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Vintridr (Scenesys ID: 2149) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Vintridr | ||
Superalias: | None | ||
Gender: | Female | ||
Species: | Asgardian | ||
Occupation: | Ex-Valkyrie barista. | ||
Citizenship: | USA (forged); Asgardian. | ||
Residence: | New York | ||
Education: | Asgardian Valkyrior training; multiple apprenticeships; self-taught. | ||
Theme: | Original (OC) | ||
Groups: | Asgardians | ||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | 30s | Actual Age: | 955 |
Date of Birth | 18 Oct 1066 | Played By | Floor Janssen |
Height: | 6'1" | Weight: | 180 |
Hair Color: | Dark brown | Eye Color: | Blue |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: | Nightwish - Ghost River |
Character Info
To the students and other regulars of The Coffee Bean, 'Vinnie' is that cute barista with the badass tatoos that knows your name and your preferred order, who can be counted on to keep the coffee coming when you're crunching on your latest exam or research paper, and who cheerfully listens to you expound on your history thesis. It's unlikely that any of them would know the tattoos as Valkyrior markings - or recognize their authenticity. Vintridr has been in self-imposed exile on Midgard for a long time now.
* 1066: Born in Asgard.
* 1081: Starts apprenticing among the hunters of the Aesir. Excels at
tracking and stalking, earning her first accolade of 'Wind-reader'.
* 1205: Inducted into the
Valkyrior after the battle against Hela nearly depletes their numbers. Specializes in scouting and
* 1308: Earns the accolade 'Way-Finder' after successfully guiding a contingent of
Valkyrior past Svartalfar sentries, allowing them to ambush a force on the march.
* 1412:
Successfully leads an ambush by hiding the pegasi in low-level cloud cover, emerging below the reach
of Jotnar air defences and scattering their forces, and earns the accolade 'Cloud-Rider'.
* 1467-
1580: Becomes increasingly disillusioned and distressed during the Sengoku Jidai. Accuses Odin of
encouraging conflict and suffering on Midgard just so she and her sisters can have their pick of the
* 1600: Battle of Sekigahara. Turning point in the war, but the casualty count on both
sides is the final straw. Vintridr does not return to Asgard.
* 1600-present: Vintridr lives on
Midgard, moving from one place to the next to keep her lack of aging from being remarked upon,
trying to stay out of too much trouble and help Midgard in various small ways to compensate for the
harm done by her people, with varying levels of success.
IC Journal
... Well, comparatively, at least; several centuries of living on Midgard will have that effect.
Realizing how fragile 'mortal' lives are first hand has taught her to be a bit more considerate and
less willing to start a fight when other people will likely wind up paying the price.
Vintridr may be trying to live a quiet life, but she is still Asgardian, and Valkyrior, and
their emotions never care lightly. To the people who don't know her true nature, she's often seen as
spectacularly passionate about the things she cares about, but also quick to forgive if an apology
is offered.
Character Sheet
Like most Aesir, Vintridr's knows the All-Speech, which lets her understand and be understood by
every sentient species in the known galaxy, although her word choice and sentence structure tends to
have a trace of 'epic saga' showing through. Though All-speech will usually convey tone and intent,
Vintridr finds that she personally has some difficulty with lying when using it.
Asgardian Resilience:
Compared to humans, Asgardians are tough almost beyond comprehension. Vintridr can take a direct
hit to the head with a club without blinking, get hit by a speeding car and take only superficial
injuries, and will generally fully recover from any injury that fails to kill her within a day. Of
course, suffering any of those would cause a great many awkward questions from the mortals she lives
among, so she tries to avoid being put in a position to show this off.
When needed, Vintridr can voluntarily enter a combat fugue. While she is within that state her
strength, speed, endurance and aggressiveness are significantly boosted at the expense of a
diminished capacity to recognize friend from foe and a near complete inability to stop fighting
while there are still enemies in sight that haven't been incapacitated ('surrendered' is not a
distinction she's capable of making while in that fugue state; 'on the ground and not moving'
Death Echoes:
When she listens, Vintridr can hear the echoes of struggles that are yet to happen, allowing her
to show up in time to escort yet another valiant fallen to the halls of Valhalla. She cannot, to her
regret, use this ability to get to a site of conflict in time to prevent that death to happen
(causality must be maintained, after all), but technically there are no laws or forces preventing
her to choose to intercede on behalf of the fallen to honor their frequent last wish.
There are maybe a half dozen Midgard scientists that could follow Vintridr's explanation of the
physics involved, but what it boils down is that her weapons appear in her hands when she reaches
for them, and vanish back to wherever when she 'puts them away'.
