The Count of Monte Cristo

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The Count of Monte Cristo (Musical Movie)
Original Release: 08 December 2023
Synopsis: The Count of Monte Cristo is a movie adaptation of a musical based off the movie adaptation of the book by the same name.

A young man is falsely accused of a crime and thrown into an island prison without trial. Upon obtaining his freedom and acquiring a fortune, the man sets out under a new name on a quest of vengeance upon those who stole his life from him.

Cast: Michael Hannigan, Beroe Kazinski, Megan Gwynn, Karolina Dean, Ariah Olivie, Cecily Winters, Jeanne-Marie Beaubier, Noriko Ashida

   Edmond Dantes / The Count           -    Nick Drago
   Mercedes                            -    Ariah Olivie
   Fernand Mondego                     -    TBD
   Danglars                            -    TBD
   Gerard de Villefort                 -    TBD
   Abbe Faria                          -    TBD
   Luisa Vampa                         -    Megan Gwynn
   Albert                              -    TBD
   Jacopo                              -    TBD
   Monsieur Morrell                    -    TBD
   Valentina Villefort                 -    Noriko Ashida
   Madame dVillefort                   -    TBD
   Noirtier de Villefort               -    TBD
   Armand Dorleac                      -    TBD
   Maurice                             -    TBD
   Old Man Dantes                      -    TBD
   Masquerade Girl                     -    Jeanne-Marie Beaubier
   Smuggler #1                         -    Karolina Dean
   Costume Design by Beroe Kazinski
   Special Security Considerations provided by Kitsune Arms


Title Date Scene Summary
TCOMC: The Release Party October 21st, 2023 After the premiere of 'The Count of Monte Cristo', attendees head over to Sion for the release party!
TCOMC: The Match Game Returns! September 23rd, 2023 A special edition of The Match Game results in a lot of interesting answers and some amazing scholarship prizes being awarded out. Donna asks for vengeance upon Hawkeye.
Supply Run...again September 13th, 2023 Billy and Mike swing by Nettie's shop in time to get Nettie out of a tight spot. Drinks are had and secrets shared.
Seems Like Old Shows August 12th, 2023 Introducing... Butterfly!
TCOMC: One More Time - The Do Over July 15th, 2023 Things are busy at Gotham Studios as the cast and crew scramble to knock out several scene reshoots. Crush is extremely useful with setting up the set and Caleb has extra duty. Mike is late.
TCOMC: From The Top Sing Me A Song June 30th, 2023 Phoebe and Caleb visit Shaw Studios and end up getting suspicion from Larry the security guard and a tour of the place from the studio owner, Wade Shaw.
Something's Fishy at Baltimore Bubbles June 5th, 2023 Mike runs into Phoebe at a Baltimore laundromat to tend to clothes that have experienced mishaps
TCOMC:From the Top Symphony of Movie Construction May 20th, 2023 As Marie and Mike set out to make beautiful music together, Caleb's sister decides to add her own spin on things while a Field Trip group containing Stadler and Crush watch on. Then they go to lunch.
The Count of Monte Cristo: And Action! The Count Revealed April 22nd, 2023 While waiting for filming to start on the scene that introduces the Count to the world, Belinda, and Crush are introduced to uncomfortable fashion, Caleb finds out about French King names, Nick scares an extra, and Rick gets an odd picture sent to his phone.
The Count of Monte Cristo: And Action! Sailing Sailing... March 19th, 2023 All is well as The Count of Monte Cristo cast sets out to film their sea scenes. Megan looks amazing and Mike looks homeless. Caleb sneaks onto the property to sell some merchandise and instead ends up getting swept into the movie casting machine. Is no one safe?!
The Count of Monte Cristo: And Action! What A Nice Time For A Feast February 11th, 2023 Nick and Ariah have a chat in between takes of the feast scene. Some awkward silence included
Officially An Actor February 10th, 2023 Aurora celebrates her newfound status as actress
The Count of Monte Cristo: Safety Precautions February 5th, 2023 Ted Kord swings by a gathering at the Shaw Studios retreat to speak with Prentis Myers about leasing his bots for safety assurance with the Metropolis based scene shoots.
The Count of Monte Cristo: A Scaled Response January 29th, 2023 Thomas comes by the Shaw Studios Beach Retreat to pick Megan up from vocal training for her movie role. There they run into several key figures of the movie's production process. And it turns out at least one of them is a (TV) Catman fan.
Drive, Phoebe, Drive! January 18th, 2023 Alfred takes Phoebe for a driving lesson in Gotham. It goes about as well as you'd expect.
The Count of Monte Cristo: Fashion! January 16th, 2023 Aurora shows up for fitting appointment and shares some small talk with Carmen, one of the costume makers.
The Count of Monte Cristo: Costume Fitting January 15th, 2023 Early Bird Noriko doesn't catch the worm but she does leave a hamburger! Nick 'Edmond' Drago and Ariah 'Mercedes' Olivie meet for the second time in months and holy water under the bridge doesn't keep them from vowing to make a memorable movie together.
Showing Around An Odinson January 8th, 2023 Balder is shown around Happy Harbor High School and meets some new people as well!
Holiday Chaos. ROUND 3. December 26th, 2022 Mike Hannigan and Jake Lockley catch up over the Holidays. The movie is brought up and Jake makes an offer that needs considering
The Count of Monte Cristo: Open Casting Call December 16th, 2022 An open casting call leads to an open season of eager actors seeking limited roles and singing odd medleys in the waiting room. Several misunderstandings lead to some interesting results
Midtown shenanigans! November 4th, 2022 Sandwich turns into Social Media Ads, turns into fangirl moment when the Scarlet Witch shows up.


Title Date Scene Summary
Lemon Bars and Value October 3rd, 2022 Mike comes home bringing a Lemonbar. Work is discussed.

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