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JLD War Council
Date of Scene: 29 December 2021
Location: Oblivion Bar
Synopsis: The Justice League Dark meet at the Oblivion Bar and discuss leadership, a new base, and plans to fight the angels. Some seriously epic ideas are considered before they go their separate ways.
Cast of Characters: Jonathan Sims, Zatanna Zatara, Cael Becker, Phoebe Beacon, Sara Pezzini, Lydia Dietrich, Atrun Rai, J'onn J'onzz, Asariel, John Constantine, Meggan Puceanu, Johnny Blaze

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    The meeting of the Justice League Dark is being held in the Oblivion Bar, a space in its own pocket dimension, a gathering place for the magical and the weird. Those who don't have magic need to be directed to the place, but that's no trouble for the group full of mystics and magic fighters.

    Jonathan Sims now owes a favor to Papa Midnite for use of the back room and a promise to do his best to keep others from scrying on the meeting--the old voudoun is still smarting from the loss of Samedi, and none-to-keen to have angels knocking on his door, but a promise of a favor from the Archivist for each meeting they have here is enough to buy his cooperation.

    Finding a more permanent base is /definitely/ high on the agenda tonight.

    They're in a dimly-lit back room, gathered on couches and chairs around a central table, some with drinks and some without. A disparate gathering of homo magi, mystics, vampires, mortals. Jon called the meeting, so once people are settled he stands and clears his throat.

    "Ah. Hello. I think you all know me, but just to get started--I'm Dr. Jonathan Sims, the Archivist. I've called this meeting in order to... well, to get our house in order before the angelic invasion of Manhattan, and to lay out plans and ideas for defending against said invasion. If you could all please introduce yourselves, and then... well, and then I /do/ have an actual agenda." He taps the side of his forehead with a smirk, then gestures to whoever's generally to his left to introduce themself.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
With the exception of the man who she knows to be from Mars, there are no strangers in the group. Zatanna, dressed unremarkably in her accustomed black - well-cut wool jacket and pants over a blouse a silk blouse that heightens her blue eyes, stands to look the group over. "There are a few faces I don't see often, J'onn and Atrun-rai, a newcomer, welcome. I'm Zatanna Zatarra, magician and homo magi. It is good to see us together as we plan for the potential earth-shattering events that await us. Thank you for being here." She reseats herself and leans to whisper something to Atrun-Rai.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael's chair is leaning back on two legs as she waits for the meeting to start - and stays there as she begins to speak. "Cael Becker, FBI, SHIELD, formerly of the NYPD." She wears a leather jacket over a thin sweater, a pair of jeans, and black boots. At her feet, head resting on his paws, is a large, white dog with scraggily fur, and a promonent 'service dog in training' vest.
    "I don't have a lick of magical ability, but I'm good with firearms, and in hand-to-hand. I'm just here to help figure out the plan, if I can. Or stay informed, if it all ends up going over my head."
    Which is what she's betting on.
    "And I've brought a ghost with me. Alis may or may not make herself known." But if she does, it'll probably be to cause //some// sort of mischief or another.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe had not wanted to be at this particular club, in particular because she knew the Owner, and still had the urge to make fun of his hat, but after giving him a quiet thank you for his help getting the black magic out of her that nearly killed her, Phoebe Beacon, complete in her dancing skeleton tee and jeans, leans forward, looking all around the group as she's seated off to the side, and she gives a wave.

    "Phoebe. Pretty sure I've worked with everyone present, magician and healer." she states, and she sits back down, sitting on the arm of the couch and looking just mildly uncomfortable.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
This was not a place Sara had ever been, or even knew existed, so yay for something new. Arriving early, she had found a seat and settled in, absently turning the silver bracelet on her right wrist around and around, a nervous habit really. She wore her usual attire for the winter. Black turtle neck beneath a light fleece jacket, blue jeans and a pair of work boots.

There was a lot on the platter, she knew that, so she had remained silent until the meeting got started. There were a couple of faces here that she didn't know or perhaps didn't remember, that lot on the platter thing, and likely who didn't know her. Either way, she got the chance once again, to try the introduction that she had spent two years avoiding ever giving.

"Evening all," she starts, offering a very brief wave. "Detective Sara Pezzini, NYPD, Agent of SHIELD, part of the WAND division, and of yeah, currently wielder of The Witchblade."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia got here when Jon did, mostly because she needed help getting into the bar. Now she's standing next to him, but a bit back so that Jon is front and center of the whole thing. She's here to back him up in this endeavor, and she'll fulfill that to the best of her ability.

Tonight she's dressed smartly. A grey woolen a-line skirt over a pair of sensible flats, and on top is a cream button up shirt poking up from underneath a long burgundy pull over cardigan. As always, motes of black ectoplasm fall gently around her like snow or ashfall.

She steps up and raises a hand. "I'm Lydia Dietrich. Most of you know me already, but for those who don't, I'm a vampire, mutant, and apparently a magical theory prodigy," she says with a helpless shrug. "Good to see you all."

Atrun Rai has posed:
    Seated next to Zatanna, Atrun-Rai sits with a pleasant smile upon his handsome face - just happy to be here, apparently. Once Zatanna sits, and he has been mentioned, Atrun-Rai rises to his feet. "I am Atrun-Rai," he proclaims in a baritone voice edged with a vaguely Mediterranean accent. "Sorceror. I am pleased to join you." In his cassock and overcoat, all black, he looks as though he should be more of a priest. Just as he rose, however, he returns to his seat, silent and smiling once more.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
    J'onn speaks up from where he's sitting, clad in his normal black and red uniform. "Despite Zatanna being here tonight, I wanted to be present as well. From what I understand of the threat, as many of us as possible must be ready to defeat it. I am J'onn J'onzz, a member of the Justice League and one of the official liaisons between the League and the JLD. I do not have any magical ability, but I believe that all of us will be needed to face these forces bent on our destruction."

