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Latest revision as of 04:16, 31 May 2022

Angela (Scenesys ID: 975)
Name: Aldrif Odinsdottir
Superalias: Angela
Gender: Female
Species: Asgardian
Occupation: Bounty Hunter/Mistress of the Hunt
Citizenship: Heven (Asgardian by Birth)
Residence: Unknown
Education: The Angel Training Fields of Heven
Theme: Marvel (FC)
Groups: Mystic Arts, Asgardians, Godlings
Apparent Age: 1309 Actual Age: 1309
Date of Birth 31 March 714 Played By
Height: 6'2" (1.8 m) Weight: 480 lb (218 kg)
Hair Color: Red Eye Color: White
Theme Song: Wrong Side of Heaven - Five Finger Death Punch

Character Info


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The firstborn daughter of Odin, Aldrif Odinsdottir was thought slain in war against Heven during the early days of Asgard's expansionist phase. In truth, the babe survived and thrived within the harsh bounds of Heven. Few know this truth, though. More know of Angela, Hunter of the Heavens. A wingless Angel, by her own description, cast out from Heven for some crime of which she will not speak. Wielder of Xiphos, the Sword of the Stars, and the Blades of Ichor. A terrifyingly potent warrior, Angela is one of the foremost bounty hunters not just on Earth but beyond as well. Private, reserved and plain-speaking, Angela can track her prey anywhere in existence - and will do so unrelentlingly, if the price is right. Far from the good-hearted individual that one might expect a self-proclaimed Angel to be...


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708: Aldrif is born to Odin and Frigga.

715: The Queen of Angels from the tenth realm, Heven, attacks Asgard. She kidnaps Aldrif and apparently kills her. After a bloody war, Odin seals off Heven from Yggdrasil and the Nine Realms. Aldrif is declared damnatio memoriae and not discussed in Asgard.

716: Loriel, handmaiden to the Queen of Angels, raises Angela after rescuing her from an angelic incinerator.

890: Angela's "mother" disappears for reasons Angela has yet to uncover.

1100s: Angela serves the Queen of Angels and carves a bloody legacy to earn her rank as the Leader of the Hunt. With the Angels denied access to the Ways of Yggdrasil they turn to space commerce and lend out their skills as warriors for hire. Angela becomes a specialist in pursuing those who have defaulted on their dues to the Angels.

1378: An Anchorite saves Angela's life during a hunt. She frees the Anchorite from Heven's Temple as repayment and continues bounty-hunting, her new friend Sera often in tow.

2020: Angela's close ties to a sub-class Anchorite earn her the wrath of Heven. She and Sera are publicly castigated and flung into a rift in space-time, permanently banished from the 10th Realm. She lands upon Midgard with no resources except the clothes on her back.

IC Journal

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Angela is not a woman who rests on her laurels. She takes the initiative, seeks to solve her problems by the quickest means necessary, and does not hesitate to use violence as a solution to those problems. Though it is not impossible to reason with Angela, her natural impulse is always to strike down her foes or any obstacle in her path. She enjoys the fight, after all, and she is good at it! To her mind, many people spend far too long trying to find complex solutions to problems which can be solved in very simple fashion.

Angela has no place where she belongs. Cast out from Heven, where she was never truly accepted but did at least have a home, Angela sees herself not merely as an outsider - though she surely is - she sees herself as an exile. Someone who has betrayed her people and been sundered from them. She does not truly believe that she is worthy of belonging; there is some flaw in her, some deep-seated sickness that makes it impossible for her to be loved or find true comraderie. She does not know it, but finding that place where she belongs is the only thing that will fill the emptiness in her heart.

Angela has experienced great and terrible tragedy in her life; she has withstood impossible hardships and suffering which would break most people. She has been rejected, exiled, orphaned twice over. She has killed, and she has bled, and it has all taken its toll on her. Her entire self-image is predicated upon being a woman who will never crack; a warrior without mercy, a hunter without remorse. It is not that she doesn't feel all the many losses in her life. It is simply that if she were to express them and shed even a single tear, she would not BE Angela any longer.

Character Sheet


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Angela can communicate in all languages across the Realms, which comes in quite handy when dealing with alien species... though her mode of speech is often interpreted as quite archaic and formal.

