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  Martian Manhunter  
J'onn J'onzz (Scenesys ID: 346)
Name: J'onn J'onzz
Superalias: Martian Manhunter
Gender: Male
Species: Martian
Occupation: Adventurer and Detective
Citizenship: none
Residence: Various places based on identities
Education: Martian training
Theme: DC (FC)
Groups: Happy Harbor, Justice League
Apparent Age: Varies Actual Age: Very old
Date of Birth unknown Played By Alan Z.
Height: 6'7 200cm Weight: 300LB 136KG
Hair Color: bald Eye Color: red
Theme Song: Hey You

Character Info


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To some, he's a cold and impersonal individual with a very alien appearance. To others, he's a respected friend that is always available when you need him most, no matter what that need requires. Most importantly, he works with the members of the Justice League to bring Peace, Harmony, and Prosperity to this World so it doesn't suffer the same fate as his own.


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Billions of years in the past an extremely dangerous race of beings called "the Burning" caused large fires to help themselves reproduce asexually. In order to prevent the Burning from destroying much of the universe, the Guardians of the Universe split the species into the Green Martians and the White Martians, changed their reproductive behavior, and instilled in them a fear of fire.'

Roughly a million years ago, Mars (called Ma'aleca'andra by its inhabitants) was a living world, populated by a race of humanoids divided by skin color. The Green Martians known as M'yrnn and Sha'sheen gave birth to twin sons. The bearing of twins was uncommon among the Martian culture, and as such, the first of the twins was named J'onn J'onzz, whose name means "Light to the Light." J'onn's brother, however, was born a mutant, bereft of a Martian's innate ability to communicate telepathically. He was named Ma'alefa'ak, whose name means "Darkness in the Heart.

As an adult, J'onn became a Manhunter (martian police officer) and married a Martian woman named M'yri'ah. The two established a modest home for themselves beneath the windswept Martian plains and gave birth to a daughter named K'hym.

Years passed, and J'onn's brother Ma'alefa'ak grew to despise everything about Martian culture. In an ambitious endeavor to commit full-scale genocide against his own people, he engineered a contagious virus known as H'ronmeer's Curse. The virus reacted to telepathic energy and carried from one Martian to the next whenever they elected to use their psionic powers. The plague responded to a Martian's innate fear of fire, causing them psychosomatic stress so intense, that their bodies and minds would literally burst into flame. J'onn desperately tried to keep his wife and daughter from using their mental gifts, but they were unable to do so, and thus ultimately contracted the virus. K'hym was the first to experience the symptoms, and M'yri'ah followed soon after. J'onn was anguished as he watched his family burning to death before his very eyes. The trauma of the event shattered his psyche, and nearly drove him mad.

In a display of cruelty, Ma'alefa'ak used J'onn's blood to perform a ritual that empowered J'onn against his will, granting him enhanced abilities and immunity from the plague, so that he could watch his world burn. Ma'alefa'ak was defeated by J'onn, but not before martian civilization was completely erased by the plague.

With nothing left for him on Mars, J'onn left the planet, heading towards the nearest civilization in space, a young planet called Earth.

Still with his mind shattered by the past events on Mars, J'onn lost himself in a multitude of identities on Earth, living through history as several figures many of which he can't even remember. It was in the XX century that a scientist named Saul Erdel, in studying Mars,, found J'onn and helped him to rebuild his shattered mind, restoring his sanity encouraging J'onn to become a champion of justice, helping him to create the guise of the Martian Manhunter.

During the years, through his many identities, he watched not only the evolution of Earth and humans, but watched over some of what would become its heroes, even being one of Superman's school teachers at some point. It was with Superman and other heroes that J'onn help ed to found the Justice League, where he still serves as the Martian Manhunter, while maintaining several other identities around the world

Approximately a million of years ago: J'onn J'onzz was born on Mars as one of two brothers.

J'onn trained to become a martian manhunter, the martian police force.

J'onn's brother engineered a plague to destroy life on Mars, rendering J'onn immune so that he may watch his planet burn.

around 3000 B.C.: After defeating his brother, being driven to insanity by watching all martians die, J'onn flew to Earth, where he lived a multitude of lives by assuming various identities.

Late 20th century: J'onn rebuilds his mental sanity and becomes the Martian Manhunter, fighting for justice on Earth.

