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Hydra vs UN: Outside attack
Date of Scene: 06 April 2024
Location: United Nations
Synopsis: Hydra launches a mechanized assault on the UN during a meeting of world leaders. Numerous heroes including Superman, Thor, Iron Man and others arrive to halt the attack.
Cast of Characters: Kitty Pryde, Bishop, Monet St. Croix, Corben Kelly, Zora Vukovic, Clint Barton, Tony Stark, Thor, Jamie Madrox, Daniel Ketch, Kitkat, Lorna Dane, Mary Bromfield, Clark Kent
Cast of NPCs: Nick Fury
Tinyplot: Hydra vs UN

Kitty Pryde has posed:
News and social media today have been buzzing around New York. In short order, explosions went off in the Holland Tunnel, collapsing part of it and trapping motorists. Then a mass escape of large and dangerous animals happened at the Central Park Zoo. Finally, a number of passengers trains lost control and raced towards each other at high speeds.

Heroes and first responders were drawn to all three locations, and prevented potential tragedies in each case. The traffic is snarled in many parts of the city.

Which appears to have been the intent behind the actions. As the heroes and police are just finishing cleaning up those situations, the waters of the East River stir just offshore from the United Nations complex. Immense mechanized units with vaguely skull-shaped heads with tentacles beneath for propulsion and combat emerge from the water. Each of them heavily armed and armored, and large enough to carry scores of troops. Easily dwarfing even the armored vehicles that the UN security forces have on hand to defend the complex. Flanking them are Dreadnoughts, robots of a size with the Hulk, armed with menacing weapons.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Inside the UN? A large conference of world leaders convened to discuss the situation with the alien refugees arriving on Earth.

The Avengers were already monitoring the city closely, and within moments of the Hydra forces emerging, the word went out.

<< Avengers, assemble! >>

All hero teams in the region were notified, as well as individual heroes. The news is only slightly delayed in beginning to carry footage. While Hydra's diversions did manage to make a snarl of traffic, most heroes are able to make it to the UN while the battle is still young.

As heroes arrive, some of the Hydra walkers (slitherers?) have unloaded infantry and robotic units who are heading inside the complex interiors who need to be stopped.

Outside, the UN forces are quickly being overwhelmed by the walkers, large Dreadnought robots, and infantry. Heroes are needed to save the day.

Bishop has posed:
Trouble is always trouble, timelines are always shifting into a worse ones in his minds. Bishop suits up in his best X-Gear, holding his blasters as he leaps into the fray, his hands are unlocking the blasters with a loud click. His dreads not tied back flying back and forth, around his face with a frown he places a gun in his mouth, tying it back with hair tie, muttering something profane under his breath biting into the pistol, once his hair is back he takes the guns and rushing towards one of this damn walkers with a scream! "FOR THE FUTURE!" It sounded better in his head.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
People have been spread out. To disasters, to patrolling, to search and rescue.. It's made for a long day. Monet St. Croix is flying along through the city, intent on her shopping right when she sees the explosions at the United Nations. She goes stock still right before yanking out her X-Men communicator and putting out a distress call. <<Emergency backup. Hydra is attacking the United Nations>> It goes along the X-Men communicator, where whomever is on monitor duty will piggyback it to any other heroes along the various networks and spread it out along the web of methods. From electroic to telepathic to magic to raven. <<The United Nations is under attack by heavy weapons>>
    That warning is sent about, and then Monet is flying in at high speed.

Corben Kelly has posed:
Sometimes Corben 'sees' things without even trying. Sometimes those things aren't really clear. Today is one of those times. All he was shown was blood dripping from the flags in front of the United Nations building. That can't be a good omen.

Oh how he wanted to just sit in the safety of his little shop and pretend nothing was happening. Flying in on the wings of a raven, he actually arrived - after arguing with himself about going - about a half an hour before the shit hit the fan. He's currently perched somewhere that gives him a higher vantage point, returned to his human form. Yeah, lets just watch.

Zora Vukovic has posed:
Zora Vukovic, aka Victorious, is absolutely not who anything thinks of when they think of 'hero'. That she is the Herald of Doom may be part of why. But that does mean that, as Doom's personal bodyguard, she is often on-hand for these large diplomatic conferences (since Latveria still counts). Today, Doom had requested her to stay outside the UN building to help prepare for the end of the conference and to clear a quick path for his exit. So when the HYDRA units begin to emerge from the water, she's already present!

Turning towards the other Latverian 'special forces', she issues quick, short orders to the men before striding forward in her eye-catching green and gold, that long auburn braid swinging behind her as the cape of her uniform swirls around her. She twirls a very nasty-looking six foot staff of Doom's design, letting the hilt ring against the stone of the steps before crackling to life with bright red energy that quickly spreads to encompass the woman entirely.

While nobody's idea of a hero, Doom's presence within means that Latveria's hero, VIctorious, is not about to allow HYDRA within. Launching up into the air, she flies towards those massive 'walkers' with their metal skulls and slinking tentacles. Strange bedfellows, but for today at least, she's on the side of the heroes. This is going to be one Hell of a fight!

Clint Barton has posed:
SHIELD is on high alert, having been notified via the Governor's Declaration of Emergency. That simple statement opens up a host of federal programs, and allows troops to be allocated to render aid in civil matters. A hospital ship is moored in the harbor, ready and willing to take in casualties.

As the River seems to explode with the mechanized units, the aid ships are unable to perform any real defensive maneuvers. There is a small contingent within the group, howeever, and defense is the name of the game. There is //no// firing of guns, however, towards the crowded population.

As a SHIELD Special Agent, Clint Barton has already been notified of the terroristic acts. As Avenger, however, Hawkeye is settling in around the UN, the call for 'Avengers Assemble' being trumpeted loudly. It doesn't happen often, so when it does? He arrives in style.

A Quin jet decloaks briefly, the back of the aircraft opening to allow the exit of an archer in purple and black via a line. Swinging briefly, the Avengers breaks the line and murmurs into his coms, 'I'm good. Finding a nest,' before he's moving for that perfect line of sight on an adjacent building where he'd been dropped.

Tony Stark has posed:
    Since the Avengers are on alert already, when the reports of the attack at the UN start to filter in Tony is out the security door in the side wall of his workshop. As he goes into freefall, the Iron Man suit spreads out over his body, repulsors kicking in to flight mode while he's still several stories above the street.

    Repulsors flaring as he drives the suit up to full speed, he's a red and gold streak above the city aimed directly at the UN complex. With the huge walkers visible from some distance away, he contemplates for a moment, then nods to himself, chooses a track and gets ready for the fight.

    Iron Man's arrival is preceded by the sound of AC/DC's 'TNT' and several micromissiles slamming into one of the walkers. They don't have much effect on the heavily armored walkers, but at least he's giving them something to focus on rather than the UN itself.

Thor has posed:
The air above the surfacing Hydra forces grows even more darkened, thickening, the clouds angry and brooding, lightning lancing through the lower pieces. Low booms shudder off the buildings of the city. It casts a horrible dark patch downward from the intense clouds and in a way, enhances the menace of the arrivals. Can they even control the weather?

But, there was in fact a 'plan' in motion, from above, and with a sudden ripping set of cracks, as lightning is gathered in a coil of potency above, lancing down into the front of those being slow to exit the water, as the God of Thunder makes his own entrance, electrocution through the water, from the spinning generator above.

Thor is highly visible as a target now, a center source of the lightning above, red cape flared out wide with a challenging yell, drowned out by the boom of thunder.

Jamie Madrox has posed:
At some point a pink portal opens and Jamie Madrox is spit out of it, his duster flapping in the wind as he tumbles the few feet down to the concrete below. He lands rough and with an audible, "Hu-agh!!"

Multiple Man is on the scene and only barely beginning to gather his bearings when he notices a group of men remarkably similar to himself suddenly standing around his landing site. Oh, right.

The battle is young, but underway. Which Jamie frantically looks about, trying to gather his wits. Those other Jamies, the Dupes, are likewise looking around with quick glances and furrowed brows. That is until The Jamie, the Prime Jamie, calls out to them, "Scatter! We need to help however we can. Rush them!" He calls this command out with a jab of his finger in the direction of a few Hydra infantry beginning to make their way toward the UN complex. They had to keep them from getting inside.

A battle cry goes up among the Jamies! Brass knuckles are suddenly on fists! They begin to charge! "Aaaahhhh!" they cry out with heroic voices, brass knuckles gleaming in the sunlight. Behold, Hydra, the cannon fodder has arrived!

The group of eight similar men begin to charge toward the heavily armed - and armored - Hydra troopers. Without missing a stride the Jamies begin to swing their arms, smacking one another in the process. More and more they come until they've multiplied into an entire platoon's worth of jeans and t-shirt, dusting-wearing men spreading out to both rush the Hydra troopers and lend aid to others in the area as they're able.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
All the previous emergencies have put Daniel Ketch in a poor mood. Sure, it is New York, this kind of thing happens. There is little he can do because his 'partner' rarely responds to accidents or natural disasters. Nothing to avenge, nothing for the Ghost Rider to do. Daniel has been talking by phone to check people he cares for are okay. Or trying to. Some are not responding.

Traffic being a mess means he will be trapped in Manhattan until late, so he left his motorcycled aside and was on his fifth (Irish) coffee when the skull-shaped transports start pulling out of the East River. Then the shooting starts.

