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Latest revision as of 15:22, 21 February 2023

Tearing Off the Tail: Hydra Edition
Date of Scene: 21 February 2023
Location: Hydra Airfield Canadian Wilderness
Synopsis: A SHIELD Strike to steal a new experimental Hydra craft goes well. With many, many explosions along the way.
Cast of Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Natasha Irons, James Barnes, Sara Pezzini, Jane Foster, Sybil Tan, Jemma Simmons, T'Challa, Zinda Blake, Richard Stadler, Detective Chimp

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The teams are on the approach in Quinjets flying low to the ground. Almost bumping along the treetops at a couple hundred kilometers beneath the speed of sound. The cloak of the ship is on and they're getting a last minute briefing.
    The briefing officer sits hunched in the overpacked cargo hold, "Hydra's developed a new type of assault transport. They basically dumped enough JATO's on it to let it hit mach 3, and somehow made it so the beast can land and deploy a platoon of troops." Way, way past the point of most air defense systems to engage them.
    "They're testing three prototypes out here." In the Canadian northeast, far away from anything remotely approaching civilization at a secondary strategic bombing airfield from the Cold War. "There will be a couple hundred Hydra troopers, technicians, engineers, and other support crew present. This is just a testing ground for them so we're not expecting them to be dug in." Just big, big hangars for bug ugly fat fuckers, lots of jet fuel, and so many heavy rockets. "Blowing them up just slows down Hydra and doesn't give us the best idea ofr how to handle them. So we're going to be stealing one and making it our's. Any sort of questions on the fun?"

Natasha Irons has posed:
Natasha Irons sits quietly at the briefing table, taking in the virtual display as she listens. The armored woman takes a moment to look over the arrayed troops and transport docks. "What about the other two?" Her mechanized voice replies. "You want them taken out or should we focus primarily upon trying to get out with the one ship and doing as much damage as possible in the mean time." While she asks she runs a quick diagnostic of her armor, noting the multiple green lights flashing on her HUD before checking to see how the rest of the team is.

James Barnes has posed:
The Winter Soldier does not have any questions. He just sits in his seat and pulls his plasma rifle up, checking it, making sure it's in order, and then moving on to do some self diagnostics on his own metallic arm. This is what he does during on-mission briefings. He just makes sure everything is working. The fact that this is _HYDRA_ probably means that he's hyper-focused and ready to put a lot of hurt on people and a lot of damage on equipment. He slides a knife out of his boot, spins it, checks the edge, and slides it back in.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
For missions like this, Sara usually armors up before even boarding the Quinjet. This means that she is crammed in the back with everyone else in a metal bikini curtesy of Witchblade. At the moment there are no wings on her back as that would have her taking up too much space, and the fact was they could form in seconds if needed.

"No questions at this time," she comments, looking over the offered documentation and images of the airfield.

Jane Foster has posed:
Listening attentively to the debriefing from the SHIELD officer, the deputy commander of the WAND division takes apt notes on her tablet. The projections over the Canadian Shield note the scattered lakes and terrain drawn in elevation lines, a straight runway superimposed along a flat axis. "Nothing like obsolete technology repurposed for Nazis. I'm surprised we aren't working with V-3 rockets." Dry irony laces her tone as she flexes her booted foot, the discreet presence of one of the unholy terrors of Asgardian myth wrapped up in a nice go-bag. Mjolnir practically crackles with anticipation, otherwise quieted. She glances askance at Sara, and then raises her eyebrows a fraction. "Shall we go and attract their attention with a ruckus?"

Given her rank, that's practically a guaranteed, sterling-plated sanction to cause trouble on the public dime. "We light up their perimeter to draw out the heavies, offer infil squads opportunities to approach. Unless we have other objectives outlined by Ops?"

Sybil Tan has posed:
    Sybil has already been looking over the satellite photos of the area, so has a decent idea of the lay of the land. "I'll be one of the people distracting a number of those troopers, I think. Have we got anyone looking for computer records? I doubt they store much on the transports themselves. We need intel as badly as we need a stolen plane."

    Looking over to Steel, she answers, "It would be better if they did not have two prototypes to recover after we leave. Flatten them, and then if HYDRA wants to try again they have to start from scratch."

That said, her helmet wraps around her head so she can check the displays and diagnostics.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Dressed in standard SHIELD issue attire, meaning black tactical gear with the customary ICER on her hip, Jemma Simmons might seem out of place for those that are only casually aware of her. After all, why would there be a research scientist on a mission like this? It isn't like there is going to be a need for much research for this one.

However, for those that do know Jemma, there is more to her than just the science angle. She does hold the rank of senior agent for a reason. Her tablet is out, as she analyzes the data of the mission...namely the location and known info of the aircraft. She might not be engineering like her counterpart, but she has picked up more than her fair share of knowledge from Fitz. The tablet is slid into a tactical backpack, the only extra piece of equipment that is uniquely Jemma. What else is inside remains a mystery, for now.

T'Challa has posed:
T'challa was with Shield this time, as he wanted to look at the ship that they had captured from the Dark Elves, and had heard there were some people moving out, and Hydra which made him put down what he was doing to go help. Well help, and gain information as there were some targets his Hellfire Club were looking for, and it could get him closer, and do a good thing both at the same time. Of course he wouldn't bend his morals taking them in, and as they were human that also generally ment alive.

Dark Elves were strong, and fast as those Asguardians he had to do what he had to do with them, but even in these conditions humans were not the same. Let shield work out the details of containment as he listens to the briefing already in his Black Panther suit.

With a grin T'Challa looks at Natasha, "Always strange to be happy about returning to capturing Hyrdra. Good to see you have returned." the black panthers form dissapears as he connects to the com to let the others that can see that know his position. "Capure it.. I always knew Russians were crazy... But I like it." nodding to her though rethinking about how no-one could actually see him nodding. "I will be your shadow.. When needed I will strike. Untill then just assume I am close."

He has no questions, as he could understand what she was asking for so would just quietly wait for the others to exit, as it would give him time to listen to others questions.

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake is NOT riding in the cockpit this time, but is in the back with the ground team. Blackhawk Squadron did quite a few commando raids in addition to their air combat duties, and Zinda is well-equipped for both. She's wearing a black combat flight suit along with her jacket and cap. Her double-automatic holster rig, extra clips, and a combat shotgun with a bandolier of ammo is slung over her shoulder.

Somebody's got to fly the Hydra transport out once they capture it, after all.

