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Injustice For All: Isn't It Amazo
Date of Scene: 28 January 2024
Location: Midtown - New Troy
Synopsis: The Justice League and it's allies faces down Professor Ivo's Amazo android as the Injustice League tries to lure the white hats into a trap.
Cast of Characters: Barry Allen, Roxanne Spaulding, Phoebe Beacon, M'gann M'orzz, Diana Prince, Monet St. Croix, Kate Kane, Oliver Queen, Belinda Gutierrez, Johnny Storm, Caleb Dykstra

Barry Allen has posed:
Metropolis in the middle of winter somehow manages to be a little more cheerful then some cities out there. It doesn't make any real sense, but that light coating of snow somehow stays just a little more pristine and the gleaming city is decked out in its winter finery on this particular evening, the temperatures hovering just below the freezing mark and a light dusting of snow falling from the skies above.

Not that it has seemingly dimmed the enthusiasm of those out and about on the Avenue of Tomorrow. Technology waits for no man, no woman, and those interested in taking in the latest and greatest technological marvels available for purchase still flock to this brightly lit strip in the heart of Metropolis, looking for the latest gadget, or simply taking in the bright lights that illuminate the strip like it is still very much day time.

Of course not everything is fine on this particular evening. Through all those bright lights and chimes of a myriad different electronic devices the flashing of police lights, the wail of sirens can be heard as MPD's finest have been deployed, squad cars crawling along towards one end of the Avenue of Tomorrow. While there are any number of hi-tech firms that are located along this particular street in the city, it quickly becomes apparent that the authorities destination is undeniably STAR Labs, one of the more notable firms that house labs and offices in this particular part of the city.

Cars are swiftly pulled into a sort of semi-circular barrier outside the Labs and officers quickly deployed, backing the crowds up and away, cordoning off the area. And while that should be a good indication that it is time to make one's self scarce, not all take the hint. Curious onlookers crowd those barriers, peering towards the seemingly tranquil glass facade beyond, mutterings rolling through the crowd questioning just what the trouble might be.

Given that when the Injustice League made it's first appearance -- at least outside of being just a collection of the Flash's Rogue's -- it was in an effort to pillage this very same STAR Labs, when the alert goes out it is naturally forwarded across all the usual law enforcement channels. Including those of the ustice League and their allies. Under the circumstances, how could they not check to see if the League is once more making trouble, after their recent assault on the Hall of Justice itself.

For one Barry Allen, he was actually out of town when the alert sounded. Actually, he was on the entirely opposite side of the country, taking a well deserved holiday. Or he was. In moments that costume is expanding from the ring he wears, superspeeding into the thing and then racing across the country far too fast for the human eye to follow.

And arriving on the Avenue of Tomorrow just in time to watch a huge desk come crashing through the glass fronting of the lobby, sending shards flying as it slams into a police cruiser, actually knocking the much heavier car back a half dozen feet from the sheer force of impact.

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
And what would a miss Roxanne Spaulding be doing in the middle of the Avenue of Tomorrow. There were a few leads about what was going on with the Gen13 project and what happened to others that were involved in the program. Naturally, she had to follow her nose, which led her to sneaking around S.T.A.R.

Dressed in her usual dark purple body suit with a black leather jacket, she does her best trying to go to the building rather inconspicuously. With her focus on remaining unseen, she's quite startled by the sudden crashing of the window and the desk that comes out of it that happens to be falling onto her.

And it would fall on her and probably cause grave harm if it wasn't for her powers. Putting her hands up, she squeaks, "Oh shit!"

And suddenly, the desk just floats, the force of gravity effectively nullified on it.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Metropolis? Happier and Brighter than Gotham? Shocking, surprising, bamboozling! Nah we all know it's the truth.

    Due to the interest of several Metaphysical enemies in Star Labs, Balm had taken it upon herself to make a swing through Metropolis every once in a while, having added a 'Bookmark' in the city that she can use to bypass the lines at the Hyperloop. This evening she was in her gray amor, hood up over her domino'd face, blue lights from her masks' eyepieces glowing dimly.

    As the alert went out, the young woman takes to the air in a leap.

    The people sheltering from the glass shards are protected by her rose-gold shield with its lazily twisting, eight-pointed star and Egyptian motif before she lands behind it.

    "And here I thought it'd be a boring Saturday on the beat." she states into the comms. "Balm, on-site. Has anyone seen the cause yet?"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann is nearby when the call goes out, the alert catching her in the middle of studying, of all things. Still, this being the more immediate importance, she'll set the books aside and morph into her Miss Martian look, phasing her way out of the building and flying off towards the Labs. She'll arrive shortly after Barry (she's fast, she's not Flash fast), and just in time to see the desk crash into the police cruiser.

"Admittedly. The calls from the League are always interesting..." this as an aside to Barry before she's turning on the x-ray vision to get a look at what's going on within the labs. Looking to get a sitrep before entering. "That girl.. she's the gravitokinetic from before..."

Hovering a few feet up in the air, out of casual reach of people, her gaze sweeps through the building and down below, underneath. If M'gann had a nickel for every lab that had additional underground levels....

Diana Prince has posed:
Even though Diana's primary residence is in Manhattan, she originally held residence here in Metropolis prior to moving to New York after becoming a public figure in the super hero world. She still had her skyrise apartment here in Metropolis, however, and this is where she is currently located when things begin to develop in a sour direction down at the Avenue.

Diana is in her apartment's kitchen, with a few house guests, seated around a table and casually bantering amongst one another on this fine winter's evening.

A television is on in the corner of the room, mounted on one of the walls, it begins to play footage coming in to a news room, featuring the situation unfolding not far away from Diana's apartment tower. Naturally the group of dinner guests all look toward the screen, then regard Diana...

The dark haired Amazon lowers her wine glass, setting it down upon the counter's corner, before she offers a soft smile to her guests, and a few parting words.

Leaving them in the kitchen to enjoy the food and drink, Diana steps out toward her office and bedroom...

Monet St. Croix has posed:
She's spent far too much time in Metropolis as of late these last few months. With the Injustice League. Or the Evil League of Evil depending on what supervillain is paying this week. So as she's flying along on patrol, Monet St. Croix is just a little bit too late when the truck hits the other, and then things go flying. She's about to launch her way down - but the desk seems caught on it's own. It's a bit bulky for her to catch anyways.

So, with whomever it is having managed to catch it.. Monet is going to fly over towards the impact, going to check for people that might be injured. Her first sweep is to assess anyone in the area, scanning about as best she can while going to try and look for familiar minds. She moves to pick up on M'Gann's, and quickly requests to share information.

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman was stalking the Avenue of Tomorrow from above, lurking as one does on the higher ledges of the buildings. While Metropolis is a bit more bright and shiny than Gotham, there /are/ shadows when one knows where to look.

And Kate definitely does, since she's learned from the best.

Seeing the desk flying out, only to be caught by Roxanne, she blinks a bit, then nods. She doesn't emerge from hiding yet, but does respond to Balm quietly, "Balm, it's Batwoman. Looking from above, didn't notice anything other than the gravity manipulator that caught the desk."

Oliver Queen has posed:
The joys of Monitor Duty.

Look, being a part of the Justice League isn't all battling the biggest and the baddest. Occasionally it involves a fair bit of boredom, sitting in a room in either the Hall of Justice or the Watchtower, monitoring the countless media feeds and channels that funnel information through a network designed to flag potential threats.

And while computers are great and all, having a good ol' fashioned set of actual, thinking eyes looking at the same is important too. Hence the fact that all Leaguers take a turn at some point or another, sitting in front of a banking of monitors watching. And waiting. And waiting. And waiting.