As the firstborn daughter of Odin (though Angela doesn't know it) she is gifted with superhuman physical abilities that go far beyond mortal limits - or even though of most other Asgardians. Her strength, durability, speed and capacity for healing are all incredible. She can throw cars around as though they were nothing, is untroubled by most mortal weapons, and can operate at peak physical capacity for weeks at a time. She is most notable for her speed; it has been said that she can move faster than lightning itself, and whilst this might be an exaggeration, it may not be by much. Angela will also likely live for thousands of years (if she isn't killed first) and can survive within the void of space.

Angela is able to fly at great speeds under her own power - both within atmosphere and, should it be needed, between the stars.

Hunter of Heven:
Angela's senses are heightened - most especially her sense of smell, which allows her to track individuals across vast distances and makes it extremely difficult to take her by surprise.


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Angelic Assassin:
Perhaps the greatest warrior that Heven has ever produced, Angela is a supreme martial combatant - at least when it comes to melee combat. Her skill with the blade is beyond belief, truly incredible to behold. She is also well-versed in means by which to take down opponents nonlethally. She is far less dangerous at a distance, however; she doesn't generally carry ranged weapons, and if you can stay out of sword range that's probably the best way to frustrate her.

Criminals and debtors across the Ten Realms dread the Mistress of the Hunt. Once she focuses upon her quarry, nothing short of death or a better deal deters her from finding them. She regularly tracks targets on par with dragons or grandmaster assassins using magic, supernatural abilities, and disguises to conceal themselves across the stars. She knows how to investigate, negotiate in urban and wild environments, and shake down others for information. This skill is greatly diminished seeking items.


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Aldrif's Ribbons:
These semi-sentient metal ribbons connected to Aldrif's armour act as prehensile appendages stretching up to ten feet long. She frequently uses them to attack, bind or disarm opponents. Each lifts up to 200 lbs and can manipulate items with the motor skills of a child. Though the ribbons attack independently, they can't be armed in this way. If severed or detached, they become inert. The ribbons can regenerate a foot per day when cut or damaged.

Blades of Ichor:
Though the Blades of Ichor most commonly take the form of a double-bladed scimitar and is Angela's most common armament, the blades are in fact made of a liquid metal which respond to Angela's will. As hard as the finest steel, they can flow into any melee weapon she requires.

The Sword of the Stars. Xiphos is a legendary blade acquired by Angela during her service to Heven. Xiphos is a magical blade which can carve through most mundane substances and harm beings which would otherwise be impervious to mundane weaponry.


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Angela's growth within Heven introduced a flaw to her Asgardian physiology. Whilst she is highly resilient to almost all forms of injury, electricity cuts through her defenses and causes her great harm.

Angela says what she means and does what she says. She lacks any sort of appreciable guile and has zero time for that sort of thing, either. Angelic schemes invariably focused on material resources. Manipulative people can get the upper hand on her with the right plot, though Odin help them if she realizes it, because her direct approach to cut the Gordian knot also means cutting the hand that holds it from its arm.

When Odin sealed the Realm of Angels from Yggdrasil, he cut them off from other Nine Realms. Angela grew up in a closed society with very different customs and history from Asgard itself, let alone Midgard (Earth). She knows very little about her birthplace except as framed in stories about terrible, bloodthirsty Asgardians and their debased, degenerate king waging an unjust war on her sisters. She views Asgardians with dark suspicion, a problem given those monsters are her birth family. Now she is here with a millennium of experience functioning in a different dimension among other people scattered on the other side of a spatial rift. She's dislocated completely from cultural touchstones everyone takes for granted, like understanding laws about bounty-hunting, human history, and more. She has a steep learning curve and a harrowing margin for error if she's not careful.

Unknown Past:
Angela is sure of herself, stoic, and 'knows' who she is. She believes that Asgardians are violent and terrible. She thinks in the ways of angels. She is not an angel. She IS an Asgardian. To find out her true past and to find out who she is would flip her whole world upside down. It could devestate her for a long time both in the levels of denial it'd require and the potential aftermath of her trying to figure out who she is.



