19613/Come to Themyscira to Party
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Come to Themyscira to Party | |
Date of Scene: | 04 January 2025 |
Location: | Entertainment District |
Synopsis: | There is a grand party on Themyscira, and everyone was invited! who got drunk? Who got stone walled? Who got served? You'll have to read to find out. |
Cast of Characters: | Diana Prince, Monet St. Croix, John Constantine, Rahne Sinclair, Kate Bishop, Kara Danvers, Carol Danvers, Thor, Belinda Gutierrez, Meggan Puceanu, Audra Meridian, Mantis, Mary Bromfield, Quentin Quire, Caleb Dykstra, Cassie Sandsmark, Amy Winston, Cinque Evers
- Diana Prince has posed:
Those invited to the island of paradise tonight, had been transported aboard the Invisible Jet. Serving as a flying luxury transport, the yacht-like vehicle had carried passengers through the magical barrier that enshrouds themyscira. The jet had landed to great fanfare from an awaiting regiment of amazonian warrior women, dressed in their finest armor, some mounted on horseback, others holding flag poles adorned with dazzling flags, that whipped in the soft winds, crimson and gold hues glowing in the late evening sunlight.
The visitors were given a royal arrival, and many introductions to local Amazon leaders took place, including almost all of the island's Senators, and many of its finest war leaders. following the meet and greet, some basic ground rules were spoken of, regarding all visitors being given a protector, that would go with them wherever they wished to explore on the island, barring it was a publicly sanctioned locale.
By the time that the group arrived at the city's entertainment district, the sun had already set, and the city was illuminated by fixtures of gold, silver, and brass, lining the streets. Amazonian women, the island's citizens, were streaming through the streets carrying intricate lanterns that were lit by flickering interior flames. The visitors were escorted in to a two story tall building, lined by marble pillars, with a large archway that opened in to a lavish interior setting.
Here and now, Diana stands near the grand entrance of the new venue, the vibrant hum of celebration already filling the air. The club-Cassie Sandsmark's creation-blends Themysciran marble pillars and mosaic artistry with modern touches like dazzling crystal lights and a polished dance floor. Amazon symbols are subtly woven into the decor, and soft, rhythmic music echoes from within, inviting guests to step inside and experience something entirely unique: a bridge between Themyscira's ancient traditions and the modern world.
"Welcome," Diana calls, her voice carrying across the gathering with warmth. She steps forward, her appearance a perfect reflection of both warrior and diplomat. Wearing a white mid-calf length dress, her hair done up with golden adornments, she speaks with a soft smile."Tonight, we celebrate Haloea-the festival of midwinter. On Themyscira, it is a time to honor Demeter, the goddess of the harvest and the changing seasons. It is a time of renewal, joy, and community. And tonight, it is also a time to welcome /all of you/ to share in that joy."
Her gaze sweeps over the gathered guests, a mixture of Amazons and outsiders-heroes and friends from far beyond the island's shores. "This space," she continues, gesturing to the club, "is the result of a vision. Cassie-my lovely sister-has taken the traditions of our people and infused them with her own unique spirit. It's a symbol of what we can build together. A place where past meets present, and where everyone can feel welcome."
Diana's expression softens into a smile. "So tonight, let go of your burdens. Enjoy the music, the company, and the hospitality of Themyscira. Our stories, our songs, and our dances are yours to share. This is a night for laughter, for dancing under the stars, and for making memories that will linger long after the festival ends."
She steps back, raising a cup of fragrant spiced wine from a nearby tray. "To Haloea! May this night bring us all closer together."
The Amazons respond with a cheer, and the music shifts to a lively beat. Diana gives Cassie a nod of pride and encouragement before turning back to the guests. "Now-go, enjoy! Explore, dance, speak with my sisters, and make this a night to remember. And above all else... misbehave, a little. Just a little..." she gave another bright smile, even pinched her fingers together in front of her face, to emphasize those last few words, before she moved away from the head of the small stage.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
It's a formal event, the New Years. Monet has taken the time to arrange herself as best she could traditionally. She's wearing a white toga with a purple wrap put over her shoulders, and a small golden loop around her neck. Her hair is done up carefully over in a series of braids to ensure that it stays out of her face. She's been freshly oiled and bathed, and walks along calmly over bearing a platter of some of the local foods with her.
She closes her eyes and gives a soft bow to some of the Amazons that she knows from those that came back to life a year or two ago, and goes to make quiet conversation wtih them quickly in the native language. Her THemysciran had gotten better with a couple of years of practice and her eidetic memory.
As Diana explains about the vision of Cassandra, and the meaning of the time of year and the holiday, she closes her eyes and bows herself over in acknowledgement of the wisdom given.
And then, she's going to take her tray along with her, ready to serve things about. Tonight, she is acting as an assistant throughout the event to be directed as needed.
- John Constantine has posed:
The entire week leading up to this little shindig, John kept telling himself - you like Diana, this is a good thing you're doing, it'll be fun. He wasn't really believing himself. He might have even pondered claiming illness or possession as an excuse to not show up.
But then came the Invisible Jet. C'mon, who *doesn't* want to ride in that thing. The night quickly went from 'fuck me, I have to do this' to 'Woohoo! This is fun!' That is until the plane *landed*.
"How much you think we need to pay someone to take us back?" he murmurs quietly in Meggan's ear. Too many people, too much need to be socially acceptable - it's not in John's comfort zone. Will he be tossed out on his ear by Amazonian women a hundred times his better in battle if he snarks off in the wrong direction? Would that be a bad thing?
All this and more tumbles around in his mind as he - GASP - actually reaches up and straightens his tie, but not before he pulls a Silkie from the pack in his pocket and lights up - with a lighter that still isn't *his* lighter.
- Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Some time ago, perhaps a few months? It's hard to tell, when time has no meaning, but some while ago a young lady came to the island, needing solace and quiet. Today she's here, but so unobtrusive that she's simply another person, a nobody in a skirt and top.
Sniffing the air as Diana makes her speech, the smallish person stands holding a frond. Eyes familiar to some might be seen, though the missing voice of Rahne in the X-Men family has never been entirely gone. Just, taking a time away. It seems that she's been here, letting her soul heal from whatever came before.
She did not ride in the jet. No, she's been here all the time. And now she's watching to see who's come, almost ready to become a part of society once more? Yes, it's about that time again.
Though, with the Themescyrans having given her space, she's not learned all that she wanted. Maybe to reach out a bit more, here? "...." Well. Let's not be crazy about it.
- Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate Bishop was definitely down for the Haloa, especially one done by people that have been practicing for a few millenia.
It's authentic!
So while Kate had shown up, seemingly armed to sthe teeth with a couple bows. One of which is her Themysciran made weapon, and a few more modern styled. The archery range was likely her destination when it wasn't party time.
To be fair it was always party time, even when sighting down range.
Dressed in snug purple corduroy jeans and a more paler tee with a series of concenric circles in purple making a bullseye, the young woman is happily getting in on the festivities. "Don't forget the amusing shaped snacks!" she adds with a chuckle.
- Kara Danvers has posed:
Look! Up there in the sky! It's a cloud! It's a plane...! Wait, no--
"It's a black-bellied sandgrouse!" exclaims Kara Zor-El, or 'Supergirl', to the uninitiated. Though amongst her friends and loved ones of Thymscera, she's certainly on a first-name sort of basis, rather than any sort of superhero nom de plume. In any case, she's hovering about two feet off of the ground, with her hands pressed to her brow to blot out some of the light as she attempts to point at some rather hilariously silly-looking bird flapping way up there amongst the cumulus clouds. Standing on the ground beside her (and politely averting her gaze so as to retain some of Kara's modesty) is a young Amazonian woman, who doubtless has seen a black-bellied sandgrouse many times.
"M-my Lady Kara," she says, and lifts her chin to get a look at the bird in question. But then there's that flappy flappy skirt again, and she's back to staring at a rock. That she kicks. "You clearly did not fly all this way to look at some... /sandgrouse/," she adds.
"Oh, but... golly! Look at it! Isn't it majestic?"
~~ Narrator: It wasn't WikiAdmin (talk)
"They don't have birds like that in Metropolis," Kara adds, before slooooowly lowering herself back down onto her feet. She hooks the Amazon's arm with her own and then turn on her heel towards the club.
"*Misbehave*?" Kara says, and turns to look up at the taller, albeit younger, Amazon beside her. She squints.
"I'm gonna have to talk to Diana about that one. C'mon. Let's go party!"
- Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol Danvers isn't one to fret and worry over her fashion for a party. Usually because she'd simply light her emergency fashion signal and Janet van Dyne would descend, confuse her with a flurry of girltalk and cocktails and sheer will, and then suddenly she'd be in a new outfit and Janet would be assuring her she definitely had input and chose that neckline.
Buuuuut this wasn't just some party in Manhattan, or some Avengers-affiliated fundraiser. It was a visit to Themyscira. So of course, ceremonial bracers were a must. Hair she's been growing out done in a tight braid hanging down between her shoulders, a t-shirt (Yes, with her own symbol on it), comfortable but low cut jeans, and running shoes. Was she dressed down? Almost certainly. But then, she had a plan for that.
The Themyscira gift store and fashion boutique. A business she wasn't sure actually existed. Really, it's only once the group has reached the club and Diana has begun her introductory speech that she realizes that there /is/ no fashion boutique and gift store!
Darn you, Janet. Darn you all the way to heck.
Still, when she spies Kate also in... well, far more /armed/ casual attire, she relaxes a little. exhaling a held breath and applauding for Diana's speech as appropriate.
This isn't so bad! Look at her! Socializing like a normal person! She can do this!
- Thor has posed:
The rumble of thunder and the coalescence of rain-swollen clouds on the horizon of paradise herald the arrival of Thor - Loud-Rider, Fierce-Heart, Aesir-Lord. The chariot had come to a bombastic stop on the shore, and the great goats Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder led away to partake heartily of the ambrosia of the Amazons. Thor himself had joined the waiting envoy, standing a head and shoulders taller than most and presenting the unmistakable air of one who wishes to not be the loud and irrepressible center of attention but by their very nature fails to do so.