Asariel has posed:
Asariel's not usually one to arrive late, but she was skirting the initial time and had hurried to a seat with little way of greetings so she didn't interrupt others that were speaking. The white haired woman gives a look around the table when it falls to introducing herself and there is a nod to others, "I'm Asariel Basotini." she offers before going back to observing things.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon sits through all of that, reaching over to grab a sip of the frothy ale he ordered out at the actual bar. He's met everyone in the room beyond J'onn, so mostly he just makes note of who's here. He blinks at Asariel--at the different name--but merely nods. With introductions done he stands again, putting his drink down, and clears his throat. "Welcome, everyone, and thank you for coming. It's good to meet you," he inclines his head to the Martian, then looks around the room.

    "Alright. So. The first item on the agenda is... leadership. I needn't get into the way our group started, because I very much think we've grown beyond that, and I believe in us, and our mission. But... since certain events came to light we've been a little rudderless. I think we were all sort of looking to John automatically--or at least, I know /I/ was. John's a good man, and I don't doubt that he'd step up were this his brainchild originally, but he's been... adjusting to the changes that happened while he was gone. Understandably so."

    He sighs. "However, I think that that lack of definitive leadership has, in an indirect way, led to our current situation. With no one officially at the helm, there's no central person to coordinate responses to situations, no one to make a firm decision in a crisis, no one making sure that we're all safe and healthy, mentally and physically. I honestly think that if someone had been clearly in charge, had been taking on the responsibility, we might have stopped Chas summoning that angel." A pause. "Perhaps not. Chas certainly could have reached out to us, regardless of anything official. And... that's not the only issue that came up, in the wake of those initial events." He glances, briefly, to Phoebe, then goes on, "At any rate, it's part of why I began thinking about the issue in the first place. I don't blame anyone for the situation, it's just how things played out."

    He looks down at his hands a moment, then back up. "I... had hoped someone else might have stepped up before this, but I've found myself... doing many of those things, of late. Coordinating, checking in on people, representing our group to other factions. I'm already evidently going to be at the center of the current crisis regardless of anything else. After some thought, and discussion with others who know more of leadership than I... well. I am willing and able to step forward and lead the Justice League Dark."

    He looks around at the group. "A leader doesn't lead just because they proclaim it's so, however. I can't just say 'well I'm in charge now' and expect everyone to go along with that. So if anyone has objections, or is willing to take on the responsibility in my place, please speak up now."

    He smiles. "And... even if you're new, or merely an 'ally' or liaison, feel free to voice your opinion. We all have a stake in this, whether we've been around from the start or only for a week or two."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "God, Jon, have I ever told you you talk too much?" Cael says in a dry, quietly amused voice. She has a glass of whiskey in one hand, which she lifts to her lips for a sip, still casually leaning back on two legs of her chair like some bored teenager. Not as if they were having discussions that affected the fact of the world - and all of reality.
    "Look, if someone else was going to step up by now, I think they would have done it. But it would be nice if someone would at least elect themselves your second," she suggests.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia speaks up, "I, for one, think Jon will be an excellent leader. He has my support. Furthermore, should he be chosen, I intend to nominate myself as his second since... that's what I seem to be doing anyway." She looks at the group, meeting the eyes of each individuality. "I am willing to step back if people have problems having a vampire helping out in this capacity."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Reaching to collect her cup of coffee, because that's what Sara drinks ninety percent of the time, she takes a sip as she listens to Jon. He pretty much just said what she was going to say regarding leadership. He'd been doing it, without anyone asking, because it needed doing. He never asked for anything along the way, that part partially annoyed her, but he was already versed in what was needed.

"I second that Cael, way too many words for the obvious. If you hadn't said it Jon," she looks over to him. "I would have. You've been there from moment one, ready to gather information, and do what needed to be done. So yes, you should lead, and I'll be right there to help you in any way you need. And Lydia, I got no problem with you at all."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna remains seated during her response to Jon. "It's wonderful to have such capable people among us like Jon. Warm and officious, a wonderful combination, I'm sure you will all agree. John Constantine and I have discussed who should step forward but we have watched Jon step into the center ting time and time again so thought he would do quite well. He certainly has my vote. My life is such that a leadership role would be detrimental to my pursuits. Good luck and best wishes, Jon."

Asariel has posed:
Asariel's eyes flick over others as they speak and there's a bit of a head shake, "Chas would have still summoned that angel, whether there was leadership here or not." she states. "I say that so people will stop blaming themselves or thinking of the 'what ifs', we need to focus on the future." she states. "I don't know anyone here well enough to vote yay or nay. So I'll abstain on things concerning leadership given I'm just a consultant." she dips her respectfully to that.

Atrun Rai has posed:
    A pause. Atrun-Rai looks at Jon, brows arched. "You are most active," he says, "And certainly you have been working hard at the crisis at hand - but being new, I have seen no reason to believe that you would be a suitable leader. You are a librarian putting yourself in the place of leading a war, which gives me great concern; someone more experienced, and frankly more powerful, should be in your place. And so, I cannot support your claim."

    He pauses, looking down at the rings at his fingers. Flexes those fingers a moment. "However, I /will/ follow the will of the group - and certainly, I will continue to assist. If they wish you to lead, then you will lead. But I advise that you ensure that your second has the ability to shore up your shortcomings."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara eyes Atrun-Rai for a moment. He was right to a certain degree, and she had thought the same at one time. Distracted by the Silver City and other issues, it had slipped past her.

