds of people. As would happen when you have genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, superhero. So while most of the folks present fall into the category of business associates, friends, celebrities, etc, there are at least some of the super hero community - friends from work, of the other type. One such is your friendly neighborhood Spider-man!

Moving along casually among the party, Spider-man occasionally flashes the finger guns when someone calls him out, although any who have actually _worked_ with Spider-man will be able to tell from his posture that he is ill at-ease in these surroundings. His thin slender form is moving as he typically does, but his hands keep going up to adjust the overly large white bowtie or tug at the white vest that disappears into a cummerbund. The tuxedo also does not entirely fit his form perfectly, leading one to suspect that Spider-man may not own a suit. Either which way, he pauses to pose for photos with any of the guests who ask, and even tilts his head sightly to the side as if to indicate a smile, since the only expressive parts of his red and black mask are the adjustable whites of his eyes.

OOC: https://i.redd.it/b7a6v0acta361.jpg

Matthew Murdock has posed:
The assortment of smells that Daisy came back with were enough to confirm she could have indeed gone into space, were Matt not already trusting that was the case. "Always with the classified," he says good-naturedly in his quiet-spoken way, lips pulling back in a grin. The beard is grown out just a bit more than the stubble it often is. Which means he'll probably cut it before long. But tonight it is a slightly better groomed look.

Wearing a pack of slacks and a shirt and jacket, Matt walks with his cane, though mostly seeming to let Daisy guide him by that arm of his she takes. "No dumping me into the harbor crossing the gangplank," he jokes to Daisy as the soft sounds of the cane tip change as they hit the different surface. "Sounds like it's going to be quite the time," he says as the music drifts over the area, accompanied by the sounds of people already laughing, and talking in slightly raised voices in the way of people who have already had a few drinks.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper is laughing, nodding, holding her stemware close to make sure that none of it spills, small tidbits of conversation, "... if that comes to be, make sure you let Tony and me know..". 'They' do say, speak of the devil and he often appears!

As Tony sidles up, if it were possible, Pepper's features brighten, her smile warm and affectionate. "Tony, you know Mr and Mrs Russo, Manhattan boro council members?" Of course he does. Or, at least now he does?

She leans over to return the kiss, and in a sotto voice, "No, you can't leave. It's your party. Later, I promise. Then, off the Carolina coast tomorrow?" Planning Memorial Day on the high seas!

Pepper takes a sip of her wine, and looking over the glass, she sees the newly arrived. Is that..

"Natasha," and the name rises from the small group. She looks at the gathered and sets a hand to rest on Tony's arm, "I need to greet your guests." Save her a dance?

"Natasha, you look amazing.." as well as the others arriving!

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would smile over at Pepper, taking her fingers down to her dress and playfully posing over in a curtsy, "Hello Pepper. You're too complimentary." She would go over and offer her hand over to shake and smile. Then go to if she could give a quick smooch over on either side of Pepper's cheek in a lightly amused manner. "Thank you for running this. YOu do look after Tony very well. I'm sure he appreciates it. As do the rest of us. Someone has to ensure that he's kept to a minimum of trouble. You've gone out of your way to do this. And thank you for including the rest of us in it."

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony is a charming man when he wants to be, it just happens that he rarely wants to be! Today is a rare occation where he's smiling despite the fact he's got a strong aversion to politicians, "Of course I know Mr. and Mrs Rusto, Manhattan boro Council members." Yes, he said Rusto. "You guys look great, seriously it's like we're at a party or something." He sips his drink and puts on a dramatic frown at Pepper's denial of his attempts to vacate early.

"Sure, sure.. so long as I get to open some presents. Amirite, Mr. Russo? Opening presents, right? He gets it." Tony points at him and slips backwards like Homer fading into the hedges, timing it perfectly so he slips right in amongs some newly arrived.

Which just so happens to be Matt and Daisy. "'Scuse me, just going to use you guys as a camo to get away from political peo- Hey, I know you." Eyeing Daisy, "Ms Agent.. Flower.. some kind of flower... Daisy! Ms Agent Daisy." A big grin, "Who's the stud?" Motioning at Matt, but he sees Spidey over there too.

"Love the suit!" Motioning across his tum-tum like a cummerbund. Then quieter for Daisy and Matt, "Fifty bucks says he can't legally drink."

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"What kind of a pirate do you think I am?" Daisy says back to Matt with a raised brow. Well, depends how much one thinks of an hacker as a pirate! "Quite the gathering .., seeing a few other Agents.." eyes skimming over Natasha and Cael and she grinning towards them in greeting, "Ugh, that looks uncomfortable.." she is now eyeing Spiderman in his .., suit, then explains up to Matt, "Spiderman came in his actual suit and a tuxedo atop."

Daisy continues leading Matt along, offering a, "Hey." to Cael when they move closer before she notes a wild Tony appears right near them!

"Red one reporting in." Nope, she will never do the Trekkie jokes! Then a wider smile. "Thank you for the invitation, Mr. St- Well, Tony." he did say for her to call him Tony! "And this is Matthew Murdock. Best lawyer out of Hell's Kitchen."

She can't help but agree with Spidey's legality to drink with a sagely nod.

Peter Parker has posed:
There is a slightly timid wave from Spider-man as he is called out. "Thanks Mr. Stark!" he replies in a voice both youthful and exuberant enough that it seems very likely that Tony would win that bet. Not that it seems to stop him from casually snaring a glass of champagne from a waiter passing by. Sticky fingers and the like.

Spider-man peels up the bottom portion of his mask to reveal his mouth, and casually takes a sip of the champagne. His white eyes adjust big and small for a moment and his mouth twists, which would seem to indicate that he is not a prolific consumer of such things. He does, however, manage to swallow it, and follows up with another sip, as he kind of lingers in the same general vicinity. He appears not to be particularly acquainted with the politics and dynamics of these styles of parties, and is staying put in case Tony intends to make his way over. Or not.

He mostly just stands around like an over-dressed Times Square Elmo, really.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
"Probably will be a few hero sorts here," Matt comments as Daisy starts telling him who is there. "Well, maybe he brought his bathing suit too?" he responds to the SHIELD agent with a soft grin playing across his lips.

Matt's head tilts up, not looking directly at Tony as he addresses them. Along with the cane and the dark glasses, it probably is enough to clue Tony in on Matt's apparently condition. Though speaking of the cane, Matt is folding it now they are safely on the ship, and slipping it into a back pocket.

"Mr. Stark?" he says. "Thank you for having us. Daisy meets the most interesting people. And, I don't know about best, but from Hell's Kitchen at least," Matt adds after Daisy's representation of his legal skills. "Happy birthday."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Agent... Johnson, isn't it?" Cael asks when she's greeted. "Evening. Your dress is lovely."
    Her attention shifts next to Tony, as she offers a simple but friendly, "Happy Birthday, Tony." She's not one for formality - even if she did prefer to address her colleagues professionally. "Nice place you got here," she adds with a hint of amusement in her voice. It's certainly different than anything she's experienced - she definitely grew up on the other side of the tracks.
    Matt she greets with a simple nod - before she clues in and adds, "Hello, Mr. Murdock - or do you prefer Matt? I'm Cael Becker. I work with Agent Johnson."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper leans in for the quick European-style 'air' kisses, and when she is standing before the spy turned starlet, the smile is still most noticably fond. "It really is okay. Tony is.." What? So very worth it? "Not as difficult as people think he is." It's a secret! Shhhh!

"I really do appreciate your coming. The buffet is in there," she turns to point mid-ships, "as is the bar. Pool is always open. I have something that should fit if you didn't bring anything." She does have stateroom below-decks. "Please.. enjoy."

Watching Tony 'sneak' away, has her almost laughing. It's a night that should be enjoyed, and enjoy it she shall!

Pepper goes another direction, however, and approaches Peter, clearing her throat softly. "Tonight, I'll allow it."

Tony Stark has posed:
"They aren't kidding when they say you guys come prepared." Tony sips his drink through a grin when Daisy introduces her plus one is a lawyer, "Brought a lawyer to a Tony Stark party.. Hey, you think Batman has a lawyer on his utility belt?" Motioning between the pair and, now, Cael. "He would have to right? Gotham being Gotham and all?" His lips twist to the side, blue eyes turning down to inspect the deck beneath his feet for a second.

Then he just shrugs, "Whatever, if he needed a lawyer, there'd be one."

It's clear he's lost his train of thought, so it's a good thing Matt steps in, "No, none of that Mr Stark stuff... pssh posh, Tony, please. It's a pleasure, Matt. Any friend of Daisy's is a friend of mine. We've been through stuff together now, we're besties she and I." As for young mister Parker, "Spidey! Come'ere, let's get a picture for twitter."

April O'Neil has posed:
Being a member of the press, and a reporter for Channel Six out of Manhattan, it wasn't TOO hard for April to get a pass in to the big party. She arrives via a yellow and black Camero, and has a brief conversation with a woman driving it before heading toward where the yacht is parked. Stepping aboard, April is wearing a pale yellow dress that shows off her arms and goes down to her knees. Her hair is tied back in a bun on the crown of her head, and she's wearing some silver adornments in the form of earrings, and a lovely necklace with a pale blue gemstone that rests against her collarbone. April shows her pass to the people at the boarding ramp, then is shown through. A smile graces her lips as she starts to walk amongst the people gathered around in the immediate area, ending up heading toward where the most life seems to be congregating.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would chuckle, "Then I'm very glad that you've found able to help him and also maintain your own sanity, Ms. Potts. I hope that you continue to maintain productivity and the happiness of the both of you." She would give another formal curtsy to Pepper, even as she would disengage, "I have been looking forwards to this." She would go to approach Tony over and give a polite bow of her head. "Happy birthday. I'm glad that you're happy with things."

Peter Parker has posed:
There is a frown on the maskless bottom face of Spider-man as Pepper leans in. "Allow what, Ms. Potts? Look, it'd get a little bit awkward if I had to flash my ID, y'know?" He waves his finger s up and down over his form. "Whole secret identity and all. I mean, come on, I've been to _space_ and fought all kinds of bad guys with Mr. Stark. You can't think a kid could do all that?" Did he artificially deepen his voice there a bit at the end? It's clear where he never really got that career in Hollywood he was considering early on.

But then, he is rescued! "Excuse me!" he says, snagging another passing glass of champagne and downing it before handing it to Pepper. "I gotta go, Mr. Stark _needs me_." And then he is bounding over towards Tony's side, leaning in with his head and large expressive white eyes for the photo with Tony.

This will totally end well.

Daisy Johnson has posed:
"If you can imagine it then he has it in his tool belt." That's like .., a rule or something. Daisy smiles up at Cael when she comes over, "How are you doing Cael? And please, no Agent Johnson. Daisy's good, mmm?" she winks at the other Agent before casting a brief look around. "What do you want to drink, Matt? We got champagne and ..., ooh that flute of wine looks nice too." she takes both just in case and offers the champagne first to Matt.

"Hello, Natasha." She greets the other Agent with a smile. And that's how you get scot-free of calling Natasha by her first name. Doing it in a birthday party! Maybe she will pay it later in training but why think of the future, right?

When there's mention of a picture though? She gets totally ready to photobomb it. Poor Matt, came to the party with a savage.

Tony Stark has posed:
enter the Natasha, "Hey, Nat." Arms open for a hug, "Come on, bring it in." It makes it more awkward that neither of them is huggers. Literally, it's like he's not even sure why he did it, as he's doing it, "Happy with everything, yeah. You know me. Always bright side of life.." Couple the added awkwardity of a sudden Spidey popping his head in just to make flesh it out.