"Hail, Woman of Wonder!" Thor calls, bellowing as only a man whose two modes are silent and shouting can, "I hath brought thee a token of eternal amity betwixt our realms! Where might I place it?"
A box, crudely papered in birthday wrapping paper that reads 'Lordy, Lordy, Look Who's Forty', is partially-crushed between bicep and side.
"Though mischief be the domain of mine own Lord-Brother, let it not be said that the Thunderer cannot conduct his deeds under the pall of shadow!"
He turns to the nearest guest, a young man simply taken by the festivities around him, and prods him in the chest with one bold finger. When he looks down, Thor lifts his finger up to lightly prod the youngster in the nose.
"Aha! Pranked!"
- Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
For Belinda Gutierrez, the new year and Yule could not have conspired to bring a greater gift. New land, new place, everything *new*-- she can't help breathing deep, breathing in, revelling in the storm of ten thousand wild and willful and wonderfully new scents! Anmd architecture-- already, can see the similarities to the environs of the Embassey, and the differences too. More 'Themysciran', without even the remotest hint of things modern.
A glance at a scent familiar brings Audra into sighgt. And the girl has the good grace to *blush* profusely.
"At least no archery ranges near here," she mumbles to herself.
- Meggan Puceanu has posed:
"Here?" Meggan's voice lilts different upon entering Themysciran airspace or waters, as one prefers. She might sound Greek to the untrained ear. "I'll accept a dance." The lightest stress makes the verb something other than dull swaying on the dance floor. John probably doesn't look the typical clubbing sort, compared to the long-legged woman with bone-white hair wrapped in grapevines far more vibrant than anything bought online or pulled from a nursery has a right to be. Pointed leaves rimed in frost practically glitter of their own accord.
The smoke drifting in her vicinity melts into the haze of snowflakes and twining fog wrapped around her, bespelled somehow because no fabric behaves like that. Her bare feet set to the ground produce green sprigs and delicate yellow rose-like blooms to spring up, despite the chill, hellebore and dainty pink cyclamen bursting through the earth wherever it is. "It's not as though you need to meet all my nieces at once," she whispers, the hints of laughter melting under the twinkling array of people, chatter, and music. Most of all, glorious music. Trying to take in the whole festival at once is probably hopeless, so she rather just watches all of it furtively through her loose bangs.
However the Haloa celebrates fertility and the seasonal shift, being a literal embodiment of that probably keeps her a bit more restrained. Diana's recommendation to misbehave lifts her eyebrows a bit. "I hope they've vats of wine enough for this. Are we quite prepared?" The flash of a ghostly smile rises slightly as one of the twinkling icicles drip playfully, sparkling bright. Her arm stays around John's, firmly.
- Audra Meridian has posed:
There was a lot of formalities to get through, but we will manage. By the time they got to the island Audra was already riding on the tech geek high of riding in an INVISIBLE luxury jet (though she suspects it's also some magic involved, but that's fine too) so she can coast on that for getting through the regal meet and greet with Senators and War Commanders.
But it hadn't dampened any by the time they finally reach the Entertainment District. Passing through the city was a sightseeing dream, to a club that was an interesting blend of tradition and modern adaptation. "Really gone all out for this... Not that I would expect anything less from such determined and dedicated people as Amazons."
Not to mention Diana can make even a simple welcoming speech interesting. Audra nods her head a bit at the reasoning behind the celebration, she's gotten a bit more familiar with Greek/Roman mythos from hanging out with Shazam's crew. Winter being a time of rest and recovery, readying for when Persephone returns in the Spring to revitalize nature with her mother. Makes perfect sense. But we won't get into the rest of the sticky details of that little story. *ahem*
Not when there's a party to be had!
Audra rubs her hands together in anticipation. "Alright, what's first--" Then there's a crack of thunder, and she snaps to attention on storm chaser reflex. Only for it to be someone's arrival and not a potential party spoiling weather. Though when she looks in the direction the sound came from, she can't help but stare a bit. And it's not at the goat-drawn chariot, though that's cool too. "--Wait is that Thor?!"
- Mantis has posed:
It's been a while since Mantis last spoke with Diana Prince, but they've fought on the same side more than a few times and that's apparently enough for word to reach the Guardians about the Haloea celebrations. An invitation to a social event does not come along often and Mantis insisted that, if none of the Guardians were interested in going with her, she'd just have to go alone!
Mantis never really cared about her appearance before. Her usual attire -- a form-fitting green martial arts outfit -- is practical, designed for action and agility, and perfectly suited for her. She never wears makeup and her hair is always kept down. She was all set to attend just like that, too... until Drax the Destroyer planted a small seed of worry.
"You will ruin their entire holiday with your hideousness!" he warned. Mantis was determined not to.
Mantis' hair is carefully done, twisted into intricate braids that shimmer with small, delicate pins, a style that tries to speak of sophistication, though an odd curl here and there seems to resist the attempt to make it perfect. Her face, usually bare of makeup, is painted with soft, shimmering tones -- a trace of gold dust on her eyelids, a touch of blush on her cheeks, and a delicate line of dark mascara that manages to make her eyes look even larger and more intense.
Though she looks stunning, it's impossible to ignore the unease that seems to radiate from Mantis. She fidgets with the strap of her dress, a deep emerald gown that hugs her form, falling in soft, fluid layers to the floor. It's beautiful and flattering, but she's never worn anything quite like it before. Her usually carefree and quirky movements are now tenative, almost unsure, as if she doesn't quite know how to move in this new outfit. It's a little too tight in certain places and she keeps tugging at the fabric, fingers stiff and unfamiliar with such delicate fabrics.
She takes a step forward into the club, stopping near the entrance, not yet finding the nerve to keep going. Like many people do when they're nervous, Mantis focuses on the nearest, most nascent thing she can...
Mantis closes her eyes and lets out a loud, full belly laugh. She extends her hand and points her finger at the random party-goer whose nose just got booped by Thor.
"Pranked!" she shouts, repeating Thor's proclamation, in between her laughter.
- Mary Bromfield has posed:
While Mary could absolutely fly in under her own power, and carry Amy with her to boot... or just cheat and slip in via the Rock of Eternity (since the Queen and the Wizard have an understanding about such things)? It's not every day that you get to ride in the actual INVISIBLE FREAKING JET.
So Mary rode along with Amy on the Jet, Mary conceding the window seat to Amy since, well... Invisible Jet, everything is a window seat! She was dressed quite properly for the occasion, wearing a light purple gown of Amazonian style, her brown hair actually styled back in a similar manner as she picked up some tips from the last time she was here. The only hint she gives to her alter ego is a pair of golden lightning bolt earrings she wears, along with golden sandals adorning her feet.
After stepping out and hearing the speech, she notices Thor and some of the others, most particularly, "Oh, Mantis! Didn't think I'd see you here!" She smiles and waves towards Mantis, and blinks a bit in surprise, "Wow, you look amazing! That's a really great look for you." And she seems to mean it with complete sincerity.
Apparently she didn't get the memo from Drax. Or else she just has weird tastes.
- Quentin Quire has posed:
How Quentin Quire managed to sneak his way onto the invisible jet and Themyscrira itself is probably a story best left for another time. Probably involved more than a little bit of tomfoolery that he even knew about it in the first place. But when Wonder Woman brings Zatanna to crash your kegger in the forest, there's a little bit of turnabout to be had.
So Q ended up on the plane, dressed to the nines in his best suit, and hobnobbing with Themyscira dignitaries under the watchful eye of his protector. He played dutiful tourist, matching up and down through the public spaces of the city, much to the chagrin of that assigned protector. A million questions about the history of the island and as much information they're allowed to give. He really needed a tacky Hawaiian shirt and a huge camera strappeda round his neck, from the way he was acting.
Perfectly well-behaved, at least until the drinks come out. "Oooo, finger foods...." he says, snagging a bit of something off of a tray. "Monet, didn't realize you were Greek." he says before popping the hors d'ouerve into his mouth.
- Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Well, a long chain of affiliations and associations, and Caleb (an apparently perfectly normal young man) finds himself on board the same plane to Themyscira.
Arriving at the festivity, he clances around cheerfully, looking what's there to see, what's there to do.
Assuming this was something towards the formal side, he dressed himself in white garb of some kind of light fabric for the Island's season, in a stark contrast to his often-black attire.
Ah, yes -- and following after him, is his youger sister, Sheila. Hard not to miss her, with that radiant smile of hers. She's the one who's just about jolting from stall to stall, seeing what's going on.
- John Constantine has posed:
John's nose wrinkles as if he's smelling something foul. "Wine?" Not his cuppa. To that note, he pulls a flask from one of the inside pockets of his trench coat. Cigarette tucked between his lips, he pops the top off that little taste of home and swaps silk for silver between those lips.
"I can think of some trouble to be found, ey? Of course it would have been a ton o'fun to make the mile high club in an invisible jet. Ah, missed opportunity that."
His voice is kept low, perhaps for his wife's ears only, but one never knows in a crowd that could hold a person that can hear a shart from across the globe. Once he's tucked his flask back away and before he puts his 'pacifier' back between his lips, he pulls Meggan close to kiss her on the cheek, barely shy of hitting lips head on.
Even lower still he adds, "I really loathe these things, luv. Too many people, makes me all jumpy and jittery."
Probably because John Constantine has garnered more enemies than friends in his lifetime - it's much more difficult to spot an ambush in a crowd.
- Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
By virtue of her unique position in Amazon society - born and raised in the outside world, yet a sister in both initiation and by divine blood to their own princess - Cassie has, not entirely unintentionally, become something of a bridge between her people and 'Man's World' (a name, for perhaps obvious reasons, she's not particularly enamored of!). While she fights the good fight off the island, on it she endeavors to show her people that the outside world IS worth saving and protecting.
