Billy Kaplan

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Billy Kaplan (Scenesys ID: 1924)
Name: William "Billy" Kaplan
Superalias: Wiccan
Gender: Male
Species: Mutant
Occupation: Student
Citizenship: American
Residence: New York
Education: High School
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Groups: Mutants, Titans
Apparent Age: late teens Actual Age: 19
Date of Birth 09 July 2002 Played By Avan Jogia (c. 2010)
Height: 5'8" Weight: 140 lb
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: "The Airway" by Owl City

Character Info


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William 'Billy' Kaplan is a kid trying to be a superhero after he finally managed to get superpowers. But of course, being a mutant with some kind of mystical dark future ahead of you isn't something that will naturally make life easy. As the hero Wiccan, Billy tries his absolute best to help innocent people from the bullies that have taken the name of supervillains...all while he attends school.

Is there a spell to get out of this situation? 

Probably not. But when the world, regardless of location, needs him most, Wiccan will answer the call to protect all he holds dear.


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2002 - William 'Billy' Kaplan is born to cardiologist Jeff Kaplan and psychologist Rebecca Kaplan as the eldest of three sons.
2014 - Billy begins to be severely bullied at school for, among other factors, being a major fan of superheroes. The bullying is both physical and emotional, and is performed by John Kessler.
2015 - Billy finally stands up to Kessler after he notices that he had found a new victim. Unfortunately, while Billy is getting beat up in retaliation, Billy's mutant powers awaken and he electrocutes Kessler. Shocked and terrified, he ran away from school that day. He told his parents about his powers and unlike others, his parents accepted him for who he was. Thankfully, to avoid having to go back to School, his dad had coincidentally gotten a job in New York, so thats where they moved. Billy reattended school.
2016 - Billy continues to use his powers. However, inspired that he can make a difference and stop bullies, he decides to focus on becoming a superhero. He trains in his powers more and more, eventually moving to stop minor crimes. While trying to work on his confidance Billy was trying some techniques he found in a self help book of his mom's and discoverd that by repeatedly saying his intentions outloud it helped focus his power
2017 - Billy becomes an actual superhero, or so he would believe, using his mutant abilities and magic. He is initially going by the name Asgardian, but later rebrands himself as Wiccan. He is crushed emotionally by the death of Superman.
2018 - The Avengers are formed and Billy becomes a major fan of the group and strives to serve by their example.
2020 - Billy starts getting recognition as a hero, though being a hero and continuing his studies is becoming far more difficult as his knowledge advances.

IC Journal

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Great Expectations:
Billy tries to live in the shining example as other heroes: brave, fearless, loyal, willing to sacrifice oneself for the greater good of all. Unfortunately, it means he can be frustrated with himslef if he doesn't live up to the romanticized ideal of superheroes.

Billy is extremely protective over his friends and more importantly perhaps, innocent people. He hates bullies and will always stick his neck out for the little guy. Furthermore, he is often easily enraged when someone he cares about, however deeply, is put into danger or is harmed.

Billy cares greatly, even too much, about what other people think of him. It often makes him work too hard for someone else's approval.

Character Sheet


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Innate Magic:
As the prophesied Demiurge and the son of a Nexus being Billy is brimming with magic. He is leagues away from his final potential as Demiurge but he can still tap into his power. By focusing Billy can shape reality and perform imitations of spells without knowing the spell. To do this he typically says what he wants to happen out loud to focus his intentions. However when using some simpler, familiar, or practiced powers like electricity manipulation or flight he doesn't need the aid of speaking out loud.


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Billy is a super hero NERD. While this is usually just an embarassing social cue, it also means that he just knows a lot about superheroes thats been seen on the public web or has been written about them...including some habits, their quotes, and their usual strategies. This is also true for the villains, which gives Billy a more instinctive deductive edge.

Billy speaks English and Hebrew fluently, though with his studies into the occult, he's picked up bits and pieces of a smattering of other languages.

Billy is still more of a novice or dabbler into the occult, but he still knows more than most. He knows what that werewolf can probably do and he knows why that vampire can't walk into the sunlight. Its all thanks to a bunch of sorcerers books he's spotted and collected over the past few years.

Billy is a natural at being emotionally supportive to his friends and allies. He cares deeply for people and his words have weight to even heavy hearts. While usually this just means that he's very good at keeping spirits uplifted and is a resident 'never give up' believer, it also means that he has a natural knack for lifting people up.