Looking back to Jon, a moment to listen to Witchblade screaming, "Jon, I'll be your war leader, if you'll have me. You lead, but when it comes to actual fighting, rely on me to get you through it, because he's right in that regard and Witchblade has millennia of experience in that area."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia steps forward, "I understand your concern, Atrun-Rai, but you must realize, for reasons we will get into in short order, that this is a war that's being fought on many fronts, only one of which is physical. Martial prowess alone will not see us victorious in this battle. We need somebody who can think beyond just fighting the angels, and Jon can do that." She nods to Sara, "Sara willing to step up means that we'll be able to turn to her for matters of war."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe's ears and cheeks darken a little bit as the past is bypassed, and she turns her face, looking to the side. "I agree with Atrun-Rai." Phoebe finally decides on thoughtfully.

    She rubs at her left shoulder a moment. "Does there need to be any formal leadership of a Dark organization? We have support for the big threats, but I don't want to have a meeting in a week to elect a new leader if you fall on the sixth, Jon. And Lydia, you are a great friend but I have misgivings given recent events about the ability to think clearly in the thick of an active situation. I also have concerns where loyalties may lay." she scratches at her chest, below the hem of her tee shirt in thought.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon gives Cael a flat look. "You have, in fact, told me that on /multiple/ occassions, Cael." He looks a bit flustered at the outpouring of support, though, the tips of his ears darkening a bit.

    He glances to Asariel, expression somber. "Maybe so," he agrees. "People make their own choices. But... I would hope that in the future none of us feels so alone that they feel they cannot reach out. That's part of the point of having a team at all."

    He turns, then, to regard Atrun quietly. "I respect your viewpoint, with the understanding that it's /quite/ limited. 'Archivist' is a misleading title. The Archivist... experiences. The Archivist /acts/. The Archivist judges the souls of immortals, and the continued existence of those who do not have souls." He smiles. "The Archivist is, from the experiences of my ancestors, quite often underestimated by those who mistake flashy spells for power. /Knowledge/ is power, as the saying goes, and the Archive is /knowledge/. I hope I can show you that, in days to come."

    He looks around. "Besides, we're not merely a militant group. There will be other problems to solve, other battles to fight. We are brought together to defend Earth against mystical and supernatural threats--/not/ merely to fight this particular battle. Where the Justice League and the Titans gathered to defend Earth from the Khund, and the Avengers assembled to battle Loki's army, we too gather to defend Earth from this threat--but it won't be the last."

    A pause, and then he looks to Phoebe quite seriously. "I intend to have a clear second, yes. As for leadership...? I'm already doing everything I talked about, this would just... make it official. I'm not..." He rubs at the back of his neck. "I'd think of it as first among equals. Coordinating. Making final decisions. Calling meetings." He bites his lip, considering. Looks to Lydia.

    "She has a point," he says softly, "about loyalties. Appearances, at least." He sounds apologetic.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia nods, and moves to sit down. "Very well. I withdraw."

Asariel has posed:
"Maybe a triad would fit the group more than traditional one person leadership? War, Intelligence and Spirit? So that not all of it is brought down on one persons shoulders soley? Having others to turn to is sometimes what alleviates stresses and well..." she motions around to nothing in particular. "That is all I have to offer on the matter." she states quietly.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Well, I'm glad I've at least been clear, Jon," Cael remarks in a dry voice, before turning her attention to Phoebe.
    "I think having leadership is important for the continued stability of any organization," Cael says firmly, and simply. "Look. I don't have any magic. I'm not really a member - but leaving this ship rudderless would be a mistake." Her voice remains calm but firm - while her hand tightens around her glass.
    "I would trust Sara as a second," she remarks simply. "And as I said - I think it's important that there be one, to help... pick up the slack, if that is ever needed. To be able to offer differing view points. For lots of reasons."
    She finally lets her chair tip forward, careful to make sure Bears paws aren't in the way, and takes a deeper drink from her whiskey to get a bad taste out of her mouth.

John Constantine has posed:
"I swear that used to be an entrance," John calls over his shoulder as he opens the door and steps into the Oblivion Bar, "'sides, nothing wrong with a little jaunt to the rippers. Just don't eat the food."

As he steps into the bar, beyond the sheer indifference at the variety of oddities therein, John points at Jon (John recognize Jon) and makes his way over towards the group. He is already lighting a silk cut, blowing a plume of smoke into the air.

"Gangs all here. Have I missed the bit where we come up with our secret handshake?"

Atrun Rai has posed:
    "I do not accept you as first among equals," Atrun-Rai says bluntly. "Knowledge is power, certainly, but /power/ is power. /Wisdom/ is power. I have seen, at the moment, only that you have knowledge. Might I remind you how you behaved in the face of Uriel?" His brows arch a bit more. The smile is gone. "From what I have seen, you act from emotion. That is not acceptable in a leader. If you need someone to organize, assign a secretary. But this? We stand at the edge of the end of the world, and you're calling a meeting for a /chair/?" He shakes his head. "No one person should lead."

    A nod to Asariel. "Certainly, that might be more fitting. Perhaps I speak from a different time, a different place. But to me, Miss Basotini's logic is more sound."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara shakes her head slowly, setting the coffee cup down so she can turn the silver bracelet around on her wrist again. "How does this sound then," she says, looking up to each person present. "Jon is the lead, intelligence. Lydia is his second, she's spirit. I'll be the other second, for war. We three will be the 'lead' so that no single person has all the weight no their shoulders." Her eyes pause on each person as she's speaking, not meaning to put on her 'detective' authority voice, it just happens.

"Any issues with that?" She then asks to all assembled.

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
    As J'onn listens to the debate on leadership, he does not have any comment to add at this time. He is mainly here to observe and report back to the League the result of the meeting and the true magnitude of the threat. Upon Asariel's suggestion, he does speak up. "The League has exactly that sort of leadership with Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman all sharing the status of leader. This helps in several ways - if one is not available, there are two others who can take up the lead in anything that crops up. It also means that there are more than one person to weigh in on any issues that may not be immediately solvable."

