14251/An Anime Convention

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An Anime Convention
Date of Scene: 05 March 2023
Location: The New York Marriott, Manhattan
Synopsis: A pretty standard anime convention. Certainly nothing weird happened.
Cast of Characters: Divine, Mary Jane Watson, Valeria Richards, Rahne Sinclair, Rhona Lauren, Irie West, Cindy Moon, Phoebe Beacon, Darcy Lewis, Vivian Vision, Marie-Ange Colbert, Jeremy Stone, Robbie Reyes

Divine has posed:
The first annual YOUKAICON. A brand new anime convention held at the New York Marriott hotel, it is, honestly, the standard con fare. Panels on anime, video games, voice actors and even more esoteric weeb things. The dealer room, full of merch of sometimes questionable quality and often questionable taste. Explain that body pillow to your mom. I dare you.

Then there's the cosplayers. They run the gamut of skills from first timers, so eager and joyful to do it to the professionals who may as well be the characters personified, and everything in between. It's technically a family friendly event, but, well. No one's naked, but sometimes there's not much left to the imagination.

All in all, it's an event full of joy, nerd solidarity, and some fish out of water brought here by their kids or significant others.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
And Mary Jane is trying something a bit beyond her normal zone. Her red hair has been tied up, comed to make it even frizzier. Lipstick on her lips to make them almost like blood. A red half-halter top covering about half of her chest and stomach and then leading to two long red gloves. A yellow and black sarong was tied over her hips, where a bomber belt that had two pistols with neon caps on them to show that they were toys. A series of grenades were wrapped around the belt and some tight pants on beneath. Then there were some huge, huge combat boots on her feet adorned to give them more of a 'heel' style.
    The memories Sonja had of this 'Monika' she swore that Sonja was making up even more than usual. But, it was a costume.

Valeria Richards has posed:
Not that Valeria Richards is much of an anime fan. But she has friends that are interested and ended up coming along because gotta get your Squad's backs. Forcefield projections are also handy for keeping the wunwashed masses off you as well.

Not that she has them turned on, yes she is showing up in uniform, classic Fantastic Blue and white. It's technically cosplay, if anyone asks she's dressed as her own mom, and not just being herself. Though she does also have some newer boots to go with it. A little gift from her godfather Doom. Rocket boots with adjustable heels. Currently in a five inch wedgeheel shape thanks to the application of unstable molecules. That and DOOm clearly had them made to interface with her own suit. So that also means the blonde also stands out as even taller than a lot of men. Some aviator styled glasses on her nose providing a heads up display from her wrist computer as needed.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahna had been kind of stressing over what to wear but she decided she might as well go with something out of Werewolf the Apocalypse. So there she is dressed like a Scottish werewolf, the red fur on her covered in what is a standard Scottish Tartan or ladies kilt which is a combination of dress and kilt with red and green plaid and with the thick belt adorned with the 'X' symbol that is often used in the costumes of the X-men. She is mainly using this as a excuse to be in her hybrid form and not be harassed by the normal people. After getting her ticket punched she makes her way around the convention with kind of a bewildered first timer look as she doesn't exactly know where she is going to start and she only has so much daylight to burn. She looks over the small pamplet that has what is going on today.

Rhona Lauren has posed:
Rhona was one of the few Xavier's Junior Class who had their own car. Thus... she'd been recruited to drive a handful of students down to the Mariot from Westchester this weekend...

She'd garnered some items online to come as a Final Fantasy character, the one in the white crop top with the red gloves and red sneakers, you know the one.

With a black messenger bag slung over her shoulder, down over her torso, Rhona is wandering the convention, smiling at anyone who may interact with her, and just observing as she takes in the sights and sounds. Her dark hair tied up in a crown on the back of her head, with loose strands framing her young face, she's just another cosplay girl in the crowds of ones who spent far more time, and money, on their attires today.

Irie West has posed:
    Irie sure as hell isn't going to miss the first ever YoukaiCon. No way, no how. Especially with how successful it becomes in the future. She dragged her best friend Maddy over here and they've been checking out all the booths and everything together.

    Tonight shes got on a pair of pink overalls with an 'M' monogramed on it over a plain white T. Calf high white boots, and a helmet with goggles over her head. She is, of course, dressed as Trixie from Speed Racer.

    Soon enough, she and her friend are separated to go their own way for a while and she finds herself at a booth will all sorts of models. There's one that captures her interest. The TRX... Trixie's car that she drove in the movie. Must. Have. It.

Cindy Moon has posed:
The lines are through the door!

With Cindy in her costume, which we'll get into in a second, she pads along inside the lobby of the Marriott with a level of excitement that is, quite frankly, unnecessary. This is her element and she's in it.

By no means a professional cosplayer, Cindy Moon is anything if not enthusiastic in her costume! With an oversized hoodie with splatters of paint, the garment hangs down to just above her upper thighs. From beneath is a school girl style skirt in green/black stripes with a pair of tall white thigh-high leggings and a pair of bloody converse allstar sneakers.

The hood is up, long pink pig-tails hanging out from beneath it. Over her face she's wearing a cracked and dirty white porcelain mask with multicolor rivits tying it together. Two thin eyeslots remain open. It's splattered with paint, dirt, and speckles of blood.

Dangling from a ring hook on her long right index finger is a kukri style plastic knife with a bright pink blade.

Shuffling around with her laces dragging behind her untied on both feet from stall to booth to kioski. "oooo what a night to not have any money!"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe Beacon was definitely not a 'Weeaboo'. Let alone that she spent most of her life learning Aikido, speaks fluent Japanese and loves bonsai and meets for lunch with her sensei on Thursdays.

    Let alone that she is walking around excitedly wearing a blue Sailor fuku, additional hair braided in and put up in odongo hair, her eyes colored blue (absolutely through contacts and not some sort of magic). Her bright red knee-high high-heed boots tap excitedly as she looks around in wonder, and she self-consciously pulls up her long gloves, adjusts her tiara and checks her bows as she bounces.

    Of course, the minute she had gotten a 'group' together to head to the con, she had charged the most expensive and access membership to the convention -- for three.

    "Ohmigodohmygod-- I haven't been to a con since I was *fourteen*!" she states giddily, bouncing up and down.

    And yes. Her nametag does say SAILOR PHOEBE.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
This isn't Darcy's first rodeo!

Super-spy SHIELD lady by day (haha, that's giving herself a lot of credit), consumate nerd by, well, also day, night, and most other times, really, the woman has been known to engage in a little bit of costumery. This isn't the Hellfire Club, though, so there's no reapeat of the slave-girl outfit! But what IS her interestingly bright, yellow and red costume, exactly?

"Oh, you see, its one of her alternate costumes," she's busy explaining to a passing, non-costumed con attendee who has asked her to stop for a picture, albeit apparently without having any idea who she's supposed to be. She looks a bit put-upon, as if she's had to go through this same explanation a few too many times. "Yeah, when they all work at the family restaraunt chain as waitresses."