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Kaplan Family:
Billy's parents are supportive and understanding of Billy's desire to be a superhero while he's attending school. Being both doctors, they can help him with medical issues as well that may arise with him. He always has a place to run to as long as they're around.

Billy often uses a large wooden staff when performing as Wiccan. He can summon this staff to his hand at anytime, but it provides a focus for him to use his powers. It also serves as a neat whacking stick in case enemies get a little too close for comfort.


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When Billy casts a spell, he's often doing it by saying what he would like to happen. Unfortunately, this doesn't always happen. For example, if he wants to teleport, he could say 'I want to go to Spain' and could end up at virtually any place that includes Spain in the name. His powers can backfire on him unless he's being exact, specific, and focused.

Dark Fate:
Billy is destined to become the Demiurge, a being of universal power and one of the beings tasked with micromanaging the cosmos. However, Billy has no knowledge of this....but the powers that be may put him in a situation in the future that may push him towards it.

Billy finds it hard to use his power if he is unfocused or emotional. Distressing him will make him backfire and overload more and in cases of extreme stress (boyfriend being tortured, Billy's ears plugged so he cant even use speech to help him focus) he can be prevented from using his powers all together.

Billy's powers are capable of overloading and causing a host of disasterous effects, all of which are detrimental to Billy himself. If he overloads or loses control of his powers, Billy could essentially crash and fall immediately unconscious after releasing his power. His greatest strength is also his greatest weakness.



