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Gamora (Scenesys ID: 1993)
Name: Gamora Ben-Titan
Superalias: None
Gender: Female
Species: Zen-Whoberian
Occupation: Mercenary; Slightly shady Hero for hire
Citizenship: Zen-Whoberi
Residence: Guardian's ship
Education: War-cult homeschool
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Groups: Guardians of the Galaxy of the Galaxy
Apparent Age: 25 Actual Age: 25
Date of Birth 23 May 1995 Played By
Height: 6'0 Weight: 170lbs
Hair Color: Greenish-Black Eye Color: Yellow
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Gamora is a trained lifelong killer and assassin who has fled a tyrannical force of evil in a growing fit of conscience. She has a compassionate core buried under an outlook and perspective shaped to survive a world of violence and horror. She has fallen in with the rogueish ragtag Guardians of the Galaxy.


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1995: Born in a rustic region of the plant Zen-Whoberis.
2000: Gamora's family, village, and up to half of her entire race are violently culled by the forces of Thanos. The Titan takes a shine to Gamora and brings her with him.
2000-2019: Gamora is raised in a violent, cult-like environment of pure devotion to Thanos. She is trained and genetically enhanced to be as efficient a killer as humanly possibly. She murders countless people at the direction of Thanos, earning a reputation as The Deadliest Woman in the Galaxy.
2020: Conflicted between a deeply ingrained devotion to Thanos, and a lifelong doubt about Thanos' goals and rightousness, Gamora attempts to flee Thanos' service; ultimately finding herself - currently - in the company of the ragtag Guardians of the Galaxy.

IC Journal

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Galaxy's Deadliest Woman:
Gamora is a woman who spent most of her life in an environment of ruthless violence and twisted idealism; plucked from an early age from a world that, itself, did not have extensive ties with the wider galaxy. While she has rejected the core of that world, the roots still inform her perspective with a kill-or-be-killed mentality that she struggles to reign in. She can be short and stand- offish, partially out of an learned instinct to avoid showing any weakness. However she harbors a core of compassion that drove her away from her murderous life in the first place that is slowly being nurtured by time away from her 'family'; and, in a twisted way, has a conceited sort of selflessness about her from a lifetime of being told that the horrible things she's done have been for the sake of everyone else's happiness and prosperity.

She is oddly intrigued by relatively mundane things, asthough finding novelty in anything that doesn't have power and murder as its ultimate endgame. She still takes tremendous thrill and satisfaction in battle, revealing a passionate side of herself that her occasionally frosty demeanor wouldn't suggest. She's a damaged woman, searching for her place in a Galaxy that she's done much to hurt.

Character Sheet


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Gamora has undergone a measure of mechanical and genetic enhancement to push her physical capabilities to a level beyond peak human capabilities; as well as an incredible amount of stamina. She is, perhaps, not on quite the same level as Captain America, but she could be part of that conversation. The long term affects on her health and lifespan are unknown.


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Gamora is extremely agile and athletic, able to move gracefully with high physical coordination under duress.

Combat Prowess:
Gamora is a trained prodigy at most forms of combat; specializing in hand to hand, and bladed weapons; and more than capable of using most firearms with a high degree of accuracy.

Gamora's reputation preceeds her, and she is capable of putting on deadly, ruthless airs, and back them up with violence if necessary. Generally speaking, if someone knows something that Gamora wants to learn, they'll likely tell her if she's provided free reign to do as she pleases.

Gamora is a trained and capable pilot; able to fly most kinds of small to medium space worthy craft, and find her way around larger vessels. She is not an ace, necessarily, but she can get around. She also knows enough to repair damage on most vehicles, up to a point and provided the right tools and material. She's also a capable navigator.

Gamora is a trained expert at moving silently and unseen where possible, and can reliably get the drop on people, or infiltrate guarded locations if she's not expected; success varying with intel provided

Gamora can track man and beast through most natural environments, provided a fresh trail. It's not her specialty, and it's usually not viable in civilized environments unless someone is remarkably clumsy and messy, but she's capable of it.


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By hook or by crook, Gamora has become a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and by proxy has access to their ship and most of the equipment and weaponry on board; as well as, theoretically, the aid of her... 'comrades'.

Underworld Contacts:
Gamora has accumulated a number of shady underworld contacts through her time serving Thanos who may be able to provide items, information, and services when needed. A potential problem is that many of these contacts were made through Thanos and his servants, and the less trustworthy elements could well rat her out out of fear or greed.


