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Arabian Nights costume gala
Date of Scene: 16 September 2020
Location: Wakandan Embassy
Synopsis: The Avengers have an Arabian Nights themed costume charity event.
Cast of Characters: T'Challa, Wilson Fisk, Hyperion, Lara Croft, Luke Cage, Elektra Natchios, Wanda Maximoff, Thor, Tony Stark, Cassie Sandsmark, Pepper Potts, Kaminari, Bobbi Morse, Lance Hunter, Shuri

T'Challa has posed:
The Wakandan Embassy has been offered as the site for a charity costume ball hosted by the Avengers. The theme for the costumes is 1001 Arabian Nights. The embassy's large ball room has been decked out for the affair, with painted murals on some walls to suggest a sultan's palace, servers in appropriate attire, comfortable furniture around the edges with an Arabian flare for sitting and talking with other guests.

The drinks are free with admission, a wide range of beverages inspired by the region. The proceeds from the charity event are going to help those affected by the recent alien incursions in Metropolis, New York and Genosha. A number of the Avengers are on hand, mingling, realizing that they are part of the reason people will spend for the tickets to the event. Some tickets were raffled off or given out by radio stations, so there is plenty of opportunity even for those who are not wealthy to have found a way to the event.

T'Challa has emerged in the room, dressed in a Sultan costume. Though it took all of his staff plus his sister to talk him into the outfit as opposed to something simpler. It is primarily white, with blue and purple trim, and a small jeweled panther worn on the cloak. He has gone without the headdress though, Okoye trailing behind him, holding it and looking annoyed that he isn't wearing it. She motions towards him with it, and T'Challa gestures with both hands as if he can't help it.

Music starts up, traditional sounding fair one would expect for the Arabian peninsula, at least what the movies would play. People are arriving and mingling, and T'Challa moves over to greet them as they do.

Wilson Fisk has posed:
Mr. Fisk comes into the Wakandan embassy dressed in a purple and gold suit, his left hand with a gold Rolex on it, a pair of purple silk gloves. His face in a soft smile, scanning the world seeking out his target, as he T'Challa is sighted, slowly he makes his way through the crowd that a large man, not quiet needing to shove. Something, about the way he moves, with the hurried lazy way of a busy man on a mission. His hand is dipping into his right inner pocket to bring out an envelope."Fisk Enterprises wish to help. There is a check inside; it is the least we can do. Thank you for protecting the world." As he stands there, offering it towards the hero of the hour as his eyes scan the rest of the room taking stock.

His eyes moving over the food, with a little chuckle as he will have to find out if he can eat it, as he scans around seeking a chef or someone to ask next. He is a vegan, much such a place hard for him to go as that is not always the masses' preferred diet. His other hand is resting behind his back, as he waits almost in a military-style, but relaxed.

Hyperion has posed:
    It is not as if Hyperion requires food or drink. But he -does- take a simple drink to be polite. He himself is dressed in a shirtless oversized 'Hassan Chop' style outfit. Basically, the hulking executioner type of look. Down to the 'obviously' fake oversized curved sword on his back. He doesn't really know anyone here, but he owes King T'Challa in part for his life. So he showed up because it is the right thing to do.
    Either way, he is here and kind of keeping to himself because... let's be honest, he -might- know two people at the party. But when T'Challa makes his appearance, Hyperion perks up. He grins a bit and waits for the King to notice him. It's not like he doesn't stand out... I mean he's tall and all. That's what I meant. Yep! But he lifts his drink in a salute to the King when the King's attention pans over his position.
    Then his eyes traverse about the room, pondering whom he might approach to try to meet up with.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lady Lara Croft is already present in the hall when the King of Wakanda arrives. Dressed i na free-flowing gown styled in the ways of tonight's theme, her dress is primarily a soft sky blue, with gold trimming to the dress, and veils that adorn her head. Golden jewelry accessorize her wrists, fingers and neckline as well.

The British Noble's eyes go to the King when he arrives, a smile crossing her visage as she sees he was finally talked in to the Sultan outfit after all. She stands from the chair she'd been resting o nthe edge of and turns her stare to some of the others entering, offering greetings to those who pass her by, or come up to her specifically.

When T'Challa gets near, Lara's eyes go to him, she grins more openly. "You look lovely, your Majesty." She says, knowing full well the dislike he had for this particular outfit option. "You wear it well, I assure you."

Luke Cage has posed:
Oh sure. Luke stands out. Not like T'Challa does, naturally regal. Not like Fisk, obvious money. Not like Hyperion...all...uh...powerful. Luke stands out because if not for his power, if not for what little hero work he has done in New York he would have no business at a party like this. He looks uncomfortable as can be as he meanders the perimeter.

The suit he wears barely fits any sort of Arabian Nights theme, but he tried by adding those curvy shoes, just like the Sultan in Aladdin. Of course Luke thinks he looks like Shaq as a genie. The suit isnt tailored clearly a rental, owning a bar doesnt make you Wilson Fisk money.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
With the Arabian Nights being the theme of the party of course that Elektra would be present, certainly not wishing to miss such an occasion. The former ambassador's daughter makes her way into the Embassy dressed in a way to invoke the mysterious spirit of the tales woven by the very theme of the party. The outfit is a blend of both Aladdin and Jasmine, gem-studded high heeled shoes, followed by loose, light yellow pants, all of the finest silk. Further up those pants blossom into the upper-part of the dress of a princess, all glitter and full of encrusted gems. The dress is open on the back, leaving it fully visible if not for a large, gold piece that resembles a serpent, twining about her back and connecting to the the rest of the dress by the way of gold filigree. A shawl is present, which she uses to keep her face out of sight as would be proper, the rest of her fingers adorned with various pieces of jewelry, one notably large ring made of silver, ornate and with symbols carved around it along with a goat motif as a signet.

She comes arm-with-arm with certainly large and blue man. Apparently they are a pair, of Aladdin and the Genie. She looks up at the man and says. "Well, quite the party your people seems to have put here, mmm?" her heavy accent noticeable before dark eyes turn to look over the room again.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda Maximoff makes no dramatic entrance. When she slips inside, smiles are offered to the familiar faces (and even to the unfamiliar ones) as she winds her way over to where drinks are being served. The design of her outfit is fairly simple. An off the shoulder Arabic style dress in an deep red, it's trimmed with gold embroidery and some gold jewelry. It's elegant, but it's not intended to be over the top. More comfortable than anything.

With a drink acquired, she slips over out of the way to observe the partygoers and admire the costumes.

Thor has posed:
    Advancing into the embassy, past the foyer, beyond the footmen so tasked with seeing to the guests. A large blue being of dark hair and a severe beard might well draw a second glance or two. Which assuredly is a good thing for it is likely on the second or third glance that those so inclined and familiar with the man might well recognize him as The Mighty Thor, though with a certain flair for the evening.
    At Elektra's side, or perhaps Aladdin's, he walks with a hand upon hers and seems openly curious, features bright with a smile as he strokes fingers along the curve of his freshly trimmed beard that has been waxed to a sharp and wicked looking point along with twirled mustache.
    "I get the feeling..." He says sidelong to his escort, "That I may be over-dressed." Which, could possibly be a thing considering that he wears extremely bright purple pants that billow like a parachute, a broad red belt, pointed blue black slippers, and then naught save a pair of golden bracers. Though the blue body paint might have more to do with his feeling.

T'Challa has posed:
There are both vegan and other offerings among the food. T'Challa greets Wilson Fisk, taking the envelope when offered. "Thank you very much, Mr. Fisk," T'Challa says as if recognizing the CEO. "Very kind of you. I do hope that you enjoy the evening," he says after shaking Wilson's hands if it is offered.

The Wakandan looks around the room, spotting Hyperion and flashing him a small smile and an approving nod that seems to encourage his participation in the event. He motions towards one of the servers carrying a drink tray and says something to her. The woman walks over to Hyperion to say, "His Majesty informed me he does not know if you have special dietary needs, or whether our beverages are to your liking. If not, I'd be happy to try to make something at your direction," she tells him.

T'Challa then turns, greets a newly arrived couple to welcome them to the event. As they move on, he turns and sees Lara Croft in her blue Arabian gown. He stands stock still for a few moments, until Okoye passes behind him and whispers something. Which starts T'Challa forward, with a quick glance back at Okoye. "Lady Croft," T'Challa says in his soft raspy voice. "This... cannot be authentic," he says of her attire. "For if Scheherazade wore it so well? It would have only taken her 1 Arabian Night," he says softly. "Thank you for attending, Lara," he says.

He offers her his arm if she'd like before moving over to greet still more people.

Tony Stark has posed:
As one of the Avengers, Tony Stark was required attendance, at least on the surface. He probably has attracted more than a few skeptical gazes from Avengers, though, who know that the man is just barely out of surgery. And he isn't recovered fully. His time is probably limited...

Yet here's Stark in full blown color. That color being mostly gold. In this case, a suitable attire that is primarily bronze with gold, and some nearly-white detailing of elaborate embroidery in almost tech-looking fluxes of thread in the light. If he had a mask, it's somewhere else; Tony isn't much for hiding his face usually, and now is not that time either.

And what is the injured Avenger doing? He was dancing with a young lady that won one of the raffles, fulfilling his 'duty' there efficiently (maybe a bit overly efficiently, proof of his situation even if he's faking it). He finishes there and rather abruptly heads back to where some other Avengers were positioned, but specifically Pepper Potts, to lean in and make what looks to be a teasing comment near her ear:

"New idea. Let's try to make sure I pass out /after/ we get your dance in?"

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie's been lucky enough to be out on the 'Embassy Circuit' a lot recently: first the Asgardian embassy, then to 'home territory' at the recent event at the Themysciran embassy. And now, she's making it a hat trick with this 'do' at the Wakandan Embassy. The first two outings had been in the care of her mentor, but there's no Diana in sight here. However, that doesn't mean she gets to go unchaperoned: these are rather grown up sorts of affairs, and Helena Sandsmark is attending as well, presumably on behalf of her Museum rather than as one of the actual heroes of the battles - like her daughter!

