14256/Marie-Ange's 21st Birthday Bash!

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Marie-Ange's 21st Birthday Bash!
Date of Scene: 08 March 2023
Location: Wakandan Embassy
Synopsis: Marie's friends and 'family' gather together to celebrate the seer turning 21!
Cast of Characters: Marie-Ange Colbert, Emma Frost, Kitty Pryde, Rogue, Scott Summers, Tabitha Smith, T'Challa, Clea, Mary Bromfield, Jubilation Lee, Noriko Ashida

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Someone told Marie what a birthday party was supposed to be, right? ...right?

Well, many of the people who know her know that Marie has had... some interesting experiences with birthdays. From the extravagant, week-long celebration that is Jennymas, to more normal birthdays, to far quieter celebrations of her own birth that Marie allowed mainly because it was tradition. She's never been the kind to draw attention to herself. Heck, in France, her birthdays were either outright ignored by her too-busy-for-a-daughter parents, or days of damnation by the staff and other girls at her convent school in France.

Today was different, though.

Fliers had been plastered at various places at the Xavier Institute announcing, and marking the event, time and place, inviting everyone. Handwritten letters had gone out to every address in her contact list, as did emails and texts for those she didn't have addresses for. Marie-Ange Colbert, it seemed, had finally given in and accepted her role as center of attention when it came to March 7th, just in time for her 21st birthday. Many of the materials /looked/ like something that Jenny would've made up to announce Jennymas, with clear instructions to 'come as you are'.


Marie was the one doing the work. She was the one spending money. She'd hired the caterers, the bartender for an open bar and the musicians.

None of the decorations reference the birthday girl, at all. Sure, there's pretty balloons and banners, but they say things like 'Welcome, friends!'

Marie herself is standing right at the door to the ballroom to personally greet each and every guest to the party.

Marie's wearing a shimmering emerald green dress, the kind that flares with each step and even moreso with a spin. She's chosen to accessorize today as well, with a gold necklace hanging down around her neck and little gold earrings. Her hair is done in a fancy french braid, with yellow ribbons woven in, and her shoes are little black heels.

Marie-Ange Colbert may have been born into wealth (that she barely ever saw), and secured a job that pays her reasonably well as part of the Hellfire Club's entertainment group, but it's rare to see her spend money on herself. Her apartment is spartanly decorated. She's been saving.

Until now.

When it comes to the redhead, people are the most important part of her life. People who accept her for who she is, and /her/ party, she's decided, will be for celebrating those people she loves. Giving a taste of life's finer things to those who make her want to live it. Because that's just who she is, and she wouldn't want to spend the day without them.

Emma Frost has posed:
It had taken Emma awhile to catch on that something was up. Marie-Ange never seemed teh type to organize her -own- parties and festivities. She had always been of the opinion that the girl was far too shy to even consider such a thing. So a repeat of the Jenny-mas events eemed the way it would be in her mind. That the girl would be playfully lured over into it and ambushed. So when she had seen Marie-Ange putting things up, Emma had sensed some sort of plot.

But not by her. Marie-Ange was far too timid to even consider such a thing. So someone had if not getting the girl directly involved.. Well, then indirectly. So.. There had to be some level of light manipulation involved. And when Emma arrives over at the event, a box over an arm with her gift.. Emma is quite, quite amused as she catches on to things.

The girl's kindness and optimism are her greatest strengths. All the more important to make sure that they're never tkaen from her and that she always is kept propped up. Emma's wearing a formal gown the likes of which seems more apprporiate for a high event affair even than something at the Embassy would involve. She's following full on diplomatic protocol with her attire.

Only the best for 'her' girl after all.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde dressed extra nice for work, knowing she would be coming to the party after. She shows up in a white blouse and a very tight black pencil skirt. Silver earrings compliment the Star of David necklace with the gem-studded Tree of Yggdrasil in the middle that was a gift from Warren.

She shows up with a wrapped box under one arm, and is looking about the embassy with interest. "Marie-Ange!" she says with delight as she spots the young woman, moving over to give her a hug and quick kiss on each cheek. "Wow, you really know how to pick a venue! Do we get a tour before we go?" she asks as she gives the place another look before recentering her attention on Marie-Ange.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue arrives at the party locale looking quite nice in her fancy black dress, complemented by her hair done up in a chic updo. Her signature white bangs are swept off to one side and pinned down, creating a striking streak of snow across the top of her forehead. Her makeup is smoky in color, accentuating her features. Her jewelry choices are delicately designed to add a bit more elegance to her attire tonight.

She arrives with many of the others, approaching the Marie-of-the-Evening, a smile on her dusky hued red lips. Rogue greets the other Marie with a bit of French, complimenting her appearance and thanking her for the invite, but most of all, wishing her a happy birthday before she moves on in to the party with the other people who've arrived. Her green eyes are cast about the locale, taking in the sight of it all as she settles in...

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott Summers arrives wearing a crisp white linen shirt under a black vest, a red tie complimenting the shade of his ruby quartz glasses. His shirt sleeves are open and rolled up, though, keeping him from looking too formal as he arrives. He has his own box under his arm, containing a vintage fortune teller's crystal ball he'd found at a junk shop in the city, a Victorian thing that claimed to have belonged to a well-known psychic of the age. 'Looking Forward to your future.' it says on the card, with Scott's signature beneath.

"Clearly, you need to be on the school party planning committee," he says in greeting to Marie.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Twentyfirst birthdays can be a pretty big deal. Tabitha always lamenmted it sucked the fun out of illicit activities like drinking and smoking because tey became legal. It never stopped her and she might well be a little buzzed already.

Arriving with a lot of the others from the Xavier school. Tabby had chosen a skinky dress in a not so loud yellow, halter necked and backless but with a thoroughtly covered neckline. The girls usual spiky accessories replaced with what appears to be belts, choker and

cuffs in plates of hinged, and well polished brass. They'd look almost like a utility nelt at a glance. Wedgeheeled knee high boots in a soft but darker tan leather polished to almost look as brassy as the metal. The only colour change from brass and yellow being the red tinted raybans on her nose.

The gift she brought, a wall tapestry for Marie's own room. Made from hemp fibres. Green polkadots on pastel green background with a marijuana themed version of the High Priestess tarot card.

Gotta wonder what bribes it too to land the Wakandan Embassy?" she playfully asks while handing over a small enough box to contain the gift, wrapped in pink and yellow that is a bright Boomie style.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
It was the truth; despite the girls having been practically attached at the hip for years, Marie was not Jenny. The blonde's traits never rubbed off on the redhead, aside from perhaps just a little bit of a backbone. "Madame Frost!" she greets cheerfully, waving a hand towards the blonde. Kitty likewise gets a bright smile, hug and French-style cheek kisses returned in kind. "Kitty!" she greets, "I... admit it was a minor cost-saving move, His Highness was most gracious to allow me to hold this here." It's no real secret among Xavier's that the King of Wakanda has decided to give the French girl combat training, and it seems like it's working out. "I will certainly ask -- it is not my place to say, nest-ce pas?" Always polite. Always trying to do her best for others.

Rogue is likewise greeted in French, with perhaps a bit of an overeager chittering. The birthday-Marie is always ever-excitable when someone speaks to her in French, and was not about to pass that up. Scott is given a bright grin, "I learned /from/ the school Monsieur Summers, and the many lovely parties I have attended, but I would be honored."

