Selina Kyle

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Selina Kyle (Scenesys ID: 336)
Name: Selina Kyle
Superalias: Catwoman
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Occupation: Cat Burglar / Philanthropist
Citizenship: American
Residence: Gotham City
Education: High School Dropout (Gotham)
Theme: DC (VFC)
Groups: Rogues Gallery
Apparent Age: 29 Actual Age: 29
Date of Birth 15 Mar 1990 Played By Eva Green
Height: 5'7" Weight: 125 lb
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Green
Theme Song: "Criminal" -- Fiona Apple

Character Info


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Gotham City's Selina Kyle is a woman with a troubled past who has made it in life as a successful, wealthy socialite, though nobody is exactly sure how. She may say she made some smart investments along the way, but the truth is more secretive. Her alter ego, kept closely guarded, is Catwoman, perhaps the world's most notorious cat burglar. She has managed to keep both sides separate, for now. Not even she knows what will happen if and when that changes.


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* 1981: Selina Kyle is born to Brian and Maria Kyle; secretly the result of a discrete fling with Carmine Falcone.

* 1992: Selina's parents die within months of each other. Selina and her sister Maggie are taken to an orphanage.

* 1993: Selina runs away from the orphanage, leaving her sister behind; stealing to survive.

* 1994 Selina becomes a subject of the underground criminal 'Sewer King' who uses her and others to fuel his deranged sewer kingdom.

* 1995: Selina is discovered by a secretive group that sees potential in her, ultimately choosing to instruct Selina in combat and stealth.

* 1997: Surviving a rivalry with fellow student Kai, and escaping the Sewer King's influence, Selina abandons both groups and strikes out on her own.

* 1998: Selina educates herself and earns her GED. Attempts at 'honest work' fizzle out quickly, and she returns to burglary, using her new skills with great success.

* 2001: Chafing at civilian life, Selina is inspired when Batman hits the scene. She cultivates the identity of Catwoman, rebuilding a new reputation in Gotham's underworld.

* 2001-2002: Selina steals for her own gratification for the first time. She encounter Batman, and grows contacts in the Super Criminal community, yet ends up infrequently working with Batman for one reason or another.

* 2003: Selina establishes a cleaned up public identity as a socialite in Gotham's higher circles, becoming a popular figure. She becomes friends with Bruce Wayne.

* 2004-2012: Catwoman's work goes international. She's present for the appearance and growth of Batman's expanding list of allies. Batman discovers Catwoman's identity, but elects not to inform her.

* 2012: Gotham is declared a no man's land. Catwoman stays and takes advantage of the situation, yet puts surprising effort into helping.

* 2013-2015: Selina is rattled to learn of the second Robin's death. Addled, Batman reveals his knowledge of her identity, and threatens to expose her unless she aids him. While some reconciliation is achieved, Catwoman disappears from Gotham, rather than oblige.

* 2016-2017: Bruce Wayne manages to spark the motivation for Selina to return on her own terms.

* 2017-2018: Catwoman reappears, and spends as much time fighting criminal elements in Gotham's East End, as she does enriching herself.

* 2019-2021: The frequency and audacity of Catwoman's crimes ebb and surge at various times with her mood, financial needs, and perceptions of opportunity, but more and more Catwoman becomes almost as much of a vigilante as a thief, despite the range of new dangers she now risks.

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Woman and Cat:
Selina Kyle may come off to some as a typical socialite, in love with her appearance and being seen rubbing elbows with the wealthy and elite Gotham City has to offer. This is a front. She has deeper layers to her personality, mostly keeping them under wraps unless she develops a level of trust with someone. Until then, she's content to keep up a faÇade to leave her less likely to draw undesired attention to herself. She does have a big heart, especially for felines great and small, and she does hold love for those that matter to her.

As Catwoman, she is even more careful to cultivate a certain persona, often maintaining a cool, distant demeanor mixed with cunning, flirtation, and sensuality when circumstances warrant it. She is fully confident in her capabilities and skills, completely cognizant of her standing as one of, if not the world's greatest cat burglar and thief. On occasion it leads to doing riskier jobs than she might normally try, but there is a thrill to it that is intoxicating. She has strong willpower that goes back to her life on the streets, a survivor in every sense that has given her a firm mental edge in most of her dealings.

Over time she has come to look out for those in need when it suits her, choosing to keep more modest living arrangements than her riches could allow, contributing some of it to the city's poor through various programs. Her inner circle is a very small one, great care taken not to mix identities in order to keep both of them protected.