He snorts a laugh and wraps an arm around Spidey after depositing his, now empty, glass on a passing server tray and pulls his phone from the inside pocket of his coat, holding it up in selfie-mode, click-click of a Tony-Nat-Spidey (photobomb by Daisy) to post on Twitter "Spidey have you met all of these people?" Motioning with his phone at Daisy, Nat, Matt, and Cael. "Guys, this is Spider-Man, Spider-Man this is-" He leaves it open so they can introduce themselves.

Because he just receive a phonecall, finger held up before answering, "Rhodey! The hell are you? There's a bunch of debaucherous terrorists on my boat, we need you here, stat. And who calls people in 2022, huh? What are you, 60?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Mmmhmm." Is that the same sound she uses for Tony? Could be.

The young man is rescued by 'dad', however, and as Peter excuses himself, Pepper stands there a moment, watching his departing form with a ghosted smile. It's important for 'kids' to be grounded in every day life, space not withstanding.

April's arrival gains a rise of her brows, and she slides through the gathered with skill gained only from having done this many, many times. Once she makes it to the reporter's side, "Welcome to the party, Ms..." and she searches for the name to be able to put to face. "I'm Pepper." As if that explains everything that the woman does? "I hope you find everything okay. Pool is that way," a point to the aft, "viewing is that way, which will be amazing once we start around the island." Even as she says that, the boat does seem to start moving, loosed from her mooring even as the party gets underway.

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt Murdock gives a smile back to Tony. "Thank you, Tony then. And yes, please, call me Matt. And you are Cael, then?" he adds, turning his head in Cael's direction, if not quite as directly as someone might looking at her. "Well, I'm just glad to have her back safely,." Matt says, sliding his arm gently about Daisy's waist as he expresses the sentiment. "Maybe later you can tell me what went on," Matt adds for Tony. In a light-hearted voice, he finishes with, "All I get from her is 'classified'."

As one of the wait staff come by with a tray of drinks, Matt turns his head towards Daisy. "Oh, champagne sounds good. I'm sure it's going to be better than what I'm used to, either way," Matt says in his quiet-spoken way.

At the introductions of Natasha and Spider-Man, Matt turns towards them, but lets others respond first, though he nods his head in what would be considered in their direction.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "There's a fully stocked bar with the good stuff," Cael remarks as Daisy claims some champagne and wine. "Tony's not one to spare any expense." Her smile broadens as she confirms for Matt, "I'm Cael, yeah. Have been for years." He can't see the amusement in her eyes at that statement, and she doesn't bother to explain it for anyone that does.
    "Agent Romanoff! Nice to see you. And Spidey - you don't mind being called Spidey, I take it?" She takes a sip of her whiskey while waiting for his reply.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would go to give Tony a hug, shaking her head over in amusement over and lets Tony go in, "I'm glad that you're doing well. And hopefully to a smoother year. But we tend not to get those do we? So Is uppose we can but soldier on and continue to present ourselves to make a difference in things." Moving away to let Spidey approach him.

April O'Neil has posed:
April is scanning her eyes over the faces that she sees gathered here-in. She recognizes a lot of the celebs in attendance, let alone the big names in groups such as the Avengers. With Pepper arriving at her side, April smiles widely to the woman. "Yes, of course. Miss Potts, it's a true pleasure to get to meet you in person finally." She says before offering the other her right hand. "I'm April, O'Neil. With Eyewitness News... one of J. Jonah Jameson's many different news organizations. I think he was adamant to have reps from every single one of them here for obvious reasons." She says to Pepper with a light grin.

"This is a beautiful yacht.." April comments as she looks around in time to see the big boat pulling out of harbor. "I expect this to be quite the night, and for you to get a legendary reputation as the best host there ever was." April says with a sly grin for the other woman.

"I'll have to see where I settle in around here, once I get the arrival jitters properly exiled from my mind." April lets out a nervous little laugh then and there.

Peter Parker has posed:
"Call me anything but late for dinner, ma'am!" replies Spidey, his eyes going wide in "smile mode." He nods in turn to each as he is being introduced. "It's great to meet all of you. Any friend of Mr. Stark's is a friend of mine!" He barely pauses. "Really anybody is a friend of mine see because I make it a point to be a friendly neighborhood Spider-man because people just always need a friend, right?"

Did he just no-look *thwip* out two strands of webbing behind his back to snag a pair of champagne flutes from a passing waiter? Yes, yes he did.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper has navigated absolutely worse seas. A reporter, socialites, politicians, CONGRESS.. and she gives the other woman a warm smile as she takes the other woman's hand for the introduction. "Ms O'Neil. Welcome aboard." She nods quickly, and perhaps a touch ruefully (if not with a somewhat amused undertone), "I am familiar with your employer."

Of course she is!

Pepper moves a little to stand a touch more by the woman's side; something of a protective gesture, perhaps. "It is nice," the boat, that is. The yacht. "The view is amazing from here. The harbor, the Statue," of Liberty of course, "This week, there should be some tall ships coming in, which is always nice to see from the deck."

A laugh escapes the redhead, however, and she nods, her words riding an exhale. "His parties tend to be.. noteworthy."

Tony Stark has posed:
Even on the phone, Tony keeps chatting as if he is, in fact, not on it. It has to be pretty frustrating for poor Rhodey who is just trying to wish his friend happy birthday only to have Tony respond to a conversation that he can only hear in muffled sounds in the background, "I'm the John Hammond of parties." He says to Cael, "Classified smashified... No, Rhodey, not you. I know buddy, yeah of course I know.. what?" He shakes his head, "Yeah, once things quiet down, I'll tell you all about the time we saved the world from space sharks without needing Batman."

It sounds so rediculous, why would anyone believe he's telling the truth?

Save the world WITHOUT BATMAN?!


"Yeah, call me back." He's probably intentionally carrying on two conversations so nobody knows who he's actually talking to at any given time. When you're Tony Stark, you have to amuse yourself. It's an obligation.
Don't think he didn't spy Spidey over there thwipping booze either. He peers sidelong as he sends a quick text and pockets his phone, "So you're a bubbly man, huh? Okay okay..." As he passes, he claps the Spidey guy on the back of the shoulders, headed over towards Pepper entertaining April. "Is it time for presents yet?" To Pepper.

April O'Neil has posed:
April's phone buzzes and she spares a glance down at it as a text comes from Harley. <"Let me know once you've stolen all the rich stuff, and I'll swing the car back around to come and get ya, Aprils."> Which gets a heavy sigh from April, who just shakes her head and stuffs the phone in to the white clutch that she'd brought with her. She looks back over to Pepper then, before shooting her eyes back out over the waters toward the Statue of Liberty. "It's always beautiful to see." She says with a warm smile upon her lips.

When Tony arrives, and announces himself with talk of presents, April widens her eyes for a moment before she smiles at him and thrusts her hand out toward him now. "Mister Stark. It's an honor to get to meet you, and attend your party." She says with a quick look aroundbefore shooting her stare back to he and Pepper. "The lovely Miss Pepper here was just welcoming me. I'm April. April O'Neil. A scummy reporter from Channel Six." She says in a jesting sort of introduction.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "...how many of those are you going to drink?" Cael asks Spidey in an amused, and puzzled sort of voice as she looks down at the champagne flutes he's double-fisting. "I'd recommend pacing yourself. Getting too drunk is not the way you want your secret identity to become a public identity." She can just imagine what would go into hiding a drunken Spider-man from the rest of the part - a thought that prompts a brief snort of amusement from the woman.

Pepper Potts has posed:
A laugh exits the redhead, and she shakes her head, "Only on clear days or nights. It's a little easier to forget the streets then."

Pepper has that sixth sense of where Tony is, when he's around her, anyway. 'Out there'? She has no clue. But on the ground, and in the vicinity, absolutely. She can feel his warmth and charisma. Twisting around as he approaches, she reaches out to put her arm around his back briefly; there and gone. "No, not yet Tony," is said softly, affectionately. "When we go inside." Mid-ships for the music and food! "Maybe."

With those introductions done without her needing to intervene, Pepper can see the look on April's face easily, and what it all holds there. Tony brings that out in people.

"We really are glad you came."

Matthew Murdock has posed:
Matt Murdock and Daisy get their drinks and then move about, mingling. Daisy describing the yacht and the festivities for Matt now and then. The pair have enough to drink to relax and enjoy the party, getting in some dancing while they are there. Before eventually calling it an early night and heading back home.

On the way out they stop by Pepper and Tony during an appropriate moment. "Thank you for having us," Matt says. Daisy nods her agreement. "Great party, that was one a million," she says, having to get in one Red flight reference before they turn to head down the gangplank and back to the docks.

Tony Stark has posed:
"April, April O'Neil." Tony smiles his greeting and snickers, "Tony, please. Everyone keeps calling me Mr Stark like they think I actually do something for a living... It's kind of embarrassing." He turns with a waiter and snatches a glass off the tray that was brought specifically for him. Bourbon on the ricks, from his private stash.

"You work for J Three right? You met Spider-Man?" This'll be fun.

He points over at the masked vigilante wearing a tuxedo over his costume.

"I don't know if he's a menace, but he's certainly turning heads with that outfit... You should met'em, good kid." Sip, arm around Pepper. "Ugh, fine... but are any of them shaped like a car?"

With Matt announcing his departure, Tony smiles and offers a wave that might seem careless since Matt is blind, "Thanks for coming, don't forget your grab bags. It's not a Stark party without expensive a.f. swag."

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol doesn't care about making entrances or being fashionably late. But she did put a little extra care into preparing for the party, which leads to her showing up when the gala is in full swing already.

She arrives at the docks in a car instead of flying, making a concession to having spent part of the morning in a salon getting her hair done. Then is ferried out to the yacht in a smaller boat. One might suspect that the heels and the strapless black dress that fits her to killer effect have some Janet van Dyne influence to them for how stunning a job they do with her appearance. Carol steps onto the yacht and looks about, pausing there to take in everything and everyone before proceeding further.

April O'Neil has posed:
April laughs softly at Tony's speaking about his name. "Yes, well. I am sure most people are eager not to come off as a total classless slob toward you, Mist-- uh... Tony." She says before showing a smile toward Pepper. "How often do you see people embarrass themselves in front of the birthday boy here?" She asks the Host with the Most.

At the talk of the Spidey-One... April casts her gaze toward him next, and grins lightly. "I was given specific orders to take as many compromising photos as I could get with my phone of Spider-man, while here. And seeing him enjoying so much alcohol is probably what Jameson meant... But, well. I'm not here tonight to be a spoilt-sport." Uh oh, we got a JJJ Decree Denier here!

"Honestly though, I'm just going to mingle and enjoy the evening. No snooping or pressuring people with annoying questions." April says to both Pepper and Tony, she even raises her hand. "Scout's honor." She declares with a smile for them again.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Many, many.." and she looks next to her at Tony, before adding, "Many times." Did she happen to say 'many'? Many. Lots. More than lots. That's all she's about to say on that. 'Embarrass' also equates to 'acting the fool' or 'being obnoxious'.. which, in turn, is quite embarrassing. But let that remain unstated! Everyone loves Tony.

Daisy and Matt departing does get Pepper on the move once more to make sure they //do// get their swag bag full of.. stuff. Some has SI logo on it, little tech bits, and others perhaps a touch more personal. (I'll @mail later!)

Natasha's departure, too, does have the hostess making sure that bag is gained!

Carol's arrival brings a warm smile, a genuine one, to her features once more as she greets the woman. "You. Look. Amazing. Is that one of Janet's?" Which, everyone knows, has the ability to make it her //own//.. and is possibly a 'one of a kind'. Literally.

Nice for 'who you know'.