Tabby, too, gets a cheery greeting. "I am glad you could make it! Are you feeling better, I hope?" There's a brief lookover as she accepts the offered package. Trying to identify any sign of bruising or bandages -- she was worried about the blonde after the state she was found in, and only wishes she could've gotten there sooner. "Merci beaucoup... and no bribes -- though it /is/ an open bar, so perhaps that helped. Please indulge to your liking." Marie most certainly will be.

T'Challa has posed:
Appearing fashionably late though to be fair he had a bit to do before he headed to Maries party. Realising that that he was going to appear by himself since his sister could not make it he quickly, and very akwardly asked Clea to come with him. He didn't tell her it was because he though that the age of the two ladies were simmular as T'Challa didn't actually know Clea's age, just going with her gerneal appearance so he figured he was not only getting Clea a valued teamate, out there to relax a little, but also would give him a reason to be there. He didn't want to be the creepy old guy showing up alone even if he had been teaching her also so it was a simple win win, and Clea got to ride with the white Leapord with the simple name tag on his collar that said 'spot'.

The leapord would be well behaved especially around T'Challa though he would keep it near the whole limo Ride over. Following their limo was another SUv full of very serious looking ladies in Red Armor as he could not keep the Dora Milaje at home for this one, Okoye being insisting herself, so the two cars pull up outside as T'Challa leaves the car in his nicest dark purple shirt with the caramonial garb over the top of it. He reaches back into the car to offer Clea a hand if she wants it as it was only the polite thing to do since he had dragged her into this with a, "Thank You for coming Miss Clea."

Thanking her now though he doubted it would be that bad he would wait till they were all out till he called Spot out. Reaching down he picks up the leash and nods to his guards getting out of the other car to lead the way for Clea and himself as he would follow them to the residence of Marie inisde his own embassy

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would give a low bow over to Marie-Ange, "A pleasure." Her speaking in Boston-educated French with an English accent. From whomever she had 'borrowed' it from. THe joy of utilizing her telepathy for such things. She accepts the cheek kiss over and returns it. "I'm so happy with what you've done with yourself. You've made everyone proud." A hug is given over and then the package that she had brought with her. It's wrapped carefully over in dark, gothic ribbon.

"It's not quite your colors but I thought you might appreciate it and find a place for it in your wardrobe." Inside is a black, almost frilly dress at points over as it was handed over. One from a dance number that in recent months had been somewhat popular over on the Internet.


Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty turns and greets others as they arrive. "Emma," she offers in a polite voice that keeps in theme with it being someone's party she wouldn't want to spoil. Rogue gets a grin and a side hug if allowed. Scott gets a fist dap from Kitty. Tabby is flashed a grin from the Jewish girl.

The wrapped present is offered, a box that is slim in height, wrapped in purple shiny foil with a silver ribbon tied about it. "Happy birthday," she says. "So are you aiming to keep this one that you remember? A lot of 21st birthdays that isn't the case," Kitty teases, having had her own not that long ago either.

Clea has posed:
Thankfully it was not a very awkward situation for real. Nor did Clea tell anyone her age. Given she's the oldest thing in the room probably. She'd been happy to get out and get dressed up. Plus given the recent body swap situation being remedied she was glad that people were not wanting to keep their distance because of the accident that happened.

The white haired woman is dressed in a well tailored dress in a rich shade of royal purple. She's also making sure to keep herself from not floating. Not wanting to scar the leopard or anyone else. "I am happy to attend things if asked, T'Challa." she tells him with a smile as she takes his hand for help with getting out of the limo.

She looks over things as they enter and there is a smile given as she quietly takes in the party decorations and things of that nature.

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott Summers smiles to Maria, "We always encourage even those who've learned their share to come back and share their gifts with the school. It's good for the students and it saves us stamps when we hit you up for additional funding. Even if they do keep shooting down my request for a golf driving range," he sighs.

He stops and says hello to some of the others, notably nudging Kitty as he passes by and whispering briefly in her ear. Then he strides up to greet T'challa and the white-haired sorceress, "Your Highness. Glad to see Maria's doing well in the world, to be keeping such company," he says, sounding like a proud father even if he isn't -that- much older than her. He's got an old soul.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue ventures over to a gift table to set the black and green wrapped present down on it that she'd brought for Marie. Inside, come the time that it is ever opened, contains a brand new Super Nintendo Entertainment System, along with Super Mario Bros 3 and the Super Star Wars trilogy of video games. Why did she get Marie these things? Because they're fun, and she read about it online that they're fun. Who doesn't like fun?!

With a heavy exhaled expression of 'there, present delivered.' Rogue turns around to be greeted by Kitty with a sidehug. Her arms are gloved up to nearly her elbows in dark forest green satin gloves, and she returns it. "Any more bloody messes discovered?" She asks Kitty in a hushed tone, referring to a situation at the school yesterday.

There-after though, Rogue is making a beeline toward the drinks, where she gathers one up, whispers something in French about 'Delicious, delicious, drinks', then takes a big swig from it.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
There is a certain element of nervousness in the pit of Mary Bromfield's belly as she approaches the Wakanda Embassy. Well, technically, as Mary Marvel approaches the Wakandan Embassy. Mary knows she really should have gotten dressed and traveled over via car, or some more terrestrial means. But the idea of meeting all of Marie-Ange's friends, at her birthday party, no less, and wanting to do nothing more than make a capable, competent impression had left Mary feeling a bit peaked. And that was certainly not going to contribute to any good first impressions.

So she did her best, with her make-up, hair, and the dress that she had managed to save up some from the few freelance stories she had had printed lately. Her tangle with the Friends of Humanity had gotten her some significant recognition, and she had put everything she made since then into this. Not that she necessarily felt the need to impress Marie-Ange, but she did not wish to be an embarassment to her. She was probably over-thinking it, but that was something she was very good at.

As she hovers a block away from the Wakandan Embassy, feeling their flow through her hair (Mary Marvel's hair, really) and across her face, she felt some solace in it. The cool breeze helped to exorcise whatever lingering doubts had not been banished away by the magical bolt of lightning she had summoned just a ways from her apartment. Somehow, Mary Marvel was not nearly as nervous about all of this. And Mary Bromfield wished she could carry Mary Marvel's confidence with her, but sadly there were but slivers of that that lingered in her when she surrendered the power back.

But surrender she had, and so with a clap of thunder, Mary Bromfield stood on the sidewalk around the corner from the Wakanda Embassy. She emerged from the alleyway, avoiding the gaze of any who might have wondered at her appearance, and closed the distance to the Embassy with a smooth, careful gait, her mind focused on trying to appear at ease. Maybe if she concentrated hard enough at it, she could make it appear to be effortless.

She feels that breeze again, and this time instead of capturing the white cape she wore as Mary Marvel it held aloft the crimson and burnt orange trail of her dress. It was a relatively simple dress, if evocative. A burnt orange top cradles her chest, held up by a pair of spaghetti straps. All but the very top of this tank are covered by the flowing satin of crimson that hugs her curves down to the floor, sweeping against the ground despite the height added by a pair of high heels. It occurs to her, as she makes her into the party, that it may prove not to be the most practical of outfits if there is to be dancing. But Mary does not care, so long as Marie-Ange's friends look upon her with appreciation and a positive impression.

