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  The Shredder  
Shredder (Scenesys ID: 192)
Name: Oroku Saki
Superalias: The Shredder
Gender: Male
Species: Mutant
Occupation: Leader Of The Foot Clan
Citizenship: Japan
Residence: NYC
Education: Afterlife Warfare
Theme: IDW (VFC)
Groups: Ninja Turtles, Rogues Gallery
Apparent Age: Unknown Actual Age: Unknown
Date of Birth During the 12th Century Played By Sho Kosugi
Height: 6'2" Weight: 240 lb
Hair Color: black Eye Color: white
Theme Song:

Character Info


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The legend spoken of in hushed whispers on the winds of Japan. The shredder. He takes away children in the night never to be seen again and turns them into killers. He's an unstoppable monster and a maker of worse. Leader of the Foot Clan.


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*Born in feudal Japan a member of the Foot Clan Unwittingly groomed by goddess Kitsune to be a host for The Dragon in hopes of exterminating humanity.
*Rose through the ranks with determination, skill, and assistance of best friend.
*Kills father after being convinced he had been betrayed in a past life. Rises further in rank as a result. Clan becomes far more blood thirsty.
*Ordered to kill his best friend to prove his loyalty to the clan or die.
*Hunts down his best friend, his wife, and children, and kills them all.
*Marries Kitsune unaware she was the witch in human form and they have children.
*Becomes leader of the Foot clan for many years, becoming even more ruthless with each passing year.
*Is assassinated by own son.
*Descends into the afterlife spending hundreds of years leading the dead in unending warfare.
*Is resurrected in modern day by a descendant seeking to bring a Foot Clan in shambles back to its former glory. He takes over once more as clan leader.
*The clan is revitalized.
*The brother of his descendant is killed by another member of the foot clan who flees to america.
*Unwilling to let the slight against his honor go, Shredder travels to America to hunt down the one responsible, and in the process establishes a new branch of the Foot Clan.
*Deformed by his own mutagen, Shredder is killed while fighting the TMNT.
*The daughter of his descendant hatches a plan to bring him back to life.

IC Journal

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Shredder holds a highly aggressive personality willing to go on the offensive for even the smallest of slights. A firm believer of 'one of ours in the hospital two of yours in the morgue'

Shredder is sometimes overconfident in his abilities. He knows that he is destined for great things and returns from the grave have left him feeling unstoppable. Any loss is merely a setback on his path to total domination.

Character Sheet


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Shredder has mutated to be able to hold his own against even 4 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. His reflexes, strength and even durability at the peak of human potential.


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Exceptional Leader:
Shredder has the ability to convince people to follow him to hell and back again time and time again. Even in the face of repeated defeats he can still bring people around to his side and convince them that victory is not simply acheiveable but inevitable.

Martial Arts Master:
Shredder is a world class martial arts master with hundreds of years spent honing his trade in the afterlife against some of the greatest fighters to have ever died in his attempted conquest of the world beyond life. He has trained with some of the greatest minds in order to fight on the level of the best of the best.

Master of Stealth:
Shredder is a master of the Arts of Ninjitsu and as a part of said art remaining, and moving unscene. He knows the secrets of the traceless walk, of moving silently in the dead of night and tracking his target. It is one of his deadliest and most dangerous skills.

Olympic Athlete:
Shredder could easily compete and place in any olympic challenge due to his intense training and innate mutant ability.


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A series of Dojo's throughout New York City These businesses function as a front for Foot Clan recruitment and a funnel for illicit funds gained through Shredders criminal activities.

One of the benefits of The Foot clan's cult like fanatacism is the constant stream of donations from his followers which combined with criminal efforts allows Shredder to finance his various evil schemes. He always seems able to scrape together just enough finances for his next evil plot.

This Nuclear Powerplant was left completely abandoned after the attack in 2012. The Foot clan discovered it buried beneath rubble and set up shop in the massive now underground complex building for themselves the perfect hideaway for their misbegotten gains. It also provides the perfect source of nuclear material for the clans mutagenic experiments.