Like most people, Daniel runs, but he goes to his motorcycle, hidden in plan sight on a nearby alleyway. A few seconds later the Ghost Rider rides out. Innocents to save, guilty to punish, and there might be an extra offense to avenge for Hydra using skull shapes for their transports.

Just kidding, he is was going to burn them with hellfire anyway.

Kitkat has posed:
As battlecries resonate on the airwaves to pull people to the United Nations Square and heroes arrive from airdrops and hiding, there's a lazy yawn on one of the benches. Moments ago, it had been in the sun and warm, a fuzzy monster of a 15 pound cat lazing there. But now? Now the sun was blocked by a towering robot and people yell loudly. Ears flick annoyed on the large cat's head as she stares up at one of the warmachines and the goons surrounding their feet. One moment of staring, then another and the cat starts to glow.

Standing up upon the hind legs, the cat figure distorts, twirls and stretches, the long fur flying off the figure in a cloud of of golden lights before color returns, the large grey Maine Coon having turned into one of the Cat People, picking up a heavy Zweihander from the bench she had lazed on.

Battlecries and TNT resonate around her, and raising the sword to the sky, but instead of shining in sunlight, it is the crackle of lightning the Thunderer brings that turns the polished steel into a shining beacon for a moment as Kitkat answers the call for action.

    "Gul'koshar!* Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam.**"

* Goblin Language: Warriors take Heed! - Ed
** Klingon: Today is a good day to Die. - Ed

Lorna Dane has posed:
Polaris, Sovereign Liege of Genosha had been waiting.

Seated amidst deliberations to determine the fates of lost, unwanted people from afar, the mutant monarch watched with bated breath, eager for an opportune moment to thrust herself -- her country, the revived and recovering bastion of a lost, unwanted people's ability to survive hell and then some, stronger for having been cast in the terrible fires of change -- right through the heart of simmering disagreements. If nowhere else is willing -- able -- to house the children of the stars, then--

Polaris' higher senses are a blessing with strings. To be aware of metals and electromagnetic flows in one's vicinity is to be constantly awash in a buzzing, crackling, quicksilver sea of information in all but the most remote of locales. Here, in one of the busiest cities on Earth -- amidst a monumental meeting of nations -- Nominally, they're suppressed. Normally, they'd be little more than a frothy tingling in the back corners of her consciousness-- and until about fifteen seconds ago--

-- until Hydra came--

-- they were.

Once the mounting clangor of forces too dense, too hostile, too portentous to ignore, Polaris leaves her seat and rips free of the chamber in a screaming rush of magnetically driven speed, weaving here -- crashing clean through walls there -- until she erupts through the face of the building, already sporting a wealth of hot, fresh particle beam wound along her side courtesy of one of several previously encroaching Hydra footsoldiers currently orbiting her like a cloud of helpless debris.

A Dreadnought artillery team setting up just a dozen meters away immediately turns its attention towards her, launching a column of swirling, exotic energies from a cannon emplacement twice as large as any of them like a murderous firehose. Forming a barrier to protect the building - and herself - from annihilation stops Polaris dead in her tracks; it does not in any way lesson the scowl settling into her features, even as sweat begins beading all across her face.

Nor, ultimately, does it stop her from hurling captured soldiers right back at the artillery team, heedless of whether they're caught in the blast or not in her efforts to pelt Dreadnoughts with fascist bodies at high speeds.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Armored vehicles, some of them with mounted weapons, respond from the UN security forces. The weaponry of the gigantic Walkers is devastating them though. Blowing them apart here. There a Dreadnought leaps and lands on one of the armored vehicles. The drill-shaped arm spins and quickly makes a hole in the roof, the robot then throwing fire inside to dispatch the men inside. Other forces are blowing holes in the buildings to let their troops inside.

Missiles fly through the air. Bazookas and RPG fire detonate on the Walkers with only a little effect. Some of the Walkers have an extra shimmer from the impacts as if they have force fields enabled.

The heroes arrive and begin making a difference. A half dozen of the Walkers are on shore in a line, with advancing Dreadnoughts in front and to the flanks. Infantry rush forward, firing, some flying in on jet packs to attack from above.

The heroes quickly draw fire. Thor's lightning blast causes two robotic Dreadnoughts still emerging from the water to smoke and collapse. A Walker has some of its tentacles spasm, and when it continues forward one of the eight is dragging behind it.

Iron Man quickly becomes targeted with blasts from a Walker, while infantry start to pepper the approaching Multiple Men with shots.

The infantry swirling about Lorna draws the attention of a walker, and it launches a pair of missiles towards her, while one of it's particle beam cannons swings to take aim at her, the barrel glowing as it powers up!

Zora too stands out, flying above the attacking Hydra units. One of the Walkers has a two-pronged weapon take aim at her. Electricity crackles between the two tines before it launches at her, powerful as a lightning bolt!

Mary Bromfield has posed:
There's a sudden *BOOM* of thunder and lightning, as if in answer to Thor's summoning of the weather, as Thunderbolt enters the fray. She does a quick pass overhead, getting an idea as to the chaos that's unfolding with the HYDRA attack. Then, she loops around and moves rapidly towards one of the massive walkers, punching it with all of her strength in the knee joint to try and make it a sitting duck for everyone else.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Just how the $#*## has Hydra managed to sneak this much weaponry into the city? This is an armored batallion, not a raid. Monet goes to dodge a great deal of missile fire and shrapnel, and then flees out of the way of a mortar round going past her. Seeing several heavyweights show up, she goes to leave the fight to them. She goes to dive down towards the ground, where a group of children that were going in for a Model UN at the General Assembly were caught in the crossfire. She goes to yell at them.

"DOWN!" Even as she telepathically broadcasts it and goe sto rapidly shove/grab them to move them along to a safe area, keeping her body between them and the explosions.

Clark Kent has posed:
    Streaking across the sky, the red, yellow and blue was moving as fast as he could towards the battle. His super hearing was on point, listening to the shouts, screams, and battle as it was joined. With grim determination, Superman arrives above the battle, ready to help protect those in peril!

"Where to go first..." Superman scans the scene, and then makes a decision. His best choice. Help those in trouble!

Corben Kelly has posed:
He should have stayed him, he /really/ should have stayed home. At first he just watches in stunned silence. Corben's never seen anything like this up close and personal before. News broadcasts might exaggerate situations from time to time verbally, but everything seems so much /less/ on TV than it does in person.

He's not stupid, not entirely anyway. He knows he wouldn't last a second down there in the middle of things. But maybe he can help from up high, if even just a little bit. Once his moment of 'oh hell no, what am I doing' passes, Corben crouches down with a small leather backpack of tricks. From a small vile, he smears his lips with a black substance - how very emo of him. Now if someone's in his sight, he'll be able to throw a whisper to their ear. Thor's arrival nearly has him wetting himself, but he keeps his bladder in check. A deep breath latter and he pulls his gaze away from the God of Thunder and scans out over the chaos. Even a few seconds can make a difference and he plans on trying to give the heroes out there those few seconds. Even if they come along with whispered warnings like, 'Dude, on your left', or 'Look up, dumbass'.

Bishop has posed:
Bishop runs forward his hands are moving to fire at anything in the way trying to get closer to the those massive walkers. Rushing forward his dreads are tied back, hitting the back of his neck to the beat of his body. Than he leaps forward over a few of the agents, kicking back knocking one out as he keeps on running forward, his beams aimed at the legs, purple lasers flying as he tries to scan the battlefield to find the best path forward.

Clint Barton has posed:
"Hey guys. Nice entrance. Thor, buddy.. you just upstaged Stark. I owe you that beer later," Clint quips as he finds a spot on his rooftop. The bow is out, his quiver strapped on his back tightly. It's a natural grace in motion; his hand goes to quiver, pulls an arrow, nocks and looses, only for the next one to seemingly appear out of nowhere, and flies.

"I'm on the ones trying to get into the building." Though, he has to be very, very careful. It's a matter of knowing your target, because when bad guys are rushing in and people are trying to rush out, it's a target-rich environment, with a good number not being the 'right' target. Who else, then, to take them out but the Avenger who never misses?

As what might be the fifth or the tenth arrow goes flying from his bow, the side of the UN building blows out, raining concrete, steel and debris in the wake. Clint pauses in his action, the arrow held as he takes a deep breath and lowers his weapon. For a long moment, those eyes of blue search the rubble, looking for targets once more on a confused battlefield. He'd stopped some of the flow into the building, but now, as all eyes are on Stark, Thor and now this new variable in the equation, he regroups, recenters, and,

"On our side," is declared through Avengers com. "Anyone know who she is? Because.." and Clint lets that drop. "Stark, you have eyes in the sky. Give me a read.."

Thor has posed:
Thor's hammer, flung, comes slamming downwards towards the giant walker that dared leave the water, attempting to smash it backwards. Unfortunately, the shielding is HEAVY, and all it does is make the walker squat, legs out, shoved downwards, belly to the ground. That won't do, it did not go 'squish'. Hmm.

Mid-flight, the hammer is recalled, and Thor snares it, to redirect and come hurtling downwards personally, directly at the Walker. He lands atop it with high momentum, and uses his own body to call lightning down, channeling lighting into the Walker.

Electricity arcs and flows through the walker out each of it's eight legs, splitting into each direction as Thor uses it to conduct. He holds there for a moment, hammer high, conducting lightning down into the back ranks of the enemy.

There's a big reason to stay back here: he can push power hard, without being too close to the innocent people. He'll have to rely on his team to help them. "There's no 'stage' today, innocents are dying, but I WILL require you to keep your promise of beer," Thor regally informs Clint, though his comm device is almost fried out from the high current, so that probably goes nowhere.