As for the theme, Cassie is theoretically Dunyazad: maybe that's sort of a nod to her 'Wonder /Girl/' status, taking the little sister role from the story. Of course, most people probably wouldn't guess it at a glance (if they even knew the story that well) as her outfit is not the traditional Orientalist (and thus really problematic, helloooo) harem dress, but something taken from a relevant blending of her own mytho-cultural history, a Cretan greek dress with touches from the Andalusian Emirate that briefly ruled the island amidst the Byzantines wars with the Abassids. What? When your mother is a museum curator, this is what happens! More or less, she wears a long baggy skirt, cinched at the hips not with the typical sash, but her golden lasso, a fitted blouse and embroidered jacket, and a headscarf patterend fabric.

"I'll be fine /mom/," she drones in a usual whiny teenage way, before splitting off into the crowds. She won't try and grab a drink YET, the surveillance is TOO INTENSE.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Dressed resplendantly in green; silk tunic that touches her knees with gold and silver braiding and gems sewed in,  with wide silk pants that boast the same artistry of gem placement. Atop that, a wide, deep green shawl sits upon her shoulders, and to finish the outfit, a bejeweled headdress. As she moves, there's a soft sound of bells, a light, airy, delicate sound.

Pepper enters the gala, and rather than the heels that she wears, she wears velvet slippers that match the emerald of her costume. A smile sits upon her face, her expression a bright and happy one; it's a cause that she's supported from the beginning, and one that she's more than happy to maintain. While not 'technically' an Avenger, that is, no one will be seeking her out for pictures, she does have something of the benefit of knowing and working behind the scenes with them.

Wandaâ??s entrance gains something of an understated wave, a gesture sheâ??s sure the other Avenger will see. She keeps green eyes on the dance, her fingers entwined before her, her head canted slightly to the side. Once it is finished, and Tony approaches, that mask that heâ??s eschewed is easily produced, though not handed over. â??Iâ??ll remind you, then,â?? is said with a warm smile, her tones low and bemused.

Wilson Fisk has posed:
That handshake is brief but powerful, as Mr. Fisk nods slowly towards the Sulton."Now then, it is the least we can do, of course, one has to help one's community. Have a wonderful evening. Enjoy your rounds." With that, the large man makes his way to find someone to ask if there is anything he can eat as he chuckles softly warm a sound that seems to fill the hall.

His eyes moving over the crowd, seeking anything or anyone else a busy man needs to place in his time, as he makes his way to the salad, examing it for a long moment, before he starts to pace it on his plate, it was the safest choice, but never truly safe without asking.

Hyperion has posed:
    Surprised at the woman's approach, Hyperion shakes his head, "I am well. This is delicious." he says, indicating the random drink he took. "To be honest, I do not normally consume food or drink. I am .. well I have no requirements. Thank you very much." he says politely.
    His eyes traverse back to T'Challa and he inclines his head before smiling just a little bit. Then.. oh look, someone else he knows! It's Wanda. He lifts his glass in her view and turns to approach her. As he goes, he fishes a rolled up piece of paper from a pocket in those loose and flowing trousers he is wearing.
    When he reaches her, he says, "You look lovely Wanda. Do you think I might be allowed to present a personal gift to the King?" he asks, indicating the paper in his hand. "Actually. I have four copies.." he remarks as he unrolls the paper and shows Wanda the drawing he made including the four people who rescued him recently in a properly heroic pose... superhero comic book style artwork. (Wanda, Dove, Power Girl, and T'Challa if it matters). "It is not much, but it is just about my only really useful skill outside of fighting."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Perhaps. Yet I shall not use any of my wishes to re-dress you." An amused expression going up to her eyes, regarding the big blue genie for a moment before she gestures grandly to the party. "And with this being your .., zone.., so to say, I shall allow you to make introductions." Elektra announces to Thor.

"Even if tradition tells one should always make sure to greet the host first." She is very helpful in aiding the God of Thunder on where to go apparently. "Shall we?"

Thor has posed:
    A short snort comes from the incognito Asgardian as he strolls along and gestures to the side, "Indeed, let us do so." That said he rests a hand upon Elektra's in turn upon his forearm as he advances through the crowd. The tall blue figure seems jovial, pleased as he smiles sidelong to those he passes near, approaching T'Challa though at no rush for the moment. Though he does spot a particular golden and bronze figure and calls out abruptly, loud, across the room oh so rudely.
    Which then has him half-smile towards Elektra and says, "He loves that, he may protest, but he does." And with that they make their way through in that general direction.

T'Challa has posed:
The wandering through the crowd meeting people brings T'Challa over to Luke Cage. Spotting his shoes, perhaps the African thinks he's going for a genie look too. "If you have any wishes left?" T'Challa tells Luke quietly. "I have a few uncooperative minsters I might wish to use one on," he says, offering Luke a shake of his hand. "Power Man is always welcome," he adds more quietly, having recognized the New York hero. "And this is Lady Croft," he says, introducing her to Luke.

Though T'Challa spots Elektra and her blue genie date. "Or should I seek the wishes over here?" he asks. He offers a hand to Thor to clasp. "Are you both familiar with Lady Croft?" he asks in introduction. He gives a small wave of his hand as he addresses Elektra. "Should this genie suggest a visit to a bottle? I would pass on it. It's likely full of Asgardian mead. And just... trust me," he says with a small, lopsided grin for her.

T'Challa spots more of his teammates. Wanda and Tony and Pepper are given a smile of recognition while they are still too far away to greet directly. "Even apart from the charitable aspect? This is worth it," T'Challa tells Lara quietly, "Just to see Wanda and Pepper dressing up so. They both deserve a night out like this," he says. His eyes go to Tony. Tony? He doesn't really need more nights out like this, he has enough in his past for the whole team. But T'Challa's smile is happy to see him.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda catches Pepper's small wave, offering her one in return. While she might be heading in that direction, she spots Hyperion headed her way and offers him a gentle smile. "It is good to see you." When he shows the art, the smile brightens. "Oh, that's lovely. And very kind of you to make them. I am sure he will be as honored as I am." Her eyes search the room before they land on T'Challa and Lara.

Glancing back to Hyperion, she nods in his direction. "You should present it to him. I see someone I have been promised an introduction to as well." She turns her gaze back to the other pair before she heads in that direction, expecting him to follow.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara's expression softens at T'Challa's compliment to her. "You are too kind, your Majesty. I'm quite happy to be here, which is rare for public events. As for my dress, well... let's just say it's more authentic than even I expected it would be, when I sought it out." But her attention is drawn to the arrival of others, it's becoming quite a busy night here in this faux-Arabian gathering.

Elektra and Thor's approach garners Lara's attention, she affords them both a smile and a soft nod. "It is good to see you again, Prince Thor. You're looking quite stylish." She states to him, showing a smile, before her stare goes to his escort. "You're looking quite dazzling as well, Miss... Natchios, yes? No Doctor Strange tonight?" Lara asks that last part, and tags on a soft grin. Her eyes note one of the adornments on Elektra's finger though, the ring standing out... for some reason.

She glances up then again to the others. She spots Helena and Cassie then. "Helena!" Lara raises her left hand to garner the matriach of the Sandsmarks' attention. "I wasn't sure if you were indeed coming tonight or not." She tells her colleague in Archaeology. "Cassie... you've grown quite a lot since I saw your last too! It's been... well, I think I was in my mid teens, seven years?"

Kaminari has posed:
Galas and charity events, the schedule of a celebrity never ends. Another day another function or charity event to go to. Kaminari enters some time after the party has started, fashionably late some might say. She's certainly fashionable taking a slightly different spin on the Arabian nights theme. Representative of the Persian Empire's trade with China, she is wearing a black Cheongsam dress with purple patterns of storm clouds and brilliant white bolts of lightning. Her long snow white hair has been bound up with a pair of chopsticks into a long braid that still manages to reach her midback and the vibrantly rendered storm on her dress seems to come alive as she walks.

Flagging down a waiter a flute of wine is acquired almost immediately and then she is scanning the crowd for faces she is familiar with, other society types. She is however pleasantly surprised to see Thor and begins drifting in his direction.

Tony Stark has posed:
Stark gets yelled at. He looks up and over at Thor. In fact, Thor is not wrong. Tony does respond, and probably does love the attention. All signs point to yes on that one.
"Pep. Look," Tony directs, suddenly, with a nod of head towards the giant blue Thor. Tony can't resist going over to inspect THAT situation even as it comes his way, and starts over right away, intending to drag Pepper along in his wake.

"You've made my night with this," Tony grins at ... Elektra, sensing she is to blame for the genie, but then also sending his gaze warmly to Thor. "No jokes, either. Just impressed. I do want you to hug lots of people that aren't me, though, see how many we can mark with blue before the night ends," Tony suggests cheerfully.

Luke Cage has posed:
"Fuck." Luke mutters to himself, he knew he looked like a genie. He nods to T'Challa, "Thanks for allowing me to come....I didnt know Power Man would stick." he admits with a chuckle. His gaze then turns towards Lara as she is introduced to him. "Nice to meet you." he offers his large powerful hand but even his attention is torn to Elektra and Thor as they approach.

Its all a whirlwind when you are used to the streets of Harlem and Hells Kitchen, this is definitely a step up from that. Welcome to the big leagues. Luke turns to Cassie and her mother then as well when Lara likewise draws attention that way. Thankfully a waiter walks past with a drink that Luke quickly nabs, he's going to need it to get through the night. Punching people is just so much easier.

Hyperion has posed:
    Nodding his head, Hyperion murmurs to Wanda, "Thank you. And thank you for the kindness. You have made me feel so welcome since my.... arrival.... awakening?" He shrugs, "Either way, you have shown a stranger kindness, and that is -always- the mark of a heroic heart."
    That said, Hyperion bows his head towards Wanda, presses his hand to his heart and then turns to begin approaching T'Challa. But he waits at a respectful distance, not wishing to interrupt.
    Only when the King addresses him, does he pull one of the papers free from the sheaf he has. "Your Majesty, I have nothing to my name. I arrived with only the clothes on my back. So I have created a gift to thank you for your part in my rescue." And that said, he holds out one of the drawings he made.

Wilson Fisk has posed:
Mr. Fisk is watching the room now. He is eating his salad slowly, as he scans all the faces, watching studying as he walks over towards the face that he knows for now.

As he gets close to Hyperion, his hand is fired off massive in a straight line forward towards the man."Hello again, Hyperion; it seems you have been a busy man, getting invited to the big shindig, as they say." The voice is rumble of mirth, with a hint of teasing at the slightly larger man, as he looks over the others."I have yet to find a tailor, it seems, and I have many to ask for numbers; I need someone for the nice one. I wanted something, but my current man told me three months his waiting list is too long. How have you been, my friend?"