Vintridr has partaken of the Apples of Idunn. She is currently close to a thousand years old,
and unless she falls in battle she'll see a few thousand more before she passes on.
Self-imposed exile or no, Vintridr is one of the Choosers of the Slain, and she has the ability
- and technically, the duty - to bear the souls of the valiant fallen to Valhalla, where the brave
live forever. She doesn't use this ability as often lately as she used to; spending centuries on
earth have taught her to adjust her standards for 'worthiness', as well as the concept of asking
While using this ability in the exercise of her duties, Vintridr goes
entirely unnoticed by anyone who lacks mystical senses and isn't at death's door themselves.
While no Heimdall, Vintridr's senses were exceptionally acute even before she was selected for
the Valkyrior - hence her epithet of 'Wind-Reader'. Her visual acuity registers at 20/5, and if she
tries she can follow a whispered conversation from one end of a crowded plaza. The latter is
arguably almost as much a hindrance as it is a benefit, because it requires constant low-level
effort to ignore all the background noises of several city blocks, but she's had a long time to
learn to adapt.
The augmentation process that upgrades an Asgardian's already impressive physical capabilities
to that of one of the Valkyrior requires a delicate balance of Divination, Life and Death magics,
normally provided by Odin, Freya and Hela respectively. With Hela's banishment the available amount
of the latter was severely limited, and as a result Vin's enhancement is significantly below the
level of, say, Brünnhilde.
... Of course, 'more' and 'less' are extremely relative
concepts. Being significantly weaker than Brünnhilde means Vin can "merely" lift and throw up to
about twenty-five tons to the latter's fifty, and "only" maintain her peak output for about 16
hours. She can, however, outrun an Olympic sprinter and maintain that pace for a marathon length run
through rough terrain.
Advanced technology or magic aside, the basic principles of reconnaisance work remain the same -
- stealth, infiltration, observation, accurate reporting
On the one hand, her most
recent experience in these matters was in the time when front-loaded muskets were still the most
advanced weapon on Earth; on the other hand, some of it was against enemies that could see heat,
hear the tremors of a leaf falling to the ground, or taste the scent of a living being on the air
from miles away; a lot of the disciplines involved turn out to map very well to electronic
surveillance -- tripwires and motion detectors are no great challenge for someone who had to outwit
the giant spiders guarding some of the lower caverns of Muspelheim; giant serpents can taste the
heat of a living body better than the most sensitive IR camera; one of Malekith's alchemists of a
more experimental bent had bred creatures that were essentially winged eyeballs, and at least most
cameras are on static emplacements.
That said, Vintridr hasn't had any reason to tangle with
sophisticated electronic surveillance equipment, so there'll be a learning curve while she figures
out what's what.
Renaissance Woman:
... Sorry, couldn't resist. What I'm trying to say is that Vintridr has spent
the last four centuries on Earth living among humans, and she's not the kind of person to sit on her
hands. Her full skill list would likely take up several pages and ranges from the surprisingly
practical to the eclectic.
As a random selection, Vintridr knows how to hunt and skin
an animal, cure a hide, shear a sheep, weave cotton, card wool, ride a horse, drive a wagon, make
charcoal, cook on anything from a campfire to a reasonably appointed modern kitchen, brew hops or
mead, prospect for minerals (the Gold Rush was an interesting time to be alive), smelt, build a log
cabin, play an upright piano and a shamisen (So was the Meiji Restoration), administer battlefield
medicine (entirely too much practice), bury a body according to the religious rites of seven
different major religions (ditto), sing anything from sea shanties to soprano (The fact that Wagner
got that right irritates her to no end), rivet sheet metal, dance in about twelve different styles
(including Disco, although she'll die before admitting to it), how to get men in their mid-forties
to take the advice of a twenty-something woman seriously, and how to vanish from a community before
the fact that she's looked like a twenty-something for the past three decades gets remarked
Valkyrie Training:
The Choosers of the Slain are the Asgardian equivalent of special forces, and they have
centuries to train. By this point, Vintridr can be considered proficient in a ridiculously wide
array of handheld weapons ranging from swords and bows to assault rifles and energy guns, and will
generally figure out the basic principles of weapons she hasn't used before fairly quickly.
Vintridr has spent several centuries fighting all of Asgard's highly varied enemies. This has
given her a depth and breadth of experience that most mortals can't begin to grasp; by Midgard
standards she is an incredibly skiled fighter and almost impossible to surprise -- whatever you're
about to pull out of your sleeve, she's almost certainly fought something sufficiently similar that
she'll have an idea on how to deal with it.