Then again, there are also nights like this as well, when he has barely managed to sit down with a hot cup of coffee, to put his feet up on the control panel in front of him indolently and get settled in before the alarms are sounding. Cup half-raised to his lips, Ollie grumbles and slams it down, leaning over to send out the alert across the Justice League frequencies before racing for the garage, hopping on his motorcycle and tearing off into the night. "Just a minute out from the scene. But it sounds like things are getting... rowdy."

That's cheered him up some. He's always up for sticking an arrow or ten into someone deserving.

Just so long as magic is not involved. Freakin' evil sorceresses.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
It had begun as a hunch, an idea, that itching behind the ear that left Belinda Gutierrez twitching instinctively. Took the A-Train to Metropolis. Took the oppportunity to visit some electronic stores. Revel in the snow!

And to have vanilla milkshakes. Metropolis Milkshakes. Always worthy.

That the idle bliss of wandering S.T.A.R. and gushing over the lastest Deep Space Telescope images and talking the poor security guard's ear off about aliens and greenhouses on Mars and whether Mars visitation was on the short-list of things to do and /totally distracted otherwise/ ended with the flying desk-- and shortly after, by the flying wolf-woman sailing out shortly after.

Silverdane snarls with a groan as she picks herself out of the police cruiser that so thoughtfully halted her impromptu flying lesson.

"...ow," comes the wheezing, swiftly exhaled breath, standing back up shakily. "Dios, he is strong...."

Johnny Storm has posed:
Johnny Storm was on a date. It was going really well, too. "So, Doctor Jones, how about we go back to my place and you show me which one of your..." And that's when his phone chimes at him and he glances down at it. He hasn't seen /that/ alert in a while. "Sorry, babe." he offers apologeticsally. "I'll be back soon, don't get too cold without me~"

And with that, he leaves his card to pay for the check, along with the keys for the car as he leaves the restaurant they were having dinner at in Metropolis. Once he's outside, he takes a few jogging steps forward and then leaps skywards, calling out.

                                 "FLAME ON!"                                  

With that, the Human Torch is streaking across Metropolis as he looks down at the JL App. "Lessee... oh, I know her. And him. And definetly her." A pause. "I'll need to stay away from her, she'll get all weak in the knees, and not in the fun way." he murmurs, making sure to keep a distance from M'gann as he approaches the scene from above and comes to a halt, floating in mid-air as the flames flick around his whole body. "I'll have you know I was in some /very important/ negotiations that were /totally/ interupted, so this /better/ be worth it."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
And with the intent to see some of those marvels of technology is why Caleb has come here. But it was time to get back to the dorms of Happy Harbor after some window-shopping, when he sees a gathering of people. And then...

A desk flying across the lobby of the building, and he staggers back and to the side, "HOLY SHIT!!"

It's not like the desk was in his path, but his sense of caution has wired his reflexes to dodge it at the sign of trouble.

And by the looks of it, this seems like a very big trouble...

Barry Allen has posed:
There is no guarantee that this has anything to do with the depridations of the Injustice League of course. Though the force with which it is flung out -- and then the fuzzy furball of Silverdane shortly there after -- is proof positive that something superhuman is definitely onsite within the frequently mysterious confines of STAR Labs.

But just what it is that might be within remains a mystery, at least at first. At least to everyone but perhaps Silverdane who has already had her close encounter with it. Even the shattered glass does not give a clear, easy view of whatever lurks within the lab's lobby as a moment later all power in the building abruptly goes out as if abruptly snuffed out. It rolls up over the outside of the building, floor after floor abruptly plunged into darkness, made even more stark by the glowing mass of lights and signs and billboards that populate the street around it.

Then that darkness starts to roll out further, as if the electricity is slowly being snuffed out as the two buildings surrounding STAR labs also go dark. And that growing darkness continues to spread each way along the Avenue, the power simply drained away.

Racing up the street as that desk comes hurling out of the building, closely followed by the familiar form of Silverdane, the Flash finds that he doesn't need to intervene with the desk at least as it floats away before it can crush the familiar young woman beneath. Instead Barry zips over to crouch beside the fuzzy werewolf. "What did you see?" he asks quietly, glancing towards the blacked out lab.

Even before she has the chance to answer however, at least a partial answer is offered as a vaguely humanoid figure emerges to stand in the midst of the shattered lobby window. Though who do not see so well in the dark might have trouble making out anything more then a eight foot tall, bulky form but anyone else will see the gleam of golden metal coating that humanoid body.

"What is that?" Flash asks, squinting against the growing dark, eyes still adjusting. Then out of that dark a pair of eyes begin to glow ominously.

For Miss Martian's part, that sweep of STAR Labs will indeed prove that the building is much more then it appears on the surface, as almost twenty sub basement levels descend far beneath the street above, the sprawling complex housing some pretty impressive research facilities. Doing who knows what. Any number of them could certainly be of interest, though for the moment at least only that large, solitary figure out front seems to be onsite. While dozens of other shapes are discernable with her X-Ray vision, most of them seem to be cowering place in the pitch blackness that has fallen over the facility.

Johnny Storm has posed:
Now that he's on the scene and grasping what the situation is, Johnny's attention moves from the heroes on site, to the desk, the girl down there with it - an unknown - and then towards the entrance of the building as he hears that crunch of glass.

Oh look, someone's hiding in the dark. Oooh, gold, so sparkly. The Human Torch frowns a little as his hands snap down to the sides. "Alright gang, there's no need for the guessing games, let's find out who our mystery date is!"

And with that, he lifts both of his arms, pointing them straight at the golden figure standing in the dark and unleashes a brilliant gout of flame that streaks down to splash against it, looking to illuminate their situation. Because if it can throw a desk, it can take a little heat!

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Silverdane finishes tugging her leg from the wreck of the car, rumbling cheerfully before she reaches up to reset her slightly-askew jaw with a *crunch*.

"Big man-thing," the wolf-girl returns, grimacing as he draws a swift breath. "Little scent. Tall. Golden-shiny. Red eye... sensors?" She twists, flexing as she tenses anew. "It flies. Is stronger than me." She glances back at the car, the desk, her flight path from the window across to the stopping poiont. Her frown deepens. "....very much stronger," she says more quietly, nostrils quivering as her gaze turns back towards the labs.

"Battle suit?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Batwoman, good to hear a friendly voice." Balm replies with sparks of warmth in her voice, "Gravity-manipulator is a friendly, the wolf -- Silverdane's a friendly -- watch the heavy thrown objects." Balm relates to Batwoman as she drops her magical shield, and pauses, looking at the humanoid figure that emerges. Her head tilts, the blue of her optics.

    "Whatever it is... it's not magical. Nothing on it really even seems alive to my senses." she comments over the comms, and she gives a look up to Kate, and over to Flash, catching the light of fire in the sky from The Human Torch. Picking up on the incoming Arrow, on M'gann and M, the Woof and Roxanne, and she prepares to throw up her shields again.

    "M'gann, can you see into it?" she asks over the comms and then --

    "Or we can burn it, yeah, fire usually solves a lot of problems unless it's fire proof, let's find out --"

Oliver Queen has posed:
"That's the slowest rolling blackout that I've ever seen," Ollie says as he brings his motorcycle to a screeching halt at the end of the street, hopping off of it and starting to trot towards the scene of the disturbance on foot rather then trying to crawl through the crowd.

"Gawk on your own time!" he barks out as the Emerald Archer makes his way closer as that darkness starts to spread up along the street. And as that blackout grows, the restless murmuring of the crowd suggests that many of them wish that they had vacated the street while they still could. Giving a little growl, Green Arrow nocks an arrow and fires it off. Even before it lands he is nocking more, twisting as he aims those projectiles about the street. And where they sink into their targets they suddenly explode in a burst of bright light that fills the street, spreading illumination on the suddenly darkened street.