OOC: https://tinyurl.com/uk7ut45n

Tabitha Smith has posed:
There were actually some bribes to some of the mutants with external healing abilities. And a lot of swearing at a particullar Fleeb in the infirmary at the school. Disinfectants and stitches on her forearms and the small of her back long healed though if one looked, the fainted raised scars still linger against that paler skin of hers.

"Still considered busting out suit and tie. But I figured if I did that I'd never get out of moping mode." she explains and nods. Kitty gets a wink and a blown kiss when in range.

"Scott's right. Otherwise I'd be out on my backside years ago! You always gonna have a home with us if you want or need!" she concurs with Cyclops. "Also, think theses gifts are awesome. There's probably going to be something waiting for ya back home. If Warren and Roberto are consistant." she ponders and hmms. The possibilities abound.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins at Scott and claps his back gently at his whisper. She nods in agreement and teases, "You know I would." Kitty looks around the ballroom. "Can you believe this place, makes the mansion feel sedate by comparison," she says in a good-natured voice.

Her expression gets briefly more serious at Rogue's question. "Nothing new that I've found or heard of. Keeping an eye out. So is Lockheed," she replies just as quietly to not have anyone else here and be distracted from the festivities.

Kitty gets herself a drink as well. She sees Mary Bromfield enter and oos softly at the beautiful dress. Kitty looks up on it with appreciation as Mary makes a positive impression.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa nods to Clea as they head in "Well you look very nice this evening." though with T'Challa he sounds more like he is notting it down then complementing as he just isn't good at it. He is used to kick butt throwing spells Clea so was always pleasently surprised to see them outside of what he would consider Avenger work though it was a bit more complicated then just being co-workers. As he looks over the decorations, and smiles as whoever set this up seemed to know Marie well he didn't know that she did it all herself yet, as he walked in behind the precession of guards. Each guard looked their very best armor shiney, nothing out of place for this as Okoye had made sure to show up in their best ceramonial fashion. They all had spears of Vibranium though they had not intended to use it as it was just part of the ceramony as they enter.

As the guards enter the ballrom, they form two lines facing out for T'Challa, and Cleo as T'Challa was just glad there were not horns, or declerations but for them the King was the important one even if T'Challa had told them it was Marie's day not his. He looks around a bit and spots the birthday girl talking to the others he noded to Clea, and lead them over Spot following close at T'Challa's side.

"Greetings Marie I am glad to see you got all of this set up so quickly." he notes with a smile turning he waves a hand to his guest.

"This is Cleo a trusted ally, and friend. I hope it was alright to bring her as I feel you two have quite a bit in common." he smiles at Marie then back to Clea he doubted it would be an issue, but was being polite of course. He looked down at his side. "I am not sure where to put your present." he nods to Spot, and puts a hand on the Leapords head as it purrs loudly. "This is spot, though the lady who trained him is a bit of a loose cannon Spot here was saved reciently from people hunting him for his pelt." he frowns a bit at that, but continues. "He is loyal, but a wild animal. Let him remind you that you are not the same quiet person you were. That you are the pack leader now no matter how you may forget at times." and he chuckles at this as he knew how in her shell she liked to ge.

He then looks around at the others, "It looks like a nice showing.. Has this Mary lady shown up yet?" he looks around as he knew most the people, but though he had heard, and saw old pictures he did not reconise her on sight. So as he asks with a smile he looks around wanting to meet this other Mary he had heard so much about to say hello.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Gifts continue to come her way! The spotlight being upon the redhead is not something that she's ever been the most comfortable with... but these are her closest friends. If she can't let her hair down and allow their generousity, how can she expect them to accept her own, right?

For the sake of balance, she moves over towards the table set up for gifts, and starts tearing into the packages. But with that typical Marie mannerism; every piece of tape peeled off, ribbons carefully undone, wrapping paper mostly unscathed.

Tabby's first, and the tapestry is pulled out and admired. "Oh my." she half-gasps, "I love it!" ...it's debatable whether or not she understands the ganja-theming, but the High Priestess is the tarot card that she personally relates with the most, so the blonde scored automatic points there.

Emma is next, after returning the hug in kind with reddening cheeks. The dress is pulled up and held up against herself. "Oh, how wonderful!" she offers, doing a little twirl. "You know as well as anyone, black is /everyone's/ color... and I adore the design!"

Then as Kitty's gift is opened, "It will be a birthday /others/ can remember, perhaps. There are traditions to follow, oui?" Marie replies with a twinkle of mischief in her eyes, before pulling it open and looking over the card... eyes widening, "You... are you /sure?/" Marie asks of the Jewish brunette, looking the card over in disbelief. She knows that had to cost an arm and a leg!

Then Rogue is bringing over her own gift and after Marie opens it, she can't help but giggle with glee. "How exciting! If this is as addicting as I have heard, I may never sleep again!"

Marie's doing double-duty, though. Dishing out hugs wantonly to gift-givers and rushing back to the door to greet new arrivals, like...

"King T'Challa!" Marie greets, dropping into that formal curtsey that he's seen before. This is his Embassy and /her/ day. He's going to have to live with it. Her attention then turns to Clea, and a bright smile is offered. "Do you work with the King, Mademoiselle? My name is Marie-Ange Colbert. Welcome!" Yes, even complete strangers are welcome today!

...as are those who /aren't./ Mary's arrival leaves Marie's mouth gaping a little... but she's closing the distance as quickly as she can to embrace the other girl. "Mary!" The excitement and sheer joy in her voice is clear.

Rogue has posed:
"Captain Heed is on it. Good." Rogue quietly notes in return to Kitty before she shows a faint smirk. "I'll go out an' fix that fence up this weekend with some'a the smarter students. WE don't want the dumb ones workin' on fence repairs..."

With that gem stated, Rogue smiles at Mary's arrival, she has no idea who that is, but they look lovely!

Hearing a reaction to her gift, Rogue grins at Marie and waves a hand at it. "Everyone is always gushin' about the classics bein' the best time sinks, an' we all need good time sinks now'n then!"

Another sip of her drink is had, the arrival of the King, and his guards are... of course... noted... and Rogue is offering smiles to the lovely guards, because... hey, it's a party. Gotta mingle, especially with the attractive ones!

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost gives a smile over to Kitty, and would dip her head to Katherine and then to Scott. Going to fold her arms together and glance at Tabitha with a 'shouldn't you be in the medbay' look on her face.. But this was a party, and a girl only turned twenty-one once. So she could understand pushing herself a little more to get there.

So Emma said nothing, giving a low smile to Marie-Ange. "You have made a great difference in many people's lives. WE're all here to celebrate and appreciate it." Kitty is given a rare, open and fully appreciative smile from Emma for her gift.

And then Mary enters, and Emma gives a low, low acknowledgement of her head. Being around here with a great many strangers she doesn't know is no doubt nerve wracking. So Emma doesn't go to approach her or say anything. The girl's being brave to come here for her friend, the one she cares about. And so Emma's opinion of Miss Mary, ever not so contrary, also increases.

T'Challa and Clea are given a small smile, and Emma's attention goes back over to others about here.

Clea has posed:
Clea is quiet as she follows along with T'Challa, but she is paying attention to things and making sure not to get in the way of his security or anything else. She seems comfortable in the environment though. "Thank you, we don't really get to dress up too much in our line of work really." she smiles to that.