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
John isn't speaking to thin air or himself. Could rightly be mistaken on that front until his elfin English partner steps forth from the interdimensional shadows. An act of respect for Papa Midnite, Meggan displays the sharp cant of her ears hinting at her surreal heritage. The usually quiet scrollwork on her left hand to her elbow gleams alive in opalescence under her sleeve. "Of all people, you think I start dining soon as we enter?" she asks in an arch, amused tone.

A sidestep and she ventures after, the crackling edges of her outfit solidifying into something a little more liquid and sparkly under the weird lighting. To Constantine's indifference, she offers a brief smile. "Had a matter to shore up before getting in. May we sit by you, Zatanna?"

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia shakes her head at Sara, "No. People have valid concerns for me in a leadership position, and I do not want to be part of a trinary. I /do/ think that idea has merit, though. I see myself in more of an advisory position anyway."

She turns to Atrun-Rai. "As I've said. We have reason to believe that to win this it will take more than just /power/. Confronting this head on will be a losing battle, merely prolonging the inevitable. Who do you propose should be the three?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna laughs to herself, glad for John's sardonic humor to pop people's self-importance, including her own. She looks up with a smile at Meggan and nods, pulling a seat forward. "Yes, sit here." Then in a whisper to John, "You are so going to hate me!"

She stands as people continue to debate around her. "I believe that John should be part of a triumvirate. This is no reflection on other people capabilities or flashy spells. We have many capable people among us. He, to my mind, experienced in war and magic."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon holds up a hand. "Alright, honestly... a trinity is a brilliant idea. The Justice League of America has that, with Superman and Batman and Wonder Woman. It puts less pressure on one person, and ensures that there's continuity in the face of... well. People will be in danger. I would say, offhand, that John and Zatanna are the ones I'd trust most alongside me, but that's partly on their own willingness to step up. There are other options if they're not willing."

    He looks around. "So... let's put it to a vote, then. All in favor of a Trinity?"

    The vote is quite nearly unanimous, and Jon nods. "Let's... figure out the specifics of that shortly, shall we? I know people's time is limited, and we need to discuss the war. Which brings me to the second item on the agenda: Our headquarters--or rather, a lack thereof. The Laughing Magician has been destroyed, and the other fallback options we had are in Manhattan, which will shortly be evacuated and presumably overrun by angels." He gestures about. "We can meet here, but not safely on a regular basis. We need a more permanent base of some sort, our own... Hall of Justice or Titans Tower. But while we work on that, we need places to gather, places for people to retreat in crisis, places to store armaments. Things of that nature."

    He looks around. "This bar is the best option I could find for a meeting place, because my own 'safe haven' is... heavily fortified and not a terrific option. I know that Nettie will do her best to keep the Candle safe in the wake of the invasion, and it may work as a forward base. I don't know about the Curio?" He looks to Phoebe. "But if anyone else has ideas or suggestions, whether temporary or permanent, please, by all means."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe had lit up briefly as John and Meggan walked in, abandoning the arm of the couch she had been perched on to give them room next to Zee, and she takes up a spot against the wall.

    "The wards that were put on the Curio are still solid, and I've been stopping by to check on the warding circle at the Magician as well, but it's presumably ground zero. Hell's Kitchen, Heaven's coming with a fire extinguisher, amIrite?" she asks the group, and she purses her lips. "Most everyone in our group is based on the East Coast -- since the Curio is currently compromised I'm back to working out of Gotham, and I've found accomodations there for my work that won't work well for anyone else." she replies.

    "So I agree. We need a place, whether it's a sanctum that can be accessed from anywhere like Club Oblivion, by any of us who know the way to get there." she takes a deep breath. "Some of my research has been on portal generation and Sanctum creation. I don't mind helping ward a physical place, either. They're getting stronger." she explains.

    "But for the sake of spacing out, is there any place outside the Tri-City area that might be appropriate?"

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
    "Well, for temporary use at least, I cannot see any objections to your using the Hall of Justice or the Watchtower until you find a permanent base. Both locations have the equipment to function as command headquarters in a crisis such as the one approaching. It is up to all of you of course, but you are the new magical arm of the League, so using the League's space until you arrange something permanent makes sense to me, at least."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna stands and clears her throat to be heard over the side conversations. "I have offered my mansion, Shadowcrest to the group before, it is very large and inter-dimensional and can be enlarged at will. Portals can be added to connect it to the Curio. This could be a temporary solution or permanent as we see fit. I could see us building out magically from the Curio as well which I rather like as an idea. The Watchtower is also possible."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"I know this seems like a conflict of interest, and is probably not the best optics," Lydia says, "but I would be remiss if I didn't state that the Brotherhood offered the use of the Asteroid and all its resources. We have teleporters at our disposal for quick insertion and extraction."

Lydia holds up a hand to forestall any objections, "Having said that, I think the Hall of Justice or the Watchtower is a better option. We're calling ourselves the Justice League Dark, so it would be fitting to use Justice League resources at our disposal."

"We /do/ need to have a conversation about having permanent quarters, perhaps even Shadowcrest, but I think that can wait until /after/ the current crisis is over."

Atrun Rai has posed:
    "In the meantime, I can aid in creating a chanting-house." This from Atrun-Rai, whose hands fold upon his lap now. "A place out of reality, like this. I...cannot create it myself, as the nature of my death taints such magics in ways that would make you all uncomfortable to be there. I will, however, be happy to offer knowledge in the construction of such places, and access to the spells of my time that would allow this to take place." A pause. "If that will be helpful."