"Move it people!" he calls out. "Give the authorities room to work," he adds, still surging forward. Though nothing about that golden, humanoid shaped android looking figure is particularly reassuring.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana emerges from her personal space within her apartment, a fitted crimson hooded cloak pulled on around her shoulders, as she moves toward the balcony level of her apartment's exterior facade. She's met there by a member of her Amazon guard contingent, and together they walk out on to the balcony. Sharing a few words together, Diana gives a hastey instruction, before she pulls the hood up over her dark hair, a glinting sparkle of light touching the golden tiara that adorns her hairline now as she turns away from her fellow Amazon, toward the south, the direction of the Avenue, and STAR Labs...

As a pair of the dinner guests join the Amazon guard out on the snow covered balcony, they find Diana to have already vanished...

At the Avenue of Tomorrow, the chaos is observed, when Diana comes to land atop the edge of a building overlooking the once brightly lit thoroughfare.

She stands now over the avenue, her long red cloak fluttering in the wind around her form, as flakes of snow fall around her face. She'd arrived rather quickly, but her top speed as a flyer has yet to ever actually be explored publicly, as she is one of the least flashy flyers within the League.

"Wonder Woman, on site. Can I get an update on what is happening here?" Her voice chimes in over the JLA comm network.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
With information being picked up, Monet St. Croix goes to pass it along the telepathic grapevine. Moving to try and extend it to each mind over within the 'bubble' that is familiar with to allow a battle meld. The strange.. Golem is identified as an outlier. Is it a robot? It doesn't seem to be like a Sentinel. Unrelated technology, or it might simply be some strange mutation.

And of course STAR Labs has a giant underground fortress glare to it. And.. Why are there open walkways over giant vats of acid with no railings?

But now the lights are going out. At Wonder WOman's query, Monet starts to relay information along. What each of them are seeing, sensing, being aware of. <<Is there anyone at STAR labs that seems to have an idea as to /what/ they are doing in the lower levels?>>

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Miss Martian, on site. There is one known threat visible. Codename Amazo. Android with the ability to replicate powers." M'gann frowns faintly, staring in at the figure before letting out a breath. "Uncertain if replication can occur at range, recommend staying out of hand to hand range until ascertained."

She'll pause at Balm's question, then offer a wry smile, "If he replicates the Human Torch, that will take me out of the fight. I'll volunteer to stay at range and coordinate. Any objections to a telepathic link to loop in those not on thise frequency?"

Another pause and then, "No visible magical threats, Arrow. You should be safe to engage." Because that is NEVER getting old.

Kate Kane has posed:
When the darkness rolls over the area, Batwoman taps on the nightvision on her cowl, using the cover of the darkness to descend down the side of her building. Reaching the ground, she moves towards STAR Labs as that's where the trouble is coming from.

Though when Johnny illuminates things with fire, Batwoman winces a bit, as she appears out of the darkness near Silverdane, "Possibly, though power armor would probably have a scent. Might be a robot or cybernetic construct of some kind. But hey, how bad are you hurt?" As she gives Silverdane a once-over, she reaches into her utility belt, checking for something in particular it seems.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb looks towards the area where the desk came flying from, and at the sight of the ominous glow, he blinks. Once.... Twice...

"Oh, boy..."

He quickly moves behind a car, and proceeds to unpack the gadgetry he's been developing over the course of these months, courtesy of several battles he's lived through, plus the need to prepare for any upcoming.

(Brain to Caleb. BRAIN TO CALEB!! ...What the fuck're you doing??)

Helping out, obviously!

(You're an idiot! You're way over your head, you know that... Right?)

Yeah, well... Can't stay here and do nothing!

He unpacks guns, tasers, swords, checks the status of his shurikens and throwing knives.

And he sighs. "Caleb... You really are an idiot!"

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
The desk is gently set down, and then there's Roxie looking more than a bit confused. Watching as all the caped types start to appear, she grumbles under her breath and starts to move into the shadows. Maybe this could be the distraction she needs to find the files she's looking for in S.T.A.R.

Barry Allen has posed:
As a rule of thumb fire does tend to be fairly effective. Especially when it can be reasonably controlled and not just unleashed to burn down entire city blocks. That doesn't tend to make one very popular.

If nothing else, leading off with a big gout of fire is pretty good way to shed some light on an otherwise murky situation and the front of the shattered facade of STAR Labs. And for a moment everything is indeed illuminated as if all the lights of the Avenue of Tomorrow still blazed. That golden android is very much apparent. Then the fire engulfs it, blazing brightly. Problem solved, right?

No, not so much. As the fire dies away leaving the street just illuminated by Green Arrow's flare arrows, the golden android still stands there seemingly unphased. It lifts it's gaze towards Johnny Storm, those eyes flaring brightly for a moment as beams of reddish light wash over the flying, flaming man as if scanning him. Then the robot is abruptly sheathed in flame as well. Lifting a hand and gesturing towards the nearest police cruiser, a line of flame flares out, washes over the car a moment before it suddenly explodes, flipping through the air in a fiery mass that threatens to rain down on the surrounding crowd that abruptly cringes back.

The League has indeede faced Ivo's creation before, though previously it did not look like this. But if there was any doubt that Miss Martian's assessment was pretty much dead on that disappears as it is suddenly sheathed in the Human Torch's flame.

Crouched beside Silverdane, tapped into the telepathic link that Monet offers those on site, Barry offers his confirmation as well. << Definitely a new Amazo design I would say. Be careful, it can absorb your powers and abilities. It has even shown the ability to replicate tech spontaneously,>> he warns.

And then he moves, launching into superspeed mode -- in part to try and help move the crowd out of the way of the falling, flaming debris. In part to try and avoid having those sensor beams sweep across him and absorb his superspeed. They definitely don't need that.

So Barry races in amongst the crowd, moving them to the end of the street, zipping back and forth to clear as many out of the direct line of the debris as he can.

Outside, on the street, all eyes are definitely on the flaming android that hurls fire about. And behind him, that gapping hole leading into the lobby does give unrestrained entrance to the blacked out, secretive compound...

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Oh. This gives Monet pause. She starts to analyse it. It can imitate abilities and adapt to them.. She goes to evaluate the capabilities of the members present, and goes to look thoughtful for a few moments. Even as she tries to figure out what it might not be able to do. It can phase, use telepathy, superspeed.. But, Flash hasn't said anything about replicating memories or experiences. Just powers. Monet goes to calmly inspect the robot from her position.

And she goes to focus, drawing up memories. Memories pulled from different places. Different phases. Different eventualities. It's complicated. Drawing upon things that are not your's. But she has a few cheats in the way that she can use. She takes a few breaths, and draws upon things that she's taken from encounters with others. Not her own..

She calls upon memories of others. That have fought similar things. Cable. Rachel. Memories of the X-Men for things from beyond the stars.

They're not going to beat this thing wtih powers. They'll have to beat it by finding weak points or things to use against it.. But she's just hovering.

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman curses under her breath as it is an Amazo. << Great, well, I think I might have a special treat for it. Depending on how well it's equipped. I thought that with all the high-tech here a mag-pulse grenade might come in handy.>> She pauses as Amazo then ignites, and frowns as Amazo decides to start blasting cop cars.