She gives a smile to Marie when she is introduced to her and she gives a nod of her head, "It's nice to meet you and happy birthday." she tells the girl. She then quiets as T'Challa gives over the leopard to Marie and she smiles to that. "I'm an Avenger, much like T'Challa is, yes. Though I hail from another dimension, I call this one home and protect it." she tells her after a moment. She notices Emma and there is a dip of her head to the woman and a smile in greeting to her.

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott Summers finds a drink and a place on the wall. He's been to a lot of parties and a lot of dances over the years and, except for a few times here and there, he's always been here. On the wall, playing chaperone, keeping an eye out for trouble. He was just a natural sentinel, in an ironic turn of phrase. He tried not to grind his teeth thinking about those who put that word to such bad use.

Even back in school, he'd mostly be trying to keep Bobby and Warren out of trouble because he didn't want to lose out on training time because they were in detention. Like the team quarterback trying to keep his star receiver and running back from getting trashed and kicked off the team. They never liked that analogy. "Who made you the quarterback?" Warren always said.

To which Scott always said, "The Professor did."

They didn't like that much either.

He also watches T'challa carefully. A powerful man, with a lot of influence. Influence that mutants could use. He knew Marie had no ulterior motive, pure-hearted as she is, but a man of the King's prestige associating with mutants only meant good things. He hoped. Sometimes, mutants getting good things meant those who hated them deciding they must be punished.

Scott sighs. Needs more whiskey. Whiskey whiskey whiskey.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde eyes the white leopard in surprise, glancing between the cat and the King and the woman escorting him. She moves to the side to not be in the way as the Wakandan King greets Marie-Ange.

When it comes time for Marie to open the presents and she pulls out the card within Kitty's box, the Jewish girl shines a smile at Marie. "I used to work there for a spell, so Janet gave me a good discount," she says. "Marie, you won't believe what she goes through with her design process. I mean she has three D imagers that scan you, while you stand and walk. So the dress will fit you perfectly at all times, it's just, breathtaking really. The blending of the technology plus Janet's God-given talent. Let me know how it goes. And I get to see the dress when it's done!"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
There's entrances and dresses and the woemn wearing them that even Tabby has got to just admit. "Daaaamn!" she states with Mary Batson's arrival. Which considering Tarot's reaction. Is probably voice to most folks thoughts on the subject.

"Now I think I should have slipped you my number at that burger joint last year." Tabby says with a playful tone.

The King gets a smile. "Sup Your Highness!" she avoids curtseying, the dress she wears only reaching mid thigh and kind of pencil skirt binding so any thing more than a little bow might cause balance problems.

"Hi, I'm Tabby!" she offers as introduction to Clea. "Other Dimension? So like one of the fun ones or kind of just dank? Probably a perspective thing."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
It is not so much that Mary is prepared to flee the scene as she steps inside following literal royalty, but there is at least a brief glimmer of panic in her face. She tries to remind herself of the fact that no less than five minutes ago, she had all of the confidence of a pantheon of gods, and does her best recapture what that feeling is. It does not work completely, of course, but she can remember enough of what it feels like to fake it, and despite the nervousness she manages to project that radiant smile that may as well have been what drew the birthday girl to her in the first place.

"Happy birthday," she murmurs smokily, in a tone that manages to surprise and impress even herself. She reaches out to offer her arms in a hug to Marie-Ange as they draw near to each other, and she seems to allow Marie to set the tone for that embrace. It is, after all, her birthday and her friends. "I didn't bring your gift with me," she says, looking down a bit apologetically. "But it might be better given later, anyway."

T'Challa has posed:
Looking back he see's Mary, and smiles with an "Of Course." he nods to Clea. "Mary, is Marie's... Partner." he says akwardly not sure what to call it as significat other seemed a bit old fashion. He has not met her, so follows a little bit behind Marie he stands back a little as they do their greetings. He stands back and clears his throat, "Mary. It is good to finally meet you I have heard good things." he offers her a hand to shake with a smile. "Your partner has been an excellent student, though thoughts of you distract her too often." and he chuckles as he tatles on Marie a bit.

The guards though polite have serious looks on their faces, as Okoye nods to Rogue in a buisness like fashion one of the only ones that look like they are aknowledging the others. T'Challa had told them all to be nice to them even though they were outsiders they were friends of Marie, and so today they were to be treated as honored guests. To most of them it ment stand still like a statue while answering only direct questions.

He does nod to Emma's comments. "Well said.. It is not often outsiders see the inside of the Embasy. Your efforts did this so you did well even though it is your day." and nods a bit. He nods to Tabby in the end as He says "Hello Tabby, welcome to the Embassy." then glances at Pryde moving past him he is careful to give her room as she was Maries friend so didn't want to upset anyone accidently. "Miss." he says to Kitty with a nod, and a smile as a greeting.

Emma Frost has posed:
Not approaching Mary, as she's spoken to by T'Challa Emma Frost gives a nod, "Yes, you've done an excellent job here with eveyrthing." To Marie-Ange. The girl's done enough and justiifed it for her own sense of ethics and the rest of them have gone along with it. IT's about adaptation and integration. And she's very, very proud of the girl.

She would take a step back upon Kitty's approach and glance over at Scott, "Why, MIster Summers, you don't look like you're quite enjoying yourself." As she would see Scott over with the drink and look ever so lightly amused. Not at his expense either.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
As T'Challa turns his attention to her, Kitty turns towards him and gives him what is an excellent formal curtsey though the tight pencil skirt tests the girl's grace. The young X-man had learned well behavior in front of royalty both terrestrial and galactic, and she turns to that knowledge now as she greets the monarch.

"Your Majesty," she replies to him from the curtsey before straightening. "I'm Kitty Pryde, a school friend of Marie-Ange's," she tells him. "Thank you for allowing us within your beautiful embassy," she tells him.

Her eyes to go Clea then, offering a smile if not the formality of the curtsey that the King got. "Kitty Pryde, very nice to meet you, ma'am," she says to Clea.

Clea has posed:
Clea gives a smile, "That's very nice that she is here to support her." she tells T'Challa. She doesn't really intrude on the introductions. The white haired woman looks perfectly happy to be present and observe things.

She gives a dip of her head to Kitty, "It is nice to meet you, Miss Pryde. I'm Clea." she offers in greeting. No last name or anything else. It was one of the bonuses of not having one! "Are you a friend of Maries?" she asks her.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie is going to try and stick with Mary at this point -- she knows how difficult being in a room full of strangers can be, and she's not entirely sure how many of her friends the brunette has met.

To T'Challa, "The service workers are excellent at their jobs," The truth was, they were people hired through her Hellfire Club staff contacts, so she /knew/ they were good at what they did. Plus, Marie liked them. The rest of it was just hard work, which is why almost nobody saw the redhead before the party started. "...and of course she is. Any friend of a friend is. Today is a day of celebration!" As for her gift? Eyes widen. "...he is for me?" She's a little shocked, butsmiling brightly. Spot's a rather beautiful animal, without a doubt. "Merci beaucoup... is this allowed?" Pause. "...may I pet him?"

Then, introductions are to be made! Clea gets a brighter smile as both she, and T'Challa provide insight into her identity. "An Avenger! Oui, you are most welcome here. You and your allies help defend the world so that people like me may enjoy it, and for that I am very grateful."