Right now she's listening to the quiet banter, and can't help but look over at Sara in the bikini armor. "Ain't you gonna get cold down there, sis? I can loan you my jacket if y'all want."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The briefing officer grins over at Natasha Irons, "There's a lot of rockets and a lot of jet fuel around. I'm sure that you can make do. We only need one of them intact and there's no need to leave Hydra with anything else that they might use to be a threat elsewhere." Explosives are go. And there's going to be so much to go around.
    The briefing officer glances to Jane, "That's the idea, Doctor. Make a lot of noise to cover the ground team. We're all the way out here and tehre's nothing around, so don't worry on collateral damage." A quick nod is given to those of the 'make noise' group. "They can still shoot us down when we're running so make as much of a ruckus as possible. This is a run and gun, we don't expect to be able to hold the area so leave them nothing they can take back." Collateral damage is encouraged.
    Stealing a transport the size of a passenger jet that can fly at Mach 3 and land in a hundred and fifty meters with enough rocket boosters on it to qualify as an ICBM. Even some of the engineers might want to know how the damned thing actually -worked-.
    The Quinjet rockets along, accelerating to just underneath supersonic now as it's barely two meters off the ground. They're rapidly coming upon a large cold war airfield's that sprung back to life! Two attack choppers are landing near a large hangar, one of the heavy assault landers is taxiing to the runway as technicians are loading JATOs over it and adding extra bits of armor plating and heat shielding along the front. A full platoon of Hydra troopers are spread around it ? they're going to be the ones inside it when it goes to do a test landing!
    More technicians are in the Hangar where one of the jets is being refueled, the third going in towards the hangar after a landing.. The area is ringed with AA guns and small radar batteries which haven't picked up the team yet.
    Emphasis on the 'yet' as the Quinjet's pilot makes just a little too much of a mistake in flying so low, and the blast of air knocks over one of the emplacements! And that's enough to have everyone yelling along the ground as the pilot yelps! "That was intentional! Get out! Get out!" Even as he goest o hit the emergency ramp release to let the team go run!

Natasha Irons has posed:
As the quinnjet shakes from the AA-Gun, Steel disengages the safety harness and then heads back to the down ramp. She then jumps out and then engages her flight system, rocket boots stopping her decent and then with a slight burn from the maneuvering jets she is at the proper angle to rocket along the ground at top speed, soon out pacing the jet. <<Targeting Anti Air Gun on the right.>> She fixes her targeting HUD on the gun and starts to dip down as she watches the gun get closer, the targeting reticle reading red as she approaches. Just enough time to go through her list of songs, no not that one, that one. She puts on some good old fashion Heavy Metal, Ace High for this one just in time for her targeting hud to give her the ok sign. She stops disengages her clamps on her hammer and flies into her hand. While it may not be mjolnier it sure can hit. She brings to spin around and then at the apex of the spin releases the hammer and send it spinning towards the AA gun. The hammer begins to speed up until it has picked up enough speed and momentum that when it collides with the gun it rips it and the building around it. She raises her hand up and hits the return command and the hammer stops and then flies back into her hand before she starts to taget off again. << HEading towards main target.>>

James Barnes has posed:
The Winter Soldier is already on his feet and grabbing one of the suicide bars near the back of the Quinjet, ready to leap out. He rolls his eyes when the pilot claims 'that was intentional' (sure it was, henry, sure it was) and then he just lets the bar go and sprints along the back of the hangar, leaping out and hitting the ground on his feet, dropping low for a tuck and roll.

He's already shooting before he's even off his back, the plasma rifle ripping over the ground and calcinating it before burning one Hydra Agents' foot right off. Up on his feet, he shakes off the rough landing and starts to move forward.

"Following by ground; cleaning up as I go."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara offers Jane a nod, she'd salute if she thought it appropriate what with Ms. Foster being her superior in WAND and all. "I've got your back Commander," she reploes before looking back to the holograms images and listens to the others speaking.

There were a few new faces here, people she hadn't worked with in the past, and Blake was one of them. This meant that the woman had no idea about Withblade and that her concern was completely justified, and a little touching.

"The temperatures won't effect me," she offers with a smile. "Witchblade takes care to keep me warm, but thank you for your offer."

As the 'bail out' order comes, Sara takes a few steps back. She will be the last person out to ensure that everyone else can take the jump safely, and those who might need a ride down aren't left behind. Once Steel and Bucky are out, metal tendrils run the length of her back to form a base structure for the wings to attach and appear from. Seconds is all it takes.

"I can take two with me if needed," she announces, glancing to Jane for a moment. "I'll leap last."

Jane Foster has posed:
"Noise it is." Jane unstraps herself from the safety harness intended by the FAA to keep SHIELD compliant with whatever post-Space Age hypertech harms the casual agent might encounter. Everything about her reads as a civilian, hiking boots and pants, the unlabeled black coat, nothing there to scream 'spy.' More to the point, though, she picks up the hammer of a dear friend from its confines and carefully loops the strap around her wrist. Raised Aesir knotwork stands out against the steely finish of the uru, cutting triple points. "Time to go make friends and start the rave. Remind me, Agent Simmons, to notify everyone about the SpongeBob rave happening somewhere in Brooklyn next week. Excellent, Agent Pezzini. Let's hit them hot."

The fact a Nobel wonk in astrophysics knows anything about SpongeBob raves is potentially upsetting. Perhaps more upsetting for the DEW Line-era airstrip ahead shall be a small spot that defies their scanners, whatever they have. She steps to the back of the Quinjet and leaps out, sans any sort of proper protections like a line or a Captain America shield or a parachute. Apparently suicidal, this one, a reason to frighten HYDRA? No - it's for the sudden increase in electromagnetism to be detected in approximately two seconds.

Skies already prone to a grim pallor thicken as the clouds descend from their current level, stealing moisture from the lakes, driven into ashen barques that clog the rumpled, turbulent sky like partygoers in the Venetian Carnevale. As Jane drops, one of the forking white-hot lines of plasma generated within those gathering thunderheads streaks after her, plying a jagged route that booms within the great fluffy masses. One of the bolts shrieks down in a halo of blue-white luminescence, plasma striking mortal flesh, and then the Game Is Afoot.

Deafening booms forge a salvo of thunder, grumbling in louder refrain off the airfield's northern side, accompanying the skull-rattling CRACK of something hitting supersonic speeds and diverting in a drunken beeline that strafes the approach from Ungava Bay and the Arctic Ocean. Possibly by direction alone, it's enough to shout 'circumpolar Russian missile'. Of course, the sheet of lightning building in the clouds probably says otherwise for anyone around since 1941.

Sybil Tan has posed:
    Sybil is up at the first 'Get out', running for the open ramp as her wing force fields flare to life. Leaping out the back, the thrusters kick in and she rockets away from the Quinjet, taking in the scene. Troopers are bad.. Attack helicopters are worse. She spins in midair, changing her direction as the energy cannon assembles itself from her left gauntlet.

    Speeding across the airfield too low for AA to hit her, she takes aim at the hub that holds the blades to the rotor. She activates the cannon, and a dimensional portal opens up right where she aimed. Since helicopters don't fly after their blades spin off in four different directions, the hull drops to the ground. The rotors are not so obliging, scything through an AA emplacement and a couple troopers.