2012: J'onn is one of the founders of the Justice League.

IC Journal

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To come out from centuries of identity loss, not only an umbelievable amount of willpower is needed, but also an umbelievable determination, and J'onn has that. He wants for Earth to survive, not falling under the same destiny of Mars, and even if he has seen the worst sides of humanity, he's still determined to do all he can to help Earth become a better and safe place.

His sense of humor is subtle! He's not always an icicle of glacial coldness, he can smile, and even if not extremely often he still does that a fair amount, especially if in human form.

Despite his somewhat cold exterior, J'onn is still one of the kindest heroes. Being helpful is not only something he feels he should do, but something that comes natural, trying to do whatever is necessary to help those around him. Be it putting his own life in danger for his friends, or offering a listening ear to said friends, J'onn will be there doing his best for no other reward than the knowledge he did the right thing.

Like all Martians, J'onn has a somewhat cold and stoic demeanor. He has very restricted emotional expressions sometimes, but it doesn't necessarily means he doesn't feel those emotions, he just, doesn't express them.

Often acting as the voice of reason, J'onn is considered by many to be a very wise hero, having a word of advice for those who need it, counting on his many years of experience and careful observations. He acts following logic and reason, balancing them with his own heart to form the line of actions that will bring resoults not just in the immediate, but especially in the long term.

Character Sheet


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The Martian Manhunter flies by manipulation of gravitons (a subatomic particle associated with the force of gravity), manipulation of magnetic fields and control of his absolute molecular movement (a telekinetic effect). These combine to give him the ability to fly great distances with little fatigue and at great speed. The Manhunter has also been seen flying in space with no difficulty, and at speeds approaching lightspeed.

Genius Intellect:
The Martian Manhunter possesses highly advanced reasoning and logic capabilities as well as immense information retention, and uses them to great effect. His mental acuity allows him to learn languages, subjects and perform research with amazing speed. His mental speed is on par with his physical one, allowing him to think quickly and react just as quickly. Said mental capabilities also give him an edge when dealing with diverse cultures, or quickly adapt to new situations.

The Manhunter can cause the biopolymers in his body to lose their ability to reflect light, rendering the Manhunter invisible to normal light and human sight. With more increased concentration, he can render himself completely invisible along the electromagnetic spectrum, including the infrared and the ultraviolet ranges of the spectrum. This invisibility does not affect every other sense and he could still be detected by them.

Martian Physiology:
The Martian's physiology would seem to be composed of a complex molecular chain that resembles polymer bonds but with the ability to be altered at will. The biopolymer is extremely flexible, durable, incredibly strong for a biological material and apparently self-sustaining. That basically means that J'onn doesn't need to eat, sleep, breathe, and his physical attributes are easily modifiable by him.

Martian Senses:
J'onn possesses nine different senses from his Martian physiology. He has increased standard senses of Smell, Sight, Touch, Hearing, and Taste. One of his addition senses function as a type of precognitive ability, warning him of danger or the intent of danger on him. He is capable of sensing motion in an area around him out to half a mile. He is able to sense the emotional state of individuals via a form of empathy. He can sense the presence of various radiations out to a mile.

Martian Vision:
J'onn has the ability to see into other spectrums of light, including electro-magnetic, infrared, ultraviolet, and thermal. He also has the ability not just to telescope his vision for long range, but to see down to the sub-atomic level, and see past illusions and various forms of invisibility.

By decreasing the density of his body J'onn can phase through solid matter, becoming intangible and passing through every substance effortlessly.

The Martian Manhunter has shown amazing regenerative capabilities. So great are they that he has been able to completely regenerate from nothing but his severed hand, regenerate in moments from nothing more than a puddle of green liquid, and in another instance, survived beheading. No matter how severe the damage, J'onn will regenerate it within seconds, as a combination between his mental powers and his shapeshifting. As long as there'll be a single part of him, no matter how small, he will be able to regenerate. It will take longer, of course, if he's scattered around the universe as little athomical particles!

Arguably one of the most incredible powers possessed by the Manhunter is the ability to shape-shift. He is able to literally control the molecular structure of his body's biopolymers and manipulate them into any construct he desires, in addition to and including his own body. He can form clothing and weapons with non-moving or non-functioning parts. There does not seem to be any limit to the number of people the Manhunter can imitate and has stood in as a double for many famous people. His ability to imitate people and their mannerisms has stood him in good stead for his disguises. Apart from his shape, he can alter other aspects of himself such as his mass and size, going from a creature as small as a house fly to one as large as a skyscraper. It is unknown if he could turn into something smaller or larger than those two things.