Yep! It's a yellow one-piece waitress dress with a big collar, with a red apron worn overtop. Something strangely familiar about this... oh well!

After giving the explanation and holding a few poses for pictures, her shoulders slump a bit and she gives an almost exhausted sigh. And the con has only just started. It's going to be a long day! And still, there's an energy in the air that quickly recharges her enthusiasm. So many panels and screenings, so many booths to check out in the dealer hall, so much merch to buy! She starts off down one of the aisles, purposefully, as if clearly looking for some particular item or brand.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Is it cheating for an AI to cosplay as an android? Perhaps a little. But Vivian Vision isn't one to let a little thing like that put her off!

She's come in a black dress & black tights with a white collar and a white neckerchief/ribbon held in place with a black clasp. Her hair is red, goes down to her chin and is inhumanly neat. Held in place with a black hair band. Her skin is alabaster pale with dark eye make-up, expression fixed in a near blank and unblinking mask. For shoes she has sensible black pumps and she's got a metal briefcase as an accessory. Which doubles up as somewhere to put any merch she buys for her friends.

She moves with a deliberate slowness. And, despite her slim build, seems remarkably resistant to being knocked and shoved about. Like she's far heavier than her build would suggest.

Divine has posed:
Standing with Cindy is someone else. Someone very tall. Her hair, black as coal, is teased into a reasonable, if edgy facsimily of a certain blonde Kryptonian. She's wearing a long sleeved unitard. Black, with a keyhole cut out in the chest Just So. It's cut high, showing a lot of hip, but from her thighs down into her calf high boots are fishnets. Her gloves are flared properly, and the cape drapes down far enough to disguise whatever that unitard isn't covering. Her lipstick? Black. Her eyeliner? Winged and fierce.

Divine smiles down at Cindy in her incredibly Goth Power Girl outfit. "It's on me, Cindy. I'm here because you thought it'd be fun, and I want you to have fun with me, so, my treat."

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Lot of great costumes here! Mary Jane's been to cons before, but always on 'booth babe duty' so having a chance to go around and explore in one is a rare thing. And thanks to having an actual job she can afford to go one and maybe even actually buy a few things! Sure, she can't put them on an expense account but she has a small budget available. She'll be eating in the mess hall at the Triskelion for awhile and ubmming off Aunt Anna.. But all the more reason to visit her.
    Wandering around, Mary Jane takes a few moments to adjust said outfit, muttering "Gum definitely works better than two sided tape.." Probably as to the mechanics of said outfit and how it remainded on. As for how that individual at all managed to keep decent in whatever exotic world of barbarism and pursuit of battles was.. Well, MJ didn't know. And it wasn't something that Sonja went into at all either. But still..
    Going to take her hands over to the curved prop sword over at her hip, she would smirk.
    Darcy is given a wave in passing, Mary Jane recognizing her before the other girl is out of eyeshot. Just keep smiling, don't show you can use the sword for real..

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
The first few cons Marie went to, she was that fish out of water. Dragged along by Mary with the brunette choosing the redhead's costume because, well, a) Marie wanted Mary to be happy, and b) Mary knew at lot more about nerd-culture than Marie did. That being said, over time Marie's come to just enjoy the atmosphere of the cons herself. There's still a lot of things that she doesn't understand... but the fact that most people were pretty accepting around these parts just made her heart happy.

As for her own attire... well, she's outfitted in shades of green and brown, wearing what almost looks like antlers on her forehead, and carrying a large 'wooden' (actually PVC and foam) staff that she's using a bit more like a walking stick. Not nearly as scandalous as some of the con-goers, given that only her forearms and head are uncovered, but she knows the source was a favorite of her other half... and, admittedly, she's come to enjoy it too, even in the long-form versions.

Right now, she's just taking the entire scene in. Passing by booths, letting her eyes wander across various bits of merchandise. It wouldn't be the first time she's bought a tarot deck from a convention, afterall.

Valeria Richards has posed:
One of said friends is found. Easy to pick out when you have active scanners in your wrist computer and maybe also a sneaky ping over comms. Of course she gets side tracked trying to actually catch Vivian in scostume.

Mostly by people wanting her to pose doing Invisible Woman stuff. This is largely doing the same stuff as most mimes. Like pretending to lean on or press against an 'invisible forcefield' and the like.

At least she only had to worry about normal make up. Mime facepaint just clashes with everything. And at least she can talk.

Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy prowls around with the hottest Power Girl that's ever put on a unitard. Standing at one of the kioski peddling action figures, she peers up at the tall Kryptonian, brown eyes sparkling in the small slit holes of her mask. "Yeah, but you could spend a whole fortune and I don't want that.." She's seen her collection, there's more than one body pillow.

Thankfully she doesn't have a mom to explain it to.


Which gets her looking around at all the costumes with a quirk of her lips hidden behind her own costuming. "I'm not showing enough boob." That much is apparent by the absurd amount of cleavage on display.

She helpfully reaches up to unzip her hoodie to her belly button. Beneath she's wearing a sports bra, which doesn't show off anymore clevage, but it's a step in the right direction maybe? Not many people are going to get her costume anyways, so it hardly matters.

"Oh mah gawd, is that Dorothy?!" She half tugs Divine towards Vivian excitedly, "Pictures!"

Jeremy Stone has posed:
Nobel Prize winning Doctor Jeremy Stone--is an unashamed nerd and anime fan. He plays video games. He's read manga. He's watched anime. So hell yeah he's at an anime con. It's really more a matter of time and obligation that keeps him from being truly engaged in fandom but ever since he took his sabbatical from HALO Inc. and freed up things up for his interests for his personal pursuits... he's had just a little bit extra time to kill inbetween teaching and scientific pursuits. So what better way to fill that time up with some pop culture nonsense?

Plus..you never -really- know how much of this stuff might be getting subtlely influenced by -actual- extra terrestrial, mystical or otherwise metahuman happenings..so it's not a bad idea to take it all in. Who knows just how much of this stuff is actually true behind the scenes and not someone's imagination.

Speaking of imagination..this is the perfect place to actually stretch his own limbs for abit..and be more 'him'. Meaning he's swelled up to his Titanothrope form and proportions and finally donned that Guilty Gear Strive Potemkin cosplay. It's a perfect combo. Potemkin being depicted as a more then eight foot tall monster of a soldier with a physique to wrestle The Hulk..and a weight in the range of tons. For Jeremy it couldn't be more perfect as the military uniform he's worked up, complete with helmet and gauntlets, completely covers his features and so hides his Titanothrope hued skin. Can't do much about the horns on his back but hey. It's an added artistic addition if he's asked about it.