Jamie Madrox has posed:
A small crowd of seemingly unarmed men isn't anything compared to the likes of Polaris, Thor, Victorious, and many other heroes who have appeared to take the fight to HYDRA. Which is why when some of those HYDRA troopers take aim at Lorna and begin to open up on her, the Multiple Men rush into their flank. It's truly a thing of beauty. While those HYDRA troopers are so distracted by the sovereign of Genosha, Jamie Madrox and the platoon of Dupes rush into them. The charge isn't without its losses as a few of the Dupes are blasted by superheated energy particles; but those troopers weren't firing fast enough to end them all!

HYDRA troopers are shoulder charged or outright shoved to the ground like the crowd of Jamies were a collective group of schoolyard bullies. Like those schoolyard bullies, they begin to kick and punched the downed troopers. Taunting and laughing in unison, the Jamies have all manner of barbs to cast toward the HYDRA troopers even as they begin to curl up, trying to protect their faces and heads from the beatdown that looks more at home on the mean streets of some town in Wisconsin, than they do some new-age battlefield.

Another pair of Dupes take hits and, finding them incapacitated, are abruptly absorbed back into the whole. For his part, Jamie Prime doesn't delay in arming himself. The clatter of body armor, grunts and growls of pain, and the taunting shouts of the Dupes as they kick and stomp acts as a soundtrack within Jamie Prime's immediate vicinity. It's with a small smile that he stoops down to scoop up one of the rifles that one of the troopers - now having the strength of his helmet tested by a Dupe's boot - had dropped. The weapon whines menacingly as it begins to charge once within the hands of the Prime Jamie.

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman's job at this point was to take the big hits. He starts off taking a big one. Grimacing at the pain, he shakes his head. "They have come to play."

The Avengers were here. Superman nods at that. "Good." He says to himself. His mind, working almost as fast as the Flash himself, begins coming up with the best tactics at his high rate of speed. Tapping his ear where his Justice League comm was located, he KNOWS that Batman has enabled a "cross-commlink" amongst the teams. "Avengers. SHIELD. Anyone else. This is Superman. I'm here. Do your thing, and if you need me, hollar. Hope this worked!" With that, Superman flies into battle, letting his speed and fists speak for themselves.

First target...one of those massive gigantic walkers. "BAM!" He hits one, and surprisingly, it doesn't go down although it was staggered. "Well. Looks like they are ready for me." Moving into max level super speed, Superman doesn't hold back, taking hits, but making sure to try and eliminate one of these walkers.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
The roar of the supernatural engine that is the Ghost Rider's motorcycle is clear even through the sounds of guns and canons. The hellish skeleton comes at several hundreds of miles per hours, running over the vanguard of the Hydra infantry, sending a score soldiers flying and leaving a trail of fire between them and the UN defense forces. He gets shot many times, but the bullets seem to go through his leather outfit as if there was nothing inside, or just ricochet against his skull, which seems harder than steel.

The run ends with the hellbike crashing against one of the Dreadnoughts. It explodes, shattered in a thousand fragments of metal and fire. But the robot fares scarcely better.

The Rider himself jumps before the crash, landing on the pavement and skidding several yards, leaving fire on his wake but not losing his balance. "SINNERS, YOU HAVE COMMITTED A FATAL MISTAKE COMING HERE! THERE WILL BE A RECKONING!" He proclaims. A burning chain forms at his hand and he whirls it like a whip, then it shatters in a hundred iron stars that fly at high speed towards the front rank of Hydra's attack.

Tony Stark has posed:
    Tony hmms to himself at the minimal effect from his missiles on the giant walker, then dives towards the ground to get a different angle and try and evade the walker shooting at him. Weaving in and out of the metal tentacles, he slams repeated repulsor blasts into the junctions between tentacles and main body. Metal fragments fly as a grinding noise and smoke start to leak from the junctions. The huge walker slows noticeably, though does not come to a halt. These things are pretty damn tough, apparently.

    Multiple weapon impacts rock the suit from behind, and he turns away from the walker to face several of the dreadnaughts which have begun shooting at him. Larger missiles pop out of the back of the suit as he uses his HUD to mark six of the dreadnaughts. The missiles launch, loop around him and slam into the dreadnaughts. Not so heavily armored as the walkers, the dreadnaughts fail to resist the missiles and go up like a string of firecrackers.

    Six down, way too many more to go.

    <<HOMER, fetch me the big one.>>

Mary Bromfield has posed:
"It was a HYDRA walker, until it took a Mary to the knee."

Or at least, that's the intent as Thunderbolt dodges away from the Walker, twisting around and narrowly avoiding the array of plasma weapons that thing is shooting. How bad would they hurt if they connect, she's not sure, but considering they are prepared for Superman she's not taking any chances.

And that's when she sees someone she recognizes! Changing course, she flies over towards Bishop, "Hey! I know you, right! You absorb energy?" She grins, "How'd you like to be supercharged?" Because the Wisdom of Mnemosyne and Athena never stops, even in a massive furball with a bunch of heroes versus hordes of HYDRA goons.

Actually, /especially/ in a massive furball of heroes versus HYDRA.

Kitkat has posed:
Detonations paint the battlefield as UN wheeled APCs blow up, wheels the size of kids bouncing over the place. Where Jamies trie to swarm the front and Monet tries to clear up the civies, the face of the feline is lit up in something that is different. Not anger or rage, like you'd see on the Hulk. Not determination like on a Lantern. Not even a yell of Freedom like you'd see on a fake-Pict that is supposed to be a scotsman in a Mel Gibson Film. No, it was sheer and utter extracy and utterly feline. The fun of a predator going after prey painted the face of the calico as she dashed forward, weaving through incoming tires and shots, the blade of heavy steel held in one hand.

One moment she is jumping over a Jamie that was ramming his brass knuckles into a henchman, only to spin around with the blade turning a silver arc turning red as it passes the body of the Hydra soldier. But instead of halting to end the wounded one, Kitkat lets the momentum carry her around halfway again, stabbing it right into a plate on the chest of another soldier. The second hand joins the handle as she lifts up the protected, flailing solider by that piece of armor impaled, and swinging him like a club for a moment before he flies off into the crowd, throwing over two ither Hydra soldiers.

Zora Vukovic has posed:
Headed towards the army emerging from the East River, Zora expected to be targeted. Glittery gold armor and crackly red energy tends to draw attention. The blast is a strong one, largely deflected by her staff but leaving some of the electricity to crawl up along her arm with a small hiss and charring of the cloth coverings. It stings, hurts, but it won't stop the woman from charging herself up into a pulsing ball of red-white energy that barrels into one of the Walkers at full speed.

The exlosion centers on Zora herself, clapping thunderously and sending a crackle of the Power Cosmic energy she wields to skitter outward. The shockwave from the explosive blast enough to knock some of the ground troops off their feet and into the grass, though that seems more a delaying tactic than anything. The main focus of the blast becomes apparent as she tears a hole open in the hull between the 'eyes' of the skull.

Pushing off the ruined metal, Zora launches back up into the air, power charging up along the length of that staff as she readies herself to blast into the hole torn open. More energy blasts are aimed her way, deflecting off a Cosmic forcefield before being drawn towards and into the staff, charging it up further. The continued assault to her forcefields leave them weakening, cracking, the occasional blast scorching or sizzling across cloth and armor, leaving black streaks across her skin that go ignored.

The blast that's launched has the accuracy of a fuided missile and packs a wallop. It fills the interior until the bright red light beams out from within through the 'eyes' and the hold ripped open between them. It may not kill the machine... but it will certainly take out the people inside operating it.

Lorna Dane has posed:
A second -- third burst of violence strikes Polaris' blind spot, even as a second Dreadnaught staggers beneath the explosive force of a HYDRA footsoldier turned into a cannon shell. The remaining troops circling Lorna instantly fall from her invisible grip while the woman herself spikes groundwards from the sheer force of arms brought to bear by the walker; the fluttering remnants of her magnetic force-field keep her from breaking a great many bones on impact, but even a fraction of that crushing force is enough to leave her bell rung. Dazed as she struggles to gather herself and retake her feet, Polaris strains against the awful ringing between her ears to focus on her surroundings-- on the oppressive forms of the artillery Dreadnoughts still reeling from the blood congealing over their sensors and seeping through cracks, and the cannon their third teammate struggles to hold in check against the bucking wrath of its recoil.

Before she even makes it to her feet, the Queen of Genosha thrusts her right palm in the air and takes responsibility for controlling that awful energized artillery right out of the Dreadnoughts' hands. Amidst the wrenching scream of tortured metal and seared air, the cannon forcefully swivels on its mount, bursting skywards for an unrestrained moment before finding a new target for its wrath: the walker, whose titanic form it scours with the frenetic intent of a gunner who has nothing more than her esoteric sense of her target's existence to work from. A few seconds into the onslaught, stored ammo begins igniting, triggering a chain of explosions on and in the machine. Even the loss of a few armoured panels - complete with bursts of guttering smoke and columns of fire laced with electricity - is not enough to tame the robotic beast, though. Autocannons hidden in its eyes unleash fusillades of depleted uranium on the Genoshan ruler, leading to a thicket of bullets blooming through the air around her-- right in line with predictions. The particle cannon begins to whine, charging another shot to crumple her hopefully taxed defenses-- maybe its last shot, if the walker's cooling systems don't get things under control.