Peter Parker has posed:
Turning towards April, Spider-man dips his head. "I know that JJJ means well, Ms. O'Neill, but I do wish he'd realize I just want what is best for the city." Did he lower his voice significantly in talking to her? It sure sounds like it. Added a bit more of a Brooklyn accent, to boot.

He does causally flick away both glasses with that same "no look" precision, landing them in the passing tray of empties carried by another waiter. No evidence nothing to see here move along move along.

"Actually, Ms. O'Neill," yes, definitely a different tone of voice. "If you would promise _fair_ coverage, I'd be willing to give you an exclusive swing along." A pause. "Fair." He emphasizes.

He casts his glance around, seeing if there is any rescue in sight. But Tony is off talking about presents. So running short in options for Rescue..."Yes Ms. Potts?" he calls, looking back to April. "My people will call your people!"

And then he bounds up as only Spider-man can, doing a flip in the air, catching a flag post to redirect his momentum, and launches himself into a landing directly next to Pepper.

He whispers quietly to her. "Save me. Please."

Tony Stark has posed:
"Well, I've got my eyes on you, April, April O'Neil." Tony points two fingers at his eyes and then out at April, but he's grinning the whole time. "You're more likely to get pictures of me in compromised positions than Spidey. I'm pretty sure he's just holding those glasses for appearances anyways." Still with an arm around Pepper, he pleasantly glosses over the fact Spidey just discarded two glasses he was double fisting.

"See? Man of the people, this guy." Big grin for Spidey, but he's gone... "He swung out of presence, but not out of hearts." He lays his arm across his, then takes a sip from the drink held in the hand.

When Pepper begins gushing over Carol's 'Van Dyne', Tony peers at her as well. "You did /not/ get that off a department store rack." Neither did he, but that's besides the point. "You look good, Carol. What're you drinking? The bar is stocked, but..." He flicks two fingers to speak conspiratorially, which is to say literally everyone can still hear him, "I've got the good shit in my side room."

Did someone say Rescue?

Tony cants his head. One side, then the other. "Huh... Rescue." He nods slowly and finishes his glass off with a long swallow. "Rescue."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael watches Spidey flip away, shaking her head with amusement. "If he keeps drinking like that..." she mutters under her breath - but maybe he has an increased metabolism? Jon has trouble getting drunk these days - and Steve flat out can't. Neither can Barnes. She watches the group gathered around Tony for a moment - and then she simply moves towards the railing of the ship, resting both of her arms on it as she gazes out at the city. Simply... beautiful she muses thoughtfully, a smile playing across her features.
    She could count on the fingers of one hand the number of times she's been on a boat - and this is definitely the largest, and most expensive.

April O'Neil has posed:
April just laughs softly at Tony, and Spider-man's words toward her. She reaches for a drink of her own from a passing server, and thanks them quietly before she looks back at the both of them. "I accept these terms." She says to Spider-man before he's acrobatically jumping away toward where Pepper went. April raises the glass for a sip from its contents before she smiles toward Captain Marvel too, another face she knows but has never met in person.

Her drink is enjoyed now as she takes a moment to listen to the banter amongst all the people gathered around.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Tony is being his charismatic self, and Pepper is quite happy being on his arm, or rather, with his arm around her. It's a nice place to be, and it's so rare for them in such a private/public affair. Usually, there are models dripping off of him, or actresses asking if he wants more to drink, and .. as the night used to wear on, more raucous requests and activities.

In terms of parties? This one, at least for the moment, is a little more... grown up? Maybe?

Regardless, the redhead seems content, enjoying herself even as she makes sure that her, their guests are enjoying themselves.

Green eyes take note of Cael from the corner of her view, and she lets Tony continue hosting.

It's Peter's sudden appearance next to Pepper that causes her to startle, and raising a hand to her heart, she breathes out, "Don't do that again, please," before brows rise. "Right," she whispers, "No one will bother you here. Promise.. or they'll be escorted off the ship." There is, after all, the sleek, dark helicopter tied down...

Carol Danvers has posed:
The smile that Carol gives Janet comes easily to her lips. She holds up her hands slightly as she does a little turn to show off the dress. "You don't think I'd risk her scorn and wear something else, do you?" Carol says of Janet's fashion. Her face is lit up by the compliments though. "Thank you," she tells Tony and Pepper.

The offer of a drink causes a moment's thought in Carol Danvers. That promise to herself she wouldn't drink tonight lasts all of the time it took for Tony to spot her on deck on it seems. "Oh, the -good- stuff," she repeats, if in more PG fashion. "I might have to see what a whiskey from that would taste like," she replies to him.

The arrival of Spider-Man on the deck beside Pepper draws a warm chuckle from Carol. "Nice to see you here, Spider-Man," she tells him as she pulls an envelope out of her small clutch, and passes it over to Tonly ."Happy Birthday, Tony," she tells him warmly.

Others she recognize are given smiles or more. Cael gets a little fingerwave of greeting. April is given a friendly smile back in return for the one sent her way.

Tony Stark has posed:
"Present!" Tony has been aching to open something and Pepper can't tell him no if someone HANDS it to him right? Lord knows he's not giving her a chance to deny him, since he immediately tears into the envelop to peer upon the contents. "Oooo, yes." He holds it to Carol with a genuine, big, grin, "Yes. Thank you, we'll talk later because I was literally just telling Pepper I needed a few more." That said, he disengages from Pepper, but it's with a tight hug.

"Going to run and grab Carol a drink, I'll be back shortly." He slips into the crowds like Enzo, but without a dope assassins hood and wrist blades, but pulls up short. "No, I'm not sneaking away, I promise." He hasn't embarrassed himself yet.

Party isn't over until he embarrasses himself.

Peter Parker has posed:
"Oh no, we were supposed to bring presents?" spider-man looks briefly distraught as he sees Carol hand Tony an envelope. He starts patting down his pockets and then fished out a card. "Here you go Mr. Stark!"

Yes, he did just gift a billionaire a punch card from Big Lou's Tuxedo Rental - one punch in.

He recovers a bit to look over at Captain Marvel and do the eyes wide smile. "Nice to see you too, Captain!" he says in an entirely too excited voice. Have some chill, Spidey. You've been to space too.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael offers a nod and a smile to Carol as she spots the women - silently mouthing the words, 'nice dress.' Whether or not that message is accurately conveyed? She doesn't particularly know, nor care.
    She takes another sip of her whiskey - the contents of the glass slowly dwindling as she watches the New York skyline slipping past them. She'd made the decision to leave her near constant companion - Bear - behind tonight. ...and there was part of her that was missing the large dog's presence. It was only in moments like this that she could appreciate just how much she'd come to rely on him.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper breaks away from the small gathered, giving Tony a quick kiss as he departs, and with a quick finger of 'back soon', she's headed to where Cael is, leaning on the rail.

"Hey," she offers up in greeting to Cael, "Thank you for coming. Believe it or not, it means a lot to Tony." And her, but that's unsaid. "Really." She certainly sounds sincere enough that it actually could be true.

She nods out into the distance, and as the light fades, the night skyline is coming into true view. "It's easy, even here out on the water, to forget what it's like on the streets." As if she's ever really tasted 'the streets'? She's been privvy to a lot, courtesy of the Avengers, and is usually always in the fore of rebuilding. Rebuilding buildings, kitchens.. which ultimately leads to the rebuilding of lives. "Breaks are nice. They help."

April O'Neil has posed:
April is reminded of her gift for Tony, which has her reaching in to her little bag to pull out a handmade card and envelope with a special gift inside. She steps over to where the gifts are collected, and slips it in to place before she sets the little silver ribbon she got for the card on top of it with a bit of sticky tape. Inside the card is a drawing of April holding a microphone up to Iron Man and saying 'Yadda Yadda yadda, tel me all the dirt on all the Avengers.' in a cartoon speech bubble.

Sitting in the card is a 'coupon' that is also handmade for '1 Free Visit to the April O'Neil Podcast Any Time' with an additional note reading 'Whenever you want to spill it all.'

Is this really a gift for Tony? Or would that be a gift for April and her podcast listeners? Either way, what do you really get a guy like him anyway when you don't even know each other!

April steps back then and takes a big swig of her champagne before she sets the near empty on a tray and grabs another! She's young, she can handle her booze! Maybe...

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol gives Cael a thankful smile back, suggesting she interpreted the mouthed words correctly, or at least with something else that expressed a nice sentiment. As Pepper goes over to speak to the FBI agent, that leaves Carol with Spider-Man.

She leans over to tell Spider-Man, "Nice one. I think when he fills the card up he gets free shoe rental with it, doesn't he?" she teases, but in warm tones that are laughing with him rather than at him.

Carol turns to glance out at the expanse of ocean that the yacht is smoothly knifing through. "So do you feel a little lost in a place like this?" she asks Spider-Man. "I mean, no buildings to swing from that sort of thing?" she clarifies with a little finger wiggle in a circle and up above them to indicate the lack of skyscrapers.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Parties aren't generally my forte," Cael remarks as Pepper joins her, a wry smile playing across her lips. "And definitely not parties like this. I'm more used to... well. Everyone piling into a backyard, with beers, loud music playing - heavy on the beat, you know? Maybe a barbeque in the corner. This is," she turns partially to gesture towards the rest of the yacht with her whiskey glass, "a little outside my experience."
    Her gaze returns to the city as she adds in a quiet voice, "I don't think I could ever forget what happens out there, on the streets. In fact, it's been on my mind more than ever, lately. I've had this idea- well. Maybe a birthday party isn't the place to talk about such things."

Peter Parker has posed:
As Tony slips away Spider-man breathes a sigh of relief. Then he starts as Captain Marvel ACTUALLY talks to him.

"I left my wallet in my other pants, but I'm not sure if that would have helped, ma'am." He admits. "I didn't think Tony needed anything."

He sighs as she points out the lack of buildings. "I mean, I feel like I'm safe enough here if something happened. There are a few people who can fly." His eyes go wide. "I mean, YOU can fly, right?" *thwip thwip*

A flute of champagne is presented to Carol as Spider-man lifts up his mask to sample his own. "Tony has only the best, doesn't he?" Surely guess work on Spider-man's part, but a reasonable conclusion, right?

Robbie Reyes has posed:
When he read 'pool party' on the invitation, nothing in those words translated into either a) swimwear or b) formal attire, in Robbie Reyes's mind. Thus, he arrives aboard Tony's yacht (it is Tony's, right?) dressed in leather: pants tight enough to bounce a quarter off of, his signature jacket with the white stripes, and a faded black metallica tee shirt underneath. Low heeled boots tip him barely over the six foot mark, and the half inch gauges in his ears along with the slight scruff he's sporting certainly don't help the fact that he's not adhering to dress code.

"Hey," he murmurs to the blonde bombshell tucked into the crook of his arm like the lifeline she is, "so I figure we hit the buffet, you can go for a swim or whatever, do that thing you do." He waggles his fingers, probably to mean schmoozing. "And then we get the fuck outta here, yeah?"

Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol Danvers confirms to Spider-Man with another of those warm smiles, "I can fly, yes." Before she can say more, a waiter comes by with her drink. A glass of whiskey from Tony's 'good shit' apparently. She takes it with a thank you before turning back to Spider-Man.

"Yes, he's frightfully difficult to shop for, isn't he? I went the old-fashioned route, you know where you like make a coupon book or offer to do their chores for a week or something like that," the blond-woman tells the man in the tuxedo and the Spider-Man mask. "Offered to place a half-dozen satellites into orbit for him," Captain Marvel further explains. "Granted, it's not, I'll do the dishes... but same kind of gesture I figure."