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Aldrif Odinsdottir has 63 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Redhead vs Ribbons May 26th, 2024 Mary Jane and Angela talk about how to deal with an artifact which may or may not be cursed.
God's Not Here, I'll Take the Message May 13th, 2024 Blood Spider and Angela fill a few of Kingpins' lower lackeys with some holy dread.
The mutant news April 28th, 2024 Angela shares the news of a threat to mutants with Warpath.
Scenes from a New York Restaurant April 28th, 2024 Angela finds a strange aura and makes a new friend.
Pizza, mother trucker, do you eat it April 23rd, 2024 Angela doesn't like pizza or eating.
Up The Walls April 21st, 2024 Super adaptoid Copy kicks ass and takes names and gets a partially damaged grenade from Grenademan. Then it retreats to keep the heroes from damaging it more; but it was not at all threatened by them
The roost. April 17th, 2024 In the end, dominance is asserted. No shot is fired, so what becomes of the bomb and the fuse? Tune in tomorrow for the exciting cutscene conclusion!
AIM'less Alien Threat April 13th, 2024 Warpath arrives to rescue a mutant from AIM, while Angela arrives with SHIELD agents to combat AIM. A monster is fought. A promise for a 'Hunt' made
Pizza and platitudes. April 10th, 2024 Helmet attempts to court the Asgardian, to eventually turn her into a field of grass.
Drinking with an Angel March 31st, 2024 An angel and a man out of time meet, it seems they have some things in common.
Assassins and Bars March 30th, 2024 Mary Jane and Angela catchup at the Swordfish.
Athletics and Angelas March 3rd, 2024 Mary Jane and Angela have a spar.
Brighton Beach Bounty March 2nd, 2024 There is still a little left in the bottle, but the chance encounter ended without a drop spilled.
The Seas be Dangerous... February 23rd, 2024 Seahorses vanquished, Angela and Namor will meet up to take care of AIM next...
Hellfire Club Mardi Gras 2024 February 14th, 2024 The Hellfire Club Mardi Gras goes off without a hitch once again, and a good time was had by all.
Redheads Be Stabbing January 31st, 2024 While exploring Midgard, Mary Jane, Frigga, and Angela opine on the day of couples. And remember periods of anguish and being alone.
Divided Duty January 14th, 2024 SHIELD Agents caught some traitors, and their contact person. There are clues that they can use to interrogate the traitors, or pursue.
Seeking the Sword Pt 2 January 11th, 2024 Going into the firey realm itself, Sonja and Angela seek her stolen blade!
Seeking the Sword January 11th, 2024 Two redhead warriors go in quest of the stolen sword Xiphos and bargain with a wizard.
Asgardians and Recreation January 7th, 2024 Angela and Mary Jane plan to go slaughter goblins for fun and profit.
A Sword and a Redhead August 16th, 2022 Mary Jane and Angela chat at the Swordfish about stabbing times.
That time Thor went to Queens. August 1st, 2022 Thor comes to recruit Colborn and gets assaulted by his sister. In the end, Mother Box separates them and shop repairs begin.
Titanic Awakening I - Pacific Interception July 10th, 2022 The call for assistance from the Pacific Ocean leads to a fight with a number of kaiju, the victory goes to the heores but the cost of life was still high. And more questions remain even after the beasts were disposed of.
Of Blades and Banes July 8th, 2022 Finished
The Utah Disturbance June 29th, 2022 A cowboy falls out of the sky.
SHIELDS and Swords and Stabbings June 21st, 2022 Angela is welcomed to SHIELD as a consultant.
Bantering in the Batteries June 9th, 2022 Mary Jane and Angela meet again and plan to trade favors.
Of Redheads and Beheadings June 1st, 2022 Angela and Red Sonja talk over at the museum of ancient history and shared misery.
Ice Cream Dreams & Nightmares March 11th, 2022 And so, our brave mercenaries retired to their brownstone with a hero's bounty of ice cream... and, perhaps, the ire of the Midnight Smile-- whoever THAT is.
Acts of General Drinking March 7th, 2022 Asgard issues are raised.
Asking About Angels January 6th, 2022 Monet and Angela talk about fighting angels.
Return to Sender January 5th, 2022 No description
Friendly Conversations with BPD January 4th, 2022 An angel and a demon have a perfectly normal and civilized conversation with no undercurrents of tension at all.