    Since she's on distraction duty, she turns and makes another high speed pass over the airfield, firing her blaster in energy mode, not hitting much but making a series of small explosions chain across the runway just so none of the troopers miss the fact that they're under attack.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
The rattling of the Quinjet is certainly not expected...but Jemma deals with it anyways. She has just enough time to pull out the eye protection from her pack before the ramp door drops and she is expected to exit in a hurry. Which, she manages to with some modicum of grace. Which really means that Jemma manages to not fall flat on her rear as she times the jump out of the back. Oh, there was a stumble...but she didn't faceplant. And that is a win, in her book.

It is only once Jemma makes it out that she reaches up to tap the left side of her glasses, activating the true reason for her donning them. The HUD display that pops up in her field of vision gives thermal readings of all of the hostiles, to which Jemma notes that there seems to be quite a lot of. Oh, that is going to be a problem. A hand reaches down for the ICER on the hip, while that mind of Jemma's shifts into overdrive, determining the best course of action.

And that course of action? The British tones cut through on the comms. << Heading for the target. That's the primary objective. Once there, a proper distraction should be relatively easy.>>

A proper distraction? Sounds like Simmons might have something in mind. As for the Spongebob rave? No mention of that from Jemma....for the moment.

T'Challa has posed:
After learning T'Challa smiles, and nods.. realising again how much he did despite if someone could see him or not, he would quietly step off the back making very little noise as he landed the charge filling his suit. Moving so the others would not be falling on him, as he moved back to watch who went in, and who distracted. He took a longer view of the setup, and knew where they had to go so worried more about keeping an eye on the general reaction of the Hydra troops for now.

As T'Challa moved the people who he took down would not be flashy, a person her grabs their side, or arm, as a throwing knife hits them, and then the voltage discharges. T'Challa isn't going for the guys he knew would be running up to shoot at them, he figured that those leaving the plane could take care of themselves. No T'Challa was going for those in the high positions with eyes on the hanger entrance, and even one 'missed' shot hitting the camera nearby shocking it out as well as he trys to make a path for whoever wished to head towards the hanger quietly taking down as many people as he could to take their eyes off the entrance itself.

T'Challa knew they would be looking for him soon, but his stealth is rather good when no-one knows to look though he hopes it holds at least till they could get someone inside.

At first T'Challa hopes someone isn't on distraction duty, as he realises they brough quite a few distractions, but grins to himself as he sees Jemma move on target. He wouldn't come out of stealth just following them to cover incase any Hydra officers decide to shoot at Jemma other then the large distraction that was heading their way.

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake isn't fazed by the AA fire or the buffeting around of the Quinjet. She does yell towards the cockpit, however. "Intentional? Intentional, my Aunt Fannie!" Stomping towards the drop ramp, she looks down at the ground whizzing by so fast, then Sara makes the offer. "Considering the speed, I won't say 'no' to a less hazardous way down." Stepping up close, she admires the Witchblade wings. "That's a pretty nifty trick." Unshouldering the shotgun, she braces and nods to Sara. "Ready when you are. Just get me to that transport, an' I'll see we get home."

Richard Stadler has posed:
Stadler had been in the back of the Quinjet, and feeling out of place. Again. To the point where he had to wonder why he was getting into these situations. Oh, certainly, he'd only been to Canada a few times, mostly up past Niagra Falls for a weekend or driving into Montreal for a little bit of the culture, but it waasn't like he was hankering to see the interior up close. The money? Maybe, but this was... what, a couple days at most back at full pay? He'd probably have to spend whatever he made for an accountant to figure out how the taxes would work. It couldn't be duty; sure, there was all that talk about 'retired' meant you never really left but, Rick knew enough people to fill out the correct forms to get out of it (There were never enough teachers, after all.

Maybe he just wanted to see the inside of a Quinjet for once. Or shoot Nazis. The really uncomfortable thought was just that he needed to shoot someone, which he really couldn't discount. But it was something to occupy the back of his thoughts as he listened to the briefing with half an ear, and moved to pull the M50 over his face, clearing the mask quickly with the palm of his hand on the filter. Objective was prototype transports, then. JATO capable, Mach 3? Probably tear someone up inside, but the last thing he wanted to think about was the options that gave an organization like this. But operations shouldn't be... outlandish. This wasn't his first time in Canada, and it wasn't his first time assault an airbase, either.

The sort of people around were certainly worth the price of admission. He could at least connect with a few of them, too; For every woman with... what looked to be some sort of biomechanical system providing defense and weapons (God, it was hard not asking awkward questions about that) and robotic suits and arms, there were civilian clothing and assault shotguns. It made him feel like he could make something of a difference in MOLLE gear and a Mark 17, the latter of which he made sure to check a 7.62 millimeter round had cycled properly into the chamber from the 20 round magazine. No UMP40 this time around; being quiet wasn't something they'd need here. Being lethal, however...

"I'm sorry, Spongebob... Are the kids doing that now?" He asks Jane, voice tiny throuygh the mask's vocalizer. "I have hard enough keeping up with the slang, and no one's explained to my satisfaction what 'no cap' means-" He starts before there's a sudden shudder, and the ramp starts to shudder down at the urgent sounding request of the briefing officer. "This doesn't happen on a Blackhawk!" He grumbles, before moving quickly towards the ramp, and off as fast as he could. Switching the comm unit in his gear to the agreed upon frequency. <<Assuming we're going for the one on the runway as the easiest steal? Or do we want to flatten it?>>