It flies wild, however, when Polaris bucks expectations with a sudden, shearing burst of magnetic will slicing across its lower half, crumpling and buckling leg joints one after.

"On a day when every country in the world is NEGOTIATING rather than caring for the helpless," the liege of Genosha roars, her voice resonating with and reverberating between metal surfaces until it's a thundering rebuke, "you would DARE bring this insanity to bear?"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Corben's whispered words cause a UN guard to look up, just in time to see a flying infantryman taking aim at him. The soldier dives under a nearby armored car just as the ground is peppered with bullets.

One life saved.

Thor's blast of lightning ripples out from the Walker, taking down two more Dreadnoughts and a small squad of infantry who were standing a little too close together. The Walker itself shudders as it tries to move, lurching and tipping. Suddenly a Dreadnought takes flight and lands on the Walker's roof, sending a gout of fire towards the Thunderer!

Superman's appearance makes him a priority. Even as he focuses on one Walker, another targets him with the heaviest particle beam that MODOK was able to come up with. Specially formulated particles to be as painful to a Kryptonian as possible, even if not lethally so. MODOK will be anxious to see the resulting data as the Walker opens fire! As it does, two flying infantry flank Superman to either side, one opening fire with a machine gun. The other has some kind of gun-shaped thing with a big mirror disk on the end. It suddenly lights up, hitting Superman with a light so bright it would immediately blind a normal human. They are really trying anything against him!

Ghost Rider's appearance was unexpected by the Hydra planners. Orders go out to Dreadnoughts, and three of them move to surround him. One destroyed the APC earlier, armed with a gigantic drill arm. Another has an electrified whip that extends as it lashes it towards the ghostly figure. The third charges forward to physically pummel the Ghost Rider!

Iron Man seems to have found a weak point in the armor of the Walkers. Even as he slows the walker, the Walker nearby swings a gigantic metal tentacle at him in a crushing physical attack.

The alien member of the Cat People begins to make her presence felt on the Hydra infantry, felling a few of them. Which leaves a few weapons on the ground near a few of Jamie Maddrox's Dupes. A pair of UN soldiers move to support her attack, opening fire with assault rifles as other Hydra troops move towards the giant feline.

Clint Barton has posed:
"Innocents are always involved, even when they're not," Clint gripes softly as he turns his attention back to the battlefield below. As a walker begins to walk by, and Superman joins the fray, he whistles softly. The man, the myth, the legend.. who is taking as good as he's getting.

Clint pulls one of his specialty arrows out, an EMP arrow with multiple tips for that conduit-effect. Nocking it, he draws the arrow back and lets fly, one, two, three arrows of the same type, pulling some of the fliers off of Stark and onto the streets below. Thankfully the streets are being cordoned off, the sirens of first responders blaring through the city on their path towards the UN. The initial rush of panicked UN visitors/workers has abated somewhat, perhaps finding yet a different direction in which to run.

"Got your six, Stark," just in case. He's become the eye in the sky then! Clint's moving around the roof then, as he is finally spotted by one of the fliers. Concrete and tar is kicked up, raining down on the SHIELD/Avenger. Ducking his head in order to protect it, he's running across the distance with the flyer after him, and the moment he reaches the edge of the ediface, he's turning once more and taking a shot as it whizzes overhead. The wash of the engine pushes the archer over, and Clint's got one more arrow.. and once the line is deployed, the man is crashing into a building, through a window.. and rolls.

"Excuse me, pardon me.. sorry. You know, you really shouldn't be here right now.." to the tenants, and Clint is out once more, rejoining the fight.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet is busy shuffling along the children. Whom are not particularly cooperative over in it, several of them wanting to get closer. This is normally something that she's not supposed to do, but circumstances call for it. Monet just goes to lash out with her mind and starts to mentally puppet them all. Children, chaperones, and anyone else in her immediate vicinity that's not fighting or not working over with security or emergency services. That done, she has a far more enthusiastic group to go along with her now as she goes to take them along to a place of safety and away from the battle. It's not right, it's not ethical..

But it saves her having to wrangle people in a warzone and Jean isn't here to lecture her.

Thor has posed:
Thor comes out of the harsh channel of electricity, needing to give the storm some time to rebuild, reform, and roil above. Thunder grinds like an angry machine, lightning stopping for the moment in brewing static flutters above. On the ground, lots of local things are now on fire, from the potent electrocution. Thor has NO respect for this dock area: light poles that were conducted to are leaning, buildings electrocuted skeletons of themselves; a dock crane tips over onto some enemies. Accidental victories? Thor will take them.

"You challenge a DUEL?" Thor laughs as the Dreadnaught leaps up next to him on the quivering, disoriented Walker that was used as a conduit. Thor automatically dodges the fire, as he isn't sure what sort of weapon it was until it fired, and backhands Mjolnir into the Dreadnaught in the same motion.

The Dreadnaught goes FLYING -- but not in a good direction. It is sent spining, still flamethrowering, towards the front of the fight, into Superman's path. "Or... not," Thor decides of the 'duel' status. "SUPERMAN," he thunders, in warning of incoming fireball Dreadnaught. It sounds a lot like he's challenging Superman to a duel -- hopefully Superman won't take the missle Dreadnaught as that. Ah, well.

Then, the Walker under Thor lurches a little, and Thor is off-balance, choosing to instead begin to lay the hammer down on the foe under his feet, to finish it off with focused effort, seeking to use this to learn where it might be weak.

Corben Kelly has posed:
Corben's offensive little spells in a bottle won't put a dent in these things and he knows it. As it often happens, his warning was a last minute thing. He tossed together what he could and it isn't much against all of this. Why waste what he has?

Yes, one life saved! It's all someone so small compared to everything happening could hope for, but as his eyes pull away from the one life - that matters because every life does - he spots something else. An older woman - outside of Monet's reach - on the ground, struggling to get up and over all the rubble and debris surrounding her.

For once in his life, Corben doesn't stop to try and talk himself out of doing a thing. Instead, he just does it. He snatches up his backpack, tosses it over one shoulder and takes a leap of faith right off his little perch. Mid air, moments before he hits the ground, he sheds his human from and flies.

Little bird is agile and quick, ducking and dodging in and out of flying debris with ease. No one is really paying attention to a /bird/ so, thankfully, he hasn't become a direct target. Here's to hoping the poor little old lady doesn't have a heart attack upon seeing a big black raven land nearby and promptly turn back into a real boy. "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon," he rapid fires for her benefit and maybe his own. He helps her up, supports her the best he can and then pauses to wonder where in the hell he's going to take her.

Jamie Madrox has posed:
The mobile assault trooper that is Kitkat weaves a path of mayhem and martial prowess. Which the platoon of Jamie Dupes are all too happy to follow. Jamie Prime, now armed, calls out to himself and starts directing them, "Get yourselves armed! Like in that one Captain America biopic we saw! Pick up their weapons and use them!" Cheers of agreement and understanding rise up as the platoon begins to follow after the blade wielding feline. They stoop to take up HYDRA weapons, which whine shrilly to life within the hands of their new captors.

As Kitkat advances farther and farther into the ranks of HYDRA troopers, the Army of Madrox follows in her wake. In the shade of the UN building they advance, confiscated HYDRA weaponry spitting death and destruction back at their creators - or at least the lackeys of their creators. Another pair of Dupes are obliterated by incoming fire from a squad of troopers, which results in the Jamies laying down suppressing fire while a trio of Dupes begin to shift left, hoping to form an 'L'-shape to their formation and box in the HYDRA troopers.

"We need some heavy weapons!" Jamie Prime calls out to the group of Dupes - and perhaps Kitkat - just as one of the Dreadnoughts begins to turn its massive head in the direction of the Army of Dupes.

It's going to become a real serious problem without those heavy weapons. A problem that is at least delay when a shimmering shield of scarlet energy sprouts up before the Dupe Platoon, preventing the sudden unleashing of the Dreadnoughts devastating weaponry from reaching the counterattacking Jamies. The incoming fire from the Dreadnought impacts with unsettling crackling and concussive popping against the scarlet shield, wedged between Dupes and Dreadnought courtesy of Zora Vukovic.

Zora Vukovic has posed:
With her own Walker down, if not completely out, Zora turns, scanning the battlefield quickly to see where she can best be utilized. What she finds, is a little surprising, but makes the most tactical sense.

She launches herself up higher into the air to get a clearer 'field' for what she needs to do. Her hands crackle with the bright red Power Cosmic, filling the staff and makeing it glow bright red, pulsing lightly as she builds the charge up. When it hits 'critical mass', she aims the staff straight at.. Tony Stark. More particularly, the arc reactor powering his suit. "STARK! INCOMING CHARGE, USE IT WISELY!" Sending the energy straight at Iron Man, and giving his suit a MASSIVE overcharge. Trying to hold it would likely be highly detrimental to the suit and it's power source... but as a quick power boost? Well. Cosmic-charged repulsor blast, anyone?

The moment the shot is discharged, she's flying off, careening through the air to smash into the HYDRA shocktroop with the weird lightray being aimed at Superman, grabbing the man around the waist and just barrelling straight forward to smash him into the side of the Dreadnought. It isn't likely to take down the Dreadnaught, but it might give them a new target.. and the shock tropper is definitely out of the fight. Just to make sure she has its attention, Zora slams the end of the spear into the shoulderjoint of the Dreadnought and fires off a quick blast of explosive energy before whirling away to try and pull it farther afield.