With that, she nimbly moves around, trying to keep a step ahead of the flames and circling around to get close enough to make the toss, since she figures if nothing else that should slow it down.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Silverdane shakes her head to Batwoman (Batman?), rumbling throatily as she tugs her gaze away. "Am fine," she answers to Batwoman's question-- as if pulling out an arm-sized sliver of glass from her side was just casual happenstance. She chuffs, nodding as she flexes long fingers together, the jagged slice at her side simply closing, fading, healing swift as thought. "Tried to stop him when he came," she explains, glowering. "Did not... work." She glances at AntiGrav Girl, grinning cheerfully as slips aside. Good instincts-- getting away from conflict!

Her grin fades quickly as the golden droid-- Amazo -- spontaneously, startlingly ignites. Silverdane's ears slant back, eyes widening as she swallows heavily.

"....Dios," she whispers, brow fuirrowing anew as he focuses her thoughts above that jagged, instinctive spark of fear. Fire.

<< "It scanned me inside. Is not alive, but--" >> She bites her lip, exhaling with a shiver. << "If can steal, copy powers--- it might be able to heal too quickly to pause long. Phosphor, acid, tear off limbs. Might slow it down." >>

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe ducks behind some of the wreckage, giving a disturbed expression behind her domino. <<Ah -- magic abilities as well? Because hitting me would give everyone a bad day.>> she states with a horrified feeling to the thought. <That would be a Very Bad Day.> she recounts as she ducks between cars. What would Batman do here?

    <<Too bad it can't take on your olfactory senses!>> Balm replies to Belinda, and she boosts herself up to a street light, hanging for a moment and --

    "DYKSTRA! What Are You Doing Here?! Get out! This is a Bad Place for you to eat it!" she calls out warningly.

Diana Prince has posed:
Explosions. Giant fire robots. Wonder Woman pushes the crimson fabric of the cloak around her shoulders past the shining metal of her armored bracers, and leaps from the rooftop of the building overlooking the north side of the Avenue of Tomorrow.

She rapidly descends down toward the street below, where civilians are being ushered out of the way. The poor civilians of Metropolis, always being bombarded with the burden of bombastic, and bewildering, behemoths hell bent on their lives being obliterated. For what, exactly, has this latest one come for?

Diana arrives on the street, her armored boots poking out of the long red fabric of her cloak, as she pulls sword and shield from the leather harness wrapped around her body.

She marches toward the strange robotic construct, sword in her right hand, shield in her left. "Someone find out what is happening inside the lab. This is likely a distraction." Diana states, before she flexes her powerful legs, and leaps in to action, shield up and out in front of her form, headed right for the robot's center mass!

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
<< Seeking additional input and expertise, scream if assistance is needed. >>

And with that, M'gann goes intangible and invisible, sinking down into the ground and moving towards the huddled forms of the scientists within STAR Labs. Perhaps one of them will be able to offer a means of containing the target. The invisibility melts away as she sinks out of immediate sight, looking to skirt Amazo and his 'powers replication'.

She'll phase through the walls into one of the sub levels of the lab that had huddled forms on it, seeking out whoever might be around. << On it, Wonder Woman. Will report once I have a better assessment of the situation. <<

Oliver Queen has posed:
Well, this isn't so bad. If he has to be fighting something, a robot that duplicates powers isn't so bad for him. Somehow he doubts it will have much interest in duplicating his bow.

"You mock, but you do not know the horror of being prospective bacon," Ollie grumbles into the comm as he watches the street get lit up, by his arrows, then by those gouts of flame and finally by the exploding police car.

"Festive," he says sourly. "Move it people!" he calls out once more. "When things start exploding that's your cue to seek cover!" he adds. And it seems like at least some of those nearby are taking heed as the Emerald Archer is left to struggle through the crowd.

Lifting his bow, he fires off another of those arrows, this one flying straight over where Amazo stands before bursting. But no lights or explosions follow this particular arrow's bursting. Instead foam begins to drop down towards the flaming android below. Heavy, white, fire-suppressing foam that quickly coats the android and begins to snuff out those flames. "Like I can't deal with a little fire..." he snorts.

Johnny Storm has posed:
As Amazo scans him and starts to fling fire about, the Human Torch frowns. <"He's gold-plated copycat."> comes the growl from one of the elder heroes. And that's when Diana decides that she wanted to show up. "'ey, welcome to the party!" he calls out to her as he turns his attention to the android.

"As for you, you tin-plated phony, if you're gonna play with fire!" And that's when Johnny shows off a power that he doesn't really use that often. As Amazo is trying to set fires, he's actively pulling them in, snuffing them out with his thermokenesis. <"We need to hit him now while he only has a couple of us, he gets a scan on all of us, hoo boy.">

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb looks at the events unfolding, and gasps when he notices the golden figure become enraped in a flame of its own, and shoots up a car.

Making a quick dodge from the falling debris, he just in time misses an encounter with a car door!

"Okay... that's IT!!"

He putting back his weapons in place, he starts to run, skipping through people, cars, debris... He's got a plan in the works!

Observation: golden figure copied powers when it looked at the Human Torch. Applied rule: it needs to observe and analyze to copy. Hypothesis: neutralize optical system.

Running up towards the android with no defined pattern, he jumps and produces mid-air his gun at the last second, shooting sticky pellets against its optical sensors. Pellets which blink up...

And if sticking... They'll detonate! (And hopefully its eyes along with it!)

Barry Allen has posed:
There are a whole lot of people to move out of the way, to carry to the far end of street out of harms way and each time Barry races back up the street, all that flaming debris is another inch or two closer to falling amingst what remains of the crowd. That red and gold streak continues to blur across the Avenue of Tomorrow rapidly before coming to a screeching stop a short distance away, the remains of the police car coming crashing down with a crash... but finding no one left beneath it.

"Unknown Balm. There's too much that we don't know about this tech. But I suggest you work with the assumption that it can. The previous incarnation never showed any particular limitations," the Flash cautions.

Just what powers it might already have at its disposal is a mystery and while they in theory slowly fade over time, again there is just too much they don't know about it's capabilities. But it shows at least a few. Even as Oliver's arrow and Johnny's mastery of flame snuff out the flaming sheath that surrounds him, that golden arm suddenly stretches out with startling speed, stretching impossibly to grasp Johnny Storm by the throat. The flames do not seem to bother Amazo at all and for a moment the android holds the flaming, flying man there, choking him in midair.

Then he slams him down with terrific force into the top of one of those nearby police cruisers, driving him right through the roof as it caves in around him, metal twisted inward as the Human Torch's unconscious body is planted in the back of that car.

That violent display probably does little to reassure anyone and the golden android whirls, turning to face the approaching Amazon. Those eyes glow, flare, but instead of scanning beams bursting forth, the holographic image of a middle aged man with grey reddish hair, a sweater vest and a bow tie appears. "Ahhh, good," the unlikely figure says with a smile. "I see that you are putting my Amazo Mark Two through it's paces. I think you'll find that it is more capable then before. If this trial results in your death, well, I can only say that you have my apologies. It is the price that my new friends have demanded of me to help me reach my ultimate goal. Know that your sacrifice will help to insure that I live... forever."

It is a good plan. Blind it, keep the android from being able to engage it's sensors to duplicate powers. And those pellets fly true, straight to the glowing red eyes of Amazo. And for a moment Caleb's shots appear to be dead on the mark. Then in a blurring streak of gold one of Amazo's hands simply lifts and catches them, letting them explode harmlessly in its hand. It's head twists, staring at the armed man emotionlessly.

Apparently Barry's worries were for naught. It would seem that Amazon already has superspeed in it's arsenal.

Roxanne Spaulding has posed:
And once inside the lab proper, Roxie starts trying to find what it is she came for. Who knows what she'll find inside?

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "-- or try to blind it -- good plan." Balm had commented to Caleb, before she sees Torch get slammed out of the sky.