Super Breathing:
The inner valves and chambers inside the Martian Manhunter's air canals are very dense and greatly enhanced, allowing him to, much like Superman, create strong hurricane force winds just by exhaling pressurized air from his lungs in an incredibly strong burst.

Super Durability:
The biomorphic structure of the Manhunter's body allows him to absorb almost all kinetic energies such as high caliber bullets, shrapnel, or flying debris easily. He can harden his biopolymers by rebinding them and increase his durability to the point where he is nearly on par with Superman. Along with his nigh-invulnerability, his shape shifting makes him even more difficult to harm. Hazardous environments practically do not affect the Martian Manhunter.

Super Speed:
Either through flight or natural movement, the Martian Manhunter can maintain speed and demonstrates reflexes far in excess to that of most metahumans, and for far longer. Like the power of flight, this is accomplished by manipulating the magnetic fields of energy surrounding his body, as well as ambient gravitational particles.

Super Stamina:
J'onn's endurance is just as formidable as his strength and invulnerability. He can operate under extreme conditions for an indeterminate period of time without showing signs of fatigue.

Super Strength:
The Martian Manhunter is one of the strongest beings on the planet. The Martian's superhuman strength comes from his Biomorphic structure formed from immensely long and complex molecular chains,augmented with his psionic and telekinetic abilities allowing him to lift incredible weights without these weights crumbling under the stress. The Martian has been seen lifting tankers out of the ocean for vast distances, stalemating powerhouses like Superman, and he has even helped tow the moon and objects as large as the Earth itself together with Superman. J'onn's strength is great enough to the point that he has drawn blood from beings as durable as Kryptonians such as Supergirl by his punches alone. By modifying the density of these biopolymers, the Manhunter can make himself stronger by forcing them into tighter bundles. While at a resting state the limits of his strength are unknown, the Manhunter can lift 100 tons without much effort. He is nearly as strong as the likes of Superman when concentrating his biopolymers to their full capacity.

J'onn is capable of psychokinetically projecting force and manipulating matter, both in large quantities and in minute detail. He can manipulate over 100 tons of mass with almost no fatigue, and strike with similar levels of force without significant strain. His fine control aspect allows him to manipulate at the sub-atomic level. J'onn can also shield himself and others from attacks with the same level of power. However each individual he shields lowers the overall durability of each shield. J'onn also can propel others in flight, protecting them from the gravitational forces, and providing a safe environment for travel in extreme environments.

The Martian Manhunter is the most powerful telepath on the planet, and is one of the strongest telepathic beings in the Universe. He is able to read the mind of any human with no difficulties, and the only minds that can cause him trouble are insane minds. He can read the subconscious mind as well. He is able to read minds over great distances and has been known to scan the mind of every person on Earth within a matter of moments. This telepathy extends to distances as far away as the moon. In addition to reading minds, the Martian Manhunter has a multitude of other telepathic capabilities, one of which allows him to literally reprogram the mind of a subject into believing whatever he wants them to. He can use this ability to help subjects forget things that he does not want them to remember as well as set up post-hypnotic suggestions. He can create illusions affecting all senses, is capable of possession, mind control, astral projection, as well as causing a mental shutdown in someone via mental assault. The Manhunter can use the mental signature of a being to track it, and can detect life forms by their empathic as well as telepathic signatures. He can detect whether a being is intelligent or not, and can communicate with it empathically if it does not have a communication-driven frame of reference with which normal telepathy may function.


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J'onn has been trained in martian martial arts, a form of hand to hand combat that blends his physical abilities, telekinetic powers and shapeshifting. He can efficently use sharp or blunt weapons that he can shift from his own body, in addition to unarmed fighting. To complement his skillset, he learned various fighting styles from Earth as well, even if he rarely has to use them.
His fighting prowess don't extend only to the physical sphere, his intellect allows him to be quite proficent in analyzing tactics and strategies, and said acuity can come in handy when learning the use of new weapons or styles.