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Billy Kaplan has 69 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Mystical Mingle - Open Night at the Sanctum January 13th, 2024 Stephen Strange opens the Sanctum for guests for the first time in ages. Mingling was performed and conversations were had, both above and below tables.
Pancakes. A Young Avengers Tradition. January 13th, 2024 What starts out as America and Mark grabbing pancakes becomes a group of Young Avengers meeting for pancakes and to discuss the direction they want to go in next. But pancakes. Because they are tradition.
The Case of the Bunny Balloon January 3rd, 2024 We all float!
Blue Crush Aftermath January 3rd, 2024 A debriefing where Cecil is wise to phone it in. Mark loses his temper, Billy Kaplan teleports everyone out of danger, and Kate Bishop finds that she's not surprised at all that someone's been watching the heroes every breath they take, every move they make, every grave mistake... Cecil's watching you
Omni-Man: The Big Broadcast of 2024 December 31st, 2023 A team of heroes moves to thwart Omni-Man's plans to contact the Viltrum Empire. Mark gets more than his heart broke. Hostages saved, Maulers defeated... but was it a real win?
Something in the Air December 14th, 2023 Kelly and Billy meet at the Candle. There are cookies. Billy Kaplan eats himself and Kelly PRaetor gets an invitation to the Justice League Dark
Young Avengers: Toy Drive November 17th, 2023 The Young Avengers hold a toy drive, in the midsts of it, and an attack by Toyman they discover the magic of Santa Claus!
Udder Underling Understanding & Solidarity November 16th, 2023 Young Avengers and Ridiculous Milkshakes
Sessions with Nettie October 23rd, 2023 Billy Kaplan 1. Does not like Tea. 2. Bears the burden of leadership and 3. Is kind of weirded out by Nettie's robotic cat
The Demands of the Many and Hungry October 17th, 2023 Young Avengers Grocery Run!
Reavers: A Call for Help October 12th, 2023 When Nettie researches the Reavers mode of transport, an unexpected guest invites her and her companions to see where the Reavers have taken root.
Caffeine & Social Media October 11th, 2023 Billy meets a social media star that he really likes. They make friends over coffee (but no cannoli) and talk about super heroing.
The Wise, The Shield, the Involunerable October 3rd, 2023 BM brings MG to meet BK at Superstar Publishing, the HQ of the YA. IYKYK.
D & D at the Candle September 26th, 2023 Nettie runs a D&D Scene. It is ridiculous.
A Trip To The CBB! September 25th, 2023 Belinda and Billy engage in some heavy conversation as the sun sets, freeing Billy from his Yom Kippur fast. Then Belinda stuffs him full of food like a pinata!
Guns in the Kitchen September 25th, 2023 Jacen Knight and Wiccan prepare to enter a gun runner hideout.
Gone Billy Gone September 21st, 2023 Young Avengers HQ is breached, and Juggernaut is accidentally summoned. But who are the mysterious attackers and what did they want? Only time will tell.
Old Friends in New York September 20th, 2023 Two long-time friends meet and learn more about each one another than they ever thought possible. The future is bright.
Interview with a Billy September 19th, 2023 Diana meets Billy Kaplan for an interview for his NYU courses. It gets a bit dramatic as Billy starts to open up to her about some of his own internall fears for himself.
No Chickening Out September 7th, 2023 When Joshua Foley, hot on the heels of becomming a chicken via a curse from ancient Greek spellcasters, needs to be cleared before returning to work, Nettie Crowe and Billy Kaplan come to the rescue.
Thunder, Moon, and Lightning August 31st, 2023 Social: Meeting with Billy and Billy! The B-Team is (semi) officially formed. Also, moon rocks!
The Twinnings (not the tea) August 29th, 2023 While closing up the Booke, Billy Kaplan visits to speak to Gabby and Hellboy. Drinks are had, and interest in joining the JLD is expressed by Billy.
Young Avengers...Assemble May 31st, 2023 The Young Avengers have, indeed, assembled. Hopefully we shall see great things from these young heroes!
ParkParkPark May 30th, 2023 A misportal ends up with Billy and Phoebe making acquaintence again. The two talk about Billy's visions and concerns, and compare notes about life so far.
Central Perks at Central Park May 27th, 2023 A couple of Young Avengers (and one guy who claims not to be a Young Avenger) hang out in Central Park. Magic coffee is consumed, bunny rabbit blankets are sat upon, and thankfully no one gets beaned in the face with a frisbee (but it was a close thing there for a moment).
A Tip Of The Hat March 17th, 2023 It is hard to tell who the most courageous Titan may be- but Gar Logan is definitely up there for trusting his life to Billy Kaplan's magic act!
A Clean Break February 13th, 2023 Something every neophyte magician leans is that the path to hell is paved with well-intentioned spells.
Housewarming idk god i suck at titles January 17th, 2023 No description
Billy Kaplan's Terrible No Good Bad Just Awful Day January 12th, 2023 Caitlin and Kían try to rescue Billy, who isn't having a great day. Little do they know—
Sweet Screams Are Made Of These December 21st, 2022 Andi Benton faces her dark chocolate night of the soul.
The Man In The Mirror November 28th, 2022 Billy knows that the best way to drop a bomb on Tommy is to placate him with food first, and afterwards.
The Creepy Mentor October 24th, 2022 Wiccan and Mania, two of the Young Avengers, are visited by an unlikely but fitting potential mentor: Raven.
The Midnight Carnival October 22nd, 2022 Some Titans and friends go to visit the Midnight Carnival. For those who enter the red tent, the finale is distinctly on the spooky side.