Thoughts at the Metropolitain December 18th, 2021 Angela and Monet meet at the Metropolain Musuem of Art and engage in conversation and even appear to enjoy it!
Heroic Understanding December 6th, 2021 No description
A Spar From Above November 27th, 2021 Diana and Angela take a tour of the Themy Arts Center. A spar breaks out in the sandy sandy arena!
The Expy Meets The Original November 23rd, 2021 Wonder Woman fights a monster, and Angela wonders if she's the original or the clone.
But Neither Of Us Need A Plane To Fly November 23rd, 2021 Wonder Woman probably gets that a lot.
Hot Pursuit November 22nd, 2021 A hunter and a scientist find people who treat them respectfully.
Tea and Infamy November 21st, 2021 Jason and Angela discuss Etrigan.
Hunting November 20th, 2021 No description
Getting Charged Up November 16th, 2021 Angela meets Mary Marvel...and Mary Bromfield.
Noble Gases November 15th, 2021 Angela and Etrigan argue over whose turn it is to pay the bill.
1000 Faces: Disirestablishment October 1st, 2021 Jane gets attacked by a disir and Angela gives it a beat down.
Celebration of Life September 12th, 2021 No description
1000 Faces FINALE: Threnody September 7th, 2021 The Demogorge comes to devour the gods of death and those who would raise a last defense from Earth against him. But will they succeed in convincing Atum not to levy his judgment in a reckoning of the dead? Pray your shades have something nice to say...
1000 Faces: Crunch Time September 7th, 2021 John relays information, but manages to get no further in the direction of the entirety of an answer. He'll stand and face it armed with bits and pieces and the hope of one little girl with a tea cup.
1000 Faces: Dirge September 4th, 2021 The Court of Death declares its sovereignty. Several death gods find the forces of Asgard and a rebel 'angel' have something to say about that.
PoP: Release the... Kraken. September 3rd, 2021 Another thinning, another nightmare, a fight hard won by heroes of the city and a door closed by one bastard mage.
A Higher Perspective September 1st, 2021 Angela 'pitches a fit' and Power Girl talks her down.
A Demon Pest Nest Fest August 26th, 2021 Demons are removed from a building, even if it damaged the building. Words are exchanged and then go their seperate ways.
Double Redheads, Double Trouble July 31st, 2021 Angela meets Maxima.
Redheads of the Universe DESTROY! Rachel learning control too. June 28th, 2020 Rachel gets spoken down to by an angel. Flies off. Stupid and Stubborn.
The Golden Beebo June 24th, 2020 Angela and Sera succeed at an impossible task for the reward of a home in Brooklyn
A Knight of Stars, An Angel of Heven June 22nd, 2020 An angel meets a knight and a scientist. Tony Stark, look out.
The Asgardian Angel and the Blazing Phoenix June 15th, 2020 Julie makes a new friend, and they go off flying...also dancing.
Angels and Tigers June 12th, 2020 Angela and Bronze Tiger fight some Tong members then make a deal.
Fighter, Wizard, Ranger, Jane Foster June 4th, 2020 Look, an angel and a wizard walk into a bar, meet a knight, and then an adventuring party forms. Also one Doctor Foster.
Neither Heven nor Hel can contain us June 1st, 2020 Touched by an Angel - Tigra returns Angela returns to Sera.
Arrival from Hel May 31st, 2020 Angela arrives on Midgard! And she is met by a welcoming committee. No casualties.
The Kestral Key of Krakkan April 3rd, 2020 No description
Amazonians, Asgardians, and Angels, oh my. March 31st, 2020 Angela mistakes a strip club for Heven. After a confrontation turns to drinking, some things are hard to swallow by everyone.
An Asgardian Angel in Midgard's Court March 25th, 2020 Angela arrives on Earth. She's not happy. And she ruins Heidi's day. But Diana and Naomi help make it better!


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Aldrif Odinsdottir has 63 finished logs.

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Aldrif Odinsdottir has been credited in 0 shows.

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Aldrif Odinsdottir has been credited in 0 albums.

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Aldrif Odinsdottir has authored 0 books.

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