Then, it's time to introduce Mary to the gathered. "Everyone; I wish for you all to meet someone very special to me. This is my girlfriend, Mary Bromfield. Words... cannot describe how magnifique she is." She'll go through pointing out everyone there, to make sure she has names to go with the faces.

To Kitty, "That... is incredible." She almost seems a little speechless by the description of Janet's design process. "Oui, I will most certainly tell you all about it and model for you. It is the very least that I can do!"

Mary? Mary's greeted with the kind of unrestrained joy that one probably expects from the girl. A loving embrace, and an energetic kiss -- Marie is /proud/ of who she's with, and among friends. She can overcome her shyness, this time. "Merci beaucoup, mon cheri... and I trust your judgement, as always." Green eyes twinkle and she leans to whisper something to the other girl, cheeks reddening.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
A King. The King. Mary is literally standing behind the King, and then he turns to talk to her. "Oh, um, your majesty," she says softly, dropping her hands down to lift the flow of her dress as she dips into a deep curtsey before the man. That he then goes on to praise her (and scold the effect she has on Marie-Ange) serves to only further the journey of Mary's cheeks to match her dress.

And then Marie-Ange is there, sweeping in as if to rescue her (funny, to need rescuing from a hero such as T'Challa, but such is the way of a girl's heart and mind), and Mary seems to regain much of the confidence she had projected upon entrance. Moreso than that, even, she seems to actually gain it for real, exhuding a sense of belonging now that Marie is there. It comes from her, that sense of being where she is supposed to be. It is hard to suffer from imposter syndrome when someone like Marie-Ange is looking at you /like that/.

She returns the embrace and the kiss as is given, and slips an arm around her. Now that Marie-Ange appears content to remain with Mary, Mary seems disinclined to let her go.

And then comes her introduction. For a moment, Mary is not entirely sure how she is going react, and there is a bit of internal anxiety about what her face is going to convey. To all of these people who know and love Marie-Ange, and she is...what, exactly? Marie-Ange expresses it, and with such wholeheartedness that any anxiety withint he girl dissipates, and she simply allows herself to radiate the same warmth and hapiness that Marie is pouring into her during the introduction. "I wish I had the words to convey just how marvelous you are," she says of Marie-Ange, smiling at her as she gives her own answer for that introduction.

As Marie-Ange leans over to whisper to her, Mary simply nods slowly, the smile on her broadening even more so. "You flatter me," she says softly, before leaning over to give Marie-Ange another kiss. "But I suppose that is what we are supposed to do for each other, no?"

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa would smile at Pryde. "She has earned it here. Your friend has been working very hard so I thought she deserved a reward it just happened her day of birth was coming so it worked out." he explained to Pryde a explination of why they were here. He had nothing against mutants of course other then them being outsiders to Wakanda though for today even he would let that slide for today. He then smiles at Clea letting her take the compliments in he doesn't want to get in her way of socializing, but is keeping an eye on her to make sure she is not overwhelmed, and is accepted as she was his guest, and he would assist if needed. Glad to see it isn't an issue he quietly nods to Clea to let her know he is there if she needs him before turning back to Marie.

"It is allowed because he is too used to being kept to be returned to the wild." he explains to her "So we are doing him a favor as well as long as we take good care of him." and smiles as he pets the cat again though it looks at the others in the room with a wild look as it was in heart still a wild animal.

When she asks if she cat pet him he thinks about it. "I will only give you this warning once. Do not fear Spot, and I am sure you can. He is yours so you will have to learn at some point." he nods to the animal. "If you are not ready then it is okay, but when you are reach out with no doubt in your heart, and you will be fine." and smiles to her as he reaches into his pocket, and there is a little squeak toy which as soon as he touches he gets Spots full attention.

Handing over the toy to Marie he smiles as the Cat never takes its eyes off it since he had heard it, and now looks at Marie. "This offering will help open the door... Though I would not let others get too close to him without going through the same procedure."

He turns and grins at Mary, "I see why you two get along so well." he looks at Mary. "Please.. Relax, and call me T'Challa. Marie is my student, and well first student, so anyone important to her is to me as well." he pulls out a dark purple card with his name, and a contact number. "If you ever need me please call this number, and I will help." he then leans in a bit and says a bit lower, "Hurt her, and I will show you to the cliffs." and chuckles lightly, as he only jokes giving her a bit of a tease before a wink to show he is joking, and turns to look at Cleo.

Of course with her other persona he would have very little he could do if he wanted to, but doubted it would ever come to that, but saw it in movies so figured it was just apart of the acceptance process that would be expected of him. He turns back to look at Cleo, "Thirsty? I think I saw drinks over there, was going to grab one." he looks around to see if there is anyone else who wanted one as well.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde shines a smile at T'Challa's greeting. "Thank you, Your Majesty," she replies to him. "She has indeed, nothing quite to celebrate like a 21st birthday here. Makes one -finally- feel like an adult in our society," says the girl who came home from her time in the UK to suddenly feeling like she'd been demoted somehow.

Looking back to Clea, Kitty replies to her, "We both went to school together. I'm working at Stark Industries now, though I still make time to do some guidance counseling when I can back there. It was really a home for a lot of us who attended," she says warmly.

The drink she has in hand was left to wait until after the greeting of the royal. Kitty takes another sip of it finally, looking over to Rogue and Scott. She makes a little motion like tipping back a shot. It is a 21st birthday after all.

Emma Frost has posed:
Her own drink acquired, Emma Frost gives another small smile at Mary Bromfield, and then watching T'Challa interestingly and then moving over towards him, "Marie-Ange has spoken quite frequently of you. I haven't heard quite how she came under your.. Tutlage and how you two have become acquainted. I'm sure there's as tory there to be shared." Emma sips over at the drink, eyes glancing about the room in amusement.

Glancing about and taking in the others enjoying htemselves. And giving Marie-Ange a soft smile at her interactions overw ith her significant other. Ahh, young love.

Clea has posed:
Clea offers T'Challa a soft smile when he checks in on her non-verbally. There's a dip of her head, but then she goes back to what she was doing and continues speaking with Kitty, "It seems that celebrating the passing years with a party is a fun way to mark the occasion." she admits.

"It's nice to have the connections even after school has ended. I'm sure Tony is a handful to work for." she muses to that. When she hears T'Challa there is a look and a smile to him, "I would love a drink actually." she tells him in a soft tone.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue stands at the edge of the crowded room, sipping on a glass of something bubbly. She's doing her best to engage in conversation with a stoic guard, but he seems more interested in scanning the crowd than in talking to her. She shrugs it off and turns to whoop and holler positively toward Marie-Ange and Mary across the room, her smile wide and infectious. But as she does so, the guard she was speaking to took the chance to vanish. Rogue realizes that the guard has slipped away, leaving her with her drink and a one-sided conversation. She takes another sip and scans the crowd, searching for her next conversation partner. All beware.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Nope, Marie's not intentionally going to leave Mary's side. It's her duty as a good hostess!

...okay, that's a pale excuse for the fact that she just doesn't want to, and as the birthday girl she figures it's okay to be /just/ a little bit selfish about that. Plus, there was some truth to the excuse. It's just not the main reason by any means.

The brunette's words for her practically have the redhead melting, her cheeks on fire. Like Mary, that imposter syndrome threatens to run high for Marie, too...

...but Mary is her rock. Her anchor of anchors. Praise from her /has/ to be true. "Oui, it is... and you do it marvelously." she replies, returning the kiss in kind.