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman gets hit. That second Walker. "Ugh." Superman FEELS that one. A resounding blow that most Omega-level super beings would have been knocked unconscious. Using his speed, Superman ducks the follow up blow, and looks at the titan he was originally facing. With a quick glance at the non-combatants in the area, Superman nods, ensuring they were safe, and flexes slightly.

Superman's eyes begin to glow a fiery red. With a slight movement forward, Superman unleashes the full force of his heat vission with a slight grunt. It was good to not hold back, aiming for the centre mass, or chest of the first walker.

"Now. For you." The machine gun fire from one of the two "infantry" was more a concern to bystanders. Trying to maneuver his body to deflect the ammunition to a safer area, including where Clint Barton was located - where he gives him a quick nod of respect - Superman takes a hit from the "light" blinding effect. Full on. After all, it was more important to take the hit, than people die because he was unwilling to take the hit!

Momentarily blinded, Superman claps his hands together, ensuring it wouldn't be a fatal impact if they were alive, he tries a "sonic boom" concussion effect to take them out of the fight, always conscious of the area of effect.

Then, he HEARS the God of Thunder's roar! "SUPERMAN" he hears, his lightning fast reflexes moving to see, at the last moment, the Dreadnaught hurtling towards him. With just enough time to sigh, Superman gets hit by the Dreadnaught. A loud crunch and the sound of metal grinding adds to the sounds of the battle. With a grunt, and a crash, Superman hits the side of the building, disappearing inside for several moments.

Kitkat has posed:
She got their attention, and that makes the Calico grin all the more, the heavy Zweihander switching to a different stance after one of the infantrymen showed to be a little armored. Hands gripping the blade, it's the parry that is turned into the deadly part of the weapon. A lunge forward, some twenty feet forward, she is swinging the blade like a hammer in a downward strike. The impact instantly fells one of the soildiers, distorting the line that had formed to fire at her and the Jamie. Rapid assault has one benefit: it takes initiative. As they turn to fire at the feline warrior suddenly between them, the two soldiers left and right from the one felled fid themselves grabbed at the neck and smacked into one another with the force of a compact car. She has become the breacher, the spearhead for the Jamies!

Grunting as she picks up her sword again, she nods to the closest clones, just as one of them takes a blast from one of the counterassault manned by Hydra, leaving nothing behind but a skull. "That one belonged to me, you ***************" She doesn't run at the fighter though, instead kicking up the skull to hurl it back like a baseball... and following right in the path. It's a double bone crack that follows: first, the unlucky Jamie's skull cracks into dust against the Hydra soldier's chest... then the neck of the soldier cracks as it accelerates to terminal velocity while his chest is still at close to standing. Whiplach.

Bishop has posed:
Bishop looks over at Mary, his hands on his blaster firing off into the walker in front of him nodding at her, with a soft chuckle. "Sure hit me one more time!" That is a song from now, right that is not in the future. His fingers slam the guns into his too many pouches hanging from his belt. Rushing forward trying to get close enough to deliver that blow, once he is super charged, ready to go all sorts of boom!

That bolt of divine power, that lightning hitting me square in the back, his hands is thrown forward towards it now aiming for the chest ready to take it down. Bright purple energy blasting out of his hands, his eyes rolling back into his head. Gritting his teeth, feeling that pain of it, as he screams out! "JUSTICE!" Falling down to his knee, as the bolt is done, trying to capture his breath and his power again. "thank...you." He looks towards Mary, as he tries to take another long deep breath.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
The Ghost Rider attempts to avoid the Dreadnoughts. Soulless machines, after all. Hydra's ranks are full of murderers and thugs that need a heavy dose of vengeance. Those are his targets, not the machines.

Big mistake, as one of the robots hits him with the electrified whip. Electricity doesn't do much to bone and fire, but it draws the attention of the Rider and he turns, annoyed. Just to receive a metal fist in the jaw that shatters several 'teeth' and sends him flying.

The burning skeleton lands a score yards behind, hitting a parked car hard enough it explodes. A few seconds pass before he walks out of the fireball, hollow eyes on the robots. Well. Fine. "Yes. Indeed. You have my attention," he notes with his hollow voice while pushing his jaw back into its normal position under the skull.

Then raises a hand, and the burning wreck behind him reforms into his motorcycle.

Tony Stark has posed:
    Tony has just a moment to grin at the success of his missiles on the dreadnoughts before the tentacle hits him from behind with the force of a tank shell. Red and gold streaks through the air in a ballistic arc before crashing through a tree, hitting the ground and rolling for about a hundred feet.

    Raising himself to his hands and knees, he shakes his head to try and regain his bearings before climbing back to his feet. "Ok, I'm starting to dislike these things." He turns back to face the attackers, taking a balanced stance as weapons extend from both shoulders and vambraces.

    Given a moment's warning, four C-shaped devices detach from the suit, coming to a hover next to him, two on each side. A dish pops out of the back of the suit to catch the incoming power, which is then channeled to the devices floating beside him. They glow the same red as the incoming energy, and then five bolts of red energy lance out, one from each satellite cannon and one from his chest. All five beams converge on one of the walkers, blowing through it. For a moment it stands with a hole straight through it, then various damaged systems cascade into failure and the walker detonates, showering a large area in shrapnel.

    The satellite cannons, firing elements blackened and melting fall to the ground after channeling far more energy than the were designed for. Glancing up at Zora, he calls out "Is there any chance I can hire you? I bet I could design equipment that can handle that much power if I had you around to test it. Whoops!" That last as he ducks a car that one of the dreadnaughts had thrown at him.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt grins at Bishop, then flies up into the air as, even with Thor's channeling of lightning and the roaring of thunder, there seems to be an eerie calm in the air around her as she soars up into the sky.

Then she looks down at the Walker that's starting to send out infantry, and raises her voice in a mighty shout, "SHAZAM!" And then a massive lightning bolt roars out from the sky, blasting square into the center of the Walker as it staggers from the massive bombardment of lightning.

"SHAZAM!" And another bolt hammers into the Walker, metal warping as she shouts it a third time, lightning pelting mercilessly on the metal construct.

Apparently Thunderbolt is done messing around.

Lorna Dane has posed:
One walker's crippled. Its cannon still whines; its systems still strain to lock on--

"-- you're done."

Punctuated with a clenched fist, the command triggers the walker's downed body to spasm in place and fire its cannon into the air. Seconds later, a final series of critical explosions consumes it; Lorna, meanwhile, moves on.

To the humming nodes of raw electromagnetism coursing through the air, courtesy of Hawkeye--

One, two fliers fall, immediately robbed of motive force on contact. The third is spared, though, because its payload never quite triggers.

Polaris, you see, has bigger plans for it.

The arrow and the nullifying pulse couched within it are arrested mid-flight. Amidst peals of elemental fury rumbling from storm clouds summoned by the God of Lightning himself, the arrow zips, zags, and arcs unerringly towards the walkers emerging from the water. Slowly, Polaris manages to draw herself off the ground-- if only by a few feet. Most of her power, her focus, is elsewhere; if anything, levitating is a side-effect, a vent for excess forces.

Mostly, she's concentrating on turning what was a sparking point of cutting-edge technology into a twinkling ball of electromagnetic destruction.

The arrow isn't one anymore: it's bits of disassociated metal loosely formed into a cage around the crackling haze of energy Polaris is feeding with every scrap of ambient energy and willpower she can muster from her surroundings and the rage they evoke. Tumbling through the air, the caged sphere of electricity expands until a contingent of Hydra troops deploying from walkers are greeted by the dawning of an electric sun growing, and advancing, and growing-- until it consumes them.

Moments later, it finally erupts into blinding electromagnetic arcs sweeping between walkers, sapping energy from their systems to render them defenseless for the other heroes.

Polaris herself, meanwhile, crashes to her knees.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
The energy from Thunderbolt's lightning ends up being a little too much for Bishop and he keels over. That doesn't make him less of a target though, as a squad of flying infantry head his way while he's down. He's going to need someone to help him! Fire sizzles around Mary as they close in on the pair.

As Monet is getting innocents out of the way, some of them look like they may become collateral damage if she can't act in time. A missile is launched at Iron Man as he zooms around, missing him but continuing on right on course for the civilians!

One of the Dreadnoughts notices Clint's EMP arrow. And as he emerges from the building again, jets fire from its feet to launch it upwards. The big green robot extends its arm to point its flame thrower his way, and soon an arc of fire is going to be launching through the air at the archer.

A squad of flying infantry zoom down towards Bishop and Mary. Blasts of laser fire scorch the air around them. One of them pulls out a grenade and tosses it down, the explosive weapon bouncing off the pavement and slowing near to Bishop!

As Ghost Rider summons up his motorcycle, the three Dreadnoughts stamp forward, intend on destroying this flaming skeleton!

More Walkers are damaged by Superman and Thor and Iron Man, the enemy's effectiveness reduced even as Superman is blown into a building by the impact with the Dreadnought.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Hydra's commander calls for reinforcements, and a few more Dreadnoughts and three more Walker begin to wade up on shore. A new Walker targets Zora after having seen the damage she was able to cause. A pair of missiles blast out of holes in the skull-shaped head and fly towards her. Another weapon deploys from behind a sealed door. A sonic weapon, it takes aim at her and fires, trying to disorient her right before the missiles arrive!

Within Iron Man's armor, his AI HOMER speaks up. "Tony, I'm picking up a disturbance overhead. I believe it is-"

Before HOMER can finish the thought, there's a shimmering in the air well above the UN building as the SHIELD Helicarrier decloaks. Over most of the heroes' comms, Nick Fury's voice can be heard. "I hope you left a few for us."