The Foot:
A global organization of Ninja. The sheer volume of membership in The Foot Clan makes up for its often low level of average training. While there are select members which are incredibly well trained in martial arts and the art of ninjitsu and assassination a majority of the membership are canon fodder recruited off the streets, taken from orphanages, schools or broken out of juvenile detention centers to be trained as teenage soldiers.

The Foot Clan has eyes and ears all across the world making them a dangerous threat.

The Suit:
Built mainly for absorbing blunt force trauma and stab impacts this armor is meant primarily for melee combat in Japan. However a number of modernization techniques have allowed it to qualify under type IV ballistic armor. The cape is also highly fashionable able to slow the descent of the user.


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Shredder is ALWAYS confident of his victory, and believes it is assured. He doesn't even consider the possibility of defeat or that he could be outwitted. This often leaves him open for attack from angles that he has not fully considered.



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Shredder has 81 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
A hard read May 30th, 2024 Shredder hires Felicia for a heist, but Tekkai and Danny Rand intervene.
Robbing the Kenka March 28th, 2024 Robbers think it's a good decision to rob the Kenka Restaurant but they quickly regret their life choices when Saki and Ghost Spider intervene.
Squirrels Are the Messengers of God January 2nd, 2024 Moe the talking squirrel talks to the Squirrel talker who talks to Frank and tells him that the thign he doesnt remember is really important which give him a migrane and he runs away. Meanwhile his attempts ot investigate the Fetch only increase the suspicion and interst of the Foot Clan.
Trackers Tracking Trackers November 28th, 2023 No description
Where the wild things are October 27th, 2023 No description
A walk to the other side. October 23rd, 2023 Damian comes the Immortal Dragon Dojo to infiltrate the Foot Clan, and is put to the test with Bunny.
Oops I Ninja'd Again October 19th, 2023 Damian and Talia watch as Shredder attempts to recruit Caleb to his cause.
Deliveries Gone Wrong September 11th, 2023 Karai ambushes Joshua (who she was sure she had left for dead) to get answers to her questions about how he is still alive and give him an opprotunity that would be hard to health if he ignored.
Skatetown Showdown August 29th, 2023 Bunny saves a mutant from a pair of mutant hating thugs and realizes that she nearly went too far. Shredder is there to talk to her about it!
At the Night Market August 10th, 2023 It is what it is.
Returning to the Foot July 5th, 2023 Bunny Macleod is bidden to return to the Foot Clan, where Oroku Saki gives her a mission.

How she completes the mission is entirely up to her.