Elektra Natchios has posed:
As Thor just shouts across the room Elektra eyes him with a raised brow, "I see how things are done in your group." she comments. And even as they are moving closer in that general direction of where Tony is they come across Lara and T'challa. Just as well! Always greet the host first! "A lovely party, King T'Challa." she dips her head in a respectful, formal bow before attention goes to Lara. Recognition comes to her expression. "Mmmm, Lara Croft." she eyes her outfit up and down before offering a nod. "We meet again in quite the different circumstances. And indeed, seems we both lack a Doctor Strange tonight." her own expression shifting to a brief grin as well. "I am surprised to find you here." fingertip continues rolling about her silver ring in an idle manner, she looking up at Thor afterwards.

"Have you met Lara? She is quite the archeologist."

Tony's approach then makes her look his way. She dips her head. "Mr. Stark. Well met." she studies Tony's expression carefully even if her expression does seem rather pleasant.

Thor has posed:
    "Ah, Your Majesty," Thor says with some formality, though hard to take the blue face too seriously as he says, "May I introduce you to Lady Elektra Natchios? My counterpart for the evening." That said he accepts the forearm shake, clapping a hand over their joined arms and patting gently in recognition.
    "I am come to exercise my phenomenal cosmic power, despite my..." He then looks towards Elektra as if asking for some clarification as to what he should say, "Tiny living space?"
    A small shrug is given then he looks back to the man. "But we are here and shall celebrate."
    Then he does lean closer and murmurs just for the man alone, "I did not bring any ale within, I thought to check with you at first before..." He gestures to the side as if gauging if this is /that/ kind of party.
    But then he is shown to Lara, "Ah, Lady Croft. A pleasure. I have indeed," A smile given to Elektra, then he straightens up, "Not too much is it?"
    For as Kaminari wanders over in his direction, indeed tis Thor. But blue. Tis Thor. Though now there's a Tony within proximity as he laughs, "Stark, you devil! I see beyond your deceit!" Because in that moment, despite Tony's wishes... well he does go in for a hug.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
As Cassie weaves her way along, she gets to admire the other costumes, and does a bit of a jaw-drop at the Thor-Elektra combo. "Oh wow that's great. They look just like the movie!" She's very briefly met Thor but... may not recognize him in such a totally out there getup, but nonetheless spends a moment or two gawking. Right about now she's probably feeling a little surly about the authenticity over the fun factor of her getup: thanks again, mom!

And while she was /trying/ to escape her mom's orbit, getting spotted by another family friend puts the breaks on that. Helena starts over immediately, looking rather thrilled. "Well, my my, Lady Croft, what a pleasant surprise finding you here. Or maybe that's the other way around. I think this is far more your sort of event than mine. But Cassie really did want to come, since, well, I suppose she's part of all this. Cassie, come say hello, you remember Laura, don't you?"

In truth it has been a while, and Cassie pauses and squins, OK maybe stares a bit, at Laura, since she was really just a kid the last time. "Hi. Are you still doing uh, all that treasure hun- er, archeology?"

It also occurs: her mom's 'work friends' includes a suspiciously large number of badass, adventurous, dark-haired goddesses and royalty! What gives?

"Laura, I should really go say hello the King. Cassie you should too, come on," Helena prompts her daughter. "But after that we just have to catch up."

Pepper Potts has posed:
The bellow from the Asgardian certainly is an attention getter! Her head turns quickly to see the large man looking very much like a giant blueberry in a genie outfit. With a laugh, Pepper does allow herself to be led, and she keeps a playful distance. "I can't.." and another laugh exits. "Oh dear.. Thor," is given warmly. "That's.."

Elekra is given a warm nod, "Hello," is given pleasantly. "Ms Natchios? I'm Pepper Potts. It's a pleasure." She laughs again, and nods at Thor, "Thank you for that."

Though? "Thor? Please don't hug him.. I still have a dance, and I don't want to see him blue." A hand is reached for, Tony's hand, and there's another smile, this one given to Tony. "You promised."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara returns Luke's handshake when he offers it, and she smiles to him. "Power Man is a good name, at least. A month or so ago, I ran across someone with an ability to set fire to things he simply touched with his fingertips. He called himself Gristlefingers... Which, well, yes, that is not a very good name, even if it applicable." A grin lingers for a moment before she looks back to T'Challa. "I have had a chance to meet Prince Thor, if briefly, and I've worked with Miss Natchios on occasion, by way of Doctor Stephen Strange. Curious work, that, but... exciting?"

To Elektra, Lara softly smiles and glances toward T'Challa, motioning toward him. "I came across some artifacts that belonged to the Wakanda people, and well... it's lead to a trail that I have been helping the King's and his people with. There's more yet to be reclaimed, as it so happens. It's important to the Wakandans to get these items brought home, and I'm happy to get a chance to help them with that."

Thor is given another soft smile. "You really do look wonderful tonight." She tells the Asgardian Prince before looking back to Helena and Cassie. Helena gets a smile and Cassie gets a soft laugh. "I am, yes. I've gotten far more in to it since the last time we spoke too. It's a... living now, you can say. Very glad to see you bot here too."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa takes the offered painting from Hyperion. "This is very well done," he says as he looks at the drawing of himself, Power Girl, Dove and Scarlet Witch. "Very well done indeed. Thank you my friend. I will treasure this," he says warmly to Hyperion. "I realize that the mansion is there for most of your needs. But if you have additional ones? Please let me know. We will see if Wakanda can help you with it," he offers.

The African smiles as Lara is better acquainted with Elektra than himself. Also as she greets Helena and Cassie.He turns towards them, giving a soft smile and saying, "Welcome. We are glad you were able to attend. I'm T'Challa," he offers in introduction to those he hasn't met, leaving out the royal bits.

T'Challa laughs and clasps Thor's shoulder. "Using your own beverage would be fine. But I did procure a small cask. Just ask one of the servers for it. They will only serve it to you. Or those you authorize."

As Kaminari is near, T'Challa says, "That is a lovely garment. The colors and the vividness of the lightning really speak," he tells the young woman in his quiet rasp of a voice.

T'Challa looks up, and when he makes eye contact with Wanda he flashes her a smile, and gestures toward the archeologist with him. He smiles as Lara makes her introduction. "Indeed, Lara has been most helpful. A sharp mind. Wanda has a history degree from Columbia. I commented to her that the two of you would probably get along famously in that regard."

Hyperion has posed:
    Nodding his head to T'Challa, Hyperion shrugs, "I've few needs. Mostly wish to feel useful in a meaningful way."
    That said, he backs away, not wanting to soak up more of T'Challa's time. And that is when Mister Fisk approaches him. He bobs his head and accepts the hand offered. "Good to see you again Mister Fisk. I do hope that your garden is producing and growing well." he states.
    "As for my invitation, it was secured via the Avengers. They have been treating me quite well since I arrived."

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony tenses up visibly a little bit at the threat of Thor-hug; a sharp eye like Elektra's can read it, as can maybe many of the other heroes in his immediate vicinity. Thor's hugs can hurt (or in the past they have a little, with the poor ribs!), and Tony's on a bit of a sparse thread physically at the moment. Medication is helping that thread not sever, though. But a bearhug of the usual sort did cause some body language, and a delayed dodge back, as Tony intercepts to instead try to catch just a heroic arm-shake, not a hug.

"Save those for the afterparty, after my photos are all taken," Tony teases Thor in response. He smiles deliberately wide at Elektra, though it isn't flirtatious - more that he's proving he's fine. Just fine.

"I did indeed; and I will hardly be the one to let a lady down. Excuse me," Tony says, and gives Pepper a direct 'shall we?' sort of headtilt. Tony's going to enjoy this party, with no indications otherwise, if he has his way.

Wilson Fisk has posed:
"I'm glad you are getting the help you need to adjust Hyperion. That is very good, my friend. My garden is doing wonderful. I have some green peppers, some zucchini, some strawberries now. I made an amazing salad for lunch today." Mr Fisk nods slowly, as he looks over at the rest of the group, as he speaks softly in that rumble of pleasure."My name is Wilson Fisk; it is a pleasure to be allowed the honor to celebrate your victories. I hope this evening is pleasant for each of you? Without such heroes, I worry about the state of the world, in these odd times."

Kaminari has posed:
Kaminari flashes T'Challa a big smile before taking a sip from her wine flute, "If I don't show off a little, He'll" she gestures at Thor, "Steal all my Thunder and I can't have that." she gives a playful wink.

Thor is then given a look up and down, "Blue suits you." she declares. "Like clear skies." Her grin is mischievous as she makes the subtle jab at her fellow storm deity.

Luke Cage has posed:
One drink down and then the second, by then Luke is starting to relax a bit. Or at least knows he better not drink too much and make a fool of himself. Afterall this is first big hero party invite. And he wore those shoes? "When I was young, I thought being an archeologist would be fun." Luke says then to Lara, "But...then I grew up and realized Indiana Jones is just a movie, and we dont all get to punch Nazi's." he smiles lightly.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda smiles warmly in Lara's direction. "It is a pleasure to meet you, by the way. Your reputation precedes you and, in addition, T'Challa speaks highly of you. History is certainly an interest of mine, though I don't have quite the experience you do." She glances between Lara and T'Challa before looking back to the former. "I am glad that he has had someone to help in that regard."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
That does seem to explain why Lara is here tonight. "An honorable pursuit." just before she chuckles lightly about it work they did for Strange. "Well, you did make a friend for life during that adventure.." maybe calling a glowing skull a friend is going a bit too far.

As Thor goes to have that hug and Pepper intervenes she does the same for Thor, placing one hand on his arm. "You shouold not get all that blue paint on your friend." she offers. "Perhaps leave the hugs for the afterparty indeed as Mr. Stark suggested."

Eyes then go to Pepper and she dips her head. "Well met, Ms. Potts. I have heard many great things about you. I am glad we are finally able to meet." she offers her hand for a shake.

But something calls her attention. A familiar voice? She looks at Kaminari with some attention, perhaps trying to place on where she knows her from. Curious...