And so he wanders the main floors of the con and pictures and snapshots are a plenty being that he's some ten odd feet tall and six or more wide. "Awww...nerddom." he rumbles in glee before slipping into one of Potemki's victory poses for some pictures.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne Sinclair is actually surprised when people actually ask to take pictures with her. Wild flattered the werewolf has to do her best to smile and not show off the very sharp teeth she has. She takes a moment to look at merchandise and people. She she feels a little out of place for the moment as there is just so much to do. She does stop over at the little booths selling manga and picks up a copy of My Hero Academia, which she can relate to in some manner and begins to thumb through it. She then reaches into her tartan pouch and produce her little budget money clip and shells out for two of the issues she doesn't have.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
So when Robbie heard 'anime con', his first response was 'no way in hell'. But then he got ganged up on and browbeat and it was totally heinous. He even got free admission and a large slush out of it, for his tremendous sacrifice.

One of those instigators is a dark-haired teenager currently dressed in loose cream pants, tall leather boots, and a hooded forest green tunic belted at the waist. Strapped to his back is a sword with a familiar purple hilt, along with a silver and blue shield handpainted with the triforce at the top. He's maneuvering himself along in a wheelchair, not too far from Sailor Phoebe's meanderings.

And the slush-carrying older brother is keeping half an eye on Gabe, and the other on convention goers who get too close to him. Because that's a pretty damn convincing Ghost Rider costume he's got there: black, body-hugging leather trimmed in the gold and glowing white vents of his Avengers duds. The one he usually saves for photo ops and media pieces.

He isn't, of course, wearing the flaming metal skull that the public normally associates with the superhero. But the likeness is similar enough that some people are curious.

Vivian Vision has posed:
The synthezoid cosplaying as R. Dorothy Wayneright seems perfectly happy to pose for pictures. And is so in character she hasn't blinked once since she arrived. Those with super senses would also pick up she's got a uniform body temperature and an inhumanly regular heart rate. A level of accuracy in her costume that money just can't buy. Well, not without buying an actual android that is. It's probably for the best she actually used a physical costume. Rather than just use a holograph to project one.

Her communications equipment allowing her to greet those friends she knows are attending. Sending texts to Irie and Val. Including location data so Valeria can actually find her in the press of people.

She glances blankly at Divine and Cindy, then grips the case in a two handed clasp and gives a slight incline of her head. "Providing you do not act like a louse I would be happy to pose for a photograph."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy seemms pretty set on her mission, prowling from booth to booth to booth, searching for some particular treasure. These places are great sources of rare goods, limimited edition items, and so on! Whatever she's after, it must be important.

But, midway along... she's spotted!

"Oh. H-hey," she greets MJ back, when she waves, though looking a little as if she seems caught on the spot when her co-worker notices her amidst the crowd. "You, uh, look great!" Is that a complete nightmare scenario? People from work aren't supposed to know you do this kind of stuff! It's its OWN thing. Then again she has some pretty weird co-workers...

"I don't recognize the character," she admits, after a moment. Gasp! A true failure of nerd-dom. But at least she's not going to pretend like that random dude with the camera.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would shrug her shoulders, "Oh, mosthing something inspired over by things." Yes, leave it over at that and don't explain the memories of the girl from Sonja's rather drunken hazy dreams of bar brawls and mass collateral damage.

"I'll let you sneak about and get back to your game on." She would offer to Darcy cheekily, "Unless you want me along to help you clear lines so you can get to your panels." MJ knew how those kinds of things went.

Cindy.. Cindy she gives a low, low nod to that's almost imperceptible unless one looks a ther the exact moment she does it.

Divine has posed:
Divine seems absolutely comfortable and assured in her outfit. Even if when the cape flaps she's showing off maybe a little more than she normally would like to. If Karen can do it, so can she. People take all kinds of pictures of her, she might be an internet celeberty for a bit on Reddit. She will have no idea.

She gladly lets Cindy drag her along, smirking slightly as she unzips her hoodie to join in the crowd of showing off. She'll save the teasing for later. For now, she pulls up to a stop as they reach Viv. She squints at the synthezoid dressed as a robot, tilting her head. Something seems off about this one, but she can't quite pinpoint why. Still, she pulls her phone out from ... somewhere and holds it up. "I'll take your picture with her if you want, Cindy."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne Sinclair comes to a stop and then tilts her head at Vivian's costume, she actually takes a closer look because she was a fan of the anime Big-O. She then smiles and gives Vivian a wave. "Like your costume." Says the person cosplaying at Fianna. Maybe not the anime thing but she really doesn't know any female werewolves in anime so she decided to be different.

Cindy Moon has posed:
It's not every day that Cindy gets excited. Most of the time she's a grumpy guss, hanging out in the corner with her hair over her face, but here? Nope. She's all over getting pictures with all the cool costumed peeps! Like Vivian, who even calls her a louse! "She said the thing! She said the thing!!" Excited, she bounds up to get in frame when Divine lifts her phone and holds up her plastic knife she reversed in her grip on the ring to hold it blade down from her clinched fist.

"Thank you! You look great." Beaming from behind her mask, but her eyes are all sparkly happy. It's just then that MJ nods to her from across the room. Two ships passing in the night! Alas, no, not without recognition. She lifts her bladed hand and waves it over her head at MJ, "Hey red!"

Knife points at MJ for Divine's ediface, "Wanna meet a friend of mine? I have friends, can you believe it?"

Valeria Richards has posed:
The photgraphs at 'odd' angles gets kind of ignored. There's enough tabloid photographers taking shots of her behind or attempts at cleavage shots Valeria's learned to filter them out and generally not wear plunging necklines day to day.

Darcy gets a grin and a snappoint. But that because SCIENCE and the occasional SHIELD consultancy creates some overlap in their work.

Vivian gets found and with others gathering the blonde grins as she does recognise some of them. "This would totally be the point where a supervillain turns up to start something. But it's like all the actual anime fans that repel them." she jokes and grins. Rahne gets a big smile too. "You know people are totally going to want to know how you do the makeup right?" how does Val know of her. Franklin hangs out at Xaviers a lot. The Fantastic Four does a lot of networking.

Jeremy Stone has posed:
"That's pretty good." confirms Jeremy's voice, amplified by his current form and so a rumbling deep bass that vibrates down towards both Rahne and VIvian nd those nearby as he lumbers to a stop. He's taking oh-so-much care to keep from shaking the ground when he moves as well. Practically measuring each step before he takes it but his presence looms over them both as he peers down from the shadows cast by his cosplay helm.

"Hmmm...Big-O. You know..I should do that next year. Why didn't I think of that!" He swivels his gaze towards Rahne and offers a nod, "Same to you. This is...pretty amazing! Abit overwhelming.."

Granted..he should talk.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
There's a grin from Mary Jane as she would be noticed, "Hey there." She would give a smile to Darcy and then head over towards Cindy and give a smile to her. "Good to see you out and about!" Is that a smile on Cindy? Aww, she'll never tell.