Character Sheet


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Feline Empathy:
There is a level of empathy Catwoman possesses toward all cats, whether in or out of costume. They often flock to her for attention, which she is happy to provide. She can accurately sense what's going on with them, giving her an advantage in how to handle them. She is a friend to them, whether it's a lion, a tiger, or a basic tabby, and they will aid her in times of need.


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Catwoman is one of the most nimble people one can find. Her abilities in this area are as good as, if not better, than the best Olympic athletes, a clear benefit in any activity that requires flips, tumbles, and other moves.

It began when she took up gymnastics as a child, and it's been honed with years of practice and experience, but Catwoman's level of agility is off the charts. She is as nimble as any cat, capable of twisting and contorting her body in ways most can only imagine. This allows her to get in and out of tight places easily, make jumps most are incapable of, and with her reflexes what they are, she is a very formidable fighter.

Catwoman is trained in numerous martial arts, including Kung Fu, Karate, boxing, street fighting, and more. She gained much of this training from the Sensei that took her in at one time, but he would not have done so had she not already exhibited skills that could be further honed. She is as deadly as she wants to be in close combat, ready to use her claws and whip to her advantage, or even a pistol if the situation calls for a gun. The whip is her signature weapon, learned in large part because few others could use it if they manage to get it out of her hands. She can land pinpoint strikes with it, wrap it around a limb, or let it serve as a method of swinging from one spot to another.

Catwoman has used various costumes over her time as a thief, but many of those jobs would not go as smoothly as they do without proper preparation ahead of time. This often involves the use of disguises or fronts to pretend to be someone she's not, allowing her to get closer than most to what she's after. She can scout a location, get a feel for who may be around or learn something from someone that she can use to her benefit later. She is adept at impersonation as well.

Little gets by Catwoman, who is always on the lookout for the smallest detail that could help her later on. Even entering a building for the first time, she will case it by default even if it's just a visual check of all ways in and out of a room, just to be safe. This frequently comes into play when she has to deal with a security system, sneak past guards on patrol, and more. It also helps in reading people themselves, so she can have a better chance of manipulating them.

Catwoman is not only a talented thief, she's a capable designer and seamstress as well. She's gone through a variety of appearances over the years, making most of what she uses herself aside from something that requires more tech, such as her goggles. Her skills with a sewing machine ties in well with her use of disguses, and whenever she gets an idea about something new to try out for the costume, she'll make up a working prototype first so she can see how feasible it is.

While she isn't perfect, Catwoman is extremely capable of using stealth to her advantage. She can move as quietly as a cat, making it possible to eavesdrop on conversations others would be unable to. Using shadows and other areas to her benefit makes it easier to sneak in and out of a place without being spotted. If she was caught all the time, that wouldn't make her a very good thief.

There is a reason Catwoman is considered one of the top thieves in the world. She's damned good at it, among the best known to police in or even beyond Gotham City. For more than half her life she's obtained things one way or another, from picking pockets of passers-by to stealing stock from stores, from sneaking into residences for valuables to making off with gemstones from a museum. She can pick any lock, whether mechanical or electronic, and she has the tools to deal with various forms of detection. She is patient enough to wait for openings guards present, or she may simply subdue someone. For the score, it's whatever gets the job done.


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There's more to Catwoman than just the whip. Some common tools of the trade include smoke pellets, bolas, or caltrops, but she can also be wicked enough to jab spikes into an enemy's weak points. She is capable with a pistol if she feels one is called for, and it serves as a backup in the case her whip is somehow lost or separated from her. Her suits often include added protection to guard against bullets or knives, and her goggles include the ability to switch to night vision or the infrared spectrum, along with access to a personal computer system in a heads-up display.

Catwoman has utilized a variety of costumes over the years before settling on a more basic catsuit and cowl design. She has rarely tossed an idea she's used before, instead keeping most of them around in case she is ever in the mood to change things up a bit. This can be useful if someone is in search of her in a particular guise, allowing a chance for her to throw them off the scent for a while.

There are a couple motorcycles Catwoman keeps around. Both are built for speed, given the thrill it brings, but one is souped up just a little more with better suspension, wheels, brakes, and handling for when she's on the job and needs something a bit more powerful. Besides, if someone ever spotted Selina and Catwoman riding the exact same bike, one might begin to ask questions.