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"That's cool. You know I got my start with some 'borrowed' magical treasures." Stolen! From Wonder Woman of all people! "Do you ever find stuff like that, or is it just the dusty junk my mom studies? Would you try them on if you did?!" Apparently, Lara's treasure hunting career quickly earns Cassie's fascination and some measure of comraderie. Her mom starts pulling her away (and her mom is one of the fw people who CAN drag her around even if she doesn't want to go), but she quickly adds as she's dragged off: "I'll show you my lasso later if you want!"

Soon Helena has properly queued them up to say hello to the King. "It's a pleasure, Your Majesty. I'm Helena Sandsmark, from the Metropolis Museum of Antiquities, although I imagine you might be better acquainted with my daughter, Cassie." Cassie, of course, would be on whatever sort of official list there was for the various heroes being honored, albeit in her other identity. "She's very excited to be here."

Eventually, Cassie gets a word in edgewise to actually give her OWN feelings on being there: "It's a cool party, your Majesty. I think we actually met really briefly at the last Embassy thing, but, well, you must meet a lot of people. It seems like -everyone- is here." She looks around a bit at all the other folks making their introductions, still a little wide eyed. She's a little out of her age bracket here, with the 'adult,' big-brand heroes rather than her Titans or Outsiders crowd.

Thor has posed:
    Drawn up short by the wise words of Ms. Potts and Elektra's hand, Thor stops mid-motion hug, wide arms spread and his blueness beckoning. Yet it is for naught. "Ah very well. Later then." He rests a hand on Elektra's then points at Tony and then at Pepper, "Did I make introductions? Lady Elektra Natchios, she is the holder of the lamp this eve, though she has the option to pass it on and thus I would be beholden to offer three wishes. Though I am already here, thus that is assuredly one wish answered for all. So perhaps two wishes, we'll sort it out later."
    But then Kaminari enters his line of sight fully and he laughs, "Kaminari, you have my approval already for the ale if you wish." He then gestures, "Elektra, this is Kaminari. She is a goddess of thunder as well, and a fine drinking companion, you both would get along famously." His head bobs once then loudly...
    "Is that... Wanda Maximoff's voice? Is she hiding herself from me?"

Hyperion has posed:
    Having done some homework, Hyperion nods his head as he looks over and spots Tony and Blue-Man-Group-Thunderer. He says, "Good to see you again Mister Fisk. I should try to meet some others." he offers before turning to head towards Mister Stark. He figures that if -anyone- is going to understand his arrival from a parallel universe, it is the intellect of Tony Stark. Maybe a bit of the Ego of him as well. Plus, a god from a godly dimension should know about such things too.
    So the big musclebound mook of Hyperion approaches the group. Again, he stops a respectful distance off and waits for a pause in the conversation...

Lara Croft has posed:
To Luke, Lara grins at his words for her. "Well." She starts, clearly connected to what he'd said. "As it so happens, I've been in a few scraps with those aligned to that old regime. But, that could be more because of my employment with the SHIELD Agency, rather than my Archaeological endeavors. Nevertheless though, you never know, Mister Cage, what you might run in to in this world. Fedoras and whips might help you survive it." She flashes a faint grin then before she accepts a drink from one of the waiters that she'd been speaking to earlier. She thanks him softly and takes a sip from it.

To Wanda (for serious this time), Lara lowers her drink and smiles to her. "If the King says we would share interests, then I surely do believe him to be telling the truth as well. I'd be happy to speak more some time about it all, if you're interested in ... well, the past. I'm afraid I know a lot more about what happened 'once upon a time' than I do what's happening today. That's been a problem for me, for ... well, ever. I blame my father, really."

Lara turns to Cassie to reply to her, but she's drug off before she can. "Lasso? I mean, yes, I'd love to see it! And I've found all manner---" Eh, she's gone. Darn that Helena!

Lara glances to Elektra's ring again, as Thor is introducing her about. Something about that little bauble...

Wilson Fisk has posed:
Mr. Fisk waves towards the departing Hyperion, as he chuckles softly."Stay safe out there, Hyperion." With that, his eyes moving over the crowd, as if he is debating on who to speak with, as he moves slowly, grabbing a wine glass, as one passes him slowly as he sips it with a little chuckle.

Tony Stark is a man that is good to know, but he is watching Hyperion make his way that direction, as his eyes shift slowly over the others. As he sips that wine for a moment, as he slides out his iPhone slowly, as he reads over an email with a rumble of pure pleasure."Ahead of schedule, that is a good thing, good work, Mr. Pyrm." His voice is rumbling out as he starts to slowly, one finger type on that phone with his oversized hands, one little hen peek at time.

Pepper Potts has posed:
As Pepper takes hold of Tony's hand, it's not that she's ignoring their host, it really isn't! There's a great deal going on, and lines can be long for those other guests that must needs be acknowledged.

T'Challa is given a warm smile as she keeps Tony's hand, her expression happy. It's to Thor, however, that her attention returns, "No breaking him," is a soft but sincere request.

Before she's ready to fully leave for the dance floor, Pepper does return the greeting in a handshake, her hand warm and delicate. "Thank you. And it's my pleasure. Thank you for coming to the gala and helping make it a success."

Now, though? It's to the promised dance floor, her smile brightening as she looks amongst the gathered. "I think I may lose you before the end of the night to fans?"

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa tells Helena, "And we are very excited to have her here," before he turns his eyes back to Cassie. "Thank you for attending. Yes, I recall, at the Themysciran celebration," he agrees. "I regret we did not have more time to speak. Though these type of events? I think they are famous for that," he tells her with a soft sigh that then turns into a small smile.

The Wakandan monarch cannot help but give a small smile as Lara answers the comment about archeologists fighting Nazis. He says to Wanda and Lara, "See Wanda. More stories that we must hear." He stops a passing waiter, getting drinks for both ladies if they wish them, and one for himself after.

The approach of Pepper and Tony brings out the soft smile that tilts up on one side more than the others, that his friends know is T'Challa's truest smile of warmth. "Pepper. A vision," he tells her. "And I see someone is back to his old self," he says, flashing the smile to Tony singularly. "It's a wonderful event. I'm glad so many of the team were able to make it," he says.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
"I would enjoy the opportunity to talk in the future," Wanda offers in the archaeologist's direction. "I won't steal all your time, though, as it seems you are quite the social butterfly." She's certain they'll have opportunity to talk. "You are more than welcome to come by the Avengers Mansion anytime. I would enjoy the company."

Thor is impossible not to hear, though, and she laughs when she hears mention of her name. "I am here, Thor," she offers, then glances between the blue Thor and Hyperion. "Thor, I believe you should introduce yourself to our friend here with a friendly hug." She gestures between the two of them with, perhaps, the tiniest bit of a mischivous twinkle in her eye.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
With Tony having now been successfully 'rescued' from the big, mean genie of hugs it's time for Elektra's attention to go to Kaminari, now studying her more fully, "Kaminari." she echoes the name. "For some reason I feel we have met before. I just can't seem to exactly pinpoint where yet." her smile widening. "I am sure it will come back to me eventually." she offers one hand to shake. "Quite the gathering we have here. And another God of Thunder? Mmm..." maybe she thought there was only one!

As the genie then starts shouting out for another companion she smiles in an amused manner. "Hiding from you? Maybe your hugs are starting to go around as being a menace?" she teases.

A certain rotund man is then seen by the corner of her eye, she taking note of Wilson Fisk and dipping her head from across the room at him.

Tony Stark has posed:
"Back to? Never left," Tony replies playfully to T'Challa, accepting the handshake there, as well as others that come in with introductions. There's a lot of people, a lot of hands. Tony loves the center of attention, though, which meant Pepper's draw towards the dance area got slowed by Tony being... Tony. "Hi, new guy," Tony greets Hyperion openly, friendly. But he's going to dance now, so it mostly comes with a smile and wave. Tony, often in motion, hard to catch. Harder to schedule meetings with!

"I do have a large number of fans of all kinds," Tony agrees evenly with Pepper, hand to waist for dance purposes. Close and comfortable.. and only slightly leaning on her for just a moment there while he got a breath. "Threatened about your number-one-fan spot?"

Hyperion has posed:
    Nodding his head to Tony as he is briefly greeted, Hyperion merely stands and observes now. Then his eyes traverse to Blue Skies Thor. He steps closer and offers a hand, "Please forgive the presumption. My name is Mark. But.. I am also known as Hyperion. A recent arrival thanks to others of your Avengers." he offers, "I would very much like to speak with you... and Mister Stark, away from here sometime in the near future."

Wilson Fisk has posed:
That phone is placed back into the jacket of Mr. Fisk as he makes his way over towards Elektra as his hand is offered towards her."Hello, there my name is Wilson Fisk. It is lovely to see you. Even if I have yet to have the pleasure, the joy of moving to a new city, or returning after a long time away. Your friends seem to vanish so quickly into the night." A chuckle of pure mirth escaping his lips as he looks over the room, as his large mitt is offered towards the woman.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Oh yeah, I'm sure it must be a lot of work, all the elbow rubbing meet-and-greet stuff. Or heck, just the 'being royalty' stuff. I can usually barely get a word in edgewise with Diana at these things, and I'm her own freaking sidekick!" Cassie's exasperated exclaimation is more comedic than serious, though. Especially since she's calling herself a sidekick. It's a point of youth team pride that they don't use that word any more! Regardless, Cassie doesn't seem to take T'Challa's divided attention too hard. "But it really is a cool party. A lot of the big names are here it looks like!"

Speaking of, with nearly everyone gathered around the King at some distance or remove, she can't help but observe some of the goings on. Such as the suggested hug between Big Blue Thor and... whoever this other muscle dude is? She will stop, and wait, and watch to see if this is happening. What?

Fortunately, Helena has now slipped more into the background of things, since, unlike her daughter, she doesn't exactly do the hero-worship thing and prefers using the event to do some more traditional schmoozing and networking with the other society types present. Never know when your museum is going to need donor money! So Cassie is free, and if T'Challa seems busy, after her manly hero voyeur-ing she drifts back toward Lara, the only really semi-familiar face in the whole sea of people.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi Morse has too much anxiety to dress up like a disney arabian night. She does, however, wear a long flowing red dress. It sparkles in the night. It's the Wakandan embassy, she brings no weapons with her but her wits. If things go wrong, which sometimes they do, she can improvise.