"Hey there." She would offer to Divine. From the Asgardian Mead Hall? SHe tries to recall something fuzzy over in her headspace - fuzzy from the Asgardians, magic booze, and a night for once that did not involve Sonja passed out in a dark alleyway.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe turns, walking backwards a moment.

    "See, Robbie, it's not so bad! Some nerds, some geeks, a whole lot of merch --" she gives a smile, and she falls back a little, looking up to Robbie as he keeps an eye on his brother. "And thanks. I know this means a lot to Gabe too." she smiles, looping an arm with the Avenger cosplay.

    "... this is a nice suit though. When'd you get this one?" she questions in curiosity, looking to Goth Power Girl in curiosity, passing by the werewolf.

    "See, there's stuff that's not from Anime too."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Running into someone you know at a place like this is more or less to be expected. Marie stops for pictures with some people who recognize her from previous cons she's been to, along with some brief catching-up smalltalk. She even ends up getting dragged into a group shot that an incomplete Vox Machina team was assembling; they were still missing a Scanlan after recruiting Marie-Keyleth to the cause, but the picture turns out good enough at least!

Another familiar face she ends up spying is none other than Valeria. The head-to-toe Fantastic Four schtick reminded the French girl of Franklin's habit, and his own claim to 'use it as a way of fitting in' made her look a little harder at the face of the person wearing it. "Mademoiselle Richards!" she greets, waving cheerfully with her free hand, "I have not seen you since the party. Have you been well?" The party in question being Rogue's birthday, where there were too many (or not enough?) Southern Belles to go around!

...maybe for Rogue's next birthday, they should all cosplay as Rogue in honor of Jamie's Pro Move.

Divine has posed:
She ducks her head a Viv, slipping her phone away. She seems ready to move on when Cindy waves to someone, and she feels bad at the slightly surprised look. She shouldn't be surprised. As much as Cindy says she's grumpy and whatnot, the clone knows how sweet she actually is.

Divine knows about armoring your heart.

She smiles and nods. "Of course! Let's go. And I know you have more friends than you think. You're a good person," she says, stopping herself from going on that tangent again and instead just follows Cindy towards MJ.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Oh, I'm not really- I saw most of the stuff I wanted earlier, and there's really no getting into that main event hall late anyway," Darcy explains to MJ, shaking her head at the offer. "Everyone just camps it out so any seats you're going to get now are going to be terrible." She seems to know the deal. "There's just something I wanted to pick-up while I've got the chance."

She makes it a few feet and is caught up in the intersection of the aisles, with people cramming through and another gaggle of camera-people, eager to get shots of everyone making their way through. "Erica? No I'm-" She pauses, thinking through if this battle is worth the effort, and apparently changes her mind part-way through. "... yep, that's right." Pose!

Another heavy sigh when she's finished, though she now catches Valeria nearby and lifts a hand to wave back, before scrunching up her nose. "There are enough random supervillain attacks at my work-place, we just had one the other day..." Is that supposed to be classified? Who knows! She's actually a pretty terrible spy.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian stops and poses for a photograph with Cindy. Idly internet searching every costume. Using some very very careful search parameters. So as not to leave those members of the Avengers & SHIELD who monitor her online activity any nightmares that a totally unfiltered search for anime characters might result in. "I also took the trouble of learning to play a piano," she admits. "But sadly there is not one to be found." And really who brings a fully functioning piano along as a prop?

Rahne gets a brief smile and a nod in response to her compliment. Probably the most her facial expression has changed since she arrived. "That's very nice of you to say."

She doesn't need to take photographs of her own. Her entire sensory system letting her scan everyone around her in perfect detail. So can focus on picking up goods for her friends. And posing. Lots of posing. No risk of anyone getting scandalous shots of her though. Her holographic systems can blur out any attempts at lewd angles!

"That is fine," she assures Valeria when she mentions her make-up. "I used real make-up. Admittedly I have also disabled most of my facial muscles to prevent any disturbances. It's kept a lot of all my sources too. So I can direct anyone who wishes to the reference material I have used."

Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy peers up at Divine dubiously, "Nuh uh, no friends, I am the darkness. I am the night." She murmurs playfully up to Divine, bumping shoulder against elbow with the Kryptonian. Case in point, she's dressed as a killer from a video game rather than one of a million anime characters she definitely could pull off if she'd wanted to. There's something to be said for walking around carrying a knife though.

"Heeeey, MJ. You look great, but of course you look great, why wouldn't you look great?" She motions betwixt Divine and MJ, "Oh sweet, you know each other. Did you bring mead? You have mead, is there mead?" Peering from behind her mask at her red haired pal.

FINALLY someone comes to take a picture of her. It's a 14 year old boy who squeels when he sees Susie and runs over with his parents to take a picture. She holds the knife up with the point against the bottom of her mask, hip jutting out slightly, left foot turned in.. Once his dad takes the picture the kid looks up at her, "You're the worst killer! I hate Legion!" Then runs off.

The lord giveth and the lord taketh away.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
There is a pause when make up is mention, rather interesting how the face of the werewolf is rather expressive. "Make up?" She then pause and nods. "Right make up. Yeah it is.." She tries to think of a good way to say this and just shrugs. "It takes alot of time that is all.." Really the biggest expense was the tartan which is mostly wool.

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would nod over at Cindy over and glance over her, "Well, I'm not seeing any sort of beak to you so I guess you're not who I thought you were up front." She would shake over at Divine and go to chuckle softly. "And Cindy's a good person."

Mary Jane taking in the back and forth between Divine and Cindy, and smile.

"So don't hurt her or you'll be talking to a lot of people who won't be very happy aobut it." Mary Jane does have an idea as to what Divine can do.

The promise is stil there. Since when does Cindy Have the (lack of) dignity for other people threatening to beat someone up if they don't treat her right?

"And thank you. I.. Had help with this one."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
'Not so bad' is a matter of perspective. As in, Phoebe's perspective versus his. Robbie's looking a little pale at all the people jostling past them, and the potpourri of costumes-- the vast majority of which he has NO idea who they're meant to be.

Gabe, of course, is having a great time. He's wheeled off to get a manga signed by Yoshitaka Amano, like about fifty or sixty other eager teenagers. Leaving his older brother looking a little lost. Until Phoebe links arms with him, and her words break him out of his fugue. "This one? Oh, uh. Probably Janet. You know Janet, right?" He's going to led her lead the way, since.. well, this is *not* his jam.

Valeria Richards has posed:
Val beams a smile as someone else makes Val as Val. "Hi Marie-Ange" she beams a smile. "I'm doing okay, mostly buried in work, coming here to play wingman for the BFF and the rest of the GIRL Squad is I can find them. I swear I thought I saw a blur of Irie." she beams and nods.