A noble, high goal, maybe... although often it plays out in much less grandiose terms. She is, after all, the reason the island now gets a cell signal, the lack of which she'd protested as a terrible injustice in her early days!
But more broadly, her influence has been cultural. When she came to train, she brought her workout playlists with her, and while some Amazons will always cling to the traditional, not a small few have found entertainment in these imports. In turn, those who have traveled off the island (on rotation to the Themysciran Embassy, or to conduct outreach at the Arts Center) have been able to make their own explorations. While it will never be the norm, the night will see a handful of ancient warriors in modern party dresses.
Ironically, Cassie isn't one of them. She dresses in Themysciran clothing frequently while on the island, and for a festival like this, it feels all but mandatory. The cultural exchange runs in both directions!
As for the club? Well, that's been a fun addition. Hardly a proper DJ and more of a 'hook up her phone with a few playlists', Cassie has nonetheless taken the opportunity for the opening ceremonies. "Welcome everyone! This holiday has some interesting origins - at it's heart it's a Winter Solstice celebration of the kind practiced in cultures around the world, focused on life following the harvest. For that reason, it honored Demeter and Dionysus, but also, due to the timing of the calendar, uncle Poseidon, who ruled over this time of year."
"...Or that's how my mom explained the anthropology side of it, anyway." Her mom is a museum curator, so at least she has some educational influences that aren't Tiktok."But mostly? It means that it's a celebratory festival where people drink and party and do all that other fun stuff, partying while the partying's still good. So raise a glass as we turn the music up, get your feet moving, and have some fun!"
Official terrible playlist here!
- Amy Winston has posed:
Amy leans comfortably in her seat aboard the Invisible Jet, the vast expanse of sky around them providing an uninterrupted view of the magical barrier that shields Themyscira. She's practically glued to the window, her expression a mix of wonder and excitement. "This is unreal," she says, her voice soft but filled with awe. "I mean, how many people can say they've ridden in an actual invisible jet?"
As the Jet descends, landing to the fanfare of armored Amazons, Amy's hand instinctively finds Mary's, giving it a light squeeze. "Ready to make an entrance?" she asks with a grin, the excitement dancing in her eyes.
She stands amidst the grandeur of Themyscira, her deep amethyst gown flowing elegantly with her every movement. The gemstone accents on her attire catch the golden light of the lanterns, adding a touch of her Nilaa heritage to the celebration.
As Diana's voice carries across the gathering, Amy listens intently, her regal poise mingling with a spark of youthful wonder. When Diana raises her goblet to Haloea, Amy lifts her own cup of fragrant spiced wine. "To Haloea," she echoes, her voice confident and warm. She glances at Mary, her expression softening. "And to sharing this incredible night with you."
Amy laughs lightly, a sound that blends seamlessly with the lively hum of the party. "Themyscira knows how to throw a celebration, that's for sure." She gestures toward the club's entrance, where Cassie Sandsmark stands proudly. "Cassie's vision is extraordinary. This place is a bridge between worlds-timeless yet modern."
Amy pauses for a moment, her gaze sweeping the scene-the vibrant decorations, the flickering lanterns, and the warmth of community. Turning to Mary, she smiles, her voice soft but brimming with affection. "This night, this place... it's perfect."
After the speech, as they move toward the entertainment district, Amy notices Mary light up. Following her gaze, she spots Thor and Mantis among the other guests. When Mary waves enthusiastically, calling out to Mantis, Amy can't help but laugh softly at her girlfriend's unfiltered joy.
"She really does look amazing," Amy says, agreeing as she observes Mantis in her unique attire. "I'm starting to think you're a better diplomat than I am."
- Kate Bishop has posed:
The immediate lack of an archery range is amusing to Kate. "When one is imaginative enough, and maybe drunk enough. Anywhere can become an archery range." she points out to Belinda playfully.
"At least no one is adding some Scandinavian traditions. Like throwing axes at girls braids.". Which is probably all made up because drunk and dumb is one thing but nobody is that drunkenly stupid." she ponders. "I'd totally still be down for throwing axes at not living stuff. There'll probably be wrestling later. So you got a little Festivus in there as well. Probably no poles because this many women getting drunk, someone will likely start dancing and swinging on it." she adds.
So if one were to pay attention she might already be heading towards drunk.
"As is tradition." she adds in regards to poles and dancing.
- Rahne Sinclair has posed:
For all that's going on, the young lady with the pale skin and red hair is just wandering, wondering, and wishing there were ways to engage. She hasn't been around this many people in months, literal months. And it's a lot to handle all at once, even though she'd been given ample warning that this event was to happen.
Rahne sighs, pulling a hand through her hair. Yes, she has some hair now. It's as if her heart ease was a catalyst for growth, and as she lets her bare feet dig gently into the sand she also watches the people in love.
And, of course, the famous ones who're arriving. She was never the type to approach. She smiles at the jokes though, always a little bit apart. She's a lonely one.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix gives a low bow over towards Meggan - probably the one here that she knows the 'best' that's not already deep engaged in conversation wtih everyone else. Getting a quick direction on where to go over wit the platter of food, going ti give the best she can do of a thumbs up over towards the music. Here is going to be a pleasant evening and her first time to actually relax in awhile. Enjoy herself. Be a part of something larger.
The scents, the atmosphere, the company, the food.. All is well here. And she can have happiness over in a group of those familiar and those not, in setting that has become her second home. Monet looks relaxed and happy as the music starts playing, and then she goes to move around with the food to see who wants anything, or if anyone approachs her to ask for something.
- Meggan Puceanu has posed:
The prominent dislike for wine is clearly expected; Meggan's response comes immediately, wispy-soft. "Ouzo or tsikoudia?" As if she could practically pull the liquor out of thin air into a proper glass or bottle, though there may be no shortage of beverages to make the festival run smoothly. She floats some modest distance in the air, the vaporous gossamer of her skirt trailing after her in suggestion of a diaphanous robe that isn't truly there. Continuously replenished ice crystals spin around her leave it cold in her immediate vicinity, the youthful effigy of the Underworld Queen holding dominion along with the chainsmoking Hellblazer.
"Is the jet or the altitude the novelty?" A roll of her bare shoulder displaces the opulent wealth of moonbeams and faerie silver spun in a collar around her neck, sparks flung slightly where light deflects off each ring and meander. She's far more prone to swaying into the light peck to her lips, holding out against the convivial torrent of emotions feeding her like the allegorical beggar at a queen's feast. Joy pops like ripe grapes on her emotovoric palate, excitement a fizz sweet as manna or honey; the uncertainty a streak of matcha, bitter but ripe, and all the rest goes. Centering herself takes a couple concerted moments, in which she is quiet and hovering along next to him.
Cassie earns a thrumming, silent laugh out of her at 'uncle Poseidon', though she tips her head. "If he shows, I'll insist on 'Aunt'." Her eyes lower, shuttered in a physical way against the many different presences she recognizes, and many she doesn't.
Amy is one, and she murmurs to John to point her out, and Monet a distance away. Another ring of flowers nod in her direction as she passes, long stalks erupting into a cluster of pink buds.
- Thor has posed:
The young man, thoroughly pranked by the Lord of Goofs, retreats from the taunting laughter of Mantis and Thor both. Satisfied that he has committed mischief of the required quantity and quality, he approaches the club with his gift still being slowly crushed into oblivion beneath his arm.
"Ah! Music!" he calls, turning his head in the vague direction of the DJ booth before pointing at Cassie and her phone, "Play on, ye digital minstrels!"
Then, just as quickly, he turns to Mantis and reaches to enclose her wrist with one heavy hand. A moment later, he is spinning her aloft in a form of dance that is mostly just swinging her through the air and only narrowly avoiding hitting other party-goers.
"Come, thou small and keenly perceptive lady of bugs, let us dance!"
- Diana Prince has posed:
The celebration wasn't happening in this building alone tonight, but it was in fact happening across the entire city, and the island itself. Throughout the city, there were lantern parades taking place, where different Amazonian families marched together with their own hand crafted lanterns. Different hues of fire being burnt in each one, each casting off aromatic scents that tantalize the noses of those who happen to breathe in the flavors. The candles were being burnt to give honor to the stars in the sky, which shine brightly on nights of exceptional quality, such as tonight.
But it wasn't just in Themyscira City, the outer villages that dot the island were also celebrating, in the form of fireworks being shot off, high in to the sky, to burst loudly in the distance, echoing explosive flowers of sparks and flame to light up the island's darkest corners at night, even if just for a moment.
Diana, spotting Thor, moved in his direction to accept his gift. She had a large smile on her visage at the sight of it, and she had to let out a little laugh. "It is not something that needs to be fed, or watered, is it?" She playfully asked, before she looked around to the others. For John and Meggan, Diana waved a greeting toward them. "I am... really glad to see the two of you accepted the invite. I would hope, should you wish it, that you'd stay as long as you're able... I have witnessed a taste of what you two experience on a regular basis... and, well, I think you both could use a vacation. Hopefully this place can provide that, a bit of respite and relax..."
She raised her drink up for a small sip, before she regarded Cassie, as her younger sister spoke. She raised her glass up at her, as the music was certainly a lively experience, and brought the outer world here to Themyscira.
It wasn't the only music being played in the city tonight though, as both the theaters nearby were holding live performances, and could be vaguely heard in the near distance.
- Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda ironically avoids the wines; part of upbringing, cherished and firm and true! And possibly reinforced with the ages-old threat of La Chancla.
Doom with a sandle.
Belinda breathes deep once more, cherishing every second of the timeless place. It just tingles, even more than arriving in a new place is; everything smells differnt, fresh, clean-- nostalgia. Had forgotten what a place without cars and vehicles and too many people, packed in like sardines, is.
Another sniff. Head quirked. Is that coyote? Could not be....