As a criminal, there are things Catwoman knows about Gotham City's underworld that those on the right side of good don't often see. She can insert herself into places someone like Batman would never be welcome, learn things the average person would never hear, and use this to her benefit. She also has connections that help her move things she's stolen in exchange for a payout. This can be a way for others to seek her out for a job, though most of the time she works as a loner, only in it for herself. And yet, it is not unheard of for her to lend a hand to a hero if the situation calls for it.

Bruce Wayne might scoff at Catwoman's bank account, but she is certainly not poor by any stretch of the imagination. From the jobs and heists she's pulled off, she could live comfortably for a very long time with money spread around in various accounts, investments, and more, including some off-shore. Some of it is used for different charitable purposes, a sort of twisted "Robin Hood" kind of thing. While she dresses to impress whether as Selina or Catwoman, she keeps a modest place that is unassuming enough that it wouldn't be the type of residence most would expect to find her in. She also keeps a few safehouses spread out in Gotham City and other places she occasionally ventures into.


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Cat Things:
Felines are both Catwoman's strength and weakness. She has taken after others in Gotham City and created a costumed side to herself, styled after the cats she loves. But, her love of them can also be a hindrance. If she sees any in danger, she's liable to drop what she's doing and ensure their safety. When it comes to heists, she is frequently drawn to more than just money and jewels. Anything related to cats is an instant attention-grabber, and she might just do whatever it takes to make it her own. Someone aware of this might just try to use that to trap her.

Criminal Records:
Yes, records. Both Selina and Catwoman have rap sheets, though they do not exactly cross over. Selina's stems from her life on the streets when she was in and out of orphanges, mostly petty crime and a few assaults, things that left her under the care of others as a juvenile. They are in the past, mostly forgotten unless anything comes up as an example of someone turning her life around. Catwoman's list of offenses are all incomplete, because nobody has ever been able to arrest her and keep her in custody long enough to process her and find out who she is. This is something she is cautious about keeping as it is, to say the least.

Catwoman truly believes she is the best there is at what she does, that no thief can do better than her. Even before she took up the persona, Selina was so bothered by the ninja Kai getting a score before she did, she followed him to his destination. As for the costumed cat, the more challenging the job, the more inclined she is to go after it. She also believes she can manipulate anyone to do her bidding, one way or another, leading to an often bold and confident demeanor no matter who she's seen as.

Catwoman is haunted at times by her past, namely the deaths of her parents and how that led to the fracturing of everything she knew as a family. No mother, no father, her sister not seen since she was placed in her first orphanage. Over the course of her life she has never been very close to anyone else since then, and a reason for it is a fear of losing someone else important to her. In social circles, it's easier to slide along the edges of a group, picking up one thing or another whether it's just information or something that leads to a job later on. As Catwoman, she might work with others from time to time, both hero and villain, but she has been reluctant to let it go beyond just what it is. She's earned whatever she's got, no matter how illegal the things she's done may be, but the past is only one step behind.

Secret Identity:
So far, nobody has been able to connect Catwoman to Selina in any way. That includes the world's greatest detective himself, Batman. There have been a few close calls, but she's always been able to get out of trouble in the nick of time. It'd be dangerous if the wrong people learned the truth, and it could also be dangerous for her sister Maggie, wherever she is. She's crossed the mob, played them against each other, come under the focus of Batman and those close to him as well. When will her luck run out? How many lives does this cat have left, especially if someone puts two and two together somehow?