Darcy gets a nod of commiseration. It comes with the job. "And why do they always pick when we're doing some critical experiments. One bump and then you gotta reset and sometimes thatc an take weeks because the materials are hard to get. Ugh. They're just rude!" she might look a little indignant.

"Supervillains, am I right!" she adds.

There's another grin to Rahne and a slight stage whisper that doesn't make it much further han the group. "If you had a tail, they make some amazing prostherics these days. Easy enough to bullshit!" she adds.

"Viv, you're rocking it. But a little visible emotion is fine, unless you painted it all on thick, you shouldn't have to worry about it flaking off." she adds with the same volume.

Divine has posed:
Divine tilts her head slightly as the kid runs up to get a picture taken with her, then promptly talks mad shit about ... whatever that was about. She does not understand. At all.

She nods once to MJ. "Ran into her at a, of all things, pop up Asgardian bar. ... First and only time I've ever been drunk." She pauses, grinning. "It was great."

Then MJ starts in with the seriousness, and the Kryptonian's face goes a bit stony. Dire, even. "The last thing I want to do is hurt Cindy. She ... She gets me. She makes me happy, and that's all I want to do for her. So if I -do- hurt her, I'll have to contend with myself first."

Jeremy Stone has posed:
'Potemkin' prepares to move on but the arrival of Valerie Richards causes him to pause momentarily and proximity due to the compliments he gave, lets him hear more of the conversation between those present and as such he turns to give Vivian a closer look.

"LEarning piano....Disabling..facial muscles..?" Jeremy repeats, his mind cuciously considering what that might mean as he looks them all over. The notion of a super villain attack isn't lost on him either and he shakes his head and finally just simply..accepts it.

"Super villain attacks..not likely. No doubt they're pop culture fans as well.." he concludes before turning fully away to grant attention to the picture requests of another group of con goers.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe blinks.

    "... Van *DYNE*? YOU know Janet--" she begins, and then she hushes herself up a little bit, and gives a charming smile. It wouldn't do for Sailor Moon to kind of flip out as her brain starts going about a hundred miles a minute, looking to the werewolf, and she takes a deep breath.

    ... kinda occurs that we'll probably need to have a serious conversation about... a lot of stuff." she murmurs quietly, looking up to Robbie.

    And then she lens over and attempts to steal a sip of the slushie.

Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy quirks her brow behind her mask, lips twerkin' side to side as the little shit head runs off. Alas, she cannot kill him. She is only pretending to be a psychopath... so instead she focuses on what she CAN do: Be embarrassed at MJ getting protective, "Aw schucks you guys." She murmurs, looking up at Divine's response. Her free hand slips into the Kryptonian's to squeeze her fingers. "Something something something 'ew woo', something something anime."

The tip of her plastic knife draws a heart on the big tall womans exposed arm.

"Asgardian mead is the best, not that I know, but how couldn't it be?" Speaking of which, she could definitely go for some asgardian mead, did she mention that yet?

Mary Jane Watson has posed:
Mary Jane Watson would give a smile over, "Well, I suppose it's better than bouncing here and there and everywhere." She would offer gently. "Good, make one another happy. And you are a real lightweight, Gothy. So don't try and chug anything and go into a song and dance routine about how one shouldn't judge over by appearances. It's not dignified."

The woman going as a Red that was always in pursuit of battles gives a soft laugh, then goes to let her eyes wander about.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I used the recommended amount for my skin tone," Vivian explains with a tiny shrug. "Which was admittedly more than you might need. It's hard to stop my usual complexion showing through." She offers Darcy a little wave. And muses "One of Val's friends? You don't have to worry about any villain attacks. If I need to I can contact every police officer within the state in under four minutes. All while delaying the villain."

Her eyes flick to the crowd. "Using a giant robot. Obviously."

"I didn't really intend on being in so many pictures. I was mostly just coming to collect things for Kamala," she explains to Val. "She helpfully came up with a schedule which I am sadly failing to follow. Not to mention a list of hero cosplays I should document." She gives the departing Divine a tilt of her head. "Although some of the images might need to be censored or at the very least edited before I upload them online."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Buried in work I can understand," Marie admits, crinkling her nose a little. While her work is fairly important to her; pursuing her degree, combat lessons, magic lessions, actual work... there were times that she wishes she had more time to spend doing things like this. Maybe going on an epic road trip or something. Granted, first she'd have to learn how to drive, but obstacles are for overcoming, right?

"I hope you are most successful in hooking up your squad in that case, Mademoiselle Richards!" Even after all these years, there's a lot of English concepts that Marie just doesn't get. Some of which were carefully glossed over by the redhead's own BFF for the sake of the mostly-sheltered girl's sanity.

Of course, as people she knows start to gather, she also notices that the werewolf that looks a lot like Rahne is... well, possibly actually Rahne! A wave is offered to the Scottish girl, too. "I did not know that you came to conventions as well!" ...well, Marie probably could've guessed, had she tried. Rahne /was/ with the group that went to the Ren Faire, some time ago, which is a similar-ish sort of event!

Divine has posed:
Divine blushes. First at MJ's little prod about being a lightweight, and then Cindy's hand snaking into hers and the little knife-heart. Apparently, she can be a little bashful in public. Not like the fishnets and the rest of it shows that at all. She glances down at Cindy as MJ wanders off, murmuring. "I mean it, too. If I hurt you, I'll have to punch myself in the face."

Her outfit is not -lewd-. It's ... It's ... Oh fine, it's kind of lewd, but blame that on the real PG and not her clone!

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Hey! That's Robbie's slushie. It also happens to be a mix of coke, sour apple, sprite and watermelon-- in other words, possibly the most foul concoction known to man.

"Yeah, ain't I told you that before?" Robbie asks, squinting at the shorter girl. Wait, maybe he didn't. Oops.

The werewolf draws his attention then, too. It beats getting the third degree about Janet Van fuckin' Dyne and *how* it is precisely that he knows her, anyway. "Things like what?" he mumbles, trailing along after Phoebe.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"At least, uh, the little shit was just a little shit, and not a pervy little shit." Darcy looks on the bright side of life, in Cindy's plight with the ungrateful young man. "Frankly, it's a wonder, at that age. Or any age, really." It's his dad who gets the sour look from her, since, undoubtedly, he's to blame in all of this.

Now, finally, she seems to spot the booth she's hunting for, and hustles over to it. "Make way, coming through... ooh you've still got them!" After a moment she victoriously holds up her prize, some kind of strange if cute monster plushie. It's not quite on the body-pillow level, but still. The whole matter is quickly transacted, and she steps back, giving it a hug. "Phew. Alright. Guess _now_ I can try and hit a few more pannels."

Which, of course, presents the continuing gauntlet of people allllll the way along the aisle she just camed own. "Wish me luck!"