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
Meg turns a quick wave to Phoebe, and a smile that will fade when matters grow serious. Squeezing in next to Zee won't be too difficult when she could float behind the magician if necessary. Couches do not tend to magically expand themselves even in Club Oblivion.

She curls into a comfortably small space despite her current height. A slim roll of her heel is the only wiggle of movement being there. "Having premade interdimensional connections sounds helpful, and what with Ms. Zat..." A brief pause, and her tone brightens to correct it. "Zatanna offering the hospitality, it sounds a good thing. Would be fit not to draw the dangers that come with our magic or work back to the Halls of Justice, very kind and generous an offer as that is from the Justice League. For a short term do, Shadowcrest sounds a fine thing." She turns to Atrun-Rai, curious, and then smiles. "Oh! Oh. We could always put a link to a public spot before we fashion a gate linked to one of the malleable Realms and convince a path or trod to settle down. I know an excellent bookstore with good art and graphic novels, and that's bound to be excellent for getting the kind of proper resonance to anchor energy. Otherwise, depending on how you feel about floating islands?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe pauses, and looks to Zatanna and then to Atrun-Rai.

    "I, for one, would *love* to learn how to do that."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon nods thoughtfully to all of that. "I've never been to Shadowcrest, Zed... we should look it over. It might be a good solution. The Hall of Justice..." He laughs. "Do you know, I hadn't even thought of that? I should have. Yes, that will be /immensely/ helpful, thank you."

    Then, to Lydia, "I've already spoken to Mystique about how I feel regarding the Asteroid. It's lovely, but it's better used for refugees, and there /are/ optics to consider here, sadly enough." A sigh.

    He looks to Atrun and nods. "That may be a good long-term option, and..." He grins at Meggan. "This sounds like an excellent start to a project. So! I am gathering... Shadowcrest as a temporary base, Hall of Justice as a fallback, and we can, perhaps, work as a group on the magics involved in making a permanent base? It would be an excellent learning opportunity, I think."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
A late arrival is Johnny Blaze. The Oblivion bar is home to the Rider as well. Dressed in leathers, Johnny runs a hand through his hair. "Sorry I'm late. Had to make some preparations." He hooks his thumbs into his pockets and rolls his shoulders, the black iron chain around his chest flexing. "What'd I miss?"

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
    Nodding to Jon, J'onn adds, "During any actual attacks, we will have the Watchtower manned and in contact with you. The satellite feeds and holo displays of the battlefield will provide a good overview of the battle." That said, he sits back and listens to the meeting again.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon nods to Johnny. "Welcome. We've decided that there will be three leaders, much like the Justice League of America. Myself, Zatanna, and we'll figure out the third shortly, I'm certain. I have some thoughts, we can discuss them. We're using Shadowcrest as a temporary base, with options for Hall of Justice and the Watchtower. The wards at the Curio are holding for now, and we're talking about a plan to create a permanent base." He looks between Meggan and Atrun-Rai with a smile. "I think that bodes well for the future, if I'm being honest. Reality will hold, and we'll need somewhere that's ours, going forward."

    A pause, while he sort of... zones out briefly, then says, "Alright. That said... the current situation." He looks around. "I think almost everyone here knows, but... the Archangel Michael is bringing an army of angels several billion strong to attack Manhattan. The vanguard will be arriving on 6th January, and I've tracked their landing spot to St. Patrick's Cathedral, Midtown. Chas Chandler is currently in his position quite literally /in/ the Gates of Heaven. This /will/ be a battle, and a war, but I have it on very good authority that it is not /only/ that. The ultimate solution to this problem will, I am certain, not come from fighting. Sadly..." He sighs. "Sadly, fight we must."

    His expression turns quite serious. "My information, and Lydia's," he gestures to the vampire, "indicates that what is going on is thus--our universe is... unstable for some reason, compared to the rest of the multiverse. It is... draining other universes of their life and vitality. Normally, in this situation, the Presence--God, if you like--would ask Their agents--the archangels--to re-make and re-shape the universe." A pause. "For some reason... we are being given a chance to bring things into stability ourselves. A test, a trial, a... game, if you will. /We/ are at the center--the Justice League Dark--because Chas is the one who summoned Michael, and others including myself have... stepped up into central roles in the play. If we succeed, we bring things into balance, and stabilize our corner of the multiverse. If we fail... then Michael will re-form our universe in order to keep it from destroying all Creation."

    He lets that settle for a moment, then says, "Questions? Comments?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna looks back at Phoebe and smiles. Then points at herself and the young magician, silently, "Afterwards."

Then facing forward, she settles in her seat content that Meggan is nearby. Using her stage voice, "Jon, Meggan's idea for the spot in Gotham is quite good, too. I hope everyone knows they will be most welcome to Shadowcrest. Staff will be alerted and ready for them right away. Optimistically, the gate building will be a good group effort for us once we have faced the challenge that Michael brings us. I believe Lydia has a valuable contribution to make toward that challenge."

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
"What do you need from us?" Meggan pipes up after Zatanna. She gives a little wiggle of her fingertips against the dark profile of her hair, the wash of it broken against her shoulder. "That's an excellent discovery by Lydia, props on that." Nodding to the vampire, she might still be parsing through a fair bit of what Jon has shared with them.

"At least life energy's sort of my neck of things. Bailiwick, that is." She draws a little circle. "See the balance of it locally almost all the time. So what can I do? It probably isn't following the leaks or collective climate action, too late for that. What shifts the things back?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara continues to listen. Most of this she had already heard and knew, then he hits on the information about draining other universes out there. That she didn't know.

"Can we be certain the information provided about the multiverse instability is accurate and truthful? I'm not inclined to trust any of the angels right now, but if you believe the information, I'll accept it."