Ever since the Brainiac attack and SHIELD collaboration with Wakanda she has taken more of an interest in the tiny African nation. Shuri is brilliant, of that she is sure. Her education top notch where ever it is she got it from. So when she saw the invitation aligned with her being on forced leave yet again, this time for medical reasons, she decided to go along. Her hair is let down and evening make up is adorned.

There are faces here she recognises, though some for the wrong reasons. Some for the right reasons. A flute of champagne is offered to her and she takes it, needing a bit of social lubrication. Her period of 'no coffee or alcohol' has passed after all. She needs this - being out, being human. She can at least pretend she's on a mission this way.

Thor has posed:
    "Ah, there you are!" And, indeed, Thor does create a certain aspect of celebration in his near vicinity, primarily a loud one. He motions with a nod toward Wanda even as he lifts a hand to wave, then his attention is shifted toward Hyperion. "Ah, greetings. Perhaps we should begin with introductions then move on from there?"
    The Thunderer's lip twitches as he gives a nod to Hyperion, "I am Thor, son of Odin." Though he spares a look for Elektra, "Though on this night I may simply referred to as the Genie?" Again as if checking with her that he has this whole thing correct. "Menace, bah."
    But that has him looking back to Hyperion, "Mark, the Hyperion." For some reason that sounds best to him, "Of course, Stark likes to pretend his time is more precious, but if you pursue him enough eventually he relents. And I, well I am often available."

Luke Cage has posed:
"You never know, some how Nazi's are persistant in sticking around." Luke agrees with Lara with a little bit of a grumble. "In all sorts of shapes and sizes." then he begins to just sort of drift off towards the side a hint, not ready for this sort of scene no doubt he'd feel much more comfortable in a bar.

Still he doesn't go too far from Lara the one person he was talking to, his gaze wandering the scene, pausing for a moment on Fisk before he continues to look around. "Alot of people here...I sort of feel out of place." he mutters in Lara's general direction.

Kaminari has posed:
Kaminari smiles and accepts Elektra's hand with a small shake, "Goddess of Thunder and Noise among the Amatsu-Kami, some say Goddess of Rock. A pleasure." She studies Elektra up and down, "Yes, I do feel like I have seen you somewhere before, do you come to many of these functions?" She glances in Thor's direction, "The Asgardian Embassy perhaps?" She seems genuinely curious, not quite able to place her without the Mojo-Verse League of Legends skin.

Lara Croft has posed:
Another sip of her drink is taken before she lowers it down to rest its base on the palm of her free hand. She smiles to Wanda and nods softly to her. "I've only briefly ghosted through the Avengers building, on a recent trip I took for the Wakandans. I would be very happy to get a closer look at the grounds, and mingle more in the future."

Her gaze goes to Luke then, she can tell this isn't his kind of ... thing. The Briton hears his grumble and watches him just generally look dreadfully. "Uncomfortable." Lara speaks once, firmmly. She holds a smile. "You look uncomfortable, Mister Cage. Trust me when I say that I've spent the better part of my life fighting against attending large events such as this, let alone dressing like this." She glance sdown at herself in her Arabian blue and gold gown. She looks up once again then. "But this one is a bit different, I'm actually happy to be here tonight." She nods out to the others. "You should mingle, it helps pass the time." She raises her drink to him. "And acquire some of these... they help too." She speaks the last few words more softly.

Pepper Potts has posed:
T'Challa is given a warm, fond, happy smile at the compliment, and returns her own to the monarch. "That outfit suits you, T'Challa. More regal purple, though."

It really is difficult at times to go anywhere with Tony. She's sharing him with the world, now, and there is something of a fond smile, complete with the breathy exhale. As she comes in close for the dance, green eyes are lifted to his face, and she laughs. "Should I be?" She shakes her head, the sound of small bells trilling in the gesture, and her voice lowers, "I'm hoping I have the best of you this evening."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa welcomes Cassie back over with a smile. "The Princess is certainly in demand at such events. I was disappointed she was not able to make this one. But understand completely," he tells her. T'Challa is about to say more when a 16 year old girl and her father approach, pausing to make sure they aren't interrupting. The father nods to the daughter as T'Challa turns to them. "Go ahead Debbie," he says. She has an autograph pad and asks Cassie, "Excuse me. Would you mind if I got your autograph? Please?"

A smile is given by T'Challa and he focuses back on Thor as the approaching people are for Cassie and not himself. "An interesting man, Thor," T'Challa says of Hyperion. "You should take some time to get to know him," he suggests. T'Challa tilts his head in a nod and soft smile to Hyperion. He leans closer to Thor to say, "Though he only draws those Avengers who truly inspire." He delivers it with a straight face, but as he looks to Hyperion, there is the smallest amount of mischief in T'Challa's eyes.

T'Challa looks back around the room, spotting Wilson Fisk mingling. Then back to Lara and Luke. "Indeed. And there are some amazing tasting beverages," he says of the Arabian-inspired cocktails.

Pepper's compliment gets a warm smile from T'Challa. 'Thank you Pepper. Enjoy your dance," he says as he watches the couple head for the dance floor.

Hyperion has posed:
    Nodding to Thor, Hyperion turns to greet Elektra. "Forgive me for not greeting you initially. I am... new here." he says. Understatement of the week for him. "Your choice of costuming is lovely this evening Ms. Natchios." he says as he bows his head her way.
    And then he looks about the room some more... Just as T'Challa does his trick, and Hyperion flushes, shaking his head, "Or perhaps only those who have risked their lives to save my own existence?" he asks. "Any who call themselves hero could find inspiration in the actions of Wakanda's king... or... Sultan?" he asks.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"I'm kind of surprised she didn't make it," Cassie admits, regarding her mentor. "She must have some world-saving sort of thing to do. But you know, if you do happen to have any Themysciran diplomatic business, I'm happy to handle it in her absence!" Is this actually a thing Cassie is authorized to do?! Maybe. But obviously, as much as she idolizers her mentor, there's something appealing about stepping out of her shadow to handle the grownup hero stuff. Of course, if it turns out to be Wakandan-Themysciran trade policy negotiations, she's going to regret the offer!

And what's this. A FAN?!

It's not a totally unprecedented event, but still, Cassie's obviously really excited by the chance. "Of course!" But she has an idea beyond the autograph. "You want to get a picture too?" SELFIE TIME.

Afterwards, she turns back to see T'Challa speaking to Luke and Lara. And about drinks. There's a shift as she takes a step and a half to the left. The movement might be a little mysterious, unless one realized that it puts Luke's fairly large frame in between the much shorter heroine and the /other/ Sandsmark in the room. "They sure do help!" she... doesn't shout, but hiss-enthuses as Lara praises the drinks and she boldy reaches to nab one off a tray. ITS LEGAL ON THEMYSCIRA OK?!!!

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I wasn't at the Asgardian Embassy, no." Elektra replies with a sigh at Kaminari. "A lot of my work requires me to be overseas. A pity." but she does file for later to figure out how she knows Kaminari. "I do hope you are enjoying yourself." though as more people begin to gather around to greet she looks up..

First to Wilson. "Well met, Mr. Fisk." she shakes the man's hand. "Welcome back to New York then, Mr. Fisk." She smiles politely up to the man. "Elektra Natchios." she then says.

There is some curiosity at how Thor and Hyperion will be handling the hugs, a bow given to greet Hyperion in return. "Saved your existence? Is there a tale to this?"

Tony Stark has posed:
"Well, you're the one that knows all my secrets; it's going to be hard to remove you from the fan Iron Throne in a trivia contest," Tony teases Pepper in return. He's found his second wind, and any traces of physical problem are spirited away. Maybe it's the company, too. His warm smile for Pepper could be a little suspicous - maybe Pepper is getting the best of Tony's attention this evening.

Maybe it's her dress. It might contribute.

"The best part of whatever mess is here and still standing," Tony agrees with Pepper, with a slight roll of his eyes and following grin. It comes with a dip in the dance, too.

Thor has posed:
    "Ah, well then." With T'Challa's words given, it shifts Thor's attention to the painting and he ponders thoughtfully, one blue hand to his blue chin, and to be fair the body paint doesn't seem to smear nor run too easily. He nods slowly.
    "I am no artist, nor critic. But I can fault your choice of subject naught." There he nods once clearly, "You have captured the prettiest of us, the most dashing, the most svelte. It is considerably tastefully executed."
    The Thunderer's head bobs once, pointedly not looking at T'Challa as he lists those attributes. "Well done." That said he claps Hyperion on the arm with a light /thump/ then looks over toward Elektra as he gestures with a thumb in the direction of the portrait, then his bright blue-eyed gaze falls heavily upon Wilson Fisk with all the weight of several dozen anvils.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
Wanda seems happy with people making their introductions. She gives Lara a warm smile. "Well, you are more than welcome to drop by. I would be more than happy to show you around the grounds in a bit more detail." That and she clearly does like the idea of chatting history with someone. She sips from her glass, taking a quick look around at the rest of the room's occupants.

Luke Cage has posed:
Cassie reaching for the drink causes Luke to arch a brow but he just looks around and gets one for himself before giving the teen a wry look. Shame Luke! You should stop her, but he doesn't. "Yeah, I may as well have another." he agrees and then he glances over to Cassie and offers a smile.

"So...like...wow right?" the hero from Harlem remarks. "I mean, this is probably small potatoes for someone used to being around Wonder Woman, but its all rather new to me." he admits.

Wilson Fisk has posed:
"It is lovely to meet you, Miss. Natchios very lovely. Do you often come to such events?" Mr. Fisk's voice is soft, but it carries with such force due to the massive size of the man, as he chuckles again as his hand is leaving hers, as he grabs another glass of wine."I love the fact at such events, the drinks walk to you. So much better than hunting it down in the wild."

His hand brings that glasses to his lips, to take a small sip, dainty in action even for such a large man. His right hand is sliding along his tie, as he adjusts the silver tie clip, of the world as he chuckles softly."One has to enjoy such effort as these heroes, saving the world while the rest of us, trying to save the city with money, but with such power comes such amazing abilities. We are so lucky to have them such odd times, with so many threats to the safety of our world."

Hyperion has posed:
    That thump from Thor... surprisingly strikes unyielding flesh. Hyperion does not so much as twitch or budge. His head turns and brows raise as he studies Thor a moment. Then he says to Elektra. "Indeed. There is quite a tale. One I would be happy to regale you with. But.. should I do so here and now? Or after the party?"
    He looks towards the head of the room and smiles, "I -could- see if I could get my hands on a microphone and tell the whole place the story of the King's heroism."