Zap The World September 28th, 2022 Billy Kaplan learns of his origins, but he still hasn't learned the lesson that some questions are better left unasked.
Maximoff Magical Mayhem September 7th, 2022 As it turns out, chaos magic is NOT a reliable magic 8-ball.
It's Raining Men August 16th, 2022 Billy Kaplan's first lesson goes absolutely swimmingly. He learns to plant carrots, gets some advice on how to learn to focus his magic, and accidentally summons a hot jogger instead of a water bottle. NBD, right?
The Truck Ain't Stoppin' Blues August 10th, 2022 Teddy gets coffee spilled on him, a truck careens out of control, and two heroes makes friends on a roof. All in a day in the life in New York City.
Twin Freaks August 7th, 2022 Like the show, but with milkshakes instead of coffee. Damn fine milkshakes. Billy and Tommy discuss what to do now that they're (re)united.
YA Beginnings: Getting the Band Back Together August 6th, 2022 The first meeting of the Young Avengers at their (eventual) base goes off with only a few hitches. It looks like a new team is truly forming in the heart of the Big Apple.
Pride After Party! June 26th, 2022 A party after NYC's Pride Parade! Things are a bit crazy, numbers are exchanged (and not exchanged), only Gabby is a clone. Probably.
Seek and Destroy June 22nd, 2022 America and Billy break up the attempted destruction of Damage Control Inc. by the lamely named 'Mad Bomber.' America then offers Billy a position on the ground floor of the team she's Assembling.
Billy, meet Kitchen. Kitchen, Billy. June 5th, 2022 Billy Kaplan's tour of Xavier's, led by everyone's favorite NPC student Wendy Fleeb, is briefly hijacked by Jubilee, who introduces him to Remy, Rogue, and Zandra.
Well, Maybe Some Pizza May 28th, 2022 Billy gets punched. Hannah punches the puncher. It's a punch-o-rama, followed by pizza.
Social Scene of DOOM March 23rd, 2022 Kamala and Billy meet, share secrets, and eat cookies.
Tender Is The Night March 23rd, 2022 Selene convinces Billy to fetcher her some coffee.
Practice in the Candle March 20th, 2022 Billy Kaplan and Tynan Ireton do up some practice in containment in the Candle, Booke and Belle, Nettie supervises.
Candle, Booke and Bell Hang Outs March 13th, 2022 Billy Kaplan makes a visit to the Candle, Booke and Belle Shop, and gains a close friend and new mentor in Nettie Crowe.
night at the flash museum March 12th, 2022 Wiccan dispels the magic causing mischief in the Flash Museum
Avengers: High Tech Heist March 11th, 2022 Captured AIM equipment is being shipped to the government for disposal, when the scientific terrorist group attacks the convoy to retrieve. The Avengers and allies respond to stop them.
Wiccan in the Yard March 11th, 2022 Wiccan comes to introduce himself to the Avengers.
Stop! Thief! March 10th, 2022 Bando and Billy stop a common purse thief. Somehow they both thought it'd be easier.
Fifth book on the left March 1st, 2022 Billy Kaplan subtle, carefully, and without disturbing things...lends Rebecca a book. She also feels better, so it went well.
Snack day February 24th, 2022 Scooby snacks are made, and people chat.
Doom and Gloom February 22nd, 2022 Billy and June end up in the same line for coffee.
If it's Coffee of DOOM you know it's good! February 22nd, 2022 People at a coffee shop
Something Caffeinated This Way Comes February 19th, 2022 Nettie makes an appearance at the coffee shop, and a friendship of sorts is sparked between her and Billy Kaplan.
Ride 'Em Cowgirl February 19th, 2022 In which there is a Mercenary Mutant reunion and much blackout drinking that will happen
Spark, Speed and Magic November 26th, 2021 Phoebe was doing magic in the park, but when Wiccan (Billy Kaplan), Impulse (Bart Allen), Alfred Pennyworth and Madigan Belle stop in, it becomes an impromptu pizza picnic, with proper placement thanks to Alfred. Another End of the World may be coming up, but at least this time there's people prepared.
A quiet coffee break November 25th, 2021 Quiet gets a snack, Billy helps!
Oh, oh it's Magic (you know) November 24th, 2021 Billy stops by Pheoebe's apartment for tea and questions. The two bond over a love of Game of Thrones and Timothee Chalamet's weirdly shaped head.
Divinity en Passant November 24th, 2021 Divine makes her first appearance by being mean and zapping Arthur while Billy helps save the day.
Impulse Bails Out Wiccan November 22nd, 2021 Impulse helped Wiccan catch a fleeing mugger, who was turned over to the NYPD. Then the two had pizza and talked on a nearby roof.
Interactin' Cafe Au Lait November 20th, 2021 Everyone ate and Madi weirded BK out.
Temp Title November 20th, 2021 No description
In Search Of More Branches February 26th, 2021 Viola returns to the park that was the source of a coincidence that led her to help two SHIELD agents. Billy Kaplan is there and shares some coffee and then passes on a magic coin to her.
There's No Cat On This Roof. There's No Roof Either. February 5th, 2021 Terry and Gar engage in more misunderstandings, while Billy is the actual useful one and starts fixing the roof of the tower. Today, in Days of Our lives!
Killing monsters, Making friends January 25th, 2021 No description
=A mid morning stop over. January 24th, 2021 Two speedsters make way too many doughnuts, while we learn more about The Silver Banshee.
Get New Prospects January 17th, 2021 Billy Kaplan comes to the Tower, looking for a place in the team. Welcome to the team, Wiccan!


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Billy Kaplan has 69 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Billy Kaplan has been credited in 0 shows.

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Billy Kaplan has been credited in 0 albums.

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Billy Kaplan has authored 0 books.

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