J'onn has been trained and developed the ability to perform Investigation and Analysis. J'onn has the ability to use deductive reasoning to come to a conclusion. In most cases, this skill is applied to the arena of criminal investigation.


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Thanks to his shapeshifting, it is not difficult for J'onn to impersonate and maintain various identities. And indeed, there are several certified identities that he can assume, in several spheres and fields. Most of them are created to be easy to manage without always being seen around, some others require a bit more maintenance, task that he performs diligently.

Justice League:
As one of its founder members, J'onn can count on the Justice League's members and resources just as they can count on him. It is also publicly known that the Martian Manhunter is one of the lLeague's founders, and that relects on his public image.

Kuru Pendant:
A Kuru pendant represents a Martian's most intimate connection with his or her heritage. When a young Martian passes a rite of passage known as the Journey of Souls, a Martian elder awards them a Kuru pendant. The pendant maintains the genealogical memory of all who came before, and the recipient telepathically interacts with the medallion in order to develop a greater understanding of Martian lore and culture.

The Kuru pendant maintains comprehensive information relating to the longstanding oral Martian tradition. By using telepathy, a Martian can interface with the pendant and gain access to all of its store knowledge. As such, the Martian can also telepathically add information into the stored database. J'onn has been using this over the last two decades to help rebuild his knowledge of his Heritage, Species, and try to put together what happened to his Planet. Additionally, it is a great archive in which to store informations, and from which informations can be easily retrieved at a later time.


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J'onn lived on Earth for centuries, but he is still an alien. No matter how much he studied humans, his mind is still different and sometimes work in different ways. No matter the fact he can shapeshift into a human, his true form is still alien, and something many humans are not ready, or do not want to see.

J'onn currently has a severe form of amnesia based on an incredible shock to his psyche. The trauma of the event that shattered his psyche nearly drove him mad. J'onn lost himself in an infinity of identities, and has attempted to rebuild his shattered psyche through several centuries. He has vague memories of his past, but vast gaps remain that he's trying to rebuild. That is especially evident for his life on Mars, the life before the destruction of his race, of which he can remember very few details.

With powerful friends comes just as powerful Enemies. J'onn has supported the Justice League as a founding member, and during that time has developed a friendship with the other founding members. Their enemies has become his enemies, and he never hesitates to come to their aid. He has crossed some of the most powerful people on the Earth and in the Universe, and some of them surely have a good memory.

The Martian Manhunter has a psychosomatic fear of fire. The Guardians of the Universe have built in a fear of fire when they first confronted the Burned (Martians). Regular fire causes him no physical damage, but magical fire is one of the few things that can hurt him. On top of that, even if a lighter or a lit fireplace won't cause him to run away in fear, fire is still something he tries to avoid, something that he is uncomfortable with, and in large quantities, something that makes him loose control of his body, which translates in him being unable to use his powers effectively.

It has been suggested that something within J'onn's physiology makes him addicted to the chemicals used in the Earth snack, Oreos. Withdrawal symptoms include violent bursts of rage and loss of intellect. However, these claims have never been accurately substantiated, and may even be false. To be on the safe side, it's better to have some oreos at hand anyways!



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J'onn J'onzz has 80 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Attack of the Fishfolk June 1st, 2024 Responding to an attack on a Ferry a little off of the Happy Harbor, Eve meets J'onn, and they not only turn away the fiend, but have a brief discussion about powers.
End of School BBQ June 1st, 2024 The end of school BBQ might be a new annual event!
Lord of the Monsters - Sack of the Sakhalin May 27th, 2024 Among the most powerful heroes on the planet fight against rampaging monsters off the Russian Coast. They protect the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people at cost. The Sakhalin Peninsula and the Kuril Islands are gone. But the people have survived.
Social Studies Workshop: The New Human Is Illegal May 26th, 2024 Presentations from J'onn J'onnz, Jaxon Blain, Mystique, Mary Seward, Scott Summers, and Bishop; and comments from Natasha Romanova and Sally Pride all serve to help educate all present on just a few of the many perspectives on the violent history of Mutantkind, and how - if at all - a path forward might be forged for them-- and, indeed, ALL of humanity:

J'onn discusses the death of the Martian race, consumed by hatred between parallel subspecies; Jaxon gets lots of attention for sharing his dark past with William Stryker and illuminating the ways in which people of all kinds fail one another; Mystique demonstrates why she's one of Mutantkind's oldest, hardest voices by pledging to spend the rest of her long life fighting for it; Mary shows why she's the Queen of Blood, and shares the vampiric perspective on coexistence; Scott Summers puts a lifetime of PowerPoint expertise on display by laying out the cold, hard stats animating the bloody history of Humans and Mutants; Bishop reveals his past in one of our futures to stress the importance of coming together before the nightmares come to fruition; Sally reminded everyone that all people have /some/ things in common, while Natasha's cold cynicism shines through her insistence that tribal isolation and self-interest are the natural state of humanity. Madelyne gets a peek into a relatively quiet moment inside of her new community, Talia reflects on the twisting possibilities she's lived through and the way that war touches all of them, Camille studies passionately then swears to take Stryker's eyes one day, Rogue keeps rowdy Institute students in check, and Micola shares a brief moment with her sister-in-law.

Also, there are snacks.

John Cumberland continues not to exist.

Hey, It is Easy Being Green May 26th, 2024 After innocently stopping a small-time heist, J'onn meets Minoke and the two get to know each other - J'onn offers to find help for Minoke's damage.
A Portal Beyond May 19th, 2024 A portal to Mars is discovered and a powerful Quantum Terraforming engine begins to change the surface of the red planet!
Mutants and Master Molds - Investigation Interruptus May 16th, 2024 The search group from Xavier's files out and tracks down a Sentinel camp. With help from their fellow heroes in the neighborhood, they break in and find the things of nightmares, of Sentinels. Of Master Molds.
Counseling May 12th, 2024 Caleb reveals a lot of Trama uwith Jonn, who listens with concern.
Riding on the Winds May 7th, 2024 Candace encounters J'onn while flying around in the park. She gets a lesson in Flight Agility!
A Discussion on Mentorship May 7th, 2024 Jonn helps Niall with some focus issues at Happy Harbor.
Lord of the Monsters: Beware the Fury of Foom May 3rd, 2024 In which our heroes face off against the brutal fangs of FIN! FANG! FOOM!
Ides of April May 1st, 2024 Catseye haunts the 13th floor of a NY hotel. Roxanne and J'onn come to investigate. No ghosts were found!
Set the Night to Drawing April 27th, 2024 Candace Meets The Martian Manhunter. She gets to see and hear the universe like a Martian.
HUNGER: The New Colossus, Part II April 21st, 2024 An international military force descends upon the Atlantic Starport, deploying international super-teams and yet-unseen weaponry and equipment in evidence of rapid development and research. Diplomacy is attempted by one side, ignored by the other. Things blow up. Lorna Dane rages in defiance, and is saved by Pietro as his sister's lost treasure is turned against them. Against overwhelming numbers, Diana orders evacuation, but the enemy seems intent upon stopping the alien refugees. Arisia helps ferry them to the moon, at personal cost. Natasha sees to the safety of SHIELD personnel caught in the middle of an organizational struggle. Doom and Clea stand against a stolen arcane horror, that casts doubt to the sanity of their opponents. And J'onn J'ozz searches the minds of the attackers, sees the odd rift between these specialized forces and the US military proper, and encourages that disharmony. In the end, the refugees are saved, but a grim titan is left standing sentinel over the Atlantic Starport.
Happy Harbor: Faculty Night Out April 19th, 2024 The adults of Happy Harbor have a quiet night out and talk trips!
Lesosns in Shapeshifting April 17th, 2024 Jonn teaches Essix some shapeshifting
Playing in the Park. April 13th, 2024 Buck's out playing with Lili in the park. He runs across some faces he should know but doesn't quite. At the end of the day, Essix gets into his pants.
The Unpleasant Truth April 8th, 2024 Mgann tells Jonn about who she is. He accepts her despite the pain.
Happy Harbor Science Fair: 2024 April 7th, 2024 The 2024 Science Fair happens...with the usual disasters!
Injustice For All: The Assault On The Legion Of Doom March 30th, 2024 The Justice League and their allies finally track down the Injustice League's base. But their dogged foes might still have some tricks up their sleeves...