    "/TORCH/." she calls out, and winces, looking back to Caleb, and then making her choice, she first goes over to triage the Torch. "Everyone, back away if you're not part of the fight! Get your instagram posts from a safe distance!" she calls out, turning and with some difficulty she rolls Storm up over one shoulder, and gets him to safety out of the fight, dragging him around the corner.

Barry Allen has posed:
There are a host of precautions, of defenses for STAR Labs, even in these subterrainian levels far beneath the surface above. Armored walls make breaching them difficult and a host of sensors stand ready to activate all manner of defenses.

Just a couple of problems. Those defenses require electricity, of which the complex is now sadly lacking. And they were never designed to deal with a Martian that can just phase through solid ground. Either way, Miss Martian has no difficult breaching the perimeter of the lab to find those terrified scientists huddling in the dark, not even the reddish glow of emergency lighting offering any reprieve from the complete darkness.

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman scowls at Amazo as it decides to slamdunk Johnny, then decides to take the opportunity to throw the mag-pulse grenade while it's distracted with the folks with powers, "Let's see how you like /this/." If nothing else, it can hopefully slow it down for the others to take down.

<< I do have one additional mag-pulse grenade, so if it evades this one, someone faster might need to get it up close and personal to make the delivery.>>

Monet St. Croix has posed:
This is tricky. Monet St. Croix goes to focus.. And she goes to link her mind over to M'Gann's while falling back, going to try and coordinate with the rest. <<Scan for that man. Doctor Ivo, I presume?>> She moves to try and look about for something, anything that might phase the robot. And.. Wait. The Jules Verne museum.

She goes to blast off in that direction, flying at high speed. <<If we can't stop the machine, then we can stop the man behind it>> Presuming that Ivo's too focused on monologuing to have taken precautions against being located. <<Balm, presuming he's far off if M'Gann can locate him can you teleport to him?>>

Diana Prince has posed:
The giant metal robot may be the target of the ire of many of her friends here tonight, but Diana was used to an onslaught of offensive attacks while coordinating with her senses focused on her friends, so as to avoid their own attempts.

She flies right on past the nerd hologram giving his speech too, and in fact, having heard it while she collided with the 'Mark II' robot, Diana's right hand sent her sword stabbing forward to impale the very spot that the hologram was coming from, as if to say 'Shutup, nerd!'

The resulting clang of metal on metal, comes from Wonder Woman doing her part to apply the sharp edge of her sword, to the weak spots of the golden glaring robot, while her shield was used to bash and brute force her way toward even better potential weak points.

"Miss Martian, be careful. There may be more of these terrible things." Comes Diana's voice between her rapid attacks, flying back only to take a moment to regather her thoughts and observe the situation a moment more...

"These kinds of mad scientists need to be brought to justice. It is time for this reckless, and careless, creation to end!"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Eventually, eventually they'll come up with something to counter Martian abilities. But today is not that day! M'gann enters the sublevels of the labs and moves through the walls as easily as a doorway, seeking out the scientists where they huddle.

Resolving back into her tangible form, M'gann offers a quick, reassuring smile. "I won't hurt you. I need to know what happened here, how many of you there are, where the emergency exit is located, and if you have any sort of containment unit capable of holding the android above. And please, quickly, if you can. The longer it fights my friends above, the stronger it's going to get."

Miss Martian, at least, is a known figure. Hopefully she can help to calm them down some and get the information needed before escorting the scientists out of the lab. Diana's warning is met with a nod and a telepathically offered reassurance.

<< No other threats found as yet. Seeking information from the scientists now. I will proceed with caution. >>

Oliver Queen has posed:
What's a guy with a bow and arrow supposed to do?

Somehow he suspects that the usual plows aren't going to do him much good. Taser arrow? Probably not. Boxing Glove arrow? It might be amusing to watch, but probably not effective. Oil slick arrow? Take his feet out from beneath him? He can supposedly fly.

While he's not one for random destruction, aside from continuing to encourage anyone nearby to clear out there are only a few tools in his kit that might be of use and so he draws on a few of his more dangerous possibilities. Taking aim once more, he unleashes several arrows that streak towards a nearby building before exploding, sending a rain of debris toppling down towards the gold-skinned android. Ollie somehow doubts it will finish him off. But maybe it can provide a timely distraction.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Silverdane's eyes widen at the positively brutal takedown of the Torch, turning back to the Android with a snarl.

<< "I will distract it," >> the wolfbeast growls, eyes glittering beneath her domino mask. She nods towards Batwoman, moving forward with slow, smooth, deliberate care. Looping to one side, away from Greenm Arrow's shot paths, stalking tothe Amazon's side, she prepares for the maneuver as classic, as instinctive, as old as time. Appropriately-- wolf pack tactics.

Moments, seconds-- Silverdane suddenly lunges, surges foward, down and charging on all fours. Strike low, rob balance, braced standing, even if just for heartbeats-- the entirety of her mass driving to the Amazo's knees!

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb takes a moment to look back after ducking and rolling out of the way.

"Got speed, golden ass?", he looks back to the android. "You wanna copy stuff, huh? Well, can't copy what you can't see..."

And a number of smoke grenades are thrown at the android, blocking its vision.

He looks at the heroes gathered. "I think it can't copy what it can't see." He adds. "Hit it with everything you got, now!"

Barry Allen has posed:
There are only so many tactics that one can employ against a threat like Amazo. And while it might be able to absorb any power, any ability, replicate any tech given time, sometimes the only option is to take that time away from it. Force it to react, keep up the relentless pressure. If nothing else it is as good a tactic as any other they could deploy against something with such a high threat level.

The hologram of Professor Ivo flickers out of existence once more, leaving just that golden android there to face the assault of the League and it's allies. And while it might be many against one, the one is holding it's own.

As Diana rushes in, those eyes flare once more, red scanning beams washing over the Amazon Princess, taking her in. Still, she runs that sword straight through the robot and for a moment there is hope that the threat has been ended. But as she draws it out, Silverdane's warning comes very much to fruition. That 'wound' almost immediately seals up, the android healing impossibly fast thanks to it's absorbtion of the werewolf's powers.

Instead Amazo starts to morph, a sword -- almost a replica for Diana's extending from it's hand, all in gold -- and a shield forms on it's other hand before lashing out in turn, taking the fight right back to her with as much skill as any Amazon warrior.

More daunting is the fact that reach is no issue for it, and those arms extend, pursuing, taking the fight to Wonder Woman and utilizing all those advantages. Advantages that are offset by Silverdane's pack tactics, by her zipping in to strike at his flank and keeping him from being able to focus on Diana alone. By the sudden cascade of rubble that rains down on the android thanks to Green Arrow's explosive projectiles. From Caleb's fog cloud and explode to enhulf him. The clanging of the swords continues, but at least no more red scanning beams shoot out suggesting that they at least have taken that ability away from him.

Batwoman's mag charge hurls through the air, it's aim true before it abruptly stops short, hovering in midair. It glows brightly for a moment before exploding, but instead of washing over the area with that EMP pulse, it is tightly contained as if in a powerful magnetic bubble. It would seem that Amazo has come loaded to bear, no doubt having purloined powers from other members of the Injustice League before being set loose.

But a good idea is a good idea and in an instant Barry is by Batwoman's side, flashing her a brief, tight grin. "You said you had more? Lets see how well he deals with them when they're up close and personal," he suggests.

For her part, Balm will find Johnny unconscious and battered in the back seat of that police cruiser. But at least he's still breathing. Still, between that and encouraging the crowd to back away -- something that is much easier now that they've gotten a taste of what the android can do -- she has plenty on her plate as well.