Lance Hunter has posed:
Hunter had specifically told Bobbi he wasn't coming to the ball, calling them boring unless you're going to go steal some intel and then they're alright. However after a short stay in his motel room with nothing to do, he revised his opinion, pulled a simple black suit out of his closet and made his way down to the embassy with the invite Bobbi had left behind.

Now he was just entering, surveying the crowd with a bit of a smirk. Lots of famous faces here tonight, though it's not them he's looking for. Spotting Bobbi he works his way through the crowd grabbing a flute of champagne off the same tray as it passes by and greeting her with a smile, "Fancy meeting you here," he says as if she wasn't the entire reason he was here. "See we have the same taste in costumes."

T'Challa has posed:
The fan, Debbie, gets hugely excited at the prospect of a selfie with Cassie "OHMYGOD YES!" she says, prompting her father to give a soft chuckle. She grins and pulls out her phone, getting the picture with the older teen superhero. "Thank you thank you!" she says, grinning widely and she and her dad moving off in the crowd. "Thank you for bringing me, dad!" she tells him as they do.

T'Challa turns to the crowd for a moment, seeing if there are people who need greeting. Okoye slips up behind him, says something quietly into his ear. T'Challa nods, and Okoye settles his sultan's hat on the man's head as she moves off. That gets a brief, flat look from T'Challa. He shakes his head though and leaves it on.

That is when he notes Bobbi as she comes in and gets a drink. He breaks out in a soft smile. "Miss Morse. So good to see you again. It has been a while. I trust you are well?" he asks. "I am glad you could make tonight's event. A very good cause," he tells her. He flashes a gentle smile of greeting towards Lance, and says in his soft African accent, "And welcome sir. I don't believe we've met. T'Challa," he offers.

He turns towards Lara and says, "Lara, are you familiar with Bobbi Morse already?" he asks, and seeming to suspect that perhaps the two SHIELD agents might already be, at that.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara lowers her drink once more after another sip is taken, she waits for a moment to step toward Elektra again, to try and gain her attention once more. "Miss Natchios, might I ask you about your ring?" Her brown eyes glance to it, then back up to the other's own. "I can't quite place why it's standing out to me, I only just know that it is." It also is not connected to Elektra's outfit as a whole, as the motifs are entirely different.

T'Challa's question draws the Lady Croft's eyes back to him, then to Bobbi. Bobbi gets a earnest smile from Lara, and a light nod. "Yes of course. Bobbi, I didn't kno you were coming tonight. It's good to see you outside of 'the office' so to speak. Are you doing well?"

Kaminari has posed:
When Elektra's attention shifts to Wilson Fisk, Kaminari takes the opportunity to slip away and acquire more alcohol. She continues to greet people and make small pleasantries as she goes, disappearing among the crowds for awhile.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi lets out a held breath she didn't even realise she was holding. It's Lance's voice that does it. It's one thing to go to these weird events when you're on a mission, it's another thing entirely to be here socially just for the shinies and atmosphere, only to remember that you don't typically make friends when you're a spy.

You make people feel uncomfortable the longer they spend around you. People second guess your motivations and intentions - it's much better if they don't know you're a spy so that they can live in the lie. That's why most spies friends are also... spies.

She lifts up her flute and ~tings~ it to Lance's. "Strange. I know a guy who looks just like you. I think he might really be in to soccer, similar accent too. I think he's big on Chelsea or Arsenal or some team or other. You know, Australian. Says these shindigs are boring. I will have to let him know I met his doppelganger."

She offers an arm loop and points her champagne, "Hey let me show you the spot where I bled everywhere. My first time at this embassy, trying to delivery a special package from HQ to Princess Shuri. I got ambushed on the way," she grins and strolls toward a waiting desk. "It wasn't serious, but it was a bit of a diplomatic oopsie."

She turns to see Lara Croft and King T'Challa, somewhat ataken back but smiles, "Your Majesty. Yes Lady Croft and I know each other well." Her mind flashes back to the footage of Lara's car being shot up by a traitorous SHIELD agent trying to flee, "I am doing well, I'm on leave so I thought I'd try doing that.. socialising thing. Have you met Lance? He recently returned to the states from an extended trip over seas."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper keeps her green eyes on her dance partner and everything else going on in the room. There's the smile, the dance step, and as they move across the floor, her hand is on Tony's shoulder. "There are lots of little answers I'd never tell," comes in a quiet laugh. "I don't recall hearing that you were a prize in a fan contest, though." How many people would sign up for that?

Now, though, once that dance is done, it'll be an evening of meet, greet, laughter and stories. An evening to be enjoyed!

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Not as often as I'd wish to, but I try my best. And all comes down to balance. The world can be saved in many ways." Elektra says back to Fisk, smile ever-present. "Now if you will excuse me a moment.." She looks across to Lara, blinking once as she asks about the ring. "My ring..?" she looks down at it briefly, almost as if regarding it for the first time. Then she looks back up to Lara. "Yes, a piece I have grown quite fond of. I found it on one of those antique shops, it goes well with everything I feel.." And flattered with the woman's interest in it she lifts her finger to show it more closely.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Cassie totally acts like this is her being a normal adult doing normal adult things and not sneaking around. Or at least, she tries to act like that after she nabs the drink, but she can't quite cover up the overdramatic element of espionage she instills in the whole thing. Smooth, very smooth. Still, she's effectively an Olympian, and they're famous for partying. So she better learn, right? Sip, sip.

As for what Luke says about Wonder Woman, she has to pause and think. "Well, I guess I've gotten used to it a bit, but I was pretty 'wow' when I started, too. Like, even though I already kinda knew her - she worked with my mom when she was still in a secret identity, you know! - I still pretty much just fangirled the hell out. I think I've only started getting used to it the last few months since I got back from my training, going out in public with her like it's normal. But she's really down to earth, you know, not intimidating at all!"

See? There's some praise for her absent mentor. She glances after Lara, who is now meeting someone she doesn't recognize, but asides to Luke: "I guess Lara would know Diana too, probably? Archeology seems like it's a really small world."

Lance Hunter has posed:
"Sounds like an absolute wanker, anyone knows the only good //football// team is Liverpool," Hunter says with a grin as he clinks flutes with Bobbi. "Guess I'm going to have to steal you away from him."

There's a smile about the blood, typical story for them, though before too much longer they're beset by nobility. "Your majesty," Hunter greets T'Challa before a nod is given to Lara, "Lady Croft," he says. "Lance Hunter," he says. "I used to work with Bobbi." As for the future that's being worked out.

Wilson Fisk has posed:
"Indeed, have a lovely night Miss. Natchios, I hope to see you at the next one." Mr. Fisk nods with a quick motion of his head, but there is another person now a Miss Croft."Hello Lady Croft, my name is Wilson Fisk. I have much of your adventures, and it is lovely to meet you face to face." His large hand is offered towards the woman with a little smile and soft little chuckle, that large mitt waiting for her hand. "I do hope you are enjoying yourself this evening?"

Thor has posed:
    Settling in to stand at ease beside Elektra, Thor tilts his attention to Lara and Wilson, eyes flitting between them. Yet it is Hyperion's suggestion of telling a tale in such a setting that has the tall man quirking his blued eyebrows curiously. "Could there be an occasion more fitting?"
    He gestures with one hand and motions toward T'Challa, "I am sure he'd have the needed equipment for such an undertaking. Go and tell your tale. I am sure most here would enjoy the retelling."
    Then he looks sidelong toward Elektra and says, "Will you walk with me, my lady?" He asks of her, and if she seems so inclined he likely will set foot along such a path and through the crowd.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara gently nods her head to Elektra's words on the subject of the ring. "It's certainly striking, it caught my eye moments after I saw your lovely attire tonight. If ... well, if we find a time, I'd love to get a picture of it. I don't have my phone with me, at the moment.... there's no pockets in this thing." She says, of her dress, showing a faint grin then. "But yes. If we find a chance that is..."

To Bobbi, and Lance, Lara looks between them. "Mister Hunter." She replies to him. "A friend of Miss Morse's is a friend of mine, I should say. Have you delved in to the drinks yet? They're quite ... well ... probably obvious what they are. Alcoholic." She flashes a quick grin.

To Wilson's approach, Lara looks up at him, as he's quite a large man. "I've heard of you, Mister Fisk. It's nice to finally put a face to the name. I like your attire this evening too. Very appropriately styled." She states with a soft smile for him.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa greets Lance and Bobbi, and in doing so misses the early part of the conversation between Hyperion and Thor. The African motions with a hand, finger pointing gently towards Lance. "I think I know some Chelsea fans who would disagree on that," he says. In the background Okoye is staring. Uh oh, Lance.

He seems about to say more when Thor's voice cuts through the other noise, T'Challa hearing the part about telling a tale, if having missed the subject matter. He turns and says, "It would certainly be fitting." To Hyperion more directly, T'Challa says, "The theme, 1001 Arabian Nights, is the story of Scheherazade, who told the Sultan a story with a cliffhanger ending, to keep him interested in hearing the next. She did this for 1001 nights so the story goes, until he fell in love with her."

He motions towards some of the staff, who bring a microphone over to Hyperion.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi chuckles to Lance and says, "I'd be careful. He's an excellent fighter and an eagle eyed shot. Does it with panache too." She looks over to Hyperion and narrows her eyes thoughtfully. Her mind races back through the sundry of notes and reports and videos on her tablet she read while recovering in the medical wing. It was boring and she had a lot of paperwork to deal with before sitting down with the big bosses.

She leans over to Lance and whispers softly in to his ear while tilting her flute toward Hyperion, "That there is an 0-8-4." She straightens back up and looks over Fisk. His face and name haven't come across her desk yet, domestic spying isn't really her thing. There are other agencies for that. "I'm trying to convince Lance to stick around a while," she says. It's clear she has affection for him. There is a comfortableness in their interaction that is easy to see, whatever their prior situation it was seemingly in a good place now. Though, she is a spy, she could just be faking it really well. Natasha is exceptional at that kind of thing too.