Curious Revelations March 24th, 2024 M'gann tells J'onn about her and Jon dating.
The Analysis of Coffee and Doughnuts March 16th, 2024 Doughnuts are eaten. Coffee is consumed
Lord of the Monsters - Malevolent Surprise March 10th, 2024 Two Martians face off against a giant leviathan and must make a hard choice on how to handle something with a beast that cannot be redirected and poses an eternal danger to humans.
A Much Needed Homecoming March 6th, 2024 M'gann and J'onn have a nice reunion and make plans for more regular visits!
Injustice For All: The Opening Salvo August 22nd, 2023 Grood and the Reverse-Flash resurface in Metropolis with a surprise in store for the heroes that answer the bell. The lives of the Justice League and their allies are about to get much more complicated.
Happy Harbor: Game Night (August) August 10th, 2023 The first game night of the 2023/2024 school session!
Savage Lands: The Brood CHARGE May 27th, 2023 The heroes in the Savage Lands join forces to push back a massive Brood King invasion force that attempted to storm the Lemurian Castle lands. SHIELD, Justice League, Avengers, and more combined forces to see to it the King of the Brood was felled.
Opening Moves November 12th, 2022 No description
Old Ones Wrap Up September 20th, 2022 A team goes to visit the Velvet Room castle in the astral plane to check for lingering influences of The Rot. The results are bugs, eggs, and the realization that the corruption needs to be wiped out. The Castle in the Sky burns in magically enhanced Hellfire leaving them all to flee.
Hail Unglorious Hydra September 11th, 2022 A group of varied heroes show up to save the day against the evil forces of Hydra!
Night at the Museum September 8th, 2022 A trip to the museum erupts into chaos complete with frost hounds, ghosts, and a cursed helmet!
Up a Tree April 12th, 2022 J'onn gives Bando advice as he tries to rescue a cat from a tree.
could've been an accident March 25th, 2022 J'onn and Jamie crack the case while Booster and Plas crack jokes
Parasitic Pandemonium February 18th, 2022 Parasite attacks Metropolis! Heroes (Yes! ALL heroes!) save the day! A building crushes a child.
A meeting in the evening January 20th, 2022 Tara gets a little help with typing up reports from J'onn/
JLD War Council December 29th, 2021 The Justice League Dark meet at the Oblivion Bar and discuss leadership, a new base, and plans to fight the angels. Some seriously epic ideas are considered before they go their separate ways.
Sorcerer's World - Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold November 10th, 2021 After months of laying low, Felix Faust and his allies emerge seeking to pre-emptively eliminate the Justice League as a threat to his plans. While he brings a few pretty big -- literally! -- surprises to the table the League and their allies prove up to the task. But Faust is closer then ever to bringing his dream of a Sorcerer's World to fruition.
Happy Harbor: The New Kids November 10th, 2021 New students are introduced to the school!
JUSTICE LEAGUE: Meet-Up November 5th, 2021 John, Zatanna, Phoebe, and Jessica Cruz meet with J'onn and Diana about the formation of Justice League Dark.
JUSTICE LEAGUE: The World Eaters October 19th, 2021 The Justice League is called to action at the behest of a Cruise Liner in danger of being devoured by a very strange ocean creature! Watch out for tentacles!
Caffeination Revelation September 20th, 2021 A meeting of friends.
Rare breeds September 19th, 2021 Old friends reconnect. New friend connects. Food is consumed. Pinking shears feature more than they should for a throwaway gag.
Drinks and Dumb Choices August 30th, 2021 Just coffee between colleagues.
Happy Harbor: Something Strange August 26th, 2021 A movie night at the school is interrupted by...technical issues?
A Martian in the Gardens August 23rd, 2021 No description
Topsy Turvy August 12th, 2021 What do you do with a drunken Terry? Bring him a potted plant!
Happy Harbor: Game Night August 11th, 2021 EPIC KAIJU BATTLES ARE HAD!
A Day at the Museum August 6th, 2021 J'onn takes the kids to the Jules Vern museum and they talk about martians and ice cream.
Mars Bars Are Made On Earth August 1st, 2021 J'onn stops by the tower and people gather. Predictably, it all ends in pizza.
Is There Life On Mars July 30th, 2021 Terry interviews J'onn- among the terrible O'Neil jokes, a useful idea is floated.