- Kara Danvers has posed:
And there's Kara Zor-El -- is she old enough to drink? What is the drinking age on Thymscera? -- sampling some of the spiced wine. She's opted for a mug of something hot, and steaming to stick her nose into, and cough a little bit at the aeresolized ethanol that tickles even Kryptonian sinuses. Still on the arm of the poor, tan, muscular Amazon lady that's playing her... escort? Date? Babysitter? ... for the evening, Supergirl takes a slow little sip. Testing. Tentative.
There's a look of thought. Consideration. Contemplation.
A smacking of her tongue against the roof of her mouth.
"Do you like it?" wonders her companion idly, tucking her chin down to peer at the top of Supergirl's head, until she's greeted with an up-turned face and a rather earnest and sweet smile.
"It's good! I've never had hot wine before. I'm actually not much of a drinker, but... I dunno. Something about this feels right, this time of year. It tastes like I want it to snow outside, or something."
"I believe Sapphos may have wrote a poem about... mulled wine, and snow," says the Amazon, scratching idly at her cheek and turning her eyes up towards the ceiling.
"Sapphos? Who's that?" wonders Kara, before taking another, larger sip.
- Cinque Evers has posed:
Cinque always strives to attend any gathering that could connect him with potential donors for his shelter, but even he is astonished to find himself on Themyscira, hosted by Diana and the Amazons. A slight smirk forms on his face as Diana speaks of creating memories that will endure long after the festival concludes. Cinque thinks to himself not a problem.
He presents a medium-sized basket to one of the Amazons, filled with handcrafted, Amazon-themed gifts made by the children in his shelter. "This is just a small token of appreciation for the invitation and a glimpse of what future donations could help us achieve at our shelter."
After delivering the basket, Cinque turns to his Amazon guide. "Could you escort me to see the lantern parades?" he asks, eager to witness the evening?s marvels
- Audra Meridian has posed:
Audra Meridian manages to draw her attention away for a moment to look around, and finding someone she actually knows, steps over to give Belinda a pat on the shoulder. "Looks like you've got a whole smorgesborg of new tastes, and scents, to explore." She picks up a glass of wine and takes a sip. A little something to prepare herself without getting into anything too heavy. "Stay out of trouble, and no throwing swords at anything!" she teases a bit about their last training session at the Embassy. "I'm gonna go meander and mingle."
Audra takes another long sip of the wine, and sets her focus back on another personal matter to start making her way through the party towards where Diana and a few others have gather with the God of Thunder. Not going to miss the oppritunity to meet another weather related deity/superhero.
- Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol's losing herself to Cassie's playlist... or, at least, she's using the act of /intently critiquing/ the music to avoid considering the bar, alcoholic drinks, and... well, okay, most of what a party's actually about. Like relaxation and leisure and happily greeting familiar faces. If anything, she's putting out real big 'surly bouncer' vibes, even if it's not entirely accurate.
Because while she's surly, she's not a bouncer.
Nope, she's just Carol Danvers, Awkward Partygoer. Parties. Nowhere near as simple as punching through spaceships.
God, what she'd give for a spaceship to punch.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would give a tentative smile over in the way of Kara, a timid one before she goes to take a few steps back and glancing about. Moving to sweep around the are and watching Diana and Thor. Musing and wondering to herself the most expected thing to first come to mind - namely as to who would win over in a spar if the two went all out (or as much as they could without destroying much of the planet, at least).
She would go to approach towards Diana, giving her a bow and holding the tray up and listening to the music. "What are the policies here when it comes to vacation? When all of the.. Latest events have been dealt with I might want to stay for longer." Something she could at least grant herself as a reward for when the current threats, planetary and off, had been dealt with.
Mantis gets a somewhat confused look, even as it bobbles out through the telepath's head and then would be toned down. "It's good to have the island open to many. It lets more see here and hopefully spread it's nature about more."
- John Constantine has posed:
John's gaze follows the direction his wife indicated. His brow furrows. It's not often that John Constantine actually *looks* confused - although most times he feels very much that way. He leans in a little closer, close enough that Meggan can certainly feel the warmth of his breath tickling her ear. "Wait, what? I trot off to London for a spell and... I mean where's *Lorna*?"
His gaze drifts back toward Amy before he mumbles a baffled. "Huh."
Oh, Meggan asked him a question! "Instead of things wot's name I can't pronounce, how about we just find a bottle of scotch, ey?"
And there's Diana. He plasters a smile on his face that makes him look more like he's eaten bad fish than anything else. "Aye, thanks, luv." But even Diana would recognize how squirmy and out of place he is at these affairs. "Might take you up on that. Great party!" He offers her a lame thumbs up.
It really *is* a great party, if you're name isn't John Constantine and you have even a modicum of taste and refinement.
- Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins wryly at Amy, "Me? You know what our idea of diplomacy is in Philadelphia is, don't you? Typically it involves punching." She laughs a bit, and leans in to kiss Amy lightly on the cheek. She looks perfectly happy at the moment, tossing a smile over towards Meggan when she spots the empath, recognizing her in passing.
"Honestly, I wasn't expecting to see so many people that I recognized... though I don't know if they recognize me. I suppose quite a few would, between magical senses and telepathic ones. Even when I'm not using the power it's a bit hard to miss." She shrugs, not really worried about it here, and... well, if it /was/ a problem, there's a bunch of heavy hitters here already even before she would call the Lightning.
"So, what'd you think of the wine? It's not exactly my speed, but you seem like you're enjoying it?" She did, however, find one of the local Amazonian beers and is nursing a rather dark looking concoction with a perfectly content expression that's only partly related to the drink.
- Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
After hitting 'play' (what an easy job!) Cassie takes a short jog and leaps forward off the stage; she can fly, of course, so she does a whole damn loop, before sailing over the crowd, as if to survey the results of her work. Thor gets a snap-point. "Rock on, big guy!" She's actually kind of a fan. Did he ever see the Thor-Girl cosplay pictures from Avengers Day? Let's just not over analyze the thunder-deity overlaps...
Clearing the crowd, she eventually drifts down to a landing on the far side, nearer to where Diana has settled.
"Not a bad turnout!" she announces in her usual chipper fashion, crossing her arms and taking another look from ground-level, where she can properly 'feel' the energy of the crowd.
Looking about, she spots Kara and her 'drinking buddy,' and grins broadly. "Looks like everyone's making friends. Hey Supachick!-"
She may not be Kryptonian, but she's got earing to overhear THAT comment. "Haha, oh she's in for-" Then she raises her voice: "If you need stronger stuff for that alien constitution, we can totally HOOK YOU UP. This is a place where gods walk the Earth on the reg, we got the good shit!"
- Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda has the presence to stick her tongue out at Audra. Prim and proper as she grins, blushing briefly. "Visiting new places always has that effect on me," she admts, bowing her head. "It takes a moment for everything to setle, to get used to it all. Es al sobrecarga, overload, to the senses, until then." She gives Audra a nudge with her elbow, nodding towards the Blonde Asgardian.
"Tu buscas," she whispers, teasing. "Go fetch! The worst he can do is decline."
A last wink, and she steals aside. "And no promises about swords!"
- Quentin Quire has posed:
Dis. Missed.
Quentin gives a low whistle as Monet ignores his little jib about her playing waitress. Granted, he probably would have given the same response if the tables were turned, for some reason or another. Not that he can come up with a good reason why he'd be playing waitstaff at a party like this, rather than enjoying it.
So he takes his drink glass and starts to move through the crowd. A nudge here, a tap there as he moves through the swarm until he can reach the bar.
Now to convince the local bartenders that he really is old enough to drink.
- Kate Bishop has posed:
The party is fun, Kate's dancing and drinking at a nice steady rate. Thankfully she has her black hair already pulled up into a pony tail, and a purple hair band for any remaining bangs.
Much easier to put feet in mouth if or when it happens.
While she's not the greatest dancer. There was a lot of grief when she too up sports involving pointy things like archer and fencing. Her family were hoping they'd get a cheerleader. But they got one hell of a jock.
At least there's no competition so the brunette can enjoy watching everyone else shake their money makers.
- Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"I could use the respite and relaxation", Caleb says to Diana.
"I sewar, if this was a resort, this is where I would come for vacations", Sheila replies.
And Caleb blushes at the audacity of his liottle sister, eyes immediately turning to her.
"What?", Sheila asks, "It's true - everything here is magnificent. It's... Perfect!" She looks around, taking a deep breath as she closes her eyes. "Far away from the concerns of the world..."
Caleb can't help but feel something similar, one can see it in his eyes - he just has the age to hide his longing for easier days. Looking at Diana, he says, "Some arguments strike harder that any sword, spear or arrow. How can you beat a young girl's logic?"
He rests a hand on his sister's shoulder.
- Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara Zor-El *is* kinda innocent, red-kryptonite blackout murder threats notwithstanding. She's the kind of girl who holds a mug of mulled wine with two hands. Two hands! She sips from it while giving a rather incredulous look to her companion, who has gone all quiet since mentioning Sapphos. And is that a hint of something pink in her cheeks?! Kara purses her lips and blows a thin little stream of cool air over the surface of the mulled wine. But don't worry -- it's just regular cool air. Not the freezy stuff.
It's during this incredulous looking-at that she spots Monet, and offers her a smile back, but the interaction is brief. Because that's when Cassie Sandsmark is belting out in her direction.
"Supachick?" Kara blurts out, turning her face to the source of the sound and offering a toothy grin at Cassie. Her face is still half-hidden by that mug of steamy-hot mulled wine that she's holding (with two hands), but Cassie can likely see that toothy grin. It makes its way all the way up to those pale blue eyes, after all.
"Hiiii!" she calls out, and then blink-blinks. And now it's her cheeks' turn to take on a bit of a pink hue. Probably that mulled wine, though she does sort of shyly avert her gaze now. Just for a moment. When she leans forward to engage Cassie again, that grin is back, and she subtly lifts up off of the ground -- towards her tippy toes, and hovering about an inch and a half up. Who knows why.
