Susan Sullivan

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Demona (Scenesys ID: 3349)
Name: Susan Sullivan
Superalias: Demona
Gender: Female
Species: Jiangshi
Occupation: seeking employment
Citizenship: USA
Residence: USA
Education: High School Diploma
Theme: Original (OC)
Apparent Age: 20 Actual Age: 29
Date of Birth 11 Nov 1991 Played By
Height: 5'10" Weight: 145 lb
Hair Color: None Eye Color: Bloodshot Blue
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Demona is a person dredged from the mire of the twisting effects of bad qi and unholy energy of undeath. She strives to maintain her self at all times. Because most faiths don't accept those such as she, she largely bases her morality on Disney Princesses. As such, she puts high value on life, peace, happiness, and protecting others. While she does try to maintain her mind and self against her new, undead nature, she is not the woman she once was. Instead, she seeks to find who she is now while keeping the hunger within her at bay.


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* 1991: Born in Los Angeles, CA, the daughter of a Chinese-American model and a special effects artist. Her mother retires to focus on raising her daughter.
* 1993: Family moves to Arizona.
* 1996: Enrolled in ballet and gymnastics. Her mother begins teaching her the fundamentals of Yoga and Feng Shui.
* 1997: Takes apart her father's antique pocketwatch. After being caught surrounded by gears and such by her mother, she is told to put it back together and actually manages it.
* 1999: Rearranges her room based on what her mother has taught her about Feng Shui.
* 2002: Spins her first bowl in her father's workshop which sparks a passion for making in her.
* 2005: Restores her first antique, a wardrobe.
* 2006: Enrolls in all the shop classes throughout high school. Manages to get into AP engineering classes.
* 2009: Begins 'flipping' mechanical antiques from bicycles to motorcycles to clocks, restoring them and gifting them to community figureheads who like such things. Loses TONS of money, but she has no bills, so it's probably fine.
* 2010: Graduates high school with highest honors; goes to 'apprentice' at machine shop in China while staying with aunt and uncle.
* 2012: Attacked by qi vampire and disappears shortly before the end of the world (December 21st).
* 2013: Using the principles of meditation and Qi manipulation taught to her by her mother, she fights the vampire. She manages to drain her master of qi and survive the sunrise while he is turned to dust.
* 2013: Finds a group of monks trained in mystic arts. Their leader agrees to attempt to teach her control. The monks lock her up in a dark basement and have her practice martial arts as a form of meditation. She also practices her mother's Yoga. They periodically release deadly predators into her cage. Every meal of living qi is a battle.
* 2020: Fully eight years after her breath was devoured with her living qi, through meditation of various forms, she unlocks a oneness with the world around her, allowing her to drink of ambient qi for sustenance.
* 2020: Her powers restored, her meals no longer dependent on living beings, the predators in her cage growing hungrier, the monks let her go a new woman.
* 2021: Moves back to the states taking the name Demona, after a character in a Disney show.

IC Journal

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Demona spends much time in meditation. She does not frequently lose herself in random emotions. She is controlled. Unlike a vulcan, she still shows her emotions, but they do not control her.

Demona loves to try new things, and she is confident in her abilities. Her mantra is, "I can do it; I'm amazing." This goes doubly for things she already knows how to do.

Demona is a jiangshi. Her body is undead. Qi within her is stagnant and festers over time. She must regularly purge bad qi or have to actively fight her new nature. To this new nature, qi is only food, and people are little more than cattle.

Demona has fought to retain her former self. Her morality is a mishmash of western Christianity, eastern mysticism, and being a Disney Princess. She respects all life as long as she retains her self, and she fights hard to retain that self even if it's inconvenient for others. Losing her self to her new jiangshi nature would not be very Disney Princess of her.

Demona always tries to keep a smile on her face and a song in her heart. She has seen herself as a Disney Princess since she was little, trying to live up to that with kindness, good cheer, and shining a light into other people's days.