Asgardian Weapons:
Vintridr's usual arsenal includes a bow, 'light' armour, a spear, and a sword and shield. While
these come across as primitive by modern Earth standards, they have all been crafted with metallurgy
techniques that Tony Stark would cheerfully give up an eye for the opportunity to study. The bow
fires arrows of 'ice', her armour will shed small arms fire like gentle rain, and with Asgardian
strength behind them and Valkyrie skill wielding them, the shield will stop a tank round and the
sword's edge will cut through the tank's armour.
Flying Horse:
Aside from the fifteen-foot wingspan, Bragi looks like any other prime stallion in the same way
that Vintridr generally passes for 'just' a tall and athletically built human woman. He has been an
Asgardian warhorse for as long as Vintridr has been a Valkyrie, however, and they've ridden together
in flying charges more often than even a particular bright horse can easily count. He can hear
Vintridr's call from anywhere in the Nine Realms, and can travel between them at will, with or
without his rider. He's enjoying the current quiet time in the stables of Asgard while it lasts with
the long experience of someone who knows that it never does.
The nice thing about living for hundreds of years is patience. Vintridr "got in at the ground
level" with a few promising companies, managed to hold on to her shares during the 1929 crash, and
at this point has a comfortable income from dividends in the low six figures -- enough that she
doesn't generally have to worry about regular purchases and expenses, even when said expenses
include new forged paperwork when an identity wears out its welcome.
As noted above, that battle fugue state comes with a few inherent downsides even while she's in
it. On top of that, once she comes out of it she suffers the equivalent of a severe adrenalin crash -
one which would be easily be fatal for someone without an Asgardian's resilience; even a fully
trained Valkyrie will need about an hour's rest for every minute she spent in the state, and until
she gets it she won't be able to do much more than stagger toward the nearest place to sleep.
Her safe limit is somewhere around forty minutes in Berserker state; however, if the
fight isn't over by then she will keep going until she finally keels over somewhere around the one-
hour mark, at which point she'll need Asgardian levels of medical attention to recover in any kind
of reasonable time frame.
Vintridr may have voluntarily exiled herself, but she has never actually renounced her position
and its implicit duties to the Throne of Asgard, Asgard and Midgard. If the first ever directly
calls on her, she will answer and obey; if she encounters anything that threatens any of the three,
she will consider herself obligated to do something about it.
Not quite as bad as it sounds on the face of it, but compared to most Asgardian warriors'
penchant for impulsive behavior Vintridr's a paragon of restraint - a temperament that's ideally
suited to a scout whose purpose is to watch, report and wait rather than charge right in. When she's
on her own, however, it does mean her first instinct in a crisis situation will be to see if someone
else is taking charge before acting on her own initiative.
Involuntary Berserk:
Most of the time, the combat fugue only comes when she deliberately invokes it. But when
adrenaline is already running high and she perceives herself as being swarmed by enemies, and
especially if she or someone she cares about has been wounded in the fight... Sometimes it comes
unbidden. The end result is rarely pleasant to behold.
Vintridr is unswervingly loyal to the Valkyries, Asgard, Odin, and Midgard. In that specific
order. This does not lead to conflict /often/ but when it does it tends to be debilitating to her
ability to act decisively.
Even in self-imposed exile, Vintridr is still inordinately proud of Asgard, the Valkyries and
the fact that she earned her place within the latter. Anyone who openly disparages either of those
in her presence is going to have a bad time.
Vintridr has /less/ of a temper than the average Valkyrie. Unfortunately, that is not the same
as having /no/ temper. She's significantly less likely to be the one that threw the first punch, but
she /will/ be the one who threw the /last/ one.