"Oh!" she yells out, to get her voice to lift up over the crowd.
"No thank you! I'm super good! I don't think I could handle any of the good..."
Shit. Say shit, Kara. SAY IT.
"Stuff! But thank you!"
- Mantis has posed:
Eventually, Mantis' laughter putters out and she's left with her own unease. Mary Bromfield's familiar voice draws her curiosity at first -- expressive eyes widen, antennae rise -- but she's not prepared to receive the compliment. In fact, it draws her eyes down to the floor and her shoulders tense. "Thank you," she replies quietly, almost sounding miserable about it. "...Yes, I am hot." She sounds like she is making a declaration of objective fact, as though she followed a recipe, rather than bragging about something. The moment of infinite discomfort does not last long, though, before Mantis finds distraction a short distance away. Without explaining or excusing herself, Mantis steps away from Mary and Amy to follow some unseen distress making eddies in the emotional current of the party. She follows the trail to a small, freckled ginger woman.
"...You are not having a fun time?" Mantis asks Rahne Sinclair, intruding upon her solitude with wide, curious eyes. She tilts her head to the side and watches the young woman, staring as though she's trying to solve a mystery. Before there's a chance to get her answer, Mantis is ATTACKED by Thor!
Mantis lets out a shriek of surprise as her hands are taken -- BOUND -- by Thor's mighty grip, rendering her weightless as he twirls her around the dance floor. What could this be if not a SNEAK ATTACK! Driven by instinct, Mantis extends her fingertips so they touch the skin of Thor's wrists. "You want to let me go," she tells him soothingly, tips of her antennae glowing brightly as her pathokenetic powers extend into the God of Thunder's private emotions!
When Thor's hands open, Mantis soars backwards, propelled by the sudden release. Her body makes a magnificent arc across the dance floor, graceful and under control, and lands in a three-point stance. Mantis stares at Thor, extends her hand in his direction, palm-up, and curls her fingers inward twice, inviting him to come at her.
- Meggan Puceanu has posed:
Meggan reaches out to loop her arm around John, a rather casual gesture that sweeps down the back of his trenchcoat like dispelling all the stains, dust bunnies, and smoke that it unfortunately tends to accrue. Spots of snow speckle the fabric, frozen despite the warmth on the island of paradise, and she sheds a few tendrils of mist from her sleeve. "Mmm. Not about," she confirms at a volume that would be difficult to hear more than a few paces away. Projecting to any distance might be a bit beyond her or she's just not about to upset Cassie's hard work and Diana's fanfare by speculating in anything more than a low conversational voice.
Her eyes brighten upon spotting the pair, lingering near Diana a little longer, and then flitting back to Amy and Mary, settled there longer than elsewhere. Not prying; her curiosity and mirth are clear enough to anyone not fully familiar with her. Then she turns her head back to one of their glorious hostesses, because how can she not pay heed? "A holiday would be fabulous. And it's not often we get to see *good* places out of story," she chimes in, though it's soft. Forgive her that, keeping a snowstorm going means she's not all fully in the physical realm.
She taps lightly against the green vines wrapped around her hair, pushing it away rather than letting it wave at others. "We must not take up too much of your time. Yet."
Her delicate flit carries her onward to explore what -is- a drink out there.
- Amy Winston has posed:
Amy laughs warmly at Mary's quip, her sapphire eyes sparkling with mirth. "Punching, huh? Well, I suppose it's effective. Though here, diplomacy seems to involve wine, dancing, and the occasional epic speech." She leans into Mary's light kiss on the cheek, her grin softening into something more tender as they walk through the festival grounds.
Spotting Meggan in the crowd, Amy raises a hand in a friendly wave, recognizing the fairy immediately. "It's like a who's who of magical and heroic circles here," she muses, glancing back at Mary with a teasing smile. "You might be a little hard to miss, lightning or no lightning."
Her gaze lingers for a moment, full of affection as Mary talks, clearly enjoying the way her girlfriend seems so at ease. "As for the wine?" Amy raises her cup and takes another sip, her expression thoughtful before it shifts into a soft smile. "It's different. Earth wines are lovely, but this has a richness I've only ever found in Nilaa. I think I like it because it reminds me of home."
She glances at Mary's Amazonian drink, a playful eyebrow arching. "And you? Is that drink living up to Philadelphia standards? Or am I going to hear a 'Rock of Eternity' monologue about the virtues of mortal brewing?"
Amy's tone is light, but her hand brushes against Mary's in a quiet, grounding gesture. With the laughter and music of the festival surrounding them, it's clear that Amy feels completely at home-not just on Themyscira, but with Mary by her side.
"So, are you waiting for this Princess to ask you to dance, Lady Bromfield. Are you not feeling bold enough to take me onto the dance floor." Her tone is taunting and playful, but is meant to spur Mary into action.
- Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne Sinclair has been on the island for a while now. Rahne Sinclair has also been insular, not getting around much, and still a bit worried about approaching people. So when Mantis shows up, she just has time to open her mouth.
Before the incident ends as quickly as it began. Her mouth hangs open a bit longer, as if there to gather flies, but without someone to speak to, she feels almost as if this is not an effective use of her time.
"I am gonna go find Tabby," she mumbles to herself. "Stupid gel, stupid deer suit.." She wanders past the wine, then shrugs. Mostly to herself. Then she reaches up.
And she takes a glass of Flame Wine, before wandering off into the direction of nature. She looks tired, and about to be drunk. Both things are, in fact, true, but at least she managed to show her face tonight. Tomorrow, she'll reach out a bit more.
After the hangover subsides.
- Audra Meridian has posed:
Audra Meridian pauses in her approach a moment as the green antennaed woman literally flips out (but fortunately doesn't go into the 'and kills someone' part yet). Though, considering this is an Amazon party, and there's a Viking god present also, someone considering a fight as a good time probably isn't too shocking in itself. "Whoever that woman is, she's got some moves that are out of this world."
More literal than you realize, Audra.
- Thor has posed:
"Nay," Thor answers Diana, thrusting the gift into her arms without a further thought, "Tis a naught but a token from the treasury of mine royal father."
When the gift is finally unwrapped, it contains a horn that has been capped in silver at both ends though the wider end can be removed. Inside, a sweet-tasting mead that may or may not grant temporary wisdom.
Back in the present, Thor is compelled mystically to let Mantis go. As she floats away and issues her challenging gesture, Thor plants his hands upon his hips and laughs uproariously. Mjolnir is not with him, laying unmovng somewhere upon the beach, so he simply raises his fists in a practiced martial style.
"Thou woldst challenge the Thunderer?! Yes! Let us honour Themyscira with a display of our might!"
That said, he leaps through the air in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon fashion to try and land a punch upon the exquisitely-dressed Mantis.
- Quentin Quire has posed:
"Wrestle a god, you say?" Quentin repeats the phrasing of the offer as one of the Amazonians moving through the crowd offer him a glass of this flamewine stuff. "Guess I'm in the right place for that, eh?" he replies with a wry grin as he takes the offered drink. Holding the glass under his nose he takes a sniff of the draught, already enough to set his short-cut pink mohawk up on its tips. "Now that's some good stuff..." he murmurs, even as he turns from the bar in time to see Thor leaping through the air, wuxia-style. "Can't be a party of the gods without a fight, right?" he asks of no one in particular as he takes that first sip, and oooooos at the tingle.
- Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary hmms a bit, "I think it's passable. I /did/ spend some time here on sabbatical teaching the chefs here a bit about good Mexican cooking, thanks to my foster mom. Plus how to make a Proper Cheesesteak. Don't worry Amy, they use Provolone, not Cheese Wiz." Though she can't help but wrinkle her nose ever so slightly as she says that.
She does, however, shake her head slightly as she looks over at Mantis and Thor going from dancing to fighting to... well, she's not entirely sure. "I'm not exactly sure what's going on between those two. Though it seems... relatively harmless?" And well, it is a bit traditional to have playful brawling happening at gatherings of the gods and the like, right?
As long as it stays playful, anyway...
- Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol can't help but watch Quentin approaching the bar... god, she really does come off like a bouncer. But hey, she's off duty as it were. And then he's getting a glass of flamewine and... well, hey, it's no spaceship punching.
But it's probably going to turn out /hilarious/. And she just can't keep her big mouth shut when he speaks that rhetorical question, "Party, HoA meeting, potluck, you tack 'of the gods' onto it and it usually leads to someone punching someone. Gods. Noted masters of entirely reasonable responses to mortals. Like, what's a alittle 'turning someone into a pillar of salt', right?"
- Diana Prince has posed:
For those not inside the club itself, there were bonfires lit outside of it. The entertainment district was quite lively tonight, with dancers performing acrobatic flourishes, and sky-lanterns floating up in to the air above the buildings. Cinque's request to see a parade, was granted quite easily, as he was shown to the street just outside of the club, where the parades were quite active, moving up and down the marble streetway.
Inside, Diana found Carol, and took hold of her elbow with a light touch. She brought the lovely woman a sweet treat, a drink that was even frosted somehow with ice. "Non alcoholic." Diana whispered to the blonde, showing her a soft smile, before she looked back to the dancers enjoying the large and spacious dance floor. "It is one of my favorite beverages. It has a nice calming effect." She explains, as she shows the Captain a broad smile. "I am glad that you made it too. Hopefully we can indulge in another walk on the beach?"
- Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
"Just remember, it's a party in part to honor Dionysus! That means it's our sacred duty to GET WRECKED!"
Cassie doesn't push the matter with Kara - peer pressure isn't cool, kids! - but she is perfectly willing to embrace and celebrate the spirit of the evening, and proselytize a bit to the crowd. Lest anyone forget, the Olympian pantheon are not a serene and polite bunch. They're a clan of messy drama personified, drunken fornicators nearly the lot, and it's clear their festivals match that energy. Plus, some of their kids don't exactly fall far from the tree.