And Monet? Those mental scans of the area will turn up no trace of Professor Ivo. Wherever he is transmitting from through his golden creation, it is nowhere in the Metropolis confines it would seem.

As Miss Martian manifests in the darkness of those lower levels of STAR Labs, as she offers those reassuring words, the scientists who crouch in the dark seem to relax a little. "There's about a dozen of us here still working. It's hard to get bearings but... the exit should be over there," one woman offers unsteadily. "I'm not really sure what happened to the power. We registered a big surge and then an abrupt drain as if something were 'eating' the electricity. Then everything went dark. The emergency lights didn't even kick in," she admits. "I don't know anything about an android, but you might try the containment unit over in section Red Twelve. It's the strongest that we have..." she offers up.

If the scientists of STAR Labs know anything about Amazo, they're certainly doing a good job of playing dumb. Even surface telepathy will show that no one down here is aware of an an

Barry Allen has posed:
Even surface telepathy will show that no one down here is aware of an android attack on the surface.

Kate Kane has posed:
Batwoman nods at Barry, handing him the other mag-pulse grenade, "Here you go. Should be just the thing to at least slow it down. Considering that it kept it from getting close, I'm guessing it's vulnerable to it." She winks, "I'm going to help out the civilians and get them clear, you and Diana take this thing out, would you?" With that, she heads off to help Ollie with the civilian evacuation, leaving the grenade in good hands.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
She's arrived over at the Jules Verne Museum. It has what she needs. There.. There, Monet is moving to grab several large things from there, having simply shoved her way past security, dropped off a large credit card linked to someone else's account.. And is grabbing up some things on display. In any case.. It's a huge, huge Tesla Coil and some superheavy magnets that are used for simulations showing how much the pressure is at the center of the Earth involving perpetual force and energy gathering (science is weird, kids).

With them in hand (or hands, it's kind of bulky) Monet is flying back over towards the group in the midst of melee with her massive cargo in tow. Then over at the ground several dozen meters away, she's looking for a power station.. There. Then it's a matter of trying to assemble the magnets while she goes to work the Tesla Coil up to the wires. It's going to need a LOT more energy than the immediate grid can give it. She goes to take a moment to focus.

<<Anyone, I need your assistance.>> SHe needs to setup, fire, and power a multi-story EMP cannon. Speed Forcers can generate lots of energy, right?

Oliver Queen has posed:
While the police are still very much on the scene, with so many heroes no in close, with the smoke drifting across the sudden battlefield that is the Avenue of Tomorrow, most holster their weapons and instead turn their attention to the matter of clearing out the civilians, to pushing that perimeter back further and further until there is an increasingly large open space around the fight.

And in order to not rain debris down on his allies, Ollie also shifts his focus, turning more towards crowd control, to helping people move out of the line of fire, further and further down the street, though always with a wary eye turned back towards Amazo and the fight he's putting up, keeping an eye open for the chance to offer a timely intervention or two.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe does have enough on her plate. She is smaller and lighter than Johnny, and wearing sixty pounds of gear as she hups him around a corner. She checks his eyes. His breath, her dominokeying in to Medical Useage before she's satisifed. She's out of the fight for a few minutes, at most, tending to the injured before she grips her hands against his shoulders, and gives a little glow. She's wary of too much attention -- she stabilizes him, cracked ribs set to heal, bruised organs to knit, and satisfied that Johnny isn't going to perish right at this moment, and might even wake up to ask what he missed, Balm turns, and speaks into the mental connection << I'm on my way to your location, M.>> she states, and sprouting wings from her flight tattoo, she springs up into the air, following the signal -- which no, can't be stopped -- and she breathes out.

Diana Prince has posed:
Sword and Shield vs Sword and Shield. Diana is up for the dance.

Parrying attacks, she jostles with the golden robot of doom. Her own sword striking back against the robot's newly formed own. Sparks fly as their blades collide, and reverberating thuds echo out across the city as those large rounded shields are bashed together to try and destabilize the other's position.

"Arrow!" Diana calls out between actions. "Do you have any way of applying an adhesive, or a way of immobilizing, reducing its agility?" She asks, before dodging another incoming attack, and lunging forward again, the blade of Athena being swept toward the robot's wrist, to try and sever it completely from the rest of the creation's arm!

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"I can see the others, I'll get them gathered up and get you all out together. Just stay put for a few moments while I get the others. I can open the doors. Avoid the front of the building once we're topside and get away from the building as quickly as possible. And thank you." M'gann gives that reassuring smile once more before moving to gather up the rest of the scientists, herding them all together before moving them to the emergency exit. Doors are forced open to allow the scientists to escape into the night! Flee, science geeks! Be free!

<< It wasn't STAR Labs that set Amazo loose. Nor did he come from within. But if we can get power to it, there's a containment unit in section Red Twelve that might be able to hold the android until we can disassemble it safely. >>

Once she's certain the scientists are out and away, M'gann will float up to join the fight. If it already has Martian Manhunter's powers, then the least she can do is help to negate them.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Worst fears realized: Amazo can heal, as surely, as swiftly. Even better that hers, as the mechanical components and nonliving structure reform and close anew....

Silverdane snarls, blinking briefly as smoke clouds and obscures-- then as swiftly gone. She leaps back from the Amazo android, quick as she grasps at the sash at her waist. A cover for the belt pouch hidden beneath, she unknots it, twirls it off with a swirl of silk. Tightening the long loop into a tight band, she times her jump-- one, two, sliced arm--

A lusty howl announces her preswesnce as she lunges back and aboard Amazo, legs wrapped tight as she clings for dear life! Up and around the golden head, she loops her sash, tightening it with savage, relentless gusto. Glittery red lights wink out-- caught beneath the silken belt, stretched taut as she heaves back.

"Keep cutting!" she barks out, straining. "Cannot hold for long!"

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
The smoke seems to somehow be blinding Ivo's 'golden toy', so he grins. "Gotcha now, ya bastard."

From the inside of his coat, he pulls two shurikens, sliding an adjuster along a device attached to their center space.

"Wonder Woman... Everybody... Get back, /NOW/!!"

And he throws those two shurikens, one for each of the glowing lights in the middle of all that smoke.

Needless to say, the device, also lit and set to maximum, beeps... beeps...

And, on connection, they too will explode!

Barry Allen has posed:
Could the tide be turning? It certainly starts to feel that way as the League and their allies mix and match, some confronting the android head on while others seek and search for other methods of potentially bringing it down.

The direct approach has it's charms. It is perhaps satisfying, though battling any foe that can seemingly almost instantly regenerate has certain drawbacks. Still, it is an almost elegant sight to see -- though few are left to watch and even fewer with the time to do so -- as Amazo and Wonder Woman battle in hand to hand combat, little more then shadows dancing through that cloud of mist. Lunge and parry, slash and counterattack, those swords and shields dance swiftly under those still blazing arrows that add an unreal glow to the entire affair. The loud clang of metal striking metal fills the city street with it's unaccustomed sound.

Then Silverdane is throwing herself up onto the back of Amazo, wrapping that sash over it's eyes to further hinder any effort to utilize those power absorbtion abilities. Caleb is tossing those exploding projectiles that burst in the androids face, leaving that golden fish and fearsome red glare scorched and marked. For a moment. Then that damage rapidly begins to heal once more, the benefits of werewolf physiology making the android that much more fearsome and seemingly unstoppable.

The crowd is increasingly cleared out thanks for the authories, Batwoman and Green Arrow. Which gives the Flash a chance to race in and plant that last mag bomb on the back of the battling robot before zooming away, speeding up the street towards that museum to meet with Monet and Balm as several large pieces of scientific apparatus are dragged out onto the street.