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Vintridr has
55 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
Daemonites Doing Danger | February 3rd, 2024 | A quick strike by SHIELD on a small Daemonite cell has the team get in over their head but they manage to pull off a win. |
Pirates of the Ivory Coast! | January 9th, 2024 | There are pirates that need a thumpin! |
The King of Atlantis is the Other Guy. | January 6th, 2024 | Fish people are weird! |
Seeing Red: Lab Under Attack | October 14th, 2023 | Mercenaries attack a secret government lab. The Avengers respond along with help from Vintridr and Power Girl. Though unbeknownst to our heroes, someone makes off with something from the lab. |
ASGARD ASCENDANT: The Ambassador | August 1st, 2023 | A dark elf ambassador comes to Odin's Court and gets yelled at by Brunny. |
I Heard You All Were In Danger, So I Came As Fast As I Could! | June 20th, 2023 | Sif's birthday trickery could cause a war between pantheons! |
Discordants: DANGER ZONE! | February 16th, 2023 | The Dark Elf Attack upon the Triskelion is foiled, but not without loss. |
Debts acknowledged | December 31st, 2022 | Vintridr and Lara have a chat, and a debt is acknowledged. |
Discordants: Two words with Korek | October 31st, 2022 | Thea interrogates Korek and confers with Sif and Vintridr about what the future may hold. |
Hellish Start to the Day | October 21st, 2022 | An interesting group of fighters dispatch a demon back to the Hell from which it came! |
Resonants: Niflheim, Pt 2 | October 7th, 2022 | The Asgardian-Midgard recovery party seeks their prize in Helheim. Cleverly avoiding harassing Garmr and a conflict involving many mortal kings and mesmerism, they confront the horrors of Hela's puzzle-trap. A trial indeed is a trip through Hel, and they come back the richer with a piece of the Black Bifrost. |
Resonants: Muspelheim | September 1st, 2022 | The heroes go to Starling to recover an old amulet fabled to be of Muspelheim. But what they find wasn't what they were expecting, though that's the life of a hero. |
Resonants: Fire Starter | August 26th, 2022 | Thea and Vintridr meet up at the Verdant where they talk of the past and learn of a threat in Starling that may be related to Asgard. Rasr of Muspelheim. |
Resonants: Asgard Pt. 3 | July 22nd, 2022 | The shard of Buri's Shield is recovered, and Frikke Ravenhair is destined for Asgard. |
Resonants: Asgard Side Scene! | July 20th, 2022 | Vintridr and Thea sneak out of their rooms at Northfort for the night and gain some insight from Tarl the cook. |
Resonants: Asgard Pt. 2 | July 15th, 2022 | The party reaches Northfort and they meet Lord Yoren as well as his great grandson Frikke. Words are shared and some not so polite. |
Resonants: Asgard Part 1 | July 8th, 2022 | Sif, Vin, Thea, Thor, and Jane rush off to adventure together in the Northlands of Asgard. |
They Came From Beyond Space! | May 27th, 2022 | Space sharks come for the ISS. The ISS doesn't get eaten. |
The Problem With Getting Into Trollheim | May 18th, 2022 | The team of heroes invesigate Trollheim and find out much of interest. |
You're Gonna Be Cool, Right | May 11th, 2022 | Thor and Jane seek Loki and find a Vintridr and Caitlin as well. Plans are discussed on what to do with the current troll situation. |
Ulik in Repose | April 22nd, 2022 | Vintridr and Jane share words with Ulik while he is in a better mindset. |
The Journey of Ulik, Part Two. The Embassy of the Enemy! | April 22nd, 2022 | Ulik and Thor agree to accepting a peace treaty of sorts while they wrangle out the details of their blood feud. |
Prodigals | April 11th, 2022 | Thor has a chat with a self-exiled Valkyrie. Vintridr answers some old questions. |
Securing the Glades | April 10th, 2022 | Turns out a raid on a Montesi building at the Glades turns into an explosive trap for Vin and Thea. They get out alive but Vin's ninja outfit doesn't survive. |
The Changing of the Guard | April 10th, 2022 | The guard is changed at the embassy and acquaintances are rekindled. |
vin scene | March 5th, 2022 | No description |
A Bar Scene | March 1st, 2022 | A mouse and a martial artist walk into a valkyrie's bar. |
On the ground | January 25th, 2022 | No description |
New Year's Eve in Starling City | January 4th, 2022 | Vintridr, Slade, Thea, Alexander, and Felicity all have occasion to meet and hobnob during a New Year's celebration. |
A dose of culture | November 9th, 2021 | No description |
Interview with the Asgardian | October 28th, 2021 | Jane and Daisy interview 'Valerie' after the museum altercation where an Asgardian artifact was. Some common ground is found. |
Thieves in the night | October 26th, 2021 | Two simultaneous attempts at stealing the same artifact are foiled by SHIELD, and one of the attempted thieves has allowed herself to be taken into custody. |
1000 Faces: Disirturbing the Peace | October 1st, 2021 | A disir comes to devour the Asgardians, and learns Amora keeps a sneaky trick up her sleeve. En garde! |
The Idol: Facing the Cultists | September 30th, 2021 | The group finally tracks Al-Fidr to an excavation site outside Cairo where they put his plans down to the sand and fend off treachery coming from Khrad. Who turned out to be Damien Darhk.