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Parties, believe it or not, aren't mine either," Pepper offers with a ghost of a smile. "I like backyard picnics, watching friends pay volleyball, or badminton."

Of course, all this could be taken with a grain of salt. Pepper has money in her own right now; she's extremely well compensated for the work she does as well as being a multi-billionaire's girlfriend. Do they actually know what 'hanging out in the backyard' is like? Other than doing it in the Avengers' compound, that is.

Pepper looks off into the city once more and exhales softly, "Try? That's all I can ask. Let the others answer the call once. I tell Tony that a lot, too." She chuckles softly and shakes her head, twisting around to see where he's off to. Probably the bar. "He doesn't listen to me much either. Which is fine."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Smiling up at Robbie, she murmurs, "We should be nice and at least say 'hello' and 'happy birthday' to the man. It's his party, after all." Then Rien is giving a small chuckle and offering, "But yes, then I will rescue you from the yacht and the rich people."

The blonde bombshell is in a silk ombre dress that fades from white to blue, strappy sandals with a tall enough heel that she's actually over 5'6"! Squeezing his arm through the jacket, she whispers, "Look, there's Cael. See? It's not -just- the fancy set. We should go say hello!" And give both Robbie and Cael someone to sympathize with! Turning on a bright smile, she starts leading him towards Cael and Peppet.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
As it was likely a night long affair, they weren't late. Pietro was never late. Something had come up, you see. Regardless, they had missed the departure of the yacht from the berth. It wasn't truly any problem, though. Taking the woman he'd arrived with up in his arms, he stood at the end of the dock. "Close your eyes." He offered to Micola, bracing her to his chest.

Once she's in place, they are off.

He loops about the island, blurring over the water. Spotting the yacht, he veers and races up the side of the vessel, coming to a stop where the people would normally board.


Setting Micola down, he glances about - even while helping her fix her attire. "Sorry about that." Pietro offers over sheepishly. "Next time, I'll be sure to not dally on the way here?" He suggests, offering her his arm so they can move into the party proper and meet people.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Oh, I'm not saying I won't enjoy myself. I mean - at the very least, I am enjoying the view - and the whiskey. But I can't help but think just how //much// there is here - and how little some of the people out there have to make do with. And it's no wondeer it leads to such... desperation, and pain." Cael gives a shrug of her shoulders - and follows this with an apologetic smile.
    "I know - sorry, sorry. It's... a birthday party. I've just had this sort of thing on my mind a lot lately. It's a bit of a long story."
    She blinks with surprise as s blur of motion approaches the ship - and the blast of wind it briefly causes as Pietro and Mikola appear on the ship. She takes a step back - until she recognizes the man, and greets him with a brief nod.
    This also brings her gaze around to Rien and Robbie - both of whom she greets with a broader smile. "Hey. Uhhh, Pepper, have you met Rien and Robbie yet?" she asks, gesturing towards the approaching pair.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola was definitely not saying that Pietro was late. The golden eyed woman gives a soft smile as she's sweeped off her feet like he likes to do and she takes a breath before she closes her eyes, "They're closed." she whispers to him. She opens her eyes when he settles her feet on the ground and she smoothes over the little wrinkles in her dress carefully.

"You have nothing to apologize for, Pietro." she chuckles to him. She was dressed in a tea length, long sleeved dove grey dress and simple flats given the runner next to her. Her greenish-blue hair is braided back into a classy half up and half down style. She'd tried to cover most of the tattoos given the crowd.

"If I get too nervous just toss me overboard." she tells the white haired man in a teasing tone.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Mumbling something about, 'seen one billionaire, you seen 'em all', Robbie might be forced to admit he's a little envious of Tony. As much as he ever admits to anything. But he allows himself to be drawn along by his girlfriend and her considerably greater social acumen.

He'll even attempt something like a smile once they come face to face with Cael and Pepper. But it's sort of.. plastered there, like he doesn't dare take it off. "Hey, yeah, we've met." He and Pepper, that is. "How you doing?" That's, presumably, to both of them. Probably he should introduce his date to the redhead, but see: lack of social acumen.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-man snaps his fingers. "Coupons! I should have thought of that!" He hangs his head. "Although I can't think of anything nearly as useful as that to offer so maybe not that either."

He sighs as a waiter brings Carol a different drink even as he extended her a flute of champagne. Nothing else to do but down it himself before it gets awkward!

"I'll bet flying is a lot more fun than swinging on a web."

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Laughing lightly over the mumbled comment, Rien is still chuckling softly and smiling with good humor when they reach Cael and Pepper. Turning that smile towards the women, she steps forward to offer a hand towards Pepper. "Miss Potts, it's a delight to meet you. My name is Rien, I consult for S.H.I.E.L.D. on occasion, though today I'm playing the +1 for Robbie."

Looking across to Cael, she grins, "I'm glad you're here. And I love that necklace!"

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Which many, many people try and help alleviate," Pepper offers softly. "Not everyone who lives in a Tower believes it to be made of ivory."

Turning to see the approaching Robbie and Rien, Pepper offers up her hostess smile, and straightening, offers a welcome. "Yes, I know Robbie," she says slowly, looking at the man with those green eyes.

"How are you this morning, Robbie? Sleep well?" //Calm down?// "I'm fine, thank you. I've been seeing rave reviews of the game in the papers today."

Rien, however, gains a shake of her head. Putting a hand out, she offers, "I'm Pepper Potts," at the same time Rien is making her introductions. "Welcome, and please enjoy yourself. There's a pool aft," no, she's not going to say it, April! "And a lovely view on the bow." The smile remains, and she gestures mid-ship, "Buffet and bar in there. And music for dancing. So please..

"And I think Tony's in there if you'd like to say 'hello'."

Cael Becker has posed:
    But are they trying enough? Cael doesn't voice the thought - trying to let her misgivings go for the moment, as she smiles at both Robbie and Rien. "Yeah - good job pitching out there. I'll be honest - I expected the Yankees to turn all your pitches into homeruns. How come you never tried going pro, with an arm like that?" she asks in a curious voice.
    As Rien compliments her necklace, Cael touches it with an expression that's akin to embarrassed, her fingers also briefly brushing over the broken wrench tattooed on the side of her neck. "Uhh... Thanks. I like your dress, too. I couldn't pull something like that off."
    Well. She absolutely could - but she won't.

Tony Stark has posed:
Where has the birthday boy gone?

He said he'd only be a couple minutes. Just long enough to fetch Carol a drink, but that was a while ago... So it's fairly safe to assume he's slipped off the boat in disguise and is now on his way back to Stark Tower where he'll engage in birthday work! The most fun a man can have, truly.

Which would be both typical of him and very rude.

Thankfully, that isn't what happened at all.

When he returns, he's still wearing the jacket he had been before, but he's slipped into swimming trunks. Still wearing his flip-flops, his black hair is wet and he smells of chlorine, so he probably took a dunk in the pool. "'Scuse me, pardon me, thank you, hope you're having a good time..." He side turns and pivots, making his way through the crowds on his way back to where he'd left Pepper.

With Carol's drink, and one of his own, in hand.

Except Carol's gone? So now he has two drinks for himself.

"I got lost." He explains helpfully to Pepper with a cheesy grin.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
For the party, Pietro is dressed nicely - no super suit today. At least not visible, that is. He's got on a nice silk shirt and dress slacks, along with fancy shoes! He offers a warm smile to Micola, nodding to her. "You're too kind." He offers over, leading them to where people are socializing. There's a nod to Cael in greeting, a wave offered as well.

The Genoshan Prince keeps pace with Micola, not trying to rush for once. "I wonder if Wanda will be here tonight..." He muses, murmuring over to the woman on his arm. He does spot Pepper as well, moving their trajectory to arrive nearby. "Pepper, how are you this evening?" He greets, once within polite conversation range.

Franklin Spade, Jr has posed:

    "Whaddya mean, 'the boat's left?'" Franklin Randall Spade, Jr., multi-millionaire in a purple suit, demanded to know of a Stark employee at the dock from which the party yacht had left some time earlier.

    "They already set sail," the employee said apologetically. "It's been, I don't know -"

    "Oh, goddammit! How was I supposed to make a fashionably late entrance if the frickin' boat's gone?" Frankie swore, waving his invitation in frustration.

    "Well, Mister Spade, if you'd like to pass on -"

    "Forget it! I don't have time for this crap!" Franklin snapped, turning and walking over toward the rest of the docks, where a scattering of boat owners were ending or beginning their nights out on the water.

    "HEY, ASSHOLES! I'm Franklin Spade, and I've got two million dollars for the first person who can lend me a freakin' boat!"

    ==*== PRESENTLY ==*==

    "TONY! Tony!"

    Skirting dangerously close as it comes up alongside the yacht, another large vessel pulls up - with Frankie Spade, purple party suit and all, standing up on the side of the ship with one hand on the rail and the other waving his invitation to the party like he's trying to flag the boat down with it.

    "It's Frankie Spade! I'm just gonna come on over!"

    Turning to the borrowed boat's owner, whose husband is currently piloting the vessel, he takes out his phone and presses a few buttons. "And the other million. You guys aren't so bad, you know."

    The man looks vaguely bemused for a moment before smiling as something pops up on his phone. "Thanks, Frankie. You're not such an asshole in person."

    "Yeah, whatever," Franklin remarks before climbing up and leaning dangerously over the rail, stretching a hand out as he tries to reach his way onto the other ship.

    "HEY! Somebody wanna give me a hand, here?!"

Janet van Dyne has posed:
A quad-copter soars past overhead on nearly silent rotors and banks sharply under an expert pilot's touch. The craft settles on the landing deck like a dainty bird, disembarking Janet van Dyne and Steve Rogers. The socialite descends the grand staircase to the main deck with an improbable grace despite her platform pumps, balancing fingertips on the back of Steve's hand with more elan than need.

"Tony!" Janet calls, a few steps from the bottom of the stairs. Stylishly late, it appears-- and of courses it's an excuse to make everyone look her way. Janet's dressed all in white, a dress that is a tossup between formal wear and art by fashion. A double-breasted jacket in pristine white is heavily altered to support a spray of crenellations that fan up behind Janet's neck like a swan's plumage. A train of loose, feathery strips of cloth hangs from her hips with a subtle constant motion that makes the tail look like it's in constant flowing motion. She looks sewn into the hip-hugging white skirt that transitions to a mermaid-tail spray just above her knee, and every piece of jewlery she is wearing-- including the buttons on the jacket-- are polished gold and orange diamonds. A patriotic looking pendant that looks a little worn but very well-loved dangles over her bare sternum, and the wide-brimmed black-and-white hat that frames her delicate features looks like it could have come from the Kentucky Derby.

She sweeps through the crowd with effortless self-possession to make a beeline for the birthday boy and Pepper, with a hug and a kiss on the cheek for both. "I hope I'm not too late," she says, making it sound *almost* like an apology without actually using the words 'I'm sorry'. "You know how it is, I couldn't find a -stich- to go with my new clutch," she says, and slaps the white-dyed leather clutch into her palm.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Shit. Busted.

Robbie clears his throat when Pepper asks him how he slept, and scratches at the bridge of his freckled.. ever so slightly bruised nose. Curious. "Uh, great, actually." His mouth dips in a slight moue, mismatched eyes shifting back to Pepper. "Look, I'm sorry about yesterday. The guy got in my face, and-- I shoulda walked away."

To Cael's query, he actually blushes. Hotly. "Gabe needs a lot of my time, it, uh. It wouldn't've worked out." He eyes the broken wrench curiously, then attempts another smile. "Hey, you look great, though."