The scientist in Barry sees what M has in mind and again he casts a tight grin towards her. "I think I can manage that, though it's a little raw. Lightning's powerful, but not exact. But if Balm can whip up something with a little magic zip to channel it through your creation, I imagine it might have the effect you hope," Barry agrees, glancing towards the other woman for a moment before he starts to streak around, a whirling vortex of red and gold building, crackling, filling the air with the scent of ozone as the Flash begins to build up that electric charge. To bring the Lightning. And leave it to Balm and M to properly harness it.

In the depths STAR Labs there is undeniable relief and the scientists are only too happy to do as Miss Martian requests, taking advantage of her help to start towards the emergency exit and begin the long, slow climb towards the surface above and escape -- through the rear of the building no doubt. And while STAR Labs might not be responsible for Amazo, they might have a solution for keeping it on ice... if they can just slow him down a little.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
It's more of a slapdash affair of hooking together a bunch of things, trying to generate enough power to overload something of Amazo's scale, accurately aim it.. Monet is desperately working her way through the calculations over for how exactly she can hold this up and stabilize it, and even -aim- it at something that can move at speeds that can keep up with Wonder Woman, or Thor preserve them, Flash. The heavy bulk alone strains her moderately enhanced strength to it's limits, actually managing to aim it will be an entirely different issue.

So she can only heft, try to anticipate which way the fight is going to go and how the golden forged target will maneuver, and try to line herself up as best she can. She's staying as still as possible and minimize her exertion. She's going to need as much energy as she can.

Oliver Queen has posed:
For his part Ollie is not entirely certain that his adhesive arrows will hold Amazo for long. But then they might not need to. Just long enough to give Diana and the others the opening, the advantage that they need.

"Coming your way Princess. Special delivery," the Emerald Archer promises glibly, turning away from herding the crowd off the Avenue of Tomorrow long enough to nock a couple of arrows and let them fly. Despite the obstructions of smoke, the battling of the android and the Amazon, even the flash of explosions and the big fearsome werewolf right up in the frey, Oliver's aim is as true as ever.

Those arrows arc through the air, landing at Amazo's feet before burst open, sending up a spray of sticky goop all over the ground and the androids legs, the mess quickly beginning to harden, to bind.

At least for however long a super strong android can be bound.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Balm lands on the rooftop, and she Gets It. She groks enough technology that she pauses for a moment, her lips pursing, and then she looks to M. She gives a nod, and hs ereaches into her backpack, and grabs a can of white spraypaint.

    She wheels around, spraying the top of the building with a quick circle -- one that she used a lot in the past. Amplification, concentration, accessing the grid of the city below and the sky above in order to focus a Lot Of Power -- in her case, raw, magical power.

    A snap of her fingers and the paint lights on fire to seal the paint, and Balm steps into the middle of it.

    "This ircle's a quick one, we'll only have one one or two shots at best if the Flash's charge doesn't knock me completely on my ass." Balm shares to M and FLash, and she lifts her left hand. The binding circle on her wrist glows as she unleashes it, and she begins to chant.

    She braces herself, rising off the ground as she focuses magical power, and lines running down her face, past her cheeks, across her eyes.

    <<Silverdane, keep an eye out for Weird Stuff in your vicinity please.>>

    And Phoeb begins to overload herself with raw magic from The Source, through her Shard. Something burns even through her armor at her chest.

Diana Prince has posed:
Belinda's efforts at blinding the robot seemed to give Diana a bit of an edge, but it's soon lost as the bot's giant golden sword strikes the Princess' round shield, casting it from her arm, and causing it to clatter across the ground in to a bank of snow!

Not dismayed, Diana's free hand now reaches for her lasso, and snaps to life with a brightly glowing gold of its own! She leaps past the bot's sword, and begins darting around the metal creation, the lasso twirling outward, as Diana begins to tie the creation up, making him submit to her bondage! (shutup)

Standing off to the side of the metal monster, the Princess begins pulling on the lasso, tugging the creation down toward the adhesive that the Green Arrow had supplied via a well placed shot from his archery weapon!

Using all the strength in her arms, and throughout the rest of her, the Princess of the Amazons pulls at Amazo's form, using the unbreakable bond of her lasso to attempt to 'glue' the creation down to the ground, or at least continue to tie it up until others are given a chance to make their own moves!

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
It is like riding a mad metal bull: Silverdane clings stubbornly as the shuriken explosives detonate, wrapping the sash anew to reaffirm and tighten her grip. The Wolf nods wordlessly at Balm's telepathic directive; grimacing, she adds via thought. << "Will watch!" >>

Diana's dance of blade and shield is a thing of glory, and one much appreciated-- or wouild be, were Silver not battling in her own part. She rides the android down, sash and splinters and adhesive sealing the band to its face with a grip even better than the Wolf's own. Silverdane tugs the end sof the scarf, tying it together in quick, dirty knots utterly unworthy of any Cub Scout badges.

"Try THAT malparido!" she snarls, heaving herself from the robotic entity's back with a kick aloft.

And then the air begins to *tighten*. Tingle. That shimmer and feel that sets every hair of Silverdane's coat stand on end! Something raw, alien and familiar, distant-- as close to the soul as the next breath.

<< "I--" >> she begins, trailing off. She can feel it, that power focusing and forming through the air, and she feels herself stealing an involuntary fraction of it, a shard of lightning and fire inside. "...Dios!"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Pausing on her way up, M'gann glances back towards Red Twelve and the containment unit. She lets out a breath and turns around, moving back down to wrap suddenly very long arms around the containment unit. Using the super strength to haul the unit, she'll use the telekinesis to force open doors to haul the unit up to the ground level.

<< I have the containment unit. Moving into position. As soon as the pulse goes off, we can shove him inside, then we just need someone to generate power to it long enough to get a generator hooked up to it. >>

Doing a quick telepathic sweep to make sure they've gotten everyone out of the 'danger zone', she'll set the unit down near the fighting. M'gann will move around, making sure the unit is ready for it's future guest, working out how to power it once they have Amazo inside it.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
As the gold-plated android begins to regenerate, Caleb is not gonna relent.

He grabs two knives out of his coat, "Oh no, you don't...!", and with a parkourish jump, he attempts to /stab/ the android in its reforming lenses, hopefully preventing it to remain unaware of its surroundings - and possibly even slow it down by damaging its internal components.

Metal, sticking out into the air - a lightning rod, perhaps?

Barry Allen has posed:
Around and around he goes, Barry continues to build up that charge, the crackling lightning that surrounds his blurred form as he races about in that tight circle grows brighter and brighter, racing just far enough away from M and Balm to not disrupt them as they work to complete the last minute preparations.

Teeth grit as he moves faster and faster, electricity mingling with the sheer force of power drawn directly from the Speed Force itself, gathered up, hoarded until he can't possibly contain anymore. "Here it comes!" the Flash shouts, the only real warning that he can offer before he comes to an abrupt stop, channelling all that energy towards Monet's device, through Phoebe's power -- and with luck, delibering enough of a charge to overwhelm even Amazo and that formidable defense that he sports.

Meanwhile the battle to keep Amazo off balance continues apace, that smoke beginning to clear, to leave the sight of the up close battle unobscured. Despite being hampered by Silverdane riding on his back, Amazo meets each of Wonder Woman's attacks with that sword and shield, even battering her own shield away entirely. But the werewolf clings tenaciously to it's back, keeps that sash wrapped around it's head even when tied off and slows those movements laced with superspeed just enough.