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Gamora has a well earned reputation and rap-sheet for a wide range of violent acts across the galaxy; enough to earn her a moniker in darker circles. Not everything can be directly tied to her - and all roads lead to Thanos - but she has hurt quite a number of people, which may negatively affect interactions with people who recognize her. To say nothing of anyone who may want revenge.

The Mad Titan, who butchered Gamora's people and took her as his own. Like most of Thanos' closest disciples, she addresses and considers him her 'Father', and regards him with a complicated mix of genuine love, hatred, and fear. She views him as invincible - the most powerful living creature she's aware of - and dreads the day he might repay her betrayal, or worse, take her back. Gamora was seemingly Thanos' favored daughter, who he regarded with as much affection and favoritism as he was capable/willing to betray, but how that might affect their reunion is difficult to say. His forces and agents are seemingly infinite.



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Gamora has 61 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Gamora goes Gallivating July 11th, 2023 Scene Closed
The Cosmo Situation July 5th, 2023 Mantis mistakenly attacks Mary Jane Watson for absconding with what she thinks is part of her friend. Gamora intervenes and drink invitations are accepted.
Rocket's Red Glare July 4th, 2023 Peter Quill decides to prank Rocket by taking the team to a baseball game featuring different mascots, including a couple with a very similar appearance to his. (Note: the link to the mascot pics is safe. Imgur might give a warning.)
Xandar: Bounty Handoff February 20th, 2023 Gamora drops off a load of bounties on Xandar; Rich Rider collects them and cashes her out.
For a few units more February 3rd, 2023 So they found the Egg, but whatever was in it... isn't anymore. Thankfully, nobody got a brood in their neck. Less thankfully, they didn't find the breeder. So that's probably a good thing right?


Guardians of the Chillaxin February 2nd, 2023 A little relaxation on the Milano
A cool Million Five January 25th, 2023 Follow a lead to Salvage World to steal a million and five unit egg, they said. But nobody mentioned fighting the frackin Brood. This is bullsh-
Together Again For The First Time January 20th, 2023 Peter and Rocket come to rescue Gamora. It goes exactly as planned. Her plan. It goes exactly as she planned it.
Guardians of the Yule-Tide January 12th, 2023 Christmas for the Guardians... a plan is hatched to bring in a new member. None other than Santa Claus himself.
Discordants: SPAAAAAACE Thor October 28th, 2022 The Ravagers find some loot and it turns out to be some crispy critter. (OOC: Elektra emitted Gamora for scene.)
Where were you when the bombs dropped January 3rd, 2022 A random crime occurs under the super vision of an unsavory sort. Things go sideways when MULTIPLE heroes show up and things get messy from there.
Game Changer December 13th, 2021 Peter gets tired of Gamora's old rags. Shopping ensues.
Guardians of the Backwaters of Space November 29th, 2021 A Star Cruiser (Space Version of a Cruise Ship) starts to fall into a black hole. Gamora steals the Milano to go help finds it being pushed. Peter and Rocket fly like pros, and create miniature Big Bangs. The ship is still lost but a new threat is discovered.
Peter Flew Like The Hero He Is. November 29th, 2021 Peter Flies Good. Gamora Gets Frustrated. Richard Tows Everyone. Yondu Smooth Talks. Drax Poops.
Gamora Couture October 31st, 2021 Peter suggests that Gamora may blend in better if she considered adding pants to her wardrobe. Peter shockingly doesn't get hit!
Which demons must die first October 29th, 2021 As the Guardians consider who they want to take revenge on first, Peter reveals he spent the last of their cash and Ava is struggling to find the doctor she needs on Hala.
Hello Hala October 3rd, 2021 The Guardians enter Kree space in an effort to get Ava and Finley to Hala. Unfortunately, the Kree border patrol don't take kindly to the Milano's presence and stubbornly fire upon the ship -- despite the number of reassurances Peter Solo gives them. Turns out, giving a Ghost a quantum energy boost can be really beneficial when you're trying not to get shot. Who knew?
Milano Tales: Where do we go from here September 24th, 2021 Nebula contemplates her next moves and Gamora confronts her about ... what exactly? Nebula manipulates Gamora in to a new level of frustration before reporting back to Thanos.
Halfworld and the Truth about Rocket August 29th, 2021 The Guardians arrive at Halfworld, where they not only find out there are others like the injured Rocket, they also learn an unexpected truth about him and the planet itself. Of course there's a mission involved.
Milano Tales: A door between the daughters of Thanos August 27th, 2021 Gamora and Nebula talk through a door angrily at each other, until the door opens and they escalate to yelling and almost fighting again. Nebula is clearly sick of being the victim and Gamora might have bad motivations.
Halfway to Halfworld August 24th, 2021 In the wake of their pyrrhic victory over Thanos -- they did rescue Nebula, after all -- the Guardians and most of their passengers try to come to terms with all the changes wrought... all the while ignoring the sanest voice among them. (Who, frighteningly, may actually be Mantis.) Nevertheless, cheaters to the last, they are still apparently committed to taking out Thanos moving forward.