He's dimly aware of Tony approaching the group, and the quad-copter buzzing overhead, and some other rich guy showing up on a boat. Which means it might be about time for him to go find the hors d'ouevres.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a nod of greeting to people, she doesn't know anyone outside of Pietro, but she knows some of the Avengers just because they are Avengers. "Could you imagine me mean?" she chuckles at Pietro. "You'd have to call a Priest." she muses to him. Pietro's just a little taller, which means they can keep pace with each other when he's not super speeding around.

She gives a smile when he greets Pepper and there is a dip of her head, "Good evening." she states as well. She gives a look over to Pietro and there is a smile before her golden gaze is going over the crowd again. Just watching the view and the party-goers.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper nods in the silence between her and Cael before fully turning to Robbie and his date, Rien. The redhead nods slowly, and she does seem to accept the apology well. After all, how many has she heard in her lifetime?


"Just remember, when people are looking at you, they're looking at the face of an Avenger. You need to be someone they can run //to// and not //away// from." It's offered gently, but deliberately. It's not scolding; it's more.. from someone who has been with the group from the beginning. She smiles, the gesture honest, "You'll be great. And do you know why?" Pepper waits the moment before, "Because you have it in your heart. The rest will follow. It'll get easier, I promise, even if it gets harder."

Tony's arrival with two drinks in his hand means that Pepper is pulling one out of his hand. "Thank you." While it was for Carol, Pepper is comandeering it, if only to keep Tony from drinking it too quickly. Add ice to it, and it'll be properly watered down!

Pietro gains a warm smile and a wave, complete with questioning look. //Who is that on his arm?// She'll find out soon enough, as soon as she can extri-

Nope, no dice. Janet!

"Hello, Janet.." and she has to hold her glass out to the side for the hug. "You look amazing. Steve.." and he, too, is given a quick but nonetheless warm welcome. "Now the party is starting?"

The shouts from Franklin, however, has Pepper moving forward, "Get him up, please?" Boat hands will be more than happy to help the man aboard!

Tony Stark has posed:
Lots of people shouting Tony right now..

He starts in one direction, that being the side of the boat, and then Janet is calling for him so he turns in that direction.. And he looks back and forth.. Points at Franklin, "I'm not coming down there! Find a way up." Because that's someone elses job, "Here's a drink to help." He goes to toss the second, the one he'd brought from Carol, down towards Franklin, but Pepper wisely snatches it out of his hand before can do that....

"Whoa, it disappeared?" Clenching and unclenching his empty hand... Eyes on Pepper, then the drink in her hand.. Big ahhhh face.

"Janet! And you brought Steve!" The big boyscout gets a slap on the arm in greeting, but Janet gets a hug. He's a hugger tonight, apparently. Maybe whatever bourbon he's drinking is a hugger? That's entirely possible. "Well, you know good and damn well I've never been to a party on time, so who would I be to blame you showing up fashionably, and very fashionable, late?"

He thumbs towards Pepper, "She just took my second drink, but if you're thirsty, I've hidden away some of my private stock. Not this horse piss I'm serving everyone else." Waving his hand around flagrantly, because he's clearly starting to get drunk.

PSA: The booze everyone else is drink are NOT cheap and no horses were hurt in the making of them.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien tightens her hold on Robbie's arm even though her smile doesn't twitch, her free hand does move up to rest lightly on his bicep as she looks up to him, "Should I ask what happened at the game?" She lifts a brow at him, highly amused. Looking back to Cael, she chuckles, "Thank you, though white and blue may not be your colors, you would look -stunning- in red." Purposely misunderstanding the comment to pay the compliment.

She gives a nod to Pepper and smiles, "He's forever coming home with buises and scrapes. I swear, I can't take him anywhere." Not at all true, but it adds to Robbie's rep and... and there's a man yelling about getting onto the yacht. She looks over and frowns faintly, gesturing towards the man as if to physically reach out and steady him... from entirely too far away to do any good, really.

Then she's clearing her throat and looking towards the approaching Tony, "Ah, the birthday boy! And a happy birthday to you, Mr. Stark."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Horse piss?" Cael repeats, looking down at her drink, then at the man of the hour. "Gee. //Thanks,// Tony," she says in a dry tone - but there's amusement in her gaze.
    Her attention shifts back to Robbie, and for just a moment there's something sad in her expression before she covers it with a smile. "Kids oughtta come first. That's a good thing - having your priorities straight. I mean, Jon's told me that Agnes always comes first - and they're dead right about that."
    She smirks at Rien as she adds, "Woman with the red dress on? Nah. I'll pass, but thanks."
    She barely spares a glances towards the man on his boat, before she's offering Janet and Steve a nod herself. "Hey Cap." Yes. She's still doing that.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
No doubt Pepper's an old hand by now at dealing with misbehaving men. To his credit, the youngest Avenger does actually look like he's listening to her when she lectures him, despite how redfaced he is. "Mmhm," he tries to agree, teeth digging into his lower lip. Then releasing it long enough for him to offer more comprehensibly, "I'll try to do better, Miss Potts." Is that the right way to address her? He's not sure. But he *is* sure that she scares him just a little bit.

"Yeah. Yeah, it's a good thing." He watches Cael steadily in return, and he doesn't seem sad about it. There's something else he wants to ask, but he clamps down on the question and turns to Rien, dimpling a quick grin as he noses at her ear. "I'll tell you later," he murmurs softly.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
If there is one thing Nadia has learned from Janet, it is how to make an entrance. It was something Nadia's therapist actually encouraged after her years growing up in a bunker being made to feel she should take up as little space as possible and be seen as little as possible. Though this particular entrance may owe more to the fact she is actually running late (fashionably so!) due a side job she took repairing (and quietly upgrading, they'll thank her later) one of NASA's satellites for them.

Breaking cloud cover above the ship is a swift sleek flying vessel of angular construction that some will recognize as the G.S. Tereshkova. A door opens in the side of the ship, light streaming out from within as a figure in what looks like a party dress from the silhouette appears in the doorway and then steps out. She then proceeds to free fall a few hundred feet before bio-synthetic wings emerge from her back righting the trajectory just in time for Nadia to stick a perfect three point super hero landing on the deck of the ship, party dress fluttering about her.

"Hi Tony!" The younger Pym-van Dyne waves cheerfully. "Happy birthday! Sorry I'm late!"

Franklin Spade, Jr has posed:
    "Alright, forget it! I'm just gonna jump!"

    Not quite able to hear the offers of assistance over the sounds of the party, Franklin Spade, Jr. climbs up onto the rails, scowling slightly as the 'copter settles down onto the deck.

    "Ugh, why didn't anybody /tell/ me that they had chopper parking?" the scion wonders aloud to himself as he finds himself momentarily regretting his choices for the day. Well, surely he's not going to regret this next one.

    "Hey, hey! Move it, I need a landing zone!"

    The hired help who've gathered to help him across exchange confused looks before making space. Franklin, full of confidence, balances up on the top rail - he's been practicing his balance, actually.

    "Check this out! It's gonna be awes-"

    The boat he's on suddenly rocks, causing Franklin to lose his footing and tumble down toward the water! Moments before the multi-millionaire hits the waves and ruins his six thousand dollar suit (but not the fifteen thousand dollar Rolex Submariner, which is good to a thousand meters) he suddenly disappears - then reappears, falling on the deck in front of a waitress carrying several drinks, causing her to stumble and spill nearly the entire tray, miraculously not getting a drop on Frankie.

    Franklin blinks a couple of times, stands up straight, and smooths down his jacket.

    "Heeey! Nice jump, huh?" he says to the waitress. "Sorry about that, babe. Here's a tip. Oh! Is this a Long Island? Nice."

    Frankie leaves a scattering of five hundred dollar bills on the tray, taking the one drink that hasn't toppled before he starts making his way toward the birthday party's gravitational center.

    "Tony! So sorry I'm late - I woulda been here half an hour ago if I'da known you had helicopter parking!" he calls to the much more important and wealthier man as if he were a peer and there were no one else ahead of him in line.

    About this time an even more badass air vehicle delivers another guest to the party, who arrives just next to Frankie on a pair of wings.

    "Goddammit," he mutters under his breath between teeth clenched in a smile.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
It's hard getting a moment with the powers-that-be at the party - they are in high-demand! It's to be expected, and Pietro is not upset in the least. There's a grin as Janet and Steve arrive. "Evening, all." He greets before reaching over to collect up a couple of champagne flutes. One is offered to Micola, with a grin. "Contrary to what Tony might be saying, I am sure this is good stock." Pietro chuckles.

He does see the question in Pepper's eyes, but isn't about to give her the details for free! And Tony is there, being Tony! All these things will keep the questions at bay, for nor.

"Shall we look to the hors d'oeuvres, Micola?" He asks, looking to his date. "Or more mingling?" He suggests. This is all new territory for him - bringing a date with him and being... social! Those who know him will likely sense a shift in his behavior - he's certainly not as irritated or aggravated. Either that, or he's found a better coping mechanism for being so!

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet beams at Tony and Pepper both, embracing them each in turn with the requisite murmured pleasantries. "Nadia's right behind me, she had some ... I don't know, black hole thing blowing up at GIRL again. She'll be down here presently," Janet explains. "And no bourbon for me, that's how I ended up table-dancing with Carol in Vegas. Rum punch," she bids a nearby waiter, and takes a few moments to exchange greetings with the others nearby.

Ooh, moth-- Pepper is sliding out of the melee, and Janet spots the young Latino who had almost gotten into it with the fan the other day. The socialite glides over with that uncanny ease, moving through the crowd of billionaires and celebrities like she's one with the currents of movement and conversation. She comes up on Robbie's side opposite Rien and lays two fingers on his forearm. She smiles brilliantly at Rien, a little reassuring expression that she's not trying to poach the handsome young fellow. "Oyey," she says to him in low and surprisingly polished Spanish. There's a heavy Bronx inflection to her voice. "Mierda, la proxima vez que un cabrone te agarre, golpealo justo en el cojones." A fingertip flicks pointedly in the air to one side. "Solo se bueno en no ser atrapado."

She winks at him conspiratorially and looks to Rien. "And I don't think we've met," she tells Rien, and offers a New England lady's handshake with just a curl of her fingers. "Janet van Dyne. You're here with Robby?"

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"Maybe Wanda will turn up tonight." Micola comments quietly to Pietro as she gives a smile to him. When Pietro greets people she gives a polite dip of her brightly colored head and a quiet 'good evening'. She accepts the champagne flute with nimble fingers, "Thank you." she tells him with a smile.

"I am following your lead tonight, your highness." she grins to him after she takes a sip of her drink. "I'm guessing there is dancing somewhere." she looks around. Then back to Pietro, "I'm good with getting a bite or mingling. I'm easy on that." she tells him as she gives his arm a soft squeeze.

Tony Stark has posed:
There's a spaceship landing and depositing a Nadia and Tony watches with a raised brow. Squinting behind his blue-silver glasses at her as she comes up shouting greetings, "Did you just show in a spaceship?" It's rhetorical. He can clearly, ish, see that she did... He motions from it to her and back again, "Okay!" Hands up, he turns to the crowd around the little conversational section of the Yacht. "If you're ever sitting around wondering how you make an entrance?" Both hands motion to the ship and Nadia, "That's how... this.."

With a grin, he holds his glass up in a salute of the younger Pym Dyne.

Franklin makes his entrance and...

"We've got Spidey showing up in his costume and you two are trying to upstage me on my own damn birthday? Okay... Hold my beer." He murmurs and tugs at the sleeves of his jacket, "Nobody upstages me on my own boat..." Murmur murmur, passing by Pepper with a PURPOSE!