Demona cannot stand isolation; she's had enough of THAT nonsense. She must be around people, socializing and connecting. She doesn't like crowds, however, and prefers one-on-one relationships. The more conversations she has to keep up with, the more distracted she gets; the more distracted she gets, the thinner the line between her new nature and her self.

Character Sheet


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Qi Drain:
Western vampires drink life force with the blood. Jiangshi consume life force via the breath of a living being. Like her qi sense, one must only hold one's breath to be immune, though she can wait longer than you can hold your breath. If drained in this way, Demona's victims would become her thralls. Typical vampire shenanigans. As Demona finds draining living beings distasteful (definitely NOT a Disney Princess thing to do), this rarely comes up.

Qi Flight:
Qi-starved jiangshi are frequently called 'hopping vampires', as their bodies succumb to rigormortis until they feed on enough succulent qi. However, the skilled among them can hover at a walking speed. The practiced among them can fly with varying levels of height achievable depending on local qi flow. Demona has found that she can usually fly up to about twenty feet over the height of the highest living thing in an area, not including birds also in flight. She cannot fly over running water.

Qi Sense:
Jiangshi like Demona can smell qi on the breath. To defeat this sense, one must only hold their breath. The 'smell' does not linger for more than a second after the breath leaves the body. However, this sense does work over several meters, and is more effective the hungrier Demona is.

Qi Telekinesis:
Because her reach is so much greater than other jiangshi, thanks to her meditation training, Demona can extend the power that allows her to fly. By manipulating the flow of qi in an area, Demona can lift small objects. Her power seems to decrease with distance, but with great effort, in areas qith abundant qi, or in times of urgent need, she may be able to extend the distance or size of things she might manipulate.


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Demona can speak various dialects of Chinese as well as English.

Machining, metalwork, carpentry, tinkering, restoration, and repair are things that Demona is naturally good at. She has been practicing techniques since she was a youth. While she missed the advent of 3D printers, she picks things up easily, and most of what she knows still applies.

Martial Artist:
Demona practiced a form of martial arts as meditation for years. She can defend herself if attacked physically, and she has been shown to be effective at taking down dangerous predators, though her qi drain was used to finally subdue them.

A key element to Demona's success in mastering her new nature is her ability to center herself and overcome elements around her. She could almost certainly walk on hot coals, lay on a bed of nails, or do any of the other meditation-augmented tasks other humans could do, if she were human. It is her meditation that lets her become one with the world around her, drink in living qi of the universe, and sit on an uncomfortable seat of rice to purge herself of bad qi.

Demona has trained in ballet, various musical instruments, and learned from her father how to do special effects and otherwise work on the production side of stage work. She could easily fill in in an orchestra pit, behind a sound board, as a videographer, or many of the other support roles for a performance, and if suitably covered up, she could even fill plenty of roles in front of a camera, including stunt work, now that she's a bit more durable as an undead.


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Abundant Qi:
A city is a living organism. Its heart beats twice a day. Fiber lines connect its members, power lines give it energy, it drinks in water, eats food, and poops out waste. While in a city, Demona is in a large, living organism with abundant qi. The world is also alive. It has cycles of seasons, not days. While on a life-giving world like Earth, Demona is on an abundant source of qi.

Ambient Nature:
Most of the time, animals can sense an undead's unholy presence. The rotted qi is uncomfortable to them, which is why many animals flee. People in touch with their spirituality may also be able to sense that unholy air to a vampire or other undead like a jiangshi. An interesting side-effect of Demona's frequent purging and meditation method of feeding is that her qi is much like that of the world around her. Animals will ignore her presence as much as they would a tree or rock. Within a city, she is the same to pidgeons as a statue, and as spiritually inoffensive to pedestrians as a lamp post. Nature's usual strong reaction to undead cannot be used to locate Demona or identify her as undead.