So yes, stop number two for Cassie, beside checking in on Di and the first friend she sees, is to snag herself as large of a mug as she can find from one of the passing firewine servers. Dramatically, almost performatively, she hoists her cup high and then throws it back. And then she gets another one. Let's gooooo!
Witness, Thor and Mantis. "See? THEY GET IT! I mean, you don't have to fight anyone but like, yeah. Not a night for moderation."
One of the more pulsing dance remixes comes on, and she lifts the cup while pumping her other hand, and starts dancing a path out mid-crowd.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
And Monet goes to head along after Diana. She's not one much for the chaos.. But she's quite happy to listen to some of the conversations and if prompted to offer some of her own thoughts. And definitely intent on staying away from the twenty-somethings going on teenagers with attitude style. They were very well welcome to their fun.
She would speak over to Diana, "Will Hippolyta be making an appearance here?" She would query over. Or was this definitely not the type of thing that the Queen would want to drop in on? And hopefully Cassie's not going to have a full Bacchanaela going on.
- Quentin Quire has posed:
"POTLUCK... of the GODS!" Quentin announces with a dramatic flourish of one hand, in response to Carol's commentary on his commentary. "Doesn't quite have that same kinda ring to it, really..." he says as he takes another sip of the flamewine, enjoying the tingle running through his system. "...sounds more like a deep south kinda dueling banjos thing..."
He muses on her last comment, brows furrowing a moment, "I really don't think any of the greek gods did the whole 'pillar of salt' thing, just the one. They were more into 'setting eagles to eat your liver' and 'disguising oneself as a bull' kinda weirdness..."
He offers up a cheer along with Cassie's as Thor and Mantis continue, yelling "Kick his ass" from the bar like his name was Wallace.
- Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol snickers and points a finger at Quentin, "Ah, that's why they call it a 'feast' of the Gods. It's marketing. Like how the Big Mac's not actually so big."
And then eyes narrow at Diana, her lips quirking in a little smile, wry and amused... but those eyes glint with just a little moisture. At least for a moment, "Wait, do you guys have a slushie machine? I have /definitely/ been out of the loop."
She sighs out and nods her head, "That'd be good. I really do need to get my head on straight. Too much time zipping around space, I've been..." She sighs and rolls her eyes, "Well, it turns out if you cut out the 'drinking' part of unhealthy coping, it just leads to a lot more time for moping. But at least I'm /really/ good at it."
And then she register's Cassie's voice yelling 'GET WRECKED' and she snorts out, "Well, see? Now I feel fine about moping. Someone's got enough party people power to make up for me!"
- Kara Danvers has posed:
Kara Zor-El gives a small nod in Cassie Sandsmark's direction, her lips briefly pursing for a moment as she considers the departing woman's words. Dionysis. Not a night for moderation. Kara's head tips lightly to the side and she gives that cooling mug of hers a lazy little swirl. You're supposed to swirl wine, right? Even when it's... hot, and spiced, and in a mug? Yeah!
And on nights like tonight, it's for chugging!
Well, sort of. It turns out Supergirl is not exactly a chugger, and that hot liquids aren't super comfortable to chug. So what ensues is a sort of protracted, twelve or fifteen second affair that ends with a small amount of the wine dribbling out of the corner of her mouth. She redirects, leaning forward to let it roll down her chin, but it's enough to make her Amazonian companion (whose needle has tipped more into the 'babysitter' quadrant of the 'babysitter -> drinking good-friends' graph) flail her hands in Supergirl's direction.
"Ahh, Lady Zor-El, I would not drink this so quick--"
"Ahhh!" Kara says, and drops her mug away from her... mug... and adopts a rather proud and heroic posture. Which is cheapened by the tiny, adorable hiccup that bubbles out of her next.
"For Dionysis!" she yells out towards some spot in the crowd that she assumes Cassie Sandsmark has gone. It's anyone's guess if she's correct. "Oh, and... what was her name? Sapphos? For Sapphos!" she belts out, which is likely to draw at least a couple of concerned and curious glances from other Amazons in the area.
...And make her poor babysitter palm at her own face in embarrassment.
- Audra Meridian has posed:
As Thor leaps off to engage Mantis is a display of prowess Audra remains standing by to watch. And after a thoughtful moment pulls a pair of gloves out of a pocket of her blazer jacket and slips them on. Far from as potent as her full gauntlets, they're still capable of conducting electricity. Or any stray lightning that comes from the two sprawling. Probably not necessary around here but far be for her to not default to taking a little precaution.
"I guess we're going to get one hell of a show." Audra finishes off her drink. Muses needing another. But not wanting to stray from watching Thor in action, either.
Maybe she can snag one of the waitresses passing by.
- Mantis has posed:
The Galaxy can be a cruel place, even to its most dedicated Guardians. This was supposed to be a major milestone for Mantis. At her first glamorous social outing, at the precipice of what might be her first ever dance with a man, she has instead found herself in the middle of a martial arts battle -- one she doesn't entirely understand and isn't dressed for. Not even close.
Mantis stares across the dance floor at her opponent, his hulking size and unmatched strength offering a perfect counter-balance to Mantis' delicate grace and precision. She frowns a little and reaches up to pull a single pin that releases her hair, allowing it to fall naturally. So much for that.
Mantis leaps into the air and moves her legs rapidly, as though she's running through the air itself. Her flight is brief, only long enough to meet Thor in the middle and deflect his punch with her forearm!
"This was supposed to be a nice night!" Mantis shouts angrily as she engages in a martial arts exchange with the God of Thunder himself. Where Thor brings brute strength, Mantis answers with a lifetime of martial arts training that has made her famous in some parts of the galaxy.
- Caleb Dykstra has posed:
At the mention that the celebration is to get wrecked, Caleb's grip on Sheila's shoulder tightens. "You're the designated driver, kiddo. Non-alcoholic to you."
Sheila awws, "But I wanted to taste..."
He points at... Well, Kara, "If one mug leaves her in that state, then even I'm gonna take it lightly." Sheila's about to say something, but Caleb interrupts sternly, "Period."
They head to the non-alcoholic stands, the sudden 'rest and relaxation' idea he had going down the drain.
Can there be anything like too much fun? Maaaaaaayyyyyybe...
- Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Kara's mighty shout of 'For Sapphos' is comically good timing for recent hit 'Lunch' to come on. The playlist seems fairly genre aware!
Meanwhile, Cassie, watching the Thor-Mantis fight while swaying and enjoying her wine, keeps it flexible as she watches the counterpoint of brute strength and peerless elegant flexibility: "That's... kind of hot." Which one?
- Thor has posed:
It is a strange fight to watch. There are blows of deadly accuracy and brutish force traded, yet neither of them seem to land with anything beyond the lightness of a feather. Almost like improv, but with more kicking. At last, Thor sweeps Mantis up into a bear hug that may be the most damaging thing he's done so far.
"Ha HA!" he laughs, giving the Guardian of the Galaxy a mighty embrace, "Thy moves are most impressive! You have the admiration of the Mighty Thor!"
He releases her, dusting his hands, and reaching for a cup of wine.
"Bid thy digital minstrels play 'Boys'," Thor shouts, wiping the back of his hand across his mouth once the cup is emptied, "Tis the Thunderer's jam!"
- Diana Prince has posed:
Diana afforded Carol a soft smile, before she looked to the little impromptu combat sequence taking place out over the dance floor. she was well aware of who both of the combatants were, and it just made her smirk softly, before she sipped her wine.
A glance was given to Monet, and a shake of her head was sent back. "The Queen is watching the city's events from her own party on the Queen's balcony." She explained. "She oversees the festivities from afar, and awards the best visible show a bonus for the coming season. It is why the villages all across the island are blasting the heavens with their fireworks. They are vying for the Queen's praise." Diana stated, showing Monet a slight grin.
It was true too, the denizens of Themyscira City were competing with one another, to impress the Goddesses, or at least their Queen, for the bounty of favor tonight, and between the bonfires, the fireworks, the floating lanterns... and so much more, the island was alive from shore to shore, across the grasslands, the Enchanted Forest, and even up in to the mountains. If one was perceptive enough, they might even see a winged Pegasi flying between the peaks of the mountain range, adorned in its own lantern aparatuses.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would glance over at Diana, "And not seeing to the guests? Very well." Such things ar edelegated to the Princess as the Ambassador, after all. Or alternatively the 'own party' could be Hippolyta kicking back and watching lots of rom coms and enjoying the time to stuff herself over with chocolate and ice cream. One could never be quite too sure when Queens were out of sight after all.
She would watch out over to the bonfires, and the other events going on in the distance. Humming along with some of the music she can make out. As those more prone to festivitiy and revelry go to get more active, she would smile. "It's good to have others here. Thank.. You for sharing your home with me. It's meant so much for me to be part of all of this." She goes to watch at Thor. "He is very much different from how I expected him to be."
- Audra Meridian has posed:
Audra Meridian applauds as the two finish up their display of combat prowess, her gloves causing small but harmless sparkles. Then a deep breath.
Okay, let's do this... Though how do you open a conversation with a literal god...
Waiting for him to finish hug-crushing Mantis she finally steels her resolve back up to approach the awe inspiring Asgarian. "Thor, the God of Thunder. It is an honor to see you in person." Once she gets going though the bit of nerves seems to fade mostly. "Can't say I expected to see an Asgardian here but that was quite the show!"
She is doing her darnest to not go fangirl or something embarassingly like that.
- Amy Winston has posed:
Amy grins, her laughter bubbling up as Mary explains her culinary contributions to Themyscira. "You've been holding out on me!" she teases, nudging her gently with her elbow. "Here I was, thinking I'd discovered all your hidden talents, and now I find out you're secretly revolutionizing Amazonian cuisine. I'm almost afraid to ask what they think of cheesesteaks."
When Mary assures her about the Provolone, Amy feigns a dramatic sigh of relief. "Good. Because I don't think I could've handled the scandal of Cheese Whiz making it into Themysciran culture."