There's a lift of the rifle, and a quick 'thunk' of a 40 millimeter grenade from the underslung launcher. At this distance, he had to arc it balistically to hopefully catch a group of the waiting HYDRA soldiers with sharpnal, but the more that were confused, the better. They had shock. Shock was helpful. And shock was very, very fleeting.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
And they're off! The Quinjet roughly flips as the pilot barely keeps it upright, having -not- gone on for such a clean landing. They'll be put in the simulators for awhile. It's stable enough to let everyone get off wihtout being bounced around inside!
    BOOM as the AA gun goes to detonate as Steel goes to land and smash, taking out the one nearest to the team to give them some cover! Air Raid sirens blare out as Hydra troopers are scrambling for defensive positions! The technicians and engineers are rapidly going to rush around to get to the cover of the hangar while the Hydra platoon about to board the assault transport are rushing towards the explosions to give some cover fire! Their attacks are well out of range and so at most serve as suppressive fire.
    Bucky's shots go clean, even as he efficiently neutralizes the crew of the AA gun before they can do anything else, them falling down roughly and dropped hard. Bucky goes forwards, methodically clearing out anyone and anything in the way.
    Sara goes for a transformation sequence a bit creepier than you normally see with a magical girl, even as the Quinjet rocks once more, making those that haven't gotten out of it yet tumble just a little bit as the pilot goes to rapidly try and reassert control of the jet as tracer bullets fly through the air!
    And then Jane goes. Thunder. Thunder. THUNDER! THUNDER-JANES HOOOOO! Energy warps and waves, energy strikes, and Cob.. We mean Hydra troopers are sent flying! Bullets and lasers criss-cross through the air, a dozen troopers unloading everything they have on Jane with full auto as a pair of troopers are rapidly towing and setting up a five inch gun to aim it at her and going to feed it a full belt of flak ammo.
    Sybil goes to run across the field, leaping with grace and ease as every technician that's running for cover goes to scatter! More of them go to open fire at her ? but their weapons are somewhat smaller bore and strange. Streaks of plasma, psionic bolts, electric charge, and at least one sonic lance blast through where she -was-. Everyone's attentio is on her and she's got the huge jet on the runway stopped!
    The way is entirely clear for Jemma to make her way twoards the target, no one the wiser in the midst of all the chaos and explosions. Someone clearly has a plan. And with all the sheer firepower being thrown around, it is no doubt going to be even meaner as she darts along the ground with no one the wiser.
    Along with Jemma, the Black Panther is amongst the unseen as the heavy hangar doors protecting some of the planes are closing. Which would be very difficult to break through in any point, and give a heavy stronghold that the Hydra tropos could hunker down in and just wait for reinforcements to break the seige! The two heavy attack helicopters are going to warm up, blades thrumming qiuckly as they would ready to be up in the air in a manner of seconds! Rocket pods along them that could decimate anything if brought to bear.
    Zinda rides on the pointy-ended Metal Bikini express. Make sure to watch where your soft bits are and that you stay comfortably. Tip your flight attendant and give her a smooch!
    Rickard is the last out of the tumbling Quinjet, right before the hover engine on the back of it shorts out from the pilot unable to remember not to do horizontal loop de loops. They're not going to go anywhere on that thing on their way out!
    Fire blasts from all over as Hydra troopers scramble and shout from every direction, air raid sirens blaring and things on the alert!

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp had found a place to catch a few Zs while he was at Shield's HQ, no one ever takes these things anywhere right? So in one of the cabinets, where he had stashed some booze the last time he was here was where Chimp was when people had came in and someone had put something heavy in front of the door to the cabinet. He could hear what was going on, but figured it might be just best to let himself be none. As the action started he figured he might stay here and just ride back and let know one know he was here, but then the rolling and rocking and out from the end of the plane right before Richard is a furry, jacketed detective. He Grabs his hat so it does not fly off, and is looking for a tree or some other suitable hand grip to slow himself down and not go splat on the ground. His booze, does go splat though luckily was not much left in that bottle.

Natasha Irons has posed:
<<A Spongebob Rave? I'll have to give that a hard pass, beside I got a raid with my guild in FFXIV afer this, I just hope this doesn't make me too late.>> Steel soars over head and then targets a cluster of Hydra soldier and then jets down and slams her fist in the ground causing a shockwave and the tarmac to crack in a spider web pattern. As the soldiers go cartwheeling through the air she rises up and then hurls her hammer at a near one causing them to go flying backwards as the hammer boomerangs back in time for her catch it in time to bring around to smash a hydra soldier across the jaw and towards the ground. She manages to jump out of the way of the assault rifle gunfire that sweeps where she stood.

Her censors begin to bark about the atmospheric disturbance in above, namely the pre natural thunder storm that rolled in. <<I'm reading a freak storm incoming? That one of you guys. Also on your left soldier.>> She brings up her arm and her wrist blaster pops up and with a beam hits a soldier aimming at Winter Soldier before she comes out of cover and then start return fire with the wrist blaster at the ones firing at her cover."

James Barnes has posed:
The Winter Soldier is methodical. He moves with precision and unmitigated accuracy. Hydra agents come out of the woodwork to try to stop some of his teammates from doing what they're here to do, but Bucky's got them in his sights. He blasts one, two, three of them with the plasma rifle and then pulls out his pistol, double-tapping one who he only caught the shoulder of.


Most heroes don't kill; and frankly, when Bucky's out doing the 'hero' thing with the Avengers, he tries to avoid it. But this is Hydra.

Fuck Hydra.

He gives Steel a quick nod of appreciation, then moves on.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Yes indeed the way that Witchblade creates the armor and weapons can be considered creepy, tiny tendrils of living metal forming together to make the bits and pieces. At this point for Sara, it was all part of the job.

Now for the truly creepy part. Stepping over to Zinda, Sara wraps one arm around her before leaping out of the Quinjet. In that same moment, those tendrils of metal wrap around the passenger to hold her steady and ensure that even if Sara needs to use her arms for something, Zinda will not get dropped.

When it comes to the flight of Witchblade the wings really are just decoration, they don't need to flap or move at all, but when the two leave the Quinjet they spread wide all the same. Sara gets the lay of the land below, looking intently for the location of the transport, and then b-lines toward it. Witchblade does not like it when she tries to carry ranged weapons, so this combat will be melee... once Zinda is safely delivered to her requested location.

<<"I didn't know sponges could rave," she offers to the conversation taking place on the comms. "I might need to go see that.">>

Jane Foster has posed:
Far be it from Jane to drop onto an active airfield without cover under normal circumstances. Usually she tends to run behind the snipers -- see also, Bucky -- or ghost along with the rest of the science team, taking cover as offered by combat-worthy agents, a la Witchblade or Ms. Irons in her resplendent suit. Then again, is the blonde woman of remarkably tall proportions wreathed in Aesir armour Jane? The diction and accent register as pure Asgardian, not dissimilar to Sif. <<The storm brings the necessary distraction and inhibits their immediate departure. Wind shear and severe vertical turbulence would harm even one of the space-faring rockets on the Cape of Canaveral.>> Lifted in all its precision, the sharp edges and elegant oration practically deserve a different font-face to the ear.

She revolves midair, careless of the small arms fire as it essentially pings off of her armour or fails to leave much of a mark. The five-inch guns feeding a belt are another issue, and her sharp gaze turns in that direction. Red cape snapping, she vaults airborne with the hammer clenched in her fist, streaking upward. Guns crack and lasers might well try to trace her path, but she whips Mjolnir in a devastating circle around her to act as the secondary shield while gathering her hands.

Ball lightning gathers in a wild arrangement, small crackling sparks blooming into larger, less friendly-looking additions. <<Witchblade, confirm when you and Agent Blake have reached your destination?>>

With a casual flick of her wrist, she sends the ball lightning at the offending big gun, or rather, the people at the big gun. Electrocution generally isn't immediately fatal. And if it is?

HYDRA hurt her friends.

Sybil Tan has posed:
    The large 'flight feathers' (plasma thrusters, actually) on Kestrel's wings flare brightly as she executes a hard turn and jets across the airfield again. Given the numerous weapon types apparently being used, she's a touch more cautious this time since they're not all guns she can just ignore.