Guns on the Helicarrier target the Walkers as they come out of the water, and begin punishing them with a murderous fire. A quartest of Quinjets swoop down, decloaking as well and each adding four missiles to the impacts the Walkers are taking.

The Hydra forces started to falter, some of the infantry falling back. The Dreadnoughts keep fighting, though there aren't as many left now.

Thor has posed:
Thor watches that Dreadnaught hit Superman. ....Well, that one... he'll have to give an apology later. But it wasn't like he intended to attack a friendly, he ---

Zora then clearly shoots at his teammate!!

"IRON MAN!" Thor reacts suddenly, his ire suddenly boiling, and a rage that tempts the berserker flooding his veins. Zora, who appeared to be on their side, just shot Tony. A VILLAIN! To backstab like this, in this situation?

The Thor does NOT ABIDE.

That Tony caught the energy is good, but the intent from Zora, as a villain, well..... With an avenging roar, Thor is airborne, in a crackle of electrical speed and motion, to assault Zora. "You would turn on us, in this fight?! You will pay, villain!" Thor demands as he engages her in a flurry, blinded in his retaliation, his eyes electric pools. Thor's hammer swings in a fierce spin, starting to generate a similar blast to what he inflicted on the walker that has now expired below.

Incidentally, he does intercept the missiles sent at Zora, sending them glancing off his whirl of hammer, so, there is THAT.

Clark Kent has posed:
After ensuring the Dreadnaught that hit him would not get up, Superman floats carefully to the edge of the building, looking out over the smashed window he had been hit through. Using his vision to see where he was most needed next, Superman takes a moment to get his bearings, and then, using his super speed, was back in the fight.

"Thanks for the heads up Thor!" Saluting the God of Thunder respectfully, Superman flies back into the battle. Always heading to where the fighting was toughest.

Then, as Superman was streaking atmospheric full speed towards one of the remaining Walkers, he hears Fury's voice. Superman frowns. "Fury." Superman hits that Walker with a little extra "oomph".

Monet St. Croix has posed:
There's a hiss from MOnet as she goes to see the missile flying at the children and her charges. She can't remotely take teh explosive - it would shred her to bits. She would go to fly up and over towards it, and move to hopefully catch it to brace herself.. Calculating from the make and model how fast it would detonate at close range. It would have a limited one to avoid friendly fire given the very, very large blast radius. She moves to fly up and over to catch it with her hand, moving to spin around with it.. Going to not crush it, and whirl around to launch it through the air to try and impact one of the Dreadnaughts.

Corben Kelly has posed:
Corben has never considered himself the 'walk a little old lady across the street' type, but that's exactly what he finds himself doing. It takes everything he has in him not to scream at the poor thing to go /faster/. Faster to where? Well, he hasn't figured that out beyond /away/. Debris falling everywhere, shrapnel cutting through clothes, Corben does his best to shield grandma from most of it. He turns just in time to see a piece of flying debris heading straight for them. Without thinking, he pivots to put himself between it and the old lady. A small peek into the real man inside the smart mouthed punk.

He's ready to die. That is until a Jamie is there to take the hit instead. Corben has little time to ponder the dead man in front of him more than to say, "Sorry, dude, that sucks," before he's moving onward with his precious cargo.

Clint Barton has posed:
Another day at the office? Except Clint's 'office' is nothing like the one he'd just vacated. That one is a whole lot cushier and maybe in his future, should he live long enough to retire. He's sore, moving a little slower for it all, and he rolls his shoulder to make sure everything is still attached from that landing. Cuts and scrapes show in red lines on his arms, his face, but there's nothing there that'd require any real attention. Not that he'd stop doing what he's doing anyway.

So, to the window and with another zip-line arrow, he casts it across and rides it across, stories above the street turned battlefield. No sooner had Clint left that building that large.. bodies pass him, hurtling straight in to where he had been, disappearing in the dust, mortar and brick. For him, then.. he makes his cross and the scramble begins on the side of the building.

At some point, however, the lone, unarmored, normal human has gained the attention of a DREADNOUGHT, and it rises even as the archer is in the precarious, very vulnerable position of being on a line between buildings. He is relying on that line because, well.. stories up.

The flame licks across his body and it's all he can do not to yell. Pulling himself up in a herculean feat fueled by adrenaline, he's rolling onto his back and bringing his bow to bear once more, dead aimed at the fire-breathing HYDRA unit.

It's like a miracle from heaven, really, when the Old Man comes with the cavalry. The guns that fire from the now decloaked helicarrier, and the Quins is probably the thing that saves his life. Flash-burns on his face, his arm all turn his skin very pink, and the moment he has a target, he's taking the shot.

Timing is everything.

Three. Two. One. The arrow is loosed, and the explosive tip has magnetic filaments that work to not only disrupt but scramble. While it's not out, the dreadnought is damaged by a mere human, and it falls.

Once Clint sees that, he rests his singed head on the roof of the building. "No dear, I don't want to go to the beach this summer," he murmurs, "I burn too easy."

Zora Vukovic has posed:
No good deed goes unpunished! Zora helps to supercharge Iron Man, tries to help clear out the swarm around Superman, ...and gets an angry Thor for her trouble!

"Hey!" Zora deflects the blows of the hammer with her spear, though not without taking some of the damage along the haft. Grunting, she interjects a Dreadnought between them, stabbing the spear into the Dreadnought and literally using it as a shield against the furious hammer of Thor. "I did NOT attack him! I gave him a power boost to deal with the Walker that was attacking him! Look! It did no harm to him at all, and it was not intended to!"

Flinging the crushed Dreadnought aside, she whirls in time for Thor to deflect the incoming missiles then runs her hand along the haft of the spear, repairing it quickly, at least enough to function. Pointing it towards the Walker that's now approaching them, she glares at Thor, "THAT is the enemy. Send your lightning and I will wreathe it in Cosmic energy. That should be enough to destroy it!" She's leaving herself wide open if Thor chooses not to listen. It's a gamble, but she can't fight the battle on two fronts! Instead, Zora sweeps the spear around to holster at her back while she charges up the Power Cosmic with her bare hands. Drawing in power from all around, leeching off the ambient energy flying around, all the excess from dishcharged powers and technology, creating a glowing mass that crackles and pops and pulses with power. Ready to add to Thor's attack.. or, if his attack is aimed at her, well, hope his invulnerability works against Power Cosmic, too! It's too big to dissipate, so it will either add to his attack, or it will go off between them!

Sword of Damocles, thy wielder is Thor!

Tony Stark has posed:
    Seconds after taking out the walker (with help), there's a whistling sound like bombs in old WWII movies. A huge red and gold rectangular object slams into the ground about ten feet from Tony. As he leaps into the air on repulsor jets, it unfolds, reconfiguring into a ten or twelve foot tall suit of armor, though without a head. Tony settles the Iron man armor into the 'neck' of the larger suit and a domed head closes over him.

    The Hulkbuster armor powers up, and Tony goes into melee mode, charging the nearest Dreadnaught and pummeling it to the ground using his suits almost Hulk level strength. Armor flies off the enemy as his fists pound it into the ground. <<Would this be the right place to insert a 'HULK SMASH!' statement?>>

    Having found his current weapons fairly useless on the huge walkers, he leaves them to people like Superman and Thor and instead starts charging through the lines of dreadnaughts, punching, clotheslining and sometime repulsor blasting them as he goes. They really aren't a match for the Hulkbuster, so he does manage to down a number of them.

    All the damage he's doing catches the attention of one of the walker pilots and the Hulkbuster armor is blasted about ten feet back when the walker opens fire on him. Ablative armor shreds away from the suit, leaving him smoking but still on his feet once the barrage is over.

    <<Will someone _please_ do something about those? Oh, and keep your attention in the game Thor, HYDRA shinies are the bad guys, that was an energy boost.>>

Kitkat has posed:
The assault lead by Kitkat continues, the feline warrior leaving behind Hydra soldiers on the ground in various stages a triage team would color red and black, or straight up bag, once they come to clean up. It's not like she's invulnerable, just darting through their lines at breakneck speed while they are encumered by their armor is quite of benefit.

Smashing her way into another group of soldiers that try to build up a resistance nest, the blade finds purchase in an an arm, parting it and the China Lake style grenade launcher from its owner, skittering over the ground to one of the Jamies. The Soldier's comrads of the heavy weapon group ends up on the ground not too long later, their heavy weapons useless at such close range, and one of their Zappers - the type that turned a Jamie into nothing but a skull - getting tossed at the very. "Grab that if you know how to use it! And now, Nak'grom! No turning back!"

The plan was perfect but for the timing of the heroic speech - because facing the Hydra landing point with the back did mean that one of their laser blasters did hit the feline warrior, causing her to howl, turn and throw her sword - pinning the guy that had fired against the hulk of a UN transport.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
It is three against one, and despite the Ghost Rider considerable physical power, the Dreadnoughts are stronger and tougher than him, and one of them has a drill that can grind his bones to dust. Not to mention they are immune to all his soul-scouring powers.

Worse. They are also in the way to his vengeance.

That won't do it!

The hellcycle roars, and accelerates to two hundred miles per hour in seconds, rushing in front of the robots, but avoiding them at the last second. But the chain in the hands of the Spirit of Vengeance shoots forward and wraps around the leg of one of the machines, dragging it off its feet.