"You've thrown a fantastic party Your Majesty. A very different flavour to the met gala. One of these days I hope to get to a Themyscira party too. All this cultural exchange is healthy for America." She grins to Lara and says, "Oh I wouldn't be so sure. If you back the wrong football team," hey she didn't say 'soccer', "he might just become your greatest rival." There's a waggle of an eyebrow. She's never heard Lara mention football but may be she has a team.. who knows.

Hyperion has posed:
    Inclining his head, Hyperion nods to Thor. One should never take advice on how to behave in Midgardian Royal crowds from the man who hurls mugs at the ground and who thinks a fight is a fine way to pass an afternoon. But Hyperion does just that.
    He smiles and nods as the staff member brings him the microphone. "Thank you." he says before reaching for it.
    But he lifts the microphone and says...
    "IF you will all please excuse me. I have something that needs to be said. Our illustrious host, his Majesty... is quite the heroic individual. With the help of three of his allies, he managed to fight his way into a facility run by some of this world's more technically advanced criminals. I believe they were an offshoot of your Hydra... and they go by the name Advanced Idea Mechanics."
    He pauses to let that sink in before he continues, "They fought their way past advanced automated weapons, augmented robotic battlesuits, and an operative who attempted to empower himself with unstable energy. Sadly, all of these items were powered by a single prisoner of theirs who they had kept unconscious for two years. They managed to fight through and wake that prisoner as well as freeing him. I know this first hand, for -I- was that prisoner. I owe my freedom and life to His Majesty, and his allies. One of which is here this evening." He gazes about and says, "There. Ms. Maximoff. The other two are not present this evening, but rest assured, I -will- track them down and thank them properly."

Wilson Fisk has posed:
"Thank you, Lady Croft, I try my best to style with the youth and the best. It seems to have failed me tonight. I need a new tailor." Mr. Fisk chuckles softly, one of those large belly rumbles, with mirth along the lines of his face."As for my name, I hope you have heard the good; there are so many awful rumors, one can strike it big in the world of the business and finance." His eyes locked on to Miss Croft as he speaks, his eyes not moving yet, as he studies her for a moment, as his eyes move now along the room scanning it.

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Lara do you want to use my phone?!" Because of course Cassie always has her phone. Her getup is a lot more flowing and voluminous than some of the other elegant dresses... but even if it wasn't, she'd have her phone SOMEWHERE. She's of that generation, thoroughly. It's just a throwaway offer, and indeed, with Wilson Fisk closing in on her mom's friend, she... doesn't push the matter.

However, someone else just said the magic word, so she spins around to focus on Bobbi. "I'm sure the Themysciran Embassy will be hosting another event shortly," she offers, suddenly suuuper friendly and enthusiastic. "The Wonder Foundation took up most of the last event, but we're going to be doing a lot of stuff soon, including some increased efforts at diplomatic contact and exchange with the island. After all..." And she looks around as if including the whole event. "With the battle, they've now stepped foot in Man's World for the first time in thousands of years. So it's just inevitable that we're going to have to work on some exchanges."

That said, she sips from her ill-gotten drink, while being naturally drawn to Hyperion's speech. To which she side-remarks: "AIM? Those guys are total jerks and definitely up to no good. I just beat up some big head dude of theirs the other day. What a creep- oh wait maybe that was supposed to be classified. Er, well, whatever."

Shuri has posed:
It was later into the party and as such it was time for Shuri to make an arrival. Now that people are already drunk, some leaving, and otherwise, she doesn't have to deal with as many people as she might normally. Working on what she's been working on, she's in no mood for a crowd. So, when she does arrive she is in the costume she picked out. Her feet covered in soft slippers, her legs in a loose fitting marroon colored pair of pants, a belt about her waist. The top is a full fitting shirt with loose sleeves that have slits in them to allow air flow. The front embroidered with a few symbols of Wakanda in golden inlay. Upon her head a tiara like thing sitting upon her forehead and going about her head with several bangles hanging off. Her hair is done up in a braid that falls over her shoulder.

Shuri first approaches Lara and her brother with a smile and she nods to him, "I see you two are enjoying yourselves." She then looks at the others that are crowding her brother.

Wanda Maximoff has posed:
There's a warm smile at Hyperion's recounting of the incident, though Wanda seems a bit sheepish at the extreme gratitude. There's a nod in his direction, her own thanks for the thanks, before she makes her way to head out. She offers a few small waves to those she sees in passing, and T'Challa and Lara are given a nod before she slips out entirely.

Lance Hunter has posed:
"I'll keep that in mind," Lance says in that easy tone he seems to share with Bobbi.

Nodding about Hyperion as the man moves up to speak, he says, "Yeah, seems like it," his voice pitched low. Then his attention shifts to the king and Lara.

"Indeed, just got here but it's a helluva party, your majesty," he says with a glance around at all the others in costume. "I'd have dressed up but figured nothing said a brit in Arabia like no assimilating, taking what they can from the locals." he holds up his champagne, "Was going to draw some arbitrary lines on a map as well but couldn't find one," he says with a wink.

To Lara he says, "She's mostly joking, it's perfectly fine if people support the obviously wrong clubs, even Man U," he says with a good natured smile, before falling quiet to listen to Hyperion speak.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara softly laughs to Bobbi's football joke, and Lance's follow-up to it. She shakes her head gently to them both though. "I'm one of the few Brits that never followed the sport, admittedly. One of my many oddities growing up, that... and I never watched television, or played video games. 'Introvert' was often a label I had placed upon me. In truth, I just prefered... books. So 'nerd' might be more appropriate." She shows a light grin then. "So perhaps I'll be safe from his ire?"

To Fisk, Lara takes a moment to sip from her drink again before she lowers it and smiles to him. "Oh, I assure you there are many in my field who are quick to spread heinous rumors about me, as well, I believe everyone deals with similar in their own individual spheres of influence. It is an... inevitability, as they say?" She briefly pauses before adding. "And yes, all good, I assure you, Mister Fisk."

Cassie draws her attention and she offers her a smile for the chance to use the phone. "Perhaps, that would help. We shall see if Miss Natchios is okay with it though." She gives the young Themysciran a warm smile. "Thank you, Cassie. And send my regards to Diana as well. It's been awhile since I've seen her, as well, but... she leaves an impression, to say the least."

T'Challa has posed:
The story by Hyperion was not quite what T'Challa expected. Something of his home perhaps? But no, as the story starts up about Hyperion's rescue, T'Challa just falls into a quiet stance, sipping his drink. Though near to the end he does raise his voice, that quiet rasp speaking more loudly. "I think more focus should be given to those companions. Without the Scarlet Witch, Power Girl and Dove, I would not have survived to help wake our new friend here," he says. "There was an explosion. A mother of all explosions," he says, shaking his head as if that would have been the end of him. "But thank you. And we are glad to have made a new friend in you," T'Challa says, lifting his glass in salute of Hyperion.

He turns back then as he spots his sister arrive. "Indeed," he tells Shuri of enjoying themselves. "But not so much as we will now that you are here," he tells her. As Lara is talking to Wilson Fisk, T'Challa asks, "Have you met Wilson Fisk, of Fisk Enterprises? They have made a very generous donation to the event," he says.

T'Challa inclines his head to Lance Hunter and Bobbi. "Thank you Mr. Hunter. It is good that you both were able to make it," he says.

Wilson Fisk has posed:
"Indeed, well, I hope we run into each other again, Lady Croft." Mr. Fisk nods slowly as his hand is waving towards her, as his phone is ringing with a light sigh of displeasure, his hand is reaching into that suit to bring it out, one large finger pushing the green button."Yes." His voice is soft as he listens for a moment, his face turning slowly friendly, to abstract horror."He did what, no......call my lawyer Missy, we need to figure this out now. He is breach of contract, that fire was his faulty wiring; he is not going to do this to us." He is moving quickly, away as he shakes his head, again speaking softly once, more but with such large lungs it carries."He told us about contract signing. They would fix up the factory; it is why we give them 30 million dollars; he cashed that check, but did none of the work. Sending us fake receipts, this will not stand. We are paying lifetime salaries to the families, and he wants a bailout cause of his reputation of his father legacy. No, this will not stand." With that, he is pushing out the doors, he is not pleased, as he hangs up the phone.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi nods as she is spied by Cassie. Ah, the young Amazonian she's read so much about already. She smiles with delight and says, "I'm glad to hear it. I saw some video and lots of pictures from your last one. I wish I'd been there. And the footage of the Amazonian army coming to fight against those aliens, wow, just wow." She nods her head. You have to hand it to the Amazons, they are quite a sight to behold.

It does make her wonder just how strong they are. They are legendarily so. She has been re-evaluating a lot of assumptions like that as of late. Then it's Hyperion's turn and he's got the mic. He recounts the mission to rescue him from AIM. "Oh AIM. They used to try so hard to appear legitimate. Now everyone knows they're criminal psychopaths. I wonder how long before they try some new PR angle."

To be fair, it was her fault this time. That doesn't mean she can't blame it on Lance anyway, "How is it every where we go somehow you end up talking football with people?" Not to mention more than once it has helped him create improbable bonds - like that time in Minsk. If this were a mission, this'd be the moment when one of them peeled off for a moment to plant a bug or steal some papers. She stage-whispers to Lara, "I wasn't joking."

"Congratulations your majesty on saving that man's life," there are ooh so many unspoken implications there but it was not something on her desk, that's a Coulson problem. She lifts her flute over to Hyperion and takes a sip. Walking that fine line between knowing too much and pretending you don't know anything - well, it's an art. A fun art. One you sometimes can't afford to mess up. Of course she can't help but overhear Fisk's side of his phone call as he makes his way out.

Hyperion has posed:
    Having finished his story, Hyperion sets down the microphone. He nods to T'Challa, catches the salute from Bibbi, which earns a slow nod of greeting.... and then he turns to head back into the crowd. It's not like he can -really- blend here. But either way, he has had his moment in the light. He simply goes quiet and begins peoplewatching for the rest of the night.

Lance Hunter has posed:
"They let you keep your passport?" Hunter jokes to Lara about not liking football. "Nah, some mates of mine in the service were the same way, to each their own," he says, before adding, "But seems you made good use of all that extra time, read your book, impressive stuff."

Flashing Bobbi a grin he says, "That's my superpower, talking football," he says before quietly observing for a few moments as he sips his drink.