Converted Van:
Demona's biological needs left when she died. She has no need of running water, solid food prep areas, or many other things that require one to be connected to infrastructure. As such, Demona was able to drain the accounts left behind when she disappeared, buy a used van, convert it to electric, and put some solar panels on the top. She has everything she needs in the tiny efficiency apartment on wheels.

Unlike ancient undead who may struggle to adapt to the 21st century, Demona was born in the '90's, and grew up with the internet, cell phones, computers, and other technology. She is quite capable with it, and can summon technological spirits like Alexa, Siri, or Google like the oracle at Delphi. Admittedly, not particularly unique, but modern technology is a powerful tool if used properly.


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Blood Talisman:
Demona, as a jiangshi, can be subdued by a thin, yellow piece of paper with a distinct spell written on it in blood and stuck to her forehead. If done correctly, she will be immobilized, though can still speak. Somewhat counterintuitively, smearing some of one's own blood on her forehead will prevent her from approaching the owner of that blood.

Chinese Coins:
Tossing coins onto the ground is a commonly known tactic against jiangshi. Supposedly, it forces the jiangshi to stop and count the coins, buying one time to escape. Demona is not compelled to stop and count coins as long as she retains her self. If she loses that self, however, such tricks will work. In addition to this, Chinese coins melted down and forged into a sword can be left under the light of the moon. Thus 'charged', the blade is especially effective against jiangshi, including Demona. In reality, any iron coins will work, but having been legal tender in coin form imparts something psychometric into the material and is not a skippable step.

Qi is like the force. Life generates it, and through living things, it flows. Undead cannot sustain their own supply. They obstruct its flow and must steal it. Vampires often take it with the life blood. Jiangshi take it with the breath. Demona always feels the hunger for it within her. Through practiced meditation, she can absorb the ambient qi of the world without causing long-term harm. If she's cut off or prevented from meditating, she may lash out and drain the life force from a living being, even a person. The hungrier she is, the weaker she gets and the more likely she is to break and feast on a person's qi.

While western vampires may not show up in mirrors and may avoid them for the sake of not being found out, to a jiangshi, there is an entirely different reaction. The stagnant, sick, festering qi of a jiangshi is reflected by a mirror. If freshly purged using her rice meditation technique, Demona has no issue with mirrors. The longer she goes without purging, however, the more proximity to a mirror becomes increasingly difficult for Demona. The effect is stronger the closer she gets, as her own sickening qi is reflected back at her.

Demona is a jiangshi. Even at the best of times, she barely looks alive. Because she spent so long qi starved, she's lost her hair (including eyebrows and eyelashes), her skin is pale and translucent, her ears are wicked and sharp, her eyes were drained of their natural color and are now pale blue while simultaneously being bloodshot, and her teeth have become 'fangy'. She hides her features frequently among normal humans, though she will sometimes go maskless among mutants or others for whom such features won't cause her turmoil. She is still confident about her appearance, even if she hides it.

Much like drawing out water in a wet cell phone, rice will draw bad qi from a jiangshi. This process is uncomfortable, and will make the jiangshi hungrier than they were. This process is so effective at drawing out bad qi, Demona will periodically meditate in a bed of rice to purge stagnant qi from her body and make it easier to remain herself, despite its discomfort. Because of its uncomfortable, draining properties to jiangshi, rice can be thrown at one to banish it termporarily. Thankfully, people throwing rice at Demona are rare, and she tries to keep her qi refreshed enough for rice not to be quite so uncomfortable. Still, despite the recent shift to blowing bubbles, for safety's sake, she won't go to weddings.

Running Water:
Rivers break up the islands of qi in the land. For a jiangshi, it is difficult at best to cross running water. Demona can be helped across bridges and such, but it takes an incredible effort of will to be able to cross on her own. Driving across a bridge is possible in an inherrently stable vehicle, but Demona will lose her balance on a motorcycle.