T'Challa's words are also taken seriously, but for a different reason entirely. The King's words often come as lessons from teacher to student, and Marie tries to treat those words with the reverence that they deserve. "One warning is all I need," she promises. Marie, to a certain extent... is fearless. Sure, there's some people like Janet Van Dyne who can make her shake in her boots, but the seer has no fear of death. Death is a natural part of life to her, and with her frequency of readings? She'd know if it were coming.

Taking the offered toy from T'Challa, she leans down a little to get closer to the animal. Another little squeak is given to gauge interest, then the toy is offered to the leopard... and once Spot takes it? She reaches to scratch gently behind the majestic beast's ears. No fear in her movements. If T'Challa says she would be fine, Marie trusts him (and her cards) to prove that to be true.

She's making connections in her head already. She has one friend who's working on a wild animal sanctuary. Another who owns a tiger. Between the two of them and T'Challa himself, they can surely provide Marie proper advice to care for such a majestic creature.

Then, back to Mary, "...would you care for a drink, my dearest? They are on me." Everyone's is, technically!

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa nods, and looks at Pryde, "When Wakandan royalty become of age there is no party until they travel to the planes and prove their bravery." he notes with a smile. "Mine was to take down a pather bare-handed, and when I returned alive we had a party that lasted several days." he smiled at this memory as to him it was a good one. He still had the scars from that first fight, and a few more now, but those he would never forget as it was his first real battle. They did not mess around in Wakanda as he was a bit younger then Marie when he was put out into the wild alone. T'Challa was just thankful he was able to raise his sister differently.

He is taken out of the memory by Emma, and smiles at her with a nod, "I am glad she is able to to look at the training fondly, most would be complaining about how hard it is." he grins a bit at Emma, "Goes to show how well I have chosen though the story is not that special I am afraid." he thinks about for a moment. "It was a soccor game in which I gave her a spear to protect herself against... Ninja's I believe it was." he chuckles as there we so many people that had attacked him over the last few days it was hard to tell who was who.

He looks over at Marie, "She reminded me of my sister before she had left her shell. That and it was time to take a risk on sharing some of our secrets with an outsider as the Amazons had shown us how good it could be."

Of course he had only told her he would tell her once, but he did keep an eye on her as he talked to Emma just to be sure, but as they seem to get along he just smiles and doesn't say or do anything just watch to make sure Spot behaves himself. He may act tough on her, but deep down he did not want to see his student, or Spot hurt so he was just cautious. He turns, and walks over to the drinks to grab him something, and sniffs it to make sure there is no alcohol in it before he grabs one for anyone who asked him then returning to the group.

As he passes Scott he nods to him as well he reconised the guardian like pose of the man and it made him smile as T'Challa thought perhaps the two men had a bit in common. Though for now he doesn't say anything to him instead returning to the others to give out drinks, and sip on his own as he listened to the others. Though he does add to Cleo, "Oh Marie here has also seems to have a bit of skills that are similar to yours. I don't get all of how it works, but you know me and that magic mojo stuff doesn't really mix." and grins at her with a chuckle.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over and take a sip of her alcohol, "Ah, ninjas. Always ninjas. I do wonder sometimes like if they're a renewable resources. If we could find a way to harness them over into energy they might provide a limitless source." She makes a note to speak over to whomever in Frost Enterprises works on power generation on that tomorrow.

"She seems to have tkaen to it quite well. She's a very, very creative one when it comes to defending herself and others. With training she'll be even more capable." Emma watches the back and forth glee over in Marie-Ange's eyes as the girl makes all sorts of connections. So this is probably going to end with the other Mary coming out with a unicorn by the end of the night, isn't it?

Rogue has posed:
Rogue saunters over to the bar to get a fresh drink, eyeing the art display as she passes by. She stops to inspect a particularly striking piece, but as she reaches out to touch it, the fragile artwork topples over and shatters into a hundred pieces. Panic sets in as she quickly looks around to see if anyone noticed. Spotting no one, Rogue just pushes the pieces into a pile and hastily hides them under a length of fabric laying across the table. She glances around again to make sure nobody saw her, then lets out a sigh of relief as she accepts her fresh drink with a smile and a grateful word spoken in French to the waiter.

With a sip of the new drink, the southern belle goes back to idly strolling.

Clea has posed:
Clea gives a smile to T'Challa and then there is a curious look to Marie-Ange, "Magical similarities I am guessing?" she asks. "Not something you need or have to answer in the middle of a party really. Just curious." she admits.

"And no, but I'm sure you'd do well with magic if you wanted to study it." she points out in a gentle way to the King. She didn't want anyone to think she was picking on him!

Mary Bromfield has posed:
While she certainly enjoys the festivities and meeting of the new people, Mary finds herself a bit overwhelmed by the sheer volume and magnitude of those who have come out to celebrate Marie-Ange's birthday. She leans over towards the redhead and murmurs softly, "Never let it be said that you are not loved. You have /Kings/ here to honor you." Maybe just one King, but that is more than most people get at their birthdays.

Otherwise, Mary seems content to serve as Marie's arm candy, introducing herself to those that come by and generally moving along with Marie. It is not her night, after all, and something about being almost an accessory makes Mary feel more comfortable in the surroundings.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    A long, loud whistle can be heard. It traces back to the puckered lips of a clearly impressed young woman standing near the entrance to the ballroom. "Wa wa wee wa!" she adds -- just like Borat did in the movie -- as she continues to stand there and take it all in. It's difficult to place how much of an effort she put in for getting ready. Her skin is pale, free of the blemishes of life, giving her a supernatural, statuesque quality, but her black-brown hair has been pulled up and tied off in a messy bun and a pair of black Ray-Bans cover her eyes. Instead of a gown that might be appropriate for a party at the Embassy, she wears a bright yellow tank-top and a pair of black spandex shorts. The look is completed with a pair of white sneakers.

    The possible party-crasher moves from the doorway and into the ballroom proper. She walks like everyone else does -- one foot in front of the other -- yet appears to glide through the ballroom in an unsettling, supernatural sort of way. Party-goers turn their heads as some just find /something/ about the young woman.../captivating/. The mirrors on the wall ignore her completely, though.

    "Happy birthday, Marie-Ange!" Jubilation Lee announces loudly as she comes to a halt just in front of the birthday girl, interrupting whatever she might be doing or whatever conversation might be going on. Jubilee thrusts a large, wrapped present forward. "It's not, like, an amazing present or anything, like, on account of us not really being that great 'a friends or, like, knowing each other or anything, but... you know..." she rambles. Jubilee looks down at the present she's holding out. "I mean... it's not bad," she adds before looking up and finally realizing that her outfit is totally wrong and she has allowed herself to become, as of this moment, a Victim of the Vibe (TM).

T'Challa has posed:
Though Rogue was spotted, by the guards they don't look at her they look at t'Challa and he sighs a bit as it was his responisbility what happened so no-one would get upset at Rogue, or confront her they would go to T'Challa instead asking why he alowed this. Thankfully he knew that big cats like spot, and things you do not want broken do not mix so brought out some of the 'lesser' art the one Rogue knocked over said 'Adwoa: Grade 12 - Gotham' as it was a donation from the girl at the soccor game to her king.

The way T'Challa looked at it is that it just gave him another reason to visit the girl, and check in with one of his people living in the big city far from home.