Enough for what? For Diana to gain just a little big of an edge. When that shield goes flying that lasso appears in her hand like another limb, lashing out and tangling the android for the moment. Even as it's own lasso begins to form at it's side, Amazo is suddenly jerked right into that center of the puddle of adhesive that spills out from Green Arrow's arrows, again slowing his movements just a little. He struggles, strains that lasso, already threatening to break free.

Then the mag charge planted on the android explodes -- no magnetic force field to bind it this time -- and Amazo finds it's reactions, it's powers slowed, dulled. It can't react in time to stop Caleb from driving those knives into it and if they don't seem to do a tremendous amount of damage, it is one more attractor to the big burst of energy that is about to come it's way. He's vulnerable.

And there is Miss Martian, emerging from Star Labs complete with a heavy duty, air tight containment shell already close at hand, ready to lock the power absorbing robot away. Sometimes timing is everything.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
It's very, very fortunate there's a Tesla coil involved. The point is not to channel the energy - that's not needed at all when it comes to it. Not with magic, not with the Speed Force, not with all the energy being built up and channeled over at the golden Amazo.

The point of the Tesla Coil is to make sure that the person on the other end isn't killed in the process.

So, when Amazo is blasted with enough energy to power every neon sign in Las Vegas perpetually, it means that Monet isn't among those ashes at the other end of it. So she blasts, she holds it in the general direction of Amazo and /really/ hopes no one is caught over in the blast zone of it.

Oh, and something about also making sure to angle it enough upwards she isn't disintegrating chunks of the city in the massive blast.

Probably needs a bit more focus on that spectrum.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Balm takes the lightning.

    It burns.

    The Light and the Speedforce weren't meant to be used this way, the powers ricocheting through her body, amplified and controlled by the circle she had built. Her mouth parts, but no scream errupts, instead it's garbled, sounding like static and the bending of steel around rocks hot enough to melt glass, her muscles tweaking and fibre breaking as she burns herself to charge the M's coils and provide oomph to the blast.

    Anf after the power's complete, Balm falls to her knees, sizzling a bit under that armor as she can be heard whispering a plethora of colorful language to express pain.

Diana Prince has posed:
Once Diana had Amazo pulled down in to the goop that Oliver had supplied, the Princess uncoils her lasso from the golden robot. She dashes around him several more times, as she reclaims her lasso, yanking it from the adhesive before twirling it rapidly around her head several times to cast off any left-over gunk attached to the divine twine.

"Good work." She says to everyone, not out of breath, but still quite perturbed by this oddly efficient creation of a wild scientist and engineer.

"Miss Martian, you did well finding this." She says of the container, as she moves toward it. "We should hope that this will suffice, until we can find a better solution to make sure this automaton never wakes again."

"Was anything else discovered with regard to the origin of this creation?' She asks. "I have not seen a machine that could copy abilities like this one displayed... This is not something that should proliferate unchecked..."

Diana retrieves her shield, pulling it from the snowbank, and brushing a robe-covered arm across it to clean its face.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Silverdane barely scrambles away from the positively livid amount of emergy unleashed by Monet's device, the simple nearness of the beam enough to leave her looking akin to someone playing with power lines.

Great furry fuzzball, with static electricity leaving her frazzled, crackling, and with every hair standing on end.

"...ow," she remarks, quivering from every muscle. "*Ow*!"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
Even as M'gann has the containment unit readied and standing by, she notices a very vulnerable-looking Caleb right smack near a very electricity attracting android. Diana she knows can handle the shock. The werewolf is a good bet can survive it as well. But the very human-looking Caleb... could be in trouble.

Moving fast, a blur of motion that isn't quite up to Barry's abilities but is still much faster than the average bear, M'gann reaches out, those morphogenic genes already shifting and reforming. She wraps around him, completely, forming a sort of 'bubble' that surrounds Caleb. A green bubble.

M'gann's face appears on the inside of the bubble, smiling at Caleb, "Please stay as still as possible until the EMP has done it's job. I can keep you safe from it, but I need to focus."

When the blast hits, it stings. Okay, it hurts. Even for M'gann's unique physiology, it's not a fun time. But she's betting it's much, much worse for Amazo. And once the dust has settled, so to speak, she unwraps from around Caleb, regenerating even as she reforms into her more normal Miss Martian appearance.

Smiling at Caleb, she offers, "Well, now that you've been inside me, I suppose it's too late to ask for dinner and dancing?" There's a brief upkick from smile to grin, a wink, and then she's turning towards Diana with a nod.

"Thank you! The scientists told me about it. I would recommend that once it's contained, we make sure it's offline before attempting to disassemble it. If nothing else, remove the limbs, including the head, from the torso. Store separately. Ensure the power source is not near enough to the head to reactivate." Because if all else fails, dismemberment!

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb closes his eyes at the sudden flash of energy, and he rolls on himself for cover. A good thing he reminded himself to insulate his coat from the inside, too, otherwise he might not be in one piece when Miss Martian comes in for the save.

It's a bit of a blur, really, but suddenly he's enveloped by a green bubble, and when he hears her warning, he keeps from moving.

Once it's clear, as she unwraps and then...

...She puns.


Oh, my God, she puns.

"Well, you saved my bacon from becoming extra crispy, that's gotta be worth at least one date, right?" He winks back at her.

Snappy, smooth comeback, with a shit-eating grin.

"Miss Martian, right?" He introduces himself, "I'm Caleb Dykstra, pleased to meet you."

He looks at the downed android, "So, who made this thing, so we can go kick their ass?"

Barry Allen has posed:
Trussed up, slowed, damaged and vulnerable, Amazo never really has a chance.

While Monet might not be completely sure of her aim, it is true enough and all that energy generated by Barry, flowing with Phoebe's guidance and finally contained and discharged through that makeshift technological creation leaps forth, the air positively crackling, humming with power as it lances down and strikes the golden android head on. An electronic scream comes from it as it goes stiff, locked in place with all that energy crackling through it. And when it fades, when it dies away, Amazo is left, those eyes no longer glowing, smoke seeming to still rise from it a little. And completely still.

Bending over for a moment, Barry rests hands on his knees and catches his breath. He can whip around the world a few dozen times at need, but that still took a little something something out of him. But he too recovers pretty quickly and besides, things are not quite completely wraped up yet. First however he moves to check on Phoebe, on Monet, making sure that they are okay after having to do their own bit to deal with such a potent discharge of energy.

Once he's sure that they'll be okay, he moves to check on the rest -- finding that Miss Martian has protected Caleb from the worst of it -- and that both Silverdane and Diana have come through fairly well despite being in such proximity.

Which only leaves Amazo. "If you want to get him sealed away, I think it might be best if we took the entire containment unit back to the Hall? Connect it to our own power grid there. That seems the safest place for him, unless we want to slap a portable power device on the unit and transport it up to the Watchtower. Maybe in space, no one can unleash power sucking robots on us?" he suggests mildly, glancing about the street.

"I don't know about the rest of you, but I could really go for some food right about now," he suggests mildly.

Speedsters. Always thinking with their stomach.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Balm still sounds a lottle out of it and is still steaming as she strains to say: <<Give me ten minutes and I can heal whoever needs it... just need a minute to... not... be crispy under the armor. Ooh that smarts.>>

    Balm had waved off the others, opting to sit with her forehead on her knees and her hood pulled over her head to hide her face. Even using this much magic makes her body ache.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"M'gann M'orzz. Pleasure's mine, Caleb.. and we can discuss your bacon, and its chewiness, on that date." She flashes a quick smile his way before reaching out towards Balm.

<< No injuries here, unless you count Amazo. Get yourself healed, and I believe Flash has offered to buy food for the group. >> Because M'gann is equal opportunity joking!