In defiance to the Laws of Physics the motorcycle doesn't slow down noticeably. Instead if turns in a impossibly tight roll, skidding on the pavement and dragging the huge robot behind it, until the Rider raises his arm and the chain raises the robot off the floor, spins it in the air and sends it flying toward the other two Dreadnoughts. At some point, there is a loud crack as the chain-whip breaks the speed of sound.

He doesn't wait for the crunch of metal crashing on more metal. There are so MANY guilty humans that need to burn with hellfire.

Jamie Madrox has posed:
The Dupe Platoon begins to spread out, creating a broader base of fire. Crimson energy shields sprout up in a timely fashion to prevent the harm of a Dupe. Those same Dupes take advantage of the strategic placement of those energy shields, courtesy of the Latverian hero - villain? - that is Zora. The begin to lean out from behind their cosmically charged cover, taking shots at HYDRA troopers as they're able. In some instances suppressing a heavy weapons team looking to breach to the exterior wall of the main UN building. They may not be felling the massive walkers or winning the battle, but they're doing their part!

Jamie Prime is on the move and ducking low as rockets, superheated energy beams, and more go flying overhead. The pain of another Dupe lost weighs heavily upon the mind and soul, but it's a burden that must be shoved aside to confront another time.

Jamie Prime keeps after Kitkat, following in the wake of the sword-wielding feline. The Dupes follow as well, though they focus on protecting the flanks of the feline Kitkat and keeping opposition heads down. Jamie Prime pursues, though he grimaces when the skull of a Dupe is utilized as an improvised bludgeon. A Dupe scoops up the grenade launcher and Prime moves in quickly, keeping low and his head down to prevent it being taken off by incoming fire. Jamie Prime finishes his rushed movement with a slide across dirt and grass, coming up next to the cache of heavy weapons only recently liberated by Kitkat and the incoming fire of the Dupe Platoon.

That Dreadnought is present moving, trying to strafe aside to clear the protective energy shields that have sprang up before the Dupes and create a clear line of fire. "I got it," Prime call sout to Kitkat as he hefts the launcher tube up. He inspects it for a moment, flicks a switch, hears it whine, and gives it a little slap. Prime shoulders the weapon and calls out to another Dupe, "Get the others moving, but tell them not to bunch up!"

Then as covering fire unleashes toward the Dreadnought - panging and pinging from it ineffectively - Jamie Prime moves out as the distraction is made. He rushes to the burning husk of the UN transport vehicle, utilizing it as a form of concealment. A deep breath in, a deep breath out. He pivots around the edge of the transport, lines up his shot, and with a BLAT the launcher fires off a superheated ball of energy at the hip joint of the Dreadnought.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt yelps as she suddenly is beset by infantry, and also notices that Bishop can't exactly handle the divine lightning she gave him. "Augh, hold on!" Of course, he's unconscious, so he can't hear her apologize as she flies in at nearly full speed, picking him up and flying off for a safe spot...

Which is when she sees Lorna nearly collapse by herself, and considering all the amazing stuff she was throwing at HYDRA, she's probably a prime target. So Mary zips over towards her, setting Bishop down in a safe hideaway and says, "I got you covered!" And anything that comes at Lorna, is gonna have to get through Thunderbolt first!

Lorna Dane has posed:
"... they won't just stop," Polaris murmurs, just loud enough. A beat later, she grips Mary's shoulder for an amount of support which would - if she were not imbued with the Aegis of Athena - probably be distinctly uncomfortable to pull herself to her feet and stay there. Stunning, scintillating arcs gradually fade from three walkers; maintaining that level of output is--

It's -- technically -- within her capabilities, and surely within her purview, but it isn't her specialty. It's not her strength.

Not that Hydra cares what her limits are, of course.

Electric arcs recede from three machines and magnify around the last, the air around it screaming with wild ions as Lorna pours herself into using its internal energies to fuel the reaction which is, in turn, draining them-- a self-sustaining, self-destroying cycle of guardianship.

"You have to break them," she tells Mary.

Warns Mary.

Encourages Mary.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Monet's redirected missile does indeed take one of the Dreadnoughts. The people she was protecting scream and are rushing forward to get out of the firefight!

The Hydra forces are being rapidly whittled down. The heroes take down yet another Walker, this one keeling over before internal explosions blow pieces of its armor off.

It's become a full retreat. There are four skull-headed Walkers still standing, though in various states of damage. They are backing up, the tentacles allowing them full speed travel in any direction. Hoping to get back into the East River before they can be stopped. The Helicarrier stops firing as the heroes get close enough to the Walkers that they might be put at risk, and the Quinjets move to hover protectively around the UN building.

The infantry are flocking back to the Walkers, only to find that they aren't stopping for them. A number of them turning, opening fire on Kitkat and the Jamies, knowing there is no way out of here other than to fight.

Others don't have that much fight left and drop their weapons and raise their hands. While there aren't many UN security forces left after the punishment they took, figures are descending from the SHIELD Helicarrier. Maria Hill leading a squad of troopers in Mandroid armor to take prisoners.

The Dreadnoughts don't give up though, backing away and providing cover fire for the Walkers as best they can. But there are only about seven of them still functioning, and one of them having lost a leg in the explosion of Monet's missile.

Corben Kelly has posed:
Eventually Corben finds someone to hand granny off to, at least he's pretty sure he didn't just hand her off to anyone responsible for this chaos. Two lives, he managed to save, two lives. It may not be much in the grander scheme of things, but granny will go home to her grand kids and a dedicated soldier lives to fight another day.

He should just go home. His favorite duster took a beating, his body aches, his head hurts. All he wants is his bed. But Corben didn't miss the fact that one of the 'good ones' is down. This time the arguing with himself is cut down to seconds. Who knows, maybe he can save another life? He's a sneaking little thing and he has duck, dodge and run down to a science. He does the latter around falling debris and whatever else the battle throws at him until he's closer to Bishop. He's small, insignificant in the grand scheme, so he pretty much still goes unnoticed as a direct target.

Healing potions are /always/ something he has in his arsenal. But will they even work? With Bishop unconscious, Corben starts with a powder from a vial that he crushes in his gloved hand. He blows that in Bishop's face to hopefully wake him enough for the putrid tasting crap he's about to pour down the poor bastard's gullet.

Seriously, ever wondered what dirty gym socks festering in a boy's locker for weeks might taste like? Well now Bishop knows.

While he's working, he eyeballs the doors to the building. Once Big Guy here is up and moving, he knows where he's going next and it's not home to bed. Maybe, just maybe, he can save two more lives tonight.

Thor has posed:
Certain math makes sense: such as someone who is usually a villain aiming blasts at Thor's friends. That is easy KISS math.

And worse, it is hard to pivot when the anger is really pounding in his blood. Still, Thor is a hero, and more, currently worthy of Mjolnir. He reins it in, actually DOES hear her, scowling. The thunder god does not fully trust her, and will keep an eye open on her in the same way he would if Loki showed up, but will not get in the way of her attacking the Walker.

Tony relaying it was coordinated is also really critical here. That Tony organized it... well, okay.

"Should you turn on us, you will eat that spear," Thor growls, mostly to protect his own ego about misunderstanding here. "Make your blast for two Walkers." He doesn't explain, but, well, FINE. Temporary ally. Thor can accept that he's currently wrong.

"IRON MAN, bring forth justice on these shinies!" Or, in Thor-speak 'aim here please'. 'Shinies' was Tony's word. So, Thor turns to assault the walker, using that whirl of energy he meant to crush Zora with. He's rushing in: mainly using momentum to propel to crash this walker into another, the one that is shooting Iron Man, like knocking two enemy's heads together. Brute strength it is -- and giving Zora and Tony a great opening for maybe a two-for-one on Walkers. The opening is there, just after he's lunged free of their tangle, his electricity tearing up their shields and overloading them as they also defend against each others' impact.

Hopefully that's enough of an opening!

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix is panting heavily over as reinforcements have arrived. She goes to send out telepathically to the other members of the X-Men present <<What was their operational goal here? A frontal assault on the United Nations with heavy weaponry but unsupported by elites?>> Hydra had thier own share of super soldiers, officers, and extremely powerful beings on retainer. If they were throwing things into a frontal attack on the UN with so much heavy weaponry, where were any of those to take charge of it or that could break forth through heavy metahuman resistance?

Kitkat has posed:
Wounded, but not out, Kitkat battles her way with empty hands to where her sword skewered the one daring to hit the Calico to a vehicle, yanking it free after a few tugs up and down. Then, the damaged hulk of a Dreadnought crashes down next to her, the scrambling arrow lodged in the chest of it. Glancing up, and covered from the small arms fire of the walkers by the wreck of the car on the other side.

Forming a primitive horn with her hands around her mouth, she yells up to the roof the dereadnought came from, sheltering for the moment as she tries to gather her breath. "Archer of Purple! It's high tide and you have not yet used the Arrow to destroy forests yet! It's time for you to unleash the galeforce of that weapon on these metallic knight machines before they get away! Remember the Siege of Dunkeld!"

Clark Kent has posed:
Superman was there to protect the innocent and kick some metallic butt. Scanning his allies, he finishes off the Walker he just flew through, making sure all the shrapnel and pieces fall to the ground harmlessly.

Next, he targets the Walkers and Dreadnaughts that the Helicarrier was softening up. With a touch of his right hand to his forehead, he salutes the soldiers on the helicarrier, and launches himself into the thick of the battle. His aim was to make this as fast and bloodless as possible. "Great work Thunderbolt!" Superman nods in respect, seeing her work!