The Idol plot finale! |
Discreet negotiations, Asgard style | September 27th, 2021 | Vintridr tracks down the gang that harasses the area around Verdant, and has an open and frank discussion about possible futures with their leader. A meeting of minds is reached. |
The Verdant is almost done! | September 24th, 2021 | Thea invites Sif and Vin to come visit the Verdant and test a few drinks before the Verdant is inaugurated. Sif bounces a little (Not the basketball game). |
The Idol: Tracking the Cultists | September 10th, 2021 | 2 Asgardians, a mage and an archer follow a lead on the cultists they have been pursuing in Cairo and end up at an encampment where they have the relic they are after. The Khushu Idol. |
1000 Faces FINALE: Requiem | September 7th, 2021 | Atum's judgment is rendered: mortals have proven themselves worth of undoing the gods' hubris. The gods struck down their peers who defied the natural order. A Hell Lord's gambit fails. Let them all be as it was, imperfect though that is. Until we meet again... |
The Idol: Lets Talk | August 27th, 2021 | The gang meets up 'Khrad' and the Cult of the Sand Lamia after the attack on Faati's household. They learn they are on the same side and so a makeshift alliance is created. But is all what it seems? |
Balder-dash! | August 18th, 2021 | Dance. Romance. Advance. Slaughter. |
The Idol: Settling in | August 17th, 2021 | Having settled at Faati's place the 'gang' barely has time to breathe and relax until they are set upon by sand mages. Are they with the cultists? Featuring chest-naked Asgardians, close encounters with death and lots of magic wand-wiggling! In the end they choose to parlay with this new group. |
Hair Club for Men looks for Thunderpants, finds the Stabinator | August 13th, 2021 | Stabinator and Vindicator chat up the depressed prince. |
Hunting for the Idol: Egypt | August 10th, 2021 | Two Asgardians, a witch and an archer arrive in Egypt to investigate the Khushu Idol. They meet an old friend of the Queen family, Faati, manage to piss off the rain gods and destroy a couple of cars. |
Drinks and Gods at the Verdant | August 9th, 2021 | Sif and Vinnie meet up with Thea at her still-in-contruction club. Drinks are given out and they speak of recent events related to the Death Gods and the battle royale going on between them. |
Matters of life, death, and afterwards. | August 7th, 2021 | Vintridr informs Sif about the problems with the afterlife, and delivers a cautionary warning. |
1000 Faces: Death Comes With A Smile | August 2nd, 2021 | The god of death is death. All hail the new god of death. |
Hunting the Cult: The Rage Spirit | June 11th, 2021 | Vin, Sif, Thea and Abcde join forces to liberate one of Thea's mutant friends that had been possessed. In the process they discover it's a rage spirit and a fight occurs! Teamwork prevails though and the spirit gets vanquished. |
B&E | May 28th, 2021 | Vin, Sif and Thea go to investigate Al-Fidr's last known whereabouts but instead of finding more answers about this they instead get more questions. Questions that may need the help of the arcane. |
Of all the bars in all the world, you walk into... | May 24th, 2021 | Brun just wanted a drink. Vin wanted a quiet negotiation with her contact. A bunch of bikers wanted to score some action. Some days, nobody gets what they want... |
Hunting for the Cult Part II - Flirting: Asgard Style | May 19th, 2021 | Sif flirts in the unique way of the Asgardians so they can find out more about what the cultists are doing in Starling City. Vin, Thea and Sif discover an abandoned building where mutants are being held and all the best ways on how to break someone's bones. |
Hunting for the Cult Part I - The Gala | May 13th, 2021 | Thea, Vin and Sif go to a gala to get more info on the cult under the Verdant. They perhaps get more than what they were looking for when Sif convinces two of the 'cultists' to go with her to their 'special' place. And while Vin provides a distraction Thea slips into the gala to look for info...
Under the Verdant noone can hear you scream | May 8th, 2021 | Vintridr, Felicity and Thea go explore the depths of the Verdant after the IT genius detects movement on the cameras set up down there. And they find DANGER. |
Blending in. | May 6th, 2021 | No description |
Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting | May 4th, 2021 | Two Asgardians enter. Two Asgardians and one who deserves to be one leave. In their wake is pain, fear, blood, and destruction. A perfect night out, really. |
So a War Goddess Walks Into A Coffee Bar... | May 4th, 2021 | Sif has heard the Odinson speak much of this beverage called 'coffee'. She sets out to try some, and meets an unexpected old acquaintance. |
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Vintridr has
55 finished logs.
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Entertainment Credits
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Vintridr has been credited in
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Vintridr has been credited in
0 albums.
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Vintridr has authored
0 books.
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Group Memberships
Vintridr has been listed in 1 groups.