Cindy Moon has posed:
Let it not be said Cindy has no situational awareness. Seeing the blush she squeezes Divine's fingers once more then releases her hand. There's so much room for activities! Peering at MJ with a nod, "Happiness is the only reward, promise." Same holds true when she looks up at Divine, "I don't think you'd hurt me, it's fine. No face punches from anyone to anyone!"

"Except badguys."

"And stupid little kids that don't know good killers."

That's besides the point.

The lewdness or not of Divine's costume not withstanding, her own is not except for what she made it so by unzipping it a little. Which didn't make it lewd, not really. She's lewdLESS.

"So, is there food? Who's hungry?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Ppbbbtt-- oh god, Robbie, what is *in* that? That is -- oh god it's not leaving my mouth, it's not progressing down, oh crocodile gods of the Nile on pogosticks --" she curses with mildness. Any two of those things would be fine. Sourapple and Sprite. Watermelon coke. Watermelon Sprite.

    But good lord, the combination of all four, carbonated and not carbonated, it's a mess in her mouth. Like the bottom of a dumpster.

    Phoebe coughs a moment, her expression going >_< "why did you let me drink that?!" and she steadies herself a moment, sweeping her hand across her mouth with the accompanying smell of roses and black pepper, and she loses the blue cover over her eyes, her dark brown turning to look at Robbie side-long.

    "... about Us." she states quietly, "... the big 'us'." she adds, and she gives a tug of his arm "Let's find a spot?"

Valeria Richards has posed:
"Janet Van Dyne is pretty awesome. She and my mom are like BFF. Nadia and Viv get there for me. It's like generational." Val explains pointing out the small world that is the collective of New York City super heroes.

The blonde squints a little and hmms. The HUD on her glasses dropping something on her feed. "Think one of my experiments just failed. And of course the HERBIES aren't resetting. so I should go scoot before I blow up the city. OR at least the plaza. Which may be the same thing." she states and gives Viv a hug.

"I'll catch you guys later when maybe we can wear street clothes and not seem to be amassing gawkers!

The group probably does have a little for everyone and some anime fans have tastes that are positively eclecting. But for now Val is disappearing, into the crowd and them possibly literally as she activates a cloaking generator for some stealthy exiting.

Jeremy Stone has posed:
Well one person doesn't find Divine's costume so 'lewd' and hey she got in didn't she? Risque..that's it. Risque. Either way, Jeremy-Potemkin has moved on to continue his 'tour' of floor though he gives some of those he was nearest to one final look before filing matters away in the back of his mind for later pondering..

Assuming he remembers. He does have some moderate brain fog on the account of his powers after all but nothing that is keeping him from having a good time. Eventually he'll leave, ditch the costume, and return in his civilian guise to do some actual shopping but for now.. time for more photos. He doesn't exactly 'disappear' into this crowd right away given his overall immensity but the size of the hall eventually does a good job of swallowing him up and letting him continue on his way.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
"I didn't let you nothin'," Robbie grumbles, taking his slushie back. Followed by a loud SLUUUUURP of it, just to show Phoebe.

But he can't stay 'mad' with her, long. Not when she's looking at him like that. His brows furrow slightly at the 'Us' that comes out of her mouth though. That sounds worrisome. "Okay. Somewhere I can keep an eye on Gabe." He hitches his chin at his brother, still waiting in line for that autograph.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Say hi to your family for me!" Vivian calls out to Valeria as she sets off. Confident her blonde friend isn't about to accidentally cause every map of the state to need redrawing. She turns her head towards Marie-Ange. "One of Valeria's friends I take it?" Her head tilts slightly to one side. "I'm Vivian, it's nice to meet you."

She pauses and adds. "Sadly Val does that a lot. All of GIRL does to be honest. Finally get them out of the lab and then suddenly it's science disaster and off they go." She smiles slightly. "Not that I am much better. The downsides to having super friends and family is they're always being kidnapped or targeted by an evil group or two."

Divine has posed:
The clone smiles at the hand squeeze, returning it before Cindy lets go. She doesn't even notice the people snapping pictures of her anymore. It's just a non-thing anymore, it's happened so much.

She peers down at her favorite spider and smiles. "I mean, sure. Food is delicious. Let's go find some." Her smile slips into something cheeky. "I don't think you've hit your daily allotment of sugar yet."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Wouldn't dream of making you leave Gabe behind. You let him loose near a Pottery Barn and it's all over, not even my credit card will cover *that*." Phoebe states thoughtfully, and she tilts her head off to the side, where there's alcoves and tables where people are eating $15 chicken tender baskets and $20 'hibachi' chicken out of styrofoam containers.

    Someone trying to get an upskirt view is very disappointed that she's wearing bicycle shorts under her skirt.

    Even more disapointed when Phoebe accidentally steps on his mirror.

    'Accidentally'. And with a little tug, and a wrinkle of her nose at Robbie SLUUURRRRPPiing the gross, she takes a nervous breath.

Cindy Moon has posed:
"Okay, first off, rude." Cindy says in a completely playful voice at the suggestion she consumes copious amounts of sugar, which is true. "Second off, I have a really high metabolism, okay? This body doesn't just happen naturally..." Pointing at the whole package with an up down motion of her knife waving at all the exposed skin.

"You know how many calories I burn producing webbing ALONE?" She's in a mask, she doesn't even have to worry about admitting she's a super hero because nobody knows who she is anyways! Look at this sneakiness.

"Let alone sticking to walls and flipping around.. I'm no biologist, having dropped out of high school and all, but it's a lot. Like a whole lot." On their way to find cookies shaped like Pokemon.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Valeria gets a wave from Marie as the blonde girl departs, as does Rahne, and she's getting ready to start looking for more familiar faces when an unfamiliar one greets her. Remembering the way of the con, she offers a friendly smile and nods. "Oui, we have met once or twice. She seems nice, but..." A nod in the direction of the departing blonde. "...but oui, science waits for no one, as they say." she admits, extending a hand. "My name is Marie-Ange."

There's a thoughtful pause. An evaluating look. She'd pull out her cards but they don't exactly fit with her costume, which is practically a sin in a place like this! "Are you familiar with the problems of having super friends and family like Mademoiselle Richards is?" The Fantastic Four are about as 'out' as it gets when it comes to being known as supers, afterall!

Divine has posed:
Suddenly on the hunt for Pokemon shaped cookies, Divine and Cindy pass right by Marie. The clone lifts her hand and does a little finger wave for her, well, coworker. They do both work for Emma in their own ways, after all.

"I assume it is an obscene amount of calories, Cindy. What you do has to be incredibly taxing." She has no frame of reference for this. Getting tired out for her is very hard and hasn't happened lately.

Luckily, the PokeCookie Factory isn't too far, and Divine pays like eighteen bucks for two cookies. Hers is shaped and frosted like a cutesy Absol head. Absol, the gothest pokemon.