    Coming up on a larger group of HYDRA soldiers firing from behind a barricade of crates, she fires her cannon, forming a round portal in front of herself that she flies into. An identical portal appears about a hundred feet behind the troopers and she rockets out of it, firing the cannon in concussion mode into the group of soldiers who have no idea that she's now behind them. They fly in numerous directions as the blast hits, most of them unconscious as they hit the ground.

    Kestrel spins in midair, her wings wrapping around her to harmlessly dissipate a couple energy blasts aimed at her, then spread wide as she turns to see which transport is the one they are stealing. Marking where Sara is headed with her passenger, Kestrel makes a quick circle to see where the second attack chopper has ended up. A missile whizzing by both answers that question and provides a solution. She fires ahead of the missile, opening a portal that has it's other end five feet or so behind the helicopter that fired it. There's a suitably impressive explosion and bits of attack copter rain down onto the airfield.

    Kestrel? She's off in yet another direction, dodging as she soars above the airfield raining down energy blasts.

T'Challa has posed:
T'challa sees he made the way clear, and is about to head in to do that all the way he hears the large door closing. With a sigh he looks around breaking his silence <Get it ready.. I will get the door.> stoping what he is doing he breaks off to the side other then continue forward. He needed to find that device, and stop it as he starts heading to a panel that looks like one of them hitting it with a bead. The bead attaches itself, and starts to break into their security, as he grabs one of the men trying to close it up and slaming him into the wall then to the ground with his free hand.

This is just too much as his cloak falls around him as he rises again and looks at the surprised Hydra agents. He had to guard this point now as if anyone shot the item he put on there by luck or by aim it would stop the hacking attempt. and the door would close. T'Challa trusted his tech though if it got in then there would be no closing that door again, and would just be easier to make a new one then fix it. That took time, and so that ment the Black Panther will stand infront of it a throwing knife in each hand. He was just looking for a target, and whoever looked like they going to target he would taze him down, and whoever was foolish to get close to him he could take out... by hand.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Amidst all the chaos, what with ball lightning being thrown and biomechanical individuals laying waste to targets at whim, Jemma Simmons remains steadfast as she attempts to pursue the mission objective. And...that objective is currently taxiing out towards the airstrip, in an attempt to take off.

"Well, that is going to make things difficult..."

The self commentary would almost be funny, should anyone else actually heard it when Jemma uttered it. As it is, she is seemingly (at least to her) alone in the middle of the battle. The scientist runs a quick assessment of the situation. Giant airplane, about to take off. Jemma herself on foot. What is the best way to try to stop this thing from taking off? Apparently, the best way involves Jemma sprinting after the aircraft, for she does so, the ICER drawn in her right hand. A shot from it and a trooper falls to the ground, dropped by the dendrotoxin bullet. Yet, there are so many more in the way...and Jemma needs to get through.

What to do, what to do?

In a fluid motion, the ICER is holstered, while the left hand reaches behind her to fetch another weapon from the pack upon her shoulders. White ceramic betrays the fact that this is certainly a different time of icer...more of the cryogenic type. Even while the left pulls out the cryo gun, the right seems to make a throwing motion, fingers splayed out, towards a group of troopers converging. If one was watching, it seemed almost like a mist emerges, propelled towards what seems to be a quartet of Hydra goons...who start dropping like the individual Jemma put to sleep before.

Some sort of gas attack? Maybe. It offers just enough of a breather for Jemma to train her cryogenic weapon towards the wheels of the airplane. It seems her plan is to slow it down by freezing the wheels...

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake oofs as Sara pulls her in close, looking around wide-eyed as the tendrils wrap around her. "Well ain't that somethin'..." she offers. Then they're off! Airborne, she points towards the HYDRA transport and speaks into her comm. <<I'd really appreciate it if y'all could help with that Division of HYDRA troops between me an' that transport on the runway. Be even more appreciative if y'all could see clear NOT to blow it up, not even by accident.>>

She points down to a clear area that, unfortunately, is still on the wrong side of the HYDRA Division. <<Do me those couple lil' ol' favors, an' I'll make homemade biscuits for the Team when we get back. An' who the heck is this Sponge Bob fella', anyway?>> Sara sets her down and Zinda -does- give her a quick kiss on the cheek, already jacking the first round into the chamber as she starts towards the HYDRA troops. "Thanks, honey!" she yells to Sara.

Richard Stadler has posed:
It was never a good sign when your way out had to be this close to enemy fire.. and then sputtered and died right next to them. If that pilot was alive, he had to see if the man had any relation to Cortez; perhaps this was all about burning the boats to force them to move forward with zeal. His inner monologue was tinged with sarcasm, and it would be incredibly awkward if their pilot was hanging forward in his harness, eyes open with a length of jagged plexiglass shoved through his chest. Well. Not enough time to think about that right now. Time was of the essence here, and it did seem that the collection of forces moving aganist the base weren't the type to trudge a couple of miles from an LZ on foot, any way.

That limit on time is one of the reasons why, when he sees what looks like a primate of some sort (Chimpanzee?) come out of one of the cabients at a tumble and move to scurry up a tree, he just keeps going. Mental note for later- well. <<Quick check; did anyone have a monkey on this operation?>> He notes on comms, a quick jog toward the point coming to a stop as he drops himself prone on the grass. <<I don't remember one at the mission brief, but I swear one scurried out from storage.>> One of those gunships was dealt with, and... to be honest, the other didn't exactly seem like it would be able to do more than annoy the flyers and nordic goddesses and biomechanical suited individuals (honestly, it seemed to change and warp; was there a nuerotransmitter connection to it? Or something with the central nervous system?).

But, with his look, thhe one on the tarmac spinning up would cycle for him once it got off the ground, which is while he had only a little time. He'd started this operation loaded with black tip, which was good, because he didn't have the half second it would take to change ammunition. A couple of hundred meters, but certainly less than 500, and it was still... for the moment. It took under a second for him to hit the ground, sight the cockpit plexiglass in front of him through his optic, brace, and pull the trigger. Single shot, again, and again, as fast as he could reset, looking to shatter and kill the pilot first, before moving down to try to hit the CP/G.

There was still a lot of assault rifle rounds coming down range, but there was still confusion. and a lot of attacks on the main formation. Weather his own shots were effective or not, he didn't have time to wait. Ignoring his old bones complaining, standing up and huffing it toward the transport itself. Hopefully when they got there, they had a good pilot.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp will find his way into the tree line and then he uses his size and dark coloring to start making his way around to come at the Hydra agents from the rear. Nazi's always have things that melt their faces and other things they don't understand. Since he is here, and everyone else is busy it might be a good thing to sneak in and clean out anything he can carry with him. He hears the question on the com and pipes up Monkey's have tails, and get paid for killing specific people. I on the other hand am a Chimp, and get paid to be a consultant on the occult, and weird shit."