If she lets herself starve for some reason, Demona's body will shrivel up. Her skin will become leathery and dull her sense of touch, sound will be muffled to her dessicating inner ears, her nose and tongue will dry and lose the ability to taste and smell (though she will retain the ability to smell qi, as that's not biological), and her eyes will become useless. In such a state, the senselessness will add to her desperation for qi on top of her already qi-starved state.

While full, Demona can withstand the light of day. As she becomes more hungry, it begins to sear at her. As she gets hungrier, it will cause her to smolder, then burn. When starving, sunlight will burn Demona to ash, the same as full-blooded western vampires.



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Susan Sullivan has 89 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Trinity Trifecta March 24th, 2023 A small next of vampires unfortunately learn they are not alpha predators and just leave a mess behind.
The Low March 23rd, 2023 Demona is out hunting vampires, Venom is investigating human traffickers, and vampires are dying horribly when the two meet.
Lush Verdance March 20th, 2023 Macguffin acquired! The flower that was needed is achieved, a vampire dusted, and Cass totally got to eat her sushi. Which is important!
Low key magical meeting March 20th, 2023 Vacuums are sold, an artificer begins her career and a connection is made.
A beam of Joy to herald spring! February 13th, 2023 Ivy gets some friends to visit as Harl performs an intervention
Hostile Flora February 5th, 2023 Susan has trouble with plants. Ivy helps and repays some plant kindness.
Mis-undead-standing January 17th, 2023 Demona tries to fight vampires with zombie plants. Ember shows up and DECIMATES them. Then they talk.
Of Birds and Zen January 8th, 2023 Harper Row meets a vampire hunter doing meditation martial arts in the snow. Future shenanigans are set up!
Manic Demonic October 10th, 2022 No description
Food for Thought September 2nd, 2022 Megan and Susan catch up after a long absence
Under the (Giant) Tree August 5th, 2022 No description
Dance like No One's Watching July 30th, 2022 No description
A New Delivery July 11th, 2022 Susan looks for somewhere to build her new EV. Mercy's shop seems to not be the place.
That Which is Transparent Cannot Lie June 9th, 2022 Grossness takes control of a fishing vessel and the heroes burn it with fire. And some ice.
Cat Scratch Fever May 17th, 2022 Three girls meet at a cafe.
Holdup at Al's Corner Store May 15th, 2022 A pair of robbers pick a bad night to rob Al's Corner Store. It all goes wrong when someone gets shot, leading to an intervention by those nearby - and a disturbing encounter as two monsters in disguise reveal themselves.
Ruined Meeting May 10th, 2022 No description
Dollhouseguest May 9th, 2022 Susan has a mouse (Kaida) over for snacks. They discuss furniture.
Just a Pizza May 8th, 2022 Pajamas, pizza, Peter. It's a low key date, Spider-Man!
Not Exactly a Wok in the Park May 5th, 2022 Troubles in Bryant Park, while Bobby Drake attempts to get lunch, animals keep appearing! When Susan Sullivan makes an Iceman float and dissuades others from getting food from the Wok-a-Wok-a-Wok-a food truck, the truck disappears and the animals revert back to being humans once again.
Doing the Date Thing April 14th, 2022 Susan tells Peter to take her more seriously as a datable woman.
Doing What He Can April 14th, 2022 Spider-man calls in a favor from some Princesses so Peter can give Susan the date she deserves.
Not Your Peter April 9th, 2022 No description
a chance encounter in the park April 4th, 2022 Hobgoblin gets frustrated and leaves. Susan has the means to escape eventually.
Magic April 1st, 2022 Susan and Z talk about magic and qi and plants and stuff.
Random Coffee Run April 1st, 2022 An errant remark almost gets the wrong Spider-man in trouble.
Currents of Magic March 20th, 2022 Zee finds an interesting young magical user in Gotham and invites her to shadowcrest.