Atrun Rai has posed:
    Atrun-Rai crosses his legs the other way, now, considering. "I suggest that, while fighting takes place in the city, a team be produced to enter the Silver City. Going through the proverbial postern gate, as it were. Possibly to face off with Michael there, or to cause enough disorder in the city to draw his attention there and force a confrontation. Care must be taken, of course, as there are many things there that would /not/ do well to be harmed, but...a show of sacrifice, or similar, may draw him away from camp." A beat. "We could, theoretically, make use of Nullspace as a transfer point into the City that way. All points drain into it, so why not the opposite?"

Asariel has posed:
Asariel seems to zone out while there is talk of the leadership. She then tunes back in when they talk on what exactly it is that Michael might be doing. "Has Strange been kept in the loop on this?" she asks quietly. "I'm sure since he paid everyone a visit in Hell's Kitchen that he's aware, but multiverse definitely sounds like it is something in his wheelhouse." she nods to this. "I've also had an offer from someone that has a scroll that can be read to help make weapons ready to hurt angels." she offers. There's a look to Atrun, "Yeah, I've been trying to find a way to get into Heaven physically. The search has been pretty scant though." she frowns.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a nod to Zee, and looks back over to Jon, frowning a moment.

    "... how much life energy is needed to balance it out? I don't suppose we could approximate it, or patch up where it might be leaking?" and then she pauses, and she snaps her gaze over to Jon.

    "What do you *Mean* central roles to play? Is that what happened to Dad?" she asks, looking alarmed, and she raises her hand to scratch not at her chest, but at the scars on her left shoulder.

    "... I don't suppose would could use nullspace energy to like... spear him in the back or something? I could pooooossibly be used as a conduit." she looks around "Or Rein could, if she agreed. We both have healing factors -- but I could mitigate some of the damage to my physical body using my Light, but I would maybe need an additional power source?" she considers, running through calculations.

    "... also I need some branding irons."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"Our universe is kind of unique," Lydia adds. "Most universes that become unstable dissolve into chaos, and the Angels are called to clean up the mess and start it anew." She looks at the others, "For some reason, our universe has maintained it's stability by leeching off other universes, causing them to fail and fall into chaos."

"Not to get religious on all of you," Lydia says with a smirk, "But God saw a way that we could save our universe and has put that into motion. Unfortunately, our sources weren't exactly clear on the details other than it involves, cryptically, 'Compassion and balance.'"

She nods to Cael. "A valid concern. You have to understand that not all the angels /like/ what it is that Michael is doing, which is why some are assisting us. But, Michael is serving a purpose. Should we fail to find a way to bring our universe into balance, it will need to be destroyed for the good of the multiverse."

Addressing Phoebe she says, "I have... a plan that might take care of Michael. It's... risky, and I have to do more work on it before I'm comfortable with putting it into play. I may need your assistance on this, Phoebe, because if this spell goes wrong Manhattan will most likely be leveled, and I do /not/ want that to happen."

Atrun Rai has posed:
    Phoebe gets a look from the Atlantean sorceror. "I can handle such energy without trouble," he replies to her suggestion. "There is no need for you to be injured." No explanation to that is offered, though he looks then to Lydia.

    "Inspired. What is your plan?"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon's gaze drifts to Atrun-Rai, briefly. A show of sacrifice, indeed. His brow furrows, thoughtful. He's considering everything everyone's saying.

    "That's what happened to Chas, yes," he says softly. "The Archangel Uriel visited me and informed me that my choices are central to this. I refuse to believe it only comes down to me, however--and Gabriel visited Lydia, and Raphael Cael, and I wouldn't be surprised if one of you meets Metatron or Sandalphon. The archangesl, and the Great Mother, are /not/ happy about this, and are doing what they can while leaving much up to us." Something weighs on him, heavy, and he deliberately takes a drink of ale to shoo it away.

    "One does not simply walk into Mordor--nor the Silver City," he muses. "But... in the end, a small team slipping in to go after Chas while an army holds Michael's attention may be a fine plan. We need to bring in others on /all/ of this--Strange at the top of the list." He nods to Asariel. "Part of the reason for this meeting, and future ones, is to coordinate our knowledge and efforts." He gestures to Atrun-Rai. "Going in through Nullspace is an excellent idea. You and Asariel may want to put your heads together, about that."

    He looks to Lydia, raises his brows curiously.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Deliberately keeping any concern she might have for Phoebe from her face, Zatanna turns her attention to the vampire, "Lydia your understanding of the forces at work are excellent. May I suggest that you call on other magicians as well as Phoebe to assist you?"

After a moment's silence, she adds, "Atrun-Rai's plan on first hearing seems sound to me. We certainly need to utilize /all/ our resources, Dr. Strange being top of the list, to my mind. And the angels," she sends a hopeful glance toward Asariel."

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
"Compassion and balance can be found in plenty but focusing it becomes right tricky. Like sucking it all up and projecting it like a lighthouse beam," Meg lives in a lighthouse, this is an easy analogy, though she grins slightly. "Could be a way. We might be better off setting a lot of compassionate fires, so to speak. Acts of kindness and goodness?"

Her pale eyes are wreathed in ice, opals framed in fracture lines that would be not untoward in a winter fever dream. "Going into the Silver City, I can offer to help with that much. Bit right of my centre, but it wouldn't be the end of it. I've also a rather extensive army of freed demons fit for bringing hope into the world -- they've been up to it in Hell for... suppose it's been a few years here. A host of angry angels might be the sort of thing they can deal with. Final choice is up to them. Nothing I can force or ever would."

Asariel has posed:
Asariel gives a nod of her head when Jon states her and Atrun should put their heads together, "I'll help where ever I can." she states. "Sadly I only know and trust one angel...and he's of the no longer an angel variety which leads folks to automatically not trust him." she frowns to that. "There are others here on Earth. Locating them will be harder if they are hiding." she adds.