Making sure to avoid Iron Man's and Thor's battlezone with a grin, Superman uses his heat vision, his super breath, and his muscle to help where he was needed.

"You Avengers know how to party." That was to the channel, with a nod towards Clint, Zora, Jamie, Daniel, Corben, KitKat, Lorna and Monet as well. "Good work."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt glances back at Lorna, and places her hand over the Queen's. "Hey, I might have overcharged him, but I think you can handle it?" She can sense Lorna's energy flagging a bit, and she gives her an encouraging smile, "Hey, you know what, it ain't about how hard you hit." Her hair seems to crackle a bit with static electricity as she continues.

"It's about how hard you /get/ hit, and keep moving forward. How much can you take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!" She hears the recognition from Superman, and smiles wider at Lorna, meeting her eyes as she nods, and says loudly, "SHAZAM!"

And that's when the lightning roars down, getting drawn into Polaris as she gets a divine supercharge that hopefully doesn't have the same issue as it did with Bishop. But well, Polaris is all about magnets so this should be fine, right?

Clint Barton has posed:
With a groan, Clint rolls over onto his side and pushes himself to his knees before gaining his feet once more. His skin is tight, some areas are not only cut but blistering from the heat of the flames that had been thrown his way. Checking the status of the fight, as things can change in seconds, and usually do, Clint takes up his bow once more and dons a determined expression.

"I am so sick and tired of these.." The helicarrier has stopped firing, but those Quins are around the building, keeping guard. Hooray for more good guys! Still, he's pulling a rocket arrow from his arsenal, and once he reaches the edge of the roof, he's got it nocked and the string pulled back. There's a moment, and sound reaches his almost deafened ears. (Hooray for earpieces!)

A grimace appears on the archer's face, and first the rocket arrow is launched at the already stricken dreadnought, adding insult to injury that a HUMAN with a BOW and ARROW damaged it. He's not stopping, however, and the next arrow nocked and loosed is his sonic disruptor. While his EMP did some damage to electronics, this is more.. a communications breakdown, in most instances of 'the bad guys'.

Finally, the thing goes down, and goes down hard, and Clint at least gets to witness it. "Yay.." he mutters, the pain making its appearance once again. "Now, we get to clean up."

Tony Stark has posed:
    As Thor smashes the two walkers together Tony takes a firm stance, bending forward just a little. A large panel slides open on the Hulkbusters back, revealing a single large missile. Over his external loudspeakers he shouts "Good guys duck and cover!" It fires, arcing into the air towards the entangled walkers. Just above them, the missile warhead opens and fires out multiple submunitions. One streaks off toward each remaining Dreadnaught, while the remainder punch down into the two fallen walkers.

    With loud 'WHUMPHS' the warheads detonate, a shockwave rolling out from each impact site. Dreadnaughts fall with smoking holes in them,, while the two walkers twitch spasmodically and then stop moving. A bunch of the remaining HYDRA soldiers are blown through the air since they were retreating towards the very tagets Iron Man just took out.

    Tony murmers "I knew I could make the Jericho tech work for me. Sometimes I really do impress myself." As a HYDRA goon runs past him, he just extends his arm and flicks him with thumb and forefinger, launching him into a nearby statue.

Jamie Madrox has posed:
Those troopers seeking to withdraw turn and fire back toward Kitkat and the Jamies. The Dupes return fire and Jamie Prime takes a knee, lining up a shot at one of the departing walkers. He uses the disabled Dreadnought as a means of stabilizing him aim before another blat of the launcher fires off a superheated ball of energy at the retreating walker's tentacles. It's ineffective unfortunately and as the fighting begins to wind down, Jamie Prime is left to take stock of his surroundings. The acrid scent of smoke and burnt ozone in the air results in a scowl from him. He doesn't dismiss the Dupes yet. There are prisoners to guard and with the Dupe Platoon now adequately armed, who better to hold guns on a bunch of HYDRA prisoners?

The fighting isn't over of course, but the moment to breathe is also a moment to take stock of the impromptu battlefield. He tosses aside the launcher as though it were some sullied, unclean device. There are a lot of questions, but none are given a voice.

Daniel Ketch has posed:
Those few abandoned Hydra soldiers that are not surrendering are in a really bad situation. While the real heroes go after the bigger threats, the robots and the Skull-shaped transports, the Spirit of Vengeance specifically targets them.

Ignoring bullets and even the occasional energy blast (which does some damage, but never enough) the Ghost Rider falls on them like a monster from a nightmare. The lucky ones, he punches, shattering bones. The less lucky get the hellfire, that while causing little physical harm, makes them scream in agony as their souls and minds burn. The truly unfortunate, those whose sins were greater than most, receive the Penance Stare and will spend more time in Arkham Asylum than in Rikers Island.

Zora Vukovic has posed:
With Thor accepting her heroics (for now), and setting up the shot for those last two Walkers, Zora gives a quick nod to Thor and frowns as she focuses, concentrates, drawing in more of the ambient energy and power from all the shots, blasts, bolts, and everything else that's been going off. Turning towards where the Walkers are struggling to disentangle from one another, she lets the energy between her hands grow and charge, until the light of it is filling the immediate area.

With a loud cry, she releases the ball of pur Cosmic Power at the paired Walkers, sending it flying fast and true to land right at the 'feet' of the remaining Dreadnoughts and Walkers. The explosion is.. big. Bright white light fills the area, crackles of red energy sparking off here and there, the BOOM is enough to shatter windows a block away.. and in the end, there's a smoking crater littered with ruins of metal and melted slags of plastic and electronics.

"Oh, right. Ka-me-ha-me-ha.. I think. Anyways."

Dusting her hands, Zora looks to Thor and lifts a brow, "Still believe me to the villain here?" Because she has to rub it in. Just a little. Right at the sore spot. Calling over to Tony in belated fashion, "I am already gainfully employed, but if you wish to contract me, you can submit the request to Doom!"

Thor has posed:

"If you wish to enjoy being on the winning side, consider working with us more often," Thor answers Zora with a measured, regal tact. He has landed, covered in machine fuel, dust, and grit of battle, blonde hair blowing and flicking with the remains of electricity he still retains.

But it's time to finish this, and gather what they can from the remainder of the fight.

And then, yes. Thor will provide ale -- to those worthy of it.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Hopefully, it doesn't have the same effect on Polaris as it did on Bishop.




Divine lightning hits Polaris square between the shoulders. A scream that cuts through the air and across comm frequencies -- a static-laced burst of agonized apotheosis -- accompanies the Genoshan liege drifting upwards, most of her convulsing save for limp, painfully clenched and contracted limbs. A machine gun heartbeat rattles away for those with the senses to hear it while pulsing green light shot through with golden arcs boil out into the air, surrounding herself and Thunderbolt. Every last individual shard of repurposed violet metals composing her voluminous cape stands on end, while the sleek green alloy of her regal garb gleams brilliantly, a captured tempest swimming through its surface and threatening to spill forth to swallow the world.

Somewhere at the heart of coruscating emerald, quivering fists force themselves shut; strained muscles and a tortured nervous system scream their disapproval as Lorna enfolds the sorcerous jumpstart with her higher senses and draws it to herself, embracing it even as it threatens to turn her to ash with the purity of its elemental fury. With gold-green sparks leaping along fluttering tresses, she clenches her jaw fiercely and takes the next step-- from bearing the power of the gods to channeling it outwards, becoming a conduit and repository for forces beyond her ken, all at once. The energies of Thunderbolts divine dynamo lash from Lorna to the last walker in her power, back to Lorna-- out to a Dreadnaught, back to Lorna-- between a dozen footsoldiers, and back to Lorna--

A web spun from heaven and earth springs into being, and at its center, Polaris weaves destruction. A final, wrenching motion of her arms to rip through the air before her draws all those crackling threads inwards, carrying whatever metal anchors they may have attached themselves to. A storm of Walker bits, Dreadnought armor, and shattered equipment funnels towards Lorna and Mary until they're the eye of a shrapnel tornado, only for the storm to freeze around them several seconds later.

And then collapse, just as Lorna does.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Thunderbolt's eyes go wide at the display of divine-charged magnetic power from Lorna, silently mouthing a 'Wow' as she looks pretty impressed at what Polaris was able to do. And when Lorna collapses, Thunderbolt moves with pretty quick speed, catching Lorna and supporting her so she doesn't fall on the ground, "Hey, I got you... that was amazing!"

Kitkat has posed:
Winded from the battle, Kitkat uses her heavy blade as a way to keep all standing, slowly making her way through the dead and wounded. Picking up a hydra helmet that was missing any sign of its wearer, she approached the winged-helmed Thunderer that somehow seemed to manage to find drinks. Dirty from the grime of the floor, covered in blood from the Hydra soldiers and singes from near misses and a quite larger burn on her lower left back... she was quite a battle worn one to behold. But she was standing, if painful and using the sword as a crutch for the moment.

Holding out the helmet to Thor with a crooked grin, she piped up. "You slew their mechanical knights good. Let's drink from their helmets as their skulls make bad cups!"

Thor has posed:
Thor turns towards Kitkat, amused and feeling similarly battleworn from the expenditure of high electricity, though he doesn't show it. Important to look powerful and unblemished! He observes the dirty helmet, with a low laugh. "A pity they have tiny heads, for my steins dwarf them in size," Thor teases. Though if she chooses the helmet, he would not frown at her!