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Spongebob Rave shall rule. The SHIELD Agents have broken the outer perimeter as they've beaten up the outer defenses, taking out the AA gunsa nd now blasting towards the dozens of Hydra soldiers going to attack them! Steel's sensors pick up what is definitely Jane for those of them that have esen them before. The smash from Steel sending a squad flying away like pinballs, even as another trio try to desperately line her up with a heavy railgun AT round, trying to lock onto her with a hypersonic titanium AP round!
    Hydra are Nazis. The worst parts of humanity that a cult keeps alive. They deserve no mercy. There is no guilt to sleep on. Nothing to lie in bed at night to justify yourself over. The Winter Soldier casually goes through them, chopping them and shooting them like wheat to a scythe. The killbringer of the days of old bringing frozen death to the tundra.
    The Witchblade flies through the air. It makes her a rather tempting target for a trio of Hydra troopers that go to open fire at her from long range with heavy rifles! Firing out a mix of pulses of plasma and machine gun fire, streaking through the sky as they try to hit her with something, anything! One of them gets the bright idea to yank over a small flak gun, trying to line it up at her to lob some explosive shells if they can!
    Jane Foster calls the storms. She brings their rage. Striking it into her enemies. Bolts hit and there are screams. Explosives go off. Machine guns detonate. Fusion batteries flash and explode. What kills the weather does not make instead ends up exploding things nearby that cover for it. Nothing shot up into the air touches her. The vortex swallowing up everything around her. She is the bringer of death, reaper.
    Kestrel? She's dancing. Dancing and twisting and -prancing- as energy lances explode over her. To the troopers she's almost playing at it as one might swear there's a 'Boing' sound like a Mario game when someone hits a block and gets a coin as a pair of them go flying from the airdraft. As she does so, one trooper that seems to have somehow not been hit yet goes to hide behind two bodies, gibbering, "If they can't see me I'm invisible/I'm not here. I'm hidden so well they'll never find me. They can't see me I'm invisible." Perhaps there is or perhaps not something familiar about that particular individual!
    T'Challa is there now right in the midst of the deploying troops around the transport that they're after. They're caught by surprise right as he appears in their midst. Their weapons fire to no avail even if they do hit, the vibranium capable of handling far more than they could ever dish out. Weapons fire, shots glance, and some of them are even shooting their fellow agents from their own inaccuracy as howls of pain fill the air of the cluster!

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
    And Jemma is going forwards towards the taxiing transport. Unseen, unheard, and having to improvise with the most dangerous thing on the field of battle. SCIENCE. And with her ICER on.. Then everyone at the game goes to just start to drop. Are they asleep? Are they stunned? Have their hearts stopped beating? The plane slows as it goes forwards, inching along as it seems to almost go to a crawl now from it'x taxi. Jemma's plan is working.
    Zinda gives Sara a kiss on the cheek (fro luck) as it's time to go and get that fat baby! There's the crew inside, the scattered technicians and disoriented troopers around it.. And even when she gets onboard she has to fire out how to fly it, how to launch it, and then how to get eveyrone onboard! It's what she has thrills with.
    Rickard will hae to get used to the eclectic types that SHIELD works with. SHIELD lets in anyone who does their job well and works reasonably well. That means the smartest chimp and best detective on the planet. His shot goes through the windshield of the copter that's going to rise up.. One shotting the pilot even as it instantly crashes down, and the rocket pods, armed for launch, detonate and take out the other copter that had been spinning up! And Chimp will quickly be educating anyone on to the things that he does and why he should or should not be here!

Natasha Irons has posed:
Steel's HUD is lightning up and highlight targets as it picked them up. It then flashes a warning about the troop lining up the shot with her and she responds to the threat quickly. With a quick pivot on her heel she brings her hammer around and sends it hurling through the air towards the railgun barrel, the hammer impacting just as it is about to charge up and then causing the thing to detonate and send the troopers pinwheeling backwards. <<Coming!>> She said in response to the target starting to taxi. She starts to run then her boots and thrusters ignite and she takes off and soars over and lands on top of the hydra craft. She scans the vessel and then runs over to one of the access panels and then opens it. Some cabls and wires come out and interface as she does her best to slow it down. Still there is only one right solution. <<Spongebob Rave. Alright.>> As she works quickly she attempts to over ride the flight controls and computers of the hydra craft and if this works. All the screens will suddenly pop up and beign sinnging the opening to Spongeboy square pants on a loop. If the manages that however.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
In the air, being shot at, it becomes clear in that moment just how unimportant the wings really are for flight. They spread wider, or perhaps actually grow in size to block the incoming ammo. The heavier artillery, now that was something that would need to be dealt with head on.

She dodges the first shell, hoping it doesn't go off and explode on someone else on team as she says to Zinda alone, "Remind me to tell you all about Witchblade some time," accepts the kiss on the cheek with a grin and then she's gone.

Back into the air she makes a b-line toward the the flak gun. As she moves, the living metal tendrils form more armor around her body as the next shell comes her way. This one she takes, just let's it slam right into her chest and explode with fire everywhere... and then she's on top of the men who fired on her, a sword in each hand, and shouting out a greeting of, "Surprise!" at them as she starts to hack and slash.

Jane Foster has posed:
<<I verily sanction attendance at the SpongeBob rave for all interested parties. A worthy place to celebrate after this endeavour.>> Jane's voice might be harder to capture through the distortion field. She throws her hands upward into the sky, swinging Mjolnir in increasingly rapid circles until the uru hammer sends the thunderclouds into a churning mass. The build-up should be warning enough for anyone staring there, and her armour will take not a few hits from anyone and anything trained in her direction. Some might even break through, leaving slashes and cuts through her tunic, exposing hints of bare flesh and blood that gleams bright as mulberries on snow.

The air thickens as the atmosphere collectively holds its breath. What she does is not near the mastery that Thor would have, but it will work for plunging straight into battle.

Lightning comes with Mjolnir. Mjolnir leads her into the thick of HYDRA amassed on the northern flank. Ozone trailing behind her, she rides the storm, hammer-first, to make some fireworks in echo of Witchblade's unheard opinions and Sara's more audible greetings to the Nazis.

Sybil Tan has posed:
    Kestrel turns and heads over to one of the prototypes that they aren't stealing. With a swoop past she rakes the adamantium talons on one foot across the connection between rockets and transport, the rockets breaking off and falling to the ground. That one won't be going anywhere soon, which made it an easy target for one of her teammates to wreck before they leave. The other has a deceased pilot, so is just idling near the runway at the moment. And the third is being actively being hijacked by Zinda, so that part of the plan is working so far.

    As she flies around the area snapping off shots anywhere she sees soldiers grouping up, she takes the time to hammer a full power cannon blast into one of the transports they are not stealing. Most of these are absorbed by the heavy armor, and then it comes to her. If she wasn't armored up, she'd bap herself in the forehead with a "Duh."