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Selina Kyle has 102 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Red Reign: Curiosity Killed the Cat May 18th, 2024 A night spent scoping out Gotham's Diamond Exchange turns south real quick. Selina can't help but the time she realizes what's going on, her fate is sealed...and the Blood Red Moon gains a new member.
Marching into Hell... for Schnitzel! April 30th, 2024 Let me tell you 'bout the Cats and the ants.
The Safehouse April 22nd, 2024 Helena breaks into Selina's safehouse, only the Cat is home.
Same Bat-Time, Same Bat-Burger April 7th, 2024 Selina asks Talia for help with a curiosity
The Cat and the Dragons April 1st, 2024 Catwoman run into 'Huntress' during a fight and both end up doing a double-take. More questions are left than answers.
Hellfire and Whiskey March 28th, 2024 =Selina invites Damian to the Hellfire Club for drinks
Stolen Goods March 10th, 2024 Selina brings some stolen goods by the Clocktower. The girls order take-out.
The Broken, The Beaten, and the Damned March 9th, 2024 Batgirl calls for aid, in breaking up a weapons trafficking deal in the depths of a forgotten New York subway station. Green Goblin makes an appearance, and makes off with a mysterious piece of technology, while the heroes mostly save the day, save for a few bumps and bruises. McDonalds for everyone!
Meanwhile, back at the Cat lair... March 9th, 2024 Catwoman runs into Mania again, in New York this time. They go for take-out.
The Best Cat(woman) Ever February 14th, 2024 Mania and Catwoman cross paths. Mania..fangirls a bit. Catwoman handles it like a pro.
Shining A Light February 7th, 2024 A protest of the ESU campus is interrupted by a golden armored menace who is more involved with the source of the protest then might initially be assumed.
Members Only at Grant's Gym February 1st, 2024 Selina gives Ted a workout!
Alleycats January 5th, 2024 Selina stops by Grant's gym and spars with Wildcat.
Night Moves December 10th, 2023 Catwoman and Batgirl meet in the shadows and discuss tech, of all things.
Come Dancing! December 9th, 2023 Kate runs into Selina at a dance club.
Cat and Assassin November 25th, 2023 Damian, Selina, and Talia talk about the holidays.
Nocturnal Predators November 13th, 2023 Batgirl makes a welfare check on Selina Kyle, and extends an offer.
Feli-cious getaway! October 26th, 2023 A daring Escape! Cats Talk and connect!
Warehouse Fights! October 25th, 2023 A cage fight goes very badly for one mafiosi... but all the better for Kitkat... but will she and the notorious catwoman escape?!
Window Shopping October 14th, 2023 Selina and Kate cross paths and go get some sushi.
Persons of Questionable Intent October 12th, 2023 Talia and Selina recruit a gentleman thief for a job.
Jokerz and the Bank! September 11th, 2023 The Jokerz fail today as Catwoman saves the day, but Franklin is now in. Though will the Bats find out Chaos kid is working in their turf, or can Selina keep a secret? Only time will tell!
Cats And Corner Stores August 14th, 2023 Selina and Talia rob a late night convenience store.
Bird and Cat July 26th, 2023 Catwoman gets some unexpected help from Bluebird.
Cats Stealing Cradles With the Silver Spoon July 12th, 2023 Stealing and shenanigans
Cats and Assassins with the Silver Spoon June 12th, 2023 Selina and Talia talk.. And Cassandra comes in and works on reading.
Stray Cat in Town May 21st, 2023 Hellcat comes to Gotham and crosses paths with Catwoman
Bad Men in Nice Hotels May 17th, 2023 An attempted assassination leads to a tete a tete between Cat and Bat.
Doing a Little Homework May 9th, 2023 Selina Kyle and Patsy Walker meet not-so-coincidentally in a museum.
Met Gala 2023 April 15th, 2023 The annual event is a success. Everyone who was anyone attended! Or just those that had nothing else to do that night.
The Assassin and the Cat - Contemplating March 26th, 2023 Selina and Talia plan how to go about rescuing children kidnapped by the Hand.
Why Do You Care March 19th, 2023 Talia and Selina talk of a coming confrontation with the Hand kidnapping children.
Cats and Sonjas Sneaking at Night February 19th, 2023 Catwoman and Red Sonja get into a bout of thievery as the Barbarian attempts to Contain the Catwoman.
Everybody Wants to be a Cat February 18th, 2023 Two cat burglars meet and join forces.
Cat and Killer February 11th, 2023 Talia and Catwoman eating ice cream in a tree..
Two Cool Cats January 21st, 2023 Two cat lovers meet
Cat's in the Cradle with the Sparkly Doom January 20th, 2023 The Cat, an Ospray, and some Tipsy Magical Women end up in a cat exhibition...
Getting Catty With It January 18th, 2023 Catwoman makes a late night, unscheduled check-in with Talia Al Ghul, much to Talia's consternation.
How the Grinch Stole Christmas (Trees) December 16th, 2022 Old scene; previous Catwoman
Putting the Deco in Decorating November 19th, 2022 Selina's decorating Wayne Mansion and Bruce has some opinions to solicit.