Field Trip: Central Park Zoo July 12th, 2021 Happy Harbor goes to the Central Park Zoo and it turns out almost normal. Just someone trying to kidnap a Penguin!
Summer Science Fair July 2nd, 2021 The Second Annual Happy Harbor Science Fair happens. Ants cause Chaos. Madison wins a Scholarship and Morrigan finds the end of her rope!
Breaking Point, Sam's or Bucky's June 21st, 2021 J'onn sweeps in for the rescue, it's a good thing too because the answer is both.
Breaching The Fortress June 20th, 2021 The Order of St. Dumbass is foiled finally and Tyler is regained (sorta), but sorcerors are slippery. Kids are saved. The jury is still out on Wizards vs Sorcerors.
Malta Bound June 19th, 2021 Operation: Deus Vault goes to Malta!
Something Green This Way Comes... June 15th, 2021 Sometimes it just takes a clear mind and greenish to help calm a situation... until next time.
Planning Operation: Deus Vult June 14th, 2021 Well...there was sort of a plan made?
Pizza That's Out Of This World June 6th, 2021 What are the odds of landing two exclusive interviews when you're a cub reporter? Quite high, if you happen to go where they have the best pizza in town!
Sorcerer's World - The Dark Side of the Moon May 16th, 2021 Felix Faust and his allies manage to successfully draw forth Eclipso, the one time Spirit of Vengeance from Dr. Bruce Gordon and lay waste to the Gotham Observatory. But their victory is not without cost as the Demon Rath is badly injured and banished. Perhaps for good? And what is the fate of Jason Blood, corrupted by Eclipso and unleashed as the Demon Etrigan? What is Felix Faust's ultimate end? Far too many questions and too few answers.
Happy Harbor: Prom May 15th, 2021 Category is Carnival Celebration, but make it Prom! Kids have fun. Adults do adulting!
To the Mooooon! May 11th, 2021 Arthur and J'onn run into each other at the Watchtower. Hot Pockets are eaten and J'onn reveals his connection to Kermit.
Heroes Assemble: The Musical April 1st, 2021 These guys might live it down...MIGHT. Singing and April Foolery
Apartment Hunter March 28th, 2021 Hank has a roomie!
Court of Owls: The Fall of the Court March 22nd, 2021 It's time. The Court of Owls /must/ fall. Months have been spent in preparation for this final act and this time Batman and his colleagues will be victorious.
Death Comet! March 5th, 2021 Daemonite Incursion Repulsed
The AMAZing A.I.M. Robbery November 13th, 2020 When a coup within an A.I.M. cell goes wrong, the Justice League must stop the mad scientists from destroying Queensland Park! But the mad Professor Ivo has a parting gift for his old colleagues; the super android AMAZO! Can the Justice League defeat an opponent able to duplicate their own powers, weapons, and skills? And what is Ivo's master plan?
Aliens and Bugs November 7th, 2020 No description
In each others' orbit September 22nd, 2020 Meeting of the titans. Well one named after one. Plus aliens! Who knew?!
Over Her Head June 2nd, 2020 Gwen finds herself over her head, and gets help from the most unexpected of heroes.
Body Work May 27th, 2020 Ted Grant and J'onn J'onzz work together to solve the mystery of a murder at Grant's Gym--with mind-blowing results.
Union Square Hijinks for Telepaths May 6th, 2020 Two telepaths meet and chat. Minds opened.
A Shocking Turn of Events May 3rd, 2020 Cat breaks into a museum only to find she wasn't the first one there.
As Luck Would Have It... April 18th, 2020 Felicia meets up with the mysterious John Jones, only to find that he has already unraveled some of her own mysteries.
Playing tennis without rackets March 30th, 2020 J'onn and Nicole start training with Telekinesis while playing tennis
The Whole Ball of Yarn March 20th, 2020 The Black Cat may have met her match in the new security guard at the auction house.
Happy Harbor: Meeting A Niece March 3rd, 2020 Jonn brings M'gann to get enrolled in Happy Harbor.
Babbling off the bay March 1st, 2020 Family time with Saoirse's sister Michelle and a Teacher in Disguise (Or more than meets the eye?)
Is Anyone There February 29th, 2020 M'gann meets J'onn, and they make hopeful plans for the future.
Taking The Fall February 25th, 2020 Nicole meets J'onn
Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Wrong Target February 23rd, 2020 A Group of thugs try to attack the wrong person and end up getting arrested (lucky for them).


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J'onn J'onzz has been credited in 0 albums.

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J'onn J'onzz has authored 0 books.

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