Ninjas and Assassins June 5th, 2023 The Shredder shows up in Gotham to make Talia an offer. Talia declines. For now...
Unexpected Salutations May 15th, 2023 Shredder approaches Elektra with some business he wants to conduct.
Ancient Art and Ancient Mysteries April 24th, 2023 Miles stops a theft of an ancient spear, only to find the reason for wanting it. It seems to enhance a person's abilities!
Happy Robbery March 28th, 2023 Thus Crime was Had
The World Under the Surface March 8th, 2023 No description
That thin gray line. March 7th, 2023 Jayna spots a team of Foot Ninjas cleaning up the streets of Mutant Town.
To the Nth Degree February 23rd, 2023 No description
Fetch! February 16th, 2023 Belinda, as Silverdane, tracks Karai to a local safehouse. Finds out that sharp teeth and claws and looming do not make one as intimidating as ninja!
Who's got the ball February 15th, 2023 Karai steals an Nth metal device from a museum, Belinda mistakes her for someone else, and she draws the attention of Hawkman and Hawkwoman in the process.
Foot and League Fodder January 25th, 2023 The League of Assassins infringes upon the schemes of the Foot in what will no doubt be the start of a bloody melee ninja style as the Shredder himself deals with interlopers.
Brain Meets Foot January 4th, 2023 Shredder fights MODOK and his legion of mind controlled ninjas when Carin Taylor joins the fight! With special guest star Gwenpool providing color commentary!
If You're Gonna Fight Do It Right December 20th, 2022 No description
You're being followed! November 21st, 2022 Karai helps Veronique avoid the police, and offers her a place to stay.
Put Your Hand In And Take Your Foot Out And Shake It All About November 16th, 2022 The Hand make another attempt on Daredevil's life, but the ambush is foiled as The Shadow, Cecily Winters, Artemis Crock, The Punisher and even some rival Foot ninjas intervene.
Is It A Cigarette Boat If No One Is Smoking October 19th, 2022 Smugglers being pursued by Batgirl run into The Glacier, while Shredder's minions make their move on the smuggled goods as well.
Footsteps to the Future October 13th, 2022 Bunny comes to the Immortal Dragon Dojo and starts her training.
Calling Card September 30th, 2022 Bunny meets with Saki and chooses to join up with the Foot
Cordially Invited September 21st, 2022 Karai traces Bunny to a place she is meeting Razili. She proposes they join the Foot Clan.
Getting the Green September 12th, 2022 Mona attempts to infiltrate a Foot Clan Meeting.
All are Welcome at the Harley Hole August 17th, 2022 Harley receives some unexpected visits at the Harley Hole. Bebop and Rocksteady!
The Reavers: What's Yours Is Mine August 3rd, 2022 Bunny tries to deliver a package to what turns out to be a Reaver-linked lab. Karai, Bebop, and Rocksteady show up to destroy the facility and rescue mutant captives. Josh's friends are decimated. His true feelings about mutants come out. Josh gets his due and is left to die when the lab self-destructs.
You are glowing, my dear August 1st, 2022 No description
Midnight at the Genetics Lab July 6th, 2022 On another attempt to find out more about his father's whereabouts, Boris encounters a member of the Foot Clan, and might have just been indirectly invited to join them.
Training starts at the beginning June 29th, 2022 No description
The skills you have, the skills you could have June 23rd, 2022 No description
Brooklyn Beatdown June 8th, 2022 Buster and Hex meet for the first time.
All things in Nature June 6th, 2022 No description
What Lies Beneath May 26th, 2022 The Foot are working on an experiment when they have a few uninvited guests.
Let's start again on the other Foot. May 11th, 2022 Saki comes to Jessica, and offers to help her with her issues. His offer is met with mixed results.
Late to the Party (Part 2) May 3rd, 2022 No description
Late to the Party April 28th, 2022 Leon goes to pay some gangbangers a visit, only to find that someone has beat him to the punch. The hunt begins.
Playing Cat and Mouse April 26th, 2022 Thomas meets the Foot. Things are worked out.
Safe and Sound April 4th, 2022 Kaida interjects her two cents into a deal Shredder is forcing upon a poor mutant outreach center. Oh, and also her sword.
Something is going on at Area 51 March 28th, 2022 No description
Three is a Crowd March 2nd, 2022 No description
Punching The Foot March 1st, 2022 Jessica's attempt to stop a threat to the neighborhood backfires big time. In the process she inadvertantly revealed she has superpowers to Shredder, will he do anything with that information?
Shopping for Sharps February 21st, 2022 The Foot assault Project Quantum. Bombshell and the security measures are able to repel them, but they do get one valuable item.
Contract Labor February 9th, 2022 Lara hires a Foot assistant, but then rejects her when she finds out that she's an assassin.
Happy Hour Special February 8th, 2022 Drinks and a Fistfight? Must be Harlem.