After Rocket is fixed.

Until then... well... that's anybody's guess.

Halfworld and the Truth about Rocket, Part 2 August 23rd, 2021 The Guardians and Friends see that Rocket is going to make it, then they deal with a little robot problem deep within the prison asylum of Halfworld. At least it's not a very difficult win, which some of them probably needed after recent events.
Thanos in Hyperspace when the Quasar Fell (II) August 22nd, 2021 The crew of the Milano with friends attempt to take out Thanos once and for all. Things do not go as planned. The Black Order are not an easy fight, though some fall. Thanos, however, has mastered Hyperspace energy and brings the battle to Phyla-Vell, evaporating her. The crew of the Milano manage to escape and are headed to Half-World with Rocket in stasis on the verge of death. Somehow, Mantis cheated death entirely, which is only fair since Black Swan did the same thing. The quantum bands found a new worthy wearer: Ava.
Milano Tales: Meet the Ghost and SWORD August 11th, 2021 Meet two of the new Milano regulars
Shi'ar: On the Run from the Law July 19th, 2021 Picking up her distress signal, the Milano rescues Lilandra from pursuit by the heavy cruiser T'Korr. There's a bit of 'Imperial Diplomacy' with heavy weapons and energy constructs, a zero-G rescue, and Rocket flips off a galaxy-spanning Empire. Typical day for the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Milano Tales: The Port of Xandar July 17th, 2021 The Milano crew sit down to take stock post Ronan encounter on Xandar. It is agree, to Earth they go. Also something weird is up with Peter.
Father's Dream July 15th, 2021 As the Guardians recover from their battle with Ronan, Gamora describes what's happened to Nebula to Peter; as well as Thanos' ultimate ambition for the Infinity Stones.
Milano Tales: The Power Stone (II) June 28th, 2021 Ronan the Accuser has the Power Stone. Thanos be damned, he's going to win the war that was stalled by peace treaty. He sets course for Xandar. The Nova Corps and Guardians of the Galaxy fight a desperate pitched battle against the Dark Astar and Ronan with the power stone. Only the impossibly properties of Peter Quill manage to stop the power stone in its tracks. Why? no one is sure yet... but it's a mystery to be solved.
The Daughters of Thanos v Proxima Midnight June 22nd, 2021 The heist was almost perfect! Almost. The two young daughters of thanks, in this flashback, try to steal from a member of the black order. Unfortunately, they get caught.
Milano Tales: The Power Stone June 13th, 2021 Ronan the Accuser's ship The Dark Aster suddenly appears before Knowhere and attacks without provocation. Missiles are fired and troops are deployed. Luckily the Guardians of the Galaxy are there to fight back. And fight back they do. Defeating Korath the Pursuer and the Sakaaran forces accompanying him they save Knowhere. However, the attack was just a ruse. Nebula slipped in through the nose and stole the power stone. She escaped, but not before Phyla got a tracker on her. To be continued...
Milano Tales: Gamora, Thanos' Wrath Incarnate May 31st, 2021 Gamora having doubts as to how Phyla-Vell could help, thinking may be Peter has lost his mind (again?) sits down to a meal and drinks with Phyla. She learns the stranger is actually Quasar and the whole opportunity to rescue Nebula becomes tantalisingly real.
Milano Tales: We're going to need some help May 18th, 2021 The Guardians attempt to follow the Dark Aster. Upon losing it, they fight with their own confused feelings about what Nebula has done and who she is to them. It is settled, they need help. Peter makes a call and the crew head to Knowhere. There they meet Phyla-Vell, a seemingly random woman who Peter has a lot of faith in. Rocket, Groot, and Mantis head off to weaponise Mantis.
Milano Tales: The one where Nebula Kills Everybody May 16th, 2021 Nebula kills everyone. Okay not really. She makes it look like she killed everyone to convince Ronan not to kill everyone for real. Captured, as she expected she would be, she has thrown Ronan and Thanos off the scent for now. The crew may have other ideas. Murder is Nebula's love language after all.
The Lost Branch World - Part 2 May 4th, 2021 Thoote is stopped from leaving back for Planet X and sending a holy death fleet back to kill everyone in the Branch Republic. The team works well together.
Parting Ways Among the Stars April 27th, 2021 Some food and drink is enjoyed before the ships part ways, though the Raacal has an additional unexpected passenger for the journey.