Cael Becker has posed:
    Janet's words earn a snort of amusement from Cael, without any additional commentary. Her gaze instead goes towards Tony - striding with purpose and she lets out the only sensible response to this sight. "Uh-oh. I think the, uhh, festivities are about to start." She follows this wish finishing off the last of her whiskey, and setting the tumbler on a tray. She's definitely not making sure she has her hands free in case of absolute chaos - nope.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper's watching the entrances, and as the rungs in the ladder get higher, she gets something of a concerned look on her face. They're all superheroes. Super powers, abilities and creativity. But this is supposed to be a birthday party for Tony. Not a gathering.. or.. *sighs*

She glances at the other guests; the dignitaries, the officials, actors, models.. public figures all, and looks back at Tony.

She can move quickly in gowns when she needs to, and this is one of those times.

Reaching out for Tony's arm, she's not.. holding him back, at least no one can say she is. Instead? She's closing in and with her head down, is in front of him whispering softly. Perhaps a word is gained here and there, but only if one wants to eavesdrop into a what is undoubtedly a very personal conversation.

Her expression is one of concern and earnest, soft and calm.. and she takes low, slow breaths before she looks to be satisfied and takes a step away, attempting that smile that she wears so often for public events.

She'll be better soon. Promise.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien smiles when Franklin 'drops in' on the deck, giving a small nod, then turning back towards her companions.

Laughing lightly at Cael, she shakes her head, "One of these days you'll let me show you that fashion doesn't have to mean restrictive or uncomfortable. You really would look stunning in red." One of these days. When Cael is in a good mood. And drunk. And impressionable. SOMEDAY, GADGET!

She's just turning towards Robbie to suggest now might be a good time to get that drink when there's Janet approaching to offer him some advice that has HER bursting out laughing delightedly. She glances to Robbie and lifts a shrug, "She's technically correct. And that is, always, the best type of correct."

Rien offers a smile towards Janet, taking the offered hand delicately and giving a light shake, "Rien D'Arqueness. Yes, that -is- my actual name, no I did not pick it. You can look up my family, we're a very old and reclusive family near the French Alps." She glances sidelong towards Robbie, then chuckles, "And yes, I am escorting Robbie." She looks back to Janet, "And you are Janet Van-Dyne. I -love- your clothes."

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Having got Nadia into position for her air drop, actually landing would have taken far too much time, whoever is actually piloting the Tereshkova takes off again in the direction of the coast.

"Upstage? No no no!" Nadia waves her hands in front of her. "I was just running late due to some work in orbit..." She trails off, but is seemingly reassured by Tony's grin. And then when he starts moving with /a PURPOSE/ her curiosity is piqued and bright inquisitive eyes following after him even as she finishes smoothing her red and black dress after her rapid aerial descent. Most designer dresses classy enough for a party like this would not have stood up to that kind of punishment, but this is a Van Dyne Original.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Reyes is just about to make another attempt at escape, when there's a touch on his leather jacketed arm. The *other* arm that Rien isn't coiled around. He does a little double-take to find the lovely socialite not only standing there, but talking to him. In Spanish, no less.

He opens his mouth. Shuts it again. Furrows his brows. Then with a look askance to Pepper, he leans in to Janet and replies in a low murmur, "Asi que asaltarlos fuera del campo. Entiendo." His nose crinkles when he smiles, tipping his chin subtly toward the redhead. "Sin embargo, no dejes que te escuche. Ella es mala."

Then he'll be quiet so the two women can get acquainted. Don't mind how he's clutching the blonde on his arm like a lifeline.

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve's tuxedo is orange. Orange like amber, garnet and citrine-- a rustling of warm colors, like a warm hearth and old earth. Black lapels and onyx cufflinks create definition and demarcation, and a persimmon tie adds to the stylish defiance of accepted tuxedo colors. It all very conveniently goes along very well with Janet's attire, including her jewelry. Which is almost certainly not a coincidence itself, either.

    He slaps Tony on the arm in return with a broad smile. "Happy birthday, Tony," he says with genuine happiness, and offers nods to people as they pass. He's gotten more used to this kind of thing, but it's still a lot of people, and who do you stop and talk to? Rule of thumb: go ahead and meet some new folks /before/ you ensconce yourself in the corner drinking with your friends and commenting on everyone's behavior.

    Not that Janet's likely to let him do that anyway.

    He pauses along the way following Janet to watch Nadia's /very/ impressive entrance, so he's catching up a bit when he comes up to offer Robbie a rueful grin. "Doing alright, I see. Good pitching yesterday." He glances to Rien with a curious quirk of the brow.

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony isn't mad, but he definitely isn't the kind of guy who sees a challenge (even one that was unintentional) and doesn't rise to it! It's the basis for literally everything he's ever done ever. Someone said he couldn't... so he did.

Which is why he doesn't look mad, because he's not mad, he's determined! And kind of excited. Because he definitely had something he was going to do and it was going to be so great.


Thankfully, or not if everyone was here for the disaster, Pepper steps in to whisper to him.. and where AA couldn't get through to him, she seems to. At first he's all uh huhs and of courses.. but then he takes a breath and nods, patting a hand at the air. Something else said under his breath, through a grin.

Instead of proceeding, he turns and grins at Nadia, "I tell you what, once the party's over, I'll show you what I've been working on. Instead of haphazzardly throwing it into the ether at a party? Glad you could make it."

He had a drink... where'd it go.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
There was certainly a bit of anticipation at the response to the grand entrances by Tony. Pietro sipped his champagne quickly, before looking to Micola. Then back to the diffused situation - a slight smile on his face. "Well, that could have been spectacularly... interesting." He comments, his arm moving to rest around the lower back of Micola.

He offers a nod and wave to Nadia as well, admiring the upstaging.

"Dancing. Yes, I think that'd be good - unless you have people you'd like to be introduced to?" He asks Micola, turning to face her. Dancing keeps him moving, so everyone knows where his preference might lie.

Franklin Spade, Jr has posed:
    Getting closer to the man of the hour, Franklin adopts a much smoother posture, one hand in his pocket, the other holding his Long Island iced tea - or at least, what he's pretty sure is one. He doesn't look especially out of place at this kind of gathering, despite his rocky arrival.

    "Spider-Man's here? In his costume? Talk about an attention who- I mean, seeker," Franklin finishes with a chuckle as he remembers that he's heard Spider-Man was a friend of Tony's. "Anyway, Tony, totally not upstaging you, here - actually, I really wanted to say -"

    Franklin cuts himself short as a certain social veil is drawn and Pepper starts murmuring to Tony. His accommodating grin is a little on the plastic side - until he notices the orange tuxedo that utterly clashes with his own, turns, and looks delighted.

    "No way - is that Cap?" Frankie asks incredulously. "Steve Rogers! The best Mister Rogers in America! Frankie Spade. Junior. Big fan! Big fan."

    It's probably the least controversial opinion he's shared in public in the last decade.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael has a polite smile on her features but- the party is a lot. The crowd is a lot. Socializing, and polite small talk - none of this is really her forte, and whatever drama Tony was about to cause... seems to have been defused. She takes a step back - which puts her back against the railing, and turns her head slightly, looking back over the wate towards the lights of New York again.
    She probably should have brought //someone// along to plus-one for her...

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola gives a look over the situation that is unfolding with Tony and others, but it is diffused beautifully and she gives a smile to that. "I'm sure there will be a lot of interesting things happening still this evening." she tells him as she looks to him.

Then there is a chuckle, "Hmm, dancing now, introductions later?" she offers. "I think that it's going to be a long night and I'm sure that people might understand that keeping you moving is a thing that needs to be done." she states to that honestly. "I know I'm not helping with being indecisive." she whispers to him with a smile.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet doesn't have Jedi powers, but she does have Mom-Kinesis, and holds a hand out in Nadia's direction to beckon her over to the conversation with an invisible tractor beam. Once the Waspette gets in range Janet plucks a champagne flute from a passing waiter's tray and hands it to Nadia, which makes her drinking perfectly legal.

"Enchante," Janet bids Rien. "Robbie I had no idea you were dating such a charming companion," she informs the young Avenger. "And she clearly has excellent taste in clothing." The volunteered compliment definitely earns Rien points in Janet's book. "I'm sure you know Steve Rogers," Janet says, formalizing the introduction between Rien and Steve (if necessary). "And the one making the big entrance is my daughter Nadia." She looks over at Nadia and gives her a look of high approval.

Then she catches sight of Franklin Spade coming right at Steve and her face falls into a mire of disapproval. It's there for only a second and by the time anyone would take a second glance, Janet's got her Perfectly Polite smile put in place. "Franklin," she says. "How nice to see you."

And while one would be hard pressed to call her tone anything but Perfectly Pleasant, there's an edge to it that makes the greeting one of haughty and cool dismissal.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Oh, fuck. Did Steve motherfucking Rogers just compliment him? Wait, it might not have been a compliment. Maybe he's insulting his arm. But would Captain America do that? Nah man, he's the biggest damn boyscout there is. He'd tell Reyes to his face if he sucked.


"Hey, man," greets the incognito Ghost Rider, blushing like a fire engine under his bucketfull of freckles. He thinks about sticking his hand out for Steve to shake, but then rethinks it and shoves it back in his jacket pocket. "You, uh, you did great out there." Real smooth, Reyes. Real smooth.

Janet's comment about his girlfriend gets a kiss to Rien's temple, and a murmur of, "Ella es claramente mi media naranja," to the socialite. And there's no idle flattery in it; his fondness for the blonde is fairly blatant.

Pepper Potts has posed:
No, Tony wasn't mad, and neither is Pepper. A touch disappointed, perhaps, but not mad. She'll be fine soon enough, as stated before. But, with her task successful, that is, the quick and very private words to Tony (no yelling, no.. nothing. Kind of anticlimactic, really. Sorry folks!), she's able to nod at his own whispered words in return and then give him a slow kiss on the cheek before stepping back.


Green eyes survey the gathering. There are a LOT of people here, and many she hasn't yet greeted. It is time to go back into hostess-mode and make sure their guests have everything they could need.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Rien has a warm smile for Robbie, giving a small squeeze to his arm and murmuring, "Me halagas profundamente, pero deberia estar agradeciendote." The affection between them quite clear as she gazes up at him.

Then she's turning back at Janet's introduction to Steve and her smile turns a bit... cheeky. "Now this -is- a treat! My Gods, it's been -ages-! What was it... Stuttgart? -Was- it Stuttgart? No... that was earlier. It was... just outside Luckenwalde, wasn't it? On the march to Berlin? I really wish I could have said good-bye but there were... ah... external forces at play that forced me to make a quick departure. I'll explain it some other time. It gets weird." Because everyhting else about this is totally normal, right? Still, she's clearly pleased to see him again, "It really is good to see you, Capitain. Glad you made it through."

Then she's looking back to Janet and smiling, "We're acquainted. Slightly. A little. It's all ancient history, I'm afraid. But this is utterly delightful! My favorite designer, an old acquaintance. The day continues to get better." To Nadia, she offers a warm and bright smile, "Rien. The pleasure is mine, Miss Vany Dyne."

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony is headed towards a waiter to replace the drink he misplaced when his phone starts ringing in his jacket. Stay, By Lisa Loeb because he's a child of the 90s and that song is great. Seriously, if he'd been a wrestler, that'd be his entry music.

Tony peels the phone out of his pocket and holds it out at arms length to read the name on the screen, "Hah!" He thumbs it open and puts it to his ear, "New phone who dis? Justin Hammer who?" He up nods to a waiter and leans against the railing taking a sip, "Sorry, it's a little loud, I'm at my birthday party.. Yeah, lots of people. What do you mean you didn't get an invitation?"