Cindy Moon has posed:
"It's so many, hey person-" Cindy waves to Marie who Divine waves at, "- like so many. I haven't counted them individually or anything, but if I did, it would be a full time job." With a pokecookie in both hands, which she must slip beneath her mask to eat, she peers up at Divine. "Who that is?" Pointing her pinky at Marie.

Since they just walked past her with only a wave.

"Is it your friend, does she want a cookie? Hey friend! Do you want a cookie?" Because Cindy has nine.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision nods. "You could say that," she says with a smile. "Pretty much all my family members are superheroes in one way or another. Not to mention I'm part of the same science group as Valeria." She pauses in place to allow a photograph to be taken. "I've been working on sketching people to learn more about art, people who are posing for the drawings that is, and have drawn Val and her Mom." She finally blinks for the first time. "Not at the same time. Getting their schedules to line up for that is tough."

Lowering her voice a little she adds "Do you know the Power Girl cosplayer?" Not that I wish to pry it's just. I have been tracking people as they move around the venue and I suspect she's probably had as many.... ah... as many daring... pictures taken of her as actual Power Girl. I hope her costume includes some sort of shorts..."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
When Divine's walking past, well, it's fairly obvious who it is. There's only so many people who look /that much/ like Power Girl and have that particular sense of style, so Marie happily responds in kind -- as well as to the girl /with/ her, though she hasn't met that particular one yet. She might, admittedly, have a fair enough guess who the killer in disguise is, but... then she's being pointed at and possibly having cookies offered to her?

"Oui, if you would not mind?" she responds to Cindy with a smile, nodding in the other pair's direction to suggest that Vivian join her in walking that way.

"That must be quite an exciting life... are you part of the Fantastic Four as well? Or a team like it with your family?" Val and Frankie are a family, afterall, so there's... theorhetically the possibility that Vivian is a cousin that the media hasn't been super keen on reporting about? ...not that Marie follows the media much. She only knows the Four through Franklin and Valeria. "Sketching, like art?" A grin. "I participate in art as well, though more of the musical kind." ...usually the violin, but occasionally other things through the use of computer programs!

As for the Power Girl? A cheery nod answers that question first. "I do! She is a good friend of mine." ...although, the comment that comes afterwards? That makes her cheeks redden a bit. Yes. There's a reason she wore something that covers most of her form!

Divine has posed:
Divine barely believes in modesty. Maybe it's because she was grown in a vat and wasn't given clothes til she was dumped off. Or maybe she just knows what she has and isn't afraid to show it. Maybe it's both. Maybe it's Maybeline.

It's probably the vat, though.

She looks at her cookie and sadly chomps the little horn-thing from the cute Absol head, almost feeling bad for it. She chews thoughtfully and swallows, frowning at the cookie. "This ... Isn't that good. I overpaid for these," she mumbles, though she glances at Cindy and sees her enjoying them and ceases any further complaints.

They apparently end up heading back towards Marie and R Dorothy, and the clone smiles. "I don't know what you're supposed to be, Marie, but it's very nice."

It's at this point that Viv can confirm. No bike shorts. Daring.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"My surname is Vision," Viv explains matter of factly as she tags along following Marie-Ange. "So in a way yes? My family are very... connected to the Avengers. I spend some of my time helping out the Titans. And GIRL gets it's own fair share of villain attacks which I have helped with." Of course she could be making it up. Her costume and the make-up would be a perfect disguise. Then again while not especially famous there are public records of her existing and Vision being an Avenger is hardly a secret.

Mutants in particular might recognise Viv as having been with Doctor Pym on the day Magneto tore a huge chunk of land out of Genosha and floated it into space. Or at least they might if they'd seen the broadcast and she wasn't wearing so much make-up....

"Sketching exactly like art yes. I have a fairly non-standard sense of perception so painting seemed like it wouldn't work very well. Humans can't see the whole range of colours like I can. So I mostly work in pencils and shading. Getting friends to model. Usually in cosplay costumes but sometimes life modelling. It really depends on the models preference."

Cindy Moon has posed:
"I told you, but it's a pokemon cookie." Cindy reasons, holding up the half a Squirtle, which she has gingerly nibbled. She has a whole host of them for Marie to pick though! Holding out the little bag of cookies for which Divine paid way too much money. "I don't think there's any actual sugar in it."

Which is a shame.

But you do what you can with what you have.

As for the point Vivian made about whether Divine is wearing shorts under?

Well, Cindy has her opinion on the matter, but she didn't hear the question and probably wouldn't voice it anyways. "I love cookies, yum yum yum." Nibbles happily, waving to both Marie and Viv (again) "Best costume ever."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"This?" Marie asks Divine, motioning towards herself. "Well, there is a.... show... a game? A game show." A podcast. "It is called Critical Role... and one of the girls in it can change into animals and do nature things. This is her!" Which, admittedly, she can't do either of these... though she can /summon/ a certain animal.

"Oh! Vision! Oui!" That's a lightbulb for Marie. She's been associating with the Avengers recently, so... and the Titans! GIRL, admittedly, she doesn't know, despite knowing a couple members of the group. But, given the very public place they're in? Well, there's not too much that she can say. Especially with Janet's warning. Frowning a moment to herself, she finds a way to get around this. Digging into her pocket (yes, the costume has pockets!), she pulls out a scrap of paper and a pen, jotting her number down, then offering it to Vivian. "It sounds like we should definitely chat further," About as much of a hint as she's willing to offer /here,/ "...and you draw cosplayers?" A pause. "You mentioned drawing Valeria and her mother, but seperate. Do you draw people together? I could speak to my girlfriend Mary and perhaps we could pose for you?" ...she's reasonably sure she could convince the brunette? It's for the sake of art, afterall!

As the baggie is offered, Marie goes digging... eventually pulling out one that looks like a Spiritomb. Because most of the others looked too cute to bite into. Holding it up, she offers a bright smile. "Thank you for the cookie, Mademoiselle. My name is Marie-Ange." Cue the expectant look of a likewise response!

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision glances at the slip of paper. "You don't need to hand me your number," she assures. "I have perfect recollection of everything I have seen or sensed. With the exception of some events I have put blocks on in my memory for the privacy and security of other heroes." In fact without making any motions at all Viv is able to send a message directly to Marie-Ange's phone including her own contact information. It helps when your brain is directly linked into communications gear with a range that reaches orbit!

"Thank you for the kind words regarding the costume," she says to Cindy. "I had to look up who you'd dressed up as. I did not know that video game had so much cleavage on display..?"

She smiles and nods to Marie-Ange. "I don't really draw cosplayers. I have put together a collection of costumes for people who are modelling for me to wear. Some people find it much more comfortable if they're posing in a costume rather than regular clothing. As it makes it more... different? Unusual? I don't really know how to explain it." Her head tilts to one side. "I've drawn a couple before. If you're interested I would be happy to arrange something."