Lost Branch World April 23rd, 2021 The Milano stops at a long lost world of Groot's people. They find a spy from Planet X that must be stopped at all cost else an armada come and kill the Branch Republic.
Happy Birthday, Star-Lord! Hope You Live To Tell About It! April 16th, 2021 The Guardians gather for a birthday party, which goes in directions none of them could have reasonably predicted. Rocket gets arrested again, but the danger of Nebula doing Nebula things leads to an unexpected agreement and profit.
Krypton or Bust: The Dead Planet April 8th, 2021 The journey takes them to the Rao system, finally, where they witness the devastation of a lost civilisation. A record was found on one of Krypton's surviving moons that showed Argo City flying away from the system and an audio message from Kara's father, Zor-El, inviting survivors to join them.
I Oa You 1 AI Brain March 29th, 2021 Scott and the Guardians enact a daring, stealthy heist on Oa. The kind of stealth that leaves giant craters in the street.
Reality Check March 27th, 2021 Shortly after Gamora's nice moment with Quill, Nebula angrily confronts her with the reality of their situation, and assures Gamora that her death or retrieval to Thanos is not off of the table.
You Make Me Feel Like Dancing March 27th, 2021 Peter's music is way too loud, but it turns out it's pretty good for dancing as Gamora discovers.
In Service of The Quill March 10th, 2021 As a follow up to #5280, Mantis ventures on her mission to discover what Peter Quill wanted her to find out. Next she'll have to report back to him.
Milano Tales: Between Here and There February 21st, 2021 No description
Krypton or Bust: Up Up and Away February 20th, 2021 Kryptonians, family and friends gather on the Milano, which then docks with Maxima's ship. Greetings are made and the ships begin their journey to Oa. Krypton or Bust February 16th, 2021 Supergirl to Captain Quill. Commencing countdown, engines on, check ignition. and may Rao's light shine upon you. The House of El makes arrangements to fly with the Guardians of the Galaxy to near-ish Oa, and to the dead planet Krypton, and may be a few other places before heading back to Earth. All for a worthless bucket of diamonds and some space weed.
The Past Sucks February 15th, 2021 Peter and Gamora talk about her and Nebula's pasts over cereal.
The Crystal Mines of Sector 70-6-8B February 10th, 2021 The Baron is beheaded, the Crystals are stolen, and the crew have some soul searching to do. Ronan the Accuser also has some searching to do...
The Robber Baron of Sector 70-6-8B February 5th, 2021 The Guardians arrive at a theme park moon in hopes of stealing riches. Instead, they discover the entire place is one big scam and they're the real prize.
What I Learned On Earth February 3rd, 2021 Mantis finally hunts down a Guardian who will hear of her awesome experiences on Earth
The Maze of Klabaru January 28th, 2021 The group has a gap in their memories and a minor change to be explained in a future scene.
Milano Tales: Hitch'n a Ride January 10th, 2021 The Milano meets some of the wildlife in an asteroid field while hiding from the Nova Corp.
So Long Erf! January 6th, 2021 The Guardians blast off!...with varying opinions about Earth and its people. Music is had. Drax leaves a present behind. Gamora's toughness is questioned. It's possible Nebula was replaced by a doppelganger.
Bar Hopping With Rocket January 2nd, 2021 Members of the Guardians go out for alcohol. It gets weird.
Titans Holiday Party - The Wintering December 23rd, 2020 The Titans Holiday party, where there was much merryment, good cheer.... and glitter. And drunk raccoons.
Beware of Schmeeps December 21st, 2020 The Schmeeps were stopped. The world was saved. More or less.
Close Encounters of the Guardian Kind December 4th, 2020 Ship repairs begin on the Milano and the Space Cops show up. Also there was pizza.
Juice November 11th, 2020 Gamora finds out about Drax's personal mission, or at least some of it.
Distress Signals October 12th, 2020 The guardians bump into and yell at each other until someone seeks them for help. A long road trip begins!
Guarding which Galaxy October 2nd, 2020 Guardians show off their sweet guardian skills
Guardians of the Sisterhood September 30th, 2020 Gamora and Nebula have a talk and air out their laundry. There is still more laundry.
Goo Ard Ians of the Gal Acksy September 29th, 2020 Peter, Gamora and Drax all chip in to design their symbol.


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Gamora has 61 finished logs.

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Gamora has been credited in 0 albums.

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Gamora has authored 0 books.

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