Two Wakandan men that look like both could do security in their own right come out and start cleaning up the mess in their suits that looks small on them as they were just very big. They would not say anything to anyone, or look at anyone just quietly do their jobs in the background. If talked to they would say 'Sorry' in Xhosa, and then get back to work to then escape back from where they came, though that is just the back room that had a few people in it for different things that were needed for a party.

T'Challa smiled at Clea, "You know magic gives me a headache." and chuckles a bit. "I have the spirits of my ancestors. That, and this." he taps his head meaning his mind, "Is all one needs." he bows his head, "I will.. what do they say.. Leave it to the experts."

T'Challa looks back at Mary, but he thinks to give her some space as the girl looks like he is going to jump at her at any moment. Perhaps it was best to step away from those two as he did not want to drop too much on her at once though he did hope she took his card as while he could be useful to call when one needed a hand, he did get how sometimes Wakandan customs were different.

Moving away from those two he does answer Emma, "Perhaps I saw a diamond in the rough that I know if honed correctly could be fascinating." he notes to her with a grin. It had been a while since he had a good fight where it was skill against skill though he didn't fight his teamates so that limited the list. He wondered if perhaps he was trying to bring someone up that he could train with, and though she could fulfil that role one day. With a shrug he smiles at Emma, "Or perhaps I am just giving myself too much credit for being lucky."

He looks as if he were going to say more before Jubilee shows up, and for a moment that look of seriousness crosses his face, as he looks to Marie. Okoye also notes this look from her king, though no-one makes a move yet as perhaps it was her friend and he did not wish to be rude. It wasn't that he wanted to be mean to anyone, but people who were not invited would be removed more then not liking the person he did not know.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde makes her way over to refresh her drink. Once she has a new one she moves over to Rogue's side. "Wow, can't believe the decor in here. You know we need to take a trip to Africa sometime. I mean as tourists." Not being kidnapped, or overthrowing an evil regime, or banishing a demonic entity.

The glass that Kitty has is lifted to Rogue in a toast. "And you haven't even broken anything. Or should I say yet?" she says with a chuckle before taking a nice long sip from her drink.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie is not a creature of (her own) secrets. There are secrets that she'll keep, for certain, but they're secrets of /others/. So when Clea asks the question, the seer bobs her head in a quick nod. "Oui, Madame! It runs in my family." That's the short way of saying it -- there's certainly more to discuss on the topic, but she has neither a purse with her or pockets in this dress. "It... is rare that I meet people of such a background, I would love to discuss further, if you would be willing?" She's an Avenger, and T'Challa vouches for her. Points in Clea's favor from the get-go! "I... truly wish I had a card, or even my phone to share details..." Frowning for a moment. "Would you object if I asked the King to put us in contact, Mademoiselle?" Since he invited her, she's pretty sure that he knows how to reach Clea, too!

Marie, frankly, is just pleased by seeing everyone enjoying themselves, even as she tries to pay attention. Mary gets an adoring smile from Marie, "You speak truth, as always, mon cheri... I am fortunate to have you here to make me see. The present is not always as clear as the future for me." Especially when it comes to her self-worth.

Having arrived at the bar, Marie orders herself a scotch -- Logan's suggestion -- then turns to face Jubilee at her greeting. "Merci beaucoup, Jubilee! I am glad you could make it!" she replies, moving to take the offered gift with both hands... and then smiling and shaking her head quickly. "We /are/ friends. You helped me find my first job in America; I just wish I had been here more when you were in need." she admits, "I'm sure it will be a most lovely gift." ...and, like the presents before, she sets about the unwrapping!

Rogue has posed:
As Kitty approaches, Rogue greets her with a warm smile and lowers her glass of bubbly down after taking a sip. She shakes her head in response to Kitty's words. "I have not broken a thing, and I do not intend to," she says with a chuckle. But as her attention is drawn to the newly arriving Jubilee, Rogue's smile broadens. She leans over to whisper to Kitty, explaining who Jubilee is as if Kitty had no idea, even though she knows Kitty is very familiar with Jubilee. "That's Jubilee," she says in a hushed tone of her southern flavored dialect, "rarely comes this far south from Westchester. She's afraid of a revolution to overthrow her reign of terror as the Duchess of Westchester." Rogue pauses and chuckles, shaking her head as if to say that it all makes no sense, but she's explaining it all the same.

"This must be a powerplay of some kind..." The Belle adds before sipping her wonderful Wakandan-made drink.

"And I'd love ta go to Africa sometime. Though I dunno about overthrowin' anythin'..."

Clea has posed:
"I sadly am made mostly of magic, so..." Clea gives an amused look to T'Challa, but she understands what he is saying. Then she's looking back to Marie and there is a smile, "You could say it runs in mine as well. We can discuss another time. I'm sure that we're both easy to get ahold of through T'Challa." she nods to that easily. "And I don't have cards or anything like that, so that is alright with me." she tells her.

With that said, Clea allows them to go back to their regular conversation that are birthday related and not business.

T'Challa has posed:
As Jubilee is reconised the smile returns to T'Challa's face as he falls out of work mode again as it was a party like this he was jumped out last time. He frowns a bit and quietly wantches Marie, and Cleo to relax again. Shaking his head a bit he turns to look over at Pryde. "It is a beautiful place. I truely miss Wakanda." he sighs a bit as he remembers. "New York everyone is so angry, it is nice to walk the streets and see smiles." he chuckles a bit again at that.

T'Challa grins, and thinks for a moment. "Perhaps something for next year." and shakes his head at that. He glances over at Rogue, "Though maybe keep away from the pottery?" he offers with a grin.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    One cheek rises as both eyebrows disappear below the top edge of her sunglasses. Judging by Jubilation's expression, she might just have no memory of helping Marie-Ange get her first job in America. Fugue state? It's possible! A more polite person might try to hide the fact that she clearly doesn't remember that, but not good ol' Jubes. "Wait, did you get my old job at Burger Shack?" Jubilation wonders aloud, clearly not on the same page about it.

    While it could be easy to mistake her for being laissez-faire or aloof, Jubes has no trouble noticing the Wakandan's chilly reaction to her arrival. Instead of being awkward or uncomfortable about it, or avoiding his gaze, Jubilation turns her head to look at T'Challa directly. It looks like she's about to say something -- her mouth opens to do so, in fact -- but the king's smile is enough to prevent an outburst from the young vampiress.

    Jubilation turns back to watch Marie-Ange open her present, but not before making a point to turn to look over at Kitty and Rogue. She waggles her eyebrows up and down rapidly at them, grinning a large, fangy grin.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"We were co-workers there before I graduated!" Marie reminds; there's no sign of being upset at the lack of shared memory... Marie knows that Jubilee has been through a /lot/ since she practically fell off the face of the planet for a while. "They really did have the tastiest fries. I still go back there on occasion as a guilty pleasure." She admits, finishing off the unwrapping to reveal...

A Crocodile Mile!

Marie looks strangely at it for a couple moments, having missed those classic commercials... but the picture on the box speaks volumes to her, and she decides, "This looks quite fun -- and summer will be coming soon, oui? It was most thoughtful of you!" It's entirely possible that she may end up needing assistance setting it up when the time comes, but at least they usually had instructions in many languages... French included!