    Turning back to one of the disabled transports, she dials up the yield on her cannon and starts firing... At the JATO engines full of rocket fuel.

T'Challa has posed:
T'challa is a blur of motion as there were tons of people around him, and each could shoot the plane so with a few kicks and punches he is taking them down left, and right as bullets ping off his suit sometimes even hitting allies. He looses sight of the craft in the background as there are just too many people, but as he pushes one back his head in the hands of T'challa and the body following as he pushes the man back kicking another one off him backwards.

He thinks to himself, any time now... as he is hoping the plane can get moving as he tosses the man he was holding aside letting the now unconcious man slide on the floor away.

As Jemma is getting the plane, and it is starting to pass him T'Challa moves up and grabs the wing with a hand jumping up so he can so as it leaves the hanger he is with it. So as the other prototypes jet fuel gets ignited thankfully everyone is out before it goes boom though the Black Panther suit, and the paint on the plane he is holding onto might look a bit seared. ((Keep going... Up!)) T'challa says into the radio to Jemma as he hoped he wouldn't unbalance it too much for lift off as he was using his claws to climb to the door of the thing to enter it.

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake sees the disoriented HYDRA troops around the idling transport. With so much going on around them, lightning and winged people and swords and hammers, she makes a dash for the transport. She fires the shotgun on the way <BOOM> <BOOM-BOOM> and then she is running up the loading ramp. Flashes are visible through the cockpit glass as shots are fired inside, then all goes quiet. <<Alright, y'all, I'm in.>> Zinda says over the comms.

From the outside, the transports lights flicker on and off, the wipers swish, and then the engines start to whine as they spin up to speed. <<Anybody who ain't got wings needs to be gettin' on board this big, ugly schoolbus.>> "Probably flies a lot like a schoolbus, too." she mutters, flipping switches as she figures out what is what. There are a few bodies in the back, HYDRA soldiers who were in the way. Most are dead but a couple may not be completely out.

The pilot goes quiet for a moment, although the plane continues to power up in preparation for taxi and takeoff. <<Um, can anybody tell me why this cute lil' yellow fella an' the pink starfish is dancin' across my nav displays? Not that I'm complainin', but this really don't seem like evil-like HYDRA tech.>>

Richard Stadler has posed:
Okay, the primate could talk. There was simply not enough mental energy Richard had left to be shocked or amazed at that right now. But there was enough to just /kick/ himself mentally. Of course! How the hell did he call a hominoid a goddamn catarrhini? <<Sorry. Really, didn't mean to misname. It's busy. Please tell me we aren't dealing with the mystical Nazis here, then. Though I would really prefer it if you could kill a few of them as well.>> He really need to have something to fight magic there. He ended up dealing with far too much of it these days, and about all he knew was silver and... iron, wasn't it? Most rounds he used didn't have an iron core these days. Hell, that was just older Soviet stuff. He'd have to ask his quartermaster, and honestly, thinking of this was probably a lot better than thiking of the foot ball field of open ground he still had to go toward that transport on the tarmac.

It was a bit of a slog. Run, walk, engage, run, walk, engaage. There was so much going on, at leasat, and there were simply so many other targets for them to shoot at, that they didn't seem to care too much about the poor bloody infantry making his way slowly forward.

<<I'm close.>> He indicates toward the... pilot? Right. <<Keep that ramp down, if you can.>> It was a bit longer, but he was able to make it there, charging up the ramp of the transport itself.

It's a brief moment for him to keep his rifle up, moving toward the front of the plane. If there's any HYDRA that missed Jemma's ICERs or Zinda's shalls, there was a burst of fire if they made the mistake of trying to get up. "Friendly coming up!" He yelled to the cockpit, before moving to peek his head inside.

And looking at the.. cartoon being displayed. And then at the pilot. "I'll just... secure the cabin."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp makes his way into a building and into one of the windows of the cargo bay on the back area. He makes his way inside finding supplies, and while he is looking for something fun, he finds serious putty instead of silly putty. He will keep his head low, and uses the distraction to start planting C-4 around the other explosives. As one of the technicians gets close to him, he will drop down on him from the ceiling. One hand over the man's mouth to keep him silent, and he jerks the man;s head hard around. A trained human can break a neck pretty well, a trained Chimp can almost rip a head off one to take him out quietly. Chimp does stuff the body under a shelving unit taking anything of use off him first. With a bit more explosives planted, he pockets a remote detonator and then finds one of the fork lifts that has a container on the front that is not labeled explosive and starts towards the way out and the plane. He calls over the com. "Don't shoot the forklift carrying the hostess pies." He even bad guys like hostess if the old comic books are to be believes.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
As Steel goes to show, Hydra IT is about on the same level as AIM. Namely it has more backdoors than a DC Brothel. It's all too easy to get in the audios of each of the unlaunched aircraft and screams are heard as the attack on Steel is deflected to a detonation. More disturbingly, however is the number of Hydra troopers singing along to it through the fighting, seeming to get more enthusiastic on it. So that's what part of their conditioning involves. They're securing an outer perimeter, and there's not a lot of heavy guns left. Just a ton of Hydra troopers. The hangar doors are nearly down, which will seal the technicians away from anything but a heavy attack.
    And there's the heavy flak gun shooting over at Witchblade. A five inch gun that fired shells with a blast radius of well over a hundred meters. They would hit her, detonate, and send shrapnel everywhere. If she had any clothes post-witchblade shredding they'd be all gone now. But instead ther'es just a causal power to stab walk and everything being skewered fully off as she sends them all -flying- and fumbling away with a skewer on top!
    Jane brings lightning. Lightning brings truth. Lightning burns all away. For those wretched Nazis that have no redeeming bits? It burns them away. Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. For those things of pure evil, there would merely be eternal suffering. All else burned away. Lightnign blasting each one that had no redeeming qualities beyond their obliteration. Karma going up for each one burnt.
    Kestrel launches around, going to catch sight of all those Rocket pads that were going to be used on the next plane that had gone into the hangar. This will result over in a -BOOM- that looks like a small mushroom cloud. EVERYONE is knocked off their feet likely that doesnt' have supernatural strength or balance. Brace yourself! But so is every Hydra trooper, even as the plane they're going to steal shakes a bit, buts tays steady and slow. Just the troopers inside now!
    T'Challa is the first to breach, jumping up and onto the slow moving, fat BUFF of a plane with jet pods strapped over it. Inside, the crew of it is looking dazed. There's at least seven onboard. Which is a surprising number for a jet this big even. Pilots, engineers, technicians.. But no one heavily armed. I they can secure the fat f*cker intact they can get away. And Zinda's going to be the one to fly it.
    Zinda leaping up and in results in punching, bodies flying.. Namely out! Between her and T'Challa they have the huge airbus with the ramp down and cockpit doors open and going through the preflight. An dthe cockpit has lots of buttons and indicators for rockets. Angles for the rockets, boosters for the rockets, shock absorbers for the rockets.. It was like someone had taken the launchers for the space shuttle, miniaturized them, and put them on a jet that somehow would not kill everyone from G-Forces.
TAnd the plane is taxiing. For the team not aboard it, time to get on it or get their own way out. And Spongebob shall rule all. The 'all aboard' cry goes out as a sign for folks to get on with it! The hangar is closed and isolated ? nothing's going to be launching from it, and the huge fire of the JATO boosters means that it'll be isolated until the fire can be put out, along with seemingly the rest of Hydra's personnel and weapons.
    Chimp has managed to rev in and get the Hostess Pies. That'sa ll that's needed to give him cover to get out and get to the plane! With more info, a forklift, and most importantly enough Oreos with him to make Martian Manhunter happy for the rest of his life as the group is ready to start to back out with the plane ready to launch!
    And all those beautiful, beautiful red buttons for Zinda.