Yo, Dawg, I Hear You Like Games March 19th, 2022 Susan and Peter visit Ned and the gaming group at Steve's for an introduction to RPGs. It proves to be a rough start.
People Watching March 19th, 2022 People Watching can lead to encountering all types. Some will puzzle you.
Girl Talk March 18th, 2022 Megan and Susan talk about girl stuff over pizza.
Spider-vestigation. March 14th, 2022 No description
Absent Automaton Authority March 13th, 2022 Kaida and Susan catch up while Susan machines bits and Kaida eats M&M's.
Zoomer Takeout Adventure March 10th, 2022 Cindy gets spotted by a friend of a friend. TO BE CONTINUED
Branching Out March 9th, 2022 Pamela returns to find Susan dutifully tending to her plants. Susan makes a request.
Zombie March 8th, 2022 Questions may still remain about just what the Zomborgs were up to, but the dozens of lives saved mean that those answers can wait for another day.
An Un-Auspicious Introduction ft Machina and Batgirl March 5th, 2022 Madame Machina makes her Gotham debut with a Bang and a Boop, and poor Batgirl gets left with the cleanup! Also Demona got in on the stealing, good work Demona!
Superheroic Makeovers March 5th, 2022 Blake and Peter talk about costumes. Special Guest Star: Susan Sullivan!
72 hours later. March 5th, 2022 Peter finally has Susan over for a date...with he and his's not perfect.
=Hazy Shade of Winter February 27th, 2022 Spider-Man and Susan Sullivan chat a little about various things.
All Together Now February 20th, 2022 Susan, with Aunt May's help, cooks a grand Chinese dinner for Peter and his aunt.
Shopping Spree! February 19th, 2022 Megan drags some friends shopping for a fashion makeover. Credit cards are fun.
Another One Flies the Gust February 19th, 2022 Peter reveals his curiously civil breakup to Susan, who offer Chinese food and a Weird Automotive Project.
Blinktastic! February 16th, 2022 No description
Just a cup of coffee! February 9th, 2022 Megan catches up with Daniel and Susan again and asks for their help.
Post-Angel Recovery January 20th, 2022 Spider-Man is consoled by Susan and Spinner...each in their own ways.
Animals Need rescuing too. January 6th, 2022 Huzzah! Friends are made, animals are saved, a zoo renovation is promised and no seals, polar bears or birds were harmed in the making of this scene.
Creepy New Year December 29th, 2021 Megan, Daniel and Susan confront creepy gremlins, rotting trees and mysterious portals.
Christmas Time Is Here December 20th, 2021 Susan and Spidey meet up after a long hiatus and talk gifts and secret bases.
Winter Pool Escape December 8th, 2021 Susan meets a Pixie! Pixie meets a Susan! Cool time pool time.
The Park is Nice December 3rd, 2021 Roland and Susan banter. Susan lets Roland fall onto his own back. What fun!
Security SNAFUs November 14th, 2021 Resurrection induced security issues cause some problems for Susan.
ANOTHER Spider-Man November 13th, 2021 Spider boys get together with Susan and hang out over pizza.
Scrapyard Rendezvous November 10th, 2021 Gwen discovers Demona's been brought back to life! And...also that her van is gone...
Of Mice and Susans November 8th, 2021 No description
On Life and Death November 8th, 2021 Susan goes to her teacher with a change of life and asks for more.
Demona-tizing November 7th, 2021 Demona/Susan shows Peter the results of an EXTREME makeover.
Culinary conversations. October 30th, 2021 Demona runs into Viv who is getting in some preparation for the holidays. They have a chat about high tech costumes.
Homelessness is for the living... October 29th, 2021 Demona clenses her qi in Mairin's apartment. The breath of life takes that opportunity to bring her to life.
Not Quite Fully Alive October 26th, 2021 Demona confuses GIRL entrance scanners and Cyborg asks her out for coffee...eventually.
Sacrifice of the Dead October 25th, 2021 Demona prays in desperation. Inari sends Saeko to listen to her request. A sacrifice is made, and a breath of life is given.