He holds the phone out and glances out over the water, then puts it back to his ear, "Did you move or something? Maybe we sent it to your old address... same place? Huh... no idea. Head's are going to roll over this, I'm so angry." A couple guests pass and speak birthday greetings, Tony smiles and winks, "Hey, Justin, I love these little talks, but I've got a party... keep an eye on your mailbox, I'm sure that invitation is on the way."

Without another world, he hangs up and slips the phone back in his coat to head in Pepper's direction.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
There is almost a slight disappointment when Tony de-escalates. Nadia was genuinely curious what he was going to do. BUT there is a pledge to show her whatever the cool thing is once the part is over and at that she grins brightly again. "Okay!"

"Hi!" Nadia returns Pietro's wave before she is caught in the Mom-kinesis tractor beam and drawn to Janet's side. It really is amazing how that works. "Hi!" She waves again and offers another bright smile when Janet introduces her, sipping from the champagne flute that just appeared in her hands, a specialty of the Janet school of Mom-kinesis. Before her gaze travels to the man that Janet clearly holds in high disdain as she tries to figure out why.

Franklin Spade, Jr has posed:
    As someone at the party seems to recognize him, Frankie Jr. turns to see who it is. The 'perfectly polite smile' is a look that he's very familiar with. In fact, he's so familiar with it that he tends to assume it's just the look that everyone has at these things. And at board meetings. And at family dinners.

    "Heeey!" Frankie says, his own expression much more genuinely pleased at the recognition, ignoring the frostiness and countering with a finger-gun. "Jane, right? One of Mercy's friends? Or was it Kat's? I mean, I can't guess - you don't /look/ old enough to be her mom."

    He tilts his head and shifts his eyes from Janet to Nadia and back, looking a little more consternated at that possibility that she knows Kat. Kat, or Katrina Karlsson being his recently divorced model wife, might be known to a fashion industry billionaire. So might Mercedes Spade, a fashion and beauty product designer. Either one could explain the frosty reception.

    Then again, so could the fact that he says things like 'You don't /look/ old enough to be her mom.'

    "Anyway, great to see you, babe."

    He lifts his glass in toast before sipping from it as his roving gaze discreetly tries to figure out where Tony is in the crowd.

Pietro Maximoff has posed:
The flute is drained, the glass set aside. "Shall we, then?" The Prince comments, with a wink to Micola. "And I do not mind the indecisiveness. There are a lot of moving parts here, tonight." Pietro comments, before taking Micola's hand in his. "Let's dance." The lean man leads her towards the more open area nearer the music.

Dancing is so much better for him - keeps him moving, doing something. It washes away quite a bit of the irritation that builds up as he practically stands still to speak with people. Everything moves /so slowly/. Pietro looks quite at ease, and happy, to be moving to the rythym with Micola in his arms. It was a good night!

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve stands there kind of awkwardly, clearly expecting to shake Robbie's hand, but then Rien diffuses that weirdness. He peers at Rien for a moment and then laughs. "Luckenwalde, that's right! You were with that French Resistance contingent we teamed up with for a couple of missions. I /knew/ I knew that name, it's pretty unique." He grins. "I'd love to hear the reason--/and/ why you look like you haven't aged a day in all that time. I mean... well... that happens, obviously." Look at him, after all.

    Nadia gets a bright grin and a hug, and then he's peering at Franklin, his initial polite smile for a professed fan turning into a frown at his girlfriend's reaction. "Ahh... thanks. Uhh... do you know each other?" He looks between Janet and Franklin.

Pepper Potts has posed:
While there may be disappointment on Nadia's face, there is most definitely a bit of peace that comes to Pepper's. The last thing she wants or needs is, well.. all of //that//. Yes, yes, she is a stick in the mud for certain, but!

Pietro and Micola make it to the dance floor, which has Pepper heading towards the newly arrived Franklin where Steve is. A smile is given for her friend; even though she'd gotten a chance to greet him, it wasn't more than a wave secondary to Janet. Now?

Her head turns, and Pepper is smiling as Tony searches for her in the crowd. She pauses, waiting for him to catch up to her, even if she's already saying,

"Steve. I didn't get a chance before.. and Mr Spade. Glad you could make it." So kind, so.. very hostess-y.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Rien's a pro at diffusing weirdness. And, apparently, keeping secrets like, 'hey, I'm war buddies with Captain America, but didn't bother mentioning this to you before'.

"I'm, uh, gonna go grab a beer," he tells them both, plastering on one of those clownish smiles, and whispering something to the blonde before disentangling himself. Off he goes with a rustle of leather and metal fastenings, boots picking out a crisp rhythm on the deck, inked fingers raked restlessly through his hair as he melts into the crowd of partygoers.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
"There is definitely a lot going on." Micola nods to Pietro with a soft smile. She finds herself easily slipping her hand into the Princes and there's a look to him, "We shall." she grins to that. She follows after him, letting him lead the way and giving a smile to those that they pass.

"You know, besides dinner with Lorna I think this is the first time we've been on a date out in public." she points out to him with a wink. "I will also note that you look very dashing." she whispers to him. "I'm hoping I don't get overly nervous in conversation. I don't want to embarrass anyone." she mutters.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "And I need another whiskey," Cael declares, moving to accompany Robbie, her gaze flashing briefly over Franklin - a faint frown on her featues for a moment.
    Her attention doesn't linger long, though, as she matches Robbie's stride - muttering under her breath towards him, "Que diablos estamos haciendo aqui?"

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
"I'll buy you a beer soon and we can catch up. Because I am -very- looking forward to the expression on your face when I tell you," Rien lets out a chuckle and flashes a grin towards Steve. "I promise that it does not involve German scientists, or serums of any kind." She tilts her head towards Robbie at the whisper, then kisses the corner of his mouth and smiles, giving him an encouraging nod and releasing his arm so he can escape. Her eyes follow him, and she smiles to see Cael fall into step with him. Turning back towards the current fiasco, she watches poor Franklin digging himself into a hole with a smile on his face, watching with the sort of morbid fascination that people watch a pile up on the highway.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Franklin is given the courtesy of Janet's *full* attention. If this were a street fight she'd be in front of the gang with a knife out while people did a finger-snapping jazz-dance routine behind her. She holds her cocktail in hand curled close to keep it from being spilled, but even that manages to look a little menacing. With a thin-lipped smile she sets her shoulders to face Franklin directly.

A waiter meanders through with a tray in hand, in lieu of a tumbleweed.

"Steve darling, this is Frankie Spade Jr," Janet says, emphasizing the dimunitives. "The Spades are... well, *new*, to the New England social scene." A thin lipped smile curls the corner of her mouth-- the van Dynes are as blue-blooded as it gets, having bartered for Manhattan shortly after the landing of the Mayflower. "They picked up an ailing tech firm a few years ago and I think there's a newspaper-- ... it's some local rag in Gotham, isn't it, Frankie?" she asks of him with a deceptively sweet voice.

"Anyway it's understandable, Frankie, that you don't remember me. His wife-- I'm sorry, *ex* wife, Katrina," she says for other's benefit, "she's an old girlfriend of mine," she explains, eyes fixed on Franklin. "And we went to boarding school together. Frankie, I *do* hope you can let... bygones be gone," she asks him, and rests a hand on his forearm with a truly pious expression. "I know divorce can be tough. I'd just left Hank, she was feeling... unsatisfied," Janet says, failing to actually whisper the word. "These things happen. How's it going with what's-her-name... the tennis player, right? The one with better shoulders than you?"

"She's what, number #5? #6? It's hard to keep track of your, uhm, romantic... ambitions," she admits with a *thoroughly* audible sotto-voce.

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony is headed towards the gathering of everyone and then Janet & Franklin involved in a battle of snootiness. A grin spreads across his face hearing just the beginning of what Janet's saying because he's pretty sure this is the start of a sacrifice. His tragectory puts him on Franklin's right side until Janet gets into the body blows, "Christ alive, Janet. Tell us how you really feel..." He slings an arm around Franklin's shoulders, sipping from the glass in his other hand.

"Buddy, I'm going to be straight up with you, the next thing you say better be some pretty poetic shit because she's definitely going to put it on your social tombstone." Jostling, Franklin's shoulder and then patting his back as he slips away else he gets caught the god damn crossfire.

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve tries to keep a straight face through Janet's entire barbed commentary on Franklin's social life. He /really/ does. He snags himself some champagne so he can sip it while glancing around at the others nearby, but it only barely hides the fact that he's grinning. Just a little.

    I mean, c'mon, Steve's not shallow enough to be dating Janet /just/ for her looks. He /likes/ her, snooty blue-blooded social barbs and all.

    "Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Spade," he manages, finally, and holds out a hand to the man. Still can't hide the smirk, especially at Tony's quip as he comes by.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
Nadia returns Steve's hug, she is very much a hug person. But then looking between Franklin and Janet as things unfold, she actually takes a step back. Getting in the way of Janet when her claws are out is a daunting task even for someone trained by the Red Room. "I'm adopted." She informs Franklin from the sidelines, perhaps that bit of information will help him remove his foot from his mouth and Janet's stiletto from his throat.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper looks at the group gathered and lets her breath out with a small hissed air. This.. this? This is why she keeps her birthdays quiet and private. Away from the City. Maybe she'll head to Connecticut this year?

There is a small, no.. a large part of her that is a touch upset that it's happening on Tony's birthday, at his party.. it's supposed to be fun, not her best friend bringing down another guest. (Yes, she's //heard// of him, but met him? NO, not yet.)

A glance is given in Tony's direction, green eyes looking to meet his brown before she's ready to turn on her heel and take care of the rest of guests. It's getting closer to her having to run damage control with the rest of the guest list.

Franklin Spade, Jr has posed:
    When Steve asks his question of Janet and Franklin, the latter's attention is drawn back from his surreptitious search, his eyebrows raising slightly.

    "Oh, yeah! We know each other. Not in the Biblical sense, obviously," Frankie seems to feel the need to clarify, free hand returning to his pocket. Pepper is offered a grin. "Pepper Potts! Luckiest woman alive. God knows if I was gonna switch hit, it'd be for Tony Stark."

    He turns back - and finds that he's being singled out by Janet. Introduced? He listens along to what the woman is saying, the amicable (or shit-eating, depending on your perspective) grin that he's sporting growing chilly until it roughly matches Janet's own.

    "My dad always preferred the phrase 'self-made.' 'Cause, you know, he started out in a factory, but he worked his ass off and made a million in real estate by the time he was thirty. You know, seizing the American Dream by the balls."

    His tone is set to match Janet's, as well, in terms of edge.

    "We do own the Gotham Sun - amongst other things - and I'm sure that if the mother of my son was into p****, I would've known about it by now, but if you want to take credit for why Franklin the Third only sees Dad every other week these days, I'll take your word for it. As for the tennis player, she's not mine. She's my dad's wife. I refuse to call her stepmother because I refuse to call anyone younger than me 'mom.'"

    He gives a slight nod.

    "Nice touch with the chopper, by the way. I left mine back at the house. Trying to keep my carbon footprint down nowadays."

    Turning after Tony not quite far enough to make eye contact, he raises his drink in toast.

    "TONY! Just wanted to let you know, I borrowed that boat because it was important to me that I get a chance to tell you what an inspiration you are to me as a fellow businessman, and let you know my birthday present's a donation to the Maria Stark Foundation. I'd tell you how much, but that wouldn't be classy. It's a party, after all."

    With that, he turns and starts to walk away from the party's epicenter, jaw firmly shut.