What Kind of Jerk Robs a Hospital October 26th, 2022 Bystanders of various levels of heroism intervene in a strange robbery in a hospital research building. High-tech guns and weird devices. Are the robbers there to steal some radiation device? Nope, they shot it. But they stole something else from the floor above. A tall guy with a teleporter. And what the hell is 'Systems Genomics' even? Tune in next week.
Sirens From the Rooftops October 24th, 2022 Selina and Harley plan on surprising Ivy in a not-terrible way.
Aw, You're My Dumpling October 4th, 2022 Bruce speaks about his birthday plans while Selina plots to give him a present of worth.
Hazing Rituals September 24th, 2022 Bad luck follows a criminal who tries to make his mark in a club.
What's Victoria's Secret August 30th, 2022 Explosives don't end up blowing up Gotham and everyone is unimpressed.
A Harmony in C August 4th, 2022 Trouble awaits.
Temple Infiltration July 10th, 2022 catwoman steals some info and phoebe narrowly escapes Bane.
A Little Slice of Home June 15th, 2022 Thea and Cole encounter a gang trafficking homeless kids in the park. It ends badly for the criminals.
Et Tu, Ghost May 21st, 2022 No description
Bat Cat April 29th, 2022 Bruce and Selina prepare for a night out.
A Scene April 12th, 2022 No description
Black and White and Doomed All Over April 8th, 2022 A little meat market gets an interruption. Harley wants her debt repaid, and Barbara is the responsible one.
Girls on the Run March 16th, 2022 Climbing a parkour tower, Lara and Selina have some friendly competition and teamwork to get to the top.
Cat meets Kitten January 24th, 2022 In her temporary(?) Bat guise, Selina makes contact with Helena Wayne. Selina comes away suspicious, but ultimately unaware of her own strange connection with the Huntress.
From Cat to Bat, for now January 7th, 2022 Separated in Manhatten and Gotham, Catwoman contacts Batman to confirm his survival after the initial Angel attack. Bruce asks Selina to use the Bat moniker to help keep order during the refugee situation in Gotham, supplying Selina with her own Bat suit. There are... confused, but fairly positive feelings. Selina ultimately agrees, essentially - but not officially - becoming a Batwoman for now.
A Long Way Back To Recovery December 4th, 2021 In the aftermath of Bruce's injury, Selina frets.
EROTEME: Less Than Zero December 3rd, 2021 Another piece of the Riddler's puzzle comes to light, and Mr. Freeze strikes the most brutal blow yet.
We Kiss in a Shadow November 20th, 2021 Date Night. Gotham.
A Good Feeling; A Lame Excuse November 6th, 2021 Bruce inspects Selina for any lingering affects of the fear gas shortly after the incident at the baseball stadium. Physically she's fine, but internally she struggles with a newfound anxiety over their relationship sparked by her intoxicated visions, which she does not share with Bruce. She opts not to stay when offered, though they part on positive terms.
EROTEME: The Old Ball Game October 29th, 2021 The Scarecrow brings terror to the final game of the World Series.
A Little Change October 16th, 2021 Selina feels compelled to debut a new costume, to Bruce's approval; but prompts a question she's not ready to engage with yet.
The Truth About Bats and Cats October 6th, 2021 Bruce and Selina discuss their status as a couple.
The Birthday Party September 28th, 2021 Everyone shows up to celebrate Bruce Wayne turning 43. Beware strangers bearing gifts in salmon pantsuits.
Breakout September 25th, 2021 Catwoman, Ms. Martian and Batman rescue Red Robin from Apokolips ... sorta.
Post-Hell Debrief September 25th, 2021 Selina accompanies Bruce on a post-Apokolips checkup on Tim. The cat is let out of the bag as they all agree to acknowledge each other's secret identities.
Alpha-Omega: Down Among The Dead Men September 23rd, 2021 Beneath Manhattan, the Forces of Apokolips emerge.
Strix, spies a night owl. September 22nd, 2021 Owlman murders a gang leader, and the batfam investigate.
Important Questions September 1st, 2021 Batman goes to Selina's penthouse to find out if she may have carried his child in the past. She hasn't. Selina admits she doesn't want him to leave. He doesn't. Turns out they both think rather highly of each other~
Not That Different September 1st, 2021 The night Batman came to Selina's apartment, he makes a decision to risk allowing Selina to finally know the truth. The Bat's out of the bag
Loaded Gifts For Loaded People. August 26th, 2021 Selina impulsively brings Bruce a gift that carries more emotional weight than she'd intended. Feelings are stirred, but secrets are held on to.
Booksignings and Booze 2 August 22nd, 2021 Selina gets two autographed coppies of Trents autobiography The Man Behind The Mask, and free tickets to the preview screening of the reunion piliot.
The Quiet Night August 9th, 2021 The Bat and the Cat start a spat.