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty Pryde turns to look at Rogue and then down at her drink. Perhaps wondering if she's had enough already. Kitty hasn't though, she takes a sip. "I don't think we're going to see that kind of royal politics," Kitty says quietly. Though not knowing how acute T'Challa's sense of hearing is, he probably picks it up if he's listening.

She looks back over the room, catching Jubilee's eyebrow wiggle and grinning back at her. Kitty turns back to Rogue to whisper, "I figured it doesn't make any sense that... I mean, Jubilee, the snow last night," she says. Not like Jubilee would be the one -leaving- blood behind of all things. Though they hadn't really discussed that as a possibility at the time.

"You know we'll need to take Marie barhopping now. Maybe get Illyana so we can make it a world tour? A different bar in a different country each time?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue caught King T'Challa's words with ease, her sharp ears picking up every nuance. She offered him a big, knowing smile in return, her charming Southern Belle accent dripping with honey as she spoke. "The art in your Embassy is both lovely, and sturdy, Your Highness," she said, before taking another sip of her drink. She turned to Kitty, her eyes dancing with amusement as she whispered loudly to her friend. "So you're saying you think Jubilee killed a deer and drug its body through the snow last night, leaving a trail of blood in its wake? That is a bold accusation, Miss Pryde," she teased, her tone light and playful.

Clea has posed:
Clea has been quietly observing things and sipping her drink as she smiles softly. This was definitely a bit more laid back than most of the parties she'd been to. But parties are meant to be interrupted at some point and there is a soft buzz that interrupts Clea's train of thought.

"Excuse me. Need to step out for a moment." the white haired woman states as she heads for the exit and take a call. It would be rude to do it in front of everyone!

T'Challa has posed:
Looks over at Rogue and nods taking it as a compliment so chuckles with a smile. "Thank you." with a nd to her as if there was sarcasim in that he totally missed it. Though he doesn't say anything instead he heads over to Jubilee. "Hello. I am sorry for not reconising one of the friends." he nods to her, "I hope you enjoy your time here." truely meaning it as he moves past her and whispers to Okoye something in Xhosa.

He had enjoyed the party as much as he could, but he was at the Embassy and had put off paperwork. T'Challa looks over to Marie, "Happy Birthday.. Training will continue on the normal schedule. I have work." he glances at Clea, and will move into another room deeper into the Embasy.

He would be there to give her a ride back when she was done, but for now he was off to finish work while Marie enjoyed her Birthday in here. He pets Spot one more time the cat purring as it usually did. He looks up "Before you go if you do not have a place talk to Okoye." and turns giving Rouge, and Pryde a nod. Then turns off heading off for the night as well.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko Ashida was somewhere, but now she's here, and it's not possible to tell where by the myriad of scents wafting about her body (to those who possess a more delicate nose) nor by the amount of sweat collecting at her brow, because there is none.  The bright blue haired speedster arrives as quickly as a blink, and it's easy to swear no one was there just a second ago.

Where Nori appears is next to Jubilation, lifting a gauntlet to touch the vampire's elbow ever so gently.  "Hey," she says softly, as if they were still in first period back at Xaviers, but that was a long long time ago.  Yup, she's been here all along.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Marie-Ange's point about them being former co-workers at the nightmare hellscape that is the Salem Center Burger Shack seems to throw Jubes for a loop. There's a brief flash of mourning, just a little one, as another one of the memories of her life has been lost to the inky void. But... there's the CROCODILE MILE. Jubilation grins as Marie-Ange's excitement becomes evident. That too-cool-for-school we're-not-really-even-friends attitude from earlier has been betrayed by the genuine happiness -- or a vampire's simulation of it -- that's locked on Jubilee's features.

    "It's the same one that I had... have. It's the same one I have!" She shrugs one shoulder and tilts her head to the side, just a touch, so her shrug can look as casual as possible. "Found it on eBay. Sniped it. No big deal or anything." Another cool-girl shrug. Same shoulder, too!

    The moment is over as quickly as it arrived. Next, Jubilee is passing by Kitty and Rogue, either juuuuust a moment too late to overhear what they're saying about her. Or, perhaps, she did? "Whatcha talkin' about?" she asks -- loudly -- before getting distracted by fate. Jubilation's phone is produced from the waistband of her black spandex shorts -- no pockets -- and checks something. It's late. Or, starting to become early, depending on your outlook. Our could be. Being late is not an option and she's at the mercy of the busses and trains. That disgusting Day Moon that shows up every morning will not care that public transportation is sometimes flaky and, as it stands, the Duchess of Westchester still does not have a car.

    Jubilee doesn't even stop to hear Kitty or Rogue's reply. Instead, she flashes a peace sign with both hands -- an ironic gesture, to be sure -- and.... AGH!

    The cold touch of metal on her bare elbow startles Jubilee. She turns to see Noriko there and raises one half of her mouth. Her expression isn't quite a smile. The awkward, uncomfortable expression suggests there's some unspoken discomfort between them.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue smiles at King T'Challa and Clea, bidding them a friendly farewell as they leave the party. She glances over to Kitty, about to say something when Jubilee arrives, interrupting her train of thought. Before Rogue can fully respond, Jubilee is already flying past them, giving a peace sign. Rogue smirks and raises her glass up to sip from it, telling Kitty that it's time to go snooping around the Wakandan Embassy to find the office with all the state secrets. "Come on, sugah, we've got work to do," she says, grabbing Kitty's arm and leading her towards the door.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"I'm sorry I'm late.  I didn't-I thought-"  But Noriko knows she can't run back in time (can she?).  Nothing she can say now will change what happened at least.  What she said /then/, that is, earlier, was that she'd give Jubes a ride so she could stay longer, and the plan was she was /going/ to come earlier.

"I think I saw the bathroom around here," Noriko says quietly...which is, of course, Nori's MO for launching off faster than people can see her, at least when her colleagues are around *cough* hall monitors.  She reaches for Jubilation's hand to tug her in that direction.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "The bathroom!?" Jubilee can be heard, even while caught in the wake of a speedster pulling her towards one. Her voice, annoyed and bratty for some reason, seems to be coming from...everywhere. Wherever they got to, wherever this argument is happening...it's right next to a microphone that has been left out, still hot and still transmitting to the speakers hidden throughout the ballroom. "Back in your own body for, like, one day... Did you miss pooping or something?!"

    It's not the weirdest opening for an argument, but it's up there. There's certainly no established response for being accused of having nostalgia for going to the bathroom after a mysterious body-swap situation imprisoned her in a vampire body for a couple weeks. It's uncharted territory in their relationship. There's another lesson to be learned here.

    This has a chance of getting really weird, really fast, but... fortunately, there's some kind of motion. A scuffle. The sounds of something or someone brushing against a microphone that they're oblivious to. Smooches. Kissing. Motion. What started as a very uncomfortable glimpse into a Jubiko argument on Marie-Ange's special day... has turned into a much more uncomfortable glimpse into a Jubiko reconciliation.

    It's much worse.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko doesn't bother to respond until they have gotten to the bathroom.  There's the sound of the door closing, two gauntlets clinking against them just before just before Jubilation lashes out about poop.

As the microphone innocently picks up their pastimes, it takes...time for Noriko to figure out what's going on.  But in the meantime, some questions are answered:

Do speedsters make out super fast?  Not always.

Are vampires too lazy to make out at super speed?  Absolutely.

These new observations may be debatable in some circles, but one thing is for sure...