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Johnny crosses his arms. "You and Zee are good choices. I dunno who the third is gonna be, but Pezzini is a good option. She's got heart." Johnny gives his recommendation.

On Uriel...

"We should take that information with a grain of salt. If Michael can be turned to madness, so can Uriel. I have some ideas on how to change the playing field to our advantage, and it involves dark magic and brimstone. But a priority, should the plans fail for evacuation, is getting innocents out."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe glances around.

    "... he's my dad. Maybe if I hadn't been such a jerk after what happened, he wouldn't have called down /Michael/ in the first place. I feel partially responsible; I wasn't there when he needed me to be." Phoebe admits, and she then scratches again at her chest.

    "So, everyone else is getting guidance from angels and personal conversations with the divine with their parts to play in this passion play" she gives a soft sound of disappointment, and then grasps her own arm.

    "-- Lydia, whatever you need, I'm here for. You let me know." she states. She grips her hand at her side. She did not want to scratch at her sternum again. It was becoming raw.

Atrun Rai has posed:
    "They don't talk to me, either," Atrun-Rai murmurs quietly to Phoebe, giving her a conspiratorial wink - and then frowns at her, any other talk he would offer to the others well discarded at her behavior. "Why are you itching, girl? Is something the matter?"

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia's lips press into a hard line. "I have... several ideas, actually. I was the one who figured out how to bind the archangel Michael, so I know the magical math on how to harness the energy of the void. From that I extrapolated a way to channel that energy into my ectoplasm, which would turn me into a rather effective weapon against the angels. I could modify it for other people but I think the only reason why it wouldn't kill me is because I'm already dead."

"From /that/ idea, I thought bigger. Michael is a being of enormous power, so it will take an enormous amount of power to take him down. Manhattan has several powerful leylines running underneath it, so we can harness that power to create a circle that encompasses the island to tape into that power to create a weapon.... a void railgun if you will, to shoot at Michael. But, we'd need somebody to get close enough to Michael to tag him for the spell, somebody who can keep themselves from being obliterated immediately in his presence."

"I cannot /stress/ how dangerous this is. It has a very real chance of leveling Manhattan in it's casting. At best it'll drain the leylines of energy for maybe a year. Maybe less depending on how we stabilize things. At worst, well," she shrugs, "we rip a hole in the fabric of reality in the attempt and let pure void into the realm."

"This is a long shot. A hail Mary, if you will. Something that we should be /very careful/ about implementing. We should be also thinking outside the box for a way to stabilize our universe because, and I want to make this clear, even if we /do/ defeat Michael and rescue Chas from Heaven... that doesn't solve the underlying problem."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara glances around to each of the faces, offering Johnny a nod to his words then her eyes stop on Jon.

"You already know that I am ready for which ever form of attack you need me for. Be it in Manhattan, the Silver City or some place else. Witchblade was made for fighting gods, aim your wild card where you think he will best serve."

Meggan Puceanu has posed:
"You've got someone who isn't allowed to die four times over without being claimed by the top three infernal princes in a fairly large section of Hell, and can withstand a livewire of magic punched through him," Meggan points out. "John cannot die. Oh, he'll hate being the conduit but Michael already has his number and some disgust in his direction."

Her shoulders lift in a shrug, sunny in the bright measure. "I'm the energy channel here. I can... probably drain the leylines of the planet without a fuss, if I put my mind to it. Supposing Doctor Strange didn't smack me sideways for doing it, and he'd be right to. You want someone who can take the flow, anyway, John and I are two options."

Asariel has posed:
Asariel gives a look around the table at the people talking and then settles back quietly to let others talk over plans. Not having anything to offer for the moment given others have it handled.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "I would, personally, rather not depend too far on angels, 'no longer' or not. Nothing against them personally, but this is a matter for mortals to decide, specifically." Jon sighs. "Particularly the more powerful they are, the less I would think they should be involved. If this was supposed to be in the hands of those sorts, it would be. It's been entrusted to /us/. We might consider it an opportunity for those of us who are mortal, or nearly-so," A wink at Meggan, "to prove our mettle."

    A sigh. "That said... this is already going to come to a battle if for no other reason than Lady Death is bringing out her own undead army. Freed demons may be of use, as may your own fire and brimstone." He nods to Johnny. "And the information comes from multiple sources. If /all/ the archangels are a problem... then I think we're proper fucked. I'm holding on to hope, for the moment." A pause. "And Michael never /lied/. Twisted his purpose, perhaps, but he never lied."

    He eyes Phoebe for a long moment. "If they /don't/ come support you, and Asariel, given what's happened? I will have /words/. There have been wrongs done, and the balance should be redressed."

    Then he stares at Lydia, wide-eyed. "Good /lord/. That's... well. That's /something/."

    He heaves in a long breath. Lets it out. "I... am considering our options for what needs to be done to bring the universe into balance, but frankly I think we need to see the playing field, as it were, before we can figure out too much of that."

J'onn J'onzz has posed:
    Speaking up from where he is sitting, J'onn asks "Is there anything the non-magical heroes can do to help in your plan? I assume that many beyond the League will be in Manhattan to fight for this universe, but is there anything specific you need, or a place we need to decoy them away from? Against the whole Host we cannot stand, but we can at least go down fighting if it will enable you to do what needs to be done."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"Alternatively," Lydia continues, "we could awaken the city of New York to fight for us. Every city has a soul, of sorts. All the psychic energy from every living being makes a mark, and that kind of collects into a ... " she flails her hands trying to explain, "entity of sorts that sleeps and dreams. This is why we get those strange liminal spaces, and odd coincidences and stuff like that."