Natasha Irons has posed:
Steel groans a little bit as she hears them singing along with the music. Wonderful. She stands up and engages her jets as she banks off and comes through the hole that was blown in the HYDRA craft and then goes to the cockpit. She turns off the spongebob show and then gets in the copilot seat and begins to strap in as she begins go through the check. << Controls seem easy enough.>> She says off handily before lowering the loading ramp for folks so they can board and get out without having to worry about navigating a giant hole. <<Alright folks put your seats and tray tables in your upright position.>>

Sara Pezzini has posed:
With the plane getting load up, Sara shifts her attention to taking out any gun that might be able to shoot it out of the sky. She can catch up with the plane later if need be, but HYDRA was always known for making that one last attempt with something that wasn't seen when the heroes first arrive. Witchblade wasn't going to allow that little surprise to have any kind of effect this time, he was ready to pounce what ever it might be hiding behind door number 3.

<<"I'll catch up," she states quickly as Witchblade goes into a dive toward the next part piece of artillery. The edges of the swords slash through steel and bones as easily as a heated knife through butter. "No sneak attacks this time, if you don't have a means of self travel, get to the plane now or let me know you need a ride.">>

Sybil Tan has posed:
    Kestrel is flung back a bit by the shockwave, but that should be about it for the transports and roughly half the base as well. Getting the word over comms she does not shoot the forklift, but rather clears a few troopers out of it's path. The adamantium talons do almost Wolverine-worthy damage to ballistic jackets and the soldiers wearing them.

    <<Same here, I'll make my way home, and can also take a passenger if needed.>>

    She zips around in the air, making sure none of the heavy weapons are still working so that the transport can take off without getting blown up. Between her portals and high speed flight, she can easily get home without riding in a rocket propelled HYDRA prototype.

T'Challa has posed:
Finally getting inside, T'Challa is glad someone is in the pilot chair, as he tosses the first Hydra agent out he looks at Zinda.. "No Ticket." and grins a bit as who said he didn't have a sense of humor? His joke time is interupted though as a Hydra engineer hits him against the side of his helmet with a 'Dink' and though it doesn't hurt the look the man gets shortly after is no lie, as that man soons follows the other out the open door, as T'Challa bends the wrench in his hand and tosses it out too.

Apperently this is enough as the rest who are not dazed or thrown out are jumping out any way possible as they are not really the combat guys, as their best idea to fight a vibranium suited king was a wrench proved. Checking once more Black Panther finds one stubben one trying to ignite the fuel by igniting thermite on the plane, a bit left over from a part, but is interupted as from behind a suited hand grabs his arm.

T'Challa whispers in his ear his mask lowering so he can talk to the man. "Do you know what happends to an engineer when he is stabbed in the back with a shock knife...." as he shocks the man holding onto his arm he finishes.. "The same thing that happends to everything else." and chuckles again as he tosses the man out with the rest now clearing the plane. "We are good Zinda... Lets get her out of here!" he adds as his mask still lowered so he can talk to her directly.

Happy there are no other traps, T'Challa sits down in the back and says up to the front. "I am going to catch a quick nap... wake me when we return to Shield."

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake looks over at her new copilot and flashes a grin. "Hey there! Keep the ramp down until everybody's on board who's gettin' on board...." Swinging the big transport slowly from the taxiway, she faces down the long runway. They were originally built for B-52's, and it looks like the transport is going to need a lot of that space. Upon hearing T'Challa, she makes a circling sign in the air with one finger, then pushes the throttles slowly forward.

<<Alright, y'all. Let's hope this thing flies better than it looks.>> Releasing the brakes, the transport starts lumbering down the runway, picking up speed. They will NOT be using the JATO's for takeoff, apparently.

About halfway down the runway, there's a light up ahead from another plane taking off. It looks more like a fighter, and it moves very, very fast. Going almost immediately vertical, shortly after it lifts off it simply... disappears.

<<Hey now! Anybody else see that?>> Zinda asks over comms. <<It ain't even on radar anymore.>> The transport has enough speed to lift off now, and in spite of its size it actually flies reasonably well. <<Okay, team, we are away. Repeat, we are away! Airborne and headin' home.>>

Richard Stadler has posed:
At least there were enough people here who could fly under their own power who could provide an escort... though, Rick didn't know why they would need one. Intelligence hadn't clocked any fighters at this base, he had thought, and he was certain they weren't worried about CF-18s. Reasonably certain. Right up until the pilot indicates they saw something take off from the edge of the runway and just... disappear. "Well, that's... concerning." He mutters to himself. No sense it worrying about it. He wasn't the one flying, after all, so he just might need to source a parachute. If they were shot down, he could at least trade the instant death of a crush to the slow agonizing one of exposure in the Canadian wilderness.

T'Challa was already on board, and he had dealt with the HYDRA agents that had remained after they had all boarded. With reletive ease, to be honest. The take off was already happening, and there wasn't time to secure any of the near corpses on the ground who might still be somewhat alive. He's moving to secure his rifle, sitting down and latching in....

To the slow lumber of the plane down the runway. Well. At least they don't have to risk the JATOs. That was aa... rough take off.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp makes it onto the plane with just a few holes in the forklift and the crate of goodies. He will move to a seat where he can see out after making sure the crate is secure. He will say over the com "Everyone away from the hanger on the west side." He will light his cigar, and looks over to the others as he quotes a TV show "I love it when a plan comes together." And with that he hits the button on the remote detonator and watches as the hanger becomes a fireball from his earlier efforts.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Everyoen's made it on or has thier own way out. The takeoff works. The plane apparently does too. It's not remotely one of Hydr'as normal slapdash affairs. The transport flies rather smoothly and nothing seems like it's going to fart and fall off in flight. It's a level of craftsnakeship that one doesn't normally see with Hydra's own brand of in-house vehicle development. If they're actaully starting to make some better aircraft that's definitely anotehr thing SHIELD's going to have to worry about.