Gotham: Human Trafficking Rush Hour February 2nd, 2022 Heroes stop human traffickers from snatching refugees from Manhattan. The Foot make an appearance, but it doesn't go how the bad guys hoped.
In a Plastic World February 2nd, 2022 Tabitha, Raven, and Kaida respond to a chemical fire in Industry City.
Hairline Fracture January 27th, 2022 Mikey goes for pizza and ends up with more than he bargained for.
Hello again, New York January 17th, 2022 Naomi gets back to New York, and what better welcome than having to stop a shipping heist?
One day in Hell's Gate January 13th, 2022 Heather gets outmaneuvered by THE FOOT
Meeting in Manhattan January 6th, 2022 Karla Sofen talks with Shredder and the Purple Dragons while 'acquiring' things in Manhattan. There is plenty to go around right before the Angels attack.
Shredder and Owlman: Villany at a Cost January 4th, 2022 Lincoln brings on Shredder for a series of assassinations throughout the city of Gotham giving him a place of operations within the city.
Now seeking scientists December 21st, 2021 Karai pays Madigan a visit with prospects of work. She isn't quite prepared for the geneticists personality.
Hunting Symbiotes December 14th, 2021 Karai goes hunting for some alien DNA for experiments, and Clint gets mixed up in the conflict.
A day in Genosha December 9th, 2021 Oroku Saki pays a visit to test the waters in Genosha. After a heated debate, he leaves having only given a sour taste in the mouths of Clarice, Paris, and Raven.
The Book of Akuma December 1st, 2021 Giglamesh and Leo stop the Foot from stealing an artifact from the Natural Museum of Hisotry.
Fusion Blues: A Foot Raid November 18th, 2021 No description
Splish Splash I Was Taking a Bath November 17th, 2021 A smuggling operation is revealed in New York by Arthur. Bebop, Rocksteady, Nia, and Roland manage to whup em while a sneeky ninja escapes with the goods. Emma decides not to buy real estate there.
How much for that bowl November 15th, 2021 Shredder has Roland's bowl. Roland wants to know where he got it. A trade is made.
Territory October 28th, 2021 Pam and Harley come across a Foot Clan attack! This calls for a drink at HFC.
A place to belong October 20th, 2021 Demona is invited to meet the Shredder and talk. No seriously, they just talk!
In a Sea of Faces October 14th, 2021 Spidey and Leonardo stop a tech heist in Manhattan. Unfortunately, after defeating the initial ninjas, the prize disappears into a sea of faces during New York City Rush Hour.
Wowing the Sophmores October 8th, 2021 Demona showed off her van but had a somewhat tense encounter with a nosy student reporter
Thin gray line October 7th, 2021 Tetsuya sees something shady happening at a donut shop and investigates.
On the Steps of Tomorow May 18th, 2021 Shredder gives a speech at a rally and Blackagar is in attendance to ask the hard hitting questions.
Happy Hour With Ninjas May 3rd, 2021 Roland meets shredder out of uniform, the two discuss Dojo's and motorcycles and philosiphy.
Doomed Shadows May 2nd, 2021 The Latverian Embassy is assaulted by the Foot Clan, with Atlin and Jovian in attendance. Many a Ninja are harmed in the making of this scene. Jovian earns Doom's appreciation. Shredder manages to steal an artifact.
Ninja Swarm May 1st, 2021 Roland rescues the cops and gets Shredder's business card for potential hiring of the Foot Clan down the line
Those Darn Thieving Ninjas February 19th, 2021 Shredder is training and initiating members of the Foot, their activities drawing Grifter, Jake Gomez and Kitty. Ninja fight!
Peaceful Protests February 5th, 2021 At a Senator Kelly rally, a riot breaks out.. and the brotherhood of mutants make their presence known.
An Evening at Luke's January 28th, 2021 A diverse crew hangs out at the bar
Return of the Shredder:Enter the Haga January 27th, 2021 Shredder arises from the dead, fights cute girls and mauls one of them. Spider man saves the day.
The Case of the Mysterious Photo, pt 1 January 26th, 2021 Rose is shadowed by some mysterious figures!
Return Of The Shredder: II January 25th, 2021 Spider-Man and Mania stop a Jewelry Store robery but the Foot Clan get away with the lid of a burial Urn.
Return Of The Shredder: Marionette Maker January 24th, 2021 The vessel for shredder's soul is contracted out by an unwitting partnership between Toyman and one of his old friends.
Return Of The Shredder: I January 23rd, 2021 The Footclan steal vital research data to a nefarious end after getting their backsides kicked royally in an open street rumble


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Shredder has 81 finished logs.

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Entertainment Credits

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Shredder has been credited in 0 shows.

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Shredder has been credited in 0 albums.

Title Release Date Artist
No music submitted yet.

Shredder has authored 0 books.

Title Release Date Synopsis
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