Shuri has posed:
A look over at Hyperion as he finishes up his story and glances at T'Challa, "You've been busy." She states simply enough and then looks over at the departing Wilson Fisk, "Like many of your aquaintances, far too busy at times." She shakes her head, "You should all learn to manage your time better." She nods her head, "Like this. I was able to find time in my busy schedule to come bother you and your friend, brother." She nods her head and then looks to Lara, "My friend, too, I hope."

She then turns her eyes to Bobbi before nodding to her with a smile and then Lance as well. She then looks around, "Quite the crowd here though I do believe many have delved too deeply into the liquor."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"That was a really cute story," Cassie will declare of Hyperion's tale after it's over, and after she's finished throwing shade at AIM on the side. Was cute what he was going for? Heartwarming? Whatever!

"You know the Amazons are still here," she goes on to explain to Bobbi. Maybe it should be obvious she'd know this stuff already, but she missed that! "There's an encampent outside of Metropolis, in some of the uh, I guess they were fair grounds, golf courses, whatever - it's all pretty much trashed now. They diverted the Warzoon there to minimize the casualties, and the Amazons have stayed to defend the area as things are cleaned up. It's a good opportunity for anyone who wants to make contact without having to deal with, well, the negotations that will be required before anyone is allowed to Themyscira. But we're," and she actually casts a glance back to locate her mom, still at the bar chatting up some aged wealthy couple, "working on that, too."

"You do have to wonder how all these super evil corporations get away with it being so public," she then muses on the AIM topic. "But then again, maybe they're hard to tell from the normal ones." Zing! Take THAT, Capitalism!

Lara Croft has posed:
"Not face to face, until tonight. The benefit of galas such as this, are the networking connections they bring." Lara says to T'Challa asking of she and Fisk meeting for the first time. She offers Wilson a nod and a few parting words before he excuses himself, then regards Bobbi again at her light whisper which gets a grin. "Trust me, I've grown up with it." She replies, her gaze returning to Lance then.

"I've never even been to a game in person." She tells her countryman, expecting that that might floor him, and if so, she'll thoroughly enjoy it. Because it's just too much fun taunting sports fans, when you're a non-sports fan! All in good nature though, and her smile for him should show that.

To Shuri, Lara reaches out to place a hand upon the other's forearm closest. "But of course." She says, offering a light squeeze before taking her hand away again. She leans to Shuri then and does one of those same kind of stagewhispers. "You got him into the Sultan garb. Well done." She speaks, of T'Challa, of course, smiling to the younger sister.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa gives Hyperion a smile and a bow of his head as if grateful, though he also seems fine when any amount of spotlight has moved on. At Bobbi's comment, he inclines his head towards her. "Thank you. I am glad we were able to reach him in time." He doesn't speak about the much bigger explosion that would have happened had they not.

The African man turns back to his sister, looking at her outfit. "It is a good crowd," he agrees with her. "And you look nice in that. Perhaps we won't have to arrange a marriage for you if you keep wearing such things," he says, delivering the taunt with the straight face that has just enough light in his eyes that his sister would realize as his joking face with her.

Though Lara then is there to backup Shuri with talk of his own costume. "I will not deny," he agrees. "She was the one who chose it. Assuming you agreed to the costumes," he says to Lara. He looks back to Shuri and then gives a sigh of surrender. "She did a good job," he agrees with a touch more reluctance than it called for.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi smiles to Shuri, "Your Highness." She hasn't seen her since the conference room during the battles with Brainiac's forces landing and tearing up parts of America. Talking about efficiencies.. yep, same Shuri. She can't help but smile a bit. This was one of the people Nadia mentioned to her for her 'GIRL' initiative.

She approves. She also finishes the champagne in her flute. One glass is enough for her. "Thanks for the note," she says to Cassie. She's not quite sure if she should be addressing her as Wonder Girl having not met her before. But she's making a great impression, enthusiastic and full of energy. "I'm sure," she glances over to the bar where yet more royalty is, "I could find a way to get an audience if I needed to."

Why interrupt other peoples business if she didn't need to. No one really likes having someone flash a SHIELD badge around. It puts people on edge. SHIELD may think of themselves as the good guys, but they are literally the biggest of big brothers ever.

She looks to Lance and says, "Did you want another?," she asks and offers a hand to take his flute if it gets emptied.

Shuri has posed:
"Bobbi." Shuri smiles at her and nods her head, she remembers everything, including names, pretty easily. She glances over at T'Challa and rolls her eyes, "You'll torture a bunch of poor people with attempting to convince me to arrange anything with them?" She shakes her haed, "You're a cruel king." She then takes Lara's arm and smiles at her, "It is good to see you again. Careful with my brother. He can be...well, he can be rather himself."

She then looks to the room again, "It was difficult." She nods her head, "Perhaps one of the most difficult things I did that day." She nods again and looks to Lara, "Making my brother fashionable." She then looks out at the room, "I am a genius though, so I was up to the task." She smirks and glances at T'Challa.

Lance Hunter has posed:
Lance blinks, "You sure you're British? I thought you had to get one game in by law," he says still grinning. "Well if you ever want to change that, I can torture you and Bobs with a game at the same time. These Yank teams are rubbish but they'll do in a pinch."

He finishes his flute and nods to Bobbi. "Cheers," he says to the offer of more, somehow both assent and thanks in one efficient package.

Shuri is given a incline of his head, "Your Highness," he greets.

Hyperion has posed:
    Oh... familial behavior. He called her his sister. Hyperion ceases his distant peoplewatching and begins approaching the King and ... well the royal family.
    "Your Majesty. Might I be introduced to your lovely sister?" he inquires innocently. "I would love to hear tales of your heroic... adolescence, and I believe she may be willing to share them."

Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Oh, Diana's easy to talk to. She's pretty down to earth as demigoddess princesses go." Grin. "Queen Hippolyta... that's a differnt story," Cassie explains. See? She glances at the bar. Moms are the worst! Except Helena has disappeared somewhere. "There've to date only been a very small number of outsiders ever to the island. I'm not the first, but it's definitely... rare. I only just was able to bring one of my teamates. But I'm hoping we can eventually sell the idea of loosening that up some, and it will probably start through the embassy. Anyway I'm-"

"Cassie, what's that in your hand?" Oops, busted! Helena has apparently made her way back while her daughter was distracted talking magic islands. "And didn't we agree that we were going to limit the amount of time you spent out now that you've started school as well? I think it's time we get going."

So, all those attempts at being an ambassador for her people are summarily swept aside, and she's being treated like a kid again. As she's being herded out, she looks around for Lara, and calls after her: "I'll come by and show you the lasso later I guess!"

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa salutes Shuri's genius in his wardrobe selection by raising his glass of champagne towards her before taking a sip. "Can be rather himself?" he repeats in that quiet tone of his. "That was meant to be a compliment I'm guessing," he comments, eyes peeking at his sister as if to dare her to claim otherwise.

As Hyperion approaches, T'Challa smiles at first. "Introduction yes," he says. "Shuri, this is Mark. And you've already heard of how we became acquainted he says." Then T'Challa shows pause. "I have no doubt Shuri would share tales of my adolescence willingly. Thought I doubt 'heroic' would describe the ones she might choose," he says with a sibling's love and banter.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara reacts to the invite for a Football match with he and Bobbi by simply grinning and glancing to her fellow Agent with a 'maybe' expression. "One never knows. I certainly don't mind the prospect of enjoying time outdoors, in fact that's one of the few things I ever saw about such events that was a draw to me. People actually going outside, rather than the alternative."

Shuri and T'Challa draw her gaze back, to which she smiles at their interaction. "This is why I'm glad I have no siblings, I'm afraid they'd pester me far too much."

Cassie and Helena draw the Briton's attention, however, and she raises her left hand up to offer a wave to the young Amazon warrior being parented away. "I look forward to it!" She calls after her. "Good to see you, Helena!" She calls after the motherly Sandsmark, dragging Cassie off like a landshark.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi takes the empty flute from Lance and stares a little in wonder as Cassie rattles off at a million miles an hour. She smiles warmly to Helena as she takes her kid home. She gives Cassie a small wave and then finds another server. She puts the empties down and takes two new ones. There's a bit of conversation going on about stocks trade and bonds transfers that catches her ear - no, she's not here for work, she's on leave and unlike last time she's not going to deliberately go looking for trouble.

She sides up to Lance and hands him the new flute and says, "That or we could watch more Marblympics and Marble Sand Racing." A small mercy, but she's quietly grown to enjoy watching the football simply because Lance is so in to it.

"Your Majesty, a few months ago some colleagues and I were wondering - is it polite for us to salute you and her Highness in the traditional Wakandan way? it was a matter of hot debate for a few days but without any cultural attache to enlighten us, it fell by the way side."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa replies to Bobbi with a slow nod of his head that suggests it seems like it would be ok. "It would not be disrespectful. Certainly not. Though neither would it be expected. And should someone from the military wish to salute? That would be as meaningful. But again, not expected," he tells her.

Lara's comment about siblings gets a small smile from T'Challa. "We do have a few years separating us. So it has been a little different than most brothers and sisters experience." He looks at Shuri as if trying to make up his mind on something. "It hasn't been... that bad," he tells Lara.

Lance Hunter has posed:
Lance takes that look in stride from Lara before thanking Bobbi for the new drink, "Wouldn't say no," he says to the idea of a night spent watching marble racing. Trust us, better than it sounds. Taking his drink he gives it a sip, before playing the role of polite guest for the rest of the evening.

Shuri has posed:
A smile to Bobbi and Shuri shrugs, "I do not mind. It is respectful to salute royalty." She nods her head, "Would you not bow to a Queen if you met her in Europe?" She chuckles before looking over at Lance and nodding to him, "I will have to meet more people at another time but I think I am going to go mingle." She nods her head, "And Lara, I can bother you later if you wish. I do try to bother when possible." She winks and then leans toward Lara, "And don't let him lie to you. My presence in his life has been the highlight of his life." She smirks and then gives a small wave and moves off toward, none other than, the food.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
Bobbi takes the moment to cross her arms over her chest and dip her head, "Quite right then." She smiles and takes another sip and wanders with Lance to chat about her theories on why Natasha only ever smiles when she's undercover.

Hyperion has posed:
    Having done his bit of socializing and networking, Hyperion just regards T'Challa. He smiles and bows his head. "Your Majesty... I should be returning to my quarters as well. It was a pleasure to be here, and to meet so many people who wish you well."
    That said, he heads for the exit himself.