She follows Mary's gaze toward Mantis and Thor, her expression shifting to a mix of amusement and mild bewilderment. The sight of them oscillating between dancing, sparring, and? whatever it is they're doing now, earns a soft laugh. "I mean, it's Themyscira. If there wasn't some kind of impromptu sparring or divine antics, I'd be worried."
Amy takes another sip of her wine, savoring the rich flavor before leaning slightly closer to Mary. "But you're right-it looks harmless enough. Though if they start throwing lightning or tossing lanterns, I'm counting on you to intervene. Y'know, Champion of the gods and all that."
Her tone is light, teasing, but her hand brushes against Mary's arm in a gesture of quiet affection. "And for the record, you teaching the Amazons how to make a proper cheesesteak might be the most heroic thing I've ever heard."
- Quentin Quire has posed:
"No, the big mac isn't really big anymore because of corporate greed..." Quentin comments as he takes another drink of the flamewine. "..but that's neither here nor there. Unless they've got a franchise on Thymesciria, and then that's an entirely different discussion..."
He boos a bit as the Mantis-Thor fight turns into more of a dance than anything else. "I've seen better fights in the Brotherhood cafeteria!" Boo! Boo!
- Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol's eyebrows perk as she joins in watching Thor and Mantis tussle, only to glance sidelong at Diana, "Oh, so there's an even /more/ exclusive party watching the exclusive party? Layers and layers of social hierarchy!" She's clearly joking, apparently one frosty drink is enough to get her out of the doldrums and back into... well, at least sociable levels of cheer.
She pauses for a moment and murmurs dryly, "You know, the next time Thor has a party, you should show up and toss someone around. Gotta keep the score card even, right?"
- Mantis has posed:
Lotus Flower Kick. Whirlwind Fist. Eight Trigrams Palm. Mantis pulled from the endless well of moves and techniques trained so deep into her muscles that they're second nature. Her form was perfect. Her tempo was ideal. She offered no weakness for her opponent to exploit and, yet, she's taken down with just one, simple move: a bear hug.
Mantis stands in the center of what was once their battlefield, awkwardly tense, as Thor erupts with raucous laughter. Her thoughts turn inward as she tries to make sense of what just happened. Why had he grabbed her in the first place? What was the purpose of his SNEAK ATTACK? Why did they stop fighting? What the heck is so funny right now? Did she do something wrong?
Thor's unyielding celebration, his carefree happiness about the moment, floods Mantis' antennaeand drowns out the trickle of emotions she's getting from everyone else at the party. In an instant, she abandons her worries, lets out a loud laugh of her own, and reaches to take a glass of wine for herself. She cackles happily before downing the entire glass in a single go!
Mantis swallows, coughs a couple of times, and then exhales a thin cloud of steam. As soon as the music starts, she throws her hands into the air, cheers, and starts bouncing up and down in an unapologetic attempt at dancing.
- Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Thor's request by contrast, is clearly a bit of a contrast with the rest of the playlist; for those keeping track, there is clearly a feminine bent to the entire thing, in both performer and topic, with not a lack of entries (like that last song), that are... well, more than a little bit gay. She did open this club on _Themyscira_. For its usual population. Of entirely women. So at a basic level this all tracks.
But the festival IS a turning point. It's not the first time men have stepped foot on the island, but it is the first time they've been invited to something like this, a gathering that is purely cultural and social in this way, rather than some specifically super-heroic event, victory celebration, or the like.
So, Cassie, mulling the request a moment, ultimately lands on 'what the hell.' It has two different songs called 'Girls,' along with 'Bad Girls,' 'I Kissed a Girl,' 'Pretty Girl,' 'Super Freaky Girl'...
... so one 'Boys' won't ruin anything. And since Cassie's impressive DJing consists of nothing more than her phone controlling a playlist, it doesn't take her more than pulling it out and doing a quick scroll and search. Except...
"Wait... which one? There's like half a dozen." She's fairly sure Thor isn't asking for Lizzo but it's hard to tell. "...Britney?"
- Diana Prince has posed:
Diana leans forward, from her stance on the edge of the dance floor, to peer over at Quentin. "I was asked if I'd like to pitch a fast food chain opening a branch here, just two weeks ago." She tells him, showing him a smirk. "Are you looking to become a Manager, by chance?" She couldn't possibly be serious, right? the mischievous smile might lean either direction. But the day the Queen of Themyscira approved such a thing, would surely be a day nay impossible to see the sunrise of, right?
Diana leaned back again, and bumped shoulders with Carol, laughing softly as she shook her head. "You know that my mother is your biggest fan, Carol. You would be welcome on the Queen's balcony, at simply a request to be taken there. It is the best view of the city, though, unless you just... fly above it, to find a better one, I suppose." she smirked at herself.
Upon seeing Caleb, and his young sister, Diana directed one of the serving women toward them. "Make sure that they both enjoy the best non-alcoholic beverages we have, and see to it that they get the honey cakes on an unlimited stream." She explains, as the serving woman nods to the Princess, and rushes off to do just so.
Soon, Caleb and his sister will be well taken care of, for whatever 'safe' offerings the club has.
- Thor has posed:
"The Olympians are but our cousins from another realm," Thor turns to Audra, grinning broadly, "Tis right and good that Thor would attend. Speak thy name, friend, and be known to the Thunderer!"
One broad hand reaches out to slap Mantis heartily on the back as she dances, holding out his cup once more for it to be filled from a passing flagon.
"Verily, I would know thy name also," he says to his former dance-fight partner, "For our friendship shall be eternal and spoken of in the great meadhall of mine royal father!"
That's when he notices Cassie's question, his thunderous brow furrowing in thought before he calls back: "Charli XCX."
Some may say he's been in Midgard too long.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would close her eyes for a moment, watching out to the dance floor then and then go to slowly move to approach her to see if she might then, sliding her tray to the side and taking a few breaths to steel herself. Then, moving over towards Diana, she would wait for the Princess to akcnowledge her, and timidly offer her hand up and mve to speak over in Themysciran, making sure to enunciate proper and with the full formalities required of such a thing and interacting with royalty.
"Princess, may I have this dance? It would be an honor." Even to Cassie's taste in musci and everything that's going on.
- Audra Meridian has posed:
Audra Meridian has a mental sigh of relief with Thor actually replies, the worry that he wouldn't care to speak to 'normal' people faded away with it. Plus he just has a certain charm to him, maybe it's just Asgardian charisma, that helps too.
"Name's Audra. Audra Meredian," she answers the name request to make a proper introduction finally. "I am a storm chaser and meteorologist by profession, so meeting you in person is like coming face to face with a great celeberity! Which of course you are, being a hero and all that too, and.. sorry, sorry." She rubs the back of her head with one hand. "I'm starting to ramble a little."
At least she managed to not go full fangush... but now she's really going to need another drink.
- Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
Well, color Cassie surprised! "Ohshit, alright. I've already got some Charli on here."
Turns out all of her doubts were unfounded! You may have to re-evaluate some of your preconceptions later, girl!
Take two, a little more phone swiping, and the current song fades out. Thor gets his wish! The song is a little more electro-pop-y beep-boop and not so heavy on the bass as some of her prior dance anthems, so after setting it up, she takes it as an opportunity to take a brief dance break herself, drifting over toward the bar for... well, presumably another refill!
- Quentin Quire has posed:
Everything's very warm and fuzzy, but not that fuzzy quite yet. Quentin's eyes narrow at Diana. "I will gladly be the district manager for all of Thymesiciria and Asgard." he announces with a lift of his glass, "...charitably so..." he adds, taking another drink of the flamewine to warm himself back up.
"So there was something about wrasslin' gods?"
- Mantis has posed:
Lost in the song, Mantis isn't ready for the mighty back-slap, and stumbles forward a couple steps. She turns to face Thor, staring up at him with large, curious eyes. He wants to know her name.
"Oh, really?" she questions. It's not uncommon for Mantis to just interrupt someone by telling them her name, but being asked for it is a new one for her. She awkwardly brings her hands together at her waist, hesitating just a moment.
"I am Mantis," she tells Thor, finally.
This is such a wonderful moment for her, but then ... there's someone else. Frowning a little, Mantis takes a couple of steps to the side, trying to block Audra from Thor's view.
- Diana Prince has posed:
At the offered hand, and the kind extended offer itself, Diana looked to the French woman on her right. she cast her a warm expression, and nodded simply once. Her glass of wine was set aside, and the Princess moved out to the dance floor with her newly acquired partner. "Thank you for asking." She said back, as they arrived just in time for the start of Thor's song. Honestly, Diana couldn't tell the difference between it, and everything else Cassie played, so she might even be surprised were someone to tell her who selected it.
The wine and food continues to be pased around, as the lanterns begin to fill the sky in greater numbers, criss-crossing between one another's flight paths, as more take flight, to honor the stars above, and the Gods who created them.
While down on the streets, the parades move across the large bridges, that span the waterways that sweep through the capital city of the island, while the sounds of live music and laughter echo across the architecture of the city itself.
- Carol Danvers has posed:
Carol laughs and rolls her eyes with a sigh, "I don't know about /biggest/ fan, but certainly most influential and regal fan. I mean, I don't see her posting on message boards about how great I am..." She frowns thoughtfully, "As far as I know... no no, don't tell me. Internet usage is a sacred privacy."
At the mention of flying above the island, Carol snorts out, "Please! Paradise is far less enchanting from the stratosphere. Admittedly, there's a lack of chilly northeastern winds and pine trees compared to my usual camping, but I'm not going to turn down spending some time here.
Her tongue clicks and she jerks her head towards Quentin, "Plus, if you're starting a fast food franchise, you need someone with a practiced palette to confirm it's all properly... you know, processed and concerningly artificial." And then she pauses to eye Quentin again, "I mean, there's got to be at least a few demi-gods wandering around if you really want to give it a shot."