Security Issues October 25th, 2021 After a few surprising revelations during the security screening, Demona receives a tour and firmly expresses her desire to be part of G.I.R.L.
A Changing of Seasons October 23rd, 2021 Ivy and Demona meet and mingle, and Ivy finds someone to check in on the biodome when she's not around. Friendship is growing!
Once again, Saturday in the Park October 23rd, 2021 Two young women meet and think up a business plan.
Seeing Through Spider-Comm Eyes October 22nd, 2021 Demona gets her own Spider-Comm rig and gets a taste of the network.
Mairin the workaholic October 22nd, 2021 Mairin got a lesson in self care, and promissed Demona she'd practice it.
A Stroll in the Park October 21st, 2021 Demona receives an invitation to visit GIRL HQ.
A place to belong October 20th, 2021 Demona is invited to meet the Shredder and talk. No seriously, they just talk!
Epic Van of Destiny October 19th, 2021 Mairin shows off her robot moth and Gwen helps she and Demona install a reactor in Demona's van.
Post Van-operation Down-time October 19th, 2021 Demona told Mairin about her mysterious new magic teacher.
Part Of Your World October 18th, 2021 Stephen gets a student! Demona gets a teacher.
Updates and Progress October 17th, 2021 Mairin and Demona caught up and discoverd some interesting facts about their new reactor.
Scrappy Dojo Discourse October 15th, 2021 Ghost Spider damages Demona's van. Demona can't get qi in a clean scrap yard. Spider-Man gets her somewhere safe.
Step 1 in How to Build a Cat October 14th, 2021 Mairin and Demona decided on aname for their cat, and Demona gets to practice drawing.
Let the Right One In (Again) October 13th, 2021 Peter shows the lab to Demona, and has a little chat with her.
Mairin needs to vent! October 13th, 2021 Mairin and Demona had a heart to heart and Mairin shared her plans for her new private project.
In Christa's office October 12th, 2021 Mairin and Demona had a heart-to-heart and encouraged each other
The friend of my friend is my enemy October 12th, 2021 Nettie and Mairin clash over letting Demona into the shop, ending with Mairin leaving with her friend to avoid any more conflict.
Recruiting a friend October 11th, 2021 Mairin offerd Demona a job, but it looks like they're going to need to jump through some hoops to make it happen.
No Business Like Show Business October 11th, 2021 Thomas meets Demona. Mairin is repulsed by Thomas.
Paths Crossing at 150 Feet Up October 10th, 2021 Demona meets Spider-Man and a lot of sharing is done.
Research with a friend October 9th, 2021 Mairin explained her training to Demona and got some tips on how to better focus her will.
Wowing the Sophmores October 8th, 2021 Demona showed off her van but had a somewhat tense encounter with a nosy student reporter
A (First) Day in the Park October 8th, 2021 Jessica meets a nice person in the park, aka Demona. They both survive the encounter.
Random Tech Help October 8th, 2021 A couple strangers spend a few minutes getting to know each other in the park.
Coney Island Red Hots October 8th, 2021 Peter Parker meets a fellow tech enthusiast...and a vampiress. And oddly, not his first.
Meeting at Columbia October 7th, 2021 Mairin met a potential student who just happens to be as eager to play with robots as she is. They headed into the Engineering building to talk shop.
The Engineer, the Student and the Castle October 7th, 2021 Mairin learned about Demoona's van and invited her to show it off at the University.
Silence Discourse October 6th, 2021 Demona is tasked with fixing a thing for Quiet and Bando fails to catch a squirrel.
An evening in the zoo. October 5th, 2021 Advice is given


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Susan Sullivan has 89 finished logs.

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Susan Sullivan has been credited in 0 shows.

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Susan Sullivan has been credited in 0 albums.

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Susan Sullivan has authored 0 books.

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