"We could awaken that presence and have it fight. Odds are it'll be able to hold back the Host pretty handily, but I doubt it'll be able to bring down Michael." Lydia chuckles, "Less chance of tearing a hole in the fabric of reality, though. We could do this, or the railgun, but not both."

Atrun Rai has posed:
    After a long moment, Atrun-Rai speaks. "I have it in my power to provide a volume of orichalcum," he states, tone...somewhat hesitant. "It is vanishingly rare. As you know. I was going to use this for my own purposes in fighting these angels, but with Miss Dietrich's plan..." He shrugs. "Well. It would certainly serve as a wonderful conductor for magical energy when employed in a keystone circle."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe's lips purse as she looks to Atrun-Rai, and then to Zee, and then she shrugs her shoulders.

    "... I have an active spell that's keeping me from putting too much emotion into my actions and thoughts. It was intended to help my ancestors make clear-headed decisions in time of war. Unfortunately it's wearing a hole in my astral self since it's not meant to go on for too long." she explains.

    She turns to Jon. "My feelings won't be hurt if they don't. They have my dad, I plan on getting him back. I'm tired of losing parents." she comments, and then she gives a look to Lydia. She gives a bright grin to her.

    "I've been working on ways to use the Urbarail lines as artificial leylines. Wonder if they'll work with a subway. But if you need someone to get close... without risking John, since he's a strong caster as well, and I kinda don' tcare to invite three more Hell Lords to the party to fight over him if they think he's lost otherwise."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon nods to Lydia. "I've... felt traces of Her, I think. I've been paying more attention to the Mother, of course, but I know what you mean. It's an idea. Does Manhattan want her people to flee? To be in pain like this?" A shake of the head.

    He looks to J'onn--too many Jo(h)(n)ns!--and nods. "So far as our research has shown, while negative energy and demonic energy will work against any rank of angel, nearly all of them will respond to brute force. Negative energy and demonic energy are merely their /weaknesses/, and negative energy was what was required to /bind/ an angel. They are tough opponents, but not invincible, or there would be little point in a fight. That is to say--anyone can come out here and fight, and while perhaps Superman would have to focus on the rank-and-file while Dr. Strange takes on Thrones and Principalities... /everyone/ can contribute. Unity, I am told, is... rather part of the point. Not to mention, there's also those who will stay behind to be protected and evacuated, and..."

    A long, long pause. Then, in a somber tone, "There are going to be those who will fight for Michael. Humans, I mean. Caitlin Fairchild of the Titans has been visited by Michael, it seems, and is gathering followers." He sighs. "People are flocking to New York, believing this is their promised End of Days. Coming looking for a Rapture." He swallows. "Those experienced in /not killing/ humans would be... /invaluable./"

    He has to stop, then, and gather his thoughts. Take another long, long drink. So he won't cry in front of everyone.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Hands held tightly in her lap, Zatanna looks way from Jon's face, all too close to tears herself, contemplating the potential lose of life, "We will need points of stability on the circle if that is our plan. Reinforced by Atrun-Rai's orichalcum. Held in place by and maintained by a number of magicians, Dr. Strange, Meggan, Rien, Phoebe and myself while John distracts Michael and others infiltrate heaven gives me hope for the future. I would also be willing to be among those that go through the postern gate if needed."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "As much as I'd enjoy taking on the heavenly host, and giving back some hurt..." Cael remarks, as she's been listening in silence to all the talk about bases and magic - things she can contribute very little to, "but I might be of more use there. I mean, we could assign a good chunk of SHIELD to that - if the Chief agrees - armed with ICERs and other non-lethal ordinance..."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia turns to Cael. "Cael. A thought has occurred to me. How would you like /magic bullets/?"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon looks to Zatanna for a moment, reflected pain between them. This hurts them both, and for more reasons than distantly shared origins. Neither of them can condone killing, even in a good cause. Or perhaps only for the best of causes.

    "Alright. Let's..." He looks around. He can sense the weariness descending on some. "Let's table this as discussions best left for when people have done some research. One last thing before we go--the Justice League and the Titans have been alerted, as has SHIELD and, to my knowledge, the Avengers." He looks to Sara, then says, "Do we have any other allies on the table for this?"

Atrun Rai has posed:
    "I will speak with Namor of Atlantis," says Atrun-Rai. "The Prince may be moved to aid us, too, in some way. I have spoken to the Daughter of Satan, whom I chanced upon in my travels, but that is a road we do not wish to take, I am sure."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna tilts her head to one side as though listening to someone then stands. She lays a hand on Meggan's shoulder on her way out and briefly touches Atrun-Rai in passing.

"Excuse me, Jon, thank you for bringing us together this evening.

Turning to the group, she makes an expansive gesture, "Please don't hesitate to come to Shadowcrest everyone. I need to pop there myself right now."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara shifts slightly, "I've attempted to reach the Avengers, and will continue to do so. When there's nothing happening they tend to go to the winds, so tracking them down can be something of a challenge. I'm sure some have heard about it, through SHIELD, but I know there are some who have no connection to SHIELD and don't know. I'm not giving up."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon nods to Zatanna, then to Atrun and Sara. "As I said--probably best to keep too much power out of this, particularly direct involvement with Hell. Bad enough Lady Death is running about--at least she used to be mortal. And at least I know /precisely/ where she stands." He rubs at his face, frowning.

    "Alright. I think that's everything. Thank you for coming, everyone. Those who are meeting against Michael's army on the 6th, I'll send details about where to meet and such. We'll have another meeting after, assuming we're still here."

    A brief smile. It's half a joke, levity to lighten the mood, but he knows it may fall flat. "Be well, everyone."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I would figuratively kill for some magic bullets," Cael replies immediately - flashing the vampire, for a first time, a broad and genuine smile. "So if you've got ideas on that front - I'm all ears."