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony pulls up short at several mentions of his name and opens his hands in a can you blame him sort of gesture, "I'm glad you made it... hopefully that boat crew got compensated for delivering you to us." He's all smiles, genuine ones, because there's no social savagry for him! He's walking away from the massacre, not taking part in it! "I appreciate the donation, too. I prefer gifts I can open..." He pantomimes tearing into paper, "But I'm pretty hard to shop for, so that'll do just fine."

That being said, there's live music playing from somewhere and it sounds like Joan Jett. So he points over his shoulder. Ironically enough Bad Reputation. "Alright-" Clap clap, "We've got booze... we've got Joan Jett and the Blackhearts.. and I've got presents somewhere that Pepper wont let me open until all of YOU are over THERE..." He points in wide sweeping points at the gathered and then behind him at mid-section of the ship where music and, presumably, presents reside.

Micola Maximoff has posed:
Micola's having a wonderful time dancing with Pietro and talking about plans. But sadly there are things that like to sneak up on people. Like death visions. The womans fingers curl into Pietro's shirt for a moment and there is a moment her eyes flutter closed, "You mind if we head back to land, my head is about to go all swimmy and I don't want to scare the others." she whispers to his royal speediness.

Her eyes are already closed, so at least he doesn't have to tell her that as she's scooped up and others are given a departing wave before the white haired man finds himself running on the water again.

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
"Oh are we doing presents now?" Nadia pipes up when Franklin talks about his donation present. Everyone loves presents and this may be the perfect chance to diffuse the situation ...and also perhaps viciously upstage the man drawing Janet's ire.

From somewhere on her person, likely having been miniaturized in a seemless invisible pocket of her dress, Nadia produces a suddenly full sized wrapped gift box about the size of a small toaster oven tied with a pretty ribbon bow and bounces up to Tony, "Open it! Open it! Open it!" What do you get the man who has everything? Clearly Nadia had some idea that didn't involve money.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
Janet just lifts her chin in zen-like defiance of Franklin's mounthing ire. She seems unruffled by his coarse vocabulary, but the cutting, real *anger* to his voice seems to surprise her. There's a certain cadence to the games of high society and Janet looks almost... alarmed, when Franklin takes such an acid tone.

And for a moment there is-- almost-- a hint-- of regret when Franklin makes the comment about not seeing his son. That is, if Janet was remotely capable of feeling guilt *or* shame. But her eyes flicker just a touch, as if she's fighting the urge to look over at Nadia.

Then Franklin makes the comment about 'mom' and 'age' though, and any mild regret is instantly doused by his incisive barb. Janet stares at him cooly until Franklin takes his measured leave, and holds her position a beat before turning back to her corner.

Only for her to catch A Look from Pepper. What follows is a flickering, silent conversation between the two women, and it ends with Janet's shoulder slumping as she relents under whatever point Pepper is insisting. She grimaces and steps into Pepper with a strained hug that somehow *does* look apologetic, and breaks a beat later with a gentle squeeze for Pepper's fingers.

"All right, enough of this mischegas," Janet says, and turns back around to curl her hand around Steve's bicep for physical and emotional support. "Nadia, do we need to be wearing a lead apron when he opens that?" she asks her daughter.

Rien D'Arqueness has posed:
Having slid a little farther away, towards where Cael and Robbie are scoping out the buffet, Rien has been shamelessly and avidly watching the verbal beatdown between Franklin and Janet. Really, it's -fascinating-. Buuuuuuuut then it's over and it's clear that her friend and boyfriend are oversaturated from the socializing.

Turning towards Janet, Steve, Pepper, and Tony, she offers an apologetic smile, "This has been absolutely wonderful and we're so utterly grateful to have been invited. Unfortunately, we do have a meeting to get to. Can't be rescheduled, we've had to push it twice already." Rien lifts a small shrug and steps back to join Cael and Robbie. "But Tony, I do hope you have a wonderful birthday, and hopefully this will make up for our early leavetaking!"

With that, Rien throws both hands overhead and starts a very bright red and gold fireworks display that spells out Tony's name in the sky, along with a couple 'dancing' champagne bottles before fading into a bright blue 'firework' of the arc reactor in his chest.

At the same time, the trio are enveloped in a light blue flash of light before disappearing completely! It's... MAGIC!

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael, holding a glass of whiskey in one hand, and a plate of expensive hors d'ourves in the other, turns to admire the fire works show. "How did you-"

Steve Rogers has posed:
    "Well he seems like a /peach/," Steve remarks as he drops the hand he'd been holding out to shake, putting it over Janet's on his bicep. "Can't /imagine/ why his family'd--" He cuts himself off by shoving the champagne flute into his mouth and gulping it down. If Janet's backing off, he's not giving the guy an excuse to come back around and start something again.

    He turns to focus on the guest of honor, instead, and Nadia's present, grinning. "I'm sure it's something entirely innocuous, c'mon, Janet."

Pepper Potts has posed:
She's not mad, she couldn't be mad at her best friend. Pepper's simply disappointed and has a duty to the others, unpowered as they are. They've been on the sidelines, watching and gaping; it was not missed that the group was potentially.. well..

Pepper's talking with them in quiet words, her hands up and open, disarming any potential rumors. It's a gift she has, actually- if she had a power, it'd be that.


Pepper turns back around, and sees her friend. As the pair lock eyes, there is something passed between them. They've been friends for years, through good and bad.. and this?

This results in a hug, soft words murmured, complete with the squeeze of a hand at its completion. If there was any question as to the status of the best friends, let it be resolved now.

A smile is given to Janet soon after before she looks to Tony, that same smile translated.

"Yes, let's go inside, get something to eat, and Tony can open his presents." He's been so patient!

Tony Stark has posed:
It is a little known fact that Tony loves opening presents.

It doesn't really matter what's inside, the gift isn't at all important. He just likes the act of opening them. So when Nadia steps up with a full sized gift he's all grins! Once again acting under international waters law: If it's handed to him, he gets to open it! Literally tearing through paper wrapping with his nails he's at the box in seconds and flipping the top to peer down inside.

"ooooh..." His brown eyes flick up over the blue-silver glasses at Nadia, "Is this..." He looks down at it again, sliding it out for everyone to see because that's how the gift opening ceremony works! There's etiquette here... It's a small device, clearly alien in structure, with crystalline components attached to a black-silver frame housing a red glass emitter. He doesn't need to fiddle with it much to know that it's not from Earth, nor that it has no power source... but it will by the end of the night.

Energy is sort of his bag.

With that, all the vengence for her upstaging him is gone. "Thank you, Nadia, this is great.. once I get it working, and provided it doesn't blow up entire continents or something (or maybe even if it does), we'll have to go test it out?" He holds it up again and slips it back in the box. Looking for some place to put it, then thankful that Happy comes by. "Put it in my lockbox, bud."

Now Pepper is speaking his language!

"Yes! Presents! I've been very patient.. I've humored conversations and only got ... like a little drunk... I haven't dived in the pool fully clothed or pushed a senator in the ocean." His hands out, stepping backwards, "Let's go see what everyone got me. Then you can all see what I got ALL OF YOU... because what is a Tony Stark Birthday party without expensive ass swag?"

Nadia Pym-van Dyne has posed:
    Nadia laughs and shakes her head at Janet's line about lead aprons, really it's not completely out of line, miniaturizing a nuclear reactor is something she has done before. "No, no! This is perfectly safe! Partially because..." She stops to avoid explaining anything before Tony actually opens it and Steve gets a grin.

"It's from Rann! A planet in Alpha Centauri that my Dad accidentally sent us to once and more recently GIRL has been helping out. Sardath, my friend Alanna's dad is their chief scientist. You should definitely meet him sometime. He said this is likely a device for gravity manipulation, but being lost tech, they kinda had a big apocalypse a few centuries back, he wasn't sure how to get it working and said I could have it and if anyone can figure it out it's you!" She beams at Tony with her young scientist Hero Worship eyes that tend to come out whenever she's around one of her science heroes.

"Yeah, definitely!" Nadia is 100% on board with testing out the cool alien tech once Tony has it working.

Janet van Dyne has posed:
While Tony's enjoying his present, Janet takes a moment with Steve, looking up and back at him with an utterly un-feigned fondness and appreciation for his solid presence. It's subtle but she leans against him with a gesture that betrays just a momentary need for support as the last of the fight goes out of her with Franklin's withdrawal.

Janet beams approval at Nadia at Tony's reaction to the present and offers her daughter a hug with her free arm. "Tony, open mine and Steve's next," she urges the billionaire, and uplifts her chin at a very ornate, hand-hewn wooden box on the table. 'Esto Perpetua' is inset in hand-hammered gold thread on the front of the container.

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony is being given presents and he's on actual cloud 9.

This is what it's about. Opening stuff.

Not friends. Not conversation and socializing.


No seriously, Tony is more than happy to accept Janet's offered gift with a big grin and doesn't waste nigh a second tearing into it. What he pulls out from the box would give Archimedes an aneurysm. The sheer amount of moving parts on the perpetual motion machine are beyond count... He's a genius, like people don't give him the credit he deserves for how god damn smart Tony actually is... and even he's blinking at this contraption with the kind of what the fuck is actually going on right now.

"Listen, I built an arc reactor in a cave and this..." He holds it up in his palm, letting the various levers twist, swirl, and dive in a constant, unpattern motion in his palm, "Is mind boggling. Thank you! This is going to drive me to drink." Why is everyone looking at him like that.. "More. Drink more."

He grins at Steve and Janet, stepping over to give them a shared hug of appreciation.

Steve Rogers has posed:
    Steve smiles down at Janet, and pats her hand a little. He lowers his voice enough to murmur, "You okay?" But her beam of approval is enough to answer the question--yes, yes she will be, now.

    He returns Tony's hug after the man steps over, with a bright grin. "Janet asked me what we should get you and I went 'uhh Tony likes booze and gadgets and Pepper wouldn't approve of more booze.' And then we hunted down this thing. I'm glad you don't understand it, 'cause it gives me a headache to /think/ about."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper stands just behind Tony, watching him open his presents. She takes the wrap, throwing it into a bag to be taken out later. The others, the other guests have the table set high with a great deal of the 'more ordinary'. International gifts, mostly.. wine, exotic flavors, invitations and offers of tours, of trips to various countries..

All very generous!

Pepper laughs at the explanation, a soft, humoured, "Thank you, Steve," is given. "I think it is perfect. It's something we can keep //upstairs// so he doesn't disappear for too long downstairs."

Janet van Dyne has posed:
"Made by a bunch of monks in... Germany, or Belgium, or something," Janet clarifies, and hugs Tony as well, pleased with his reaction. "All by hand, too, out of rare woods and stuff. Do -not- take it apart," she orders Tony with a stern tone. "The instructions said it will fall completely apart if you try. Have fun figuring it out!" she says with an utterly unrepentant grin!

Tony Stark has posed:
"When I have a few hours and a few more bottles of scotch..." Tony holds the device up, "I'll figure out how it-" Pepper adds her part and his jaw hangs open wide enough to catch flies, "-I've been doing better... I never had a reason to go upstairs." Which suggests he has one now, what with his arm going around Pepper's shoulders, grin on his face.

To his credit, once he gets to opening the more mundane gifts...

Okay he doesn't gush over them like he has from those who know him, but he's appreciative. If only because he gets to tear paper and flip the lids on boxes for tours he probably will not go on and flavors that he probably doesn't like. Mind any present Tony gives any of you for the next year...

Regifting is a thing.

To Janet, however, he gasps.. "I would never-" He absolutely would, "-take this apart. No, everytime life gets hard, or I'm thinking too highly of myself, I'm going to look over at it on my dresser and imagine trying to put that god damned thing back together.." Another sip from his drink.