Ground Zero, Prologue June 26th, 2021 It was a good day, until things went sideways.
Curiosity Cat April 30th, 2021 No description
Tricks of the trade April 2nd, 2021 No description
N.O.W.H.E.R.E. Was Here March 6th, 2021 Two Outsiders and one Catwoman stumble on a NOWHERE operation. Just as they threatened Red Robin months ago, they are hitting Gotham.
Museums...museums are quiet right February 22nd, 2021 He really shouldn't go places. Banner saw Catwoman at the museum. Then the bad robber sorts showed up.
In hot pursuit of a Cat. February 20th, 2021 Catwoman has a run in with Batman. Information is exchanged.
St. Valentines Day Carnage February 14th, 2021 Luigi Falcone slaughters a hacker group in search of a hard drive only for Catwoman to snatch it out of his hands.
An unlikely meeting. February 12th, 2021 Catwoman meets a new potential protege..
Calling a Bat February 6th, 2021 Catwoman contacts Batman and exchanges information on the recent Falcone attack.
Here, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty... February 5th, 2021 Thugs chasing a cat find out another has claws and a whip.
Iceberg Night January 31st, 2021 Late, late night. Selina drops by the Iceberg Lounge when Cole seems to be the only guy at the bar that is not (too) drunk yet.
Don Falcone's Birthday Bash January 29th, 2021 Carmine's birthday is crashed by a strange interloper who kills his wife Louisa with a mysterious toxin via hypersonic syringe ending the night of celebration early.
Title=Cat's Cradle December 3rd, 2020 Catwoman's set to raid the Gotham Museum of Art's Stages of Grief exhibit, when she runs into a little competition. What is the chilling secret of the sad clown? Can Selina trump the Joker, or will she end up deuces? Shell Game continues here!
Art Appreciation, and the Challenge Thereof October 26th, 2020 Selina Kyle meets Stephanie Brown at a museum and gives her advice in art appreciation during the course of casing the joint.
Court of Owls: The Talon's Claws -- Catcall September 23rd, 2020 The Batman hires the Catwoman for a job that may bring the Court's wrath upon her, with some moral lines definitely being skirted for the Dark Knight when it comes to payment.
This is not my beautiful house! August 22nd, 2020 Batman warns Catwoman about the Court of Owls in the process of gently foiling her robbery. Catwoman is Catwoman about it. He gives her a GPS device to summon him in case of trouble.
Court of Owls: Gotham Society Fall Gala August 16th, 2020 Drama and spilled drinks and rogues and fainting socialites, oh my
Benefit for Bushwick July 27th, 2020 The benefit is a success. Funds raised, and everyone who shook Senator Kelly's hand should wash it immediately.
Court of Owls: Lincoln March Re-Election Fundraiser July 6th, 2020 Mayor Lincoln March unveils a bold new vision for Gotham's future at his first Re-election fundraiser, and faces some tough questions.
A Hellfire Masquerade June 28th, 2020 A Hellfire Masquerade Ball!
Gym Cats June 1st, 2020 Catwoman and Wildcat have a little sparring session.
Trying to Trap a Catwoman May 12th, 2020 Catwoman's suspicions are proven accurate when an ambush is attempted on her at a meetup. Potential assistance comes in the form of a strange faerie.
The Tolling of Silver Clockbells May 3rd, 2020 Shang-Chi, Catwoman, Nightwing and Batman foil the Clock King's latest caper.
The Play's The Thing April 7th, 2020 Both Selina and Bruce have a bad date at a theater show. This time it's not with each other!
A Whisker Too Late March 31st, 2020 Catwoman comes to steal what's already been stolen, Lois comes for one kind of story and leaves with another.
Alias Investigations: Selina Kyle - A Charity for Cats March 24th, 2020 Following the case given to her by Dick Grayson, Jessica uses fellow Defender Danny Rand to get into a gala charity for big cats in a gallery in the Empire State Building. She winds up learning everything she wanted on Selina Kyle. It may not have gone the smoothest, but at least it's one less case to worry about.
The (Not So) Public House March 16th, 2020 Shaw meets with Lorna and makes her and offer she can't refuse; Maxima discovers the HFC
When a Kitty Leaves a Calling Card March 2nd, 2020 Batman warns Catwoman that Talia al Ghul might be gunning for her.
Cats Crossing, or a Feline Fracas February 23rd, 2020 Catwoman and Black Panther cross paths and get into a fight over some stolen goods, but not with each other.
No Man's Land: Severed May 25th, 2011 Gotham is declared a No Man's Land. The Penguin makes his move. Gotham's heroes rise up.


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Selina Kyle has 102 finished logs.

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Selina Kyle has been credited in 0 shows.

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Selina Kyle has been credited in 0 albums.

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Selina Kyle has authored 0 books.

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