Divine has posed:
Divine smiles, watching the interaction between Marie and Cindy. "Cindy, this is Marie," she says after Marie has introduced herself. Oops. "She works with Emma too, and is...probably the nicest person I've ever met, honestly."

She hesitates briefly, wondering if she should do the introduction, or let Cindy do it herself. She barrels on. "Marie, this is Cindy my, uh, girlfriend."

She flushes almost scarlet, bashful, but not embarassed.

Cindy Moon has posed:
"It doesn't, I felt over dressed." Cindy says to Vivian. Whether that's because she's standing next to Divine or just the general cleavage display is a moot point, the fact she had everything covered up is clear. So she did the unzippening.

Then she gets more info on the whol 'drawing people' thing and Cindy tilts her head curiousl beneath her hood and behind her mask. A glance up at Divine? "I mean, that'd be kind of cute right? We dress up, get our picture drawn? How much does it cost?" The last is a question for Vivian, of course. Since nothing is free.

With a grin Marie can't see, she waves off the thank yous, "Don't thank me until you've tried it. It's a very expensive, if not very good, cookie." Then her introduction is given. Cindy cants her head and looks up at Divine, then back at Marie. "Hai..." She's not embarrassed by having been introduced thusly, oh no. It's hard to see behind her mask and all, but she's grinning. "I'm the big tall hot ladies girlfriend." See?

"And a pretty dope ass killer, where is that stupid little kid, he needs to see this..."

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision blinks a few times. "Cost? I have no need for money?" she points out. "I don't eat, sleep or drink. And the poorest organic member of my extended family is a millionaire."

Clearly she's pretty committed to the whole daughter of Vision claim!

"Usually the artist has to pay the model for their time. And I do occasionally do that. Especially if I want someone to do a more technically complex pose. Or for some life modelling projects. As not everyone is comfortable doing that sort of thing." She glances at Divine and frowns. "I probably would only have limited costumes for someone of your girlfriends build though."

But then Divine has probably discovered that most clothing stores only have a limit selection in her sizes. So that's hardly likely to be a shock.

"If you want I can holographically project some of my work for you all to look at?" She waves her hand and a virtual sketchbook, about the size of the cookie, appears on the table. It is however configured for Human eyesight and probably looks a little flickery to anyone with superhuman senses.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Vivian's explanation is... well. Over Marie's head to a degree, but she still pays attention as she crunches into the Spiritomb cookie. She might know /of/ Vision thanks to T'Challa bringing her around the (Avengers) Mansion, but she's yet to meet him, or any other androids, for that matter... so she's chalking it up to some off-shoot of telepathy.

...of course, as her phone dings, she decides mayber technopathy, instead!

"I... think I understand what you mean, actually." The artistic side of it anyways. "When you are dressed as someone else... it is almost like you are someone else. Not on display yourself." A nod. "That is why I study music... songs many times allow me to express myself in a way that my words cannot." Especially when she first came to America, but not because of the language barrier... but more because of her introversion which was /much/ worse then. "...and oui, for certain!" Unlike Viv's perfect recollection, Marie keeps many of her own happy memories in the form of photograph. Her apartment's covered in them. So she can definitely appreciate such visual art.

Divine's kind words about Marie make the redhead blush, eyes going downcast as she takes another nibble of the cookie. "Oh no... I am sure there are many kinder..." she starts to downplay -- at least before Divine mentions the 'g' word. Then her eyes are back up. A bright smile's on her face.

"Bonjour, Cindy! It is a pleasure to finally meet you!" There's genuine excitement, here. "Divine has spoke quite fondly of you, and anyone who can make a friend of mine light up so is... what is the phrase... aces in my book?" She got the saying right, but then freezes up a bit. Glancing back and forth between Cindy and Divine. "Divine. You never told me she works in a donkey slaughterhouse...?"

A literal 'ass killer'. Because obviously Divine wouldn't hang out with a murderer, and Cindy's clearly not referring to her costume! Poor Marie. So much to learn.

And then, to Vivian, "Oui, please do!" Though she'll try not to get too distracted looking at art.

Divine has posed:
Divine is a little blushy, but all smiles as her good friend and girlfriend become aquainted. Her smile falters a bit at the 'Donkey Slaughterhouse' bit.


She traces back through conversations and is suddenly scarlet when she pieces together what Marie means. Her first urge is to flee, but she doesn't. Her whole body shakes though, and she looks around in almost a panic.

Cindy Moon has posed:
Donkey slaughter.

Let it be known that Marie started it.

Cindy blinks behind her mask. She is keenly aware of what the French lady MEANT. She is not a stupid girl. She is smart enough to have dropped out of high school. But there are connotations involved here, given previous conversation points regarding Divine's costume decisions that have to be taken into account.

Cindy smacks her lips noisely behind her mask and looks up at Divine. Then back to Marie. "Yup."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I am not sure the phrase has... anything to do with livestock," Vivian says quietly, leaning a little closer to Marie-Ange. "I believe the term most commonly means... Uh.. I will upload some links to your phone." Marie-Ange's phone chimes again. "I'd recommend waiting until you're not in a crowded convention hall before looking into the meaning in depth."

She might be blushing herself. But with all that make-up on who would know?

"I may have had to briefly take over access to the device to make the information accessible. Hopefully that was okay? I didn't look into any of the data.. I just have SHIELD monitoring my search history and there are some things which are... best kept amongst friends. Or at the least new acquaintances who could in time become friends?"

She coughs politely, an entirely artificial cough as anyone with enhanced senses will be able to tell she's not really breathing, then adds a little holoprojection with her contact info for Cindy & Divine. "If you're both interested in modelling as well you can mark down my details. I'd be happy to work something out. My work is about understanding Humanity and the creative process. So I don't really... you know.. care about trivial things like commissions and fees."

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie? /Marie/ thinks that, for her day job, Cindy works in an actual slaughterhouse. What else could the girl have meant, right?


"I work doing tarot card readings, myself..." she leaves out 'at the Hellfire Club' for the simple fact that she doesn't want to appear pretentious. "You could say that I am, of a sense, Madame Frost's," Emma's "...spiritual advisor?" Although, she technically works for all of the Club's VIPs in the same capacity... and she'd probably do it for anyone who asked.

For a change, Marie may be the only person /not/ blushing in a group, as she looks over to Viv for the explanation. "Are you sure? I know America mostly sees cows butchered into meat, but..." On her phone? That she shouldn't look at in a crowd? "Well, okay, and oui, perfectly fine." Marie doesn't really have secrets. Not that are kept on her phone, at least. Aside maybe from contact info, but nummbers are numbers. "Friends, surely. All of us!" she adds. Marie has a very low bar to admission to the phrase. But she's very earnest about it all.