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would smile over at Diana, "A pleasure and an honor." She keeps her wording as formal as she can. Diana might not find the full etiquette of the exchange necessary, but it was something important to Monet to include. She would look over at the blasting music, and smile at it. Not quite what she had expected. But surprises were good ones. And it was a night to push herself just a bit.
It wasn't quite the way she was wanting to dance, but she would make do. A hand would go voer to Diana, and Monet goes to adjust to the closest thing she could match over to the tempo of the songs. Something that might be used over in a jazz club.
- Thor has posed:
"'Tis my honour and thine, Aetheltryth of the Noontide," Thor's speech rambles back into the Anglo-Saxon origin of Audra's name as the Allspeak attaches a little drunken flourish, "Yea, feel not vexed for tis normal to lose thy tongue in the presence of Thunder embodied!"
He blinks once or twice as Mantis just kind of hoves into view, partially obscuring Audra for the moment. He reaches out with one hand to place it on top of Mantis' head, the palm big enough to essentially be the size of a helmet on her normal (relatively normal) shaped head.
"Mantis! Tis my honour and thine, also. Let the skalds tell tales of the great friendship of Mantis and Thor! Drink!"
He shoves another cup of wine in Mantis' general direction, turning in time to hear his jam playing. Then he's dancing. Oh boy, is he dancing. Eyes closed. Lost in the sauce.
- Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
There's a surprise in store for Diana and Monet, though. When 'Boys' has run its course, it goes back to the original list, and what comes up is... well, who knows what exactly the 'wheelhouse' is for someone as experienced and incredibly worldly as Diana, or as well-traveled and classy as Monet, but...
Well, they get some HEAVY bass, courtesy of a pop-rap EDM hybrid k-pop hit.
Yeah, other than the basic-bitch chart toppers, girl jams, lesbian anthems and generic pop hits, the playlist has a surprising bit of diversity on it. Throughout the night, there have been songs in Arabic, Greek, Hebrew and Turkish, a good survey of Themyscira's immediate regional environs, but also a few big worldwide hits. That Ukranian Eurovision song was a real banger.
But for now? Well, at some point, Cassie reappears near the two of them. Twerking to the surprisingly hard beats!
- Audra Meridian has posed:
"Yes, yes it is. Your presence is very awestriking." Is that even an actual word? Doesn't matter. The translation of her name into more historical formats does get an amused grin out of Audra.
And then Mantis nudges in between them. She blinks a moment, but takes a step back just to be safe. After seeing the tussle the two displayed on the dance floor she doesn't want to get in the middle of them. It's okay, getting to just speak to Thor was enough. "Ah, yes. It is a party after all, time to enjoy it! Best tidings to you, Thunderer!"
By blessed timing one of the Flamewine waitresses happens to walk past. "Excellent timing, I'll take one please." She plucks a glass off before anyone can say anything and drinks a good portion of it before stopping. "Whoa, that's got a nice hit to it!"
That's one way to loosen up the nerves and get back into the party spirit.
- Quentin Quire has posed:
They aren't wrong. Quentin can probably tell whether or not that big mac is using the right mixture of artificial meat and meat flavoring, just by tasting it himself. Not something he'd readily admit to it anyway. "I know, right?" he says in response to Carol's comment about the island crawling with demi-gods. "You think there'd be plenty to wrestle. I thought that was all y'all did around here anyway..." he gestures with the hand that's not holding the half-empty flute of wine.
Not that they'd really be wrestling with him, but that won't stop him from draining the flamewine and cheering.
- Diana Prince has posed:
Diana took Monet's hand with an inviting smile, guiding her confidently onto the dance floor as the rhythm of the music picked up. Moving with a wealth of grace, the Amazon Princess matched the beat, her white dress swirling around her legs as their steps fell into sync. Laughter danced in her eyes as she spun Monet under her arm, the spirited energy of Haloea filling the air around them.
With Cassie's sudden arrival nearby, twerking in full glory, the Princess released an audible laugh, melodic and filled with the revelry of the moment. She shook a finger at her younger sister's brazen dance moves, before she released Monet's hand, and swirled her skirt a bit with a motion of her hands. She twirled like a ballerina, at high speeds, causing her braided ponytail, and the material of her white skirt to fan out to the sides, revealing a wealth of her long and muscled legs, as well as the skimpy white undergarment the Princess was wearing beneath, just for a briefly scandalous moment!
When the twirl subsided, she gave Cassie a challenging dance-off stare, before she re-engaged with Monet, to give her the full dance she asked for, a large smile on her lips. "I hope you are having fun." She told the French woman.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet matches up to Diana, letting the taller woman lead the pair, Monet's simpler toga matching well with the white dress worn by the Princess. Monet would fall into the beat a few moments later, taking her time to get the maneuvers right. There's a full, bright smile over on her face even as she feels the energy in the room.
Then the type of music suddenly changes and she snaps her head about to give an amused glare over at Cassie, and watch as Diana went to match over with her minion. Laughing madly at the exchange, brightly smiling over and taking a step back as the dance off challenge would be resolved in a seeming stalemate.
"Yes, yes I am. I am pleasantly surprised. I'm.. Glad I"m discovering this sort of thing about myself."
- Mantis has posed:
Mantis blinks a couple of times, looking up at the giant hand that's gently weighing her down. She laughs a little -- giggling, perhaps? -- at nothing in particular, unsure of why, and tries her best to remain standing up straight, guessing that Thor might appreciate that. This is a strange, unfamiliar feeling for the alien and it doesn't go away, even after the God of Thunder leaves to go dance.
Mantis watches Thor's dance moves from over the top of the wine glass forced into her hands, drinking it down with an unyielding stare. Mantis finishes the wine in a series of coughs and burps out another cloud of steam. She blows it in Audra's direction as a parting shot before she turns to leave.
Mantis finds a quiet spot against a pillar and gently presses both of her palms against her chest. "Mantis and Thor..." she mumbles to herself, repeating just part of what Thor said to her moments ago.
Uh oh...
- Thor has posed:
Thor simply grins broadly at Audra, letting out a celebratory cheer when she starts on the wine. He's met
At first, Thor's dance moves are rather staid and hearken back to a simpler time of the skalmejen and the tagelharpa. But, in watching those around him, he is a quick study of what it means to move it. Before long, he's dropping it as well as popping it and even locking it.
He dances on, untiring and bottomless when it comes to the wine being served. Tis not unlike the celebrations in the Great Meadhall of his father, save with less headbutting.
Slowly pan beyond him as he dances, drinks, and makes merry, to the swooning figure of Mantis.
Uh oh...
- Cassie Sandsmark has posed:
That song is definitely on there for Cassie reasons and not 'cultural exchange' ones or whatever. It's just a banger and she really gets into it!
Fortunately, it seems both Diana and Monet take her shenanigans in stride, although the Princess' spontaneous dance-battle challenge leaves her looking a little bewildered. "That's not even the right- you know what, fine. I guess I got served." She holds her hands up in in a mix of confusion and resignation.
Diana always wins. Its one of those rules of the island, and she has accepted it as a basic tenet of her own reality!
Her own energetic effort has nonetheless left her a little parched, so once again she seeks a post-song refreshment from another passing wine. They're really starting to add up now...
...which yields, among other things, a spontaneous WOOSH of air as Cassie takes flight, albeit only briefly, skipping the crowds and re-mounting the stage. "Woo! I hope everyone's having fun! The party's just getting started, but just keep in mind, we've got things going on all around the island- the bonfires are coming up, on the cliffs and down at the beach. We've got speakers out there too, so don't be afraid if you want to take the party with you!"
Translation: there's nowhere to escape Cassie's musical tastes!
- Audra Meridian has posed:
The Flamewine is strong, to say the least. Plus getting an extra second whiff as Mantis burps in her direction. But she finishes it off all the same. And it sure feels what they say about it's invigorating effect is true.
Suddenly feeling a lot more into the celebrating mood Audra sets the empty glass aside.. and grabs another one. "I'm gonna go watch some of those fireworks Diana was talking about," she remarks, starting on the second glass as she heads for an exit outside.
- Quentin Quire has posed:
"Damn, that's some good stuff...." Quentin says with a hiss as he finishes the first glass of the flamewine, setting the empty down on a passing tray and taking up another one. He's swaying, but not quite in time to the music blasting out through the speakers. Another gulp of the flamewine to warm everything back up as his feet move.
- Diana Prince has posed:
Diana placed her left hand on the side of Monet's cheek, she gave her an affectionate touch, before she dropped it back to the other woman's shoulder. "I am glad that you are having a good time. There is much celebrating left to be had, though. So do not wear out too quickly." She states, as their song comes to an end, and the Princess releases her dance partner. As she steps back, she offers her a grin, before her eyes travel to the bolsterous moves of the thunderer himself. Naturally the moves displayed by Thor lead Diana to more laughter, and a bit of applause too, while Cassie returned to her place at the stage.
"That is right!" Diana shouted over the music. "Everyone to the dance floor, or to the rest of the parties throughout the city! If you get lost, your protectors will not be but a few paces away! Just rely upon them!"
The princess stepped back over to her glass of wine, and gave it a refreshing gulp.
Meanwhile, Themyscira shimmered with life under the star-strewn sky, its ancient streets alive with celebration and joy. Bonfires crackled in the distance, casting golden light across marble facades, while bursts of fireworks painted the horizon with vibrant color. Laughter and music intertwined, drifting from every corner of the city, as Amazons and their guests mingled, shared stories, and danced together in the spirit of Haloea.
"Who wants to ride Pegasus?" Diana's voice called out, after downing her glass.
- Monet St. Croix has posed:
The evening is still young in a technical sense, and the Amazons can party for a very long time. It's a bit of a test to see who can last the longest with them. If Monet had any coin to wager, she would definitely put all her gold on Thor. She would go to applaud Cassie as well while leaning in once more against the Princess and then separating over from her while being content to look out at the sky, at the bonfires..
And after a few breaths of pleasure she's going to get antoehr serving tray to continue helping out.